BUICKS End Owner, Tat Second: 1 - BACE-3:- Eaves J I.M.H, Beat Club
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r' f 1 SHE SUN, .TTJEgDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1919. 44 10 Union Crews 23 BoaiClub Bag Two Thrilling.Victories in Big Regatta on Schuylkill ROD AND GUN NEWS HIGH WATER FOR LOCAL ANGLERS FROM SEPTEMBER 3 TO SEPTEMBER 7. T niTTTTnm imTTTumTio Bandy Book Princes Jamaica Day Oortrnora Willed New (The Horseshoe) To-da- Bay (Oaoarale) Island Point London fAUlilOl MHLMfiD LADS y RACE FOR AUTUMN A Union C. pENSBORO Sport Evvents n... I tl DUI PAI. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.. A.M. A.M. PJkf. B. Double Victor Septembers... PJtf. las 1:m ia4 l:.is a:ln asis 1:58 s:i9 8130 Septembers,.. 133 B37 2:M SX)7 3X9 2 US. 330 s3BzQl 0:1S 4.X0 im(1:00 RACING Belmomt rark. September 333 31 4:10 4:3K 430 7:00 8:17 fi:JO B:M TAKE POINT TROPHY GOLF contest at 4... A So 40 WIN POINT TROPHY Women's putting CU.PSATLARCHMONT SentemheeS y. S.'07 &00 63 80 8:17 AdlS 6:4.1 in Middle Regatta Dalluerol. SeDtemrieFA Aits Sial A4.l 0:40 027 B:IS3 0110 SI57 7tl3 7:31 States n-- J Lawn Tennis National championships Septemberf ... flSW 0:14 7:15 6:40 0:41 03 8:13 at West Side Tennis Clubi mixed 0O 71 doubles tournament at Woodmrrei. Qntscoro Rivals in Annual BA8IC11ALL National 'League, Bostea Four Members of Winning Crew in Intermediate Eights Carry Ott Manhatta- n- Rich- at New. York, two garnet, start liSOl Excollont Elect Goes to Lino - Philadelphia at Brooklyn, .two Caledonian Hcot at Has- ttart iiS0 International Later 'irjumph in Pour Oared Gig Race-Sur- prise mond Vfatk Playgrounds fames, Jersey City at Newark, Si30 in tho Final Regatta pcth, L. I. njtoe, for Woodcliff Boat Club. Championship. of Season. -- r n . I j - i ' fljwctal DupatcS to Tsrs A. Ntwman, Thomas Jeffenon Park, IT. CplSTOPlIEBS $EQOND So. Ray Matrons, stroke) I eerona, Veiptr Bot fourth. Tlmt, 34 seconds. ROWDY Pmila)k.ii, spt, York Club, Philadelphia (r, Mueller, bow; J. TITLE FOR BETSY IIEAD 810 Yard Run (Unlimited Weight Claee) BEATS YOUNG MISS oarsmen Coatalle, it p. lhm, H John D. Katlr. Wen by. Thomas Lockhart, Queensboro after a poor start came through atrokt), Time. MSI. flaygreundi C. Barl, Central Park Sheep Impressively twenty-eight- Intermediate Eight Oared 8hell Won Meadow, B. Rlchardeon, St. Ga- flolseTbosch, With 110 Yard in tho h nn-nu- al second; by. Union Iloat Club, New YorX (W. J. Brooklyn Boys Win Laurels in briel's Plsyrround, third i P. Terrscco. Joyant,, Racltfg Out of Class, MldOU States regatu on the Fall, bowl W. Jackeon, 3: W. MaeDonald, Thomas Jefferson Park, fourth. Tim, lilt. Handicap, wins Two Milo Sehuylkllt 3! V. T. Heker, 4: W. Jlfyem, 5i doors Running High Jump (Unlimited Weight this afternoon. Three jirt ifarth. i Joseph Ilarth, 7: F. V. Brodll. Borough Across Bridgo Class) Won by C, Kablllt, Tompkins Trramphs Over Schooner places went metropolitan Irokei Joeeph J, Culleton, coxswain): sec, Square. 4 10 R. Meskewlts, Ban, Fcaturo of Qamos. la th visitors, ond. Undine Bargs Philadelphia (U fast lnehsei Club, Competition Is Keen. Yorkvllle. 4. feet Inches, teoondt Miladip , the Union Boat Club leading the way W. Efan. bow: M. U Oraebr, 3; David Brown, Yorkvllle. 4 feet I Inches, third: P.J with two, Tho taster, : r. tl. Tllflyij 4: W. II. Barley, Torracco, Thomas Jsffsrton, 4 feet 7 Inches, New noohells Bowing ?I John Howell, A; Edward Bennett, .7; fourth. - ithleles of the.nuilst Athletic Club Club O., Ftels. CdOf an, 3 Tor- - of New noehelle, N. Y., accounted f. stroke: Walter More 2,000 youthful, rep- Putting Pound Shot Won by P. 1. off handsome- point trophy Time, oioo. than athletes, 3 Inches; Labcrmont manor, N. Y.. Sept eirrled the fifty-od- racco, Thomas Jefferson, 43 feet sixty-thir- es for the victory. Junior Quadruple Bculla by New resenting the d playground" park The racing season Larchmont luttriiy t the d annual other, Wa II. Rltkes, John Jay, 33 fttt SVt Inches, of tho The ftochtlle nowlnr Club, New Roehelle. N. In the city which make up the Publlo second! J. Lynch, Qutensboro Playground, Yacht Club came to a close y with ot tn Naw York Caledonian intermediate eight of the Union T. B. Murphy bowl C. M. Isocount, Fatlone, Washington X. 1 if. Park Playground Athletlo and Recrea- tt fett 3U Inches, third: P. St. the annual autumn cups ot the organi- ssr k .1 Park. ItasWttV. L. stroked by Jr. V. Drodll, Wis Un- - W. I. Opearn. 8: J. It. For, atroke): sec- 3 beat ond, Arundel Boat Club, Baltimore tion League, yesterday Competed In their Gabriel's, It feet Inches, fourth. sation, An excellent fleet came to the mi, I 1 Potato Race won by U Foyer, John v.... m..i.. tf..lim annual Labor Day borough champion- Jay; N, Golman. Hamilton Fish, aecond: starting line off Larchmont Breakwater. tc W. Harry. 6nrl, S Herbert Olllesrile.. persona ml comcsicQt up una length In on of the best races of the ships, while close to 13,000 looked li. uriorsky, Tompxins quare, inirai v Being a holiday, the start was advanced elt&t events ruiiua .ui strokaM third. Vper Boat Club. Philadel on. Bheep Meadow Field, Central Padowlta, St. Gabriel's, fourth. Tims, 30 and, aa a practically ot OCT.I-JJ- N. SSPr.i6-DEC.- 3l mc of points: The St. Christopher afternoon. Of Washing phia (4'ivrc r irnn, dow; ueorso viioon, At result, all the IS rtre TheF8lomaca Richmond-Manhatta- n ..nnnila srs finished, Wilbur Wesley, St Hush Boyd,- stroke) : Park, where the V. classes made early finishes. OA, which won thre event, ton. did not o wag Standing Broad Jump Won kr .Tor- -- . aid scheduled to sUrt, fourth, west Philadelphia Boat club. title (Tecelded, 7,000 persons watched 3 V Although arrangements had been OCT NOV JAN. 31 rtcond with 19, The Mornlngslde A. C. Philadelphia (W, D. racco, Thomaa Jefferson, feet Inch: I6JJN.3I I to the Ustnernar, tw J. the competition, Betsy sixty-sevent- h 8 or line. McCir-mlf- k, while at Head J. Brown, Bast atreet. feet made to start the O claes and schoon- third with 13 and the Mohawk A. C. Melnerney, 3i li. W. Comber, W. 8 regut&tlona. iex-ce- nt ru 8; Park, Brookfyn, where borough t inches, second;- - Lynch, Quiemboro, ers, any were Open.aeaaons nxed, by Federal adapted In 1918 for walerfewl with 5 points. Union hit up terrlfla pace' itrolte). that L not of the larger boats wood duck, ducks twans), coot, galllntllcs snip er JSck-snlp- e. uli terth a at the championship 5,000 per- feet inchex, third; I. Ornsteln, cherry elder and nnd Wilson Hulscbosch. member of the Benlor Double Bculla Won by. Vetter was contested, 7 inches, fourth. here with the exception of two of the Wood ducka, eider ducks and twana are protected for a term ot years under tin Albert a start and It looked as though they Coetelto, and Market. I feet XT t would Boat Club. Philadelphia (Paul sona circled the field watched -- 301 forty the provisions of treaty between pro- timing team, with a lib yard-star- won - and the Point score Queensboro Playground, footers of the Nw York Yacht a the- United States and Great Britain for the not bt able- to maintain It. The Un- bowt John B. Kellr. stroke) Arundel Boat youngsters strive for the Individual .folin Jay Park, 13; Tompkins Square Park, Club. good race, Philip tection of birds migrating between ithe- United States and Canada. Ol two 'mile handicap race, the feature, dines Club, Baltimore (Wlllam Allers, bow; They had a with stuck to them, and during the last 17: Thomaa Jeffereon Park, 10; Yorkvllle Sha-wa- ra id! i runner, Boharfe, atroke), second, Time, 1:11 5. lo title. Mallory's Mlstrel again beating of the afternoon. The 'PaUllst half they bow Richmond-Manhatta- Playground. Hudson and St. Gabriel's, Large Buoy. mile virtually, raced and Double by Un- The n champion- 9: over lVeakflsh at Bell and Beaumont, Tex., betides all ever these yti caught by the timers ..In the line bow. Intermediate soulla won 5 East Sixty-seven- Street Park, 4j tho property of IL Wesson, a Big old of ours, (he Dominie Hi tru In the last 220 yards the Unions dine Barce Club, Philadelphia' (Harry It. ship went to representatives 3 weakflsh, ranging In weight from tlx dear Statea 1' 9 1 4-- 5 the of the Sheep Meadow and Hamilton Fish Park, twenty mile course. to pounds Canada and Ilka seaport towr.a, he tlna of minutes seconds. As the showed more power and gained the de- Keller, bow: Richard A. aupple,-jfcnke- )l ten each, were taken by Labor other Queensboro playground, while the Brook- each. An competitor, Day Ilocli-awa- y to up fishing In 7 trick la Short thrco yards to the lap this c 9 Txfte Star Club, New YorlfTSamuet neither had a class the anglers at the hell buoy and it attempting date a trip cision in minutes and teconda, Ui Bent ; lyn was won the great beyond .where wo float down changed to 9 fiietel, bow: Henry Frolelch. atroke) seoJ-ond- title by the lads from Class P sloop Joyant raced and defeated Inlet yesterday. Halt a doaen guides shall cos ties was by the' ofllclals against. - opalescent In a pea green Undines time ot 6:1 J. Rowing- HoV Betsy Head park. In winning Richmond- property of from Fred Boegel's.