BANK [•sued Wnekly. £nUrcd if Second-Class Matter at tb« Po»t- VOLUME L, NO. 34. odlcs it Red Dunk, N. J.. under the Aft o« Mirch 8. 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARYS, 1928. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 NEW BUILDING INSPECTOR. when there U an unusually big lot THE SHOW RESULT. RED BANK'S GOLF COURSE FARMER'S MARKET SHOP. of work all the members c-' the NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. LOT GIVEN TQ FIREMEN. Eniley, M. White' Appointed to tho family pitch" in and help "with the. DEALERS ASSIGNED SPACES QUEER TWIST TO HOLMbEL Petition Monday Night. NINE HOLES WILL BE OPEN ALBERT S. FOSTER BUILDING farm work., PETERS PLACE RESIDENCE GIFT MADE BY THE MEN'S . FOR ANNUAL EXHIBJT. BALLOTINGMLAST WEEK.' . Ensley M. White was appointed FOR FLAYING ON MAY 30TH. ADDITION TO HIS BARN. Mr. Foster and two other former WILL BE REMODELED. CLUB OF RIVER PLAZA^ building inspector of. Red Bank Long Island farmers, Clarence Cor- Voten Diiapproved of Building Ad- The Show Will Open at the Red Monday night.' He has boon holding Complete Course of Eighteen' Holes He Will Uie It as a Place for Wash- nell of Tinton Falls and Dominick Samuel Trubin Owns the House and Lot at tho Corner of Foitcr and Ap« dition to tlio'School but They Will be Open July 4th—The Name Bank Armory March 3d and Will this ofike under it temporary ap- ing and Packing Produce Raised Maida of Eatontown, will buy gaso- "When Chatige. AtVMa'de It Will ple£»te Streets Will be Sit. of lh« ' Close March 10th—Airplane and Voted for Supplies and for « pointment since Charles A. Frako re Selected is "The Swimming River line cultivators in the spring. These' Have Six Apartments of Four or Teacher for the Addition. on Hla Truck Farm Between New Fire Company's Firohousi—i Mbtorboats to be Displayed. •'/': iuned the position teveral week.'! County Club of Red Bank, N. J." Shrewsbury and Tinton Falls. machines, although called cultiva- Five Rooms and Bathroom. Now Apparatus Tested. Tho' automobile dealers' associa- One of tho odd things about the ngo. The mutter- of compensation -The golf grounds which aro being tors, do a big lot of other work be- Samuel Trubin will remodel the The members of tho men'j club of tion of Monmouth county Is pro-scjiool election,at Holmdcl last week for the building inspector was not Albert 8. Foster, who owns a sides cultivating. They cost about built along Swimming river and tho truck farm of <33- acres-on the road double house where lie lives on theRiver Plaza voted unanimously at a .grossing with arrangements for the was that while a proposition to build settled Monday night, but it!is ex- Tinton Falls stream and which have 3t each. north side of Peters place into an meeting lust'Thursday night to give annual automobile show to be held a two-room* addition to the school- pected that it will bo put on a salary between' Shrewsbury and Tinton been under construction for nearly'a Falls, is building an addition of apartment house. The building will to the newly organized llro com* atthd-Red-Bank armory. Tho show house was defeated by a vote of 45 basis at a later meeting. Hereto- year, will bo ready fo,r use by Dec- undergo many alterations' and it is pany of River Planii n lot which tho will open on Saturday, March Sd, to 8, an appropriation to spend fore tho position has been under a 22x34 feet to his barn. Tlie addition oration day, May 30th. Tho first will be used as a market house, ELK STEWARD HONORED, expected that it will be rcudy for club owns ut the cormi ol Foster and wlft: close on Ru'u-'i-v, March $3,200 for o teacher arid for sup-foci system and thcinspeeCor has re- games on the new course are ex- its new purpose by next fall. The street and 'Apnlcguto street. The lot 10th. plies for the proposed addition w;u ceived about $2,000 a year. Mr. where vegetables raised on tlie pected to'be played that day. The farm will lie packed-and washed. An WALTER CONNOR NIGHT CELE- plans for the changes have been will bo offered aa-a alto for a fltt> , , Muilrice ..Schwartz, who is niana- carried almost unanimously.: The -White is a brother o£ Mayor Wil- grounds aro being constructed by t'lrawn by J. C. & G. A. Delatush. 1 explanation for this incongruity liam H. U. White. electric power washing machine will BRATED BY RED BANK LODGE. house. It IIIIH a frontnRi of 00 foot . Bor of tho, show, will havo several Arthur S.~H. Jones, who bought the be in this part of the building. ' The contract has not yet been on Foster street 'mid a frontage of now features at the show. In ad- scorns to be that.thc votera failed to 'former Mrs. Chapin farm on th* Dinner Given , in His Honor Last awarded. 100 feet on Applegato street. notice that tho two propositlon3_ Litwes road, southwest of Red Ua'nk. Mrs. Foster had nbout five years dition to automobiles thero will be of experience as a carpenter when Thursday Night—Affair Largely The house is a large one of the The men's club Is Klver l'Inzu'g on airplano and several motovboats wercrelatcd. The propositions were A country clubhouse will bo main- AttendeJf—Handsome Gold Em- old-fashioned typo and it is one of oldest organiaition, It was organ* not grouped but were on different FOR NEW SEWAGE PLANT. tained on tho property and the club he was a young man, aifd lie is build- on dxhibltion, A change this year ing the addition to the barn. A blem Presented to Mr. Connor. the oldest at Red Bunk. Its ap'pear- ized a number of yearn URO when from the shows of previous years is parts of tho ticket. has been incorporated, under the nncu will be greatly altered. It will RiVer Plaza did not hnvc much nioro (The appropriation for the addition COUNCILMEN TAKE ACTION IN name of "The Swimming River short time ago he had the barn and Walter Connor night lvns ob- tlm elimination of rh orchestra and other outbuildings on thu place served at the Red Bank Elks' home be entirely re-enclos<:d witn stucco. than half its present population. dancing- In place pf tho orchestra was on one part of tho ticket, sep- THIS DIRECTION. Country Club -of Red Bank, N. J." The biggest changes will be made ; moved to a more convenient loca- last Thursday night when a chicken One of the first things the club did music " bo provided by radio out arate from tho other items, as the A largo number of names were to the third floor, whieli will be en-was to buy the cornir lot which it law requires. Tho proposition to Committee Appointed to Make an suggested for the club, several of tion. A number of improvements dinner was given in honor of Mr. fits. • ••••- Investigation and a Report—Or- were made to the barn. The total Connor, wlio has been steward at the larged. The rooms throughout the has just offered to tho firemen and Extra cleotrb lights will bo in- engage an additionel teacher and to them being suggestive of the days house will be entirely re-arranged. an adjoining lot. At the tlmo thia buy supplies for the proposed addi- dinanco May he Introduced at when Indians were tlie only resi- cost o£ the improvements, the mov- borne the past seven years. The af- stalled to mnko the arena almost 03 Next Council Meeting. ing of tlie buildings and the addition fair was attended by about 125 Elks. Partitions will be torn out and new property wns bought the club con- tion was grouped w^ith tho usual dents hereabouts. One name which ones put in. A new front porch ltright as day nnd this work will bo The need of building a new sew- will be about $2,700. It was given under the direction of templated building a combination in clinrgo of George A. Hogan of school appropriations, all of which received much consideration' was will be built. community.- house and firchouao were carried by largo majorities, ngc disposal plant at Red Bank was "The Hockhockson Brook Country Mr. Foster's place is. generally thu house committee. Broiled chick- Rod Bank. Tho. various platforms tho chief topic discussed at the en was the principal item on the The house will have six apart- when Kivcr Plaza • became, largo will bo erected by Eden S. Ewing of After the election a rumor be- Club." This was finally discarded known as the Conovcr place because ments, each having four or five enough to need such u .building. came current that the school board council meeting at Red Bank Mon- because of the fact that while Hock- it was owaed and occupied n num- bill of fare und plenty of other tas- Rod Bank. Charles Sponpr of Phlla- day night. Councilman Robert A. ty dishes went to make up a line din- rooms and a bathroom. The ten-Several years later a community ^ • dolphla, who docoratod tho armory would call another election within hockson brook is one of the tribu- ber ot years by the late William I. ants wi!l be provided with free wa- house wns built by the Community twenty days to vote on the addition Kennedy introduced tho matter.
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