Church of the Precious Blood 72 Riverdale Avenue Monmouth Beach, New Jersey 07750 Parish Office Tel: 732- 222-4756 Parish Office Fax: 732-759-8212 Religious Education Office: 732-963-9982 E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: Rev. Michael Sullivan, Pastor BAPTISMS Baptism is celebrated at a Saturday Evening, Sunday Mass or the second /fourth Rev Ben Amora, Parochial Vicar Rev Andres’ Serna, Parochial Vicar Sunday of the Month at 1:00PM..Parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Session . It is Eileen Lang, Religious Ed. Director, Joe Moffitt, Director of Music Ministry, recommended that you attend the Session while expecting the baby. Please call the Parish Ed Ehret & Mary Eagan, Administrative Assistants Office to schedule your baptism prep class. John O’Connell, Sexton WEDDINGS Diocesan regulations require one year notice. Please contact the Parish Office Office Hours Mon-Friday 9am to 1pm, Sunday 8:30am-12noon before making reception arrangements. MINISTRY TO THE SICK If a parishioner is confined to the home and wishes to receive The MASS SCHEDULES Eucharist, please call the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office of hospitalizations. Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Emergency calls at any time - 732-222-4756. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00,10:30 and 12:00 Noon RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: Call Religious Education Office for schedule. (732-963- Daily Masses: 7:30 AM Saturdays: 9:00 AM 9982) Holy Day Masses: Vigil: 7:30 PM & 7:30 AM on Holy Day SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Marge Gryta 908-489-1168, Jim