OECD Ministry of Foreign Trade Organisation for Economic and Economic Co-operation Co-operation and Development People’s Republic of


Within the framework of the annual China Fair for International Investment and Trade (CFIIT)

Xiamen, Province, People’s Republic of China 11-12 September 2000


Mr. Rainer GEIGER Deputy Director Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs 2 rue Andre Pascal 75016 Paris, France Tel.: (33) 1 4524 9103 Fax: (33) 1 4524 9151 Email: [email protected]

Ms. Marie-France HOUDE Principal Administrator Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs 2 rue Andre Pascal 75016 Paris, France Tel.: (33) 1 4524 9126 Fax: (33) 1 4524 78521832

Mr. Mehmet OGUTCU Principal Administrator Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs 2 rue Andre Pascal 75016 Paris – France Tel.: (33) 1 4524 9395 Fax: (33) 1 4524 7852

Mr. Hak-Loh LEE Principal Administrator Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs 2 rue André Pascal 75016 Paris, France Tel: (331) 4524 8448 Fax: (331) 4524 7852

Ms. Luz Curiel BEATY Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs 2 rue André Pascal 75016 Paris, France Tel: (331) 4524 9104 Fax: (331) 4524 9151


Mme. MA Xiu Hong, Assistant Minister MOFTEC Beijing, China

Mr. HU Jing Yan MOFTEC Beijing, China

Mr. LIU Zuo Zhang Deputy Director General of Foreign Investment Administration (FIA) MOFTEC

Mr. XIE Jian Chen MOFTEC

Mme. ZHOU. Ming Division Director of FIA MOFTEC

Mr. LIN Zhe Ying Division Director of FIA, in charge of FDI statistic. MOFTEC


Ms. Ouyang HONG Official Foreign Investment Administration MOFTEC

Mr. SHEN Jin Jian Academy of Social Sciences Beijing, China

Mr. MA Yu Academy of Social Sciences Beijing, China

Ms. FAN Wenjie FIA – MOFTEC Beijing, China

3 Ms. YANG Fang Foreign Investors Association

Mr. YUAN Ben Hong Foreign Investors Association

Mr. TIAN Feng Jun Quin Dao Economic Development Zone China

Mr. TIAN Shun Li Quin Huang Dao Economic Development Zone

Mr. TIAN Li Nan Quin Huang Dao Economic Development Zone

Mr. ZHAI Yu Zhong Qin Huang Dao Economic Development Zone

Ms. HUANG Feng Quin Huang Dao Economic Development Zone

Mr. CHEN Li Ming Tianjin Cofert

Mr. TIAN Gui Ming Tianjin Development Zone

Mr. LIN Xiang Tianjin Cofert

Mr. ZHANG Wen Gang Tianjin Cofert

Mr. ZHANG Hao Wei Tianjin Cofert

Mr. XU Hai Kang JianSu Province

Mr. GUO Song Beijing Foreign Investors Service Center

Mr. GUO Guang Beijing Foreign Investors Service

Ms. CHEN Yi Song

4 Mr. TAN Zuogang Province

Ms. CHEN Liwen Hubei Province

Ms. SUN Huaiyi Wu Han City

Mr. GE Xiang Hubei Province

Mr. TANG Bing Hubei Province

Mr. LI Yi Hong Hubei Province

Mr. WANG Yao Zhong Hubei Province

Mr. CAO Shu Min Shan Dong Province Cofert

Mr. LU Yi Shan Dong Province, Cofert

Mr. LIU Zhi Po Shan Dong Province Cofert

Mr. DING Lian

Mr. WANG Jianping

Mr. QU Laishi Henan Province

Mr. DU Zhongyuan Henan Province

Mr. WAN Peng Henan Province

Mr. WENG Fang He Long Jiang Province

5 Mr. ZHANG Li He Long Jian Province

Mr. DING Yi An Hui Province Investment Service

Ms. SU Yan An Hui Province Cofert

Mr. HONG Benzhu Xiamen Foreign Investment Committee

Mr. PENG Benrong Foreign Investment Committee Xiamen

Mr. ZHANG Binna Foreign Investment Committee Xiamen

Ms. CHEN Wanying Foreign Investment Committee Xiamen

Mr. ZENG Yanming Foreign Investment Committee Xiamen

Mr. XU Huadui Foreign Investment Committee Xiamen

Mr. HAO Jiecheng He Bei Province

Mr. ZHAI Jianguo He Bei Province

Ms. QI Huifen He Bei Province

Mr. WANG Guangchun He Bei Province

Mr. PANG Shengkuan He Bei Province

6 Mr. YU Zhongcai He Bei Province

Mr. CHEN Jian Ping Shanghai Investment Promotion Center

Mr. ZHANG Guo Hua Shanghai Investment Promotion Center



Dr Chunlai CHEN Chinese Economies Research Centre School of Economics The University of Adelaide Adelaide, SA 5005 Australia Tel: +61 8 8303 5756 Fax : +61 8 8303 4394 e-mail [email protected]

Professor Christopher FINDLAY Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management Australian National University Adelaide, SA 5005 Australia Tel: 61-416-178424 [or messages on 61-2-62493780] Fax: 61-2-62490767 [or 61-2-62490169 for PECC correspondence] Email: [email protected]

Mr. Mick SHADWICK Australian Treasury Representative in China and Minister-Counsellor (Financial) Australian Embassy 21 Dongzhimenwai Street Sanlitum Beijing 100600 Tel: 6532 2331 Ext. 289 Fax: 6532 6937 E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. Jean-Louis GAUDIN Regional Manager DATAR/Invest in France Agency For Hong Kong and Singapore

8 Mr. Alexandre DRAZNIEK Bureau E2 Direction du Tresor Ministere de l’Economie et des Finances Paris, France Tel. 01 44 87 70 84 Fax. 01 44 87 74 59

Mr. Michel DROBNIAK Conseiller Commercial Consulate General de France a Canton Poste d’Expansion Economique Guangdong International Hotel Main Tower Room 803 339 Huan Shi Dong Lu Guangzhou 510098 Tel: (8620) 8332 1955 Fax: (8620) 8332 1961 E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. Wolfgang VON LINGELSHEIM-SEIBICKE Counsellor, Head of Division Greater China Economic Area Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie D-11019 Berlin, Germany Tel: (4930) 2014-9 Fax: (4930) 2014-7010

Mr. Peter KREUTZBERGER Counsellor Trade, competition, Agriculture, Press German Delegation to the OECD 9, rue Maspéro 75016 Paris – France Tel: (331) Fax: (331)

Dr. Wolfgang RUNGE Consul General Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 19/F., Guangdong International Hotel 339 Huan Shi Dong Lu

9 Guangzhou 510098 P.R. China e-mail: [email protected] phone: (+86) - 20 - 8330 6533 fax : (+86) - 20 - 8331 7033

Mrs. Helga BARTH Consul (Commercial and Economic) and Deputy Consul General Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 19/F., Guangdong International Hotel 339 Huan Shi Dong Lu Guangzhou 510098 P.R. China e-mail: [email protected] phone: (+86) - 20 - 8330 6533 fax : (+86) - 20 - 8331 7033


Mr. Jongghun LEE Director of Foreign Investment Division, Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy Seoul, Korea Tel: Fax: (822) 504.4816


Mr. Gonzalo CERVERA Economic Counsellor Embassy of Mexico Sanlitum Dong wujie 5 100600 Peking China Tel: 6532 2271 Fax: 6532 3744 E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. José FERNANDES Head of Portuguese Trade Office Embassy of Portugal Beijing, China Tel: Fax: 8610.6532.6746

10 Spain

Mr. Jesús CASTILLO Trade & Investment Officer Embassy of Spain Ta Yuan Office Bldg. 2-2-2 14 Liang Ma He Nan Lu Beijing, China 100600 Tel: 8610 6532 2072 Fax: 8610 6532 1128


Amb. Marino BALDI Chairman OECD Committee on Investment and Multinational Enterprises Office fédéral des affaires economiques extérieures Berne, Switzerland Tel: (4131) 324.0755 Fax: (4131) 323.0333


Ms. Harika COSKUNOGLU Head of Department General Directorate of Foreign Investment Undersecretariat of Treasury Permanent Delegation of Turkey to OECD 9 rue Dehodencq 75016 Paris, France Tel: (331) Fax: (331)

United Kingdom

Mr. Brian SHAW Regional Office Asia Locate in Scotland Tel: +81 3 5445 2947 Fax: +81 3 5445 2949 E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Long BAIJIN STI Beijing office Locate in Scotland Tel: Fax:

11 United States

Mr. Tom DELARE Deputy Director Office of Investment Afairs U.S. Department of State Washington, DC Tel: Fax: (1202) 647.0320

Mr. Daniel EPSTEIN Economic Officer US Embassy China


Ms. Kaziah Abdul KADIR Director Industrial Development Agency Malaysia

Mr. Andrew PROCTER Regional Manager for Asia Foreign Investment Advisory Services (FIAS) World Bank

Mr. Nazha BENABBES Head Investment Promotion UNCTAD


Mr. Güenter METZGER President and CEO Saxony Economic Development Corporation Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH Bertolt-Brecht-Alee 22 D-01309 Dresden, Germany Tel: (49351) 3199.1100 Fax: (49351) 3199.1058 E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Thomas KLOTZ Vice President A.T. Kearney Global Companies and Investment in China Tel: 00-852-25011430 E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Stefan GILCH General Manager Xiamen Schaeff Engineering Machinery Co. No. 89 Jinshang Road West Gate Kaiyuan District 361009 Xiamen, P.R. China Tel: 86 592 5533 680 Fax: 86 592 5533 681 E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Armin KNORS Deputy General Manager Bayer China Limited 21/F Shui On Plaza 333, Huai Zai Zhong Road Shanghai, 200021 P.R. China Tel: 8621 5383 3705 Fax: 8621 6385 5435 E-mail: [email protected]

13 Mr. Kenneth TUNG Vice President and Director of Legal Affairs Eastman Kodak Company, Greater China Region Tel: (8621) 635 0088 1887 Fax: (8621) 63500853 E-mail: [email protected]

Ms. Sabine FLORIAN Deputy Executive Director German Industry and Commerce South China Representative Office German Chamber of Commerce in China - Guangzhou 2915 Metro Plaza, Tinahe North Road, 510075 Guangzhou, China Tel: 0086-20-8755 2353, Fax: 0086-20-8755 1889

Anastasios GOUDOULAKIS Chief Representative DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG Shenzhen Representative Office 4/F Ping An Building No 3 Ba Gua Road, Ba Gua Ling Shenzhen 518029 People’s Republic of China Tel.: +86-755-5878792 Fax +86-755-5878793

Mr. Xu ZHAOTONG China International Capital Corporation Beijing, PRC Tel: 8610.65051166 Fax: 8610.65051156 E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Bernhard A.F. EWALD General Manager Laeis Bucher Foshan Representative Office 3rd. floor, B-Building 8 Dehui Garden Zhangcha San Rd. 528000 Foshan Guangdong, PR China Tel: 86 757 221 6690 Fax: 86757 221 6691 E-mail: [email protected]