Making Collection Operations Optimal with Aggressive JIT Compilation

Aleksandar Prokopec David Leopoldseder Oracle Labs Johannes Kepler University, Linz Switzerland Austria [email protected] [email protected] Gilles Duboscq Thomas Würthinger Oracle Labs Oracle Labs Switzerland Switzerland [email protected] [email protected] Abstract 1 Introduction Functional collection combinators are a neat and widely ac- for most high-level languages, such as Scala, trans- cepted data processing abstraction. However, their generic form the source program into an intermediate representa- nature results in high abstraction overheads – Scala collec- tion. This intermediate program representation is executed tions are known to be notoriously slow for typical tasks. We by the runtime system. Typically, the runtime contains a show that proper optimizations in a JIT can widely just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which compiles the intermediate eliminate overheads imposed by these abstractions. Using representation into machine code. Although JIT compilers the open-source Graal JIT compiler, we achieve speedups of focus on optimizations, there are generally no guarantees up to 20× on collection workloads compared to the standard about the program patterns that result in fast machine code HotSpot C2 compiler. Consequently, a sufficiently aggressive – most optimizations emerge organically, as a response to JIT compiler allows the language compiler, such as Scalac, a particular programming paradigm in the high-level lan- to focus on other concerns. guage. Scala’s functional-style collection combinators are a In this paper, we show how optimizations, such as inlin- paradigm that the JVM runtime was unprepared for. ing, polymorphic inlining, and partial escape analysis, are Historically, Scala collections [Odersky and Moors 2009; combined in Graal to produce collections code that is optimal Prokopec et al. 2011] have been somewhat of a mixed bless- with respect to manually written code, or close to optimal. ing. On one hand, they helped Scala gain popularity im- We argue why some of these optimizations are more effec- mensely – code written using collection combinators is more tively done by a JIT compiler. We then identify specific use- concise and easier to write compared to -style foreach cases that most current JIT compilers do not optimize well, loops. High-level declarative combinators are exactly the warranting special treatment from the language compiler. kind of paradigm that Scala advocates. And yet, Scala was often criticized for having suboptimal performance because CCS Concepts • Software and its engineering → Just- of its collection framework, with reported performance over- in-time compilers; heads of up to 33× [Biboudis et al. 2014]. Despite several Keywords collections, data-parallelism, program optimiza- attempts at making them more efficient [Dragos and Odersky tion, JIT compilation, functional combinators, partial escape 2009; Prokopec and Petrashko 2013; Prokopec et al. 2015], analysis, iterators, inlining, scalar replacement Scala collections currently have suboptimal performance ACM Reference Format: compare to their Java pendants. Aleksandar Prokopec, David Leopoldseder, Gilles Duboscq, Thomas In this paper, we show that, despite the conventional wis- Würthinger 2017. Making Collection Operations Optimal with dom about the HotSpot C2 compiler, most overheads in- Aggressive JIT Compilation . In Proceedings of 8th ACM SIGPLAN troduced by the Scala standard library collections can International Scala Symposium (SCALA’17). ACM, New York, NY, be removed and optimal code can be generated with USA, 12 pages. a sufficiently aggressive JIT compiler. We validate this SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada claim using the open-source Graal compiler [Duboscq et al. © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed 2013], and we explain how. Concretely: to the Association for Computing Machinery. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal • We identify and explain the abstraction overheads use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in present in the Scala collections library (Section2). Proceedings of 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Scala Symposium (SCALA’17), • We summarize relevant optimizations used by Graal to eliminate those abstractions (Section3). SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada A. Prokopec, D. Leopoldseder, G. Duboscq, and T. Würthinger

• We present three case studies, showing how Graal’s callsite (e.g. by inlining), the read of the buffer field cannot be optimizations interact to produce optimal collections factored out of the loop, but instead occurs for every element. code (Section4). Finally, most collection operations (in particular, subclasses • We show a detailed performance comparison between of the Iterable trait) create Iterator objects, which store it- the Graal compiler and the HotSpot C2 compiler on eration state. Avoiding the allocation of the Iterator and Scala collections and on several Spark data-processing inlining the logic of its hasNext and next methods generally workloads. We focus both on microbenchmarks and results in more efficient code, but without knowing the con- application benchmarks (Section5). crete implementation of the iterator, replacing iterators with • We postulate that profiling information enables a JIT something more efficient is not possible. compiler to better optimize collection operations com- pared to a static compiler. We then identify the opti- mizations that current JIT compilers are unlikely to do, and conclude that language compilers should fo- cus on optimizing data structures more than on code optimization (Section7). 3 Overview of the Optimizations in Graal Note that the purpose of this paper is not to explain each Graal [Duboscq et al. 2013] is a dynamic optimizing com- of the optimizations used in Graal in detail – this was either piler for the HotSpot VM. Graal is not the default top-tier done elsewhere, or will be done in the future. Rather, the goal compiler in HotSpot, but it can optionally replace the C2 de- is to explain how we made Graal’s optimizations interact fault compiler. Just like the standard C2 compiler, Graal uses in order to produce optimal collections code. To reiterate, feedback-driven optimizations and generates code that spec- we do not claim novelty for any specific optimization that ulates on the method receiver types and the taken control we describe. Instead, we show how the correct set of opti- flow paths. The feedback is based on receiver type profiles mizations is combined to produce optimal collections code. and branch probabilities, and is gathered while the program As such, we hope that our findings will guide the language executes in interpreter mode. When a speculation proves implementors, and drive future design decisions in Scala (as incorrect, Graal deoptimizes the affected part of the code, well as other languages that run on the JVM). and compiles it again later [Duboscq et al. 2014]. An important design aspect in Graal, shared among many 2 Overheads in Scala Collection current JIT compilers, is the focus on intraprocedural analy- Operations sis. When HotSpot detects that a particular method is called On a high-level, we categorize the abstraction overheads many times, it schedules the method for compilation. The JIT present in Scala collections into several groups [Prokopec compiler (C2 or Graal) analyzes the particular method, and et al. 2014]. First, most Scala collections are generic in their attempts to trigger optimizations within its scope. Instead of parameter type. At the same time, Scala relies on type erasure doing inter-procedural analysis, additional optimizations are to eliminate generic type parameters in the intermediate enabled by inlining the callsites inside the current method. code (similar to Java [Bracha et al. 2003]). At the bytecode Graal’s intermediate representation (IR) is partly based level, collection methods such as foldLeft, indexOf or += take on the sea-of-nodes approach [Click and Paleczny 1995]. A arguments of the type Object (in Scala terms, AnyRef). When a program is represented as a directed graph in static single collection is instantiated with a value type, such as Int, most assignment form. Each node produces at most one value. method invocations implicitly allocate heap objects to wrap Control flow is represented with fixed nodes for which suc- values, which is called boxing. cessor edges point downwards in the graph. Data flow is Second, collections form a class hierarchy, with their oper- represented with floating nodes whose input edges point ations defined in base traits. Collection method calls are often upwards. The details of Graal IR are presented in related polymorphic. A compiler that does not know the concrete work [Duboscq et al. 2013]. In section4, we summarize the callee type, cannot easily optimize this call. For example, basic IR nodes that are required for understanding this paper. two apply calls on ArrayBuffer share the same array bounds In the rest of this section, we describe the most important check, but if the static receiver type is the base trait Seq, the high-level optimizations in Graal that are relevant for the rest compiler cannot factor out the common bounds check. of the discussion. To make the presentation more accessible Third, most of the collection combinators are parametric to the audience, we show the optimizations at the Scala – they take a lambda that fully specifies the combinator’s source level, while in fact they work on the Graal IR level. behavior. Since the implementation site does not know the We avoid the details, and aim to give an intuition – where implementation of the lambda, it cannot be optimized with necessary, we point to related work. respect to the lambda. For example, in the expression xs. foreach(this.buffer += _), unless the compiler specializes the Making Collection Operations Optimal with an Aggressive JIT SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

3.1 Inlining 3.3 Canonicalization The inlining transformation identifies a callsite, and replaces In Graal, canonicalization refers to a compiler pass that ap- it with the body of the callee. For example, the sq method: plies different optimizations that simplify code, make it more 1 def sq(x:Double) = x * x efficient or bring it into a canonical form. This includes clas- 2 def tss(xs:List[Double]):Double = sical optimizations, such as (x*2 becomes 3 if (xs.isEmpty) 0 x<<1), global value numbering [Click 1995] (two occurrences 4 else sq(xs.head)+tss(xs.tail) of the same value are shared in the IR), (3*2 becomes 6), branch or dead-code elimination, as well as JVM- can be inlined into the tss method: specific optimizations such as replacing a type-check with 1 def tss(xs:List[Int]):Double = a constant (when both the receiver type and the checked 2 if (xs.isEmpty) 0 else { type are known). Canonicalization is applied incrementally 3 val h = xs. head 4 h*h+tss(xs.tail) throughout the IR until the compiler decides that there are 5 } no more canonicalization opportunities. Graal applies canon- icalization repeatedly throughout the compilation process. While the transformation itself is straightforward, the de- Its defining feature is that it isa local optimization – it can be cision of when and what to inline is anything but simple. applied to a particular IR node by inspecting its immediate Inlining decisions are often based on hand-tuned heuris- neighbourhood. It is therefore relatively cheap, and can be tics and various rules of the thumb, which is why some used as a subphase inside other optimizations. researchers called it black art in the past [Peyton Jones and Marlow 2002]. 3.4 Partial Escape Analysis and Scalar Replacement On a high-level, Graal inlining works by constructing a Partial escape analysis (PEA) [Stadler et al. 2014], a control call tree starting from the currently compiled method. The flow sensitive variant of escape analysis [Kotzmann and complete call tree may be infinite, so at some point Graal Mössenböck 2005], is an analysis that allows a compiler to stops exploring and inlines the methods considered worthy. determine if an object escapes the current compilation unit. This information can be used to perform optimizations such 3.2 Polymorphic Inlining as scalar replacement that eliminates an object allocation Inlining is only possible if the concrete implementation of and replaces it with the scalar values of the object. the method that needs to be called is statically known. In Consider the example in Listing1, in which the iteration Java or in Scala, this means having a precise static type for state is kept in an ArrayIterator object. The it object is not the receiver. In typical Scala collections code, that is rarely stored into another object, passed to other functions or re- the case, since the convention is to use generic collection turned. Consequently, the it object is just an extra allocation traits, such as Set, Seq or Map. The JVM uses inline caches at in this code, and can be completely removed. Every read its polymorphic callsites, which store pairs of the possible of it.array can be replaced with a, since that is the value receiver types and the method entry addresses. This design is in the preceding write to the array field in line4. Similarly, similar to the one used in Smalltalk [Deutsch and Schiffman every read and write to it.current can be replaced with a 1984]. local variable. Aside from relying on inline caches of the VM, a JIT com- Listing 1. Sum of squares using iterators piler can emit type switches – a sequence of if-then-else 1 def tss(a:Array[Double]):Double = { type checks that dispatch to the concrete implementation. In 2 val it = new ArrayIterator Graal, such a type switch usually does not have more than 3 it.current = 0 3-4 checks, and the types used in it are based on the callsite’s 4 it. array = a receiver type profile. Consider the tss method: 5 var sum = 0.0 1 def tss(xs:Seq[Int]):Int = xs.fold(0)(_+sq(_)) 6 while (it.current < it.array.length) { 7 sum += sq(it.array(it.current)) To avoid the indirect call, a JIT compiler with access to 8 it.current += 1 the type profile of xs can emit the following code: 9 } 1 def tss(xs:Seq[Int]):Int = xs match { 10 sum 2 case xs:List[Int] => xs.fold(0)(_+sq(_)) 11 } 3 case xs:ArrayOps[Int] => xs.fold(0)(_+sq(_)) 4 case _ => xs.fold(0)(_+sq(_)) 3.5 Interaction between Optimizations 5 } Each of the previously described optimizations usually im- Note that in the previous snippet, the fold calls in lines2 proves program performance. However, improvements are and3 are direct. The benefit of type switches, as we show in higher when these optimizations are used together – one Section 4.2, is that they allow additional inlining. optimization often enables another. For example, inlining SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada A. Prokopec, D. Leopoldseder, G. Duboscq, and T. Würthinger typically introduces constants and simplifiable code patterns into the IR, thus introducing opportunities for constant fold- ing, branch elimination, and other canonicalizations. Canon- icalization, on the other hand, typically eliminates calls or makes polymorphic calls direct, enabling additional inlining. Partial escape analysis eliminates read-write dependencies, enabling additional constant-folding. For each method that gets compiled, Graal expands the call tree, and inlines the callsites considered worthwhile. Graal then alternates between these optimizations until deciding that the code was sufficiently optimized, or that there are no more optimization opportunities. At this point, the optimized IR is passed to the remaining compilation phases. We deliberately keep some concepts vague and high-level. Deciding when to stop expanding the call tree, which callsites are worthwhile, or when to stop applying the optimizations, requires careful tuning and is outside the scope of this paper. In Graal, we rely heavily on carefully chosen heuristics – we found that, when done correctly, this process usually results in optimal code. 4 Case Studies 4.1 Case Study: foldLeft In this section, we consider a typical usage of the foldLeft function, and show how a JIT compiler, in our case Graal, can optimize it. Listing2 shows the implementation of foldLeft from the Scala standard library. Listing 2. The foldLeft implementation Figure 1. IR of computeSum after bytecode parsing 1 @ tailrec 2 def foldl[B](s:Int,e:Int,z:B,op:(B,A)=>B):B = After Scalac transforms this code to JVM bytecode, and 3 if (s==e) z computeSum 4 else foldl(s+1,e,op(z,this (s)),op) the JVM schedules the method for compilation, a 5 def foldLeft[B](z:B)(op:(B,A)=>B):B = JIT compiler, in our case Graal, produces the intermediate 6 foldl(0,length,z,op) representation shown in Fig.1. The yellow nodes denote control flow – for example, Start denotes the entry point into The foldLeft method [Bird and Wadler 1988] (on indexed the method, New represents an object allocation, Invoke is a sequence collections) forwards to the foldl method, which call to a method, Box denotes boxing of a primitive value, and either returns the accumulator z, or calls itself recursively at Return represents the method’s exit point. The purple nodes @tailrec the next index. The annotation instructs the Scala represent dataflow, and are called floating nodes – they hang while compiler to convert this method into a loop equivalent. from the control flow nodes, serving as their input or output. Listing 3. computeSum The user method Their final position in the resulting machine code depends 1 def computeSum(xs: Array[Int]): Long = only on their inputs. The C node represents a constant, a P(n) 2 xs.foldLeft(0L)(_ + _) node represents the n-th parameter, and a MethodCallTarget The computeSum method invokes the foldLeft. However, there node wraps parameters for an Invoke. Finally, node 12 is a is more to its translation than what meets the eye. The Scala Function2 allocation for the lambda _ + _. compiler implicitly wraps the JVM array into an ArrayOps As we will see soon, expression nodes are also encoded as object, so that it can call foldLeft. Furthermore, foldLeft has floating nodes. For example, + encodes addition, SignExtend a generic return type, which erases to Object. The compiler encodes a conversion from Int to Long, == represents equality, must insert an unboxToLong call to return a primitive value. InstanceOf represents a type check, and AllocatedObject rep- The transformed code resembles the one in Listing4. resents a reference to an allocated object. The list of all node Listing 4. The expansion of the computeSum method types is outside the scope of this paper, so we only mention 1 def computeSum(xs: Array[Int]): Long = the relevant ones [Duboscq et al. 2013]. 2 BoxesRunTime.unboxToLong( As most other modern JIT compilers, Graal relies on in- 3 new ArrayOps$ofInt(xs).foldLeft(0L)(_ + _)) traprocedural analysis – to trigger optimizations, it must Making Collection Operations Optimal with an Aggressive JIT SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada first inline the Invoke nodes in the IR of computeSum. To do this, Listing 5. The unboxToLong standard library method Graal creates a call tree based on the body of computeSum. 1 public static long unboxToLong(Object x) { Fig.2(a) shows the initial call graph – the computeSum root 2 return x== null ? 0 : ((Long)l).longValue(); } node, represented with the expanded subgraph node (Sg), and the three Cutoff nodes: the ArrayOps constructor (1), the The compiler then proceeds to the second inlining round, foldLeft (2) and unboxToLong (3). The inliner then inspects the starting with expansion. In Fig.5(a), the inliner completely ex- call graph nodes, and explores the call graph, without actu- plores the call tree beneath the foldLeft method, and inlines ally inlining the calls yet. This subphase is called expansion. it in Fig.5(b). The only remaining callsite in the computeSum During the expansion, the inliner must parse the IR of the method is now the ArrayOps constructor (Cutoff node 1). Inlin- callees to find the nested callsites – for example, Fig.3 shows ing the other methods makes the guard conditions constant, the IR of foldLeft. as shown in Fig.6(a) – the compiler now knows that null In Fig.2(b), the inliner decides that it sufficiently expanded pointers and class cast exceptions are not possible, so canon- the call graph in the current round. Note that direct calls, icalization eliminates the guards, as seen in Fig.6(b). such as foldLeft in node 4, are denoted with subgraph nodes This code is now almost optimal. The only remaining (Sg). Indirect calls (whose receiver is statically unknown) are performance overhead in the loop is the read (node 74) of the represented with type switch nodes (TS) – depending on the repr field in the ArrayOps wrapper (which wraps the native callsite type profile, the compiler may decide to embed atype JVM array). The entries of the JVM array are read in node switch for such nodes, as explained in Section 3.2. Note that 75 (LoadIndexed). The inliner still has sufficient budget, so it the call to length (node 5) is indirect, since its caller (foldLeft inlines the ArrayOps constructor in the 3rd round, allowing from Listing2) does not know the receiver type. other optimizations to reason about the fields of ArrayOps. The inliner then forwards the callsite argument type infor- The ArrayOps wrapper object is represented by the node mation top-down through the call graph – in each method, 110 (AllocatedObject) in Fig.7. The ArrayOps constructor (node it replaces the parameter nodes P(n) with the values from 7) writes the native JVM array (P(1)) into the repr field of its callsite, and then triggers the canonicalization transfor- the wrapper object. After that, the repr field is read again to mation from Section 3.3. The receiver types for length (node determine the array length (and then again later in the loop, 5), apply (node 11) of the base sequence type GenSeqLike, and as was shown in Fig.6(b)). This write-read dependency is de- apply (node 12) of the Function type, thus become known, and tected during partial escape analysis and scalar replacement these calls become direct – they are replaced with Cutoff optimization, and all the repr reads are replaced with the nodes, to be re-examined, as shown in Fig.2(c)). floating node used in the corresponding write. Fig.8 shows The inliner must now decide what to actually inline into that, after PEA, the array length is computed directly from computeSum. The unboxToLong call (node 8) is a "no-brainer" – its the parameter P(1) of computeSum. Consequently, the alloca- IR is small, without nested calls, so it is immediately inlined. tion of the ArrayOps object becomes dead code, and can be Note that, at this point, the body of the foldLeft method eliminated. PEA also eliminates pairs of Box and Unbox nodes (node 4), is not yet fully explored. Therefore, the inliner does from the apply method of Function2 (not shown). not yet believe that inlining the foldLeft method can trigger other optimizations, so it decides to leave it for the next 4.2 Case Study: Polymorphic foldLeft Callsite round. One mitigating circumstance in the case study from Sec- Fig.4 shows a part of the computeSum after the 1st round – tion 4.1 was that the receiver type of foldLeft was statically inlining unboxToLog introduced three guard nodes (FixedGuard). known. Dataflow analysis during inlining then determined Roughly speaking, with guard 22, the compiler speculates the receiver type of the GenSeqLike.length, GenSeqLike.apply that the true branch in Listing5 will never be executed and Function2.apply. However, with a definition of computeSum (if this speculation is incorrect, the code is deoptimized, in Listing6, where global has a sequence super-type Seq[Int], and recompiled later without this speculation). Similarly, pure dataflow analysis is no longer fruitful. guards 24 and 26 speculate the absence of ClassCastException Listing 6. The computeSum with a global field and NullPointerException, respectively. These speculations 1 // This is set somewhere else in the program. are generally more efficient than the variant with the branch 2 var global:Seq[Int] = null and the exception code, but this code is not optimal – ide- 3 def computeSum:Long = global.foldLeft(0L)(_+_) ally, we would like to get rid of these guards altogether. This is currently not possible, since the guard conditions IsNull Without a whole-program analysis, which a JIT compiler (node 21) and InstanceOf (node 23) are not constants. These generally cannot do, the exact type of global is unknown. conditions may become constant after more inlining. However, a JIT compiler has receiver type profiles – a list of possible receiver types associated with probabilities, gath- ered during the program execution. Graal knows the re- ceivers of the foldLeft call in line3, and their probabilities. SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada A. Prokopec, D. Leopoldseder, G. Duboscq, and T. Würthinger

(a) Before expansion.

(c) After inlining.

(b) After expansion.

Figure 2. Inlining call graph during the 1st inlining round

Figure 3. IR of foldLeft after bytecode parsing

Fig.9(a) shows the call graph for Listing6, with the profile in- Figure 4. IR of computeSum after the 1st inlining round dicating that global is either a Scala List or a WrappedArray. The type switch node 1 is replaced with if-then-else InstanceOf checks of the receiver (nodes 27 and 36), shown in Fig.9(b) – in each branch, the implementation of foldLeft for that 4.3 Case Study: map specific collection is inlined. The previous case studies show how Graal optimizations We emphasize that the receiver type profile is hardly ever interact when processing accessor operations. However, for available to a static compiler. Profile-based receiver type spec- operations that materialize a collection, Graal (and as we ulation, needed for optimality in use-cases such as Listing6, argue later, most current JIT compilers) is unlikely to produce is therefore much more amenable to a JIT compiler. optimal code. In this section, we study the map operation on Making Collection Operations Optimal with an Aggressive JIT SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

(b) After inlining.

(a) After expansion.

Figure 5. Inlining call graph during the 2nd inlining round

(a) Before canonicalization (b) After canonicalization

Figure 6. IR of computeSum after the 2nd inlining round

ArrayBuffer. In Listing7, numbers from an ArrayBuffer are generic in its type parameter T, and not specialized [Dragos incremented by one and stored into a new ArrayBuffer. and Odersky 2009]. The ArrayBuffer implementation inter- Listing 7. The mapPlusOne user method nally keeps an array of objects, typed Array[AnyRef]. When 1 def mapPlusOne(input:ArrayBuffer[Int]) = adding a primitive value, such as Int, to an ArrayBuffer col- 2 lection, the Scala compiler inserts a boxToInt call. We only show the final IR of the mapPlusOne method after Note that the map operation is strict and it materializes a applying all the optimizations as explained earlier. Fig. 10 new collection – it must allocate a new buffer data struc- shows the initial part of the map loop, which reads a number ture to store the resulting elements. Next, the ArrayBuffer is SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada A. Prokopec, D. Leopoldseder, G. Duboscq, and T. Würthinger

(a) Call Graph

ArrayOps Figure 7. initialization before PEA (b) IR

Figure 9. Creating the type switch in computeSum

Figure 8. ArrayOps initialization after PEA from the source array. Since the source array contains objects, Graal cannot guarantee that these objects are non-null or that they have proper types, so it needs to insert guards. An array read (LoadIndexed) is therefore followed by three guard nodes and an unboxing operation. Similarly, in Fig. 11, before storing the incremented primitive value back into the target array (StoreIndexed node 179), a java.lang.Integer object must be allocated (Box node 412). Partial escape analysis cannot eliminate this allocation, since the object escapes. 5 Performance Evaluation Figure 10. Reading from an array in the In this section, we show the performance comparison of the snippets from Section4, as well as additional Scala collection operation microbenchmarks, and several larger programs. Gb. We used standard evaluation practices for the JVM – we We also include several Spark data-processing workloads, ran each benchmark until detecting a steady state, and then since Spark RDDs have overheads comparable to those in reported the mean value across several iterations [Georges Scala collections [Zaharia et al. 2012]. We run all bench- et al. 2007]. marks on an 3.8 GHz Intel i7-4900MQ with 32 Gb RAM, with Fig. 12 shows the performance comparison between Graal frequency scaling turned off. We used Scala 2.11, and the and the Hotspot C2 compiler. The first nine plots show col- HotSpot implementation of JDK8, with the heap size set to 1 lection microbenchmarks, and they include an equivalent, Making Collection Operations Optimal with an Aggressive JIT SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

and we observed performance improvements with Graal ranging from 1.1× to 3.7×, compared to the C2 compiler. We also compared Graal and C2 on several Apache Spark workloads, as shown in Fig. 13. Spark has a similar API as Scala collections, but also a similar implementation. From inspecting the Apache Spark source code, we concluded that Spark’s RDD data types have implementations similar to Scala collections – an RDD operation typically uses an iterator object with an unknown implementation, traverses elements whose type is generic, and executes lambda objects whose implementation is unknown. Accumulator, Char-Count, TextSearch and WordCount are Spark RDD data-processing microbenchmarks, which com- pute a sum of numbers, count the characters, search for a pattern in the text, and count the words, respectively. Here, Graal is consistently 1.2 − 1.3× faster than C2. The larger ap- Figure 11. Writing to an array in the plications, Chi-Square, Decision-Tree, Gaussian-Mix and PCA, are standard Spark MLlib statistics and machine-learning workloads. We found that Graal is 1.2 − 1.8× faster than C2. manually optimized version of the code (we take care to avoid boxing, polymorphic dispatches and iterators). The last four 6 Related Work plots are programs that heavily use collections, where we Most of the high-level optimizations mentioned in this pa- only compare Graal and C2 on the same program. per were already treated in earlier works. Escape analysis The case studies from Section4 are shown in the first [Kotzmann and Mössenböck 2005] replaces unnecessary allo- three plots of Fig. 12. The variants of foldLeft (on a primitive cations with raw values, and partial escape analysis [Stadler Int array) with the non-polymorphic and the polymorphic et al. 2014] improves standard escape analysis by delaying callsite are both 17× faster when run with Graal compared to the allocation into the control flow segment in which that C2. Graal’s performance on this microbenchmark is equal to allocation escapes. Inlining was studied extensively by many a manually written loop over an integer array. As explained researchers in the past [Arnold et al. 2000; Ayers et al. 1997; in Section 4.3, the map snippet (on an ArrayBuffer[Int]) cannot Ben Asher et al. 2008; Chang et al. 1992]. One alternative avoid boxing, and here Graal is only 2.4× faster than C2. Our approach to inlining is specializing classes based on profile hand-optimized version uses Int arrays and avoids boxing, information and type constraints [Sutter et al. 2004]. Global making it 7.8× faster than Graal. The difference is less pro- [Click 1995] is one of the basic optimiza- nounced on the filter microbenchmark, since filtering does tions used in SSA-based compilers, and many optimizations not create new boxed objects (it only reuses the ones from the used in Graal’s canonicalization are standard. Although com- original collection). The groupBy benchmark materializes a lot piler optimizations were studied extensively in the past, to of intermediate data structures, so our hand-optimized ver- our knowledge, very little work currently exists on how to sion is only 1.4× faster than the collections version compiled optimally compose optimizations for concrete workloads, with Graal. The copyToArray (on an ArrayBuffer) benchmark is and this prompted us to share our insights. 3.9× faster on a hand-optimized version that uses Int arrays Aside from an optimal code, program performance de- – the fast intrinsification of the System.arraycopy method is pends heavily on correct choice of data structures. One of possible for raw integer arrays, but not when copying an the major data structure performance impacts on the JVM object array to an integer array. is implicit boxing due to type erasure. Due to its design de- The foreach(sum+=_) benchmark computes the same result cisions, this effect is more pronounced in Scala than itisin as the foldLeft benchmark. Graal uses PEA and scalar re- Java. While some concurrent data structures, such as Scala placement to eliminate the IntRef object captured by the lock-free Ctries [Prokopec et al. 2012], FlowPools [Prokopec lambda, and produces optimal code. On the find and stan- et al. 2012], or lock-free SnapQueues [Prokopec 2015], as dard deviation benchmarks, Graal is 29× and 7.7× faster than well as some functional data structures such as Conc-Trees C2, and close to optimal, with a few suboptimal loop code [Prokopec and Odersky 2016] and RRB Vectors [Stucki et al. patterns (which we are currently working on to fix). 2015], depend on object allocation and pay the price of heap We also tested Graal on several larger collection-based pro- allocation in either case, performance of most sequential grams – K-means, character histogram, phone code mnemon- and lock-based concurrent data structures can be improved ics, and CafeSAT (SAT solver implementation) [Blanc 2015], by avoiding boxing. Ever since erasure-based generics were SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada A. Prokopec, D. Leopoldseder, G. Duboscq, and T. Würthinger

time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) 5 foldLeft(0L)(_+_) 5 polymorphic fold-left map(_+1) filter(_%2==0) groupBy(_%5) copyToArray 4.5 4.5 12 7 26 Man Graal C2 Man Graal C2 11 Man Graal C2 Man Graal C2 24 Man Graal C2 0.8 Man Graal C2 4 16 4 16 18 6 10 22 2 . . . 2 . 3.5 9 3.5 9 7 . 20 3 × × 9 × 6 × 5 × 3 18 0.6 . 3 3 8 9 3 16 × . 1 3 7 4 . 1 × 2.5 2.5 7 14 . 6 × 4 7 12 1 × 0.4 2 2 . 3 1 . 5 8 . 0 × 0 10 × 1.5 1.5 4 × 1 8 . 2 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 0.2 × 1 . . 1 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 × × × × 2 × 1 4 0.5 0.5 1 2

50k #elem 50k #elem 80k #elem 80k #elem 80k #elem 80k #elem time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) find(_<0) foreach(sum+=_) standard deviation K-means histogram mnemonics CafeSAT 0.7 4 4.5 7.5 1 0.5 1.6 Man Graal C2 7 Man Graal C2 Man Graal C2 Graal C2 Graal C2 3.5 Graal C2 4 Graal C2 6 0.6 . 6.5 3 1.4 4 7 2 1 3.5 . × 6 29 0.8 . . . 7 7 0.4 0 3 1 1 × . × × 0.5 × . × 1.2 5 5 0 3 1 × 5 . 2.5 3 1 4.5 0.6 × 0.3 1 0.4 2.5 4 . 0 1 2 . . 0 8 3.5 × 0 2 0.3 × 3 0.4 0.2 1.5 1 0.6 . 1 1.5 . 1 1 2 5 . 0 . . 1 6 0.2 × 0 0 2 . × 1 0.4 × × 1 1 0 1 1.5 . . 0.2 × . 0 4 0 1 0.2 1 × × 0.1 0.5 . 0.5 0 5

50k #elem 80k #elem 5k #elem # # # #

Figure 12. Collections running time comparison between Graal, HotSpot C2 and manually optimized code (lower is better)

time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) 8 Accumulator Char-Count Chi-Square Decision-Tree 8 8 TextSearch Gaussian-Mix 1.8 PCA WordCount 0.8 5 7 2 5 7 Graal C2 7 Graal C2 Graal C2 Graal C2 Graal C2 . Graal C2 1.6 Graal C2 Graal C2 0.7 6 1 8 1 1 1 . . . 1 6 . 6 4 3 1.6 8 1 4 . 4 3 0.6 × × 2 × 1 1 1 × . . . 5 1.4 . 1 1 3 4 3 1 1 2 . 1 5 . 5 × 0.5 × × . 0 . 0 1 1 0 1.2 × 1 2 × . 1 3 . 4 × 1 3 . × 0 . 0 1 0 4 4 × 0 × . × 0.4 × 1 0 3 × 0.8 3 3 . 2 0.8 2 0 3 0.6 0.6 2 2 0.2 2 1 0.4 0.4 1 1 1 1 0.1 0.2 0.2

5k #elem 5k #elem 5k #elem 5k #elem 5k #elem 5k #elem 5k #elem 5k #elem

Figure 13. Apache Spark running time comparison between Graal and HotSpot C2 (lower is better) added to Java 1.5 [Bracha et al. 2003], many mainstream performance was slightly behind C2. Since that evaluation, languages, such as C#, Scala and Kotlin, decided to follow Graal was extensively improved and it now beats C2 on most in its footsteps. While the .NET runtime, which C# runs on, benchmarks that we are aware of. supports runtime type reification (i.e. allows data structure specialization in the runtime), most JVM languages pay some 7 Conclusion performance overhead for boxing. Aside from type reifica- The performance results reported in Section5 represent an tion, here have been various attempts at reducing these costs. opportunity that is, at least currently, unexploited by the The DartVM uses pointer tagging to encode small integers standard HotSpot C2 compiler. JIT compilers generally have within the pointer, but this optimization is limited to inte- access to branch frequency profiles, receiver type profiles gers within a specific range. Scala type specialization [Dragos and loop frequencies, so they are in principle capable of eas- and Odersky 2009] and miniboxing [Ureche et al. 2013] are ily performing the same kind of (speculative) optimizations promising solutions that were used in the creation of sev- as those described in this paper. In fact, the case study from eral collection frameworks [Prokopec et al. 2014, 2015], their Section 4.2 should be a convincing argument of why this main downside being a large output code size. type of optimizations is best left to the JIT compiler. Specula- In the past, the Graal compiler was evaluated on Scala tion based on type profiles is a cheap (and potentially more workloads, specifically on the DaCapo and Scala DaCapo accurate) alternative to whole program analysis. And if a benchmark suites [Stadler et al. 2013]. At the time, Graal speculation turns out wrong, deoptimizing the code segment Making Collection Operations Optimal with an Aggressive JIT SCALA’17, October 22–23, 2017, Vancouver, Canada is simple. For example, if the foldLeft callsite from Section Aggelos Biboudis and Eugene Burmako. 2014. MorphScala: Safe Class 4.2 encounters a new receiver type, Graal simply recompiles Morphing with Macros. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Scala Workshop the enclosing method. (SCALA ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 18–22. 2637647.2637650 Speculating on the data structure invariants is generally Aggelos Biboudis, Nick Palladinos, and Yannis Smaragdakis. 2014. Clash of expensive. First, reasoning about a data structure requires the Lambdas. CoRR abs/1406.6631 (2014). analyzing all its usages, which is usually outside of the scope Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. 1988. An Introduction to Functional Pro- of a single method. 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