Me, My Life, My Wallet
Me, my life, my wallet KPMG Global Customer Insights © 2019 KPMG, an Irish partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Me, my life, my wallet 3 The multidimensional In an era defined by uncertainty, the companies that get closest to their customers will emerge ahead of the pack. This begins with an “outside-in” view, building new ways customer of understanding how and why people make decisions. ou already know that that employs a multidimensional Five Mys customer behavior is framework to engage what is now a changing. Power has multidimensional consumer. Presenting the Five Mys — Y shifted from companies a framework to help navigate to consumers, the mobile phone Genesis of our findings the complexity of consumer has become the remote control decision making of our lives, trust in institutions For several years, we’ve worked and traditional advertising has shoulder to shoulder with clients The underlying drivers of human diminished. Customer trade-offs to understand customer attitudes, decision making have become and decisions are more opaque and behavior and expectations in our exponentially more complex in recent moving faster. present era of disruption and years. Yet transactional data, traditional You’re already aware that the uncertainty. Faint signals of change market research and demographic structure and composition of grew louder and bigger patterns began profiles alone are proving inadequate industry has changed. New entrants to emerge beyond one individual sector, to explain not just what customers are with radically new business models building a sense of urgency and leading doing, but why.
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