
.V , . • T # k 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1957 PACe TWENTY r - '#, lEpgntng Jjg ra lit A rm g t Daily Net P*eaa Rub For the Week Ended, ThaWMitliar Members of Anderson-Shea Aux­ stein, Mrs. William Cooper, Mri. ing Meter Fund now contains as- Februaiy Zed, 1051 Feieenet ef C. 8> WsaMisa nanaa iliary, VFW, will attend tlw meet­ Sisterhood Plans Howard Gold. Mrs. Israel Shyder C ervilii Reports aeU of $101,332.64, of which $05,- A b ^ tT o w n ing of the Hartford Council Aux­ and Mra. George Wald. 000’ is in savinga accounts and in­ iliaries tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at To Demonstrate Mrs. Irving Hochberg and Mrs. ^ Collections vested. During January, the town' 12,425 lUIn, mUd^teatght. Lew m bt SwvlcM at Uie Salvation Army the Wheeler School Trumbull Ave„ Wind are in charge of the overall collected. $1,850.61 from parking 40, Oloady, eon tin tied mlM Sua- atM M Sunday will b« conducted Member of the Aodlt Plalnville. H oliday l^ettingi^ arrangemenU for the, evening’s meters on streets and $58.18 from Bnreen ef Circulation . ^ dny. n g h about-M. (ly Ckpt and lira. EHc Jackaon of T ax CollMlor Paul Cervlpl to­ meters in the. town-owned lot. program. Supeiwlslhg *’.e table day estimated his office wUI col­ ' ...... ■ ...... - T Manche$ter— A City of ViUagm Charm the Divisional headquarters in The confirmation class of St. aeftings and floral decorations Hartford Capt. Jackson, who it lect M 'per cent of the amount col­ WEEKlYvBlNGO John's Polish National Catholic A graphic narrative, depicting youns people’s secretary, for wdll be Mrs. Irving Goddard, Mrs. lectible on the 31-mill tax rate due FRIDAYS M. Church will meet at 10 o’clock to­ the eight major festivals in the Isadore Raddlng and Mra Harry Southern New England, is respon- Jewish calendar year as . inter­ Jan. 1, 'Charge vo: L t x y i , NO. m (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 (OUMtned AdvarRsIng on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS morrow morning at the Church. Tarlow. . . . At the 'end of January, taxpay­ siMe for an youth work. Word has been received that the preted in table aettingii, will high­ ' Tour ASSUMPTION HALL . ■■■■■■■...... ini.— The hospitality committee, which ers had paid 8B.1 per cent of the Preaeriptkms -V------^ ^ ^ ------,------^------bishop will attend the confirmation light the joint meeting of the will serve refreshments at the con­ figure. Pastor and Mrs. C. Henry Aiuler- on June 3. This week and next are Here THOMPSON and SOUTH ADAM¥ STREETS Bon of EmanUel Uitheran Church, sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom clusion of tlie program, la Com­ The amount oollectible is |3.- the last opportunities-to register prised of Mrs. Morris Firestone, 017,653.36. As o f Jan. 31, the of­ aad ioeembers of the Board of Ad­ for this class. and the WSCS of . the South PINE PHARMACY COMFORTABLE SEATING—AMPLE PARKING Ike to See ministration, with their wives, will Methodist ChuKh Tuesday at 8:30 Mrs. K'jrt Joseph, Mrs. Arthur fice bad collected $1,801,511.82. Welcome 664 O nter St— Ml 0-0814 be hosts to about 60 new members p.m. in the vestry of the Temple. Rittenberg and Mra. Gsorge Ben­ leaving $216,141.44 to be collected. Loyal Circle of King’s Daugh­ nett. Cervini’a report shows the Park­ I I, 11 .ii'...... at a reception in Luther hall ters will hold Its regular meeting Written by Mrs. Leon Wind, the Sunday at 7:80 p.nf. Presidenta of Monday night at 7:45 in the Fed­ program, entitled “These are the Macmillan church auxUlaries wlU speak brief­ eration. room of Center Congrega­ Festivals of the Lord,’’ will demon­ Grand Jury Probe u.s. ly, and there wUl be special music tional Church. Surgical dressings strate in a series of table settings under the direction of G. Altert for the hospital will be folded. A how’ each of the major Jew’ish holi­ AndM ollet Pearson. Mrs. John A. Johnson and social hour, with Mrs. Hasel Peter- days are celebrated in the home. Mrs. Roy C. Johnson head the com­ son and Miss Dorothy Peterson as The program, held in observance of mittee for refreshments and the Brotherhood Week, will be nar­ Of Oil Price Boost Washington, Feb. 9 (/P)— hostesses, will follow. social hour to follow. rated by Mrs. Sidney Browm. President Eisenhower prob; Dr. Robert J. Alesbury, a mem­ Traditional foods and customs \ ably will’ Jiold separate talks President Baisworth Mitten of ber of the Clinic Beard of the associated with the individual holi­ V , Washington, Feb. 9 (^Ip)—^m *c rivtr from the capital, be- the Manchester Board of Realtors, days will be described and demon­ soon with Frencl. Premier Manchester Mental Health Society, S^s. O’Mahoney (D-Wyo) ‘« Guy Mollet and British Prim^ Mrs. Prances Wagner, vice presi- will speak on the subject of men­ strated. Mrs. George Lessner wrill and it^agnuson (D-Wash) said a m i . Attorney .Gen. victor r . -A — dent; Kenneth Ostrtnsky, secre­ tal health at the meeting of Cen- describe the Bosh Hashonah-tablo, Minister ’ Harold Macmillan tary; and Ralph Gaston, treasurer, Mrs. Louis Hurwltz the Yom Kip- today they welcome a forth-1 Haneen, in charge of- the Anti- in a move to reunify the west­ attended an all-day orientation Ur Church Mothers Club Monday pur table, Mrs. Irving Aronson the at p.m. in Memorial hall of the coming federal grand jurV in-iTruat divuion, mid that while the ern powers. conference Md workshop of the 8 Sukkos setting, Mrs. Jacob Segal ___! government has no power, to oon- Jeimer Hits Lodge Seen Connecticut Association of Real new wing. Members are asked to the Chanukah arrangements, Mrs. vestlgation of recent fro7 Si"13ic w “ is” concerned with Diplomatic sources said the i Estate officera and boards yester­ note the change of meeting place. Jules Karp the Puiim setting, Mrs. creaseg. in oil: and gasolifteithe possibUfty of any concerted conferences now are being plan-1 day at the Hotel Bond, Hartford. Osofir Rottner the Passover table, i action'vithin the Industry to raise. H fit i ney woula -pe ina first top ! Organist G. Albert Pearson of prices. level meetings among these west-1 Irving D. Melendy, president of the Mrs. George Slossberg the Shavu- "I am very-glad the Justice De-t'prlces. Making Bid Emanuel Lutheran Church is con­ ous grouping, and Mrs. Marvin said he thought it em leaders a|nce cool relations i Maasachusetta Association of Real partment is taking up the story,’’, j \ O’Mahoney said he thought developed • last fail over the Brit- | . Estate Bosuds, and Prank Wagner fined to his home with a severe Feir the Sabbath table. said O’Mahoney.'•'^e iftbrease'ln i wbs a "fair inference ” that the de­ cold and is bilged to cancel both The choir of ' Temple Beth Uh-French Invasion of Egypt. i of Hartford, director of licenses Valentine Hankies prices ha.s not been satisfactorily | partment did not regard the antl- Firs^ speculation had indicated Adds B last and claims for the State of Con­ rehearsals o f the Junior Choir to­ Sholom, under the direction of explaiiied ’’ 6 | trust exemption, granted to oil F o r T ru c e morrow forenoon. all three men would meet togeth­ necticut, were the principal speak­ Cantor George Wald, will sing Magnuson said In s'separate in - companies eooperaUng In the Euro- er. How’ever. recent planning has ers. ■ traditional music for each ob­ tervlew the grand jury investigS' pean aupply program, as extend­ Chicago, Feb. 9 (/P)— Sen. St. Mary’s Women’s Auxiliary been on' the basis of two separate United Nations, N. "Y., Feb. servance. Orgahlst will be Fred­ Uon would be .’^very helpful.” ing to any domestic price fixing. meetings. Jehner (R-lnd) said today 9 (/P)— ^The United States is will meet Monday- at 7:30 for a erick Werner. Is the choir are Mrs. O’Mahoney is chairman of a . Records Subpoenaed short religious service in the sanc­ Will Fly to Bermuda that “denouncing Franklin reported putting. out quiet Bernard Krutt, Mrs. Myer Leavitt, Jolrrt Senate Antl-Monopoly-Pub- O'Mahoney said last night his Eisenhower is expected to meet Roosevelt,. Harry Truman'and RUMMAGE tuary, and adjourn to the'crypt for Mrs. Leon Kramer, Mrs. Eli Slegal, ilc Land" subcommittee which has Subcommittee has subpoenaed, var­ feelers to learn whether their business 'meeting. Mrs. Her­ here first with Mollet, then fl.v Dwight Eisenhower” for the Mrs. B. Hall, Mrs. Raymond Bern­ the sincerest form been looking into the > emergency ious records .of , major oil compan­ S niper Caiigiit^ to Bermuda for a conference with President Nasser of Egypt bert Fraser, who is in charge of oll-for-Europe program, Inau- ies which were authorized by the growth of Big .Government SALE the program, has secured motion Choose from lovely de­ Gary Addison Taylor, 20. was Macmillan, probably about March would agree to make' a con- gurated after the closing of the 1 government to. coordinate their 21. The possibility that Mollet is a waste, of time.* 9 Sertwdoy, F*b. Y- pictures of Washington Cathedral. signs. All white with '> Suez Canal- cut off Europe Irom j efforts to cope wdth Europe s oil arrested by Detroit police after ciHatory policy statement a wild car chaae Feb. 7. Oak­ might go on to Bermuda was dis­ He called'for election in 1958 of a 9:00 to 12:00 Refreshments will be served by of the heart decorations. most of its Middle East oil ] supply problem. He said a num­ counted here. Congress pledged to cut federal which might help in the ef­ Mrs. Annie 1. Smith and her com­ CORRECTION sources. ber of the firms had volunteered land County Assistant Prose­ cutor William Land said Ta,v- There W’as no official conflrma- i spending. fort to get Israeli troops out At 699 Main Street - mittee. Our item in last night’s ad The joint .subcommittee also is to produce the..ten' records, but that tion of the, Bermuda conference ; Jenner's remarks were prepared of Egypt. probing recent widespread price ; "In fairness to all’ it was decided lor later confessed that he w'as (former location of should have read: Broccoli the sniper whose wild shooting either here or in London. for a seminar spon.sored by 'the Informed sources said Ambassa­ Naval Aviation Cadet Ronald boosts—75 cents a barrel for crude to send out subpoenaes to 16 firms. , A White House spon.^smaii said E. A. Johnson Paint W. Stephens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spears 2 for 49c and not 2 5 c and 5 0 c As of the week ended'Jpn. 30 the ' has terrorized four communi­ Abralikm Llnpoln Republican Club dor Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and oil and one cent a gallon for gaso­ ’’until there is a Complete agree­ of Chicago, a group which de­ other members of the U.S. dele­ Company).. William T. Stephens, 45 Green Asparagus Spears. line and fuel oil. Magnuson heads ties since Christmas. (AP ment we will have nothing to say Wirephoto), scribes itself as Conservative. gation have been aoundii^ out loosored by The Covenant Manor Rd., made a first 'Solo flight J O t J lU S u i t the Senate Commerce committee (Oo-tlaned on Page Five) about it.” on Jan. 24 at Saufley Field Naval each The Senator criticized President EgypUan diplomaU on this possi­ League of The Covenant which has set up a subcommittee In London, both the Foreign Elsenhower’s request to Congress bility. A U.S. delegation source Congregatlanal Church Auxiliary Air' Station, Pensacola, to conduct a separate study of Office and a spokesman for Mac­ Fla. for authority to use troops if nec­ asknowledged Lodge had been in Ha^som e. new knits by Chevy Chase gas-oil price increases. millan declined comment. essary to block open Communist contact with the Egyptians over with a distinctive continental flavor Jiir)' Meets March 4 Eisenhower met in Bermuda in aggression in the Middle East, and the past few days, but declined to Yesterday-, in nearby Alexan­ December 1953 with British Prime that becomes you so flatteringly . . . London Pi*ess Shims for permission to spend up to $200 disclose any details. dria, Va.. attorneys ' from the Minister Churchill and French million .in available foreign aid These moves were reported as that so effortlessly expresses your Justice Department’s AntiiTnist '.Premier Joseph Laniel. funds. Arab delegates urged ^niUve sense of fashion. Here in finest qual­ Division asked Federal District The choice of Bermuda—Brit- "It Is- heartening,” Jenne'r add­ measures against Israel because Judge Albert V. Bryan to order Ijh territory—was seen' as a con- of her refusal to get out of the ity all wool chenille with the main in­ a grand Jury investigation of com­ Qu^en, Duke Rumor j cession to British feeling that ed, that many Americans hayc terest centered in the necklines, the questioned the military provisions Sharm el Sheikh area of Egypt panies and individuals engaged In. I such a gesture would enhance and the Gasa Strip. Aimnlated fashioned raglan shoulders, “the production,'refining and sale Macmillan's prestige and be well iff the request. He also contended President Eisenhower and King Saud walk along a pathway on A -, K YOUR there is no evidence of need for Would BuUd Prestige their smooth and easy ribknit skirts. of oil." London, Feb. 9 UP) — London.^ Verj'few, if rny, person.*! oi tslde j received in Britain. It Is onl.v the White House grounds, follow’ed by their advisers, Feb. 8. ROASTING CHICKENS / ! three hour.<» flying time from "unlimited power” in connection Many western delegates believe Judge Bryan authorized the in­ newspapers didn’t say a word to-1 the . royal family would know Secretary of State John Foster Dulles walks on the grass, while a mild-toned, solution - seeking DOCTOR And colors—you’ve never seen them quiry and directed that a grand I Washington. with economic aid featuVes. robed members of the Saudi Arabian monarch’s party follow tha Every week we sell more of onr juicy flavorsome char- day about rumors printed in the I w'hether there was anj’ truth to the Secretary of State Dulles "didn’t statement by Nasser at this cru­ prettier! Gift JEWELRY jury be convened March 4. Justice United States of a rift between rum irs of a royal spat. The gossip It also was seen a.s a way to leaders pn the pavement. coal-barbccaed chickens, 50c extra for roasting any size, ABOUT : help overtome the ill feeling in say yes and he didn't say no" when cial stage might pqrsuade Israel to I Department officials said it was Queen Elizabeth II and her hus­ gained currenc.v when the Duke's ease her adamant stand against decided to take up the matter in ijsgme B ritl^ quarters resulting asked whether any of the aid four to eight pounds, CaD early for Sunday orders, when Our jewelry bar has many band. They also ignored an official equerry, LI. CridrrMlchael Parker,- would—go -to Egypt, Jenner aaid.. wlthd^wal, The_AmericiSs re:^ Alexandria, just across the Poto- Buckingham palace statement resided unexpectedly last Mon- from the. U.S. stand ajpomt— the qdts are loaded. BY TRAIN OR PLANE Britlsh-French-Israel attack on, The Senators said he opposes ariy j portedly have suggested to r styles in new pastel cotor^; also terming the rumors "quite un-1 day. Egypt s delegation that auelt a CMS Pgypt aid to Eg>*pt. THEY STAY THE SAME tailored styles in gold and’silver tru4.” ' Parker, quit sjter it wof the. King, stole the show, as he Enrptlan repreaentativea here. society folk were "talking openly accompanied him on the wmrld has one objective—to keep itself in Saud of ^ u d l Arabia left Wash­ had dohaon a number of other oc- A Special Purchase power by spending,” Jenner con­ Thu Americatui gIgo are Mid to Concord, N. H - Feb. 9 (g*)—Rep. of a rift” betw’een the 31-year-old tour. Doctors Qaim ington today with words of praise CBsiops. The solemn faced little hare been sounding out other gives you Queen and her- handsome 35- Hardships for Prince tinued. He said its goals are to for the airbase-for-ajd agreement boy nith the.soft brown eyea waa The Bank that PLANNED SECURITY Charles O. Porter (D-Ore.) today "tax and tax. spend and spend, Aslsn-African delegstes on the year-old consort. It said the gos­ he reached with President Eisen­ the. last figure.to get aboard the feasibility of such a step. i l d Rtg. Value $34.95 demanded a congressional investl-. During the Di,ke's absence there Chicago, Feb. 9 iJP) — Mediekl elect and elect” E \ sip was now "percolating dmvn to hower during a state vialt here. plpne. has been, talk about the Itardships experts have decided that the "We have w’asted a great deal • ®$ypt’a refusal to make any At a Special Price gation of "the Eisenbower admin- the British mjisses.” for a young boy—8-year-old Prince Vice President Nixon was on Under prodding from hla elders, commitment or even suggest her Denial by Palace Grimes sisters, whose nude, frozen of precious time denouncing hand to say goodby at departure Mashur waved goodby, smiled one , / UtraUon’s Ught money policy;” Charles—deprive*! of the company Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Tin­ future Intentions regarding the Is­ \ That policy, he said, "has dealt a Inquiries brought a quick denial of his father; Charles recently en-' bodies.were found along a road­ ceremonies held in - a steady rain of his rare smiles apd then threw raelis, hosVbeen one of laraei’a from Cmdr. Richard Colville, press man and Dwight Elsenhower for at Washington National- Airport. a 'kiss to Nixon, Mrs. Nixon and be'low-the-belt blow' to the.hrigousi tered school. side nearly three weeks ago, died the growth of Frankenstein’s mon­ main arguing polnU. In refusing secretary at the palace. of exposure fo cold. Nixon apologized for the rainy the two >'oung daughters, diplo­ to withdraw their troops from Lovely FLOWERS '■industry while, paradoxlgilly. fat­ "It is quite untrue that there The. Queen and the Duke 'also ster,” Jenner said. weather and voiced a hope that it mats, newSmen and soldiers clust­ have a daughter, Princess Annei Q. Egypt or the Gaza Strip the la- > 2 4 « tening the bankera and spurring a is any rift between the Queen and How or where the teenage girls, "Whatever part they played, the "doesn’t leave a bad impression on ered In the rain near the airplane. raelia have stood firm on one de­ \ huge spending spree elsewhere. ” the Duke of Edinburgh,”^ he said. They were married Nov 20, 1947. Barbara, 15, and Patricia, 13, died, real 'causes of the growth of cen- Your Majesty.” Saud, smiling His gesture won a. burst of SERVICES In Sydney, Australia, the tabloid mand—asaiirance of nonbeliigar- Sizes 10 to 20. See our collection, of new flowers for In a speebh prepared for a con­ The denial was given only to the doctors did not say. tralized power are the world wars broadly, said through an interpret­ laughter .and applause.. ence from Egypt. Daily Mirror today gave over its One pathologist said the girls » \ coat, suit or blouse wear. Many col­ vention’ of Now, Hampshire Young thosb who asked. and the trend of the century to er that It 'wras of no consequence, One of the last things Saud did Walter E)^an, director general Dress Department—^2nd Floor Democrats. Porter said a congres­ Newspapers here are generally entire front page to a story head­ "could ne* have died naturally.” socialist big government:” that, the thing he remembers la was -to invite Nixon to visit Saadi of 'Israel’s Foreign. Ministry again ors in roses,^ violets, daisies, etc. All sional. probe "should ascertain If quick to coyer royal activities In lined "Roval Rift Rumor Rocks Another told reporters: "The girls ■ Former Sen, Herman W eJ k e r "the warmth of the heart." Arabia, and to bring Mrs. Nixon. told newsmen in T’el Aviv that Is­ with pins, the tight money policy is dlscrtml- detail, although hesitant to report the World.'” . wefe alive when froken.” told the group that government An Army honor guard stood, at Nixon told .Saud he hoped he rael will.not quit Sharm el Sheikh Three pathologists, who made A R E YOURS TO USE I natlng unfairly against, one seg­ anjrthlng. derogatory about the The paper quoted the Sun’s ac­ spending must be slashed or the attention at a 21-gun farewell could make it sometime. at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba ment of our economy... .In con­ i^>yal family. count extensively. It said, "Britain, exhaustive laboratory teats of the nation will be "completely bank-' salute boomed out. The Army band The Vice President said he was until guaranteed that Egypt will trast to the traditional American The 'Duke now Is nearing the Europe and the United States were girls’ tissues, disclosed last night rupt” , struck up Saudi Arabia's national sure close U.S.-Saudi Arabian rela­ not impair Israeli shipping inter­ / Creatad By principle of pqual treatment for end of a 4-month, round-the-world flooded with reports last night that there was no evidence of alcohol, The Idahoan also called for sup­ anthem apd, as Nixon and the tions were strengthened by the ests. Egyptian fertifleatlona kept 59c and *1’®® each all." tour on the royal .vacht Britan- -there is. a serious rift in tlie drugs, carbon monoxide or poisons. port of Conservative GOP Sena­ King tn ^ cte d the guard, the band visit “ for the years ahead.” Israeli ships but of the pU f prior WISELY and PROFITABLY He defined tight money as nia. The rojral couple are to be Queen’s marriage. So seriously are They said they were unable to find tors In next year’s elections to played the Ebigllsh air ” G r e « n In response, Saud said his Wash­ to the Octbber-Noyember Urvaoion “ simply meaning that it's getting reunited next weekend in Lisbon Oie rumors regarded that Buck­ injuries, internal or exfe r n a 1. Sleeves.” of Egypt. Shown Is one keeQ their Senate seate away from ington visit "has made a great im­ CHEVY harder to borract of the govern- were confronted by one of the aald the budget will be balanced Purse, who has been guiding the on the first leg of his Journey Bulletins Per Valentine Giving! lueot's tight money policy has fal­ city’s most puzzling- murder mys­ King on his American visit, is $|.I9 to S|.98 teries. and the national debt will be paid home. The present presidential from the AP Wires len upon the home buyer and the 1C off “or we will be a completely going back as Saudjs personal plane, Columbine, m , is being borne 'building indust^,’’ Porter .Hundreds of police have been in- bankrupt nation, held together by guest for a 'visit of severs! days in overhauled. POIUL isCO SPECIAL aald, "because they are singularly vesUgaUng the deaths of the sis­ the weak thread of state social­ Saudi Arabia. ' May Revive Port dependent on c r ^ t and conse­ ters since their bodies were found ism.” The entire Arab world was rep­ BENSON M>WER8 SUPPORTS One result of the agreement Washington. Feb. UP) _8ec- SK quently are most -vulnerable to near suburban Willow Springs on resented at the airport. Arab and Saud and. Eisenhower reached may 0 rt.anges in the credit aupply.” , * Jan. 22. But no tangible clues other diplomats queued iip to wish retary of Agrlcaltnre Benson to> be to convert the sleepy Persian day announced lower goveni* HOISERY ^ v e been imcovered. Sand godspeed in the rain. Also Gulf Coast port o f Damman into The exact cause of their deaths present was Adm. Arthur W. Rad­ ment price supports for m brood a Bustling center of commerce. rnnge of ngricnlturnl products. C l>}>rrifM 1U1 by DON mirrxRKAD^force had not been officially determined ford, chairman of the Joint C^efs struggling to achieve an The King leaves behind what'an Supports were lowered, to- rela­ Initial Atomie When President Theodore Roo­ Ideal — can come to any other until last night's report by Drs. News Tidbits of Staff, and a number of State Oe-. Eisenhower-Saud commuiUquk.yea- sevelt ordered an . InvesUgative Iklwin F. Hirsch, Jerry J. Kearns partment officials.' tion to- last year's levchK on cot­ SALE conclusion but* this: ' terday called an "atmoephere of ton, oats, bariey, rye. aorgfanm force organized In tbe-Department Here’s Why and.C.. A. Webb. However, an Culled from AP' Wires Secretary Dulles didn’t make it cordiality” ^ that far exceeded the PLANNEu Colorful UMBRELLAS of Justice in 1008 to combat the earlier report by Dr. Walter Camp, gralB, sardines, Wsxeeed and Electric Power The FBI cannot become a repres­ —through a mix-up, aides said. cottonseed. land thieves, the “ trusts” and sive srm of government or of a state toxicoloj^t, said the girls Prince Mashur, 3>i-year-oId son (CoBliaiied ea Page Fifteen) "NO-MENP other federal law violators, there clique as long as — had. died a few hours after they Mississippi chapter of National were dark warnings that the move had left fheir south side.home 'on Association for Advancement of REDS SEEK WIDER POWER SECURITY A.must for Now Englad^ waatharl Plant in Tests — the President of the United Moscow, Feb. 9 UR — Tbe Sa- was leading to political espionage Ststes is a man who rejects the Dec. '28 to attend a movie; Colored People charges “ Police HOSIERY': And wa hava a most colorful at- -h and the surpresrton of civil liber­ brutality Is ou the. incruMe” and preme Soviet (Parliament) today Chlcago, Feb. 9 —‘A big stride idea of a secret political espionage received a bill which would ez- ties. system. Negroe.. are “intimidated in. Mla- sortmant in various dasigns.sLong will be taken today into the era American Reds Face teod to Parilamonto of tbe Sovlit No seams and full fashioned And almost half a century later —the FBI is manned and di­ sl—A Hnngst*- The beat reactor was built to to make arreata, hold prisoners In­ accused by due pm tas o f law. einahes womaa' to death outside Eugene Dennis,, the party’s gener­ tion group is John Ostes, editor of ina Commnnist leader hinted to­ High Twist Dress demonstrate the fessibtltty and communicado, , make searches — the. natlon’r press- hat the New l^ork City supermarket. al secretary, a'nd an address by the Daily Worker, Communiaf' day that former Premier Imta' Make Planned Financial Security youT family TARGET. You oars $1.39 pr.-3 for $4.05 safety .of large scale power plants without warrants, axecute without freedom and courage to expose Two-year-olJ child dies la flames WI|Uam Z.'Foster, 76-year-old na­ newspaper. The Gates forces arc Nagy toay 'be brought, to tr)a||. using turanium fuel of the‘lowest trial, and persecute anyone whose wrong-doing. p u t roar *hrough four-story brick tional chairman of the party. known to their intra-party rivals The word came from Rarely can aeore a financial “ bullseye” now and for the future by making possible enrichment in Uran^m political thinking and racial back­ — the Bureau'Is kept free of apartiaent building In Boston’s •TTiree hundred delegates chosen 4U "right wingers” Klao, former foreign miaistnr and 335 — the fissiqnsbla subalancc In ground didn’t conform to the Nazi politics. So'ith End . . . Five Brockton on a regiovlal basis are represent­ Soviet Union officialdom, ap­ aow a member of tbe Hnngarhm the servieea o f this bank work for you and your persoiial pro­ uranium atomic tmmbs. Ideology. ItW aa the twdn of the St4>rjr o f Am erica. '(Mass) doctoM ladieted oa .charges ing a party membership estimated parently mindful of the' break­ -Communist Party BzaasMvo V ScienUata an the project' ds- secret peome' 'aystem of Soviet But there is one condition under of larresqr of welfare funds. . by the Communists at 25,(KX).. away movements from Interna­ Committee, la aa talsrrisw gram of nanned Security. V ■orlbe it as « “ promising new Russia and her aatellitaa. which the FBI eouid become a Michigan

■ =£<1

P A G fi^T W O MANCHEgTEE EVENING/HERALD, MANCHESTE*^ CONN.,-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAt^CHESTER.’cONN.. SATUKt(AY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 J. bcoken bar window, waa asked by PAGB T H R Et pal souroes of ampteyment, has S o M h m y e r ThreewReccive' not.created aa unfilled vacuum Msglittato Howard L. Aaroi) to p i^ et his verdict as far aa Industry ls'-Raeord Rovlaw The gown also had a bouffant Health tivea more than 15 clubs, but he must then tackle the Iil4- i ' WIWB—P.M. of the Hartford Society of Women princess lined skirt and chapel Agency, formerly owned by her hearts In .order to play .dor nine WHAY—Parsae of Iftule w n c —Monitor 1 inters. Special Exhibition Gal­ father, the late . Vitelton G rant years, were awarded the special OhaBMl S Heir Bavea. 0*sa. (M) OBBAT pXClBIOira IMT W(X)C—M w ^ Room WPOP—Tempo Bandatand train. Her fingertip veil of import­ designation of executive field un­ trickb., West Wins with the king maael I t BsHfeta; Oean. (U) riCTVBB FOB A SCMDAY W K N B .^ M . lery, Morgan Memorial. On view ed French Illusion was caught in a r~tfiilnn Mias G rant attar ded . Asell Junior aaa*l tt Im s Hm , iIm *.' AFTBBNOOB tiW - \ WHATp YOU (TWs Is the last be a series of six derwriter. Thia award la reaerved of hearts and leads another club, j K o n w n c —Monitor WBAY—Ntwa tlirough Feb. 10. matching lace pillbox and trimmed /■ College and worked f i^ several _^jaaa*l It NawmUala. thas. 1;W ( » PBONTIBB WDRC—Kathy Qodlrey W(XX)—(lood luvenlns Good Uuala BitMes on dental bealtli being piw- years as a secretory In the law of- for a aalect group of Phoenix Mu­ whereupon Bast haa the ace-ten- Cbasaei I t WatoThn^Ooaa. (U) JILL COBBY SHOW WPOP—Met. O pera WKNB-Baturday Serenad* Third International Hallmark with iridescent sequins and seed sented by The Herald, in ooepesa- tual's top counselors for outstand­ nine b^lnd dummy’s Jack-eight ' BBCOmmfDBD BfOBLY 1 aaa*l U Beljr^a. (It) POLKATOON8 lilt— WTK'—New* Award Ehchibition, Avery C^ourt. pearls. She carried a white pearl flco of Stoner and Burke, ^ art- WDRC—New* and Weather , ttoa with the Maaobeater Dental ford. She later worked at the State ing performance In sales and aerv- and can easUy win three club lacfM Bw raaa gal Brjaaer Fifty water-color painUnga, in­ prayerbook and white orchids. loa during the year. tricks. This la enough to defeat X iijj (It) roSX SrSlSjiproHTjf WCC(3—Muale Room WPOP—New* cluding the. last work of the The maid of honor and brides­ Soriety, ia observance et National library, and upon leaving this lit t ( t) WOUO’S BEST MOVIES WKNB—P.M. t i l t - i.r WHEN, A ^ T O Children’s Dieatal Health Week, the cpntract. WTIC—Monitor ^ , WUA V —Bport* SpotUibt ^'rench painter Utrillo, interpret­ maids ^ore identical gowns, that post she became associated in Jher "ANASTASIA" (U) OPXBA BACKSTAOB WDRC—Dance Orcheitra Feh.S-0,) Arifaur Zlmmerman'has been ap­ . Dally Quaatton In CtMmaSeop* • Celar • SEPTIC TANKS (It) COStaIN TIME WCCC—Saturday Serenad* ing the Christmai! theme. Open of the maid a t honor . in peacock daekPreattoe father’s realty business. She is a pointed chief process sad tool en- InstaUatiott and Bapabr (it) TWO O’CLOOX HIOB W>.*OF—M et Opera W\N8—Reaearch through Feb. 10. member of the Connecticut and Partner deals and' bids one t • 4;M . t:U lil t (lU I) THE LAST WOED I i4 ^ wno-8tHetlv Spent* velvet and tu^e and those of the One Of the worst results tit so- ^neer at the Royal McBee Oirp. no-trump. The next player passes. SpaeteSsts .Jtit (IMIJ PACE THE NATIOB WHAY-Parade of Mu»le WDRC—Muale Recorded Group of lithograph:, by Honore bridesmaids in rose. They also wore i' and win offer everything in seat- National .,ssccia” _ for Real Zimmerman, who Uvea in Rocky T*n KwaU - Asa Nlltor (It) OPEBA COMPANY W(X!C—Record Review WFOP.r-Te)npo Bandatand Daumier, 19th century French .r.s 1-L. aalled crooked teeth is the impact covers. Estate Boar^-, the National Insti­ You hqld; Spades— K 9 3 HearU • SEWERS CLEANED WICNB—P.M. tiM— matching cloches with circular WHOM, WHEN YOU Hill, la a groduate of Howell Che­ ' ‘OBEAT AHEBICAN PaSTIMK’' (C*Ur) "La Orsada w n c —Monitor ^ ^ _ WHAY—Supper Berenad* satirist, no.) on exhibit in Morgan veils. The maid of honor carried Richard* Photo tit ridicule upon a child who m ^ Prentice ia a local man who was tute of Real Estate Brokers, and —10 9 5 - Diamonds— A 10 8 2 «:« -THu ' ^ IN S T A L L E D WGRC—Dance Orcheilra ney Technical School. Ha baa been til t (^i m S ia t Scb HOCB WC(X!—Saturday Serenad* Lecture Room. The prints shown an old fashioned bouquet of yellow MRS. JULIAN E. SMOLUK be taunted by his playmates or the educated in the Rockville school the Hartford Real aaS'. ' > Board. Clubs— J 8 5, W hat do you dot • CELLARS DRAINED W POP—Met. O pera WKNB—Eventny Serenad* system. He says he has been in T-lth Royal McBee 26 years. Answer: Bid two no-trump. Sob., "Westinud B* W*s«u” WPOP—Tempo Bandatand w n c —Groucho Marx are characteristic of tt.e wit of and' green roses, and the brides­ psychologic stress borne by She is a partidi. it’-ig member of DlaaerUBd OOaaoe With BaSrj* WDRC—Saturday at the Chaac Daumier, ^ a great portrayer of maids, old fashioned bouquets of the seatcover and furniture busi­ the Manchester Multiple listing Partner can pass with a minimum TOWN and COUNTRY 4Mt (UdsT^DYSSEY till— WPOP—Tempo Bandaund sch(x>ls and Is presently employed teenager who is miserably self-con­ Wsuren E. kpwlond, 648 Wood- O a t^ D r. Jama* J. WHAY—Parade ot Muale the manners and customs of his yellow roses with rose netting at Travelers Insurance Co. The PAY BY CHECK ness about years. apd his Service, and an active member of DRAINAGE CO. WeXX)—Record Revii* tito - worked in. PRESCRIPTIONS scious about appearance. vife have a girl, and a boy. the Manchestei* Board of Realtors. bridge St, local raaltor, has been (ELM) wuimoTOKr sqrABE WKNB—P.M. WHAY—WaaUnston Report time, am’ illustrate his p. thos and bridegroom attended Manchester elected to memfcetebip In the Na­ PHONE Ml S-41M r^ee*t*r\M COWBOY THBATXB (U> lUMA W(XXJ—Record Revue J ill- War II, and is now employed at PINE PHARMACY owned by Fair Fariilons, Inc., of an eye to the future.” Most mem­ Mtmdays th. ROOST (tt) SOME WKNB—P.M. WHAY—Supper Serenade floor. These masterpieces, of early' Both had Wedgewood blue acces­ Pratt and Whitney Aircraft in 604 CENTER ST.—Ml 0-8814 Malocclusion may cause facial Hartford. Officers of thia oorpora- bers are pUote and fly thalr own PBATCBB r n .M WKNB—P.M WHAY—Supper Serenade Children’s Art Classes I DOROTHY GRAY GENERAL especiatly susceptible to dentri de­ Commerce for 10 small new in­ Soutbeni Fried Chicken , <»> 8ATCBDAY MATINBK Between Oak and Birdh) w n c —Monitor WCCC—Good Evening Good Muale Non-members may register their ncxrn to 6 p.m. When leaving on 4 cay because their porition makes It of Hartford. Actually, the change W)RC—Pa-vcinatlny Rhythm WKNB—Dinner Date ^ in ownership ia basically t paper dustrialists who have started Nine wood lead pencils are sold It's So Good Because: 1:N (IS) ACCENT ON LIVING w n c —Monitor ' children today from 10 a.m. to 4 a wedding trip to an unannounced I COSMETICS } difficult to clean them properly. <. WOELD’S BEST MOTtBS SapplWs WHAY—P arade of MuaiiS WPOP—Juaa Box Sat. Night of the Atheneum. Those ehrolled coral dress with' blsck sccessories. Days (M AC A Coll ease of the gums later in life. Cheney Bros., as one of the princi strum ent • We uae pure shortening! (IASS) MAJOE LBAOVE WIX'C—Record Revue tiliU - Upon their "return, the couple will Nights 0A*9w' Plus Porto Dentists agree generally on the headed by his wife, ia closing up a • Our Mtroen is spotless! HOCKEY—MMtrtal va. t m WKNB—P.M. WHAY—Chamber ot Commerce in fall classes must register again second store he owns in New Brit­ BaMoa' '■ ' * F Instnierions WnO-Monltor _ WCCC—Good feivenmg Good Muato for this series. Either parent or reside in Hartford. ^Arthur, Drug StoresJ TEU on 8-5488 major causes of irregular teeth. • Served lii m clean "neat aa a pin” liM (IMt) BA8KBTBUX WDRC—Faaclnatlnt Rhythm WKNB—Evening Serenade The bride attended Hartford There is evidence that heredity ain. Fair Fashions plans to add snironndlngs! * Frto Parking WPOP—Met Opera w n o —Monitor .child must appear In person at the |1,0Q0 in new capital and also to 4:N < S) I ^ '^ C T c tlE ***" 50 COTTAGE ST.—B a 9-2858 dt' WDRC—Top Hat Concert museum. T rospect treet entrance may play a part. Another cause is WHAY—Parade of Muale WPOP—Word of Life ptnmmjint WiHWi>Mnn,btng haynnH epen up a new fur department. . FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS C A U Ml 9-S239 ------ig^Jp^^NKECnCITT WtXX:—Record Ravue iU— should be used. Materials for the TAe' cOrsel dCpafUneht WUl con- <80 nLM t WKNB—P.M. WHAY—Maine v* UConn classes are furnished free by the the age of about five, and other .. TOVK HOSTESSES: AMELIA LESS and LENA KIES (M) TOPPEB WTIC—Monitor habits that put abnormal pressure tlnue under the management tit ANO 4:«A (K) T U fllX COBBY gBOW “Tlie BnaaUd" WCCXI—Good EveniM Good Muale museum. Mrs. M. F. Gtasier, and other selaa Site < t> SKY KINO (U> DBAN n i E WDP.C—Record Shop , WKNB—Rnaemary Clooney on the teeth and Jaws. BOY BOOEBS . _ (IS) BAY ANTHONY SHOW WPOP—Met Opera w n c —Monitor Art Appreciation Oourae Stilt another cause la premature personnel will stay on. Lenore's » » I SPY tiM ( 841) PBE8S OONFEBENOB WDRC—Muale itontnl Second lecture in new Art Ap­ opened in MancLeater Feb. 22, WPOP—Juko Box turday Night preciation series Feb. 14 at 7:30 loss of ^llrst teeth or too loUg re­ AT THE POPULAR TetevMon ProffruBB til tention of first teeth. IBM. WHAY—Maine va p.m. in the Morgan Lecture Room. In other Main S t devvfjopmenta, On P»ff« Two W(XX>-Good Evening Series consists of nine lectures on Studies indicate that about one- 30 OAK ST. Don WILLIS Garage WKNB—Dinner Date Sfth of IT.S. riiildren have serious Tweeds la planning to open a sec­ WnC—New* and Sport* "Masters of European Painting" to ond store. 'Th} new outlet will be MANCHESTER SPECIALISTS IN WDRC—Entertainment U.S^i be given on successive Thursdays malocclusion. The condition devel­ OAKCRILL W H f t L ops most cmnfnonly during the in the building formerly occupied WHEEL ALIGNMENT and WPOP-Juke Box Sat. Night by Dr. Katherine B. Neilson, ed­ ( i c p u l i w by the-ponnecticMt Power Co, of­ UNDEB MEW MANAGEMENT OF MIKE BTANKO "KALEIDOSCOPE 1957’’ BRAKE SERVICE ALIGNMENT How ChriittMi Science Henls ^ lilS - ucation director of the museum. time when a child ia loring his WHAY—Maine v* UConn first teeth and when his second fice, and Peggy Lane’s woman’s GENERAL AUTO REPAIR WCOG-^eood Evening Good Mo Others will be charged a moderate VISITORS apparel store ia going out of busi- MltcheO S-4581—18 MAIN S T , MANCHESTER •THE IMPORTANCE OF WKNB-Dinner Date fee. teeth arS appearing. DANCIN8 TONIfiHT! Actioh! Pramal Music! WTIG-UnnUor The development of badly posi­ neaa. AND EVERT SATURDAY MITE WDRC—Entertainment U.S.A. Soles Desk Only 50 tickets are available lo­ (M) LET'S n ND OUT a t) BOINO SOINO SHOW A RIGHT ATTITUDE" WPOP—Juke Box Sat. Night \ Complete stock of postcards, tioned teeth may often be pre­ MANCHESTER EDUCATIONAL. ASSOCIATION ■ iM— . . Sweat thoughts for your sweet­ vented by periodic dental care. For cally for the U.S. Chamber of (IS) BiinrBBN thbateb (Celar—“Oalet Tewa" ' museum reproductions, and art' Commerce-sponsored clinic on (U) BIO riCTUBB “Jeet BeUaee la Make Be- WHAY SIO k-e., Sunday, 8:15 am . WHAY—Maine v* UConn books at Museum Sales Desk. Open . example. If a first tooth Is lost too X THE MUSIC o r P ietente | ■ iU (te) T.BJI. _ Ueve’' 'Oae Weadertal WTiC—Monlior heart on Valentine's Day! A deli­ soon, the dbntlst can insert a space Congreasion^ Issues slated Feb. 20 lil t ( 1) rOBKION LEOIOMMkiBB OlH" "OM MacDeaald WDRC—Serenade in Blue Monday through Saturday, 9-5 p.m. at the Hotel Statler in Hartford. (18) ANNIE OABLEY Para' 'The Mlaer’e WPOP—Juke Box S*L Night cious Shady Glen sundae is "Love maintainsr, if necessary, so there ■THE VAfiABONDS” (U) DISNEYLAND Daaahtcr' lilt ■ wiO be Space for the pormanent According to Martha Stevenson, With Dave, Frog, Wood and Don. h (N) LAPBKL AND. BABDY ' (B) BANOB BIDXB WHAY—Maine va UConn REST CURE at First Taste." tooth to come in at the right place. executive secretary of the local Variety of DrAmatic Skits (U) WESTEBN PLAYBOCSB (M> CAPTAIN OALLANT WTIO—Munllor Nappannb^e,, Ind. (A>)—Sign out- Chamber, tickets are available for Vocals by the Cluuming t i l t ( 1) PABIAE o r SGOTLABO "Oae Aeefdeel Toe Meay" ' GENERAL WDRC—Gilbert HIrhet |ida a taverk "No radio, no tele­ BE PREPARED! If special corrective treatment YABD t.-M ( I) BADOB Ne. 714 WPOP—Juke Box Sal Night ia needed, the dentist may refer (11) SIX O’CLOCH BBPOBT (IM ) TV TOE 111 vision, no al/ oonditioning-:-just a Serve Shady Glen Ice cream for your With Musical Interludes (tt) T.B.A. WHAT—Maine va UConn the patient to an orthodontist L y n n D a v e n T V S E R V IC E ) m c —Monitor quiet place to have a drink.” Valentine party—your friends' will Oeeofionally Hits* foBu step In to toko (H) MOVIE know you are serving the BEST. To sum up. the means are at staging Year Favorite Smgs ' TOR T ris BENEFIT , o r tiU (U) JOHNNY XABTIN , . VENTBEE Ooyi QC AOaO WDRC—Philadelphia Orcheitra o "look at your books." diM k iHcemo hand to cut down drastically on the SHOW (it) MEET T— mghti' S2.95GhaOJ PtaaPute WPOP—Juke Box SaL Night DANCING SCHOLARSHIPS FOB FUTURE TEACHERS t il l (148) ANNIE OAKLET , (B) POLKA ____ Itll- omI axpans^ Thay lik* to good ovi- enormous rate at which dental a t) BOSBMABT CLOONEY 4iM ( t4t) AIK ro w EX 'TEL. Ml 24488 - WHAY-Uaine v* UConn *— disorders are developing. The most EVERT 8ATVRDAT NIGHT "JAZZ CONCERT" SHOW __. "eWMSie’’ WTlO-MUiitor HOSPITAL B^DS practical approach to the problem Modem and Old Fssidaned (B) PATHBB KliOWS BBST (It) cOMMAND o s ____ PEBPOl ITORC—Philadelphia Orcheitra donc* to support o tax dtduerien. . Toalght the boys will pot om a Joss demonsttatloB—the Ukes of (M) BANOB BIDBB MANCX WPOP—Juk* Box Sat Night and WHEEL CHiUBS is through the child. The young­ wliioii Bfanebester has never seen or heard before! HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM (B4tl BOY BOOEBS liW - \lifct ■ o coneolud chock. ster who starts out with proper Miller^s Hall **A JnMer OaHaw’* WHAY—Maine va UConn dental health habits has an ex-' TOLLAND TDRNPmE . . (B) TBB PA8SKBBT WTIC—Uuaic With a Beat COMPANY tiM (B) RALUtirVABIBTT HOVB AUIED TV SERVICE WDR(J—Dance Orcheitra eellent chance to reach adulthood . MANCHESTER liN • t) VOII ASKED POE R MANCHESTER WPOP-Juke Box Sat Night *PHUNE MI S-4169 If you don't pay by chock. yeaH find It with sound teeth, SAT.y FEB. 16frh-8:15 P M. • iU - • FOR SALE or RENT (B4t> IRH BENOAL LANCEBS IB A Fiy Houae OslI WHAY—Maine va UConn to your advantage to do to. ospociolly Ideally, the toothbrush should be "Tke IbiboMct" WTIC—Muale With a Beat !!UB«Bsmiana used after every meal and snack. LUMBER, Inc. an rnmnuEYTLOOEET ^ I Pina Parte WDRC—Dance Orcheitra when it cemos to 4loaiing with Undo □ □ □ □□ O □ □ □□ □ D D TICKETS 81.00*' SHOW ^^JjPOP—Juk* Box Sat Night Consumption of sweets should be • 1-. » * ' lUILDING MATRRIALS liM < S45) JACK BENNY SNOW — BU 9-0080—9 ajn. to 9 p.Bi. Scun. Step in! reduced, especially between meals. EASTWOOD Available From Any Manchester Teacher ' AMD Mombar *f PaiRary . WHAY—Main* vs UConn “You Can Taste The Quality” The fluoride content of the pub­ (U4t) cniebs boy ~ — Baadad Etactraaie Toekalelaa* WTIC—Monitor • **BMt svtfw aee* Um raai Sr Coming right MASON SUPPLIES WDRC—Rua* Nauahton lic drinking water should be ad­ amr aelrau’'—HT rUm OrUlei. □ jTS?" •* ««•■*> WPOP-Juke Box Bat Night justed or, in rural areas; a fluoride a trmir memetsble Wetenl latiTM □ ^ATECB BODB l l i l t - Bcismoa ~- Veto Biiwmei - Beira u p ! F o o d W# FiBsaea Yonr Joha BMt ( ■) TBB BD SVLUVAB SHOW WHAY—Maine vs UConn solution applied to the teeth of O ae^i Vieter Bern. children. WTIC—Monitor □ D STABT8 855 Center St.—Ml S-6144 Oeedmee WDRC—Rusa Naufbton There should be periodic visits ENDS TODAY —>*eea» her WPOP—Juke-Box h t Night ^ M U T M U - at its finest \ TOBOBBOW "BABY DOLL" heekaad. PMds. lltlO - V , / to the dentist, beginning when the □ At X4iW.14j»' lilt ( S4S) BOBIN HOOD eeaia"■dleaae flkifteMe WHAY—Main* vs UConn child is about-temm. ------Here's feed to suit e^ety □ TATE ^MaalBK The Saa’> (It) T.BJL Bear' WTIC—Monitor With proper safeguards, there la e:lM :tt (B) OBAMD OLB OPBY a»«e»* ^elunr Cer- WDRC—RunRusa r._.Naughlon r t u THX teste, expertly prepared, R(^-IRua8 Naufbton 6 P .M . to t P s M . hours over the yem. would, ap- WMh SbbdM .* CaWm* iossdMrl Of) (^M ^OTpB* n o w Tuke Box Bat Night OPEN fo $ P.M. ______^tSM tsaeree r $OA.95 Salon pcoadmate SO tlmes'wbat a grade Eddie (B4I) CAEBAB’S BODB WHAY—Symphony in tha Nltht- Monday,''Tneaday, Friday separation would cost. WaA. ■■BCXDLB OP iOg" (B) CODE t _ _ wno-Monllor □ □□□□□□□□□□□□ E t it t (1S4S) BET JEANNtX WDRC—Rusa Nnughtoh OPEN THUR8. to 8 PAL d o p 6 "Jeaaala'e laeeeM TOaT l l l l t - UMt ( « PLAjnraUSE . WHAY —Moontigm Matlnaa Open Wednesday to N'ooa \ W (!e k THIS RANK WILL NOT IE OPEN wonderful (is4i) OCNSMOKB SAVE AT iBchidaa iBiteUattan, pMi tax. . W nc—Sport* ila n l. (B4t) OEOBOB OOBBL SHOW WDRC-^I Kolbr OPEN AN ACCOUNT new Mage! (it) OSABB JUBILEE GnsrsBtedi for 1 yior; Feb, 10-16 ON TUESDAY, FEIRUARY 12th— UiM ( I) PLAT o r TnC WEEX OTHER BUSINESS (IW ) TODWI ON TOVB OWB NORMAN’S CALL "PETE" W 1LSO S ' MoRclitsfwr (tt4t> TODB HR PABADB Son Diego, Calif. (/P) —A let­ UNCQLN'S MRTHDAY BUSHNELL MEMORIAL (it) MOim Hattferd Bd. TeL MI g.us« ter to the sheriff from Charles F. SoyTHgt and Loon UiM ' I) BOTOLAs PAunuunai WUken of Coachella ’Volley sold 8 . H U R O K Association a t) wRath bb — (B 4 t) STEVE ALLEN SHOW— Sorvlea OaUl he loet a pistot in 1942 but hod Vkiit thu loouty Sdens listud bdew Q aw ^ I^a OeeteHe. Pwiee been too busy to report It until 1007 Mote StYoet p re g e n ts __ SPOBTS ____ •^wfjjd. B ^grel WUttai, Day or Night $2.95 (B> CBBTAPI T U n 1958, when the letter was moiled. who or* giving on* fuN doy for (B) .HEWS «___ (B) LIFE g^O E w Y r INQ (M) K fin a iT THBATEB to t (B> OPEN HBABINO UtU (U> MILUON DOLLAB MOTIB . ^ w estebb tbba tbb tu t UtAtlAiAKD HRCBCOOB UiM (U) NEWB^ . ^nUKNTS: "MaBea D#. - (B) FATHn nOKlJS BUB American Legion Howe ■■Leonard St. at lilS f J L a n WILD Bax BICKOX MBS Ut) |NAN CHALUUlOB FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION UiW (tt) JB. CRT OODNCn, (B) DANKT THOMAS SHOW remembern 0 0 ItM (U dn mbcklb abd jbcbx . „ (M) BTAOB SBVBH Proceeds to be civcji to Arthritic Clinic ORCH.-^l8t Bat (B) FBONTSBB DOCTOM JMUt ( I) NBWS BBPOBTBB • WBATHBB___. at the Manchester Memorial Hospital , - 8.60, 8.00, 2.40 (11) DATKUNB BUBOPB (tt) TBE v sn Tlekato availoUa at the foUowteg shops. Pltooe bring your o«Vn i»rds.' Deosert and 2nd Bakt—1.80, 1.20 (M) THE LATH nO W J O H N 1 O L S O N (B> BBVRAL BODB coffee served at 1:10 PM. o f DnMoortoo Itn 4MUB BTOBM SHOW _ _ ^ T le k a te AvBBaUe a tB a e ______I Bex Offlee UiM ( t) WCTKUIB BBW MOVIES Plaaae ps0 m a ------tidnta for •‘Marian Anderson" on Pbb. 17 UM -ns4n BmqiAT n e w s s p b c u l DOOR PRIZES AND TAILE PRIZES - aa cbeeked below: ■..M-r"' n « (tt) Wm jON DOLLAB MOTO (tt) rtOHEEB VALLEY THEAe \ ' Albert's Beauty Shlon, Storrs, Cohn.—^TcL GArfield 9-9336 □ OfctMetm □ 1 st Bale. □ 2nd Bale. HRNRYSIRBV ______'TOMIlYNOdNAN (it) HEWS , Billie’s Beauty Shop, 22 Depot Square—Ml S-7973 ’ - i NATIONAL BANK 1 snrteae fifli paymmit cCg UlM ( n NBWE MBSTAURANT and Charmore Beauty SaJon, 351 Center St.—MI 9-7043 OF M ANCHISm ‘Naaw • rnisiM s BceuBiTCojiAiim e • • a • a • • « • 4 • » • .COCKTAIto bOUNOB Felice Beauty Studio, 65 CUnron St.— Ml 3-6637 5D5 MAIN STREBT • • • • * • • e a A e e • m H arriett's Bieaaty Salon, 129 Center St.—MI 3-6824 t • a a • a « a a • W' ’ 0 ( 9 / / ir u MORIARTY BROTHERS ’ ' \ > rtitdtti M A ami id. WUhiM 9-444S . Beauty SafoiR 35 Main Stv—MI 9-5922 ! to and maU to: COMPi.ETt MLATING SERVICE UNDElIt NBW'lC)M7AaB2CElfT—FOKMBRLY 'XBK BILLCRXST RESTAURANT , , Made HiiTor Beauty Salon, 527 Main St.—MI 3-7484 ' HAl^TFORD id . CONN. jaSCKBROM i /’ Schnitx Beauty Salon. 983 M dn St.—MI 3-895i ‘**A Greater Bank For Gt rir JUdwc/HMliff^ I stomped envetopa PAN&f AND FUEL OIL DPEN EVERY DAY WCLUPFNG SUNDAY > ^ .•) L C: . Pine Acre Beauty Salon, 465 Hartford Road—MI 9-7897 TT Monday through EdOurday, dinnorraorvod from 4:80—KUeben open -uiitil m idnlgbt ■ ' - pi-'CNE Ml-j-LlX Weldon. Bqauty Studio, 99 East Center St.—Ml 3-5009. SUNDAY 12 NOON to 9 PJL / . „ X - ' - ' , :p. •V • 1;' ' T ------I, ------’an., ------’ , ...... -..V .> r'

‘ ■ ''' ' . . ' ■ :■ - ■ , . ' ' .' • ■ '' . ^ ■■''' r V MANCHESTEft EVENING HERALD,* MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARV 9, ^ 7 PAGE’FfVB: PA(» VDUB MANiHESTER EVENING HERALI), MANCHESliai, CONN!, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY », 1967 \ aiw that wartna^^^ air that feels be made, for, as tji* BiUa declarss, Rockville. ralucUat opanly daflant about without tha Logos, tha Anon Or Local Doctors Keenc^yDies Martin, Army JUmrlffatrr obaylnc m m * (odtral Uw or adict and fresh, i^ d , .po far, each Word of God, 'was not anything DrocMllet U.S. Looks to Nasser Ordinance Timetable wera thcraupon ‘to ba axpallad nlsht, the symbol of this weather made that, was made' Spirit la tha By RtNlBB FRICB Increase Fees £tirttitt9 lirralii from Uia Union, the Union ItMlf phase has been the softness, th t only subatanca, the "imriaible and From Burns Get Protests Democrats Nominate Weher would heva bean dlapellad long kindness of the waxing moon, indlviaible ~j^flnl^ God.” „ Several Manchester doctors have May Spark New Fight 1» JM*iu increased their fees 81 for' office Ease " Israel Policy ai>, cold brilliance of its prede­ Csasamaity Baptist Oimrck' A St. Jamea* R. C. Ohnrcdi 815 NertK\Matai Street Tha new fe^s, put into effect oy (Contniwd from. Page One) wheh a waterproofing cement ex­ General Manager Richard Mar-»vote by thq Directors might in flu - __ _ ...... PBbUsbttTS of ,«ur pundita a rt damandinE that cessors. It is the moon. of th t I East OentM St. a t the Green Bov. Joka F. Hannon. FMtor Arnold W. TvqM, iMIniatar local general pracUtlonars, ara 88 Army Will Display ploded as he was working with it tin's timetable for action on a pro-, ence the . Eighth District residents '•■nwed to occupy the attention of f^BBtodoSoberUjm Rev. Jamea T. O'Oeaaett Mra. Mildred O alm to Organist ed the area W^l not again be qaed / yesterday In the Hartford Gospel posed ordinance that would ex- to'vote against consolidation since a number of Manchester residents Rockville, Feb. 9 (Special)—A l-^ ill meet at St. John's Church world politics ba vastly different robUi, and perhape of the redwing. gaha R. Neobert, BUalater for a house cfill, raised from '85, Nike Home Pictures 'I'nian Edwin J. Heck, Democratic , Monday at 10:3Q a.m. for a brief Btwt EYcnlnt Bacept Walter Onyb. Rev. Edgar F. Farrell Mlaa VtoU X. FMter, an(I 84 for an office visit, raised to launch comihandcr raida againat - Tabernacle, on,Prospect St., Hart­ elude the Eighth School snd they would already be protected today. ’’ I"®' BMIdays. Ent«r«t •( Uie from federal' politics. We confess Choir Dll larael aoil. The .narrow atrip of . ford. Utilities District from paying a against double taxation. Protests bv president of the Common Council.,: bn4iheQs meeting. The meeting will ' , Ic* M Ifancboter. Conn., a* Orgaatet-Cholmiaater from 83. Dlaplaya to show’ how pro­ to a hope that it eventuidly prove Nathan S. gey. Sunday Maasbs: Miss June -Thoi Dr. Charles H. Peckham, presi­ land on the Mediterranean, an hia- posed Nike houses in town will Keeney died at 4 a.m. todav in towrt...... - fire ___ tax ___ may .aquirk a new While disavowing the «ntent to i h r ’ ¥e7ne>^HwkmaUck-CweUi A « e t u m V « ? r t t ^ f ^ SImcwptton' ^ tes *• to be about the ssime, and about Church Seheel Sopt. - For adults, 6, 7; 8, 9, 10 and 11 Religious ’Education dent of the Manchester. Medical tbrical part oF Paleattne. was con-. look, and how they will be^ar- St. F'rsmCis Hoapitai, Hartford, | fight pver the Issue. Pajrabl* In AilTanca______o'clock, with two Masses at 8, one Assn., said none of tha toiw'n'a trolled by, Egypt until the recent ran. ed on a site, .will be posted where he was taken with 75 per' “Martin has said he will seek aa*a^^lever*^*T^irktaeton'* s^ld'^'he f ^‘ *'^** «« the as good, even If it does have simi­ Connecticut Mornlftg Worahip, 10 a.m^ \ Invaaion. . or- Qm T ear...... lar wealcneaaes and frustrations. 9:80 and 10:45 a.m. Morning In the main auditorium for adults spectallats have increased their in Manchester about the mid­ .s .nS™."" “Jd'*.'.);:’ ,r'Cfr.dd“S,dth' s S s Jfoatha ....• Worahip. and one for the children In the : Church School, doubla stsaions, fees. . laraell Ambassador Abba Eban ond and third degreedeeree burns,burns. aohnsoon asss the necessarvnecessaVy enkblinsrenabling District officials about the nossi-^possl-i Richard Martin and the New EHg- .Weber said . . . he wUl ... accept . the Tlirca Mootba .. and 10 a.m. yeaterday gave resident ^Isen-' dle of next week. i' Keeney, who had been in the con­ Hospital Notes Oua Mflfitih : ^ Sermon Topic: "Space and Spa- basement; and two Masses at 10, When questioned about the in­ C61. George Kibler of the _ ...... - ...... — — ...... AdmIttedyesterday: Mrs. Joseph a«***a**»**»*a««**** . Poor Performahee Yankee one in the main auditorium and Sermon: "Lau.rua and Dlvaa" creased fees. Dr. Peckham said hower Israel's reasons for not'pul­ tracting Ixisineas for a number of Wccklr .... clousnesa.’’ at* 6-9 New England Division, Corps j’eara, had been, head carpenter on 19S1 1955, but was defeated in Diana, RP’D 2: Mrs. Ken- StBEla Copy ..<»....■«. By A. H. O. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church School one In tha basement. 2 o’clock at tha church, operetta the additional chafgea were insti­ ling Out of Eg>’pt and Gasa. m - ' of Army Engineers,- said the Washington commentators seem rehearaal. ^r-C oadlttoaed Coauna.’ tuted on an individual baslt 'and formanta aaid it was a prelude a remodeling Job that had been un­ HBHBSIt o r for'children and youth, cradle roll Army is trying to arrange for derway since the church w as, THE ASBO^^CO PKEB to be agreeing- that the American through high achool. St. Bridget's B. C. Oiurck 8:30 p.m. Mu Sigma Chi meets When it comes to punctuatioa,! twere not acted upon by the local delivery of a reply from Premier ^ This would place the proposar ever It was presented. He said ^ school an hour earlier than oriir , tu- "r» \ i Stepanowskl. The Asaodatad Preaa At the end of the 1S5S eesslona at the church. \such a display in some promi­ opehed in July. MbSSUiiii a oU industry has not provl4ed 10:40 n.m. Church School activ­ "Rev. John 1. Delaney, Pastor can either take it or .leave it—^ Medical Aaan. David Ben-Gurion to RJsenhpwer's nent place in town. "•‘'‘5.“ il! i ■ ‘"““y ’panned. I Ven'on\.!i h" bSe"n a m »4f 2, West'Wilhngton ' ’ au~at«seauaed dlscatcbta -V!?* credited to it, or of the General Assembly, Governor Rev. Theodore GuMM you’ve probably already gueteed^ appeal that Israel comply with re­ Working Alone event the Ehghtli District does not i not be threatened with any weapon j -while the eroun has not deelrii.a exactly a shining example of hoSr Rlbicoff could end did ealute the ity program, cradle roll through Wapping Community Church ^ e materials include a pic­ At the time of the explosion late 1 consolidate with the town on the ------not decided Discharged ■ Yesterday; Miss ^iJttSwilaiwSlted taAWt W " grade 8. ' Rev. Dennis R. Hnaaey, if you've been reading these col­ V Mary’s Episcopal Ghnroh p u ted UJ{. - withdrawal requests. but ahould be perm ltt^ to make what action it might take, some aad alao tba •oeai newa great Industry ^should behave Republicans for their cooperation Bev. David . Crockett Mlalatsr umns. I can remember the time I Church and Park. Sfa Israeli sources in Jerusalem specu­ ture \of Hie home, a cutout yeaterday afternoon, he was work- agenda of the Board of Directors up their own minds on the m atter.; form of hew protest against the ' Barbara Chapman. 37, Brook­ AU riabta ot rtpubUeatkm of spec 1:45 p.m. Church members Aaalstnnts ing alone, applying the cement to , before the District has a chance to lyn St.: Frederick Wyse, RPD 1; dUpateSeataerda art aU^reaerrtd. when It is asked to help meet a in a constructive legislative record. gather to attend -vleitatlon train­ Mary Burnham Dcnalsw, got SO' fed up with Commas, Semi­ Rev. . ^ e d L. Williams. Rector lated that Ben-Gurion is politely showing the interior arrange-' One of those who opposed thrlBoa].,] resolution Is likely to come Even the Democratic state plat­ O rga^t and Choir Director colons, D a s h e s ,' Parentheses, rejecting Elsenhower's plea. ment, aiitt^an aerial shot show­ the walls of the baptismal font in J get on coB.solldation enabling legislation was Howard | out of the meeting. ' Mrs. Walter Wakefield and baby. JU1< atrrlct client of N. B crisis, but left to do so on its own ing setaion in Plalnvtlle.' Masses on Sunday .at T, 8, 9, 10 Rev. RomsdK^ Harding, Aseistant the rear of the church auditorium. Rep. Ray W'arren. expects the High Manor Park; Mrs. Joseph form of 1908 included a bit of 6:45 p.m. Junior High Youth and 11 «,m. andAfaaaea downatairp Brackets, Quotation Marks, Ellp- Martin^Jpmee Dwyer, .The Egyptians have argued that ing the ai^ngem ent of homes Stafford, a Republican town com-, UiltlaUve and by its ovm methods, praise to the Republlcsna for their 9:30 a.m*. Church School. He staggered from the church, bill do become law about the first mlttee member, who has said he r . sIiTLJ i Mazako. .Main St., Ellington; Mrs. *n>aS&or. lUUvea: Tut Fellowahip meeting at the church, at 9 and 10 a.m. sises and Apostrophes, I had a Student^i^lstaBt Israel had no right on Elgyptlan on a site. hia biothes aflame, crying for help. liiiHa Matbtwa Specdal A a e i^ — New without government authority or cooperation in that session. 10:45 a.m. Worahip service. apeciai typewriter built without Sydney W. M iu^ptne, soil in the firat place and should week in March, and Leon Thorp. would continue His flght against ‘ Thoma.s Lucas. 19 Bruke Rd.; Wil-- This was ail very pleasant But Robin Gua and Laurie Oaborne, Sermon "AU Are One In Jesus A passerby, John C. Griffith 8M president of the Eighth Dlstrlc/'. F-Ji la been rereived bv the liam Jamaitus, Cassidy Hill Rd., *”^ u^S.*°.Am^t BOBEAU o__ r regulation. leaders, refreshments. Church of the Assumption any punctuation keys on it. And Organist and CholKpirector get out without any talk about as- Prospect St. H artlor^ ripped the i ^ „ consolidation w tv,. X h t h I Boston office'of the engineers. mONSv^ the Republicans want ho m o rerf Christ" because I didn't have to interrupt Mrs. W. B. Kloppebtiarg,' aurances. No. Coventry; Paul Dkitchess, 62 The Elsenhower administration 7:30 p.m. Senior 'Y'outh Fellow­ Adnms St. nnd Thompson Rd. flaming. . ^If, «■«>»>'» clothes fromshim """and as- . qucstloh to come up for a vote ^ J ? , Mr. and Mrs. Thadlus J. Keijna. Ellington Ave. t It.They want no more praise frShi ship meeUng with Richard Bar­ Rev. Joseph E. Farrell, Pastor my phrases, clauses and adjectives Junior Choir Organist Asian-African members pressed Regional D htria fi sisted him to his garage, where he ; ’ ,. j . . _rll ^'‘ 1194 Weiherell SI., have sent a let- vastly prefers to let private enter- Rlbicoff. They don’t want to be The Salvatlou Army with a bunch of dopey chicken Births Announced rette ~*mMRaymond Korner, lead- —Xer. Francis T. Entler, demancs for U.N.-backed sanctions covered the I Opponent.-, oflT:^ proposal have Lu? ^ '^■°''Jd ter. containing a similarly worded • Mr. and Mrs. Robert .1 BUi.dsU _ priae meet Its public responsibilt' cited for cooperation in the Demo- AasIstMt M l MafirXtrewt acratchinga I could write More The 5th Sunday after Bpi|^i&hy. In reprisal for teraeFs refusal to i blanket. An ambulahcc waa *«m- J, ,!u. allow the District to continue to protest to Martin cratlc state platform o f. 1858. If ers, refreshmenta. Major and Mrs.. John Pickup rapidly and turn out twice as 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Board Accept^ moned, and Keeney was rushed toi H'leatened a fight .f '^e 'uattei tynint ftn getting flre-fighting as­ OverbrooltT5r., are the parents of ties voluntarily. For that reason, .Ithdraw. Today, Director Theodore Cum- | a daughter born Wednesday at the when it. beqehie an obvious need either of theee things happens, Center Oongregattonal CXurch Maisas at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. OAoers In Charge much material aa' any ordinary 9 a.m.' Firat Family Service Jordan's Ambassador Abdul Mo- the hospital - • . , : ever re..che.s a show down, and sistance from the town without mings, who voted for the resolu-, Dteplay adTcnlatng cloatns hours: after the 1907 session. It arill be C. Peter Oariaon, Baudmaster writer. Believe it or not in 1948 I (Office of Instruction) with Jun­ $14,170 Low Bid Hartford Fire Marshal George Ma>;tin's timetable m ke.s one pa.vlng for It and. as a result, never Hartford Hospital. yoranidar—1 pm. |Vlday. of national polic;- for - the Ameri Clifford O. Simpson, Minister nem Rlfa’l, current president of tion and later aaid he regretted Church Notes flor TMadar-1 p-m. Montoj^ because some rank and file Repub- R. Bussell Peery, St. Francis Aaaial Church Hrs. LUilan Perrett, wrote 43 Novels, 105 Short Stories, ior Choir. Address by the aseist­ the 27-nation Asian-African group, E. Kennedy said today that the hUtely. Under It. ti a Eighth Dis- vote to consolidate. doing so. issued a statement de- ’ ”^r Wednesday—1 Pt can oil industry to do something licsn members of the seseion jump­ Songster Leader 200 TV Scripts and 4 Auto-biogra­ ant. Services are also held at On Dining RooiU\cau.e thinking about Riibinow’s Objection Boy Scout Sunday wilt be cele­ ------‘ly—1 p. tSi Wtdneaday, Associate Mialster South Windsor. Rt. 80 told newsmen he asked Secretary signed to clarify his position. ' b ra te at Union Con^egational -1 p. m. Ttanaday. to help meet th'aneia \ \ . Keeney,, died in - trict. , . . . the Rockville Fire Department for American currently disturbed attempt to go into the complicated aery through senior high. a.m. hope that Israel can be parusaded accepted a Iacademic. Warren, a former presi- But residents of the southwest 15 veais ’ Po»t to the National Boy Scout his process of handing out recogni­ Band and Songster music and South Church Is proud to present Communion. to pull its troops out of f«T,itory alternate 'which ' fall from a bam roof years ago, | dent of the Eig'.itli District, told Hils criticism waa an.swered by reasons why the response has 0:30, CYP Club, group partici­ Capt. and Mrs. Jackson, speakers. applied to and'his mother was killed in an i section of town interpret the reso- Democrats hold a 7 to 5 ma- f the discovery that the United Na- tion and praise to the Republicans pation program -with Brotherhood Sacred Heart Church the God and (Joimtry Aw’ard to captured from Egypt last fall. change in specifleations.for staln- an infoi'mld meeting of the Di-1 Martin with the statement that ttona has developed certain char­ been whet it has been. ennobles hin\ and his reputation Donald T. Cordner, son of Mr. and NEW LANGUAGE Thia would avoid a showdo\^. automobile accident ort .Main St. 1 rectors Mondn' night that the ‘h« legislation had a "built-in' ref lutlon as one which favors a site j„iity on the Council, which will . Lutheran Church: Sun- theme Church St., Vernon Buckingham Oaugregaikmal Moscow (F)—The Moscow type le.ss steel dish-trucks for cafeteria A 12-year-old son was fatally in- on Bidwell St. in comparison to ; be unchanged by Stiles resigns day School and Bible classes, 9 acteristics of a .political nature. Such a rough summary would more than It ennobles that of the Mra. Thomas J. Cordner. Thia is over sanctions both here snd at North Endei's would probably vote ' erendum — that•'*“* is, since the - ---- new __ , ■ a.m.; Sunday worship, 10 a.m. The say that the oil industry has mat Republicans. Church only the second time this awerd foundry has Just delivered first „ , ■ , , , , Ijured when struck bv a car on tax district would be created'bv nrcle, which has tion. Kor ta he the 6nly American who Taleomilie Congregational Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 10 Bov. PhUlp M. Rose, Pastor supplies of type in its forty-fifth tl:e United Nations. Board reviewed curriculum ii^ckmatack St, in 1943. soon to consolidate, thua elimi­ __,,______, , been recommended.omnicnded. | District 10 Electa Rev. E. O, Pleper. pastor. this challtngs by raising its Accordingly, in this session, the has been made in South Oiurch. areas^-°'’* * i ^ t a"' r has bem more coippllcated. An of strontium now In human bones him. He would be the one who their wlvea. Edward F. McGowan be worked out ^ x, dmance before the Eighth Dtstrict listed oit the Directm?' a«nda *’y ‘h® Board of Finance this week. A. Gadarowskf, aaalatant , 8:30 p.m., Senior Methodist 12:80 p.m., Service of the Lntvlan on censorship will be led by the Officer.? of the Board to whom Edward F. 5IcGowan of New Afro-Aslan bloc bSa developed after the atomic bomb testing would have to pick the quarrels, Youth Fellowship. Lutheran congregation. Rev. James T. O'Connell. Mrs. comments may be addres.sed are Mayor Harold A. TurkingtoYto had a T *ure to vote on qonsollda- There W’as no question before nass-■ Interior Decorator .Speak? i j u u a a which, any time it wants to com­ whereas what he loves to do with Zion Evangelicnl Lutheran Church 8' p.m., Bible Class meets st • 3:30 p.m.. State Luther League John McDermott, Mrs. John La- Haven, brother of Mrs. John How­ when informed of MarUn s plans, 4mn, she agreed that that "looked ing' the resolutton. It was donrim -' ^ •’*'"«» Adams. Interior d eco r-'V '® * * , (^urch: Sunday through loss is only one ten- (Sllssourl Ssmod) . John H, leomans, Andover, chair­ ard of l i t Concord Rd., died exprwed some fear bine with tha Russian bloc,* can quarrels is not originate them but home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A, Mission Rally In Meriden, at Im­ Belle nnd Mrs. L/>uis Hofner. Plans man, and Mrs. Clifford Wright, r that a prior like^a curve." t justly, unfairly and unSer susplin. ®‘"'' Coventry, will be gde-‘ ; r “,T k e ^ * ''* thousandth of ths amount'that ta resolve them. Admittedly, the guns Cooper nnd High Streets McBride. 395 Woodland St. manuel Lutheran Church, Cook and will also be discussed for the Thursday at his home after being Sion of rules. i speaker at a county-wide meeting I ‘'®‘PA Keitay. paMon prevent us from obtaining our Rev. Paul O. Prokopy, Pastor Hebron, secretary. stricken with a heart, attack. Events Tonight su p p o ^ to be dangerous. This he might be able to train on the Hannover Sts. forthcoming parish dance, under The next Board meeting will j secure a motor vehicle rcglsliatlon. "Since there warf no urgenev in usual two thirds majority. Thui, Legislature could be big and effec­ Miss Marion A. Erdin, Orgnnist the chairmanship of Mrs. Edward He was born in Manchester, and Tlic Vt- and Mrs. Club of First amount'will more than double .it­ First Church of Christ, Scientist be at 8 p.m. Monday in the An­ was proprietor of McGowan's Res­ ; was contin'upd until Monday the .matter, and that the Board ®L ’^ 4 7 7 v L n 7 is s^nsored ?y"’Tol- Lutheran Church will as Waltar lippmann mournfully tive, But even in that case, he Masonic Temple South Methodist Church O'Brien. Judjfe Gryk ^Yusponded judgment *®^*?.'* expresBed their view* on the self by the year 1070, e\*en If no wouldn't be able to get off too 9 a.m., Sunday School. Mata St. and Hartford Rd. dover Elementary School. taurant In New Haven. He was a Court Cases ounty Extension Service. i “ » > o n ‘hly meeting- at the describes the aituation, it now member of St. Aedan’s Hoiv Name In the case agalhut Mias Irene Bou- »ubject. we feel }hal pressure had ^ I church at \8 o'clock. !)}ora bomba are exploded in the many Shota at such a fast-moving 9:30 a.m.. Adult Bible Ctass. Sunday service, 11 a.m. The Rev. FrM Edgar. Minister The officers of Connecticut takiea combinations among tha Interim, which might mean that target. 10 a.ip.. Nursery in the parish Rev. Percy , Smith Socletj', New Haven Elks; Knights Henry 7 B^tlena^Elm St . is' A roast\beef supper will be Sunday school, 11 a.m. " - State Employment Service and of St. Patrick, Westville Post of A 16-year-old Manchester youth, >d with failuie to cieWr a »tde-f !*’“* ‘^® ^ P '® "hovild be subjected j served by \he Fish and Game warioua blocs of votes in the we -would then have one five- We may not like this strategy, house during church worahip. Wednesday meeting, 8 p.im. Phillip Treggor, Mialster af Music Unemployment Compensation Di­ South Windsor 10 a.m.. Divine worship. Theme: the American Legion and the Uni­ Who left the Junior Republic in 1 . ' b e r e r e ^ ^ S e s f o t '’’ ^-*n ''"r’ Club in th^ % S 7 c ru b h o u a r“ United Nations to produce the thousandth of the amount that Is because it promises little for the Reading room hours; vision in Manchester will be closed on League, all of New Haven. Mi.» occupies an ‘•®P'-®*®nt only « Butler a Remibilean. has been The March V Dimes dance will two-thiids majority needed for an state in the way of positive accom­ "Our Christian Conduct in and Tuesday and Friday, 12-4 p.m. Scout Sunday * NOTICE _ Tuesday in observance of Lincoln's Utchfield after being sent- there * V tL 7 t7 ll^ (^ V ;d e r7 7 c .ito Butler, a Republican, has been' ^ ^ He leaves three other sisters, " conddered dangerous. By -their plishment. But we have to appraise through Christ’a Spirit.” Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. Services- of worship at 8 'and birthday. The offices will be open Tomel Named Importsiat acUon. calculations, we could go shesd 11 a.m., Gottesdienat mit Abend- Mrs. Emmons Bowen of New Ha­ on assorted charges, received *u-;two other g».Is aerepted aVrest on. u'eThU^breiv'*’'to ' party's town* an^rito J^omm"tU7 ' It as a hard.boiled a tra te ^ which , Wednesday, 7-7:55 p.m, 10:45 a.m. as usual Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. ven. Mra. Henry Bronson of. An­ Along this asms vein of thought, and explode some S.BOO of the la likely to work, to the extent that mahl. ( "Spirit” will be the subject of Sermon: "Jesua—Man’s Best spended sentences to Cheshire *'. "*’® ®xp‘alued In to e 7 7 s V o u f rieVs aim he '^*" “a holding L u n g Repub- P'ay ‘o'" danelng.x with entertein- 2:30 p.m.. Special vctors’ meet­ dover, Mass., and Mrs. Gordon formatory and wa? placed on pro- -eoui t that it w;as her understand- L'l ^ .?® Hcan posts. * ' ment furnished by\Uie Barbenjshop Ndward R. Murrow, the other largest bombs we now have, and it may hold the inevltoble lossea in the Lesson Sermon for Sunday, Friend” Dr. Fred R. Edgar A divocoe—was granted in Su­ By Fire Unit ling the landlord ia to take care of, TMesdav*' “'® He was a candidate for probate Luncheon Vlll be 'oerved any match b d tw ^ ' Republican ing for revised constitution. February 10. 9:80 and 10:45 a.m. Church perior Court. Hartford, this week Reid of Brimfleld. Mas?.: and two | bation for two yearn, Bight, bewailod the fact that the it would be. only then that we brothers. Hugh J. McGowan of the sidewalk abutting the apart- The references to mevlous -e 'J“'‘8® P°« ‘wo ago. but by the Emblem Clu^. The March United States seems to have begun Legislature and thia kind of figure The Golden Text la from II School • to Marian from Edgar V. Coughlin South Windsor, Feb. 9 (Special) Terre Haute. Ind., apd Elwood Clarence J; Burk* Jr.. 229 Au- j ment building, would reach the danger point. of a Governor to a minimum. Un­ Coveuant Congregational Corinthians (3:17); "Where the 10:45 a.m. Nursery THESE DRUG STORES on the grounds of intolerable tumn St., received the suspended ' < tion by thrBom-d reters to Tn' i withdrew when the caucus was "f Dimes is sponsored by the relying more heavily on the United Chnieh . —Frederick J. Tomel, Strong Rd., McGowan of New' Haven. other resohitlon oMsed Several Boe'kvnie Lodge of Elks. Mcamyhile, up at Wood's Hole less, of course. Rlbicoff is still a Spirit of the Lord Ms, there Is 3:45 p.m. Carol and Wesley cruelty. Monthly support of 8100 waa elected president ot the South sentences for breaking and enter­ Nations Just at the moment when 48 Spruce St. for one child and 815.(ioo lump sum Funeral services will be held wVeks a e ^ T h ^ T h e Pilgrim FeUbjvahlp of the other day, the research ship growing master in the arts which liberty.” Choirs rehearsal ^ ^Windsor 'VolunUer Fire Depart- Monday morning at 8:30 from the ing and theft. He wa* also fined 10 Tax Review g . t as similar, but n„|y Eleels ! Unibn Congregational (Jhurch will ' t t had lost its own easy control have brought him thua far along. Rev. K- Ejnar Rnsk, Pastor - '4:80 p.m. Children's Vesper Serv­ . alimony was also granted. $30 for operating a motor vehicle less detailed, and not worded so Crawford put to sea on a four Ernest Johnson Jr., Organist Selections from the Bible include rtient at its annual meeting this M. F. Walker and Son? Funeral strongly. Mrs. Joseph Lemek has been holdbold a Valentine daneex in . the of that organisation. the following; "God Is a Spirit: ice. The guest speaker will be Parlors, 1201' Chapel St., Sew without a license. elected president of the ' Holy: church social rooms froni'^iSO to 4-utonth cruise during which It will, Abraham Koshy, a native of South Mrs. Annamae E. Cifarelli of Session.s Slated Cummings' Ktutement Although Some of the results of Sunday, February 10. amUthey that worship him must ARE NOW CLOSING Other new officers ai-e Frank Haven, followed by a solemn high Burke wa.s sent to, the Junior Rosary Society of St, Joseph's 11 p.m. Young people’s groups be busy measuring the radio- worship him in spirit and In truth’’ India. Everyone ia welcome. Rockville was granted a divorce Derrick, vice president; A. Ken­ Maas of requiem in s{. A e d a n’s I Republic several months ago and -Cummings’ statement'Yqllows: Church. Other officers elected are: from Blast' Windsor and North tbis^ may be embarrassing, un- A Thought for Today Race Relations Sunday. 5:80 p.m. MIF 7th and 8th In Tolland County Superior Court The ,3oard of iTax Review will acUiity In ocean water, anil cal­ Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. (John 4:24). neth Palmer, secretary: and Rgy- Church, New Haven, at 9 o'clock “ >® charge* originally lodged "I want to explain iny position Mrs. Sophie Stolarz, vice presi- - Coventry will be guests, plesMnt, and even unfortunate in Spoasorad by the Mwseheeter Correlative passages from the gradts will have a sandwich supper from Donald D. Cifarelli. formerly hold 10 meetings in the next few on the Nike housing resolution dent; Mrs. Sbphle Gworek. secre-, Members of the local V W f p<,gt culating how. many years it takes Ceonell ef Ghufehee. Morning Worship at j0:45 a.m. of Manchester. She was awarded niond Ellison, treasurer. Others Burial will be In St Lawrence' “gaib*‘ him had been continued. weeks to hear taxpayers who have the brand of policy decisions the Sermon Topic: "Oh, Brother!” Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ and recreation in Wesley Hall. named .W’eje:, Social committee. Cemetery, New Haven. Ju’Jge Wesley C. Gryk told Burke passed by the Board o'f Director? lary; Mrs. Bernice Perzanowskl,, and' its auxiliary will attend a for' water at the bottom of the ence and Health with Key to the 7 p.m. MYF meeting. Mr. Relfl custody of four minor children, and that stipulations of his probation complaints about their local tax last Tuesday evening. Although treasurer; Mrs. Natalie Surpre-i meeting of the - Hartford-Council United Nations makes, itf is by ocean to work its way up to the Evening Service at 7:30. Cifarelli' was ordered to pay $1 a Louis Boxer, Roger EHcson, Hat-: assessments. , How Old Are You? Communion and Inatallatioa of Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, will apeak on "The Ministry." DAILY AT t t P. M. ry Cohen, t narles Jurgelas, Frank Mrs. Bertha A. Heckman are that he is to be home every I voted for the resolution, further ntat, recording secretary: and at . Plainvllla *t 7:30 p.m. Post . BO ipeens as shocking, alarming, aurface. all for humanity’s future Whatever your yeari, there ia in Include the following (p.33S:7-13): 7 p.m. "Plrdtea of Peiuanca" _week alimony, with support of the night by 10 p.m'.. he cannot as­ The meetlngi' will be held in the reflection ha? made nie doubt the Mrs. -Joseph Panlczko, Mrs. Anna members will meet at the Post or even undesirable as such sns- Church officers children left to other procedures. Derrick: house committee, Ray­ Mr*. Bertha' A. Heckman,, 73. assessor’s office in the Municipal guidance in the matter of dla- every being’s heart the love of Oturch-time Nursery conducted "Spirit. God, haa created, all in chorus rehearaal. mond Hack, George Mullins, Allan died a t the Mei-cy Hospital in sociate with any gangs or organi­ wisdom of the vote. I wish to make Frey and Mrs. Cornelia Grous,; Home and Auxlltaries at the IjwU would make it. wonder, the undaunted challenge of and- of Himaelf. Spirit never The Scouts taking part in the Jliami, Yla.. Thuraday. zations without the-probation ofi Building on Feb. 15, 18. 19. 20 and nr.y reasons clear. flag bearer^. - 1 wheeler School. ' poeal of ntomic wastes. What we from 10:30 to 12. The Thomas Spencer Circle of Barbrlck, William Watrous; by- 21, from 2 to 4 p.m .on Feb. 25, 26 Is>cal Men Elected | ___ . I t is- a natural political develop- events, the unfailing child-like ap­ created matter. There is nothing 10:45 service .on Sunday will be lawTi.^ William En>s Jr.. Charles Born In RookvUl*. she had lived j Pfniission, and Burke 'and 27 f1x>m 8 to i ' "The whole community will ije want to find out ;is whether it is petite for what's next, and the joy in Spirit out of which matter could Alan Ferria. Milton Doremus and * the South Methodistt WSCS will p.m., snd on A, Rogalus. 10 Burke Vernon and 'Talcottville news Bmnt—in worid poUtlca. Calvary Chapel meet at the , church Tuesday a t'.2 Enes, Harold Collins; i|ck com­ in this vicinity for many years, ano ^ Feb. 28 a ^ M a r ^ 2 from 9 to 11 affected by the Army housing, but safe to continue our present prac­ and tha game of life. (Assemblies of God) mittee, George Enes, Frank Hed- then in CaliforniaOelirnmia for»/,.. several___ . TVi-nTwo mntnriatii motorists were were fined fined 824 824 oiartn only one of two possible lo<-atlona Rd.. has ^ e n elected treasurer of are handled through The And that we should have world tice of dumping atomic waste out You are aa young aa your faith, CENTER PHARMACY p.m. The program. In charge of a.m. Orffanl'^alion Herald's Rockville Bureau, 7 W. Rev. Kenneth L Gustafeon Mrs. Edward J. Ferris ?Jr;, will in­ erman. Bichard P. Jones; memlver- year?,, before -rtturning here about each. for speeding. Fined were Chairman of the 3-man Board of will be directly affected. Tht di­ polities instead of world war Is as old aa your doubt; as young as a year ago.to make her home with Julius PhiUips, 39, Providence, rectors acted responsibly to the of Connecticut telephone TRemdnt at Sea, inside concrete blocks, or 1 ■ ' - YOU ARE DTVITED 'TO ATTEND clude slides showing some phases shlp and publicity, Roger EJrIcson, Tax Review is Atty. Paul Marte. Julius M. Kosiorek, IS Liberty .-i.jisg. cmlnenUy deeirahle. whether, by this practice, we may your. telf-confidence. aa old as 9:45 Church school. of the work of the Rev. Mr. and George Hack, Dr. Irxlng" F re^- her brother, Frank Brockhau*, 96 R. I.,.and Frederick R^ Hesse, 21, Other members are Atty. Arthur community In passing a. resolution Rt.. has liecn elected to the 'e.xecu- ' " _ ■ . _ . Furthermore, against all tha your despair, 11 a.m. Morning worship. Rev. maui, and D ^ter S. Burnham. Florence St. of 732 Center St. Phillips was alsa several weeks ag<^ stajTng basically live, committee of the State organ­ be storing.up under water pollu­ Douglas A. MacArthur SPECIAL SERVICES, Mrs. Charles Reynolds, Methodist J. LeClalre Jr. and Earle S. Rohan. CLAIM MONTESI KILLED SEU' ~ bloc picture at the Uaited NeUone, Stig Sundberg, Bible teacher, WITH missionaries in India. HostessM The funeral will be held Monday fined 83 for failure to carry his Taxpayers will be given another that It believed all 'developments ization. tion which may break loose some Providence, guest speaker. GREEN PHARMACY afternoon -at 2 o'clock at the John motor vehicle registration. should conform to 'Town Plannin'g Venice. Italy, B'eb. 9 ^ OM larger truth, must atlU be for the meeting will be Mrs. Win­ opportunity to have the current re­ .American Iwglnn Meeting Tu'o medical experts testilled to^ day end males the world’s oceans COURT REVENUE 7 p.m., Mr. Sundberg, speaker. REV. STIG SUNDBERG, Evongdlst t. field Gove and Mrs. EMwin C. Han­ B. Burke Funerdl Home, 87 E. Cen­ D. nald (Jarlson, 18, Stafford Con mission requirements. To me The Fourth District American ■iaiBd. It is tlmt any resolution Vancouver, B. C. y Mrs. Hooka Johnston, di- short of the governihent-set of School. » "I belie'/e that in fairness to all This current new moon of oiirs ■'rector of religious education at 500,000 barrels a day of crude and changed from an original charge the proper procedure would have day. to tako a simple look iu obvious of reckless driving. He - was In.- OPEN ALL DAY made ita first appearance'' on a Skywatch Schedule Center Congregational Church, w ill; fuel olig. The Interior Depart- Funerals Coliimhia been to defer action on the reso-- Shareholders will elect a Board oompartaooa inside the workings mild avsniiig. Aad, from our ox- have as guest on the program'Mon? ; ment ^ d yesterday that during f volv2d In a crash on New Bolton luUon until more of the p'jbllc of Directors for the ensuing year. : of wba^ we conaider our own day Uje Rev. Carl A. Hansen, min- that • ' week, shipments of U.S. ___.. _ , Rd. Jan 26. I had been heard, until the other aide . Minister to Meet ».■ SUNDAY perlonee with other moona this MEDICAL PHARMACY The Rockville Ministerial AteW-1 m h o r pntcUoU democrocye Sunday, Feb. IQ later of Christian education for tljc petroleum. products to Shirope _ *'*!*' . ?V «ewton Emile Bouton. .21 of “ u ‘Trott Grand List' Hits had aired its opinion also.” winter, which' opened cold anO Midnight-2 a.m. .. • • ...... Volunteers Needed. State Conference of Congrega­ averaged 454.000 barrels daily, but Berths R. ter S..„ was fined $15 for failure It we were to disband Congress continued cold, we are prepared to 2 -a.m.-4 a.m...... •. • Volunteers Needed, BEFORE YOU CONVERT tional Churches. The topic, to be an average of 69.00Q barrels a day; . 2 ® was held to secui-e an operator’s license. ; because same reUUvely amaU bloc underwrite the good country Aa.m.-8 a.m...... Volunteers Needed discussed is "The Bible and Young went in the*form qf gasoline. Gov.;*‘ Joseph L Mercille, 21, Phila- $5*Mi1]ion Mark " bolds a veto power on the acdona 8 a.m.-8 a.m...... Volunteers Needed. INVESTIGATE — Readers.” The program, sponsored emment officials have aaidsaid EiirooeEurope *• ‘be Watkins-West Puberal delphia. Pa., waa fined 812 for theory that the kind of weather 8 a.m.-10 a.m...... Honqe, with the Rev. Yred R. Ed­ Columbia. Feb. 9 1 RpeefaU—-The Public Records * o( the Senate—we should have ...... Volunteers Needed MILLER’S PHARMACY by the Greater Hartford Council doesn't need gasoline. pswsing on a curve. a new moon bijngs it will keep. 10 a.m.-Noon ...... Orin Mathews. YOCE EEXALL STORE of (Jhurches. Is viewed on WNBC, gar, mlnlstef of the South Metho­ Elnihr R. Daddarlo, 39, of 9 B. Grand List haa reached an all-time NAMES •» done it long ago. If we were to This particular moon baa done Noon-2 p.m. '...... Skip Fisher. Channel 30, Mondays at 1:15. dist Churth, offtotating. Robert Hawtoorne St., waa fined 812 for high of 85.270,643, according to a Warrantee Deeds 7 ooosidcr tha achieving of a l^;is'- weli ao far. Inevitably, consider- 2 p.m.-4 p.m...... Thomas Hickey.. Gordon Jr. soloist ‘was accom­ faihire - to grant half the high­ report by the ^ a r d of Tax Review. Jay E. Rubinow, tiiutee, to Wil- : ‘4 p.m.-6 p.m...... - ...... Thomas Hickey. Martin, Architect panied at the organ by Frederic r l^ iv a majority by a oonrhination ing-its pleasant coming, it became . WUIlam Legault. 105 High St., way. A total of 8200.277 In veterans' lard S. Bechley and Pauline- A. YOU CAN Mobilheat l8 p.m.-8 p.m...... Carol Chace-Jeanna Jacoba. FLUID HEAT has applied to the Insurance Com- E. WemSr. Burial wa* in East exemptions will cut the net list to Beckley, pioRgily at Porter St. SOCUNY VACUUM HrATlNC OU : of eiomanta of various blocs an tlie moon of the first robin re­ 8 p.m.-lO p.m. ., Cemetery. Mrs. Ann Hagerty, 28, Hartford, ...... Volunteers Needed • B ^ e n NORTH EHD PHARMACY misaioner Thomas J. - SpellQcy fbr Will ConfePSoon waa.fined $12 for diaregarding a 85,070.368 when the revised flgurr and Butternut Rd. ' * lavossibit and reprehensible pro- ported to The Herald. We hs\’e r -10 p.m.-Midnight ...... Robert McComb. Bearers w eri Frank Cchiebel, TRUST • WsU FfaiBt a real estate' salesman's llMnse. red’w trafficuvitic Biiiiiai.aignal. She on» waa m -; ! i*~ presented«------at-- the —™ annual------—- Town" " ’"-axt Balaier and L^ona * Oedure, we should have Stopped certain calm ej^pectation that, be­ Monday, Feb. il General Manager Richard Mar­ Clarence Schiebel, John H. Burke, votved In a minor- 2-car crash at • Meeting in March. Last year, the ]Nevers Darling to Adolph E. Gar-1 Midnight - 2 ajn...... Voluntecra Needed • Warm Air Units Mark Petersqn, Richard Ziegler rett, Ida Mae Garrett. Edward C. i ; pOMlag legtaUUon in Congress fore it fades, there may be other 2 a.m. - 4 a.m. .... tin and Victor Flld, newly ap­ Woodbridge St. and E. M iddle i List was $4,804,846...... Volunteers Needed • Pressnre Burners pointed as architect for the town's and Ralph Oifford. T'pke. Jan. 24. Public propert.v exemptions Garrett and Lucy A. Garrett, prop- I ; ta w iSA II M y atato which found reports apd observations, some 4 a.m. - 8 a.m...... Volunteers Needed erty at 129 Oakland St. f ItsM Mable to obtain a ready 8 a.m. - 8.a.m. .... PINE LENOX PHARMACy proposed junior, high school, are Kenneth' C. Hathaway, 28, StUl- | amounted to 8842,370. MORIARTY of •them possibly of a still more ...... Volunteers Nseded Personal Notices s^eduled to confer soon on' proce­ water, N.Y., waa fined 89 for Im- There are 45 additional houses ^ m ln ic MtcoletU to Adolph' uBiuJoctty la Coijcroas fop. its own' interesting nature. TTiere might, -8 a.m. -. 10 a.m. ,...... Volunteers Needed proper backing. Hathaway was, ®n ‘hi* year's total of 6M. Bams,- Sapia, property at 103 “ Tolland Mobil 10 a.m. - Noon ...... Joseph Barth dures to be followed in planning' £ purposes should therefore bs JusU- fm insfsnc*; be that first volley the project : backing his trailer truck' into' ga'rages and other ouUrde build- TphC’ Noon - 2 p.m...... ;...B u rr Stephen*. Mary Stepliens la Memorial^ Police Arrests .Attachmrnt. i S ita l in retiring" from the Union, of aong from the aong sparrow. Il'p.m. -l4 p.m. ..., The proposal thus far ia for a . Tower Rd. Feb. 1 when another !‘nga are assessed at 8432,880...... Gloria McCauley, Donna fe>Uo FOGARTY BROTHERS QUINN’S PHARMACY achool to accommodate 750*pupUs. car crashed into the side of the; There are W bualneas' buildings Harold W. -Uarritty. for John C.’ Kerosene 2 or ta boyootUag Oongresa t)iM ITiere m i|^t, one morning, even 4 p.m. - 8 p.ni...... Crawford Allen ' bi IovIbk (nemonf of Ellen Yarrell with 20 clUKooms, a cafeteria to . Frank J. Valente,. iS, Hartford; tr^er.„ - ' . ' 984 cate ar#\ registered fbr an a*- Hughea against MarllVn B. Gam- Disfriiwfmrs would have ceased to' 8 p.m. - 8 n.m...... •. i ...... Wayne Carland Who pouM sway feb, 10. 19*4. be »* redwing.’ ‘ \ 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. .. R iaO H . aant 350, and an auditorium for. was arfeated' and charged with ‘Tn'e caae of Abrahaih Sebwarta, aeaameht 8^,41(f. Sixible and Frank O. Car^nter, 810,- ‘ Ifga.- ...... '.^enneth Cburtlla Jeon Hoyoi,^ - Vothsr we will alsroys miss yea dear. (MO. speeding at 3:40 to ^ y on W. cattle : 090. jw^'perty on Adelaide Rd. | 301-31S Sfs, But ivt 'hrs demanding, p^^ng,- Barnard Hart Though in silence ore- J8v^ 1 -to vacate. r*h. 18,(- Building, on Monday, ^ec^esday, F r ^ y from to S pan. • FttchviU*, charged with fallur* to-l haVe dropped to $18,300. lA U o iL S tu :^ »•- ' r I ( ,\. - h-k- . \ :vU> .Vi. K m ,1 ■ ... L ■ ■ \ ' .V ■ '

' >;vv ■ - I - ; \ ' v ^ ,, V - V i _ ■ ; . ,,,,. V ..■■■■■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALI), MANCHESTER, CONli., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 PAGE SEVEN r.s'm.ii'^r— ; 1 ...... 1 manio^f ni wiiiom •♦ji - Advertlaement Advertisement | '| Advertisement ■' ' 1 Advertisefnent . 1 Advertisement ' 1 Advertleement . ,. | AjlvniUscihent 1 Advertisement ' ^ i'--' SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 1 ^ • — State^olice r 2 Y c £irs of Growth—-Mani^l]tester Town Report - 1 9 5 5 - ’56 - / CapturePair ' 1 , . / Mr • . After Escape Planning Unit Library^s Increased Activity ^ * To The Citizens Of MarKhester Policef in New Stationf Hike Work F«b. • (Speclml) —Two kwmiUn, trial in ToUand Work Grows ^ Spurs Need for More Space This report to you hifus been compiled by town offices y ’ The Police Department began the Superior Court .were recap­ and departments for the two-year period ended August Toi^Park Unit two year period by moving into Its tured bj^AUte Police a few’ houri: ■ Between August 1964 and Auguit Constant activity is becpmlnFf prize in the Connecticut Library 14, 1956, with the hope that you will find it interesting Repairs Made new building on Middle Turnpikb 1966 the Town Planning Commia- usual 'in Manchester librariea. Association 'meeting in 1955 for a East. Converted from the former after tMy e^ ped from the county | aion held 27 public herulnge, one of and informative. Takes Control jaU yeatorda: Statistical reports show gain In display. The Libraries and the Almshouse, the building albo which lasted five hours. nearly»every phase of library work. P.T.A. cooperated in 1954 to hold a We have tried to give you a general picture of the In Cemeteries houses the Police and sniall claims Philip I. Peixy, 36. of Scantic The CommiMion met-in execu­ Circulation totals, of books, pic­ Book Fair at the Verplanck 'School. Of Globe Hollow court. Rd., South Windiw. and Robert S. tive aeasion at least twice a month. many activities of your-town goveniment. If you would z tures and records are'at an all Fewer books were purchased In The Auxiliary. Police Unit has Bchianck, 25, of Dbming St., East FOR EXTRA MONEY Bolton It made field trips to inspect time high. the 1955-56 period than in the like more specific information or additional detail, the./ In the East Cemetery a chain been very active in the past two Windaor, are expected to be pre- Manchester Seafood Offers Fine Clam Chowder C^mologibt If Your loiffurt itHt to y o u — areas where requests were made A chimge hi the distribution of previous year because of the in­ annual reports of the auditor and of departments ar6 In Dec. 1955 the Park I irt- fink fence, similar to . that' in the years. The group,-'which had helped aentcd in Tolland Juauee Court t o -' for chEuige of zone, or aub-divlsion ment office waa moved to lower WE PAY awroya]. the circulation has been noted. crease in book prices and a de­ available at the Municipal Building. Beth Sholom Cemetery section, with the conversion, carried out a day on complaint of the^oUte's at­ Both Mary Cheney and Whiton crease in the book budget. The quarters in the .Municipal Build­ was installed. An additional area, weekly training program in the torney on a charge of jallbreaking. Faculty Asks ’Ihe Commission made a prelipil- libraries show a loss in the'iM of Itbfary collection'of book numbers ing. In the winter of 1954-55 the the Westminster ■ Stotion. with use of firearms, firat aid training, You shouli bo ooifiini! to us. - nary study parking Euid traffic in Each year, as Manchester grows, the services provided according to High Sheriff\ Paul HI6HEST PRICES books at schools, but a gain in 75,662. Park Department tool house was space for 292 burials was added to patrol and traffic duty. . x Sweeney. the Central Busineas District, by the Town Government increase in scope/^nd the moved to a remedied garage at For Rags, Patiei. Metals Depot Square and on major streeta total Juvenile circutatlbn. Adult education opportunites East Cemetery. /- The 'Unit assisted with traffic The men were llrat diacove?;^ $200 to $500 Throughout 1954-56 referriiCe have continued in the Great Books t manageipent of the work becomes more complex. Such 217 E. Middle Tpke. The Department has begun the problems during the Christmas mlaiing at 7:3Q~pjai. at the p i^ ' and Scrap Iron In Manchester. It requested^ the Board of Directors to authorize a work haa been consistently heavy Discussion Group and the Ameri­ success as we are able to achieve is thO^sult of co­ On Dec. 30, 1955, in its largest enclosing of a brook and storm season, at the Fourth of July Fire­ oner check and a quick search oi CALA OR DELIVER TO in ail libraries and in both depart­ can Heritage Project A Music Ap­ real estate transaction the Town sewer in East Cemetery. This will works Display ..and the Thanks­ the Jail building showed they had Salary Hikes more detidled survey, operation and understanding by Manchester residents, A Committee from the Board of ments; Over 6,000 reference ques­ preciation course, co-sponsored by bought from Cheney Bros, a 1,000 make It possible to reclaim a large giving Road Race. It also worked broken to freedom by forcing bars tions were answered in the Adult the Music'Bhop, was held at Mary the skill and loyalty of town employ^ and invaluable acre tract of land and water in area ton burial. during the flood in 1955. In a rear window. OSTRINSKY Directors met with.the Commiaalon assistance from many conscientious pfiicials and volun­ Boltoii, Feb. 9 (Special)—Local to revise subdl'viaion regulatlona Department. Cheney Library. the .southern section of town. The planting of Beth Sholom In 1955 14 applicants took-ciyil M Police on Man Hunt ers la Waste Mstariala teachers ssked the Board .of Edu-' A gain in hospital circulation The Library Board has had pre- teers. To them all, I express my sip^ere appredation. About two-thirds of this land is Cemetery was completed. service examinations for J>oItce em­ VT81 EAST CENTER ST.— Tel. MI-.1-5009 adopted in 1948, After wsjudlacoKCted, >n last night-ta.consider s-sal:- Because of the increase in activ­ waa noted. One morning a week Is ared preliminary plana for an ad- for Park and Recreation purposes. An unused tool shed in West ployment. Eleven were accepted. ' to' State policemen and several ary schedule of 83,600 to $5,800 ity, a Junior Engineering Aide waa given to, thla project. The library §itlon to the Mary Cheney Library. ictfully submitted,^ The Town also acquired 35 acres Cemetery was dismantled. The New members Were trained either bloodhounds participated in the for contracts to be issued this emplqyed as di^teman in 1965, staff ia planning to supplement the The plan, the eetimated call "oT RD MARTIN of land for park purposes by gift picket fence )vaa repaired and the at the Hartford or the Windsor search. State Police set an im­ spring for the 1957-58 school year. , The duties of the Commiaaion in­ hospital collection. which ia $260,000, Includes doubling General Manager. under the terms, of the will of entrance widened. Police Training School. All re­ mediate watch on the men's homes. AU STYLES OF •The present schedule runs .from- y t m clude preparing future plana for During the two years many at­ the stapk apace and' the Ref­ 9 / Mrs. Thomas J. Lewie. A privet hedge in- Buckland ceived Red Cross First Aid Train­ The pair picked up a car owned $3,100 to $6,300. Both involve 13 PRUNiNO DON WILLIS Improving areas, and making reic- tractive displays were shown in erence Room area, a new chil­ A n e w broadleaf evergreen Cemetery was removed and the ing. by James Heckerd. Merrow Rd.. dren’s wing, an auditorium, and area was planted with grass. Weekly target practice haa been FINE JEWELRY stepa ommendaUona and atudies bene- the librariea to focus attention on ■jy- planting was' made on the north Tolland, in front of the Manchester •D^’elve of the 11 classroom ^ ami REMOVAL ficia} to the Tdwn'a developqient. 'books of special interest or to ex­ additional space for storage. More slope of th'e flagpole circle in Cen­ In the 2-year period the Depart­ compulsory for all personnel at the Mills factory salesroom and drove teachers attended the Joint session 6RRAGE The 'Town Planning'Commission hibit local hobbies and talents. detailed studies are being made by ter Park by the Manchester Gar­ ment supervised 432 burials. It is outdoor range on Finley Street and to Schanck'a home. .SHOWN and SELECTED Manchester libraries won first the architect. planning to recommend to the the todoor range *t Headquarters. of the Board of Education and Have yoar trace pruned aw 18 Main St.. Tel MI-9-4581 ,and the Board of Directors Jdintly Water Department Acquires den d u b and the -Park Depart­ After spotting police officials IN YOUR OWN Teachers Assn, held at the school. exercise control over the subdi-vl- ment. General Manager an increase in Radar speed checks were used waiting for them. Schanck and removed b.v Ileenned aad lo lot prices and service charges. at night for the firat time. Speed liviNO ROOM In addition to George Graff Super­ fared tree aorgaoow rion of land. . The Park Department and the Percy abandoned, their car and fled intendent, and Richard B. Mather. Spoeidiiing In The Planning Engineer works Part of Globe Hallow Land C3)amber of Commerce cooperated surveys were made at various lo­ through the fields and woods. The closely with the Town Planning Health Status G>iirt Hears in sponsoring Arbor Day cere­ cations where complaints .of ex­ men were spotted along Rt. 5 in PHONE Principal Board members In attend cessive speeding had been received. ance were Pearl D. Jewell, John DRAKE SERVICE Commiaaion, the Zoning Bodrd of monies in Manchester schools. Departments List ISast Windsor by State Policeman CARTER TREE Appeals and the General Manager. Purchase of the 'Globe Hollow rtion system Include, in addition to A . radar traffic light was in­ Ronald Jacobson who fired a cou- NORMAN R. WEIL McDermott and Julius L. Strong, Norman/' Termed Good A Little League Baseball Field He prepares studies, conducts in' More Cases I the pipe lines purchase with Globe w a s constructed at Buckley stalled at Spruce and Oak Street le of shots in th^r direction. GE»IOLO<

’ WMT, Tm i« THBtfi ) NO.MiHiY'W AMYiNAy, THAT CAR, OKAY) CARLA. IP scaoi- ILL RNISN We mave a oolp w a r . 9 LONOSTO TM* PBflW powr 7Pere*s > FOIU^ Vou'u- s t il l Ha v e R a r e m ib a m t I OKTIR 9S PON* < MB,VI5ITM' Ml.POP— I\WAS VDUR SPERCH, GOING ON WtTM RUSSIA,. ___ AI5 9 I® SU5 PCCT5 AWONOSr ) KINPOUCftt CAgTOOMBT nUER HUD SR FOR TWD DRAFT CALUTb'^ TO WAIT for.YOU* eouirpep wnH WONOERINdr F " ^ SON / TLIESE'ARE UNCEfOAIN THMs EMPTippp laacpr ;toM) DACT WEEKS' R A O A R MINDS T i m e ; ___ _ tch~ uoin YOirvg MAKE THAT DIArUttt THE HIGH COST ALLOWANCE- T TM eSE DAYS/ .W M fM U P l OF ENTEWAIN — I'M SHORT OP , ‘ IM&— FUNDS MYSELF.'

g. ■ '- M

*te.3 » _____ TOTALVifT,^e£j|fc* ■ 01M7WIICA

MORTY MEEKLE Gambler’s Luck BY DICK CAVALU THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Her Cigaret BY WILSON SCRUCqa LEGEND ^ WliATblNTttC < OasfTKNCM/..? 7,000300K9 > fW tMU ncrr/CHT HtO TN TS tJMONt 'ttm io ik ^xAccomaiuy' CRA1 C;'i«NCC/^ VONITIN A On-CPTOYCK rETTMOrMr MTDWM.AND W C N jn rtO T ueonropy i n m o A u M ’* '^KNDt.JIBT top DO iO irm t jwnjtrvRrerrTWcreH r o c io u e r i c t y oa r ■ ■■ ■> ------vr RAPFLC. KAPPLC OM MeiPMeXMMB FTOMr WITH HR OM « f l n r i-):. mr ocMT err nerTOM? . ^ *■ ' ; ZpWE AA y U N O C m / r r o r r r - Ml ; ‘ :

M r i 71 •l",'y’— ^ , V -J

>ff0vr E e w s fe JDisjptMifl P la n t o n O le o t t S t. * )■ ^lobe" H ^lpw Water ^P ttrebue p\ i . i - ■ ' ■ ' / ■ '■ :v ' V ■ \i .'.‘■a""'- ' V . ■'V J ■/.u' Vi' 1 ■ ' f t i V A”.';? V V\)’ 1. Xp'- 4. . .: TWELVB lUNCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,,. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 77-63 Spptlightmg pie Greatest

_ 7 ^ T g E KnicKs Check 6?*i**'^^‘f*'**?*4 * l«MAT. t40] 54-43 Decis^ioii Silver City Grabs Lead Hgi, ICAMYI’AMU.. C I MAT?: Save a Boy or Spoil a Fight? Herald Angle 00ston Streak ^ 4 . By H om e T eam New York —(NEA) —For the BJ In CCIL by Half Game ^4® referee, the championship fight is / At Four\ Tilts D efeats Rams no problem. Experienced fight­ EARL W. YOST ers are in,the ring end you don't SporU Editor ■ New York, Feb. 9 (>P)--Bo8ton’8 By PAT BOLDUC By PON BERGER stop until one of them has been winning streaks in the National Favored Meriden High lived up to expectations in impres­ The doors to the Payne knocked stiff or has been on the Basketball Assn, get smaller and sive fashion Jast night before a wild, joyous and itbisy parti­ floor and cannot continue. Even AoU Here and There Grapefruit League. . , . Six N. L. smaller. Whitney gymnasium in New then, you play it safe and let the -wUthpaw pitchers ore' gelling, teams will again make their head- Early in the season the Celtics san crowd of 1,200 at the Silver City Armory. Gaining sweet Haven are slowly closing, but loser hit the floor once more to ^ « r all Ole time. They had more j quahers in Florida. Brooklyn at chalked up 10 in. a row. Later on revenge for their lone loss of the season, the sharper shoot- thanks to a now defunct remove ail doubt. 'SO^ame winners and a better | Vero Beach, Cincinnati at Tampa, they put together an eight-gj^^e ______C.______— '• Ing and well-drilled Red Raiders seven-game win streak, the The four-roimd , fight is easy, aanad run average last season' Milwaukee at Bradenton, Philadel­ streak. Last night their latest !• ti'ounced Manchester 77-63 to take too. Nobody really' squawks at the than rlfhthsnded flippew according phia at Clearwater. Pittsburgh wt streak was stopped at four. ■V T dkfirlcl®''**' POiwessJon of first place in Rockville High Ram still has referee when he stops-it. Even M S P C r the CCIL race by a half game. 'The - font In the doo~. The hard- the manager knows there la no to baseball statistlciah Allen Fort Meyers and St. Louis at st, The New York Knicks turned earned wih ‘streak ..went by the Both. JUthough there are about Petersburg. Chicago will train in the trick 92-90 in Uie first |mme : victors copped their seventh win in ri»». sense letting a Hid take a beating two and a half times as many Mesa,^and New York in Phoenix, of on NBA doubleheader at Phil­ ¥ _ I eight league starts while handing boards last night In Couthingtoa. or keep going with a bad cut, It’a rlgbUes as there are southpaws, both in Arirona. ■. . .i Complete | adelphia. In the accond game the 1 1 1 . X U C /S tOJII V lffJJlX the locals their initial setback in when the host cl 'c, flaying in­ too early in his career to gamble 17J to 69, five of. the nine 20-game Giants' squad reports Feb. 25. the Philadelphia Warriors nipped the seven contests. spired M l, defeated the Rama by a future on a four-rounder. winners In the major leagues last Pirates ’two days later. Dodgers, t St. Louis Hawks 93-90. 54-43 score, . Major Problems OCIL Standings aeason were portside losscrs.. Cubs, Redlegs and Braves on Feb.' Bob Pettit of St.' Louis, and By One Stroke! It is in-between fights -—the Seven pitchera who worked at least | 28 and the Phils and Cards on W. L. Pctl Valley B I.eague Stauidlngs main events that lead to bigger Paul Arizih, the league's top Meriden ...... 7 1 .875 h All 16* innings had ERA below 3.00' March 1. Ipoint-getters, hooked up In a bril­ Tucson, Ariz., ' Feb. 9 (jP)- things—which put the referee on and four of them were lefties. Loft-1 Manchester ...... 6 a .85’? the-spot. The scoring' doesn’t liant diiel with Pettit, the former -Youngstets-lead a closely packed W L ' W L handed pitchera, as a group, won - Spring training season for Louisiana State star, finishing on field into the third round of the Bristol ...... 4 3 worry him. The referee just calls Hall ...... 1 7 .125 from Farmington .. ... 12 4 16 4 It the way he feels it is happen­ 20 more games than they lost and American League teams will ex­ top with 41 points. ‘Hot RotT on the Basketball Court 215,000 Tucson Open today, but Middletown .,. 6 12 5 completed 33.2 per cent of their Arizln Nets 36 some of golf's brightest names aJ-e Windhanv ...... 1 7 .125 .... 12 ing. But the authority to atop a tend 37 days with 230 games list­ West Virginia^ 'Hot Rod' Hundley keeps the ball moving as he advances down court, fakes shot and Wilson ,...12 6 12 ' 6 fight does. Btarts while righthanders had a ed.-Opening games will be played Arizin pitched in 35 for Phil­ close behind. 6 11 6 Still Driving 20-game deficit and 29.6 per cent adelphia, although the winning passes off to teammate Don .Vincent (15) in game against New York UniverSlly at Madison Luck rode the broad shoulders Manchester must now win Fri- Plalnvillc ... 11 If one kid is hurt, what-do you March 9 in Florida and Arizona •Square Garden Feb. 7. NYU's Tom DeLuca (27) and Jimmy Nldds (3) fall to stop 'Hot Rod' oh day’s big battle against much-im­ Rockville ..,, ... 10 7 10 7 Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma do? Fighters have come off the completions. camps. .... In addition to 176 points for the Warriors came on a of 25-year-old Billy Casper Jr, of 8 8 8 three-point play by Nell Johnston this play. Hundley, one of the most publicized players In the country, was limited to eight points Bonita. Calif., as he chipped in proved Bristol to deadlock for the Newington .., ... 8 spends the fall driving his un­ Boor to win fights. They’ve boxed Boxing Jabs: The average age of meetings with National league and a last second lay-up by Ernie for the evening, but West Virginia won, 83-77. (AP Wirephoto). twice from traps yesterday to lead crown. Overall, the deflated In­ Southington...... 8 8 10 8 beaten Sooners—and the off­ to big victories ^ t h eyes shut ting champions is 29 years and clubs tho junior loop representa­ Beck. by a stroke after 36 holes with a dians suffered their third loss in 14 Wethersfield ..... 7 9 7 season slamming golf balls and dangerously cut. 10% mbnth*,.The rlngman Floyd tives will take part in 38 intra- Carl Braun's outstanding play nine-under par 131. contests while the classy Raiders Glastonbury . ___ 2 14 ■ 2 14 down Florida fairways. For Harry Ebbetts, who is a Patterson flattened to qualify for league battles, plus 17 games in the waning minutes of the first Bob Harris of Wlnnetka. in ­ notched their 11th triumph in 12 Windsor .... ___ 0 16 0 16 referee In New York, this ia a the United SUtes (Olympic team in against minor leagxie opposition. game won for the Knicks. put together the beat 36 holes of outings. The victory also snapped a problem. Harry has been through ON THE ROPES—Referees, such as Harry Ebbetts, being ruM d 1962 was Harold Carter, now one Officially, spring training opens With the Knicks trailing, 90-87, Martinez Gets Off Floor his eight years as a pro for 132 four-game, losing streak at the The lo.Ks left Coach John Cana- it all, but he still ha* to \hink it by paper-throwing New York fans, take plenty of abuse for Short of the ranking heavyweighU.. Feb. 28. . , . New York Yankees Braun converted three free shots and . sole possession of second hands of the Red and White. vari's squad with a 10-7 record. out. Like the night he stewed in money. Barney Ross is in California as the will play 35 games, tops for A. L. to tie the count with 39 seconds placg. Displaying deadly accuracy from This means that a win over Mid­ and broke up a fight between technical director for his Jlfe clubs. . . . Six teams will again to go. Four seconds from the end. Julius Boros-of Mid Pines. .N. C., long range, fiery Ralph Musto, held Sugar Hart and a frail-looking stake their pre-season drills at To Defeat Courchesile dletown next Friday is imperative. iBring Up Pair kid named Barry Allison. betta looked at him thankfully. that. But they also don’t have to story. .Lou Nova. '• now in the he m«tde good on a jump shot to EMBLE5I CLUB ex-U.S. Open champ, and John to 10 points in Meriden's previous The cut had the fighter scared. tell me what can happen. I know Florida bases, Boston at Sarasota. clinch * the . triumph Braun's 27 League-leading Calicos (17-7) (illeary, a i-ookie from Hartford, 60-59 loss to Manchester, caged 22 If the Rams plan to make the high­ Allison hadn't been down. He • Broa^av production. "The Hap­ Chicago at Tampa, Detroit at ly sought junket to New Haven. wasn’t badly hurt. But this was Artie Rose, his manager, looked the business. Take this K art fight piest Mlillonaire,” taught Walter points was high for the game. remained one ga(ne ahead o^ run-! New York, Feb. 9, (JP)— If Isidro Martinez can keep up the Cpnn., are tiet arid Norm minute. Before the game was three shuffling. lison bombed from his senses be­ a tough, mauling bout, the kind sides and their eyes glased, and the mink fancier, has a ring in the Majichester Tnist. respectively. Baltimore, Feb. 9 (/P)— Hohenthal combined to tally nine fore it became official. hit them qn the chin aa hard as I basement of his home. Rcicky Marciano. Speaking of Rochester 24 29 .4.53 ThrSe other matche.s wound up by been set up. Miguel Bci'rios boxes Careless horse players who : the most dangerous men in the minutes old, Southington moved The loss of Jerry Toppazzini where both boys get rocked. But Rocky, his 'pA-sonal appearance Minneapolis 21 30 .412 Carmelo Costa, March 22 and the field, a)-e grouped with six others points in an attempt to vet back In in front 8-2 on hoops by Pete who was sidelined with facial in­ This was not to be with Ebbetts. it went the distance and West could. I know all about the busi­ ia 2-1 margin, with Rainbow Club contention, but with ftiusto ac­ juries at Detroit Thursday caused He remembered the night the ness.'’ ' National League baseball teams fee is the highest in New England. Saturday's Hchedule I upending Montgomery Ward, winner takes on Hogan (Kid) Baa- fail to collect on winning four strokes back of the leader at Rated as the ‘Most Brutal’ Lazauskas and Paul Rodriguez, collapsed and died in the dress­ . . . Roland LaStarza, at 29. plana Syracuse at New York ley of-Nigeria for the right to fight tickets ai'e tos.sing away 135. counting for Meri(ien's final eight and a hoop and two free throws by the Bruins to call up foru’ards fought a tough Dutchman by the ing room. But when Ebbetts stopped the will engage in a total of 230 ex­ Manchester Auto Parts shsding points, the winners were out front Bob Beckett and George Ranieri name of Adolph Heuser at Madi­ hibitions before the opening of the a return to the ring. Some boxers Fort Wayne at Minneapolis Gaudet Jewelers and Memorial France’a Chcrif Hamla for the 126- moi'e than a million dollars Won IaShI Sunda.v (EDITOR’S .NOTE: Nat That, was the first sign of what 'U.S. Senator, struck the gong. No­ high-scoring Dick, Lorenzo. The So when Ebbetts circles the Hart fight, the fans thr4w pro­ don't know when to quit. . . . Bull Boston at Rochester (after­ pouxd title. Casper won his first, major 19-11 at the buzzer. Coach Elgin Blue Devils managed to stay in from the minor leagues. son Square Garden. It was a big ring, carefully watching the ac­ grams and newspapers at him and 1967 season.- A total of 175 games Corner Store edging Woolworth. a year. Zatursky's quintet blew five easy Fleischer Is boxing’s official his-'’ was in store for the Kunsas Giant body heard it.'T he referee con­ With Toppazzini setting the fight for Harry. He recalls It eas­ will be played agaiiist^'^merlcan Curry, one-time Hartford police­ noon—TV) MIXED DOUBLES Late Starter tournamenl in three years as a torian. For 51 years, through a as Dempsey, a young tiger with tinued his count to *'10.'’ Demp- front by six to eight points all the tion, he is no notice at brutailty, tried to mob him after -It They Frida.v’s Results Martinez, a late starter, has Last year $80,4.53 was ' pro by taking top money in the lajuips which, if successful, might way, except for two occasions pace on 38 points (15 goals, 23 ily.' It was the night Ernie Schaaf this one they called "The Free­ paid Harry 85() for the night aind Leai^e rivals. . . . Brookl^ and man, attracted a full house to Foot Five of the six matches resulted have altered the final outcome to carrier as sports editor of the New amazing mpotd and two murderous sey.;s hand was raised and Jack assists), the Bniins were in third was killed In the ring by a left jab the Braves who battled doWn to the Guard Hall earlier this week as a New York 92. Boston 90 in 3-1 victories, with Audrey and ideas of crashing the gates and turned over to the AMary : Phoenix Open last Sundaj’. "ril York Telegram and notv editor of hands, went to work. __ Keatons, JUs manager, had him when the Rams moved to islthin port Blond Thunderbolt." it took a police escort to get him headline wrestler. Bull is a great Philadelphia 93. SL Louis 90 Ifenr^’ Frey defeating Mildred ana ! hl-s "ay into~the-smnrrblc ' have to pla.v belter the next two some dcgiee. But with Musto hit­ two points. place in the NHL—three points from Prime Camera. And Eb­ "The normal main event,” he home. wire in the 1956 pennant race, land treasury representing the famed Ring .Magazine and The flrat round was wt half over jump out of the ring and race for back of Les Canadlens and five betts, in his bout,. was knocked along with the Redlegs. will play box office draw as well as one of Hundny’s Schedule Howard Hansen. Carol and Tony " “ lopsided bout after the I days if I'm going to wiiv this one," ting on four of five sct"shots and Ring Record Book, Nat ha., made says, "means plenty to both flghf- Philadelphia at Boston the amoa.i' of uncashed Dziadek controlling both boards, before Willard was a battered his dressing room. They had bet It was one of Rockville's poorest behind Detroit—prior to today's down in the first round and then ers. . Thfcy don't have to tell me Barry Allison. ' against each other 11 times in the the meanest men in the game. Sarpdla turning back Alwine and >'Odnds. Courcheane miss-, ' he said. boxing his Ufe. He travels around on a one-rpund knockout knd showings of the season. This how­ test. (CBS-TV, 2 p.m., EST). . New York-at Syracuse Wilfred Lisk. Ethyl and Bill Collins | on'.'’ chance when he failed : tickets from 1953. In New "Anytime you hole out from the Silver fSty arra.v had things hulk. He was dazed, smashed out was horribly cut over the eye be­ the world frequently as the sport’s of all resemblance to anything hu­ Kearns was trying to steal it. ever. is not to detract from the fine Broke Up Line fore he could even matters by Minneapolis at Fort Waj’nc beating,Ruth and Ed Werner. Liz I advantage of the knock- York the take from care­ traps so far from the pin as I did pretty much under control during good-will ambassador. Starting performance by the Blue Devils. It Rochester st St. Louis yesterdaj’, you're very lucky." the first eight minutes. man. Dempsey tore into him. His But the referee had spoken to Toppazzini’s injury, which may putting the Dutchman on the Lw kt Like OW Tim t for Rupp and Tony Salafla upending June tlo''h he scored with a right to the less bettors totaled ?546,- 1 today, Fleischer writes of the pinst hands were in constant ptotlon. was a superb defensive job for have ended his playing days for and Ted Schiretz and Peg and Bill jaw in the second. Martinez was up ^ He threatened the .record book The losers managed to close the ; Barbour and Kearns was told to floor. 231 in 1955. In California gap to 21-19 midway through the unforgettable fights he has seen In They landed so fast, with such pre­ I bring Dempsey back. A surprised Lozoaki's charge.^. Rockville has this seasbn.

BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M ANCHBS^, CONN.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0. 1967 V PAGE F iro iW MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ^MANCHEStER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1967 FACE FODBTEEI^ DiamoiMhi— Wstchm— Hoaswi For Bala* f t Rot For Solo 72 Subnrtwn For S ilt 78 - i r i r ^ r i r JswejhT I 48 FREE THERE OUGUTA BB A LAWI BY FAGALY snd SHORTEN Help Wanted— Msle 86 ArUdss Por Sals 45 1950 EIGHT ROOM Ooloulal rsp i^ VERNON SOUTH OOVENTRY^-Hert’B a real AoUiiobnw tor Sole 4 Balldln«—ConirocUyg 14 UDONABO W. YOST Jeifalar, ra- ductlon, 1% baths, frarsanad bargain In a clean, sunny tour The Story CHAPTER 30 hy Don Whitehradj FOR YOUR remodeling, repalrg or ROYAL A im SmlUi-Oorana part- pondi, garages, 1% scras, many 4% zoom ranch. Cloaad In breeza- room Chqpa Cod with axpandabla DELIVERY 1055 PORDALLAC. This la a CM- able and standard typewittars. fxtras. csriton W. RuUAlna, l i a tom '55 Ford. Looks like a Cadil­ ''additions call William Kanehl, J&LECTRQNIC way and gsraga. Two bedrooma, upatalrs—eomplately insulated — Classifieil Contractor and Builder. Ml. W O M ) AU makes of adding machines .>'84188, 9-4694. Member Manctaeo- lovely Uyuig room, Mtidira with full borament, large cloaets. Lot lac El-Dorado with power win- # ft*7T C N MINUTSS______Mrs ( fUCM A SUSV BTREETfJ TECHNICIANS StroM. Ml. #4687. teb Mtdtlple listin g Service. Arthur Dng Sliiii \dows. Power this and pow * ^ rienced men required to aa- midies, Marlow'a.. Near wUbur Oroas HOghway. Owner leaving stoto, will taka Advertmmeiit Continental tire on rear, super uKE OTW R DQiveas —>— aer. LARGE THREE bedroom ranch, 310,500 for quick oalo. Hosol fins. This la a beautiful .custom SeCAU EVKV lAW , wire and test electronic Fuel and Feed 49-A hot water heat, cellar, ghrags, Priced for quick sale at 311,900. A Case for Liberal Loj^c a devices. Will consider recentlyf o dis- r s a l e —55 gal. druma, in mod God, 24x38, four flnuned Floyd, Real Bstata, Andovar, CLASSlflEO ADVT. job that coat over WAKW to make. R oonng—^ id tn c 16 IK TUe 0 0 0 1 4 - condiUon'13.50 each. For further' over % acre, trees, suburban, It’s hlat like new fOr FlUgerald'a raarged veterans with axpenence rooms down, two unfinished with Qonn. PL 3-7333, MI. 94M0. IN^OtKOTME kMl Information caU The Bfrald, d r y o a k 1v!>OD, cut firepl^ only 318.800. Carlton W. HUtchlns. DEPT. HOUra low low'prlce of only 13496. Come OPORAKrrv.TirrH m this field. Mutt be fsmlUar with ML 94183, 9-4894. Multiply listing roughing of pllimbing, alectilcl^ (OotllaMd trein Page Om ) electronic test equipment. Excel­ [diona Ml. 84131. and atova Iragtha. $10 per load, BOLTON—Plymouth Lane. H you t a s A. M. to P. BL over, see this dream boat. We can KARV ACOP FI. 2-7886. a Member. and heat up, two latga bIm bed­ need a lot of Uvlng. area for amall make a deal. We vtrili trade your lent opportunity for the right man. rooms, lovely kitchen with plenty obmpofabiy battar Utaa It was SO TO CkTCll 'SALE — 83 1-3% off on 1968-1967 price, you must sse this five car and giv«^^you low bank pay­ EM- f i v e l a r g e rooms, one floor, of cablneta, living 'room with room three level 6nUt, only yMMOgO. Saud H sdls Airbase COPY CLOSING TIME ^ ments too.-^3pen all day Saturday GRAY MANUFACTURING waUpaper. Green Paint and WaU- yiREWOOD cut to order, MI. mneled wan around fireplace. St. Ml. 8-4860. paper at the Green. Open daily 9-9 (expandaUe) oil steam, porch, ex­ 318,900. L. 8. DeMars, Euilder, Obi of tha atrangtha of tha FBI FOR CLASSinED ADVT. and Sundky tUl 5.^ •' CO. A894. MI. 94958.______cellent condition, garage, amestte FuU cellar with hatchway, amealte P I. 24486. FOR THE beat in shingle and built p.m. drive. Cloee to bua st<^ three has baan M tha continuity of lU HILLIARD ST., MANfHBSTER ...... ^------■ drive, trees, very central, only MON. THRU FRL 1954 OLD^OBILE ^4-door' sedan. up roofing, nitters, leaders, chim­ 314,200. Carlton W. Hutchins. ML miles- from Wilbur Croaa Parkway. laadarahlp, which has maant a con. Po>y4r steering, p ow r brakes, ney and roof repairs call Coughlin. "A CKX)D PLACE TO WORK” ALL ELECTRIC raaor parti and Bonsehold Goods 51 For Aid Agreement! 10:S0 A. BL 9-5183, 9-4694. Mtmber Manches­ A real buy at M4.700. Wtntod Rm I B stett 77 ttnultir of policy, Tha baalo pt^olaa Hydramatie, radio, header. flU - ■MI. 3-7707. service,. Two barbers eveiy Satur­ ter Multiple Listing Ssrvloe. aatahlishad by Hoovar undat tha dl- genald’s low low full pride 91,795. day. Free parking. Ruaaeu’a Bar­ FRANK’S ANTIQUB SHOP, 430 SATURDAY 9 A BL MANCHESTEI^ ARB YOU OONBIDBIUNO faotlon of Harlan Flaka Stona In (Qaatianed from Page One) Only 9495 doom, cash or '^rade. RAY’S ROOFINO CO., ohlngie and WAREHOUSE MAN for shipping ber Shop, cor. Oak and Spruce Sto. Lake St., la biqrtng and railing OWNER TRANSFERRED 0»ra mile flow of 820,000 barrels of built up roofs, gutter and con­ and receiving. Good working c., 180 Goodwin St., East Hart duty meat case. Large storage a n t iq u e f u r n i t u r e , auvar, down. Full cellar, hot water steaM odmlnlatratlona of flva Prealdents ington. Saud waa here for 10 days. 1954 Chevrolet pickup. Pltigerald. g lau , China, and used furniture Sailing or buying ooaUet and alavan attornaya ganarol. Wrapped up in that communique chanical cargo loaders, and sev­ Dial Ml 3-5121 ford. BU. 9-8434. freeser. For sale reasonable. Call h eat Prioed*at only 314,500. STANLEY BRAY/ltoaltor eral £ cn a of warehouses—these Motors, formerly Brunner's, Tal- JA . 6-2847, 84 p.m. ______bought and aold. Fumltura Repair FIRST TIME ON MARKET IntaUactnal Anteratiam were thefe key agreements: Haii(l-Riti8iie(l cottvUle. Open evenings till 9, all IMMEDIATE opening:Two turret Service. ML 8-7449. Two-family house, four down snd . BRAE-BURN RlUULTY Btnoa 19S4, whan Kbovar w u are things Saud Is known to en­ Robflns’ and i Chimneys 16-A MI. 04tra. 1. Contlnuanca for flva more vision for Dammam day Sat. and Sun. latHe operators, one all around IDEAL FOR FARM or restaurant. Unnmore Dr.—-Four rooms, three Up. Home in very good con­ oppolntad Dtrootor, tha coat of ears of the pact under which the lathe operator, one first class jig Large storage freeser. Can be e x c e l l e n t v a l u e s on new plus two partially finished, hot diUon. Two bedrooms, living room oparatlng tha FBI haa fotolad u Officials said .no opeoiflc agree­ ROOfrka — Specialising in repair­ chrome kitchen aeto, bedroom, liv­ THIS AOBNdY noada (Mpt Ood, 1.8. Air Forces uaea tha Dhahran 1953 CHRYSLER 4-door sedan. borer operator, one inspector, day bought reasonable. C!all JA . 5-2847, water heat, recreation room, and kitchen down. One bedroom, IM S.170^4, while ftflnao, aavtnga Air Ij Field 1,000 miles from Russia. ment waa made vrith Sand to build LMtaaaFooad 1 Automatic, radio, heater, white ing roofs' of all kinds. Also new ing room and baby furniture. Ex­ 4-64 and 1 room olnglca and >• up Dammam. But they cited it as KYashinj^tiiefine roofs. Glitter work. Chimneys shift 50-hour week, company 34 p.m. in excellent condiUon, garage, living room end kitchen up. Cen­ family houaoa. Buyan walttng,'^ and raooyartaa hava totalad 31.- 8. In axchanga, U.S. military aid wall tires. Low mileage. Real benefits. Apply or write LaPointe tensive selection of lamps. Cham­ 30 days occupancy. tral heating, hardwood floors. 860„093,l3i. In othar words, tha the aort of development project L oot—B laclr German Shepherd. sharp. Fltogerald Motors. Open cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex- ELECTRIC sewing machine, Uil- bers Fumlturd Sales, 501 E. Mid- HowArd R. Bastings, Realtor. designad to give Saudi Arabia, in srience. Free estimatea Call Industries, Inc., 155 West Main 314,700. Cou Ml, 9-1107 any tUno. FBI^bolanoo shaat ahowa a nat which Eisenhower had In mind Knd out how aandk daaoar ood Silver atrlpe down back of lec. evenings. Sat. and Suit, till 5. or’a model, two years old, |66. MI. dle Tpke. Hours 10 a.m .4 p.m., Seven rooms—Pull basement, two years, a modara defenra force owiey. Manchester Ml. 8-5361. St.. RockvlUe. roflt of 1400,913,894. m addl- Including medium tanka, je t planes when, In the language of the joint brighter we can wash yonc cox Anawera to “EbWe.”_V^lclnity of 04544. 7:80-9 p.m. recreaUon room, oil heat, cast TOLLAND USTINOS WANTED-ShMo, two- Son. a ftotol of 187,110 fuglttvaa communique, be agreed: BucUand. M3. 9-6S17. l8$5~FORD nine pasaehj^r station S iron radlaUon, tile bath, laya- and trained troops totaling more with our'Wcavac Annunaric C » wagon. Fordomatic. Radio, heater, fomlly threo4amlly, nisInoiO hava been orraatad and ft0,087 than double the present 15,000 "To conalder the prevlglra'~of' Wather. Every car b~inihdiartfally Heating—Pludibing 17 tofy, wall to wall caipet In liv­ Near Vernon Line, under -coh- property. Have many cash buybrt. convioUona hava baan raobrdad In economic faclUtiea that would liOST—PASS BOOK No. JO Sr red and white. White wall tires. SitasUons Wsntsd— FIREPLA(H MANTLE, excellent f r e e z e r . Good condiUon. Rea­ ing room, dining room, GE strucUon, two three bedroom atrength. rarayed widi fresh water and aaUd Notice la hereby i^ven that Paaa Very clean. FiUgerald Motors. sonable. Call Ml. 3-5769. Mortgagea orrangoa. Please coll eaaoa invaattgatad by the FBI. 3. Also in exchange for con­ serve to augment the combined Male 39 condiUon, $20. MI. 3-4389. diahwaaher, garage; concrete ranches 24x42, with basement ga­ Qebrge L. Orostadlo, Rssltor, Ml. In looking over tha yaaro, one alms and Interests of the two detergent, and thotonghly hnnd Book No. aOQ4 iaaued by the Sav- Open evenings, ail day Sat.* and PLUMBING and heaUng—Repairs drive, combinaUon screen and rages. Price at 313,500. 0-0878. 100 Henry St, tinued ‘tlae of Dhahran, an eco- spoocM a ^ rtumoisad V e nstrse Inca Deparbnent of the Manchea- Sun. till 5. MEN’S SKATES, one pair 16” tntareatlng attend of the story has nomlo aid program which would countries.” and contract worn. Cau Ml. 9-8541. SOUD CHERRY buffet, excellent windows, awnings, 5% mprt- been'the FBI's relationship with nsa nardi *grw« that sal|^ ter Tniot Company has been lost tubular racers, size 8, one pair Many other listings available.. WANTED—Real' esu ta Ustingt. develop Saudi Arabia In a way T h e communique' announced 1956 OLDSMOBILE, coupe with CARPENTER WANTk smaU repair tubular hockey, size 10%, 34 each. condiUon, like new. MI. 94110. gage available. ' some of ths Ilborals and tha Intel- injure the fin iA o -o c ding w m and application hui been made to S. WATSON, PLUMBING and heat­ Help Wanted— Female Help Wanted— Mole 36 Help Wanted— Mala 36 jobs. (>iU MI. 9-9020. Contact TurUngton Bros. Roilty beneficial to both countries. planning already underway on said bank for payment of the Jetomatic, radio, heater, white MI. 9-9037. Spring delivery at Ansaldi ' For appointment call lactuala during tha Bureau's light 4. Opp^Uon by both the United military aid. Amounts and kinds water left over front a poavloos wall tires. Low mileage. Very ing contractor. New instoilations, FL0RBK<3E iX)t type heater. Al- Co.. SSI Crater 8L. Manchester. against communism. By all log­ e r a ...o r "hit-ot-aaita” aatantbly amount of depoatt alteration work and repair work. DUE TO EXPANSION we can a p p l ia n c e serviceman, career moet new. Will aeli for 315. MI. Helghta cm six room Ckilonials ML 8-1007, evenings ML 94680 or Stotea and Saudi Arabia to any of war goods were not discussed. clean. Fltogerald Moton, Inc., Tal- CARPENTER, first class only. See and five room ranches. WATSON REALTY ic, the liberal InteUaottial ahouTd use of force and a pledge to work, But it la known Saud wants more lioe medtodt. Ths op- MI. a-38oe. place Immediately four girls in In­ opportunity for mechanically in­ RUG AND gas stove, 47 Hollister 94439. ML 3-Tm. POUND—l ^ t brown male doj. cottvUle. Open Sat. and Sunday till teresting and diversified positions Newt Smith, K. of C. Job, Main Dogs-^Birds—Pets 41 THRALL RD., 'VERNON have Btood ahou)dar to ahoulder within the United Nations for medium tanks, some F86 je t planes eratioa of dw Watbra gstt tha }w Call I>e ftacchia, Dof Warden. 5. ______clined man to learn appliance re­ St. St. MI. 8-8748. ______Two-family— Oil steam heat, WANTED—A Cleon, olngle or two- with tha FBI In tta flgbt to ax- LLOYD’S PLUMBmO Service as­ with wholesale distributor. Five- pair business.. Good storting MAPLE PLATFORM' rocker, 315. TR. 5-7630, MI. 9-7885 Mldeaat peace. Ally aggreaalon and stepped up training, especially dons in M dbs dms nttdsd foe M3. S-4840.______sures'satisfaction, prompt service. BIRD, cat and dog oupplles, whole­ four and three, two complete family house In good location. Coll poM communlam ha tha moat ra- of pUote. 1956 ^FORD cuatomllne, excellent day 40 hour week. Full employe salary, top benefits, life time se­ sale and retail. DaUy 9 to 5 p.m. PHOTOLARGER enlarger, takes Maple bedroom set, 345. Chairs, against tarirltory or poUtleal Inde- mamial wadiing. CH. 7-6134,. MI. 9-6485. benefits. Centrally located between ■ NEWTON COMPANY 32 and up. Rocker, $3 and up. baths, city utilities, full bora- THRSIE BEDROOM Colonial. Eht- MI. 8-7700, actionary and tmparialtiUc move- pendenoa in tha area threatens The Imahran agreement Invokes POUND—Black and white male condition, will . sacrifice. MI. curity, 40 hour week, paid vaca­ ’Diesday, Thursday, Friday nights 35 mm to 2>4x8%, f 4.6 precision ment. Lot approximately Mx mint tha world h u . aver known. 9 cellrat condition. OU buriier. puppy with harness.-Call Lee 9-6367. Mancheater' and East Hartford. tion, many other benefits. Call lens, never used, 335. Phone MI. Fine cheat, 318. Two end tables, world peace and ahould ha opposed, a 5-year renewal provision In the Give yenr car that "Ukt iww* lode 55 ELM ST., MANCHESTER 7 to 9. Porterfield’a Route 6 and 336 a pair. Pine dropleaf dining 130. Revenue $170 per month. Amealte drive. 12x18 paneled WANTED Acreage, Many Ubaral Intellaotuala did today. Drive in loc onr i p m i f , FVacchio, Dog Warden. MI. 8-4540. , BloTliig—^Ttuehinc Roskln Distributors, 275 Park MI. S-lSSl. Ask for Mr. Carpenter. Chapel, South RUn<|Mr. JA 8-3391. 9-0524. . One Or 100 acres. Bolton; Cbven- they said conuact signed in 1951. The same Ave., East Hartford. BU. 9-9351, -table. AnUque tobies, chairs, Storm windows and serrans. kitchen, 8. foot bedroom clorato. atand by tha FBI. But among oU-point w ad jobi TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS Attic storage. 314,900. \try. Write Box B , Herald. othara titera waa antagonlam. The Sand SaUstted terms apply: Saudi Arabia retains l/)£rr—Gray male German Shep- Auto DrlvinK School 7-A Storage 20 DIESEL HEAVY Equipment —We MANCHESTER PET Grater, 995 wagon seats, china glass and SenalUy priced 312,900. CaU own­ 8. The United Stotea craaiders sovereignty over the field, but the - ...... bric-a-brac and picture frames. er. MI. 9-9535, after 4 p>m.. myth was bom that an attack on MANCHESTER Package Delivery. are seeking men in this area to WANTED Main St. S ft H Grera^amps Balldlng Materials 47 MULTIPLE USTTNG mokes avail­ communtsm waa an attack ra Saudi Arabia apiritually, geogra- U.S. Air Force can use It *o bese, LARSON’S DRIVINO School, CLAIMS INVESTIGATOR train for Diesel land Heavy Equip­ MI. 9-4373. Free parking, hm yoil Furniture Repair Service, Route CHARLES LESPERANCE able the combined services of 19 htcally anfl economtoally vitol. maintain and repair Its planea. Light trucking and package deliv­ Company needs machinista famil­ 83, Talcottville. Tel. MI. 3-7446, 311.000-^FIVE ROOM 1960 ranch. freedom of thought Mancboater'a only trained and ery. Refrigerators, washers and ment. High pay and future secur­ iar with tool room equipment, to want a pet—see u*.” O ^ n Mqn.,- USED LUMBER for sale. Special Aluminum storms, amesite drive, realtors to help sell your house. aud li aatiafled with Eknn- Saudi Arabian students a n taught 8-1807. ward. MI. 9-7620 Tha faoord auggaata that many MORIARTY BROS. certltied Inatniotor. For your aafO' stove movhig sp e i^ ty . Folding LIBERTY MUTUAL ity are the benefits of a trained make prototype and low quantity Sat. 94. Thurs. and Fri., 9-9. 2x4 under 8’ long, 30c each. SxO’s, WANT TO SELL. Best offer. Uv- exceUent condition, 256’ frontage. For information please coll Ozrl- hower'a Mldeaat plan to block airport maintenaace operation ty We are trained to teach proper­ and qualified Diesel man. If you ton W. Hutchins, MI. 94132, Intallactuala hava not baan willing Oommunlat . expansion through there. 901-8U CENTER STBEET cbdlrs tor rent. MI. 9-0763. INSURANCE CO. runs of parts and assemblies. Rea­ MANCHESTER Pet Center for all \&8’s, odd size doors and windows. ipg room rat, beds, tables, sewing Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, MI. to faco up to the cold truth, which ly. ML 9-6075. have mechanical aptitude, write sonable tolerances, alt benefits. Oito flooring, sheathing. Order machine, Dual-therm space heat­ 9 4 is r 9-4694. Member Manchea­ 9-4694. mlUtary-eoonomlo support and, In S' AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS gO. local to US for free Information without ybur pets and pet’s suppUes. Mi. SIX R o om Oilonlal, two years cdd. |a thla: Communlam la the brain effect, that he will urge his fellow Anmwmceiriepts 9-4373. S ft H green stamps. Open nowv Building now being demol- er with chrome pipes, Florence Fireplace, lavatory down, full bath ter Multiple Ltsting Service. child ot tha inatllactualo—Marx. LOST CONFIDENCE quickly re- and long diotance moving, pack­ ' haa an opening In our Manchea­ obligation as tb how you may be­ MI. 3-5104 WANTED—A TWO, three or four- Arabs to back it at an Arab "sum­ stored by a skilled, courteous In­ Monday - Saturday, 9 4 p.m. isheiTNat 86 Pleasant St., East hot water stove with chrome up. Hot water oU heat, copper family house in Mancheater, Oc­ Bngala and Lanin—and not of tha ntCXJMB TAXES prepared in yoim ing, storage. Call ML 8-5187. fUurt- ter office for a young woman come a part of this rapidly ex­ Hartfora,. Choman’s Housewreck­ pipes.also electric pump. BHectric mit conference" when he returns. structor. Professional teaching. ^ d CH. 7-1428. panding industry. Tractor Train­ SALAD MAN and dishwasher. Part Thursday, 9-9 p.m. plumbing, city utilities, porch, ga­ Lois Tor Sale cupancy not neceraary. Write Box tolling maaaaa, Communlam home or by wpolntinent Exper­ between the ages of 31 and 35 ing, or cuKM I. 9-2392. cooking stove, WesUnghouse re- rage, amesite drive, combinaUen didn't spring from tha workara aa Dammam la the port for Dltah- Manchester's leading driviM for inalde claims inveatigatlon ing Service, Inc., Box H, Herald. or full time. Apply Red Ember D, Herald. ran. It also la near the point where ienced tax work. OsU ML 8-4733. school. Call Mr. Mortlock. ML MANCHESTER — Moving and SEVEN MONTH old AKC regU frigrerator. Four new oil drums, windows, awnings. Excellent con­ LOT No. 22 on Elsrak St. 50x110. a liberal movement for paraonal work. Must have pleasing tele­ Restaurant, Route 6 ft 44A, Bolton. .tered male Boxer puppy. Call after OAK BOARDS rad 3x4s, 358 per curtains, drapes, etc. MI. 6-9115, X "tapllne," a SO-lnch ^pellna he- INCOME TAX prepared. Personal Pen 9-7898.______trucking Co. Ml. 8-6568. Owned Former HUlcrest location. diUon. Built W Ansaldi. Charles Inquire 420 Lake St. Selling due to and tntaUaotual freedom. phone personality and be capa­ 6 p.m. MI. 9-0428. 1000. 10’’ clapboards, 3150 per after 5 p.m. Lesperrace. Ml. 9-7620; Legal Notice lonilng to Arabian American Oil and busineas. Frank FarldopJ. MI. and operated by Walter B. Per- ble of composing business let­ 1000. George Grifflng. PI. 2-7888. illness. Bed ••SOlentUfo" Mind Oo. (Aramco), starts Its 1,068 MANCHESTER Driving Academy ett Jr ., and William J . Pickering. ■ STOCK BOY Commiunlam la a brllUantly 9-3815. guarantees results. Ehcpert instruc­ ters. Typing is required,' but THREE MEN to learn setup and COGSWELL PLATFORM rocker, STATE OF CONMECTICOT, Dlltrtct operate light and heavy punch LIVE, REHTRE, invest In Sunny of Esat Windsor, Februnry 8, 1H7, Pri>- thought out plan to deatroy tha tion, dual controlled car. Call MI. speed is not easentlal. For ap­ Young man over 18 years of age BOSTON TER R IER , six months including slip cover. Good condi­ ACTION WANTED! Florida. King-sized lots only 3399 bUe Court. SHOE FITTING aervice in your pointment call Mrs. Peterson to maintain stock supply of parts to presses. Apply Gunver Manufac­ bid. AKC registered. MI. 34350. Uon. 313.60. Two wooden kitchen old world and build a new one In home. “Lecnard'a Shoes” will fit 9-5763 or PI. 2-7249. Day or eve­ Painting—Paneling 21 —37.60 do'wn, 37.60 month. E>ee . Prssent, Hon. Edward R. Kuahn, which ’The Party" will be tha cen­ ning apiwintments. in our Manchester office. asaemblera. Must have ,ability to turing Co., 234 Hartford Rd. Six-Maiith chairs, one wooden rocker, $4 lot. Owners are anxious to dispose of colorful brochure. Write San Ctor- Judso. NOTICE any member of your family. Fqr REFINISHING ceilings, 'painting, maintain stock records. Excellent SETTER PUPPIES, born Jsn. 2, MI. 9-4335. thera properties. All In central Id­ Upon ths applleaUon of Richie tral, all-powarful brain ruling the anptdntment call Ml. 9-5036. 1957, best bloodlines. Bill Dougan, loe Title Co., 2058 McGregor Blvd. Deveran, Administratrix of the estate world’s milUons. I t is a dictaior- paper hanging, wallpaper books. MI. 3-1161 opportunity for ambitious, energet­ MACHINISTS— Experienced, good eations, immediate occupancy. All Ft. Myers, Fla. of James E. Deyeran, late of South A pubUo haarln; wlU be held Fully Insured. Tel. EJdward R ic young man. starting salary, benefits, 55 hour Andover. Tel. PI. 3-5850. ^ TRAININ6 good, clean properties. We can stiU Windsor In said District, tor an order ihtp by the •'•oientiflo" mind, by the Town Planning Commis­ Garages->^ScrTice—Storage 10 week. G.T.K. Corp., 678 Tolland Musical Instnunents 53 of sale of such interest as decedent which uses tha workers as a MAGIC Price. ML 9-1008. arrange FHA and VA mortgages had at the Ume of hla decease In and sion In the Hearing R« of the CLERK TYPIST St., East Hartford. JA. 8-8438. « COURSES with 20% cash down. Suburban Pbr Sale 75 to certain real estate parUcularly de­ maana to an and. Marx and Lan­ Municipal Bblldlng, Mancheater, PAINTING AND paperhanging. GRAY MANUFACrrURING liiTCSteet—Vehicles 42 scribed In said aroUbttlm; it la in and thoaa who foUowad them fO fsn evening oC-Tflesaant enter ARAGE TO RENT. 87 HolUster Excellent position In our clerical USEID PIANO, in excellent condi­ Connecticut, Monday evenlhg, tainment at your next social gath- Good clean workmarimip at rea­ AGGRESSIVE for 112 WaddeU R d .^ l2,900-T h ree ANDOVEH LAKE)—It’s a real buy ORDERED: That said application be undaratood thla wall. February 18, 1957, a t 8 PM . on St. M3. 8-5745. sonable rates. 30 years In Man­ department now available. We are CO. \ WE BUY COWS. «olfs and beef tion. Kemp’s, Inc. MI. 3-5680. bedroom colonial. for. 316,500 when you crasider five heard and determined In the rooms of Tha top command ot the FBI haa «tlng or banquet. looking for an energetic young lady HILLIARD ST., MANCHESTER SALESMAN cattle, also entire herds. Call said Court at Wapptng, In said District, subdivisions tiUed: chester. Raymond Flske. AH. MUSIC Instrumental, rental. Com­ rooms, three bedrooms, plus fur­ on the 15th day of February, 1967 at no tlluslong that communism can be "Map of HlUstown Heights, SOCIETY MAGICIAN . 9-9237. to be trained with full salary - to "A GOOD PLACE TO WORK” OVER 40 PREFERRED PeUa Bros. Ml. 3-7405, . 93 Hawthorne St.—313,506— Four nace room, 75 ft. frontage on the 3 o'clock In the afternoon, and . that destroyed tn the United Btatea by M ^ C E L start. Applicant must be high plete line of instruments. Rental room Cape with shed dormer. public nnllce be stven to all pereon* HUlstown Road, Mancheater, Sarttord AD. 8-1378, Ext. 381 Busineas Services Offered 13 FOR lake, 320 ft. deep, outolde patio, tbs' Investigation, proaerution and CEHUNGS, Wa l l s painted eve­ school graduate with good typing EXPERIMENTAL applied to purchase price. Repre­ Interested In sala estate to appaar. It Conn.; property of John Howard; 499 Woodbridge St.—315,500—Sbe with fireplace,, attractive sur­ they see cause, and be heard thereon, conviction ot Communist Party F PROTECTED TERRITORY senting (3lds, Selmer, Ped- nings, Saturdays. Call alter 6 p.m. ability. Opportunity for advance­ rounding honies. This is vacant, by publlshlnx a copy ot thle order In Scale 1"—100': February 1957; SHEET METAL ler and Bundy. Metter’s Music room ranch with garage. a newspaper having a circulation tn leaders who conspire to overthrow CONTROLLED GENERAL house wiring, all kinds. MI. 9-642S. ment. Liberal employe benefits, — HIGH EARNINGS Immodiata Opaning immediate occupancy available. the government by force and vio­ Hayden L. Griswold, C. E ." CaU P I 3-6888 after 6 p.m. five day week. Call YOUNG MAN Studio, 177 McKee. MI. 3-7500. said Probate District, and by sending "Map of Woodslda Acres, Wood- AAI manufacturer expanding TRAINEES 278 Parker St.—316,300—Six room Hazel Floyd, Real Estate, An­ a like copy of said oNer by cerUfted lence. 13iat la tnaraly one phase of for training in retail store; Will colonial with baaement garage. dover, Conn. PL 3-7682, MI. 94650. mall, postage prepaid, addressed to the job. slda Bt., Mancheater, Oran.; prop- ••FOR MEN • a.m. to 12 aooa Manchester. aa” have lost thatr rights and • AutomebOes for Sale 4 A M. Rubbish RemovaL MI. m. six day week, 25 to 60 years Knowledge of math essential. man or experienced businessman. In Bolton in a secluded ratting, whatavar chonoa they had for par­ Advt No. 3415 9-9767. end bills Into an easy-to-pay sec­ ond mortgage loan costing only a old. Apply to DieUtian, 1-3 p.m. Must have own tools and standard An interview with our Vice Presi­ new 5% room ranch with basement As 157 Make Donations aonal dignity. m BEFO R E TOO BUT a used car dent can be arranged. garage, \ acre, filing for 316,500. _____ , • ' , 'ft CHUOC’S RADIO and T.V. Service. penny a month for each dollar you dally. Manchester Memorial Hos­ instruments. Pleasant working con­ ROOM FOR RENT. Girl between Tha record aaema eryatol clear. see Oormaa Motor Salea. Bulck 151 North Main S t Small appU- owe. Call Frank Burke at CH. pital. ditions. Many employe benefits. Write: Vice President,- 4080 W. PRAH R WHITNEY 20-28. CtoU. ML 9-8643. For the flrat time in raveral^rtunde, Robert B. Schettler, Ehr- Communlam waa concalvad by ra< Balea and Sarvice, 386 Main ancaa repaired. ML 8-5617. rest- 6-8867 days or JA 0-5553 evea.sCon- 150th St., Cleveland, 11, Ohio. FIRST T, J. CROCKETT, Realtor montha, Manchester’s Red Croes neat Scott, Mr*. Madeline Scran' actionary Intallactuala and ocm' Straet ML 9-467L Oimh avenings. dence ML i 8j84960. hecUcut Mortgage Exchange. SERVICE WILCO MACHINE TOOL CO. AIRCRAFT ' Office - MI. 3-1677 Bloodmobile quota of 150 pints Con, Irvin H, Secor, Ernest J. munifm must be dastroyad by lib- MI. 9-6258______DESIGNERS ■— Elxperienced for NATIONAL BANK Aputnento-r>F1ats— was topped as 157 donors partici­ NEED A CAR? Short on a down new product development. The Division of United Aircraft Residence -• MI. 9-7751 Smith, Mrs. Ada M. Sullivan, arol IntaHaetuala. The liberal in con DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, REPRESENTATIVE • OF MANCHESTER Teneaaentn «3 Member MLS of Manchester pated In the program yesterday. Hyatt Sutilffe, Mrs. Elsie Swan­ and muat reach tha mind of men payment or bad your credit turned copied, vacuum cl^uiera. Irons, Rusinera ODOortonities 32 Newton Ck>., 55 Elm St., Manchea­ Corporation ANra? Don’t give up! For a good SHIPPING (XERK. Large tire ter. MI. 8-5104. 595 MAIN ST. ' Of the 194 appointments which son, Miss Gertrude S"/eeney, Ward with a counter-logic to commu guns, ate., r e p a id . , Shears, Girl over' 21 for inside m^ufacturer. 40 hour week, va­ FOUR ROOM apartment with were made, 123 were kept. Fifty- deal—not thru a amell loan com- AVAILABLE immediately. Man- East Hartford 8, Connectient furnace, $50. Oarage available. WEST CENTER St.—Three J . Taft, Robert W. Taylor, Charlaa nitm, with a loglo which.restores knives, m owm , etc., put Into con­ policy holder contact work cation, group insurance, reUre- two walk-in donors also gave man’s faith tn himralf hla tree lnsti< pany-^aee "B arry” at 883 Main dition for coming needs. Bralth- . cheater, Oinn. One of the top loca­ 'M I. 3-1460. young Immaculto Cape Ood| ex­ H. Warren, Ernest WeltUch, Mrs. 8 t (Formerly Douglea M oton)., tions that will bring operator far In Manchester office' of ment. Apply Mr. Oiappelle, Fire­ blood, while 18 prospective donors Lois WiUiaihs, Walter R. Williams, tutlona and tha Ideal that paraonal ' waits. 63 Pearl Street. stone Tire and. Rubber Co., 125 MANUFACTURER pansion attic. Aluminum windows ■were rejected becaura of minor above livefage net profit. Oppor­ Liberty Mutual Insurance FIV E ROOM completely furnished and screens. Hot water oU heat Gilbert L. Wilson Ir., Mrs. Doro­ freedom and govarament by layv 3954 BUICK CENTURY, two tone, tunity for person who qualifies McKee St., East Hartford. , ’ AAA— 1 , flat Including T V , first floor, oil ailmrats. ■hall not perish from thla earth. white walls, very aharp! Good con OONDER’8 T.V. Service, available Company. Must have pleas­ HERE IT IS Fireplace, baramept garOge. Good A new system haa been put in­ thy Wood, Roland Wood. Mrs. any time. . Antenna conventona. to own their own buainesa and be ing telephone personality 1. ’SALARY PLUS steam heat, gardge, hot water, size yard with trees. On bus line, Hielma 'oodbridge, William I, In tha whble atniggla, The FB I dition. ML 9-8038. ' assured of future security. Ck>m- lease, excellent locaUon. Call MI. to effect where donors may make rapreaenta tha paopla'a effort to Philco factory supervised aervice. and abUlty to write busi­ 2. EXPENSES PLUS lEAUTY COMFORT VALUE • near school and churches. Asking Woodin,Alsa HKdur Zawistowskl, TeL AO. 9-14M. plete training given. Brand ‘ new 34458 up to 5 p.m. After 6, PI. 315,500. To inspect phone Barbara appointments for the next Ume achieve goveniment by law. It la 1953 CADILLAC hardtop coupe S. COMMISSION they will be able to donate blood. Mrs. Robert Zelser, Jo) Zelenak Two tone jpreen. ' Full Cadillac equipment furnished at two-thirds ness letters. Typing is rer PROFESSIONAL 4. NO EXPERIEN CE We are privileged to offer this old home In Andover Center, on 2-7018. Woods Agency. ML 9-7702. and Mrs.. Helen M.* Zimmer. an agency of Justice. And tha F B I CLEAN AND paint those gutters oMlnary cost. National organiza­ % ncre of land, with two-car garage and barn. Last night 76 appointments were equipment. Recent trade on 1956 quired but speed is not es­ SALES CAREER NECESSARY Walk-ta Donors tn tha future will ha aa strong or now.. Avoid costly repairs later. tion of locally owner stores serving 10 rooms, 1 dbwn, .$ np. 2 bntbs, old Srepuces In Ubmry nnd PORTER STREET SacUOD— made for the MAy 7 visit, while aa waak aa the paopl* demand It tb Cadillac. .Very clean inside snd AU. 8-1883. sential. A ^ rl with inlUa- 5. HOSPITALIZATION AND Businesa Locations 15 were made for the June 17 Ellizabeth Alvord, Grace Agnew, ou t Bob Oliver at Center Motors Kwik-Shakes, Frozen Dairy Prod­ OPPORTUNITY LIFE INSURANCE den. Original oak Soor la den, formerly osei^as an office. Some 5 room single^ in excellent condi­ be. No more. No less. ucts and Kwlk-Foods. ThU one Uve and enthusiasm, capa­ of the rooms need redecorating. F o r R e n t 64 tion. Flreplaoe, O.E. furnace. Two- visit. Mrs. Charlotte Anderson, Kenneth Sales for the best in used cars. 461 REFRIGERATION oalea and serv> ble of working , on her own in a. YEA R END VACA-riON- car garage, many othar extras. 8. The next BhxxhnobUe jd s lt wil? Byrne, Sylveoter Bamea, Paul ,5, (The Knd.) Main St. ■can be yours for only 35,800 7. RAPID ADVANCEMENT Large old treeo enhaaM the eetUng, and shrubs and ffowera Ice. Commercial, household, air initial investment. Write or phone will fln^ii the work interest­ ESTATE PLANNING add to the charm of the grounds; BRICK BUILDINa. two blocks A. Beechler. Agent. ML 8-69M. be March 8 at Crater (!k»grega- Buetlner, Jacob Oieney, Eleanor conditioners, freesers. A. and W. 8. WORK IN AND AROUND from Main S t Approximately 2800 Uonal Church from 12;45 to 5:30' Coltman, Ralph Ooleman, Stella HEADHUNTCBR 3964 STUDEBAKER Champion club Co. Kwik-Shake, P. O. Box 194, Elm­ ing and varied.«_ College An outstanding buy for 318,000. and you can move lit Immedi­ RefrigeraUen AU. 9-1237, AU. wood. Conn. AD 2-3988. ‘ GREATER HARTFORD ately. ■ sq. ft, of floor space. Close to ARE YOU ready to make a move? pm. Cote, Ralph Clifford, Oilmoura MItsraukae ei‘ately in heed of five or seen ^ 4>pointmeht only. Call Hralihy, Jooqih F. Hildreth, O. Leo Entdrpriam C A N D Y CO out. Fltogerald MotorsL Talcott- WALTON W. GRANT AGENCY carport metered water six room first floor apartment In MI. 9-7091. Hogan, 'Vftlliam Hollander, Carl vina. formerly Brunner s. Open FURNITURE repairing and refin- For a young lady, general office BOOKKEEPER Specializing la HOMES—City, Country nnd Farms . Manchester. Good references. TR. Howland, John C. Hughea, Mr*. aveidngs, all day Sat. and Sun. Ishing; antlquea restored. Furni­ full basement all copper plumbing Henderson, Ky. (F)—The city of work! Light dictation, typing. This Member: MULTIPLE USTINO SklRVlCE 5-2071. TWO FAMILY, aluminum stanno, Gaozge Hunt,. Carl Hunter, Mrs. tiU 8. ture Repair Service. Talcottville. Is a growing firm and in the proc­ tile bath formica counters a'wnings, sundeck, buUt '1948, two- Mratha James, Harry Jansen, Rob­ Henderson has a tenant farmef. - AO. 8-7449. Pesitioii eptii for on 606 ANDREWS BUILDING—68 EAST CENTER STREET ess of expanding. Good opportunity Vi BXECUTIVE would like two or car garage, amealte drive, 316,900. ert Johns,. The Board qf Conuniraloners Has The Largest 3908 CHEVROLET hardtop Bhl Air to advance. Five day week. Hours MANCHESTER—Ml S-U5S acre lots lake privileges three bedroom single home In Carlton W. Hutchins, m . 94183, proved a contract parmltth poarenHide, radio, heater, very WEAVING of buma. moth holes Mrs. Annette Johnston,, !.Bvtfyik raoM, 9-5. Wilt consider part time days. •xparimeod m«m wifli ample closets Japanese oak rabineti| suburban Hartford. JA . 2>2765. , 9-4694. Mefttber Manchester Multi­ GranviUa Read to jilan t Cora on ■ sharp. Fit^rald Motors. ' and tom clothing, booiery ple listing Service. JohnsUm, Dr. Robert Kennon, Mrs. aersa of elty-owaad land naxt . handbags repaired, slpper re­ Apply to Mr. Shear RENT WANTED for. small famUy. Florence Klppax, Robert KiigMuc,- apring. ' Selection of Hearts 3961 FORD 4-door, radio, heater. placement, umbre)laa repaired, a pro^rouhft iimi. Three 'bedrooms needed. Write MANCHEKTEIR — Two-famUy, 4 Mrs. Frances Klein, Norman Klo- Vary aharp. Look H over, Flts^ men’s shirt collars reversed and 47 AUyn St., Hartford, Conn. tar. Ward Kriuiaa, Claire LaReUe, The City and Read wlU split tha. JA . 7-7134 Box AZ, Herald. and 8%. E !xtn lot. Steam hrat. coat of fartillu r' and the aead. gcrsld Motore, TalcottvU14^ For- reptoced. Marloaf’a Uttl# Mend­ Porches. Fniit trees. Near bus, Atty. John LaBeUe, Mrs. Mildred InMarKhester mdrly Bninner’a. Open yil 9. ing Sbop. Writ* Rax W Price $13,990 TheyTl also divy up proceedo from ESTABLISHED territoiT' for Avon school and Patkade. Tsl. Ml, Larran, Mrs. Marlon LeMay, Gil­ sale of the coni. Honaes Fw Sale 72 bert fjewia, 'WUber little, Archie 3980 CADILLAC Model 63. driven FLAT FINISH Holland window Ooemetica now open in Manches­ Tbt Harold VA, $290.00 dew»— $94.S4 moatMy costa 94168 oFBU. 94564. only St J)00 mllea. It'e real aharp. ter. Customera waiting for service. livlngBton, Gustave Magnuson, shades, made to measure. All HAVE btEDIUM priced bouraal ^ ' M A N C H E S T ^ Mrs. Samuel Maltempo, Eidward FUigarald Motors, Inc.. Former­ metal- Venetian blinds at a new High income available to you. Call WANTED FHA, $1,990.00 down $89.14 montMy costa J^ a . Ehccellrat locations. J . D: PRIcisD FROM 3 9 c 'to $ 5 . $ 0 ly Brnitoer’s. Open tUl 9 p.m., all ML 34195. Martin, Robert' Maoaler, Mrs. > low price. Keys made while you Realty Oo„ J 2.««8S ' V ftead Hermid Advi^ ■■ 4 . ■ . v.\' ■ i ’fT ■ a « / ■ ' ■r.

Average Daily Net Pr jse Ron SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 The Weather PAGB SnCTEE!! For tiw Week Ended . February 9. 1087 Foraeaat of ll. 8 . Wsetlu r Oatene

baby sitters and made concert 1 2 ,4 9 0 Fair, coMer tonight Lew 6-18. plans. She could not be disap- Salk Interest Fstr, eonttaaed cold Tuesday. High A bd iitT ow n pointed., ■’ -'Member of the Audit t Bureau of CSrculaGoB iaSOsi • Heard Along Main Street A call to a friend who lalso had D ' ' O Monchester-^A City o f Village Charm The GlMnetm Circle of U^e a ticket he would not use appeared Spark Sought (- 8re pressing business while the the house. n-.any persons as possible inocu­ If they would adpiit it. the as­ lated against polio before the epi- Willis. Flag Etiquette, booklets sessor and his staff are prpbably clothes were being washed. The diy endej on a -peac^ble.. INQUIRE Bored? Tired? Ir the meantime, some ac.tyiCne ncte when the missing ticket demi” seasons set in. Canal’s Use Reds Seek were also distributed to the boys. the last people in town who wanted Fire Takes Past Presidents Gertrude Bt chan- a revaluation, considering the torch work was being done on found in the baby’s pockei' ■ 'While' Dr. Keeney ssli' the lo­ what will eventually become a Wasn't it clever the Way she put cal medical association would be LITHUANIAN HAU Try This ^Qjie an and Helen Beebe, and Junior headact^u It brought them. 24 Goiwiiy St. — Manebester Vice President Laura EJeabert, also padded cell. The cell room, located it there? , a willing to set up any kind of Guaranteed Friendship Fimt, the staff had, to-guess near the arag naturajly became And so closes another chapter program the people want, he ex- MI 9^185—MI 3-8188 Life of Man • ^tended. when they made a buget request - Denver, Feb. 11 CTl—WheS\ filled With smoke—and so did the ill the lire of OUp^i^tainlly dowir pr.*Bsed favor of vaccination by .....,...... ' . - how much extra help they would garage when the motor became the street. time hangs heavy and you Tickets for the Buckley School family piiysiclans. want to enliven a group dis­ need and how much it would cost, overheated. The rommitUie head outlined For Britain W ith Bonn PTA Valentino danbe will be on how many extra cards would be cussion, try this one: In Winsted sale tonight at the door. Bud Several people working in the Pawn That Refresh some problems which might be In­ needed. building commented 'on the exces­ The case of the^prowllng oat had If a man flies around the Hewitt’s orchestra wlil play for volved in setting up a mass inocu­ London, Feb. 11 (/P)—For-, world in 45 hours and 19 min­ By BOY ESSOYAN Then there was the business of sive smoke, thinking something a few Oak St. car owners buffaloed lation schedule. From now to the Milford, Feb. 11 .(/P)—A square dancing, roimd dancing and learning a new system' with thsee miut be burning, but the smoke this week, and the solution seems eign Secretary Sehvyn Lloyd utes, yet watches the sun rise MoWow, F'eb. 11 (i'Pj-T- elimination dancing from S:30 to end of Polio Vsccln. -ton Week, all PSTOWN and set three times in that polio-stricken father, barely types of property lists, ' nqw was passed off as coming from the nowhere near. announced today Britain has Preniiei' Nikolai Bulganin, in 1J:80. Refreshments will be served! doctors, regal dless of their spe­ ■ ■ PHARMACY able to walk, sobbed hysteri­ techniques in building assessment, cell block. Monday morning, the car own­ received assurances her ships period, is he two or three days a letter to West German cialty, will ^ geared to give polio 489 Hartford Rd.—Ml 9-9943 older? cally today as two of his new types of assessment cards. However, when the smoke be­ ers opened their garage doors and shots to any patient, he said. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer fu»« Priscilla R. Griffin, 1S« came wmrse it was decided a check noticed “ cat prints" all over the Communist Party public relations chief Simon Gerson Is cupping will be allowed through the MaJ. Gen. Archie J. Old Jr., TTierp was worry over whetljer He also stressed the advisabil|t}' young children burned, to Green Manor , Rd., received a the revaluatfon would be ready in should be made around the build­ trunks of their cars. One driver his hands to make -himeelf heard In New York aa he tells assem­ Suez Canal once that blocked commander of the 15th Air published in Moscow tonight, < bachelor of arts , degree at the ing. Sure enough, there was the even reported cat prints as high of making appointments. bled newsmen that the press is barred from the 16th national con­ Force, confes.ses that’s got him called for a new era of friend­ death on the second floor of time, worry over whether an ex­ In a letter wliich delegates were :OPEN: waterway is cleared. midyear convocation this morn­ tension would be granted, worry motor smoking away. as the door handle on the driver's vention-of the American Communist Party. He told the House of Commons a little puzzled. And he has ship, cooperation and trade their home. ing of the University of Pennsyl­ over what-effect delay would have Everything was brought under aide. Either there is an acrobatic asked to read to, members of their reason to mull it over because Dennis Harrigan, 26, only last groups, the Poliomyelitis Advisory Egypt gave the assurances to tlie between the Soviet Union and vania, Philadelphia. on the South Manchester Fire Dis­ control without the assistance of cat prowling around, or a mighty United Nations, which relayed he led the three Air Force B52 week learned to W lk again. trict. the fire department, and when the tall one. Committee says all children previ-|. ^ L L D AY: • jet bombers making a non­ West Germany. His 23-year-old wife and 4-year- ously vaccinated in school should them to Britain. old son, Dennis Jr., escaped from Members o f St. Margaret’s Clr- Hien came the inquires long be­ smoke'cleared up, ^ lice were left Passage of British ships, he add­ stop. flight around the globe Abandoning the threats and in­ " elei Junior Daughters of Isabella, fore the completion of revaluation, without q washing machine. A New Remedy receive boo.ster doses of vaccine. last month. He was here to tell vective which have marked recant the burning 2-story stucco home, American Reds Map ed, would be allowed “in accord­ Soviet declarations on West Ger­ not far from Long island Sound. are reminded of the recreation day as to how much the assessment Good spot for an aggressive Want to get rid of that V-inter All children should stri-t their ^ U N D A Y i ance with the 1888 convention”— Air Force Academy cadets tomorrow afternoon from .2 to 5 would.be for a particular proper­ laundryman, no? . cold? vaccinaii ns before they are a about the flight .yesterday.. many. Bulganin promised "profit­ Dead were their two chUdren, the old treaty guaranteeing the able" — but unspeoificd—lrade and Mazy Ellen, 2 months, and Kevin, o’clock at the Blast SI ‘ Rec. Bas­ ty, how much to raise the rent, Just follow the practice of a year old, the committee advises. right of interhatiorml ti.sage of -the j ketball and jnvimmlng facilities etc. Bubbler-fb.- Grownups Dr. Keeney said the immediate the good offices of the Soviet Union ''The kids miut be smaller now­ Hartford Rd. grocery store pro­ Policies for Future canal. j in the solution of "the main nation­ Harrigan, who only recently re- will be available. There was the problem of try- prietor. His experience happened aim is to have patients get their British newspapers had express- i adays,” a gentleman said as he flrst two of three shots before the al problem of the German people" turned to his law pracUce, and la in* to control an operation going by accident, but It uncovered a ed belief Egyptian President Nas- i Ike to Meet —reunification. a member of the toWn council, told Membem of the Alplna Society on in two places. because there was w'slKlng along the corridor remedy he heretofore had not epidemic season. Those shots will from the new high school audi­ ser would seek to keep British > ‘ The letter, delivered in Bonn firemen he awoke to find the kitch­ are asked to meet tomorrow night wasn't enough room in one for all known. markedly reduce the presence of New Yorlt, Feb. 11 (JP)— •/dr-.te the Communist party and torium after- the concert lest paralysis he said. ships out of the canal even after! last Fridaay, carried a hint of the en a mass of flames. at 7:30 at the John B. Burke Fti- the people and all the equipment. He has had a cold that threat­ fWllot Photo The American Communist! its isolation. the watonvay wa.s cleared, an op- - Sunday. While Dr. Keeney said there is tone the Soviet government will Tallest to Dhahran Other than Utat, he and his wife neral Home to pay respects to . The last worry was the wonder ened to confine him to bin bed, but MRS. UAR^ FREDERICK CLAIR Rusco eration expected to be fully com -, M acm illan take in its major foreign policy He must have been talking .little or no . state-purchased free party worked in convention transformation of the party The Air Forces’s tallest general. Brig. Gen. Dale O. Smith, and were t<» grief-stricken to answer Mm. Angelina Zaldera, who was a over whether the Grand List he showed up every day to take plcted in Ma.v. declaration scheduled for the Su­ questions. member of the society. would balance out with so many about the he’ght of the water Vaccine available, there is an on future policy’' questions to -. (nto a political or educational aa- his 5-year-old son "Chipper" relax in their .Washington home fountains, And ’ ' he was, he was care of his custom Mixed white flowers formed the<.-sheath dress with matching acces- Qombinofion Windows Egypt scuttled ships in the-canal preme Soviet (Parliament) tomor­ after the general was named the new chief of the U.S. military B'lre officials didn’t know how changes and so many persons do­ One recent morning he found abundance of commercial vaccine day after rejecting proposals ‘ aoetatii n at the time of the abortive British- row. ing the preliminary work. echoing sentiments c :p*essed by setting at St. James' CHiurch at 10 1 sorles and the mother of the bride- In doctor's offices and in the drug i '■3. That, although we oppose In Bermuda assistance and advisory group in Saudi Arabia and new com­ the fire started; They said there himsetf minus his voice. Taortly o'clock this morning for the -wed- Dior blue allk faille and Doors, At Now that it reorganize into a “ non- French attack on Egypt la.e auditorium wing elated, and the traditional bridal; When leaving on a wedding trip . PRINCE the party will continue to follow foiAvard...... In this discussion are re­ emrar. ----- * ^ t 2 6 -2 7 with-FTHich Premter—Gurt ■'the graatiiess nf-Germany;"—arn? ■out and found Harrigan on hia The Coming Thing at normal elevation. and kicked a bottle -e f amonia music was played by Mrs. Jane j to an unannounced destination, the the-Moseow Xlarxist-Lenlhlst line viiionjgt in character.' However. "the broad-minded statements and knees beside the biasing house, We have drive-in banks and t the floor. Maccarone. * ; bride will wear a turquoise woolen i m a t c h e b RLli or adopt a more independent It would be wTong to label all Against Sanction* j Arriingcments for the meetrng.s |speeche.i of Germany's past.” sobbing hysterically that the two Naturally, the bottle shattered, Given in marriage by her father. ■ sheath dress with black and white i A. 0. ARONSON drive-in movies, and before long What’s Up Dec?- ' District Agent—Ml 9-4886 “American road to socialism." proposals for change in name and LLoyd said Israel’s evacuation of | underscore efforts to heal differ- He offered the Germans a trade On Anti-Israel Step younger children were on the sec­ there may even be drive-in barber and the contents left a peculiar the bride wore a gown of antique accessories. After Feb. 18. the PERFUMES The convention decided after forn> as revisionist per se." her remaining positions on Egy]>- ences which developed between agreement, "ronsldcrable increase ond floor porch. Harrigan is not The charm of domestic life Is odor ip , the sto-.c. Elvery window Duplon silk re-embroidered alen- couple will be at home in Bolton. | Roy Harrington—JA 8-SM2 shops or, better yet, drive-lh big never so well exemplified as on a The Bartlett-Bralnard Co. two hours, of discussion yesterday Proponents of the change had tian soU Should be accompanied by 1 the United States on the one hand ; In exchange of goods.” and a con­ able to climb stairs. lea^ e baseball. was -thrown open, to' let in fresh con lace, trimmed with seed pearls | Both the bride and bridegroom ; .Arthur Dni{ Stores that the pXHy should retain its a guarantee from Eg>-pt that Is -! and Britain and France on the j vention on cultural, scientific and quiet Sunday. The yearning which air. at the Sabrina neckline. It had a graduated from Manchester High ■ 'W est Hartford, Conn. argued that the party’s member­ Mrs. Harrigan, who had taken These things take time, but two lies within all of us for hair-rais­ present fornt as a political party raeli shipping could freely use the'; other as a result of the Suez Canal ' technical .ooneration. No details Washington, Feb. 11 (/D — ^Hammarskjold's report, which It took a couple of hoqi-s to deel> fitted bodice, long fitted Sebook The bride graduated from i ship had fallhn from 80,000 -to Dennis Jr. from the hmtse. at­ undaunted local men gave a whirl ing adventure is pushed, on such a rather thafi dtaaolve into a po­ 20,000-25,000 since 1945 under the gulf of Aqaba. I crisis. i or terms were specified. Israel’s Ambassador Abba made these points: tempted to get back lit but she clear the lUr, but the store keeper ■leeves and bouffant skirt extend­ St. Francla* Hospital School o f ! litical action association. There has been talk In tl)e Uni- i Formal, announcement of the j Blban said after a meeting tilth 1. Israel had failed to make clear this week at hurrying up complete Sunday, deepeat in the back­ ing in a chapel sweep.-. Her veil of present organisation and name, He said "we consider this just was held back. Two policemen adaptation Of the drive-in method. ground. didn't mind the wait. When things Nursing, and la now on the staff at I Even proponents of tlie associa­ ted Nations that sanctions ' might • conferences, forecast some time | I'Dlratlon (reunification) with Secretary of State Duile* to- whether it would pull its civil ad­ Imported silk illusion was attach­ Manchester Memorial Hospital.: and that a ppUtical action group tried repeatedly to reach the sec­ On Sunday, one man tried mak­ And when ,we sit 'fn a living were back to normal, he realised tion Idea went along witli the ma­ be imposed against Israel unless ago, came as efforts continued toj sincere sympathy and are ready as <6,v that hi* government ron- ministration, os well as ils troops, ond floor but flames beat them he had regained the use of his ed to a lace cap with seed pearls The bridegroom is a senior at the i would have a wider appeal among Israeli troops evacuate the Gaza I get Israel to w/Jhdraw its troops j tlnues to demand “ concrete ing a drive-in telephone booth out room chair with the family pet and sequins. She carried a semi- jority, but they pbtahueq. agpech workers and fdriners. before to cooperate in all possible out of the Gaza Strip, It ths U.N, back. ^ PINE of a walk-in booth in front of tha dosing at pur feet and the aroma vocal' ( rds, and his head had University of Connecticut. Upon I mtnt that the association form Strip and ’ positions along ' the rfrom Egypt. |ways with the German prople in and tangible guarantee*” ite- found ways to safeguard Israel’s cascade bouquet of orchida and graduation in June, he will be com­ iore withdrawing it* forre* Neighbors jtried to get to the Southern New , Ekigland Tele­ of the cooking dinner wafting our cleared considerably. Btephanotis. be left opeh to further study. mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. | James C. Hagerty. White House the aoliition of this pro'flem." Interests'. When he clos^ up at night, he missioned a second-- lieutenant in Lloyd Bald It would be wrong press secretary, said Elisenhower from (iaza and the !>*’• President Nasser Blast Spreads Flames transitory. Mary Lou Potter. 118 Park St., ^ lutloh. It said “predominant Wall operation to the two gdvernment(j would be permitted on the Israeli who probably wishes he had writ­ The quiet life’s the thing. STARTING MONDAY Street foroes, whose policies are without the other part of the pic­ tain's Prime Minister, will meet of German ' in the'solution of the would be Insfflelent, hr nald. side of the border. 4 Firemen said the fire w u well ten a letter instead. Like Grand Central and Mtsa Pauline Gagnoh, Moosup, ture being covered.” He added: in Bermuda at the President's sug. underway when they arrived, and Last Sunday was a normal one Vire attired alike, in pole violet reflected in the Elisenhower w’ing Crisis Seen in problem of reunification,” but did 1, .. J ------Zr ®gyPt re-affirmed prl- P IN E L E N O X On Monday, another driver in a local household up the street. Manohester’s intellectuals amnest man, and ushers wei^e 9A.M.tel P.M. their fellow-traveling-tie with the civil and military.” He suggest­ Winston Churchill, then Britain’s viet refu-sal to p j:-..;it free elections Rffkea for guidance ai to what he ; pricen dropp^ sharply today with \’entlon is being held. Some of the Communists/ ed that neither Egyjjt nor Israel Prime Minister, and Joeeph Laniel, That chang^ the day. happened to park in on -the Brook­ John Bennett, 143 Summit St., and PINE PHARMACY plckeU threw egga that splashed throughout the -divided country.) should do next. t prices- ranging up to $3 a share The search for the ticket proved The leftwingers, headed bv Pie­ had clear title to Uie strip, which then French Premier. B ulletins field St. side of the school, you Robert Lewis, 39 Turnbull Rd. 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. against the front doors to the hall. Shortly before announcement of He had no suggestions on this for leading Issues. N otice fruitless. The baby, no doubt, had could hear acquaintances yelling The mother of the bride chose a 664 CEN nR ST. M l 9.9814 tro Nennl.woted almost unanimous­ extends along the Mediterranean beyond a continuation of his con­ Trading volume increased as The pickets, described as in­ ly in Venice to remerge with their near the southern border of Is­ arrangeiuents for the two con­ from the AP Wires taken it. No telling What she did to eacn other: "What's going on akipper blue peau .de sole silk cluding some recent refuteea fro.^ tacts with Israeli and Egyptian the decline deepened after a mixed with it. • in, there?” former partners, the moderate rael. ferences the President and Secre­ officials. opening. THERE WILL BE NO Hungary, carried pli ^wlth Social Democrats led by Deputy Italian Ship Delayed tary of State Dulles discussed the And neighbor had arranged for "Oh, Saigeti is giving a violin He did take note, however, of Stock prices on average are slogans such as ‘.‘USSR, au sre Premier Giuseppe Saragat. Ap­ Israeil-Egyptlan crisis by'.tele- News Tidbits NEJTNI BUFFERS SETBACK ’ concert for the Civic Music Assn. guilty o f mess murder,” A salvaged EgypUan landing moves to Impose sanctions on Is­ now below their 1956 lows. Wall ARMY and NAVY Why, where are you headed?” . ad',''stop proval of the merger by the Social ship today still blocked the Suez pone for the fourth time since Venice, Italy, Feb. 11 (ST)— killing our people.' Democrats appeared certain. Elsenbower arrived here last Fri­ Culled from AP Wires rael by pointing out that the As­ Street brokers see the decline as "The Proa are playing Holyoke, Canal channel, delaying passage sembly could only make recom­ an effort to find a new support Party leftwingers handed Pletr* BINGO THIS WEEK and I’m gobtg* to aee them extend. A spokesman said the Hungfr- The moderatM' central commit-^ of th* first vessel to transit the day for about 10 days ’ of quail level at which buyers will be at­ Nennl ■ hnmlllnUng setback to- ' lan-American Federatim. an antl- tee will meet here tomorrow or hi:nting and golf. Dulles is In mendations. ' He then questioned their win streak to nine.” waterway since the Sues fighting. ■ Syrian Prime Minister Assail whether this would not serve only tracted. night In his bid to ally Italy’s IR. L WENDELL Con^munist organl’' ntion, spon- Wednesday to weigh their poMible The 1,900-ton Italian tanker Washington. Socialist party with the Social . sored the picketing. calls lor eapulalon of Israel from to Introduce “new. elements o f con­ Trading was active, particularly It’s an Adjective MULTIPLE ' J.drawal from the goi'ernment. Pianeta rode at anchor north of United Nations. . . President Nas­ flict.” — for steels, aircrafts, rails and oils, Democrats. In balloting for thiq Claude Lightfodt of Chicago and Buihling, Republican Rep. Ray Warren They have four , ministers In Ismailia. The vessel, chartered by ser says Arab Woriq I* united all of which were ' major losing party’s- 31-man CentiM co m -’ Carl •Winter of Detroit, co-chair­ SegM's cabinet and control 19 Private Talks Ooatlnue — apparently still follows his party’s Egypt to take oil from a Red Sea In Its determination to establish categories. Sample prices were: mittee, Nennl supporters re­ men of the convention's presiding seats in the 800-member Chamber Stale Police Arrest ' The report was issued .as dele­ Contractor polltlcsl grammar book. coastal field to the port of Suez Arab Nationalism and “ we will Bethlehem Steel off |1 at 341.87, ceived only 27 seats,, against th« At an informal meeting of the committee, issued a statement of Deputies. for refining, entered the canal at gates continued intense private firmly expected 50. The result RoBlJBB fki-CoHwnBrciai LISTINOI SERVICE saying the pickets were sttempt- Michigan Escapee follow this - path no matter wliat 'talks as to what action the Assem­ U.S. Steel off 37 cents at 389.76, Board of Direct'ora Monday night, A Social Democratic leader said Port Said Saturday.' General Motors off 25 cents at rould throw Nennl dot of the Everyone's Invited To... in AhoratioRs-RafnodQliRg in talking of a measure submitted A spokesman for the U.N. Sal­ Drivers of Meipphis (Tenn.) 339.87, United Aircraft off 33.12 by M»e opposition party, he re­ Ccld War.” of the government if Nennl broke vage Fleet clearing the canal said . Haddam, Feb. 11 iR—State' Po­ The 27-natlon Asian-African at 378.75, American Telephone off which be has held for eight The "myne and organisation' his . 1946 l>act with the Commu­ Railway Ca-. strike panUyzlng years, and almost certainly will . ''Business BuiH On ferred. to it aa the "Democrat bill.” a hitch in 'plans had deiaved tow­ lice say they have locked up hire city bus Bj-stem which carries bloc, which is considering a de­ 28 cents at 3178.37, Aluminum of Manchester resolution adopted by the conven­ nists. The Sodfai Democrats had. ing the 2,140-ton Egyptian LST a 26-year-old Michigan pristm es­ mand for economic, military and hold up plans for Socialist re­ Customer Satisfaction** It was left to a grammarian in 100,000 daily riders. . . Gontract Ltd., off 33 at 3114.50, Du Pont Grossm an's Free the room, made uncomfortable by tion said: entered the coaliUon to keep Akka from the channel. capee who since last July bad financial restriction* against Is­ off 33 at 3180.75, New York Cen­ unification. FuU Insurance Coverage “ 1. That this convention go on Segni's Christian Democrats,' a The Akka was raised from the come East, found a job and talks to avert threatened dork- rael, called a meeting for this af­ the roiauae of the noun, to supply workers strike tomorrow from tral off 31.62, at 328.37, .Union Pa­ TeL Ml b-.7033 the "ic." * record to reaffirm the continuation Roman Ostholic party, in power southern end of Lake Timsah, near married the 44-year-old widow who ternoon. “ / cific off 31 at 327.50. 'Texaco off NEGRO KILLER SLAIN of the Communist .party of the and block any move by Nsnni and Ismailia. The Egyptians had owned the house where he roomed. Maine to Virginia collqpseS. The 'Assembly will meet either A fter5:00 P. M. President Eisenhower accepts 31.28 at 358 and Gulf Oil off 31.50 Columbus, Ga„ Feb. 11 (fl—A Homes Clinic Problem of the week: U.S,A. Our chief taal: is to the Communists to control the loaded her with concrete before His wife told police she never tomorrow or Wednesday to take up at 3110.50. white Columbus storekeeper who 82 BALDWIN ROAD Why would a-fireman be using strengthen, rebuild and consoli- government. , she wss sunk. was aware he was a fugitive. resignation* of- Philip Young as 4 t h chaii'man and George M. Moore aa last year killed a Negro leader MANCHESTER. CONN. a snow shovel to shovel sand? .. He is Lawrence J. ^ r c e y Jr. fat the National Assn., for the Anon. Police said that when he was serv­ member of Ciiil Service Com­ Advancement of Colorod People BE SURE TO ATTEND ing in State Prison . at Jackson, mission. . . Stalinisb force* in Po­ Republican Conflict waa found shot fatally la the Mich., jlor armed robbery his last lish CommuMst Party-reported to head early today. Luleo Flowers, ITS EXCITING name, waa Percey (with an e ifi haVe lost significant skirmish in 65, was toimd lying in the-ea< -^irS IMPORTANT f ■ Ike place of the u), but they said he dismissal of Warsaw's Party CJom- trance way to a Negro theefer changed it when he came East. > mittee boss. Aiken Says Voters Want across the street tram. Flowers* ★ ITS INFORMA11VE State police said they discovered British public finally learn* at store In downtown Columbus. Purcey' was a fugitive Saturday breakfast about wortdwide ru­ aifter nis arrest (after two escapes Boost to Peace, mors of rift betw'een Queen NEW SMALL BUSINi»S AID 9 1.0 9 S A L E from police) on motor vehicle Elisabeth and her husband. . . This Sunday, Feb. 10th charges. Ike to Modernize GOP Washington, Feb. 11 UP)—Prea- Leader of Communist guerriUssth Ident nseahower etgaed Into MONDAY-TUESDAY. FER. 11-12 . Whtn looking to buy or s»il a home always call., an MLS (Multiple Listing Stale Police said Michigan au- Greek C?ivll War tries but att- ieaM .M Sp.M , .'iltoniasviUe, Oa., Feb. 11 mmuniat exploitation ^ tional committee. and know-how with those which fnl in closing off part af the 1 0 0 BU 3-1877 MI 9-8731 MI S-1S9S gteas accompanying his first an­ Pacifle for that teaL Lloyd tald 63 East Center sC Ushment of a Just and laaUng i kower indoors during the morning, In Fiery Collision use of “armed operations short of Aiken, who likes to be classed as ; have nonl. McCarthy said the nual report to the lawmakers on the House of Comm mm Uw gov­ MI S-1I88 peace in the world. ^ain let up before lunch total war".. .VA reports there are "liberal" in his views, said In an jUmted. States could glvt away *NO_MONEY DOWN NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME Howard HwHngs Worron Howland Arthur A. Knoflo this country’s trade agreements “Our naUonal trade policy. Elsenhoww and his host. Wellington, Tex., Feb. 11 (g»)— now 23 million persons in United interview he doesn't believe the , enough atom bomb material to ernment win reply aaoa ta 101*11 PhelM Rd. - ■ 489 Woodbridge S t 878 Mata St. • p jgiam . Japaaeoe proteala agabwt the ex- h a n d a l l d a y t o a n s w e r AIJ. Carlton W. Hiiteliins which seeks to promote the con­ Secretary of the Treasury Hum­ Six members of a family of seven States classified as veterans.. Oonservatlves' criticisms of Eisen­ “deatrqy every major city” in the | MlB1 9^1107 m 3-1108 366 3Iaia S t MI 8-8449' The report is required uxler the phrey, abandoned planFfor an ear­ ploeloa. set for sambtfane be­ TOUM QUESTIONS. CLINIC PERSONNEL WILL MVE : SAME DAY SERVICE a tinued growth of mutually profit­ 'were killed today In a fiery col­ Gen. Lauris Norstad—Supreme hower reflect majority opinion country. I ^ T I O N g o r NEW MODELS ON BEQUEST. . Ml 9-8132 Rsciprooal Trade Extension Act of ly start a t. quail hunting They lision south of this Texas Pan­ Allied Commander in Europe—ar- within the party. tween March 1 aad Ang. I. able world, trade, is thus doubly McCarthy said he waa "getting Japan fears radioaetlva fall-out, • SBEE ESTIMATES ON YOUB OWN PLANS e Jelw Loppon EHswoltb Mitton Rool Estoto Cantor 1955. That law auUtoiiaed the hoped to get/ out In the fields Ister handle town.- ■ rtvea la London for two daj's of "The voting public is behind Ei­ AT OUR P U N T ONLY-.-NO EXTRA CHARGE gt Ooaaeetteat Bhrd. • President to reduce exIsUag tariffs in the self-interest of the United iick and tired” of what he said borne by the wind. IM East Osafer S t SSt East Ctmter S t Kan Ostrinsky States; it furthers both our pros­ in ths day Four others were injured,. In­ tough bargaining talks with Gov­ senhower's 'modern RepubHcanlsm’ were attmipta to ii^prpret differ­ MI 9-8261 , 821 Middle Tpke., East East Hartford, Coaa. a total of 18 per cent In three an-| if an election majority of nine mil­ BQ 3-6930 SA 8-8524 perity and .our national .aactur^ty.” The rainJirought. the first break cluding Qie sole survivor .of the ernment officials anxious to reduce ences between him and the Presi­ MI 3,8189 Bual stages. in uiuieaaoi^ly -warm weather Jack Scott family of Wellington, Britain’s Military Forces., lion votea means anything,” Aiken REDS PLElXiE BIAS FIGHT In- his- report, Eisenhofwer called dent as a '“personal feud.” GBOfiteMAN'S Jomiu Rohan Urges goialag OYC which* had prevailed since the Jack Scott Jr.r 18. ' ' American newsman who visited said. “ Some people fn the party Saying that he would set sup­ New Yoiic, Feb. 11 (AV-Hie DIVISION MAMCHESISR Modolint Soilth ' EhroTylor ArthurWildo In hie message, sent'^ to Waah- the 1965 inclusion o( Japan in the President arrived here last Friday, Jack Scott Sr.. 38. and his son Red China in deflanch' of h State seem to overlook that mandate.” Auerieaa CoMMseelst parly 817 Hartford Rd. 843 Mala S t 88 Tsaacr S t • ‘ port Eisenhower when be thinks East -la g tm from his vernation head- triule agreements program “a The temperature had been rang­ Stevie, 8, died in a Wellington hos­ Department ban' Is holdlag fast Sen. Jenner (Rrind) told a oemi- the President is wrong, McCar- premtoed lieday “fan partleipa- MI 3-7438 - MI 8-1642 quarura bare, Elsenbower report­ aigmflcant step In .t^ reintegra- eefkebentative - . * ' ■ ing up. to a rqcord 86 degrees for pital. against demands thnt be snrrmder nar oponsOred by the Abraham Uiy said, nevertheleas, that “I tien'ia and sapQsrt aC the ail- DRY CLEANING ed in general terms that such cuts Uon- o f Japan into’ the woHd Febnia^. Mrs. Marie Scott, 33, and their, Ms Mqsport.. .Federal Judge Greg­ Lincoln iCfiab in Chicago Saturday haven't the sUghtoot. desire to en­ aided aatt • segregattee moTa- MICHAB. CRAVIS Stonloy Iroy , Roraio Cantor ARc are' helhg made. He also called trading coaimunity.” He added: Today the mcrciu-y was at 59 other three -children were killed ory I** Noonan in New York poet- thjBt “denouncing Franklin Rqoaer ter into a fight with the Presideitt aseat ta tha SMtth. |3 aloa I MAIN ST.. WnxniANTlC, OOA^. ^ 116 WeaOaad S t anew for coitgraasional approval gf “ GMater opportunity («r Japah I . 93 WELLS STRe Et V m I $-7254 862 Soath S t. RockviUo 390 BoaUer Bd. degrees at, mid-montlng and the when their ckr overturned and panes ^ I t l Wednesday pleading of velt, H§rry' Truman ■and. Dwtoht end I don't propooe to do ao.” plo6g9* 3* . stfie gOiMgi aed QAniMNi L«M 1 ' ■V M l 8-6273 ntetaoat 8-8498 ' 3 0 .------UJI. wtemhirahip in 'the OrgatiMa- to participate in foreign trade, iMee wtTf overcast' The cooler they urcre ]^nnsd in the lOamtog two men and wbmsn to chargee of EUonhdwer" fo^ the-girowth of ng Former Sm . Hernpan Wetkar of braadaM *iha hatttetar'Rta 'tai^' ^M E DAY SERVI^^-FREE DELIVERY v tOo fior: Trade Ooop(Bmtipe (OTC). nrhteh Ttpaneee aeceM ea. to the )■ weather wan expected to improve eoe^titogz to. tremnnlt National (odsram ent . la |a waste o f timd'. Mtasad if odMiaga tat e* Mt H Ot generU agijiaeMit wQl peewote. quail httatbiff caadUtona iO m M m sm * e e .Y n te ' ») Mfonaatlcm to Russlia. Jenntr cautd for election in m I h n t )

J' i l;. , I ■ 1