Minutes Security Advisory Committee Monthly BVCOG (Region 13) Meeting 1330 January 24, 2018 CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 3991 E. 29TH ST. BRYAN TX

Jim Stewart - Chief Deputy Committee Chairman Brazos County Sheriff's Office Jim Carrigan - Emergency Management Coordinator Committee Vice Chair Leon County Office of Emergency Management

Type of Meeting Monthly HSAC Meeting

BVCOG Staff Members in Rob Santarsiero - Homeland Security Planner; Roger Sheridan - Public Attendance Safety Manager

Jason Ware – BCDEM; David McIntyre – Bush School of Government; HSAC Guests In Catherine McIntyre – EBCS; Rick Cary – Department of Homeland Security; Attendance Mike Macha – Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security Advisory Committee Members in Attendance Brazos County Eric Buske Absent Patrick Corley Present Jerry Henry Present Brian Hilton Absent Allison Prince Absent Leslie Lutz Present Monica Martinez Absent Randy McGregor Absent Michele Meade Present Craig Anderson Present Jim Stewart Absent Kenneth Utz Present Curtis Darby Present Dr. Amy Hillburn Absent Steve Aldrich Present Burleson County Charles Barnes Absent Toney Mantey Present Patricia Perry Present Bill Perry Present Duane Strange Present Thomas Norsworthy Absent Grimes County Katherine Dornak Present Todd Greene Present Jason Katkoski Present David Lilly Present Jesse Murphy Absent Matt Silcox Absent Leon County Melissa Abney Present Jim Carrigan Present Carl Collins Jr. Absent Royce Dawkins Absent Lance Pavelka Absent Bob Hickman Present Byron Ryder Absent Dean Stanford Absent Debbi Reeder Absent Minutes Homeland Security Advisory Committee Monthly BVCOG (Region 13) Meeting 1330 January 24, 2018 CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 3991 E. 29TH ST. BRYAN TX

Madison County Shelly Butts Present J.D. Cornelius Absent Travis Neely Absent Larry Shiver Absent Phyllis Taylor Absent Robertson County Vince Angele Absent LeAnthony Dykes Absent Rene Ferrell Absent Billy Huggins Present Keith Nickelson Absent Keith Pettit Absent Keith Rekieta Absent Chris Sanders Present Jerry Stover Present Thomas Williams Absent Gerald Yezak Absent Steve Misterek Absent Washington County Ricky Boeker Present Kevin Deramus Absent Kirk Hanath Absent Doug Zweiner Absent Eddie Ocanas Absent Dr. William Loesch Absent Bryan Ruemke Present Dant Lange Absent

I. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Mr. Carrigan at 1330. II. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance A. Invocation made by Mr. Strange. III. Introductions - Introductions were made by all members and staff present. IV. Consider for Approval of 11/26/2017 HSAC Minutes - The HSAC reviewed the 10/25/2017 HSAC meeting minutes. Mr. Ruemke noted a typo on the date, the agenda was determined to have the incorrect date, minutes were correct. Ms. Meade motioned to approve the minutes. Ms. Butts seconded the motion; the motion carried. V. Review of 12/6/2017 HSAC Notes – No quorum was present for the 12/6/2017, approval not needed. Ms. Meade located a typo in Al Guarino’s title, to be changed from DDC to DC. VI. David H. McIntyre, Bush School of Government – Mr. McIntyre spoke about the history and development of professional education in the Homeland Security field, as compared and contrasted to military and governmental education focused outside the US borders. He discussed the differences between education and training, and how both grew out of post-WW2 events. Mr. McIntyre presented a draft syllabus of topics to the members of the Committee, for consideration of topics for future HSAC meetings. Mr. Santarsiero thanked Mr. McIntyre and asked the members to review topics, and also to consider projects in our region that might be appropriate as Minutes Homeland Security Advisory Committee Monthly BVCOG (Region 13) Meeting 1330 January 24, 2018 CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 3991 E. 29TH ST. BRYAN TX

Capstone projects for students at the Bush School, and gave some examples of projects that have been done in the past. Mr. Lilly noted that he’s currently enrolled in the Master’s Program there, and offered to help facilitate discussions between the region and the school if desired. VII. Sub-Committee Updates – Intelligence sub-committee is going to the State Fusion Center in Austin on February 23rd, and has had several productive meetings since inception, determining current capabilities and goals moving forward. VIII. Homeland Security Grant Updates – Mr. Santarsiero provided an overview of the application process, methodology,and scoring timeline; discussed eligibility to score, and the Q&A process. Mr. Santarsiero went around the room to clarify with each county who eligible scorers were, and many of those identified as eligible were not present. Mr. Santarsiero inquired if a second training for those absent would be appropriate; Mr. Sheridan questioned whether that was fair to all, as some jurisdictions were present and ready on schedule. It was decided to nix this afternoon’s training in favor of a combined in person/webinar at 1000 on January 30, so that all jurisdictions could get the same information at the same time. IX. FY17 HLS Project Updates –  Grimes County: Bedias Tower: Mr Lilly said Anderson tower equipment has been ordered, most has been installed. Should be complete by end of February. Not ordering equipment for Bedias tower until ground is broken on tower construction.  Robertson County: PSAP Upgrade and ACU Tactical: Mr. Huggins said PSAP is complete, getting new quote for ACU Tactical upgrade.  Brazos County: WebEOC: Ms. Meade said invoice has been paid, now in monitoring phase.  Washington County: 911 Console and SO/EMS Radios: Mr. Ruemke said the radios have been purchased and issued, console has been ordered.  Bryan PD: Ballistic Helmets/TCI Headsets and Avatar III Robot: Mr. Darby said the robot has been ordered, and helmets/headsets would be on order within two weeks.  Bryan: Satellite Service: Mr. Henry said they’re waiting on an invoice to pay.  College Station PD: Night Vision and Rapid Response Packs (EOD): Mr. Anderson said the NV has been purchased and received, response packs are on order.

Minutes Homeland Security Advisory Committee Monthly BVCOG (Region 13) Meeting 1330 January 24, 2018 CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 3991 E. 29TH ST. BRYAN TX

Mr. Santarsiero mentioned the reminders that he occasionally sends out regarding upcoming due dates for ongoing grant projects are sometimes necessary, as an agency was recently placed on Vendor Hold due to a missed FSR deadline. Vendor Holds affect all grants by any agency within the affected jurisdiction, and special attention needs to be paid to those reminders.

X. Public Comments –  Mr. Carrigan asked about EHPs, as Mr. Huggins had an issue with one of his in the past. Mr. Santarsiero stated after consultation with the State about their processes, the best course of action was to prepare the EHP for submission, but to wait until grant funds were released and the EHP hold was in place before submission. The State confirmed that they could not forward any EHPs to FEMA until after the grant award anyway, and early submissions might be missed…delaying the process even further.  Mr. Sheridan noted that Mr. Ramirez has been very proactive with CERT, and to expect to see him out in the region.  GLO/Hurricane Ike towers should be completed by August, and generator installation in the October-December timeframe due to an extention.  Criminal Justice held an ROSC/Detox workgroup, expect to see more about that soon.  GLO/Hurricane Harvey: $58Million coming to several coastal counties, and $5Billion to the State expected. More info will be provided as we receive it.  EMTF-7 Will hold training on February 23-24.  The American Red Cross’s recent smoke alarm installation event installed over 900 alarms in the Brazos Valley region.  The recent Flu season seems to be downtrending, BVRAC will monitor and begin conference calls again if needed.  Local churches have expressed security concerns after the Southerland Springs shooting, Mr. Sheridan asked if any law enforcement agency would be willing to offer advice and assistance. Mr. Anderson stated he had information on a church security seminar upcoming in Navasota, he would share that info for dissemination to the group.  Mike Macha (DHS) offered to bring his cybersecurity expert to a future HSAC to discuss DHS resources for cyber incidents available to the region.

XI. Important Dates Minutes Homeland Security Advisory Committee Monthly BVCOG (Region 13) Meeting 1330 January 24, 2018 CENTER FOR REGIONAL SERVICES BUILDING 3991 E. 29TH ST. BRYAN TX

A. 2/5/2018 Grant Applications due to BVCOG HLS B. 2/7/2018 ICS 300 Part 1 @ CEOC C. 2/9/2018 Scoring Packets sent to Scoring Committee D. 2/12-2/16/2018 Q&A Period for Scoring E. 2/19/2018 Scoring Packets due back to BVCOG HLS F. 2/28/2018 Next HSAC Meeting G. 2/28/2018 ICS 300 Part 2/ICS 400 Part 1@ CEOC

XII. Adjourn