TUESDAY, MARCH 10,1942 fAGE tWELVB iKanr^rBtrr Cttmihg iUniUi ^^verag^Daily CIrcuIatiodv Tht Weather For the Month of Febrnnry, Foreenat e< V. 8. Weather Mrenn whlch Communist armies had been The Woman’s Missionary Soci­ Emergency Doctors Few Using Buses ety of Emanuel Lutheran church, oriven out. Susar Cards 7,120 Chjaiig Friend A program of rural reconstruc­ Miss Holbrook W e tenlihi will meet tomorrow evening at About Town Dr. Alfred Sundquist and Dr. tion with strategically-located Member of the Andlt 8:15, following the Lenten quiet J. A. Segal are the physicians centers wsis organized, and as a To the Aircraft Received Bnrena of Clrcolntlone hour. A Lenten offering will be re­ of the Manchester Medical As­ Speaker Here Back at Post Manchester^A City of Village Charm ceived. Hostesses will be Mrs. Otto sociation who will respond to result of Mr. Shepherd's work at Th* Men'i Society o* Enunuel Ltchwan the Generalissimo and Luthenn church will omit its Johnson, chairman; Mrs. Ellen emergency, calls tomorrow aft­ Only 14 persons used the bus Madame asked the American (EIGHTEEN PAGES); PRICE THREE CENTS monthly meeting tonight because Modean. Mrs^ Selma Olson and ernoon. Missionary to Be Lenten Chamber Executive Re- that was started yesterday morn­ Local Rationing Unit (ClsMlSed Advertising on Page Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1942 of the Father and Son banquet at Mrs. John A. Olson. Board to lend him to help vitalize y ing leaving the Center and run­ VOL. LXI.. NO. 137 the New Life Movement. Feeling the church Saturday evening. Service Guest at Center tiiriift from Vacation ning to the aircraft plant In East Cannot Start Work that this movement without politi­ Hartford. The number that used Marius Ifan deWeghe of the Mr. and Mrs. William A. Perrett cal signicaqce, was intrinsically Until They Arrive. Colt's Patent Fire Arm.s Manufac­ of Bolton, formerly of this town Church Next Sunday. Spent in Florida. the bus later in the afternoon to T he W. B. A. F irst Aid cla.^s Christian in' ethics, the American turing Company will apeak on are in St. Petersburg. Florida, for connect for the second shift was Italians Claim Jap Bullets Did This to Bomber will meet this evening at 7 o'clock Board has lent Mr Shepherd for With the local sugar rationing w ith MIm NeUle Heffron of 13 “Pla.stics" a t'a n open meeting of an indefinite star and are located Rev, George W. Shepherd, a mls- Miss Hellen Holbrook, execu­ less and last night the bus leav­ this important work during the board organized, a delay in g e ttin g Churchill Repeats Winter street The Professional Women's Club at the Parkview Apartments. .slonary to North China from 1917 tive vice president of the Man­ ing here to take the workers to Fliers Sink, this evening at 8 o'clock in Center past years. the third shift had still less. the rationing cards has held up the until 1939 and a personal friend chester 'Chamber of Commerce, 6 Submarines^ St. MargMet’s Circle, Daughters church house. He will bring mod­ Marv B-shnell Che ley Auxil- returned to her work this morn­ This is not discouraging to the work of the board this week. Rev. of Generalissimo C’hiang Kai-Shek, of Isabella, will meet this evening els and samples. Mr. Van deWeghe iarv, U.S.W.V., will hold Its busi- ing after two weeks' vacation in .Silver Lane Bus Co. owners, as Thorsten A. Gustafson, chairman In the K. of C. home. addressed the Men's Club of the nr.ss meeting tomorrow evening at | will be the speaker in the next Florida. , they do not expect that the buses of the local board so announced Dominion Promise 4-Weeks’ Toll church and has .spoken at high the 3 'M C A. I meeting of the current Iventen Call Meeting I She -arrived early today after will be used to any great extent this morning. The 169 boards in A number of the members of the school on the same subject, and on I series at the Center Conerega- ! having spent the preceding night before the first of next month. Connecticut are to distribute 5.- Seven Manchester Republican Women's both occa.'lons his talk proved in­ There will be a meeting of the I tional church next Sund.vy night Of Old Timers in New York city. Sh> started on 691.000 pieces of government Two British Craft Sunk Association, attended the county teresting and educational. Connecticut Sportsmen s Associa- | .seven o'clock. Ftobert Doellner, her vacation or. February 21st, printed matter and these supplies To Indian People meeting today in Hartford, of tion this evening at 8 o'clock in ! violini.st, will play a group of selec- and with several relatives journey­ Trucks Imperiled arc now iioing received in H art­ By Tdrpedoboats in which Mrs. C. A. Goodrich of this The Master Mason degree will the American Legion hall. -\ll local j ^lon.s dliring the evening. .Sher- ed to her home, which is located . ford. Included in the printed mat­ town Is county president. be conferred at the regular com­ sportsmen are invited to attend. wood Go.slee will preside at the Ndrth End Firemen to . in Orlando, Florida. While there, | ter are several million copies of Latest Mediterranean munication of Manchester Lodge I I rw^i ^ Miss Holbrook" " ' spent ‘ .some t ‘ime in I Bv Grass Blaze "How to Use Your War Ration Claim Cruiser Sunk session which will be under the HaVP 1 lldll as f Flicsts ■ visiting’ various other town Sir Stafford &ipp» ])Just C artV Victories, Rome Says. Mrs. Arthur Kittle and Mrs. of Ma.sons, to be held in the Tem­ Llnnr IvOdge. No. 72, Knight.-i of auspices of the Men's club. Pre- ns and Book." cities in that state John McCullom will be hostes.«e.s ple beginning at 7:.30 tonight Pythl.TS. will hold it./ -Found $1.29 os a rural missionarv in the moiin- ever, that the Standard Oil Com- from the ambaaaadorship to Moa- Eleven British planes were de­ reported today that the situa­ Omaha class. She carries a normal reetef! Afiainbt .Akyab. State Police in Pursuit. Hungary, Slovakia and "one of the heaviest aerial attacks taln districts beyond Fukien Prov- ' pany. who furnished the merchan- cow to become lord privy seal and clared to have been destroyed _ _ • • • ^ « I CHidcomplement 1V vi of VvJO458 men, armament IIIcxilix^l* t The setback series at the Man­ 4 DOOR PRIZES tion in Bataan, where Gen. so far launched m the New Guinea ; ince. from which he was forced to ' dise, had someone to operate the who is known as a proponent of aloft and aground in continued Italv .AskPfl to ^nppIV including ten six-inch guns and six Mandalay. Burma. March 11 — chester Fire Department will be ALl, FOR $3.00 ORDERS Indian lelf-govemment, has the raids upon airdromes, depots and Douglas Mac.Arthur faces nu­ area " ■esumed again this evening at i evacuate by Anti-Chri.sti.an Com- i station. Bulletin! i/Pi—The withdrawal of British It .said "direct hits were scored Fairy Soap 8 for 35c I nninist invaders. He, oontinued his | EXCAVATING task to procure in India "the neces­ warehouses of Malta. merically superior Japanese 2.6(H).()00 Men l« Boj.' !’ adq\iartera on. Main at Hilliard ALL FOR 2.YC sary measure of assent, not only Hartford, March II.—i/d— forces, aiqiarently has been troops from the southern Burma upon a warship which was either a streets. The aeries were post- i service in the neighborhood of Hundreds of state and local tiler Orrilianv*. .-Vriliv. Th* mit„Bw,epcr Jan Van trap left the Japanese in pos.ses- cruiser or a large destroyer and Rinso. large, 25c Lux. large. 25c j Foochow and it was at that time AND GR ADING from the Hindu majority, but al­ Amstel was one of a class of mod­ I lined last week because of the Tahirs and Chairs for Every one! so from those great minorities police, with rifles and machine- Tempo of Libyan .stabilized tcm{xirarily. with Lux Toilet Soap...... 4 for .‘11c that Madame Chlang challenged em. 52-ton aweepera. The little Sion today of the great Irrawaddy '“^??(vhen the aircraft left the tar- blackout test. Concrete and Plenty of Parking Space! amongst which the Moslems are guns, were combing the neither air nor ground ac­ Silver Dust, 27c Lifebuoy, 3 for 23c the ChrLstian forces of China to IT'S EFFECTIVE I swamp lands near the dike tn War Livelier in the last 24 hours. The vessel, with one three-inch gun as which bulges 100 miles into „rea one ship was burned out Doors Open .At 7:00 P. M. the most numerous and on many tivity many was reported today to have Tirkets for the annual meeting develop a Christian program of Playing Starts At 8:00 P. M. grounds preeminent," Churchill the north end of the city to- Cairo, March 11—i>Pi—The tem­ text of the brief communique. No. her heaviest weapon, was fitted Andaman sea and extends 160 and three others were on fire. Two service to the common people as WELDON’S OWN ’ Bulldozer Work ,ed ' called upon Hungary. Slovakia and | •'•’’o mine-laying. SPRY...... I's. 27c; .3’s, 75c and banquet of the Manchester Im­ announced. da.v in an effort to catch three po of the Libyan war has become 142. based on reports receiv miles from the Gulf of Martaban I of them were sinking and one was provement Association will be deep and genuine as that profess- NEW FORMIII.A "\Ve must remember that India men who carried out a daring livelier and the British command here up to 9 .30 a m , e w t I Italy, for as many as 2,600.000 to the Bay of Bengal ebing beached.' laccd in the hands of the members 1 cd by Commur'st leaders. The robbery a t G. Fov S Compan.v TOOTH PASTE C ALL 7091 has a great part tp play in the reported today "a series of en­ Situation Unchanged ) fresh troop.s to bolster Adolf Hit- , Australia ff'arned Us port.s. Rangoon and Ba.-.'eln. ,\t la-ast One Ship Sunk ...... ea. 35c f'idny. The affair will be held at National Chri.stian Council of department store this morn­ gagements of "the enemy" in all of now are open to the Japanese The Svdney Sun reported that world struggi for freedoi^, and "1 Philippine theater: ler's .Army for spring o f f e n s iv e ly / the S’. M. C. A. Mcnday evening, China accepted the challenge and Little Bit Ooes Furthei FRANK DAMA'TO that her help must be extended in ing. The state airplane, car­ which Axis units were compelled 1 Fote b \ JopS Navy, and it .'ceemed likely that at lea-st one of the ships—an 8,000 $3.50 Dorset Emergency Shelf Box...■with $1.79 Ham a.sked Mr. Shepherd to cooperate rying radio apparatus, was to v^ithdraw although they had "The situation in Bataan re- . after its hard winter in and Turkey a la King. March 23. Get .A Tube Today 1 & SON loyal comradeship to follow the mains iinehaiiged. There was no Tokyo (From Japanese Broad-, Japan'.- next .“ca move might he ton trnii.sport w a s sunk. Other (can), 2 Soups, Sharp Cheese with its Chinese rural work .secre­ At Our Pharmacy! | Chinese people who have fought summoned to the scene h.v artillery and In one case tank.s casta I March 11—(d'l A warning rdirectod against the harbor of reports said six direct hits with Loiil.s Giiinlpero, of 11 Eldridge tary in making a .survey of the 24 Home.stoad Slrdet State Police Commissioner Fd- This fighting resulted from ac­ air or ground activity during the j ’ prixlu. tion was adjust- Special! $2.99. 1 alone," he declared. p.ast twonty-f'iur hours. that Aostralia will suffer the fate ' Akyab. c lose tn the frontier of heav_\' bonitis were scored on an- .street, who eight vveek.s ago enlist­ devastated areas in Kie.ngsi from ward J. Hickey. The Bradley tivities of Briti.sh patrols, the daily ed to fit the pattern. A Berlin dis- of the .Netherlands 8:!ast Indies if , Bengal province. India, and the ' other of the vessels. To Confer With Wavell Field authorities also sent an "The positions occupied by *>oth .Stockholm newspaper ed in the United States Marine.s, LOOK! Accordingly, Sir Stafford will communique said. she "continues her present attitude 1 Chittagong coa.st The — Sun reported . that. . R. , A. n, A. Fresh Beet Greens...... lb. 15c Army airplane to assist In the sides apparently have become teni- I s-^-hpier said more th.vn rrived home from New Jersey last also confer with Sir Archibald P. Although Axis patrols were In toward Japan" was sounded today Japane.se stilimarines a.- early as p. pilots dived to 400 feet for the search for the fugitives. De­ porarily stabilized Spinach, Peas, Tomatoes, and Cucumbers. Cress... ■light on a 48-hour furlough. He Wavell, the British commander in strength they were thrust back. report I two-thirds of Germany's industries by a spokesman for the Japanese . January liir'ked off the Irrawaddy tective Sergt. Philip J. Doole.v "2 There is nothing tn % came home to attend a birthday India, on the military situation. I “leaving prisoners in our hands were priHlucini: war materials; Information Board. delta in wait fob shipment.* of siip- (C.intinuesl on Page Fourteen) Peppers. fired three shots In the direc.' from other areas" ,uarty for his brother. Frank, and Sir Stafford, a member of’ the ' anil suffering los.* of mechanical ' that the state spent more than Domci quoted the spokesman as plica .sent via Rangoon and the tion of three men In a boat. eler, Mary, both having a birth-I war cabiMt, had volunteered for tramsport from our shellfire," the ' two-thirds of the whole 'national saying that "continued resustance Burma road to China day today. He likes the branch of : They fled. Store Closes At Noon Wednesday! the task, ^urchlll added, and goes communique reported. It credited Tu'o Ships Sank income to cover the expen.scs Situation Changing Hourly the service in which he enlisted. G.E.Willis&Son,Inc. I FretJi .ManiKiwer Needed Klein *s Hartford, March 11—(^ —Three (Continues) on Pag* Fourteen) I Depending upon motor couriers (Continued on Page Four) In as Many Days : Fresh ni.anpower was needed for (ContlnuMl on Page Ten) for reports from the land war Flashes ! ' The weekly setback tournament I men, two of them known to , be — Ev- replacement of the dead, wounded New York. March 11 front, military circles said the ex- (Lat* Bulletins of the J ’l Wlr«) will be held tonight at the Red | armed, carried out a daring pay­ er bolder and swifter in their at- and missing. Soviet authontics de -Men's social club. All players are FOOD STORE ^ act situation in the south was iin- tacks. Axis subniarineS have sunk cl.ared Feb. 22 that Germany had roll robbery at G. Fox and Com­ I certain, and was changing hourly. requested to make a special effort ' 161 Center SI. Tel. 3256 two ships in nearby waters in as Asserts Axis to be present, and promptly at Urges Sales pany here this morning. Trio Is Held lost 6,000,000 men on the Russian It can be said now that Ran­ Picket* Bloc k Train* Coal, Lumbetf- manv days. eight o'clock. front. Compilations a month goon. always regarded as a prob­ I’eorlu, 111., -March 11 — oPl — The men escaped with an In the latest and most brazen earlier indicated 1.700.000 had been I*ickets from CIO and .\FL unions amount estimated at $19,000 by approach to 'th e cast coast since Nations G nil tv able loss because of its exposed The Asburv group of the South Tax Program ! For Homicide killed and 2.(K)0:000_ seriously position, might h*ve held out long­ blocked two freight trains from WEDNESDAY Mason’$ Supplies, Deputy Police Chief Thomas J. the United States entered the waft wounded. Rii.viians reported. other railroads at the entrance of Methodist W.S.C.S. will meet j H ickey. n an enemy submersible with one er. if some of the best imperial Thursday afternoon at two o'clock : Advices receive! by way of B I n n i Defiant at ^ ar : battalions had not been depleted the roleslo, Peoria and Western Hartford p^ce and store em­ will-aimed torpedo split in half Bi'rn from various parts of Europe railroad's \ards at East Peoria to­ at .the church. The hoste.sses will j SPECIALS! Congress Told States ployes pursue the bandits aa far Two Ex-Conviel« and the 6.766-lon (Julf oil tanker Gulf- . , serioiislv in the disaslrnii.-struggle on the call for fresh trooirs indi­ day. A T. P. and W. train speeded be 5frs. Bertha Gardner and Mrs. Paint and Fuel Oil north as Windsor. State, Windsor trade early yejiterday less than R e s p o n s i b i l i t y I n a l ; between the Bilm an.l Sittang ri\- GET TOUR Anna Peterson. Able to Work Plan; Dancer Chargeil wilh cated Hungary is to- provide 1,- ers in niul-Februaiy. through the saiiie picket line, how- and Springfield police then took up four miles off Barnegat. N J. ex er. forcing strikers and sympa- Some time earlier, between 7 500.000 soldiers. Slovakia 100.000 j Neeessarv to .Arm. Chinese sources saiil the repeat­ The Manchester Fife Depart- SUGAR Would Even Hit Food, the cha^ * Slaying of Woman. and Italy many more than she has ed defeats n Burma could have Ihlters to jump from the path of Only Part Invx>lved and 7:30 p. m. cr w.t i Sunday. | - , „ . .c, mrtit answered, a still alarm on the same raider or another yet sent to the eastern front, with Riom. Unoccupied France, been stopped earlier If Chineso the liK'oniotixe. The train was car­ ^CHICK Two either ry lug guards and the engineer Lake street yesterday aftenioon 2 pounds 15c TEL. 5125 W ashington, M arch 11.—(/Pi—W. The holdup took place in the New York. March 11 -(/P) March 11 -P'- Leon Blum, form-' forces had been sent into action on at two o'clock at the Crystal 2 MAIN ST. J. Schieffelln, Jr., New York State Fox's warehouse atout 9:30 a.m. ex-convl ts and a dancer were | (Continued on Page Ten) er Popular Front premier and a ’ the actual Burma hattlcfrunt soon- 1 o|>ened the effort (((ontiniied on Page Ten) 1 XXIIH Iivule to Hag him doxxn. Farms owned by Charles Ecabert. Con feci ionery— Chamber of Commerce official, Only part of the payroll for main­ charged today with the strangula- . defendant, defiantly told the war , er ^ N E E D S {The blaze was confined to the roof told the House Ways and Means tenance and warehouse employes Chinese teterans Iinmohllircd Light nr Dark Drown tlon-slaying of wealthy Mrs. Susan | responsibility trial today that the ' and was started from sparks from committee that since state sales was Involved. Axis nations were guilty of start­ Instead, these sources said, StiiH- OI Near-M utiny SUGAR...... pkg. 10c Istanbul, Turkey, March 16— a chimney fire. Damage was slight. taxes "had worked," Congress Pay envelopes, containing week­ Flora Reich, Polish refugee. i thousonds 'f cr.ir'.v t'hir.r''’ vet­ . FRO M US ing the war. tl>ela.ved)— r— A state of nea^ should try it for the nation. ly wages in cash, were being hand­ They were booked as John D. "The world public conscience erans were immobilized on the Members of Dllworth-Comell Youth, Writing to Nelson, mutiny against .Vdolf H itler’* Lean Pork Chops, "States have been successful in ed out at the timekeepers window Cullen. Eli Shonbnin and Madeline knows without any need of a su­ Thailand and Indo-Cbina frontiers Unit, American' Legion Auxiliary, Webb and charged with homicide "nexx order"’ is developing In Hun- collecting it," he said, "and we aa employes arrived. preme court where lies the respon­ by Japanese who were just active will gather Wednesday afternoon pound...... garx ami Rumania, according to think the time haa come for you About 9:30 when some IS em­ and "acting in concert' in the Surprised Over Publicity \sibility of war," he declared. enough to keep the Chinese from at 1:30 at the home of Past Presi­ I infurnuition just received here by to take the bit In your mouth at)d ployes were standing in line, two homicidal death " of Mrs. Reich, The Axis refusal to agree to dent, Mrs. Mary Brosnan, 83 We’d Better Order Coal! ' xxell-informed elis'les. Hitler waa impose it on the country." whose body was found last Thurs­ disarmament in 1936 provided that (Continued on Page Ten) Washington strec The m,eeting Reg. 35c Best 0 0 # » rejMirted ealling on the*e natioos Schieffelln recommended yester­ (Continued on Page Fourteen) day in an East side hotel where she St Louis. March 11 H erb--shift what I heard and the conclii- they did not want,to avoid war.' is for the purpose of putting tb- Hamburg, lb...... A w Q I for large nexx military aacriflcea day that Oongresfl enact a gradu­ had gone for a luncheon. ert R Kline, Jr , is just a small sion ilrawn hy each of us was that he told the court before which he a u gether the knitted afghan, and The lady has the right idea. It pays to ! to aid his spring offensive In Rus­ we sea THRee ated sales tax ranging from 2 per Sought Since Saturday cog in the tiugc defense industry we could not possibly see how any and five..... other...... leaders...... of the Third also to make holders to be used in sia, hut each was said to be refus­ BEST STEWING BEEF cent on foook forward to a comfort­ 000,000,000 be deferred until fal). said today. "But if it will help to keep things going." the letter cjgUats and making martyrs of nians Take A irliv Navy ment. In the Service of the Peo­ In Case of Menace. Mrs. Reich's $1,500 diamond ring coast of Norway, It was announced B. SANITATION PRODUaS. USE PURINA CHEK-R- With Mushrooms. Returning to the witness stand for keep things going speed up work concluded ! Jews," ple for SO Yenrs. When You Get A Good under the former showgirl's pillow. today. 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. able winter—order Lehigh Valley coal a second day, members asked on the production line I'm glad I i*Brenta Proud of Boy ' "But then I would have failed in Loudon. March 11 -'P' A Brit­ TABS in the drinking water. One tablet to a quart of water Cullen, 45 , has a police record of Phone 6-0097 about the desirability of two tax Rrb de Janeiro, Brazil, March 11 "We were proud of our boy | n,y offi(;lal duty. Instead, I agreed ish source declared today there ^ |,^,.aj.bute Silk Destroyed kills germs— also acts aa.a fungicide and a bowel astringent. six arrests and one conviction for wrote it. " .today I bills in one year. — —President Gctullo Vargaa Reads I/eiler from Youth when the letter was sent, " beam-1 enter into conversations"— was "no indication at present that ' San IMego, t'allf., March 11 ■fJP) Then he expressed the personal petty larceny for which he served Start With Good lasued a decree today giving him­ NeLson. urging a 24-hoiir. 7-day ed Mrs. Kline, the youth's mother. , which failed, he added. the Germans intend to take over __Ftre of undetermined Origin to* DISINFECT THE BROODER with Purina Cre-so-fec ; opinion that Oingress should ap­ three months in 1939. self the authority to declare a week in his defense production ad “And oh, his father and I are so "Today I am considered a war­ the French fleet." dav destroyed thousanda of dollar* prove a $7,000,000,000 ^tax bill as Shonbrun, who served time five a« effective, economical disinfectant. Take hooae a qMrt can state of war or a state of emer- dress last night, read a letter from ' proud of him now" monger. I once was a pacifist. He said 'French Admiral Jean worth of ‘stored gooda, tnrJudteg soon as possible. years ago on a grand larceny with yo«r chicks. PHONE 5145 ' gency throughout the country in the vouth and asserted: The Kline family came to St. When pacifist* like myielf saw the Dartan was "very proud of the valuable parachute allk, on W* •"Diis chamber program was ’ case of foreign menace, imminence charge and who )iad been arrested | SPECIAL! i "My fellow Americans, 1 have Louis in 1940 from Louisville, Ky. independence of the nation men­ French fleet which he created and sixth floor of the Bekina Van a ^ written and approved before the of internal disturbance or exla- several times, has a wife and 7-' taken that boy's word* to Heart, t Kline attended the University of aced by aggression we saw it I doubt xs'hether he would allow Storage tM. structure. FBI agen ts fall of Singapore Md Java.’’ tence of a plan of conspiracy. year-old son. Saturday Night hope all you, particularly all of Louisville, majoring in chemistry. necessary to arm the nation " it to fall into the hand.s of the Ger­ and Army inspector* began Im­ SAT. MTE Schieffelln said, "and when the The decree, issued aa Brazil was Friendly Wllk VIetim you in war production industries He has been on the defense job mans. mediate investigation. ' DINNER CHICKS country was not as war conscious experiencing increasing shipping Miss W’ebb, who with Shonbrun since December. 1941. He helps Battleahip Damaged Severely • • • as it la today.’’. leases as a result of Axis subma­ had been registered at the Hotel will do the same." Treasury Balance Checkerboard Kline wrote that he usually got support hi.s fam ily and extra The Frenc.) battle.ship Dun­ MarkeU at a GUnce HANSEN'S The Manchester Sentiment for some kind of a rine activity off the United States Sutton aa' "Mr. and Mrs. Ted'-Leo- CLUB money goes religiously into de­ Washington, M arch 11 'P - kerque .was "damaged pretty se­ aalea levy appeared to be growing Atlantic coast, declared that “from pold" had been friendly with Mrs. drowsy on the night shift but af­ New York. March lie-(P)—• fense bonds. The position qf the Treasury verely" in the July. 1940, Battle Storks— tndn*4rinla « •» SEE US FOR CHICKS THIS SPRING I among congreasmen. Some mem­ the time the use of the armed Reich for two years and had in­ ter Nelson asserted a week ago E asy: FEED STO RE Boston Baked Beans! "I'm doing my best to do my March 9: ^ - of Oran, he said. bers took open exception to Secre­ forces for the defense of the state vited her to luncheon on the day that although it was up to men at Temporary repairs enabled her tinue decline. , 10 Apel Place Manchester Telephone 7^711 Hot’Brown Bread Cole Slaw of the slaying. the front to do the fighting it was part. If our soldiers can offer their Receipts, $86,091,188.20; expen­ Bond*—Mixed; mils gnln, ntiB- tary llorgenthau’a program which becomes necessary, the president ditures, $180,145,262.79; net bal­ to be transferrei to Toulon, he Lumber wd Fuel Co. wiU declare a state of war in ail Mrs. Reich was the wife of Max up to the men on production lines lives we can offer sweat. I’m just tie* kxaeb — _ calla for raising $7,610,000,000 added.i but “it la not likely that Coffee BordeB’a Orange Sherbet a small cog in a mighty big ma­ ance, $3,114,141,925.11; customs Cotton—Eaairrs ^kedg« *«ang ehlefljr Uumugh staffer individual national territory or in part of it ” ^Ich; New Jersey wax manufac- to furnish them ijupplies, "I never ah* wlU be ready for action for a Larsen’s Feed Service chine but it’s we small cogs that receipts for month, RIO.186,955.17. You’ll Enjoy These “Long-Time” Oven Baked Beans !- Center Street , , once got sleepy. good many montha." eenttnoce. ” TEL. 5406 can make that machine produc*." 186,955.17. » w w s w w v w w 38 DEPOT SQUARE «i raga rawX (C^Bttraea sa Fags Bg|it) *’1. told'the other fellows on the W AALMESTfCR EVE.MNG HERALU, MANCHESTER, CONN. VTEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 194X HANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11,1942 P AGE THREE

book* may b« purchaaeti by those l able; to any housekeeper because j taklnf the course in order to help ' one never knows when they will Canada believes- in it too. It must an Arm y tank brigade, and corps, quarters with pleas lo follow a [Another Class them to obtain a thot^ugh knowl- | h.tve the opportunity to make use be obvious, even tb our enemies, communication, and base units. He Skeptical A P news agency and bullclin the A^-^oestilon edge of first aid. | of it. Canadian Army that we are building up our forces said there has be^n a steady flow" armistice rumor. Instead he mcllc- __ Wli*t aasy Doctar* t*r II v Brain Surgery Overcomes Whtn oTfOM itraBrK •fid r*u»«f fu . tuBr M a o m i The ciasses will be held every j "An ounce of prevention is. ao that one' of thesJ days— when of Canadian troops to Britain with iilotuily checked Washington, Lon­ Of hPBrtNini. dorlon pmprlbf the News From ’s Neighbors mpdkInM known fBT irantotMtif —Mrf ■■fUlOM In First Aid worth a ppiind of cure ’ This pro­ shipping space the only "limiting don and Paris official.* and news Tue.sday evening commencing .it the time ia ripe—we will put Editor Dies ItkA thofp (n n«ll-8R« Tabl«tji. T n fUll-ont jBBintr 7 :1,^ until the'required 20 hmir.s of verb formed the nucleus of much Leader Wants something sharp into the belly of fsetor.” sources. None could confirm the ot flmt »ltn of dliffpoo. H ut nPHtroIlM oeM. roUovo Some Cases. of Paralysis fti. ond brtnt «>r>iirnrt n t j qolfUf—m or* not • in.strqction are completed -Mrs. of last night's session. The instruc­ the Hun." • Asked whether American troops tale which sent millions into laiotHfi? Only 28r. oi dnu otom^ r m f w f t r i tor urged the students to learn the in England would be "IntegratM ” pi ematiue w ild celebrations - Fll- trio! dor an I pmoo H«ll-ona bottav. r«t«ra bMlo t» Gi^up I» OrganizpH a! Robb informed the cla.ss that sev- the aubjert. "W'a'ihman What Drive on Nazis This statement, coupled with EllioU Refused lo Ac­ 0 8 and §9% doubU four •oMp boefc. ‘ aral testa will lie given during the means of prevention as well n.s. the lif the Night ? ' the remark that he had never had with the Cansulians who have been llotl, despite the deluge of tele­ means of cure, anil these will be •m e s o v s Stafford Springs Atlanta, March 11.— (IP)— A n*w^.onto the skull and attaches to tht there much longer, the genetnl Church o f criencc’’ qs cept as Fact False grams. telephone calls and near eiven during the loiirse. tVWAMCMfAfeS nperation to give the brain a muS' lower Jawbone to help In chewing said that AmerlCgn observers had hysteria, reasoned that Goiinan amination at the hn.al .«c.ssion. TTic Men'.s Club of the Rockville Mrs. W. W. Grant John O. N'etto is peeled away from-the bone be­ during his brief stav in Wasiiing- ALICE' COFBAN rene; 25 Are Present. .'\guinst .\ll Triiinliig I..euls II. Chapman CAf/Ofe yba^, I'lc and overcome some caaea of I W ill P hI Something lon, led ob.Hcrvcrs to believe the long been "vvelconic visitors’’ at Armistice Rumors. emissaries could not have arrived (Known As Queen Alice) Subjoi'ts .\re F.xplained .Methodist church will hold a pub­ 472. Stafford fore the skull is opened and ia left .Miniion was made of a recent Ofi. Rockville 73U«, .Manrhester paraly.-Us was described today be­ United Nations might not delay Canadian training headquarters at Marshal F'oeh’s headquarters. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Last night's class wa.s openeil lic pinochle party on 1-ridny at L A s r^ e m t/s fore the Southeastern Surgical hanging. When the brain is ex­ and "no doubt will consider some The initial class of a first aid poster displayed on highways pir- Sharp into Belly o f much longer some offensive stroke Convinced Story Wrong Seventh Danghter of a Seventh Son with an explanation of the aub- 8:15 p. m. at Wesleyan hall, f’ riz- \/H4S4Z//teS posed, and the area cleaned U of our points and i eject others” Palm Springs. Calif.. Alarch 11. tiiniig a man holding a crushed .Mrs. Bertha Hevenor who has A tax rate of 24 cniUs on the Congress. against (fermany. Born With a Veil. course was held last evening at jecta to he covered in the cour.se. e.s will be a\yarded. / The muscle does not act in a ; necessary, the muscle ia carefully Hun When Time I p lyPi—Jackson S, FClliott. who en- "I'm convinced the story Is child in his arms under the cap­ grand Hat of $$,799,888 waa set for General McNaughlun said he Reading* Dully. Including Sunday, the Church of the Nazarene with It was stressed by the Instrmtnr Young .Married Cliih been spending the winlei months push-and-pull effort but instead as attached by tine stitches to the rlea'red himself to every Associat­ wrong, that no ainiislic, ha.s been tion, "What Have I none” " Mr.« Yost Is Named The Young Married (,'ouples' Ripe iMeNaiighton Say» would take back to his troops in ed Press member for his calm 9 A. M. lo 9 P. M. Or By Appolnji- Mrs. Roberta Robb as instructor. that artificial respiration will he ' m Florida, has returned home. the town of Stafford at a meeting a pipeline to carry blood to injured dura, or outer covering of tile signed." he reported to Melville FI. iiient. In the Service of the Plio- liobb stated that it was had club of the Union church will meet brain. Enough room for the muscle England a ’’feeling of very much Asserls Envoys ] refusal to accept os fact the false About 26 men and women wi re one of the nurst important .sub­ enou"h fot the mao to hit the A teachers’ association has been ot the Board of finance Monday parts of the brain which control < ------•Stone as the Ihpn general manager ple for 30 Years. this evening at eight o'clock at the to go through the skull is made Washington. March 11.—(J*)— increased confidence." armistice rumors o f Nov. 7. 1918, of the A.P. returned frohi liiiich. present. jects covered., aii'i each individu.'il child with Ins car, but it w a'.s .still Citv Counsel formed in South Windsor with the night in Warren Memorial Hall. the movements of the arms and Asked when an Allied offensive 169 Church Street. Hartford, Conn. church .social rooms. There will he legs. Dr. F rederick E. Krcdel of by sawing out a small section at ciled in retirement yesterday. He Hours later, the Stair LVpart- Prior to the opening of the cla.ss, must siiccoa.sfully perform thi.'J oil worse for him to pick her up in following officers President Kob- This year’s rate is a decrease from Canada's veteran Army leader in against the European continent Treated Well Phono 6-0097 , a program of movies and enter- the Medical College of South Caro­ the bottom of the window. Then w"8a 66 years old Monday. moiil in an official annonnceiiicnt first aid text books were distrib­ a fellow student before he i an the manner shown on the poster. ; ert Ordway; secretary. Miss Bea- that of 1940 when a 27 mill rate Great Britain—Lieut. Gen. A. G. might be practicable, he replied: lina, Charleston, S. C., told the 500 the skull cap is replaced, tied in ronlirnied his shrewd judgment. uted to the students. These complete the rourse This i.s i.ontrary to fir.st aid train­ I trice Salipante, Ellsworth High; was in effect and a drop of five “That is not for me to answer, I^Uiott, as chief of The Associat­ Board of Alderman .Also i Rnihleni Club Meeting physicians and surgeons as.se mbled and the scalp is stitched over it. McNaughton — concluded three Four days later the arnn.stice Kiist Aid. accOKimg to Mrs. ing. a.s. m man\' i asi's. th*' injurfl . I treasurer, Miss Mary Connery, Ellington mills from the 1939 rate of 29 but we’ve got a group of people Tokyo I F'rom Japanese Broad­ ed PVeas New;s Department, was The Rockville Kmblerti club will milks. Pruvidev New ikturee Of Bluod days of important conferences Robb, is the iinmediale, tenqior- [ii't'son .should not be moved. .Vppoiiils Other Offi ’ Wapping Grammar school A com­ .at the meeting. whose minds arc on the problem hombardt'd in New York heml- was signed on Nov. 11 Reatl HeralH Advs. I hold a meeting this evening at O. F. Berr Howard Bradway of Rockwell Kcsults "Quite Suoeeasful’’ The apparent effect. Dr. Kredcl casts! March 11.—i/Ti A JapnneV ary care given in case of accident Tile general rules for first aid mittee has been appointed to draw here today (lonfident over pros- and no effort will be let slip." or sudden illness belore the serv­ wen outlined during the iiennd, cials for Roekville. i ei",ht o'cloi k with th-” presKlent, Tel. 49S-S, Rockville Hill, Stafford district tire warden, The operation to date has been declared, is that the muscle, which pccta for a new offensive against spokesman declared today that up a constitution. The coraniittee is fed by a large artery, attaches 5lay Try to Invade Britain ices of a doctor can be secured. with special emptia.^l.s hemg iil.i' - ' .Mrs. Kmn^ Lisk pre.siding. has announced the appointment of performed on only five persons Hitler in Europe. Brazilian diplomats "are treated RECORDS ; includes. Principal John .McCartin. itself directly to the brain, the tiny McNaughton at Uie sani" time Special emphasis was place.l on ed-i'ii the usage I't eiimmoii sens' Rockville, .March 11- (SpecialI Region .Xuxlilary Mrs, Annie Hepton •af Highland the following deputy fire wardens who were carefully selected from "None of us think we can win said it was quite possible that Hit­ according to law" and that "some of Wapping Gramm.'.r school: Mrs. a large group of partially' para­ blood vessels between the two au­ the words - "immediate". ' tem­ at all timis A .story was told "1 ; Stanley Dobosz Unit No. 14, for this area: Benjamin Arnold of the war by silling on our heels,’’ ler might try a spring invasion of misunderstanding" must have .'\t the meeting of the Board of ! Beatrice Manchc.ster of Pleasant avenue and her daughter, Mrs. Ira lyzed individtial.s. The losults, Dr. tomatically connecting themselves . . MONTGOMERY WARD . f porary" anil ".sudden " Th.- ner.l an arudeiit where pedestrians im- I American Legion Au.xiliary wTfl East Main street; -Charles Dlm- the commander of the Canadian Britain even though engaged witli prompted Brazil’s annouiuement .Aldermen held Tuesday evening, Valiev school; Miss Anna Maskel, , Smith of Windsor, returned Mon- Kirdcl declared, have been "quite to provide a new source of blood of first aid tiiiining' was ex­ ticed .smoke i oming from the eat, meet this evening at eight o’clock mick of Stafford Hollow; Wilbur FJxpeditionary F'orce told repc«rt- Russia on the east, and added: that she would take retaliatory Attorney Byron Yost was appoint­ Cniori school and Donald J. Tucker ja y night from Bayonne, N. J . Chaffee of State Line section Mon- ..ucressfiil” in cn.ibling them to to areas which have been cut oft plained and they immediately n ni'ived an in the, G A R. hall .Mrs. Amelia ers yesterday in summing up con­ 'That Would be one of the most measures against Japanese diplo- o' F'.llsworth High. where they aUeiiilod the funeral of son road and Francis Hansen of walk and talk again. by brain clots or a diminished Stm.-ses .\ir Raid* injured man from if. Soon after a ed corporation counsel for the City I Gworck, president, will preside at ferences With President Roosevelt. dangerous things that could ha] mata there. m supply of blood due to hardening ALL b r a n d s : 1 ar dioM' up, and a man dashed the meeting. There are pproxiniatcly 27 their cousin. Mrs. .lennie Hattrich. j West Stafford. I’ orsona starting a All of the persons operated on War Shipping Administrator pen to us and we’ve got to be Mrs. Robb stated that ttie main .'f Rockville for the coming two of the arteries. “(S; out stioiitinp ttiat he wins a first teachers in South Windsor all | Property taxes on the grand list | fjre in the open must have a per- had (lurtial or total paralysis of Kmory S. Land, and British and the alert against it at all times. LARUE s t o c k : thought in all the minds of first aider and that the person should \ears, to succeed Attorney Bern­ cllcible for the new organization. last completed...... -'-•• • are due ■■.„ .March«. Hi. | mlt from the warden or the depu- the body due to hardening of the •'More than half of the brain in­ The Brazilian government, aid students at this time was air American Army and Navy offi­ It must be a sore temptation to not be moved in any ease He, ard J. Ackerman. Mr. Ackerman The annual meeting of the Wap­ 1912. and How.ard Fk Little, collec- .arteries of the brain or blood clot.s juries which result in paralysis on Hitler not to swing a club against whieh has severed diplomatic rela­ raids. She stressed the point, tor will be at the following places , .Announcement is made of the one side or the other are due to cers. tions with the Axis powers, an- Potterton’s tiieteffire. backed up his talk witli ; served as corporation counsel ping Cemetery Association is to in the brain. No i^teinpl has been Asked specifically whether he us there and put us out of busi­ however, that first aid wa.s very South r.ovenlrv for the purpose of receiving same made to perforhi it on persons blood clots rather than to hemor­ noiineed Saturday that it« embas­ actions He picked iip the man I for about ten years and he is now be held tomorrow evening at 7 30 engagement of Miss Bertha Sylvia talked with the president about a ness.” 539-341 Main Street n^^ssary today due to many ai'- Town Clerk's Office. Memorial with brain tumors or I rain cancer. rhage," he added, and some can be sy in Japan had been occupied by and put him back in tlie car M’as t hairman of the Selective Service at the Wapping Community Flail, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. possible offensive in Europe, the Asserting Canada had never ciffnts which happ^en right in the miniinon sc'iise Earle W. Green Post and Auxil- Building. Rockville. Saturday afl- Hamilton Hall of Monaon to Jerry The operation is one of the most aided by this operation. military police, its ambassador At the Center invalu- Board for Tolland County. House. general, who came here at Mr. lost its intention of training its home. This training Siihji'rM ( ovem l Othcr reappointments were: Su- iary, American Legion, of Coven- The junior choir will hold its erncsin, April 4. from 2 until .'"i .A. Soukup son of Mr. and -Mrs. delicate ones in surgery but. be- One of the must essential things troops for offensive action in Eu­ held incommimicado. its func­ p, m, and Saturday afternoon Roosevelt’s invitation, said he Subjrc tA rnvrrrd during this pcrintendcnt of Public Works ;choarsal at 6:45 this evening and John Soukup of Weat Stafford. laiise the brain itself is in.sensilivc is to do the operation before the rope. McNaughton said th- Cana­ tionaries "treated like- prisoners try and Mansfield met Monday April 11 from 2 until 5 p. ni. Se­ neurones, or parts of nerve tissue could mil say definitely, but ndd- first Arssion inrludrd shock. it.s George B. Milne for two years; r. will be followed by the senior choir The wedding will take place April to pain it can he done with merely dian Expeditionary F'orce in Eng­ of war " and that it would take j evening at liic home of Mr. and lectmen's office, Ellington Town cii; ran.'ios. means of treatment and E. H. Metcalf for health officer for lohcarsal at 7:15 at the Communi­ 11 at St. Patricks church, Monday. local ane.sthesia of the scalp. The which transmit electrical impulse.-, land now rompri.sed three infan­ "similar measures ” again.*t Japa- Hall. Saturday evening. April 4, Believe* In Offensive means of prevention, circulation, another two year term; Charles Mrs. John Richardson at Spring Miss Hall is a graduate of Monaon skull is opened up from just above die from lack of blood nouri.sh- try divisions, an armored division. ne.se officials in Brazil. ty church. from 7 until 9, and Saturday eve­ the ear to a point near the top of ment. If these ti.ssucs are given ’’I have never done anything •Burton’s...for Best* fumtion of the heart and pres­ .M. Squirts, city treasurer, treas­ Hill for their monthly niccting. ' Photographers spent four hours High school and is employed in the ning, .April II. from 7 until 9 p. m. the head ami from just back of the the blood transfusion through the else but talk that I believe in it. sure pnintN urer of the reserve fund for one Matters of interest reported of Sunday afternoon taking pictures office on the Monsori board of se­ I and Thursday afternoon and eve­ temporal muscle in time the brain All niMi and wom* n who starter! year City Clerk F. Leroy Elliott lectmen. .Mr. Soukup Is a graduate foreheatev- of Staffoid High schcxjl and is em­ on next Tuesd.iy r his two opponent.', endi sup- ACTS 2 WAVS AT ONCE to Peck will receive $4,000 for col- Enes, May called a policeman to push •Mrs Evelyn Duktig and Mrs him—tn jail. poitrsi liy a faction of lIu' maijiim .lust \cr* Hall bring relief . . . rturtllATtS to upper s a l e : Save On Famous lei ling the garbage during the formerly rontiolled by B".'.s Tom breathing p^issagcs with soothing me­ Culottes ' 3 ^ ,\ ear. Helen MacF'arland are attending Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson of First Aid classes; Mrs. Ethel Nel- Pendergast Kan.sas City. -T’' Uiville .\n- dicinal vapors . . . STItWlATES chest Bound (Her Clarke Road, chairman of the local; £( n IS instructing a First Aid class T o l l a n d nutrition committee, haa been ap­ .Ml of the reform eoinicil candi- der.son talked over the phone for and back surfaces like a warming poul­ ■At the Rockville (hty Court on in Marlboro; Mrs. May Reynolds pointed chairman of the consumer 'late.s, with one iKis.dble exception, U) minutes about a pieic of real tice . . . and wonts rtn HOUIX to ease $1 .69 GRACIE ALLEN’S Tuesday, Charles Zukis, 55, a farm iril Mrs Ethel Nelson are assist­ won places in the runoff March 31. estate. "Well, I’d better come over couglis, relieve muscular soreness or Overalls h ’iiilN Mrs. John H. Steele committee for the town. Mrs TODAY STATE' tightness, and bring real comforu 'land was bound over tn the Apiil ing at A. W .S. stations: .Mrs. Hutchinson announces the follow­ .s?veral of them, like the mayor, and see yon. " said the .stranger at 1178-S, Bocksdile V. '.rrm of the Superior Court by .As- Bessie Strack lias been designsted ing have been appointed to aid her | receiving a majority of votes cast the other end, "w e’ve been tying T o get this improved treatm ent- "^'ou always save at Wards 8 K late Judge Joseph .Nash, atlci IS Deputy Air Raid Warder., in their dnstricts lip this line for .some time. Where just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes ^ p V o p e in the work; Mrs. Thomaa Bent-j Pinnacles— tlic finest pleading guilty to a charge of ■Mr and .Mrs. George O-Neil of The Tolland Grange Ladies de lleltise lo 4 oncede Itefeut are you located?" "213 Reliance tiN BACK as well .as ley. Mrs; George .Shedd, Mrs. (Tlyde 1 For lattw Aasuttt forgery. S.ioth street are the parents of a gree team v.dll meet in rehearsal at ; ytnr.shall, Mrs F'rank Paggioli, 1 ■phe one exif-ption was .Miss buililing. " replied Ander.xon. A lit­ throat and chest, percales made! Now save son born at the Hartford hospital Helen F". remplelon. rnndidate for tle squeal eame from .he teceiver then sprc.id a thick FRADIN’S Vi- In ilefuult of boiul.s of $o00 he the Community House Thursday I Mrs. John Erickson and Mrs. Rob-: layer on chest and even more on these suiverh was taken to Tolland jail Zukii.s . n .March 4 evening. It is desirous that all prt McKinney. Other members will a seal in the F'irst district the in- "O-o-o-h; I'm at 208’ ’ It was Mrs VICKS Miss Eloise Schweyer o! the Gertrude Clark, ju.sl ai ross th' cover with warmed W VaaoRua tu b fast prints! 80 sq. :ia.- worke-l on farms in Ellington members of the team he present. j j,,, added to the committee as soon 'bist’-ial .section where the obi ma­ Sal gent College of Physical Edu- chine roimtcil most of it.s strength ball cloth. Try itl Th* Impratfd Way an-l South Windsor It was charg- Miss Bernice A. Hall is spending as they can be contacted, HOPE weave wears and wears! ca' on. Boston, has returned atter a tew days in Worcester. Ma.'Si,as; Bolton (iriuige $ ] ^ . 9 8 up '•■1 tliat last fall he entered the srending a short recess at the fiaa riliy/M gue.sl of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comins xhe regular meeting of Bolton $5.00 1:del stole oil Windermere avenue liooir of her parents .Mr. e.nd Mm. IRINA MOORI ' :inil alter making .'■ome purchases J 1.. Schweyer. I and will attend the F'lower ShowG Grange will be held F'riday eve- YOUR NEK’.HHOK AROUT IS - pre.scnteil a 1 heck for $26. He re­ ' there this week. I fting at 8 p.ni. in the Fireplace Mr. and Mrs Samuel B'lrton of Mrs. Laura Judson was a recent | Room of the Community' Hall. Lec- Price Slashed on Wards ceived c hnnee after the cost of .Aiidoboii, Penn . ai'i visitors at the For Young America’s Easter the groceries was deducted and it gucst of Mr. and Mrs. Ed yard 1 turet Samuel Sllverstein. with the H jism home of their daughter, Mrs. i Bachaus ot Rockville. ‘ ! aid of the locaDNutrilion Com- «a.s later found that the check .lames Dailey at the parsonage. RE-UPHOLSTEKING liad been forged After lasliiiig .Mrs. John H. Steele, Mrs, L niiltee. will presinl a timely and P U R C H A S f Have everjihinjf you need for your fushion con­ ,Vra. Frank Hull has telurnrd Flinest Hal) and .Mrs. Bernice Hay- 1 intere.stirtg program on nutrition. lilt' ( t^eck. Zukus disappeai ed and firm, spending a lew weeks at the Pay As \ ou t'hoose lliiiii llroildi'lolli scious younj{8ter, whether she is a Miss of three or uas locali'.,^ ill Hartford this week I Jell attended the Sabra Trumbull Dancing wUl follow the meeting. Swan’s tht soap I liome of her son in Swan'pscott \ (."haptcr, D.A.B, meeting held at ; Boltun Briefs 3-Piece 1—\vef: k »,y and brought bac k to Rockville by ^ ' IIISCKJ • l.lu l* Invest now at an extra a highschooler: Perky cottons, pretty plaids, ' Mass. . the home of Mrs. A. Leroy .Martin. | Mrs. Clara Bl.saell of South Road $ •J— >10NTMI.\ For silks and you State Policeman Arthur Koss of Next Tuesday evening March 17 jp Rockville, Wednesday afternoon. | and Clarence Banning of Bolton Living Room ;t— 4 H.ARtiF: saving on this sturdy, the Stafford Springs Barracks. %^ ■A Wvinv.Ni, ‘UNUNimiih “dress-up” styles. . .everything for school, play, And boby,dislws. I .it 8 p m. the Men's Club has been Steele and Mrs. Hall were on Notch are patient* at the .Man- 1—C ASH lustrous cot'ton' Just right CUiM Starts ! nulled to meet with the ET. i.g- committee for the meeting. cheater .VIemorial hbspltal. We Carrv Our or the Easter parade. Inexpensively priced, smart Suites for shirts, dresses, child Woodwork, too. The first session of the Women's li'i) Men’s Club of the Ellington Ernest E. O’Neal is able to j The Women's Society for Chris- \Mlh Own .Xeeoiinls and sturdy. ■Motor and Driver s Corps was held Cbitreh to hear a talk by the Rev. again after sullering from aj Uan Service of the t^uarryvUle MacDON AI.D'S T-POINV FKATl RE X ren's wear! White, rose, on Tuesday evening at the Rock­ ''Gc.iigp....— "■ W. Shepherd of Eo.ston ‘ gjypre cold. ! .Methodist church will sponsor a T r I 1. Strips voiir furniture to Ihe Otgiiie A COMPl.ETE LINE OF RETTER ; V bhie.'olher colors! 36 inch. ville Garage with Joseph Brow w ho lived for 20 years in China ’ The Tolland Fire Department . pot luck supper . . to be held March J841 -MAIN ST., MANCHESTER! :i,c instructor These classes will as B missionary, and was a per­ held a meeting Tuesday night at 20 In the .North, school, Ftjiends 3. Kt'hullds .tith new springs and COVERS added he held weekly until the course is sonal friend and confidential atl- the Town Hall, to discuss plans tor ‘ and families of the members'xare PRICED PROPORTIONATELY I.OW 3. Re-eovers with homespun COLONIAl PERCALE PRINTS . ompleted 1, isnr to Generalissimo and .Ma­ defense work. At the recent town ■ Invited to attend. dame Chiang Kai-Shek. His topic I. Itestalns the wcxMluork Our Roputation for Depentlaltlo. (iiiar- T it't (‘ t ’ High thread couni * lb inth DegM*e W ork meeting an appropriation of $1,000 ■ 1 «| *. . r ic iiit O FT .1. Free estiniates and deliveries In ( onn. W i l l , be "America’s Interest in w a s m a d e for the department. I Secretary of AVar Stimson was ^ . A number from Rockxnlle will 6. Sugless-pi.Vof eonstmetton anfet'd Workmanship Is Your .\ssurance Asia ”. Those going should meet The Tolland Grange public set-_^Governor-Oenersl of the Philip OF TODAY’S H E A D U N E S : Here Mie.v are - every attend the meeting of the Ellington Congregational church here . 1 lie iuiiaiiu vB*****t/» t'v**'**'' --- ...... 7. Easy terms. of Complete Satisfaclion. back party will be held at the Com- ^lines in 1927-29 “ P.ACIFIC one of ' Item good as a Grange to be held this evening at at 7 p m. Siti’ing Ionic. The dressc.s SALE! Big Bargains in Brand-tiew • Well, Tny suds, and so forth, want a .vhich lime the first and second munlty House, F’riday at 8 p. m., soap that’s ways better than old- ■Jegrees will be conferred upon s / with Robert West, chairman of the BLACKOUT” you'll wiint and pniiidly i f e w Y o m c 8 social committee. Prizes are to be stvle floaties? Want a floatie that sudi cl.tss of candidates. The third and Alaska's .Area With Robert Preston MacDONALD UPHOLSTERY CO. w e a r itow .’tnd right fourth degrees will be conferred awarded and refreshments served. 983 .Main St„ Hartford (American Indu.strial Bldg., Rottm :{02-.\) Call 2-'ll-t EXCURSION THIS SUNDAY twice ss fast? Try SW.A.NI The Tolland Grange juvenile Buy Defense Bonds! through S)iring.' rompli- at the meeting on March 25th. If. a map of Alaska were drawn MODERIS .4ND / L*. Windiof 1:30 A.M. Lv. HsrHord l:4S A.M. to the same scale as one of the meeting will be held at the Com- nient-c.'itching styles, 11 Tuna.in avery week: OIAOI a u in .!) lliTss Lciiollis Du* N*w York (S .C .T .) Il;2 5 A.M. Ntlursin* T nlon CTjuirh Note* United States and superimposed ; munlty House. Frldsy afternoon at OLD FASHION Round MORM BURNY • PAUl WHITIMAN too. to mai.i' >(Ui the 'Glorious printed or plain L*. N.w York (S .C .T .) »:40 P.M. Trio Rev. Raymond Fieldler will he on the latter, with Point Barrow , t o’clock with Mrs. Cynthia Har- FEATURE AT 6:80 > 9:80 Belle of the llaster Pa­ CoocR the guest preached at the Union / r.ivons for sivorts, street, fort placed at Duluth,. Minn., the low as matron. • rade. Childi.s 5 *sd under 12 ii*l» i*r*. Tek.H T NBW WHITi FLOATING SOAP Congregational chapel service on islands of UyP Ale.utisn archipelago | Everett Smith of Tolland was DANCE TIIUBS. afternoon I ,i' lo 4 yds. itrietly limited te e*p*cif» Sp*ci*l Co*ch 4>«Mrol Tti litrt) Sumlay evening at seven o’clock. Levin l l o T - in * covnin . c i u i n ' Dftl. H i l l . would touch Los Angeles, Calif., one of the bearers at the funeral Every -.Wednesday Night AND :|3 Tr«in*—Purch*** in advene*. ;..Mr. F'ledler was brought up at the while the .southeastern point of ' of wnilam G. Ralsch, held Sunday j FRIDAY Shop them! See how li'w Union Congregational church, a Alaaka would rest upon Savannah, j afternoon at the Ladd Funeral ' At CIRCLE Wards regular jiricc is' KEENEY STREET H.ALL pupil, then a teacher in the Siin- Ga. I Home in Rockville. BLUE ORCHID TO LADIES! IN THIS WAR IT HAS BEEN SAH) Save extra in this sale' I day school and a member of the MuhIc by $ i church. The Junior choir will sing The Barnstormers A GREAT STAGE PLAT ^*THE VraSY W ALLS HAVE EARS" j an anthem at the service, and sdl | Happy Henry Splnx, Prompter. BECOMES Lidoxpun Prints and Plain* ; msmbers and friends are cordially Admission 44c, Inclading Tax. A MOMENTOUS PICTURE! .And Iruthfull.v, in Ihc liphl of what has heen shown regardins! (ho spies we ; invited. Government Sets Ceiling have in our country... ,\nd so it behooves us lo he closc-moulhed and by Ihe StTinninj; wfn\c rAven Dr. George S. Brooke.*, pastor “ LADIES IN same token keep uur eyes and ears open for what, our enemies m.i> he seeking ' of the church will preach at the RETIREMENT” lo know. AND I P TO 89.9R Smart Spun Royon Gabardine morning service nt 10 45 s m. on It tniloc* as wr!'. as.tt wcHrs’ On Prices of Used Tires |>R€VEM riCTU RI with ID A lU P IN O .And now you may say, “.Whal has Ihc foregoing LATE SHOWING ELSA LAN CHESTER Printed Thick 'n ' Thin Rayon Washington, March 11—(;»>-The government haa answered LOUIS HAYWARD gol lo do wiih ^saving?” .lusi Ihis. we musi main- Rut) enss cruk*' tCYturc-.l Nice fok'f' widespread complaints of price gouging with an order aeUing lain a united front with Ihe determination lo win A celling^ on pricci of used tires and tuMs on the basis of prices fovid O of fr PLUS! A GRAND COMEDY! Navy Blue prevailing between OcL 1 and OcL 15. RONALD COLE.MAN tn and- this includes fortifying Ihe nation's and your Pastels IT ’S T IM E N O W The ceiling becomes effective March 16. On standard four- “Mv Line With Caroline” own financial status with regular saving and buying CATALOG ORDER SCRVICE tavts ply 6.00x16 Urea, the type used by most motorists, it varies from AD I-'l » S c m *. V r' Jersey and Rayon $8.10 to $1.50, depending on wear. The order prohibit* dealeta of Defense Bonds and Stamps. you monoy on lhou«ond« of f U E t 0 \L (^iiick, (.lean DrliYory NOW; SUPER GIANT SHOW! Prints TO THINK from adding any chargea for repair* or service charges which ••THEY DIED W ITH THEIR itomk wo hovon‘l room to ytock. Is what you may count on when were not made by the seller prior to March 7. BOOTS ON" — ALSO: Get the habit of depositing in and buying bonds ALL SIZE.S US6 WARDS TIME PAYMENT PLAN. ABOUT YOUR Garage* handling Urea are required to keep price list* “BODY DISAPPPIARS” you order F'uel Oil from u». u re sate SMornsjatsm^Hotm. through this Mutual t^avings Rank. U»uol down poymoni ond corrying posted m a conspicuous place. Fhimr your order, our truck will BUY U. S. DEFENSE BONDS! chorgo. Buy now and poy lotort ap|>ear on the apol, to fill your The maximum prices allowable on both passenger and truck tires are lUtsd in the following Uble: tank with Oil that your burner Easter Used Pasaenger Oar Tire# niERura will transform Into comfort- Maximum New Firs* Second Third ■ 'J giving heat units. .May we Size Price 4-PIy Category Oategoiy May Wa Suggest; I $6.65 $4.45 Fine Silk aerx e you 7 Permanent 6.00-16 ...... $14.75 $8.10 ‘THE *BARN DANCE’ 6 26>16 16.60 9.15 7.4.5 5.00 ChifTon 6 50-16 17.90 9.85 8.05 5.35 T h e Savings Bank $ Avoid disappointment later bv making Modem and Square pr. 7 00-16 20.30 11.15 9.18 6.10 TH your appointment RIGHT NOW for your For Tour Entertainment. Hosiery 5.25-17 13.58 6.55 5.35 3.55 Easter Permanent. We have added to Relaxation and Sociability! In AU New Spring Shades! 5 50-17 13.56 7.45 6.10 4.05 FUEL RANGE OIL our staff-b u t still there’ll be a rush — Used Truck TIrea Knichts of Columbus Hall of f so. play safe - 'Phone Ua Today! Third Fourth Y 28 Prospect St. Hartford Luxurioos Maximum New Flrat Second ■ IN ANY q u a n t i t y — ANY TIMK: Category Size ' Price 10-Ply Category Category Catefory Every Wednesday Night Nvlons at $ 1 .9 8 I Wholesale and Ketail. $ 7.20 HARRIETT’S DIAL 8.25-15 $68.50------$37.60 $30.85 $20.55 (8-12) — Featuring 18.65 8.00 7.50-18______62.10 . 34.15 27.95 M a n ch ester 42.95 35.15 28.45 12.00 BEAUTY SALON 9.00- 18 ...... 78.10 12.00 Art Webster’s Old Timers BANTLY OIL COMPANY 9.00- 24 ...... 88.15 48.50 39.65 26.45 824-828 MAIN STREET 129 Center Street 8.40 Hash Peat, Prompter. PH ONE 5161' CEVTKR STREET PHONE 5293 6824 7.00- 20 ...... 47.60 26.15 21.40 14.25 24.25 12.00 Parklai la the Boar. Servinjf the Public for 23 Years. 9.00- 20' ...... 80.76 44.40 36.35 FRADIN’S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11.1943 PAGE FIVE

gSin control of Ceylon, the indus­ all the'vsindows at the New HOven MANCHESTER E^^NTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1942 tries of India would He ImmoblUz* WPA Blacks Out postoffice, 976 yards of black sat* ^ A C B P O U K Urges Lowell Cevlon Called een being used. Transoma waro Newly Discovered' Malady •/ ed because of lack* of trans{wrt, New Haven’s P5 O. covered permanently and plywood it would be increasingly difficult frames put In to hold tbe curtalhs. Be Reiiamed Key to India to use her available manpower in Manchester R%F Bombfl Truck Factory Near Parin Town Well Represented May Choke off Your Voice any offensive back ovar tbe routes Italians Claim that Japan already has traveled, New Haven, March 11.—Post­ Date Book Milk Producers Want Boston University Pro- and finally, Russia and China master Patrick Goode, in a letter By Howard W. Biakeslee •fbeen Inspired, unwittingly, by would be effectively isolated from to Administrator Howard Staub 6 Submarines At 'Noted Winter Resort necrotic parents. today expres.sed his appreciation Tonight New York, March 11— d p — H Incumbent Retained as fessor Says Isluiul Allied aid.” ‘'Nudge”Your Lazy you are timid with other people, or , Side Overdeveloped ':He said that If Ceylon were held for the "excellent work" done by Army and Navy Club smoker. By Tom Stmvo -• tracks are running ahead of lost In a large number of the'cases Should Be Held. the WPA in completely equipping 4-Weeks’ Toll Tomorrow about taking reaponsibllity, psy- Dairy and Food Head. successfully, the island could be Miami. Fla.. March 11 (Speciali season, but none la very far bc- chOphonasthenia may choke off they came from homes in which used as one arm of a gigantic pin- the New Haven postoffice for Liver Tcini^! Girl Scouts’ Mother-Daughter intellectual or artistic achievement blackout purposes. "This is a splen­ CONSTIPATION *rUh lU headacbsa. banquet. Masonic Temple. — War restrictions and alarm.s hind cither. your voice. Hartford, March 11.—(./Pr— The Boston, March 11.— dP ~ K Bos­ cer movement counter-offensive (Ooatlnii«d 4 (om Page Onp) , have failed tp scriousiy aflect the .Many Majichestcr folks have Thla trouble, a newly-identified was stressed. They had over-de­ did demonstration of the work that mental dullneas, a ball-allv* tMlIas Military Whist, St. Bridget's reappointment of James B. Lowell ton University professor who lived with Australia serving as the oth­ often m u lt It your liver bile doesn’t tourist bualneas of America's most dropped In to see Jat-alai already malady which causes pinched, grat­ veloped their Intellectual and er arm. WPA performs,” Mr. Goode wrote, flo*r freely every day into your Intestines. hall, Gibbons Assembly. C. L. of C. artistic sides at the expense of in Ceylon for 16 years said today "and I desire to congratulate you the lU t.F. with effecUve mipport famous winter resort, but fore- this season and during the exciting ing, hoarse, choked and irregular a.* state dairy and food commis­ Naval Battle to Deride Fate So take Dr. Edwards’ Olive INblsts ts Natiirday, Mareh 14 other aspects of personality. the United Nations should beware upon hax’ing such a splendid or­ Insure g en tle yet th orou g h bowel move­ on the fround troopi. (Quarterly meeting Manchester casta as to how Miami will fare a evcnlnga watching the highly-skill­ .voices, is described by James S. sioner was urged upon,. Governor ed Spanisli, Cuban, and Mexican Many were brilliant in school lest their concern over the status Beer, a professor of internation­ ganization to assist you -in the di- | ment*. Olive Tablets sre simply m m - Rod and Gun club. Coventry. year hence are conspicuoua by Greene, M D., in the annals of Hurley today by the Connecticut iterful to stir Up llvgr bile secretion and athletes. 'Phey have found time to and business. But almost without of India lead them to forget that al relations, aald the defense of versified work you are called upon | Father and Son banquet, Eman­ their nb.sencc. There sinijily i.sn't otology, rhinology and laryngology. Ceylon would be decided by a tons up musculsf Intestinal action. Free French Destroy anything concrete upon which to visit with the Blscayne Fronton's Throats feel tight or knotted, exception, this brilliance cloaked Milk Producers’ Association. "the usefulness of India in the war to d o" I 1S<; 30e, 60S. All drugstores. uel Lutheran church. effort Is predicated on holding the Naval battle, because he declared Dance, American Lithuanian base Biich a jirediction in uncertain diiector of publicity, Tom Stowe, mouths too dry, or too wet, and feelings of Inferiority. They were More than 100 voting delegates Typical of the blackout work j Munitions Depots always afraid they couldn't make nearby Island of Ceylon." Japan was not now in a position Citizens’ club basketball team. ‘times like the present. who for many years was’ sports sometimes pains radiate to head of the association, which held its to invade from nearby land bases. WPA's sewing project Is prepared | Jjoa Angelee, March 11— W editor of The Manchester Hci^d. the grade. ., Declaring Ceylon must be held to perform for public buildings in | Country clt^. There have been nrt serious war and neck. 25th annual meetini: here yester­ at all costa as the key to vital sup­ lYee French forces raldlnfr Italian Pick up waste paper, north of scares in Florida although the War One night'a Manchester group All these things can happen from The treatment is to get them to "Nor IS Japan in a position to the state, curtains were made for , positions In southwest Libya have at Jai-aldl comprised Dr. and Mrs. uiidcr.stand that their mental atti­ day, went on record as supporting ply lines to and from the Near and make an all-out air attack," he Middle Turnpike. Department has recently permitted real causes, like colds, and over­ Far Fast and as a possible start­ said, "becnu.so her nearest base for ^l^troyed Important munitions de­ Sunday. March 1.3 publication of the sinUwig of a lew George K. Lundberg, Mr. and strain of vocal cords and throat tudes alone are the cause of the the retention of Lowell in the state James B. Loxx-cII Income Tax pots and indicted serious damage on ing point for a United Nations fighter craft is at Sabang in north- Old Timers' Night. Manchester ships by German submarines close •Mrs. John G. Pentland, Mr. and muscles. But Dr. Greene descrihe.s choking. This Dr. Greene says, is serx’lce on the ground that an ex­ the Fascist outposts, the Free Fire I'.’pt , at Headquarters Mrs. Stuart Dillon, Judge Hyde difficult becau.se they are so shy counter-offensive. Prof. William A. 1 erii Sumatra, a good 1,000 miles Leinon Juice Recipe i have arranged with our to Ih^ mainland This has resulted a different disease, which lakes a perienced man was needed to han­ Maynard of Old Saybrook, pre­ Beer, one-time trade commissioner ; from Cevlon." French radio at Braar.i.ville Melting of I.ocsl 63 TWUA, In a city defense order that all and Town Clerk rurklngton. Join­ long time coming on, and which is and their feelings so easily hurt. Checks Rhciiiiiatic | tax counsel to be at our Gas French BJquatorial Africa, said to­ Tinker Mull. 2:30 ing the party were also Mr. and A good way to help them under­ dle the problem.* arising in the ceded pa.ssage of the resolution, from Ceylon to tho United States: station starting Tuesday eve­ hotels, business estaUlshmcnts and purely mental. production, collection and process­ said in an interview: day In a broadcast heard here by Monda.v, March Ifi homes facing the ocean screen Mrs. James C. White of Westfield. It is moreover a malady of the stand, he reports, is to have them C. Maisden Bacon of Middle- Pain Quickly 1 ning. .Mareh .8, to assist yon NBC. Anniversary banquet. Daugh­ Mass. write out their troubles and tho ing of milk in the immediate town wa.* re-elected president by U nnim anils Seal R oute* with your tax return. their lights at night in order that upper crust in the mental scale • "Ceylon is only 18 miles ncros.= If >(>u tufft-r ft' in rhcuinntl.', ni- ; The BraetaviUe report said the ters of l.iberty, L. O. L. I. Hotel Other Vlaltora physician's .suggestions about the future. the directorate. thntl* or neurit la pain, try this submarines lurking off the coast more likely among prominent per- •Able and Effective the Bay of Bengal from India, but Evenings: 7 to 10. operations, first announced in Sheridan, at 6:30 cunnot silhoiieUe a darkened ship Still others whi) have visited the .*ons, like singers, lawyer.*, teach­ same. iDpl« Inexpensive home recipe fhftt Annual banquet Manchester Im. it.* strategic Naval base at Trin- HEALTH REST ■iiiuaamiiv are ijalnpr <.;et a packaRe Sunday, 5Iarrh 8: 10 A. M. Cairo, Egypt, last Saturday, have against the hitheito brilliantly il­ writer at the Fronton are Evaii ers, clergymen, public officials, per­ Lowell had been able and effec­ f Ku-Hx t.’omp'Miml. a two-week provement Association at the V. Nyquist, well known letter-carrier tive in the post to which he was For Peaee and For War conalee commands the sea route.- to 6 P. M. entered the final stage. The I ree luminated shoreline Automobiles sons who have responsibilitle.* for U) India, to Rus.sia, and to the MATTRESS ipply, toclny. .Mix tt with « quart French forces drove 1,200 mile.s .M.-eting Board of Selectman at on coastal roads and also between who has hem vacationing In Miami social events. Seattle Mayor ,-ippointed by Governor Hurley's r water, ndfi the Juice of i lemon*. Sundav, 5Iarrh 15: 10 A. M. Republican predece.a.sor, Raymond Jumping off place in the new life­ Gimranteed for 6 Year*! • s N" troul'le at n'l and from the Lake Chad region across Municipal Building. Miami un lion said. Previously he was Bald­ Luis Roy ring for peace and for lon should not be overlooked iii the $19.95 ifhin 4^ hourR — eomctliiex over- Particuiaily heavy damage was tion at Centei chtirch. street -buihnessmen; John Albasi. voice when his senior partner died win's secretary at the capitol. war At three o'clock each after­ — «pletidli1 results ftre ohfaln- Ikirwl Folk* .at Resort present concern over India’s sta­ 81.00 Down and $1.00 Per I If the pains do not quickly done to the outpost of Wct-el-Gibta. Saturday, Man-h 21 proprietor of the Villa Ikiulsa; and he had to take over direytion Seattle. March 11.—(>Pi—Se­ The membership adopted a rc.*o- noon the clapper strike.*, remind­ COOK’S SERVICE Annual Banquet of V. F. W. at Many Manchester peojile sire tus as an ally, because the island's Week. ive and If .\ ou df) not f« el better, the radio said. .iniong .Miami's winlei colony Ihks Billy Markham, Jim Dowling. Clar­ of the firm. Another was a school attle's voters halted a new mayor- Uition requesting the Board of ing all who hear to pray for a eommand of the sea routes insures .tiiin tJie einplN parkape and K’l- STATION Italian prisoners were reported the Home, Manchester Green. ence Kubrick and James Coughlin, teacher, timid all her life, who had de.signafe today after turning out Directors to arrange for total quick, victorious peace. For black- the possible use of India's rich re­ X will C'jat you nothing to try aa .Sunday, .March 22 sea.son. Some have already return­ la sold hy your drupuTst under arriving behind Free French lines ed to Mamhestcr hut still others the latter being a Southern Bell to teach pupils nearly a.* old a.* of office the incunibopt who had equalization within the as.sociation ouLs in San Luis Rey valley, the sources and manpower both for Manchester Green while the French losses were very Annual meeting. British-Amerl- Telephone Company employee for herself, and whom she had difficul­ KEMP'S, INC. n ahRoliite money-hack guarantee are reported to he enroute here. the active support of Dave Beck, so that all members would get bells toll steadily for three min­ defense and future offense. Fine Redding! ;u-Kx Compoun'l la for aale and Phone ‘tODfi small. can club at Clubhouae. the past 20 years: Mr. and Mrs. ty managing. Would Iiiimohilize Industrie* 4 p. m. Concert 8t. Mary’s Ineluded are .several pre.sent oi west coast leader of the AFL the same price for the same quali­ utes. One minute's ringing signi­ « commended hy Weldon Drug Com­ former town offi, nils including Charles Heck and Billy Neubauer. An engineer developed the chok­ Teamsters' union. In a bitterly ty of milk. A fight, led by George fies the all clear. I "But, if the Japanese should pany and drug atorea everywhert. church by Girls’ choir, St. George both men having- been sent to ing at 60 when faced with the pos­ Orthodox church. Town Clerk Sam.iel J. Tiirkinglon. contested campaign. Judge of Probate William S. Hyde, Miami's one aircraft factory a.* sibility of a promotion ho had long Police Judge William F. Devin Monda.v, March 2S This pictorial bit of evidence, radioed from London to New . York, shows P.AF bombs bursting squarely on the Matford plant at representatives of the Sikorsky N. y. Stocks Celebration of Legion Home an­ Deputy Judge George C. Lessner. wanted, but which scared him a ran up a surprising 3-to-2 margin Poissy, 8 miles w.st of Paris, w hire motor triick.s are being turned out for the Nazi war machine, according to British information. Conneciciit plant; ana Walter little. Another was a housewife over Mayor Fart Millikin in yeater- niversary. This was the s.-con.l air attack ..n the' Paris region in 6 d.iy, N'F.\ P..idio|ihoto. •ajiid former Judge Harold Garrity, who is due here liy ‘Eastern Air Kohls, flanchester plumbing con­ whose husband contradii led every­ dav s xAiting. Tlie total.* were: Dev­ .Monday, April 6 tractor. Adams E^p ...... •'Henpecked Henry," comedy by Liiie.o Salimlay afternoon. thing she said until she hardly dar­ in Vi3.892: Millikin t.3,.Ml Air Redue ...... 30'* Mu Sigma Chi Society, Second Attorney Garrity will join his Deputy Judge and Mrs. Lesanti' ed express an opinion. Devin was a city Judicial ap­ Vcl at * 14th Annual Concert, G. Clef ■' For Viflory jioinattox IS 94-year-o!il Chaib Balkt'd Yet (Oontlnued from Page One) ond winter VHcation here time ago but have, since relumed At heart were shy. timid. Almost term of Langlie. The city election Am Tob B ...... - <2’ -.. Cltib. Emanuel Lutheran church. L Chappell Recently when h- Judge Hyde, Town Clerk Tiirk- to .Manche.ster a.* have L>r. and .Mrs without exception the timidity had was non-partisan. Any endangering of the coun­ Lundberg. .Mr. apd .Mrs. Krnest A. Am Wat W k s ...... 2S, Friday, April 17 pre-'cnted a check lor $II( to (( oii|iii'.ie:l from P«ge One) ington together with Mr. and Mrs. SALE STARTS Anaconda ...... 26 Annual Masonic Bal' at the Ma­ (Continued From Page One) ihe local Red Cros.s chapter h. try's Institutions or the safety of Roy of Stephen street are expected its citizens or territory is suffi- John U. Pentland of the PciiUand FIXTURES Armour 111 ...... 3 'i sonic Teihple. commented. ".Some people told Floral Shop, arc stopping at tlie to arrive In Mi.3mi soon for their vital, he said, b. i aiise to protect ■s a^ far as Ceylon Dn the other lent cause for the president to annual vacation in this tropical Atchison ...... 37'-j Monday, April 27 me that I d done enough foi rut they may con,-, n: > at.- ' heir , MeAllister Hotel and have been al­ THURSDA Y Aviation Corp ...... 3 ', Annual Concert Beethoven Glee them all would t' lid to Immobilize my rountry, but I want to he!, declare a stale of emergency in paradi.se. Also In town are .lee FOR SALE the mined fori.s and .seriously re­ i n.uve on Darw in , ,\u.'rtralia)i ] the whole country or any part of most dally visitors to Hialeah Park Baldwin Ct ...... 12% club. High school auditorium. the lioys who are hghting for or •■xleiul Ih'-ir. op‘-r ations further j which ckxsed its 46-,lay meeting .'Skinner. Mrs. Anna Grote and her B A D ...... '-, strict combat truining. He adv - It, the decree provided. In One Whiskey...Get the Best 3 Tticsda.i, .April 28 lis now, through the Red ■o the e:i.«t. towar'l.s F iji" j ...... Saturday when The Rhymei, an grnmldaughter. Miss Anita Thorn- MORNING Bendix ...... 35'; Group E, Center church women catr-il guarding of such Installa­ I ton, and Mrs. Henry Welgle. At- tions tiy the imlividiiul corpora­ Cross " Me nui'C.i'ol it w;is eon.sidered | ,All . constRutlcmsl ^ j a r a n le e s ; choice, won the $.50,000 MARCH 12 Beth StI ...... 30% presents F. W. Barber in illustrat­ mil,kelv that the .lanane.se would | * and property I torncy James Breslin of Hartford, CLERKS WANTED Borden ...... 10** tion, owner, niiinb ipalily or stale. Widener to conclude a highly suc- ed nature lecture. move in three dlrectlon.s. , ° ceseful season even though th; I r.aptaln of the famous Trinity toot- from 4 Great Distilling States* Cerro De P ...... 28% Thunulay. 31a> 21 C.eneral UeWiU said sporadic: onstructive progranvi but will de­ As far n.s the Briti.sh had oh- ' Practiced acts of ag- ' hall team of 1919, is here recuper- Ches A O h ...... 30'i Atito Testing Lane opeii.H. Leon­ Ire tile raids a i'■ to be e;|.' t'-.l or, ‘ total pari-ioutiiel handle was $L- lete Ihe nervous strength of our .seri ed. he said, the mam Japan-, harmful to the Brazilian 528.721 under that of a year ago. I ating from a shock. And. speaking Chrysler ...... 32 ard street. the Pacitlc coast, and "tb.cic wiH, i state" would thereby be lusfiend- people unless editor* properly use ese fleet so far has not been em- A throng of 2.5.048 .saw' the color­ I of sports, brings to mind the fact SALE Coca - O o la ...... 38 he some sabotage de j.it. all the | ed, the decree said. the r blue pencils to correct or iJoyed to a very great extent. But ful Hialeah cla'ing pageantry and I that the former Harvard baseball Col Gas A FI ...... 1 Vi prei aiitions we may take |eliminate hysterieal. exaggerated lie emphasized the constant Hhip Sallinga Suspended captain, Ulysses Luplen, played OomI Inv Tr ...... 23 wagered almo.st a million dollars to and unsound conclusion.* and oi'ln- lenglhening of Ihe Japanese oeean At the same time the goveni- make the season s total play, $23,- here Saturday and Sunday with Ooml Soiv ...... 8'2 the Boston Red Sox against the OF THE ARMY AND NAVY STORE Local Stocks Strikers Called ii>ns." r vipply lines, ami declared that ex- ment shipping line, Lloyd Brasil- 928,5.38, Hialeah s total attendance Cons E d ls ...... 11 % pi-rieiice has shown that warships eiro. announced that suspension of New York Giants. The Luplen fam­ Cons Oil ...... 3 ', was onlv 49,.3,37 le-S-s than a vear i nfit for yirmy rannot operate for any ronsider- all sailings of Brazilian ships to ago. Tiopical i’ark le-opem-d .Mon­ ily formerly lived on Fast Center Cont Can ...... 24', I'umlshi'il li.v Ihitmuii and t'o, able time away from their main the United Stater had been order­ street. Com Prod ...... 4 8 Cleveland, Man h 11 ■d'; I Sales day and will run throug-li Aiuil 10. DRASTIC PRICE 6 Central Row, Hartford Those who won't work aren't goo*l Naval bases. ed by the government and all such Jal-.AIal Popular Dll Pont ...... 103 Insurance ships en route to United States Eastman Kod ...... 113% enough to serve In the Army, I Tax Program Oddly enough the only pari­ Automotive Hint Selling Out Bid Aske ports ordered recalled home. This mutuel enterprise In all Florida Statement to the Public Elec Auto - 1 ...... 23 Aetna Casualty . . . . 119 124 Ueut. Gen. Ben Lear declared to- I Predicts Japan If ill followed upon the losa of four REDUCTIONS Gen F.lec ...... 24 '-I, day. I showing a substantial increase over Luggage should never be stack­ Aetna F ir e ...... 45 'i 47' I do not appreciate- nor does iContinued from Page One) Start Cruiser ff'ar Brazilian ships totaling 22,231 last season is the Blscayne Fronton ed in front of an automobile’s ra­ Gen Foods ...... 28% Aetna Life ...... 23>, 25 ______tons bv submarine attacks off the To The Due (o the fact that m.v draft classification has any soldier the reinarka we which is the scene of the only Jai- diator on a trip, as it obstructs the Gen Mot ...... 33% Automobile ...... 32'i 34 - «n.l comoratlon ^road-i y;„rth‘ American coast, Because I Must Get Hecker Prod ...... 3 ', .sometimes read when there is a inconi f ,.xelsc taxes ''"f*-'"- March 11 -J’ The t.er- (Brazil's shipping losses In the alai I pronouunce*! hl-lii games in air flow and is likely to cause the hcen changed to l-.A. I expect to be called for Conn. General ...... 22 24 per ■ engine to overheat. Hud.son M o t ...... 3'^ Hartford Fire . 77'-4 79' strike: '.Make them work or levle.s, and | man radio broadca.«l the predlc- world war led her to declare war United States. With only 10 Out In A Hurry! Int H a r v ...... 44% Hartford .‘stm. Boil . 43 47 flgtrt.' " the .Second Army's com­ Oppose I today that ‘Japan undoubted-, (lermanv ) I cent le.sa rttendanre, the Jal alai service soon and must liquidate m.v entire stock of Int Nick ...... 26 mander said. MorgciUha\i ami many Trea^\iry ^ cruiser war on ship- | plant la 25 per ceni aheail in pari­ An albatross caught off C’hile Bare W alls National Fire 52 M officials have expressed their oji- pi„jr jpto the Indian Ocean and Ta Await Convoy System had been released near New Zea- Int P a jier...... 13% Phoenix ...... 77 79 "TTie individual who is unwilling mutuel play $104,194 to be exact merchandise by .\pril 1 st when my present lea.se Int T A T ...... 2'* to work we don't want plrke-l up position to a sales tax, contend!.ig ^ interrupt the trade routes." ^ It seemed likely the Brazilian Only two of the .stato's many dog | land only eight days before. Travelers ...... 355 375 among other things that It would , The bruadi ,a«t pointed out there ! government would decide to await AR.MY TWILL Johns - Man ...... 00 1‘iihlle rtllltlfw and sent to us to. Join combat expires. RUOING Kennecott ...... 31 troops. He isn't good enough. We be inequitable an,! Inflationary. are ".several useful ba.ses " in the j the organization of a conVoy .sys- PAJAMAS TIES Conn. LI. and Pow 25 28 Treasury officials have estimat­ ' Indian De.vin. all of Hu m point* tem rather than continue to risk I Leh Val RR ...... 3 Conn. Pow...... 28 30 don t want hus spirit, and we don't i W ork Pants Lockheed A ire ...... 2 want his pieseiice ' ed that a 5 per cent manufacturers "destined to play a part in the ! heavy lo-sses to US unarmed mer- BREECHES Ilartfiird FI Lt. . . 45 47 .sales lax would Yield from $l.i3.- Loew's ...... 38 \ F.xprrsslon Of ResentiiM-nt further development of ojiera- j chant marine Hartford Gas . 2 3 26 oiiO.OOO to J3.7hi),’000,0O0, depend­ tions'■ These we|;e identified as The' loss of the fourth Brazilian 9 4 « 3 4 c HUNDREDS OF ITEMS NOT ADVERTISED Lorillard ...... ' 2'j S. .N F. Tel. Co. .1 0 7 112 $2*47 Mont Ward ...... 24 An aide said th*- general's re­ ing on exemptions. the Lai a adive and .Maldive island ship, the 5.l52-lon Cayru, sunk $ 1 .8 9 Unit. Ilium. Shs. . . 39% 41 marks in a speech to the (.'ieve- Chairman Doughton (D., N. C l groups, and the Island of Mauri- Sunday night about 130 miles off $1.50 VALUE! -)9c VALUE! $.1.n0 VALUE! Nash - Kelv ...... 4% Western M ass...... 15'4 17 MARKED DOWN TO SELL FAST Nat Bli*c ...... : ...... 13% land Advertising club should not of the rommittee aald that he op- 1 tius. Am'.)ro.*e light, was announced yes­ Indiietrlal be Interpreted as "pa.s.sing Jiidg- | |s,.-*-d a letail sales tax but was (The Laeeadivrs and Maldives terday. Fifty-three crew members Nat Ca.sh Reg ...... 13 Acme W ire ...... 18 20 Matthew Wior Nat Oalrv ...... 13 ment upon strikes in general," but i niainlaining an open mlml on a I are groups of atoll.*, the former and .six pa.s.sengcrs were still miss­ Am. Hardware . 19 21 rather as an expression of resent­ manufartiirer.s sales tax. lying off the west coast of India ing. There were 26 survivors. Nat Di.sti'11 ...... 20% Arrow H A H cm . 32 34 N Y Central...... 8'. ment against the "Work or Fight To Ijist Through .Month and the .Maldives directly to the Other Brazilian ships lost were invites you to see the Billings * .Spencer . 3'* 4 slogan as derogatory to the Army. While the discua.sion of revenue south, some .500 miles west of the Biiarque, off Cape Henry, Va., J ENDICOTT-JOHNSON NY NH A H ...... Bristol Bra.ss...... 39 42 W hipcord Nor Am Co ...... "% "If you want to discii'lino and aoiirces grew, the committee took Rntain's base at Ceylon. Mauri­ Feb. 14, the Ollnda, off the North Coil's Pat. Fire . . . . - 67 70 make useful tho.se who have re- I action which made certain that tius lies ,500 miles east of Vichy- Atlantic coast Feb. 17. and the DRESS PANTS Packard ...... 2'ii Eagle L o c k ...... 9'4 11 fused to work faithfully with the heannga which began a week ago ' controlled .Madagascar, already Arabutan, torpedoed last Saturday Param Piet ...... 14 I Fafnlr Bearings . 117 127 Penn UK ...... 22', team, let labor battalions be form- I ., .--tc-r.lay would last at least . mentioned as a possible .lapanese off the North Carolina coa.*t. W ork Shoes i Hart and (Avily 117 127 ed for them, " ly’ar added. "ly-t 1 base 1 W ork Pants Pepsi - Cola ...... 10% IhMMigh .March. 1 LOVA $2.98 PANTS $3.98 PANTS Pants Up to I llendey .Maeh . cm . 8 10 such men be given the Job of build- | The members agreed to set aside Phelps liodge ...... 28% lyind'rs Fr. A Clk . 21 23 $ 2 .2 9 Value Cord Sole Shoe# leather Sole Phil Pet ...... 34'. ing the highway to Alaska, of he- ; the following lays for hearing* Cover* Mlx-Sfnte .Area Welles Commends $6 and $7 I New Brit. .M com. . 37 39 Ing put to work in Labrador. In ' on three of Morgenthaii'.s pro- Now Now Shoes Pub Sve N.l ...... 11''- N'lith and .Iiiilii 3.5 37 Recall of Ships Value Radio...... 2 ', Greenland I'os.i U*; In area. Alaska is equal to the *Blocided‘'^ th the Finest Neutral $ 3 .7 3 Value Pick, .Stow A Wil 8 10 "Draft them. yes. but our so­ .March 23 and 21 Removal of lomhined areas of the states of Washington. March It.—'A5— $4 Value Reading ...... 13 Riia.sell Mfg Co 1.5'4 17 Rem Rand ...... I ciety of men being trained to fight Ihe depletion allowance for oil California. Connertirul. ,Mjs.*a- Acting Secretary of Slate Welles Grain Spirits for Perfect Mildness! : .Sroville . . 22 24 and die for this republic is not a ( hiisetts, Montana. Rhode ^.sland commended today Brazil's recall of • 1 . 6 7 Repiihltc S t l ...... 1” well.* and mines iestimated to Scboaley Black I-abel, V7% Neutral Grain .Spirits. Schenley ill-,, pfd...... 28 reform school " yield $80.0(1(1.(kK) annually I. and Texas hep ships to home port# and the $ ( Rev Tob R ...... ' 2:!'. .8lll'X Co...... 9 II Rad Label, 72\/i% Neutral Grain Spirits, ^ t h M Proof. »1 .9 4 $ 2 - S 7 Safeway .-ttrs...... ”■'< Has InfliiPOrt* On Army March 25 and 20 .\!an'dal"ry ■ issuance of an emergency decree $ Stanley Works 38 40 Joint returns by hiisbanff* and Battery Hint by President Getulio Vargas as BLENDED WHISREY. Scbenlej DtetUlm Corp., N. Y. C. Sears Roeb ...... it'-. Torrington ...... 24 26 General lyar declared civilian » .Shell Cn ...... ability to withstand the pressure wives (estimated to yield $3lH).- ' wl.*e and necessary measures In 2-*7 11 ■AVB YOU GIVEN TO YOUE EED CEOSS WAE FUNDI ' -Veerler - Root . . . . 40 43 000.0001. '4 ^ saving can be effected by the face of new Axis threats In Socony - V ac ...... New York Banks of enemy, propaganda ' has an In­ Sou Par ...... 12 fluence on the Army Just as It haa March 27 and 28 Removal of ,\isjng only distilled water in bat- the Atlantic. Dress Shirts . Bank of N Y .2 7 0 ' 290 state and municipal securities les- lerios. The cheinl-al propertie,* of Welles was asked at a press con­ South Ry ...... 10% . Rankers. Trii.st . . 3 0 ', 32 on all civilian life in this period. Suede Leather Overall Pants Std Brands ...... 3'v "A devil s game is being played Umated to yield $200,000,0001. | onlinary water, no matter how ference about reports from Rio De ! Central Hanover .. 0 3 ', 66 — - I ( lear It may ap[iear. are harmful Janeiro that ships had been or­ I7JEW1LS ENDICOTT-JOHNSON Std C,HS A F.l ...... % : Chase ...... 21', 2.3 with 118 by unscrupulous enemies Value* to $ 1 ..y0* Std Oil C a l...... 10 and by their traitorous agents First Rlngne<-k* f the plates nf a battery. dered back to port and that Presi­ . I Chemical ...... 31 3.3 dent Vargas had ts.sued a decree 9 4 Std fill N J '...... 3.i U-ity ...... ,____ 20'i 22 within our country, " he said. 9 8 « T>x Companv ...... % ^ The first ringnecked pheasant* The making of alcoholic drinks enabling him to declare an emer­ JACKETS 1 1 I Continental . . . . O', 11 Many gentlemen of the gency and put the country into Timken Roll B ...... 38', press and radio, unwittingly and brought to the United .Slates were .^rom rice, cereals and sugar Is 'll CtlAi!!! Ill o. 7 5 Dress Shoes ' Corn Exchange .. . 27 29 now proliihlted in Fukien pniv- war. I'n Carbide ...... 00', I First .National ... lOOO 10.50 with the best of intentions, are relc'i.'-cil on I’ro.*i>ert Island, near 8 -OlNCE incc. China, as a food conserva­ He replied that he cou)d only as­ ■ Union Pac ...... 73"', Guaranty Trust . . . 190 actually conducting a war of •Sonttle, Wash., hut not a single t Unit Airr ...... ’. I 200 tion measure. sume that the Brazilian gffivem- 30 , Irving Trust . . . . 8 'j 10 nerves that is not contributing bird of the shipment survived. Cnil ( 'I't p ...... - 0-32 ment was taking very wise and $2a Dress Shirts $la27 > OVERALLS $ 4 . 0 0 Value A . 2 9 Manhattan ...... 12 14 neces.sary measures, especially in 5.97 % Pnit ''fas Imp ...... 4% s a n f o r i z e d : ( » Asks President Stock Up Now For Next I I for voluo . . . Tho Butova MATCHED WORK OUTFITS OMext university under the To Probe Dispute 'Goddess of Time." _ $2.30 Value $ 1 . 7 7 I'n.tc'l States flag wa.* the Ciil- '•N eOD0l$$ Of TIMI Winter At These Curb Slocks I versi'v of Santo Tomas at Manila. I If i«w tu ...... » 3 3 ” SHIRTS PANTS I’hilippine I.«land.«. founded In CRIDIT TERMS New Haven, March 11.—(/Pi— A 1611 Low Prices t:Us Sv. I'M . . ae CIO union made public here today | T H E BUS HABIT 100% All Wool El B"nd and .'^h \lMiiit Guns a letter to President Roosevelt • Radiant charging that the attitude of the ' tl.3 9 1 .8 7 $ 1 0 Mackinaws . . $ 6 . 7 7 r**nnriHiil ...... It's a good one. It sa v e s rubber 6 Segal L o c k ...... ' The n.n-1 . aref Jly made rifles Winchester Repeating Arms Com­ SWEATERS $2.77 $1.65 VALUE! $2.45 VALUE! ) and stmiguns in the world are pany toward workers was "ham- ■ . . . money . . . nerves . . . traffic $ 1 .6 9 Flannel S h irts...... $ 1 . 1 7 I n;.xnuf'i'tured In London and Shef- perlng" the war effort. $75*®® $ 4 Value Slave Market* Still Extant hc ;d F: eiaiul although the svt r- The letter, signed by Michael congestion . . . parking tickets. It agp kiw-. ii.*i American gun is su- Jtminez. field organizer for the | Perfectly frhThe only country in the wi rM avoids needless duplication of $ 1 .2 9 Flannel Shirts . . . 8 9 e p. nor to inv other in the world United Electrical, Radio and Ma- 1 ATHLETIC BOYS’ InjwI which slax'e markets still exist chine Workers. a.sked Mr. Roose­ Matched transportEtion fadlitief. ^ ^ BOYS’ BOYS' *lraq lArabial. At .Midi Berk odd Uuslnm velt to send s representative to .i $ 3 .9 8 Zipper Jackets...... 6 4 . 4 9 and El Talil. hundreds nf sl.ave.s New Haven "to investigate thla Streamlined DRESS IWtMJght from all paits of Africa Tiic natives of Timbuktu put up Us* the buses during the middle S h irts D ress Long Pants are aold weekly. situation.” I' 'i.*tiiig |H>les on minarets to serve •The union said Mrs. Elinore Her­ Duette af the day or in the evening, as far or Sweaters 39c Winter Underwear...... 44« H.s r.-.sting places for the return­ rick, regional director of the Na­ Some .Appetite ing spirits of their dead. Featuring as possible mvaiding rsub h ot^ SOX Sh irts tional Labor Relations Board, had I $ 1 .3 0 Dress Gloves . . .9 8 e signed a complalnfi against the Sh orts 1.47-^1.S7 'The United state* I>epartment Debunked Fine •f Commerce haa found that In company. "l^ H e we have availed our­ 39c Wool Hose ...... J 9 « tte M years the average person t.'ontiary to common legend, Sparkiing 14. VALUES TO $2.79! Hna be ccinsumea aNmt IO8.400 Nero, Roman emperor, could not selves o f the service# of the Na­ pounds of food. Total beef con- have played the Addle while tional Labor Relations Board and Diamonda. •Mted during that interval U .3416 Rome burned, because that In­ will continue to do so,” the letter pO K ^^^ccoidlng to these estl- strument had not ■ yet been in­ jMid, "you will realize that their 1011 MAIN STREET vented.’ slow handling of these m atten is not in keeping with the urgent ac­ MANCHESTER nwJMfrd (ts* OensumpUon Inerraae* tion necessary for correcting a ARMY AND NAVY STORE probleln affecting the Immediate MATTHEW WIOR ^knitnll. Knftand. was the Due to prevailing westerly producUve capacity of (Winchea- i oikUf aourco of Un until wifids. airplanes use about 16 per ter’s ) woriMMs** JEWELER 4 tha last century. cent more gaooUns trsTeUng from Magniflcy picture shows the U. 8. Army Air Corps* B-17-E, newest type Fiyuig t Os tn flight Wincheatfr company offldals I it eimflBatud first plac* to New York to CaUfomia. thaw fretn over Wsftington state's Cascada range. Earlier modela, lem efficient than thla one, have ba«s) doing a aald tliey would pot 9 7 7 M A I N 1 Malajr Btatoa. California to New York. . Job on tha Jags attariring Java.. /■ WArtvjnRsrEK EVEnrrro h e r a l d , mAivcncsTEn, c u w r . nBunirauAT, m a r t j t i h , i s « }V A < S E tS a . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11.11)43 JPAGE SE V E ^ the Kennedy School of Missiona, or somebody way off in Washing­ with a quick total of 26,975. Al­ Enemy Ships Aren’t All We Need to Sink Suijprise Blackout Hartford Theological luminary. lowing for a possible exaggeration ton." Mias Lueders, who was of the "wolf” on sub-contracting too Chamber of Commerce who aald ushiiieiit ol a minimum^wage even Ths Job, if It U to bo done in the of three per cent, the figure of Seen This Month Moravian sect, made three trips to he represented a number of retail If it meant a .slight increase In the Oiina. She taught from 1921 to many times in tlie past, straws in Minimiitn Pay 26,165 is presented aa an accurate New Drive On • the wind point to a renew-ed drive employers’ associations, asserted retail price of merchandise, but IT ’S E f f e c t i v e Xmdft American way, la up to free and 1928 at Brldgeman Academy. Pe­ War Industries Work Dow-er contended that "the ex­ estimate of bur present popula­ to force the big ffllows holding that a weekly minimum wage of willing cooperation between gov­ king, attended Cqlumbia Unlver* $14.94 -for a 46.4 hour week at a penses to be incurred by both em­ WELDON’S OWN MBLiUltaO BT THE tion. This, comparing with a 1940 Hartford. March 11 —bP)—Stan­ aity in 1929, and, after a second so­ For War Work prims contracts to let out more Scale Ar«;ued ^m m iu l v d r*nm N o co.. inc ernment. labor and capiUl. ley R. McCandless of New Haven, and more of their piece Jobs to rate of 3 3 cents an hour—was "a ployer and government in the ad­ NEW FORMULA 11 Mnan 8tr«*t census figure of 23,799, would journ in China, studied at the figure which, with certain w-ell- ministration of a m'lptmiim wage MMMkMM. 0 «ii. •1 know." said Mr. Nelaon, "it is chairman of the State Blackout seminary here In 1938. At Only Half Capacity smaller plants. TOOTH PASTE THOMAS rssou aoN mean a population growth of 2,866 Committee, indicated today that a A woi^ of warning should be deflned exceptions for learners, order are not w-arranted by the someUmes difficult for human be­ Her third stay In China was cut Little Bit Goes Further a«a«nil M»«««#r surprise blackout for the entire Small Plants Now Pool­ added; not all small and medium #18 Weekly Favored by would seem to be somewhere in the prevalence of the evlla sought to be since the 1940 official canvass. short by the war. remedied.” F#Vi4td O^tobT Hi> ings to forget and forego differ­ state may be ordered sometime m e ^ l industries arc fitted for w-ar w-ork. neighborhood of justice." Get .A Tube Today This, although sizeable enough, She had been making her home Nelaon Bf'speaka Deler- ing Facilities to Get Clerks; Employers Ad* ^ e groups he represented. At Our Plumnacy! PBbllahad Brary ET«ntn» E*c«pi ences and work wholeheartedly this month. . i with her sister and brother-in-law, Only- a careful survc.v of the ln‘ W n t% n and Holldaya •’ may be disappointing to aome of At a meeting of the committee dividual plant, followed by a atudy- vocate #15 Rate. /Dower said, also wished s differ­ Fire damp Is commonly known for the common welfare. But 1 the Rev. and Mrs. Richard Ritter inined Public Demand More Sub-Contracts. as cosl mine gas.' tha P»«t Offica at those who have been busy describ­ here yesterday, McCsindless aald uf contract possibilities available ential rate for beginners or learn­ OaaA. aa Saeond Claaa Mall Mattar. was never surer of anything in my of Southington. ers. ing Manchester as a community of that it was for the War Depart­ For Faster Production in the regional WPB office, can New Haven. March 11—' (^Z— SUSaCStPTION RATES life than I am that we either work ment to decide whether the state Washington, March 11.^—(/Pi— Should Covet- AH Workers a population several tena of thou­ O f IVIililary Goods. ahow- w-hat any plant's chances Testimony taken at a publlC/meet- Oaa Taar hr Mall ...... MJ* together for the common good or would have a total blackout, with Textile Union Don't give up yet, friend. are. Typical of the Ill-fated indua- An $18 minimum wage and a 44- Ft? KCMltb by lf*ll aaaaa»aaa..l •JJ sands higher. But it can be check­ defense industries participating in ing here showed today ^ a t em- ilitfU Copy ...... • *y wle ahall Ineritably share the com­ People at the War Production Iries, one official siild. are )tliosc hour week w-ere recommended by ed, even more accurately, when the test for the first time. W'RHhington. March 11. ()P)- ploy-es favored an $18 weekly mini­ Dt!ly«r*d O»o Toar ...... ,....U .w mon evil of defeat. - . . This is Board insist that many small and liuill around light metal stamping several speakers in behalf of em­ the actual Lasuance of ration books Thus far, he said, the war office Meets Sunday The nation's war imluatrios were equipment. The number of such mum w-age in the retail mercantile ployes. They said they believed a icmcBER o r our last chance to show thst a medium industries—lost In the THB ASSOCIATED PRESS had not authorized blackout testa plants in the nation is great: the industry, but emploJ‘ers felt a *15 minimum wage should be adopted The Old Homestead Inn takes place. Not only here, but told today that they were operat­ Tha Aaaoclatad Praia ti aaelui aa- free economy can survive and be for plants engaging in war pro' shuffle for defense contracts and for the field and that one minimum elsewhere, there will be a really A meeting of Local 63 TU'UA ing at only 50 per cent of capacity, amount of war work available for minlnuini was "s(>fiicwhore in the Somers, Conn. ly antlUad te tha nta or rapubl ea- strong. If 'free men in America duction. lammed on the head by priorities them quite small. neighborhood of justice." w-age should cover all worker.s w-ith m a of all nawa dlipatehii eradltad accurate count of population, and will be held in Tinker Hall, Simday although "face to fare with an en­ —w-Ul get a new lease on life In the ta It or not othinrlia eradltad In can't use the strength which free­ afternoon at 2:30. The meeting is The nieetiqg was held in the no different scale for beginners or hla paper and alio tha local nawa since it will be for purposes of emy detcrmlneeen haade available for war Including: Appetizer. Soup. Potatoea, fna aaaumaa no financial raa^nal- which he spoke. But we are hop­ Shortages of certain specialized William A. Dower, executive drafting regulations which will w-ork. Of that sum, about $65.'- Patriotism Or Sahotoge? vice-president of the Hartford Fresh Vegetables. Dessert aiid Coffee. $ 1.20 blllty for typographical arrori ^ ing that millions of Americans, In facilities. COKE paaiing In adrartlaainanti In tna "freeze tlje feminine silhouette” The war production chief. In a Overnight News 000.000,000 had )>een obligated in Manchaatar Eranlna RaralA jabor, and in capital, and in gov- for the duration of the war. radio address to the country last contracts. Ottumw-a. la.- (JPi Boh Heath M.ANY OTHER DIISHES ON MENU At preaent. how-ever. the sum eh^ment itself, take it all to heart. That, to the unlnltiate, means night. volcerimena In the natural hold the contracts for such ma.'- • ; depth charges, which look like here. Here la a value you will .alve jobs as tank-making, plane- I en days a week, we would practi­ of what the other fellow ought to the goods , history- collection of the Smith- «AII curity. Henceforth all skirts W)H huge ashcans, and I .saw e.scnpe Around the walls, in stand-out want to consider prompt­ "I>*t s be perfectly frank, t'f sonian Institution, at Washington. making and ship-making. cally double the man-hours being be doing. We can’t be pulling for New York—The greatest show be trimmed to beat the Axis. "lungs " used by sailors serving on block letters, runs a legend. It Is ly . . . if you are looking said, "neither management nor la­ D. C. Although officials have cried ourselves, or against somebody in New Y’ork Is a show that goes submarines of the Royal Dutch something we should all keep in bor in plants working on war or­ put Into military production." We're afraid, however, that hot ahead. We have an ample else. We must all pull together ort all the time, it’s a front seat navy. mind. I have copied It down, word ders; nor management and labor "Twenty per cent of the war even the WPB can guarantee any­ at the World Wor. If you’re • • • for word, and here It is: stock for immediate de­ logcthcr in thojse plant.-, could sur­ plants are operating only five or for something which is bigger thing about hats. a kicTR cosU a dime. If you're The tail of one Me.vierschmltt "The abundance of the earth livery-, but offer la limited vive the public wrath should that Bve and one-half days a week." than any of us. That la a difficult an adult Jt costs a quarter. But fighter plane carried four black has given Apicrlca the promise of to that particular stock! wrath be turned against them, nor "I am thinking," aald Mr. Nel­ task. But it is the only way to a infant or octogenarian it's a thrill .stripes and a huge swastika. The unlimited Possibility. Out of the could we here on the War I’ roduc- earth ....ou t of the hopes of the victory in freedom. of a llfetirriiB, swastika was outlined in white tion Brurrd.” ' son, "of the many plants closed This show has no beginning or against black metal. The four people.. . .out of the toil and forti­ The public, he continued, was Sundays. I have in mind the sec­ Quotations end. You can come In when you black stripes indicated the pilot of tude and faith in themselves. . determined to get production ami : ond shifts using only 4t) per cent want to and go ohj. the same way. this fighter had shot down four have come the freedom of the would not waiver in that deti r- Mr. Flynn’s Courtyard it's In Rockefeller Venter. It’s be­ enemy planes before he himself Individual and the strength of the WATKINS mlnation until it got proiluition o f plant capacity and . the third ■ ROTHERS, INC. And This The slaves of Germany and the tween 60th and 49th streets on had been shot down. nation." one w-ay or the other. shifts using only 30 per cent. This, The New York papers are filled slaves of Japan are producing Hand 6th avenue. It'.s the ^^ew York I have stressed the war angle 4 - Model "There Is. however, hut one as you can readily understand, with s headline uproar over arm.s at a peak which we must Museum of Science and Industry. in this report, but the war is by- A gull ran fly backwards aa of A\ANCH ESTER other way than the one » e follow a equal and then surpass quickly. means that thousands of machines whether Mayor La Guardia and Don't let that word htiiseum no means the whole show at the well as forwards. now. That Is the way of our en- —War Production Chief l)on^d discourage you. There's n ■ thinking of the 2U per cent of war) fleets are carrying on with the plants operating only five or five ; plants. If the facilities of all were The outside public may be par­ mines and magnetic mines. You basic idea "to do more than your see paravanes, which look like and one-halt days a week. I am ' utilized to the same extent as the doned If It Is more interested In best with what you've got." tlunking of the many plants elos- - the facts themaalves, than In the great evil fish, and you see tor­ three best records, we would in­ —.Admiral Ernest J. King, United pedoes, the kind that are launched ed Sundays. I have in mind the Stutea fleet conunander-ln-«hlrf. O'* crease production immediately in question of who first dlsclowd from submarines and destroyers. second shifts using only 40 per • • • cent. This, as you can readily un- | these plants by at least 25 per them And the facts seem to be I saw the wing of a Hawker I have found the Dutch to be Hurricane that saw service at derstand. means that thou.sands of cent. these: men of deeds rather than wonls. machines needed for war produc­ City trucks and city employes The allied forces left under their Dunkirk. It had been riddled by "Take the 153 plants manufac­ machinegun fire. It got .safely tion now- stand idle part or all of transported 9.-000 paving blocks, command will have every confi­ every- week-end and from eight to I i\«® \ turing machine tools. If all were dence in them. back to England, and when the valued at about $2,000, to the wing was replaced the old one 16 hours every week-day. oO operating at the same level of —Oen. .Archibald WawlI, after be­ "Let me be even more aperlflc V,e'9’ Fl.tmn summer home last Novem­ ing rellrveid a.s allied comman­ was sent to New York. ie*''- utilization as the top three, w e! I saw the three-hladed propel­ . . . There are. for example, 31 air- ber Some time later, Mr. Flynn, der In Far East. i-raft engine and propeller plants. could increase machine-tool output ' • • • ler of the first bomber ever shot again using city tnicka, replenish­ If the facilities of all were utilized 45 per cent immediately." I am sick of hearing of defense do'wn over England. Though the to the same extent as the three ed the city yard with an equal efforts and defense rallies, and blades were of heav>’ steel, there These are the sad facts Mr. with the best recorcls, we could in- ^ TO' number of different type paving even defense bonds. We should were bullet hole.a through them i crease production immediately in Nelson rightly judged that the blocks. Some time later his gar­ begin to talk of conquering efforts that you could, put your finger j the.se plant! by at least 25 per through. first Instinct of most Americans dener also paid some of the city and victory rallies and bombard­ rent. would be to a.sk why he. or the ment bonds. I saw the twisted, tom plates ; "Take the 1.53 plants manufac­ employes who had worked on the of a British battleship that had a President, or some one else, didn’t —Wendell W illkie. turing machine tools. If all w-erc *G®'* 9 job. At the Fljmn estate, the been sunk, presumably In the operating at the same level of RAKED II.AUDOCK FILLETS r*'' \ too- have such facts already corrected. .\mprira Is going “ all-our' VO* blocks were set In the ground with Scales of a tarpon may meas­ .Mediterranean. The heavy steel utilization aa the top three, wc IN CHEESE SAUCE .A plates were rent like tattered It Isn’t, he said, that ea.sy. There space between them for the graa.i ure more than 4 Inches across. could Increase machine tool output 2 tbsp. butter or margarine in its entire program to nin are many complicated , reasons 15 per cent immediately." t tbsp. flour i to grow In order to create an "at- 1 tap. salt why we still have such a state of this war. That inrlutles the I mosphere of antiquity." But It S p o^ popper affairs In o\ir war industry. I seems to be an atmosphere of pet- Deaths Last Night 1 e. bottled milk, or e. all important subject of nu* '• dot*? ^ "You can’t get this ex-aporated milk and t] c. maxlmum | ty corruption which will hang over Washif^ton in War Time water production," said Mr. Nelson, "by the National Chairman'll court- Palm Springs, Urflif. Jackson S. Uc. grated processed Ameri­ trition too. There ran ho OOO J y.tO'-’'- ‘ pressing a button or by giving an y-ard. By Jack Stinnett .from the Orient, leas sugar (and Elliott. 66. assistant general man­ can clieese no compromise with our plan order or. merely by making speech­ Why men who attain to high Washington— The pattenr of therefore more sugar substitutes.) Featured in Watkins Maple Section ager of The Aaaoclati^ Preffi from 2 medium haddock fllleta 4*0" es. There are many pniblems to w-artime living la beginning to . . . 1921 'to 1935 when he became aa- Melt butter In top of double bHler. for healthier men, women \oO« post.s. of leadership should be alslant /eerctary,. retiring In 1937. Stir In flour until smooth; then add be sol\-ed. In some cases there Is .shape up. Nd. S, Clothing. This, too, w-ill OrK* entire floor of Watkifta large store Is devoted to the display to*’ either so hungry or so careless aa The future still Is too uncertain be plentiful, but it won’t be Miami. Fla, The Rt. Rev. Magr. tap. of the salt, pepper, and milk and rhildren. The war effort G'»' a reluctance to increase the num­ of Early American designs. FeiV stores in Hartford offer a selec­ Centennial Joseph (julllr. 65, gen­ gradually, while stirring constantly. 1^’ to .strvip to petty- stuff like this Is ' to jnake predictions safe but aome the same. Silk Is out and nylon, o*' -•J. ber of shifts: In others there is a a baffling question. It adds up, ap- | lines in the picture of things to too, ‘ as soon as present ^ processed ‘ tion as large and varied aa you will see here. When you come in, eral manager of the Eucharistic When anioolh and thickened, stir in requires more energy than stocks are depleted. Cotton and Congress which met In Chicago In grated cheese, and mix well.' Pour faulty flow, of materials; In still parently, to the fact that aomo come for John A. Public are being look especially for this group of reproductions pictured. Notice \»0’ „ ... , ■ I rapidly sketched in. To consider rayon are plentiful. The wool $ 1926. and (Thicago pastor bx-er haddock fllleta, which hax-e been ever before. others, there Is what you might their new lighter-toned color...the refinement of their design... 125-00 sprinkled lightly with remaining <•« pO'*"* ''loxo"'* men can 'take poliWical oppor- i ^ ^ „ ,t Important; supply la being carefully shep­ Jackson. Ml.ss. — Earl Leroy J" describe as a lack of imagination tunity- and others can't. j . • • * , herded. Women’s dresses will their use of metal period pulls. . .the mirror of 18th Century motif. Brew-er, 72, governor of Misalsaippi tap. salt and then arranged In greased In seeing how production can be have few-er frills, gadgets and cos­ Examine the ,«ize of these pieces, the construction, the car(i in their 3 Pieces from 1912 to 1916. glass baking dish. Then bake in mod­ Mr. Fly-nn, to give him credit. No. 1 on anybody's list must be erate oven of 360 degrees F. for 26 Women everywhere are Increased with the equipment it tume jewelry—or none at all. finish.. .you will realize then you are looking at a splendid value! Westerly, R. I.—Capt. Horace F. ha.s been fairly- consistent in little ! transportation for It Is likely to Siason, 98, w-ho sailed aa a powder min., or until fish flakes easily with a hand: there are questions of time I be the most drastic of all the Male attire may undergo drastic stepping lip the vitamin con* and big things. Only- a few weeks | changes ahead and probably wUl changes. Eliminate two trouser boy aboard the U. S. S. Minneaota fork and la golden-brow-n. Serx-e from Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings ’Til same dish. Serves 4. Cod. flounder, fo* „4\a’ . . y and one-half and double-time (or ago he took It upon himself to de- i ^e felt first. Some here predict suits, vests, cuffs, pocket flaps in the fleet which Commodore lent of their meals by skillful holidays and Sundays; there are and poaaibly even lapels. There 9 P. M. Other Evenings by Appointment Perry took to Japan In 1854. or sole fllleta may bs substituted for dare that only- the members of the auto and rubber shortages will Maple Crib Value haddock In this recipe. 4*. to*’ problems of training new men; set lot of us back on our heels w-ill be fewer colors In women's (Phone Store To Make Arrangements); Owensboro. Ky.—J. M Pendle­ planning and good rooking. A'lo one party were fit to hold congrea- ton, managing editor of The thera are changes in designs; by autumn. That's going to affect wear and the gent given to flam­ Closed Wednesdays, 12, Noon. . *o'*X, slonal office during this w-ar, an home life, aoclal life, recreation, boyant colors and race-track Ow-ensboro Messenger and Inquir­ _ -t j9 there are shortages of certain spe­ Y,\ot’ utterance ao petty and cheap that and vacations (train travel might checks will have to do his sartor­ $ 1 2 .5 0 er. Your electrical appliances n4 cialised faelutles and finally there even hla own President felt com­ be restricted too). Getting ac­ ial strutting, in black and the Miami Beach. Fla.—James WII- ta the absolute necessity of pro­ quainted with one’s close neigh­ darker shadM of blue and brown. Dropaide maple crib, with solid Uson Smith, 63, Philadelphia finan­ pelled to rebuke It.- panels used in the ends to protect cier and member of the U. S. Ship­ ran aid you in many ways in viding materials and machines for bors Is likely to become nwre pop­ (4) Money. The prospects here l\0* ular than hiking or pedalling are too complicated for any one the baby from drafla. Link fabric ping Board during the World War. all your household tasks. / ^ AUies." outside the field of economy to spring la Included. ' Many other IN AMERICA! across town or to the next village BUY A SHARE Trace the responslblUtles for The Sufrar Census to spend an evening with Bill and forecast ^th any certainty. If atylea from which you can aalactt StiouMnt B« Affmld To Work Mary. And recreation will be Leon Henderson's price fixing priced from $8J(0 up. these various reasons and you find Population, like the weather, la I Albuquerque, N. M.—(A5— A found cloeer to home than the works. If wages' and farm prices A labor, capital and government all a subject which easily lends Itself rail went out today for 300 w-o- country club that la ten miles out. can be kept from skyrocketing 'y involved. to exaggeration, but It would ap­ As for Nracatlona, transportation and a couple of desen more "ifs,' men volunteers to care for a four Folding Carriage acre victory garden. "We wrant *n>ee# la," said Mr. Nelson, "no pear that ths various boom tow-iis will affect them moat, but reatrlc- there will be more money with tiona on coastal areas and a rap­ leas to spend it on. The "more Budget Terma Are Available. women wlio aren’t afraid of wortt,” 006- dSa cause (or the slack In our pro- of this country, who, In the last Censolt Watklaa Budgto Bontob idly expanding army on wheels money" probably will be In the grimly advertised the sponsors. «0' daotlon. Tou cannot assign blame war, got away with estimating ranging over vast sections In ma­ bands c t formerly unemployed; $11.50 One (1) man will be hired to plow to any aingle group and say: That that their population had doubled neuvers, will also have their those (especially skilled machin­ and plant. . In the root of the evil.’ Name- or tripled are, this time, going tb affecL ists and factory workers) who storm reaiatant leatherette cov­ haven’t for years been able to Know About Smoke Scitowa won’t help. Smearing won't (2). Food. There’s going to be ered l>ody and'adjuatable h ood... Us* Wants Menlhly Faymtflt Flan to buy your be up against actual figures. plenty of it, even If the. war drags work every day;. Industrious fsrm- quilted aidea. Chrome finished paoduco guns. . . . We’Ve got to Here In Manchester, we got our era; and In the hands of those Vzho WATKINS Bremerton, Wash.—(A —Doubt- The Manchester Electric Division shoos and oil your other noods. Thousonds of on, but menus are going to change. pusher. Rubber tired wheels. 5 f H tough with ourselvea before first taste of kucb actual figures Try putting together a meal with­ supply the goods and the pleas­ Safety brake. One of 18 different BROTHERS. INC fut about Navy smoke screens? OF THE CONNECTICUT POWER COMPANY ifoms net displayed in our store ore ovolloblo PHONE SKI tot tiy te get tough with some one when high Befool boys mads a out using anything that comes In ures that money can buy. But models at Watklna. Ask Bremerton housewives—espe­ 821-828 MAIN STREET it'll get around. And heaps and cially those who tio their own wash­ auicfcly through our Catalog Order Dopoitmont. a . . . The job isn’t up to the s can (except soups, tho supply of blitzkrieg cejunis for the sugar ra- which may not be reduced), no heaps of it will go right back to ofAMNCHESTER ing. Wind carried the UscIl oily 773 Mala StrMt . * Mfaalieater, Coim. ta« nt the beach, tho boon. Uooiag Thsy cams out tn lo m or yidlments that ooms Uncle 8am. ■nolig Into town, onu m MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI.D, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1042 1PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1942 PAGE NINE

ence whether a poll tax is $1 or ning this wsck lYidsy, tor thre* cause of their brilliant recordings Credit Expert Rey’s Orchestra days only. and appearances in the movies Flash Flood Japan Has Attained 20 Year Old Drivers Would Outlaw $1,000," he continued. "It involves A Thought War Production Board encroaching upon a Federal right Alvino Rcy has a dlstinetlva and several outstanding radio Daily Radio Programs Speaker Here that can not be thwarted by aub- Plavs Hartford style, which is built around his shows. They are the main reason Claims Life Are Most Troublesome terfuge. During this war, more own maaterful playing of the why Alvino Rey has one of the ■Mtan War Ttma All Poll Taxes Thorne and anaras are la th* Empire Goal Already than any other time, we should re­ guitar plus the enchanting aa well most entertaining groups in the Delighted by Ingenuity move any doubt aa to our adher­ as novel songs of the four lovely business, though by ho means th* way of the forward; hq that doth Gulp Maine Town 1« Bostonian Is Guest of Hartford, March 11—Male oper-• i dicate that the operator ■ was ence to the true forms of democ­ Alvino Roy. "America’s new and charming King Slgters, Donna, only reason. keep his soul shall be far from sensation of Rhythm "land his or­ them.— Proverb* 22:5. By Glenn Babb .^United States, ’niere Is good rea- ators in their "twenties" give the moving much too fast but not un­ Pepper SeekS* Aclioii as racy economic, political and every Yvonne, Alyce and Louise, one of I-pft Virlually Para- l.oral Bureau; Ex* der such traffic conditions as to the most famous rhythm groups * * * Enough Radio Sets in Use New York, March 11 The ' »on for conflPi ■ Louisville, Ky.; John L. Lewis of jobs, the Japanese have gathered of communications will be almost tion was held Isst evening at the Center Items receivers have performed five life left this little town on the hicle* for the month of January, years of age, 30 per cent in their in Survey of Changes. Senator Pepper (D-Fla) today call­ the CIO United Mine Workers and Kew York, March 11—<-?)—C«*- i In all the areas they had deelared « extended as those of her'major Hotel Sheridan, with 24 in attend- "twenties," about 28 per cent be­ ed upon Congress to outlaw all poll years or longer without even so Narraguagiui river virtually para­ 1942,>, Involving charges of reck­ Today:. * William Green, president of the aatlon of manufacture of home re- definitely belonged to their "Great- foea. For the first time she will anro. less driving and speeding. tween 30 and 30 years of age, 20 taxes "M evidence of our good much attention as changing a lube. lyzed today. Washington, March 11 (/P)— 6-9- Junior boys game room American Federation of Labor. One Good Suggestion Leads cclrera aa the radio Induatry con- er Fast Asia Co - Prosperity he sending her veteran, heavily The gue.*t speaker was John J, Commissioner John T. McCar­ per cent in their "forties," 10 pgr faith In the world wide war for Dynamite freed a huge Ice jam open (E. S. and W, S.) below the village of 1,100 Inhabi­ Sphere." ** armed forces, not against colonial Canavan. manager of the Greater thy inviting attention to state po­ cent between 60 and 69 years of American ingenuity of the kind democracy.” castratea on war goods la not ea- Programs tonight: The war —7 6-6:45 Junior boys plunge MB.S; 7:1.^ .N’BC; 7:.30 Blue; 8 tants yestt'rday, and flood waters This conquest of one of the armies defending lands populated Boston Credit Bureau. He was in­ lice action Involving 1,052 Janu­ age. and the remainder over 70 that turn* a carpet factory into a NOTICE paoted by the experts to have period (E. S.) The Florida senator said pay­ MBS: 8:.'i.’j CHS; 10 .MBS: in:4,’> that stood four feet deep in Main world's riche.'f empires has been by races of unrertain loyalty, but troduced by W. A. Cole, president ary cases, stated that 522 in­ years of age. plant for the manufacture of gun ment of such taxes was still re­ Draft Dodger To Another And They All much effect on American listening accomplished in little more than again-st white men fighting for Actual car-use or hours on the 6- 7 Small gym open for hand­ CBS: 11 .NBC. CBS: 12 NBC. CBS.' street stores raced on to the sea. of the local Credit Bureau, in an stance* involved operators be­ barrels has surprised and delight­ quired In Alabama, Arkanaas. habits. It just means that sets road is beyond conjecture. How­ ball (E. S.i 12:55 NBC. CBS. Two Buildings I>estroyeer a healthy reserve already in the A fter the departure of Mr. Can­ fers interesting angle.*. i Hartford, Marrh 11 Justice and get this Work .Sheet— free, no obligation. Sheaffer Pen and Peneil Sets . . $.5.9.5 and up 4:15, Stella Dallas: 6, Indiana In­ stove in the sides of .Sherman Har­ probably aiso by urgent arguments convoy* and make po.ssible the Some of the other change-over.* ■Afraid of Box of Slice public hands. avan. the regular business meeting Age Warned Arrested i Arthur F. Ell* of the Supreme that the court* would uphold legis- ______C For years the radio set market digo. CBS-3:30. Cincinnati Con- rington'.* filling station, and the from Adolf Hitler, but the Japa­ landings? ' have been a shade lese spectacular. ^ We have this suggestion to make; don't postpone post office. Knight-s of Pythias hall wa.* held, and following this, the 16 0 1 Court of Error.* and Chairman of ’ latlnn eliminating these levies. Waterbiir>- 'P' No one would has been largely one of replace- servatory co n cert5:45, fleatter- nese, who realize they are fighting Certainly she has lost heavily 0 as WPB drives toward a complete ’ figuring out how much Income Tax you’ll have to meeting adjourned. The next regu­ 17 1 the Highway Safety .Sommisaion . . To Reopen Hearings go near a box standing in a Bank m*"nt or Individual addition, in­ good Baines; 6:30, Vera Barton, an 1 the Union Trust Co. branch for their national liife as well as in ships and plane.* and--perhaps 7 conversion of manufacturing to pay this year. The sooner you know the txact office were damaged less seriously lar meeting will be held on Tuoa- 18 ...... , . . , . 9 announced toi!a\ that the propos­ I Pepper announced that a Senate .street doorway. It ticked. Police stead of creation of new listeners. song. Blue — 12:30, Farm and f. r booty, must, it appears, put most Important of all—in veteran ...... ECZEMA war production. I anic.iint. the easier It will be to plan a way to pay it. diiy, April 14. at the Hotel Sheri­ 19 9 1.') ed state-wide Traffic .Safety Con- JiidKiary Subconimiltec would e- were railed and Detective’ Lieut. So curtailment of manufacture Home Program; 3, Orphans of Di­ hv lee. .5u.«tralia first. pilot.* in the desperate attacks A simple way to quirk relief A survey of the rapidly rhang- | Xhen —if you need extra cash. Just phone or see dan, 20 to 29 ...... 194 .328 ferenrp to he held by the Commis­ j open piiiihc licarings to:ii»*rrow <»n Edwird McElligoU took a chance, shouldn’t have such a serious ef­ vorce; 6:30, Lum and Abner. MBS However. Japane.se ambitions, which have gained Malaya, the from the itching of Eczema, pim­ ing picture of industrial America ; Mr. M. H. Rowell. Manager, Personal Finance Co. 30 to no ...... 117 165 sion at Yale Ciuversity on March j his controversial stale poll lax bill marched up to the box. peered into fect. What’s more, there are nu­ -1:45, Date 'with Don Norman; it has been shown, cover all the Dutch Indies, moat of the Philip­ 10 tn 49 ...... 79 77 ples, angry red blotches and other shows: j of Manchester. 76.3 Main Street. Room 2, 2nd Floor, DONNELLY'S 19th has been indefinitely ' post­ with tfstiinony from lalior leadcis. merous Instances on record where 3:30, Red Cross Program. western shores of the Paefle and pines and a major slice of Burma. 50 skin irritations, is by applying A maker of ladle.*’ "unmention­ a small opening. A small eye State Theater Building. Phone 84S0. to 59 ...... 19 20 poned. ' southern publishers, and other i inoked hark at him. a pink whls- JEWELERS AT THE CENTER Raid Wardens ialmost the whole perimeter of the Plans Prepiireolng Their Part taiy forces ” Pepper said "I'm go-! 4:15— Stella Dallas 4:55— War Commentary. wardens attended a meeting last nese army have been brought up New Guinea better than their own­ evening at the Hollister .Street for the first time under its newly- Military Whist BOARD for tjic' U. S. Navy. ! ing to make that part of my bill | 4:30— Lorenzo Jones 5:00— Mary Marlin. c n the tradition of Russia as the er*. elected staff of officers, the Junior because I'm sure it proves my! 5 :1 5 -The Goldbergs. school at which time all local resi­ A company that turned out Bloomaburg. Pa cP. —Sheep on Bankruptcy Sale 4:45^—Younji Wldder Brown hereditary enemy. Many will Nonetheless the battle for Aus­ .Tx.V . .Tx6' - .VxS’ Chamber of Commerce heard its St. Bridpel's Hall hatr curlers in peacetime has H. G Townsend's farm must have argument. The right to vote for the 5:00-When A Girl Marries 5:30— Ad IJner. dents were urged to realize that arg e that "the northern problem " tralia presents a t”rriflc test for I’ rosident, Edward O'Brien, point shifted to the manufacture of air­ heard about the impending wool 'president, vice president and mem­ 5:15— Portia Faces Life 5:4S- .Scattergood Baines. there is a probability that some calls for the first solution Japan. .lust the thing you need for lengthy him koula may be hold in with pride to hu* organization.* ac- Friilav, Mar. LL Bi.'IO craft as.sembly clamps. shortage Fo'ur ewr.i recently bers of Unngie.ss is a Federal 5:30— We, The Abbott* 6:00— News. But the logic of events is prn- I That certainty, coupled with a compli.*hmcnts and development all blackout purposes. Eco­ franchise Bought From U. S. Bankruptcy Court!^ Entire the near future. In rnnncclinn with And a silversmith who special­ have given birth to triplet.*, a rare, 5:45— Laura C. Gaudet- Pianist 6 :05— Rh vthmelodles, I elling the Japanese armies and Japanese estimate—Drawn from Auspices of this, local householders emphasized during its InityU year of civil in­ nomically priced. ized in .tableware now 1* working occurrence among sheep. 1 "It (ine,* lu't m-ike mui h diffcr- 6.55—Stand By, America 6.20—Edwin C. Hill fleets toward Australia. There the experiences of Malaya and fluence in Manchester. Officeis. Gibbons Asseinblv, on forecepa for the medical corps. 6:00— New* 6:30— Frank Parker Songs. the fact that a room in each hou.se alone ran they i.revent the undo­ Burma of Britain'* ability to de­ elected Feb. 3, for 1942 are: Throughout the country the 6:16— Professor Andre Schenker 6:45—The World Today. should lie properly equipped for a fend her Asiatic possessions, might C. I., of C. ing of all their triumphs President Edward O’Brien: rice G. E. WHTTS W PB has found large and small 6:30— Mus'eal Appetizer 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. blackout, and people should not lure imperial headquarters into the Stock of Norton Shoe and Clothing Co. Fight* To Keep l.oot president. Dr. Richard Alton and rely on turning out all the lights .■\dm, 40c. includes prizes, machine ahlps turning to the pro­ 6:45— Lowed Thomas 7:1.5— Lanny Ross. In a sense the major strategic western adventure, the thrust into Treasurer, Arthur Shorts. & SON, INC. 7:30—That Brewster Bov when the warning sounds. tax and refreshments. duction of parts and supplies 995 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER 7:00— Fred Waring’s Orchestra consideration is defensive-in the India while It Is Jom with politi­ Revleu* Paper Drive 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 8:00—Meet Mr. Meek. During the meeting, the proper needed in the wsr effort. Even 7:15— News ol the World sen.se that a beast of prey fights cal conflict. In reviewing the Waste Paper ' 7:30— Come On And Dance 8:30— Dr. Christian. procedure on future blackouts amateurs have offered their serv­ to keep the quarry he has struek Nor is it certlan that the ad- Collection campaign, in which the i ices in home workshops. There 7:45— Conn. Defense Council 8:55— Elmer Davis, News. was explained to the wardens, who Junior Chamber is currently en- ' CONSISTING OF HIGH GRADE SUITS, TOPCOATS, O ’COATS, MEN’S AND YOIHVG MENU’S DRESS 0#l WORK down. ocates of an attack on Russia will is the former traveling salesman 8:00—Adventures of the Thin 9:00—Shirley Temple "Junior in turn will relay the Information gaged. President O’Brien cited the Australia is the base where the not prevail. It is even possible whose hobby wa.* to make thing.*. //our Man Mias” to their sector wardens. Many difficulties encountered in the first | ■\merican-Briti.sh counter offensive that Japan, flushed with victories Now there is a sign over the en­ PAMS, LADIES’ Uldu GRADE POLLY PRESTON SHOES, ETC., CHILDREN S SHOES, RUBBERS, ARCTICS 8:30— Uncle Walter's Doghouse 9:30 Ran.som Sherman Show. problems \.tiu h confronted the canva.ss launched on Feb. 28. can be prepared. and opportunities 'ueyond all her trance to his basement workshop 9:00— Time To Smile 10:00—Glenn Miller's Orch. wardens at former tests were iron­ O'Brien expreased the belief that ■ Heretofore the Japanese have dreams, might trj’ all three at TEXTILE BRINGS YOU proclaiming; "Positively No Ad­ 9:30—Mr. District Attorney 10:15— Great Momenta in Mualc. ed out at the .*e.*slon with many of had waste paper accumulations | AND MEN’S FURNISHINGS. 1500 PAIRS SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 1 11:000—Newa. been gobbling up irlands and colo- once. mittance—U. S. Defense Plant.” 10:00—Kay Kyser the.se present offering helpful sug­ been properly bundled and placed | 11:05— Sporta Roundup. I nial fringes of Asia. But the probabilities are that 11:00— News gestions. on front walks as waa repeatedly.' He and neighbor hobbyists are 11 ;10—Mualcal Interlude But in Australia they are up ;.lie will choose just one for the 11:15— Three Romeos Praise* Ixral Sef-iip requested a much larger tonnage grinding out service tools for avi­ 11:15—News Analyaia, I against a continent with an area all-out smash. Her strength is not 11:30— When Day Is Done It was revealed that Wmthrop total would have been In evidence , NEW BEAUTY ation factories, firing mechanisms IT’S . only a little less than that of the limitless. BUY NOW AND SAVE UP TO 50%!! 12:00—W ar New* 11:30—Vaughn Monroe’s f)rch I Tilley, regional director, had in- | to date. I for tanks, and other precision in­ 12:00 Linton Wella, News. w A.M. j spected the local set-up Including The Junior Chamber's preifident i FOR EVERY WINDOW struments. 12:05—Freddie Ebener's Orchestra I the control center and cummunua- Indicated that much better cooper­ W PB (Thief Donald M, Nelson WOMEN’S HIGH GRADE ONE L O f OF WOMEN’S 1 12:30— Strin.T* for Meditation Tomorrow's Program I lions system, and he slated that it ation—on the part of all patriotic yesterday ordered American In­ ONE I.OTOF BOYS! ALL WOOL REVERSIBLE A M . . . IN YOUR HOME POLLY PRESTON 12:55— New* I was the best he ha.* seen. Legion Plans citizens— could be anticipated in « dustry to send in month by month 6:00—Sleepy Slim Serenade. Moraiio Freed 98 1:00— Silent 1 Several lociil establishments are the clean up which will be made in reports on IL* conversion' to war 7:00 - News. holding air raid alarms of their conjunction with the Mancheater work. A clear picture of the 7:10—Shoppers’ .Special. SHOES Tomorre^v’s Program , own. and this is encouraged by the 111 Auto Death Names Record Boy Scouts next Saturday, March change-over is needed, he said, to GENERAL ELECTRIC T o p c o a t s 7:30— Robart Program. I local Defense Council. provide "basic information upon SUITS 9 J n i V J B i 9 AM. 14. The canvass on that date will 7:40— Interlude. 6:0—Reveille and Agricultural I A ll air raid wardens were urged be made in the area north of ;.lld- the degree to which plants are News 7:45—Felnberg Program. I to enroll in a Red Cross course in dle Turnpike. approximating the full utilization 7 ;.5.5—News. ; Coroner Finils That Oh! Will Attempt to List All 7:00—Morning Watch the near future so as to increase \ Waste Paper .Account of their equipment which is nere.v 8:00—News of the World ’ $ JL 8:00—News I their knowledge, and thus be bet- ; A waste paper account was aet aary if the goals aet for munitions 8:1.5 — Shoppers Special Woman Walked into In Service and Keep VALl'i:STO $.3 .0 0 ! 1 8:15—European New.* Roundup ter able to serve the public In an | up by Treasurer Arthur Shorts production In 1942 and 1943 are to I 8:30 Esso Reporter, News. sii^KS n TO i«: A 2-IN-1 COAT! All Newest Style* and Color*! 8:30— Radla Bazaar emergency. j I Side of Car Here. Areount of Them. during the meeting last evening. be met." CLEANER AS.SORTED ST5’LES: GOOD SIZES 1 1 8 Shoppers' Speeial, VALUES TO $18.50! V.AM’E.S TO, $ . : 9 ;00— Play .icuse I It was stated that dry sand is] Shorts will have full control of the WITH 2 PAIR p a n t s : 6 0 0 I 9:00- Press News. 9:15— Food New* ■ available to local residents at the bookkeeping system. He is expect­ ' 9 15 .School of the Air of Alessandro Morano. of 129 Bls- Commander Otto Heller of Dil- 9:30— Aunt ,’ enny's Real Life the town gill age on Harri.son street. ed to meet with a delegate to be _ NEWEST I Americas. scll street, was absolved from worth Comcil Post No. 102. The Boarcl Considers ALL WOOL WOMEN’S BEACH OR 1 Stories and all local residents are invited responsibility in the death seelcted by the Manchester Boy E m P.ATTERNS! LADIES* GAITERS 9:45— Aa Pie Twig Is Bent ! 9:1,5—Stories America Love.*. to get their supply as soon as pos- ! — - ■ American Legion today said that Scouts later this week ^for final HOI SE SUPPERS I 10:00— Hymns of All Churrhes. on Jan. 22, of Mrs. Ellen Graham, VALUES TO Whilr They La,'4t 10:00— Bess Johnson .sible. j 82, of 475 Center street, by Hart­ the Legion plans to obtain the completion of the aecoulTting sys­ Plea for Siiiitli ■ ■■•75 10:15—Bachelor’s Children 10:15—Myrt and.Marge, Warden* ,\re Cautioned names of all Manchester men now tem. S16..50! 79c j 10:30- -Stepmother. ford County Coroner Frank E. Sport Coats $ A ^ ^ 79c 10:30— Helpmate Warden* were rautioned to use In the service, file them away and PIrklea .Attends I 10:4.5—Woman of Courage Healey of Hartford, released to­ New Ortean*. March 11. i ^ - 10:45— Road ol U fe their flashlights with discretion, ' keep in touch with them as far as John F. Pickles, a member of the 11:00 Mary Lee Taylor. day. The State Pardon Board under WOMEN’S 11:00— Marv Marlin and these will be equipped at all poF.slble under existing war con Senior Chamber's Rotating Com­ MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S 300 PAIRS OF W OMEN’S 11:15-T h e Man I Married. According to the Coroner’s re­ advisement a plea for clemency on 11:15— Right to Happiness times with red cclloph.-uio. War-^ port Mrs. Graham walked Into the ditlons. A " names and addressc.* mittee attended the Junior Cham- ■ 11:30 - Rright Horizons. behalf of Dr. James Monroe Smith, 11:30—The .Story Of Bud Barton dens were forbidden to drive their , Side of Morano’s car while it should bie sent to the Legion, on ber'a meeting la.*t evening and ' 11:45 Aunt Jenny's Stories former president of Louisiana SPORT ll:45--D aviJ Harum cars after the warning signal had traveling south on Main Leonard street, where a volunteer commended the Junior organiu- 12:00 Noon - Gene and Glenn ' 12:00 DoOn Kate Smith Speaks State University, now serving a been sounded,\fxcept in specifically street near the Locust and Main force will sort and file them for tlon in its current project. Mr. state prison term of 8 to 24 years SUITS I P. M. O’COATS SHOES P.M. authorized c^ise*. Pickles attended the meeting aa I 12:1.5— Big Sister. street intersection on the evening future reference. It is planned to for embezzlement and false pre­ GOING AT OXFORDS 12:15—Luncheonai res Mention was made of the fact the first rotating delegate choosen 12.30— Romance of Ijlelen Trent. of Jan. 22 at 7:15 p. m. Mrs. Gra­ have this activity function along f2:30— Day Dream.* by Arthur H. Illing, president of tense. I 12:4.5--Our Gal Sunday. that the damage done by air raids ham was taken to Memorial Hos­ the same lines as it did here dur­ W. D. Bazer, Louisiana peniten­ 12:45—Here homes The Band I 1:00 - New.s. in Coventry, England, was only pital where she died at 9:45 p. m. ing World War 1. the Senior Chamber. tiary warden, testified yesterday 1:00—News Dr. Alton's Proposals 1:05 The Inside Page. one-tenth .of what it might have with a skull fracture. Parents, mothers, sweethearts that the former educator, ‘vho fled 1 » 1 6 -7 S $ 1 * 0 0 $ 1 - 9 5 1:15— The Little Show Members attending last eve­ ' 1:15 Woman in White, been, ilue to the pie.seiice of an ex­ A piece of Mrs. Graham's coat of tho.*e who might now he serv­ to Canada ‘n June, 1939, had made VAI.l ES TO .S22..10 VALUES TO $2.5.00! 1:30—Marjorie Mills ning's regular monthly business v a h ’ p:s t o si.flo! 1 ,30 Vic and Sade cellent air raid system. was found on the door handle of ing with the armed forces arc rsk- a model prison record. SPORT TWEEDS! WORSTEDS! VALUES TO $.1.00 AND $1.00! 2:00—W righ'ville Sketches meeting, discussed the possibilltleo ALLCOLOBS: ' 1:4.5— Life Can Be ,Beautiful. A.asi.stant Chief Air Raid Warden .Morano’s car, left side, indicating ed to cooperate to make this sys­ Attorney Walter B. Hamlin ask­ ALL SIZES! 2:1.'V—Med!ey Time of becoming interested in a plan I 2:00--Young Dr. Malone ('barles ,S. Burh, who presided at that the victim had walked into tem as nearly perfect as possible. ed a pardon on grounds that CHILDREN’S SHOES 2:30 —String .Serenade the meeting, stated that there is the side of the Morano car, the re­ It will require special work on the to appropriate a mobile or station­ Smith's prison term was excessive ONE LOT 2:45-Three Debs 2:15—Joyce Jordan Girl Interne Val. To $4.50! 2:30—Fletcher Wiley., still need for wardens in the ex­ port states. part of the Legionnaires who are ary first-aid iiniUfor use by local in comparison with sentence.* giv­ BOYS’ 4-BrCKLE ARCTICS 2:55 -N ew * residents in the 'event of an air­ $1.00 2:45--Kate Hopkins. treme .south end of town. Anyone Prosecutor Charles S. House of extremely active In this emer­ en his aaaoclates convicted in the raid. The proposal was brought to 1 Dress Pants litizr.s 4 -.V6 ’. VAl.rK.8 TO $2 .0 0 : fiom this district who feels that the town court will move that a. gency. Louisiana scandals trials. ALL COLORS! $1.19 s ®'i‘ the attention of the group by Dr. $^^•95 he would like to join t his organ­ technical charge lodged against In order to help the Legion In Federal .authorities have placed SUPER HIGH POWERED 1 FOR SPORT W E AR ization i.s incited to attend the next Morano since the accident be.noll- this undertaking all those who are Richard Alton. Dr. Alton also in­ a detainer against Smith to gain ONE LOT OF MEN’S MEN’S DRESS OR WORK M<*(Jii8kev Still troduced a plan to study a course Trio Is Held air raid wardens' school on N.on- ed in town court Saturday morn­ to b^ inducted or who Intend to custody after he completes his 1-BlCKLE in first-aid. Further consideration MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S HAND TAILORED WORSTED INCLl 1)IN(; WHITE day, March 16, at the High School. ing, In view of the coroner’s find­ enlist are asked to send their state senterce. He la under a 30 CLEANER tViHYTHINO 1 of both projected proposals will be Single and Double-Breasted Is Great Runner ings. names and home addresses to the months' Federal sentence for a NEWEST SPRING DRESS AND WORK For Homicide undertaken at the meeting sched­ COMPUTE i i « mall fraud conviction. Legion. When this is dene an ef­ uled for April 7. wHil Doitns of Usts Relief Burden First Aid Shelf fort \l’ill be made to keep in con­ A plan for nevtr memberships Joe MiClu.skey Is not winning (Continue*] From Page One) tact with those in the service for Here'.* a r “\v all-inirpn.ie cleaner Arctics was. introduced and each attend­ a* many r.aees aa he did a few the duration as far as possible. o p c o a t s SUITS •with hijrh-powered 600-watt T SHOES turer, with whom she had lived in ing member volunteered to bring Sav8 Plane Plants a years ago, but Joe is atiil among Lighter in State Being Preparetl Walter Mahoney waa named the best in the game. He is to run another New 5’ork hotel. at the meeting in April, motor, telescope bejr for larprer t o chairman of the scrap iron and one new candidate for Initiation Put up new fresh Curtains now! In the two mile at the K. of C., All three told Acting Capt. Ed­ wa.'ite material committee for the Can Be Prolecteil filtering .service... foot .switch meet in New York Saturday in ward Dillon in police linc-up that Under the Civilian Defense Pro­ Scranton Craftspun Ncta with adjust­ $ 4 9 9 5 Hartford, March 11— (/P >—A to­ Legion and late yea,terday after­ and a complefe set of accessories which Greg Rice, the former No- gram, each town and . city must able tops — Tailored Marquisettes — $ 2 * 4 9 they had made statements to tlie tal decline of less than one per- noon he informed The Herald that for quick, easy and complete $16*'75 tra Dame runner is the undisput- district attorney. Detectives said have an emergency First Aid ahelf Cushion Dotted Marquisette Priscilla.* Los Angeles, March 11. - VALUES TO $.3.50! ,, , . cent from February, 1941, was re- a portion of the yard in the rear Personal Notices $ 2 4 * '^ ^ V.\LUES TO $4.00 AND $5.00! K l king On Monday night Joe ran the tno had talked willingly, but ported todr in the relief load in at headquarters. This necessitate* — Cottage Seta in Blue, Green, Red, Tom Glrdler, head of Consolidated room cleaning. When .vou think ' VALUES TO $25.00! VALUES TO $57..50! LIMITED SIZES! in-.a two and a half mile race in addiUon to other, item*, the of the home would be aet aside for White Organdies — White and Check and Vulte* aircraft factories, says of room cleaning you think not 1 had admitted not.img in connec- cities for last month by the despositing this waste scrap. When Which was won by Rice in Wash­ tion with the ciinic. State W elfare Department. making of bandagea and dreaalng*. Voiles. All at this one attractive "thla country ia not so helple.*.* only of rugs but bookcases, A Cwnpleti Modirn GIRLS’ SPORT OXFORDS ington and Joe finished second. Due to the fact that the American a person brings the scrap iron or In Memoriam p r that it cannot protect west coast HEAVY DFTV WHIPCORD They quoted Miss Webb a* say- Only Bridgeport and Hartford In lovlnjc memory of Margaret price. Hurry in for yours! BOYS’ ALL WOOL REVERSIBLE Joe pushed his man to a new rec­ Legion auxiliary ha* a convenient other metals to the home they warplane plant* from possible air lamps, fireplaces, stairs, drapes, RoM-CliMiiif 1 DRESS SHOES Ing "I have lived through the showed gain. 6.8 per cent for the D(>ugan. VALUES TO WORK PANTS $1.^9 ord for the distance as Greg cut place in which to prepare these she jld contact the steward and get ralda.” springs, clothes and many a JM toughest week of my life, being former and seven-tenths of one proper directions for leaving it. Two yrar^ have mme ani plisftptl pj Just Received! .\nother shipment of the Famous Outfit iRchidini: $1.29 SIZES 8 TO 12'i: ALI. SIZES! BIX aeconds off his own record on the lam for that week. 1 have per cent for the latter. The New neceaaltlea, it ha* been aaked to Glrdlers told the Pacific Coaat others. All these are a “cinch” $10.00! Further announcements about away. • 8-foot hose covering the distance in 11:32 6. had to live like a rat since that BriUin case load fell off 8.1 per take chargei The material 1* being Anri •nil your iweet endetrlnni>way "Ben-Mont” Made Up Drapes. Floral patterns on Conference of the American Pe­ with this powerful new outfit 1 TOPCOATS this project will be msde shortly. • 2 extcniion tube* A week ago last Saturda; .night thing happened." cent: Waterburj’, 6,9 per cent, and furnished by the Red Ctom. The In all rmr memorie* we hold dear Rose, Green, Wine, Yellow and Natural troleum Institute last night that work i* not confined to the mem­ And In our heartt you're «\er near. airplane factories already cn the and it’s just as efficient when • Rug Nozzle McCluakey entered In the one Shonbrun and Cullen both ap­ New Haven,. 4 per cent. The total Grounds. P a i r ...... 89c cleaning automobile interiors or • Floor Brush. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS! HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS ™ 0 NUMERW^^ mile and while he did not finish peared calm In the line-up, but case load ^or the five cities was bers of the American Legjqn Siamese Twins coaat ahoulu continue at full op­ • UphoUicry Tool auxiliary unit, and in order to get Husband. Bon and Dausbtar. eration hot said they are expand­ used aa a demothing power- he aet the pace for the first quar> Miss Webb was nervous. She in­ 3,070 of which 2,221 received out­ • Radiator 'Topi TO MENTION! COME EARLY FOR A GOOD SELECTION. ADDED MERCHANDISE TO t.OMPLETE SIZES. terxer Iand traveled the distance in termittently moi.stcned her lips door relief and 849 medical or these articles finished In a reason­ Conjoined twins are called "Si­ CaM of Thanks ing into the interior. spray. See it at jyour dealer • Dusting' Brush amese twins'* because the first "Any interruption from air raids seconda. The race was won ai d several times seemed to try boepital care only- able length of time, the coopera­ Ws wish fo thank our friends and tomoiTow! • • Liquid Sprayer by aan entry from Boston who es- tion of the women of the town ia pair of such twins to gain world would result only In a fraction of FIXTURES FOR SALE! BANKRUPT STOCK NORTON SHOE AND CLOTHING COMPANY. to say something, but no sound The increase In Bridgeport waa neighbors for kindness and sympa­ FULL G-E GUARANTEE iabltisbltshed a new record for the came. caused by the opening of 31 caaea aolicited. prominence were bom In Slam thy shown to US at th* time of the the dday caused by removal of (now Thailand). dssth of our belovsd and dsvoted Textile Store indOQta. Mrs. Kathlene Sweet and Mrs. these plants.” he said. "W e cannot because of loss of private employ­ husband, and fathar. Jams* Mc- A recent law prohibit* carrier ment due to the conversion In In­ Viola. Rice wtU be in charge of -Vdama, alao «I1 thoia who loaned A. L. SLOCOMB, Prop. afford that delay." United . States Marines intro­ ooe MAIN ST. —Next To Murphy's Bowling Alloys Tbe sturfison ta called the royal pigeons to be imported Into or ex­ dustries. Seasonal unemployment the workrooms ia the Legion home the uee of thitr cars. 913 MAIN STREET NEXT TO THE BANK Johnson Brothers ta B a it e d bscauae the king ported from Haiti, the Department on Leonard street tomorrow after­ duce the western art of boxing to Bra. James McAdams and Fanillir. n ia Army quartermaster corps ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS is also ajdactor, the department *nube(i'.lccmfluaiestkyr-orgb«aUo caa fllktti Bsgr stuifcoa eau«liL of commerce reported. * notes. “ noon from 3:00 to 6:S0 o'clock. I the Chinese. ^ 16 M iac sutaatltutas for more than 533 MAIN STREET TSL. 6227 V


Uartford Hoad, a February bride, aiiheme was orchid and.yellow and reoently transferred to some point ford Road and the late L. Sher­ casU) March 11.—Cdv-Naotake MANCTTKSTER E\'ENING HERALD. ^fA^THESTf;f\, CONN*. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1912 Pride Is Honored was the guest of honor at a mis­ a delicious luncheon was served as yet unknown to hia 'relatives. wood Martin. Sato, newly-appointed JapUMbe PAGE J E Ii cellaneous shower given last eve­ buffet style.. He is the son of Mrs. Catherine G. ambassador to Soviat Ruaaia, teft F liers A d rift 34 D a y s ning at Mrs. Graham'a tea room Mr*. Smythe la the wife of Cor­ Smythe. R. N. at noon today'>by rail to take up At Shower Party New Envoy Lcavei for Poet Hospital Notes in South Coventry. About 20 rela­ poral John A. Smythe, of the U. 8. The bride received many beau­ his post. He succeeds Lieut. Gen. Chiircliill Kt'pealft Batauii SUiiatioii Japanese Left tive! and friends from Coventry Amjy, statkned at Port Edwarda, tiful ^fts. She is the daughter of 'Yoshitsugu Tatekawa, who re­ Nazis Seeking Mr*. John A. Smythe of S89 and thl. town attended. The color Falmouth, for some time and was Mrs. Mildred Martin of 389 Hart­ Tokyo (From Japanese Broad- signed because of 111 health. Seen Slahilized [N ew E iiglaiid F ishing In d u stry R each Safety on Isle Dominion Proniiw* Admitted yesterday — James Holding Great ' Fresh Troops Kendall. .Wapplng; Miss . Mildred To Imliaii Prople (CV»ntlnu«l from Tnge OneJ |I Boom s D espite U -Boat Peril Johnston, 58 Chestnut street: Mrs. Courageous Trio Uses Suffer Severe Hardships Mary Gozdz, 2.58 North Main Burma Delta Before StaKKering Ashore Before Drive With an^ aim alm ost as bleu street; Donald Hubbard, 179 Main Shoes for Oars in (t'linHniied from Page Onei street; Mrs. Kathleen Gerard. East asunder the ft.l.M-ton niR/.ilian- (('uiillnued from Page One) Pearl Harbor, T. H., March rar^o-pas.*»enjfer ves.Hrl ('ayni ’ Hartford: Robert Reid. 338 Wood- ______i 1,000 Miles Journey 11.—(fl*) -The pride of the confidence ot the from Poge Onr) (With "the full about 1.30 miles off Ambrose light; ' bridge street: Mrs. Anna Andnilol. United States Navy was exem­ Wapping: Mrs. Morgan Lord. 53 being moved south to the defense After Plane Laiuled. government." beacon for New York harbor. I plified by three of its flier* who ■om* unverlftptl report* menlion- Farm drive: Ml.ss Ruth Skewes, of Rangoon Churchill plainly indicated that Heavy Loss of I.lfe survived 34 day* o f storm s in the cabinet had struggled with a 713 Hartford road: Gordon Parli- More experienced than moat of Pearl Harbor, T. H., March 11— Injr 1 .000,000. The twd sinkings, niiiidnr.s 2k the South Seas while clinging AxU xlaff ofTirora have r>>n- thorny problem, with the niajori- man, 97 Urospecl street: Rudolph the Imperiiil troop.s in Burma, (JP)—Accept the word* of three Home and G arden Savings on a tiny raft. femKl «l*o with Bulgarian- leailerg ty Congress parly in India de­ and on the offieially annoiiin ed ' ('apcilo, 183 Hilliard street: Wal­ schoolcl against the favorite tricks Inst of .shijis si'Tit to the bottom United States Navy flier* who In recent week* and diplomatic manding iineonditional freedom ter JTcclford. A ndover; Mrs, Iila of the invader.*, the Chinese troops Gene Aldrich, 24, radioman for all India, and leaders of the oft the U S. ra.st const, appiirenl- Skihtfer. South Windsor. now are regarded as taking their were tossed by—and sometimes in of Sikeston, Mo.; Harold Dixon, circle* believe the qiication of a ly resulted in heavy I'o.ss of life, Bulgarian declaration of war on Moslem minority. from whom Births yesterday A son to Mr. full .share in the Allied defen.se un­ - the stormy South Sea* during 34 42, La Mesa, Calif., and An­ Britain draw* some of her best with a total of 7K still missing. der Lieut. Gen, H. R. L. Alexander, thony J. Pastula, 24, Youngs­ Ruaaia waa diacuaned, it was a.a- Si.xtei II o f the ::.')-iiinii i few of ; anti Mrs Raymond Miller of 713 days adrift on a rubber raft, there Indian fighting men. thnateiiing Tolland Tiiinpike: a son to Mr. new Briti.sh com m ander on the are times when one is tickled to town, O., suffered severe hard­ •erted. the Giilftrade were jnek, d ii|> by ships before they finally stag- on the, othi r hand to revolt if they and Mrs. Oiarloa Baxter, of 299 Burma fixint. death to see a shark. Just Arrivbdl OrderMi To Kegleter Gojist Guard bo.-its and la iid ,d , gcicil a.shore on a small Island. are /fot granted a special .iiitono- ■Main stri'ct. To Be SiipiMirted By Pliiiies Shark liver . . . The meat of an In addition, all OrniHn.i lit for moris status if India is liherati-d. safelv at Toml'kmsv die. .htal, ii I.-- , "We decided when we came It wa.s reported reliably that .he albatross which chanced by . . . a military aervice who livf wiUnn ,^he cahim t had reached coiiclii- land, while '22 ot T'l s. am eo and | Discharged yesterday Joseph ashore we would try to march Uhine.se troo|xs will be sup(K>rted fl*h caught with a pfx-ketknife . . . New Spring the occupied province of Prenrh sions as to how these cla.shing four of to inissengeis w i-re re.siii-- ('hicione. IH7 Maple street; .lanie.s and, if the Island was Japanese, by large ntimber.s of American A tern snatched by hand . . . A Lorraine and Yugoslavia nave beem view.s could tie reconciled while a rd from tli.- .I'ayrii Gray. h9 Mill street; Doreen An­ they would not find us crawling The e.i|italii of file Giilftrade, drews. Wa|iping: Charles Mertens, war|iliiiie.s. l'rc|,ai ations to this floating coconut. These sustained W allpapers ordered to register. / new constitution is being set ii|i. up to them," Dixon related. T,.rg,'r Olsi'ii of Port Ailliiir T' \ . Ih Litehfiehl street; W illiam I’ azy- end are ii ported being worked out the courageous trio as. naked and Priced Aa Lew Aa Rtimania's contribution o l/ t he said, hut he did not dl.st lo.-e "But we could not straighten said his stii|, w as - . k a f.w liila. South Wiiul.sor; Howard now by Lieut. Gen. ,lose[ih W. .Stil- baked by the sun, they used shoes OOO.OOO troops WB.s regardei! ^ ev- what they were | 1111 up. niiMiit's .ifter he had ordeied the fteid. 17 lu.s.sex stri'et: Mr.s, Ered well. newly appointed /.hief of for oars to travel 1,000 miles to •mptijig her from further/le\les. .Xnnoiinc'einent < hei-red "The next morning, island running lights put on ord, r tni ■MeKenney and infant son, 40 .staff lo Generali.s.simo Chlang Kai- the safety of an island after their immediately at least, and growth The nnnoiincement that the left­ "111 natives on beach patrol .saw avid a lolPsion with t-v ships Mount Neho place. ,,4hek. land plan ran low on fuel and they 8 0 c 9 8 « of a Finnish peace pai^' was re­ ist Sir Stafforit woiilil go to Indm Hs, gave us kernels of coco­ No Rubbing Nnttttnryl Uverw hi'lnuiig aucce.sse.s over were forced to alight in the ocean Per Pack. ^ ported to have led Uemmnv to hroiighl i-heers from the members ahead ,*f in, .Admitted toiiay Waller Crock­ "A ll t*wu«h.' he arlded. "is that | Japanese plane.* by- the relative Jan. id. nuts and sent for help. They Bright and fresh ai Spring dlacount Finland asally. who reealled his contrihiitions. to ett. 4 West street; Kenneth Meach- !^lf-Pollsh Wax - 1 handful of American volunteer Today they are recovering in carried us to the governor s itielf 1 You'll find a complat* Hungary. SlovaWa and Italy, better British-Rii.s.sian relations; thev wnuM put me atioanl am. 1010 East .Mldille Turnpike; iar,l cutter so I could go out to group pilot.s in China and Burm a Pearl Harbor -Harold Dixon, 42, house. ' lelection for every room in however, have aupptlted little more It also rhoked off impending de­ Patricia Ann Smith, 132 Campfield Rtgularly 69t give one of the brightest rays of of La Mesa, Calif., aviation chief "The.se boys showed plenty of j the home. Wide selection! than token divisions for the war bate which was expected to be sea and hunt that sub that sank ■ road; Lloyil Nevers. 174 Main hope for the future. machinists mate and pilot: Gene stuff all the way through. " | Save 30% to S0 *> at Wards •gainst Russia. acidly critical of the government .s my ship " I street Qt. size! Compare w>... .,u<.ei trained \^iicn and Discharge,1 Iralay Naney txing, Unofficially, the Japani'sc were Aldrich, 24, of Slgeston. Mo . Ra­ seiling at 98c I Driei to a hard, NOW! W ith .WO.Otki policie.". Siih (YiHse* Back and F,,rlh Hiiii- 10 Keeney street; Howard Rice, 37 reported to have reached the vicin­ dioman; and Anthony J. Paatula. gloiiy iinlth in 20 minute* I 1,000,000 others mobilizing, Laborite F.maiiuel Shinwell ask­ One of seven survivors who ic gary switched premiera tins w eek. Com tiand street. ity o f a village 16 miles .south of 24. of ‘Youngstown, Ohio, aviation ed if I'ripps' discussions In India mained aboard the stern half of Budapest dispatches said Nicholas Toungoon, more than a third of oradnanceman. would prt'ceed "on the basis of the the split tank,T until res, uid. Big Hub Show Kal'lay. former minister of agri­ the way from Rangoon lo .Manda­ Deacribea Last Day At Sea giivcrnment jiton Battling the rigoroua • have I'ontacteil rebellious bands mental condition. I'd already lost Flower Exhibit Will At* Attractively shaped oven-to-table bake­ Reason for ( risls It wa.s believed that at least besides many miUii.ms of pound.,-J "When she eanie crnnsing in he Hmrv ,\rnol'l, » hief of t hr A i r .North All.intir winter which ak'ng the Irrawaddy river for an three seta of skin from sunburn The Berlin corresiKindenl of three miaitha would be required of fish of other .varieties Now. of 5 Msrtforrl M «rrh II ,o8ted Iii« Indian border. short. I would get so mad I Over New England. RoU Siding that yon roiildn t print." prereiiml iTu years ag<* a.s secre­ the fact German negotiations had to leave immediately. long m.sde the j,»h of the New E n g­ nadiqn exjiorts. is responsible for iirt ini'oinr for UM1 by Rbmit $1P.- Although anxious about lh« (Niuldn't see when 1 would say aerving on the table, or storing in the The Third .Naval Pislnc t said It tary o f m 1're.Htilent 'I'aft not j-ielded the ."desired results .\ctlon S«-en Belated the present boom in New England d0(i inttrr ttian v\hs roportrd ro- CTiines," on their right Hank, the something and the boy* would sit took two torpeiks's to sink the cahinet he al.no vi.'vndon ti.sheries. cvntly to thr srciTtfiry of stRlr .lapatie.*,, now apparently are pre- and appear not to hear. 3 « (.’anal Zone nual New England spring flower , I TOO iq. ft to the spring offensive. said that while the emissary is ad­ (’ayni. the first fading to r\- man Is up again.st. Now. with the Prices in fishing are soaiing j A siipplfmrntRl ropnrt filed to- Cholcu of Knift, Fork, Teaipoon / To \ IhH Third (laring to'assault Briti.sh po.sitions "Things looked pretty sour but in wire rack, 3-piece mixing bowl set, Confidential advices to London plnde It was the fourth Brazilian fishing waters infested w ith enemy Ijist year's salaries were twice Mfly rornrdR h\n not onnuD^s .show will open Monday at one mired by Imlians it was felt that The war ^eir*'taIV wn.s expeit- before Toungoon or F’rome. w e agreed this wa.s no tim e to give yesterday indicated fear of the the government was acting belat­ shlfi to be lost in .Vmeru an wali i.- suhniarine.s. an even greater, har- those of previous years. Mr. Wha­ ' $39,987 81. with RToRs roceiptR of Kili'hon ' *v covered refrigerator jug, covered cas­ Rcaliitic huff blend brjek ed to vilht tiv' Ihliti .set of bn-k.a Behind this line, Mandalay ob- up. We tried to sleep in huddles o'clock in the Mechanics building, •och mud of spring thaws and the pos­ edly when "the tiger is all early and th,- government of non-liell.- aid confronts the hardy men who len's office reports that the 1939 j $76,973.10. design! Easily appliei); it now under ron.st ruclion an«l in- vioii.sly niu.st be on the .lapane.se that night, but part of the time we ' Bositin, with lovely^ indoor flow er serole with 10-inch pie plate, 3-piece sibility that a Red Army drive smashing at our door." gerenl Brazil prepared to protest go down to the sea. .share per man average,! $2,300 [ er gives your horns th* sub­ .spect the Caribbean defen.ne com ­ I In filinp hi.s first report. Judge schedule, for it is the pivot of the had to ball out the boat with our w cnthcr. ' “ ’In .spite ‘ o f the rollin g, Poy ieii be Wordif ^ from the I,.eningrad area might The proposal also provuled that a second lim e to Get man y Anil it i.s for that rea-son that year, or $44 per week. Ijvst year Gil.sftn dediH teil hi.s ineonir tHX Burma ilefensc. thunder of war crashing across the \ range set, or 3-piece refrigerator set! Pay Lais At Wordtl stantial appearance of brick! penetrate German soil had caus- mand whiih alreaily has had to Bo.sti-n fishermen leeently ticl up hands because the clothes used for X ^ c a , India should have freedom and S|>CC«I> \ctliin K.xisxtiHl this.figure ballooned to over $4,000 whirh lowered h\s net earning re­ world, there wall be 173 gardens' Mirror-poliihed al*...... - s'.ecl Insulatei and reiiiti fir* I ta Adolf Hitler to seek attacks m I opr' with th«‘ operation.s of .\xi.s, I he. fleet for six weeks, .seeking a scoop had been ripped or washed equality with the United Kingdom In Rio de .la ie ii., it w.is hi-lu-v- per year per man i>n the Wave, port. Hlthoiigh none of the other and exhibit.s. affording beauty and ' | with colored plaitic handleal Gives you a "new” home! every sector as soon as, possible — .-ubmannes r*ft thi- mrrth ci»a.nt ot bonuses and war risk insurance away. We hadn't alepl at all, only and other donilnions under a cm- ed the latest sinking would spe, ,1 big lieneral Seafood.s trawler, each I 116 ju dges listed ineonu' Irx rr h surcca.se from trouble .or all, a.s Reinforced with metal bolster*! thia amending an original plan .'^outh America within T«a> miles of The coni I oversy has eniled. and dozed. Try sleeping on a mattre.sa stltiitinn to be framed liy the In­ aelion on an expia ted Hra/ili in mans share of the year's catch [ cost item m arriving at net in- to Sit well as helpful and educational SW!I!BIH»I'1H ..-IJWJl l4.Wije a *MI!J ■«««|ltng for a continued defensive the canal. the fleet IS onee again at .sea. half your length with someone hit­ dians themselves. deeree eklling for contisi at ion ot amounted to $6.00ii ("aplains' , eonie. display.* for victory gardeners. Stand in the north and renewal of It was po.w ble that he al.so So far the fleet hiis not yet come ting It from beneath with a base­ Sir Stafford. Churchill said, will German property there lo gain shares have ranged from $lo,uoO I ’ .sing the accepted report form Hundreds of carpenters and ma­ the drive toward the Caucasus in would visit enrampnir*nLs and om- At Cox Hearing ball hat every few seconds and you Reg. SS.19 satisfy himself during his visit by reparation.s. in contact with any nf the under- per year to $12.8140 in late year.s, of the secretary nf state’s office. platemenl.s in the Panamanian a rough idea of the beating sons are fashioning the framework I the south. personal consultations that the Of the fayru .survivors who for V, . t' , ,'i aft and Bart W halen, Iji.st year some of Boston's high .Iiidge Clilsons new rep«»rt follow s Meol and jungle. ant .clipping the seas and fish and stone and brick walls. Electri- conclusions on which the govern­ Ifi ht.nrs hailli'd th,- fury of high I I, odent of tile Ki'deraleil Eish- line skippers got $19.ou0 and hot­ I the others in this respert. bring- With Slunsrtn were Haivry Hartford March 11 - I’l Uhuf g. ve US." (lans are stretching wires and | Food Cheaper ment had agrewl are a final solu­ seas, gale winds, had „nd thiin P'i oj; B .'1't' of New Englaml and ter. 1 mg hi.*» not 4’losp to $2fV\ a.H.si^tant .secretary o f whi .Iiistici' William M. Maltbie will sit li;.' r,: xt morning AMrich, al- plumbers fitting pipes for the com- I tion pf the problem. and lightning in their lifeboat Nr .v Vol k Inc , eonsidcrs the jthan the judge of the Greenwich ’ for air, ano- thii:;;ti a seaman by circumstance, i "iicated groundwork of the light- Important Junction Sir Stafford's plare as leader of Otto Alherto .laeccrs. a passcngi r. chances of danger to be rhm. probate vh.stnrt who had topped I Slinuion’.s.aide. The incieasod take naturally will cialc judge" at Momtay's hearing pii.v, d he rcmalneti a midwestern-j mg. the waterfalls and fountains, 88 Moscow, March 11— i/Pi — Bed the House will he filled during his ".stuliiiiaI incs." he said, "are big the list heretofore. v Gardenald salil everyone aboard got off in swell fishermen's earnings. The on charge s seeking the removal of cr at heart. Painters are already putting fln- Army troops were reported today absencefby Foreign Secretary An­ game hunters and when they go Judge Gilson includes SI.077 in four boats after the first torpedo I auxiliary dragger Elvira Ga.sper H ighw ay (.■ommi.s.sioner W illiam "Chief, I see a field of com ," he | i.°hing touches to the backgrounds Pressure iction pin* *;;;aring to have captured an important isit for hig game thev're not go­ dues and snhsenptions a *'co.-6t” thony Eden. slnirk in the bow. ! rei'eully piilleil into Gloucester af­ said weakly to Dixon. ; of some exhil it.s. iction! Cuti cleanly without Tools Junction in the Lake Ilmen sector, ing to ■dioiiblic, hut Snow-white glaii ihade circled weight . . . well-balanced , . . and will leai'e "as soon as con­ everybfKly was off. After receiv­ regulations have tigbteneil arounfl parties. That night the trio hud- jilace during the 24 bouts belcire and diaries and documents found under the auspirea of Gibbons As- with an inferior grade, mad* by ovenrowding will not be permit­ with crystal ringil Gleaming low-pricedt. GARDENAIDI venient and I a* .soon asi arrange­ ing an affirmative answer, they Boston's water front One day last It sta rted His H obby died in a mat shack they Itadljj^p opening ot the sh(>\\, i-'i\e liun- - on jiri-soncrs di.--i'lo.se tiiat the .semhly. Catholic Ladies of Colum- machine in this roiintry and cost­ ted chromium holder. See it todiyl ments can he niaile," he added. went over by the ship and sent ing around $.500 per net " week, seven fishermen were told A ,onfciciii c on pro, e,lure was found. Every moment they f,utred uj,'m and women will plant rciiiuin.s arc suffering from ,a h'ls When law ver gave him an Ciipps. he said, will "satisfy the second tnrficio amidships, rile , onlivitli-e llllS engilgi'd Repair costs, loo. have skyroek- to return to («irl beiause. the held Ihm mornuig by Judge M all- the hurricane would blow It away, and replant, arrange and rear- .>^hortage >f m unitions as well as iiniisnal peni’il alHmt tw o years himself on the spot by personal right by the engine nnim. Willi.s Ulinkin of w ,lhersf\eld. to rted Ml Whalep ptdnled out that Uoa.st Guard says, "of p,sir visibil­ Inc. .Mr ('ox'- attorro'.vs .'iinl .M- The next day natives found them I [.angp, until every display will be loo.; ,,iid . lidhing. Ilie dispaMi ago .Mike H am i'ton, .Memphis, and fed them. Ultimately a Navy as nearly p, i fe. l h.h i.s humanly Low-Priced I iinsidt at ion that the rnncliision* "T his Idcw It- .ship apart and it ,111 ret the i;nme.s Hr ha.s harl iniieh -ince the beginning of the war an ity '.' This is the first time in his­ toriicv ,;,‘ti,'ral l-'i:,nns A i'allot- said Tenn , ilecided to main I holihy of craft rescued them. oil w hii li VC are agreed and whii h sunk ra|,idly exj'i-nem e along this line, and Ihr overhauling job that would run tory that a fisherman ever tnine,I ti It IS unilerstiMsi that defense possible by the time Ui,’ halls arc Bathroom I lirce Villages t apliircd colli-ctiiig them, and now has During their atorm-toased jour­ we believe right and Just are a idaver.s always st'em lo enjoy around $2000 now costs $6000 and back on that account I lawyer.* ('hai les W Gnss and Jo­ cleared for judging at 11 Monday The Soviet Information Bureau 1040 different pencils. ney they had been ao in need of morning. A corps of 4.5 Judges, ex­ Bracket . . . k ‘t a Dol/or-Sovari final »dutlon." themselves at these affairs. Par­ even more. seph E Berry were given moi c THE BEST FOR LESS! aniumncctl the capture of three Stiinstm ,«H Inspertitm British Empire food that Dixon even fought one perts in gardening from all the te ulars as to the admi.s.sion fee Normally tremendous fish im­ .specific information on five of the viUage.s oil the central front, He declared Sir Stafford would sixth Highest shark with hi.s bare fists. Aldrich i New England slates and the East which includes tax and refresh- ports have fallen off. and the fleet changes against the highway loin- Lawn where German garri-sona of Kzhev "carry with hi.ii the full confi­ Trip to ('.anal Zone The British Empire rovers about also tried the bare-handed methcxl ’ are on th,' official list. ment.s will he fouml in the a.ssem- owners are faced with the task of nnssioner in an Infonnal disen-- MARPROOF VARNISH and Vyazma arc reported virtual­ dence of the government and strive Balboa. C Z . March 11 one-fourth of the worlds habita­ Tuberculosis is the sixth highekt - and a shark nipped him. I .Yindher \\ isliing Well hly's ad\ -rl Isrinrnl today. inrreasing their catches by .50 per sion of the ca.se. One of Hie A pure white glaai ihade with ly povketod. to secure the necessary measure of Secretary «>f W ar Henr>- U. sStlm- ble land surface, excluding the cau.se of death in the Uniteil Way Water I’rolilcni Solved VMwin S. W« b.ster, president of Price slashed on Wards Supicr ^^a^proof Var­ Mower ii'.hc's on the committee are cent This despite the fact that charges aniplitieil concerns an al­ I porcelain holder. Plug-in outlet "Unit* operating on the south­ assent from the Hin,lu majority son was here today on a pcrstmal Arctic regions. Its popul.ation is States. It has a death rate of 49 The water aituation also baffled the HorlRultural Society, aji- nish . . . guaranteed to be unequalled by any Edna ! the Navy has taken 110 of their legation that hie highway depiiit- It handy for electric razor I western front ilestniyed a number and from the Mo.slem and other Inspection of this vital area, al­ .Mi s . Alm.i Huhtiard, Mr,*. I'slim aled to **xci-ed on«--foUIth ot per KM).000 population. them at first. There waa too much iiouiices lliat. because of the many other floor varnish, regardless of name or of enemy tiring positions and blew minorities. He will at the same ready a trouble spot, on hu** tirst Rohan. .Mr- Kivse Eltzgerald .Mrs most up-to-date trawlers for use nieiil failed to iii.spcct '20 towns "i Wards as mine sweepers and layers. To the wfjrl'L* total by of it around them, but none to pi'l'iilar requests, a wishing well price! A clear, tough varnish that's freer flow­ up a large German ammunition time consult with the commander trip out>iide the I'nitrd States .kli.n'r . ,luio>. .Mrs. Lida Wad, and Oddlv-Named Towns their handling of town-aid fund.s. Lew Price off.-et this loss, the fishing men drink. They solved that problem by similar to the one last year will be ing and quicker drying! Get yours NOW! dump." the Information Bureau in chief upon the military situa­ aince the war began. Mrs Helen Brahany No Life There The chief justice conferred with Fomoui have acquired 82 new vessels, but xxattlng for rain, taking off their , built this year. It will be in Grand Mid. "A number of casualties were tio n " Stimson. who arrived by plane Some of the oddly-named towns the governor following the confc-- still the demand for fish grows, soaked garments and squeezing the ! under the world's greatest N U T O N E inflicted on the enemy. " He said the British must assure yeaterday with a protective escort E'irst T raffic Light If scientists are correct in their in the state nf Louislant are Alice ence Self - ihirpenlM, tool - steel ' suhmar.nes or no submarines contents into a small contidncr. ® victory symbol built of Door Chimei Super Gloss Wall Enamel.. .None Finer Made...... 1*10 qt. themselves that the proposed of 12 pur.suit craft, wa.s believed theory, that its clouds are com­ B. Blonde, Hard Times. Pat Ca.sh (Jovemor Hurley expects that Dixon, who Ls partially deaf as a 20,000 roses. Amid a foretaste of blades can’t get out of align­ til .^tI Since the beginning of war, fish scheme would "win a reasonable to be concerned primarily about 1 1 posed of formalilehyde. life is im­ Spur. Promised Land. Watizit. and the hearing may end by the end of result of his experiences, a pistol i *be pence that Is to follow that vlc- Super One-Coat Enamel... Resists Washing, Fading... ,1 *0 S qt. ment I 14-inch cut! You can’t ('ifv m imports from Canada have fallen Germans R epel Mass buttressing the canals defenses i , v«.i k possible on the planet Venus. W ham. next week. buy a better mower at a low­ and practical measure of accept­ off more than 75 per cent. havlng been discharged too rlose to ' everyone may make a wish 395 Although the safeguard.s of the | i-il thes,' and—that wish is sure to conic Super One-Coal Flat Paint., .Guaranteed Finest...... 8 0 c qt. ance and thus prompt the concen­ oi.-aiis of ______L _ his ear during a companion s jiisti N b a er price . . . anywhere! Don’t Attacks by Russians canal have befit growing j light •n <'fT t>\ Ill 1939. Japan sent to this roun- true if you drop a com in the Berlin i Knun German Broad tration nf.all Indian thought and try . pounds of crahmeat fled eagerness to kill the albatross, wait . . . com * to W ards! stronget sinre In.at Pei* 7 a j 1*'• e t 19 000,000 wishing well. The coin.* so collect­ Hear the G R E E T E R at W ir d il energie.s iTpon the defense of their has two wishes. C«Msi. March 11 —.T-German ed will be used to help p-omote vic­ Two melodioui note* for front native soil " One, he wants to see his ranch (loor . , . ona for rear door I •oldlers fighting on the southern tory by being given to various B im at La Mesa. Tw o, he wants to go 4- Hector of the Russian front have AAIII fvvntiniji ntnrtwsirma United States Army and Navy Re­ bark to that South Sea Island some repelled mass attai ks bv the Rn« He addpil that pending this ss 5 lief organiz-itions and to the Bos­ com maud UNITED STATES *Tlo kt Sjfiiai in Mexico! time. 14-Teeth •tan*, the German high siirame the government would FORM 1040 ton Soldiers and Sailors' Commit- It was the most beautiful "corn­ sig n a j M i ^ reporlM today. (cnlimie (lisrussiotia of the IndiaiC teo. Steel-Bow It a ek n ow llB ^ d that Niczi question "on the basis of new con- INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN 1941 i field" he ever hopes to see. Manager Amo H. Nehrling re­ Prices Cut 4 Days Only I (Anditef** Garden Roka troops were on tlifr defen.'-ive el^c- i liislons at w hii h the w ar cabinet (DasslnntkntVKa) { ports that there is a tremendous wihere along the uont and. with­ has unitedly arrived " TKM FOK P fU O M U . SCUVRIEX DiTIDEMOK IHTUliST, U O n , M l ^ l L T i n . interest in the show this year. He out spccifyuig the .sector, said He expressed the hope that no Steele , bases this report on the huge sale Powr-Kraft 1 that "in uninlerriipled heavy de­ woril be .s[«iken and no debate be For Calendar ,\ear 1941 lor M'O’' Manchester Red Cross I of advance tickets, which has ac­ fense fighting the Brandenbuig held either here or in India which tually broken all records. Because Bow, head, and teeth forged Tools 76th Infantry division di.sllnguish- *r fctal ytai fctr—iR - ...... Wl, m i i ,0 Pearl Horbor £ 1 . Headquarters would add to ,9ir -Stafford Cripp.*' sceW«n9 : of the many new features—the from one piece of her eteelt ed Itself." s\ude ' large victory vegetable gardens, burden or les.sen the prospects of T« K M ■** k CAM 40PP'=“" ‘" ' '' ^ Pump Powr-Kraft withANY power MerrhanI \ eew-el ,,»uiik ited number of 30 regi.strants have Mrs. Norman Ash, secretary of t he war. tool line in th* country! The Orman radio ,«aid todav enrolled. Local men and women the Manchester Garden Club, has "In order to rlolhe these general m i Bench Saw , . . 7-inch blade. Nari airmen sank a 2iid‘i-toii wishing to take thia course should a supply of tickets for the show, 4»8 ill-, laialiotis with prei ision anil to NCOMC Lathe . . . 11 x32-inch capacity. m erchant vc.ssel and atla>ked lewwuwN* enroll at the Civilian Defense Of­ which if purchased Immediately _ | l unviiu i' all cla.sses rai es and Drill Press... l4*/i-inch aiz*. British slrdrom,-.>. ye.st, m ay on 1. SaUries and other roe pettocut wniket, fice at the Municipal Building. may be had at an appreciable dis­ For well* up to 60 ft. I 1-piec* , r, .-ds of our sincei,' re.solve." he reconnais.sance Highls lo tin ha*- 2. Dividend]. count. Her telephone Is 8549. Mrs. caat iro n '. . . water ca ooot drip addeit. however, "the war cabinet (TTN How do BSESSeSOHOBF roc and Shetland islands ). lat, Z f t . notei. eU„ ( ----- .-\sh Is al.*6 receiving re.servations fiack into well! 6-iach itroktl have Hgn-eil unitedly upon conclu­ The second mass meeting and A German announ<’eiu>'nt .-aid obG(*tion*. etc.: for the bus trip to the Boston j sions for pre.sent and future action ood helplew Koy open lecture on Nutrition will be today that British tK-mbei> flew show on W ednesday, M arch 18, a r­ whi, li. if aiTi-pte.d by India as a Schedule K ------: d ) from Kn«(0. i 0 9 held on March 20 at the Hollister over western G,‘rmany last night , '■ "''* rangements for which are being 35-lb. M ica whole, would avoid the alternative CFmm *A>M, *>------street school auditorium. Miss but declared they carried out only made by R. M..Crockett of Hart­ danger.* dange'rs either that the tovrer Cherye Hodiger of the Connecticut Suifocad Wards Jat-Typg D*op Wall “nuisanc, raids" which wrre "mili­ ford. president of the Connecticut EMST. >. *xi>».**Lo*' (sso r*aes«^sD <1 McrowoT e* < Dairy and Foods w’lll speak. The tarily quite ineffective " resistance of a p'lwerful minority Horticultural Society. The bus will Roofing might impose an Indefinite veto on public la Invited to the .session stop In Manchester en route and It aeknowlerlged some ilamace, which will commence at 7:30 p. m. Automatic howerer. and reported that tliiee the wushi s- i>f the m ajority or that •hort-t»mi **• hoB* **le •» (d eapiul f,t into tVre ^ you return to Boston, and discharges Rell 1 ^ 0 5 a majority deejiion might be taken and calls for passengers at the Me­ 3-PIECE BATH OUTFIT British planes were h»ted .so tar (5) Net ki«-teral«un(or W )fca n tJeoi «aeh*i»e,de«pW Sorgent Water Pump •a shot down. which would l,e resisteil to the Reglatrationa are now being ac­ chanics burfding. Those who made ooint of dost ru'live internal har- cepted for the third Nurses' Aides the round trip to- the show by bus, Roll covari IO6 *q. ft. I Fine S. Net profit (*r U >) liw* bu»inm *r pnfaahn. (T«- **■** , Kerer . do" acreen lilvtry mica lurfac*. Group. The course consists of 80 last year, managed by Mr. CTock- , Faucets and Fittings Inc'ludedl PeeW elk < ^ tc noapU. fnm lint I, Schedui* H, F Aaphalt laturated fait baa* I iip of a new ,'onst It utlOR. hours of training. Thirty-four ett, were well satisfied and had i freer SO'to ,7. lntor»e(orV>*»)fc»«nP“ *n"***I*»6«fc«iKjriieoBi*:«Bd plenty of time to view, leisurely, | Price Siashed for 4 Days Onlyl hours will be spent in the class­ 60’ Deep '0. 'Told inmie in iUOM I to 9.^ room, two hours a day, live days a the exhibits. | Enjoy modem bathroom beauty and con­ F. C. Burrow* DM d p a p ^ i c n o N S week for three weeks, and 45 Wards venience NOW! Pay the easy monthly Wattr at eithtr high prea- r e o d - - hours will be spent In 'the local W'oU Equipped Pur* lur* or big vblumal V* h.p. 12. Interat. hospital under proper supervision. weyl Lovely recessed aeat-tub >1 equipped quiet DeUo motor operate* One hour will be spent In the final Putty 13. T«m>. OMMshrA. A fully equipped railway dining with a ihowerl Vanity lavatory has a wide Only e Menihl Usual Down in an oil bath! Simple con­ examination. Local doctors , are 14. Lomb* from fire, rtorm, car carries the following stock. ^ I struction. 1 m oving part! vary anxious to have more Nurses' back-ledgel Afofher-o/-pear/closet seat. Payment end Carrying Charge 15. Bad defat*. pLrntHmk sxcluslve of food and prpvislons:'' Aides sign up , as they are very 9, 1, %h e Ueattl Uw«!..S*» jfi. OtherdductMotaalfatttBBd far 2000 napkins, 1000 towels, 700 ranaaoi set Cirwiai CSeria important to the defense program. Made of the fineit, pur* liit- 17, Total dadBdSemiB pieces of silverware, 600 table­ cloths, 650 pieces of chlnaware, aaad oil and whiting f Can be painted I Buy for Spring I N*tillUIB«ilB-» / d ex lca n All local women are invited 240 plecea of glassware, 300 pieces j tba i;.erion Home tomorrow to of pantry and kitchenware, 200 help fold cause bandages for the aprons,' and 160 waiters’ coats. ] local emergency supply. The ses­ sion will be In charge of Mrs. Was Largest Army, UTALOG ORDER SERVKE Elmer Rice and Mrs. Harry Sweet. MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN saves you money, on fhoMSonds ot W e^ Begins Wednesday, March 25 in The According to Herodotus, the big­ may be used on any purchase lotoltng we haven't room to stock In our store. flia t AM Claaeea gest army of ancient tlmea waa $10 er morel Buy N O W .;. pay lATERI Tonlfltt, 7:80 o’clock—Inathic- that of the Persian conqueror, ' MONTGOMERY WARD tor Anthony Cboman at SL Bridg Xerxes, In the fifth century, B.C., I m a n g b e s t e s . JManchester Evening Heral4, at’a Aoreh luUl< „ who had .8,600,000 flghtan. I 824-828 MAIN 97REET TELEPHONE 5161 > a^iJ All


" m m Into the Congress . . . a bill which Itad the appearance of being a Can’t Invade Lauds Record very Innocent and desirable bill— YOUNG MOTHERS it was a bill to apportion money to Part of Coast Of Hausman pay workers who were dislocated SHOULD! s Of Interest Shopping With Judy To Local Women m I s by war priorities. Now this bill was sponsored by the’ Social Security KNOW Danaher Says Director Board and would have passed pro­ »Y(lH£NRY,(BMAMAh( iiiim 'm -ki. Military Experts Declare bably without question. Concealed Advertisement— Advertisement— Advertisement Advcrtiseinent- Lower California Is O f State Agency Has In the bill, despite a pious preamble, leather despatch case "I hardly smile. She bit her lip hard to keep was the power which would have tutting Silly Fashions , Orders From Vienna Saved $70,000,000. permitted the taking over of the Cream butter, blend in 3-4 cup of and chill for at least an hour be­ CTiapter XXV thing so, Miss—ST—’’ back tears. Safe from the Japs. Slack Sales | Tjiashion the sugar and cream until light fore serving. Serve in sherbet "I am Mrs. Drake McHugh Mr. "Listen, Drake. Don’t ever joke .State Unemployment System — The next afternoon Mr. Patter­ with the loss of more than 70 mil­ and fluffy. Add well-beaten egg glas.ses and garnish with green 'orners Lawes." like that. You’re a man, and By Wtlllain D. Pattenon Hartford, Mairch 11—(/P)—How­ cherries. Out with War son Lawes at the Burton (^unty above everything else you’re my lion dollars of the Connecticut tax’s, I J lash yolks and beat vigoroii.sly until "I hadn’t been advised of that, Pacific Defense Headquarter*, ard E. Hausman, executive director Up Rapidly smooth and light. Add flour mix­ "What Every Hostess Should Banks carefully polished his man. I’ve lov^ you for a long payers’ money. N / glasses and reread the cable-gram Mrs. McHugh.” He arose and Ensenada, Lower California, of the state Employment Security ture alternatcl>’ witii I lie milk, be­ New Stunning Spring Shoes Know ” includes advice on giving bowed slightly. “ I didn’t know time, but now I’m going to be “TTie bill was defeated. Nobody Before "Mr. Winter ’ interferreil that had been handed to him. Division who leaves the state ser­ in the United States had more to ginning and ending with flour and Y'diVII be sure of expert fitting, the carving host a-plenty of elbow Mrs. America Is Getting Drake was married.” proud of you.” March 11— (iip)—Both Mexican and many girls preferred to wear their Mr. (Tarter, the assistant cashier, (To Be Continued) do with the defeat of that bill than War-Time Treiul lo coats cape style, rather than with beating until smooth after each smart styling and unrivaled com­ United States officers stationed vice In a few days to join the addition. Add vanilla. Beal egg fort with any of the dress, sport ixxim. Give him an ample meat Wise to Folly of Style came Out of the vault. "What’s ” We were married yesterday.” here call discussions of likely Howard E. Hausman. The citizens Trousers for ^ omen arms in sleeves. platter with room to carve and up" "But—God bless me, the boy Army, was praised today as having In anticipation of this fad being whiles until just stiff and gradual­ or evening shoes displayed at The Japanese offensives against the saved the state of Connecticut of the state owe him a vote of ly beat in the remaining sugar; Shoe Box, LaSalle Road, West serve with ease, place the garnish Without Sense. "Tuat young Mitchell—trying to hasn't any legs!” United States through lower Cali­ thanks. ...” Had an Earlv Start. renewed this Spring, one manufac­ ”I didn’t marry Drake because $70,000,000. continue to beat until smooth and Hartford - inexpensive too, at on the sides away from the carver be a fool Finds Currant fornia, the Imaginations of arm­ More than 400 attended the din­ Children often need special care at th« turer ha.s plans to put loops inside and there’ll be a klss-for-the-ctK'k By .Ruth Millet "Y es?" of his legs, Mr. Lawes. Suppose Speaking at a testimonial dinner his coats. Then slipping the ninis stiff. Fold lightly hut thoroughly $3,98. $4.98 and $5.98 open eve­ chair strategists who know noth­ to Hausman here last night. State ner. Other speakers included Leon­ change o f seasons.'. They are mor# The answer to the "slark ' i|u<'.s- I into hatter Pour Into pan. over nings too! beam in his eve. The other day Mrs. Edna Wool- “ Cabled orders to turn over that we hear about the business now?” ing about the problems Involved. ard J. Maloney, director of the U. subject to colds if their through the loops will anchor the —you know, the Tower estate that seen a lot of bad country," was Labor Commissioner Cornelius J tion may be found in this fashion ! the rhubarb. Bake in a moderate i "Well—I have here, Mrs. Mc­ They say the tortuous terrain of S. employment Service for Con­ resist.mce is low . due to coat firmly even when sleeves man Chase, editor of Vogue Maga­ was left to him, to Drake Mc­ Bush Immune Rayner's blunt summary. Danaher said that the division oven (350 degrees F i for 35 min­ It’s smart! It’s patriotic to start Hugh, a communication that this peninsula, which stretches Tha Mexican Navy ’decided to necticut; Curtis K. Thompson, insuflicient vitamin A. designer's -eport: I aren't used. Here’s a wonderful recipe-you zine, told New York’s fashion Hugh” should be of great Interest to both director “ went to Weahington sev­ "One of New York's best depart­ utes, or until rake is done. Let can have a copy of this Rumford the family off right each morning. like a dinosaur’s backbone for 800 take over the provisioning of a rhalrman of the .State Unemploy­ I'.Tihcr John’s Medicine leaders that they must take the "Well, well! Very nice for Mc­ of you. I suppose it wUI help eral weeks ago and helped to mar­ buiMs resistance lo such ment stores reports a ri.se of al- I cool 10 minutes before turning out Book by writing to the Rumford Serve 'em simply but Include fruit Norwegian Plant Not Af­ miles from the California frontier, number of remote coastal observa­ shal the forces which expo.sed the ment Commission; and Frank .Mor­ of skillet onto serving plate. Serve folly out of fashion and show the Hugh.” solve some problems—If you have prosents more obstacles to move­ ris. president of the Connecticut colds by ..upplying plenty meet 300 per cent in slack.s sales ' Baking Companv, Box K, Rum­ ih season, a choice of cereal, public that "what we have to offer Mr. Lawns slapped it on the tion points which bad been receiv­ real Intent of the bill introduced slightly warm, with whipped breakfast meat or eggs prepared any.” he added hastily. fected by Pine Blister ment of a modern mechanized ing atorea over a back-breaking l-abor Department Association. of vitamin A. It also since Pearl Harbor. Hosiery Care ford, R. I. them is intimately bound up with desk. "Well, of all the damned "What is It?” into Congress to pay 'dlslocstlon gi\-es prompt relief from FATHEI "The trend had set in before HELLO THERE: - cream. Servea 8. 1 Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies in a snappy new fori'n, and good army than are to be found In the land route. The Na'vy had to drop wages,’ but which in reality gave their depleted incomes, with tha foolishness I ever heard o f!” He looked at her sharply. Rust, Hahn Says. Libyan desert, the Malayan penin­ roughs and throat irrita­ that,” the buyer tells me "For sev­ MARCH, THE WINSOME CHARMER PLTS US IN THE MOOD 1-2 cup shortening coffee or milk. fundamental questions of keeping the plan because a careful search the Sroial Security Board the JOHNS At least three factors are im­ "Were you expecting a com­ sula or even the snow and mud of failed to reveal a single point Reicord Freighter Run tion due to colds by sooth eral years, women have been qiuet- FOR PICk In G .s p r in g FLOWERS and chasing rainbows one day, New! Revolutionary Ironing 1-2 cup peanut butter up their appearance and morale, right to take over the State Em­ ing the throat. Haisuif ly wearing slacks more than be­ portant in getting good service Randy adjusted the window munication from Mr. Parris New Haven, March 11— ilF) — Russia. where the •upplies could be taken and then in the twinkling of an eye. drenches us with rain and ahowvs Invention! 1-2 cup light brown sugar Listen. a champion biscuit and that we are capable of mak­ shade, poked the fire, and made ployment System.” The 6.000-miIe run from Buenos fore. They had been wearing them from stockings: purchasing, wash­ h<-r concealed thorns in raw. blustery winds. But along about this The Thor Gladiron, motor-driv­ Mltcbtll In Vienna?” Currant je'ly. like "mother used to Added to this are the forces ashore. GOOD FOR ALL TEE FAXHT 1-2 cup granulated sugar maker says to new brides, don’t ing the most out of such materials small rustling noises. "I expect a letter soon. I bad massed here to repel a sea-borne The fund.s in Connecticut’s sys­ Aires. Argentina, to New York to do their housework in for in^ ing and handling. Do buy the right time of the year when we do get a day with blue skies, the world en, portable ironer at R. S. Potter- 1 egg, beaten make" may come back to Ameri­ From the Navy’s viewpoint the mix flour and shortening too well, as the government permits us. Drake spoke Anally. "It’s no a cable from him. Drake had one invasion. tem total $70,000,000. City wa.s made by a Diesel-en­ stance. size that means leg length and .seems so fresh and clean, the sunrises more glorious and the warm ton’s Ls a revelation of efficiency. 1-4 tup milk Unless they listen to that kind can pantry shelves because Dr nforal of the experience is: , don’t knead biscuit dough for use. Randy, you’ve got to talk also.” Listing the natural obstacles, How could an Invader disembark Danaher described the congres­ gined cargo liner In 15 days and "Since Pearl Harbor—well, we width as well as foot sire. And do .Spring eyenings a re\’elation of shining .stars. It is the season to en­ The amnll roll servos also as a I cup rolled oat.s more than 30 seconds, and be sure 1 of advice, the fashion leaders are Glenn G. Hahn, research associate Just haven't been able lo keep up to me sooner or later. Might as "Indeed. Did he know of they said they were enough to any sizable force with It* heavy sional bill thus: 15 hours, which Ls a record buy the type of stockings for the joy the ever fa.scinating works of Nature, in country byways and sleeve board and makes garments 1 3-4 cups sifted flour lard IS your shortening. likely to find themselves follow­ In botany at Yale, took a trip to freighter run. with it. Many cu.stomers say kind of wear you intend to give well be now.” Drake's condition?” break even a Japanese general's equipment, particularly when suf­ Power Concealed In Bill Read Herald Advs. even in the old backyard The awareness of the fundamentals of with shoulders, yoke.s. skirts, legs, 2 1-2 teaspoons Rumford Bak­ ing. rather than leading, feminine She came across the room and Norway 11 years ago. "Recently there was Introduced there’s one thing besides new tasks them- -sheer f-ems to have come to Main street too new clothes new For March 17th. St. Patrick’s cut a hole in the center, dough­ any more by silly. Impractical He laid the papers on the table white pine, but, Yale reported to­ ing ground for Axis fifth-column­ usirig warm water and mild, safe- [ nut butter together. ' Parris.” and explained briefly their pur­ ists. All Japanese have been taken slip into in case of an emergency. llnens--and even seeds m beguiling packages make their Initial ap­ Day; 2. Mix brown and white sugar | nut-fashion. Gives ’em a wide- fashions. Instead she is irritated day. testa conducted on the bush No girdle, no stocking—you step for-stocking soap. Rinse carefully eyed look, too. "How would you like It If some­ port. Randy listened with an in- to the interior for internment. pearance 1 IJme Chiffon Pie and add to shortening gradually, by them. thing happened to Parris and he Dr. Hahn brought back from Nor­ Y. M. C. A. 9ri\/afe Jonef la, and you’re adequately and mod­ (no wringingl and hang away We've caught a bit- of Spring for you and sprinkled it through 1 package lime The reason for her changed croas'ng dismay. way and named "Viking currant" There can hardly be any conceal creaming until light and fluffy. I didn't let you know?" ed enemy air or'submarine bases estly clothed, and you are warm." from artificial heat over a smooth your column too, tonight we hope you’ll like it. gelatin. 1 1-2 point of view is simply that, with ” I shall leave these with you, Indicate it la Immune to this Schedule Said the SUIT to the The buyer also reports that sub­ rod. When handling, avoid snag­ 3. Combine egg and milk and Hold on to those bacon drip­ Drake hesitated. ” I don’t knofpr- er—Mrs. McHugh.” here. Ceaseless plane, sea and land (Ill's boiling wa­ add. pings! Clarify and use this rich living costs skyrocketing. she I hadn’t thought of it. disease. urban women are bicycling, shop­ ging by being careful about rings, For lour Inforiiuitlon—Man­ can’t afford to buy something just Randy shook her head. ”I don’t reconnaissance by both American lard together, then cream in the ter. 1-8 tea.spoon 4. Fold in rolled oats. tat for pastry shortening, and for •’’Well, It’s the same thing. Not Affected by Rust and Mexican units has found no Tomorrow CHIFFON ping, gardening, doing volunteer rough skin or sharp nails. Put chester Newcomers! .sail. 4 eggs. 1-2 because it is different or clever or, know bow Drake Is going to take defense jobs in slacks—and they them on toe first and adjust care­ molasses. Add the well-beaten 5. Sift flour. Rumford Baking cakes or rookies flavored with Drake, he’s your best friend.” this. I’m sc afraid he may think Norwegian scientists told Dr suspicious activity. 9-12—Second shift recrsatlon We recommend Mrs. Margery cup sugar. 1-4 molasses. It’s a bit too definite as she used to say. "amusing." "Go on with your wobbly, Hahn, who also is pathologist of group, gym. are also wearing them among men. fully so that the stocking 1s not egg, then the dry ingredients al­ Powder and salt together and add. What she buys today she buys I asked Parris for help. ” Facilities for transporting men, overstrained in any one place Al­ G. Daley as a competent teacher ternately with the water. Bake cup lime juice. mixing well. in personality, though, for more weak-kneed explanations!’’ the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. 1-3 — Third shift recreation BLOUSE! And they insist, the buyer adds, of the piano for both beginners with an eye to how much good sha "You didn’t ? ” supplies and equipment overland that the men are accepting the so, a padded stocking box is a either in muffin tins or as drop 1 baked pastry 6. Drop by teaspoonfuls on delicately-flavored products. "That sounds more like you. S. Department of Agriculture, that arc almost non-existent, and the group, gym. “My goodnets! You’re so and adults. Mrs. Daley is a grad­ s h e 1 1. Dis.solve will get out of it. And there is "Cerlalfily not! Drake and I coFtume as never before. fine thing to keep them in. cookies on an oiled sheet Bake greased baking sheet and bake In You see, Drake, from Parris’ it was not eLffected by the pine peninsula’s mountains, deserts ancl 3:30-3— Green School, gym. fragile you almost fall uate of Ithaca Conservatory of gelatin in boiling water and add more than the money angle in­ could Lave managed without 6:30-9:30—Men and Women Women at work—in defense fac­ at S-IO to 37,') degrees F. Ice with moderate oven (375 degrees F.) Garnishes for your meat platter cablegram how bad he feels that blister rust prevalent in Norway deep, precipitous arroyos make apart. But don’t worry Music, N. Y.. and has had many salt. Beat egg yolks with half the volved. you didn't let him know sooner— help.” Since it was Introduced in this Showers. tory Jobs, for instance—are wear­ Spring-Fresh Dressing Uoun chocolate icing. 12-15 minutes. Makes 4 dozen should be edible and simple, so Where would she wear silly Mr. Lawes ntbbed the back of cross-country maneuvering vir­ — I’. S. Cleaners will give ing slacks, of necessity. Stores and teaching years to her credit. Her sugar. Add hot gelatin mixture cookies. about everything." hemisphere, testa have' been cc tually Impossible south of Santo 7:30—W. B. A. drill team, ban- you extra s|>ecial care." services arc available either at her slowly, stirring constantly. Add they don’t take a lot of last-min­ styles these days? They would his head. He was completely per­ quet hall. manufacturers say they also wear There’s something Spring fresh Beatrice Hall, Connecticut Dairy ute work. A hot-meat garnish look a bit out of place in a Red "Yeh. Maybe that was wrong." ducted successfully with 927 plants Tomas. You can trust U. H. Clean­ home. 33 Stephen street, or al lemon or lime juice. Chill until it “ Well, then” plexed. He did not understand a in New York, Connecticut, Mas.sa' 6:30—Bowling, all alleys. Tht Ban* ot tha Barraekt—dasplta them after work, too, with a about polka doth. Perhaps that’s and Food Council, advises: Calico Hash should be one that heat doesn’t Cross work-room or in a civilian single phase of this whole crazy No Food, Water, Shelter ers with all your gar­ your home. Telephone 8397. begins to thicken. Beat whites of Drake picked up the message chusetts. New jdampsbire, Maine 8—Mrs. Martin, two alleya tennaia! Her aecrat—Rumford Bak­ ments! change of blouse and jacket. why they are particularly appeal­ With the First Signs of Spring— Call it "calico hash" or what affect. defense class. proceeding. For most of its length the penin­ ing Powdar. (Rot (ica powder I) A leisure-time fa.shion which 1s ing to jaded fashion fancies in late sunshine, robin.s, gay eggs until stiff, gradually beating you will, but try folding a skillet- Her innate taste is not so poor from the counterpane. He had Oregon, and Canada, the principal sula is parched, barren land which Rumford helps you make the beet gaining in popularity by rea.son of winter. New, and Just the item to With thanks to Mrs F Hunt of in remaining sugar. Fold into gel­ full of well-browned corned beef almost worn It out since yester­ blister rust Infection areas. Oelestlal Ambassadors r cakaa and cookiae that aear ticklad a crocuses and burst­ that she is going to try to outshina "I don't know, Randy, I just offers neither water, food nor shel­ DIAL 7100 FOR PROMPT PICK-UP the war, is a four-piece week-end add vigor to your houra-of-easc Manchester: ing buds - pep up atin mixture. Turn into bake pie hash over like an omelet with a When preparing hamburg steak, her sisters in defense work. day reading and rereading it. He Experimental plants are. grow­ ter for an Invading force. priTita’t palatal AH-photphiteI FIIECi Mrs. Hunt was shell and chill. Pipe whipped try adding an equal quantity of looked at It and bis mouth quiv­ don’t know what to say." Spots of ing and thriving at Bar Harbor, Ancient Chinese looked on HEW booklet, coatalnint doreni of wardrobe including slacks, skirt, wardrobe, is a trimly tailored, flat­ your meals with col­ filling of buttered cubed beets in So Mrs. America is already look­ Heavy surf and high, rooky bri^t Idaat to ImproTO your baldnf. jacket and tailored blouse. Many tering dressing gown of navy or kind enough to cream around the edge to make a ground raw potato to make the ing down her nose at folly in fash­ ered a little. high color stood out on Drake’s Me., at Yale’s Marsh botanical gar­ comets as umbassador* Journey­ orful springtime des- the middle. thin cheeka. Randy was disturbed coasts provide few points at which Addreif; Rumford Bakins Powder, of the.se are done in spun rayon, grosgrain nbbon at cuffs, large send us a whole border and garnish center with dish seem different-from-ordinary. ion. And if the fashion leaders "Gee. he’s a great friend, Ran­ den and at a Commercial Tree Re­ a landing operation would be feasi­ ing from one celestial region to Bos B, Rumford, Rhode Itland. aerts. A rosy-pink by his agitation. another, and kept accurate records the man-made fibre which simu­ pocket, lapelcd collar and front host of recipes to rhubarb up-sidc-down shamrocks. .A Fine Value In a Folding don’t take the folly out as Mrs. dy." search laboratory In Stamford. ble. All such points, beaches and lates linen, silk, wool, shantung, closing. Practical, too, in tho.se help in our To make shamrocks, dissolve Chase advised, they’re going to be "Of course." "I guess I--oh, I don’t know. Fruit Found Satisfactory of them. ( 't S K ■ cake, topped with f'arriage To penny-pinch your fuel bills, What do you th,lnk about it?" harbors, arc under regular surveil­ U. S. CLEANERS gabardine, and worsteji construc­ times when practicality i.s at a Kitchen Defense one package of lime gelatin in This is the sea-son of the year stuck with it. "But—’’ “Not only has the immunity of lance and constantly guarded. puffs of delicious whipped cream, choose a vegetable td accompany "But what, now? What? ” The discussion of Parris’ offer AND DYERS tions at prices much, lower than premium. efforts and here is just the dessert to stimulate water according to directions on for strolling with the baby and a your roast and that will oven-cook the Viking currant from disease ^Irforce Commander Col. Fer­ the origrtnals. is one that is very the package. Pour into a shallow Early American railroads ex­ "This last sentence." had proved Ic.ss troublesome than been demonstrated, but the fruit of Near Montgomery Ward’s Jaded appetites. folding carriage is worth its right along with it. Say, spinach in Randy had anticipated. Drake nando i’roal, whose planes keep 836 .Main Street The “ separates” and suits are Flash'. economical too: pan to chill and become firm. perimented with cars equipped "Yea, I know. What about It?” the plant has shown itself to be watch ovi>r the desolate expanse This simple butter cake, of deli­ weight in gold. We found a grand casserole, baked onions or squash, was not \dolent about it, but he offered in deep and pastel colors, Prune ('ake cate texture, with a rhubarb "Slide a spatula around edge aind value’ at Watkins too, today of or escalloped tomatoes. with sails for motive power. ” ‘You and Randy stick together satisfactory for use In jellies, of the pcnin.sula, stated graph­ ustially with contrasting shirts. (No eggs and no sugari invert pan on a chilled platter. till I get there. We’ll work every­ was not easily convinced that he jams, preserver, pies and tarts," Ton don’t have to fly to Rio to marshniAlow topping has a tart- storm resistant leatherette cover­ should accept it. She remembered ically: THE MANCHESTER Finer slacks are made of ace­ get the South American splr.t. It's Spread several thicknesses of a thing out.’ ” said the Yale rejjort. 1-3 cup shortening sweet ta.ste that Ls a perfect end ed body with adjustable hood. . . . a warning line in a second cable­ "If an enemy invasion force tate twills, sharkskins and wrink­ right here . . . in Vmerican de­ 1-2 cup milk ing for lunch or dinner. Serve the tow'el wrung out of very hot water quilted sides. It is chrome finish­ "I know It by heart," she said Dr. Hahn said it wa-s believed lands south of here. I think we le-resistant alpaca weaves and are gram she had had from Parris: signed clothes! Blaring red bo­ 3-4 cup white flour cake slightly warm, and for an un­ over bottom of pan. The heat ed and has rubber-tired wheels. softly. al.so that tjie bush was heat and should leave it alone. The men worn with softly feminine blouses leros atop contrasting skirts . . . will dissolve just enough gelatin THE NEWEST STYLES IN "CM course he doesn’t under­ "As soon as he Is well enough drought resisting. PUBLIC MARKET 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon usual note, add bits of marshmal­ Also a safety brake, and this is make him decide things. Give would- quickly die of thirst, sun­ during leisure. A dashing decora­ wide, wide cumn.erbunds . . . 1-2 lb. prunes i washed, stoned to make the sheet drop from the just one of 18 different models stand.’’ 'The currant Industry, a little stroke or hunger without being tion goes with them —a bright low fo the stiffly beaten whipped "Doesn’t understand what? him full sense of Independence.” swirling, flaring skirts . . . glam­ and cut in fine pieces). cream. And the redder the rhu- pan. Cut out, shamrocks and place from $11.50 up. “ PERMANENT PERFECTION” over 20 years ago, iitIHzed 7,379 touched by us. We would only have crepe cummerbund. orous hats and jewelry! They’re all on pie. What are you driving at, Drake ?”■ "I don’t know what to say, acres of land in the United Statc.s 1 cup corn syrup liarb the more attractive will be Drake. We’ve got to look at it as to keep them penned up there.” m brilliant Good Neighbor color.s. 1 cup rye flour involves clusters of short curls and deep waves She waited. Hs did not notice By 1929, this had dropped to 3,574 One Natural Road Fringe In Style the cake. Here’s the new theme song for a loan, not as a gift.” Thursday Special Values 3 teaspoons baking powder The .Answer tu Your Bliu-kout our column this week: and flattering pompadours. A beautl^l hair­ how pale she bad become. acres . Col. H. M. Rajmer, U. S. liaison Khiilmrii ( palde-Down CWke "I tell you. Randy, I—I remem­ Topper Tips 1-2 teaspoon nutmeg. Khiibarh Topping Problems style depends on a good foundation— .A Creme- "T'oat’s just IL Parris means to Dr. Hahn is a Californian who officer here, .said the peninsula’s Fringe and tassels of the up- I Paid My Income Tax Today Curl Permanent.. .special creme for each type bered that if you had just a little give it to me. I can’t let him do POPULAR Cream shortening, add corn The G. E. Willis & Son, 2 Main did hla advanced study at the uni­ mountains, particularly in the htrfstery variety trim many of the 4 cups rhubarb, cut in 1-2 inch By Irving Berlin money Liere—’’ His voice faded. that. It’s to much — well. It’s There will be no hitch in the syrup and milk. Mix well and add pieces street, have some rigid blackout of hair and featured at Tlie Lily Beauty Salon. versity of Edinburg, specializing south, form a trough through Fresh Pork Spare Ribs lb. 25c spring creations. In one case fringe I paid my Income tax today, "I’ve heard there was homes you just chanty." then in diseases of forest tree.s, hat division of the Easter parade the flour which has been gifted 8 marshmallows, quartered board which can be lifted to your I never felt so proud before. which the enemy would tiave to FOOD MARKET forms flaming epaullettes on a could get into—maybe." "I’m certain Parris thinks too especially the towering Douglas fir sque« zc his forces over the only navy suit dre.ss. Tassels are used this year. You ran wear a new with spices and baking powder 1 I up sugai. windows with as little as three To be right there with the millions straw bonnet just as you always screw holes. In sizes 3 x5’ 3’x6’ Randy’s voice broke harshly much of you to mean It like that. which grows in the Pacific norfh- .scmhhinci- of a longitudinal road White Bulk Sauerkraut, 2 lbs. 15c instead of buttons to finish the aiul 1-4 tea.spoon of salt, Adil Mix the rhubarb with the more LILY BEAUTY SALON against his last word. "Drake Mc­ 855 Main Street Rublnow Building have. Hat de.signers say the Am­ prunes mix well Bake in loaf mar'timallows and sugar. Spread and 3 x8’- spoe permanent and I’d hate for you to hurt his feel­ weat. He has continued these In all Lower California. Genuine Spring closings of little jackets. Fringe Who paid their income tax today. 527 Main Street Tel. 7484 Hugh!" ings." circles the hiplines of slender erican straw weaves and braid pan in hot oven. 30 to 3.^ minutes in the bottom of a buttered 10- economical! studies here. This unavoidable compreaston of “ Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop" are superb, and there is plenty of I’m squared up with the U. S. A. "Why. what?" "But what do you think I ought dresses and outlines low yoke.s and iiuh iron skillet or heavy cake You see those bombers in the sky. the enemy’s troops would provide Rib Lamb Chops lb. 36c imported straw here for those who For your St. Patrick’s Day "Would you — would you delib­ to do?" ■ A popular theory about the a dazzling target for aerial bomb- deep necklines. pan. Rockefeller helped to build them. erately treat me that way. and want it. The problem is which one 1 3-4 Clips cake flour luncheon: "I don't know, Drake. After Christmas Star is that it may I Ing, Colonel Rayner said, aa well HHOP HERE to choose. So did I. Parris, too?" all. women haven’t jgot much Lamb Flanks for Stewing, lb. 10c FOR LOWER Priorities Note 2 tea.siioons baking powder Mint Fruit C'orktall I paid my income tax today, have been a configuration of the j aa a compact, bottled-up front for "I - I don’t —" '8ch.se abort money. You’re a man three planeLs Mars, Jupiter and land forces to focus on. ’ Why PAY More? 1‘RICES! I t 1-1 teaspoon salt Three tart apples, 1 cup diced G’bye now. Drake was looking at Randy Porch gliders glide on wooden TTie word ielegraph dates back pineapple, 1-2 cup after-dinner To PreserA'e Your 4nd you know better than I do Saturn; this triple arrangement “The terrain through here is the 1-2 Clip Iniltcr with an ex[)resslon half desperate what’s right.’’ wheels this season. And they're to 300 B. C. It is a combination of The Easter Bells Will Soon Be 1 cup sugar mints cut In halves, 1 lemon, happens once every 800 years. worst I have ever seen and I have Liver and Bacon Special two Greek words, tele, "afar off ’ Complexion with his owrn emotion, and half made of birch and ' laple to sub­ Ringing! 2 eggs, separated syrup from green cherrie.s. a puzzled concern for her. "But now are we ever going to stitute for steel gliders, but the and graph, "to write," or literally, There Is a large selection of 1-2 cup milk Make apple balls, using a small .Against March Winds and pay it back, Randy?" to write afar off. "Then listen carefully. What­ cushions keep innerspclngs. lieauUfiil Easter Cards at The 1-2 teaspiKin vanilla. French vegetable cutter. Add Changeable Weather ever you say. or however you feel "Well, out of whatever we make Genuine Fresh Calves’ Liver ...... lb. fi9c VEAL LEGS Dewey-Rutiman Co. displayed al­ Sift tlmir. measure: sift twice pineapple, mints, juice of lemon — it’s you and me hereafter - to­ some day. As soon os you are Fresh Pork Liver ...... II). 23c ready for the family, your sweet­ witli baking powder and salt. and syrup from cherries. Cover We Suggest: gether—somehow.” able we've got to make some plans Tender Western Calves’ L iv er...... lb. 39c about what we’ll do” NO WASTK! heart and your frlend.s better get Daggett B Ramsdell The expression went out of Fancy Sugar Cured Bacon, machine sliced, lb. 35c and 39c those "far away ” ones in the mail Drake's face. A curious emptiness “ You think we ought just fo -Four-in-One- Cold Cream, $1.00 jar fo r ...... 60c take the money, then?" REGAL’S Bacon Squarea...... 1b. 25c Loin Veal Chops lb. 35c soon. AVHinds’ Honey and Almond remained. The look frightened Randy. "Y ou have to say, that yourself.” * This one helpful pattern shows Leaves From Anne Cabot’s Album Ite I ' 7 Cream, 60c bottles now...... !5c Drake closed his eyes and his you how to make four garments Dfirorating Trick ” \ " Pond’s Cold Cream and Face Powder "I want you to trust yourself FOR A T.\STY MEAT LOAF OR HAMBURG PATTIES Shoulder Lamb Chops lb. 27c V • Often quite simple tricks in dec­ entirely to me for a while until chest sank with a sigh of weari- ADVANCE SHOWING OF for your little girl' A button- Combination, .81.00 value for...89c fless. front frock, overalls, rompers and orating will make an oddly-shaped j-ou are well and—” She bit her Veal, Beef and Pork Ground...... lb.29c or otherwise difficult room appear Velvet Lotion, a delightful skin tonic, 80c value fo r ...... S9c "You don’t have to think about a bonnet. Each one of them cute Feasant Sweater In Crochet lip sharply. Almost she bad said it now—” Lower Round Ground...... 1b. 3.5c really attractive. Mixing or 600-Sheet Pockagea Facial Tissue. 25c value fo r ...... 10c "up and around again." •' Center Cut Pork Chops lb. 35c and original in design and as en.sy You just can’t get away from An Extra Special— Rubbing Alcohol, 50c value fo r ...... SSc ” Yes I do. Randy. We’ll take Chuck Beef Ground...... lb. 29c ^ as pie to make. Can’t you see them matching paints and wall papers Drake half smiled. is one way. For instance, a long, the fact that a sweater — or lots STOCKS ABE GETTING MUCH SHORTER! "But you see honey—I can’t it. When Parris comes home SPORT COATS Our Own Make Sausage M eat...... lb. 25c 1 FOR .s t e w in g o r RO.VSTING! all in a dotted swiss. a quaint cali­ 5 3 2 6 maybe we can give most of It plain wall space may be broken up of them — make'a wardrobe a ever he ‘well,’ as you say." co or checked gingham trimmed back.” «* Shoulders of Veal lb. 17c with ric rac braid- can nsmi imag­ with panel of a handsome figured more flexible affair! Sweater.s "Drake. What has happened is 4 CENTER PHARMACY terrible. But you are alive." "Maybe so.” ine a more charming wardrobe ’ paper, used as s background for a j come in handy for school, busines.v, Fruit and Fresh Vegetables BONED IF DESIRED! particularly choice piece, of furni­ “ At The Center” '' Drake turned his face to the "I believe it’s the right thing. These new, aD wool, three- 1 Useful for play hours and drc-s.-s,)!)) play, parties, travel. Llk^ you say. we’v* got to think times both, this set is s welcome ture. Also an awkward alcove of wall. It was an old habit from hutton notch lapel models are Y’ellow Is a favorite color for his childlKxxl, but Randy did not ■ some way out," Drake managed Shoulders of Lamb lb. 15c aid for the clothes problem for a plain papered or painted room a smile. "I feel better. You high style— featuring well-em- McIntosh Apples, fancy hand picked...... 4 lbs. 25c small one-to-sixers. done in a correlated, rather spring. So is lacquer red. The know that. She alrao.st held her dirndl sweateiy in the illustration reckon I could learn to do fancy- phaalzed chest, Celery, well bleached...... : ------bunch 13c: 2 for 25c Pattern No. 8925 is in "-ire.s 1 2, spla.shy paper would be especially breath until he turned back again (OI NTRY ROM. I.VRUF.— FRESH would be lovely in one of these or and lookcu at her. work. honey?” suppressed waists— In the latest Native Potatoes from W apping...... 15-lb. peck 39c 3. 4 and .5 years. Size 8 set le- effective. Randy did not respond to the in a color to match your favorite "Drake, I'm going to tell you Tweeds, Mhel lands. Herring­ Indian River Juice Oranges...... doz. 29c-33c-39c quires 3'k. yards 3.5-inch mat'iial ’’dirndl" dress. EGGS 3 \ards nc rac’ braid It's Spring .At Wards m something, and I want you to bones, Plaids and Solid dors. A BUTTER Spring arrivals in every depart­ Peasant sweaters are comfort­ listen until I have finished. It’s For this attractive pattern send able to wear — big girls and lit­ 15c in coin, your name, addie.ss, ment at Montgomery Wards and first of all about what Parris said At Our Bakery Department w:e were intrigued by the irresist­ tle girls alike have loved them for pattern number and size to The /(Ll \ in that cablegram: ‘You and Ran­ ibly fetching collection of smart several seasons past — and the 3 6 c Manchester Herald, Today’s Pat­ vogue for them shows every sign A. dy stick together till I get there.' \ ' > suits, coats and dresses for Spring. We're going to do that. But I PIES— Apple, Peach, ApriCot, Pineapple, Prune, well tern Service. 106 Seventh avenue. of continuing. $ 12-95 New York. N Y. A new assortment too of defense Lots of big' puffed bishop and made up my own mind about that filled, 9-lnch s iz e ...... ^each 29c • Sliced Boiled Ham lb. 51c A com[ilete variety of t.^iioMul slacks for ladies in denim so gathered Russian sleeves are be­ long before this'—happened. Then Large Crusty Poppyseed Rolls...... doz.25c [•/ easy to wash—$1.29 up to size 20 after you got hurt I just had to styles and designs for new frm ks, ing shown on blouses for spring. Pumpemickle Bread, our own m ake...... loaf 11 c blouses anil accessories are showai \ v ^ and sizes 38 to 44 $1.59—nice A blouse with this sort of sleeve Seeing Is Believing... thing of how—that was all. Do Sliced Loaf Cheese lb. 31c in our Fa.shion Book for spring slack suits too, $2.29 and blouses is especially flattering when worn you remember one time you said NEW SPRING Sent! for your d ’py today only 69c. with a peasant.sweater. Every room In your home will look better with McGill’s Wall­ something aliout marrying me ? RIB RO.AST Pattern 15c. I’allern Bofik l.'ic If you’d like the instructions for papers. A choice selection of both English Ini|M"«) Ivy Gains Verdict Waves of R. A. A. F. planes home of his mother, Mrs. Marie Saturday evening. This la the About First o f May. made the attacks, principally at Vitullo of 123 Maple street at 9:30 Than Ever Now moa, deocribed u about Sniamaua, which appears to have first affair of this kind that the where he had been visiting. He be­ Hartford, March 11—(JP)—Gov­ yoan old, entered tbe room. become a main assembly point for came sick Monday and on the ad­ local team has attempted and the Om man opened the door of the the forces which Australia expects vice of his physician was told to advance ticket sale promises it to ernor Hurley disclosed today that Over Clever Texan Heavyweight Champion Will Direct Ftiolball May Replace Foxx tliaekeeper'a room, pointed an old the Japnnc.se to throw at her with take things easy for a while. be successful, it was reported to­ possibly by May 1 thousands of Blekel-plated revolver at Robert the least possible delay. Born in Italy, he came to this day. gas masks may come Into Con­ Likes Army Life; In Sqiiud While tTowley .Stanley Backus heads the com­ Taylor, anS aald; "Thla is a stick- The commonwealth’s Icsders country 39 years ago and for the necticut for distribution to active llarlfortY Boxer Unable ; np.” i i e man carried a bag. mittee in charge of the procecd- Training Hard Daily. . Ig ill Service. are convinced that Australia has past 15 years has conducted a bar­ civilian defense workers. Galloping Gil While the second man stood out­ been marked next on Japan's time­ bershop on Oak street. He had a To Lund Cleanly; Tall As First Sacker side, covering the line at the win­ table of aggre.ssion and that the wide circle of friends. The distribution will be made by By Sid Feder By Harold Claaasen federal dispersing agencies, the Texas Chap Cleverly ? dow with a blue-steel revolver, and enemv will rush the onslaught in Besides his wife, Mrs. Mary Fort DU. N. J.. March 11.—(^ New York. March 11. -(/P)— the third—as It was learned after- order' to strike before this island (Gravino) Vltullo he is survived by governor said, with doctors, air Tf>m Stowe Interviews raid wardens, and others in the CvufleH PiiniHhinent; —As though Income tax time and The same system that brought KiiigH tli<* Bril m rd — kept watch outside, the continent’s defenses can be fur­ one daughter, Mrs. Stephen Inhur- Boston Secretary on man in the timekeepers room ther built up and reinforced from gla of Philadelphia, two brothers front line of the home front, later, Ivy Forced Most o f i the draft and such maUers weren’t Fordham University 72 triumphs SCOi^ied the contents of a drawer abroad. Frank Vltullo and Joseph Savtno, further supplies of gas masks, will and only 14 defeats in nine years be available. enough Just now, the heavyweights Lupien's Prospects; into the bag. Offensive Fighting Watchword both of Manchester and two grand­ 'File Action. ‘ in general and ample Able Simon under Jim Crowley will be continu­ Enter Black Ford Sedan children. He was a member of the The governor's announcement in particular were informed today His Ability to Hit in Offensive fighting, therefore has follows his recent conference in ed with Earl F. Walsh, big. smil­ The men then backed out of the become the watchword not only of Barber's Association of Manches­ Bobby Ivy got Jigger McCar- [ that Joe Louis is stronger now Cliitrli May Help to Australia's Air Forres but of her ter. Washington with James M. Lan­ than he’s ever been. ing Iowan, at the helm. itMm. They entered a black 1937 dis, national director of civilian thy's decision over Chick Hernon- '' Walsh was named acting roach or 1938 Ford sedan and drove land forces also, in order to smash The funeral will be held from Of course, this Is Uke saying, a Ulinrh Berth. defense, who agreed, hereafter, to di'Z at Foot Guard Hall Isst. night , red pepper Is hotter when doused o- the Rams last night, and O ow - north on Market street. the enemy's arcumuinting the William P. Quish Funeral operate through the State Defense Police headquarters, nearby, strength on the stepping stone is­ home on Main street. Friday but the best he should have rc- V with mustard, but It is the awful ley was given a leave of absence The Wsr Depnrlment announced Council, thereby avoiding con­ to join the Nayy. where he prob­ By Tom Stowe was notified at once, and a store lands of fthe I'ontinental main­ morning at 9:30 and from St. reived wa.i a draw. The Texan did | i truth, nevertheless, because Buck in VVa.»hingtun that Gen. Douglas fusion In instructions. ably will aid In toughening flying Miami. Fla., March 11—A for­ employe drove two policemen in a land and delay the invasion thrust. James's church at 10 o'clock. not do niiich fighting, but neither Private Joe. himself, says it’s soi MacArthur has received persistent Kemnn'iissance has shown the Friends may call at the funeral The governor said that this W’hafs more. Joe says, this Arrty cadets by fiKitball methods. mer .Manchester, Conn., boy may private car In pursuit. Motorcycle reports that Lieut. Gen. ^la.sahnru did Ivy. It w.-us one of those in-| Policeman Henry Mar.sb also Japane.se to be working swiftly to home after 7:30 this evening un­ agreement will enable the State life is the thing that turned the The new Fjiri m boss was be the regular first-baseman for Homma labovei. .lap army com­ transforni Salamaiia and the other til the hour of the funeral. Defense Council to determine the ligliting frai as lhal never |ilease . trick and changed him from a Crowley's chief scout and bark- r .si chased the bandits’ car. gas mask needs and the town of the Boston Red Sox thla season. Marsh happened to be near tbe mander in the Philippines, has (sciiiiied New Guinea harbors, Lae the fans and last night's brawl i comparative weakling into the flrld coach during his nine-year committed hara kari because of Groton and other communities He la Ulysses J. Lupien Jr., who building. An unldentltled man, he and Fin.schhafen, into supply de Mrs. Loretta E. Doane \va.'< nothing to brag about in the | great big strong man he’s sudden­ tenure and came to the Hose Hill the invaders’ failure to overcome who are not scheduled for gas ly become. in.stltution after having spent a captained the Harvard baseball reported, rari up to him and cried, pot.s behind what some Australians Dress Up the Family Favorite Mrs. Loretta E. (Olds) Doane. iuain go. ' the American-Filipino defenders. predict will be a scatter-blow in commands coming from authori­ masks in the original allotment “ It’s not only the Apmy work similar period as head coach and team in 1939 and led the Blastem "There goes the holdup car." It It's delicious—it's nutritious — wife of Merritt A. Doane. died this plan originating In Washington Tony Fuico was tossed into the i was Ju*t disappearing from sight. vaaion strategy- an attempt to ties jjvho have fallen into Japanesi ring with a real fighter in the I and stuff," Private Joe said as he athletic director at Dowling Col­ Intercollegiate I„<‘ague in batting it's economical I Here's a meat pie morning at the age of 23. She will be included in the distribution. went through his chores in prepa­ lege, then the Des Moines, la , the same semester. Marsh took after the machine supendsed the disarming there of open up many fronts in undevelop­ hands. leaves besides her husband a semi-final and he won pretty much Fighting In Three Places Fire equipment, such as demoli­ ration for his March 27 Madison Catholie Aeademy. Yfiting Lupien—he'll be 25 April hut never succeeded In overtaking the main hotly of Dutch forcc.s de­ ed, thinly populated northern Aus­ made of nutritious pork and veal month-old daughter, Mary Eliza­ tion tools, will also be distributed iu» he pleased. Al Evans, a colored It, although ho was going from 70 fending the western front in Java tralia by .sending In large forces at "As far as I know fighUnc is go­ browned and blended to savory chap froni Fall River, Mass., was Square Garden party with Simon. Walsh is a natlv,. of Adair, la., 23—is now with the Red Sox at beth Doane She was the youngest on this new basis instead of "But when you’re- in the Army, to 76 miles an hour, he said. as well a.s approximately 6.000 men several widely separated points. ing on in three places in Java: goodness, and topped with pars- Slanlev Backue by far the best that the Middle- the same general community that their Sarasota training camp and o( the daughters and sons of Mr. through areas designated by Wash­ you don’t get out 4s much. There's produced Bob Fell’ r of baseball he stands a pretty good chaince.of DescriptlOD of Bandits comprising part of the Dutch The first R.A.A.F. wave struck West and east of Bandoeng, and leyed curlicues of biscuit Crust, and Mrs. George P. Olds of 56 ington. town yoiing.ster has had to face, i forces holding the central front. The bubbling meat mixture peeps ings, and he is being assisted by Clever and always dangerous he j not so much time for foolin’ fame; Niles Kinniek, the Universi­ displacing the famous Jimmy Vthe first holdup man was de­ at Salamaiia yesterday Just before in eastern Java, " he said. "Similar Chestnut street. She also leaves a The governor said he understood around. So you/just build up natu­ noon, the Air Ministry said, and flghting going on in almost all between the curly crimple crusts members of the basketball team. kept things fairly even until the ty of Iowa All-Amcrlca back of Foxx at the initial sack. My au­ scribed as five feet, four Inches Dome! said. IS sister, Mrs. Ruth Staples of Bolton that gas masks and materials for rally." / thority for this statement Is none attacked a Japanese cruiser despite the other Islands. Mo.st of Sumatra and wafts out delicious aromas The proceeds of the dance will be their manufacture are being pro­ tourth and from then on Falco did | two years ago. and where Max tall, about 160 pounds In weight, that call the family to dinner post­ and two brothers. Harold S. Olds used to purchase neecied basket­ Joe isn't kidding about that. His Baer's parenUs lived shortly before other than Edward S. Doherty a thick wall of anti-aircraft fire. still Is unoccupied, even the cen­ of this town and George A, Olds of duced in Connecticut. as lie pleaswl. He cut the game I dark complexion and hadr, light haste. No trouble getting the fam­ ball suits and equipment. Evan.s about the mouth, not dan-1 program these days Is as full as a the birth of the former heavy­ Jr., public relations director for topcoat. The second man was The effect of that attack flaa not tral part." San Diego, (?al. The state council also will buy glamour gal's date book. He's up the Red Sox and former sports About Town yet been determined. ily together promptly on Crimple- Miss Rita Bombard will be the KW.OOO arm bands for use by ac­ gerous, but drew fresh streams pf j weight king. about five feet, six inches tall, 180 After a conference with Prime Crust-Mcat-Pie-night! The funeral of Mrs. Doane will guest soloist and music will be at 6 a. m. for six miles of road­ The Rev. Ralph I. Gannon, Ford- writer on the Providence Journal. pounds in weight, dark complexion Two Ships Set Afire Minister John Curtin at Canberra, tive workers in blackouts. claret in the fifth and sixth. Falco ! work. , When he comes back he Doherty tells me that desplts Economical, too be held Friday morning at 8:30 furnished by Tony Obright and bad way in the fifth but the bell ham President, said that Glen and hair, wearing a light topcoat A few minutes later, the com­ Van Mook announced that he and You can use less expensive cuts from the Holloran Funeral Home, takes an hour's nap. then sits down the fact P'oxx had a good season Ward Cheney Camp No. 13, Uni­ his orchestra. bad way in the firth but the bell Carberry, Ed i oaky, Not Pierce last year both batting and afield, and gray hat. No description of munique added, another R.A.A.F,. other Dutch officials who escaped [ of pork veal, for these will taste and nine o'clock from St. James’s Reservations may still be made for some work with a knife and i ted Spanish War Veterans will came in the nick of time. fork, and then has to run through 1 anil Kd Franco, other assistants there is evidence that he-48 steadi­ the third man was obtained. wave went over, setting two ships from Java soon will leave for I Just as savory and be tender, too. church. Interment will be in St. by calling 8971, but it is urged Shower Is Given Fvan.s’ ability to bob and weave fancy George Meijiilnn, left Police assigned to the case in­ meet tomorrow evening at 8 his two-hour daily drill in his ba­ .■VII Browns aren't so bad. There's to Crowley, would remain as ly going down hill while the 10- afire, leaving another "large ship’ Washington and London, where I The puffy, brown biscuit curls are James's cemetery. that all Intending to be present sUxmJ him in good stead all cluded DetecUve Sergt. Philip H. o'clock at the home of Lawrence sic Army training. After that, he sod slugger Walter .ludnirh. Walsh's aids. No mention was yeara-younger Lupien continues burning, and scoring several direct most of them Will Join the Dutch made the time-saving Spry way. make their reservations as early through the bout as Falco made of the acting head coach's Dooley, Detective Francis Hyland, Converse, 61 Phelps road. Miss Clarisaa Af. Keeney For Miss Curtis has his work to do for the Army to improve most satisfactorily. Al­ hits on a warship. administration. / with quirk-blending Davor-saving .as possible. punched and pounded his way with salary. Puggj Bell Detfectlve Newell Lewis, Police­ The Dutch also will carry on Spry. These Ught. tender •curlicues Emergency Relief Fund affair though not a long distance hitter The war.shlp was believed to be Miss Clarissa Mable Keeney, 22. honor.H about even for the first Crowley already has passed hia of the Foxx type, the left-handed man George Goodman and State The Manchester Improvement cither a cruiser or a large destroy­ from Auatralia. The group of of­ are so flaky and nutiweet they daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer three rounds. Evans was nailed with Able. Policeman Harry Leavitt. Association's annual banquet and MUa Margaret M. Curtla, daugh­ Wearing a knitted tossel cap When dinner's over, any spare physical examinations hut the ac­ Lupien has the knack of getting er. ficials will meet In Melbourne .Sat­ fairly melt in t”he mouth. Keeney, of 490 Keeney street, with a hard right In the fourth and St. Louis Browns Blessed tual date of his induction still Is meeting will be held Monday eve­ Tantalize the family appetite ter of Major and Mrs. N. J. (Tur- and baggy sweat shirt for warmth time before the lights go out at 10 hits when they count the mosL Then, it said, still more attacks urday to allocate posts for organ- , died at her home this morning aft- Did You Know app-irentle' iiev**r recovered from not known. Colored Stars Lupien was at first when ths ning, March 16. at the Y. M. C, A. "recorded further hits and near izing resistance here on a regular soon with Crimple Crust Meat Pie. . pj. geyeral years’ illness. In addi- tls of the Salvation Army Corps, Gil Dodds, the divinity student o clock can be used to play some the blow. It WBS a short choppy who became the mile and two- tahle-tennls, toss some darts, have During his nine years with the Rod Sox broke even in a Saturday President Edward Morinrty .said ml8.ses." Except for a transport footlng. I Don t tni.st to memory clip the ' parents she Is survived was the honor guest at a miscel­ smack that landed a fraction too Eight Good Left Ilanjders Japaiiese Claim today that he had tentatively ob­ That— mlle sensation of the 1942 Indoor a whirl at gin rummy or checkers It ms he had one unbeaten team, and Sunday series with the New mcntioncil specifically having Should Be Ooneentration recipe now. by a brother, Alfred Keeney. laneous shower last night at the higli over the button. York Giants at the new Miami tained two speakers for the affair Crimple Crust Meat Pie track season, t-ake.s to an outdoor or some elegant Jive pouring from that of 1937, although it was lied To Plav Here been seen listing heavily'' and on Van Mook declared that the home of Mrs. E. J. McCabe of Rus­ Ivy has not yet learned to fight. Field which adjoins the Orangs Cruiser Sunk and would make an announcement "most out.standing lesson of the 2 Small onions, sliced The funeral services, which will The use of snuff is on the up­ board track in Boston to tune up the electrical music box someone By Harry Grayaon tiy Georgia. lire," the communique did not be private, will be held at the sell street A large number of He forced the scrap and bored in Bowl Stadium. Foxx has been before the end of the week. war Is that there should be a con­ 1-4 cup Spry grade in the United States, accord­ guests from Hartford and Man­ for the final meets of the sca.son. gave him for a Christmas present. NK.\ Service Sports Editor make clear whether these new Holmes Undertaking Home ronlinually but Hernandez was In particular, he's preparing for All of these recreations are laid Action Packed Famous Busketballers to bothered of late with an Injured blows were on the same ships centration to insure it would he 1-2 pound pork ing to Census figures. Latest re­ chester were present. The decora- Iielnnd, Fla.. March 11 James foot. The former Manchester lad (Osatinned from Page One) Woodbrldge street at the conven­ ports show that the nation uses rlecer in covering up and hit the another duel with I^'S MacMitchell nut on the first floor of a fight St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ bombed earlier. waged as a single effort and not 1 pound veal tolns were potted plants and paper cleaner blows. Even ills home town Li ther Sewell has swung to the I*Iay P. A .’ s Here at handled the guardian sack flaw­ by all kinds of separate com­ l.-l cup flour ience of the family. Rev. W. Ralph nearly 40,000,000 pounds of the in the K. of C. games, March 14. training headquarters, the like of Adams Leads will result in nothing but disaster ters of Isabella, held its regular It salJ only: streamers in pastel shades, with supporters were a.sking the New which hasn’t been seen since Max left In search of pitching, the lack lessly on both occasluna and amota business meeting last evening In mands," V2 teaspoons salt. Ward, Jr., of the South Methodist sneeze-producer annually. Bouts on Tap ■ks suffering for the Australian "When the aircraft left the tar­ church will officiate and the burial numerous miniature umbrellas England featherweight champion Baer used to cover the Broadway | o. which ha.s kept the Si, LsJuls Rec March 28. tis-o hits for three to help the Sox the K. of C. rooms. A news re­ get area one ship was burned out In an Interview, he said it would V 1-2 cups boiling water suspended from the chandeliers, when he w.as going to fight or was win the open 3 to 2. people auch as has Just been ex­ Coolf onions slowly in melted will be In the West cemetery. The Census Bureau roports that beat. I Americans in the dark conline.s ol Cliureli Club perienced hy The Netherlands Elast lease was read in regard to relig­ and three others were on fire. be wrong to say that the Japanese A feature of the buffet table he headed back for Hollywood. Sullivan Pens "I'm in much better condition | At Foot Guard "If you've seen the Rons in ac- Should Lupien fail to quite make ious Instruction sponsored by "Two of them were sinking and had overrun all of The Netherlands Spry until yellow. Remove onions. a 32-year-old white mother with was a tiered cake with miniature Whether or not Pep is ready tor ; tlic second division since Dan How- the grade this season. Manager mdles. Cut pork and veal into I-2-lnch right now than I was after the ■ I tlon on the court, you've seen the Bishop O’Hara. State Regent one was being beached." East Indies but that the Dutch seven previous children named her bride, and bridegroom. Chicken Ivy right now is a question but it | ley quit Sportsman’s Park 13 Joe Cronin doesn’t see how he can Jape See Way To Take ' cubes and roll in mixture of flour m.ale triplets Shadrach, Meahacke .same amount of training for Bud­ Miss Mary Connery al.so explained possessions "cannot hold out in­ Funerals sandwiches, assorted cakes, tea is certain that when they do meet , years ago. Creates New Record at ' best in basketball today,” wrote possibly miss a year hence. Al- *TTie best and only way for Aus The burning transport subse­ and salt. Brown in hot Spry. Add and Abeilnego. A 37-year-old Ne­ Green’s Storv dy Baer in January." Joe admits. Curry ami C-ortez Will I Msx Ka.se. sports editor of the about the Chaplain’.s Aid associa­ definitely. and coffee were served. Miss Ethel the crowd will be one hundred per | _____ ■ I "I'm five pounds less than what 1 A letl-hander hasn't won for th'iugh Lupien has been the pro­ tralia to take,” the spokesman quently sank, apparently, since Van Mook said that "what ships .boiling^ gro mother (nine previous chil­ Y .Alleys for Men's: New York Journal Amenean. and perty of the Boston Americana tion, sponsored by the Daughters only an oil patc.i was sighted later Mrs. Mary J. Hunt Perrett and Miss Rosalind Turk- cent with the East Sider. It w-as, I w as then, and I'll probably come Mix It Up to Settle Donald L. Barnes' outfit since said, "was shown by Premier Tojo and planes were available in Java dren) named her male twins Nip the opinion of the ringsidera that his words have been echoed and since his brilliant days at Harvard of Isabella, and a contribution was where it bad lieen. Add onions. Meanwhile, prepare Funeral services for Mrs. 5Iary Ington poured and Miss Joy (Tur- E x u l a i i i s in D r t a i l How ! m at 205 the night of the fight." I'nul Bildllll shortchanged the ' Cliih Last Nght. O B Jan. 21 at a meeting of the voted for this object. Plans were paid for themselves. They i the and Tuck. A 14-year-old unmar­ r* P would nave cut Ivy to ribbvins ! Disputed Decision at re-eehoed every year since the .sen- I he also captained basketball there Another raid on shipping, of Biscuit Topping. J. Hunt, widow of Ellis E. Hunt, ried Negro mother named her Us served the refreshments. rw< n r T^r , , (He weighed 206(14 for Buddy, Yankees in H*4U. ------sational crew of colored rourt Diet when be declared ’If the Aus- completed for a food sale by the Japane.se) lost a.s many planes as The gifts were presented to the ia.''l night and unless Poison I v , Deleniuned to do suiuelliing one year tool thia is his second tr^U n people continued their pres­ still undetermined effect, was made BIhcuU Topping who died Sunday, were held this mixed twins Esso end Essolene. IIil4 Team wag I\ol in w h o m he disposed of with some six Hartford Thursilav. Adams stepped into the South 'stars started in New York 18 spring training jaunt to Florida. circle at Hale's store, Saturday, we did. We sank many ships” bride-elect in a large airplane can show a lot better tlian he did ' or eight punches.) ibout this famine unu.sual even ent attitude of resisting Japan we at Hanisch harbor, near Finsch- 2 cups sifted flour afternoon at two o’clock from the against Hernandez. Pep would win j .Methodist church bowling league years ago. From Harvard Lupien was first March 28 with Mrs. John W. hafen. shortly after the Japanese 3 teaspoons baking powder Dougan Funeral home and 2:30 To put zip In the nation's cook' model. On Title Seriefi. I .or (hi lowly Browu.s Luke will show no mercy in crushing Holden, chairman. Following I^tch Destnieflon Thorough m a walk , The Curry-Uortez action-packed and set a new high single mark | The Rens. who will appear farmed out to Scranton in the lauded there yesterday. 3-1 teaspoon salt from the South Methodist church, ery, the United States normally Miss Curtis is to bo married I . e.vell h.as no fewer than eight with 1,56 and incidentally copped i against the Poli.sh Americans on Eastern I.eague and from there them but If they come to under­ last night’s program a' social time London. March 11.—i/Pi Dutch Maxie Katz of Walerbury go* a mlx-up of iast week is re-acheil- southpav. 3 In the Deland camp stand Jaq^an’s real Intentions and Australian raiders also smashed 1-3 cup Spry of which she was a member for imports 75 million pounds of Saturday to E. A. Bradley of St. hair cut before the f-ight and Full­ Jack I” '( ycr. Sp'Tt.' Editor | the three string totals for the eve­ March 28 at 9 p. m . East Side went to Little Rock. Last season was enjoyed with refreshments at Japanese airdromes on New destruction of in.stallations at the 3-1 cup milk (about) more than 50 years. The pastor. John.' New Brunswick, who is ex­ Vikings Down uled for clarification over the .our of them bland new. express v^lngness to cooperate black and white pepper a year. The er of South Norwalk gave him a Manchi.stei Herald: j ■’best-of-tliree" fall.s route a.« the ning at the Y alleys with 362. It Rec. soared like a meteor across he was with Ixiuisville in the Am­ served by Mrs. Henry Gnie.s.sner. Guinea only 45 minutes by fight­ chief Soerabaja Naval base and 1-1 cup parsley, cut fine Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., officiat­ Census Bureau reports that most p ect^ to arrive at the Hartford Considered exte'.leiU prospects was the first time this year that the bnsketba;i firmament from the erican Association and batted with Japan we will not hesitate to Mrs. Philip Carney ami Miss Mary other Naval stations in the East trim in the ring. Katz looks lil:e a It wa.s v.itiy a ;*ieat deal of aur-! headline cla.ih of the weekly wre.s- .ire .Stanley Feiens. who bagged li) er plane from the mainland—and Sift flour with baking powder ed. During the service Robert J. of the black pepper has been com­ airport this evening at seven he had been able to get the pins very beginning. Fla.shing a brand .289 in 154 games during which extend our help with real under- Indies was so thorough that heavy nal piig until he puts up his hur.ds pri.ac th(»t I cAh,! >'our atm y the tling card at Foot Guard hall. Connery. and salt. Cut in Spry fine. Add Gordan sang "The Old Rugged ing from Java, Sumatra, Thailand, o’clock. The ceremony Saturday and then any resemblance to any <( Sophs 32-28 for ( 'olumbu.s. Ga ; Frank Hiscaii, to topple. The scores: of court action which literally he handled 1.485 chances with but stsindlng for Uicir welfare and set fire to a moored four-engined Japanese warships will have to re­ Hartford, next Thursday night. who thrice beat the Columbus progress.’ " Japanese flying boat off New Brit­ milk, mixing to a soft doiigh. Cross" and "Lead, Kindly Light." the Philippines, and the West In­ afternoon at 3:30 at the citadel fighter living or dead is purely proposed h.'skotbail town series l*e- [ Team No. I blinde,.rkiu.s ...... 94 96 91 281 I fame nationwide. ing Foxx out of the first-base as­ “the same fate that has befallen Aiistraltan-helil port on the New news agency Aneta today. The hearers were all grandchil­ would greatly appreciate it. Mr. claim the “Gob" pulled a "boner". than twi, e a.s many as ho lost for Singapore and Java awaits them. at the church. All memher.s who strips, then make 3-4-lnch cuts of the popiilatjon of Hawaii, ac­ possible and did. Victory Against Ree Richmond ...... f*’’ 90—309 j Soon they were in demand In signment. young Lupien doesn't have not already Jidned the Mys- Guinea coast below Salamaiia, about an inch apart In the strips. dren of Mrs. Hunt, as follows: No Extra Tires Editor, if you would allow me this . . . The Bull say.s he was robbed Piiragould. Ark. •Ihey should beware the handwrit­ were believed to have inflicted only cording to the Census Bureau. It was a sell out crowd. Frazier ...... 198 9i 126— 331 | ^g^ivv England, then throughout the re.sort to any boasting. "I'm trying ,tery club are tnviteil to do so at tjulte Wet Roll up strips as for Jelly roll. George Hunt, Jr., Philip Hunt. Wil­ League Players. and demands another shot and re­ i’itrhing tjiialltv If mighty harfl and hoping for ths ing on the wall.’’ incon-sequential damage. lard Hunt, Jr., Roger, Earl and That Ls about equal to the propor­ Freddy Durbin won from Young space to give some detatl.s on the venge. . . . Cortez says O. K. with ■T ^ j Ea.stern states, and the Middle this meeting. -Mrs. Augu.st Carl­ Pour hot meat mixture into tion of non-Whites in South Caro­ For Volunteers Ricco of Willlmantic in the open­ .Monday night meeting on arrang­ •Not Too .Much tluiillty 1 Total ...... “ 2 493 522 1497 , West was quick to acclaim them. be.st he told me. "but Jimmy’s Separate Peace Impossible son Is chairman of the committee War Minister Francis Fords A home off Water Street. In the Sprycoated casserole and arrange Eldward Hunt. me, so the scrap i.s on all over Al Hollingsworth. .N a I i o n a 1 I got a lot of good baseball left in announced that offensive action Burial was in the East cemetery. lina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississip­ er on a TKO. F reddy Foran lost ing for the Town Setie.s. 1 believe The Vikings stopped the High Team No. S Today there i-su’t a corner of the Domel reported that, in answer of ten hoste-sses. Rainey addition, was purchased biscuits on top. Bake in very hot to a nice looking prospect from again . . . but Sharkey is "out ” League veteran, m.ay have belat- Ijirabee ...... 83 89 92—264 him yet. If I don't get the job this had been made the keynote of In- pi, Arkan.sas, and Louisiana com­ it only fair that the .spun.sors of School Sophs 32-28 in a well play­ and Charlie Winters, one of Com­ United States where the fame of to a question on the possibility of from a man nanted Fawcett hy oven (4.’j0 degrees F.) 30 to 35 Beacon Falls. N. Y., by the name I edlv found himself while grubbing Covell ...... 10,5 96 106—307 season. I'll be bark again next struction-s to the Australian army, Mrs. R. A. Wells of Marshall, Mrs. M a^ TtmminB bined. Norwalk, March 11—(IT)— Secre­ the .Manchester Green team be al­ ed game at the Rec last evening. missioner Coskey'.s arbiters will i the Rens ha.sn't reached. a separate peace between Japan Rabbi and Mrs Berthold Woy- minutes. Serves 6. of H.lly Mur*ay also on a TKO. lowed to know the fiill details, a.s Cole led the attack for the l(VM?rs, Ji ganie.s for the Sarramento [ Clark ...... 83 92 106—281 Sports editors and other exi>erts year ". Lupien concluded. and Australia, the spokesman de­ declaring "there should be no more Tex., and the home was tenanted tary D. W. Harford of the Connec­ officiate in the ring while ...... four |! Bildllli J.s back from thaler of 26 Lllley street have Norwich, March 11.—()P) — Despite the rapid growth in the explained to me, after this meet­ hut was unable to carry the bur­ Gill ...... 83 106 129—318 i all over the country who have seen Doherty was real optimistic in clared this would be Impossible named their daughter born Mon­ talk of withdrawals," by a man named Pool. Walking Oyster Priests from throughout the state ticut State Firemens’ Association "cops” will hold the apeclators in i Fwald Pylo. who won Mercer ...... n o 97 119—326: hij discu.ssion of Luplen’s chances I'sing Services of Bennett use of tractors, 9,283,982 horses today announced he had been in­ ing. den alone. Gaudino and Alvord them in action have nothing but because of the German-Japanese- day at the Memorial ho.Hpital, gathered here t'oday for the and 3.844..560 mules were in use on check. . . . I 14 while losing 16 for .San Antonio, the highest praise for their .speed, with the Herald representative. “I Italian agreement not to conclude Forde said the services of MaJ. Rabbit Fur ImiMirts formed by the state rationing ad­ In the past in all town athletic kept the Vikings out in front most George .Macrieostas. the (,olden | re-alled Miriam Helen. The pearl oyster of the Red Sea, funeral of Mrs. Mary Timmins, the nation's farms at the time of Sports Roundup events, the Green club has had Total . . ... 464 480 .5.52 1496 Iexcellent team work and clean wouldn t be a bit surprised if Lup« a separate peace. Gen. Henry Gordon Bennett, who Cryloii. and the Persian Gulf, can ministration that volunteer fire­ of the way by fine shooting and Greek " wilt meet Frank Judson. h.^deve Team No. 4 I wins out ". 'he said, adding, “ the mother of Rev. James Timmins of the 1940 Census. Only 802,989 nothing but (iie frie:.dliest of rival­ excellent floor play, especially on , Lofl-hsndcd arc pli|y Bgainst their oppiments He added, however, that It E M Bailey, principal of Man­ commanded the Australian Im­ The fur trade does not use the walk, and uses Us external fool to Manchester. A solemn high mass men were not eligible to receive husky Polish mat man and former Archie McKain and' Fritz U.3lci - Kimball ...... 90 87 107-284 | kid's a hellu\a good ball player would be possible for Japan and American cottontails anil Jackrah- coIU and 99,679 mule colts were new tlrfea or tubes. By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. ry with the Polish Americans. In the part of Alvord. The score: wrestling coach at Harvard In the chester High school was called to perial force in Malaya and has migrate whenever food becomes of requiem was offered at St. reported, however. muellor. Lord , . . . . 97 94 120 -311 , and they jiist simply can't keep Australia to ‘'come to terms." But bits, but imports rabbit fur prin- i scarce, The explanation from Adminis­ the town series of 1941. the Green vikings semi-final tussle that should fur­ ...... 103 97 106—306, him but of the majors much long­ .^unapee. N H . this morning be­ strongly urged offensive tactics, Mary's Memorial church at 10 a. was edged out by the P.A.'s by the Manager Sewell's ninunting Nichols when asked whether Australia’s were being utilized in advising the clpr.lly from Australia and New ‘ trator Chester Bowles’ office wa.s New Y'ork, March 11.- One New B. F. T. nish moat of the evening's clean, er However, if Fditx geU the caU cause of the death of his brother. m. with burial following in SU The Census Bureau requires a York track writer would like to score 47-46, and 48-47. both of ...... 2 1 5 mound hoi>e is a right-hander, Lions After status in that case would be the home defenders how to counter Zealand. First Chinese Railroad that a volunteer fireman goes to Pratt, rf ___ fast, spectacular hostilities . . . however, fur yob Munenef won Total .. 290 278 333 901 from Cronin, Lupexwill go back same as that of the Philippines Joseph’s cemetery. statement of the cause of death on between 30 and 50 fires a year, put on an indoor meet March 25 wldch were real sport thrillers. In ...... 2 1 ft Steve Passas, the "man with a Company No. 4 of the .South Japanese tactics. Rleder. if ----- 13 last tri]'. although he did not Team No. 2 to Ixmisvllle for he’s far too valu­ and Malaya, the sixikesman said Industrial activity in the United Rev. Fr. Timmins was celebrant all death certificates. Recently a averaging 10 miles on each trip, for the benefit of the Navy Relief baseball the two teams have al­ Gaudino. c ...... 5 2 12 thousand holds will face Ted Ger­ . . 9 1 94 93 278 able a player to keep” sitting on Manchester tire department . wafi He said Bennett would be given • united chiniChina's first railroad was built ciirUficate read: “Cause of death— start until May 23. Boh Harris, Gibson this would depend on future de­ States has contmiiefl at of the mass and he was assisted and it was felt that the 300 to 500 Society, but they won’t try It un- ways had the best of friendly re­ Haugh. rg ...... 0 0 0 maine. a perennial rough-houser in ...... 102 1.56 104—.362 Battle Birds the bench and, anywsy.Xwe have called at 8:20 this morning to 63 an important army asslgrnment. r e r i i r d 1 i n 1 8 7 6 between Shanghai and 6 RuIIet wounds, all taking effect Elden Auki'r. Denny Galehouse, Adam.s velopments. pace through the early w.eek.siof-; Wu-.Sui-Sung. It was viewed with so by Rev. John Walsh of Unlonvllle miles Involved was only a small le.ss Lies MacMitchell, Greg Rice lations. Alvord. Ig ...... R ■ 1 7 "grudge" match that will keep Banks ...... 99 88 125—312 an outfielder-firalbaseman com­ Wells street where an overflowing It was announced officially that in the abdomen. Contributory and Gil Dodds can nin. . . . Harry George C.aster. Johnny Kramer, He asserted that Japanese Naval part of the Australian volunteer the new year, says the Departart mint much superstition that the rails as deacon and Rev. - Francis P. proportion of the life of a tire. At this time, the Manchester Tedford, Ig ...... 1 1 S the fans at fever pilch and rugged bination in Louis Finney. and air supremacy in the south­ oil furnace needed attention. There Breen of Manchester as sub cause— jealousy.” Hillman’s Dartmouth show Is Green would like to call attention Pete Baltran will tangle in t^c John Nlggellng, Bill Trotter, ...... 292 338 322 952 ' W asllillJ^ton NePfls ^ IH .Manchester aporta followei’a^of was no damage done. defense corps, made up mostly of of Commerce. ! 1 wore toy Hanning comes from San An­ Forde announced that MaJ. Ir­ those occupying seats in the sanc­ (1.) The Green would like the op­ Cole, rf ...... 7 1 15 in a hurly-burly ma.sMcre that fi sur Ju.st returned fron\ their wedding tuary was Most Rev. Henry red pepjier prized by epicures. The probably will follow the Big Ten will keep the fans howling from tonio with not too much in the Le‘doil SetR T” Reach IMavolTk. enougiT, however, it was Ulysses’ trip, and will be at home to their vine Andrews, who won the 'Vic­ portunity to face the P.A.'s for the Hampton, if ...... 2 3 T igm O’Brien, auxiliary bishop of the Censu.s Bureau estimates that the lead and schedule footbaU games 0 the start of hosUlltlcs. way uf recommendation. three older brothers who took Japanese Reduce friend.a after the 15tn of this toria Cross at Dunkerque, was di­ entire domestic supply can be against serylce teams in addition town championship. Anderson, c ...... 0 0 "There Is pitching quantity, if Hartford diocese. Warrantee Deeds Groman. rg ...... 2 2 6 New Haven. March 11. The niu.st of the limelight then. Frank month, at 39 ('he.stnut street. recting the corps. grown on 5,000 acres. Before the Howard R. Hastings to Joseph to the eight college games already (2.) The Green would be willing not too great a degree of quality New Haven Eagles will engage the and Albert i "Ab") were the big Prisoners Claim The need for an offensive spirit war, 6,000.000 pounds were Import ing to play a round robin consist­ Georgettl. ig ...... 0 0 0 Leaisiie Mark Oiarles B«an O. Hettinger and Frieda M. Het­ on the program. . . . The Okla­ Ready Bob Swift - this year or never Witshington Lions on the Arena guns, and Theodore also won Tokyo (From Japanese Broad­ Disorder of .\vlators al.so was stressed by Lieut. Gen. ed annually, mostly from Hun­ homa Aggies' basketball team ing of the Green, Fairfield Grocers, and old Rick Ferrell look after manv laurels. The funeral of Charles Bean, tinger, property on North Main 11 6 28 surface tonight, the final league casts) March 11 - i/l’i --Imperial Vernon Sturdee, chief of the gen­ gary. Bulgaria, and Spain. drew 19,000 fans for three big and possibly the Citizens Oub; the the catching. appearance of the .se.ason- here of Tlie Lupien family lived on East who passed away at his home In street. Referee-^Kanehl. headquarters said today that the A dl.sorder which attacks only eral staff. In a message to his Joseph O. Hettinger and Frieda games this season. Their top f(x>t- ivlnners to play the Polish Ameri­ To Fare Critics Stephens Of Toledo Break Previous RectTril the Lions, now coaclieil by .Alien [Center street and Mr. Lupien w: Detroit, Mich., Saturday, was held Japanese had captured 93.000 airplane pilots us known as acro- troops he declared that Australia’s Onsus records show that a.sth- M. Hettinger to Frederick R. Het­ bali crowd last fail was 12.000. . . . cans. ,To Plav Shortstop Shields, former New Haven Kagle an exiTutive in Cheney Brothers. troops. Including 2.0(h) ■ ornmis- By Wide >Iargin; Now neuroHia and is caused chiefly by enemies "ere not bound by sport­ from the home of Mr. and Mrs. ma caused 2,233 deaths during tinger, property on North Main Gerry Walker is looking after ■ (3.) There was no printed notice Although Johnny Beiardino favorite. The Lions are battling [Now the family resides in Bel­ sioned officers, in the invasion of t'rofound emotional stres.s. ing methods and the spirit of fair Arvld Seaburg, 64 Walker street, business at his Orlando (Fia.j , .SaraaoU. Fla., March 11—uO— 1940. street. '' in The Herald sport section of any Ratting champion Ted Williams U in the Army Air Corps, the Trail by Two Games. I’ rovldence for a playoff t'erth. and mont. a suburb of Boston and Mr. The Netherlands F.t.st Indies, as play. If they adopt the gangster yesterday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. drugalore while he waits for the Bombers Down infield is set with George .Mc- Lupien is civil service commls- well as vast stores of weapons and Dyonlzy Sokoloskl and Bronl- meeting to be held Monday night. today explaineid to his Boston Red will need this game on Wednesday code, we must do likewise to suc­ Dr. Wataon Woodruff, pastor of The United States has one retail sUva Soklloaky to August Brozow- Indians to see things his way in (4.) I pad no notification of t hia Quihn, Don Heffner. Vernon night to remain in third place. I sioner for the state of Massachu­ supplies. the Center Congregational church, Sox ' tegmmates that he was as The Legion bowling team set a ceed. store for every 74 persons, accord­ skl and Emella P. Brozowski, their salary argument. Must be a meeting except by a P.A. player well aware of his precarious posi­ Stephens and Harlond Clift. Meanwhile, the kjagles are firm­ setts. Frank is working at Pratt ; Of the prisoners, it said 60,000 A. I*. Newsman "Let us root out all defeatist officiated. ing to the Census Bureau. In 1930, druggist on the market. Gunners 42-24 Shortstop Stephens fielllicurtl recently, he was offered 1876 was wiped otit and that mark Due to hia-prominence. in_ Har- (This WHS a con.-lderable scaling .security of Australia rests with Burial was in the Buckland cem­ 13 to 1. apartment blocks may one day bs startA on the dot. and five min­ I^ead Early and Hold and deserving, and if It were not Gulleridge and l.'harley Stevens, was also held by the local bowlers. favorites will appear in the Wa.sh- us, and the price we are prepared etery. a b1.e Side Rec, 42-24. Kanehl and Bhaw was due to' be inducted into the drove in 93 runs and made 47 E. Ball.sieper .112 128 115—3.55 FM\en will take on the Fhilatiel-| an well. hoD- this fact." tomobile crashes happen in rural North Carolina during 1939 was Today's Guest Htar best two out of three games be­ had a busy evening getting 32 Army. extra base hits in batting .329 for F. White .. . ..124 117 L50—.391 commander of the Dutch forces son, Gerald G. Young of this town, areas, only 36.5 per cent of the Art Cohn. Oakland, (C41lf.) ‘"seI^on” r e le " “^h: c l | h fox on the pre. had Issued oi Jers for the complete were held at the Watkins Funeral 51.0 per 100,000 of the population, tween said two teams. points between them to keep the 'I.Ast year 1 took out three an­ Toledo. With Joe Grace in khaki, F. Cervini . . . ,.157 131 110-^398 deaths occur there. Tribune; “Consult page 322 of Nat (7.) Mr. DuBaldo explained also south endera in the running. The nuities,” he continued. "If I play this 6-foot 1. 200-pound We.storn E. Wilkie . . . ,.157 137 123—417 playoffs will start on next Tiies- , fnl hunting trijj______disarming of all , Netherlands Home, yesterday afternoon at 2 as compared with 62.7 In the__pre- Fleischer’s all-tlm? boxing record A ustralians Stitt that* after Sunday's game the P. boys "from over ..orth" could Hit this year, I can pay them all up. Maryland colleglah Will come in day night. March 17 j i„ c w « e Workers troops in Java. o’clock. Suicide ranked eleventh among seding year. book. You’ll discover that my Sul­ IkHity Ik listed A.'s voted to play the Fairfield match the sizzling pace of the win­ If I don’t play, they’ll lapse. handy. Total ...... 651 624 6.36 1911 Fighting in Java Dr. Watson Woodruff, pastor of the causes-of-death during 1940. livan, famous old-time welter­ They're only for $.5,000 or $6,000, » The Imperial headquarters tnbu- ComparisoB Grocers for the town champion­ ners, The score: A bit of repair work here and West Hartford Wa.shington, D. C. —American Melbourne. Australia.* March 11. the Center Congregational church, Census records show 18,907 sui­ weight, was managed by a man Bombern but th sfs a' lot of money to me.” ___ _ 115 1.34 130—379 : Wielander to Ride •Uon listed thl.s booty; -Hubertus J, 'Van Mook, lieu­ ship. How about this, Ed 7 there and given a little pitching, Berglund Red Cross workers stationed st (iP) officiated. cides in the United States that named Jerk Doran . . . making. B. T. Swift ...... 108 96 124—.328 For J. E. Widener Warplanes; 152 captured, includ­ tenant governor general of the Human mothers weigh about 20 (8.) On the Grocers team are P, r. the Browns won’t do as badly as Army camps and hospitals both Mrs. R. K, Anderson, organist, year, including 483 persons under Doran the first but not the last . 2 0 4 !4eek To Get Needed Sugar Pretto ...... 119 103 112—334 ing 24 bombers and 55 fighters; Dutch East Indies, declared today times more than their offspring at three players of the Green squad 0 Bronke, rf ...... some people suspect. at home and abroad have been In- rendered appropriate selections. 20 years of age. jerk to manage prize fighters." . 9 0 18 Obrien ...... 102 103 137—342 Coral Gables, Fla.. March 11. tanka and armored cars. 367; can­ that about 3,000 Australian troops the Utter’s birth; mother kanga­ for the last two years, namely, 1 Ksnehl. If ...... creasevl by nearly 100 during ths / ' i f ' Burial will be at the conven­ . 8 0 16 Denver. Colo. -iA5—The staff of Gustafson ...1 0 8 104 124—336 —Practically unknown until a non. .732; machine guns. 1.569, probably sUll were fighting in the roos. In comparison, weigh about Oavello, Blanchard and Horvath. 0 Shaw, c ...... Next: Cincinnati Reds pa.st month. At pre^nt , thsrs ience of the family. Wool was taken from a abeep’a One-Minute Sports Page . 2 0 4 Lowry Field's post paper. The few weeks back. iS-year-old nsMtly anti-aircraft weapons; ri- mountain country east and west of 3.000 Umea more than thelra. Publicity for the basketball game (9.) A Green team conalstlM of 2 McCann, rg ...... are 149 Army camp field* directors back and made Into a suit In 2 2 NachoVski, Ig .. . . 0 0 0 Revmeter, ta canvassing gro«»ry Total . . . 552 540 627 1719 Eddie Wielander has displayed flan 97,384. Bandoeng, Japanese-occupied mlU- hours and 10 minutes in EnglamL here Friday between Lincoln and Murray, Salmonda, Staum, Oiap- at work; 145 assUtsnt field direc­ Aarial bombs, 4,105: high ex- Mrs. J. O. Thrall msn, Schuetz, Oavello, Blanchard,' stores to round up 50 pounds of Merely Snulm RoMiers ability sufficient to cause the tary' capital of Java. i i A l W i Oaaadlaa Provinces H o w a t d Universities describes tors and 163 hospital social work­ ploafvat,'13.000 cases; cannon am- The funeral of Mrs. Josephine Horvath, Greene, and Server could 5 81 0 42 sugar for Sergt. John Connors’ Surprise For New Father purchase of his contract by (The BBC. In a broadcsst heard (Grant) Thrall of Avery street, ’The paint shop of the new them as “The Yale imd Harvard ot mother. She had been sending him Chicago—(/Pi Miss Anna Ko- Joseph E. Widener. ers. nranltlon. 330,000 rounds; hand "blackout” plant of an -aircraft Nine provinces in tbe Dominion Negro colleges.’’ They have car­ really make a fine attraction. UosiieFa gtanadaa, 34,000; rifle and ma- in New York by CBS. reported Wi mother of Dr. Ralph H. Thrall, was 1 Tedford, r f ...... 3 1 7 a box of cookies every two weeks. walskl, 18, reports success st Atlanta i/P> A prospective Wielander rotle hl.s first win­ that Van Mook "told newspaper­ plant at Bethpage, Long laland, la of Canada are Alberta. RriUsli ried on continuous aporta competi­ In full consideration of the above Ul\« Blood cMna-gtin ammunition, 72.317,100 held yeaterday afternoon at the 0 Jackson, rf ...... 0 0 0 This week he got no cookies -only thwarting robbers by merely snub­ father, Bruce Planning of the At­ ner at Washington Park, Aug. men In Melbourne the Dutch fieet operated with a^r pressure higher ColumbU, Manitoba, New Bruns­ tion since 1894. . . Billy Weber facta; it is greatly hoped that Mr. immda. STAMPS funeral home of Walter Leclerc, wick, Nova Scotia, Ontario. Prince Kovls and DuBaldo will reconsider 1 Davis, i f ...... 0 0 0 a note saj-ing Mrs. Connors was bing them. When a gunman en­ lanta Constitution, paced back 15. 1941. Moving to the far still was at sea.") Main at Hudson streets. Rev. Fer­ than that outside the plant When has taken tpeedboy Johnny Rucker and forth in the waiting room of west, he won 49 races out of Milwaukee — Mors than 80® TIM naara agency said Lieuten- Edward laland, Quebec, and Sas­ their town series arrangement and 0 Sacherek, c ...... 2 1 6 out of sugar. tered s cleaning shop where she itudenU «f -Marquetts Unlvsrsttjr Van Mook said Australian, Brit­ ris E. Reynolds, pastor of the Sec­ the shop drs are opened, the jlir under his wing and aays he can clerks, she turned on her heel a hospital here;—eager for news. 297 chances in 1941. With no , aaH OeneriU Ter Ih>ortFn issued hia THUMBS UP FOR BONDS AND STAMPSI ThU.war pressure forms an Invisible “wall,'' katchewan. . teach John to steal 40 basee thia really make it a true town cham- 0 vugs, rg ...... 3 0 < have donated blood st the Donor oHIar lata Monday, calling on all Recent arrivals In Chungking ish and United SUtes troops In ond' Congngatlonal church, offici­ pionohip by giving all teams an 2 Ducss, rg ...... 2 0 4 Ths "ball” with which moooe scornfully snd walked to the near Suddenly, friends dropped In, In­ California'racing in the offing, Java, which numbered about 5,000 pofltMT, illoitMitiiig how Americans can help the air forces to preventing the entry of dust. . year. ... . Ex-Jockey Baron “Sam” Center of the Milwaukee C oto^ Dnteh forces In the areu north- from Japanese-occupied Hong ated and interment was in the ______Dogfloh, formerly considered of ev^n break In thia matter. 'Thank­ 1 August, ig ...... 1 0 3 are equipped serves no known of the store. Thinking he had left, formed him that for two hours he he was sept to Florida. in all, were grouped together at i^ctoiy. ia b e ^ diaplaged in the windows o f 600,000 o f the family plot In 'Wapplng cemetery. Ooule, whose kid brother Nidi la. had been the father of sn eight- Chapter of the American Red af Bandoeng as well as at Kong reported that Vaughn Meis- Nasi and Fascist propaganda no commercial value; are now the ing you for your space, Mr. Editor. 1 Clifford, ig ...... 0 0 0 purpose. It U a fieahy growth that cbe esme out, found him still there Wielander, who is from Cice- first for convenience but that tbe Natiod’a retail stores where Defense Stampe— in denomina» The piui bearera were Ekisrin and I a star rider at Tropical Park, pound girl, a;^ offered congratu­ Cro^ StudeaU STS rsgiidsNd n the eouth coeet ot Ilng ta t^ e ). Associated Press have been used to diaemtrage com-1 princtpal souic^ of ritamln olU worka arotiad imoetradu now ias X i^naln, h a i^ from the neck, vaiylng In snd gave him the same treatment. rb, nL, close by Hawthorne snd 't i go to Bandaang.to be dis-- correspondent, and two other forces canning on the Ught In the tions from 10 cents td |5— are bein^ sold. This is one of a Leonard Thrall of South Wlndaor, Finally, be left From s rear door lations. They obtslne

TOuStE 6URK vjHo IS r r , m ) WHY— SROOM UKE A V3EED.* ERE’S ’’.THOOl- IN lOOKlMCs SOOD VWY— OH.GEC ^ U S H T MDU'D B E ^ H O O L f THE. VALLEY, RED/' — if . Sense and Nonsense m s . RCX3E « « f iVlHISKCftS,lT5 RED 5CHOOU— OR. ARE POPULATION IS !' RYDEf^f VJHEEEE .' M3U PLAVikJG i w i ? h o o k e y ? IN lER ES’llNG THEJA'lfi^ A CHu's Wants &asslfied Ror\bur Benefif ^ 1) sth e r W as R ig h t! Farmer Jabber—I’ve got a freak Friend— What -are you doing When I was adolescent, in other onefny farm. It’a a two-legged calf. now, SamT words—a youth, Farmer CornsUtssel — Yes, I ' Sam—At’s an exportah. I wasn’t acquiescent to much ad­ know, he came over to’ call on my Friend—An exporter? I Announcements Building—Contracting 1l! Help Wanted—>Iiiile 3ii Machinery aqd Tools 52 Boartlers Wanted 59*A Suburban for Sale 75 vice: in truth. daughter last night. Sam —Ya.ssuh, Ah wka fired by Lost and Found 1 Lost and Found My eyes with glamor glistened, I the railroad. ATTENTION TO BliLL'KR.S nUSHU A.SIIKU Vv I KL''. Good LARGE SELECTION of guial used FOR SALE—FARM WITH 30 The Dawn. The birthplace of m o r n i n *.;. \V,\.N TKU TU.\.N’.Si\OKTATION dreamed of days ahead IXiaT_PASS BOOK NO. U'o. .LOST THURSDAT to Oolt.s, Van Dyke Plant for ti-11 .Special inlaid linoleum, laid anil pay. giMHi hours. Apply to Center tractors, Fordsons, _ Fariualls. BOARD AND ROOM for girls. 138 acres- of land, 10 room house, And very seldom li.stened to things Christianity was the tomb. Spring He—Say, haven't I seen that NoUce U htreby given that | gentlcmeir.-* bill fold, eon aining lemented in hath rooms, JI3.,')0. Restaurant. .a09 .Mam street. John Deere, used triutnr plows, Bis.sell street. town of Vernon, near Vernon is conceived in the’ dark womb of face of yours some place else? / p. m. .shift, parti) idarly return my father said. Book No. “iOOTS iBSiicd by The j .sum of "■‘•’’'y.'’ dip. .\ddre.s.s II 1-2 Trotter .St (iioiee. of patterns, IjOt us esti- ■saw rig.s. Dublin Tractor t.’oni- Center, about 12 miles from Air­ I thought, "Oh. he’s,oId-fashicned, winter. And light is inevitably the She—Nope, it's nevet been any­ Savings Bunk of Manche.stcr hn.s , license. Upward. Tel. 4.3.). inat? your linoleum work, ami pany. Providence Road. Willi- Suburban for Rent 66 craft. Inquire James Moynlhan, he doesn't underStand offspring of darkness. All this where but where it Is now. beenoeen lost or Ul destroyed, Utawivjsru, and niiv* "'rit- ], . 1 p.^ssp,i BuoK NO. »!tP»d ! .save money. Complete stock of Situations Unnted- m'antic. New England Hotel. Bolton. The hopes of youth Imprisoned or presept heaviness of night is sure­ ten applIcaUon has been made to ^ Personals Inlaid linoleum .Montgomery I'emalc :$N what I've dreamed and plan­ ly but the prelude to a • better Our idea of an intelligent man is «r__1. W_. in sl'Vsrion iNOllVC hereby given th.st Pass FOR RENT—TWO OR three room •aid bank by the Person in whose Book .N.i, 49940 i.s.sued hv The j Ward. apartment. Telephone 2113, Glas­ ned. dawn. The voice of God and the one who comes right out and says 3 - U U A.NTKD TRANSPORTATIU.N to Musical Instruments oj Wanted—Real Estate 77 voice of nature proclaim that the what he thinks when he agrees nailie such book was issued, for .Saving.s Bank of .Man. hester ha.s j VVO.MA.N UE.^ilKK.S liou.aework. tonbury. Poor dad. his mind is logy and nar­ Pratt ami Whitm-y, heeurs 7 to | best is yet to be.—Robert Croraie. w ith me. payment of the amount of depo,sit been lo.st or deslr.iye)l. and writ- I Inquire -iq Wiulsw "i in strcrl. or WANTED REAL ESTATE, farms, row in its scope, represented by said book, or tor 3-3d p. m. C'aJl IHTL’, I .Moving—Trucking— Phone 15181 FOR SALE - 'CPHIGHT piano H e’s such a 'dull old fogy. I scorn ten application h..s been ma.lc to j large and small, wood lotA pac- Mike —How much do you char/e Doctor —Great heavens! Who OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HOOPLE the Issuance of a duplicate book said bank by the Person in whn.'e ■ ^ 1 Storage I'd ("all 0994 or 66 Valiev street. Wanted to Rent 68 turc land. 1-2-3-4 family houses, his line of dope. I’m older now; behold me admit­ for funeral notices? stuffed that towel in the patient’s therefor. name such book M.a.s la.-ued. tor lake property. Have buyers for .\utomohiles for Sale I ■Articles for Sale I') FOR SALK PLxYO’ER piano. F.AMILY OF FOUR wants 6 room ting frankly, quite Newspaper Clerk Thirty cents moiith ? WC AlNl’t SOT MO SHADE NOT FOR YOU IT ISN ’T.' pf.yment of the amount of depi'sil | ______s t o r a g f : house or flat In Manchester. Will cash. Jam es Rennie. 02 Hamlin Patient's Husband- I did. doc. U )6 T —PASS BOOK NO, 38.3P6 V e ry gcHiil condition. Rca.sonalilc T h at’s what my father told me an inch, AROUMD OUI^ HOUSE, SO NOU SHOULD WAIT T il l ’ Notice is hereby given that Pass r eprrsenteil by said book, or f' r j jK S.MALI. GRKK.N Uanted—To Buy 58 I-OR SALE TEN ROOM house — Berton Brsley. the i..)Siiancc of a .lupli. ate book | prosrrutr.l to the full extent nfj h o u s e , W illi flower pots. Will on .Maple street, con.slsting of two therefor. j pipuer please return V ()R SALK 1941 6 CYLIN1'1:K MOW'KK.'' SH.VKPK.NKD repair .sHi rilii)’ for quick sale Teleph'ine cllis Slrret oiiiun Is air ronditioned .Nash iliih roupr. five room flats. Inquire 04 .Maple, W’e Americans should have faith i HOLD EVERYTHING MNUKR OF black hag m ! < he. k to the CVn p..rate A.-M..mt- ed, shear grinding, key fitting ' .MOT W ANTED TO BUY high chan ami that the best is yet to be. An 2 tone paint. 9.0Oii milenge .i ilupltcatiiig. vacuiinj > leaners *tc ' mornings. Roiihrd of lluiidlia^ on A * P store, .lohnson Blork. mg Department, -M.-im OlTice, I arnnge. rea.son.hble Call 3710 American armed force has always ^ Chenev Brnther.s .Maitlially new tire.s. Imme.ii.ilr overtiaiilcd Biaitliw aile. ,32 P e a r l accomplished wh.Tt it sot o'lt to do. kindly return articles in .same W.A.N'TF.D TO Hl'Y man's used Her Way to .Mills. I .sale Call a t .14 High street. street. ‘ , j (iarden—Farm—Dairy Tho First World W ar callod to us. | Money may be kept. Mall to .Jani­ U ‘)ST PAS.*^ B(M.)K N U 2.*578l — bicycle. Priced reasonable. Tolc- Lots for Sale 73 tor of Johnson Block, 701 Mam SAW'S SKI AND 'ILKD. COKLi products 50 and we respondod. rogaidloss of NoUcp ifl hereby jflven that Pnsa LA TE 1939 CHF.VRULET 2 d'lor 9 phone 6708. TWO ADJOINING LOTS, each A purse snatcher with plenty of street. wood saws gum m eil Lawn mo'.v- cost and sacrilico. until victory wa.s Bc»ok No. 23784 i.viur'i by 'I'hr seilan. veiy goi^ii tire.s. Rea.fon- .■)0xl40, all iinprovejneiits, Ash­ nerve, stole a handbag from Mis. able. Write Po.st Ofllcc Box 132. ers sharpened. Geneial grinding (iRtlE.NXlOU.NTAIN POTATOES, won. The worst depro.ssions hold us Savings Bank of Maud rater lia*^ land street, Manchester. Phone in its grip, but as true Amoncans North Manchester. I.") years exjienence Capitol first in 30 per 'ju.ihel. seconds. RtMini.s Without Board 5M Mabel B arrett of 52 Wells street. been loBt or deslroyrJ, and writ­ Hartford 9-1591. we fought it out,and with no ^7 7,-' 'vvyS* Grinding Con paiiy. 031 L y d a l l 60c./pcr bushel, field run. $1.00 The amount of money in the purse ten application haa been made to ROOM FOR R E N T - Tw o husine.s.s rovolution. Today i omo.s anolfior Manchester sHic bank by tho Person in who.se fo r s a l e 193^ CHRYSLl-nt. street. Plione 7908. ^ p e / bukhel. 1 Frank V. Williams. was trifling. According to Mrs. or profe.ssion.'il women preferriNl FOR SA LE—BUILDING lot, on ch.i’longo, as gravo a.s it i.s com- : name such N.>ok was i.H.sued. tor gooil condition. IS."). Inquire K'lO J^i32 Tolland .street Barrett, the purse contained fifty / .Apply 82 Chestnut .street, alter McKee street, with all Improve- polling Wc ask for hut n o thing' Evening Herald pHyment of the amount of FOR RENT FURNISHEI) single On \Aay to Work Initlola. ountbara aad Abbra»iatK»ria therefor. ALBERTS DHinis. steam heat Gentlemen breast of a patient of middle age; aaeb count aa a word and compound Mrs. Barrett is employed at NEW’ TIRES— IF YOU are quali­ Help Wanted—Fcmak' 35 | interior Decorator.^ preferred. Inquire 1,00 Oak St. discharge from tho breast, espe­ Cheneys, and waa going to work worda aa two worda. Minimum coat cially when there is a lump which LIBERTY lIMEffICKS la price of threa tinea. fied for a new lire sec Brunner's, ■ ^ , .\ascmblo a 3-room model home on the third shift which started Una ratea day tor tranaient couples of mcKlcratc FOR RENT MCE STEAM heat­ may be felt: a peculiar appearance SO Oakland street All sizes, low w a n t e d —WOMAN fixf cleaning i ed room, double beiLs. suitable for at 11 p. m. As usual she met her •da. of the skin over a lump called friend. Louise Wiganowski. of 8,3 Cffoetlvo March 17. trt7 INolice of Sped;! prices. ami laundrv work, 2,/lavs a week. i nieans couple, or, 2 girls, also garage "dimpling"; and a change in the Caab Charge goo'l wages Telep^iinc 0383 PRICE $197 Oak street at the corner of .Main (§LMsiCV " a Conaacutiva Ua>a...i ? ctai ^ eta ______Jii.st Pay $3 Weekly Call 4607* size of of the breasts. The av­ and Forest streets. They com­ erage Woman developing the ma- t ConaaeutlTo Dara...| t etalii oia Town Meetiii" GIRL FOR OFlvICK wmek. with , I’he Living Room: Modern sag- menced to walk up Forest street MAGM'T 5A19SEO 1 Day ...... in cta'U eta Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 j ligiianlf type of breast tumor is O 'knowleilge of/shnrthan.l, sternly 1 les.s .settee in rich .Mu'lherry striped and as they did so. they observed V c5H I4r the .Metov Grabs the Handbag try to meet at the Community rhe. Bedroom: .Alo)l( m walnut nigii, but there is the opipiosite [los- i tS .LM -'Y O O MCi'HOUt? VOXVYS ‘=>HO’ PsKiO U THWiK y O O WtE. A) H ’VLtOOW) SW'c- ed but no allowance or refunda can with Huguenot inirys; cirile mir­ Health Service As the women reached the drive­ hkJfP (yuilME. LtAVEi? ,------ha made on alx tima ads stopped House. North Coventry. March 16, PROTF.t T w a n t e d * I’APABLF, girl or w.i- sibility that it is cancerous. In tho tAOST C^O'Di^., tAlGHT MOT SOC-W ^ idNC) (aUM ror dre.s.ser, idlest of drawers, dou­ way of the F. D. Cheney estate after tha fifth day. :942 at 8 P. M.. to ,see if the Town ,dnan for ccnoral housework, 2 Address eoiiiiiiunications to The latter ca.se, neglect of treatment Kt TVAPlT >• \V5 P) 'S!E.POV.‘b\Y ^ thCfXX *So ‘‘till forbids” : display lines not of Coventry will reconsider and WITH INSURA.Vt r. ble lied, beiilite, 2 vanity lanip.s. may threaten the future welfare on Forest street, the man made a YOOM’T STAH itO ^ — ----- , OS YCiPsYV •old. c adults Telephone 7600 Herald, .Attention McC"oj sudden lunge, and with a yank, The Herald will not ba responsible rescind the following enumerated See anil 2 throw rugs, complete. Health sservlce of the patient. rwTUYb H D O S^ broke the strap of the bag. He for more than one incorrect tn&er- votes passed at the town meeting The Kitchen: Stain resistant topi w a n t e d - g i r l o r woman for wrested it away and ran down the Moa of any advartisemant ordered of the Town of Coventry held on MrKlNNE$’ BROTHERS . general housework, one child, or table (extension style) and 4 Ijiieslions .And .Answers for more thao ona tlma. 50.0 Alain St., Manchester. Cqon. .sturdy chairs to match plus set of Lumps In Breast (H ands (old) driveway towards Hartford road. Tha tnadvartani omission of .in~ March 7, 1942, at 8 P. M., Eastern high school girl for after sihool The women continued to the Telephone 8060 or ^ ISjT dishes and silverware, complete. Question: Ken M. wants to rorraci publication of advartiaing War Time, in the Commv)nity and Saturday. Call 7907 morn­ mill where they told a Cheney w ill ba rectified only by cancellation Evervthing Complete At ’* To get Women to report earlier know : "W hat causes the hands to House at North Coventry, and in ings only. guard of The incident. He in turn 3 -»» of tha charga made for the service AlJtERT’S—Eat. 1911 for c.xamination after tlu coming , be cold some of the lime. They al- coe« 1*41 |Y MIA m v ict iMC t m iia. u. i. sat, oss. rendered. addition thereto, to act upon Para­ phoned police headquarters. Offi­ All advartlseiucnls must couforin graphs 6, 7 and 8 set forth herein: w a n t e d o p e r a t o r s f o r ( 43 Alhm St.—H.'irtforil of a lump in the breast, is a nio.st tingle. Just as though they had gone to sleep. I ain just a J’oung cer Raymond Griffin came to the An eWerlv baker name^ Joe, ‘You’ll have to take off that advertising shirt—the IB Style, copy and typography with Article 1,—To see if the town sewing machine. Apply at Tobei j Phone 6-03ri6 important health problem This is scene and searched the premises, rfculations anforcad by tha publiah- will reconsider and rescind the | FOR SALE Baseball Mfg. Co., Elm street. l.)pen Wed. * Sat. Eves. man. Had a physical examination 5aid—”lf I ■were younger, Bearded Terror is easily upset!” art and they reaer>a tha right to esjiecialjy important in the ca.se and heart passed as healthy." after having a talk with Mrs. edit, revtaa or reject any copy con- following vote; "That the Town ol ; Barrett. However, he found noth­ 2-l'ainlly Hiiusb'^-8 rooiiis. 2-car WO.MEN FOR W RAPPING small FUR SALl-1 BENGAL gas range, of earner, for the earlier the iliag- Answer: The physician who ex­ r d go aidered objectionable. Coventry adopt a Board of Fi- I ing at the time. CLOSING HOURS—Classified aos garage. Large lot. Near school plunts. in warm room. Burr complete with oil burner, A-1 nosis IS made, the better the hope amined you sliould be able to tell And enlist at the ramps. name." , and bus lln^ $5,000. of eventual cupe. Police are still working on the FI NNY BUSINESS to ba published aam« day mutt Article 2. - To see J the town .Niirserv. Chas. Yurkshot. condition. F'or information. CAill you if the examinatiuii disclosed '( t t ^ received by 12 o cloc'n noon Saiui* Some physicians believe the best case. But instead I'll buy 5-// T M s«G. u a ssT yes. will reconsider and rescind the .New 4-Boom Housea — $500. at 137 So. Main. any findings which would explain l daj'a J plan w ould be to ask all women ' the coldness of tho hands. The •tam ps— following vote: "That the motion Down. *S5. Per .Month. F. H. Telephone Your Want Ads GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. ex­ FOR SALE OR RENT, hospital past .35 to report for a yearly ex- principle cause of the ordinary I know Uncle Sam needs my made and seconded that the Town Pl*4i. amination. even tiiougli tiiey think )-ase of coldness of tile exlrenii- WASH TUBBS The Goal BY ROY CRANE Ada are accepted over tha tela- of Coventry adopt a uniform fiscal cellent salary Tel. 20041. bcil.s: all adji.strr.cnts for con- ork Is Starletl piiona at tha CHARGE RATE given Lfsl your priqierly with this vcniciKC of patient and iuir.se. they are weli. Since most women ties is lack of exonise. with its dough.” year, be accepted ancl adopted,” WANTED-CADMPF, ['K-N'T person r dbov'a aa a eonvenetnee to advar- agi'iicy for quick results. Reasonable. Phone Keith's. 4159 will not do this, the next best plan resiillaiit sluggistuiess of the blood usera. but.tha CASH RATES will ba together with all amendments, for offiro work. must hr goal IS to stre.ss the fact that at the cirrulation. In your question .you Oil Voting Lists I tr p o eoiAeAh'....To accepted aa FULL Pa TMCNT if amendments to amendments and typist, arcurate si figure.s nn will re^onsi^r the budget adotitcil Depot Square Garage. water heater, electric refrigera­ which may be found in breast ti.s- of mv heels is so sore it is agony and gfiving his name, he will now itayed on the AatauiohllcB at the Town meeting held on Jan ­ change from Rural Zone to A Zone tor. antique Empire sofa, all in sue. As a general rule, such to walk. The old family doc tell.x have to first call out his street ad­ job so he could AatoBBobiaa for Sale ...... * all or part of the area boundeil dress anij follow this with his Automobllaa for Exchange ...• ^ uary 31, 1942. t KLIVERY .MAN WANTED, .Af- gooil cooditinn. Sideboard-kitch­ growths may be cla.xsified in two „,e I have a spur and said an oper- learn something Amts Accessories—Tires ...... *> A rti)^ 0 — To see if the town Northerly by Middle, Turnpike ply Patterson's .Market, 101 Cen­ en labinet. Josepihinc Wcthercll, niain divisions: The benign and atioii would be a good idea. Could name. and then heard Amts Repairing—Painting ^ will lay a tax upon the town s AVest. Easteriy by a line drawn ter street. Tel. 4.543. the malignant. A benign tumor is you give me any information 7" In taking the enumeration la..t those Jap planes ALLEY OOP Prisoner of War BY V. T. HAMLIN Amts Rchoola ...... 7*A grand li.sl made ami perfected to parallel with Adams Street about not likely to recur after being re­ Answer; A spur is a projecting fall all street addresses were coming toward Autos—Ship by Truck ...... I* MA.N WANTF.D for extractor. PKAt/rH’ALLA’ NEW Roper gas checked. These names were turiicil Pearl Harbor, Autos—For Hire ...... ^ m^el the revised budget as adopt­ 2.5,50 feet East thereof. Southerly moved. A malignant tumor is likc- piece of bone. Thoac most com- *^ragas—Service—.8toraga ... by the pre.'-eiit A Zone North of steR'l'- Job, good pay. New Sys­ range with gas heating unit, ful­ ly to return after removal, and nionly found are called "rhepnia- over to the old age assistance tax doesn't • t a n d r CAK/T h o l d OM fWJCH A f , ed. together with all apeclal ap­ very high with OUR LONse«t...rve car-TO TBv i Motorcycles—Bicyclea ...... H propriations voted at said town and parallel with .St, John Street tem Laundry, Harri.son street. ly automatic. Tel. 6109. also likely to progress from b.ad tie" spurs. They often form on the collector. There are many on thus \ PRC^HintTOOKS. TOTV4ROW M v a e u ps/EE / — * , ) '/, ■ ! /Pay Wanted Autoa—Mntorcycl^a ... 12 list who are aiibject to the tax, some organizers. ' r co*vi‘T s e e . MsaiMOO aad Profeaalaanl Serricea meeting, suhjert to the usual ex­ and the present A 2!one North' ol to worse. In the langyage of the b,dlom of the heel. Usually It is Not a thing has PCIENDS VueiKl ONTO TMB VWU-Lf OOO-A AKiy- usioeaa Servicea Offered ...... IS isting credits an(t to fix the ilate and parallel with Creslwoovl laymaii, the benign tumor is "not | necessary to remove the larger who are not votera. HA/IKia A MtAH WMEC£...N)OW S been said about o l d T IM S ouaahold Services Offered ....Vf-A of payment of such tax levy, all in .Street, and Westerly by the pre.»- dangerous" and the malignant Mpurs surgically. The operation is Persona who are over 61 years WWeRH’D Rullding—Contracting ...... overtime pay, ■,Sc~r M. Gr V DP)m-BOMSIIO& < so ? conformity with the applicable ent A Z).ine parallel with Cre.xt- tumor IS "eaneerous". | not especially serious. Some of th* of age do not have to pay a tax. and it was Sunday, too. KIKta Floflats—Nuraariei ...... but they can vote. For this reason Fonaral Dlrectora ...... y... If I provisions of Sections 1204 to wood and Femdale Street.x. Once a tumor has developed, antall spurs may be absorbed by H B A O Q U A S m S Heating—riurabtng—Roofing .. Also to consider a proposal to there are two important problem., using a diet suitable for over- there is much deUll to properly ‘They played together at Notre Dame!” OlsmL ABOMMM4 1216 of the (ioneral Statutes ami JUST ARRIVED!! OHOr OOOLA'S Taauranca ...... any amendments thereof of the change subsection 1 of Section IA to be solved. First. Is the problem coming rheumatism and by in- complete the lists. • ' MHllnaiT—Draaamaking ...... of findirtg out whether the growth ’ creasing the blood circliHion PTtROCACTVL Mowing—Trucking—Storage ."State of Connecticut. of the Zoning Regulations to read O U T O F T V 4 E Public Passenger Service ' Article 7-—To see If the town as follow.s: IS beifign or cancerous, and the through the foot by taking hot TOON’ERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX AVCY.,... a H t - .xecond. is the problem of w hat is | foot baths. Adding Epsom Salts Painting—Papering ...... will vote to adopt an ordinance 1. Dwellings or i^partments In­ ValvoHiie Team NOW 6BOUOHA Profeaalonal Servicea ...... cluding the office Of a physician, USED TIRES the best way to treat it. to qje water may help. Probably A i ^ e c A i a o u s Repairing ...... |C)inierning the defense of the «48JPONTHE. surgeon, dentist, architect, engi­ It Is sometimes difficult to de- |n your case, an operation is the Tailoring—Dyeing—Clesn.pg .. : Towrv of Coventry declaring an cide whether the growth is can- ! ij^gt solution and I therefore sug- ROOW O F A , Toilet Goods and Serv.ee ...... r - ,: i inergency and authorizing blaik- neer. lawyer, artist or dressmaker, Increases L«acl TOWRJR ■erous or non-cancerous unless the gest you be guided by your physi­ W I L B E R / ' T Wanted—Busnitsa Service .... 2t Ij outs and air raid protection. when situated In the same building Rdacatlaaal 6:00x16 $ 8 .9 5 nosl careful testa are used, and cian’s advice. or apartment used as their private Couraaa and Classes ...... t< Article 8 - To take action with ■crlalnly there is no way in which PriTate Instrueiions ...... r* reference to any cuatter incidental residence and not more than two he patient can tell the difference The Valvoline Oil company’s set­ Dancing ...... 2 • a (KidArys Work Too Frequently) to the foregoing purposes or which ja*rsons are employed in such of­ (ir herself by any tests she is able back team Increased Its lead oyer Huaical—Dram.atiC ...... * ' Question: George B. stalest the rest of the tournament play­ Wanted—Inatructiona ...... 2' may propel ly iu n e before sa: i fice who do not reside in the dwell­ 6:50x16 $ 1 2 . 9 5 II make at home. It is therefore ing or apartment in which the of­ "When I take very much liquid ers by 92 points last night at de­ RazzberriesI BY MERRILL BLOSSER Flaanclal meeting or any adjournments mportant that she report to her with the dinner meal, or drink an FRECKLES AND HIS FltlENiDS Bonds—Stocks—Mortgaget ... |; thereof. fice is located. physician. partment headquarters on Main Bu^ness Opportunities ...... I Zoning CJommission of Man- extra glass of water before bed­ street when they took the com­ ------> Money to l^an ...... 32 I ' ."Signed, As a general rule, if there is time. I am bothered by my kidneys che.ster, Connecticut. paratively easy Merz Barber team MSVSWT y o u ANyTHINe TO SAV That wont I p y o u w a n t guv Bonos Help aad SlfastlAae • leorge G. Jacobson, more than one lump, those are be­ working too frequently and am \ You've print* d Help Wanted—Female ...... * Charles W. Holman, Into camp. Reid’s Auctioneer# T h e p k s s s . s e f o r s y o u o o isro ,.-i( /// LOOK WELL w MY OPINION. Arthur J. Vinton, . nign. Also, if there are lumps in p r i n t ThiNOS l n*vbr. Help Wantetk—Male ...... Chairman. forced to get up during the night. moved from sixth to third place (teTinEMfxjT, m a mayob.2 / YOU LIT/LB Arthur Sebert. BRUNNER^S both breasts, they are usually be­ When I leave out the fluid, this T skmites . I ll , S aid- n o w I I I ialcsmieo Wanted ...... 2a. a right behind Hose Company No. 1. Help Wanted—Male or Femaie i- ."'electnien of the Town of Cov- Carl W, Norm, 80 OAKLAND STREKT MANCHESTER nign. The benign tumor is more does not occur. Do you think I <3 YOU / OivE you s o m e ­ AJEsnta Wanted ...... H- a i-ntry. Secretary. Open Eveninsrs -likely to cause breaat pain than At the present time, with but two t h in g l b PUT IN \vould injure my health if I stay more weeks of play, the leaders lo: YOUR. RAPBR.— ANO Situations Wanted—Female ... i I Albert E Harmon. Manchester, Conn. is the malignant tumor. The aver­ away from all liquid after six T&da/' •ttuadona Wanted—Male .... 2t { March 11, 1942. age of women developing be- appeared to have the second round I'LL GIVE YOU 3lO Employment Agencies ...... ! Town Clerk o’clock in the evening? So many V IF YOU CAN ^ Lira g'teek—Feta—Poaltry — nlgri tumors is about 36. honors cinched. health authorities say it is Import­ The scores: SPELL IT.'7 Vehlrlea Some of the signs which point to ant to drink plenty of water, that I Doga—Birds—pats ...... «i cancer of the breast arc: the ap­ Valvollne Oil ...... 1910 Lt^e Stock—Veh‘c*iea ...... *: am puzzled.” pearance of a single lump in the Hoae Co. No. 1 ...... 1818 f t « r / Poultry and Supplies ... * Answer: If the taking of liquid Reid’s Auctioneers .... .1775 Wanted —Pete—Poultre—Ste g during the evealng causes an in­ Far Sal. Mlacellaaaaaa Porterflelds ...... 1774 Artlclaa For Sals ...... terruption of »leep, then it would .1772 be permissible to do most of your Buckland No. 1 ...... Boats and Accessories ...... USED CARS St. B ridget’s ...... 1765 Building Materials ...... water drinking early In the day. HELP H artm an ’s ...... 1751 Diamonds —Wa/ches—Jewelry o avoiding gny extra fluid after 5 or .1747 Blcetrlcal Appliances—Radio.. o FOR SALE 6 o’clock. 1 do not particularly ad­ Hoise Oo, Jra...... Fust and"F^d ...... 42 a Corn Huskers ...... 1735 Gardan—FafTh—Dairy Preducia t“ That Are Worth Buying! vise the use of much liquid with the .1717 Kouaahold Go^a ...... hi 4-Room Cape Cod. Just dinner meal, as it encourages the F our Aces ...... Maehlnsry and Tools ...... l>2 Iderz Barbers ...... 1670 SCORCHY SMITH Injured Innocence BY JOHN C. TERRY Musical Inatrumanta ...... k? WANTED 1941 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN completed. Price $5250 tendency to wash food down with .1614 colonials ...... Offtea and Stora Equipment ... (4 1940 CHEVROLET COACH the liquid being taken. Also the Ssaciala at tha Stores ...... !•*> 6-Room House. Oil burner. extra fluid will tend to dilute ^ e 7 l 60 NOW 70 SfKOIVC VaiN6 WHY CXONT YtX LET StArrLEt'LiTMF A )0 o u iw e UNAiMUtE OF 7V6 DtNGES OF HEK KNOW.'PUEA5E PONY SE^ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... K2 Oiir iucrraf»P(l production in defense work 1940 PACKARD SEDAN digestive juices of the stomach. Wanted—To But ...... M 1937 OLDSMOBILE COACH 2-car garage. Price 85250 LADY ON HEg m f / f o r RffMfMJElf... Ate CALI H0t THINK.'TONI'S A M-MAP AT)W-ME.' I CAN^ it The neceaslty of arising during the H-MELF IT.'j ------Raeasa—Baa rd—H • I e I a—R eee ne makes necessary for ns to add additional Police Court A HINTOF YOORPR£504C£HCR5AK>j WF MISHTHAVF.... fV!ART6«L/ IF ^WWAT 'LITTLE Hmtala—Restaurants ...... si [Vice 86500 the evening, kidney dly)rdeni, blad­ Judgment was suspended this Wanted—R4>oma—Board ...... St These cars have all been re-conditioned and are guar­ der inflammation or cysU^s; and morning on payment a t coets in Rami Catsta For ftent speeting, sewing and miscellaneous operations in men, prostatie diaordera. the cases of Charles E. CJolby and Apartments. Flats. Tenements ai anteed. Ruaincss Locations for Rent . S4 Male orkers for finishing operations, in­ Now is Ibe Time to Buy Henry P. Daley, both of 76 Main Housea For Rant ...... si* ALL CARRY EXCELLENT TIRES! That Home! (Ham) street, charged with intoxication. Smburban For Rant ...... •« specting and miscellaneous jobs. Queatlon: lira. E. E. aaka: “Do Both men were arrested Monday Bummer Homes For R e n t...... al SmaU Down Payment — Balance in 15 Months. Wsniad to Rant ...... SI you recommend hamT" in a Main street store. Rami Catmta Far Sala Fire and Auto Insurance. Answer: Ham may be taken by Leo BlaKe of 91 Chestnut street, AMrtmami Building for Sala .. sa Apply those In good health. Not only may also charg^ with intoxication on Roaioaas Property for Sala ••• 29 the broiled breakfast ham be used, Tuesday morning, was found giiUly Farmaand Landf for Salt 21 STUART J. WASLEY Reuses tor Sals ...... 1 but baked ham may be used with and paid 35 and costs. ^ l a for Sais ...... B«al Estate aad lasaraaoe ' the evening meal. Continued to npxt Mohday waa Rmpert ProparftF for 9sld •••••• BRUNNER'S tha OHM of Oarflld B ^ v a n of 16 24 Cheney Brothera State Theater Baildhig fuburhAB far ...... 2^ 80 OAKLAND StREET MANCHESTER Tha United States imported Strickland straat, charged with Roal CatAfs tor Rxchango •••• 7| TeL MIS • 114S WantM«»Rasl Cataia ...... 27 Open Evenings. mora than . 30 million bsurela of drunken driving, in orSer to obtain aeTtu^>*|.agal .hallrea ){wtrotauBi from Vencatie)a in IMO. fo ■ ' ' 1 ^

r~ y WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11,1942 The Weather Average Dally Circulation PAGE EIGHTEEN iOattfltrBtn: lEv^tifotg HrraUt FotaeMii of t7. 8. Weather : Far tlM Month of Febrnary, 1943 general discussion on a subject of The regular Wednesday evening Ths Inasmuch class of the Lenten service will be held tonight Church of the Naaarene will meet Interest to the entire group. Re­ 7,120 SllghUy eoMer tonight. at 7:30 at St. .lohn'.s church on About Town tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at freshments and a social time will Member of the Andlt PINEHURST follow. Golway street. the T. M. C. A. , There will be a Men And Young Men Are Heading Bureau of Ctrcuhitloiia A military whist will be held in Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm THURSDAY.. the social room of the Buckingham (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Congregational church. Friday eve­ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 12,1942 ning, at 8 o’clock under the aus­ EXCA\ AUNG (ClosaUled AdverHabig on' Page U ) pices of the Ladles' Aid Society. VOL. LXL, NO. 138 RECORDS TAXI? AND GRADING For HOUSE'S These Days \TCTOR BLUEBIRD Past chiefs of Memorial Temple. CALL DECCA Concrete and Main Street Becomes River Street Pythian Sisters, will meet tomor­ 6588 row evening with Mrs. Isadora COLUMBIA AND OKEH Bulldozer ^ ork Gain Valuable Hours Peckham and Miss Ada Peckham Where They’re Selecting New No Solution Seen of Glastonbury. Both mother and Large Stock of Albums. Prompt! Safe! daughter are past chiefs of the Sendee! CALL 7091 temple. KEMP’S, Inc. FRANK DAMATO In British Ofifer St. Mary’s Women's auxiliary Spring Fashions In Men’ s Wear r*e SNOWDRIFT for »t>c- Furniture — Music MANCHESTER TAXI & SON To Muster Defense; CCM In oooldnK. The Brut ewen- will meet in the parish house Fri­ I6S Main S t Tel. 3680 M. Orfitelll, Mgr. 24 Homesic.id Street H«i of • food cnke In » depend­ day evening at 8. After a brief .33 Purnell Place able »hortenln«t. C r e « m y bu.siness meeting the members will Of Dominion Rule SNOWDRIFT blende readily fold surgical dressings for the hos­ ■ad completely with other In- pital. The hostesses will be Mrs, Max Kasulkl. Mrs. William Ste­ giedlenta . . . light, tlurty cake Gandhi Asserts Britain Claim 210,000 Taken ■aanred. venson, Mrs. Henry Weir and Mrs. SETS THE PLAY! Britain Will Harry Sweet. Must Confess Great- ^ ^ Buy a 3-pound can ^ Two Days of Violent of Snowdrift for. . / W V The Sewing Circle of the Luth­ est Crime Against In- o t l j j e n CjrOS Tojo Repeats Claim Aak lor your Snowdrift "60 The New British Raid eran Concordia church, will meet Just Received! Mam Fleet of America r* • Air .\ttacks Litter Beclpea" book.. It’a free: And tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. dia, Imperialism, anti remember. Snowdrift la made Japanese Beachheads Undo It as First Step; Ration Plan And Britain Already J a p ~ S e i Z e d by the Weeaon OH Co. Honr'a The Cosmopolitan Club will meet , Of New Guinea •with your stock of... Friday afternoon at Center church AH Else Will Follow. Has Disappeared from .house. Guest speakers on this oc­ Port Again Wreckage of Inva- WESSON OIL casion will be Mrs. Eric V. John­ All inessential .Motor­ Surface of Pacific; Wardha, India, March 12. son, president of the State Fedcr.i- ing Will Disappear Adds Defense Posi­ ____ sion Armada; Batter Pint can 33e tion of Women’s Clubs, and the __— Despite the British Potential Bases o f We also have qdarta and gal- county president, Mrs. Elliott 1 government’s announcement This Summer; Further tion Along Northern Make Second Heavy .it- tOBB. ______Peterson. Under the title, ’’Wh.Tt of plans for post-war domin­ Nipponese Attackers. Can I Do?" it is expected they C-urh Put on Sports. Border Now Is Solid. tack on Moulmein in ion status for Indja, the su­ PINEHURST will discuss defense subjects. Mr.s 48 Hours; ’Enemy Po­ FRESH FISH Alice Shaw will sing a group of preme leader of Hindu Na­ Tokyo (From .Japanese Canberra, Australia, songs. tionalists, Mohandas K. Gand­ London. March 12.—(/P)—All un­ March 12.— (/P)—Two days of FRESH BUTTERFISH essential motoring will disappear Broadcasts), March 12.—(IP) sitions’ Chief Target. hi, professed today to see no violent air attack which lit­ 24c Ib. Tomorrow afternoon from 2 to this summer from England’s roads — Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo sign of settlement for the In­ tered the Japanese-won Haddock Fillets. 4:30, there will be opportunity for under a new rationing system told a special session of the London, March 12—(/P)—British local women who can spare the dian question. The frail little man Sole and Flounder Fillets. Japanese Diet today that Ja­ bombers operating from their new beachheads of New Guinea time in folding bandages for the who renounced the title of mahat­ which will withhold gasoline from with the wreckage of an inva­ Cod. Pollock. Red Cross. The work will be car­ ma (saintly one) and oven formal everyone except those proving pan has captured more than bases in central Burma have car­ Smoked Haddock Fillets. ried on each Thursday afternoon leadership of the Aii-India Con­ “genuine need." it was officially 210,000 prisoners since the ried out their second heavy attack sion armada and battered po­ for the present at the American gress party, said In an Interview discussed today as the government start of war in the Pacific. within 48 hours on the Japanese- tential Japanese bases gave Legion home on Leonard street. It that Britain must confess "the clamped down on wartime frivoli­ occupied port of Moulmein, ac­ direly threatened Australia is suggested that the women bring greate.st crime against India "— ties with sharp new measures to To the Diet, summoned to celebrate the conquest of the cording to an R. A. F. commtini- valuable hours today to muster aprons to protect their dresses. One look and you’ll know why...one try-on and which h? defined as imperialism— restrict sports events. huge Ice Jam blocking the Nnrragaugus river. and sending it out of its banks, turned the main que relayed today by the All-India fighting power for a stand on her ARROW Geoffrey Lloyd, parliamentary A Dutch East Indies and hear tg- SPINACH ON SALE 1942 Kenwood you'll buy it yourself! Naturally the "Playboy” and undo it. street of CherryChcrryflcld. Me.. (above i into a torrent of water and ice. One villager was drowned saving Radio, own shores. Japan’s first spear­ The Manchester Firs Depart­ Replying to the question, "What secretary for petroleum, said_ re ports on the first three months 6t The raid was staged yesterday, 20c package. his 10-year-obi ,*^on after their boat capsized. the war, Tojo repeated the claim head apparently was blunted by ment answered a still alarm at 137 looks good and feels light and comfortable. should the British government do placement of the present basic-gas­ the communique said, with "ene­ the fierce aerial blows yesterday Peas. Strawberries. North Elm street yesterday after­ White Shirts immediately to settle the Indian oline ratlon—which allows motor­ that "the main fieet of the United my positions" the chief target. ists fuel for 200 miles of driving a States and Britain already has at hangars and runways of Sala­ noon at 2:30 o’clock. Flames Stetson found out what most men like in a hat problem?" Gandhi said: maua and Lae, following up the Good Cuts of Corned Beef, month—by more rigorous controls disappeared from the surface of Lull In Ijuid Fighting .spread rapidly towards a dwelling ...and gave them just what they wanted.-Here Holds Extreme Views aerial onslaught the day before Fowl . . . . ' ...... each 99c house but were brought under con­ would be gradual. He explained the Training Plan Lull in Bataan Fight the Pacific, ” and that ’’all enemy The apparent lull in the land All Wool Blankets $2.25— $2.50 "You put a difficult if not awk­ purpose of the change was "to end fighting was borne out by the which sank, burned or beached at Freshly Chopped trol within a short time. No dam­ it is...the Stetson "Playboy”! strongholds In the Southwest Pa­ ward question. I hold extreme pleasure motoring for the present” fact that there was no new re­ least seven ships and brought to GROUND BEEF . . .lb. 33c age was reported by the depart­ cific are In our hands." at least 13 the number of Japa- views about the British connec­ and ultimately to take "all unes For Workers He added that "Japan’s defense port from Army headquarters. A ment. If you are going to need blankets, our advice is to buy NOW ! .■\11 wool nese transports put out of action tion. sentlal cars" off the road. Is Continuing Today position along the northern bor­ British military commentator in blankets will be very scarce so now is an opportune time to piircha.se the.se and $2.75 , off New Guinea and New Britain. "In spite of my love for the Herbert Morrison, minister of der (the frontier with Soviet Rus­ London, however, said fighting all wool Kenwood Blankets. We have limited quantities of each price. THE STRATOLINER. $7.50 British, I think their imperialism "doubtless will follow" in central home security, said restrictions on Is Proposed sia) Is solid." I No Word of New .Action All at last year’ s prices I has been the greatest crime sports events, such as racing and Burma, where British Imperial I There was, however, no word ot against India. The immediate Says ISO Warships Sunk troops have withdrawn from the boxing, also would conserve gaso­ I ourih Conseciujve Day Hiiimaii Named Japan’s Navy minister, Admiral new action today to indicate the ARROW thing therefore that the British line and, further, reduce the num- next turn of the fight, nor any THE DUROSS $6.50 government should do is confess Immediate Start of Pro­ .Ahspiicp o f Activily Re­ Shigetaro Shimada, in his part of (Continued on Page Eight) HALE'S SELF SERVE the summarization, said 130 Unit­ further news of a second strong the wrong and undo it. (Continued on Page Four) Japanese convoy last reported The Original In New Engaind! •Of the undoing there is yet no gram Urged at» Senate ported; Planes Aiding H lirleV D cp U ty ed Nations warships had been Fancy Shirts sunk. He declared that the Japa­ headed for Port Moresby, capital 72”x84” Kenwood .95 THE PLAYBOY $5.00 sign visible In the Indian sky. Yet Labor Committee Con­ .Australia Defense. „ of New Guinea, only 300 miles I cannot help thinking that before nese Navy losses wire "only four Two Hartford siders Full Operation. destroyers, tour submarines, five from the Australian mainland. Britain can claim moral superiori­ Sales Taxes I* or L4OX Lase I The blows by the R. A. F. $2.25 and $2.50 Other Hats . . * ...... ^.5.50 and S5.00 ty she must take this first step. Wa.sliiiiKton. March 12.— special submarines, one special AND HEALTH MARKET Blankete vessel, five minesweepers and 27 I (bolstered by b(g United States A "Then all else follows as day (/P)—The War Department in Washington, March 12.- .Pi—■ transports." Boys Are Held j bombers I were believed to have follows night. 1 will not make im­ Immediate start of a long-range one of the briefest communi­ Governor Announces seriously dislocated the Japanese pertinent suggestions by way of Chief Point General Tojo said Japanese 1 The Arondac will give years of faithful service, for it is made of all new springy program of training skilled W*ork- ques of the war reported to­ Drastic i planes and guns had shot down or 1 Invasion timetable. THURSDAY SPECIALS practical steps. Their (the British) ers for war production was pro­ Last Hour After Holdup One spokesman declared that wools that will withstand repeated washings and hard wear. Colors; Cedarbeige, Men’s Slip-on Sweaters $2*50 up conviction of the wrong will show day that the lull in fighting » 1 . destroyed on the ground more In Program posed today by Senator LaFollette Change After Advice than 1,600 planes and Japanese i the Japanese would take an ever Gold, Green, Larkspur Blue, Pe.ach, and Rose. the way." (Prog,. Wis.) as the Senate Labor on the Philippines’ Bataan Green Stamps Given With Cash Sates! 'forces had captured 2.100 pieces' — . harder pounding (xa they came Prince* Must Make Term* Committee canvassed suggestions peninsula continued. It was On Hearing Length. lof artillery, 180.000 rifles, ma­ T hO Olliprs Sought ID further into effective range of At Bombay, Sir Kailas Haksar, for keeping industrial machines in the fourth con.secutive day chine-guns and pistols, and 28.000 fighters and bombers based In Men’s Coat Sweaters $3.50 up India’s best authority on treaties Manufacturers .Associa­ full operation around the clock. 72x84 KenwQod Standard 72x90 Kenwood Famous that the departpient report­ Hartford, March 12 i/P' State — tanks. motor ears and railway Fox Payroll Robbery; northern Australia. binding the Indian states (princi­ The committee called Secretary .Attacks Only Beginning palities apart from British India), tion Urges Only Mod- of Labor Perkins for a confidential ed absence of activity on the fight­ Referee G«forge E. Hinraan, Willi-! cars, Approxiiiialely S7,0()0 Creamery Butter ing front. The communique. No. mantic, former Supreme court j This list would be increased, he He said that the attacks yester­ Boys’ Slip-on and Coat said that if the Indian princes » ’c Increase in In-1 review of the labor situation and Justice, will be deputized by Gov- . said, when detailed information day and the day before when seven Senator Hill (D . Ala.) said she 144, based on reports received un­ O f (’ash Recovered. BLANKETS wanted "any place in the India of ernor Hurley to preside over the was received from the Burma Japanese ahips were officially rt- Eagle Brand BLANKETS tomorrow they must make term.- Taxes I>evies. would be asked to .submit her idea,- til 10:30 a. m , e.w.t.. satd: C L .iie removal case against Highway , front on the capture of RangtKin. corded as put out of action were with the popular government that on how production capacity could "1. Philippine theater: March 12 .-T Two "The lull in the fighting in Ba­ Commissioner William J. Cox at Suffer I.lttle Damage Hartford. only a beginning. The Australians before 16ng will be established at be (ioubled. Sardines ..... Sweaters Washington, March 12 1.0 — taan continues. next week’s public hearing. The premier said many 19-year-old Hartii.rd youths to- said two more ships were believed New Delhi." The National Association of Manu­ Donald M. NeUon. war produc­ •There Is nothing to report Governor Hurley announced this i trial cstablishmenlR an(l other vl damaged In the Tue.sday attacks. He held that London clearly had 1.1 •1 The Net) erVands ' day were held and two others were tion chief. toUl the nation Tuesday from other areas.” last hour drastic change In pro- tal resources , 1 being S<)ught as the G Kox * Com- Salteaea $ 1 5 * 9 5 demonstrated its intention of facturers suggested a |7.600!000,- Closely ■woven of choice long fibred that such an increase was possible cedure today upon receipt of a let- Indies had been found to have suf- beingpany smig payroll robbers, who eluded , _ , A probablle foretaste of what $ 2 .5 0 meeting "with the demand of the 000 tax program td Congreas to­ provided plants went on a 2'4-hour Bomber .\ttack* Predlrted fered relatively little damage and wools, that will provide warmth, com­ And Up ter from Chief Justice William M. a manhunt in the North Meadows I the Japane.-e are building up to Clam Chowder The Kenwood Famous — famous for people of British India for self- day, featuring a J4.400.000.000 basis and made the maximum use American action in opening Maltble, his adviser, following con­ were being rehabilitated. fort and satisfaction through years of of exi.sting machinery. Nelson ac- | jays of the Battle for Australia Admiral Shimada said United swamplands Wednesilay. I as t^ey accumulate men, mupi- its warmth and beauty — long lasting government." salea tax and moderate Increases ferences with Attorney General ; tions and ships and prepare ad- Asked what he thought the at­ knowledged that the time reijiiired , vi jl be centered in long range, Nations Naval losses since the Arraigned in police court today WU«e Meat hard wear. Beautiful shades in Porce­ .satisfaction and .sleeping comfort! Ori­ in indlridual and corporation Francis A. Pallotti and attorneys ' vanre bases for an attempt to titude of such a popular govern­ to train now men was one nb.stacle heavy tjomber attacks on Japa- start of the war included seven . on charges of robbery with vlo- lain Blue, Peach, China Blue, Green, levies. for Mr. Cox. push onto the Australian main- ental Blue, Peach, and Turquoise. ment would be toward the poten- The recommendations, presented to putting pro.4*' partment an'hounced the move, ex­ SPRING MILLINERY when you outfit American waters have sunk Bulletin! I plaining It was worked out In ^ a more important place in your meal planning. Fish can the (Catholic University of Amer- Fourteen crewmen ‘>f the lorpe- 17 more merchant ships to­ fighting on a broad .southern with the .Army All be fried, broiled, baked or boiled and we carry a wide yourself in our suits Icai Bio Dr Janeiro, Marrii' It Dandelions Seen Source doetl Brazilian vessel Cayru. ilied : operation This year again, hats are tops in Spring taling 109,000 tons, the Ger­ front, attacking primarily in ordeal in one ' Forces. The number of sti^enU variety from which to choose: and topcoats. Om Impede Mtoalon —e raised from 2.1.600 to 45,006 a loveliness, by selecting several of our $ 1 .^5 $ of men, but men can impede and ed today in a special commu­ sonte shouting “Kill them!" Stalino and Taganrog. I reporteil toiiay after landing six even for a time destroy the mis­ broke the show window of others, greatly suffering from ex- yewr. and the facilities of the teo smart new styles. nique. a '***'** Coast Guard vessel Cod, Pollock, Halibut, Swordfish, sion of the church." Msgr. Ready and s submarine chaser also were a blaric-llsted Oertnan firm ! po.sure, i t this port Also brought ** Felts, Fabric and Straws in all the New­ .00 said. ", . .They can set up schools Wsshlneton. March 12. /Pi— ,♦ yields could be Increased on Moscow. March 12.—(iT’)— ^hore was the body of a pa.s.sen- | train 30J)00 sjud^U annuMly. $ reported sunk. One Nazi aubma- today on Rio De Janeiro's American soil by American farm- , to and untversltiM to teach men that main street, Avenida Rio Don t cuss that little dandelion The Red Army has broken Salmon. est Shades. rlne, the high command said, era with Improved machinery." | ger. there sua no spiritual values In Branca. The outburst, di­ through strongly-held Ger­ New Driver* Strike Begins penetrated Into the Infter harbor when it lakes over your well- Because of Its lower wax con­ Two of the survivors were able Providence, R. L. March life. They can establlah political rected chiefiy at the German man lines at several places on til stand with the aid of sailors, Fillets of: systema that regard man as the of Port Castries on the British Is­ groomed law*n this spring. tent. Dr. Kolachov aaid, the Rus- ' __\ few hours alter a atrtlu land of Santa Lucia—one of the store Oaaa Lohner, came Just killing 2.- the others were carried ashore on crihture of the states. They can after noon and followed upon It might help produce a new siana have found their Mandelion j the southern front against the New England Tran* We Now Have Another usurp the just power of govem- Windward lalanda—and aank two Ure before the .war is over. auperior to guayule, a southwest­ 000 Nazis and seizing two stretchers, and all were taken im- uortatiun Compaay had beea Haddock, Flounder, Perch. And Up anU-.Axi* meaaurea taken by metliately to a hospital . menta and persecute and harass large ahips. the Brazilian go\-ernmeat. . ScienUsts. here today to urge ern United States weed for the large junction points, front­ tied, a new atrike was begun tW and Imprison the church fpr insist­ A third ship was aunk off the la- the House Agriculture Oommitte* development of which Congreas re­ 38 Still > Isslng morning. Freight service here, « Shipment of land, the communique added. cently appropriated some money. line dispatcheSy reported to­ Massachuaett* and la ConaeetlM Also Mackerel, Smelts, Butterfish, ing on her right to teach (Christ's Rio De Janeiro, March 12.—l^*) to' make available funds for ex- ' Their lifeboat was sighted last truth and to administer Christ's 713,300 Tans Now Claimed perimentatlon In the use of plants i Half Co*t of Synthetic day. The Germans rushed up night by a Naval vessel searching was affected, and pnasenger e*rxw —President Getullo Vargas today reserves for counter-attacks which grace. . . . ‘ These successes brought to 772,- and weeds, believrita certain type | As to the economic fsetors In­ for survivors with the aid of .air- was threntened- I'esterdnj a attto, Herring, Oysters, Scallops. 500 tons the total amount of ship­ decreed confiscation oC part of the volve In large scale development, was settled by dlschargiag a •They can muster armies and property and funda of Axis citi­ of dandelion, properly cultivated set a pattern of international ping sunk by German ahipa in the recorda he produced showed er objected to by the New EnglBBt zens and firms In BrsslL and developed, can bd a source of M e n r iv women fmm the Cayru still were Blackout Shades treachery and outlawry by which American waters, the German ra­ much-needed rubber. natural rubber could be made from Truck Drivers and Hetprifs unloa This success In -the south fol- ; unaccount^ for to engulf the peoples ot the earth dio declared. The decree was the first setion Their official name for the the dandelion for about 31 cents and 75 seamen an Independent union. The * ^ Steaming Clams and Quahogs. tsken Bgslnst Axis nstionala ss lowed Red Army reports of hard- Ten passengers in the blood and sweat and tears In addition, it aaid, Italian aub- variety Is "kok-sagyz." but It per pound, which he aaid was I" in the Cliyru’s four discharged was a •ensbCT^ retslistion for the sinking of four which , had put out of war. They can dethrone (Christ marinea have accounted for 50,- looks like any other dandelion, about one-half the coat of aynthe- hitting Russian offen.sives whicl are still \l>'I,,.TeaniateT*‘ union which, e» m-HAT .srEClALl Brasilian ships, and there was a ' lifeboats, of which two in stock. 3 6 ” wide. Fit and then shout out las pagans of 700 tons of shipping, making a down to the bright gold bloom and tlc rubber. Additional experimen­ endangered German positions In kls account, atruck today. C«JI0US€>S0H, widely held belief this might prove the whole vast central front area 'missing. • • • M the past There la no other God combined total of 823,200 tons, tation might get the figure even practicaU^r all windows. Cea. the preliminary to an eventual the green leave*. I A Norwegian freighter picked but (Caesar.’ •The high command’s regular Ck>uld lacrease YMda lower, he believes. north of Smolen.sk, and cost the Mnrketa At A GInnen Chop Suey INC communique also claimed success-, declaration of war. Brazil broke (Germans tremendoualy in lives, up one boatload of 26 survivors- "The liberty and Inatitutions of Eheperiments widely conducted The doctor doesn’t believe offi­ four paaaengers. th-' rest crewmen New York. Slareh __ our own nation are threatened now tul blows against shipping — two off diplomatic relations with Ger­ cial Washington has sufficient in­ munitiona and supplies. Stocks: Vneven; aleila, IMWS many, Italy and Japan on Jan. 38.' in Russia have convinced Dr. Paul —and these were brought to New EXTRA! by the same dominant alien, ma- steamers totalling 5,000 tons sunk formation on this little plant, and Sleds powered with airplane en­ tasofovo 0 _ THE STORE OF QUALITY' out of a "atrongly-protected’’ con­ Must Answer for Harm Kolachov,* a Louisville research ex­ gines and propellers skimmed York Tuesday. G reen terlallsUc ideas and by the same pert, that “If from 150 to 300 contended that avaUable dsUa on It Bonds: Lowe*; mung 1*hh6 rampant totalitarian military voy in the tCngUah channel, and The Vargas decree said "the through the Germfn positions so The men brought here all had pounds of crude rubber ^ r acr* bad about "the aame degne of The J W H A I ^ Stamps Given with foreea which haraaa the dnirch and a merchant ship off the east coaat property and rlghta of German, *Ce5enu£N**; *^d* prte* M Birds Eye Spinach CCRR ^ ALL FOOT WEAR PingP^’T’.X^Ry r MUIPM^ ar* obtained in Ruaala from kok- accuracy aa th* Information the )|! k (O— •• •'M* Y*w)i I tha ahm b Om huUt in the world had about th* Red Army." (Om MmsiI . MANCHISTia CONH* Cash Sales m t M fW « Few). (Caattaund ea P a^ Feor) aagya, we ar* po*ltir« th*** ------|a -_ ------, , , ■ , ,