VOL. XX. OMAHA, , FRIDAY,DECEMBER 28, 1923 No.6. OMAHA IS PROSPEROUS AND H PPY PROHIBITION COMPLETElY FAILSI [CiTY SHO SSPLENDID GRO TH TO· PROHIBIT DURING 1923 .\ I DURING THE PAST YEAR --'-"------c-- - ~ iI People In General Disregard The Law.As It] / Wholesale And Manufacturing Interests Have Concerns The Eighteenth Amendment . ~ A Much Better Business This Year BOOTLEGGERS HAVE REASON TO REJOICEI~ PACKING INDUSTRY VERY PROSPEROUS

I_4lW So lUis~ralJl:v FaiI~ Tha;t 011.1' of ~l<1 Pal'~ies ~Uay Come Out \ Ii Exact Fig'ures not A.yailable But RellOl't j~ tJlilt ("eneral Pt-l'Celltag'c Flat Footed for l\fQthfieatwll or the -\'olsteatl Aet- i ~ ~Iany ~()J!tieians Too ~Qwar(U~' to Express Real I of Inerease 'Will Be from 10 to :W }leI' Cent-Big Buillling (l}mnoll-Flootl of Booze from Canada. I Program Next Year Looks StilI Hetter- Packers Report Rig' Increase. About 90 millions of Americans ,; and not be afraid to face them, J are asking themselves, as the yea:: they would so~m fin~ :>ut that itI Omaha's wholesale, retail and manu- lion, a gain of 10 million. The city's comes to a close: "What has prohi- I would be a WIS~ pohticnl mvve for1 facturing business has very material- third largest industry. manufacture ly increased during the year 1923. of butter and cheese, increased from bition done for itself, during the 11 one of the parj;Ies to come out flat While the exact figures are not 17 million in 1922 to 23 million the present year 19237" Echp 3J:1swers, footed for a light ";'ine and. beer nothing, except to make itself more program, more partIcularly If theII available today it is possible to give past year. a gain of 5 million, and ridiculous .than ever, in the eyes of opposite ~ty puts an extremelyI approximately figures that will con- dairy bi-prOdUcts from 634 thousand vey to our readers some idea of the to 1 million 310 thousand dollars. sensiblr citizens. Yet, it has accom- dry plank In the platform. .. I I pUshed one thing. It has -brought . During the present year ,lIterally,t. i i general advance of the city's major The tables for Omaha's wholesale Iinterests during the year. It is re- and manufactured products, will about a condition that w.iIl the more m~Uions gallons of liquor h~ve ~ I 0:: I . 1ported that Omaha's wholesale and show approximately: quickly bring back to thIS countr~ a 1found ~~:Ir way across the C~nadIani ~~ ~ ~ . ~il­ MexI~",n: ~ i manufacturing business in 1923 total- . Aglicultural Implements, 9. sane program of proper regulatIOn or border, from the Islanc:-s I a \.. I mIllIo~; of the liquur traffic by forcing our to the s,:uth or fro~ across t~e bIg! ~,,:. ,led 85 million more than that of Ihon: Autos aml Trucks,.49 1922, a survey completed by the publi- Auto Tires and AcceSSOrIes, 21. ~:nl­ public Challl}lionsllip Roxmg }jatdI-FlIlP Pre!JnJlnarH,,>o;-}I!d of Imlnstry antI Crty-~JIOQ,(}OO Head of LIve . shall control conditions when !~emDt'"of the gO\=emm~nt to dissolve: West Boxing: Followe,rs (~iH' }h:.ll'tlwJ' EY~ll Chaut.p Stock HUlltlied Here AmmaH;L To~ is gone. The politicians are !the international Harvester Company.' tu PhH'k Crowll-Sm·t- to HI.' a Bloody Flg'ht. ------said. to be on fhe anxious seat. : "~H h : . Sh !of which ccncern inC ug was gen-! Most old Omaha residents know, Knight, a local teacher. e says: ! Tom refuses tiJ discuss the !eral coun"eL .:Mr. Huntley "covered" I Sometimes lightning strikes where I The L,st tiE:e Om~lha peuple wit-

+h t thI'S citv boasts the second; "Think of a city having a capacity! rumor. : much of this case for the Associated l',t '1" least expected. Frida" morning 1, nE~sed a champj':mship fight. nearly ,- a. he' " h . 18~ iVV\ • hI' h ' I ~ • largest live stock market in t ! i~r ousmg o,vvu, wit a popu a-: Tom has been a leading lig t, 1Press .and bec~me very' well :cquain-! fight fans "";ere under the impression It','f) years <)":0, bet'.';een Jack Britton world al1d know that the local ,Union I tl~. of_ ~ore t~an s~ven! a~~ a half in local political matters for a 'ted WIth the Judge at tha. tIme. that they would have to WItness a and C';'.vbm' P:lc!lret, they had to be gg 'I It! i Stock yards is amo;,-g the bl es: i n:llnon:> 111 a smgl: ~ear. Nme days 1 long time. the old ship will be was a big thing and Hu.n~ley was Imediocre scrap between heavyweights I >"","0"'" H '-it 2':-~ \':atch a cham ion count~ v.;o~ld and best equipped III the .. he the a:,erage length of 1 without a rudder if he decides ordered to go to other cItIes where i as a main eyent attraction to be Ie . :.L _J S ; d . p . Still we find many usually well m-: r~sI_dep,ce; forty tImes Teach year the! to quit. . testimony w~s also bei~g taken. Hel staged next Friday night. Howeyerl ~)OX -,us: e~,-,u~t: tu e"terraIn whil,e formed citizens who have no realiclt~ "iOuid _c~mpletel~ empty and: (Contmued on page 3) Iplans were changed and for theine "axed b~ strength for a mOle idea of the true importance of thei refill. T~le .unIon Stock Yards . of: ! ~ecu!1d time since boxing was esta- ",:onh,- pppommt. They wm witness live stQCk industry as it effects the: Omaha IS Just such ~n. unrestmgI !bUshed: as a legal sport, in Nebraska,! 3!1 a!tcJgathFr different match next city. . community, and the 1.-,sItors looks )OLICE DEPARTMENT UNDER DUNN MAKESllccal followers of the nstic game are Friday night. No, so ma:l'- lo:al Forty years ago there was no, dm,,'n into tm: no~sy pens and wonders ',.; .>. !tr: witness 2. championship match. pec,p!e nan' "een..Joe Lyne~l I~ actIOn m~ny South Omaha, no stock yards, no: at. the m;gamzatJOn and :nanagement! rt OUT CRIME' As is now' pretty generally known, but ther have all, read 01. IllS packing houses, and little of any- !.!vIdent ~hrou~h _the ~tlr,-w~ndersiGREAT RECORD IN BLOTTINllJ .. Ithe promoters have substituted Joe. fights .and kno\v .tHat :he champIOn thmg else of industrial importance Ibow men s mmd:> ha,e meer t~e I 1Lynch and Earl :VlcArthur. bantams stens lnu' a,,~' nil;',: \\"1 t1:.. one sale in the city unless it was the Union i chall:nge of such vast number~. ll1 1 , .' .• T .• l for Tiny Herman and Jack McAuliffe, purpose and t!lat purpose IS to knock P'fi '1ro~d =p~s 1working out the detaIls of prO'l.'Idmg!"ork of Hurnett and PalmtagOffit'el'~Stantl Out-Otlier JJeteetlYes UlHll-eoondL,~nnh division heavvweights.cha~pio; Joe leis opponanti~o' out at the fir"t chance. aCI e ral -, d' ec Ifood. shelter, sanitation and trans- i Seores of rniformetl Doing Effee.tive Work- is a real without Tn mee' Earl lIInArthur kIiete" Today OID\a IS se~o~ ~n.lnr :~tl~ portation." t Major CrimI." Fast Diminishing-Damper Put on a~v ~ifs or maybe's aba'"ut it. He has L'~ncl:'-i- ~~;i~r, ~o f:c: a flrrhter ~vh~ of hogs an? steep an f '001,'er cShee'p'i Up to 1884 no live stock stopped! Red Ligllt District-Police Work Fast. ! do~vned an the bo\'s in his class and ~h;nk~ "';d~I'~k"llV ~the s~me wav ranking nrs as a e 1 ~ .,. .' , c _'. _ "'. • ", t Am rica's greatest packers. at Omaha, except what was taken i .• .• Istands out as the one champIOn, about the matter. If McArthur was marite. .- let 1 t ·h ~ The from the cars to rest in transit to I The police department has been That IS one O! the many reasons ~,,'Id'e from' J"ck Demnsev who has ~lO ente" <' "r"hle ,,-here several horses h theIr arges pan sere. <. !. . . h -h" B . "n d" .' ~- . ~ '" . __ ... _" .. _ave f th t industry has I Chicago or pomts farther east. For Ibusy cleamng up the old red hg t t at the ut!e!, pon~e a m:mStIatlOn earned his championship honors WIth- were munching away at their oats success 0 1 e j grea theLU' Strvrk j ~"everal years efforts had been made; district the past week but have not was such a mIserable faIlure. He i out a fluke or b" thA~",0-race of anv I I'e "'oul.",'t kno\'- the place where dId arge v on mon "'" I . . I ". -f" • h h' h f' . .. . ,I " U...... epem e d' 'ff"ill Th Union to establish a market here. but with-; confined their attentIOll In p~rt1cular .mled to c.oose t.e rIg t m:l1 or state boxing commission. I the equine stood ,vas called a "stall" yards an Its a :CI s. . 'Ie I' out success In '883 the Union Stock i to the old "prostitution row:' :Many the right places because he dId not Th . 0' -h d'd' st< fa s' be~"u~e h doe<:n't 1-,,0\,' what the S k '-~rds acts In a sImI 301' capa- . ~ , ..h . f" . .1:' wav m" a an IllI -we n ~""._o ~ ...• ' .:oc ~Y~d th I I 1 ann"" house! Yards Company ,vas organized and! complaints have been regIs~ered WIt understand polIce a Tarrs. 100" at it Joe is "oin" to meet the word means. CitY a", oes e oca c e '" h k f b 'ld' I Ch' "' V D of la+-e wIth the re- I~ t b t d h +-h' 0 ,> n. • ", b a "ha banks Ientered upon t.e tas. a 111 mg up i I~.l. an usen, , can no e .e::pec ~ t _a~ t IS r toughest bird of his career and will If ',';e thcudn this was not going to mG .'- . B kin a live< stock market. At the time of, sultmg effect of a more general clean an}' other admmlstratlOn WIll ever ha\'e ~o "0 the limit to "etain his! tq be the ~~r:ppies~ "crap ever held ~\lanv years ago Everett ue - ., h' t ' b hI + ... J" tiI t .. - - _' • "~.,,. t_ - '. . h d f he the orgamzatlOn t ere was no se - up. e a e LO endre,;; c,ean up e crown. l'rfcArthur is a great faVOrIte at the shed we ",'ould 52V so but we gh~ was _made vlrt.ual ea ...0 til dement at the present site of South: The actu:l.l arrests . of. several underworld, it has ne"e: been ac- here and is perhaps as well liked as believe that there is g~ing to be stOCK yard". eompan:r-. He, Whl~h ~S Omaha, which was selected for the ,""" men of the underwo!ld I~ not so complished. and never will be, here he is in his own home town, Sioux p enn' of blood shed before one of es~ahli"hment 1 many aSSOCIates have broug.~he t s! ~ of +he stock vards and I important as 3,vas the erfectlve man- or in an"\' other city in the world. C't I . h- . 1 d' d feat . • «g" in~ generall - > • I' h' h . . l' h d . '.h ., '1 y. t ,ese uantams £:0 ~~ko".. n to e llnp?rLant co L 1f which was at that time known as· ner In W lC - It was accomp IS e . Prostitution has flouns ed SInce [' • • _ j _ d ,. __ _, 1 '-, ill'nh persua- k · h' . dus~rv~ to sunh a I "fi ft' ~h' th h' f . S veral hundred fjrrht !Ql'owers of'~ ,,11 1t "OU'Q no, ,~ e ".U~ • pac 'mg ouse . In c • :--: the Drexel farm, .about five milesIThe slgm cent ac 1S at e C Ie time began, Drinking IS as old as . e '.' "'.". i.: fre' ,. -to l"y dm"n a few kopecs state of perfeetlOn ~hat the busmess \, south of the citv of Omaha. of detectives sent two .newly re-in- recorded historical time. The every-; thIS burg Journe:;ed to SIOUX CIty "tI~;Dn EA uS '11 J· ..··h '1 'd· ~_ th ' ld's h I ~ o-h~ as a W_ 0 e runs as smoo~_"-hIy as the",. ! stated detectlves. out on tue'-- 30. b wh'lCh ~urder -nd robbery and all the lODe:I -hl e •.lIme IV'~.cA'-th'. ur rou",• t Connv",• I • 112t a"1-.WI • Je al.e _,,,,, ,e"l\or~ li~e b~~tam eh~lmplOn beSt oiled commercial industry in! '. Equipment of Yards 1· they finished in record time putting of ;rime has been recorded fo'; Curry and witnessed the. greatest .',;.el:nt next Saiur· the country_. The people of .~maha!. "There are in the .O:~aha yards, as '-';; t_:~ bunch of out of bus- thousands of years. Law has often bantam.fight e:er staged m . the~e i da~ ~or.mne. .._ .. n.,. . have recognIzed the great abIlity ofpn all othel' yards,. dIvIslOns fo.r hogs, i~lit least temporal'II~', These two o::urbed crimes and criminals but par~s. They ha,: a:so seen .hlm m! a L~...mplOn IS l1e~tlng a Mr. Buckingham t~ese, many years!c~ttle a~d .s~e~p, the_ pens,In thelmen, William Gurnett and Fred Palm- never stopped them. actIOn here. He IS Just the bnd of aldeclsIOh fi~ht. _tl1.e.pop.u;~r pl1ces 0: and have honored, him I.n n:a:ny ways}! dIfferent ;nVlSlODS .~emg .bUIlt andI tag, who hy the way have done most So, the police department of a twx~r local f~ns alway~ want_ to see.l ~1 t~ 83 ":II~ perv~II: TH: ....ets are nu\'; al! of which has neeD JustIfied many \ arranged Tor the dl.reren1: classes o~j effective work in most of the hig city is 'udged relatively. Here in He IS full of nght fmm gong to gvng.l on ~'11e a, ,he Au~1t?rIu_m, Baseball times over.. jstock. ' Icases since their return to the ser- O~aha ~om~arisol1 of the Dunn and The Sioux City lad carries .a :vond~r-I head~Uarters. l\1~n1t!·5.drug store, I . 'T' q of the U.nion Stock;' "At the Omaha market, a ste~ and vice arc the same that Mr. Butler 'Con-t'TIlled on Pade 6} _ ful wollop for such a dlmmuatwe j the ::>portsman CIgar store; Paxton ,. -dn WrI_llI".d ackinu' industrv in geR-;'h'concrete og diviSIon has b'een con-I reduced and made. it so tough that ,1..,kId and f urthermore knOWS how t'.0 I b'n-l Jardpar Iors. Fl,_emmg. 's cIe

ifl-:++:w:...,:..:~:..:..:-:-).:-:..:-:-:..:~..:-:":-x...:..:~{ service. Call us illl any time ~,. .... ~ I'll See You at the .;. ~ ~t to call· {til' your goods. Our 1:~ New Base Ban :;: mOTing Tans are always at i ; Headquarters :~ ~ ~ your service. I':' 411 South 15th St. .=. ~ i .:. Cigars and Tobacco 0;' ~ 219 North 11th Street ..- Soft Drinks of all Kinds ••f' t ~ Tel. J a. 3032 :; "Packey" GQughan, Prop. t I!. D J 8462 '<' ~",.""~~ ~'.!' ouglM 'i'~. I ~ ·-::~-:..=-:.-~-:~··:.-:~.....:..:~..x~~~_· ;""M"M"""~~~"M?

Adept at Getting Oth~r Cadet E. \'i'. Gllrbiscll, '25, of Washington, Pli.,has been elected captain of Nerve in Ring. next )'ear's army 8quad. Prior to entering the Military academ;y: Garbiseh, ,whO played center in this ~'eal"s game between the Army and Navy, attended \\ ash~ W~f. KOENIG~ Prop. Kid McCoy was on" of tIt.. trickiest 'lngt',n 'H'd Jeffa. rso.n coUe!!e, where he was captain of the pigskin battlers. In 3~ . v ~ - ~. Nemo Selt-Reducing No. ,; 01' the larger figlttill:';.··!lIeu. i"\'asn't 19'20 he first played center on the Army eleven; l'etaining that post the next is a real hngain. Ithas a low to~ 16th & Dodge anytmng in 'the urt of ge-rting the year, going to tackle last year and back to center again this seaSOll. and medium skirt. Madein dur- Opposite Post Oifiee l\L\.lL4., NEB. ~ . other fenow's !hei've 1.hat 1kCoy able pink or white coutil; sizes o '","",~~~'"K"'~""~"""W';~'!"UI~NMI,M_,", failed to employ "be,!;. a JigJIi W,lS on. , 24 to 36-and costs only $3.00. .~~f" -theThose nic:htwho rememberhe met hl;:-hi" .Jim·'i.:omebflck"};teyrll.rt FURT MEETS HIS WATERLOO I:, DESTROYS .FLAVOR OF MEAT dressIiyourd""lercan'tgetit,sendname,ad.s~and$3 We'll send thecor",t s-·-t--...... _ --k-.__ ----·n····'...... •• G"I - '- . "l'emo Hygienic.Fashion Institutf. in Philll(1elphla-wili W'F~l' fnrget Demure Young'Lady Passenger Knew iGovernment Experts Find Use of Pa- no E. 16th St., New York (Dept. Sol how the bom: he~ml. the Be<:t '.tl;;.y to Rou~ : pain [s Unsatisfactory for Mak. In the fir-slvltlce. 'YIi:,e"y mad!'" eer· 1 "Gay Blade." 'fng Tough Cuts Tender.' min that he ~t\~ol1ld In" tllt: fir~t to el1- I tel' tile dng. une!' in tIie!'f' 11(' wellt Awniting her train, sue ,,'11& demure-; SuggestiDn;; haye frequently been 4939 S 26th St 'into tllefirsr {'(i,·~"e,· ti:"t t:Hm', to Iy, reading a magazine in tile waiting! made to nutritioll wDrker" in the rnit- , . O. Ii hand and sat huw-!J,'J ill 1;;" hmh- l'i)('1l1 at the Ull;U;) ~taiim1. Acro;;;; ~ ed States DeplU·tmellt of AgrIculture. '

C an~ m:~!:e~,~~~' talking. to !mng:;'''li'Y rri"ndS ' from h':r sat a "gas blade." ilis e,ery I'to the effeL. [ that papaya lea\'es ! . :-:'::1.\, aWUlid the rmg. actiou denoted a desire to 11irt. The. also Ilried pOWder madte from the frUIt Blotches. blackbe-ads, sunbntn, When Stewurl f-n.t.",·t>;l In' ll;;tjc~d jdemure \)lle apparently saw him not, I of the pawpaw could oe used to make l~n. skin-roughness and redness •"~t "1 C' . I .• l"~t . I h quickly remo\'ed. Safest, pleas- RL u.m .iJ co)..' lJat. not nlHiPQ Ii} !t '"c ,. ramal'ks the Kallsas City Times. ;'meats tender. Both the leaf and t e antest. mast effective toilet' Xothin~ enz~'ml' him, so he sm!1;ed aero;;,; til" (:un· daunted. he \valked over in I fmit contain an which di6l'sts preparation an the market. , d .. I" TIl ';. 1 '1" 'I ('oy d Su~.~ p'l~~ .pnc wall \'llS an .ole,.'..o ll.~ ·.a, ". ',,":. I front of -the young woman aUt! aske , Iprotein. A ;;eries of experiments con· t>roVi!llJts~m$._. • light lunch· Soft Drinks· Cigars· Cigarettes .. Tobacco kept (,n ta:n:mg :,' l::C' HI.\.IUt.'al, "DI'dn't 1 -~e "uU ou the train at .ducted lJv the bureau of home eco- II Ii) IJents a Bottle • .- • __• ••••~....,.... cronies, FinaH~' St'~"'",c'j lel.r-lled Sel1aliaT';:'c ~ '" 1nomics ;;l:oW:i. howl'\"er. that papain in For sale by all Druggist ...... ----...... ~.lClU';ned.. I ~ shdown a.Uti h :-:, I:.(,y til. The1 "'V.hat did yon sayI" replied the I either oi the".... forms t:mmo.t be CDn- ++++++++U Iin,ifn n n n U H-+f ~ l',nl \'lt -n' m""l,' "("1"'rk d b i f d t h ~ ;"H4+f++++++++++++W _.. _ " ull u, . ..: .::~ .~ , •..-.: .. ,~." ':'" • young woman, CUPljiugher ban e- I slderc(l desirJble or ren ermg oug '" + 'Here ItUll. '..hl"'L~i "~'-t;,~. ~ILl:er hind her ear. i meat tewler. $0 ~ OIl~ ;';L'i~:ldel", LAST CAR LEAVES ~ McCoy 100"eu .o,er 19- "Didn't yOll get on the train at Se- i A solutk'n of the powder was ap- . t The NS t nored the hanG am:! smd, "1111. heno, .daliaT came back the query in a !,Plied to CUiS of meat from the shoulder Ii· ew por sman + boy!" :,lDtl. the'.l '.,U.1'!HH._.!. :1\,":.:.'.:."..:',.. slIg"tl.-, londer tone. i and ronnd. which were then separately Faonam Street Line :t :to II n d" 1· 1d"' I 3th and Farnam for Dundee ._ l:)j '¥ .e ..gUl'e {,I;,! r.k:';<:,·"'Ti \) on , "I berr your pardon' I can't quite cooked ity boilinz fr,ing-, and hroilIng. :;th and Fam= for 46th ILIld +- c· S :t· 0'." 111.1 ;mlthre S~ew'~t'l heo~ what '.on are saying." II The enzs'mes "ct~ r;plillx on the eon· Cuming .._. __...._ ...... __--l2:U ! 19ar tore :i: nn...,W~H,:~~., l~ ~~~,,~::;,~r.• .. ... tissl~~S, ""ot for Dundee__. 1:1f • .~ "·lllie. ,,',f!J . lU- ! By this time tlIe flirt was rather I nective esppcillHy when the ,ltll and :Farnam for Depot__..__ 2:1l4 + + structl?:S, .~.~L'.~.O:'c:~·'.·,~~'i;'·':,:':.1: ,:;,:e~:)ed dabb1;rgasted. In a ,oiee heard several I meat was !lOlled, bur the mu"c!e fibers Hal'ney street Lin. t :t t'.Vlu,•••..;.'l"'. ,...;oD ~.24 '.:L ,.liIEV'E S ~J A (I i eign se~tl an pant mso/. UdH}n. e· '~th and Famam for AEbright.__ 1:00 I.... + I I'll . R- TOP TR iN SYSTEfll suits WIth these leaves were no more ..3th and Farnam for 24th and N_. 1:23 :t "CLINK" CLAIR : satisfactory than wb~n papaya leaye:; 'I Fort C..-ook LIne ,I~ T "'- t' uPS' I I . th b t . II ~ '!'ill and N Sts., South OmahL~:Ol'I ~".. ."...... n m CUs assenger erVIC': a I grown In e (j :lUll':! garcens RL ',;',·t Crook ._.__... 1Z:3G I SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS TEL. JA 9852: of Demonstrated on an Experl- I Washington, D. C.• were used. In aU I OWl Cars '1- '.04 .,. mental Track in England, ! ea;:;!?" tll\" eharacteristIc meat flavor I ~';~h and Farnam-south to 24th and ~ t -- ; ie~df'd to dJ"appear and was repIneI'll. :£~;~n~~d :iii;:n;;::-.-n:.:-;o"iiili·iO 2~th and 1:50 ++++++++++1·-l-o·H+:T"-l-o*++++++++++i+U,,a..lo1>+oWo+'i !vtio**"H ,;=1 A delllOnstrati.Qu was re"eu:!" :.::i\'en I more or l<:;:s by other flavor", partien-I ';",,,con ._._._.__....,.' 8:30 d I' :.I i~~:~ ~nd Farnam-south i'20 a ,.~ a,."-"'.."'..""' 9 at Kursaai Gardens7" SOuthenJJ '-LUll- larly hy hitter 11<1\'01.' in spme eases. I " tn_on 24tn e.:n ""h y ytl' Y.l'.l'm ""fIJ"YN."'rl'a ys..',lItl'el'a..,.l!1.. =- don, of the "never,swri ' s~·"'t"m ot! ! :5th and Farnam-north to ;!4th and %"5 ". T ..Ill Ic~mtin~uu,; pa~:nger se~vj~e o~ M~lk. :it;-n~d"Fii"'rna.~-=-north I UD,I, iul!- J Produced. 93.9 T?r.s . I to 24th and' -: DRf\i E OUT TO :; SIze rUl!\\ny, 300 .Yards m l,"!lglll, t'un-l Seventeen years olu m1d nann;; pro· i -"_mes ..__., 3:3ll :: -: tainlng a 1 in :.'U gradi€'l1t. '1']w ;Jue anced Hcl,9 tOllS of milk, 3.19 tons of: .~th and Farnam-north to _4th and. If_ , .. -.-----.~- ! ·\mes 46~h...... ------l.2G II.( s:~ Iconsist.::; of twt) fltlrallel track:; llbuut bntterfat :::nd still producing is the i ,'tD and Mason to and Cum!ng_ :!:52 _. I six feet apart from center ill t:!.'mer record (if Artis: Ple1.e D" Koi of the I ,~th and Famo.ill to 40.ln and Curmng 4:00 ... :is !I lind the ears travel col1tinu(}usl~' l'flund \\'iscvDsin College vf .'-gricuJrure herti. ,j ,"'h'";,oftand.._..Cummg to .lGth and Ban- ~:21 '"aa.. :!all ' the circuit. The eoadles, W;Ile:, !:uId This shOWing is: sUTp:,,,~ed b~' 'few, ':'th and l>1Lrnam to luth and Ban- :: ,,'" 12 Cr()s~:Town 1 passengers, are prope;;ef! by a re- !{'OWS. r,e;>h;ning llt .he age "f two.: croft Nth Street 4:38 au hl·c n ..: Yol,iug spIral, laid between ibe tl':li.:ks fifte<>n year,; 3g0, "he !1GS "inc€' thar !~th and Lake to 24ul and Ylnton.._1:;:~~ '::". :m d . d ~ k ~ ...-' t'· m.· , ,> A,'. '1 •..• ff ,-.,. ". '4th and Lake to 42d alld L l~:o·1 Ian carne on ",po es proJel.uug IO...... pr,lulIee... a O,l••y a,e.,l"e v. <>'i••>: :.~-, d L t 9.'h "-d .,r,·.. ·0~ 1'1" am" I'lillf' 't~U an 0 ... ~"'. h'~ ? -~ ..u .... • Ii a massive steel tube. From tlJe un· pound" of mllk. ~he W118 not i.n I Council !?luffs and Om~ha .~ ~ ;r ==;;;;;;;.~ I m~ derframe of the coach depen,ls m. llrID m'lt.· ",'rl'll" t'l" entire l' e"'GtI il'>viu!!' ""arl and Broaoway~o for UUUUlll--- 1..,0 I.... Walnut 18:::0 . 5206 C"''''+e''"'u~ ~ S-'-"e,,1 ~.'II.! ~,.~ 1'" l - '." ,,""yt'nr~- • ' ••• • .... -: "t', and Howard ... R. L DepoL- 1:2(j I"~: u ., "'. ". Will:a~.. , ,.,~~~~~nl"1e~:~·;A.~::.~L'. ." "",~u.r~r o~ earrymg.~ithtwo ¥ertlcal rollers~At that. en- I gone two without. freslJ;mn~t3b!e:g , 14th lLnd Howard for Pearl and . i'I."fl!Juft:tll!lD5Gr:;.,.rIi;;,'ZGila~';:;r;;>e~s~:;rJc-~:':!'<:iP!J31CJr!.J$£:.: 4. gage the splr.aL the sttlt!ons prior to iter. fU:f freshenD)!::'. Broadway 2..£,i- i .,p.u."••.l'•••v a e.'tr.ft•••r:." dIe .Nor,., ,..1,!- .Amt:'L.._ A. A.. ha_ the IHtcb of the spIral IS \'erv fill? and Irecords ror t!le nfteen veal'S sho'S that. -= : . @ _ sele<:~ed +~ """""'"...-,."'''''~~~''-'g,'liW.'''''' -f,~b~''¥~~$ been e ?:,e :::1 r;w mel!lherf' 'I between stations the pitch' is very her un,rage yearly r,roductIon was I"" - I""-""'"_...... 12250 o~. t:h te::I~. ,.';'.J.~".e':~h":!.l.~O"ym~Jlc~.,r.e.jJl':s.. e~~ tII.e 1. coa.rse... The result is the coaches 1 . POU.nds of milk. an:] 4:2."'19.1 1 PLACES ~ ~ Unitedham Sea:"", m .,_e _",ames, pa,ss through the stations at a speed pounds of butterfat. Durmg- tt\"e years. I For Sale! ' c r,io1Ji'kp FkuLn;; r,~ces In 1- runce, sufficiently slow to enable passeugers she produced more than ;'lOll p,mDds 0 Schmolle~" ~ I I - ! .8....,. ~'_ 1 • I to enter or alight from the car in the of fat. Artis has consumed in the way I : J. pmltill tlJe pne~ l' tinuonsly, but on leaving the)' spread 6DOWS of the high E!ma~a3·as. ":.\~id'l $ mg i>tIJ.ff wonld 0-: Smm\{fr. An,l lw Ull Ollt and tr-avel at a great speed until way between Chinese Tlbet, Russlan f the main drag. Price very $ not (OOUliting ,~n. i~t,mley Cpn'lesk.ei,l the station IS again. reached. 'l'he Turkestan and British India, a halt I reasonable. Real sacrifice ~ eith... er. f"r .1H' •. Si'.'Y'.;. ,1.:".J~ ..relh~lh"~..~t;n .be', ew..m that tbe -."'.. SSt. em tl:ere. is a thOU.. sand. miles beh:w] :~"'. wor;u's j Save $90 by purchasing $ placefl em tne >"dl0fiL::...ll ;;["tball "no waiting" was jUBtilietl. as dllrmg tallest barrIer. oecllPYlllg .ne lnfhest I for cash. pftc~er 1l,n~.,"::':1 e~ CUlt~>.l1te~ a~e:s J Unti.l. :he .. a i'].".'1-nee to the. demonstration the ::sf;.:rivJJ was inl1aOi.t. .:md. in thE fl' our own make of Console 1,cet mtn shape.l.l!1(, ,.L!'",\, . ; ne,er without one or !Uf'l'e WI''; pass· world, he" the my"tlc, ::;nbJu"ated em· h h s.·.•pf''s.. en.. t 1.I.i.S \'t'ter;cn.. PltL.'.l1er.s.. to. I. ina tl1rou"h it. .... Pir." Of.Ladakh, •.•'boaSfSi P onograp . I Hot Springs on February 1 ku;t Fearl...... the .mly celestial aoode of temporlll! \-Ve are able to make the for ftlIer-u:amouW of. tl"itini.r.~. Sen i._ . . _ ---- : - man. Its populatimi o-f goad-humQred, I BEST BUY IN OMAHA I FrorulU'j·~he wilI send. ali t~H~ pltehers To DevelOp .South~m. Mountains. . prosperous people thrives between alti· Ii very low price of $110.00 I whil~ t i he Is ('Ountingl'1u fo.r work m.tlle cam· '1'" A wealthy philanthropIst has gl,en a . tudes of 12,000 and 1».000 feet. J paign ttl Hot.Spring3. l'eing: ,,<,th1Jed . mHlfondoIlars . to the Ulliv~rsjt~~ of many migrato~' trihe:,; shift betweNl: and give you the extremely ~ "'Wl bise:,pe;'lUwnc <)f la"t rear. I Kentucky to be spent frt stud:t rug now :15,000 and 18,000. Her ehlhorately· t :: . . "...... " I to miUtetlle southern mountaIns p~ eolored and groteFque-figured moun.! Inquire MEDIATOR or low terms because we want ONLY sm.l $ . Sheely'Is Kept Out of 1duce a good Hying for the p,:ople whit tains attain the ethereal height of 2S" ( to introduce our machine.I.~...: FULLY $ • ehgh~.'".. • . r> ...,.....~tb ~'.'llooablt them. The problem1.n~ti"orlSIS to ~~dis- 000 feet, the plateaus of which consU'; Telephone ATlantie 7441 '. Lnn. b.¥ B.a.,d ...... n.,._.. k1. rove.r the crop.s. and.. the tn.te the peak .0.f worldly habitatlon:'-l to the Nebraska public. GUARANTEED Oniy a !lnAj~ keep:" E:m:SheeJs SUited to the hilI lands, Tnwugh ex Tnrvel Magazll1e. . •••••••••••11III••••11I of the '''hit\: B'3:S; fI'om he1n;; une oft perimellts'that will 'begin .lit once the .

tiie Ill.O..·.s.t'.U.'..l.. k.".';d'.aIJC.J'.'l.; Hr.. s.f.-S:lCkers m.,en in eli.. w.... , i.D lh. €. Mil ~-~~------_---~;""1 the hli;torr· Df tilii' gnD'? Ed,Ue Col~in.1 gIons the,a.r.geeommer('lal.... m possll:llHtles re-.,of "------.B_e~ tlum a.....MTnlard Plauer ....._--...... 4 lins ::av,; !Jeis one. ;:if pw greatest raising various,J;:ind" or Uye srock and For Coughs and Co~ Head- SCHMOLLER &MUELLER PIANO first ba~t,rnel! .he pl:!!' 11Ia;\"i>fl wltborl the sUitability'of different grasses Rnd aches, Neuralgiilt Rheumatism llgaillSt. ;':>;!.'w ~,)[ilpHmellL ;;Ince SO'I frops_ \Vith proper metllOd" :md lllor

/60maha Is (J, Great Place in l1'hich to Liw~ Nebillskct!jj wer

Summer's Gone inter I Here

lVhen the cold nwrnings come your ear will be hard to start if yon'r£' still sticking to summer gasoline. A. TRIAL WILL CONv'lNCE YOU-DRIVE Hi AT But with a tank Iull" of '''CRYSTAL BLITZEN Because it yaporiz£'s so quiekl;r it a"lmost instantly 17th at Davenport eatehes the spark, and tlle {'hoker nee(l be used 24th',at Willis Ave. but very little. 12th at Harney 24th at H Sts. No aching arms, worn dmvll batteries, diluted 18th at Jackson Sts. crankcases when using "CRYST.:lL BLITZEN." Nothing but satisfaction, so complete that you will ·29th at Leavenworth t~ll all your friends about the gasoline yOll get at 30th at Farnam Nicholas Stations. 30th at Cuming 38th Ave. at Farnam 49th Ave. at Dodge 601·h at Military Main and Military, F1'eIDont

To Our 3hmy Friends ami Customers We Extend SEASONS GREETINGS icholas. .Oil :orporation • Busmess Is Good, Thank 101(' ..

~~~~~~~;Q9'~~>F~~~~~.)!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'l?'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8:~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,. ~~-~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.•

• ( . ....1 i RADIO A CURE FOR FLOP -ARS ! PL.AN TO BLOW OUT DISEASE SURGERY OF HEART G:~ Th:~~l ~'S "' ~ Ger~i~~ ~;~~1: ~:;V:t;iJ:~:t~~~sC,,'~ ~ ) : The EDITO !TARARE'S MUSLiN FESTIVAL iEarmulfs on Receiver Do the l:work British Doctors Will Use Trade Winds, I Thriving Center of Industry for Years! for Soy Who Was Thus Against the Mosquitoes of I Acute Pains. ~i'l, PUBLISHED \VEEKLY BY t in Eastem France Hails AffI'cted. Samoa. I -- :2~ J Originator. I Nnnlprou-.:; ~tQt2n}en-;-S rt;l[:,!i ,"12 to ~h8 ~~ The Mediator Publishing Co. f 1 "Protruding ears will soon be a chal'- Pacifie tmde winds will be used In; relief by ::;ul'gicnl njJo'uri,m ,.,~' .: i ,:,·2, ;1~ TUI'U!·e. ill east centra] France, Is i acterii>tic of a bygone race," said WiI- an attempt lltf'rally to blow disellile I tOlm'p i!IH!I,~t iml'i1(-taiJle rE::, ,! ~,- t:J~ AT lantic 7040 215 Karbach Block the city of mllslins. 'It wa,: formerly Ii Iliinson. ").IvtiJer,; of Lhe future need out ~f ~le~ Sar:oa i~l~n~s. according I angina ped,:,rIs-lJn\'e :!:'~+:!l',"d ;'p. ~~ ~-;., AN INDEPEN,DENT PAPER little village lOSt ill tIl(> Bellupnlals I· haxe no fears that the1l' young ones to plans Oi Dl. PatncL A. Bu:rton, I cently. PatIents wlJO sUlLc.'I'C'd v. ::.1J ·1' mountains. but now it is tile center of 'rill grow up Witll flapping auditory lender of the expeditio.n of the. ~on'llhe sey;.'r;.' l,nin;; are'und t!l~ lie,we '1~' ti~ ED1iVIN L. HUNTLEY, Editor and.Proprietor a thl'h'ing indastry. For mOre than: organ".- 'rhe radio will attend to don SchOOl of TropIcal Medlcme, sodated ,.,ith this ennaiti~,n. nn' l'~:'li~· ::{. , half il century it has conulictell a Ithat. which recently set sci] for tbe. Soutb Ily trr·ati·r! by the ll::'{' oi S'Odlilh'E' <111:.';S ;"K~ Per Year Single Copy 5 Cents \\'orldwide trade in thc finest mUAlins, I "i\Iy boy Junior not so long ago had seas. TUberculo~is ~nd o~her dlse~se~ I ~llld 111l~·dc.ll merl1lJ(]s; tlw l'l'lipl i;;, ,~i1:~ "­ the secret of making which originaJl:r f one of the most pt'onounced pairs of threaten, the enmctlOn, ?1 the_ natn'e>; i tlOWfyer, temporary and reC'ilTE'n: ~,t· ~~ j Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at came from Inelia. ;;ays the De,rolt Iprotruding- em'S I have eyer seen, It of the Samoa group or Islaml" and it : tucks cause great di"tr8"" [Ir.l~ 0;-" ;c;, Omaha, Nebraska. under .the act· of March 9, 187ft News. And as a result of that trade f was a terrific bloW' to u,;. Since the is thought tbeir susceptibility rna:;: be Ivent those afflicted from lGl")\~"rl!! ;'~1'i . the, "mage has become ;'amons. Each rda;r '}f his hirth we had worked to due to a condition caused bJ a tiny, their u,mal occupariUI1s, 511Y" 11v;::':'ia~ .r.~ EVERY SUBSCRIPTION IS REG~A.RDED AS AN year in honor of Simonet, the founder Imal"" him look prett~·. My wIfe before parasite carried by the stegomyia The new surgical method" ill'e '/;~,,,erl ~ of tlle mills, the people celebrate the I long Imd vi:;dons of his becoming a mosqUito. This mOEquito does ~Ot on t,:e suggestion of a German IJl,-~i· .l,').z OPEN ACCOUNT. THE NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS I muslin fesrh'al, whidl calls forth the.Imillion-dollar·a·year nlewi" star. "'e~ em t 0 be able t o. eXIst. w1lEre tl'le ciun tlJat the pains ~cre cUll,lu,.L",j . by V~< .. WILL BE L.'-rS1'AJ.'\i"TLY REMOVED FROM OUR MAILING H"eliest holiday spirit in all of the in. II "She oYerlooked notllin;!. As soon den~e;:;rowth is cut Uuwn. By nerve iilJers wludl are [lo'e"ilJil' t;:, .~~ LIST AT EXPIRATION OF TIME PAID FOR, IF PUB- hahitanrs. .us JuniOl' had hair Ion,:; e!1ough to curl cuttmg amyays thro~gh the d:ns~ the surgeon, and that relief mIght bEl f?~ j LISHER SHALL BE NOTIFIED; OTHERWISE THE SUB- I Ln~t yenr the festiYal lnsteil ehrff Ishe curled ie. As soon as he was able jungle so that the PaCIfic trade \, mds secured by divldlll:::; tlJe~0 11\;l'r~.. (m2 ,~~;:, P.IPTIO·N p.. Po]'!r A TJ'TS 1N FORCE AT T'=E DESIGN'" rJ"17'D f da~'~' in wllieh .the little city \\'llS truly I to \"'.llk !'lle saw that he .carried his can ?low tllrOllgh it. it Is hoped that German surge""n l';norted 11",1 ijP k,d \:~ SC~ _ ¥~.;.\xr:u.L" .J:I. _~_~ a C!r~' of 1ll1lS11ll. E\'erY\\'here !tous"s. feet in the 3I1pro',ed fa;;!uon-almost ~he Ill.sects win be ~IOwn .nway. ~n performed the ope~'atton in "ix ("h..'S ~~ SlJBSCRIPTION PWCE. EVERY SUBSCRIBER IViUST baleonie;:: and facnrles all hut diSllP·j parallel, the toes pOinting slightly east, llltenslve attack, whwh \nIl ulso m· with excellent results. The {'ULtin;; of ~~~~ UNDERST.A..J.'JD TI-L.\.T THESE CONDITIONS ARE :MADE penred under thp light and ('c.lurful rand west. 'Yhen hi:, llew teeth started elude subHituting modern cisterns f.or the nerve caused a cesSfltinn 01' the .,~.'0. ~ decOl'lltioll~, whi:h always pr€'tt~· ' ~oDlin~ we had the old ones extracted t~e. ho;low.ed co('on,u~ storage tan,rs, pains, although it was n"t dear ~S I 1 ·OF CONTRACT PlJBLISHER and sometImes m"l'mous. Aillwe the Immediately so that he would have a \'Ihlch 1urlllsh breed,n", places for the whet 1er tl i- re-ult n·o_ lue t 0 ···~l; .."" A PART THE BET\VEEN '"-. ~ "1 b d fi - f I ... - 1 ::; ~ H u.:=; to,.. _...... 'S~ ! AND SUBSCRIBER. Imiddle uf tIle sU'e"t" '·'ere suspended straight, e',en set. . mosqUl~oes:2"! lema e in on~.o 'in the blood pressure or to a I",s ')f ~:t:' ! dome;; from \' ltich lou;; :streamers of "Until two yenrs ago his ears the sm:lll l~lands of the group.. T;:te i sensibility in the pn,'ts. :;;:;,'< I m r d d . I s= d t b . t d' Th expedltlOn IS expected to be III tne ~. . ~t'- IfEDL<\.TOR J\'!EWS STANDS us m were rape m gracPlnl cunes I ~~me 0 e JUS or mary ones. ey . Last Fellruary t\yu Amc"j('.m sur- '~C7' ' ~ I sl~ctJlld ,,~. ~~ il' . ll!th F I j'1 {h.· !InO!' winrl....' s of the Iw.ere not exactly tucked ;n close against trOPICS for two years. ! geons n'porte<1 the results eL,' u';e j . J oe R,li,llCla -- -.-.-..--.- u ana arnam b d' h s I ,1 I t h • t • I • M . F ouses; rese e, cream, l,,;,ory and rose I It':lu. III t ey were nOt 0 )stl'eper· .!of this surbkal lllethorl in 1:\"" ,".1~C':;:. :::J": j' eyer's :"'<:l"WS St-and..._ _ _ __ . _ 1411 - a:.TIa111 I prelh:Uli~ated-gll:" and beautifUl COl'; ?us. Then sUd~enlY they stllrt:u shoot· . Modern Quarrying. ! Death occurred In Olle l':1;:", "no :.•~ :lHcLaug:hlin _.._•.._._ _ _ _" 208 South 14th ~ O1'S Ilke garl:mlls of flowers hanging I mg out at l'lgbt angles. lOU can I The quarries of a Yermont company' marked improYement resultPt] ill tlle ;:.r~ Holtz ..-----.--.--r-..------.. -- ..------__ 103 Nortll 16th l frOIH il111nenSe corals. Vehicles of all: imagine the shoc-!;:. produce ever~~ year more tl'Ull I,Ooo,-! four renlaining eases. C.l~E'S ha-~'t' ~~~ ~ ~ Rhyn _.. ~ ______.....••..._ _..716 North 16th I kind" weri? adorned wiO) fancy mus· i "When our hGpes w~re aI the lowest 000 cubic feet of stone. In the early! continued to be rellllrted oorl, in tte f;"~ JHj:s. H. R. :UcNeiL __ _.._ .._.._ I022 North 16th , lillS. iebb the boy becamE a radio fan. For days tbe quarrying proper was done j AmerIcan and the foreign m.erE";lI lit· ,<~ Simmo;1s__ ," _ _._..•....._ .._.., _ __ 13~:: Dodge St. ,I QUARTER TH iN I two, three and four hours a d[\y he largely by nmmml and animal labor. j erature. ;;~~ Fr~:1k Doug-bs :._ _ _ ~ _.24th and La-ke I E M IMUM TIP WhOUlcl Silt at IlliS "et, the hea<1 tele· I At !",resent, fonr hydro·electric power 'I Some physicians have qlle;:tiullc"j the ~~'S; pones e ampet on-'i' his .ears. 1n six st~tJons. suppl~mell£ed. by two steam· I use of the mechod on the gr01ll1(l~ tIla! ;~~. Joe Beml'o:oe _.._ _.._ .130 North 24th Ch . mOll'll~ tIlo~e n\~ful fi"PI el- be" n to drl\'en "'en ·'"tin'" -tot'on~ wl1en nec th . . eck Men Have a Scheme to Extort L '" ",.. h 1'''' ",a '" elh ",,, u. ",. • i e pam was a warning si;.:n,l1 \\':!ich >"S?, Knip , _ __ 4 _ 2514 North 24th J'I More Money From Coat improYe their shape. In a year the essar~', sup~Iy the powe~ to run all the j caused the )Jatient to lead a <:u11,,<,(,';,,- ?~ Neltr,er , _._ 2717 LeavcnVirorth Owners. i cure wa;:; complete. The radio ear- machmery III the quarJ'les. One espe- tlve life. The Held ::lllpear" tu be prom· :;;~ Casi~G ~b::l';l-::.:,y __ _ .._ __ _ _..:.;.6~2 Son!.h 16th __. Imuffs 'ha(l done their work:'-C\ew clally interes,ting application of elec- Ising but is still strictl~' on erial. tJi,,;. ., Sanl NH:C.r:,o'<1 , __ ,.•...L _ _ ~.__._.__._ l.udl alia l' al'llam "There's no Mmit to the in~eniousin. ' York Sun and Globe. tric power is seen in the "gang saws," Explorers At~ Shoes. :~~ mu~. blo~ks ! \.""'~ ventlHns of these tin_ lloumi","_ t.. that saw the giam of marble Thl'nJ.'C".... E"'nlc,"""_·t ~\..:l:; ·.fv >IIP~ _ ,1.1;::'l U-..;... l1;:;;1'"L" tere:l the occasional tlleatCI'·Q"()f'l' the BYRON TRIED TO KEEP THIN Into slabs of varying thickness. The I Northern C:.ll::llj,~ 11,,, e n',Lie: tl,e:,' \<..1'; :~~ ~ not~~, !~§ i .' I":-:T 'un nOli'S • TV tRD Xew York Sun and Globe . saws ure made of soft iron one·eigbtb Iback to eh'iliz"ti,fu "ft,,]' n;'U \ ,,"c Ci' ,;r .1 <'.-1 ".. l?1. n 'J 3. H.i "\Yhat now?" his friend inqUired. Starved Himself to Avoid Corpulency of an inch thick and four inches ,.... ide gruelln; p="r.erieDI:e. They' ,.",;el",r:}~ "Ye"rerday I took in a matinee at; but Had Periods of Ex. :l;nd are ~ootbless. Small pumps de- more than .1.'H',f) mile-, :u',stJy by;::,~ one theatel' and the eyemng perf<>rm·: cessive Eating. hver~ a mIxture of ~sand :J.n~ water t~ c.aDoe, "\·crl.,,n.l sr:I;;E.s tlf tlll' tl in be·;::~ ..1 Tb ,, ' I I ~,le cin~af,(J ?'l'iJ.:llne 8.3,,\'S. editorially: IaIlel:' at another. At both I checked my : -- It~e ",aw and the ~and doe" .the cut- 1 mg I'Hl<]e wltll the ali] of a riog te:lm. r:e "",l . lV~r. ~a\Tar~i .R:;I'·s amiabl.~ project for besto,ying $100,OO\~ on o.-el'covt and ,.;tiek..It cost me a e::lar.; In "Beau BI'UJlJmel Hl-uI Ills Times" tmg. ~here :;re at the ljU~r:l:S ~ore i l\~ore tiWll OllCt' tliey were ne,:r ",·"n-a· ~~ the In, enrol" 01 t!:.: best ptactICahle plan by whIch the UnIted ter at each plact>, mstead of a dIme, I nne reads that Byron, "fe~rflll lest he than ,,00. OL the~e eleclrlca;l~ run i (lOn anll linN' II]I'.\' \'('ere' COl:lpc-]:ed to ~~ Stat~s ma~' COLlpe3.te with other nations looking tov.rard the pre_I' becu~lse of eheir late"t lllalcvoienr i should LE'eomc i':n. "t"rv"d him"",lf I gangs WhICh w~rk m groups OL from 1 eat their .',:,1 llWcc:lsin..:. ,Jisc"rdedi';;~ ventmn ul war' ;,. s be..:[c widely advertised. Plans have been sub. st~:n~. ' and then ate and tlr:Ulk to excess npon !twelve to f~rty three. -;:l(,~" ",,,, ••"", ~" ,.",~ .r,tf mitted. ThE' j!FY '.d it','" Clyd has made its a\vard. It is now proposed.' . 'l~le .eh~cl;: m~n used ~o take the I nlg:lts of relaxath,n:' The two p'e- ! ~~ t!p~ t~ielr h~n(;s r~cen·e .""""""''''""'''~'''''~~"'"''~~~ ~'e>?' to submit the \':iLnimT p1m"' to a popular referendum nd Th I !ll nr them in Iceulllg day:::, relates Thomas :.'I1om'e, I ... .y§ T 'b " ...~, ~ .' .. ,~ ., a e I a Imle [Jeep {ll~h. In either case vou Byron hnd taken nothin" but a few I i'~'" 1"1 un~~:s ,.ll.:\,~""~~~ to i,SSl"t by prmtmg a IOrm of ballot lor the I eould make yrn.r contrilJmion a dime Ibi~cuits and had ehew~d mastic to I .~.g use 0 £ 1 ~~,tE<~~_J..::;. II witholit shaming ,0Hr;;elf before any·l stop the ern\'ing of his stolJlacJ~. One j t~ ': 1 T 0 F· d !_ "11.< nUL. L:{l 0"'. ,one but the ri:'t:f'in;r llimseif. If the i is tolli, also, that he wrote "Don lour rIpn ~ .~1-' \\'e I::2'C qt1i;:e "n'ii:'::' the refusal will not only.seem ungraciolls' dish were tllere. you o:;;tentatious1y I Juan" on cin llnd water. Earlv in 180:3 : ' - ,...",,1 u f;~ I. but the.sub.;ec;: "t" :;:iscoYlstruction. Any refusal to fail in \'lith a east. the coIn in with the reS[ of tbem : Byr"n, when only seyenteell ~'ears of i .~~ reac~led :i~ ·:' const1:uction h:: :1.:·ltsnt proponents<. There is no fallacy more gen- the cheek man W;01 his ])alm, !fort and disfigurement of corpUlence. : and Patrons eral tl1an tklt H" to swallow an idealistic project is evidence O~l~' .lie felt tile sIze of what went i He weighed himself re~ularly at the : ~ of want 01' :-,yr:·IJ3.Ihy \Yith the object sought.. The most familiar t. ;.r~m. .• ,. _..!old coffee mIll, _3 St. J"am~s -street, 1 .},~ sj')€Cimen ;)f r:l~s !r)L:,if. IS ;:he assumption by virtuallY an pacifists But n~\, l~e;; umld acc""!,, n'hhing l where for oyer 1.JO years.emment peo- I ! f!f'Y th t th 'h ~ I '~, h . th .' • - but 11 flu.trter, Before the end ,]f the! pIe l:aw gone tr.> L", wei!!ne(l. @ .~i\\ a .QS!) ,,' ,,, '<" ::~lt ,,('{'eDl: t elI' eorles and nostrums are loyers 1::l>I. 'I:; ::,':' ~:~a ,!~ the case of"'Ethe proposed refereI~d~lmI can a man do? One puts dovm u quar· '10, ISH'. he SWnlil the 'nelle~pont from ! ~ '" •. tar as tney wor' at a • upon t Ie AmerIcan mInd. l.i'l1 t' :"n " n- n· ,,:·-t·'. I <0. • 10 :r,,-'£ ~ ". t t t f th Bok . t dl .. '..,~ ... "" .. ",IO,larv lng a Bell. a aes an er'Tlcey do "'" B ~it pas" (j':e,' .t!l:S H:'lpor an aspec 0 e .• p1'oJec an ~ngine for such wnrk as raisin::: del:- ! @ .P" ~· conceac thllt '::,L:~'}':E- and novel suggestions have been brought rkks. ririlling and pumping. - I The 1 ~ ~!1~ ~ J! th R ., 1 f d ? ' I [!!ll"sage of a summer storm I 201 So. 1.'ith St. Ai. 1l1l-l3 "" ~ '" ~ .Lor .. .vUl l\'hy 1ne popu a1' re eren urn,' I E. \V. Tee of Brooklyn, X. Y., uses l eIoud 11\,el' a gt't~at city n,e~lll:; that I I $ .~i~ . I:",r~e ~~ The hallot rends 4lS follows: "Do you approve the \"inning- plan? Ihis car to prevent the water supply i there wHi I,t' a yery <1emnnd I (}3LtHA v..~~t?~ '.i'e~l 1 {·oj:.~:·:)i'f'. redol~nt l:~mo:es tlr~, S~IP.S H~ht ~ ;~] . kU0 .nl It is of the idealism and altruism I car, a a ,belt oyer I dellee .J,-,UCI",!. If tbe power and I . ~ whIch ao'e sa ca:-;~.- "to appro\'e 1ll theory and without immediate ehe Jim, .and. opeultes it pnmp until! generatin;; station WtlS not 1,repnre,I II ;:>': I ~"'!" , -:;-" ,.., f h h .. the tank is filled. If' . II ,. . 1 t' f·' I h .,l"t S~C.rIl!e.e Ole' ~,'l..:1., l",.l••::n . ~f1,.Jn.~. () t ose ~o Ie gestur~ of,.,amlty ·wh!ch Samuel D. Lamis OI:" HannI'bal, N. Y.. or t.llS ea ,[,e mUllS rH';; 0 :.le u- I - -- ~'.~r';:' d If ~h r - d . callty would be ;!reatly hall1pered ancl ( ? • U tee A I - I " l~~ ')Pt':,ll~,:;m ~ .~,ii;; gn·e. us..,a e' ., _. an se·es .• Ut. < to ='t hll.V I . l;;'~ anything' lI01 !}1'~c;ahl:.· which is offered to us as a means The foUowing st(}ry is credited tol ., I r,:'';''.; .?bsurd by posnn:; an (Ulser\-er OIl the hlp of i "1; of il]Cl easing' 1!'t~l·m.tiolwI peace, win vote ;yes. The affirmative the one and only. G. B. Shaw. It c?n-l of tile buildin:; and upon We apprl1/tel! j i?~ costs l1m:hi:·:-.; at th,. fL' "nent. "\Vhv vote no'! Icern;;; an acquamtance who was a i of n threatenirlg cloud the .,~arm I ;.,~ TIle -l'{-S,-;;~t ;"" ""Y'pf,-pne It is hollow forn~ It' we had forO'ot schoolmaster and who at the time was i \H,nll1 be giYen and the tirl's l:ll';er the ' ANNTUT~A.!' :/3': ' . ,;:,;~'.' ~ "' ..; , -""~". .. a . u,. ~ '. "" Itaking a class of verY small boys in" I L eLL/ViiARING SAL.E ,.~,~ P ,...·... t..£:l, ,.~p. '"1 ><-, - t It!,n. maillfestations of pacIfist mentaII-""lr 'Tr'"e '- ....., boiler's \yould be foreed, :It..ltii:i,.n:d' . t h e L ea~" ~··'1 ,~>1\< ~ 11 • L J ," ~ tl .~':;, 'c. ...~~ ~ E "r"h 0 b d h . "u'd "',,,. j; ;. :;." ", " ,., 1\." Ro t . 1· t .n", 1_ gramma.. n Ie our e., genernt,ll'S thrown l·ntn. sen'ice an,!., > " sh(. J: ~"'~;' ,;' L.. Ll."ClldOllS. ,ur. 0 IS Cerloilln} no ing-enUOus,. had written the sentence. "The toast ~ ,,,,-< ~.' ~. i ~,., - T I 11 f d 1 I ' oL'ler l'r{-j)aratiOIlS walle e" Lic'N the ; . ~'" ~ ~ nor 13 11e :.i.E' L ';':;'t ,'.' .a"e sue a re eren um serIous Y as an e -! was drank in silence" askine the cIa:::s ' ?",," :; • ,.. I H t I k .. , b ' - , emer;!ellQ·. :ln,l under t1le old "ysiem ; W 'C t S't F 81 .. 7.' pressI011 OI :l:U::;·:·,:e:::.. _. e a east nows It IS .'sorin a out as,' to eorrect'an;y mistake tJley could find! theSe preparations en:a:led consider. I l~ ~; ::::'cc:·er:'.~'.-:l'. omen s aa 5, UI 5, Drs. Gtlses.,~'"Skl"rft> ~ ;c,'~.".·;,. (f. much as a O'J you want another war? Yes or no. in it. For- some moment;; there was' able work in the ,yay of nutifrillg ilif· ; , ~~ .. _~, But. iI:j,11;s:del'ahlel'e[,dimr, examination of experience, ·wide in-I Wb;n had fim"hed th.e sentenc:; I romlllishing;, this has been arriYed at. ! Children's iI(! ~~ fOTmation, ht"ld special knowledge. The referendum de- ren,' e wast was ate m silence. ! A little devIce near the tit's!,; of the I "" H n n I ser\'es CO;}. ~el":":< •. J a e., l!ltermlttenr}' ilt first nn' later 1 WINTER, UNDERWEAR . c, '()flrl.:...'·, m,<;:"O.~un, ' 'p ," 1of elr en"lUe_ to c{lok theIr meals I more in:;:istenth-, whereuDf,n the suo I i;jj 1 ment on a !"tG1ote trom our study Dl experIence. It IS by means of un m'en attachment per- 'I . t > • t .'. t t 1 I !ill ;" . ff "" '- . t f hI' h· h ts i • . perm enLenl r,::e:s Ull ann ~Oll1~ () .Ie I 'l'o; 111 e ect a repeG 0: t!l( ·Wlse s:rs em 0 our Yepu .1C w Ie yes ! feeted by an Oregon inyentor, secord· ~ otlJnr nne' f' eha r onl .... ~, ~ le,.nr; 1i~ " . , I . f ' . .. h ti d . t th d t '" I. h PI"" ,~ , • ,,- ~ 0 illO,~" a • ~ I f,1IC O\-e~ ~ actlllg, aftE';:' S:Uu:.· Hnu mature delmeratIon. III thIs diffIcult field Th.. fits ove=- the exhaust manI·1 tons and tIJe whole system has heen I ALL WOMEN'S SHOES HALF PRIC,F of statecr~nt. fold, WIllCh. SUppl1:-'5 the bea::- . Fwd: noti11cd to get re..'1d~· for :J HfJrm. : "'-A - ~ "'%. may. be COOKed whIle the car IS III IDo- i ,---.---- . '. - ~ 1i ...... ~ , tlen, ~iuce ~lle ~OIS and pans used art' ~ London G~owing. Fa~t. ; ~.," J:i . ,IsupplJed With hds that locI;: securely" It ha", hI'eli ('<'umnteu th:,t the In· ! :;;~ .. ;;GER1iICE Wl'J'H A S3IILE" somewhat similar to thos~ used in! erNl>:" "f I.nn:lun';: population (~urlng i ::\OVl ON ;,-5 , 1<> \\'hen ill Need. of A. Cab CaU I fireless coo~~s. ' ! llnd "in,',' tlk' \\'orltl war is n,l less! 11 ~~ t , , a a a •• aa •••a. a ••• " l.than t1IKtl>fn l• Va"t numbers were at· ! "" .,''''' l. • S , •••••••• a _ --. !fl' "- 4 I 1 ~ '" '" 4 t."'t. ~ ~ I .' :.. I troNed frpm the l'fOymeeS lly t Ie ,ure ' !,k!1t~fUJ ~nf1 SA .;.".~ ' I:: Sells Hall' to See Game .:: of emp!?yment hlgb II W,. HIT E LE f'·' f a. .f~ "'. _. 4-F. 4 ..; :. i wngt";.t. :;":n\'·t~, h:;t\"ln; acqturetl the ~ ~~,~~ - ; "'.. Ac,~ (If :s~<:n.'l.e .ltrl.hntell tl' ".: t t, ~ L'n.lon tl,e-.- do not rHurn, r '(j,~t~~ LUE f -. Itolllan ~ladlator~ are ~;;; nnuaJlt we ; tas po ,,0, ~"," I ' - ... '\w ; "ll~ 'I:" when c'ompared to th" deect 1;1' '. a· I even tl,nn;:-ll. el"p l'~'ment :'" no,~' I ." I' II hI" I :l .: plentif;ll ano wngl';; :Ire Un1 what .hey 0 J S d ~~ " • I:~ a,;;~a g~Z::tu\\'(l; ~~a;r 1:~ .If:;~:~~ =.: ...e,~ 1,1 pens anuary econ ~ -. . Tes+ of True Love. 1l;,~t' I•• T • 3322 !.. fnnds to mtl'nd the \¥abul':h.De-.: Rhe-'l"u £i'm't loye me anv I i 1.0'\'" l\fETER Itl.TES :~ Pam, gmne Ht CrAwfl.r~,.:,me.:: 1It'-\\"i.}' 1;(0 YO,l suy thut:' more ] f.~ - p l..•..••• • •• "TJ,e !:r.;' three tim">; \'(,u've leff' Ii ~)~ ; . . •• ,&. a '" Jill • .- 'i - - - , f,l';Jij . . __ . .. : before ffither made y.ou:' • ~ " ••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d?~~j(~;..)M \ PAGE FIVE

. - . ,", , .

.•' ,.Jji~3"li'(~~~~~~~ !Facts and Figures Concerning Greater Omaha .~ I~~-~~ ~. ~~~~~~~~\'~~~~~\COMBINED ASSETS OF HOME INSURANCE\~~'~~'~'~~~~"'"~'~~"~'~~ ~ I !. ' COMPANIES TOTAL 150 MILLION DOLLARSI III time of New Ye..'s l.on, i -'" ",. Happy New Year And candles mellow light I _ '1 ~Iay thy hearth he jolly ~ ~;:.,~.".~.....~ Happy·· New, Year . Do you like fig~res? Especiall),\surgeon in Omaha who is of high pro-I A.ll(l every IHOS}lect hrig-ht ?: T,IO' b if they concern the advancement of! fessional standing, ·All hospitals are , .ceo J. vros y your own home city. We believe Iadequately supplied with graduate .iif To Our' Omaha every citizen of Omaha will be proud \ nurses. ~~ ABST1t4CTS .OF TITLE of the following facts and figures as i Almost all hospitals conduct train- ~''i Prit>nlls' aJ'l(I Patrons . they concern the advancement of our !Iing schools for nurses where severai ~X Extends A Ioca1 interests. N1 one,we b el'Ieve at;e hun dre d young women are graduated fIRE ~ Imore interesting that the figures jannually. They are supervised. by UNDERWRITERS ~ Bea.ton ... D·rn··g C·.. ·O..' lIA.PPY NEW YEAR ,given out by our home insurance com-l hospital officials and classes are'con- AGENCY ~I.' To :411 panies. Some of the facts .and fig- iducted by doctors and graduate OMAHA.NEBRASKA :<'-:'f'Si; '.'l.. ures follow: i nurses. ~~. , ~~ - " FRIENDS And'PATRONS ~;u~:n:~Z:~~~~n~::e~; ~~a~:' f:::~ 1\ There are ~~u~~~c~:s and of the . Masonic Temple Building ~.~,!{ mg $150,21,,592.2~ are ah~ost the 200,000 population 80.000 are on the ~~ ~ 537 Keeline Bldg. I I f th mblDed ck ng ho~s~l I I I va ude 0 e co h Plla -Ih church rolls. About 25000 children 19th amI Dong-las Streets ~i ~~ \pro. ucts; more t at ate retal lattend Sundav schools.' Omaha is\ . "" ~1. """~ I' busmess done in Omaha in a year and \ the sue·citv ~f the Catholic Episco- ~~' >'W'O~~ ~,~..~~\morethan all the cJmbined bank de-!_ ,,~th ..~ t _ "3 ",1 __ ~"~--'"''''''''~"''''''~~~"~''''''''''''''' .. , $ . f h ., b k I yte.·e e k c.rp", a____ e.uSo" '; ~¥f. POSltS 0 t e CIty s an '. I d M h d'-- d' .. .~~.,. ~ I~~~ ,,~ 0 be ~~ ~ ~~ ,,~" ~~"~ ~ .. A d' t ...· '1 db !pa an • et mcese...... "".." ...... ,. ",~ >f! ccor mg 0 ngures Compl e YI . ~ ~t A 1_ E EA'D Ithe Bureau of Publicity, the premium, Om· abha c"'~furlchefs ~lgUr~t ~mond~f.the : .: ~~ A. HAPP1: N'WY ·.n I income of companies whose homes are' mast eaUd u () t.le CI y S e I Ices ~~ . TO OUR !in Omaha was S30,264,853.S2 in 1922.\St. Cecelia's. Cathedral, Tr~ity Ca~he- ~; H~·· :presb~,terlan, · N.ew Year FRIENDS And PATRONS Ialmost as' much as the value of all dral, the FIrst F:rstI :\Ia.y prOSllerit;v and g'ootl IortUlH" smiI{' upon you ~f: automobiles distributed in' OmahalCentl'al CongregatIonal and All Samts year~ ~ong ;);1-;' Pioneer Ithat The number of policy hold- ar: the larger and imposing during thl' eomiug year ~ To Our Iers in Omaha companies was 1,244,535, bmldmgs. Imore than enough TO populate a city OMAHA HOMES !li~. . Ch· t PA TRONS And FRIENDS I IfOpraC ors I the size of Detroit, The annsual The abundance of labor in Omaha, I 1~ of Omaha payroll paid to 1,055 employes was Iexcellent educational and hospitalj § . I in Nebraska was$14,501,085.15. I facilities, and religious accomoda! ~.t. ~hrough BBCf I. French, and· Total clearances Omaha Itions, make Omaha an ideal home i )}.~ .U·sy .•·e··e a·· ·e English Languages Spoken banks last year in receipts and dis-lcity. In addition the climate is dry I WM. LINNEMAN ~ I' Phone AT lantic 7508 bursements was $73,372,086.15. Bank ,and healthy with an average an'fiual/ ~ i balances January 1, 1923 were $2,529,-[ temperature of fifty degrees. ! AUTO P.UNTINH ~ '218 SOUTH 14th ST. . - S & L' 240.91. More than $14,000,000 never I Of the more than 40,0.00 families in I \¥ 'j . Ipaid out to policy holders and total; Omaha, half of them own their own 1\ ~ Drs.. . 1~ere ) J'A. 9732 li h JI taxes $168,405.65. Rentals paid i bomes and Omaha ranks fourth in ~1 i Bit ng am amounted to ,$209,693,83. IHome ownership in the United ~ , I These figures give an idea of the IStates..- i t.,iii..,., I 9 -, magnitude of the insurance business I In 1922, 1,552 new dwellings were I' Leayenworth Stref"et *~ ~~""""". 1 08 Farnam st. Iin Omaha. Local companies are, built at a cost of $6,138,5932. I Olllah~ "'§••.••!.... ~,,",,"~~"~1Ii Nebra.rillia ' known as the most substantial in the 11' .A ,;-reat~ deal of attention is paid to Atlauti(' 72l)] ;'. Graduates of the insurance world. Insurance men I.outdoor recreatio n in Omaha. There I ~.i.. : ~ I Chiropractic College are interested in activities that 'i\.-.ill. are twenty·three beautiful parks 'I :...... result in a bigger and better Omaha. Itotaling 1,400 acres· connected with ft,J4' Of ~..""""!"'~~~ 1 Here.are some facts and fi~res I mO~'e t?an thirty-five miles of 'i\.:e11 i ~"""""""""'~~"'''"'""'''""'''~"'''~,,~~""''"'''" ~ AU Tl1l' Compliments I ! concermng our homes and chm:cnes: 1mamtamed boulevards. The CIty i . ~~ The Season From \ '~"""'"""""'"~~"""I Each has a corps of highly trained: ranks third in pel' capita park area: .."~.."..~".." .." " .." .."..,',..~,.." ,,.., ,,~..,,"' , 'N.» ~ I I physicians and surgeons. Those hos-l and its parks are considered among 11 ' ~ : . Initals which do not have regular' lhE' most beautiful in the United 1 • I ~' . I\ '\'staffs, are open to any phYSICJan.. or'IState:,.:. ,. ~~ M· .l H.' PI}l- vEIV "-'E,tR ! ! iR ~.'!., . OrrISOn 1 ~ ~ ~'n.l.. ~'\.. .. I AnClent Egypt's roelS. . _ -Z-2.rakGY- Is Sensation I -~----- ~ I Stone adzes used hy Egyptlnnsn,'a'r-I I We take tbis O])]lOrtUllity or thanking onr many .~ " ~. Iv 5000 3'eal's ago to !Jew out tombs! I l)atr(}n~ I . b &C' 1 I • ,- \ and friends for tlr"ir ...·allied natrollaO'e~., ~ !"a umer .oama' a o'ncre'te in soit liuH'stone arc almost identical i , -- 'L L ,." ~ L in form with the stone adzes used hy p I during tIll> llast year. 'YI' wish Hal) I)'"', Nl'w ,. w.r. 0 h C Hawaiians to within recent years to ~ i ;nm a .~~.'. c ·at IC cut woorl Dr. Henry S. 'Yashington 111. Year. ompany Bun Van t o. I of the Carnegie institute, who poipts ~ .. I mIt this similarity, says that it may ~ I sUTIlwrt tIre theory that the cuiture ~ e1::~ic~n b~~~r:~~~C tiil~;~n~~ O'maha.. Nebraska II' Wan'hdlchl'n . ITEN BISCUI TeO ~ 22ml & Paul Sts, , I Columbus originated in ancient Egy~t I • i • i'l- 'H'E. f)5"1' I about 800 B. C., and was spreml west· "'~ It u 1Ianu:raetnrers of . '~':t Automatic Sealing 1~;a=ort; ;:~~~~ie ;~~~\'et~;~" ~l:~w~~i~~~ 1202 Callitol An'. 'ret .J Aekson 2123 ~ Couerete Burial Vaults ! and Egypti~ns worked out the prob I': ': .,,~ I I fern of rongh cutting with hal") "tone ! ~,,:.-.: "~'f.."""."","""""~""~ 5210 NORTH 30th ST. I in mucl! the same way. hut imlepend· I ",'-.;1 - liE. 1"'...... · I entl;y.-Scienee ~e!:·.-ic~, 'II ~- """"'''~"'"~" I I ~....~...... ",...... _ ...... , ...... "....~,...." ...... ,'"~~ ~ ~., ~ I!' ;,;.,I1'11...... """~"'..,....~....,~!I'l..II'II"...,"''''",....~,..,..II'II..II'II...., ....,,...... ,....,...II'II...... ""...~'tr':S! .w .: ~.\~ i","""~~,,v""""""""~""'~""'"~~'~~'_'V,l' ·'I~'I·'_.~. ~.; ONE THOrS.tNl) ~"",,YK""""'~~I ballIzzyi; HiU'yard,the little Jewbhwhose play.!foot-l ,re ExteIHI Our 'lost Sincere Wishes for a ~ M' G. ing- has caused a sensation ant.! h ;.;iy· : \\t NIXB HUNDRED Al\"D "'"""~'YK""'"'"""'"'~;'.I··ree· tings in~ the Crimson hopes of heatin;.; the l ,Jo;vous New Year to Our JIan;v Fril'lHls and Customers.

~ H::;fi:~;:~~O "II of the ;i~:~;~::'E~:~~:I~'j;,:;:~~::~::~j:~I BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER .~. ~\,¥.. -He ~~ tIlt? ~nn of ~ BDSton ti~ilo!·.. 1 ~ ~~1 TO YOU \,ITH TillS Wishes for a -1 .. ~t ! ~....,,~~ 'n'..""_ i 'l'YPE FOrXl}J1:ms J; ~ . HapIJ~- a.ll£l Prosll('rous i Seaso.n ...... I I ~i i New Year I Greetings \ 1114 HOWARD STREET TEL. lA·l076 ~ ~,~.~ IDr. A. N. Carlson OMAIi4. ICE & Happ£~e!.,Year I~P:P:Y~T':O=O~:u::r====; I ~ i Cl1irHllraetor Jas .. H. 'Hanley CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS ~ i ~ ~ :! ATTOlL,EY A'f LAW COW STORAGE Gibson's Friends And Patrons i 1"~!.i::{0:tiA~k4.3~~dg, f~~~:'h ~!?r! I.' '.," PAXTON 'BLOCI' I loth .",1 Do".' STREHLOW TERRACE GARAGE :1 ~)j; 1 A'l'. 9747 ." i A 9753 2107 Sh ATI WE 1282 ' ~~.. ~ , If .l~~~~:~"""',""", erman ve. e.. :: ,~""",",~~,"","~~' c:.n'~""""""''''''''''~1O~'''''''''''J._1~''''''''''''''''''''","''''''"'''" ," \ (to~~~""",""YK~"~'~~~~"""""""'~~~~'.! ;1 i":' ~ft~ ~~"""'""""""""~~~ I.·· ~""""""'"~~,1I'M,,".1t....!1\...."."'...."..,....."""'""'"""""·ll...... "'to"...... :;» i. I. ..." ...... ,"":0111'11'''..''''10..4N'A'1.',' I '# . \ lVE WISH orR FRlEXDS AX!) PATROl'S 1 Hel'(,~s .~ ' 'II To Our Friends and II· :1'. to yon Oil "1 A'HAPPY. NEW YEAR o I'~ if. (I'REET·"~ INHS Patrons vre ',ISTo' h a 1 1.'1,.':"-': ""r l'e..., })u·','r ~ To Our Ii "f J; \1 . 'H d P I .J ay aU your troubles 4'\ ·Sti $.FRIENDS ~\mt PATRONS I ajJN" all l'OslJerousl ! blow aml)-, '1~ }la~' j(l~' 1..,: i I. New Year I,. ! ilnd heaUIl '. II Frontier I' ' ,om. ill to st.,:

.. LetlJ~~~VyOU Clean" 150:1 Farnam Street ,French Dry" Cleaning .~. . At. 0118 GEO. ROBERTS GRAIN CO. If 1819 ~~~~:NU l (World-Herald Building 209 N

i I I I • • • '..1 ..'...... ~.'.... ~. ~~_..-..-'l """~~"~"'"""'...""",.~~L"! ~.."""....~~~ ..~"~~""_~ ..~~ .."""""" i ~'., \W..t::-,"","",,~""""" - I . ~ Jr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~-:NEW , . . ...• ,.. . ." ' '.. .• ' .. " j LIGHT ON EARLY HERO InoW ABOUT THE HUSBANDS'll r< •••••••• ., Fou~d P~INTIN,G ..... POPE DRUG Co. ~-==i1 ,KNOCKS AND BOOSTS BY.,... TN...,E....O.'BSE.,RVER 1Letters in Washington Ton of, Write:r Animadverts on Mrs. BClmont'al RIES-HALL CO. CilOCU... Tltbilc:co, Drug!l. Rubber ...;.----- . 'I Col. R. H. Harrison's Careor I Remarks On Slavery of Job PrinteI'lJ 1 GOOd. and SundrIes. T~'(ELING man, ITjarrIed with MARRIED WOMAN; out in Dundee, ' and Its Climax. Married Life. Phon. Douglas n02 OPEN ALL. NIGHT 1. FI'1IHl Delivery Ny..l Remedlefi <,ill',·d, has peen • 'l).Iayinit with a, nO,t 11 mi.l1.i.On miles. from Fiftiethl ,.. T -P . cl k f the l 1620 Capitol A"feDue I :,1 Oouglao 1172 13th Mel Fal'l1am. 'street put on another gay little WIlham yler a?e, er 0 A1a;:riage, says Mrs. O. H. P. Bel- t • I r.ertain girl in one of theloeal stores rtv h rt t' 'N· kno s house of representatives, made a -ror· mont, is a sort of slavery, and for that ... ••• , ' ••••••••••••• 4 i -- --- th h h · I· '.. - . " 'th pa· a so. :une ago. 0 one w " d orra· er, s e . as oeen p aymg Wl , .:. c...' '. r·· rnnate dlscovery lD the musty recor l'eason she would hesitate to recom- ...." """ """" ...., him. Both are going to EJ;ld. t1;lenl- a thing about 1t, except a :fe". Per- shelves of tl1e hous'e this summer. He mend marriage to any girl. WhY. not 1"'" selves in had if they don't look out. ,haps that iiS w~t makes friend brought to light in one dusty package for the same reason hesitate to recom­ fiatt> to tell n~es ab.d;·such but husband get grayer,:and grayer day seven letters in the hand of Geol.'ge mend marriage to any man? There Nidi: S. Wranic. Prop. Jess Reynolds, MgT. they had better keep their clap-traps by day. '. Washington and ietters as well fi-om are millions of average men in the closedif they do not expect to get JUDGE DINEEN alwa:ys does the Thomas jefferson, J~mes Monroe, John world' Who are just about able to make in bad. right thing at the right time. He J!lY, the Marquis de Lafa~-ette and Col. ends meet, observes the Detroit Free Ticker Service on aU Ba~eball Games and Leading Sports , takes occasion to make ,the sober and Robert Hanson Harrison; who was Gen- Pr('-S$. .. They are conscientious per- ,SA.MARDICKand r..o~er~ as.well drunkenautospeed.ers remembertheii' eral Washington's secretary for siX sons feeling the usual affection for Finest and Most ExchL ive Billiard Parlor in Middle West as city and countyproh1bltI<:n dicks'sins of commission, so a k s those years of the Revolutionary w~r and their families and haVing a strong re­ have.been v~ busy dunng the guilty of other crimes but will not concerning whom all of the letters gard for the obligations which they as­ YUletide. seas?I1. as: seyera~ s..c{}~e stand for the county raiding places wer,: wr~tten. . sumed when they married and became bootleggers Wlil testify. While lt IS on city search warrants. People EfIstorlans, espeCIally those of Mary- fathers.

pretty tough on ~he hoys that have knew what they were doing when land, will set higb 5tOl.'e by 1\11:. p~ge'S I The result of these binding ties is Paxton ., Billiard Parlors been ,knocked over the fact remains th him the L t treasure trove, says the DetrOIt News, that they work, on year after year. PRIVATE CUES OUR SPECIALTY that officers have no horns pro- :U:l~~NG constr~:i:; ~;eaks all f~r one of the letters throws_a new paying th~ family bills, pinc~ing a l1t- trudin ' from their heads. 'They' .' . ._ light on ~ bero of the. Revolutlon and tie somet:unes, off for life tnSUranCle, • g L •• records In Omaha this year. EStl will reqUlre a correctlOn to be made laying away to meet the cost of edu- "hront" so bad at thaL, lt Just seems t' Db t' 't' t 365 " • < An exclusive exhibition pit used for all Toumamenta . ma mg ecem er ac I,,? Ies a In every hlOgraphlC!l1 cyclopedia that c"fiting their offspring. struggling to get so. thousand the year will show that relates his career. It shows that ca- ahead to hU:l' a home, and at the end Seating Capacity 350 MEDIATOR wishes all our readers, more than $12;500,000 spent on the reel' had a'dramatic ellmax not hither- of the first 25 or 30 years of married advertisers and good friends a happy local building program. And it will to suspected by the history. writers. life they frequently find themselves and prosperous New Year_ -- .he much better and bigger next year. It tells how 'Col. Robert Hanson Har- just about where they started in a Phone Jackson 9721 1516 Farnam St. I rison, who had given' the best years of financial way, and beyond their prime '------"-,--~Ihis life to t1te young republic as a sol~ physically. ""'il\li!i ...... I STOCK YARDS AND PACKING IPOLICE DEPARTMENT UNDER di:r, was l?revalled .upon, against his I They have, in a sense, been the INDUSTRIES ,OMAHA'S BEST DUNN MAKES GREAT RECORD pnvate deSIres. and _mt~rests, to come slaves of marriage quite as mucb as I ~heir Night and Meraaing AND GREATEST ASSETS I IN BLOTT.iN,G OUT CRIME I to its aid. agam, thIS time as one of I better halves, but it has not been I Htn'e Cl.ean. HeattilY Eyes (C{}IItinued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) ! the first JUdges of the newls created _observed that the outlook for hard I ~QW structed ,which has no equal in the Butler police administrations is in- 11 Supreme court; an? he was Tun- I work and small returns e\-er discour- I Ifthey Tire, Itch, t ting d' st t' t th dgrefa~t: able to complete hIS Journey to New ! aaes the :\'onth of eItherTi1e~sex when I Smart,BumorDis- United StateS. c. It is light and airy•. er:s 't afn :tin. ,rue IVhe 0 t· e 1York, then the capital, but was dragged Il:arrving time come" seem to I Th floors a·~ of concrete and are maJorl Y 0 Cl zens w 0 s an or d . I d bll ed I.• ". nh clIarge.ifSore,Itri- e .,_waY. of Secretary of Agriculture 'Wallace, I ~""'''''''''~~:.;;I'':::.~:~z::.~l.k::.~::e~~~~~~?!.!.he,l~;v'~~~~_:lth,;,._resbu~~ thatLDfSLtKE T:tf~ SMALL PA~~§ _"~hera~e o~ development of the pulp I ' ·''Pv",,:aJ.u 'lmpe~""" VI' en U~. n~-'Omaha may properly uoast emg one I . and paper industry of the territory,"; mond Packing Company wa::; mdueed IOi the cleanest cities in the country; Window Cleaners WOUld Rather Work says :Yr. Wallace, "will be controlleo I to begin business in a small slaugh-! from a police standpoint as wen it' Near Tops of the Loftiest by the economic factor of distance I tering plant built by the S.tock Yards l,iS in other ways. Skyscrapers. from present consumption centers and Company.\n 1885 nearly 300,000 head, by the necessity, inherent in the in. of stock were handled and only 57% !PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF '. Whate;-er -else_ ma;)' he said .Of :Vash- dustry itself, for large capital im-est· were reshipped. These numbers have i OMAHA A BIG BUSiNESS I mgtor: square .It. may he. Ll'!lill~nlIY ments, rather than by physical disad· increased steadily until' now about . ,0 i chromcled tImt It IS the IJ'Q,ga!JQo or the vantages_ The physical conditions in I An 0"" ' ~ '. 1"1 8000- "The public school system of ma-! window cleaners, that race of men who southeastern Alaska-presence" of ""I, vv ears, c",rrYlng nea. Y,, h' b' b' It . ts ! .' . I d '0' 000 head of live stock are unloaded a ~s a Ig usmess. .. rep~esen 1nonCl1ala~tly pose.011 window SIlls at cheapl~- lle.... e ope power, an enorm us . 'Ab t en~f an lUvestment of 16 mIllIon nOHars'l. dizz\' hel2'11ts ".'l.l!le nlU hold your sUPl->I~- of inexpensive wood and the AWORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP ually at th e vards ou vv,,·,0 0 . .' • ~? " L k"' b' o-ht b 7 Lh with annual expenditures approXl- breatil in incredulous horror. availahilitv of water transportation- ~hl~ lIve S.?C IS aU:, y L e mating 4 million. The hoard of edu- i Any ,,,indow deaner in the city will are the ,~n- factors which make in- varIOUS paeki.:ng compames. cation has on its payroll a corps ofl tell :l'ou that 11e would rather w:1 evitable rll~ expansion of pulp and Popular Prices ds sh At , At the Umon Stock Ya.r there 1241 teachers, and 141 janitors. The the panes of tbe highest floor of a skr· paper m:m~facturing in the territory." g i are n~w fourt.een pa;kin .house ~ard is composed of twelve persons i scraper than go to tlu- most m~dest.?f Near Plunkville. f Bantamweight plants 1U operatio~. C: .hese, s~x.are and their work requires their con- i Washington square (II' GreenWich ~ II· "What has become of that bad among the larges~ In the Umted . I tt L' " , lpge apartments to work, sa,s the :Xew curve just outside of Plunkville?" States. The others are smaller con- tmua a·. en.lon. . Y:wk Sun and Globe.' "The town did aW:lY with it." cerns, catering largely to the local "It's easy to understand:' explained "A good idea." CHAMPION and nearby trade. Taken altogether, the head Of one (If tile window-clean-, "Yes, it was c1H'flfH'r In dll rhal than the 10maha ,packing house plants Old 'Calendar Shelved, In:; companies, "for mooS, uf tiH~ wln- i to build 'l hospital." create a demand for cattle, sheep The adoption of the Gregorian eal- dow!;; in the \Yashington square or I JOE and hogS that is unequalled by any endar by the Russian orthodnx c[nlrch Greenwich Yillage section are ~f _the I:------, f th at markets throuo-h a recent proclamation hy Arcll- so-eaHed French type, and are dIYIded I {} e. gre. g .'. be blsho; Tikhon means that the {!utire up into a number of slllall panes. Each i An lDc:easm tendency has e~ Christian world wiII celebrate Christ- of rl:ese nOltnrany has to be cleaned in- i REIO HOTEL shown by the farmers to the nort mas this year on the same date for dIvidllalh' and so the "'inl}ow takes I and west to adapt their land to the the first time since 1581, the Inter- that mn~h longer to do. The more ~ising and fattening of live stock, national Fixed Calendar league an· windows onr melJcl('tllJ the hig.her, Fifteen or twenty years ago, western nounced. their' w'lge:" are. :>0 natm"'H.' ruey I STRICfELY MODERN ROOMS Nebraska, western South Dakota and The Russian and Greek e!mrches want to get thro!l;!h as 'lui"kly ,,;i !,os- vs Wyoming made up a typical range for centuries followed the Julian cal· ,ldble." ! l\-lODEIU..TELY PRICED country. In the long, severe .winters endm", which caused them to celebrate ,,;;;..~X~~~ '" he t I f li- . th Chrisonas from 10 to 13

;ffittlmiiulftunmHlmmUmUUuum: qW•ckldYleclt:~~n_it !l' ALL FIRST CLASS BARBERS ~ ! f ..IABEZCROSS =! an .;:;i _'i"_""" ; Drln~ ~ :;. Soft F'1ne All-Day Lunch 1 breath.....~. t YOUR SATISFACTION IS " .-.- FUn Un...... ""'- " , . . ".t"~ f ~A g ". "" -,... 0_... .gj X I OUR SUCCESS H OlIO I -''''';';;;';;;;;'~.I:~j, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 8:30 P. M. ;;" utllHill.··.·''''''''''''''''c iit" IHarle-Haas Drug.Co. f !I' GUS. J.=:, Prop. I ~ ':> DISTRIBlJTORS ~! __ ~' Iii Farrand & Spellman t t C«mcil Bluffs, IQ~a. :~! 14191 Donglas 8t. . Omaha !! It ~:~I~~~"'I/;» Prices-$3, $2 and $l-Tax Free ~. ~~~~~~~~=====~======;======:-;l Clean teeth the i ; 2201 Cuming St. i-:.::·,t I'I right way-wit =.~ 411 ~, . that;.~:_:.~:·1'h Soft D'rl-··nk'" !1·:'·1 • ARTISTIC 'idoesnotscratchor·dentifrice :.Ci'gars To.b•.acco ..n._-' I MEMORIALS Good Preliminaries scour.. HWaSh"your III Cigarettes. t VISIT OUR NEW SHOW 11.0011 teeth clean with, ~J • III· I CONTAINING AN , Iii i UP-TO-DATE DISPLAY Auspices, Theodore Roosevelt Post, eOLOATE"S I'" Your Patronage i i~_·1 Appreci~ted 1 _ :-~," FRANK SVOBODA American Legion .. H. - 1214 SO. 13TH ST. ,,--...-- ~1 1IIIIfIII--~ '\ .~.~ OMAHA ~.11. ~ '; ~ •••Hl, I~__=====_= = =;;;;;j;===;;;;;;_~ i 'W"-' ,I. PAGE SEVEN -; a ;; "!'"

Good Id I au BON is not obts.inable anymore, but you can make the finest im. BRANDY RUm* RYE* GIN* SCOTCH* Apricot* Peppermint* Benedictine* and other non-intoxicating cordials with our. genuine imported FRENCH ESSENCES, giving your beverage the delicious true taste of the good old goods. Each 2 oz. bottle flavors and colors 4 gallons. AT WHOLESALE PRICES: Avoid the middleman, buy direct from the importer and you have our guarantee of the purest and best obtainable at these prices: $2.00 per 2-oz. bottle, three for $5.00 , Per pint {enough for 32 gallons $8.00; all delivered postpaid or C.O.D. ESSENTIAL OILS Basic Flavors in their highest concentration-nothing :finer or stronger obtainable at any price. Each 172-0Z. bottle flavors 15 gallons. (Bourbon. Brandy, Scotch, Gin Rye etc.) Per bottle $3.00 12 for $11.75. BEADOL (makes fine natural beads) 4-dram bottle $1.00 FUllEST Our oldl;ltyle Ager eliminates the raw taste in any AGE R beverage, makes it equa}. to ten years in charred barrels, fine & mellow. Price $5.00. All our goods fully guaranteed ,or money AMERICAN TRANSFER back. Our references:.Any Omaha Bank (We are known ali the COMPANY Pioneer Bottlers Supply House of America). Jackson 3429 · " CHARLES JARL & CO. Oarsmenat,C(l!umbia" university startedtrainmg. early this. year fo~ nen 1324 Leavenworth 1701 LEA.VENWORTH ST. OlUAHA, NEB. Dept. ".l\P" season's contestS. . Durin~ c,-,ld weather they use indoor. rowmg apparatus. Phoffl;:l'apn £ht>wsthem Oll the first dfty's practice, with three crews in action., Storage and Forwarders Storage Space Always Available. AT. 6680 Lu~k~ ~S· Star Bowler

FOR SOFT DRINKS CIGABS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES o Place Like Holmes' Billiard Parlors 1924 Clark

THIRTY TA.BLBI Also Full Line Des ~Ioines CIGARS and SOFT DRINES Hotel 13th and Howard Best Place to Stop Rat;s by Day, BASE:MEI\~ SECURITIES BUILDING Week or Month Moderate Prices TO REMIND YOU THAT THE HULSE & WOOD~itEN OF THE WORLD IS THE RIEPEN LEADING FRATERNAL INSURANCE SOCIETY. FUNERAL A HOME INSTITUTION. NOT OPERATED FOR PROFIT DIRECTORS WHY NOT INStJRE YOURSELF AND FAMILY , WITH US! New Location Certificates $250 to $5,000. Rates Reasonable but Adequate. 23rd AND CUl\1ING STS. Ring Douglas 4570. No cha.rge for explanation. Phone Jackson 1226 W. A. FRASER, J. T. YATES, Soverei?;n Commander. Sovereign Clerk.



Wins "Harrier" Title


..... Prescription Drug Store ••••• OF' OMAHA Aunt 1689 FARNAM STREET TEL JACKSON GUt Betty~s ...... - ~~~""'''~~''""'''"~...... "...... ''""I HOME-MADE STYLE PAXTON &GALLAGHER CO. PIE S , AUTOMOSH...E SUPPLIES 161--11 SOUTH TENTH STREET .~~....~...... ~~~_MIIo-...... Fresh Twice Daily in All I Wc?lch's RESl'AU~NTS ) ,P-AQEFOUR ' THE MEDIATOR bMAHA, NEBRASKA

6" rr

Ma&,tel1}leee l\'1ad:e in" Real ~ilroad.· The Virginian . il1iles From

Filming 11 picture in the primitive cattl~ country-the one remaining s~hold 01', the cowpuncher that Owen Wister i~mortalized-has its "-handicaps as well as its advantages, Tom Forman made this discovery w~tlhe filmed all of tl1e "exteriors!' for the elaborate Prefen-ed Picture; .~ Virginian"" in it wildly b~autiful spot in the high Sierras which is abnost untouched by the hana' of civilization. ' Here are some of the. highlghts of -that production which will occnpy the screen,(lfthe Rialto Theatre beginning next Sunday, for one week. Neither automobile nor locomotive ever has belm seen in the great cup in·the mountains in which the picture was filmed. The co~yany spent six weeks in. camp, nearly eIght miles from tele­ phbne or tefegraph. . Most of the outdoor scenes were shot more than ten miles above gea ~ ap. you. "dog. and /Nl1Y: you li«l level. .' lOwing to lack of maid service, Tom about her!" Fifty mules were constantly em-I Forman; Kenneth Harlan, Florence I ployed in packing supplies to the IVidor, Russell Simpson, P?t O'Malley camp, an'"eight-hour journey from the Raymond Hatton and other luminaries end of the .:vagon road. !of the company made their own beds A mountain village was built by: and kept up their quarters. Director Tom Forman, who had ab- Two pack mules met death by fall- solute dictatorship over three hun- fig off the narrow trail. II dred inhabitants. One steer fumislfed the camp ,~th Fifteen hundred mountain tront I meat for three days., . I Wi!re required for the camp break-/ Wben lamb stew was on the bill, i

:fast. of fare it took three lambs to fill the t ,iI, Ninety tons of supplies, including Ikettles. : . HI IS materials, food and equipment, were I Fifty cowboys used in the picture I VINNIE P Lb P, i carried in on the backs of mules. I'are real "PJll1chers" and -have bee!? 1 . ~' ',.' , " I Black bears raided the camp larder i employed herding cattle in the moun- The dehghtlul mgenue, ';nth" Bathmg !3e~utIes, the big I . on two occasions. tains from five to twenty years. 1musical show selected to present tlle ext-ra Mldmte Shm,,' at the; Fifty. fat steers ""'ere slaughtered The-horsemen in the camp', includ-!popular Gayety, New Year's Eve. Tv.'o complete performances i and eaten. A slaughter-house was ing actors asnd cowboys, covered an Mo'nuay. night. ! built and expert butchers employed. aggregate average of 1,000 miles a =~~==~~~======I , Florence Vidor, who plays "Molly jday during the period of encampment Wood," rode more than 1,000 miles. or a distance equal to a round-the- "~athiDgMtDNITE' SHOW AT 'GAYETY I ~ tNt!~ M horseback. world trip, Beauties"Wm Usher In ! " r ' n. 6 :1'. 1924 Amid Joyous Surroundings. I LI W 1;;!kJ Ticket Demand Greatest Ever. \ I Only a short trip is required of; .lames ,J. l\'rbett is fifty-se',en years "FREE-FOR-ALL" .DANIAGES the theatre-goers of this city to getI old. I a reaJIS. t'.IC vIew. 0 f tlIt'1e ates crea-l * * * I: PICTURE CAST BEYOND REPAIR tions in bathing costumes and salt Hor>:f> racing is beil;g rf'vin·tl in Rus· water .nymphs. It does not require a si1; * * * ! l\fan~- H{)8pitnl Score Card Lists Celebrities Who CouMn't Keep journey to the Atlantic Ocean to Ari!entine rowers will wke part in I Heads Out of Way of Flying ~IissiIes. accomplish this feat, for in the the t Hympie giulles in Fr:UI"f' next !"Bathing Beauties" at the Gayety 1.., f I year. i As a movie "Her Temporary Hus-: but it wasn't mS au t. theatre all next week, there will be * * * I band" coming soon to the Strand I No more his fault than it was any number of the very latest crea- TlJe standard distance for cr{)~s-I Theatre, has all the earmarks of a [Owen Moore's when he smashed a tions in woman's seaside 'wearing countQ- running in Engl:lllll is ten I RUSSELL SIl\I'.iPSON M'lD KENNETH HARLAN IN "THE VIRGINIAN'" true fight picture. ,vase over Gerrard's head. Gerrard apparel, adorning the symmetrical mile". I.1 -?REFERRED PICTURES. Not only does it lo()!~ like consid~! had two suches taken in his head figures of a host of youthful and ., ., * erable damage was done- to heads! from the crash-and the' vase was sprightly dancing nymphs. I TIl.. hasehall season is now on in i and bodies but the hospital score Istill unbroken! ! And there will be a company of! Cuba, Four clubs are l'f'pre""nted in i card at the First National studios I Victim No. 3 was George Gooper, Iclever principals, gaily cavorting I th€' le:lgue. II Many Special Added Features showed that no less than four ,~ere; also a villian, When ~is ~ead stopp+ed 'with the ensembles whe are decla-: * ., * treated for serious cuts and brUISeS; a statue, thrO\vn at hlm In one of Y gregatlOlls 0 ur esque e.utertamers I rel'nrllNl at 125,000. ked b ~ Wh h fin II First was Chuck ReIsner, l)laymg ¥.noc over It. en e 1 a Y this city ha,;; seen in many moons. I * * * I the role of &, heavJ;', whose· head was helped to rus feet he had a black. Charles Mason. as straight man, I 1;-0 'Whitton of Yi('tor1a is amateur stopped a chair. The chai!' "as a eye and a superficial cut near the Iwil! serve as foil for these two fun- i golf champion of Australia for the, "breakaway," built for' the movies, same eye. He also went to the hOS-1 ny fellows: Alice Lawler, the 'sou-: sp(:nml cnn"ecutiYe ~('aS(lfi. 1,1.. but it didn't break anything, hut; pita!. brette of the show, is at onee good: " * "' Chuck's head. He received a gash on I So when "a fellow gets hit ~n the I looking and a peppy worker. : Washing-lOn, D. C., has launched a \ big forehead two inches long; and he' movies you don't know whetner it I l\fonday night, "Bathi:1g Beauties". j dl'lyP f •.;' :1 ,.:radium to accommutlatt' was dazed for two hours, ; really hurt or not,~ut it's safe tol will present two separate and dis-Il,ig sporting feamres capable of "eat-I' :1II~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~harlie Gerrard, also a villain" bet that being the target is not yery tinct performances at the Gayety.' Ing 113G.000, r weiled the chair that struck Chuck, . much fun. Ibeginning at 3:30 and 11:00 respect-; * * * I ively. The occasion for the 11:30' Jury dedrles it·s aU right tall tl';llll WI' next veal'. This is the one and only company I * ..' -" i 'presenting "Good Morning Dearie" I 1 However. rIle l'!l"e",e label law willi which comes direct from the Globe I \ IJri:\'£'llt a lor of elUbarra~sll1enr. , . ,I theatre, New York, where it ran con-j 'll In the futnr;> you wiII he :lr.le to telll ' it 1", limlmrger !JY .!!H~_ t~g. i 1 d tinuously for more than ffJUr lUndTe i j Tn make the event one to be re- ,: ~*- - * * I, nights. . I I,membered until the next one rolls' Tnt:' TU!"fl ('IUD of the \"'estern I There are seventy-five people,., b In i Th Eo N I around, AId l\Ian Johnson is prepa- " Jea~ue announces the purchase of C, the cast including the ";SUll eam! e stth(}n;. atit~nRI league duo !ring· novel and timelv stunts sym- i A. (Stormy) Davis. from the Okmul-I Girls"• the sensational dancers from i,BlUll10UllCeS'l't t e appollltmem•.. ofd'Dave I' ba1:lCG"1 0..j> the d eG"th .0_T the (}Id';year. '".Pi' duh nf thE' 1!l2? \Ve"tern ll!'soeia- I London. Don't miss this productioltj anero., ve erl\n cap,am'aIL S!lort- d b' tl- f th .. "B h' i 'stllP f'i:l G' t . f 1 an 11'. (} .e new ,ear. at m~, twn. I ~' as it is positively one of the super-l '." 0 11" Ian S, a:> managel' H tIl" B ." "Il b b' d'· e~pe,.·r" .. * " . . h d t team, Bancroft went to Bosll)]) with I eauhse "I e t e attructJon an, Tha .'ill·nounce tIle "I·""o"er'·.' mUSIcal comedles on t e roa . I. th' ,'Il b 'b' f h' h' ,- ~ .", U a,. , ..- 1 two of hIS teammate". "Cnsey" ~'t'n-' .ere WI e a Jam cree 0 19, of:m Indian f1la~'er greater than Jil~ : ______; gd and Bill Cunning;lImll. in exchange Ijinks and good fU!1 that will be U!1- \ Thorpe, . , . \ViJich silows the ex- I III INTYRE AND HEATH ! for Pitcher Joe Oesehger :m!l Outfield· ! limited and it wouldn't be surpri-: pert~ art" he~inning to l'ral'k !lullE'r tile I' C : e-r Bill~- Southworth nf tilt' Br:n-e". i sing if the roof should be tilted a) stram. HEADLINE AT THE ORPHEUM, ' Ibit by the ·enthusiasm and joy of: * * * The real event of the \'audeviIle, Whitey Whitt Comes Out j the theatreful that will attend the; ThE' firi't "tep annouDced hy ::Inkp! season, and also a momentuous oc- [ jGayety's wateh-meeting performance.' Kplley af' m,.nager-o\TIler of the ::Ifin- i occasion in theatrical. history, occurs: With Story of Retiring IThe house will be open at 11:00. cur- i neapolis dull for II clean-up wa!' that i next week at the , 'WhitE'Y Witt of the 1'cw 1'01'" Yan- !tain at 11:30-all will be out and: FIrst Bas'>n!:m Ted .Tourdllll i>: for saIl' i where McIntyre and Heath appear in,' kees says that he intends to retire O\'er at 1:45 Tuesday morning-. Jan,: or tmc].., I Beard.s to the rig'lIt of ller their famous blackface shit, "The! fNm the big show-tlIat he played his 1st, 1924. . -: * * * i Beards to the left of her­ Georgia Minstrels." These renownedi last game in the re~ent w:~r"t series. The demand for seats for the JI.1id- i FUll!' player" break bones in pro·l Beards all around her! -veterans of minstrelsy have played! However. when sprmg 1'011$ ar,Jund nite Show has always been in excess: fessional football game. ... pro"-l together for 50 years, making this l and Whitey realizes thl". Tanks Inw€' of the suppI\,; it win be well to O'et' lng that pr,',fessionals do not plav, GTe:'!' Beards! " f' ' h .- I It "rear ehan..e to cur mt" another .' '" ,with thE' "nTI1!, ferocious spirit th;t! the go1den anmversary o. 1: I'll' .stage: "Iu - :;.. '11 .. LI f t ttckets earlv rather than take' ma~k". ('ollu"'~ !!an'~-. 'I White Beards! " 1 W01' senes tie WI prti"uu r Qrge, ....- :' <-<,,«~ partnershlp. I his threat of thl' rail rtl retire for aU cnances on bemg' dIsapPOInted at the, . *:.. I Blue Beardst Even the 1teriest "old~timer" of the! time, ilast minute_ Thp Colullllms and Toledo dubs of i And the poor little minx theatre cannot remember back when j' ! Ladies' matinee at 2:15 daify all' thl' Amerit>:lll as!;ol'iation engineered! didn't know ,,,hieh beard Jmnes McIntyre·and Tom Heath were; G' psiweek. starting \Vedn.esday. Sunday's i a deal by whiell the veteran Pitcher·l she was married to. 'til- not the most celebrated millstrelj John Me raw s et tar matinee starts at 3:uO as will the' Hugh Be'Ji(·nt. goes from Toledo to ') kings of the stage. i Hurries Back to School gala holiday matinee Ne\\; Year's i Columhu,.: for the no-Ies:': \"eteran 1 You'U langh at the mix-up Other "attractions-on the program: .... big "first ~'ear in the IllUjors, and Day, catcher Harold (Rowdr) Elliott, i Til ;.·ou ~IlOnt at the fix-UD With stamps the coming week's bin as one! to" statement of Manager :\leGr,,\\' I I Sillney Chaplin Owen }Iool'e of the greatest' in Orph€;um annals.I of t~e Giants that he ,\"as the best 1>"--"-....,,""'..~~ ...... ""'"'"'....""''"''".."'~..""....-i ,:' I "The Wager", as ·an extra added at-l youngster; in the National league, has . SrI\'ia Breamer traction, rounds out an eight-aet bill.l in no way.affeeted the size of the hat T ERE "The Wager", possihly the most1 worn by Trads Jackson. The ~'oung I hilarious afterpiece ever conceivedl man~ as soon as the-season was over. for vaudeviU~ ",'in be presented byl hurrlOO gack. to a s.outhern college I THEATRE FOR BEST (\... Ray Hughes & Pam, Dotson, 'J01h1! to ~omplete He says he I "n I d J ...r k .1 0 ! 1m t always gol1}g to he a ball nla~'er, DllI er an ames ·101a::. anu wen 1 ------.- . _.. - I MUSICAL COMEDY M:cGiJieneY. " t An anuQll..'1eement from Oakland 1;; i Several rounds of old-time house i !hat the veteran :Taek Knight has been I comedy are to be administered byI tl"Rdefl. loy ,the Oakland Coast league l c;-. ·0 Miller and Mack. D. Apollon,' kno;"n! elub to the Shreveport club of the THE PALM as the wizard' of the mandolin and! Texas II'01gIW. Knight wIll plil~' first one of the greatest Russian dancers, i haseand :ret ;i~ field manager for Ira M~sieal Comedy and Vaudeville Famous Strand Orchestra offers a spectacular novelty entitled! Thoma:;:. "'Bi-Ba~Bo""