Printed 30/11/17. THE THREE BROTHERS.

Introductory Notes.

This is a genealogical account of the Broome Fairheads. It must be born in mind that some entries in the church registers are not necessarily correct, in fact some date entries vary when recording the same event and also during the early period the pen was the tool of the very few, some individuals did not even know their own age. The dates given throughout this account are, as far as can be ascertained, birth where the letter 'b' is used, or baptism where ‘bap’ is used and 'abt' means estimated dates where the real figures are unobtainable.

Doubtless a number of readers will fault some of the statements made and may be able to give a truer account of the happenings. This can be only part of the full story and any additions will be most welcome.

A.E.Fairhead June 1972

Albert’s original book “The Three Brothers” is set out below.

1 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

2 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

3 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

4 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

5 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

6 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

7 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

8 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

9 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Since the death of Albert (in 1976) material has been gathered by the late Mr. G. T. Fairhead, myself and fellowship members in general and added to Albert's work to give a fuller and more informative story. The subsequent record is compiled from Albert's original book and the new information collected since that time. It should be noted that the generation numbers do not start at one, but carry on from a previous branch, in this case The Parish Clerk, which in turn carried on from the Weavers.

Where places are described as a ‘District’, this is the Registration District where the event was registered. Civil Registration was introduced in 1837, the Index’s to these entries can now be viewed online, it should be noted that the names and boundaries of many of these Districts have changed over the years. A list of these districts can be found at

Where individuals have “No record” next to their entry there may be an entry in the “Don’t Know” section, but there is not enough evidence to link to the person concerned. ------Between individuals denotes different families, --- between individuals denotes the division between step siblings in one family.

(Individual I. D. No’s. are in Blue)

Additions R.A.Fairhead Basingstoke April 1996 onwards.

Email: mailto:[email protected] Web:


10 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The Three Brothers.

It was in the dark days of 1760, and particularly so for Widow Thomasin Fairhead, with her three infant boys, Samuel barely 7 months, John 1 year and 9 months and William 4 and a half years of age. She was only in her late twenties and had been married five years when misfortune struck with her husband William's death.

It was in the early, Empire building days when the Fairhead’s were breaking out of their Empire at where they had been since about the year 1550 when as Yeoman Farmers they invaded this village from Essex and North London.

Doubtless there was now insufficient land in this Parish for this growing family, so that one followed another to emigrate to the nearby villages. James went to ; Richard crossed the border to Denton, John moved to to bring about that farming family and William to Broome.

th William (457) and Thomasin (Johnson) (44) were married at on the 10 February 1755 and moved to Broome th to take over a farm of some 70 acres, where son William (65) was born on the 28 March 1756, followed by John (66) on the 5th January 1759 and Samuel (1010) in April 1760, the year of the move.

How William met his end is not recorded, but at this young age the most likely cause is by accident. Thomasin was now faced with a fearful prospect. How was she to carry on with the running of the farm and the bringing up of this young family without her husband?

At this period a young woman left alone, with many an undesirable male casting a covetous eye, was alarming. The site of the farm was rather isolated; there was little habitation for almost half a mile, except for the farmhouse and a few cottages with a Brickyard across the fields. Earlier there had been a Hall, on the site of a much earlier Castle, which was surrounded by a village before the Black Death took its toll, but all that remained was the moat that used to be around the Castle, which is now no more than a pond.

The landmark of Saint Michael's Church was for all to see situated about a couple of hundred yards southeast of the farm. Today this monument still stands with its great perpendicular style steeple, seen for miles around suggesting that "men may come and men may go but I remain forever"; a few words adopted from the poem "The Brook". Today there is not a house within half a mile. This is the church where the Fairhead's were baptised buried over the centuries.

On the 12th April 1762, Thomasin gave up the lonely struggle and married Stephen Weeds, a widower who had lost his wife a few months earlier. Whether this union was the result of love, convenience or fear we will never know. Weeds could have been employed on the farm, but in any event he had now entered into possession as Thomasin’s husband, and the three little boys had a Stepfather.

The Weeds children quickly increased the size of the family and before long there were a further four by the name of Weeds.

William, John and Samuel, the Fairhead boys, were now growing up. No education was afforded them, and possibly the young "Farrets" as they were known, had to work on the farm at the very early age of eight or ten years.

The inability to write brought many complications; they had temporarily lost the name of Fairhead and had no idea what the pen denotes. This was particularly distressing as the Fairhead family of Bedingham were among the few who had education in those days and the church register tells the story of William and Samuel (see The Parish Clerk) holding the office of Parish Clerk for over 100 years at one stretch and other member of this family holding the post for lesser periods. It would appear that almost every marriage at one period at Bedingham; a Fairhead would be sought to add his signature to the document as a witness.

We now have a Broome Fairhead family that was educationally minus with the result that these unfortunate defects were to retard the progress of a number of generations yet to follow. Lack of education together with other shortcomings it brings, tends to lower the social standing of the family and invariably when a union takes place, it is usually on this social level, and the offspring are brought up accordingly. This appears to have happened to some extent as a result of this bad start for the Three Brothers.

Farmers became farm labourers and as the story evolves one will note what effects these unfortunate circumstances had on generations to come. The brothers all left the Weed family at an early age, first John, and then William, and shortly after Samuel.

11 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

One can ask the question, where they denied the right to their fathers farm, and were they denied the right to some education which they would have had, had he lived. They might have been successful farmers, instead of labourers, had not misfortune struck.

These questions cannot be answered, but there must be some reason why this progressive family should have declined in this way. Rumour has it that the Fairhead’s were "done out" of their farm and thus became poor. It is possible that the facts of this case could have been handed down to give seed to this rumour.

Like many families this family of Fairhead’s is made up of varying types. Possibly about one third are unique, in as much as they possess certain Fairhead characteristics that are predominate and have been so through the centuries. It would appear that some members of this family display these physical characteristics even though there has been no relative connection over a great number of years. These distinctive marks reappear in spite of new blood being introduced by marriage and is transmitted to certain individuals in greater Strength than in others, in fact some do not appear to possess any at all, while on the other hand, others seem to have it completely.

The true Fairhead breed is not always found to be pleasing to many. They are often determined and ambitious and disliked by those who do not hold their views. Recently, I (Albert) have been told that they were "Pig headed", a rather contradictory term for a Fairhead.

Possibly the three sons were not of the real Fairhead genus, although their father may have been and as this story evolves one may conclude that at least some of their descendants were of this progressive type.


12 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 13 th Generation.

th William 1756 (65) the eldest, was the second to leave the farm, and on the 15 September 1782 he married Sarah Foulger (1011) (bap 10/6/1750, Broome) (Sarah was the daughter of William Foulger (4608) & Mary (nee French) (4609)) at Broome, . He went live at Sarah's home at Saint Andrews, Ilketshall. At Ilketshall they had the following family :-

Sarah (1436) b 1784 bap. 15/03/1784 th Elizabeth (1012) b 18 June 1786 st Robert (1013) b 31 May 1795 th John (1014) b 27 November l796 th Phoebe (1015) b 15 June 1800 th Maria (1016) b 14 August 1803

These children, possibly due to their parents previously stated lack of education, were baptised with the surnames Farrett and Ferret.

Unfortunately, Sarah died. A replacement was on hand though, and on the 26th September 1806, William "Fairhead" (a Fairhead at last) married Elizabeth Francis (1017) (Widow) at Ilketshall. Neither party could sign their name. By this union the following family came along :-

Maria (1018) b October 1806 Samuel (1019) b July 1808 Charlotte (1020) b February 1810 st Jonathan (1021) ] b 31 July 1812 st Jemima (1022) ] twins b 31 July 1812

These children had the surname of "Ferrett".

Again death struck the family, and Elizabeth died; unfortunately there is no record of the date, but William married th again, this time to Mary Clarke (1023) at on the 11 October 1825, Mary outlived William, and died aged 79 years at Ditchingham in the 3Q 1858.

William was surnamed Farehead at this marriage. It would appear that Mary was about 46 years of age and William nearly 70, so there does appear to be any reason for searching for records of a third family.

John 1759 (66) was the first brother to break away from the Weed family and he married Hannah Thrower (1024) at Broome on the 20th November 1778. John was just 19 years old and his bride was a year younger.

It appears that he left the farm and went to work as an agricultural labourer. This leaving home to work as a labourer suggests that all was not well, and circumstances may have hastened his departure at this young age.

John settled in the Parish of Broome, where his first son was born. Their full family was :-

th Hannah (Fairhead) (1025) bap. 4 June 1779 nd Sarah (Fairhead) (1026) bap. 22 February 1781 th Samuel (Farrett) (1027) b 18 February 1783 th Susannah (Farrett) (1028) b 27 July 1785 rd James (Farrett) (1029) b 3 March 1788

John was married under the name of "Farrett" but, Hannah and Sarah who were born at Hedenham, and baptised at St. Mary’s Church, near the Fairhead home of Bedingham, had their names correctly entered in the register, although this was not the case with their successive children.

th However, misfortune struck again and Hannah (1024) died on the 15 March 1795 at the age of 35 years, leaving five motherless children in John's care.

th It was John "Farhoad” who on the 13 February l797 married Sarah Butcher (1030) at Broome. It is interesting to note that John's name was actually getting nearer to the correct Fairhead, but alas this improvement was not to continue. The new Fairhead family of John and Sarah was as follows :-

13 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Robert (1031) ] b 24 December 1797 th Elizabeth (1032) ] twins b 24 December 1797 th Maria (1033) b 10 February 1800 th Phoebe (1034) b 20 December 1802 th John (1035) b 7 October 1803 rd Lydia (1039) b 23 February 1805 th William (1036) b 5 November 1807 Broome, Norfolk th Ann (1037) b 20 November 1809 th Harriet (1038) b 18 June 1811 Susan (1040) b 1812 Harriet (1041) b 1815

No doubt the later Harriet replaced the earlier one that may have died. The Church register gives the surnames as follows :-

Robert Farrit Elizabeth Farrit Maria Forret Phoebe Forret John Forrott William Forrott Ann Farrit Harriet Farrit Lydia Ferrit Susan Fairhead Harriet Fairhead

It now appears that John had a family of no less than sixteen children.

Samuel 1760 (1010) it appears that the remaining Samuel was also not happy to be left at Broome and joined William and Sarah at Ilketshall St. Andrews. The three had now left to become Agricultural Labourers, the position they were destined to hold all of their lives. The census returns support this.

rd It was on the 23 May 1785 that Samuel (now Fairhead) married Arabella Barber (1042) (afterwards known as Isabella) in the presence of William Fairhead. None of the parties could write.

By this marriage four children were born, they were :-

th Jonathan (1043) (Farrett) b 4 March 1786 th Mary (1044) (Fairwright) b 15 December 1791 rd Samuel (1045) (Ferrit) b 3 February 1793 rd John (1046) (Ferret) b 23 August 1795

Death again struck and Isabella "Ferritt" died at the young age of 39 years on the 30th September 1796. Again a Fairhead sought another wife, and at that time a William "Ferehead", a cousin of Samuel lived in Rockland St. Mary in Norfolk where from time to time Samuel would visit, and it would appear that as a result of these visits a Mary Kirby, one of the large family of Edward and Elizabeth Kirby, moved to Ilketshall as a possible housekeeper to Samuel and his family.

However, Samuel "Farit", widower, married Mary Kirby (1047), spinster, on the 25th September 1797. Mary, like Samuel, could not sign her name. The following family resulted :-

Charlotte (1048) b 1798 baptised 1801 Elizabeth Hannah (1049) b March 1802 James (1050) b 1802 Robert (1051) b 1804 th th Sophia (1052) b 27 August 1807, bap. 6 December 1807 th Emily (3215) b 1816, bap. 10 May 1818

Sophia was baptised at , and Emily at Broome. James and Robert were not to be found in any of the church registers and it is possible that their births were not recorded. The information regarding them has been taken from lesser records such as census and church records at the time of marriage.

14 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Samuel moved to Earsham, then to Ditchingham and finally to Ellingham. Samuel died on the 2 nd April 1839 at Aldeby, Norfolk.


As the records of the three brothers are concluded, given below is a summary :-

William 1756 (65) & Sarah (Foulger) (1011) Sarah 1784 (1436) Elizabeth 1786 (1012) Robert 1795 (1013) John 1796 (1014) Phoebe 1800 (1015) Maria 1803 (1016)

& Elizabeth (Francis) (1017) Maria 1806 (1018) Samuel 1808 (1019) Charlotte 1810 (1020) Jonathan 1812 (1021) Jemima 1812 (1022)

& Mary (Clarke) (1023) None

John 1759 (66) & Hannah (Thrower) (1024) Hannah 1779 (1025) Sarah 1781 (1026) Samuel 1783 (1027) Susannah 1785 (1028) James 1788 (1029)

& Sarah (Butcher) (1030) Robert 1797 (1031) Elizabeth 1797 (1032) Maria 1800 (1033) Phoebe 1802 (1034) John 1803 (1035) Lydia 1805 (1039) William 1807 (1036) Ann 1809 (1037) Harriet 1811 (1038) Susan 1812 (1040) Harriet 1815 (1041)

Samuel 1760 (1010) & Arabella (Barber) (1042) Jonathan 1786 (1043) Mary 1791 (1044) Samuel 1793 (1045) John 1795 (1046)

& Mary (Kirby) (1047) Charlotte 1798 (1048) Elizabeth 1801 (1049) James 1802 (1050) Robert 1804 (1051) Sophia 1807 (1052) Emily 1816 (3215)

The brothers each lived to a great age, particularly for that period, a combined total of no less than 259 years, a possible record for those difficult times. William would have completed a century had he survived about another 7 years, which could have been possible had he not been accidentally drowned, John, who lived in a cottage opposite Ivy Farm, Broome died in Bungay at the age of 88 years, and Samuel at Ellingham aged 78 years. Records give their occupations as agricultural labourers’ right up to the end.


15 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 14 th Generation.

th Sarah 1784 (1436) married John Hembling (1437) on the 13 May 1805, at Ditchingham, Norfolk.

Elizabeth 1786 (1012) No record.

Robert 1795 (1013) No record.

John 1796 (1014) was probably the first to follow his grandfather as a farmer, married Hannah ? (1053), and they had two children :-

nd James (1054) b 22 September 1822 st Susan (1055) b 21 June 1823

Again a Fairhead's first wife died, in this case possibly as a result of the birth of Susan. It was unfortunate in those days that mothers often died in childbirth.

John's second wife was Maria Lorranne (1056) whom he married at Ditchingham in the same year that Susan was born. There are no further known records as to what happened to John and Maria, but possibly, given time something will turn up.

(note given in Albert’s book)

“In the 1841 census, a Maria Fairhead is mentioned living at Broad Street, Bungay, of independent means. She could have been the second Mrs. John Fairhead, and if so her age was incorrectly given or she was married very young, or it might have been Maria 1806 of William and Elizabeth. If this is the case how did she obtain 'independent means’?

I (Richard) now believe this not to be the case, as at the time of the 1851 Census John and Maria were stated to be living at 13 Trafalgar St. Row No. 13, Norwich, (The Rows are an area of Norwich) with a nephew called Robert Swash aged 19 also stated to be a Gardener.

Phoebe 1800 (1015) No record.

st Maria 1803 (1016) died on the 1 August 1804.


Maria 1806 (1018) No record.

th Samuel 1808 (1019) married Lucy Ann Sadd (1057) (b. abt. 1815) at Ditchingham on the 30 October 1838. Samuel was a Fisherman. Lucy was a servant girl employed at Ditchingham House, which was to become the home of the late Sir Rider Haggard, the novelist. Samuel became a foreman on the farm attached to the house and later a Groom.

He remained in this occupation for the rest of his working life, followed by his son, Samuel. Reference to this can be found in Miss Lillias Rider Haggard's book "Norfolk Life". The following were their family :-

th Emma (1058) b 11 August 1839 Loddon & Clavering Dist. th Samuel (1059) b 26 December 1841 Loddon & Clavering Dist. th Johanna (1060) ] bap 7 September 1844 th Sarah (1061) ] twins bap 7 September 1844 th Fanny (1062) b 3Q 1846 Lod. & C. Dist. Bap 26 July1846 th Margaret (1063) b 29 October 1848 Loddon & Clavering Dist. th Lucy Ann (1066) b 13 June 1852 Loddon & Clavering Dist. th Arthur (1065) b 25 November 1855 Loddon & Clavering Dist.

At the time of the 1851 Census Samuel must have been away, as he was not recorded, also living with them was Lucy’s Mother-in-Law Mary, aged 77 and stated to be a Widow and a Pauper. Lucy Ann (Sadd) died in the 3Q 1884, at the age of 69 years, and Samuel at 85 years, in 1893, both at Ditchingham.

16 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Charlotte 1810 (1020) died in 1810.

Jonathan 1812 (1021) died in 1812.

Jemima 1812 (1022) No record.


Hannah 1779 (1025) No record.

th Sarah 1781 (1026) married Samuel Youngs (1067) on the 6 December 1802. Witnesses were Robert Tibbenam & Robert Foulger.

Samuel 1783 (1027) married (4136) and lived in Ditchingham, but unfortunately he came into the world at the same time as two other Samuels at Bedingham, and as both Broome and Bedingham Fairhead’s were invading Ditchingham at that time the matter of identification creates a problem, so much so that this question must remain in abeyance.

Susannah 1785 (1028) married George Calver (1068) in 1807, and they had three children :-

Mary (Calver) (3356) George (Calver) (3357) Samuel (Calver) (1073)

James 1788 (1029) became another farmer and married Elizabeth ? (1069) He farmed at St. James's, South Elmham in Suffolk, not far from his uncle William's home at Ilketshall. Their family consisted of : -

William (1070) b 1810 Mary (1071) b 1812 Sophia (1072) b 1814

James died on the 31st March 1865; a memorial stone in St. James's Churchyard, South Elmham, marks the grave, and near by is a stone in memorial to their grand-daughter, Mary, who became Mrs. Read of .

Some of the most beautiful handwriting sets out the terms of his Will in which he appointed his nephew Samuel Carver as his sole executor. Samuel (1073) was the son of his sister, Susannah, who became Mrs. George Carver. He was also a farmer.

By this time the name "Farret" had completely disappeared. James signed the Will as 'James Fairhead'.


Robert 1797 (1031) married Mary Watson (1074) and they had one son :-

th John Watson (1075) bap. 15 July 1828 at Broome.

Elizabeth 1797 (1032) No record.

th Maria 1800 (1033) married Robert Ellis (1076) on the 30 October 1830.

Phoebe 1802 (1034) No record.

John 1803 (1035) married Sarah ? (6386). He died in the 2Q 1859, in theLoddon District .

Lydia 1805 (1039) No record.

William 1807 (1036) married Harriet Walters (1077) of Barnby near Lowestoft at the Holy Trinity Church, Bungay on the 18th November 1836. They lived at Broome not far from where the school now stands. There was no school in those days 17 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

and no education for the poorer people. The school was built in 1874-5 from funds raised from public subscription. There was about an acre of land attached to the cottage, which William worked, no doubt to earn an extra shilling in those hard days. He also occupied a meadow near the railway and could be regarded as a smallholder. They had the following family :-

th rd James (1078) b 12 August 1837 bap. 3 September 1837 th th Harriet (4425) b 27 April 1839 bap. 25 June 1840 th William (1079) b 16 May 1841 th Elizabeth (1080) b 28 February 1843 th Sarah Ann (1081) b 26 October 1844 nd Robert (1082) b 2 September 1846 nd Henry (1083) b 2 February 1848 th Eliza (1084) b 4 February 1849 th Samuel (1085) b 27 November 1851 Susan (1086) b 1854

Baptism were at Independant, Bungay. At the time of the 1851 Census they were stated to be living at Loddon, and that William and sons James and William were Ag Lab’s. Robert and Henry had both died before this time. William 1807 (1036) died in the 1Q 1878, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.

th Ann 1809 (1037) married James Martin (10379) on the 15 August 1837, at Broome, Norfolk.

Harriet 1811 (1038) No record.

Susan 1812 (1040) No record.

Harriet 1815 (1041) No record.


Jonathan 1786 (1043) who like his cousins, John 1796 and James 1788, became a farmer. He married Elizabeth Yewell th at Rushall, Norfolk on the 11 October 1808. At this marriage his name was given as "Ferriatt" as (1088) was that of his first son Samuel, also born at Rushall. He moved to Rumburgh and there he occupied Blooms Hall, where the following children were brought up :-

th Samuel (1089) b 15 April 1810 at Rushall nd James (1090) b 2 April 1816 at Rushall Charlotte (1091) b 1825 Susan (1092) John (1093)

Jonathan (1043) died in the 1Q 1873, in the Blything District, Suffolk.

Mary 1791 (1044) No record.

Samuel 1793 (1045) No record.

John 1795 (1046) No record.


Charlotte 1798 (1048) No record.

Elizabeth Hannah 1802 (1049) No record.

th James 1802 (1050) married Charlotte Love (1094) of Ditchingham on the 10 April 1831 at Ellingham, Norfolk. He was an agricultural labourer, later to become a groom/gardener. The children from this union were :-

18 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th John (1095) b 14 May 1831 th Hannah (1096) b 7 August 1834 Hannah (4088) b 1835 th Phoebe (1097) b 9 April 1837 th Charles (1098) b 17 November 1839 (Relative: Jacob Bradnum). th James Henry (1099) b 8 May 1842 th Henry (1100) b 16 March 1845 th Maria (1101) b 1Q 1847 bap 20 December 1847 William (1102) b 1Q 1849 th George (1103) b 14 October 1851 bap. 23/11/1851 st Maria (1104) b 21 April 1854 bap.23/04/1854 rd Arthur (6922) b 3 October 1858

James died on the 9th March 1871 and Charlotte on the 11th December 1881, in the Loddon & Clavering District..

th Robert 1804 (1051) married Sarah Kirby (1105) on the 20 November 1826 at Ellingham, and at that time was stated to be an Ag.Lab. Robert was born in Earsham, while Sarah was an Ellingham girl. They had the following family :-

st Elizabeth (1106) b 31 December 1826 th th Robert (1107) b 13 September 1831 bap.14 September 1831 th Simon Peter (1108) bap 13 March 1834 at Ellingham. Eliza (4370) b 1835 th th Eliza (3965) b 11 July 1837 bap. 14 July 1837 th Eliza (1110) b 20 August 1838 th Harriet (1109) b 27 June 1839 th Harriet (1111) bap 26 March 1843

At the time of the 1851 Census they were all living at Bungay Rd. Loddon, and they had one lodger. All of the children were born at Ellingham, except Robert who was born at Broome.

Sophia 1807 (1052) died in the 1Q 1875, in the Yarmouth District, Norfolk.

Emily 1816 (3215) married Robert Dunett (3994) and at the time of the 1851 census Emily’s mother, Mary (Kirby) (1047) was living with them, described as a Pauper. Presumably her father, Samuel, had died by this time. Pauper is a term used to describe an older person, usually a widow, who was unable to work and support herself, and so had to rely on other members of the family for food and shelter.


19 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 15 th Generation.

Given below is the list of the 15th generation along with their parents of the 14th generation :-

14th Generation 15th Generation

Sarah 1784 (1436) & John (Hembling) (1437) Elizabeth 1786 (1012) Robert 1795 (1013)

John 1796 (1014) & Hannah (?) (1053) James 1822 (1054) Susan 1823 (1055)

& Maria (Lorranne) (1056) No children

Phoebe 1800 (1015) Maria 1803 (1016) --- Maria 1806 (1018)

Samuel 1808 (1019) & Lucy Ann (Sadd) (1057) Emma 1839 (1058) Samuel 1841 (1059) Johanna 1844 (1060) Sarah 1844 (1061) Fanny 1846 (1062) Margaret 1848 (1063) Lucy Ann 1852 (1066) Arthur 1855 (1065)

Charlotte 1810 (1020) Jonathan 1812 (1021) Jemima 1812 (1022) ------Hannah 1779 (1025) Sarah 1781 (1026) & Samuel (Youngs) (1067) Samuel 1783 (1027) Susannah 1785 (1028) & George (Calver) (1068) Mary (Calver) (3356) George (Calver) (3357) Samuel (Calver) (1073)

James 1788 (1029) & Elizabeth (?) (1069) William 1810 (1070) Mary 1812 (1071) Sophia 1814 (1072) --- Robert 1797 (1031) & Mary (Watson) (1074) John Watson 1828 (1075)

Elizabeth 1797 (1032) Maria 1800 (1033) & Robert (Ellis) (1076) Phoebe 1802 (1034) John 1803 (1035) Lydia 1805 (1039)

William 1807 (1036) & Harriet (Walters) (1077) James 1837 (1078) Harriet 1839 (4425) William 1841 (1079) Elizabeth 1843 (1080) Sarah Ann 1844 (1081) Robert 1844 (1082) Henry 1848 (1083) Eliza 1849 (1084) Samuel 1851 (1085) Susan 1854 (1086) 20 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Ann 1809 (1037) & James (Martin) (10379) Harriet 1811 (1038) Susan 1812 (1040) Harriet 1815 (1041) ------Jonathan 1786 (1043) & Elizabeth (Yewell) (1088) Samuel 1810 (1089) James 1816 (1090) Charlotte 1825 (1091) Susan (1092) John (1093)

Mary 1791 (1044) Samuel 1793 (1045) John 1795 (1046) --- Charlotte 1798 (1048) Elizabeth Hannah 1802 (1049)

James 1802 (1050) & Charlotte (Love) (1094) John 1831 (1095) Hannah 1834 (1096) Hannah 1835 (4088) Phoebe 1837 (1097) Charles 1839 (1098) James Henry 1842 (1099) Henry 1845 (1100) Maria 1847 (1101) William 1849 (1102) George 1851 (1103) Maria 1854 (1104) Arthur 1858 (6922)

Robert 1804 (1051) & Sarah (Kirby) (1105) Elizabeth 1826 (1106) Robert 1831 (1107) Simon Peter 1834 (1108) Eliza 1835 (4370) Eliza 1837 (3965) Eliza 1838 (1110) Harriet 1839 (1109) Harriet 1843 (1111)

Sophia 1807 (1052) Emily 1816 (3215) & Robert (Dunnett) (3994)


James 1822 (1054) No record.

Susan 1823 (1055) No record.


rd Emma 1839 (1058) married George William Green (1112) on the 23 December 1864, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

Samuel 1841 (1059) followed his father as a manservant at Ditchingham House, the home of the late Sir H. Rider Haggard, where it appears he remained to the end of his working life. On the 22 nd November 1866 he married Amelia Osbourne, (1113) at Ditchingham, their ages were given as 25 and 22 years respectively. Their family was as follows :-

th Samuel (1114) b 16 February 1868 Elizabeth Ann (1115) b 3Q 1873 Loddon & Clavering District. Amelia (1116) b 2Q 1876 Loddon & Clavering District. 21 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Arthur Ernest (1119) b 26 March 1878 Loddon & Clavering District. th Benjamin (1117) b 18 September 1881 Loddon & Clavering District. th Alfred Edward (1118) b 10 February 1884 Loddon & Clavering District.

Samuel (1059) died in the 1Q 1922 in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

Johanna 1844 (1060) No record.

Sarah 1844 (1061) Also a twin, no record.

th Fanny 1846 (1062) married James Ellis (1120) on the 27 April 1869, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

nd Margaret 1848 (1063) married John Culley (1121) on the 2 June 1868, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

Lucy Ann 1852 (1066) died in the 1Q 1883, in the Loddon & Clavering Dist, Norfolk.

Arthur 1855 (1065) died in 1855, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.


William 1810 (1070) followed his father, James (1029) as a farmer; in fact he was a farmer before his father died. He is known to have had a daughter :-

Mary (1123)

The first record Albert had of him was in respect of Mary, his daughter's, marriage at Hempnall on the 4 th May 1860 to Mr. Samuel Read (1179) of Hempnall.

th However, this union was not of length as Mary died on the 20 May 1875 and is buried near her grandfather (66) and grandmother (1024) at St. James's, South Elmham. It appears that William was disinherited, as by his father's Will his two sisters were the sole beneficiaries. There is nothing known of any other children.

Mary 1812 (1071) No record.

th Sophia 1814 (1072) married John Shepherd (1124) on the 7 November 1842 at St. Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London.


John Watson 1828 (1075) No record.


James 1837 (1078) worked on the Hollow Bath Farm, Ditchingham, and from there he went on to become a Gardener. th He married Elizabeth Plummer (1125) on the 30 December 1869 at Barnby, Suffolk, he aged 31, she aged 28, and they had the following family :-

th Alice Elizabeth (1130) b 4Q 1870 Bap. 18 December 1870 Harriet Emily (1129) b 1Q 1874 James William (1128) b 1Q 1876 Elizabeth Louisa (7048) b 3Q 1877 th th Alfred Edward (1126) b 19 July 1879 bap. 7 January 1880 th Frederick George (1127) b 1Q 1882 bap. 15 January 1882 James William (5636) b 1885

James and Elizabeth also ran a small general shop at Yarmouth Road, Broome, until James died at the age of 54 in the 1Q 1892, in the Loddon & Clavering, District, after which the shop was taken over by the third son, William James, with his wife Kate. 22 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Harriet 1839 (4425) No record.

nd William 1841 (1079) married Mary Ann Sheldrake (1131) (b.27.5.1845) at St. Stephens, Kensington on the 2 February 1867. She was possibly in the employ of a Norfolk family who had a city residence. William was a Carman at the same establishment. Mary Ann was the daughter of Samuel (1132) & Susannah Sheldrake (1133).

The marriage brought this employment to an end and they made their way back to Norfolk, where William took up work on the Thwaite Hall Farm. He remained there in employment for a large part of his working life. Mary Ann was one of the five children of Samuel and Susannah Sheldrick of Howe, Norfolk. Although Samuel, her father, was only a farm worker Mary was given education and was taught dressmaking. She was a very remarkable woman and changed the pattern and custom in the way some of the Fairhead’s behaved over the years to come. She, unlike many Fairhead’s, had this education and was a very dominant figure in the home, which was something to which the Fairhead’s were not accustomed, as it was usually the man that was the dominant figure. William and Mary Ann raised a family of no less than eight boys and one girl, they were as follows :-

th Herbert George (1134) b 8 November 1867 th Arthur William (1135) b 10 May 1870 th Gilbert Harry (1136) ] b 12 July 1872 th Ernest Edward (1137) ] twins b 12 July 1872 th Alfred Samuel (1138) b 11 December 1874 th Maude Mary (1139) b 11 September 1877 rd Sheridan Selby (1140) b 23 February 1880 th Clemence Charles (1141) b 16 April 1883 Ralph Sidney Last (1142) b 1Q 1886

It was Mary and not William who broke all traditions in naming this great family, no John's, James's, Samuel's or Richard's, but new names to the Fairhead family, and not just one, which was the custom, but at least two, and note the last born Ralph, he was christened 'Last' which was in keeping with her character. Through her, the family was injected with a quality to be found in a number of her descendants.

Six of the sons served in the Army in the 1914-18 war and a visitor to the home would be shown by that proud mother a framed letter from the King congratulating William and Mary upon their sons giving this service in time of need. This mother was very conversant on military matters, doubtless acquired from her six sons.

They returned from the war (all but one, the youngest, Ralph, who was killed in France on the 6th May 1915) and made some headway in occupations mostly connected with the soil, farmers, small holders and the like. There is one rather unusual story of matrimony where three of the brothers married three sisters resulting in the families being almost 'blood brothers'.

William lived to the age of 84 years, and died in 1926, while Mary survived him to reach the age of 93 years, and died in the 4Q 1937, in the Blofield District. They were buried in Hedenham churchyard and a memorial stone marks their grave.

Elizabeth 1843 (1080) married George Beamish (7621) in the 1Q 1867, in the Mutford District. Elizabeth must have died in some unfortunate way as a Coroner's Warrant was issued.

Sarah Ann 1844 (1081) No record.

Robert 1844 (1082) died shortly after birth.

Henry 1848 (1083) also died shortly after birth.

Eliza 1849 (1084) died in the 1Q 1852, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, at three years of age.

Samuel 1851 (1085) apparently did not enjoy the same good health as his brother William, and he died at the th comparatively young age of 43 years. Samuel (8418) died on the 27 July 1895 Bungay, Suffolk (age 45 on Death Certificate). There does not appear to be any record of a marriage. He lived at Bradwell Lane, Bungay and at the time of his death was a Cow keeper.

23 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Susan 1854 (1086) only lived to the age twenty-nine.


Samuel 1810 (1089) took over the Priory Farm at Rushall, Norfolk where he farmed until his death. He married Phoebe Mills (1143) (b.1815), in 1839, at Rushal, and they had the following family :-

th Sarah (3976) b 15 January 1841 Rushall Susan (3975) b abt 1843 Sarah (3976) b 2Q 1847 Depwade District

Samuel died at the age of 75 years on the 30th November 1885, in the Depwade District. After Samuel's death the farm was carried on for a number of years by his widow, who died in the 4Q 1891, in the Depwade District, and was buried at Rushall on the 20th October 1891.

th James 1816 (1090) married Elizabeth Fisher (1144), a farmer’s daughter, at the Chapel, Halesworth on the 18 April 1844. James himself was described as a farmer, as was his father Jonathan. Apparently James could not sign his name as the certificate denotes 'His Mark X', but Charlotte and John, his sister and brother, seemed to be better equipped educationally. It appears that James and Elizabeth's firstborn was Charlotte who was born at Rumburgh, the home of grandfather Jonathan. The next two, Sarah Anna and Anna Maria, was born at Rishangles, but after this birth the family immigrated, to Australia, a son was born to them on the voyage, and he died on the voyage. In Australia James, Samuel, Elizabeth Mary and John Bertsell were born at a place called Castlereagh. It would seem that Australia was not for them and they returned to Weston, Suffolk where Joseph and a second Elizabeth Mary (the first one having died on the 19th August 1855) were born. The stay at Weston was not permanent and in about 1860 they returned to Rumburgh, possibly to take over the Abbey Farm which was occupied by James's father, Jonathan who, if still alive would have been aged about 75 years. Their family was :-

nd th Charlotte (1145) b 22 July 1844 bap. 18 April 1847 th Sarah Anna (1147) bap. 18 April 1847 at Rishangles, Suffolk th Anna Maria (1146) b 19 March 1847 Male child (on board ship to Australia) (1156) abt 1848 th James (1148) b 20 December 1849 th Samuel S. (1149) b 6 November 1851 th Elizabeth Mary (3596) b 12 June 1854 th John Bertsell (1150) b 11 April 1856 rd Joseph (1151) b 23 February 1859 at Halesworth, Suffolk th Elizabeth Mary (1152) b 15 December 1859 at Halesworth, Suffolk th Garrold Oldrin (1153) b 9 September 1861 at Halesworth, Suffolk st Albert Frederick (1154) b 1 April 1863 th Emma Jeanette (1155) b 13 November 1864 th Naomi Hannah (1157) b 17 August 1867 at Wrentham, Suffolk

As the first two children were baptised on the same day, just after the birth of the third, it is possible that she was also baptised at the same time, before their trip to Australia.

The farm at Rumburgh consisted of about 170 acres, but it appears that this did not totally satisfy the migratory desire of this family, and James the eldest son visited the Dominion of Canada in 1872, from where he brought back such good reports of this country that the decision was taken to emigrate.

The farm was sold, the implements and household effects were auctioned and all preparations were made for this st exciting new venture when fate struck again, and James (1815) (1090) died on the 1 Setember 1873, he was killed in a fall from a wagon, causing a fatal blow to the head by the iron rim of one of the front wheels. He was laid to rest in the churchyard at Rumburgh, Suffolk. A migratory shrub has now invaded the site of the grave, cutting out vision and sunshine and apparently causing a lean to the memorial stone. An unusual church dominates the scene, doubtless with a long and valued history that holds more interest than the structure has seen today.

Elizabeth had little choice, having sold the farm and effects, but to continue on with the journey. Acting upon advice, James and Elizabeth had, had several small homes built in Canada to provide the family with rental income, but this

24 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

turned out to be a disappointment as after the Civil War there was a depression and people just did not have the money to pay the rents. For the next five years or so, work on farms, etc. was a necessity and finally the brothers Samuel (1149), John (1150), Joseph (1151) and Garould (1153) set out, walking some 90 miles, to take up their homesteads, crossing the U.S.A. border. It is a long story as to how they settled, building their homes and becoming ranchers. It was a very hard start in those difficult days.

Albert quoted a letter he had received in his original book and it is reproduced below, it is from one of the descendants of the family.

"The last Saturday of April, we had our Branding. Since I was born and brought up in the farming country of Minnesota I always think the Branding time is kind of exciting. It seems to be one of the remaining truly western things we do. I like to see so many horses and riders together. All the women and children came for the day too, so there are about 40 or 50 people for dinner. Then another day we all help out one of our neighbours, who helped us. We also have a summer pasture, which is 30 miles from our home place. Last week we drove 400 cows and calves to this range. It takes two full days, so our girls stayed out of school to help".

One of the Fairhead’s says that he would come again to the Sand hills if he had his life to live over. He has earned security, and beyond it knows the joy of his own achievements. The descendants of this family are now scattered over Canada and the U.S.A., owning ranches, which bear their name and other business's in Toronto and elsewhere.

Elizabeth died on the 10th August 1901 in Merriman, Cherry Co., Nebraska, U.S.A.

Charlotte 1825 (1091) No record.

Susan (1092) No record.

John (1093) No record.


nd John 1831 (1095) married Susan Catchpole (1158) on the 2 May 1854, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

th Maria (1162) b 11 June 1854 Emma (1160) b 3Q 1856 th Elizabeth (1161) b 5 May 1859

It appears that Susan died in 1864, possibly because of the birth of Maria, and John married Hannah Gillings (1159) on the 6th June 1865, in the Loddon & Clavering District. They lived in London where the children were brought up.

Hannah 1834 (1096) No record.

Hannah 1835 (4088) No record.

Phoebe 1837 (1097) moved to Lowestoft where she had a son :-

th Henry William (1163) b 1Q 1854 bap. 29 January 1854

He retained the name of Fairhead, but no further details could be found.

Charles 1839 (1098) joined the crew of a Fishing Smack at Great Yarmouth, and later moved to Scarborough where he joined the firm of Sayer & Holloway, the fish curers. There is no record of a marriage. He died in the 1Q 1918, in Scarborough.

James Henry 1842 (1099) moved from Ellingham to Burton-on-Trent in about 1866, where he worked for a Brewery company. James was said to be very humorous and witty and his company was sought by his workmates. He often told the tale of when he was a lad being employed for scaring the birds from the cornfields at 1/- per week.

Henry 1845 (1100) married Mary Wright (1166) in the 2Q 1870, at Holy Trinity, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, and they had the following family :- 25 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Charles Henry (1167) b 1Q 1871 th James Henry (1165) b 15 August 1872 Frederick John (6799) b 4Q 1874 Charlotte Maria (6800) b 1Q 1877 George Arthur (6801) b 2Q 1879 Sarah Ann (6778) b 4Q 1883 th William (6831) b 17 November 1886 Phoebe Mary (7148) b 2Q 1889 William Henry (7695) b abt 1890

All in Burton on Trent, Staffordshire

Maria 1847 (1101) died in the 1Q 1848.

William 1849 (1102) married Maria Thrower (1168) (b abt 1853) in the 4Q 1871 in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk. Around about the 1930’s, William was living in Cobham, Surrey and by this time Maria had died, at the age of 74 years, in the 2Q 1927, in the Epsom District. They had a large family of 13 children :-

th Lucy Annie (4144) b 6 March 1872 bap 20/10/1872 th Gertrude Elizabeth (4145) b 9 October 1874 bap 13/11/1874 th Agnes Ellen (4146) b 19 January 1876 th Caroline (4147) b 20 February 1878 th Charles William (3234) b 17 July 1880 Ernest Frederick (3238) b 4Q August 1882 rd Alice Beatrice (4148) b 3 June 1884 Arthur Theodore (3236) b 3Q July1885 th Sidney Alick (3235) b 28 October 1887 th Robert (4149) ] b 5 September 1889 th Alfred (4150) ] Twins b 5 September 1889 th Leonard Harry (3237) b 24 January 1892 th Herbert (3239) b 4 June 1893

Of these children, the first two were born & baptised at , Suffolk, Agnes to Alfred were born at Wrentham and the last two were born at Eye, Suffolk

George 1851 (1103) married Marianne Saundrs (1169) (b abt 1850 Woodton, Norfolk), in the 1Q 1871, in the Depwade District, and they had the following family :-

Emma (7029) b 3Q 1875 Depwade Phoebe (1170) b 1Q 1880 bap 4/4/1880 Loddon & Clavering George Arthur (1171) b 1Q 1883

nd Maria 1854 (1104) probably replaced Maria 1847. She married George Alexander (5186) on the 2 July 1884 at Lowestoft, Suffolk. His father was John Alexander (6441), and a witness at the marriage was William Fairhead, this was probably her brother William (1102). George Alexander was a Shepherd.

Arthur 1858 (6922) married Emma Eliza Freeman (4008) (b abt 1860) in the 2Q 1890, at the Burton on Trent Register Office, Staffordshire, and they had the following family :-

Annie Elizabeth (7157) b 4Q 1890 Stapenhill, Derbyshire Florence (7180) b 2Q 1893 Stapenhill, Derbyshire John William (4009) b 2Q 1896 Stapenhill, Derbyshire Nellie (7253) b 3Q 1900 Stapenhill, Derbyshire

Arthur died in the 3Q 1935 in the Burton on Trent District. Emma Eliza died in the 2Q 1942, also in the Burton on Trent District.


26 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Elizabeth 1826 (1106) At the time of the 1851 Census she was recorded as a Steam Silk Loom Weaver.

Robert 1831 (1107) at the time of the 1851 Census he was recorded as a Smith Journeyman. He married Hannah Fairhead (7656) in the 4Q 1872, in the Loddon & Clavering District. Hannah must have been a widow, possibly the wife of his brother Simon Peter. In the 1881 Census they are listed with the following family :-

Hannah B. (6961) b 1Q 1866 Loddon & Clavering District Anna Maria (7762) b 2Q 1869 Henstead District

Simon Peter 1834 (1108) At the time of the 1851 Census he was recorded as a Thatcher’s Boy, but in common with many young men of that period joined the Fishing Fleet at Lowestoft. He married Hannah Simmonds (1172) of that town on th the 19 May 1863. Hannah was the daughter of John Simmonds (4137), a labourer. Simon Peter's age was given as 28 and he was stated to be the son of Robert Farehead. Simon Peter died at sea in 1863.

Eliza 1835 (4370) No record.

Eliza 1837 (3965) No record.

Eliza 1838 (1110) married Edward Kirby (5371).

th Harriet 1837 (1109) died on the 6 December 1841.

Harriet 1843 (1111) No record.


27 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 16 th Generation.

Given below is the list of the 16th generation along with their parents of the 15th generation :-

15th Generation 16th Generation

James 1822 (1054) Susan 1823 (1055) ------Emma 1839 (1058) & George (Green) (1112)

Samuel 1841 (1059) & Amelia (Osbourne) (1113) Samuel 1868 (1114) Elizabeth Ann 1873 (1115) Amelia 1876 (1116) Arthur Ernest 1878 (1119) Benjamin 1881 (1117) Alfred Edward 1883 (1118)

Joanna Matilda 1841 (4882) & James (Catchpole) (4883) Johanna1844 (1060) Sarah 1844 (1061) Fanny 1846 (1062) & James (Ellis) (1120) Margaret 1848 (1063) & John (Culley) (1121) Lucy Ann 1852 (1066) Arthur 1855 (1065) ------William 1810 (1070) & Wife (1122) Mary (1123)

Mary 1812 (1071) Sophia 1814 (1072) & John (Shepherd) (1124) ------John Watson 1828 (1075) ------James 1837 (1078) & Elizabeth (?) (1125) Alice Elizabeth 1870 (1130) Harriet Emily 1874 (1129) William James 1876 (1128) Elizabeth Louisa 1877 (7048) Alfred Edward 1879 (1126) Frederick George 1882 (1127) James William 1885 (5636) Harriet 1839 (4425)

William 1841 (1079) & Mary Ann (Sheldrake) (1131) Herbert George 1867 (1134) Arthur William 1870 (1135) Gilbert Harry 1872 (1136) Ernest Edward 1872 (1137) Alfred Samuel 1874 (1138) Maude Mary 1877 (1139) Sheridan Selby 1880 (1140) Clemence Charles 1883 (1141) Ralph Sidney Last 1886 (1142)

Elizabeth 1843 (1080) Sarah 1844 (1081) Robert 1846 (1082) Henry 1848 (1083) Eliza 1849 (1084) Samuel 1851 (1085) Susan 1854 (1086) ------Samuel 1810 (1089) & Phoebe (Mills) (1143) Sarah 1841 (3976) Susan 1843 (3975) 28 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Sarah 1847 (3976)

James 1815 (1090) & Elizabeth (Fisher) (1144) Charlotte 1844 (1145) Anna Maria 1847 (1147) Sarah Anna 1847 (1146) Male child 1848 (1156) James 1849 (1148) Samuel 1851 (1149) Elizabeth Mary 1854 (3596) John Bertsell 1856 (1150) Joseph 1859 (1151) Elizabeth Mary 1859 (1152) Garrold Oldrin 1861 (1153) Albert Frederick 1863 (1154) Emma Jeanette 1864 (1155) Naomi 1867 (1157)

Charlotte 1825 (1091) Susan (1092) John (1093) ------John 1831 (1095) & Susan (Catchpole) (1158) Maria 1854 (1162) Emma 1856 (1160) Elizabeth 1859 (1161)

Hannah 1834 (1096) Hannah 1835 (4088)

Phoebe 1837 (1097) & ? Henry William 1854 (1163)

Charles 1839 (1098)

James Henry 1842 (1099)

Henry 1845 (1100) & Mary (Wright) (1166) Charles Henry 1871 (1167) James Henry 1872 (1165) Frederick John 1874 (6799) Charlotte Maria 1877 (6800) George Arthur 1879 (6801) Sarah Ann 1883 (6778) William 1887 (6831) Phoebe Mary 1889 (7148) William Henry 1890 (7695)

Maria 1849 (1101)

William 1849 (1102) & Maria (Thrower) (1168) Lucy Anie 1872 (4144) Gertrude Elizabeth 1874 (4145) Agnes Ellen 1876 (4146) Caroline 1878 (4147) Charles William 1880 (3234) Ernest Frederick 1882 (3238) Alice Beatrice 1884 (4148) Arthur Theodore 1885 (3236) Sidney Alick 1887 (3235) Robert 1889 (4149) Alfred 1889 (4150) Leonard Harry 1892 (3237) Herbert 1893 (3239)

George 1851 (1103) & Marianne (Saunders) (1169) Emma 1875 (7029) Phoebe 1880 (1170) 29 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

George Arthur 1883 (1171)

Maria 1854 (1104)

Arthur 1858 (6922) & Emma Eliza (Freeman) (4007) Annie Elizabeth 1890 (7157) Florence 1893 (7180) John William 1896 (4009) Nellie 1900 (7253) ------Elizabeth 1826 (1106)

Robert 1831 (1107) & Hannah (Fairhead) (7656) Hannah B. 1866 (6961) Anna Maria 1869 (7762)

Simon Peter 1834 (1108) & Hannah (Simmonds) (1172) Eliza 1835 (4370) Eliza 1837 (3965) Eliza 1838 (1110) & Edward (Kirby) (5371) Harriet 1839 (1109) Harriet 1843 (1111)


Samuel 1868 (1114) died of war wounds in the 1914-18 War.

Elizabeth Ann 1873 (1115) No record.

Amelia 1876 (1116) died in the 2Q 1877, in the Loddon & Clavering District.

th Arthur Ernest 1878 (1119) was baptised on the 16 June 1878, at Ditchingham. He married Charlotte Norman. (1173) in the 1Q 1901 in the Wangford District, Arthur was listed as a Farm Labourer. They had 3 sons and 2 daughters and lived at Free Lane, Ditchingham where they raised their family :-

Eva (1178) b 2Q 1904 Wangford District Samuel (1176) b 4Q 1905 nd Arthur Ernest (1175) b 22 May 1907 Wangford District Lilian Susannah (1177) b 4Q 1908 th Leonard Charles (1174) b 5 September 1911

Arthur Ernest died in the 2Q 1916, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

According to the 1911 Census Arthur & Charlotte had 5 children, 4 living & 1 deceased.

Benjamin 1881 (1117) died in 1Q 1883, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

Alfred Edward 1883 (1118) was a Private (Ser No. 3283) in the 3rd/5th Bn,. Suffolk Regiment, died at the age of 31 of war wounds on the 14th October 1915. He is buried in St. Mary’s Churchyard, Ditchingham.


th Mary (1123) the daughter of William 1810 (1070), as stated earlier married Samuel Read (1179) of Hempnall on the 4 May 1860 and they had 2 children :-

Jonathan (Read) (1180) Julia Annie (Read) (1181) b 1861

Also as stated earlier Mary died on the 20th May 1875. (The second child, Julia Annie, married Ernest William Fairhead 1864 (1643) of the Bricklayers branch. Julia Annie died in 1929, in the Norwich District).

------30 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Alice Elizabeth 1870 (1130) No record.

Harriet Emily 1874 (1129) married John Payne (7420) in the 3Q 1895, in the Loddon & Clavering District.

th William James 1876 (1128) took up the trade of a Bricklayer, and married Kate Sophia Cross (1187) on the 17 October 1899 at Broome, and they had the following family :-

th th Lilian Elizabeth (1192) b 9 February 1901 bap. 7 April 1901 th William Frederick George (1188) b 27 December 1902 th th Reginald James (3404) b 29 December 1904 bap. 26 February 1905 th th Kenneth Lancelot (1189) b 15 September 1907 bap. 24 November 1907 th th Edris Nida (1193) b 20 June 1909 bap. 18 July 1909 th th George Edward (1191) b 11 March 1913 bap. 6 April 1913 th Stanley (1190) b 5 November 1914

The first 3 children were born in the Blything District, Suffolk, and the last four were born in the Loddon & st Clavering District, Norfolk. James William 1876 (1128) died on the 31 March 1946, and was buried at St. Michaels & All th Angels Church, Broome, Norfolk. Kate Sophia (1187) died on the 24 February 1966, and was also buried in St. Michaels, Broome.

Elizabeth Louisa 1877 (7048) married Thomas William Ward (7424) (b abt 1876) in the 4Q 1898, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

Alice (Ward) (1266) b 1901

Alfred Edward 1879 (1126) was born at Broome. In 1911 he was lodging with Arthur Shorten at St. Faith Rd., Old Catton, Norwich, Norfolk. He moved to Wisbech in about the year 1914 where he was employed as a Gardener. He married Alice Marrianne Rogers (1182) (b.28.4.1885) on the 28th October 1914 at St. Augustine's Church. They had 3 children :-

th Olive Marrianne (1183) b 4 March 1916 th Roger Alfred (1184) b 18 November 1918 th Evelyn Irene (1185) b 7 March 1925

All in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire

Alfred died on the 12th March 1960 at the age of 80 years, while his wife outlived him by another 5 years, dying on the 29th November 1965, in the Lothingland District. Both are buried in Wisbech Borough Cemetery.

Frederick George 1882 (1127) died as a young man and his widow, Kate ? (1186), at the time of Albert's researches, lived at Low Row, .

James William 1885 (5636) No record.


st Herbert George 1867 (1134) married Ellen Maria Stannard (1194) (b.9.5.1872) on the 21 October 1893, in the Loddon District. His occupation was listed as a Teamsman and Horseman. They raised the following family :-

th Millicent Ellen Rose (1195) b 26 June 1895 Loddon & Clavering District nd Frederick Herbert Ralph (1196) b 22 December 1897 Loddon & Clavering District th Violet Maude Mary (1197) b 15 July 1900 Forehoe District th Herbert Freshfield (1198) b 28 June 1904 Loddon & Clavering District st Claude Ernest John (1199) b 21 October 1908 Loddon & Clavering District th Stanley Augustus (1200) b 9 October 1914 Loddon & Clavering District

Herbert George died in the 4Q 1930, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and Ellen Maria died in the 3Q 1962, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.

31 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Arthur William 1870 (1135) was born at Thwaite. He married Clara Emma Stannard (1203) in the 3Q 1897, at Loddon, Norfolk, and they had they following family :-

th Albert Ernest (1204) b 29 December 1898 th Florence Maud (1205) b 6 January 1900 th William Alfred (1208) b 13 September 1901 Forehoe th Ivy Maud Mary (1206) b 16 April 1905 th Gertrude Esther Clara (1207) b 20 July 1907 Loddon & Clavering District th Margaret E. R. (1209) b 25 June 1910 nd Arthur William John (1210) b 22 April 1913 , Norfolk th Hetty May (1211) b 18 August 1915 Loddon & Clavering District

Arthur William (1135) died in the 1Q 1924, in the Loddon & Clavering, District. Clara died in the 1Q 1967, in the Norwich Outer District.

Gilbert Harry 1872 (1136) married Elizabeth Chaston (1212) (b.13.12.1874) (Elizabeth was the daughter of William th Chaston (3211) & Amelia (nee Cracknell) (3212)) on the 26 February 1899 at Aldeby, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

th Ernest William H. (1213) b 9 December 1899 Wangford District, Norfolk th Alice Maud Mary (1214) b 18 April 1901 Mutford District, Suffolk th Albert Edward (our founder) (1215) b 12 August 1902 Mutford District, Suffolk th Sidney Herbert C. (1219) b 14 November 1903 Loddon & Clavering District rd Christopher Charles (1216) b 23 April 1906 Loddon & Clavering District th Elsie Ellenor (1217) b 27 December 1908 Loddon & Clavering District nd Leslie Gordon (1218) b 22 December 1910 Loddon & Clavering District Edith Muriel (1220) b 2Q 1915 Loddon & Clavering District

Elizabeth died on the 7th March 1974, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk. Gilbert died on the 8th December 1947 and was buried at Ditchingham, Norfolk on the 11th December.

Ernest Edward 1872 (1137) Gilbert's twin, married Milly Elizabeth Powles (1221) (b 27/04/1889) in the 1Q 1918, in the Kingston District, Surrey, and at some point they lived at Loddon. They had no family. Ernest died in the 2Q 1956, in the Norwich Outer District. Milly died in the 2Q 1971, in the Acle District, Norfolk.

Alfred Samuel 1874 (1138) married Lydia Lauretta Stannard (1222) (b 1878) in the 4Q 1896 at Loddon, Norfolk, he served in the Veterinary Corps in the 1914-18 War. They had a smallholding at Ditchingham, where they had the following family :-

st Hubert Alfred William (7250) b 1 April 1900 th Maude Mary (Mollie) (1225) b 12 January 1902 th Edward Charles (1226) b 5 May 1905 th Clifford George (1227) b 16 April 1910 st Alfred Samuel (1228) b 1 April 1921

Alfred died in the 3Q 1962, in the Norwich Outer District, aged 87, and Lydia died in the 1Q 1968, in the Norwich Outer District, aged 90 years.

According to the 1911 Census Alfred & Lydia had 5 children, 3 living & 2 deceased.

Maude Mary 1877 (1139) married Edgar George Baldry (5303) (b 28/06/1876 Bungay, son of George (5485), a Stonemason) on the 9th September 1899, at Hedenham, Norfolk. There is also a marriage recorded for them in the 1Q 1902, in the Bury District. It is thought that this was because they married in 1899 without the Army’s knowledge, and had to marry again with the Army’s consent. They had the following family :-

Harold Edgar (Baldry) (5304) b 1902 Esther Marie (Baldry) (6541) b 1908 Hilda R.(Baldry) (6540) b 1910 th William George (Baldry) (6542) b 25 January 1914

32 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

George Edgar died in 1921, at Thorpe St. Andrews Hospital. He was a Lieutenant in the Army Pay Corps. Maude Mary died in January 1958 in the Great Hospital, Bishopgate, Norwich, aged 80.

Of the children :- Harold is thought to have been born in Bury, Lancs (where his father was stationed) and he died, of Measles, on the 14th June 1907. Hilda died in 1916. Esther was a nurse and school matron and died in the late 30’s after a motorcycle accident with William George, who survived. William George was a career soldier, serving with the Signals Regt. in India during the 1930’s, and N. Africa in WWII. He died in Nuneaton, Warwickshire on the 19 th June 1987.

Sheridan Selby 1880 (1140) married Lilian Eliza Ward (1229) in the 3Q 1906 at St. Mary's, Hedenham, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

Sheridan Selby William (1230) b 1Q 1907 Loddon & Clavering District Kathleen Mary (1235) b 2Q 1909 Loddon & Clavering District th Ellen Lilian (Dolly) (1236) b 24 December 1910 Aldeby, Norfolk th Hamilton William (1231) b 8 May 1912 Loddon & Clavering District th Godfrey Arthur (1232) b 7 October 1914 Smallburgh District th Johnston Acheson (1233) b 8 April 1920 Smallburgh District th Henry Ralph (1234) b 15 June 1921 Smallburgh District th Olive Susannah (1237) b 8 November 1922 Smallburgh District th Margaret Ann (1238) b 29 April 1924 Smallburgh District Muriel Frances (1239) b 3Q 1926 Smallburgh District

Sheridan died in the 2Q 1962, and Lilian in 1978, both in the Norwich Outer District. There is a memorial plaque to Sheridan and Lilian in Bedingham Churchyard.

Clemence Charles 1883 (1141) married Edith Annie Gammon (1240) (b 29/12/1893) in the 4Q 1916, in the St. Martin, District, Westminster, London, and had two sons :-

st Bernard William (1242) b 1 May 1917 Sheffield District th Ralph Sheridan (1241) b 27 December 1920 Sheffield District

Edith Annie (9022) died the 1Q 1974, in the Sheffield District. Clemence Charles died in the 4Q 1960, also in the Sheffield District.

Ralph Sidney Last 1886 (1142) married Bertha Jeffery (1243) in the 3Q 1911, at St. Mary’s Church, Hedenham, and they had a son and a daughter :-

th Grace Mary Primrose (3187) b 19 April 1912 Midhurst District, Sussex th Ralph Jeffery (1244) b 14 December 1913 Thakenham District, Norfolk

Ralph was a Lance Corporal (Ser. No. 6824) in the 1st Bn. Norfolk Regiment. He died on the 6th May 1915, and is buried in the Bailleul Community Cemetery Extension, France.


st Sarah 1841 (3976) was baptised on the 21 February 1841, at Rushall, and she died in the 4Q 1845, in the Depwade District.

nd Susan 1843 (3975) was baptised on the 22 January 1843, at Rushall.

th Sarah 1847 (3976) was baptised on the 18 April 1847, at Rushall.


Charlotte 1844 (1145)

33 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Anna Maria 1847 (1147)

Sarah Anna 1847 (1146)

Male child c1848 (1156)

James 1849 (1148)

Samuel 1851 (1149)

Elizabeth Mary 1854 (3596)

John Bertsell 1856 (1150)

Joseph 1859 (1151)

Elizabeth Mary 1859 (1152)

Garrold Oldrin 1861 (1153)

Albert Frederick 1863 (1154)

Emma Jeanette 1864 (1155)

Naomi Hannah 1867 (1157)

From this family comes another Branch to the Fairhead Family Tree, namely "The Five Sons of James" who were -- James, Samuel, John, Joseph and Garould (underlined) and the whole family is dealt with in that document.


Maria 1854 (1162) died in the 2Q 1857, in the Loddon & Clavering District.

Emma 1856 (1160) No record.

Elizabeth 1859 (1161) died in Bungay in 1936.


Henry William 1854 (1163) died in the 1Q 1854, in the Mutford District.


Charles Henry 1871 (1167) married Alice Lucy Leadbetter (1251) (b abt 1877) in the 4Q 1917, in the Burton upon Trent District. Alice Lucy died in the 4Q 1918, in the Burton upon Trent District.

James Henry 1873 (1165) continued to live in the place of his birth, although for a period he went to work in th Middlesborough, he married Ellen (Nellie) Cooper (1245) (b 3/11/1880) on the 25 August 1904, at Quarrington, Lincolnshire, and had the following family :-

th Susan Mary (1246) b 14 May 1905 Sleaford, Lincolnshire th James Henry (1247) b 13 September 1906 Sleaford, Lincolnshire th Jessie Margaret (1249) b 14 October 1908 Burton upon Trent th Lily Cooper (1250) b 20 November 1910 Burton upon Trent nd Edward Cooper (1248) b 2 December 1913 Burton upon Trent

th When Susan Mary was born the family was living at 26 Albion Terrace, Sleaford. Nellie (1245) died on the 27 th March 1964, and James Henry (1165) on the 12 June 1964, both in the Burton-Upon-Trent District.

Frederick John 1874 (6799) married Eliza J. Hankey (8640) in the 3Q 1916, at St. Peter, Stapenhill, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire. Eliza J. (8640) died in the 1Q 1948, Frederick John (6799) died in the 3Q 1951, both in the Reading District, Berkshire.

Charlotte Maria 1877 (6800) married Frederick Shaw (7433) in the 1Q 1905, at St. John, Horninglow, in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, and they had two daughters :-

34 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Beatrice (Shaw) (6781) ? (Shaw) (6782)

George Arthur 1879 (6776) married Mary Hannah Jenkins (7885) in the 2Q 1904, in the Burton on Trent District. George died in the 2Q 1951, in the Shardlow District, Derbyshire.

Sarah Ann 1883 (6778) was a Lady's maid. Her fiancée Eddy was killed in WWI. She later married Harold Beck (6783) (a widower) in the 3Q 1919 in Leeds, Yorkshire. She then married for a second time to John Stirk (6784), in the 2Q 1938, also in Leeds.

William 1886 (6831) fought in the trenches in WWI and was so horrified by the conditions that he and his friend Harry Oakes emigrated to Canada, where he did various jobs including farming and car sales.

Phoebe Mary 1889 (7148) married John E. Bumford (8703) in the 4Q 1926, in the Walsall District, Staffordshire.

William Henry 1890 (7695) married Laura Lane (7842) (b abt 1900 Ontario, Canada, the daughter of Fred & Mina th (Jones) Lane (7843 & 7846)) on the 19 October 1922, in York Toronto, Canada.


Lucy Annie 1872 (4144) married John Thomas Rolph (4851) (b.1870 Littleport, Cambridgeshire) in the 1Q 1896, in the Kingston District, Surrey. They had the following family :-

st Harley William (Rolph) (4852) b 1 March 1896 Albert Harold (Rolph) (4853) b 1896 Annie Lucy (Rolph) (4854) th Gladys Amelia (Rolph) (4855) b 4 January 1905 th Arthur Sidney (Rolph) (4856) b 5 September 1909

A point of interest is that John Thomas was a first cousin to William Sylvester Harley, the co-founder of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle company.

Of these children :-

Harley William (4852) married Kathleen Graves, (4153) who was the daughter of Robert Graves who married his aunt Alice Beatrice 1884 (4148) below.

Gertrude Elizabeth 1874 (4145) had a daughter :-

th Hilda May Coleman (Fairhead) (4626) b 27 December 1899

She then married Thornton Lanchester (3576) in the 3Q 1903, in the Mutford District, Suffolk.

th Agnes Ellen 1876 (4146) married Ethan Mortimer (6604) (b abt 1846) on the 18 October 1897 at Hartismere, Suffolk. It was his 3rd marriage and he had numerous children. None of them were Agnes's children. On the 1901 census one of his children and three grandchildren still lived with them in Eye, Suffolk. Agnes lived in Haslemere around 1948, with a man called Dan. No more is known about him, or whether they married as by then Ethan must have died.

Caroline 1878 (4147) married Albert Edward Graves (3240) in the 2Q 1904, in the Epsom District, Surrey, and had two children :-

Harold (Graves) (4154) Elizabeth (Graves) (4155)

th Charles William 1880 (3234) remained single and died young at the age of 20 on the 27 March 1900 and was buried in Cobham Cemetery, in Surrey, on the 31st March 1900.

35 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Ernest Frederick 1882 (3238) married Alice Carr (3244) in the 3Q 1910, in the Epsom District, Surrey. There was no family. Ernest died in the 1Q 1943, in Cobham, Surrey.

Alice Beatrice 1884 (4148) married Robert Graves (4151) in the 2Q 1907 at Epsom, Surrey, (probably a brother, or other relation, to Albert Graves (3240) above) and they had two children :-

th Kathleen (Graves) (4153) b 24 June 1910 Charles (Graves) (4152)

Arthur Theodore 1885 (3236) married Ada Margaret Seymour (3241) and they had two daughters.

Eileen M. (3243) b 1914 Edna C. (3242) b 3Q 1916 Croyden District

Arthur was killed in action at Chaylnes, France on the 24th March 1918 at the age of 32. Arthur was a Lance Corporal (Ser No. 3328) in the 3rd Bn., Rifle Brigade. His name is mentioned on the Pozieres Memorial. Ada Margaret died in the 2Q 1983, in the Surrey North District.

Sidney Alick 1887 (3235) also did not live for very long and died at the Purdysburn Fever Hospital in Belfast on the 5th August 1908, aged 21. He was buried in Holwood Cemetery, Belfast on the 8th August with full Military Honours. (Grave No. 281). He also served with The Rifle Brigade.

th Robert 1889 (4149) died on the 14 October 1889 and was buried in Wrentham Cemetery.

st Alfred 1889 (4150) died on the 21 June 1890 and was also buried in Wrentham Cemetery.

Leonard Harry 1892 (3237) married Helena Morum (3245) in the 2Q 1915 in the Epsom District, Surrey, and they had four sons :-

nd Leonard Alec (3246) b 2 January 1916 th Sidney William (3247) b 6 May 1921 th Charles Stanley (3248) b 15 September 1922 th Arthur Douglas (3249) b 6 October 1923

These children were all born at 1 Elm Tree Cottages, Portsmouth Road, Cobham. Leonard Harry died in the 1Q 1960, in the Westminster District, London, aged 69.

Herbert 1893 (3239) married Gertrude Madeleine Alice Alcock (3265) (b 28/12/1889, Islington, London) at Brentford, Essex in the 3Q 1916, and had the following family :-

st Russell Sinclair (3266) b 1 February 1918 Eggbuckland, Devon Joan M. (6837) b 4Q 1919 Epsom, Surrey Arthur S. (8509) b 2Q 1921 Epsom, Surrey

Herbert & Gertrude divorced, and they both remarried. Gertrude's second marriage was to John Rye (8801) in the 4Q 1934, in the Petersfield District, Hampshire. Gertrude died on the 2nd October 1977 in Denmead, Hampshire.

Herbert remarried to Daisy Agnes Peto (8809) (b 18/03/1905), in the 1Q 1935 Hastings, Sussex. Herbert died in the 4Q 1974, in Ilchester, Somerset, and Daisy Agnes in October 1985, in the Taunton District, Somerset.


Emma 1875 (7029) No record.

Phoebe 1880 (1170) died in the 3Q 1881, in the Loddon & Clavering.

36 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th George Arthur 1883 (1171) married May Ethel Riches (1253) on the 26 November 1903 at the Holy Trinity Church, Bungay. It is understood that the family where brought up in where George worked on a farm. They also lived at Marlingford, Norfolk for a time. George then moved to Wendling where he died. Their family was :-

th William George (1254) b 29 November 1904 Wangford District, Suffolk th May Florence (1255) b 26 June 1907 th Reginald Leslie (1256) b 20 December 1909 Wangford District, Suffolk Harold A. (6842) b 4Q 1911 Wangford District, Suffolk th Cyril Arthur (1257) b 20 July 1923 Loddon & Clavering District

May Ethel (1253) died in the 4Q 1945, in Marlingford, Norfolk.George died in the 1Q 1958, in the East Dereham District, Norfolk.


Annie Elizabeth 1890 (7157) At the time of the 1911 Census Annie was listed as a Housemaid in the employment of Frederick William Dobson of The Hill, Barrow Upon Trent, Shardlow, Derbyshire.

Florence 1893 (7180) At the time of the 1911 Census Florence was listed as a General Servant in the employment of Joseph Ebenezer Burrows, an Architect of Woodthorpe Villas, Derby Rd. Chellerton, Nr. Derby. She married John W. Kirkland (7979) in the 2Q 1919, in the Burton Upon Trent District, Staffordshire.

th John William 1896 (4009) died on the 15 October 1916.

Nellie 1900 (7253) married John W. Startin (8530) in the 4Q 1922, at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Ferry St., Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire.


Hannah B. 1866 (6961) No record.

Anna Maria 1869 (7762) had a daughter :-

st Elizabeth Matilda (5482) b 31 July 1889

Anna Maria then married George William Howes (7763) (b abt 1865 Bungay) in the 4Q 1891, in the Wangford District.


37 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 17 th Generation.

Given below is the list of the 17th generation along with their parents of the 16th generation :-

16th Generation 17th Generation

Samuel 1868 (1114) Elizabeth Ann 1873 (1115) Amelia 1876 (1116) Arthur Ernest 1884 (1119) & Charlotte (Norman) (1173) Eva 1904 (1178) Samuel 1905 (1176) Arthur Ernest 1907 (1175) Lilian Susannah 1908 (1177) Leonard Charles 1911 (1174)

Benjamin 1881 (1117) Alfred Edward 1883 (1118) ------Mary (1123) & Samuel (Read) (1179) Jonathan (Read) (1180) Julia Annie (Read) 1861 (1181) ------Alice Elizabeth 1870 (1130) Harriet Emily 1874 (1129)

William James 1876 (1128) & Kate Sophia (Cross) (1187) Lilian Elizabeth 1901 (1192) William Frederick George 1902 (1188) Reginald James 1904 (3404) Kenneth Lancelot 1907 (1189) Edris Nida 1909 (1193) George Edward 1913 (1191) Stanley 1914 (1190)

Elizabeth Louisa 1877(1130)

Alfred Edward 1879 (1126) & Alice Marrianne (Rogers) (1182) Olive Marrianne 1916 (1183) Roger Alfred 1918 (1184) Evelyn Irene 1925 (1185)

Frederick George 1882 (1127) & Kate (?) (1186) James William 1885 (5636) ------Herbert George 1867 (1134) & Ellen Maria (Stannard) (1203) Millicent Ellen Rose 1895 (1195) Frederick Herbert Ralph 1897 (1196) Violet Maude Mary 1900 (1197) Herbert Freshfield 1904 (1198) Claude Ernest John 1908 (1199) Stanley Augustus 1914 (1200)

Arthur William 1870 (1135) & Clara Emma (Stannard) (1203) Albert Ernest 1898 (1204) Florence Maud 1900 (1205) William Alfred 1901 (1208) Ivy Maud Mary 1905 (1206) Gertrude Esther Clara 1907 (1207) Margaret E. R. 1910 (1209) Arthur William John 1913 (1210) Hetty May 1915 (1211)

Gilbert Harry 1872 (1136) & Elizabeth (Chaston) (1212) Ernest William H. 1899 (1213) Alice Maude Mary 1901 (1214) Albert Edward 1902 (1215) Sidney Herbert C. 1903 (1219) Christopher Charles 1906 (1216)

38 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Elsie Ellenor 1908 (1217) Leslie Gordon 1910 (1218) Edith Muriel 1915 (1220)

Ernest Edward 1872 (1137) & Milly Elizabeth (Powles) (1221)

Alfred Samuel 1874 (1138) & Lydia Lauretta (Stannard) (1222) Hubert Alfred William 1900 (7250) Maude Mary (Mollie) 1902 (1225) Edward Charles 1905 (1226) Clifford George 1910 (1227) Alfred Samuel 1921 (1228)

Maude Mary 1877 (1139) & Edgar George (Baldry) (5303) Harold Edgar (Baldry) 1902 (5304) Edward Charles (Baldry) 1905 (6541) Hilda R. (Baldry) 1910 (6540) William George (Baldry) 1914 (6542)

Sheridan Selby 1880 (1140) & Lilian Eliza (Ward) (1229) Sheridan Selby William 1907 (1230) Kathleen Mary 1909 (1235) Ellen Lilian (Dolly) 1910 (1236) Hamilton William 1912 (1231) Godfrey Arthur 1914 (1232) Johnston Acheson 1920 (1233) Henry Ralph 1921 (1234) Olive Susannah 1922 (1237) Margaret Ann 1924 (1238) Muriel Frances 1926 (1239)

------Clemence Charles 1883 (1141) & Edith Annie (Gammon) (1240) Bernard William 1917 (1242) Ralph Sheridan 1920 (1241)

Ralph Sidney Last 1886 (1142) & Bertha (Jeffery) (1243) Grace Mary Primrose 1912 (3187) Ralph Jeffery 1913 (1244)

------Susan 1843 (3975) Sarah 1847 (3976) ------Charlotte 1844 (1145) Anna Maria 1847 (1147) Sarah Anna 1847 (1146) Male child 1848 (1156) James 1849 (1148) Samuel 1851 (1149) Elizabeth Mary 1854 (3596) John Bertsell 1856 (1150) Joseph 1859 (1151) Elizabeth Mary 1859 (1152) Garrold Oldrin 1861 (1153) Albert Frederick 1863 (1154) Emma Jeanette 1864 (1155) Naomi 1867 (1157) ------Maria 1854 (5929) Emma 1856 (1160) Elizabeth 1859 (1161) Maria 1864 (1162) ------Henry William 1854 (1163) 39 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

------Charles Henry 1871 (1167) & Alice Lucy (Leadbetter) (1251)

James Henry 1873 (1165) & Ellen (Cooper) (1245) Susan Mary 1905 (1246) James Henry 1906 (1247) Jessie Margaret 1908 (1249) Lily Cooper 1910 (1250) Edward Cooper 1913 (1248)

Frederick John 1874 (6799) & Eliza J. (Hankey) (8640)

Charlotte Maria 1877 (6800) & Frederick (Shaw) (6780) Beatrice (Shaw) (6781) ? (Shaw) (6782)

George Arthur 1879 (6776) & Mary Hannah (Jenkins) (7885) Sarah Ann 1883 (6778) & Harold (Beck) (6783)

& Jack (Stirk) (6784) ------Charles

James 1872 (1165)

George A. 1879 (6801) William 1887 (3193) Phoebe Mary 1889 (7148) & John E. (Bumford) (8703) ------Lucy 1872 (4144) & John Thomas (Rolph) (4851) Harley William (Rolph) 1896 (4852) Albert Harold (Rolph) 1896 (4853) Annie Lucy (Rolph) (4854) Gladys Amelia (Rolph) 1905 (4855) Arthur Sidney (Rolph) 1909 (4856)

Gertrude Elizabeth 1874 (4145) & ? Hilda May Coleman (Fairhead) 1899 (4626)

& Thornton (Lanchester) (3576) No Children

Agnes Ellen 1876 (4146) & Ethan (Mortimer) (6604)

Caroline 1878 (4147) & Albert (Graves) (3240) Harold (Graves) (4154) Elizabeth (Graves) (4155)

Charles William 1880 (3234) Ernest Frederick 1882 (3238) & Alice (?) (3244)

Alice Beatrice 1884 (4148) & Robert (Graves) (4151) Kathleen (Graves) 1910 (4153) Charles (Graves) (4152)

Arthur Theodore 1885 (3236) & Ada Margaret (Seymour) (3241) Eileen M. 1914 (3243) Edna C. 1916 (3242)

Sidney Alick 1887 (3235) Robert 1889 (4149) Alfred 1889 (4150)

Leonard Harry 1892 (3237) & Helena (Morum) (3245) Leonard Alec 1916 (3246) Sidney William 1921 (3247) Charles Stanley 1922 (3248) Arthur Douglas 1923 (3249)

40 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Herbert 1893 (3239) & Gertrude Madeleine Alice (Alcock) (3265) Russell Sinclair 1918 (3266) Joan M. 1919 (6837) Athur S. 1921 (8509)

& Daisy Agnes (Peto) (8809) ------Emma 1875 (7029) Phoebe 1880 (1170)

George Arthur 1883 (1171) & May Ethel (Riches) (1253) William George 1904 (1254) May Florence 1907 (1255) Reginald Leslie 1909 (1256) Harold A. 1911 (6842) Cyril Arthur 1923 (1257) ------Annie Elizabeth 1890 (7157) Florence 1893 (7180) & John W. (Kirkland) (7979) John William 1896 (4009) Nellie 1900 (7253) & John W. (Startin) (8530) ------Hannah B. 1866 (6961)

Anna Maria 1869 (7762) & ? (?) Elizabeth Matilda 1889 (5482)

& George William (Howes) (7763)


Eva 1904 (1178) married Thomas Dann (1269) in the 4Q 1930, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and lived at Stoke by Nayland.

Arthur Ernest 1905 (1175) married Olive I. E.L. Goleby (1262) in 4Q 1928, in the Blything District, Suffolk, and lived at Flixton, where he had the following family :-

Joyce I. (1265) b 1Q 1930 Peggy F. (9077) b 2Q 1931 Robin A. (1264) b 1Q 1942 Ralph A. (1263) b 2Q 1943 Wendy J. (1267) b 1Q 1946

Olive died in the 4Q 1966, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk. Arthur Ernest died on the 29 th November 1995, in the Norwich District.

Samuel 1905 (1176) married Amelia M. Smith (8863) in the 1Q 1938, in the Norwich District, Norfolk, and was last heard of living at Colchester.

Lilian Susannah 1908 (1177) married William Sampson (1268) in the 4Q 1938, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and lived at .

Leonard Charles 1911 (1174) married Grace Violet Dann (1258) in the 1Q 1934, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived at where they had 1 son and 2 daughters :-

th Joy P. (1259) b 24 July 1934 th William Leonard (1260) b 18 July 1935 Loddon & Clavering District th Leoni Pearl (1261) b 26 February 1944 Norwich Outer District

Leonard Charles died in the 2Q 1978, in the Norwich Outer District. Grace Violet died on the 15th August 1999, in the Norwich District.

------41 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Lilian Elizabeth 1901 (1192) married Stanley H. Spalding (1294) in the 3Q 1929, in the Mutford District, Suffolk, and had a daughter :-

Nida Maureen (Spalding) (1295) b 4Q 1930

William Frederick George 1902 (1188) married Lily Legood Wright (1280) in the 2Q 1939, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk, and they lived at Ellingham. They had the following family :-

Joy (1282) b 2Q 1943 Norwich Outer District Judith (1283) b 3Q 1945 Norwich Outer District

William Frederick George died aged 83, on the 7th February 1986, in the Norwich Outer District. Lilly Legood died on the 16th December 2002.

Reginald James 1904 (3404) died in the 2Q 1906 in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

th Kenneth Lancelot 1907 (1189) married Hilda Thorpe (1284) on the 28 October 1929, Wangford District, Suffolk. They lived at Yarmouth Road, Broome, and they had the following family :-

Betty J. (8731) b 2Q 1930 Wangford District Margaret H. (1288) b 3Q 1932 Loddon & Clavering District David K. (1285) b 2Q 1938 Loddon & Clavering District Dawn (1286) Elizabeth (1287)

Kenneth died on the 4th January 1995, in the Norwich District. Hilda died on the 20th October 2008.

Edris Nida 1909 (1193) married Sheadrack A. Dunn (7133) in the 2Q 1932, in the Wangford District, Suffolk.

th George Edward 1913 (1191) married Dora May Feetham (1292) on the 27 April 1938, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived in , and they had a son :-

Roy E. (1293) b 2Q 1939 Norwich Outer District

Dora May died on the 13th January 1989, in the Norwich Outer District, and George on the 13th August 1996, in the Great Yarmouth District.

Stanley 1914 (1190) moved to Liverpool where he married Maude Kelley (1289) (b 17/02/1911) in the 1Q 1944, in the Bootle District, and they had a daughter :-

Linda (1290) b 3Q 1946 Crosby District, Lancashire

After Maude died, in the 4Q 1970, in the Liverpool District, Stanley moved back to East Anglia, and he married Margaret Lilian May Horton (1291) (b 23/05/1920) in the 4Q 1973, in the Lothingland District, and they lived in Pakefield. Stanley died on the 11th October 1984, in the Great Yarmouth District, Norfolk. Margaret died on the 10th October 2001. She was buried at Kirkley Cemetery, and at the time of her death she was living at 60 St. Georges Road, Pakefield.


th Olive Marrianne 1916 (1183) married Cyril G. Rolfe (1270) on the 27 September 1939 at Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, and they had a son and two daughters :-

Gerald (Rolfe) (1271) Jacqueline (Rolfe) (1272) Yvonne (Rolfe) (1273)

Olive died at Wisbech on the 13th November 1992, aged 76. Cyril is a retired Schoolmaster.

42 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Roger Alfred 1918 (1184) was born at Wisbech. He married Elsie Joan Baker (1274) (b.31.12.1919) on the 27 May 1946 at St. Augustine's Church, Wisbech. They now live in Loughborough, near Leicester and they have the following family :-

th Richard James (1275) b 24 July 1951 Leicester District, Leics. th Andrew Charles (1276) ] b 4 April 1954 Leicester District, Leics. th Angela Joan (1277) ] Twins b 4 April 1954 Leicester District, Leics.

Roger Alfred died on the 1st May 2011. Elsie Joan died on the 20th August 2012.

Evelyn Irene 1925 (1185) married Kenneth Coleman (1278) in the 3Q 1954, in the Wisbech District, Cambridgeshire, and they lived at Lowestoft. They had one son :-

Graham W. (Coleman) (1279) b 2Q 1959 Kettering, Northamptonshire

Evelyn died on the 17th January 1994. She was a graduate in English of Westfield College, University of London. Evelyn taught English at Louth, Spalding and Kettering and until it closed, at the Lowestoft Girls Convent School. She then worked for the D.S.S. in Lowestoft until her retirement.


Millicent Ellen Rose 1895 (1195) married Reginald Charles Mickleburgh (1296) in the 3Q 1919, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they had a son :-

Reginald R. (Mickleburgh) (1297) b 2Q 1921

Milly died in the 1Q 1978, in the Norwich Outer District.

Frederick Herbert Ralph 1897 (1196) married Dorothy Evelyn Migotti (1298) (b 3/03/1895 London) in the 4Q 1922, in the Loddon and Clavering District, Norfolk, and they had a daughter :-

th th Esme Kathleen Grace (1299) b 6 June 1926 bap. 10 August 1926 at St. Mary’s, Hedenham

Frederick died in 1954, in Alberta, Canada, and Dorothy died on the 24th April 1965, in Victoria, British Columbia,Canada.

Violet Maude Mary 1900 (1197) married Robert George Webb (1300) in the 3Q 1928, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk. They had a daughter and two sons :-

th Cynthia Letitia (Webb) (1301) b 11 January 1929 Roy Melville (Webb) (1302) b 1933 Ivor Ashley (Webb) (1303) b 1939

Violet died in 1978.

Herbert Freshfield 1904 (1198) married Ivy May Pipe-Dyer (1304) (b 8/01/1905) in the 1Q 1925, in the Wangford District, Norfolk, and they had a son and two daughters, another son was killed in the war. They had the following family :-

Alan Herbert George (1305) b 3Q 1925 Wangford District Sybil A. (1307) b 4Q 1934 Wangford District Barry (1306) b 2Q 1939 Wainford District Barbara (1308) b 3Q 1947 Wainford District

Herbert Freshfield died on the 11th September 1987, in the Great Yarmouth District, and Ivy May on the 29th November 1995, in the Waveney District, Suffolk.

nd Claude Ernest John 1908 (1199) married Hilda Elizabeth Hawes (1309) (b.5.10.1911) on the 22 August 1931 at the Holy Trinity, Bungay, when he was stated to be a Motor Engineer. Claude was employed as a Driver. They had a son and two daughters :- 43 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

st Joy Claudette (1310) b 21 April 1933 Loddon & Clavering District st Derek J. (1311) b 31 July 1938 Loddon & Clavering District nd Carol Angela (1312) b 2 March 1944 Norwich Outer District

Hilda Elizabeth died in the 3Q 1966, in the Norwich Outer District, and Claude married for a second time to Elsie st Emma Holland (1313) in the 1Q 1974, in the Depwade District, Norfolk, Elsie died on the 21 December 1982, in the Norwich District. Claude Ernest died on the 22nd September 1996, in the Waveney District.

th Stanley Augustus 1914 (1200) married Edna Baldry (1314) on the 14 June 1941 at St. Mary's Church, Bungay, Stanley was employed as a Horseman, and they had the following family :-

rd David John (1315) b 23 April 1942 Wainford District rd Geoffrey (1316) b 3 November 1946 th Greta Joy (1317) b 27 June 1953 Lothingland District

Stanley Augustus died in the 1Q 1990, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk. Edna died on the 6th November 2003, in the Norwich District.


st Albert Ernest 1898 (1204) married Bessie Maud Warman (1318) on the 1 September 1926, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived at Langley. Their family of 4 was :-

Margaret J. (1322) b 1Q 1927 Loddon and Clavering District th Albert Edward (1319) b 30 October 1928 Loddon and Clavering District Ronald D. (1320) b 4Q 1930 Loddon and Clavering District Dorothy M. (1321) b 3Q 1932 Loddon and Clavering District

Albert died on the 22nd October 1980, in the Norwich Outer District, and Bessie Maud on the 14th April 1985, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.

th Florence Maud 1900 (1205) married Albert Joseph Selfe (1323) (b.27.6.1895) on the 5 May 1922, in the Loddon & Clavering District, and they lived at Rickinghall. They had two daughters and a son :-

th Ellen Mabel Maud (Selfe) (1324) b 5 August 1922 th Arthur John (Selfe) (1325) b 26 June 1927 th Bernice Irene (Selfe) (1326) b 20 March 1933

Florence died in 1978.

William Alfred 1901 (1208) married Gladys G. Gillingwater (1334) (b abt 1907) in the 3Q 1927 in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived at Langley. They had a son and two daughters :-

Derek A. (1335) b 1Q 1928 Loddon & Clavering District Irene A. (1336) b 2Q 1936 Loddon & Clavering District Daphne E. (1337) b 2Q 1941 Norwich Outer District

William Alfred died on the 4th July 1988 in the Norwich Outer District. Gladys died in the 3Q 1966, in the Norwich Outer District.

Ivy Maud Mary 1905 (1206) married Charles Henry (Harry) Love (1327) (b.27.9.1900) in the 3Q 1927 in the Loddon and Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived at Thirton. They had a son and a daughter :-

th Elizabeth Cynthia (Love) (1328) b 6 October 1927 th Raymond A.C. (Love) (1329) b 15 October 1930

Charles died in 1978 and Ivy on the 11th May 1985.

44 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Gertrude Esther Clara 1907 (1207) married George E. Bircham (1330) in 3Q 1926, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived at . They had the following family :-

th Anthony (Bircham) (1331) b 27 August 1928 Malcolm (Bircham) (1332) b 1932 th George (Bircham) (1333) b 10 May 1946

Gertie died on the 21st April 1992.

Margaret E. R. 1910 (1209) died in the 2Q 1925, in the Norwich District, at the age of 15 years of Appendicitis

Arthur William John 1913 (1210) was born at Sisland and he married Eileen Killington (1338) (b.15.7.1916) on the 14th August 1936, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they lived at Loddon. They had a daughter :-

rd Maureen Joy (1339) b 23 May 1943 Hardley, Loddon, Norfolk

Arthur William died on the 19th March 1998, in the Norwich District, and Eileen died on the 31st October 2004.

Hetty May 1915 (1211) married Alan L. Bailey (1340) in the 4Q 1936, in the Hartismere District, Suffolk, and they had one daughter :-

th Valerie (Bailey) (1341) b 16 April 1937

Hetty was widowed in 1937, she then married Jack E.W.Hoddy (1342) (b.2/10/1912) in the 2Q 1939 in the Norwich Outer District, and they had the following family :-

th Alice E. (Hoddy) (1343) b 29 February 1940 June C.L. (Hoddy) (1344) b 1941 Rosalind M. (Hoddy) (1345) b 1942 th Jack A.W. (Hoddy) (1346) b 4 January 1946 Pallent Magee (Paul) (Hoddy) (1347) b 1947 Edgar J. (Hoddy) (1348) b 1955

Jack died on the 20th November 1982 and was buried in Ashby St. Mary, Norfolk. Hetty died on the 20th May 1991, and was also buried in Ashby St. Mary.


Ernest William H. 1899 (1213) married Clara Honeywood (1349) in the 3Q 1924 in the Wangford District, Norfolk. He worked for many years at the Ditchingham Maltings. They had a son and a daughter :-

Reginald Ernest (1350) b 2Q 1925 Wangford District, Norfolk Kay (1351)

Ernest died in the 1Q 1978, and Clara on the 9th August 1980, both in the Norwich Outer District,

Alice Maude Mary 1901 (1214) married Chevalier Norman Bloomfield (1352), the son of Edgar (5726) & Annie (nee Gray) (5727), in the 3Q 1926, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and had the following family :-

Frank Gilbert (Bloomfield) (1353) b 1928 Cosford District, Suffolk Virginia Anne (Bloomfield) (5654) } b 1932 Diana Elizabeth (Bloomfield (5655) } Twins b 1932 John Norman (Bloomfield) (1354) b 1933

Alice died on the 16th March 1986.

Albert Edward 1902 (1215) the founder of all this, married Dora Helen Rumsby (1355) in the 2Q 1928, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk, and they had two sons :-

Robert A. (1356) b 1Q 1930 Loddon & Clavering District 45 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Anthony Albert Edward (1357) b 27 February 1932 Blofield District

Dora Helen died in the 3Q 1960, in the Norwich District, Norfolk, and Albert Edward died in the 4Q 1976, also in the Norwich District.

Sidney Herbert C. 1903 (1219) lived at and he married Daisy M. Kerry (1373) in the 2Q 1930, in the Norwich District, Norfolk. They had the following family :-

Gilbert (8735) b 3Q 1930 Loddon & Clavering Joan P. (1374) b 3Q 1930 Loddon & Clavering Arlene M. (1375) b 4Q 1934 Henstead

Sidney Herbert died in the 3Q 1969, in the Norwich District, Daisy died in the 1Q 1986, in the Norwich Outer District.

Christopher Charles 1906 (1216) married Ida Amy Buck (1358) in the 3Q 1933, in the Wangford District, Suffolk. He devoted much of his time to local and national politics. They had three daughters :-

Jean E. (1359) b 3Q 1935 Wainford District Janet A. (1361) b 4Q 1948 Norwich Outer District Christine (1360)

Christopher Charles died in the 3Q 1978 as the result of an accident, Ida Amy died on the 12th May 1998, both in the Norwich District.

th Elsie Ellenor 1908 (1217) was born at Ditchingham. She married Henry Arthur Balls (1362) (b.15.1.1913) on the 18 April 1940 at Hetherset, Norfolk and they had the following family :-

th Diana Elizabeth (Balls) (1363) b 7 September 1943 th Margaret Alice (Balls) (1364) b 10 July 1945

Elsie died on the 20th January 1999. Henry died on the 5th March 2002 at Husbands Bosworth.

Leslie Gordon 1910 (1218) married Olive Spooner (1365) (formally Berry) in the 2Q 1953, in the Norwich Outer District, and lived in Broome. They had the following family :-

Wayland F. (Berry) (1367) b 2Q 1945 Bridget S. (Berry) (1368) b 4Q 1952 Jennifer E. (1369) b 1Q 1954 Gilbert E. (1366) b 3Q 1957 Lesley V. (Lulu) (1372) b 1Q 1960 Joanna D. (1370) b 4Q 1964

The first 2 children were probably Olive’s from her previous marriage. Leslie died on the 6 th February 1987, in the Norwich Outer District.

th th Edith Muriel 1915 (1220) married George Gersham Hoddy (1376) (b.7 April 1922) on the 6 July 1946, Norwich, Norfolk, and they had two sons :-

th David Gilbert (Hoddy) (1378) b 12 August 1948 th Alan Frederick (Hoddy) (1377) b 20 July 1950

Edith died on the 3rd September 2008.


th Hubert Alfred William 1900 (7250) died on the 5the April 1900, and was buried at Ditchingham on the 7 April 1900.

46 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Maude Mary (Mollie) 1902 (1225) remained unmarried and lived with her parents at Ditchingham. She died in the 2Q 1964, in the Norwich District.

Edward Charles 1905 (1226) was born at Ditchingham. He married Margaret Anna Bullen (1379) (b.15.9.1909), the th daughter of William (4858) & Martha Elizabeth (Nobbs) (4859), on the 7 November 1931, in the Depwade District, Norfolk. They lived at Seething until his retirement, when they moved to Woodton. They had the following family :-

th Violet May (1380) b 8 October 1932 Seething th Alfred William (1381) b 26 April 1938

Margaret died on the 17th July 1977 and was buried at All Saint’s, Woodton. Edward Charles died on the 11 th February 1993, in the Norwich District.

th Clifford George 1910 (1227) married Helen Webb (1382) (b.29.9.1916) on the 15 December 1938 at Ditchingham Church. They had the following family :-

nd Ann Mary (1383) b 2 February 1940 Norwich Outer District th Hubert John (1384) b 9 July 1944 Norwich Outer District

Helen died in the 2Q 1973, in the Norwich Outer District. Clifford George died on the 6 th January 1999, in the Norwich District.

Alfred Samuel 1921 (1228) married Hilda Esther Rose (1385) in the 1Q 1949, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk. There was no family. Hilda died on the 25th April 1992, in the Norwich District; she was on the Fellowship Committee for 10 years. Alfred (who was also a long serving committee member) died on the 27th March 2002, in hospital, in Norwich.


Sheridan Selby William 1907 (1230) married Agnes L. Snelling (921) (b abt 1905) in the 2Q 1931, in the Smallburgh District, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

Shirley M. (8836) b 4Q 1936 Aylsham District, Norfolk

Agnes died in the 3Q 1959, in the Norwich District, and Selby remarried in the 1Q 1960, to Doris Irene Hudson (9208) Sheridan Selby died in the 1Q 1969, in the Norwich District. Doris Irene died in the 2Q 1986, in the Norwich Outer District.

Kathleen Mary 1909 (1235) married Reginald A. E. Parsons (1393) in the 2Q 1936, in the East Ham District, London, and had a daughter :-

Margaret (Parsons) (1394) b 1930

Ellen Lilian (Dolly) 1910 (1236) was born in Aldeby, Norfolk. She married Cecil Victor Tutte (1395) on the 9th July 1932 at Christ Church, Epsom, Surrey. They had one son :-

th Ronald Victor (Tutte) (1396) b 4 December 1932

They were divorced in about 1933 and Ellen’s second marriage was to Edgar E. Hazard (8844) in the 1Q 1937, in the Surrey Mid East District. She later married ? Manchester (1397), she died in October 1989.

Hamilton William 1912 (1231) married Ethel Blanche Rivett (1386) in the 4Q 1936, in the Alsham District, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

John E. (1388) b 2Q 1937 Aylesham District Sheila W. (1389) b 3Q 1942 Norwich Outer District th Malcolm Brian (1387) b 27 January 1945 North Walsham District

Ethel Blanche died in the 3Q 1972, and Hamilton William died on the 22nd February 1999, both in the Norwich District, Norfolk.

47 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Godfrey Arthur 1914 (1232) married Dora Lucy Sparks (3999) in the 1Q 1942, in the Surrey North West District. At one point they lived at Vale Cottage, Vale Rd. Oatlands Park, Webridge, Surrey. They had the following family :-

Joan Margaret (4000) b 3Q 1942 Surrey North West District Joan Margaret (8962) b 2Q 1945 Surrey South East District John Michael (8990) b 1Q 1947 Surrey South East District Valerie J. (8991) b 4Q 1948 Surrey South East District Maureen J. (8992) b 1Q 1950 Surrey South East District Gillian A. (8993) b 3Q 1954 Surrey South East District Anthony A. (8994) b 4Q 1957 Surrey South East District

Godfrey died in the 4Q 1974, in the Surrey North West District.

Johnston Acheson 1920 (1233) married Irene Elizabeth Lown (1390) in the 1Q 1959, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk, and they lived at Ashmanhaugh. He was a member of both the Desert Rats and the British Legion. John died on the 7th November 1983, in the Norwich District, and Irene Elizabeth on the 3rd January 1995, in the North Walsham District. There was no family.

Henry Ralph 1921 (1234) married Elsie F. Pratt (1391) in the 3Q 1940, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

Henry Edward (1392) b 4Q 1940 Maureen F. (8903) b 4Q 1941 th David John (6823) b 20 July 1946 Margaret E. (5664) b 3Q 1947 Paul R. (9092) b 2Q 1953 th Kevin M. (9262) b 6 January 1964 All in North Walsham District

Henry Ralph died on the 15th December 1986, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk.

st Olive Susannah 1922 (1237) remained unmarried and was one of our Committee members. Olive died on the 1 December 1997, in the Norwich District.

Margaret Ann 1924 (1238) lived at Halesworth and was unmarried. She died as the result of a tragic accident in Beccles on the 18th December 1985.

Muriel Frances 1926 (1239) married William E. Atkins (1398) in the 1Q 1949, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk. She married for a second time to Reginald Bell (1399). Muriel was on the Fellowship Committee for many years. They had a family of two :-

David (Bell) (1400) Carole (Bell) (1401)

Reggie died on the 19th July 1980. Muriel died on the 19th September 1998.


Bernard William 1917 (1242) married Clara Watts (8928) in the 4Q 1942, in the Sheffield District, Yorkshire, and they had the following family :-

Barrie Michael (5075) b 1Q 1945 Derby District, Derbyshire

At some point Bernard William went to Canada. He is also known to have married Clare Coup (5074), (b 3/06/1922) but it not known if this was in Canada.At some point Bernard and Clare returned to . Bernard died in the 2Q 1972, in the Manchester District, Lancashire. Clare died in the 2Q 2003, in the Leeds District, Yorkshire.

st Ralph Sheridan 1920 (1241) was born in Sheffield and he married Lilian Slack (1402) at Sheffield on the 1 August 1942, and they have a daughter :-

48 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Lynn (1403) b 25 October 1943 Sheffield District

At some point they immigrated to Nanaimo in Canada, although it is not known when, and Ralph died there on the 3rd September 1988.


th Grace Mary Primrose 1912 (3187) married Percival Arthur James Peters (6462) on the 8 March 1935 at Worthing Registry Office, Sussex. They had the following family :-

th Brian James (Peters) (6463) b 13 July 1935 th Colin Sidney (Peters) (6464) b 19 July 1939 th Pamela Ann (Peters) (6465) b 9 July 1940 Grace had 2 more children that died in infancy.

Grace then had two more children by an Canadian solider from Nova Scotia, his name was Joseph Edmund Hartland or Hartly (6466), who were :-

rd Jennette (Peters) (6468) b 3 August 1946 st Joseph Edmund (Peters) (6467) b 31 May 1947

These two children kept the surname of Peters.

Grace divorced Percival, and married Benjamin Denholm (3188) in the 3Q 1950, in the Paddington District, London, and they had the following family :-

th Lorraine Heather (Denholm) (6469) b 25 May 1951 Stuart (Denholm) (6470) b 1953

Grace died in the 4Q 1999, in the Worthing District, Sussex.

Ralph Jeffery 1913 (1244) married Gladys Martha Alberti (1404) (b 15/09/1913) in the 4Q 1939, in the Worthing District, Sussex, and they had a son and a daughter :-

Ian Sydney (1405) b 1Q 1943 Veda E. (1406) b 4Q 1946 both in the Worthing District, Sussex

Ralph Jeffery died on the 21st July 1996, in the Portsmouth District, Hampshire. Gladys Martha died on the 13th July 2003, in the Worthing District.


Susan Mary 1905 (1246) married William Arthur Cramp (1407) in the 2Q 1935, in the Burton Upon Trent District, and they had two daughters :-

Wilma (Cramp) (1408) Susan (Cramp) (1409)

Susan Mary died on the 26th January 1982 in Burton upon Trent, and William on the 3rd December 2001 at the War Veterans Hospital, Levin, North Island, New Zealand.

James Henry 1906 (1247) married May Smith (1410) in the 2Q 1934 in the Burton Upon Trent District, and they had a son :-

Keith Edward (1064) b 4Q 1937 Spilsby District, Lincolnshire

At some point after his marriage, and before Keith was born, they left Burton. James Henry died in the 3Q 1997, in the North East Lincoln District, Lincolnshire.

49 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Jessie Margaret 1908 (1249) married Joe Lawless (6785), in the 2Q 1930, at St. Barnabus, Warrington, Lancashire, and they had the following family :-

James (Lawless) (6786) Margaret (Lawless) (6787)

Lily Cooper 1910 (1250) married George Alcock (6788) in the 4Q 1936, in the Burton Upon Trent District, Staffordshire.

Edward Cooper 1913 (1248) had a very distinguished career. Upon leaving Burton Grammar School, Lincolnshire, he took a 1st Class Honours degree in Chemistry at Birmingham University, where he won the Chidlaw Scholarship, the Priestly Memorial award and the Frankland Medal. He gained his Ph. D. at Birmingham in 1937, and followed this with a lectureship at Magill University, Montreal, Canada and a research fellowship at the University of Leeds. He was also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

During W.W.II. he was seconded to the service in India as assistant controller of the Chemical Defence Research Establishment under the Director General of Armaments for India. His service in India gave him great interest in the country. After the war he joined I.C.I. and returned to work for I.C.I. (India) Ltd., where for many years he was Works Director of a complex chemical manufacturing unit. The ability to speak and write Hindi and Bengali, and his patience and good humour, doubtless inherited from his grandfather (James 1842), enabled him to help negotiate service agreements directly with his works councils and labour force.

He married Kathleen Millicent Nicholson (1411) at St. Modwena's Church, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire in the 1Q 1940, and they had two sons :-

th Reid (1412) b 27 November 1944 Bangalore, India th Neil (1413) b 24 October 1947 Burton on Trent

Upon leaving India he retired to Osbournby, Lincolnshire, where he occupied Osbournby House. He became interested in village affairs, particularly Osbournby Horticultural Society of which he was Chairman. Edward Cooper died in the 1Q 1974, in the Grantham District, Lincolnshire. Kathleen Millicent died on the 27 th May 2004, in the East Staffordshire District.


Harley William (Rolph) 1896 (4852) married his cousin Kathleen Graves 1910 (4153). The daughter of Alice Beatrice 1884 (4148). Harley died in 1948; Kathleen remarried the following year to George Lawrence Holland (4857) (b. 1.3.1917). Kathleen died on the 16th July 1980. George lived in Broadstairs, Kent.

Albert Harold (Rolph) 1896 (4853) married Margaret Holmes (5236), they had 4 children :-

th Harold Christopher (Rolph) (6483) b 6 June 1932 3 others

Annie Lucy (Rolph) (4854)

th Gladys Amelia (Rolph) 1905 (4855) died on the 11 August 1973.

th Arthur Sidney (Rolph) 1909 (4856) died on the 24 March 1984.


Hilda May Coleman (Fairhead) 1899 (4626) had a son (father 6631) when she was an unmarried Domestic Servant in Cobham, who was :-

st Jack (Fairhead) (5502) b 1 December 1916 Kingston District, Surrey

th She then married Albert James Harber (4627) (b 13/9/1897 Copthorne, Sussex) on the 26 December 1921 at St. Andrews, Cobham, Surrey, they had the following family :- 50 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th William Ernest (Harber) (5029) b 30 May 1922 nd Kathleen May (Harber) (5031) b 22 June 1932

Hilda died on the 1st September 1966 and Albert on the 10th April 1971, both at Cobham, Surrey.


Eileen M. 1914 (3243) married Charles F. McCormack (9596) in the 2Q 1938, in the Wandsworth District, London, and they had the following family :-

Margaret (McCormack) (9597) b 1939 Celia Mary (McCormack) (9598) b 1943

Eileen died in 1982. Charles died in 1986.

Edna C. 1916 (3242) married Leonard D. Harvey (9599) in the 2Q 1940, in the Wandsworth Disrict, London, and they had the following family :-

Stephen (Harvey) (9600) b 1943 Robert (Harvey) (9601) b 1949

Edna died in October 1993 aged 77.


Leonard Alec 1916 (3246) married Ellen G. E. Symonds (3257) in 4Q 1947, in the Wandsworth District, London, who had 2 children :-

Allen William Edward (Symonds) (3258) b 3Q 1939 Cambridge District Maureen Pearl Elizabeth (Symonds) (3259) b 3Q 1942 Wandsworth District

These 2 children then took the name of Fairhead. Leonard Alec died in the 2Q 1986, in the Wandsworth District, London.

Sidney William 1921 (3247) married Ivy M. Seymour (3254) in 1Q 1947, in the Surrey North East District, and has the following family :-

th David William (3253) b 13 June 1948 Wandsworth District nd Raymond George (3255) b 22 June 1951 Surrey North District Deborah Susan (3256) b 1Q 1966 Kingston District

Sidney died on the 29th August 2009 in Kingston Hospital, Kingston upon Thames.

Charles Stanley 1922 (3248) married Sylvia Joan Angel (3225) (b 1/06/1927) in the 1Q 1967, in the Lambeth District, London, but has no family. Charles Stanley died in the 1Q 1989, in the Torbay District, Devonshire. Sylvia Joan died on the 30th March 1998, in the West Surrey District.

th Arthur Douglas 1923 (3249) married Vera Mary Cockram (3250) (b 1/5/29) on the 25 March 1950, in the Chelsea District, London, and has 2 daughters :-

th Janet (3251) b 11 January 1951 Lambeth District, London th Lynda (3252) b 18 May 1953 Lambeth District, London

Arthur Douglas died in the 4Q 1986, in the Aylesbury District, Buckinghamshire. Vera remarried the 1Q 1990, in the Aylesbury District, to Victor B. Rose (8520)


51 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Russell Sinclair 1918 (3266) married Kathleen Joyce Squibb (1742) (b 4/11/1924, Froxfield, Hants) on the 30 April 1946 at Froxfield, Hampshire, and they had the following family :-

th Doreen Kathleen (3126) b 16 February 1948 th Graham Russell (6767) b 5 March 1950 both at Froxfield.

Russell Sinclair died on the 22nd February 2002, in Fareham, Hants. Kathleen Joyce died on the 9th January2017.

Joan M. 1919 (6837) married Alan P. Francis (8885) in the 1Q 1940, in the Petersfield District, Hampshire. Joan married for a second time to George A. Lancaster (9048) in 1Q 1950, in the New Forest District, Hampshire.

Arthur S. 1921 (8509) died in the 3Q 1921 in the Brentford District, Middlesex.


William George 1904 (1254) married Elizabeth M. Hughes (7301) in the 4Q 1951, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk. He lived at Wendling, Norfolk, where he died in the 4Q 1977.

May Florence 1907 (1255) remained single and lived at Colton, Norfolk. She died in the 4Q 1998, in the North East Lincoln District, Lincolnshire.

th Reginald Leslie 1909 (1256) lived at Honnington Thorpe, Suffolk, where he died on the 29 May 1979.

Harold A. 1911 (6842) died in the 4Q 1911 in the Wangford District, Suffolk.

Cyril Arthur 1923 (1257) married Nora Olive Done (1414) (b 12/08/1927) in the 4Q 1946, in the Norwich District, and they had the following family :-

Colin A. (Fairhead) (9111) b 1Q 1954 Norwich Outer Valerie J. (Fairhead) (1415) b 1Q 1956 Norwich

Cyril was a member of the Committee at the beginning of the Fellowship and was sadly missed when he passed th away on the 11 June 1979, in the Norwich District, Norfolk. Nora Olive married for a second time to Kenneth B. Fish (9603).in the 3Q 1981, in the Norwich Outer District, Nora Olive died on the 19th November 2005, in the East Dereham District, Norfolk.


st Elizabeth Matilda (5482) was born on the 31 July 1889 at the Shipmeadow Union Workhouse, Beccles, Suffolk. She had a daughter :-

nd Gertrude May (Hilda) Fairhead (5509) b 22 February 1909 Depwade District

Gertrude’s father was John Jasper (Jack) Snowling (5510). John & Elizabeth married in the 4Q 1909, in the Depwade District, Norfolk. All of the other children took his family name, but Gertrude arrived too early and was allegedly brought up by her grandmother. Elizabeth Matilda died in about October 1958. Her mother’s name was given as Anna Fairhead. Their children were :-

Anna M. (Snowling) (5185) b 3Q 1911 Depwade District Lily R. (Snowling) (5187) b 2Q 1914 Depwade District John J. (Snowling) (6440) b 1Q 1919 Loddon District Ernest W. (Snowling) (8487) b 2Q 1922 Forehoe District Basil G. (Snowling) (8556) b 3Q 1924 Forehoe District Ronald E. C. (Snowling) (8588) b 2Q 1927 Depwade District

In the 1911 Census John & Elizabeth were living with ‘Hilda’ in the High Street, , Norfolk.

52 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.


53 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 18 th Generation.

Given below is the list of the 18th generation along with their parents of the 17th generation :-

17th Generation 18th Generation

Eva 1904 (1178) & Thomas Dann (1269)

Arthur Ernest 1905 (1175) & Olive I. E.L. Goleby (1262) Joyce I. 1930 (1265) Peggy F. 1931 (9077) Robin A. 1942 (1264) Ralph A. 1943 (1263) Wendy J. 1946 (1267)

Samuel 1905 (1176) & Amelia M. Smith (8863) Lilian Susannah 1908 (1177) & William Sampson (1268)

Leonard Charles 1911 (1174) & Grace Violet Dann (1258) Joy P. 1934 (1259) William Leonard 1935 (1260) Leoni Pearl 1944 (1261) ------

Lilian Elizabeth 1901 (1192) & Stanley H.(Spalding) (1294) Nida Maureen (Spalding) 1930 (1295)

William Frederick George 1902 (1188) & Lily Legood Joy 1943 (1282) (Wright) (1280) Judith 1945 (1283)

Reginald James 1904 (3404)

Kenneth Lancelot 1907 (1189) & Hilda (?) (1284) Betty J. 1930 (8731) Margaret H. 1932 (1288) David K. 1938 (1285) Dawn (1286) Elizabeth (1287)

Edris Nida 1909 (1193)

George Edward 1913 (1191) & Dora May (Feetham) (1292) Roy E. 1939 (1293)

Stanley 1914 (1190) & Maude (Kelley) (1289) Linda 1946 (1290)

& Margaret L. M. (Horton) (1291) ------Olive Marrianne 1916 (1183) & Cyril (Rolfe) (1270) Gerald (Rolfe) (1271) Jacqueline (Rolfe) (1272) Yvonne (Rolfe) (1273)

Roger Alfred 1918 (1184) & Elsie Joan (Baker) (1274) Richard James 1951 (1275) Andrew Charles 1954 (1276) Angela Joan 1954 (1277)

Evelyn Irene 1925 (1185) & Kenneth (Coleman) (1278) Graham W. (Coleman) 1959 (1279) ------Unknown 1894 (1201)

Millicent Ellen Rose 1895 (1195) & Reginald Charles Reginald R. (Mickleburgh) 1921 (1297) (Mickleburgh) (1296)

Frederick Herbert Ralph 1897 (1196) & Dorothy Evelyn Esme Kathleen Grace 1926 (1299) (Magot) (1298)

Violet Maude Mary 1900 (1197) & Robert George (Webb) (1300) Cynthia Letitia (Webb) 1929 (1301) 54 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Roy Melville (Webb) 1933 (1302) Ivor Ashley (Webb) 1939 (1303)

Herbert Freshfield 1904 (1198) & Ivy May (Pipe-Dyer) (1304) Alan Herbert George 1925 (1305) Sybil A. 1934 (1307) Barry 1939 (1306) Barbara 1947 (1308)

Claude Ernest John 1908 (1199) & Hilda Elizabeth Joy Claudette 1933 (1310) (Hawes) (1309) Derek J. 1938 (1311) Carol Angela 1944 (1312)

& Elsie E. (Holland) (1313)

Stanley Augustus 1914 (1200) & Edna (Baldry) (1314) David John 1942 (1315) Geoffrey 1946 (1316) Greta Joy 1953 (1317) ------Albert Ernest 1899 (1204) & Bessie Maud (Warman) (1318) Margaret J. 1927 (1322) Albert Edward 1928 (1319) Ronald D. 1930 (1320) Dorothy M. 1932 (1321)

Florence Maud 1900 (1205) & Albert Joseph (Selfe) (1323) Ellen Mabel Maud (Selfe) 1922 (1324) Arthur John (Selfe) 1927 (1325) Bernice Irene (Selfe) 1933 (1326)

William Alfred 1901 (1208) & Gladys G. (Gillingwater) (1334) Derek A. 1929 (1335) Irene A. 1936 (1336) Daphne E. 1941 (1337)

Ivy Maud Mary 1905 (1206) & Charles Henry (Love) (1327) Elizabeth Cynthia (Love) 1927 (1328) Raymond A.C. (Love) 1930 (1329)

Gertrude Esther Clara 1907 (1207) & George E. (Bircham) (1330) Anthony (Bircham) 1928 (1331) Malcolm (Bircham) 1932 (1332) George (Bircham) 1946 (1333)

Margaret 1911 (1209)

Arthur William John 1913 (1210) & Eileen (Killington) (1338) Maureen Joy 1943 (1339)

Hetty May 1915 (1211) & Alan (Bailey) (1340) Valerie (Bailey) 1937 (1341)

& Jack (Hoddy) (1342) Alice E. (Hoddy) 1940 (1343) June C.L. (Hoddy) 1941 (1344) Rosalind M. (Hoddy) 1942 (1345) Jack A.W. (Hoddy) 1946 (1346) Pallent Magee (Hoddy) 1947 (1347) Edgar J. (Hoddy) 1955 (1348) ------Ernest William H. 1899 (1213) & Clara (Honeywood) (1349) Reginald Ernest 1925 (1350) Kay (1351)

Alice Maude Mary 1901 (1214) & Chevalier Norman Frank Gilbert (Bloomfield) (1353) (Bloomfield) (1352) Virginia Anne (Bloomfield) 1932 (5654) Diana Elizabeth (Bloomfield) 1932 (5655) John Norman (Bloomfield) 1933 (1354)

Albert Edward 1902 (1215) & Dora Helen (Rumsby) (1355) Robert A. 1930 (1356) Anthony Albert Edward 1932 (1357) 55 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Sidney Herbert C. 1903 (1219) & Daisy M. (Kerry) (1373) Gilbert 1930 (8735) Joan P. 1930 (1374) Arlene M. 1934 (1375)

Christopher Charles 1906 (1216) & Ida Amy (Buck) (1358) Jean E. 1935 (1359) Janet A. 1948 (1361) Christine (1360)

Elsie Ellenor 1908 (1217) & Henry Arthur (Balls) (1362) Diana Elizabeth (Balls) 1943 (1363) Margaret Alice (Balls) 1945 (1364)

Leslie Gordon 1910 (1218) & Olive (Spooner) (1365) Wayland F. (Berry) 1945 (1367) Bridget S. (Berry) 1952 (1368) Jennifer E. 1954 (1369) Gilbert E. 1957 (1366) Lesley V. (Lulu) 1960 (1372) Joanna D. 1964 (1370)

Edith Muriel 1915 (1220) & George Gersham (Hoddy) (1376) David Gilbert (Hoddy) 1948 (1378) Alan Frederick (Hoddy) 1950 (1377) ------Hubert Alfred William 1900 (7250) Maude Mary (Mollie) 1902 (1225)

Edward Charles 1905 (1226) & Margaret Anna (Bullen) (1379) Violet May 1932 (1380) Alfred William 1938 (1381)

Clifford George 1910 (1227) & Helen (Webb) (1382) Ann Mary 1940 (1383) Hubert John 1944 (1384)

Alfred Samuel 1921 (1228) & Hilda Esther (Rose) (1385) ------Sheridan Selby William 1907 (1230) & Agnes L. (Snelling) (921) Shirley M. 1936 (8836)

& Doris Irene (Hudson) (9208)

Kathleen Mary 1909 (1235) & ? (Parsons) (1393) Margaret (Parsons) 1930 (1394)

Ellen Lilian (Dolly) 1910 (1236) & Cecil Victor (Tutte) (1395) Ronald Victor (Tutte) 1932 (1396)

& Edgar E. (Hazard) (8844)

& ? (Manchester) (1397)

Hamilton William 1912 (1231) & Ethel Blanche (Rivett) (1386) John E. 1937 (1388) Sheila W. 1942 (1389) Malcolm Brian 1945 (1387)

Godfrey Arthur 1914 (1232) & Dora Lucy (Sparks) (3999) Joan Margaret 1942 (4000) Joan Margaret 1945 (8962) John Michael 1947 (8990) Valerie J. 1948 (8991) Maureen J. 1950 (8992) Gillian A. 1954 (8993) Anthony A. 1957 (8994)

Johnston Acheson 1920 (1233) & Irene Elizabeth (?) (1390)

Henry Ralph 1921 (1234) & Elsie F. (Pratt) (1391) Henry Edward 1940 (1392) 56 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Maureen F. 1941 (8903) David John 1946 (6823) Margaret E. 1947 (5664) Paul R. 1953 (9092) Kevin M. 1964 (9262)

Olive Susannah 1922 (1237) Margaret Ann 1924 (1238)

Muriel Frances 1926 (1239) & William E. (Atkins) (1398)

& Reginald (Bell) (1399) David (Bell) (1400) Carole (Bell) (1401) ------Bernard William 1917 (1242) & Clara (Watts) (8928) Barrie Michael 1945 (5075)

& Clare (Coup) (5074)

Ralph Sheridan 1920 (1241) & Lilian (Slack) (1402) Lynn 1943 (1403)

------Grace Mary Primrose 1912 (3187) & Percival Arthur James Brian James (Peters) 1935 (6463) (Peters) (6462) Colin Sidney (Peters) 1939 (6464) Pamela Ann (Peters) 1940 (6465) 2 more children

& Joseph Edmund (Hartland or Hartly) (6466) Jennette (Peters) 1946 (6468) Joseph Edmund (Peters) 1947 (6467)

& Benjamin (Denholm) (3188) Lorriane Heather (Denholm) 1951 (6499) Stuart (Denholm) 1953 (6470)

Ralph Jeffery 1913 (1244) & Gladys Martha (Alberti) (1404) Ian Sydney 1943 (1405) Veda E. 1946 (1406) ------Susan Mary 1904 (1246) & William Arthur (Cramp) (1407) Wilma (Cramp) (1408) Susan (Cramp) (1409)

James Henry 1906 (1247) & May (Smith) (1410) Keith Edward 1937 (1064)

Jesse Margaret 1908 (1249) & Joe (Lawless) (6785) James (Lawless) (6786) Margaret (Lawless) (6787)

Lily Cooper 1910 (1250) & George (Alcock) (6788)

Edward Cooper 1913 (1248) & Kathleen Millicent Reid 1944 (1412) (Nicholson) (1411) Neil 1947 (1413) ------Percy Edward 1915 (1252) ------Harley William (Rolph) 1896 (4852) & Kathleen (Graves) (4153)

Albert Harold (Rolph) 1896 (4853) &Margaret (Holmes) (5236) Harold Christopher (Rolph) 1932 (6483) 3 others

Annie Lucy (Rolph) (4854) Gladys Amelia (Rolph) 1905 (4855) Arthur Sidney (Rolph) 1909 (4856) ------Hilda May Coleman (Fairhead) 1899 (4626) & (?) (6631) Jack (?) 1916 (5502)

& Albert James (Harber) (4627) Ernest William (Harber) 1922 (5029) 57 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Kathleen May (Harber) 1932 (5031) ------Eileen M. 1914 (3243) & Charles F.(McCormack) (9596) Margaret (McCormack) 1939 (9597) Celia Mary (McCormack) 1943 (9598)

Edna C. 1916 (3242) & Leonard D. (Harvey) (9599) Stephen (Harvey) 1943 (9600) Robert (Harvey) 1949 (9601)

------Leonard Alec 1916 (3246) & Ellen G. E. (Symonds) (3257) Allen William Edward 1939 (3258) Maureen Pearl Elizabeth 1942 (3259)

Sidney William (3247) & Ivy M. (Seymour) (3254) David W. 1948 (3253) Raymond George 1951 (3255) Deborah Susan 1966 (3256)

Charles Stanley 1922 (3248) & Sylvia Joan (Angel) (3225)

Arthur Douglas 1923 (3249) & Vera Mary (Cockram) (3250) Janet 1951 (3251) Lynda 1953 (3252) ------Russell Sinclair 1918 (3266) & Kathleen Joyce (Squibb) (1742) Doreen Kathleen 1948 (3126) Graham Russell 1950 (6767)

Joan M. 1919 (6837) & Alan P. (Francis) (8885) & George A. (Lancaster) (9048) Arthur S. 1921 (8509) ------William George 1904 (1254) & Elizabeth M. (Hughes) (7301) May Florence 1907 (1255) Reginald Leslie 1909 (1256) Harold A. 1911 (6842)

Cyril Arthur 1923 (1257) & Nora Olive (Done) (1414) Colin A. 1954 (9111) Valerie J. 1956 (1415)

------Elizabeth Matilda 1889 (5482) & John Jasper (Snowling) (5510) Gertrude May (Hilda) 1909 (5509)


Joyce I. 1930 (1265) married Douglas K. McKenzie (9139) in the 3Q 1955, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk.

Peggy F. 1931 (9077) married Alec H. Holmes (9078) in the 1Q 1952, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk.

Robin A. 1942 (1264) No record.

Ralph A. 1943 (1263) married Margaret E. Denney (9291) in the 1Q 1966, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.

Wendy J. 1946 (1267) married Harry R. Tills (9303) in the 4Q 1966, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.


st Joy P. 1934 (1259) married Peter R. Ward (1416) on the 1 August 1953, in the Depwade District, Norfolk, and they have three sons, who are :-

st Peter (Ward) (1417) b 21 July 1954 th John (Ward) (1418) b 11 August 1956 th Robin (Ward) (1419) b 19 November 1963 58 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Joy died on the 13th November 2001.

William Leonard 1935 (1260) married Kathleen Warnes (1420) in the 4Q 1957, in the Norwich District, Norfolk, and they have the following family :-

Sandra (1422) b 2Q 1963

William Leonard died on the 5th April 1999, in the Norwich District.

Leoni Pearl 1944 (1261) married Ernest A. Reeve (1423) in the 2Q 1964, in the Depwade District, Suffolk, and they have two daughters :-

Belinda (1424) Joanne (1425)

Leonie died on the 1st August 2001.


Nida Maureen (Spalding) 1930 (1295) married Leslie Frederick Lloyd (3218) and they have a daughter :-

Mandy Marie (Lloyd) (3221)


Joy 1943 (1282) married Richard E. Barham (1429) in the 3Q 1964, in the Norwich Outer District, and lives in Spowston. They have two children :-

Jennifer (Barham) (1430) Mark (Barham) (1431)

Judith 1945 (1283) married Rodney Whiteland (1432) in the 3Q 1968, in the Norwich Outer District, and they made their home near Adelaide in Australia. They have two daughters :-

th Kerry (Whiteland) (1433) b 19 November 1970 th Sherryl (Whiteland) (1434) b 5 August 1974


Betty J. 1930 (8731) married Arthur W. Charlton (9042) in the 3Q 1949, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.

Margaret H. 1932 (1288) married Robert S. F. Pegg (4140) in the 1Q 1953, in the Depwade District, Norfolk.

David K. 1938 (1285) married Dawn M. Youngman (4139) in the 3Q 1959, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk, and they have the following family :-

Simon David (9317) b 3Q 1967 Yarmouth District, Suffolk Matthew James (9318) b 3Q 1970 Yarmouth District, Suffolk

Dawn (1286) No record.

Elizabeth (1287) is married. (4141)


Roy E. 1939 (1293) married Kathleen V. M. Mitchell (4142) in the 2Q 1961, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk, and they had the following family :- 59 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Julie C. (9233) b 1Q 1962 Oxford District, Oxfordshire David R. (9234) b 2Q 1965 North Bucks District, Buckinghamshire


Linda 1946 (1290) married James Gilroy (1435) in the 3Q 1967, in the Bootle District, Lancashire, and lives in Liverpool.


Richard James 1951 (1275) is living in London and is unmarried.

Andrew Charles 1954 (1276) married Marion Erika Morrison (1426) in the 3Q 1978, in the Malvern District, Worcestershire, and they have a daughter and a son :-

th Rosanna Grace (1427) b 20 February 1981 Worcester District th Roy Alexander (1428) b 29 December 1982 Worcester District

Angela Joan 1954 (1277) as far as is known is still single.


th Reginald R. (Mickleburgh) 1921 (1297) died on the 19 March 1994.


Esme Kathleen Grace 1926 (1299) married ? Craig (3226) and lives in North Bay, Canada.


th Cynthia Letitia (Webb) 1929 (1301) married Jack D. Davis (1439) in 1946. She died on the 16 March 1993 in Port Arthur, U.S.A. aged 65.

Roy Melville (Webb) 1933 (1302) married Gladys ? (1440) .

Ivor Ashley (Webb) 1939 (1303) married Jackie ? (1441).


Alan Herbert George 1925 (1305) was a Telegraphist, Ser. No. C/JX677000, with the H.M.L.C.T. 7014, Royal Navy. He died on the 18th October 1944. He is buried in Beccles Cemetery, Sec. 84, Grave 270.

Sybil A. 1934 (1307) married Peter E. Wright (1438) in the 1Q 1956, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk.

Barry 1939 (1306) married Wendy L. Aldridge (9190) in the 3Q 1958, in the Lothingland District, and they had the following family :-

Tracy Lyn (9304) b 4Q 1966 Aldershot ------

Barbara 1947 (1308) married Michael C. Coleman (3223) in the 3Q 1969, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk.


nd Joy Claudette 1933 (1310) married Cecil Charles Knowles (1442) on the 2 August 1952, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk, and they have two daughters :- 60 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

nd Lynn Carol (Knowles) (1443) b 22 December 1954 th Dawn Karen (Knowles) (1444) b 25 February 1958

Derek J. 1938 (1311) married Phyllis Joan Allen (1445) (b 24/08/1944) in the 2Q 1964, in the Lothingland District, Suffolk, and they have a son and two daughters :-

th Susan J. (1446) b 29 May 1965 Norwich Outer District th Andrew John (1447) b 12 February 1969 Lothingland District th Tina Ann (1448) b 15 July 1971 Lothingland District

Phyllis Joan died on the 26th May 1995, in the Norwich District.

th Carol Angela 1944 (1312) married Christopher P. Graver (1449) on the 11 September 1965, in the Norwich Outer District, and they have the following family :-

th Paula Elizabeth (Graver) (1450) b 9 November 1968 th Glen Sheldon (Graver) (1451) b 9 December 1969


th David John 1942 (1315) married Sylvia A. Cooper (1452) on the 10 March 1966, in the East Dereham District, Norfolk, and they now have two sons :-

th Nigel Alan (1453) b 12 December 1967 Norwich District th Graham John (1454) b 8 December 1969 Norwich District

Geoffrey 1946 (1316) was born at Nethergate Street, Bungay, and married Margaret Ann Larter (1455) (b.19.10.1950) at Ditchingham, Norfolk on the 11th July 1970. Geoffrey is an Agricultural Engineer. They have a daughter :-

th Samantha (1456) b 24 April 1973 Norwich Outer District

Greta Joy 1953 (1317) married David Stanley Porter (1457) in the 4Q 1974, at Ditchingham, Norfolk, and they have a daughter :-

th Kelly Marie (Porter) (1458) b 28 April 1985


Margaret J. 1927 (1322) is deceased.

Albert Edward 1928 (1319) married Phyllis J. Smith (1459) in the 4Q 1958, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk, and they have the following family :-

Linda C. (1460) b 2Q 1960 Norwich Outer District Sandra D. (1461) b 2Q 1962 Norwich Outer District Joy R. (1462) b 2Q 1964 Norwich Outer District

Albert Edward died on the 25th April 2005, in the Norwich District.

Ronald D. 1930 (1320) married Patricia S. M. Edwards (1463) in the 3Q 1972, in the Norwich Outer District. They have no family.

Dorothy M. 1932 (1321) married Alfred Blaza (1464) in the 4Q 1958, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk, and they also have no family. Alfred died on the 24th May 1996.


61 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Ellen Mabel Maud (Selfe) 1922 (1324) married Bertie William Matthews (1465) on the 17 December 1949. Ellen died on the 2nd October 1996.

th Arthur John (Selfe) 1927 (1325) married Gladys Helen Carter (1466) (b.18.6.1926) on the 25 September 1948 and they had a son :-

th Ivan John (Selfe) (1467) b 16 April 1949

th Bernice Irene (Selfe) 1933 (1326) married Thomas John Evans (1468) on the 29 November 1952 and they had a son :- nd Colin Edward (Evans) (1469) b 22 January 1953

nd This marriage was dissolved on the 22 March 1965 and Bernice married Kenneth Bernard Barnett (1470) and they had a son :-

th David (Barnett) (1471) b 7 August 1966

Bernice died on the 27th July 1980.


Derek A. 1929 (1335) married Audrey R. Mason (1476) in the 4Q 1950, in the Norwich Outer District, and they have a son and a daughter :-

William Nelson (1477) b 2Q 1951 Norwich Outer District Dianne J. (1478) b 2Q 1953 Norwich Outer District

Irene A. 1936 (1336) married Richard W. Lutkin (1479), in the 2Q 1956, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.

Daphne E. 1941 (1337) married James F. Lutkin (1480), in the 2Q 1967, in the Norwich Outer District.

------th Elizabeth Cynthia (Love) 1927 (1328) married John B. Kleeman (1472) (B.30.8.1926) on the 11 August 1951 and they have two children :-

th Roxanne M. (Kleeman) (1473) b 27 November 1956 th John C. (Kleeman) (1474) b 29 March 1961

Raymond A.C. (Love) 1930 (1329) married Doreen Bird (1475) in 1954.


Anthony (Bircham) 1928 (1331) was born at and moved to Chedgrave four years later living in the family home until his death. He married Madeline Brind (3189) in about 1993 He formed Langley Football Club during the fifties and was their selector and captain, retiring in the late sixties. He was a keen darts player and played for local teams. For twenty years he was in partnership with his brother George as a builder, from which he retired in 1994. Tony died on the 24 th February 1995.

Malcolm (Bircham) 1932(1332) married Marion Webb (3190).

George (Bircham) 1946 (1333) married Julia Gardener (3191).


Maureen Joy 1943 (1339) was born at Hardley near Loddon, she married Michael J. Larkin (1481) (b.23.1.1939) on the 8th August 1964 at St. John's R.C. Cathedral, Norwich, and they have the following family :-

62 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Ian Michael (Larkin) (1482) b 4 April 1965 st Andrew John (Larkin) (1483) b 1 November 1966 nd Michelle Therese (Larkin) (1484) b 22 November 1967


Valerie (Bailey) 1937 (1341) married Victor Nobbs (1485) in 1958 and they have two children :-

Kim (Nobbs) (1486) b 1959 Ian (Nobbs) (1487) b 1961


Alice E. (Hoddy) 1940 (1343) married Alan Riseborough (1488) on the 17th July 1966.

nd June C. L. (Hoddy) 1941 (1344) died on the 2 December 1944, and was buried at Ashby St. Mary, Norfolk.

Rosalind M. (Hoddy) 1942 (1345) married Kenneth Parfitt (1489) in 1967 and they have two children :-

Debra (Parfitt) (1490) b 1972 Donna (Parfitt) (1491) b 1974

Jack A.W. (Hoddy) 1945 (1346) married Ann Cushions (1492) in 1972 and they have a son :-

John (Hoddy) (1493) b 1972

Pallent Magee (Hoddy) 1947 (1347) married Anne Russen (1494) in 1970.

Edgar J. (Hoddy) 1955 (1348) married Jane Baxter (1495) in 1977.


th Reginald Ernest 1925 (1350) married Phyllis Maureen Miller (1496) on the 17 September 1949, in the Poole District, Dorset, and they have a son and a daughter :-

Neal (1497) Jante (1498)

Phyllis Maureen died on the 21st September 2002, in the Norwich District. Reginald died on the 23rd November 2008.

Kay (1351) married Keith P. Linnet (1499) in the 3Q 1965, in the Norwich Outer District, and they lived in Wales for a time, they now live in Norfolk.


Frank Gilbert (Bloomfield) (1353) married Gwen ? (5728).

Diana Elizabeth (Bloomfield) 1932 (5654)

Virginia Anne (Bloomfield) 1932 (5655) Virginia & Diana were twins who only lived for nine days.

John Norman (Bloomfield) 1933 (1354) married Patricia ? (5656).


Robert A. 1930 (1356) died in the 1Q 1930, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk. 63 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Anthony Albert Edward 1932 (1357) married Peggy Joyce Folkard (1500) in the 3Q 1965, in the Depwade District, Norfolk, and lived at Frettenham, and they have a son and a daughter :-

th Helen Ann (1501) b 5 February 1975 Norwich District st Andrew Mark (1502) b 21 March 1979 Norwich District

Anthony Albert Edward died on the 10th April 2003, in the North Walsham Cottage Hospital. Peggy died on the 16th November 2006 at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital.


Jean E. 1935 (1359) married Frederick J. Matthews (1503) in the 4Q 1956, in the Norwich Outer District, and they have a daughter :-

Karen (Matthews) (1504)

Janet A. 1948 (1361) married Anthony R. Davidson (8688) in the 2Q 1969, in the Norwich Outer District, and they have the following family :-

Julie (Davidson) (8689) Mark (Davidson) (8690) Christopher (Davidson) (8691)

Christine (1360) married ? Sadd (1505).


Wayland F (Berry) 1945 (1367) No record.

Bridget S. (Berry) 1952 (1368) married Neil D. Harrison (9533) in the 3Q 1977, in the Norwich Outer District.

Jennifer E. 1954 (1369) married Robert J. Earl (9562) in the 3Q 1979, in the Norwich Outer District.

Gilbert E. 1957 (1366) married Ruth Dutton (9565) in the 4Q 1979, in the Depwade District. Gilbert married for a second time to Lisa R. Bale (9660) in the 1Q 1988, in the Waveney District, Suffolk.

Lesley V. (Lulu) 1960 (1372) No record.

Joanna D. 1964 (1370) No record.


Gilbert 1930 (8735) died in the 3Q 1930, in the Loddon & Clavering District, Norfolk.

Joan P. 1930 (1374) married Hyman A. Barnes (9037) in the 2Q 1949, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.

Arlene M. 1934 (1375) No record.


th Violet May 1932 (1380) was born at Seething, Norfolk, she married Nelson E. Revell (1506) (b.2.2.1928) on the 20 October 1951 at Seething and they have a son and a daughter :-

th Andrew Nelson (Revell) (1507) b 18 June 1954 st Susan Joy (Revell) (1508) b 1 December 1956

64 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Alfred William 1938 (1381) was also born at Seething. He married Sheila Elizabeth Broom (1509) (b.5.12.1938) on the 21st November 1959, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk, and they have two children :-

nd Paula Karen (1510) b 22 March 1962 Norwich Outer District th Mark Nicholas (1511) b 12 November 1963 Norwich Outer District

Sheila died on the 25th July 2012, in Beccles, Suffolk.


th Ann Mary 1940 (1383) married Raymond C. J. Green (1512) on the 15 December 1962, in the Norwich Outer District, and has two sons :-

th John (Green) (1513) b 11 August 1968 th David (Green) (1514) b 5 October 1971

Hubert John 1944 (1384) married Josephine A. Spurgeon (1515) in the 1Q 1968, in the Norwich Outer District, and they have a daughter :-

Beverly Sharon (1516) b 2Q 1970 Norwich District


Shirley M. 1936 (8836) married Marian Marczewski (9186) in the 1Q 1958, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.


th Ronald Victor (Tutte) 1932 (1396) married Joan Victoria A'Court (1528) at Morden, Surrey on the 20 ` September 1953 and they the following family :-

th Ronald John (Tutte) (1529) b 10 September 1954 Barbara (Tutte) (8655)

Joan died on the 4th June 2008, and Ronald died on the 11th June 2008.


rd Joan Margaret 1942 (4000) died on the 23 February 1944, in the Surrey North West District.

Joan Margret 1945 (8962) had a daughter :-

th Francine Evelyn Margaret (4721) b 30 May 1967 Surrey South West

She then married Godfrey Richard Millard (9488) in the 2Q 1974, in the Surrey South East District, and they had a son :-

David Jeffery (Millard) (5072)

th Joan and Godfrey divorced on the 16 October 1990. Joan married again to Gary Charles Morris (8744) (b 29/05/1953) on the 2nd July 1994, in the Surrey South East District.

John Michael 1947 (8990) married Freda Ray (9354) in the 4Q 1968, in the Surrey North West District, and they had the following family :-

Gary Alexander (9358) b 2Q 1969 Anthony Michael (9359) b 2Q 1972

John Michael died on the 1st December 2014, in Somersham, Cambridgeshire.

Valerie J. 1948 (8991) married John R. Hall (9371) in the 3Q 1969, in the Surrey North West District.. 65 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Maureen J. 1950 (8992) married David T. Senter (9333) in the 1Q 1968, in the Surrey North West District.

Gillian A. 1954 (8993) married Anthony J. Flack (9445) in the 3Q 1972, in the Surrey North West District.

Anthony A. 1957 (8994) married Linda E. C. Allen (9512) in the 1Q 1976, in the Surrey North District, and they had the following family :-

Keily Jane (9513) b 2Q 1976 Daniel Mark (9514) b 3Q 1977 Elliot James A. (9515) b 1Q 1981 Luke John (9516) b 1Q 1983 Joel Thomas (9517) b August 1984 Connor Paul (9518) b 1987 all in the Surrey North West District

Anthony married for a second time to Tracey Ayre (9676) in the 2Q 1989, in the Surrey North District. Anthony married for a third time to Sandra A. Martin (9719) in the 2Q 1994, in the Surrey North District.


John E. 1937 (1388) married Margaret A. Woods (1518) in the 4Q 1961, in the North Walsham District, and they have two children :-

Mandy J. (1519) b 4Q 1962 North Walsham District Andrew J. (1520) b 3Q 1965 North Walsham District

Sheila W. 1942 (1389) married George W. Claxton (1521) in the 3Q 1962, in the Norwich Outer District, and has the following family :-

Steven (Claxton) (1522) Fiona (Claxton) (1523)

Malcolm Brian 1945 (1387) married Carol M. Pointer (1517) in the 2Q 1986, in the North Walsham District. He died on the 29th November 1992, in the North Walsham District. They have children and grandchildren.


th Henry Edward 1940 (1392) married Patricia I. Waller (1524) on the 19 September 1961, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk, and they have the following family :-

Karen P. (1525) b 3Q 1963 North Walsham District th Adrian John (1526) b 4 September 1968 North Walsham District

Maureen F. 1941 (8903) No record.

David John 1946 (6823) married Jennifer A. Howard (6824) in the 1Q 1973, in the North Walsham District, and they had the following family :-

Allan David (9475) b 1Q 1974 North Walsham District

David John died on the 19th July 2001, in the North Walsham District.

Margaret E. 1947 (5664) married Stanley Hurd (9414) in the 3Q 1971, in the North Walsham District.

Paul R. 1953 (9092) married Sally A. Hall (9491) in the 3Q 1974, in the North Walsham District.

Kevin M. 1964 (9262) died in the 4Q 1966, in the Norwich District. ------66 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

David (Bell) (1400) married Dawn ? (1530) at Hackford Church, Norfolk. They have a son and a daughter :-

rd Oliver Henry (Bell) (3127) b 23 November 1994 th Chelsea Ellen (Bell) (3316) b 26 November 1997

Carole (Bell) (1401) No record.


Barrie Michael 1945 (5075) married Margaret Christine A. Plant (9347) in the 3Q 1968, in the Sheffield District, Yorkshire, and they had the following family :-

Bradley Richard (9377) b 1Q 1970 Sheffield District Anna Louise (9378) b 1Q 1973 Sheffield District

Margaret (9347) married for a second time to John M. Campion (9727) in the 3Q 1995, in the Sheffield District, Yorkshire. Barrie also married for a second to Lucille Smyth (9776) in 4Q 2001, in the Bridgenorth District, Shropshire.


Lynn 1943 (1403) married ? Jeffries (1531) and still lives in Canada.


Ian Sydney 1943 (1405) married Margaret A. Gilbert (9373) in the 4Q 1969, in the Portsmouth District, Hampshire. Ian Sydney died on the 16th December 2013.

Veda E. 1946 (1406) married Dennis G. Young (9531) in the 2Q 1977, in the Portsmouth District, Hampshire.


Wilma (Cramp) (1408) lives in New Zealand and married ? Raumati (3229).

Susan (Cramp) (1409) married Christopher Peter Rainbird (1538) at the Holy Trinity Church, Sliema, Malta, and they have the following family :-

th Mark William (Rainbird) (6789) b 15 December 1964 nd Deborah Helen Mary (Rainbird) (6790) b 22 February 1967 both at Sliema, Malta

They moved to Australia in 1968.


Keith Edward 1937 (1064) married Barbara Dethlefsen (1532) in the 3Q 1963, at the Holy Trinity, Berkswich, Stafford, and has a son :-

James Alexander (1533) b 1Q 1971 Stafford


Reid 1944 (1412) was born in Coimbatore, Bangalore, India. He married Marlene Bergholt (3224) in 1970. They possibly live in Canada

Neil 1947 (1413) was born in Burton-on-Trent. . He married Barbara Anne Giller (1534) in the 1Q 1976, in the Kensington District, London, and they have the following family :-

th Mark (9856) b 27 August 1983 67 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Jaclyn (1535) b 16 October 1985 th Katherine (1536) ] b 24 April 1987 th Nicola (1537) ] twins b 24 April 1987

The girls were all born in Reading, Berkshire. The family then moved to Canada where they lived for several years. They now live near Seattle, U.S.A.


Jack 1916 (5502) lived in South West London, and married Irene May Wildey (6632) in the 2Q 1940, in the Surrey North East District. They had the following family :-

Irene V. (8895) b 4Q 1940 Surrey North East District Brenda D. (8972) b 1Q 1946 Surrey Mid East District

Jack died in the 2Q 1988, in the Sutton District, Greater London. Irene May died in the 4Q 2001, in the Merton District, Greater London.


Allen William Edward 1939 (3258) married Maureen B. Everett (3260) in the 1Q 1972, in the Wandsworth District, and they had the following family :-

Dean Allen (3261) b 3Q 1972 Wandsworth Gary Allen M. (3262) b 1Q 1975 Wandsworth Tina Elizabeth J. (3263) b 4Q 1976 Croydon Wayne Alec I. (3264) b 3Q 1979 Camden

Maureen Pearl Elizabeth 1942 (3259) married Derek L. Barrett (9187) in the 1Q 1958, in the Wandsworth District, London.


David William 1948 (3253) married Lorna A. Smith (9346) in the 3Q 1968, in the Richmond District, Surrey, and they had the following family :-

Pauline (9350) b 4Q 1968 Hounslow District Susan (9351) b 4Q 1968 Hounslow District Mandy (9383) b 2Q 1970 Surrey North

Lorna (9346) married for a second time to Raymond B. Flood (9492) in the 3Q 1974, in the Surrey South East District. David William died on the 20th January 2011 in Kingston Hospital, Kingston Upon Thames.

Raymond George 1951 (3255) married Pauline A. Meek (9374) in the 4Q 1970, in the Surrey North West District, and they had the following family :-

Tracey Jane (9375) b 1Q 1970 Surrey North West Russell Paul Rae (9376) b 4Q 1974 Surrey North West

Raymond died on the 2nd July 2006 in the Princess Alice Hospital, Weybridge, Surrey.

rd Deborah Susan 1966 (3256) married Martin C. Freeman (9677) on the 3 June 1989, in Weston Green, Esher, Surrey, and they have a daughter :-

th Natalie Susanne (Freeman) (10105) b 7 March 1991


68 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

nd Janet 1951 (3251) married Hendrikus W. P. M. Onstein (9466) on the 22 September1973, in the Merton District, Greater London. They have the following family :-

th Stuart (Onstein) (8769) b 16 July 1969

th Lynda 1953 (3252) married Brian Benoke (9467) in the 13 July 1973, in the Merton District, Greater London. They have the following family :-

th Lee (Benoke) (4721) b 5 April 1978 th Nicola (Benoke) (5072) b 29 January 1980


th Doreen Kathleen 1948 (3126) married Peter Osmond (6768) on the 9 August 1969, in the Gosport District, Hampshire, and they have the following family :-

rd Lorraine (Osmond) (6769) b 3 April 1971 Portsmouth th Stuart (Osmond) (6770) b 15 December 1972 Portsmouth

Graham Russell 1950 (6767) married Linda A. Carlisle (9539) in the 4Q 1977, in the Kingsclere & Whitchurch District, and they had the following family :-

Emily Linda (9835) b 2Q 1979 Winchester Oliver Graham (9838) b 4Q 1980 Bracknell

Graham married for a second time to Katherine R. Hellawell (6771) in the 3Q 1991, in the New Forest District, Hampshire, and they have twin sons :-

st William (6772) b 31 October 1992 st Edward (6773) b 31 October 1992


Colin A. 1954 (9111) No record.

Valerie J. 1956 (1415) married Andrew J. Freeman (4143) in the 1Q 1981, in the Norwich Outer District, but is now divorced.


Gertrude May (Hilda) 1909 (5509) No record.


69 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17. The 19 th Generation.

Given below is the list of the 19th generation along with their parents of the 18th generation :- 18th Generation 19th Generation

Joyce I. 1930 (1265) Peggy F. 1931 (9077) & Alec H. (Holmes) (9078) Robin A. 1942 (1264) Ralph A. 1943 (1263) & Margaret E. (Denney) (9291) Wendy J. 1946 (1267) & Harry R. (Tills) (9303) Margaret (1266) ------

Joy 1934 (1259) & Peter R. (Ward) (1416) Peter (Ward) 1954 (1417) John (Ward) 1956 (1418) Robin (Ward) 1963 (1419)

William Leonard 1935 (1260) & Kathleen (Warnes) (1420) Sandra 1963 (1422)

Leoni Pearl 1944 (1261) & Ernest A. (Reeve) (1423) Belinda (?) (1424) Johanne (?) (1425) ------Nida Maureen (Spalding) 1930 (1295) & Leslie Frederick Mandy Marie (Lloyd) (3221) (Lloyd) (3218) ------Joy 1943 (1282) & Richard E. (Barham) (1429) Jennifer (Barham) (1430) Mark (Barham) (1431)

Judith 1945 (1283) & Rodney (Whiteland) (1432) Kerry (Whiteland) 1970 (1433) Sherryl (Whiteland) 1974 (1434) ------Betty J. 1930 (8731) & Arthur W. (Charlton) (9042) Margaret H. 1932 (1288) & Robert S. F. (Pegg) (4140)

David K. 1938 (1285) & Dawn M. (Youngman) (4139) Simon David 1967 (9317) Matthew James 1970 (9318)

Dawn (1286) Elizabeth (1287) & Husband (4141) ------Roy E. 1939 (1293) & Kathleen V. M. (Mitchell) (4142) Julie C. 1962 (9233) David A. 1965 (9234) ------Linda 1946 (1290) & ? (Gilroy) (1435) ------Gerald (Rolfe) (1271) Jacqueline (Rolfe) (1272) Yvonne (Rolfe) (1273) ------Richard James 1951 (1275)

Andrew Charles 1954 (1276) & Marion Erika (Morrison) (1426) Rosanna Grace 1981 (1427) Roy Alexander 1982 (1428)

Angela Joan 1954 (1277) ------Graham (Coleman) (1279) ------Reginald (Mickleburgh) 1922 (1297) ------Esme Kathleen Grace 1926 (1299) & ? (Craig) (3226) 70 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

------Cynthia (Webb) 1929 (1301) & Jack D. (Davis) (1439) Roy Melville (Webb) 1933 (1302) & Gladys (?) (1440) Ivor Ashley (Webb) 1939 (1303) & Jackie (?) (1441) ------Alan Herbert George c.1925 (1305)

Sybil A. 1934 (1307) & Peter E. (Wright) (1438)

Barry 1939 (1306) & Wendy L. (Aldridge) (1436) Tracy Lyn (9304)

Barbara 1947 (1308) & Michael C. (Coleman) (3223) ------Joy Claudette 1933 (1310) & Cecil Charles (Knowles) (1442) Lynn Carol (Knowles) 1954 (1443) Dawn Karen (Knowles) 1958 (1444)

Derek J. 1938 (1311) & Phyllis Joan (Allen) (1445) Susan J. 1965 (1446) Andrew John 1969 (1447) Tina Ann 1971 (1448)

Carol Angela 1944 (1312) & Christopher P. (Graver) (1449) Paula Elizabeth (Graver) 1968 (1450) Glen Sheldon (Graver) 1969 (1451) ------David John 1942 (1315) & Sylvia A. (Cooper) (1452) Nigel Alan 1967 (1453) Graham John 1969 (1454)

Geoffrey 1946 (1316) & Margaret Ann (Larter) (1455) Samantha 1973 (1456)

Greta Joy 1953 (1317) & David Stanley (Porter) (1457) Kelly Marie (Porter) 1985 (1458) ------Albert Edward 1928 (1319) & Phyllis J. (Smith) (1459) Linda C. 1960 (1460) Sandra D. 1962 (1461) Joy R. 1964 (1462)

Ronald (1320) & M. (Edwards) (1463) Dorothy M. 1932 (1321) & Alfred (Blaza) (1464) Margaret (1322) ------Ellen Mabel Maud (Selfe) 1922 (1324) & Bertie William (Matthews) (1465)

Arthur John (Selfe) 1927 (1325) & Gladys Helen (Carter) (1466) Ivan John (Selfe) 1949 (1467)

Bernice Irene (Selfe) 1933 (1326) & Thomas John (Evans) (1468) Colin Edward (Evans) 1953 (1469)

& Kenneth Bernard (Barnett) (1470) David (Barnett) 1966 (1471) ------Derek A. (1335) & Audrey R. (Mason) (1476) William Nelson 1951 (1477) Dianne J. 1953 (1478)

Irene A. 1936 (1336) & Richard W. (Lutkin) (1479) Daphne E. 1941 (1337) & James (Lutkin) (1480) ------Elizabeth Cynthia (Love) 1927 (1328) & John B. (Kleeman) (1473) Roxanne (Kleeman) 1956 (1473) John C. (Kleeman) 1961 (1474)

Raymond A.C. (Love) 1930 (1329) & Doreen (Bird) (1475) ------Anthony (Bircham) 1928 (1331) & Madeline (Brind) (3189) Malcolm (Bircham) 1932 (1332) & Marion (Webb) (3190) George (Bircham) 1946 (1333) & Julia (Gardener) (3191) ------71 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Maureen Joy 1943 (1339) & Michael (Larkin) (1481) Ian Michael (Larkin) 1965 (1482) Andrew John (Larkin) 1966 (1483) Michelle Therese (Larkin) 1967 (1484)

------Valerie (Bailey) 1937 (1341) & Victor (Nobbs) (1485) Kim (Knobs) 1959 (1486) Ian (Knobbs) 1961 (1487) --- Alice E. (Hoddy) 1940 (1343) & Alan (Riseborough) (1488) June C.L. (Hoddy) 1941 (1344)

Rosalind M. (Hoddy) 1942 (1345) & Kenny (Parfitt) (1489) Debra (Parfitt) 1972 (1490) Donna (Parfitt) 1974 (1491)

Jack A.W. (Hoddy) 1946 (1346) & Ann (Cushions) (1492) John (Hoddy) 1972 (1493)

Pallent Magee (Hoddy) 1947 (1347) & Anne (Russens) (1494) Edgar J. (Hoddy) 1955 (1348) & Jane (Baxter) (1495) ------Reginald Ernest 1925 (1350) & Phyllis Maureen (Miller) (1496) Neal (1497) Jante (1498)

Kay (1351) & Keith P. (Linnet) (1499) ------Frank Gilbert (Bloomfield) (1353) & Patricia (?) (5728) Virginia Anne (Bloomfield) 1932 (5654) Diana Elizabeth (Bloomfield) 1932 (5655) John Norman (Bloomfield) 1933 (1354) & Patricia (?) (5656) ------Robert A. 1930 (1356)

Anthony Albert Edward 1932 (1357) & Peggy (Folkard) (1500) Helen Ann 1975 (1501) Andrew Mark 1979 (1502) ------Jean E. 1935 (1359) & Frederick J. (Matthews) (1503) Karen (Matthews) (1504)

Janet A. 1948 (1361) & Anthony R. (Davidson) (8688) Julie (Davidson) (8689) Mark (Davidson) (8690) Christopher (Davidson) (8691)

Christine (1360) & ? (Sadd) (1505) ------Diana Elizabeth (Balls) 1943 (1363) Margaret Alice (Balls) 1945 (1364) ------Wayland F. (Berry) (1367) Bridget S. (Berry) 1952 (1368) & Neil D. (Harrison) (9533) Jennifer E. 1954 (1369) & Robert J. (Earl) (9562) Gilbert E. 1957 (1366) & Ruth (Dutton) (9565) & Lisa R. (Bale) (9660) Lesley V. (Lulu) 1960 (1372) Joanna D. 1964 (1370) ------Gilbert 1930 (8735) Joan P. 1930 (1374) & Hyman A. (Barnes) (9037) Arlene M. 1934 (1375) ------David Gilbert (Hoddy) 1948 (1378) Alan Frederick (Hoddy) 1950 (1377) ------Violet May 1932 (1380) & Nelson (Revell) (1506) Andrew Nelson (Revell) 1954 (1507) 72 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Susan Joy (Revell) 1956 (1508)

Alfred William 1938 (1381) & Sheila Elizabeth (Broom) (1509) Paula Karen 1962 (1510) Mark Nicholas 1963 (1511) ------Ann Mary 1940 (1383) & Raymond C. J. (Green) (1512) John (Green) 1968 (1513) David (Green) 1971 (1514)

Hubert John 1944 (1384) & Josephine A. (Spurgeon) (1515) Beverly Sharon 1970 (1516) ------Shirley M. 1936 (8836) ------Ronald Victor (Tutte) 1932 (1396) & Joan Victoria Ronald John (Tutte) 1954 (1529) (A’Court) (1528) Barbara (Tutte) (8655) ------Joan Margaret (4000)

Joan Margaret 1945 (8962) & ? Francine Evelyn Margaret 1967 (4721)

& Godfrey R. (Millard) (9488) David Jeffery (Millard) (5072)

& Gary Charles (Morris) (8744)

John M. 1947 (8990) & Freda (Ray) (9354) Gary Alexander 1969 (9358) Anthony Michael 1972 (9359)

Valerie J. 1948 (8991) & John R. (Hall) (9371) Maureen J. 1950 (8992) & David T. (Senter) (9333) Gillian A. 1954 (8993) & Anthony J. (Flack) (9445)

Anthony A. 1957 (8994) & Linda E. C. (Allen) (9512) Keily Jane 1976 (9513) Daniel Mark 1977 (9514) Elliot James A. 1981 (9515) Luke John 1983 (9516) Joel Thomas 1984 (9517) Connor Paul 1987 (9518)

& Tracey (Ayre) (9676)

------Margaret (Parsons) 1930 (1394) ------John E. 1937 (1388) & Margaret A. (Woods) (1518) Mandy J. 1962 (1519) Andrew J. 1965 (1520)

Sheila W. 1942 (1589) & George W. (Claxton) (1521) Steven (Claxton) (1522) Fiona (Claxton) (1523)

Malcolm Brian 1945 (1387) & Carole M. (Pointer) (1517) Children & Grandchildren ------Henry Edward 1940 (1392) & Patricia (Waller) (1524) Karen P. 1963 (1525) Kevin 1964 (1527) Adrian John 1968 (1526)

Maureen F. 1941 (8903)

David John 1946 (6823) & Jennifer A. (Howard) (6824) Allan David 1974 (9475)

Margaret E. 1947 (5664) & Stanley (Hurd) (9414) Paul R. 1953 (9092) & Sally A. (Hall) (9491) Kevin M. 1964 (9262) ------73 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

David (Bell) (1400) & Dawn (?) (1530) Oliver Henry (Bell) 1994 (3127) Chelsea Ellen (Bell) 1997 (3316)

Carole (Bell) (1401) ------Barrie Michael 1945 (5075) & Margaret Christine A. (Plant) (9347) Bradley Richard 1970 (9377) Anna Louise 1973 (9378)

& Lucille (Smyth) (9776) ------Lynn (1403) & ? (Jefferies) (1531) ------Ian S. 1943 (1405) & Margaret A. (Gilbert) (9373) Veda E. 1946 (1406) & Dennis G. (Young) (9531) ------Wilma (Cramp) (1408) & ? (Rumati) (3229)

Susan (Cramp) (1409) & Christopher Peter (Rainbird) (1538) Mark William (Rainbird) 1964 (6789) Deborah Helen Mary (Rainbird) 1967 (6790) ------Keith 1937 (1064) & Wife (1532) James Alexander 1972 (1533) ------Reid 1944 (1412) & Marlene (Bergholt) (3224)

Neil 1947 (1413) & Barbara Anne (Giller) (1534) Mark 1983 (9856) Jaclyn 1985 (1535) Katherine 1987 (1536) Nicola 1987 (1537) ------Ernest William (Harber) 1922 (5029) Kathleen May (Harber) 1932 (5031) ------Jack 1916 (5502) & Irene M. (Wildey) (6632) Irene V. 1940 (8895) Brenda D. 1946 (8972) ------Allen Edward William (3258) & Maureen (?) (3260) Dean Allen 1972 (3261) Gary Allen M. 1975 (3262) Tina Elizabeth J. 1976 (3263) Wayne Alec I. 1979 (3264)

Maureen Pearl Elizabeth (3259) & Derek L. (Barrett) (9187) ------David William 1948 (3253) & Lorna A. (Smith) (9346) Pauline 1968 (9350) Susan 1968 (9351) Mandy 1970 (9383)

Raymond George 1951 (3255) & Pauline A. (Meek) (9374) Tracey Jane 1970 (9375) Russell Paul Rae 1974 (9376)

Deborah Susan 1966 (3256) & Martin C. (Freeman) (9677) Natalie Suzanne (Freeman) 1991 (10105) ------Janet 1951 (3251) & Hendrikus W. P. M. (Onstein) (9466) Stuart (Onstein) 1979 (8769)

Lynda 1953 (3252) & Brian (Benoke) (9467) Lee (Benoke) 1978 (4721) Nicola (Benoke) 1980 (5072) ------Doreen Kathleen 1948 (3216) & Peter (Osmond) (6768) Lorraine (Osmond) 1971 (6769) Stuart (Osmond) 1972 (6770)

Graham Russell 1950 (6767) & Linda A. (Carlilse) (9539) Emily Linda 1979 (9835) Oliver Graham 1980 (9838)

74 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

& Katherine R. (Hellawell) (6771) William 1992 (6772) Edward 1992 (6773) ------Colin A. 1954 (9111) Valerie J. (1415) & Andrew J. (Freeman) (4143)


Peter (Ward) 1954 (1417) married Judith Siely (1539), and they have a son :-

th Daniel Peter (Ward) (1540) b 7 December 1986

John (Ward) 1956 (1418) is married to Julie ? (1541), and they have a daughter :-

th Rachel (Ward) (1542) b 18 November 1985

st Robin (Ward) 1965 (1419) married Dawn ? (1543) on the 21 November 1987.


Sandra 1963 (1422) married Stephen M. Jamieson (9183) in October 1984, in the Norwich Outer District, Norfolk.


Simon David 1967 (9317) married Maria T. Barletta (9808) in the 3Q 2004, in the Norwich District, and they have the following family :-

Carlotta Dawn F. (10127) b 3Q 2005 Kingston District

Matthew James 1970 (9318) No record.


Julie C. 1962 (9233) No record.

David A. 1965 (9234) No record.


Rosanna Grace 1981 (1427) No record.

Roy Alexander 1982 (1428) No record.


Tracy Lyn 1966 (9304) married Gary H. Morgan (9672) in the 2Q 2000, in the West Surrey District

------th Lynn Carol (Knowles) 1954 (1443) married Keith Edmunds (1544) on the 29 March 1986 and they have a son and a daughter :-

th David Colin (Edmunds) (1545) b 14 November 1986 th Susanne Karen (Edmunds) (1546) b 15 January 1988

th Dawn Karen (Knowles) 1958 (1444) married David Franklin (1547) on the 4 October 1980. They have two daughters :-

75 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Kayleigh Louise (Franklin) (1548) b 20 June 1986 th Melissa Kim (Franklin) (1549) b 24 August 1988


th Susan J. 1965 (1446) married Keith E. Knee (1550) on the 27 January 1990, Waveney District, Lowesoft, Suffolk.

nd Andrew John 1969 (1447) married Lisa Marie Freeman (3314) (nee Buxton) on the 22 July 1996 at Lowestoft, Suffolk, and they have a daughter :-

th Katy Marie (3315) b 14 August 1997 Norwich District Adam John (10051) b 1Q 1999 Norwich District Travis Kian (10099) b 1Q 2003 Norwich District

Tina Ann 1971 (1448) No record.


Paula Elizabeth (Graver) 1968 (1450) and her partner, Douglas Bollen (3128) have a daughter :-

th Samantha Louise Angela (Bollen) (3129) b 14 November 1993

Glen Sheldon (Graver) 1969 (1451) married Rachel Brown (3227) and they have a daughter :-

th Laura Emily (Graver) (3228) b 13 July 1997


Nigel Alan 1967 (1453) married Rachel E. Simmons (9791) in the 4Q 2002, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.

Graham John 1969 (1454) married Victoria Lang (3126) the 3Q 1996, at Bungay, Suffolk, and they have a daughter :-

th Alice (3928) b 5 November 1998 Norwich District


th Samantha 1973 (1456) married Adrian Morley (4264) on the 7 August 1999 at Ditchingham, Norfolk. Samantha is in the Royal Navy and Andrew is in the Royal Marines. They have the following family :-

th Lily-Ann Elizabeth (Morley) (5255) b 12 May 2001 rd Jonathan James (Morley) (5952) b 3 April 1003


Linda C. 1960 (1460) married Robert A. Gower (9638) in the 2Q 1986, in the Norwich Outer District.

Sandra D. 1962 (1461) married John A. Carver (9706) in the 1Q 1994, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.

Joy R. 1964 (1462) No record.


William Nelson 1951 (1477) married Lynne E. Chilvers (1551) in March 1985, in the Norwich Outer District, and they had the following family :-

Nicola Elizabeth (9876) b 2Q 1987 Norwich District

William Nelson died on the 30th May 2014. 76 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Dianne J. 1953 (1478) married Terence M. Hale (1552) in the 3Q 1973, in the Norwich Outer District.


th Ian Michael (Larkin) 1965 (1482) married Michelle Louise Twitchet (1553) on the 28 August 1988 at St. Paul's Church, Gorefield near Wisbech, Cambs. and they have a daughter :-

th Annie (Larkin) (1554) b 19 March 1991

Andrew John (Larkin) 1966 (1483)

Michelle Therese (Larkin) 1967 (1484)


Neal (1497) lives in Peterborough. He married Linda P. Hales (6820) in the 1Q 1992, in the Norwich District, Norfolk, and they have the following family :-

th Shaun Neal (6821) b 30 May 1995 Norwich District th Emma Carol (6822) b 30 December 1999 Norwich District

th Jante (1498) married Kevin John Wilkins (1555) (b 17/8/1957) on the 27 June 1981, in the Peterborough District, Northamptonshire, and they have 2 sons :-

th Christopher James Edward (Wilkins) (3219) b 7 November 1985 th Philip John (Wilkins) (1556) b 27 November 1987


Helen Ann 1975 (1501) married Roger D. Brown (8071) in the 3Q 2001, in the Norwich District, Norfolk, and they have a son :-

th Edward Henry (Brown) (8070) b 29 January 2005

Andrew Mark 1979 (1502) No record.


Karen (Matthews) (1504) married Christopher Ball (1557) at Hedenham, Norfolk.


Julie (Davidson) (8689) married Jason Prettyman (8692) and they have a daughter :-

Emily (Prettyman) (8693)

Mark (Davidson) (8690) married Samantha Steer (8694) and they have the following family :-

Amy (Davidson) (8695) Jessica (Davidson) (8696)

Christopher (Davidson) (8691) is still single (Jun 09)


77 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

th Andrew Nelson (Revell) 1954 (1507) married Janet Curson (1558) on the 12 September 1987 at Shottisham, Suffolk.

th Susan Joy (Revell) 1956 (1508) married Richard Harrowing (1559) on the 13 September 1975 and they have a son and a daughter :-

th Simon (Harrowing) (1560) b 4 May 1979 th Joanne Margaret (Harrowing) (1561) b 4 March 1982


rd Paula Karen 1962 (1510) married Christopher Andrew Morgan (1562) on the 3 October 1981, in the Waveney District, Lowestoft, Suffolk, and they have a son :-

th Philip Paul (Morgan) (1563) b 7 March 1989

Mark Nicholas 1963 (1511) married Catherine Elizabeth Morgan (1564) (Christopher’s sister, above) (parents 9008, 9009) on the 1st June 1991, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.


Beverly Sharon 1970 (1516) married Alan R. Abrahams (8651) in the 2Q 2001, in the Rutland District, and they have the following family :-

th Freya Paige (Fairhead-Abrahams) (8652) b 8 August 2008 th Astrid Zoe (Fairhead-Abrahams) (10428) b 8 May 2012


Francine Evelyn Margaret 1967 (4721) is now known as Francine Melody Matthews. She has the following family :-

th Bianca Jae (Collins) (8745) b 19 August 1988 th Taryn Michaela (Collins) (8767) b 6 October 1989 th Harley Benjamin Gareth Ray (Millard) (8768) b 16 June 1997


Gary Alexander 1969 (9358) and Ruth Crang had the following family :-

Naomi Rose (10104) b 4Q 2003 Cambridge District Lois Clare (7016) b 2007

Anthony Michael 1972 (9359) No record.


Keily Jane 1976 (9513) No record.

Daniel Mark 1977 (9514) No record.

Elliot James A. 1981 (9515) No record.

Luke John 1983 (9516) No record.

Joel Thomas 1984 (9517) No record.

78 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Connor Paul 1987 (9518) No record.


Mandy J. 1962 (1519) married David J. Beales (9680) in the 3Q 1989, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk.

Andrew J. 1965 (1520) married Claire L. Barton (1565) in the 2Q 1990, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk, and they had the following family :-

st th Rebecca Marie (1566) b 1 October 1992 d. 17 February 2005. Nicola Katie (9996) b 1Q 1995 Norwich District

Claire (1565) remarried to John F. Cunningham (9750) in the 2Q 1998, in the Norwich District, Norfolk.


Steven (Claxton) (1522) No record.

Fiona (Claxton) (1523) is married to Christopher ? (1567) and they have a son and a daughter :-

Claire (?) (1568) Scott (?) (1569)


Karen P. 1963 (1525) married Phillip J. Marler (1570) in the 2Q 1987, in the North Walsham District, Norfolk, and they have two children :-

th Annabel Kathryn (Marler) (1571) b 19 July 1990 th Craig Alexander (Marler) (1572) b 16 March 1993

th Karen has subsequently married Anthony David Moore (5746) on the 16 June 2002.

Kevin 1964 (1527) No record.

Adrian John 1968 (1526) married Alison Culmer (4850).


Allan David 1974 (9475) No record.


Bradley Richard 1970 (9377)

Anna Louise 1973 (9378) married Alexander P. Bissett (9768) in 1Q 2001, in the Sheffield District, Yorkshire.


James Alexander 1972 (1533) No record.


Mark 1983 (9856) died in March 1984, in the Surrey South East District.

Jaclyn 1985 (1535) No record. 79 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.

Katherine 1987 (1536) No record.

Nicola 1987 (1537) No record.


Irene V. 1940 (8895) married Martin F. Joyce (9191) in the 3Q 1958, in the Surrey North East District. She married for a second time to Terence W. A. Keenan (9372) in the 4Q 1969, in the Merton District, Greater London.

Brenda D. 1946 (8972) married Raymond E. Hollanby (9264) in the 1Q 1964, in the Surrey North East District.


Dean Allen 1972 (3261) died in the 1Q 1973, in the Wandsworth District.

Gary Allen M. 1975 (3262) No record.

Tina Elizabeth J. 1976 (3263) No record.

Wayne Alec I. 1979 (3264) No record.


Pauline 1968 (9350) married John W. Walton (9700) in the 3Q 1991, in the Surrey South East District.

Susan 1968 (9351) married Darren K. Gillard (9701) in the 3Q 1991, in the Surrey South East District.

Mandy 1970 (9383) married Michael J. Ford (9681) in the 3Q 1989, in the Surrey South East District.


Tracey Jane 1970 (9375) married Stuart K. Warren (9787) on the21st September 2002, at Lyne Church, Lyne, Chertsey, Surrey, and they have the following family :-

th Finley Ray Keith (Warren) (10424) b 8 May 2008 Chertsey, Surrey st Bailey Kenneth William (Warren) (10425) b 21 October 2010 Chertsey, Surrey

th Russell Paul Rae 1974 (9376) married Natalie Penn (10426) on the 29 February 2012, in Las Vegas, U. S. A., and they have the following family :-

th Jack Henry Paul (10427) b 11 July 2009 Epsom, Surrey th Eloise Larraine Rae (10428) b 19 April 2012 Chertsey, Surrey


th Lorraine (Osmond) 1971 (6769) married Darren Parker (8067) (b 21/04/1968 Woking, Surrey) on the 25 June 1994 in Alverstoke, Gosport, Hampshire, and they have the following family :-

th Jake Alexander (Parker) (8066) b 27 July 1998 Portsmouth st Sam Elliot (Parker) (8065) b 21 April 2000 Portsmouth

st Stuart (Osmond) 1972 (6770) married Sally May Summers (8064) on the 1 Jun 2004 in Tobago, and they have the following family :-

th Dylan Teddy (Osmond) (8063) b 4 February 2005 Portsmouth

80 The Three Brothers Printed 30/11/17.


Emily Linda 1979 (9835) No record.

Oliver Graham 1980 (9838) No record.


William 1992 (6772) No record.

Edward 1992 (6773) No record.


81 The Three Brothers