College Plans Commencement Program Assumption by Dales In
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&. i* Meeting of Sigma Tau Delta Today Is Your Last Chance Wednesday Evening To Get at 7:30 at Kappa House Winona at $2.50 Volume 57 Hillsdale, Michigan, Tuesday, June 4, 1935 Number S Undergraduates Faculty Plans College Plans Honor Summer Study Assumption Commencement Senior Women And Research By Dales In At an impressive farewell break Members of the Hillsdale college Program fast held at Mauck Hall Sunday faculty plan to spend the summer Return morning, the members of the Wom in study and research in graduate en's Undergraduate club honored work. Judge Millington and Hugh the Senior women of campus. The Prof. A. P. Herman plans to spend Jimmy Randels, With 4 Chamberlin Burr Will Be theme of the program centered the summer in Hillsdale devoting Out of 4, Is Batting Star around Central Hall, with each Chief Speakers his time to research. In 17-1 Victory class representing some one part of Prof. W. R. Sherman will cover the building. Eugenia Oole served Starting with the Moving Up Day quite a portion of the country in Assumption College felt the sting exercises and the awarding of as toastmistress, introducing the his summer travels which will take speakers from each class with a of defeat for the second time last prizes and ending with a picnic him from Hillsdale to Indiana and week when the Canadian club play luncheon on campus, the 1935 Com poem. Phyllis Rasp gave a short from there to New England. welcome, wlhich was followed by ed the Dales in a return game Sat mencement promises to be well Prof, and Mrs. H. M. Davidson urday afternoon at Martin Field. worth attending. Hugh Chamber a talk from Moira Creaser, repre will attend the Summer Graduate senting the Freshman class, Bess After a lazy start the Weatherwax lin Burr will address the Seniors School at the University of Wis machine clicked in the fourth at the Baccalaureate service while Hagaman, the Sophomore class, consin. There are to be visiting Edith Watkins the Junior class and frame and piled up seven runs. In Judge Millington will be the Com Professors from France and Spain the fifth six more tallies were add mencement speaker. Virginia Perkey, the Senior class. lecturing at the summer session. Miss McCollough gave the closing CENTRAL HALL ed and the boys harvested a trio of Among the highlights of the Prof. Davidson will also attend the talk. runs in the sixth for a total of eighty-sixth Commencement pro Delta Sigma Phi national conven seventeen. The first score reg Mrs. Mauck, Miss Stevenson, Miss Delt Sigs Plan gram will be the annual concert of tion held at Mackinac Island the istered by the Dales was a home Landwehr, Miss Reynolds, Miss the music department on Friday Skip Week first of September. run by Randels in the second stan Stockham, Miss Roe, Mrs. David evening, Class Day exercises at Prof. R. L. Bowers will spend, for za. son, Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Pearcy 10:30 A. M. On Saturday, followed As yet plans for Skip Week seem the fourth time, his summer at the Three hits and one run was all by the giving away of Central Hall were the guests of the club. University of New York.. Each senior was presented with a a little vague, and perhaps a little the visitors could do with the pitch Steps by the Seniors. Barbara secret. A general exodus from Hills Miss M. E. Landwehr will attend ing of John Smith. The southpaw Rowe, salutatorian, Paul Crowl, small scroll on which was written the summer session of Middlebury a short saying about each senior dale campus seems to be the major from East Mauch Chunk set the Senior Class president, Zelma Oole, idea in the minds of most seniors. College, Bristol, Vermont. She guests down with a fine exhibition-1 class speaker, and Ruth Garlough, woman. will be in the segregated language Eugenia Oole was program chair 'However, from the Delt Sig House of throwing. Eight batters, struck valedictorian, will be the class day comes a ray of hope that all seniors school. out, three hit safely, and only three speakers. On Saturday evening man, Bonnie Beatty had charge of Miss Virfsel Roe will attend In the breakfast, Frances Thomas the have not lost, what may be called, lifted the baU out of the infield. dinners will be served to the alum for lack of a better word, their diana University. Because of the late start and ni by the fraternities and sorori arrangements and Dorothy Norman Miss R. A. Barber will do gradu the invitations for the. breakfast. sense Of humor. Assumption's lack of hurlers Coach. ties. Following this, the commence ate work in Biology at the Univer Weatherwax agreed to call the -H- A bull session will be held at ment play,. "Squaring the Circle" which Spencer Wilkie will preside sity- of Colorado. game in the seventh inning. will be presented at the high school Little Symphony wearing a pair of horns (in hon Miss D. E. Seabaugh will be eith Jimmy Randels walked away with auditorium. Immediately after the Closes Concert or of the'bull!); notes to be taken er at the Pasadena Community the hitting honors with a home play, the all-college sing will take Play House or with the Province- Season by J. Edward Davies, said notes run, a double and two singles. place on campus. During, this part to be bound in gold and left as a town Players. Wornstaff whacked a single, a of the program, the May Queen, The 1935 concert season of the •memorial to all subsequent seniors double and a. triple for his day's procession may be included. Arlene College Little Symphony Orchestra as a guide book of what not to do Spring Edition of batting. Thomas will be the Queen, and drew to a close Monday evening, during skip week. Rumors have The Tower The summary: Virginia Perkey will be the Maid of May 27. it, also, that there will be two lit Honor for the occasion. The at Will Appear Soon Assumption (1) The program proved to be the erary works forthcoming from the AB R H PO A E tendants will be representative of most popular of the series spon Delt Sig House. The seniors, pool One of the bright spots on the Parent, ss, p 3 0 0 0 2 0 the outstanding people in the Sen sored by the Womans' Commission. ing their intellect, as acquired dur campus calendar this week will be Morneau, ss, p 3 0 1. 2 4 0 ior Class. Miss Ellogeane Baldwin, soprano, ing the last four years of profit the spring appearance of the Tow Chapman, lb 3 0 18 0 1 The Baccalaureate service will be guest soloist, sang to an audience able study, will write a book on er, literary publication of the Eng Craig, cf 2 10 4 0 1 held at the college Church Sunday of seventy-five music lovers. Miss Social Science and another on the lish department. Among the choice Sherman, If, 2b .... 3 0 0 0 0 0 at 10:00 a. m. The address will be Baldwin, student of Prof. Aubrey Philosophy of Life. The latter will selections to be found between its Desjarlais, c 3 0 12 0 0 given by Hugh Chamberlin Burr, Martin, has been outstanding in be used in the future as a pledge smart green covers are an hilari Meloche, 3b 2 0 0 12 0 pastor of the First Baptist Church, bringing finer music to the cam manual. Not satisfied with these ously clever story by Dorothy Miner, Forman, rf 2 0 0 10 0 Detroit, Michigan. At 3:00 p. m. pus this year. contributions alone, the seniors a sketch by Mary Ellen Martin, and Sterling, p, If 2 0 0 0 2 0 there will be a reception at the The Symphony, under the direc have promised the Delt Sigs a new two sketches in the inimitable vein home of President and Mrs. Mauck. tion of Edwyn Hames, has com house within thirty years (we hope of Mr. Bowers. A story, Animal Totals 23 1 3 18 10 2 The academic procession will pleted its concert contributions to to live to see it.) Besides bigger Crackers, by Bess Hagaman will Hillsdale (17) form Monday at 9:30 p. m., and all the campus for this year. The or and better sleepless nights for un satisfy those with romantic tastes. AB R H PO A E the faculty, trustees, and students chestra will appear on the com derclassman, the Delt Sigs ran out Not the least to be mentioned is Charland, If 4 2 0 10 0 will march, to the College Baptist mencement program this June. of ideas which were to be publish an unusual block print by Virginia Selby, lb 3 2 19 0 0 Church for the Commencement ex ed, although it is rumored that H Beagle which carries out the spring Wornstaff, ss 3 2 3 2 4 0 ercises. The address will be given there are others where those Delts Hold Informal Dance motif. This is only an inkling Of Williams, 2b 4 0 2 12 0 by Judge E. J. Millington of Cadil mentioned came from. Perhaps what may be found1 in the Spring D. Smith, 3b 4 0 0 0 10 lac, Michigan. At 12:00, immediate At Club House some of the other fraternities would Tower for the small sum of a J. Smith, p...._ 4 110 11 ly following Commencement, the like to beg, borrow or steal a few! Delta Tau Delta held an inform quarter.