Sp21 CIS -18A-41Z: Introduction to Linux/ Midterm ONE: Apr 28, Midterm TWO: May 26 , Finals: Jun 21

CENSUS DATE: Apr 19 College Holiday : May 24

Assignment Due dates : Apr 12,19,26, May 3,10,17,25,31, Jun 7,14

No Makeups for any of the above. If you miss, you lose points. Plan accordingly.

(Zoom, synchronous M/W, 6PM - 7 PM - Window ) (See http://www.deanza.edu/calendar/finalexams.html) Instructor communicates with student ONLY.

• Zoom lectures attendance is not mandatory. Sessions will be recorded and shared in Canvas. • Students need to take midterms and finals -in-the-alloted--date. If student does not show up for midterm/finals then 0 points. • FINALS will be on Jun 21, via CANVAS. All times PDT. • If you have questions on assignment grade, email me and we will discuss and resolve it. Any feedback about your work is going to be via email M/W 6 thru 750PM • Do not use Shell programming//Awk/Perl/Python/Posix expressions for this class in your assignments. Stick to Syllabus. Refer to CANVAS for assignments ! College academic Calendar:Spring 2021 http://deanza.fhda.edu/calendar/springdates.html

Instructor Information • Name: Lalitha Krishnamurthy • Email: krishnamurthylalitha fhda dot edu • Email only in canvas please. • Online Lab Hours: Wednesdays 845pm - 10pm (via Canvas) • Office Hours: Available via synchronous zoom: Mondays 830-930pm PDT. • Lecture timings for CIS18A : M/W 6 PM - 750 PM - Online/Zoom via CANVAS

Students, please read the following and plan accordingly

• All communication with instructor is via Canvas for assignments and quizzes. Questions, comments will be addressed face to face in class, during class hours. • Your mail subject and body must be in English - No other languages will be accepted. Email will be discarded and you will not get any points !! Please note this to ensure success. • There is no "-up" for FINALS or MIDTERM -ie if you miss it you lose the points. NOTE THIS.

Rules of assignment submission below • Assignment can be submitted once via Canvas. • Please use your full name (not nickname or pen-names) as it appears in class roster for any (email) communication with instructor, Also use your first and last name correctly (refer to class roster as to how it is specified). • Use Canvas for assignment submission. Course Description This course is designed to discuss Linux/Unix Operating environment and its features. Linux/Unix commands, structure, Regular expressions, shell features will be discussed Introduction to the features of the UNIX/LINUX including text editing, text file manipulation, electronic mail, Internet utilities, directory structures, input/output handling, and shell features are part of the course curriculum

CIS18A Student Learning Outcome Statements (SLO) Use the Unix/Linux Operating System utilities and shell features for basic file manipulation, networking, and communication. Course Objectives • Edit text using the editor. Read Chapter 6. • Maintain file and directory system • Establish security and file permission, Perform basic file maintenance and use information utilities • Utilize the shells, Read Chapter 4 • Run shell commands, Implement quoting rules • Communicate with email and communication utilities • Apply filters and use implement basic regular expression • Use basic utilities to explore system data, user data, and common tasks: , passwd, , whoami, finger, w, tty, stty, , clear, man, lpr, script, bc, date, , , exit • Observe the different file types; explore filename conventions and use wildcards; use utilities that manipulate regular files: , , less, , , , , • Use the vi editor to edit text files with basic commands to move to a certain place in the file, add, delete, search, replace, substitute, copy and , and paste, bring in another file, save to another file, undo redo, save, quit • Work with the directory tree and path name convention; use utilities that work with directories: , , , , , whereis, • Investigate the concept of links and types of links; create links to regular files and directories; explore inodes • Communicate with other users using and ; send and receive mail, including reply, forward, save functions; work across the network using ssh and sftp • Demonstrate the levels of permission (ugo) and the types of permission (rwx); set file permission; explore the effects of different types of permissions; changing the permission mask • Using features of the shell: redirection, , pipe, running commands one one command line, command grouping, command substitution, quoting rules, , variables, environment variables, aliases, command history; explore the major types of shell • Use filters to produce a required output: more, less, , , cut, paste, , , , comp, , egrep • Use basic regular expressions for pattern matching: atoms, anchors, operators Detailed Class Outline

Week 1 What is Linux, Why Linux, Architectural overview of & 2 Linux, Unix login procedure. Read Chapter 1,2,3 Unix/Linux utilities/commands, Unix/Linux commands Week 3 structure, Unix commands passwd, id, who, whois, & 4 whoami, , top, Unix/Linux editors, vi, cat, less, more, pg, page and other filters, Read Chapter 1,2,3,4,5, Linux/Unix directory structure, Unix file types. Unix file Week 4 related commands, ls, mkdir, rmdir, cp , mv etc. Unix file & 5 globbing. Read Chapter 4,5 Week 6 Review, Unix file permissions, , . Unix process management: process identifiers, ps, vmstat, Week 7 top, sar commands, process hierarchy, Shell basics and & 8 commands, and egrep its metacharacters and examples, and Week 9 examples. Introduce shell, regular expressions, File & 10 redirection, Shell Pipelines, Redirection Week 11 Summary, Finals Monday, 6pm Texts / Resources • Book store has the first book ie 1. below. Please use that. It is ok to use a older version. If you prefer or have the second one, you can also use the book. (Not required to purchase the second one) • 1. A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming (3rd Edition) by Mark G. Sobell (Author) ISBN-13: 978-0133085044 ISBN-10: 013308504X Edition: 3rd • 2. Practical Guide to the Linux, Mark Sobell, Addison-Wesley. ISBN-10: 0201895498, ISBN-13: 978-0201895490

Grading a. In-class assignments worth 70 points spread over 11 weeks, 2 Midterms 10 points each. Finals 10 points. Absolute grading for this course (ie I will NOT be grading on a CURVE for cis18a). b. Grading Scheme A 100 % to 94.0% A- < 94.0 % to 90.0% B+ < 90.0 % to 87.0% B < 87.0 % to 84.0% B- < 84.0 % to 80.0% C+ < 80.0 % to 77.0% C < 77.0 % to 74.0% C- < 74.0 % to 70.0% D+ < 70.0 % to 67.0% D < 67.0 % to 64.0% D- < 64.0 % to 61.0% F < 61.0 % to 0.0% •