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'/■ .V , . • T # k 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1957 PACe TWENTY r - '#, lEpgntng Jjg ra lit A rm g t Daily Net P*eaa Rub For the Week Ended, ThaWMitliar Members of Anderson-Shea Aux stein, Mrs. William Cooper, Mri. ing Meter Fund now contains as- Februaiy Zed, 1051 Feieenet ef C. 8> WsaMisa nanaa iliary, VFW, will attend tlw meet Sisterhood Plans Howard Gold. Mrs. Israel Shyder C ervilii Reports aeU of $101,332.64, of which $05,- A b ^ tT o w n ing of the Hartford Council Aux and Mra. George Wald. 000’ is in savinga accounts and in iliaries tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at To Demonstrate Mrs. Irving Hochberg and Mrs. ^ Collections vested. During January, the town' 12,425 lUIn, mUd^teatght. Lew m bt SwvlcM at Uie Salvation Army the Wheeler School Trumbull Ave„ Wind are in charge of the overall collected. $1,850.61 from parking 40, Oloady, eon tin tied mlM Sua- atM M Sunday will b« conducted Member of the Aodlt Plalnville. H oliday l^ettingi^ arrangemenU for the, evening’s meters on streets and $58.18 from Bnreen ef Circulation . ^ dny. n g h about-M. (ly Ckpt and lira. EHc Jackaon of T ax CollMlor Paul Cervlpl to meters in the. town-owned lot. program. Supeiwlslhg *’.e table day estimated his office wUI col ' ...... ■ ....... - T Manche$ter— A City of ViUagm Charm the Divisional headquarters in The confirmation class of St. aeftings and floral decorations Hartford Capt. Jackson, who it lect M 'per cent of the amount col WEEKlYvBlNGO John's Polish National Catholic A graphic narrative, depicting youns people’s secretary, for wdll be Mrs. Irving Goddard, Mrs. lectible on the 31-mill tax rate due FRIDAYS M. Church will meet at 10 o’clock to the eight major festivals in the Isadore Raddlng and Mra Harry Southern New England, is respon- Jewish calendar year as . inter Jan. 1, 'Charge vo: L t x y i , NO. m (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 (OUMtned AdvarRsIng on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS morrow morning at the Church. Tarlow. At the 'end of January, taxpay siMe for an youth work. Word has been received that the preted in table aettingii, will high ' Tour ASSUMPTION HALL . ■■■■■■■........ ini.— The hospitality committee, which ers had paid 8B.1 per cent of the Preaeriptkms -V- --------------- ^ ^ ^ ------- --------- ,------ ^--------- bishop will attend the confirmation light the joint meeting of the will serve refreshments at the con figure. Pastor and Mrs. C. Henry Aiuler- on June 3. This week and next are Here THOMPSON and SOUTH ADAM¥ STREETS Bon of EmanUel Uitheran Church, sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom clusion of tlie program, la Com The amount oollectible is |3.- the last opportunities-to register prised of Mrs. Morris Firestone, 017,653.36. As o f Jan. 31, the of aad ioeembers of the Board of Ad for this class. and the WSCS of . the South PINE PHARMACY COMFORTABLE SEATING—AMPLE PARKING Ike to See ministration, with their wives, will Methodist ChuKh Tuesday at 8:30 Mrs. K'jrt Joseph, Mrs. Arthur fice bad collected $1,801,511.82. Welcome 664 O nter St— Ml 0-0814 be hosts to about 60 new members p.m. in the vestry of the Temple. Rittenberg and Mra. Gsorge Ben leaving $216,141.44 to be collected. Loyal Circle of King’s Daugh nett. Cervini’a report shows the Park I I, 11 .ii'.............. at a reception in Luther hall ters will hold Its regular meeting Written by Mrs. Leon Wind, the Sunday at 7:80 p.nf. Presidenta of Monday night at 7:45 in the Fed program, entitled “These are the Macmillan church auxUlaries wlU speak brief eration. room of Center Congrega Festivals of the Lord,’’ will demon Grand Jury Probe u.s. ly, and there wUl be special music tional Church. Surgical dressings strate in a series of table settings under the direction of G. Altert for the hospital will be folded. A how’ each of the major Jew’ish holi AndM ollet Pearson. Mrs. John A. Johnson and social hour, with Mrs. Hasel Peter- days are celebrated in the home. Mrs. Roy C. Johnson head the com son and Miss Dorothy Peterson as The program, held in observance of mittee for refreshments and the Brotherhood Week, will be nar Of Oil Price Boost Washington, Feb. 9 (/P)— hostesses, will follow. social hour to follow. rated by Mrs. Sidney Browm. President Eisenhower prob; Dr. Robert J. Alesbury, a mem Traditional foods and customs \ ably will’ Jiold separate talks President Baisworth Mitten of ber of the Clinic Beard of the associated with the individual holi V , Washington, Feb. 9 (^Ip)—^m *c rivtr from the capital, be- the Manchester Board of Realtors, days will be described and demon soon with Frencl. Premier Manchester Mental Health Society, S^s. O’Mahoney (D-Wyo) ‘« Guy Mollet and British Prim^ Mrs. Prances Wagner, vice presi- will speak on the subject of men strated. Mrs. George Lessner wrill and it^agnuson (D-Wash) said a m i . Attorney .Gen. victor r . -A — dent; Kenneth Ostrtnsky, secre tal health at the meeting of Cen- describe the Bosh Hashonah-tablo, Minister ’ Harold Macmillan tary; and Ralph Gaston, treasurer, Mrs. Louis Hurwltz the Yom Kip- today they welcome a forth-1 Haneen, in charge of- the Anti- in a move to reunify the west attended an all-day orientation Ur Church Mothers Club Monday pur table, Mrs. Irving Aronson the at p.m. in Memorial hall of the coming federal grand jurV in-iTruat divuion, mid that while the ern powers. conference Md workshop of the 8 Sukkos setting, Mrs. Jacob Segal ___! government has no power, to oon- Jeimer Hits Lodge Seen Connecticut Association of Real new wing. Members are asked to the Chanukah arrangements, Mrs. vestlgation of recent fro7 Si"13ic w “ is” concerned with Diplomatic sources said the i Estate officera and boards yester note the change of meeting place. Jules Karp the Puiim setting, Mrs. creaseg. in oil: and gasolifteithe possibUfty of any concerted conferences now are being plan-1 day at the Hotel Bond, Hartford. Osofir Rottner the Passover table, i action'vithin the Industry to raise. H fit i ney woula -pe ina first top ! Organist G. Albert Pearson of prices. level meetings among these west-1 Irving D. Melendy, president of the Mrs. George Slossberg the Shavu- "I am very-glad the Justice De-t'prlces. Making Bid Emanuel Lutheran Church is con ous grouping, and Mrs. Marvin said he thought it em leaders a|nce cool relations i Maasachusetta Association of Real partment is taking up the story,’’, j \ O’Mahoney said he thought developed • last fail over the Brit- | . Estate Bosuds, and Prank Wagner fined to his home with a severe Feir the Sabbath table. said O’Mahoney.'•'^e iftbrease'ln i wbs a "fair inference ” that the de cold and is bilged to cancel both The choir of ' Temple Beth Uh-French Invasion of Egypt. i of Hartford, director of licenses Valentine Hankies prices ha.s not been satisfactorily | partment did not regard the antl- Firs^ speculation had indicated Adds B last and claims for the State of Con rehearsals o f the Junior Choir to Sholom, under the direction of explaiiied ’’ 6 | trust exemption, granted to oil F o r T ru c e morrow forenoon. all three men would meet togeth necticut, were the principal speak Cantor George Wald, will sing Magnuson said In s'separate in - companies eooperaUng In the Euro- er. How’ever. recent planning has ers. ■ traditional music for each ob tervlew the grand jury investigS' pean aupply program, as extend Chicago, Feb. 9 (/P)— Sen. St. Mary’s Women’s Auxiliary been on' the basis of two separate United Nations, N. "Y., Feb. servance. Orgahlst will be Fred Uon would be .’^very helpful.” ing to any domestic price fixing. meetings. Jehner (R-lnd) said today 9 (/P)— ^The United States is will meet Monday- at 7:30 for a erick Werner. Is the choir are Mrs. O’Mahoney is chairman of a . Records Subpoenaed short religious service in the sanc Will Fly to Bermuda that “denouncing Franklin reported putting. out quiet Bernard Krutt, Mrs. Myer Leavitt, Jolrrt Senate Antl-Monopoly-Pub- O'Mahoney said last night his Eisenhower is expected to meet Roosevelt,. Harry Truman'and RUMMAGE tuary, and adjourn to the'crypt for Mrs. Leon Kramer, Mrs. Eli Slegal, ilc Land" subcommittee which has Subcommittee has subpoenaed, var feelers to learn whether their business 'meeting. Mrs. Her here first with Mollet, then fl.v Dwight Eisenhower” for the Mrs. B. Hall, Mrs. Raymond Bern the sincerest form been looking into the > emergency ious records .of , major oil compan S niper Caiigiit^ to Bermuda for a conference with President Nasser of Egypt bert Fraser, who is in charge of oll-for-Europe program, Inau- ies which were authorized by the growth of Big .Government SALE the program, has secured motion Choose from lovely de Gary Addison Taylor, 20. was Macmillan, probably about March would agree to make' a con- gurated after the closing of the 1 government to. coordinate their 21. The possibility that Mollet is a waste, of time.* 9 Sertwdoy, F*b. Y- pictures of Washington Cathedral. signs. All white with '> Suez Canal- cut off Europe Irom j efforts to cope wdth Europe s oil arrested by Detroit police after ciHatory policy statement a wild car chaae Feb. 7. Oak might go on to Bermuda was dis He called'for election in 1958 of a 9:00 to 12:00 Refreshments will be served by of the heart decorations.