Uncle Dave Macon: A Legend

Mike Doubler of Murfreesboro, one of my friends, is an accomplished writer. Most of his books have been used as teaching materials… written during his 23 years in the Army, his assignment at West Point and then while he served at the Pentagon in Washington, DC.

His most-prized book is a biography about his legendary great-grandfather, Uncle Dave Macon, recognized as one of the f rst “Super Stars” of the in Nashville. I sat down and discussed with Mike his book and stories about his famous ancestor. Mike told stories that have never been published; covering business, entertainment, family, faith and mortality.

Uncle Dave began his entertainment career at age 50. Prior to show biz, he was a successful businessman hauling freight by horses and wagon from rail stations to areas of Middle .

He and his wife – Miss Metilda – reared seven children, the oldest son being Archie, the grandfather of Mike Doubler. T e couple had a unique mar- riage. She was a devout Church of Christ. He was Methodist.

Archie Macon confronted his father one day in1930 with a question. “When are you going to publically recognize God for giving you the talent to enter- tain…and include gospel music in your shows?”

Uncle Dave reportedly responded, “Arch, there is the barn dance and there is church. T ey are separate and don’t go together.” Time passed with Archie faithfully listening to the Grand Ole Opry whenever his father performed. One Saturday night, Uncle Dave closed his show by singing “Shall We Gather at T e River”. Archie knew something had changed in the heart of his Pap. Uncle Dave told Archie that the gospel song went over well with the audience; thousands of letters from fans all across the country commended him for performing a spiritual number.

Uncle Dave’s favorite gospel song became “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be”. His favorite chapter in the Bible was Romans: 8 which reads in part… We know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. I am convinced that not anything will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

When Uncle Dave was near death at the former Rutherford Hospital in Murfreesboro (now Saint T omas Rutherford)…he asked Archie to read his favorite chapter in Scripture. T at comforted him. He said, “I am now ready.” T ree days later he succumbed to death.

His funeral at First Methodist Church in Murfreesboro was a packed house; people from near and far, including luminaries of the entertainment world. Several attendees arrived a little late with nowhere to sit, including who listened from just outside the front door.

— Ralph E. Vaughn

30 Nashville Christian Family www.ChristianFamilyNashville.com