Prohibit During 1923
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OMAHA'S GREATEST Pel' Year __:. ~~_ AND BEST Single Copy ~~__ WEEKL.Y NEWSPAPER VOL. XX. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY,DECEMBER 28, 1923 No.6. OMAHA IS PROSPEROUS AND H PPY PROHIBITION COMPLETElY FAILSI [CiTY SHO SSPLENDID GRO TH TO· PROHIBIT DURING 1923 .\ I DURING THE PAST YEAR --'-"-------c-- - ~ iI People In General Disregard The Law.As It] / Wholesale And Manufacturing Interests Have Concerns The Eighteenth Amendment . ~ A Much Better Business This Year BOOTLEGGERS HAVE REASON TO REJOICEI~ PACKING INDUSTRY VERY PROSPEROUS I_4lW So lUis~ralJl:v FaiI~ Tha;t 011.1' of ~l<1 Pal'~ies ~Uay Come Out \ Ii Exact Fig'ures not A.yailable But RellOl't j~ tJlilt ("eneral Pt-l'Celltag'c Flat Footed for l\fQthfieatwll or the -\'olsteatl Aet- i ~ ~Iany ~()J!tieians Too ~Qwar(U~' to Express Real I of Inerease 'Will Be from 10 to :W }leI' Cent-Big Buillling (l}mnoll-Flootl of Booze from Canada. I Program Next Year Looks StilI Hetter- Packers Report Rig' Increase. About 90 millions of Americans ,; and not be afraid to face them, J are asking themselves, as the yea:: they would so~m fin~ :>ut that itI Omaha's wholesale, retail and manu- lion, a gain of 10 million. The city's comes to a close: "What has prohi- I would be a WIS~ pohticnl mvve for1 facturing business has very material- third largest industry. manufacture ly increased during the year 1923. of butter and cheese, increased from bition done for itself, during the 11 one of the parj;Ies to come out flat While the exact figures are not 17 million in 1922 to 23 million the present year 19237" Echp 3J:1swers, footed for a light ";'ine and. beer nothing, except to make itself more program, more partIcularly If theII available today it is possible to give past year. a gain of 5 million, and ridiculous .than ever, in the eyes of opposite ~ty puts an extremelyI approximately figures that will con- dairy bi-prOdUcts from 634 thousand vey to our readers some idea of the to 1 million 310 thousand dollars. sensiblr citizens. Yet, it has accom- dry plank In the platform. .. I I pUshed one thing. It has -brought . During the present year ,lIterally,t. i i general advance of the city's major The tables for Omaha's wholesale Iinterests during the year. It is re- and manufactured products, will about a condition that w.iIl the more m~Uions gallons of liquor h~ve ~ I 0:: I . 1ported that Omaha's wholesale and show approximately: quickly bring back to thIS countr~ a 1found ~~:Ir way across the C~nadIani ~~ ~ ~ . ~il MexI~",n: ~ i manufacturing business in 1923 total- . Aglicultural Implements, 9. sane program of proper regulatIOn or border, from the Islanc:-s I a \.. I mIllIo~; of the liquur traffic by forcing our to the s,:uth or fro~ across t~e bIg! ~,,:. ,led 85 million more than that of Ihon: Autos aml Trucks,.49 1922, a survey completed by the publi- Auto Tires and AcceSSOrIes, 21. ~:nl public <lfficials to read the hand. pond. ThIS has suffIced to satIsfy a ~ \"U I citv bureau of the chamber of Com- lion; Bakery Products, 2 mllhon; writin" on the wall and at a not far large part of those able to pay the ~ me~'Ce will probably indicate. Baker Supplies, PtlmiU ion; Books, distant date e~act legisl~tion ~hat ?riee along the borders and :-eaching ¥ \ I In wholesaling, the increase was Paper and Stationery, 11 million; will restore' to the public lIght wmes mland for a few hundred mlles. The i j about 11 per cent bringing the total Beverages. 1 million; Boots and and beer. great' middle west and a large part I from S434,000,000' in 1922, to $483,- Shoes, 41.;2 million; Building Material. When this has beenaceomplished, of the south have h~d to depend all I I 000,000, a gain of about $49,000,000. 16 ;2 million; Candy, 3 million; Cere it will mean and end to some half the home made varIety. Thus the j ' I l.Manufactures increased 10 per cent, also :2 mHlion; China, and Glassware; million bootleggers who sell their "dago" and other hootch distillers ~. Cil~ars ~and vile concoctions at an immense ar-e grO\ving rich at the expense of lor from say S345,OOG,OOO to $381,000,- n::illion: .. ,Tobacco, 10 ; 000, a gain of approximately"836.000,- I!llihon: Clothmg, I mILlIon; Coal and profit. It will mean, less work for Ithe health o~ mi~io~s of i000. Coke, 23 miliion; Commission and the police, more contentment in the patrons, who In spIte of .heIr fun I i Greatest total increase in whole- Produce. 12 1 " million; Concrete and home: less lawlessness and a square knowledge of what the~' are up IsalinO' was experienced in building, Cement, ;) million; Cordage, 17~ mil deal for the people generally. against when drinking the green, mate~ials mi~ion; CrTac~ers, enforc~ent l ,:'h?re the figure jumped" lion; C:0r:pe:age" 1.2 The or rather lack ofIpoisonous stuff, continue to patro 1 i from 10 mIllIon to S16000,000, an 6 ;! mIllIOn, Dry Good:; and Notions, enforcement of the Ei~hteenth,niZ,: them because they fee~ they h~ve increase of 6 million. Other items 16,. r.nilliOl;: D:-ugs .:nd ~hemicals" 4 Amendment during the year IS hound, a ngi)t to follow nut onl~ the dlct- ! ' Ishowing markerl increase are, mullon ElectrIcal bupphes, 8 mIl to make itself felt during 'ates of their ~ conscience but, the l ~~,,":~~··'1~ ft:!d p!'~vi~ioI:;~1 fr.1~ts snel Hf~::: ~~ngin~s. 1_;' minion; --Fish and ~'c~ing':efuHp'aign,c~speeialIi-a:f ·c'ravini,.-s or theiritppetite. ~ l jvegetables, autos and trucks, and 1Oysters. 1 million; Flour and Mill two major conventions, \\'hether a t This much is sur:. almost eve? : lumber. Oils and greases, due to Products. 13 million: Fruit and Ve "moist'~ plank will be adopted or. n~t man tha~ took .occasIOn to dr?wn hIS I Iprice cuts. dropped from a total of getables, 20 million; Furnaces, 21. 2 remains to' be seen, however. It IS trouble In dnnk before Volstead i336,000,000, to $28,000,000, the largest Imillion; Furniture and Bedding, 6 doubtful if either the republicans or started things. is doing' the same jdecrease in the table. million: Furs. Hides and Wool, 2 democrats will have the will power thing today, only more so. In ad ! Omaha's largest manufacturing in- \ million: General Merchandise, 16 mil- to turn down the Anti-saloon league, dition there has grov,m up a large ================================-=-: 541~ ; dustry the packing house products" Uon; Groceries. million; Hard- ....:hen the time comes, bunch of extremely young men and .---------------"'""":i j JUDGE McHUGH LEFT iclimbed from 154 million to 187 mil-l ware. £I million; Harness and Saddles• Just the same if the leaders of women, many of them high school LEGACY· WORTH WHILE! lion, a gain of 33 million_ Products! 1 :n~mon: Hats. Caps and GIove~, .11,2 either of the parties would take students who have acquired the "Hip H d Th i The legacy left by Judge McHugh, :of the smelters, which rank second mIllIon; Hay :,n.d Feed, ~"'l mIllion; the trouble to dig a bit henath the pocket" habit since prohibtion has I Rumor ear at I I who died in Chicago last week. was i in Omaha's gross manufacturers, were i Jewe!r;:. 1 mllhon 811 thousands; surface and get at the actual facts' (Continued on page 3) 1 Tom Dennison lone that ,,;ill appeal to ever}-~body.1swelled from 29 million to 39 mil-: (Continued on page 3) . _._-- I ·tS POII·tl·CS I""nen Judge McHugh died he left a,: . _ Q1l1 :myriad of friends and no enemies, ! A quiet rumor is persistently. !;:~~cl;e::c:ve~~o~:siSa :~:id::~n;lJOE STOCK YARDS AND PACKING INDUSTRY I heard that· TQm Dennison is' _. , LYNCH TO DEFEND HIS TITLE AGAINST going to quit politics for good. l~;nhe Editor of t~e M?diator l.-new, THE POPULAR EARL McARTHUR OMAHA'S BEST AND GREATEST ASSETS \ There is already a scramble on i l;nm and. worked Wlth hIm a number' that has almost reached riot- . I . , Inf times. 1,Yhen Omaha ,vas visited,. ... ., ."..._. Sl'Nmd ,Large'St Packing ('enter in th~e l:Vor~d-:E:'en:ttB.ue~il1gJIamj ous proportions between the [by a tornado several years ago, Judge i Fl1:",t Tune 111 Two 1. ell1'" Omalw. Fu::ht !'u.u". .\, III ~'Itnes... Head of Stock Yards lIelIled \\onderIuHy III Ull?mldmg- ; pimps and ex-pimps as to who tM:cHuc-h was verv busv with an at> Challl}lionsllip Roxmg }jatdI-FlIlP Pre!JnJlnarH,,>o;-}I!d of Imlnstry antI Crty-~JIOQ,(}OO Head of LIve . shall control conditions when !~emDt'"of the gO\=emm~nt to dissolve: West Boxing: Followe,rs (~iH' }h:.ll'tlwJ' EY~ll Chaut.p Stock HUlltlied Here AmmaH;L To~ is gone. The politicians are !the international Harvester Company.' tu PhH'k Crowll-Sm·t- to HI.' a Bloody Flg'ht. -------- said. to be on fhe anxious seat. : "~H h : . Sh !of which ccncern inC ug was gen-! Most old Omaha residents know, Knight, a local teacher. e says: ! Tom refuses tiJ discuss the !eral coun"eL .:Mr. Huntley "covered" I Sometimes lightning strikes where I The L,st tiE:e Om~lha peuple wit- +h t thI'S citv boasts the second; "Think of a city having a capacity! rumor.