Financial Year Statistics: 1 July 2010–30 June 2011 Half-Year Statistics: 1 January 2011–30 June 2011

© Commonwealth of 2011 ISBN 978-1-74229-503-9

This document was printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra


Index ...... iii Format of this report ...... v Abbreviations ...... vi General Information ...... vii Directory of Committees...... ix Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office ...... x

PART ONE: Legislation and References Committees at a glance 1 July 2010–30 June 2011 ...... 13

PART TWO: Consolidated Statistical Overview (Financial Year) 1 July 2010–30 June 2011 ...... 17

PART THREE: Matters Referred and Reports Tabled (By Committee) 2001–2011 ...... 21

PART FOUR: Consolidated Statistical Overview (Half Year) 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 ...... 31

PART FIVE: Statistics on Additional Estimates 2010–11 (February 2011) and Budget Estimates 2010-11 (May/June 2011) ...... 35

PART SIX: 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office • Community Affairs ...... 45 –Legislation –References • Economics ...... 55 –Legislation –References • Education, Employment and Workplace Relations ...... 67 –Legislation –References • Environment and Communications ...... 77 –Legislation –References • Finance and Public Administration ...... 87 –Legislation –References • Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ...... 97 –Legislation –References • Legal and Constitutional Affairs ...... 105 –Legislation –References


• Rural Affairs and Transport ...... 119 –Legislation –References

Joint Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office • Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (Statutory) ..... 131 • Australia's Immigration Detention Network (Joint Select) ...... 135 • Christmas Island Tragedy (Joint Select) ...... 141 • Corporations and Financial Services (Statutory) ...... 145 • Gambling Reform (Joint Select) ...... 149 • Law Enforcement (Statutory) formerly known as Australian Crime Commission ...... 155

Select Committees • Australia's Food Processing Sector ...... 161 • Reform of the Australian Federation ...... 167 • Scrutiny of New Taxes ...... 173

Other Committees on which Senators serve • Regulations and Ordinances ...... 180 • Scrutiny of Bills ...... 181 • Appropriations and Staffing ...... 183 • House ...... 184 • Privileges ...... 185 • Procedure ...... 186 • Publications ...... 187 • Selection of Bills ...... 188 • Senators' Interests ...... 189 • Cyber-Safety (Joint Select) ...... 190 • National Broadband Network (Joint Select) ...... 191 • Parliamentary Budget Office (Joint Select) ...... 192 • Electoral Matters (Joint) ...... 193 • Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (Joint)...... 195 • Migration (Joint) ...... 197 • National Capital and External Territories (Joint) ...... 198 • Parliamentary Library (Joint Standing) ...... 199 • Treaties (Joint) ...... 200 • Broadcasting and Parliamentary Proceedings (Joint Statutory) ...... 202 • Intelligence and Security (Joint Statutory) ...... 203 • Public Accounts and Audit (Joint Statutory) ...... 204 • Public Works (Joint Statutory) ...... 206

Committee-related activity in the chamber • Matters Referred to Committees ...... 210 • Reports Tabled by Senate Committees ...... 215 • Government Responses to Committee Reports ...... 223 • Minority Reports and other chamber related activity ...... 226



This report is divided into several sections that provide statistics on committee work during the following periods:

• the half year (1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011); and • the financial year (1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011)

Statistics on these periods are kept in order to record information based on parliamentary terms as well as half, financial and full year periods.

This Report is available on the Internet ( info.htm). Additional hard copies may be obtained from the Office of the Senior Clerk of Committees, Senate Committee Office Telephone: (02) 6277 3555.




ACLEI Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity FOOD PROCESSING Australia's Food Processing Sector IMMIGRATION Australia's Immigration Detention Network CHRISTMAS ISLAND Christmas Island Tragedy CA Community Affairs CFS Corporations and Financial Services ECO Economics EEWR Education, Employment and Workplace Relations EC Environment and Communications FADT Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade FPA Finance and Public Administration GAMBLING Gambling Reform LCA Legal and Constitutional Affairs LE Law Enforcement REFFED Reform of the Australian Federation RAT Rural Affairs and Transport NEW TAXES Scrutiny of New Taxes

Political Affiliations

AG ALP CLP FFP Family First Party IND Independent LP Liberal Party of Australia NATS The Nationals



Phone Fax

Clerk Assistant (Committees) Mr Chris Reid (02) 6277 3371 (02) 6277 3199

Senior Clerk of Committees Ms Jackie Morris (02) 6277 3506 (02) 6277 3899

General Inquiries (02) 6277 3555

Internet E-Mail Address [email protected]

Senate Home Page

Senate Committees Page

A public alert service (technically, an RSS feed) is available. Members of the public can choose, at no charge, to be alerted automatically via the internet, to the tabling of committee reports, the commencement of new inquiries and schedules of hearing dates. Information on how to load the RSS reader is available on the Senate's committee web page.

Other publications available from the Committee Office:

• Committee Reports* • Consolidated Register of Senate Committee Reports (1970–2010) • The First 20 Years (History of Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees 1970–1990) • Business of Committees (Program of committee public hearings held in Canberra

and/or interstate) • Public Hearings/Meetings list (list of all forthcoming public hearings and is published every Friday) • Bills to Committees Update (providing details on the progress of legislation through Senate committees)


• Information pamphlets

No. 1 Notes to assist in the preparation of submissions to Senate Committee

inquiries No. 2 Information for witnesses appearing before Senate Committees (general information and notes to assist with the preparation of oral evidence before Senate committees) No. 3 Protection of witnesses appearing before Senate Committees (Senate Privilege Resolution No. 1 on procedures to be observed by Senate committees for the protection of witnesses) No. 4 Government Guidelines for official witnesses before Parliamentary Committees and related matters (Extract)

* a selection of reports presented prior to June 1997 and all reports tabled thereafter are available on the Internet



Committee Type Administered Phone (02) Fax (02)

Appropriations and Staffing Standing S 6277 3015 6277 5784 Australian Commission for Law Joint Statutory S 6277 3598 6277 5794 Enforcement Integrity Australia's Immigration Detention Joint Select S 6277 3521 6277 5706 Network Broadcasting of Parliamentary Joint Statutory H 6277 4888 6277 4204 Proceedings Christmas Island Tragedy Joint Select S 6277 3555 6277 3899 Community Affairs* LGPS S 6277 3518 6277 5829 Corporations and Financial Services Joint Statutory S 6277 3583 6277 5719 Cyber-Safety Joint Select H 6277 4642 6277 2219 Economics* LGPS S 6277 3540 6277 5719 Electoral Matters Joint H 6277 4564 6277 4710 Education, Employment and Workplace LGPS S 6277 3521 6277 5706 Relations* Environment and Communications* LGPS S 6277 3526 6277 5818 Finance and Public Administration* LGPS S 6277 3439 6277 5809 Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Joint H 6277 4629 6277 2221 Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade* LGPS S 6277 3535 6277 5818 Gambling Reform Joint Select S 6277 3433 6277 5952 House Standing S 6277 3398 6277 3199 Intelligence and Security Joint Statutory H 6277 4629 6277 2067 Law Enforcement Joint Statutory S 6277 3598 6277 5794 Legal and Constitutional Affairs* LGPS S 6277 3594 6277 5794 Migration Joint H 6277 4642 6277 4827 National Capital and External Territories Joint H 6277 4564 6277 8478 Parliamentary Budget Office Joint Select H 6277 2316 6277 2220 Parliamentary Library Joint DPS 6277 7102 6277 2403 Privileges Standing S 6277 3360 6277 3199 Procedure Standing S 6277 3350 6277 3199 Public Accounts and Audit Joint Statutory H 6277 4615 6277 2220 Public Works Joint Statutory H 6277 4636 6277 4426 Publications Standing S 6277 3037 6277 5784 Reform of the Australian Federation Select S 6277 3555 6277 3899 Regulations and Ordinances Legislative Scrutiny S 6277 3066 6277 5881 Standing Rural Affairs and Transport* LGPS S 6277 3511 6277 5811 Scrutiny of Bills Legislative Scrutiny S 6277 3051 6277 5881 Standing Scrutiny of New Taxes Select S 6277 3220 6277 5719 Selection of Bills Standing S 6277 3020 6277 3098 Senators' Interests Standing S 6277 3360 6277 3199 Treaties Joint H 6277 4642 6277 2219

Code H Department of the House of Representatives DPS Department of the Parliamentary Services LGPS Legislative and General Purpose Standing S Department of the Senate * Legislation and References Committees


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office


During the reporting period, the Senate Committee Office provided staffing and resources for the following committees:

• Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees; • Specific Joint Statutory Committees; and • Senate Select Committees and three Joint Select Committees

Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees The Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees and the relevant portfolio/subject areas allocated to them are as follows:

Community Affairs • Families, Housing, Community Services • Legislation and Indigenous Affairs • References • Health and Ageing • Human Services

Economics • Innovation, Industry, Science and Research • Legislation • Resources, Energy and Tourism • References • Treasury

Education, Employment and Workplace • Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Relations • Legislation • References

Environment and Communications • Broadband, Communications and the • Legislation Digital Economy • References • Climate Change and Energy Efficiency • Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

Finance and Public Administration • Finance and Deregulation • Legislation • Parliament • References • Prime Minister and Cabinet (including Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government)

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade • Defence (including Veterans' Affairs) • Legislation • Foreign Affairs and Trade • References

Legal and Constitutional Affairs • Attorney-General • Legislation • Immigration and Citizenship • References


Rural Affairs and Transport • Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry • Legislation • Infrastructure and Transport • References

Joint Statutory Committees

During the reporting period, the Senate Committee Office also administered three Joint Statutory Committees comprising members of the House of Representatives and Senators. These are:

• Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity • Corporations and Financial Services, and • Law Enforcement

Senate Select Committees

During the reporting period, the Senate Committee Office provided staffing and resources for the following Senate Select Committees:

• Australia's Food Processing Sector (appointed 24 March 2011) • Reform of the Australian Federation (agreed to 17 March 2010, commenced 17 June 2010, reappointed) • Scrutiny of New Taxes (appointed 30 September 2010)

Joint Select Committee

• Australia's Immigration Detention Network (appointed 16 June 2011) • Christmas Island Tragedy (appointed 2 March 2011) • Gambling Reform (appointed 30 September 2010)



Legislation and References Committees at a glance

1 July 2010–30 June 2011

Senate Committees at a glance Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees

Matters Referred 1/7/2010‐30/6/2011

Legislation Committees References Committees

6 46

9 6 5 27 5 98 3 9 3 14 12 13 9 8 9 6


Reports Tabled* 1/7/2010‐30/6/2011

Legislation Committees References Committees 32


7 4 110 4 30 1 3 6 17 15 15 2 9 11 6 7


*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference CA (Community Affairs), ECO (Economics), EEWR (Education, Employment & Workplace Relations), EC (Environment & Communications), FPA (Finance & Public Administration), FADT (Foreign Affairs, Defence & Trade), LCA (Legal & Constitutional Affairs), RAT (Rural Affairs & Transport)



Consolidated Statistical Overview (Financial Year)

1 July 2010–30 June 2011

Statistical Overview of Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office: 1 July 2010–30 June 2011 Matters current as at Inquiries lapsed Matters referred Reports tabled that Current inquiries 1 July 2010 at end of (including estimates discharged a reference as at 42nd Parliament and annual reports) 30 June 2011 Legislation 27 3 98 (A) 110+ (11**)+(1^)+1* (B) 12 References 20 12 46 (A) 32 + (30**)+1*+(8^) (B) 21 Select/Joint 10 7 18 7 + (10**) 13 Total 57 22 162 149+2* 46

Number and Hours of Meeting Public Hrs Public Hrs Private Hrs Insp/ Hrs Total Total Hours Estimates Other Meetings Legislation 50 174:41 69 667:47 183 31:39 0 0:00 302 874:07 References 68 332:42 0 0:00 167 48:09 8 7:47 243 388:38 Select/Joint 46 158:58 0 0:00 89 33:33 5 8:13 140 200:44 Total 164 666:21 69 667:47 439 113:21 13 16:00 685 1463:29

19 Meetings by State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 280 7 11 0 0 1 0 3 References 202 17 13 0 4 2 0 5 Select/Joint 107 6 8 1 2 13 0 3 Total 589 30 32 1 6 16 0 11

Televised Witnesses Hansard pages No of No. of Pages Government Hearings Submissions Responses Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General Legislation 106 3649 556 0 8394 2002 0 1684 12084 4 References 40 0 0 926 0 0 4703 3214 35061 21 Select/Joint 19 0 0 366 0 0 2351 367 5526 1 Total 165 3649 556 1292 8394 2002 7054 5265 52671 26 (A) 15 Annual Reports; 16 Estimates references; 68 Individual/Packages of Bills; 45 references (B) 15 Reports on Annual Reports; 15 Estimates Reports; 80 bills reports; 32 references reports ** Reports that did not discharge a reference *Inquiries that were transferred to other committees ^Reports that re-referred inquiries from the 42nd Parliament


Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually (By Committee)


Community Affairs Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee


4 25 3 2 19 1 3 3 2 2 13 13 7 99 6 2 5 6

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled*

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

8 1

3 2 22 19 20 1 2 13 1 1 0 10 8 5 2 4 6 6

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference


Economics Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee


0 4 1 00 29 3 1 22 21 22 22 16 13 13 11 7 8

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled*

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/6/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

6 0 3 2 1 0 26 3 1 22 21 22 1 17 12 13 12 7 8 9

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference


Education, Employment & Workplace Relations Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

2 8 1 2 5 2 16 14 15 0 11 12 8 2 6 6 8 6 3

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled*

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee


0 4 2 4 18 19 1 1 3 2 12 11 8 77 77 5 4

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference


Environment & Communications Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee


2 1 4 3 18 1 4 15 2 11 10 11 9 0 6 8 8 5 3

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled*

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee


2 2 2 1 3 3 3 13 15 15 1 10 11 10 9 6 7 5 3

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference


Finance & Public Administration Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

4 2 1 4 3 0 4 1 11 10 9 6 6 77 6 0 4 4 1

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled*

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

1 4

0 0 2 1 4 3 11 2 10 9 6 6 7 5 44 4 5

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference


Foreign Affairs, Defence & Trade Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

0 3

4 1 15 13 3 2 2 2 8 0 8 5 6 5 1 44 4

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

1 2 4 3 0 2 3 11 0 9 10 7 5 5 55 6 0 4 1

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


Legal & Constitutional Affairs Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

6 1 0 2 1 4 32 2 4 27 21 25 16 19 11 2 14 14 15 1

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

1 1 2 3 1 2 2 29 4 26 25 21 19 14 14 15 14 13 2 1

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference


Rural Affairs & Transport Legislation & References Committee

Matters Referred and Reports Tabled Annually 1/1/2001–30/6/2011

Matters Referred

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

1 1 0 3 7 0 19 14 5 12 1 13 11 5 8 10 9 4 5 4

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Reports Tabled

Legislation Committee (Standing Committee 11/9/2006‐13/5/2009) References Committee

2 0 2 2 6 0 8 14 12 11 13 12 3 10 0 8 8 4 5 4

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

*These figures only include tabled reports that discharged a reference



Consolidated Statistical Overview

1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Statistical Overview of Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Matters current as at Matters referred (including estimates Reports tabled that Current inquiries as at 1 January 2011 and annual reports) discharged a reference 30 June 2011 Legislation 14 60 (A) 63 + (7**) (B) 12 References 18 19 (A) 16 + (18**) (B) 21 Joint/Select 12 5 3 + (9**) 13 Total 44 84 82 46

Number and Hours of Meeting Public Hrs Public Hrs Private Hrs Insp/ Hrs Total Total Hours Estimates Other Meetings Legislation 33 130:45 51 484:19 107 18:07 0 0:00 191 633:11 References 47 231:01 0 0:00 112 35:38 6 4:47 165 271:26 Joint/Select 33 118:38 0 0:00 53 23:14 0 0:00 86 141:52 Total 113 480:24 51 484:19 272 76:59 6 4:47 442 1046:29

33 Meetings by State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 178 4 5 0 0 1 0 3 References 140 8 7 0 4 2 0 4 Joint/Select 67 4 4 1 2 5 0 3 Total 385 16 16 1 6 8 0 10

Televised Witnesses Hansard pages No of No. of Pages Government Hearings Submissions Responses Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General Legislation 76 2359 405 0 6159 1408 0 1120 8878 3 References 30 0 0 676 0 0 3210 2321 25093 17 Joint/Select 15 0 0 293 0 0 1702 230 3412 0 Total 121 2359 405 969 6159 1408 4912 3671 37383 20

(A) 8 Annual Reports and 16 Estimates references; 37 Individual/Packages of Bills; 18 references (B) 8 Reports on Annual Reports; 15 Estimates Reports; 40 bills reports; 16 references reports ** Reports that did not discharge a reference


Statistics On

2010–11 Additional Estimates (February 2011)

2011–12 Budget Estimates (May/June 2011)

Statistics on 2010-11 Additional Estimates (February 2011) and 2011-12 Budget Estimates (May/June 2011)

Community Affairs 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 3 (23 – 25 February 2011) 5 (30–31 May & 8 1–3 June 2011) Hours by portfolio: – Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs 06:35 16:05 22:40 – Health and Ageing 11:23 21:50 33:13 – Human Services 04:20 05:15 09:35 – Indigenous matters 05:40 05:50 11:30

Hours of public meetings 27:58 49:00 76:58

Economics 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 2 (23 & 24 February 2011) 4 (30–31 May & 6 1–2 June 2011) Hours by portfolio: – Innovation, Industry, Science and Research 05:28 10:30 15:58 – Resources, Energy and Tourism 02:23 04:30 06:53 – Treasury 13:09 29:45 42:54

Hours of public meetings 21:00 44:45 65:45

2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates Education, Employment and Total Workplace Relations (February 2011) (May/June 2011)

No. of public meetings 2 (23 & 24 February 2011) 4 (30–31 May & 6 1–2 June 2011) Hours by portfolio: – Education, Employment and Workplace 20:26 35:28 55:54 Relations Hours of public meetings 20:26 35:28 55:54

Environment and Communications 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 2 (21 & 22 February 2011) 5 (23 – 26 May & 7 16 June 2011) Hours by portfolio: – Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy 07:12 14:50 22:02 – Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 07:05 11:01 18:06 – Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population 07:25 20:05 27:30 and Communities Hours of public meetings 21:42 45:56 67:38


Statistics on 2010-11 Additional Estimates (February 2011) and 2011-12 Budget Estimates (May/June 2011)

Finance and Public Administration 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 2 (21 & 22 February 2011) 4 (23 – 26 May 2011) 6 Hours by portfolio: – Finance and Deregulation 06:44 12:37 19:21 – Parliament 03:54 04:45 8:39 – Prime Minister and Cabinet 06:41 14:52 21:33 – Regional Australia, Regional Development & 03:46 04:49 08:35 Local Govt (part of PM&C)

Hours of public meetings 21:05 37:03 58:08

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 2 (23 & 24 February 2011) 4 (30–31 May & 6 1–2 June 2011) Hours by portfolio: – Defence 07:50 18:35 26:25 – Foreign Affairs and Trade 09:35 19:04 28:39 – Veterans' Affairs 03:15 03:31 06:46 Hours of public meetings 20:40 41:10 61:50

Legal and Constitutional Affairs 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 2 (21 & 22 February 2011) 4 (23 – 26 May 2011) 6 Hours by portfolio: – Attorney-General's 10:57 22:03 33:00 – Immigration and Citizenship 10:36 21:11 31:47

Hours of public meetings 21:33 43:14 64:47

Rural Affairs and Transport 2010-11 Additional Estimates 2011-12 Budget Estimates (February 2011) (May/June 2011) Total

No. of public meetings 2 (21 & 22 February 2011) 4 (23 – 26 May 2011) 6 Hours by portfolio: – Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 11:11 22:40 33:51 – Infrastructure and Transport 08:36 15:10 23:46

Hours of public meetings 19:47 37:50 57:37


The number of days the committees met to consider estimates:

2010-11 Additional Estimates 5 days (21, 22, 23, 24 & 25 February 2011)

2011-12 Budget Estimates 10 days (23, 24, 25 & 26 May; 30 & 31 May, 1, 2, 3 & 16 June 2011)



1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Community Affairs

Community Affairs 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference **

Legislation 2 6 6 + (1**) 2 References 3 3 1 + (4**) 5 Total 5977

Number and Hours of M eeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 6 20:21 8 76:58 10 1:44 0 0:00 24 99:03 References 10 63:17 0 0:00 18 7:28 0 0:00 28 70:45 Total 16 83:38 8 76:58 28 9:12 0 0:00 52 169:48 46

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 22 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 References 19 2 3 0 0 2 0 2 Total 41 2 5 0 0 2 0 2

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 12 260 65 0 859 236 0 94 427 0 References 3 0 0 215 0 0 813 1299 14403 1 Total 15 260 65 215 859 236 813 1393 14830 1

* Includes referral of Annual reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** 5 interim reports Community Affairs (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25. Current members Date of appointment Senator (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator (WA, AG) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Jan McLucas (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former substitute member Term of appointment 1 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.05.11–03.06.11

1 Replaced Senator Carol Brown from 30.05.11–03.06.11

48 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.05.11–03.06.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2010 (referred 27 October 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010 (referred 26 November 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010 (referred 26 November 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Human Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 10 February 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • National Health Reform Amendment (National Health Performance Authority) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 24 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 2 June 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—23 to 25 February 2011, Canberra • Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2010—18 April 2011, Canberra; 19 April 2011, Melbourne • Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Genetically Modified Material) Bill 2010—18 April 2011, Canberra • National Health Reform Amendment (National Health Performance Authority) Bill 2011—17 May 2011, Canberra • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—30 May to 3 June 2011, Canberra • Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions]—15 June 2011, Canberra 49 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Human Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (tabled 22 March 2011) • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 3 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • National Health Reform Amendment (National Health Performance Authority) Bill 2011 (presented out of session on 9 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—Palm Oil) Bill 2011 (tabled 16 June 2011) • Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011—Final report (tabled 22 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Community Affairs (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10

51 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Access to planning options and services for people ageing with a disability (re-referred 30 September 2010) (Reference varied 30 September 2010) • Social and economic impacts of rural wind farms (referred 27 October 2010) • Commonwealth contribution to former forced adoption policies (referred 15 November 2010)

52 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Access to planning options and services for people ageing with a disability (re-referred 30 September 2010) (Reference varied 30 September 2010) • Commonwealth contribution to former forced adoption policies (referred 15 November 2010) • The effectiveness of the special arrangements established in 1999 under section 100 of the National Health Act 1953, for the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines to remote area Aboriginal Health Services (referred 24 March 2011) • Regulatory standards for the approval of medical devices (referred 16 June 2011) • Government's funding and administration of mental health services in Australia (referred 23 June 2011)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The effectiveness of the special arrangements established in 1999 under section 100 of the National Health Act 1953, for the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines to remote area Aboriginal Health Services (referred 24 March 2011) • Regulatory standards for the approval of medical devices (referred 16 June 2011) • Government's funding and administration of mental health services in Australia (referred 23 June 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability—18 February 2011, Canberra • Social and economic impacts of rural wind farms—25 March 2011, Canberra; 28 March 2011, Ballarat; 29 March 2011, Sydney; 31 March 2011, Perth; 17 May 2011, Canberra • Commonwealth contribution to former forced adoption policies—1 April 2011, Perth; 20 April 2011, Melbourne; 27 April 2011, Brisbane; 29 April 2011, Sydney

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Gene patents (presented out of session on 26 November 2010; tabled 9 February 2011)

53 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Impacts of rural wind farms—Interim report (presented out of session on 14 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability—Interim report (presented out of session on 14 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 30 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Impacts of rural wind farms—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 30 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • The social and economic impact of rural wind farms—Final report (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement (presented out of session on 21 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011; report tabled 8 February 2007) • The hidden toll; Suicide in Australia (presented out of session on 22 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011; report tabled 24 June 2010) • Hear Us: Inquiry into hearing health in Australia (presented out of session on 30 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011; report tabled 13 May 2010)



Economics 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference **

Legislation 111120 References 3 3 3 + (6**) 3 Total 414153

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 5 17:18 6 67:37 22 3:01 0 0:00 33 87:56 References 11 57:37 0 0:00 22 8:07 0 0:00 33 65:44 Total 16 74:55 6 67:37 44 11:08 0 0:00 66 153:40 56

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 31 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 References 25 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 Total 56 5 4 0 0 0 0 1

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 9 487 59 0 749 177 0 70 528 1 References 5 0 0 114 0 0 764 205 1522 4 Total 14 487 59 114 749 177 764 275 2050 5

* Includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** 6 interim reports

Economics (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 09.02.11 (elected Deputy Chair on 10.02.11) Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 (Deputy Chair 30.09.10–09.02.11) Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10

57 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Glen Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 09.02.11 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10–09.02.11

58 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10–09.02.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Federal Financial Relations Amendment (National Health and Hospitals Network) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 28 October 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Nil

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 (referred 10 February 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Provisions of Schedule 2 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 5) Bill 2010 (referred 10 February 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011 (referred 3 March 2011— through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 (referred 3 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Customs Amendment (Anti-dumping Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 24 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (National Regulator) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum (Royalty) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Resources Legislation Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Regulatory Levies Legislation Amendment (2011 Measures No. 2) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 25 May 2011 pursuant to the order of the Senate of 12 May 2011) • Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2011 (referred 15 June 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) 59 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Schedule 5 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 15 June 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—23 to 24 February 2011, Canberra • Schedule 2 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 5) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—9 March 2011, Sydney • Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011—11 March 2011, Canberra • Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010—12 April 2011, Canberra • Customs Amendment (Anti-dumping) Bill 2011 and Customs Amendment (Anti-dumping Measures) Bill 2011—4 May 2011, Canberra • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—30 May to 2 June 2011, Canberra • Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (National Regulator) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum (Royalty) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Resources Legislation Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Regulatory Levies Legislation Amendment (2011 Measures No. 2) Bill 2011 [Provisions]—7 June 2011, Canberra & Perth

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Federal Financial Relations Amendment (National Health and Hospitals Network) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (tabled 9 February 2011) • Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 (tabled 21 March 2011) • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Benchmark Interest Rate for Capital Protected Borrowings: Provisions of Schedule 2 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 5) Bill 2010 (presented on 25 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (National Regulator) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Regulatory Levies Legislation

60 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Amendment (2011 Measures No. 2) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum (Royalty) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Resources Legislation Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 16 June 2011) • Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 (tabled 16 June 2011) • Reform of the car fringe benefits tax rules: Provisions of Schedule 5 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Bill 2011 (tabled 22 June 2011) • Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 22 June 2011) • Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 22 June 2011) • Notice of payments of recompense for personal injuries: Provisions of Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2011 (tabled 22 June 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010 (presented out of session on 11 February 2011; tabled 28 February 2011; report tabled 7 September 2010)

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Economics (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 09.02.11 (elected Chair on 10.02.11) Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 (Chair 30.09.10–09.02.11) Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Substitute member Date of appointment 1 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 03.03.11

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10

1 Replaces Senator Pratt for the committee's inquiry into the impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry 62 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glen Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10–09.02.11

63 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10–09.02.11

Former subcommittee members2 Term of appointment Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 10.02.11–06.05.11 (elected Chair on 10.02.11) Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 10.02.11–06.05.11 (elected Deputy Chair on 10.02.11) Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 10.02.11–06.05.11 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 10.02.11–06.05.11 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 10.02.11–06.05.11 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 10.02.11–06.05.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Competition within the Australian banking sector (referred 28 October 2010) • Amendments to the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4) Bill 2010 proposed by Senator Cormann (Augmented Tax Assessments) (referred 22 November 2010) • The decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the proposed acquisition of Franklins by Metcash Trading Limited (referred 23 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Mechanisms and options for the development of a robust capital market for social economy organisations in Australia (referred 9 February 2011) • The impacts of supermarket price decisions on the Australian dairy industry (referred 10 February 2011) • Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 [Provisions]; current insurance and reinsurance arrangements of the states and territories of their assets and infrastructure; the appropriateness of fiscal arrangements for natural disaster reconstruction efforts; and any related matters (also known as inquiry into State Government insurance and flood levy) (referred 3 March 2011)

2 Inquiry into competition within the Australian banking sector 64 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Mechanisms and options for the development of a robust capital market for social economy organisations in Australia (referred 9 February 2011) • The impacts of supermarket price decisions on the Australian dairy industry (referred 10 February 2011) • Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 [Provisions]; current insurance and reinsurance arrangements of the states and territories of their assets and infrastructure; the appropriateness of fiscal arrangements for natural disaster reconstruction efforts; and any related matters (also known as inquiry into State Government insurance and flood levy) (referred 3 March 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Competition within the Australian banking sector—21 January 2011 & 9 March 2011, Sydney; 25 January 2011, Melbourne; 9 February 2011, Canberra; 4 March 2011, Brisbane • Augmented Tax Assessments—9 February 2011, Canberra • The impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—8 March 2011, Melbourne; 9 March 2011, Sydney; 10 & 29 March 2011, Canberra • State government insurance and flood levy—13 May 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the proposed acquisition of Franklins by Metcash Trading Limited—Interim report (presented out of session on 6 December 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the proposed acquisition of Franklins by Metcash Trading Limited (tabled 28 February 2011) • Augmented tax assessments [Inquiry into amendments proposed by Senator Cormann on sheet 7010 to the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4) Bill 2010]—Interim report (presented out of session on 31 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Augmented tax assessments [Inquiry into amendments proposed by Senator Cormann on sheet 7010 to the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4) Bill 2010]—Final report (presented out of session on 8 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011)

65 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—Interim report (presented out of session on 20 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 9 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Competition within the Australian banking sector—Interim report (presented out of session on 20 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Competition within the Australian banking sector—Final report (presented out of session on 6 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • State government insurance and the flood levy—Interim report (presented out of session on 20 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • State government insurance and the flood levy—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 30 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Employee share schemes (presented out of session on 7 February 2011, tabled 9 February 2011; report tabled 17 August 2009) • Impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—Interim report (tabled 12 May 2011; report tabled 20 April 2011) • The regulation, registration and remuneration of insolvency practitioners in Australia: the case for a new framework (role of liquidators and administrators)—Interim response, together with options paper: a modernization and harmonisation of the regulatory framework applying to insolvency practitioners in Australia (presented out of session on 9 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011; report tabled 14 September 2010) • Foreign investment by state-owned entities (tabled 23 June 2011, report tabled 17 September 2009)


Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Education, Employment and Workplace Relations 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference

Legislation 1670 References 2 0 2 0 Total 3690

Number and Hours of M eeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 3 12:37 6 50:46 10 0:45 0 0:00 19 64:08 References 3 15:28 0 0:00 6 2:33 0 0:00 9 18:01

68 Total 6 28:05 6 50:46 16 3:18 0 0:00 28 82:09

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 15 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 References 90 000000 Total 24 0 3 0 0 1 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 6 136 29 0 844 129 0 90 351 0 References 3 0 0 40 0 0 233 3 129 1 Total 9 136 29 40 844 129 233 93 480 1

* Includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2

Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

69 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Inquiry As at 1 January 2011 • Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010 (referred 17 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Nil

70 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011]; the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2010 [2011], and the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 (referred 10 February 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011 and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011 (referred 24 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Social Security Amendment (Parenting Payment Transitional Arrangement) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 30 May 2011 pursuant to the order of the Senate of 12 May 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—23 to 24 February 2011, Canberra • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011]; the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2010 [2011], and the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011—7 March 2011, Melbourne; 9 March 2011, Perth • Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011 and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011—19 April 2011, Melbourne • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—30 May to 2 June 2011

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010 (tabled 9 February 2011) • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011]; the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2010 [2011], and the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 (tabled 21 March 2011) • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011 and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011 (tabled 10 May 2011)

71 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Social Security Amendment (Parenting Payment Transitional Arrangement) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 3 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 24.11.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 24.11.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

73 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10–24.11.10

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 st • Primary schools for the 21 Century program (re-referred 30 September 2010)

74 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Industry Skills Councils (re-referred 30 September 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Nil

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Primary Schools for the Twenty First Century—4 February 2011, Canberra; • Industry Skills Councils—15 & 16 February 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Administration and reporting of NAPLAN testing (presented out of session on 26 November 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Industry Skills Councils—Final Report (tabled 23 March 2011) st • Primary Schools for the 21 Century Program (presented on 25 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 st rd • Primary Schools for the 21 Century —Interim report (tabled 3 March 2011; report tabled 24 June 2010)


Environment and Communications

Environment and Communications 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference **

Legislation 189 + (4**)0 References 211 + (1**)2 Total 39102

Number and Hours of M eeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 6 38:42 7 67:38 16 1:45 0 0:00 29 108:05 References 2 12:20 0 0:00 10 0:48 0 0:00 12 13:08 Total 8 51:02 7 67:38 26 2:33 0 0:00 41 121:13 78

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 25 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 References 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 36 1 0 0 0 0 0 4

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses Legislation 13 327 104 0 788 384 0 144 2132 0 References 1 0 0 45 0 0 136 105 2372 1 Total 14 327 104 45 788 384 136 249 4504 1

* Includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** interim reports

Environment and Communications (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

79 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 03.03.11 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 23.03.11 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former substitute members Term of appointment 1 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 03.03.11 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP)2 23.03.11

1 Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011 2 Replaced Senator Troeth for the committee's inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011

80 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010 (referred 23 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Nil

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 10 February 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 3 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011 (referred 3 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 [Provisions], the Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 25 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Product Stewardship Bill 2011 (referred 25 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—21 to 22 February 2011, Canberra • National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 and Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2010—4 March 2011, Canberra; 9 March 2011, Sydney • Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions]—15 March 2011, Brisbane • Product Stewardship Bill 2011—13 April 2011, Canberra • Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011, Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 and Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011—20 April 2011, Canberra • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011—13 May 2011, Canberra

81 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• 2011–12 Budget Estimates—23 to 26 May 2011 and 16 June 2011

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures–Access Arrangements) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Interim report (presented out of session on 16 March 2011, tabled 21 March 2011) • National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures–Access Arrangements) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Final report (presented out of session on 17 March 2011, tabled 21 March 2011) • Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 22 March 2011) • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Product Stewardship Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 14 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Product Stewardship Bill 2011—Final report (presented out of session on 9 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010 (presented on 25 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011 [Provisions]— Interim report (presented out of session on 20 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011 [Provisions]— Final report (presented out of session on 27 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 27 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011—Final report (tabled 15 June 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011)

82 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Environment and Communications (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10

Substitute member Date of appointment 1 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 11.05.11

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10

1 Replaces Senator Ludlam on the committee's inquiry into the status, health and sustainability of the koala population

84 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 11.05.11 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

85 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • The adequacy of protections for the privacy of Australians online (re-referred 30 September 2010) • The status, health and sustainability of Australia's koala population (referred 17 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters (referred 3 March 2011) • The status, health and sustainability of Australia's koala population (referred 17 November 2010)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters (referred 3 March 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The status, health and sustainability of Australia's koala population—3 May 2011, Brisbane; 19 May 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The adequacy of protections for the privacy of Australians online (presented out of session on 7 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • The status, health and sustainability of the koala population—Interim report (presented out of session on 13 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill workers (presented out of session on 22 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011; report tabled 24 June 2010) • The reporting of sports news and the emergence of digital media (presented out of session on 25 February 2011; tabled 28 February 2011; report tabled 14 May 2009)


Finance and Public Administration

Finance and Public Administration 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference**

Legislation 1 6 5 +(1**) 2 References 0 3 2 1 Total 1973

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 1 4:09 6 58:23 14 2:52 0 0:00 21 65:24 References 3 13:00 0 0:00 6 1:12 0 0:00 9 14:12 Total 4 17:09 6 58:23 20 4:04 0 0:00 30 79:36 88 Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 20 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 References 90 000000 Total 29 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 6 169 21 0 712 47 0 64 705 1 References 3 0 0 50 0 0 164 305 1758 1 Total 9 169 21 50 712 47 164 369 2463 2

* Includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** Includes 1 interim report

Finance and Public Administration (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 27.10.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 28.10.10) Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10

Substitute member Date of appointment Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG)1 25.10.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 27.10.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

1 Replaces Senator Siewert for the committee's inquiry into the exposure drafts of Australian privacy amendment legislation

89 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 25.10.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10–27.10.10 (Deputy Chair 30.09.10–27.10.10)

90 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former substitute members Term of appointment Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP)2 18.10.10–19.10.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP)3 18.10.10–19.10.10 (Chair from 18.10.10–19.10.10)

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Exposure drafts of Australian privacy amendment legislation (re-referred 30 September 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Exposure drafts of Australian privacy amendment legislation (re-referred 30 September 2010) • The performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services (referred 23 June 2011)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010, together with amendments on sheet 7027 and proposed mechanisms for funding the bill (referred 24 March 2011) • Remuneration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • The performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services (referred 23 June 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—21 to 22 February 2011, Canberra • Exposure Drafts of Australian Privacy Amendment Legislation—16 May 2011, Sydney • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—23 to 26 May 2011

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011)

2 Replaced Senator Stephens from 18 to 19 October 2010 3 Replaced Senator Polley from 18 to 19 October 2010 91 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010, together with amendments on sheet number 7027 circulated by Senator Ronaldson and a related matter (tabled 10 May 2011) • Exposure drafts of Australian Privacy Amendment Legislation: Part 1– Australian Privacy Principles (tabled 15 June 2011) • Remuneration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (presented out of session on 17 June 2011; tabled 20 June 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Examination of annual reports no. 1 of 2009 (tabled 12 May 2011; report tabled 19 March 2009)

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Finance and Public Administration (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 27.10.10 (elected Chair on 28.10.10) Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 27.10.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 93 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10–27.10.10 (Chair 30.09.10–27.10.10)

Former substitute member Term of appointment Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP)1 03.05.11–06.05.11 2 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 04.05.11–05.05.11

1 Replaced Senator Polley from 3–6 May 2011 2 Replaced Senator Stephens from 4–5 May 2011 (Deputy Chair 04.05.11–05.05.11) 94 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 03.05.11–06.05.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Nil

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • The Government's administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (referred 23 June 2011)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Superannuation claims of former and current Commonwealth Public Service employees (referred 1 March 2011) • The administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (referred 23 March 2011) • The Government's administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (referred 23 June 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency—4 & 5 May 2011, Canberra • Superannuation claims of former and current Commonwealth Public Service employees—5 May 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (presented out of session on 3 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Superannuation claims of former and current Commonwealth Public Service employees (presented out of session on 30 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Residential and community aged care in Australia (presented out of session on 17 February 2011; tabled 28 February 2011; report tabled 29 April 2009)


Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference **

Legislation 3461 References 220 + (2**)4 Total 5665

Number and Hours of M eeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 1 2:29 6 60:50 10 1:05 0 0:00 17 64:24 References 3 9:25 0 0:00 8 2:13 5 4:03 16 15:41 Total 4 11:54 6 60:50 18 3:18 5 4:03 33 80:05 98

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 References 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 31 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 7 314 14 0 727 32 0 29 175 1 References 2 0 0 24 0 0 163 35 837 2 Total 9 314 14 24 727 32 163 64 1012 3

* Includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** 2 interim reports

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 29.09.10 (elected Chair on 29.09.10) Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 29.09.10) Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 29.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 29.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 29.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 29.09.10

99 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 29.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 29.09.10

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Autonomous Sanctions Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 30 September 2010— through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Defence Legislation Amendment (Security of Defence Premises) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 30 September 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Criminal Code Amendment (Cluster Munitions Prohibition) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 28 October 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

100 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Veterans' Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 15 June 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Veterans' Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011[Provisions] (referred 15 June 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—23 to 24 February 2011, Canberra • Criminal Code Amendment (Cluster Munitions Prohibition) Bill 2010—3 March 2011, Canberra • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—30 May to 2 June 2011

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Defence Legislation Amendment (Security of Defence Premises) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (tabled 2 March 2011) • Autonomous Sanctions Bill 2010 [Provisions] (tabled 3 March 2011) • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Criminal Code Amendment (Cluster Munitions Prohibition) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented on 25 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Australian Civilian Corps Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 10 March 2011; tabled 21 March 2011; report tabled 17 November 2010)

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 (elected Chair on 29.09.10) Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 29.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 29.09.10) Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 29.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 29.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 29.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Jacinta Collins (VIC, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 29.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 29.09.10

102 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 29.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 29.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 29.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 29.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 29.09.10

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Equity and diversity health checks in the Royal Australian Navy–HMAS Success (re-referred 30 September 2010) • Department of Defence's request for tender for aviation contracts and associated issues (referred 24 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Equity and diversity health checks in the Royal Australian Navy–HMAS Success (re-referred 30 September 2010)

103 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Department of Defence's request for tender for aviation contracts and associated issues (referred 24 November 2010) • Procurement procedures for defence capital projects (referred 9 February 2011) • Effectiveness of the 's response to Australian citizens who are kidnapped and held for ransom overseas (referred 23 June 2011)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Procurement procedures for defence capital projects (referred 9 February 2011) • Effectiveness of the Australian Government's response to Australian citizens who are kidnapped and held for ransom overseas (referred 23 June 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Department of Defence's request for tender for aviation contracts and associated issues—28 March 2011, Sydney; 29 March 2011 and 28 June 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The Torres Strait: bridge and border (presented out of session on 26 November 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Inquiry into the Department of Defence's requests for tender for aviation contracts and associated issues—Interim report (presented out of session on 27 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Part I: Incidents onboard HMAS Success between March and May 2009 and subsequent events (tabled 12 May 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Economic and security challenges facing Papua New Guinea and the island states of the south west Pacific (Volumes 1 and 2) (presented out of session on 4 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011; reports tabled 19 November 2009 and 25 February 2010) • Equity and Diversity Health Check in the Royal Australian Navy—HMAS Success—Report on parliamentary privilege—Possible interference in the work of the committee (tabled 12 May 2011; report tabled 18 March 2010)


Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Legal and Constitutional Affairs 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference **

Legislation 515146 References 3 2 4 + (2**) 1 Total 817187

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 10 27:52 6 41:21 19 2:38 0 0:00 35 71:51

106 References 6 27:10 0 0:00 10 1:22 1 0:44 17 29:16 Total 16 55:02 6 41:21 29 4:00 1 0:44 52 101:07

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 References 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 51 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 16 142 92 0 778 332 0 598 4185 0 References 5 0 0 87 0 0 392 179 2164 0 Total 21 142 92 87 778 332 392 777 6349 0

* includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** includes 2 interim reports

Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10

Substitute members Date of appointment 1 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 28.02.11 2 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 12.05.11 3 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 15.06.11

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10

1 Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 2 Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011 3 Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2010

107 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 28.02.11 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

108 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former substitute members Term of appointment 4 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 25.10.10–01.03.11 5 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 25.10.10–28.01.11 6 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 27.10.10–12.05.11 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP)7 03.03.11–04.05.11 8 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 12.05.11–29.06.11

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 03.03.11–04.05.11 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG)9 25.10.10–01.03.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 30 September 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (referred 30 September 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010 (previously referred to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee 30 September 2010; reference transferred by Selection of Bills Committee 26 October 2010) • Provisions of Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2010 (referred 28 October 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 (referred 26 November 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

4 Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 5 Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 and a related bill 6 Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010 7 Replaced Senator Furner on the committee's inquiry into the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010 8 Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 9 Senator Ludlam was a participating member for the duration of the inquiry into the provisions of the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 which tabled on 01.03.11. He commenced as a participating member for the committee's inquiry into the Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 on 28.02.11.

109 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 (referred 26 November 2010—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 25 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2010 (referred 24 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011 (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 (referred 23 June 2011— through the Selection of Bills Committee)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010, together with the amendments on sheet number 7031 circulated by the Australian Greens (referred 2 March 2011) • Combating the Financing of People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 3 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011 (referred 24 March 2011) • Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 24 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2010 (referred 24 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 25 March 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Child Support (Registration and Collection) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

110 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011 (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2011 [Provisions], the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Collection) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (referred 12 May 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee) • Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 (referred 23 June 2011— through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—21 to 22 February 2011, Canberra • Combating the Financing of People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2011—16 March 2011, Canberra • Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010—16 & 21 March 2011, Canberra • Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010—29 & 30 March 2011, Canberra • Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011—27 April 2011, Canberra • Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010—28 & 29 April 2011, Canberra • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—23 to 26 May 2011, Canberra • Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions]—16 June 2011, Canberra • Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 [Provisions]—16 June 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 26 November 2010; tabled 9 February 2011)

111 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Civil Dispute Resolution Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 2 December 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Interim report (presented out of session on 7 December 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Final report (presented out of session on 28 January 2011; tabled 9 February 2011) • Provisions of Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2010 (tabled 9 February 2011) • Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (tabled 1 March 2011) • Combating the Financing of People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 21 March 2011) • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010 (presented out of session on 4 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011 (tabled 10 May 2011) • Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill 2010 (tabled 12 May 2011) • Child Support (Registration and Collection) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 19 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2011 [Provisions], Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Collection) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 20 June 2011) • Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (tabled 22 June 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011) • Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 29 June 2011)

112 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Legal and Constitutional Affairs (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10

114 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former substitute member Term of appointment 1 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 10.05.11–10.06.11

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 10.05.11–10.06.11

1 Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into Water Act 2007 [Provisions] relating to the development of a Basin Plan 115 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Past and present practices of donor conception in Australia (re-referred 30 September 2010) • The Australian film and literature classification scheme (referred 16 November 2010) • The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) (referred 23 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • The incidence of international child abduction to and from Australia (referred 11 May 2011)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Provisions of the Water Act 2007 (referred 9 February 2011) • The incidence of international child abduction to and from Australia (referred 11 May 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Australian Law Reform Commission—11 February 2011 & 3 March 2011, Canberra • Australian film and literature classification scheme—25 March 2011 & 27 April 2011, Canberra and 7 April 2011, Sydney • Provisions of the Water Act 2007—18 May 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Review of Government compensation payments (presented out of session on 6 December 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Donor conception practices in Australia (tabled 10 February 2011) • Australian Law Reform Commission—Interim report (presented out of session on 31 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Australian Law Reform Commission—Final report (presented out of session on 8 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Inquiry into the provisions of the Water Act 2007—Interim report (presented out of session on 6 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • A Balancing Act: Provisions of the Water Act 2007—Final report (presented out of session on 10 June 2011; tabled 14 June 2011)

116 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Review of the National Classification Scheme: achieving the right balance (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Rural Affairs and Transport

Rural Affairs and Transport 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period * 30 June 2011 a reference **

Legislation 0 4 4 +(1**) 0 References 3 5 3 +(3**) 5 Total 3975

Number and Hours of M eeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings Legislation 1 7:17 6 60:46 6 4:17 0 0:00 13 72:20 References 9 32:44 0 0:00 32 11:55 0 0:00 41 44:39 Total 10 40:01 6 60:46 38 16:12 0 0:00 54 116:59 120

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Legislation 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 References 37 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Total 50 0 0 0 4 0 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Legislation 7 524 21 0 702 71 0 31 375 0 References 8 0 0 101 0 0 545 190 1908 7 Total 15 524 21 101 702 71 545 221 2283 7

* includes referral of Annual Reports x 1; estimates x 2 ** includes 4 interim reports

Rural Affairs and Transport (Legislation) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 09.02.11 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 09.02.11 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

121 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10–09.02.11

Former substitute member Term of appointment Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP)1 10.05.11–23.06.11

1 Replaced Senator Heffernan for the committee's inquiry into the exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011

122 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former participating members Term of appointment Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10–09.02.11 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 10.05.11–23.06.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Nil

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Nil

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011 (referred 23 March 2011)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2010–11 Additional Estimates—21 to 22 February 2011, Canberra • Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011—16 May 2011, Canberra • 2011–12 Budget Estimates—23 to 26 May 2011, Canberra

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Additional Estimates 2010–11 (tabled 22 March 2011) • Annual reports (No. 1 of 2011) (tabled 23 March 2011) • Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 25 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011) • Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011—Final report (tabled 23 June 2011) • Budget Estimates 2011–12 (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Estimates A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Five.


Rural Affairs and Transport (References) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to amended Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 09.02.11

Substitute members Date of appointment 1 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 24.03.11 2 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 16.06.11

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Bob Brown (TAS, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

1 Replaces Senator Milne for the committee's inquiry into operational issues in export grain networks 2 Replaces Senator Milne for the committee's inquiry into live export trade 124 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 09.02.11 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Christine Milne (TAS, AG) 24.03.11 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 30.09.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10–09.02.11

125 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Former substitute members Term of appointment Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP)3 24.03.11–24.03.11

Former participating member Term of appointment Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10–09.02.11 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 24.03.11–24.03.11

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Biosecurity and quarantine arrangements (re-referred 30 September 2010) • Pilot training and airline safety, including consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010 (referred 30 September 2010) • Management of the Murray-Darling Basin (referred 28 October 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Biosecurity and quarantine arrangements (re-referred 30 September 2010) • Management of the Murray-Darling Basin (referred 28 October 2010) • Operational issues in export grain networks (referred 23 March 2011) • Live export trade (referred 16 June 2011) • Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] and the Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] (referred 23 June 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The impact of the sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government (referred 10 February 2011) • The science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian Honey bee (referred 22 March 2011) • Operational issues in export grain networks (referred 23 March 2011) • Live export trade (referred 16 June 2011)

3 Replaced Senator Heffernan on 24 March 2011 126 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] and the Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] (referred 23 June 2011—through the Selection of Bills Committee)

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Biosecurity and quarantine arrangements—14 February 2011, Canberra • Pilot training and airline safety—15 & 25 February, 18 & 31 March 2011, Canberra; 27 May 2011, Canberra • Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian Honeybee—24 & 31 March 2011, Canberra • Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government—30 March 2011, Mount Gambier

Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Australian horse industry and an emergency animal disease response agreement (presented out of session on 26 November 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian Honey Bee— Interim report (presented out of session on 7 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government—Interim report (presented out of session on 15 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government—Final report (presented out of session on 29 April 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Pilot training and airline safety, including consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010—Interim report (presented out of session on 4 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian Honey Bee— Final report (tabled 23 June 2011) • Pilot training and airline safety; and consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010—Final report (tabled 23 June 2011)

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Management of the removal of the AQIS export certification functions (tabled 10 February 2011; report tabled 14 September 2009) • The effectiveness of Airservices Australia's management of aircraft noise (presented out of session on 22 February 2011; tabled 28 February 2011; report tabled 2 July 2010)

127 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Natural resource management and conservation challenges (tabled 3 March 2011; report tabled 4 February 2010) • Australian horse industry and an emergency animal disease response agreement (presented out of session on 5 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011; report tabled 25 November 2010) • Import risk analysis (IRA) for the importation of Cavendish bananas from the Philippines (tabled 12 May 2011; report tabled 25 June 2009) • Meat Marketing—Interim report (presented out of session on 20 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011; report tabled 4 September 2008) • Meat Marketing—Report (presented out of session on 20 May 2011; tabled 14 June 2011; report tabled 30 June 2009)


Joint Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office 1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference **

Joint Statutory 2 0 0 + (1**) 2

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings

Joint Statutory 3 6:17 0 0:00 4 1:08 0 0:00 7 7:25 132


Joint Statutory 70 000000

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Joint Statutory 30 018001071210

** Report on Annual Report as per statutory obligations

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to Part 14 of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006; appointed 30 September 2010.

Current members Date of appointment Ms M Parke MP (Fremantle, WA, ALP) 25.10.10 (elected Chair on 26.10.10) Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 27.10.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 28.10.10) Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Mr C Hayes MP (Fowler, NSW, ALP) 25.10.10 Mr R Matheson MP (Macarthur, NSW, LP) 25.10.10 Mr L Simpkins MP (Cowan, WA, LP) 25.10.10 Mr T Zappia MP (Makin, SA, ALP) 25.10.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10–27.10.10

Inquiry As at 1 January 2011 • Performance of statutory duties (continuing) • Operation of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (re- adopted 26 October 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Performance of statutory duties (continuing) • Operation of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (re- adopted 26 October 2010) New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

133 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Operation of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006— 11 February 2011 & 21 March 2011, Canberra • Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2009– 2010—11 February 2011, Canberra Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2009– 2010 (tabled 23 March 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Australia's Immigration Detention Network

Australia's Immigration Detention Network 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference

Joint Select 0101 Committee

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours

136 Meetings Joint Select Committee 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Joint Select Committee 00 000000

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Joint Select Committee 00 00000000

Australia's Immigration Detention Network (Joint Select) 16 June 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 2 June 2011 and agreed to by the Senate on 16 June 2011.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 16.06.11 Mr MP (Cook, NSW, LP) 22.06.11 Mr Michael Keenan MP (Stirling, WA, LP) 22.06.11 Mr Adam Bandt MP (Melbourne, VIC, AG) 23.06.11

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 22.06.11 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 22.06.11 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 22.06.11 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 22.06.11 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 22.06.11 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 22.06.11 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 22.06.11


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 22.06.11 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 22.06.11

Inquiry As at 16 June 2011 • (1) a Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration Detention Network be appointed to inquire into and report on: (a) Any reforms needed to the current Immigration Detention Network in Australia; (b) The impact of length of detention and the appropriateness of facilities and services for asylum seekers; (c) The resources, support and training for employees of Commonwealth agencies and/or their agents or contractors in performing their duties; (d) The health, safety and wellbeing of asylum seekers, including specifically children, detained within the detention network; (e) Impact of detention on children and families, and viable alternatives; (f) The effectiveness and long term viability of outsourcing immigration detention centre contracts to private providers; (g) The impact, effectiveness and cost of mandatory detention and any alternatives, including community release; (h) The reasons for and nature of riots and disturbances in detention facilities; (i) The performance and management of Commonwealth agencies and/or their agents or contractors in discharging their responsibilities associated with the detention and processing of irregular maritime arrivals or other persons; (j) The health, safety and wellbeing of employees of Commonwealth agencies and/or their agents or contractors in performing their duties relating to irregular maritime arrivals or other persons detained in the network; (k) The level, adequacy and effectiveness of reporting incidents and the response to incidents within the immigration detention network, including relevant policies, procedures, authorities and protocols; (l) Compliance with the Government's immigration detention values within the detention network; (m) Any issues relating to interaction with States and Territories regarding the detention and processing of irregular maritime arrivals or other persons; (n) The management of good order and public order with respect to the immigration detention network;

138 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

(o) The total costs of managing and maintaining the immigration detention network and processing irregular maritime arrivals or other detainees; (p) The expansion of the immigration detention network, including the cost and process adopted to establish new facilities (q) The length of time detainees have been held in the detention network, the reasons for their length of stay and the impact on the detention network; (r) Processes for assessment of protection claims made by irregular maritime arrivals and other persons and the impact on the detention network; and (s) Any other matters relevant to the above terms of reference.

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • (1) a Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration Detention Network be appointed to inquire into and report on: (a) Any reforms needed to the current Immigration Detention Network in Australia; (b) The impact of length of detention and the appropriateness of facilities and services for asylum seekers; (c) The resources, support and training for employees of Commonwealth agencies and/or their agents or contractors in performing their duties; (d) The health, safety and wellbeing of asylum seekers, including specifically children, detained within the detention network; (e) Impact of detention on children and families, and viable alternatives; (f) The effectiveness and long term viability of outsourcing immigration detention centre contracts to private providers; (g) The impact, effectiveness and cost of mandatory detention and any alternatives, including community release; (h) The reasons for and nature of riots and disturbances in detention facilities; (i) The performance and management of Commonwealth agencies and/or their agents or contractors in discharging their responsibilities associated with the detention and processing of irregular maritime arrivals or other persons; (j) The health, safety and wellbeing of employees of Commonwealth agencies and/or their agents or contractors in performing their duties

139 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

relating to irregular maritime arrivals or other persons detained in the network; (k) The level, adequacy and effectiveness of reporting incidents and the response to incidents within the immigration detention network, including relevant policies, procedures, authorities and protocols; (l) Compliance with the Government's immigration detention values within the detention network; (m) Any issues relating to interaction with States and Territories regarding the detention and processing of irregular maritime arrivals or other persons; (n) The management of good order and public order with respect to the immigration detention network; (o) The total costs of managing and maintaining the immigration detention network and processing irregular maritime arrivals or other detainees; (p) The expansion of the immigration detention network, including the cost and process adopted to establish new facilities (q) The length of time detainees have been held in the detention network, the reasons for their length of stay and the impact on the detention network; (r) Processes for assessment of protection claims made by irregular maritime arrivals and other persons and the impact on the detention network; and (s) Any other matters relevant to the above terms of reference. New references 16 June 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Public hearings 16 June 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Reports tabled 16 June 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Government responses 16 June 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Christmas Island Tragedy

Christmas Island Tragedy 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference

Joint Select 0110 Committee

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours

142 Meetings Joint Select Committee 4 16:36 0 0:00 6 1:22 0 0:00 10 17:58

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Joint Select Committee 80 000200

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Joint Select Committee 1 0 0 41 0 0 132 22 444 0

Christmas Island Tragedy (Joint Select) 2 March 2011 to 29 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 2 March 2011 and agreed to by the Senate.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 03.03.11 (elected Chair on 24.03.11) Mr Michael Keenan MP (Stirling, WA, LP) 22.03.11 (elected Deputy Chair on 24.03.11) Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 03.03.11 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 03.03.11 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 03.03.11 Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (SA, AG) 03.03.11 Mr Nick Champion MP (Wakefield, SA, ALP) 22.03.11 Mr Ed Husic MP (Chifley, NSW, ALP) 22.03.11 Mrs Louise Markus MP (Macquarie, NSW, LP) 22.03.11 Mr Graham Perrett MP (Moreton, QLD, ALP) 22.03.11

Inquiry As at 2 March 2011 • (1) The Christmas Island tragedy of 15 December 2010 in which an irregular entry vessel foundered on rocks at Rocky Point on Christmas Island, including: (a) Operational responses of all Commonwealth agencies involved in the response, relevant agency procedures, and inter-agency coordination; (b) Communication mechanisms, including between Commonwealth and State agencies; (c) Relevant onshore emergency response capabilities on Christmas Island; (d) The after-incident support provided to survivors; (e) The after-incident support provided to affected Christmas Island community members, Customs, Defence and other personnel; (f) Having regard to (a) to (e), the effectiveness of the relevant administrative and operational procedures and arrangements of Commonwealth agencies in relation to the SIEV 221 incident and its management; and


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

(g) Being mindful of ongoing national security, disruption and law enforcement efforts and the investigations referred to in paragraph (3) to consider appropriate information from the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (including Border Protection Command) to determine, to the extent that it is possible, the likely point of origin of the vessel; (2) the Committee should have regard to: (a) the findings and recommendations of Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (including Border Protection Command) internal review of actions relating to SIEV 221; and (b) the work being undertaken by the Christmas Island Emergency Management Committee; (3) the Committee should have regard to and be mindful of independent parallel investigations into the incident including the investigation by the State Coroner of WA and investigations by the Australian Federal Police, and conduct its inquiry accordingly. Current inquiries As at 29 June 2011 • Nil New references 2 March 2011–29 June 2011 • Nil Public hearings 2 March 2011–29 June 2011 • 27 May 2011, Canberra; 6 & 7 June 2011, Christmas Island; 16 June 2011, Canberra Reports tabled 2 March 2011–29 June 2011 • Joint Select Committee on the Christmas Island Tragedy of 15 December 2010 (presented out of session on 29 June 2011) Government responses 2 March 2011–29 June 2011 • Nil


Corporations and Financial Services

Corporations & Financial Services 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Matters current as at Matters referred Reports tabled Current inquiries as at 1 January 2011 during period that discharge 30 June 2011 a reference **

Joint Statutory 3 1 1 + (3**) 3

N umber and Hours of M eeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Meetings Total Hours

Joint Statutory 6 16:08 0 0:00 8 3:17 0 0:00 14 19:25 146


Joint Statutory 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages Televised No of Government Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Hearings Submissions Responses

Joint Statutory 2 0 0 42 0 0 208 18 244 0

** Reports on statutory obligations of Committee

Corporations and Financial Services (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to section 241 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001; appointed 30 September 2010.

Current members Date of appointment Mr B Ripoll MP (Oxley, QLD, ALP) 25.10.10 (elected Chair on 18.11.10) Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 18.11.10) Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 26.10.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 26.10.10 Mr P Fletcher MP (Bradfield, NSW, LP) 25.10.10 The Hon A Griffin MP (Bruce, VIC, ALP) 25.10.10 Mr ADH Smith (Casey, VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Ms L Smyth MP (LaTrobe, VIC, ALP) 25.10.10

Former members Term of appointment Senator (SA, ALP) 30.09.10–26.10.10 Senator the Hon Jan McLucas (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10–26.10.10

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • Oversight of the operations of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (continuing) • Examination of annual reports of ASIC Act bodies (continuing) • Access for small and medium business to finance (referred 25 November 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Oversight of the operations of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (continuing) • Examination of annual reports of ASIC Act bodies (continuing) • Inquiry into the collapse of Trio Capital (agreed to by the committee on 23 June 2011)


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Inquiry into the collapse of Trio Capital (agreed to by the committee on 23 June 2011) Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Access for Small and Medium Business to Finance—2 & 4 March 2011, Canberra; 11 March 2011, Sydney • Oversight of ASIC—11 March 2011, Sydney Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (tabled 1 March 2011) • Report on the 2009–10 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act (tabled 1 March 2011) • Access for Small and Medium Business to Finance (presented out of session on 28 April 2011; tabled 16 June 2011) • Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (presented out of session on 23 May 2011; tabled 16 June 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Gambling Reform

Gambling Reform 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference

Joint Select 3 1 0 +(1*) 4 Committee

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings 150 Joint Select Committee 8 31:38 0 0:00 10 7:10 0 0:00 18 38:48

Meetings By State ACT NSW VIC TAS SA WA NT QLD Joint Select Committee 12 1 1 1 2 0 0 1

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Joint Select Committee 2 0 0 77 0 0 631 147 2265 0

* Interim report

Gambling Reform (Joint Select) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010, agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Date of appointment Mr Andrew Wilkie, MP (Denison, TAS, IND) 25.10.10 (elected Chair on 27.10.10 ) Mr Nick Champion, MP (Wakefield, SA, ALP) 25.10.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 27.10.10) Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 25.10.10 Mr , MP (Moncrieff, QLD, LP) 25.10.10 Mr , MP (Kooyong, VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Mr Stephen Jones, MP (Throsby, NSW, ALP) 25.10.10 Mr Shayne Neumann, MP (Blair, QLD, ALP) 25.10.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 25.10.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 25.10.10


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 25.10.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 25.10.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 25.10.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 25.10.10 Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 25.10.10

Inquiries As at 1 January 2011 • (a) Inquire into and report on: (i) The Productivity Commission report on gambling, released in June 2010, including a national response to the full set of its recommendations; (ii) The design and implementation of a best practice full pre-commitment scheme—that is uniform across all States and Territories and machines—consistent with the recommendations and findings of the Productivity Commission; (iii) Legal advice commissioned and received by the Commonwealth by 1 February 2011 regarding the Commonwealth’s constitutional competence and prospects for successfully legislating in this area, including the reasoning supporting the legal advice and financial and other consequences flowing from it; (iv) Any gambling-related legislation that has been tabled in either House, either as a first reading or exposure draft; (v) Appropriate terms of reference, to be set by no later than 30 June 2013, of a further Productivity Commission Inquiry to examine the impact of pre-commitment schemes on problem gambling and to determine what further harm minimisation measures may be necessary. (vi) Monitoring the impact of reforms to address problem gambling; and (vii) Such other matters relating to gambling referred by either House. (b) Make recommendations to the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Assistant Treasurer, to inform any

152 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

position that the Commonwealth will take to the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform. • Poker Machine Harm Reduction Tax (Administration) Bill 2008 [2010] and Poker Machine (Reduced Losses—Interim Measures) Bill 2010 (referred 28 October 2010) • Prevalence of interactive and online gambling in Australia (reference transferred from the Community Affairs References Committee 28 October 2010) Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • (a) Inquire into and report on: (i) The Productivity Commission report on gambling, released in June 2010, including a national response to the full set of its recommendations; (ii) The design and implementation of a best practice full pre-commitment scheme—that is uniform across all States and Territories and machines—consistent with the recommendations and findings of the Productivity Commission; (iii) Legal advice commissioned and received by the Commonwealth by 1 February 2011 regarding the Commonwealth’s constitutional competence and prospects for successfully legislating in this area, including the reasoning supporting the legal advice and financial and other consequences flowing from it; (iv) Any gambling-related legislation that has been tabled in either House, either as a first reading or exposure draft; (v) Appropriate terms of reference, to be set by no later than 30 June 2013, of a further Productivity Commission Inquiry to examine the impact of pre-commitment schemes on problem gambling and to determine what further harm minimisation measures may be necessary. (vi) Monitoring the impact of reforms to address problem gambling; and (vii) Such other matters relating to gambling referred by either House. (b) Make recommendations to the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Assistant Treasurer, to inform any position that the Commonwealth will take to the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform. • Poker Machine Harm Reduction Tax (Administration) Bill 2008 [2010] and Poker Machine (Reduced Losses—Interim Measures) Bill 2010 (referred 28 October 2010) • Prevalence of interactive and online gambling in Australia (reference transferred from the Community Affairs References Committee 28 October 2010)

153 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Interactive Gambling and Broadcasting Amendment (Online Transactions and Other Measures) Bill 2011 (referred 20 June 2011) New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Interactive Gambling and Broadcasting Amendment (Online Transactions and Other Measures) Bill 2011 (referred 20 June 2011) Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Pre-commitments scheme—1 February 2011, Adelaide; 2 February 2011, Melbourne; 3 February 2011, Brisbane; 4 February 2011, Sydney; 14 & 15 February 2011, Canberra; 18 February 2011, Hobart; 25 March 2011, Canberra Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The design and implementation of a mandatory pre-commitment system for electronic gaming machines—First report (presented out of session on 6 May 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference

Joint Statutory 2011

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings 156 Joint Statutory 3 13:27 0 0:00 7 6:14 0 0:00 10 19:41


Joint Statutory 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Joint Statutory 3 0 0 40 0 0 133 0 0 0

Law Enforcement (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act 2010; appointed 30 September 2010.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 25.10.10 ) Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 25.10.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 26.10.10 ) Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Ms S Grierson MP (Newcastle, NSW, ALP) 25.10.10 Mr C Hayes MP (Fowler, NSW, ALP) 25.10.10 Mr M Keenan MP (Stirling, WA, LP) 25.10.10 Mr R Matheson MP (Macarthur, NSW, LP) 25.10.10 Ms M Vamvakinou MP (Calwell, VIC, ALP) 25.10.10

Former member Term of appointment Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10–25.10.10

Inquiry As at 1 January 2011 • Performance of statutory duties (continuing) • Adequacy of aviation and maritime security measures to combat serious and organised crime (re-adopted 25 October 2010)

Current inquiries As at 30 June 2011 • Performance of statutory duties (continuing) New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Adequacy of aviation and maritime security measures to combat serious and organised crime—17 & 18 February 2011, Canberra


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• Examination of the Annual Report of the Australian Federal Police 2009– 2010—17 June 2011, Canberra Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Inquiry into the adequacy of aviation and maritime security measures to combat serious and organised crime (tabled 16 June 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Select Committees

1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Australia's Food Processing Sector

Australia's Food Processing Sector 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference

Select Committee 0101

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meetings 162 Select Committee 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00


Select Committee 00 000000

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Select Committee 0 0 0 0 0 00000

Select Committee on Australia's Food Processing Sector 24 March 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to resolution agreed to by the Senate on 24 March 2011.

Current members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 16.06.11

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 16.06.11 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 16.06.11 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 16.06.11 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 16.06.11 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 16.06.11 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 16.06.11 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 16.06.11 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 16.06.11

163 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Inquiry As at 24 March 2011 (a) the competitiveness and future viability of Australia's food processing sector in global markets; (b) the regulatory environment for Australia's food processing and manufacturing companies including but not limited to: (i) taxation (ii) research and development (iii) food labelling (iv) cross-jurisdictional regulations (v) bio-security, and (vi) export arrangements; (c) the impact of Australia's competition regime and the food retail sector, on the food processing sector, including the effectiveness of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010; (d) the effectiveness of anti-dumping rules; (e) the costs of production inputs including raw materials, labour, energy and water; (f) the effect of international anti-free trade measures; (g) the access to efficient and quality infrastructure, investment capital and skilled labour and skills training; and (h) any other related matter.

Current inquiry As at 30 June 2011 (a) the competitiveness and future viability of Australia's food processing sector in global markets; (b) the regulatory environment for Australia's food processing and manufacturing companies including but not limited to: (i) taxation (ii) research and development (iii) food labelling (iv) cross-jurisdictional regulations (v) bio-security, and (vi) export arrangements; (c) the impact of Australia's competition regime and the food retail sector, on the food processing sector, including the effectiveness of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010; (d) the effectiveness of anti-dumping rules; (e) the costs of production inputs including raw materials, labour, energy and water; (f) the effect of international anti-free trade measures; (g) the access to efficient and quality infrastructure, investment capital and skilled labour and skills training; and (h) any other related matter.

164 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Public hearings 24 March 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Reports tabled 24 March 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Government responses 24 March 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Reform of the Australian Federation

Reform of the Australian Federation 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabled Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 during period 30 June 2011 a reference

Select Committee 1010

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Me eti ng s 168 Select Committee 3 13:26 0 0:00 4 2:35 0 0:00 7 16:01


Select Committee 40 000102

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Select Committee 10 025001967460


Select Committee on the Reform of the Australian Federation 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to resolution agreed to by the Senate on 29 September 2010.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Russell Trood (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 27.10.10) Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 27.10.10) Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ludlam (WA, AG) 25.10.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Kroger (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10

Inquiry As at 1 January 2011 Reform of the Australian Federation to: a) Inquire into and report by 17 November 2010 on key issues and priorities for the reform of relations between the three levels of government within the Australian federation; and b) Explore a possible agenda for national reform and to consider ways it can best be implemented in relation to, but not exclusively, the following matters: i) The distribution of constitutional powers and responsibilities between the Commonwealth and the states (including territories), ii) Financial relations between federal, state and local governments, iii) Possible constitutional amendment, including the recognition of local government,

170 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

iv) Processes, including the Council of Australian Governments, and the referral of powers and procedures for enhancing cooperation between the various levels of Australian government, and v) Strategies for strengthening Australia's regions and the delivery of services through regional development committees and regional grant programs.

Current inquiry As at 30 June 2011 • Nil Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 1 February 2011, Brisbane; 9 March 2011, Perth; 5 May 2011, Canberra Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Australia's Federation: an agenda for reform (presented out of session on 30 June 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Scrutiny of New Taxes

Scrutiny of New Taxes 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011

Reports tabl ed Matters current as at Matters referred Current inquiries as at that discharge 1 January 2011 duri ng peri od 30 June 2011 a reference**

Select Committee 1 0 0 + (3**) 1

Number and Hours of Meeting Total Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Hours Meeting s 174

Select Committee 6 21:06 0 0:00 14 1:28 0 0:00 20 22:34


Select Committee 15 0 3 0 0 2 0 0

Witnesses Hansard Pages No of Government Televised Hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No Of Pages Submissions Responses

Select Committee 3 0 0 50 0 0 295 35 392 0

** 3 interim reports

Select Committee on the Scrutiny of New Taxes 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Method of appointment Pursuant to resolution agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Date of appointment Senator Mathias Cormann (WA, LP) 30.09.10 (elected Chair on 30.09.10) Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 (elected Deputy Chair on 1.10.10) Senator David Bushby (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Doug Cameron (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mitch Fifield (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator John Williams (NSW, NATS) 30.09.10

Participating members Date of appointment Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Chris Back (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Guy Barnett (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Catryna Bilyk (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Simon Birmingham (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Bishop (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator Sue Boyce (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon George Brandis (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Carol Brown (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Michaelia Cash (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Steve Fielding (VIC, FFP) 30.09.10 Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Mary Jo Fisher (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Mark Furner (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (NSW, LP) 30.09.10

175 Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Annette Hurley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon David Johnston (WA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Barnaby Joyce (QLD, NATS) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Gavin Marshall (VIC, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Brett Mason (QLD, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Anne McEwen (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Julian McGauran (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nicholas Minchin (SA, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Claire Moore (QLD, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Fiona Nash (NSW, NATS 30.09.10 Senator Kerry O'Brien (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Stephen Parry (TAS, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Helen Polley (TAS, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Louise Pratt (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Scott Ryan (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (NT, CLP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (NSW, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Glenn Sterle (WA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (VIC, LP) 30.09.10 Senator Dana Wortley (SA, ALP) 30.09.10 Senator Nick Xenophon (SA, IND) 25.10.10

Inquiry As at 1 January 2011 (a) new taxes proposed for Australia, including: (i) the minerals resource rent tax and expanded petroleum resource rent tax, (ii) a carbon tax, or any other mechanism to put a price on carbon, and (iii) any other new taxes proposed by Government, including significant changes to existing tax arrangements; (b) the short and long term impact of those new taxes on the economy, industry, trade, jobs, investment, the cost of living, electricity prices and the Federation; (c) estimated revenue from those new taxes and any related spending commitments; (d) the likely effectiveness of these taxes and related policies in achieving their stated policy objectives; 176

Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

(e) any administrative implementation issues at a Commonwealth, state and territory level; (f) an international comparison of relevant taxation arrangements; (g) alternatives to any proposed new taxes, including direct action alternatives; and (h) any other related matter.

Current inquiry As at 30 June 2011 (a) new taxes proposed for Australia, including: (i) the minerals resource rent tax and expanded petroleum resource rent tax, (ii) a carbon tax, or any other mechanism to put a price on carbon, and (iii) any other new taxes proposed by Government, including significant changes to existing tax arrangements; (b) the short and long term impact of those new taxes on the economy, industry, trade, jobs, investment, the cost of living, electricity prices and the Federation; (c) estimated revenue from those new taxes and any related spending commitments; (d) the likely effectiveness of these taxes and related policies in achieving their stated policy objectives; (e) any administrative implementation issues at a Commonwealth, state and territory level; (f) an international comparison of relevant taxation arrangements; (g) alternatives to any proposed new taxes, including direct action alternatives; and (h) any other related matter. Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Carbon Tax Pricing Mechanisms—24 March, 17 May and 9 June 2011, Canberra; 29 April 2011, Perth; 8 June 2011, Melbourne • National Mining Tax—30 March 2011, Melbourne Reports tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The Student Amenities Fee—Another Tax by Another Name (tabled 28 February 2011)


Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

• New Taxes Monitoring Database—Interim Report (tabled 21 March 2011) • The mining tax: A bad tax out of a flawed process (presented out of session on 29 June 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil


Other Committees

1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Other Committees Regulations and Ordinances (Legislative Scrutiny Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 23. Current members Senator the Hon U. Stephens (Chair), Senator the Hon M. Ronaldson (Deputy Chair), and Senators Carol Brown, Cash, Moore and Ryan

Secretary Phone Fax Mr James Warmenhoven (until (02) 6277 3066 (02) 6277 5881 20.01.11) Ms Janice Paull (Acting Secretary (02) 6277 3799 until 05.06.11) Mr Ivan Powell (Acting Secretary (02) 6277 3066 06.06.11) Principles of the committee The committee scrutinises delegated legislation to ensure: • that it is in accordance with the statute; • that it does not trespass unduly on personal rights and liberties; • that it does not unduly make the rights and liberties of citizens dependent upon administrative decisions which are not subject to review of their merits by a judicial or other independent tribunal; and • that it does not contain matter more appropriate for parliamentary enactment. Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private 6 Briefings 0 Total: 6 No. of instruments scrutinised 1004 Notices of Motion to Disallow 0 Notices withdrawn 4 Notices pending 0

180 Other Committees Scrutiny of Bills (Legislative Scrutiny Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 24.

Current members Senator the Hon H Coonan (Chair), Senator Bishop (Deputy Chair), and Senators Marshall, Pratt, Siewert and Troeth

Secretary Phone Fax Ms Toni Dawes (02) 6277 3050 (02) 6277 5881

Principles of the committee The committee scrutinises bills and Acts of Parliament and reports to the Senate whether such bills or Acts, by express words or otherwise: • trespass unduly on personal rights and liberties; • make rights, liberties or obligations unduly dependent upon insufficiently defined administrative powers; • make rights, liberties or obligations unduly dependent upon non-reviewable decisions; • inappropriately delegate legislative powers; or • insufficiently subject the exercise of legislative power to parliamentary scrutiny.

Between 1 January 2011 and 30 June 2011, the committee considered 121 bills, and commented on 67 bills in 6 Alert Digests. The committee also produced six Reports containing correspondence from Ministers addressing its concerns.

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The future direction and role of the Scrutiny of Bills committee (referred 3 March 2011) Alert Digests tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • No. 1 of 2011 (9 February 2011) • No. 2 of 2011 (2 March 2011) • No. 3 of 2011 (23 March 2011) • No. 4 of 2011 (11 May 2011)

181 Other Committees • No. 5 of 2011 (15 June 2011) • No. 6 of 2011 (22 June 2011) Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • First Report of 2011 (9 February 2011) • Second Report of 2011 (2 March 2011) • Third Report of 2011 (23 March 2011) • Fourth Report of 2011 (11 May 2011) • Fifth Report of 2011 (15 June 2011) • Sixth Report of 2011 (22 June 2011) Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 6 Briefings: 0 Total: 6

182 Other Committees Appropriations and Staffing (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 19. Members The President (Senator the Hon J Hogg) (Chair), the Leader of the Government in the Senate (Senator the Hon C Evans), the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Senator the Hon E Abetz), and Senators Faulkner, Lundy, Parry, Sherry, Williams and Xenophon

Secretary Phone Fax Ms Bronwyn Notzon (until (02) 6277 3015 (02) 6277 3448 19.01.11) Mr James Warmenhoven (from 20.01.11)

Role of the committee The Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing determines the amounts for inclusion in the parliamentary appropriation bills and reports to the Senate on its determinations prior to the Senate’s consideration of those bills. The committee also examines matters affecting the staffing and administration of the Department of the Senate, including proposals to vary the staffing structure, and other matters referred to it by the Senate. It makes an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters (Standing Order 19(3)). The committee has the explicit capacity to scrutinise security funding and administration and to advise the President and the Senate as appropriate. Under a resolution of the Senate agreed to in 1987 the committee also examines proposed changes in the structure and responsibilities of the parliamentary departments.

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 52nd report: Estimates for the Department of the Senate 2011–12 (tabled 24 May 2011) Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 1 private meeting

183 Other Committees House (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 21.

Current members The President (Senator the Hon J Hogg) (Chair), the Deputy President (Senator the Hon A Ferguson), and Senators Crossin, Heffernan, Parry, Stephens and Wortley

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Brien Hallett (02) 6277 3398 (02) 6277 3199

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: *11 Public: Briefings: Total: *1

*Sitting jointly with a similar committee of the House of Representatives

1 Meeting no. 2 (scheduled for 20 June 2011) cancelled due to visit of New Zealand Prime Minister

184 Other Committees Privileges (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 18.

Current members Senator Johnston (Chair), Senator Bilyk (Deputy Chair), and Senators Cameron, Faulkner, McGauran, Payne and Sterle

Former members Senators Hurley, Brandis, Collins, Farrell, Feeney, McLucas, O'Brien

Secretary Phone Fax Email

Mr Richard Pye (02) 6277 3360 6277 3199 [email protected]

New references 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • The adequacy and appropriateness of current guidance and advice available to officers giving evidence to Senate committees and when providing information to the Senate and to senators (referred 21 March 2011)

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 4 Public: 0 In camera: 0 Other: 0 Total: 4

185 Other Committees Procedure (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 17. Current members The Deputy President (Senator the Hon A Ferguson) (Chair), the President (Senator the Hon J Hogg), the Leader of the Government in the Senate (Senator the Hon C Evans), the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Senator the Hon E Abetz), and Senators Faulkner, Fifield, Ludwig, Parry and Siewert

Secretary Phone Fax Dr Rosemary Laing (02) 6277 3364 (02) 6277 3199

Current inquiry 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Review of the operation of the order of the Senate agreed to on 13 May 2009 relating to committee proceedings and public interest immunity claims • The operation of standing order 55(2) to (5) relating to the meeting of the Senate Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • First report of 2011—Question time–temporary order (tabled 23 March 2011) • Second report of 2011—Operation of standing order 55(2) to (5); consideration of private senators' bills; procedures for dealing with formal motions; use of general business time on Thursdays; consideration of government documents (tabled 22 June 2011) Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 2 Public: 0 Briefings: 0 Total: 2

186 Other Committees Publications (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 22. Current members Senator Carol Brown (Chair), Senator Bernardi (Deputy Chair) and Senators Furner, Marshall, Mason, Parry and Sterle

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Matthew Keele (02) 6277 3037 (02) 6277 3448

Public hearings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 2nd Report tabled 9 February 2011 • 3rd Report tabled 10 February 2011 • 4th Report tabled 3 March 2011 • 5th Report tabled 10 May 2011 • 6th Report tabled 12 May 2011

Government response 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: *5 Public: 0 Other: 0 Total: 5

*All meetings held as a joint committee with a similar committee of the House of Representatives

187 Other Committees Selection of Bills (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 24A. Current members The Government Whip (Senator McEwen) (Chair), the Opposition Whip (Senator Parry), The Nationals Whip (Senator Williams), the Australian Greens Whip (Senator Siewert), the Family First Party Whip (Senator Fielding), and Senators Adams, Carol Brown, Fifield and Ludwig

Secretary Phone Fax Ms Maureen Weeks (02) 6277 3020 (02) 6277 3098/6277 3099

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Report Nos 1 to 8 of 2011

Meetings—All meetings held at Parliament House, Canberra 1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Private: 8 Total: 8

188 Other Committees Senators' Interests (Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 22A. Current members Senator Bernardi (Chair), Senator Forshaw (Deputy Chair) and Senators Adams, Bilyk, Humphries, Johnston, Pratt and Siewert

Former members Senator Fifield and Senator Bob Brown

Secretary Phone Fax Email Mr Richard Pye (02) 6277 3360 (02) 6277 3199 [email protected]

Current inquiry 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Development of a draft code of conduct for senators (referred 2 March 2011) Register of Senators’ Interests 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Register of Senators' Interests incorporating statements of registrable interests and notifications of alterations of interests of senators lodged between14 December 2010 and 30 June 2011 • Register of Senate Senior Executive Officers' Interests incorporating statements of registrable interests and notifications of alterations of interests of senate senior executive officers lodged between 14 December 2010 and 30 June 2011 Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Report 1 of 2011: Annual report (presented out of session on 30 March 2011; tabled 10 May 2011) • Report 2 of 2011: Arrangements for online publication of the Register of Senators' Interests (tabled 22 June 2011)

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 2 Public: 0 Other: 0 Total: 2

189 Other Committees

Cyber-Safety (Joint Select) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Senator Wortley (Chair), Mr A Hawke MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Barnett, Bushby, Ludlam and Pratt and Mr Fletcher MP (until 28 March 2011), Mr Husic MP, Ms Marino MP (from 28 March 2011), Mr Perrett MP, Ms Rishworth MP, Mr Zappia MP

Secretary Phone Fax Mr James Catchpole (02) 6277 4642 (02) 6277 2219

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • High-wire act–cyber-safety and the young—Interim report (tabled 20 June 2011) Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 12 Public: 6 Inspections: 0 Total: 18

190 Other Committees National Broadband Network (Joint Select) 2 March 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 2 March 2011 and agreed to by the Senate on 3 March 2011.

Current members Mr R Oakeshott MP (Chair), Mrs Y D'Ath MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators C Brown, Birmingham, Cameron, Fisher, Ludlam, Macdonald, Stephens, and Mr P Fletcher MP, Mr L Hartsuyker MP, Mr E Husic MP, the Hon S Ley MP, Ms M Rowland MP, Mr M Symon MP, the Hon M Turnbull MP

Participating members Senators Abetz, Adams, Back, Barnett, Bernardi, Bilyk, Bishop, Boswell, Boyce, Brandis, Bushby, Cash, Colbeck, Coonan, Cormann, Crossin, Eggleston, Faulkner, Ferguson, Fierravanti-Wells, Fifield, Forshaw Furner, Heffernan, Humphries, Hurley, Hutchins, Johnston, Joyce, Kroger, Marshall, Mason, McEwen, McGauran, Minchin, Moore, Nash, O'Brien, Parry, Payne, Polley, Pratt, Ronaldson, Ryan, Scullion, Sterle, Troeth, Trood, Williams, Wortley, Xenophon, and Mr Neville MP and Mr Scott MP

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Peter Stephens (02) 6277 2322 (02) 6277 8594

Reports presented 2 March 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Meetings 2 March 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 5 Public: 7 Inspections: 0 Total: 9

191 Other Committees

Parliamentary Budget Office (Joint Select) 1 January 2011 to 23 March 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the Senate of 22 November 2010 and the House of Representatives of 23 November 2010.

Current members Senator the Hon J Faulkner (Chair), The Hon C Pyne MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Cameron, Joyce and Milne, and Ms A Burke MP, Mr N Champion MP, Mrs Y D'Ath MP, Mr R Oakshott MP and Ms K O'Dwyer MP

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Russell Chafer (until 02.02.11) 02 6277 4576 02 6277 2220 Mr David Brunoro (from 03.02.11)

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Inquiry into the proposed Parliamentary Budget Office (tabled 23 March 2011)

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 3 Public: 3 Inspections: 0 Total: 5 (9hrs 19 mins)

192 Other Committees Electoral Matters (Joint) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Mr Melham MP (Chair), Mr Somlyay MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Birmingham, Bob Brown, Carol Brown, Polley and Ryan and Mrs B Bishop MP, Mr Griffin MP and Ms Rishworth MP

Members (for the committee's inquiry into the funding of political parties and election campaigns) Mr Melham MP (Chair), Mr Somlyay MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Bob Brown, Carol Brown, Polley and Ryan and Mrs B Bishop MP, Mr MP, Mr Griffin MP, Ms Rishworth MP, Mr MP, Mr Tony Windsor MP

Participating members (for the committee's inquiry into the funding of political parties and election campaigns) Senators Abetz, Adams, Back, Barnett, Bernardi, Bilyk, Birmingham, Boswell, Boyce, Brandis, Bushby, Cameron, Cash, Colbeck, Coonan, Cormann, Crossin, Eggleston, Faulkner, Ferguson, Fierravanti-Wells, Fifield, Fisher, Forshaw, Furner, Heffernan, Humphries, Hurley, Hutchins, Johnston, Joyce, Kroger, Macdonald, Marshall, Mason, McGauran, Minchin, Nash, O'Brien, Parry, Payne, Pratt, Ronaldson, Scullion, Stephens, Sterle, Troeth, Trood, Williams, Wortley and Xenophon

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Stephen Boyd (02) 6277 4564 (02) 6277 4710

Current inquiries 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Inquiry into the conduct of the 2010 Federal Election and matters related thereto (referred 23 November 2010) • Inquiry into the funding of political parties and election campaigns (referred 11 May 2011) Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Government responses tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

193 Other Committees Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 11 Public: 10 Inspections: 0 Total: 21

194 Other Committees Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (Joint) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010. Current Members Senator M Forshaw (Chair), Mrs J Gash MP (Deputy Chair), and Senator M Bishop, Senator the Hon A Ferguson, Senator M Furner, Senator S Hanson-Young, Senator the Hon D Johnston, Senator S Ludlam, Senator the Hon I Macdonald, Senator C Moore, Senator K O'Brien, Senator M Payne, Senator R Trood, The Hon D Adams, The Hon J Bishop MP, Ms G Brodtmann MP, The Hon A Byrne MP, Mr N Champion MP, Mr M Danby MP, The Hon L Ferguson MP, The Hon J Fitzgibbon MP, Mr S Gibbons MP, The Hon A Griffin MP, Dr D Jensen MP, Mrs S Mirabella MP, The Hon J Murphy MP, Mr Ken O'Dowd MP, Ms M Parke MP, Mr S Robert MP, The Hon P Ruddock MP, Ms J Saffin MP, The Hon B Scott MP, The Hon Dr S Stone MP and Ms M Vamvakinou MP

Former Members Senator the Hon J Faulkner Mr S Georganas MP

Secretary Phone Dr Margot Kerley (02) 6277 4629

Current inquiries 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Human Rights Sub-Committee's Review of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Annual Report 2009–10 • Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationship with Japan and the Republic of Korea • Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee's Review of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Annual Report 2009–10 • Review of the Defence Annual Report 2009–10 • Inquiry into Australia's Trade and Investment Relations with Asia, the Pacific and Latin America Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Inquiry into Australia's Relationship with the Countries of Africa

195 Other Committees Government Responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Review of the Defence annual report 2008–09 (presented on 28 June 2011) • Partial response to Minority Report Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 28 Public: 5 Inspections: 1 Briefings: 23 Total: 57

Secretaries of Sub-Committees Dr John Carter (Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4306 Mr Tas Lutterell/Mr Paul Zinkel (Trade Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4547 Mr Robert Little (Defence Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4629 Mr Paul Zinkel (Human Rights Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4628

196 Other Committees Migration (Joint) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Ms Vamvakinou MP (Chair), Mrs Markus MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Bilyk, Boyce, Hanson-Young and McEwen and Mr Georganas MP (from 21 March 2011), Mrs D'Ath MP (until 21 March 2011), The Hon Ms Gambaro MP, Mr Ramsey MP and Mr Zappia MP

Secretary Phone Fax Mr James Catchpole (02) 6277 4642 (02) 6277 4827

Current inquiry 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Multiculturalism in Australia Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, (Mr Bowen) responding to the resolution of the Senate of 29 September 2010, dated 3 December 2010 (tabled 9 February 2011) • Response to Negotiating the Maze: Review of arrangements for overseas skills recognition, upgrading and licensing (tabled 23 June 2011)

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 6 Public: 4 In camera 0 Briefings 0 Total: 10

197 Other Committees National Capital and External Territories (Joint) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Senator Pratt (Chair), Mr Simpkins MP (Deputy Chair), and the Deputy President (Senator the Hon A Ferguson) and Senators Adams, Crossin, Fielding and Humphries and The Hon Mr Adams MP, Ms Brodtmann MP, Dr Leigh MP and Mr Secker MP and Mr Simpkins MP

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Stephen Boyd (02) 6277 4564 (02) 6277 8478

Current inquiries 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil

Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 6 Public: 1 Briefings: 2 Total: 9

198 Other Committees Parliamentary Library (Joint Standing) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Current members Senators Barnett, Bilyk, Cameron, Fielding, Hutchins and Trood (Joint Chair) and Mr Adams MP (Joint Chair), Mr Broadbent MP, Mr N Champion MP, Mr G Christensen MP, Mr Melham MP and Mr C Thomson MP

Secretary Phone Fax Ms Roxanne Missingham (02) 6277 7102 (02) 6277 2403

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 2 Public: 0 Other: 0 Total: 2

199 Other Committees Treaties (Joint) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 29 September 2010 and agreed to by the Senate on 30 September 2010.

Members Mr KJ Thomson MP (Chair), Senator J McGauran (Deputy Chair), Senators Birmingham, Cash, Ludlam, O'Brien, Pratt, Wortley and Ms Bird MP, Mr Briggs MP, Mr Forrest MP, Mr Grierson MP, Ms Livermore MP, Ms Parke MP, Ms Rowland MP and The Hon Dr Stone MP

Secretary Phone Fax Mr James Catchpole (02) 6277 4642 (02) 6277 2219

Current inquiries 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Treaties tabled on 23 March 2011 and 11 May 2011 Documents tabled 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Report 114: Review into Treaties referred on 16 November 2010 (part 1) (presented to the President and the Speaker on 3 December 2010; tabled 9 Feburary 2011) • Report 115: Treaties tabled on 28 October and 24 November 2010 and treaties referred on 16 November 2010 (Part 2) (tabled 21 March 2011) • Report 116: Review into Treaties tabled on 24 and 25 November 2010, 9 February and 1 March 2011 and Treaties referred on 16 November 2010 (part 3) (tabled 11 May 2011) • Report 117: Treaties tabled on 9 and 10 February, and 1 March (tabled 14 June 2011) Government responses 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • 99th report—Treaties tabled on 3 December 2008 and 3 February 2009 (tabled 10 February 2011) • 107th report—Treaties tabled on 20 August (2) and 15 September 2009 (tabled 12 May 2011) • 111th report—Treaties tabled on 25 November 2009 (3), and 4 and 24 February 2010 (tabled 12 May 2011)

200 Other Committees Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 9 Public: 7 In camera: 0 Inspections 0 Briefings: 1 Other: 0 Total: 17

201 Other Committees Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Act 1946.

Current members The Speaker (Mr Harry Jenkins MP) (Chair), the President (Senator the Hon John Hogg) (Vice Chair) and Senator Carol Brown, Senator Stephen Parry, Mr MP, Mr Chris Hayes, The Hon John Murphy MP, MP and Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP

Former members Mr Hale MP, The Hon D Hawker MP, The Hon P Lindsay MP and the Hon R Price MP

Secretary Phone Fax Ms Siwan Davies (02) 6277 4888 (02) 6277 4204

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Nil Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 1

202 Other Committees Intelligence and Security (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Intelligence Services Act 2001; amended by the Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Act 2005 on 2 December 2005 Members The Hon Mr Byrne MP (Chair), Mr Ruddock MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Faulkner, Forshaw, McGauran and Trood and Mr Danby MP, Mr Melham MP and Mr Wilkie MP

Secretary Phone Fax Dr Margot Kerley (02) 6277 4629 (02) 6277 2067

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Annual Report of Committee Activities 2009–10 (tabled 20 June 2011)

Government responses received 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Annual report of committee activities 2008–09 (tabled 12 May 2011)

Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private (meetings): 7 Public (hearings): 1 In camera (hearings): 1 Inspections: 0 Briefings: 3 Total: 12

203 Other Committees Public Accounts and Audit (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951.

Membership Mr R Oakshott MP (Chair), Mrs Y D'Ath MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Barnett, Bishop, Hurley, Kroger, and Sterle, and Mr Adams MP, Mr Briggs MP, Ms Brodtmann MP, Mr Cheeseman MP, Mr Frydenberg MP, Ms D O'Neill MP, Ms Smyth MP, Mr Somlyay MP

Former members

Secretary Phone Fax Mr Russell Chafer (until 02.02.11) (02) 6277 4615 (02) 6277 2220 Mr David Brunoro (from 03.02.11)

Current inquiries 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Review of Auditor-General's reports (ongoing) • Inquiry into National Funding Agreements • Biannual public hearing with the Commissioner of Taxation (ongoing)

Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Report 418: Review of Auditor-General's reports Nos. 04 to 38 (2009–10) (presented 22 December 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Report 419: Inquiry into the Auditor-General Act 1997 (presented 22 December 2010; tabled 9 February 2011) • Report 420: Annual report 2009–10 (tabled 28 February 2011) • Report 421: Inquiry into the role of the Auditor-General in scrutinising government advertising campaigns (tabled 3 March 2011) • Report 422: Review of the 2009–10 Defence Materiel Organisation major projects report (tabled 11 May 2011)

Government responses received 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Report 418: Review of Auditor-General's reports Nos. 04 to 38 (2009–10) – Executive minutes received from Australian Taxation Office on 2 March 2011 and 4 March 2011

204 Other Committees – Other government responses due 22 December 2011

Meetings/hours 1 January 2011–30 June 2011

Full committee: 12 14hrs 49min Sectional committees: 6 6hrs 0min Total Hours: 12 20hrs 49min

205 Other Committees Public Works (Joint Statutory) 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 Appointment Pursuant to Public Works Act 1969.

Current members Ms Saffin MP (Chair), Senator Troeth (Deputy Chair), Senators Forshaw and Marshall, Mrs Andrews MP, Mr Forrest MP, Mr Georganas MP, Mr Ripoll MP and Mr Turnbull MP (to 24.03.11), Mr Secker MP (from 10.05.11)

Secretary Phone Fax Ms Sharon Bryant (until 23.02.11) (02) 6277 4157 (02) 6277 4844 Dr Alison Clegg (Acting Secretary from 24.02.11)

Current inquiries 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Attorney-General's Department at 4 National Circuit, Barton, Australian Capital Territory • Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for Divisions of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research at Buildings 2 and 3, Riverside Corporate Park, North Ryde, New South Wales • Proposed integrated fit-out of new leased premises for the Australian Taxation Office In Albury, New South Wales • Facilities for the introduction into service of Land 121 vehicles at RAAF Base Amberley and Damascus Barracks, Meeandah, Queensland and at Gaza Ridge Barracks, • Proposed development and construction of housing for the Department of Defence at Muirhead, Darwin, • Proposed Robertson Barracks electrical reticulation system upgrade, Darwin, Northern Territory • Proposed Academy redevelopment, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory • Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Australian Taxation Office at the site known as 55 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Queensland • Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Human Services portfolio at Greenway, Australian Capital Territory

206 Other Committees • Proposed contamination remediation works, former fire training area, RAAF Base Williams, Point Cook, Victoria • Proposed Specific Nutritional Capability Project for Defence Science and Technology Organisation at Scottsdale, Tasmania Reports presented 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 • Report 1/2011—Proposed fitout of new leased premises for the 's Department at 4 National Circuit, Barton, ACT (tabled 22 February 2011) • Report 2/2011—Referrals made in November 2010: Facilities for the introduction into service of Land 121 vehicles at RAAF Base Amberley and Damascus Barracks, Meeandah, Queensland and at Gaza Ridge Barracks, Victoria; Proposed integrated fitout of new leased premises for the Australian Taxation Office in Albury, New South Wales (tabled 23 March 2011) • 74th Annual Report (tabled 23 March 2011) • Report 3/2011—Referrals made February to March 2011: Proposed development and construction of housing for the Department of Defence at Muirhead, Darwin, NT; Proposed Robertson Barracks electrical reticulation system upgrade, Darwin, NT; Proposed redevelopment of the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory; and Larrakeyah housing project budget update (tabled 22 June 2011) Meetings 1 January 2011–30 June 2011 Private: 12 Public: 5 Inspections: 6 * Total: 18

* Inspections that have been followed by a public meeting have been counted as a single meeting of the Committee


Committee-related activity in the chamber

1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011

Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

Matters Referred to Committees During the reporting period, 57 matters were referred to Senate Committees for inquiry and report (including 29 Individual/Packages of Bills referred through the Selection of Bills Committee, 8 Individual/Packages of Bills referred directly to Legislation committees, 18 matters referred to References committees and 2 Joint Select committees established). The details are as follows:

Committee Inquiry Date Referred (Daily Total)

ECO Ref Mechanisms and options for the development of a robust 09.02.11 capital market for social economy organisations in Australia (3) (for inquiry and report by 31.10.11)

FADT Ref Procurement procedures for defence capital projects (for inquiry and report by 30.11.11)

LCA Ref Provisions of the Water Act 2007 (for inquiry and report by 11.05.11)

CA Leg Human Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 10.02.11 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for (7) inquiry and report by 22.03.11)

EC Leg National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures— Access Arrangements) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 16.03.11)

ECO Leg Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 15.06.11)

ECO Leg Schedule 2 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 5) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 24.03.11)

EEWR Leg National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011] and the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2010 [2011], together with the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 21.03.11)

210 Committee related activity in the chamber

ECO Ref Impact on the Australian dairy industry supply chain on the recent decision by Coles supermarket (followed by Woolworths, Aldi and Franklins) to heavily discount the price of milk (to $1 per litre) and other dairy products on the Australian dairy industry (for inquiry and report by 15.04.11)

RAT Ref The impact of the decision by the South Australian Government to forward sell the state's $2.8 billion timber assets on the state's economy, timber industry and on jobs and any other broader impacts (for inquiry and report by 15.04.11)

FPA Ref Superannuation claims of former and current Australian 01.03.11 Public Service employees (for inquiry and report by 30.06.11) (1)

LCA Leg Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment 02.03.11 (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) (2) Bill 2010, together with the amendments on sheet number 7031 circulated by the Australian Greens (for inquiry and report by 21.03.11)

Christmas The incident of 15 December 2010 in which an irregular entry Island Tragedy vessel foundered on rocks at Rocky Point on Christmas Island (Joint Select) (for inquiry and report by 30.06.11)

ECO Leg Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011 (through the 03.03.11 Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by (7) 22.06.11)

EC Leg Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills committee for inquiry and report by 21.03.11)

EC Leg Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 13.05.11)

ECO Leg Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee) for inquiry and report by 21.03.11)

LCA Leg Combating the Financing of People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 21.03.11)

EC Ref The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters (for inquiry and report by 2.11.11)

211 Committee related activity in the chamber

ECO Ref Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 [Provisions]; current insurance and reinsurance arrangements of the states and territories of their assets and infrastructure; the appropriateness of fiscal arrangements for natural disaster reconstruction efforts; and any related matters (also known as inquiry into State Government insurance and flood levy) (for inquiry and report by 2.05.11)

RAT Ref The science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian 22.03.11 honey bee (for inquiry and report by 8.04.11) (1)

RAT Leg Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal 23.03.11 Logging Prohibition Bill 2011 (for inquiry and report by (3) 27.05.11)

FPA Ref The administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) (for inquiry and report by 13.05.11)

RAT Ref Operational issues in export grain networks (for inquiry and report by 2.11.11)

CA Leg National Health Reform Amendment (National Health 24.03.11 Performance Authority) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the (8) Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 9.06.11)

ECO Leg Customs Amendment (Anti-dumping Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 22.06.11)

EEWR Leg Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011 and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 10.05.11)

FPA Leg Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010, together with amendments on sheet 7027 and proposed mechanisms for funding the bill (for inquiry and report by 10.05.11)

LCA Leg Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 21.09.11)

212 Committee related activity in the chamber

LCA Leg Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2010 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 16.08.11)

LCA Leg Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011 (for inquiry and report by 10.05.11)

CA Ref The effectiveness of the special arrangements established in 1999 under section 100 of the National Health Act 1953, for the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines to remote area Aboriginal Health Services (for inquiry and report by 18.08.11)

EC Leg Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 25.03.11 [Provisions], the Carbon Credits (Consequential (3) Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 20.05.11)

EC Leg Product Stewardship Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 28.04.11)

LCA Leg Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 23.06.11)

LCA Ref The incidence of international child abduction to and from 11.05.11 Australia (for inquiry and report by 31.10.11) (1)

FPA Leg Remuneration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 12.05.11 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and (7) report by 17.06.11)

LCA Leg Child Support (Registration and Collection) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 7.07.11)

LCA Leg Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 7.07.11)

LCA Leg Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 20.06.11)

LCA Leg Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 20.09.11)

213 Committee related activity in the chamber

LCA Leg Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2011 [Provisions], the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Collection) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 16.06.11)

LCA Leg Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 23.08.11)

ECO Leg Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment 25.05.11 (National Regulator) Bill 2011 [Provisions]; Offshore (1) Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions]; Offshore Petroleum (Royalty) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions]; Offshore Resources Legislation Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill 2011 [Provisions]; and Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Regulatory Levies Legislation Amendment (2011 Measures No. 2) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (for inquiry and report by 14.06.11)

EEWR Leg Social Security Amendment (Parenting Payment Transitional 26.05.11 Arrangement) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (for inquiry and report (1) by 14.06.11)

CA Leg Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 02.06.11 2011 [Provisions] (for inquiry and report by 14.06.11) (1)

ECO Leg Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services 15.06.11 and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (3) (Further Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2011 (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 22.06.11)

ECO Leg Schedule 5 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 21.06.11)

FADT Leg Veterans' Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 16.08.11)

CA Ref The regulatory standards for the approval of medical devices 16.06.11 in Australia (for inquiry and report by 12.10.11) (3)

RAT Ref Live export trade (for inquiry and report by 25.08.11)

214 Committee related activity in the chamber

Australia's Reforms needed to the current Immigration Detention Immigration Network in Australia to (for inquiry and report by 7.10.11) Detention Network (Joint Select)

RAT Ref Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] 23.06.11 and the Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill (5) 2011 [No. 2] (through the Selection of Bills Committee for inquiry and report by 16.08.11)

FPA Leg The performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) (for inquiry and report by 29.11.11)

CA Ref Government's funding and administration of mental health services in Australia (for inquiry and report by 16.08.11)

FADT Ref Effectiveness of the Australian Government's response to Australian citizens who are kidnapped and held for ransom overseas (for inquiry and report by 19.09.11)

FPA Ref Government's administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) (for inquiry and report by 18.08.11)

Reports tabled by Senate Committees During the reporting period, Senate Committees tabled/presented 101 reports (including 50 Legislation committee reports, 40 References committee reports and 11 Joint/Select committee reports). The details are as follows:

Committee Report Date Tabled (Daily Total)

LCA Leg Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services 09.02.11 Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out (13) of session on 26.11.10)

CA Ref Gene Patents (presented out of session on 26.11.10)

EEWR Ref Administration and reporting of NAPLAN testing (presented out of session on 26.11.10)

FADT Ref The Torres Strait: Bridge and Border (presented out of session on 26.11.10)

RAT Ref Australian Horse Industry and an Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (presented out of session 26.11.10)

215 Committee related activity in the chamber

LCA Leg Civil Dispute Resolution Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 2.12.10)

ECO Ref *Decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the proposed acquisition of Franklins by Metcash Trading Limited—Interim report (presented out of session on 6.12.10)

LCA Ref Review of Government compensation payments (presented out of session on 6.12.10)

LCA Leg *Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 [Provisions] and the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Interim Report (presented out of session on 7.12.10)

LCA Leg Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 [Provisions] and Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 28.01.11)

ECO Leg Federal Financial Relations Amendment (National Health and Hospitals Network) Bill 2010 [Provisions]

EEWR Leg Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010

LCA Leg Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2010 [Provisions]

LCA Ref Donor conception practices in Australia 10.02.11 (1)

ECO Ref Decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer 28.02.11 Commission on the proposed acquisition of Franklins by (2) Metcash Trading Limited

Scrutiny of *The student amenities fee—Another tax by another name New Taxes (report is part of the Terms of Reference for Scrutiny of New (Select) Taxes—reference has not been discharged)

LCA Leg Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 01.03.11 2010 [Provisions] (3)

Corporations Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and & Financial Investments Commission Services (Joint)

216 Committee related activity in the chamber

Corporations Report on the 2009–10 annual reports of bodies established & Financial under the ASIC Act Services (Joint)

FADT Leg Defence Legislation Amendment (Security of Defence 02.03.11 Premises) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (1)

FADT Leg Autonomous Sanctions Bill 2010 [Provisions] 03.03.11 (1)

EC Leg *National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 21.03.11 [Provisions] and Telecommunications Legislation (6) Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures–Access Arrangements) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Interim report (presented out of session on 16.03.11)

EC Leg National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 [Provisions] and Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures–Access Arrangements) Bill 2010 [Provisions]—Final report (presented out of session on 17.03.11)

ECO Leg Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011

EEWR Leg National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011]; the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2010 [2011] and National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011

LCA Leg Combating the Financing of People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2011 [Provisions]

Scrutiny of *New taxes monitoring database–Interim report New Taxes (Select)

CA Leg Human Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 22.03.11 [Provisions] (2)

EC Leg Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

EEWR Ref Industry skills councils 23.03.11 (2)

217 Committee related activity in the chamber

Australian Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commission Commissioner for 2009–2010 for Law Enforcement Integrity (Joint)

EC Leg Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation 10.05.11 Amendment (Prohibition of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010 (28) (presented out of session on 25.03.11)

ECO Leg Benchmark Interest Rate for Capital Protected Borrowings: Provisions of Schedule 2 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 5) Bill 2010 (presented out of session on 25.03.11)

FADT Leg Criminal Code Amendment (Cluster Munitions Prohibition) Bill 2010 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 25.03.11)

EEWR Ref Primary Schools for the Twenty First Century Program— Final report (presented out of session on 25.03.11)

LCA Ref *Australian Law Reform Commission—Interim report (presented out of session on 31.03.11)

ECO Ref *Augmented tax assessments—Interim report (presented out of session on 31.03.11)

RAT Ref *Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian honey bee—Interim report (presented out of session on 07.04.11)

EC Ref Adequacy of protections for the privacy of Australians online (presented out of session on 07.04.11)

LCA Ref Australian Law Reform Commission—Final report (presented out of session on 08.04.11)

ECO Ref Augmented Tax Assessments—Final report (presented out of session on 08.04.11)

EC Leg *Product Stewardship Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 14.04.11)

CA Ref *Impacts of rural wind farms—Interim report (presented out of session on 14.04.11)

CA Ref *Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability—Interim report (presented out of session on 14.04.11)

218 Committee related activity in the chamber

RAT Ref *Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government— Interim report (presented out of session on 15.04.11)

ECO Ref *Impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—Interim report (presented out of session on 20.04.11)

ECO Ref *Competition within the Australian banking sector—Interim report (presented out of session on 20.04.11)

ECO Ref *State government insurance and the flood levy—Interim report (presented out of session on 20.04.11)

FADT Ref *Requests for tender for aviation contracts—Interim report (presented out of session on 27.04.11)

RAT Ref Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government (presented out of session on 29.04.11)

LCA Leg Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010, together with the amendments on sheet no. 7031 circulated by the Australian Greens (presented out of session on 4.05.11)

EC Leg Product Stewardship Bill 2011—Final report (presented out of session on 9.05.11)

FPA Leg Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010, together with amendments on sheet number 7027 circulated by Senator Ronaldson and a related matter

RAT Ref *Pilot training and airline safety, including consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation (Incident Reports) Bill 2010—Interim report (presented out of session on 4.05.11)

ECO Ref Competition within the Australian banking sector—Final report (presented out of session on 6.05.11)

Gambling First report—The design and implementation of a mandatory Reform (Joint pre-commitment system for electronic gaming machines Select) (presented out of session on 6.05.11)

ECO Ref *The impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—Second interim report (presented out of session on 09.05.11)

LCA Leg Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011

219 Committee related activity in the chamber

EEWR Leg Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011 and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011

LCA Leg Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young 12.05.11 People Bill 2010 (3)

FADT Ref Part 1 Incidents onboard HMAS Success between March and May 2009 and subsequent events

Corporations Access for Small and Medium Business to Finance & Financial Services (Joint)

EC Ref *The status, health and sustainability of the koala 14.06.11 population—Interim report (presented out of session on (14) 13.05.11)

LCA Leg Child Support (Registration and Collection) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 19.05.11)

EC Leg *Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011 [Provisions]—Interim report (presented out of session on 20.05.11)

RAT Leg *Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 25.05.11)

EC Leg Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011 [Provisions]—Final report (presented out of session on 27.05.11)

EC Leg *Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 27.05.11)

CA Ref *Planning options and services for people ageing with a disability—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 30.05.11)

CA Ref *Impacts of rural wind farms—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 30.05.11)

220 Committee related activity in the chamber

EEWR Leg Social Security Amendment (Parenting Payment Transitional Arrangement) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 03.06.11)

CA Leg *Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011—Interim report (presented out of session on 03.06.11)

FPA Ref Administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (presented out of session on 03.06.11)

CA Leg National Health Reform Amendment (National Health Performance Authority) Bill 2011 (presented out of session on 09.06.11)

LCA Ref *Inquiry into the provisions of the Water Act 2007—Interim report (presented out of session on 06.06.11)

LCA Ref A Balancing Act: Provisions of the Water Act 2007—Final report (presented out of session on 10.06.11)

FPA Leg Exposure drafts of Australian Privacy Amendment 15.06.11 Legislation: Part 1–Australian Privacy Principles (2)

EC Leg Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bioregional Plans) Bill 2011—Final report

ECO Leg Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment 16.06.11 (National Regulator) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore (5) Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Regulatory Levies Legislation Amendment (2011 Measures No. 2) Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Petroleum (Royalty) Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions], Offshore Resources Legislation Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

ECO Leg Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010

CA Leg Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling–Palm Oil) Bill 2010

Corporations Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and & Financial Investments Commission Services (Joint)

Law Inquiry into the adequacy of aviation and maritime security Enforcement measures to combat serious and organised crime (Joint)

221 Committee related activity in the chamber

FPA Leg Remuneration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 20.06.11 [Provisions] (presented out of session on 17.06.11) (2)

LCA Leg Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2011 [Provisions], Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Collection) Bill 2011 [Provisions] and Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

LCA Leg Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 22.06.11 (6)

ECO Leg Schedule 5 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

ECO Leg Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

ECO Leg Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

ECO Leg Schedule 4 of the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2011 [Provisions]

CA Leg Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 [Provisions]—Final report

RAT Leg Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal 23.06.11 Logging Prohibition Bill 2011—Final report (5)

LCA Ref Review of the National Classification Scheme: achieving the right balance

RAT Ref Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian Honey Bee—Final report

RAT Ref Pilot training and airline safety; and consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010—Final report

CA Ref The social and economic impact of rural wind farms—Final report

LCA Leg Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 [Provisions] (presented out of (5) session on 29 June 2011)

222 Committee related activity in the chamber

Scrutiny of *The mining tax: A bad tax out of a flawed process New Taxes (presented out of session on 29 June 2011) (report is part of (Select) the Terms of Reference for Scrutiny of New Taxes—reference has not been discharged)

Christmas Joint Select Committee on the Christmas Island tragedy of 15 Island December 2010 (presented out of session on 29 June 2011) Tragedy (Joint Select)

ECO Ref *State government insurance in Australia—Second Interim report (presented out of session on 30 June 2011)

FPA Ref Superannuation claims of former and current Commonwealth Public Service employees (presented out of session on 30 June 2011)

*28 Reports that did not discharge a reference

Estimates reports: During the reporting period Senate Legislation Committees tabled 15 reports. Reports on Annual Reports: During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 8 reports.

Government Responses to Committee Reports The following table shows 28 Government responses to Senate Committee Reports:

Committee Government Response Date Tabled (Daily Total) CA Standing Funding and operation of the Commonwealth 09.02.11 State/Territory Disability Agreement (presented (4) out of session on 21 December 2010; report tabled 8 February 2007) CA (Ref) The hidden toll: Suicide in Australia (presented out of session on 22 December 2010; report tabled 24 June 2010) ECA (Ref) Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill workers (presented out of session on 22 December 2010; report tabled 24 June 2010) ECO (Ref) Employee share schemes (presented out of session on 7 February 2011; report tabled 17 August 2009)

223 Committee related activity in the chamber

RAT (Ref) Management of the removal of the AQIS export 10.02.11 certification functions (report tabled 14 September (1) 2009) ECO (Leg) Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 28.02.11 2010 (presented out of session on 11 February (4) 2011; report tabled 7 September 2010) FPA Standing Residential and community aged care in Australia (presented out of session on 17 February 2011; report tabled 29 April 2009) RRAT (Ref) The effectiveness of Airservices Australia's management of aircraft noise (presented out of session on 22 February 2011; report tabled 2 July 2010) ECA Standing The reporting of sports news and the emergence of digital media (presented out of session on 25 February 2011; report tabled 14 May 2009) EEWR (Ref) Primary schools for the 21st Century—Interim 03.03.11 report (report tabled 24 June 2010) (2) RAT (Ref) Natural resource management and conservation challenges (report tabled 4 February 2010) FADT (Leg) Australian Civilian Corps Bill 2010 [Provisions] 21.03.11 (presented out of session on 10 March 2011; report (1) tabled 17 November 2010) Regional and Second report 2009 (presented out of session on 6 10.05.11 Remote Indigenous April 2011; report tabled 25 June 2009) (5) Communities (Select) Regional and Third report 2009 (presented out of session on 6 Remote Indigenous April 2011; report tabled 26 November 2009) Communities (Select) FADT (Ref) Report Volume I—Economic challenges facing Papua New Guinea and the island states of the southwest Pacific; and (presented out of session on 04 May 2011; report tabled 19 November 2009) Report Volume II—Security challenges facing Papua New Guinea and the island states of the southwest Pacific (presented out of session on 4 May 2011; report tabled 25 February 2010)

224 Committee related activity in the chamber

RAT (Ref) Australian horse industry and an emergency animal disease response agreement (presented out of session on 5 May 2011; report tabled 25 November 2010) ECO (Ref) Impacts of Supermarket Price Decisions on the 12.05.11 Dairy Industry—Interim Report (report tabled 20 (4) April 2011) FPA (Standing) Examination of annual reports No. 1 of 2009 (report tabled 19 March 2009) FADT (Ref) Equity and Diversity Health Check in the Royal Australian Navy—HMAS Success–Report on parliamentary privilege–Possible interference in the work of the committee (report tabled 18 March 2010) RRAT (Ref) Import risk analysis (IRA) for the importation of Cavendish bananas from the Philippines (report tabled 25 June 2009) RRAT (Ref) Meat Marketing—Interim Report (report presented 14.06.11 out of session on 20 May 2011; report tabled 4 (5) September 2008) RRAT (Ref) Meat Marketing—Report (presented out of session on 20 May 2011; report tabled 30 June 2009) Agricultural & Food Production in Australia—Final Report Related Industries (presented out of session on 20 May 2011; report (Select) tabled 23 August 2010) CA (Ref) Hear Us: Inquiry into hearing health in Australia (presented out of session on 30 May 2011; report tabled 13 May 2010) ECO (Ref) Regulation, registration and remuneration of insolvency practitioners in Australia: the case for a new framework (presented out of session on 9 June 2011; report tabled 14 September 2010) ECO (Ref) Foreign investment by state-owned entities (tabled 23.06.11 23 June 2011; report tabled 17 September 2009) (1) Ministerial Report (presented out of session on 30 June 2011; Discretion in report tabled 31 March 2004) (1) Migration Matters (Select)

225 Committee related activity in the chamber

Additional Comments; Dissenting Reports; Minority Reports (Note: These statistics record the signatory to the reports)

Legislation LP/NAT ALP AG FFP IND Additional Comments 8 1 4 0 0 Dissenting Reports 13 0 9 0 3 Minority Reports 2 1 2 0 0 References LP/NAT ALP AG FFP IND Additional Comments 4 0 1 1 7 Dissenting Reports 0 4 1 0 0 Minority Reports 0 2 0 0 0 Select/Joint LP/NAT ALP AG FFP IND Additional Comments 0 1 1 0 1 Dissenting Reports 1 3 0 0 0 Minority Reports 0 0 0 0 0

Extension of Time to present Reports During the reporting period, 49 extensions of time: 7 one week or less; 10 over a week; and 32 over a month—were granted to Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office to present reports. Leave to Meet while the Senate is in session During the reporting period, Senate Committees were granted leave to meet while the Senate was in session on 45 occasions. Membership of Committees During the reporting period, there were 138 membership changes of Committees. Appointment of Committees The Joint Select Committee on the Christmas Island Tragedy was appointed on 2 March 2011. The Select Committee on Australia's Food Processing Sector was appointed on 24 March 2011. The Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration Detention Network was appointed on 16 June 2011. Change of Committee Name Nil