• • ON .DISPLAY · Nfld. Skies THE FAMILY S.IZE B{BAILEY R. FRANK MONDAY, October 17 "BUICK ·sPECIAL" Sunset today ...... , 5.09 p.m. -THE DAILY NEWS Sunrise tomorrow .. , , , , , , 6:24 a.m. )foonrise tomorrow , , , , , 4:00 a.m. New Moon ...... Oct. 20 Terra Nova Moton Ltd. TIDES High •• 5:10 a.m. 5:24 p.m. Vol. 67. No. 231. THE. DAILY NEWS, ST. JOfiN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Low ...... 11:04 a.m. 1121 p.m: • -·- • ummit ------·---·-····------·--

SC.'\RBOROUGH, l~ngland-CP-Primc Minister \lilC· miiHn made n strong hid. for a new summit meeting S:ltur­ da~·, while at the same time stressing the need for firmness Congolese in drnling with the Soviet bloc. In a loud)y,npplnuded speech winding up the Conser· vative Farty conference, Ma(:millan said he is ready for a Dislike Pay face-to-face meeting with Premier Khrushchev to discuss tht• potential East-West flash points of Berlin, Germany an!! disutmament. The only rider he added was that both Increases the presidents 11£ the United States nod France should agree GENEVA !APl-:Many C ongo.l to surh a session. · . lese workers dislike s alary in· j As did other cabinet ministers creases as they do unwelcome i earlier in the week, Macmillan relatives, believing the one often '1 used the conference of 4,000 brings on the other. an Interna­ party faithful as a platform to tional Labor Office team ol ex- 1 explain present government poli­ perts says in a report. cies or to drop hints about future They also don't Jike regular plans. 1 . work -.md look upon farming as The broad picture that emerg­ an inferior occupation suitable ed from their speeches is that only for women, the report says. Britain must increase her eco· The Belgian gol'e'rnment reqnest­ nomic strength, dmw closel' to ed the study and tr~nsmitted the Europe, and continue efforts to results to the Congolese govern­ reduce tension between the ment in Lcopoldville. Communist and non-Communist ; The mis.t Jncjiro Asanuma (ri~ht) during a political rally here Oct. 12th, ns thousands ~otiations ha1•e in fact been · Pri'me Minister Macmillan would just bring them another in- of pC'I'sons looked IJII. The youth raced from the audience ami stahhed Asan· broken o!f:'' . . . i , ·. flux of barely tolerated and uma with a fuot-lon,r.; dagger. Asanmna died shortly thcreaftcr.-UPl Photo. He renlflrm~d h1s helle! m the! Commonwealth countnes such as· rarely welcome guests." ,"iEW YORK-Granted political asylum in the United value or. negotiations on prob- . C~nada and :-lew Zealand. I SEVEN MO:STII STUDY Slate~. Victor Jaanimets, Estonian sailor who fled from !ems dividing East and West. [ This was given emphasis in A six-man team includin~ two T "We shou!d be absolntcly fh:'Tl: speeches by the prime minis_tcr prof so r and a c • BRIEFS IN Russian liner Bnltika, lea\'es U.S. Immigration Offices univ~rsity e; s roops ontinue here Oct. 12th, 11 free man. At left is John Richardson, 1ln our athtude to •.he Sov1ct I himself. Lord Home, the forc1gn French government adl'iscr. pre- 1bloc: we should not surrende,·l secretary, and Edwm·d Heath, pared· the report after seven . 1 h~ad CJf the International 1\cscue· Committee, which will be the seaman's sponsor, will look after his welfare·, and ?ut we should try to encom·age II the Lord Privy Seal and the gov· months of trying to sec how 14. T h• p I WORLD NEWS 10 e~ery .way We can. R ~~neral ernmcnt's unofficial -ninistcr of 000,000 Congolese fit into II scale owns Ips atro "'ill get him settled here.-UPI Photo. amchorahon of relatiOns. , European affairs.· 01 income brackets. 1 · DE:>IOU:SCES TARZMi Perhaps the most significant . . . The experts sav the Congolese IIAVA:'{A l AP !-Premier Fide policy statement made during 1 All. stressed that ~ntam ~~ ~e· workers have doubled their Jiving I , . ! Castro denounced Tarzan mo1•ie~ the conference was that Britain I termmcd to sa[egumd the l'ltal 1 d d . 10 rs Just before SALISBUR\ !Reutersl-Troops the scene of recurrmg riots and: as exalting imperialistic racial intendes to draw closer lo Europe, interests" of both Commonwealth ~~~P:~dc~~e 1 !s~a.J~ne thev av-: an_d pollee patrol!cd Ne~ro town- 1unrest since ,Ju])·. discrimination. He told a· teleri­ despite some opposition from trade and British egricullure. erage $lS 8 roonth. The 'rural' s~tps aroun~ Salisbury m South- : Enos Nkala, gc~er_al secretary , sion audience Saturday night the 2 Americans Die population Jags behind even this. e1~ Rhodesia Sunday as prepar-. of the Afncan :-.lat10nal Demo-1 African natil'e was always de· the report 5 B)'S. • ahons went aheM [l)r ~he calling: cratic Party, said the troo~s rep-\ picted in the films as a semi- ·Mo. hut·u· Confers' "It has to be kept in mind that up ~f another 1,600 Whtte reserve resented a symbol of wht~ ~U·Inude savage and nei'Cr as Presi· still only a minority of the Con- soldt~rs. . . . premacy and created susptcJ.on 1dent Sekou Toure of Guinea or . golese population shows any in- " P~hce said t.he ~Jtuahon was among the people. I President Kwame :>:krumah of By Firing ··squad ' · tcrest in working lor e salary. ·QUiet and sett~ed th;ou_ghout "If communism will free us, we , Ghana. Toure is on a three-day .th Tshomh e The economic and social pro- southern Rhodesia. No I~Cldenls will use it to free ourselves... f state I' is it here. By JOHN BLAND transactions abroad through their grcss of the country depend upon ":ere reported by patrothng sol- ROYAL \'ISITOR HAVA~A (Reutcrsi-Two more main offices. WI . an. improvement of the living dters. . . BAN PUBLIC M~ETINGS .., LONDON meutersl-Princess 1 600 11 Americans were executed by a Th d th f Th d ' d' · r th 1 1 The · w,h e r~servtst.. s. A ban °". , p~bltc meetmgs Ill :. Alexandra, a cousin of the Queen firing squad before dawn Sunday Fulleer· r~fow~d0 by th~:~~~s ~~e ( By GORDON MA~:r1:s l l general sun·~y of all the pr~b- I ~~~.!~Ions 0 e rura popu a- !"~mbers of l 11 o baltah~ns. 111!1 A!ncan loll ~,h1ps throughout the ,1 arril·ed here by air Sunday !rom after being c onvicted of counter execution of another American, . ~LISABETHVILLE Reuters I ~ems concernmg the cou?try. 1om 2.0~ men alrcarly mvolv~d country, wh1~h bega~ Saturday.: Xigeria. where she represented revolutionary act 1.v 1ties and, Anthony Zarba, and seven ·other Co golese army slrong~an Col. ~shombe told rep_orters. m weedt!l!! out troub~cmakcrs m Will re~am m force m ~outheru i the Queen at 'the Nigerian indc· armed revolt. against the Cuban alleged counter revolutionaries. Joseph Mobutu and ~Oise Tsho- If the Congo IS to escape Kennedy the. Afrtcan townships around Rhodesia, a self-govermng_ col-~ pcndcnce celebrations and made IOI'ernment. ·Thompson. and· Fuller, convic· mbe of Katanga provmce ha~ an chaos and a~a~chy, we must Sahsbury, Bulawayo :mrl Gwelo, ony, for a month. a 1i·dav tour or the West A!ri· Allen Dale Thompson, 36 and ted Saturday night, were said to appa~ently fr!endly and frmtful keep to the hmmg worked out can naiion. :lobert Fuller, 24, died efte~ Pre· have been captured. by. militia· surprise meetmg Su~day. ! by Co!. _Mobutu, who' wants the K• B b WHEAT GIVEAWAY I T I mier Fidel Castro charged. in a men in the northern mountains of The !our-hour sessiOn betwee_n c_ommiS~JOners • g.~neral to !U~C· ISSes a y y• t A~D!A~ .•Jordan fAPl-The maratbon television 3ddress Sat- Oriente Province Friday .. They Mob~tu and Tshom~e. who IS tl.on unlll Dec. 31. The commiS· I 0 0 United States will give Jordan 1 mprove . urday night that a "revolution" were picked ·up along with. two presl_dent and .premier or th_c SIDners • general make up. t~e NEW BRIGHTON, Pa. !APl- fi5.000 tons of wheat this year to was being directed from ebroad 1 other members of an invading provmce, folloll~d the ~olonels Mo~utu-named central admlms- · It's ha pened! Senator Kennedy, · help relieve an emergency situa- -an obvious reference to the group unexpected flfrlval durmg the tration of students and gradu- th D P t' 'd t' 1 lion caused by three years of · day He returned to I eopoldl'l.lle t 1 e emocra lc presJ en ta can· United States. Thompson refused Ill testify at b · . ' a ~s. . , , 1 didate, kissed a baby Saturday. h h I drou•ht A U S Embassy spokes During the same speech ca~- the trial while the Spimish•speak· y plane Sunday mght. In thiS wa~' Tshombe con 1\'d 'd 't . th [' t c R I•0 man" s~id .th~ .first shipment oi tro explained why the . govern- ing Fuiler said he had· been be- After 1 u nc h. ·at Tshombe:> "th,ere will he an .a_dJ?in- : eisn t:at urc e at ns : 15,000 tons is due in Amman this !inue~. ti~~ ~~~ c~m;a~;n ~~~; menl bad nationelized ·ail banks !rayed, reports said. ~use, Mobutu \las ,as~ed for h1s tstratton at work and pohl!c1ans. ,, . 1 week. )D the eountry except the Royal In his speech Castro said It VIews on Tshombe s Idea of a will have time to reflect.'· , massachusetts senator had kls· I I RECORD REGISTRATION 1 Bank or Canada and the Bank of 1was difficult for the United States cconfgede~tacty . or n dePendent The Katanga leade_r . said Mo· sed a ba?Y- . ; ·BELGRADE, Yugoslal'ia meut- 1 pledge that the church would co- i NEW YORK (APl-A city voter Nova Scotia; · to carry out a "direct attack" on ~~ 0 sa es. . butu had succeeded m "neutral- ~Irs. Vmcent Luct thrust her· ct·sl - President Tito's Commu- operate with the government and~ registration record was set Sat- The premier said !he two Ca- Cuba efler what Premier Khrtish· .we,, have the same \'tew- iaing" th~ central p~rliament at 1~even-~onths-old d_au~hter, . ~n- 1 nist government took a .new step not use religion lor political pur-~ urday. A total of 3.622,196 \'Diers aadian banks were helping the chev had said at the United Na- po,t,nts, the col~nel answered. Leopoldvlll~ by ous.tmg both fed- nette, mto Ke~ne~y s arm_s 1\.htle toward improving relations with poses under !out conditions: I registered, more than 55,000 £uban government in financial tions recently. The only ~lung lh1!t upset.s era! Pre~ICr Pat nee Lumumba he was campa~gn!ng 1 ~ t~Js 11 est· the Roman Catholic c hurch Sat-: 1. Return of expropriated · abol'e the previotis high of 3,566,- Mr. Tshombe;ts the ;:>rcsence. of and President .j~seph Kasavubu. ern Penn~yhama o~m. The . urday. · l church property. \377, set in !944 for the fourth- 1 the Commu~1sts-and that goes j _Asked how he mtended to deal senator smlled_. then ktssed An· The government's special com· 2. More freedom for the re- !. term election of President Frank- for me, too. Mob~t'!,added that wtth L u mum b a, Mobutu de- nette on the right cheek. mission for religious affairs met ligious press. lin D. Roosevelt. ~.:. and the premier made "g clared: "You'll find out.'' in Belgrade with representatives 3. More freedom for religious ~ PLANS CANADIAN l'ISIT Hopes To Broaden SEE FOOD SURPLUSES of regional commissions to dis· education, now ·restricted to. LONDON meutersl-Malayan ROME fReutersl - "Burden- cuss a memorandum containing churches and parish homes. ! Prime Minister T u n k u Abdul some" agricultural surpluses are 1 recommendations adopted at a 4. Gov.ernment contact with the · Rahman arrived in London Sat­ likely to arise in _Europe by 1965, meeting in Zagreb late last recognized Catholic hierarchy in- : urday- night for a stay until the Euro~an rcgt~nal conferenco! month of 24 Yugoslav bishops. stead of with government - spon-~· Wednesday when he continues on U. N. Secretariat Return To Work of t~e Umted Naho_ns'. Food end There are 6,000.000. Rom~n sored priest organizations. his trip ot Canada and the United' NEW DELHI CReutersi-Primel plan at a cabinet meeting efier SCHENECTADY, N.Y. fAPl-- pend or continue the ~trike as it A,gnculture Orgamza~1on P _r e- Catholics in Yugoslal'ia. · This In another attempt to impro1·e Nations. He will visit Canada for llinister Nehru and his seqior ad-~ his return here Tuesday, the Leaders or the Sc~enectadr Lo· deemed best Therefore there d! Premier Khrushchev proposed Ele_ctrt~al. Workers ?ro~e w1th . d b L J d poss!blhty of structural or con- Tito has promoted good rela- nist system. a few things." Nations secretariat by the inclu- last month that the secretary- tlie1r nabonal orgamzahon Sa­ \vo k II I r aur Locca Itssuc b . y eo t an • t'mumg · surp1 uses ansmg· · m· sp!'t e lions with the Orthodox and Mos- 1------lion or ofnclals on a geographi- general be supplanted by 11 three-.! turday night and called for a a! basis, diplomatic sources saB man b o a r d, representing the return-to-work . Monday at the e ' a usmess agen. Of efforts to adjust output." lem groups and is trying to do: T T n· f t Sunday. . West, Communist countries and General Electric Company plant Jandreau said in a statement the same with the Catholics. His! ry 0 e ea . the local executive bo~rd had HONEY'S COLOR relations with the Vati~an has The sources said Nehru had not uncommitted nations. Nehru has here. . .voted unanimously •.o accept a i The exact color of honey de· been under strain sijlce the Sec- committed himself definitely to opposed this The plaRt IS the largest or the 1 the plan, which wou)d · provide The Neh~ plan would choose 55 strike-bound GE install~tions company proposal to continue all pends on the kind of flower ond World War because or his three to five senior lrilvisers !or the advisers on a geographical an~ ~chenectady Local. 301 IS .the provisions, of the old t:ontract ·ex- from which it was made. Dark- treatment of the la\e Aloysius N 1 B•11 UN Secretary-General Dag Ham· basis and take account of "ideo!· Union s largest GE umt. . cept a cost -of. liviD)! escalator colored honeys are made mostly CYaurgdoisnlaalv'taS.tepinac, primate ,,f uc ear 1 clause. from the nectar of buckwheat marsiljold. oglcal" inclination of the areas, The ll!E call~d t~e stnke Oct. 1 The Idea took shaPe during the sources said, Tlie plan would 2• lollowmg exprrahon of Its con­ and from flowers of the tulip Informed quarters ~aid current Nehru's attendance at the Gen- give the· Afro • Asian bloc more tract with G~, but. t~e Sc~enec­ ARLENE DAHL WED tr.ee; light honys come from al· develop~ents could 1e~d to ~he PARIS (Reuters) _ France •t Lauris ~orstad. •al Assembly JesSion in New "weight" in the detailed imple- lady Local d1d not 30111 unhl four • fa !fa, orange blossoms and some r~-estabhshment or dtrect t1~s Iopposition parties are rallying . BEGAN THURSDAY York and Nehru m~ntioned the mentation of UN decisions. days later. CUERNAVACA, Mexico fAPII kinds of clover. With the ~loly S~e. Yu~oslav!a their supporters in an all-out bid j Twenty-five hours of parliamen- - Hollywood film star Arlene severed dtplomatJc rclahons m j to block President de Gaulle':~ t' h b · t 'd f ; I 1 Last week, with leaders o! the Dah.l married Texas oil tycoon 1 Chinese imported to work in 1952. bill for an independent nuclear i t~~Y d::;;:te a~~ic~entJ!~a:~::J:. LO~al openly. at odds with mter- Chrts Holmes Saturday. Only a, the cutton fields of Arkansas at SET TERMS 1striking force. 1 day with a speech by Premier nahonai prestdent Ja~es Carey few .guests,. including actress ·oo-~ one time received an allowance It w_as understood !~at _the tht·ee Spearheading the drive for the I ~fiche! Debre. · the Local me!l'bershtp author· !ores Del _Rio, were invited. It of a half-pound · of opiurn as arc~btshops and 21 bishops at the Radicals and Socialists, who 9re Kennedy Predicts ized Its exeeuhve board to ,SUS·. was the th1rd marriage for each. part of their pay. September meeting decided to attempting to gather enough Debre rejected as unjustified votes to defeat the bill due to criticism that France's nuclear be voted on by the National As- plans were weakening the Atlan­ sembly after two days of debate tic Alliance: Diefenbaker Concentrates On Youth starting Tuesday, ----:-~----:--- The first test f or .he govern­ Cl·ose · Election Bf KEN METHERAL era! ~lcctio_n has been ~is preoc- Ic'a~ again to keep his next ap-'l it.• It was a message he repeated ment is due,Tuesday in a vote on NEW YORK (~)-..,Vi~Pres- the most serious example. Canadlaa Press Staff Writer cupabon With schD~,~I children. pomtment oa a split · second again and again at every student a. Radical party motion calling ldent Nlxoa predicted Saturday NiXon's , appraisal was con- PRINCE ALBERT.

missions need more gasoline. 1 1 st. ,John's could do with 1 there was a va;1ety of hquor i L~cklly the damage _was not ~x- "But I believe that most peo· ! few such signs. backed up of -vodka. gm. r;e Scotch. ~ur-: tens1ve. But _later suneys sho11ed pie don't mind sacrificing extra 1 course. by the aid of the police bon-but no rum. HoweHr, th_at. thP pmnacle ex~ ended to gasoline for the increased driv- I who, in their pahol duty, must we ~anaged on some ot the mthm 4~ feet of he s~u fa~c. ing ease afforded by these de-, often see pedestrians and peo· substitutes. . Geolo!!ISS are co_nsldenng . the • · " · th h 1 t b 1 theory that the pmnacle m1ght v1ces, he says. pie m cars row c oco a e ar Man•· of the newsmen com- h be h d b e · · · t ' • ave en pus e up v some r · s_o to make driVIng a l!ltle i ":rappers, gum wrappers, emp Y ing from top Canadian papers . cent submarine volcanic disturb eas1er and, at the same time, I c1garette packages and some· knew little or nothing about ! more economic~!, Chr~sler of-. til!les torn biscuit package con· I;';ewfoundland. We should in- ! ances. fers an auto pilot. With It, a I tamers on the streets.. The vile them here sometime, per- • driver can maintain a desired ! streets should not he considered I' haps for the opening of the Lab- : speed without keeping his foot I general wastepaper baskets for radar iron mines. Now that ! SJ EA M S H I F on the accelerator pedal. To I all trash. Ford is nsing some Labrador slow down, he simply steps on We _enjoye_d the food served I iron we could reciprocate and l MOV EME NJS the brake. 1 at var10us dmners but got a give Canadian newsmen a look TIUs disengages the pilot. To ! l!ttle tired of fill_e~ mignon. The at Labrador and a few days in ; re-engage the device, all he has , steaks were dehc1ous, but are St. John's. Try as we could. it , ~ to do is accelerate to the prev· not for twice-a-day _fare, at . was impossible to make some; THE .NFLD. GRt;,\T I.AKE. ious driving speed. By main- i least not for t~e wnte.r. We I or the newsmen realize that ; STEAJ\1SRIP~ LTD. .

taining constant speed, gasoline : did have a ch01ce of fillet of 1 codfish tongues were one of our 1 M.V. Perth loadmg at Hamil· is uved and driving is easier. sole one day .and lobster on : fish dishes. They would prob- : ton Oct. 18th. Toronto Oct. 17t~, another occaston, so we set- 1 ably enjoy eating flippers. Arc- : ~lontreal Oct. 20th for St. Johns

tied for the seafood. 1 tic steak and 1 few species of . and Botwood. One morning in Dearborn ' fish M.V. London loading at Three A war de d Inn we spied on the menu kip- I . Rivers Oct. 18th. Montreal Oct. · pered herring. We ordered one ' At one luncheon we were 20th for Botwood. Tqp Prl ze and it was delicious. The main· i guest ·of a Chamber of Com· •M.V. Dundee loading at MONTREAL fCPl-Andre Lau- land newsmen sharing the same ' merce. The aame scanty m~al Toronto Oct. 25th, Hamilton rendeau, outspoken editor • in 1 table preferred the stan~~r~ ! the local hotel s_erves to serv1c~ Oct. 26th; Montreal Oct. 29th for chief of the French . language Ibacon and eggs. In exc~anomo i clubs was prov1ded and man~ St. John J. . . Montreal newspaper Le Devoir a few remarks about fish, we 1 newsmen, as they had walked S.S. Gowr1e loadmg at Toron· has been awarded 'top prize i~ told them they were to stero· l quite a distance in the morn- to Oct. 29th; Hamilton Oct. the third theatrical works con-i typed as far as food was con· ' ing, were hungry when th~y 30th. Montreal Nov. 2nd for St. test sponsored by Theatre du cerned. thinking only of steak left that hotel. Howeve~, th1s 'i John's and Botwood. Nouveau Monde for dinner and bacon and eggs particular meal had nothmg to Last sailing from Lakes will The winning · entry, Deux for breakfast. We noted that do with th~ hosts of. the trip. be about Nov. 19th and from Thl• dall dOHD't II.Hd 8p11niDg 011. •'• • Femmes Terribles fTwo Terribl~ fish was ha.rd t~ get and ~er- We do thmk t_hat f1sh. should Montreal about Nov. 21st. Women>, is a two-act play that haps our f1sh fums ~an .fmd be _served once m a wh1l~ as a ·• Refrigeration. he hu guaran~ family •curity through Hfe insurance chronicles the loves anG. hates of ways and means of gettmg more mam course .. as 1! ~as m the CLARKE STEMISHIP CO. seven people-three couples and fresh frozen co~ a~d o~her Ford executive dmmg . room. Hiehliner leave Montreal Oct. a bachelor-during a 24-hour per· ~pecies at _a fa1r pr1ce r1ght There was an alternatJye of 12th .. arrive Oct. 17th, leave St. There's no' substitute for the peace el income to belp you enjoy your retirement lod. Twenty.five plays were con· mto that b1g market. steak but we w_ere surp_rl5ed at Johns Oct. 19th (Bay Roberts). mind you enjoy when you've 118fepardeci -years. sidered · by the noted drama . . 1 the number takmg the fJSh even 25th. group. . Wh1le on the topic of food, Ithough it was Friday. Most o_f Highliner leave Montreal your family' a . future by ·being adequately For guaranteed security, there's nothing bet­ The award underlinee the' ver- 11 ~eems people have become the Ford people were Amen· , Nov 2nd., due St. John' I Nov. insured through The Mutual Life Assur1nct ter ihan Life Insurance - and the generous satllity or the 48-year-old native a little wasteful and extrav_a· cans as we were in Dearborn. 17th sailing Nc..v. 9th. ·,·,· of Montreal who has dlstln- gant. Look at what happens m Michigan. at the time. The ' .'Gulport leave Montreal Ocl Company of Canada. You have a dividends receive from The Life 18 three-way you Mutual gulshed himself as a newspaper sue~ places 1 t.~e Afalmo~ fillet of sole was delicious. 26th, arrive St. John's Oel 3bt. J't' . t 1 . • • t Chmeae res auran... mo N d JU818l1Ue ••• guaranteed financial pro­ of Canada make it one of today's best ~an. po I ICian. e evlslon m er- as much food is returned un- The trip was not only a 1e:ve ov. 2n . . VIewer and author of plays for eaten as is consumed and it I pleasant interlude but extreme- Novaport leaVJDf ~ontreal tection for your family over the years, should buyi. Particu1ars can be obtained froin your · TV. mu!t be going to the incinera· lv educational. !Nov. 9th, due St. John • Nov. lllytbing hAppen to you; guaranteed values Mutual Life repzesentative. Or write to the A member of the Quebec legis- · j 14th, sailing Nov. 16th. lature from 1944 to 1948, Mr •Gulfport leaving Montreal should the need for cash arise; guaranteed . Head Ol&e, Waterloo, . Leurendeau became provincial Nov 16th due St. John's Nov. leader of Bloc Populaire Cana· •:Fergu~ leave Charlottetown dien-Quebec nationali!t move· Oct. 19, due St. John's Ocl 24. ment-al 31. sailing Oct. 28. WON NNA A\!ARD .• , 21st, sailing Nov. 23rd. He _has contmued h1s interest Highliner leave Montreal '!t politiCs and In 1957 won 11 N~· Nov. 23rd, arrive St. John's llo~al Ne~v~pape~ Awa~d f?r e~1- ~ Nov. 28th, leave st. John'• Nov. tonal W~1tmg With ~I!OriHIS m Col 30th (Bay Roberts), LE D~vo1r ~n a var1ety of s~b- ... ~ . · (' •Fergus leave Charlottetown, jects mcludmg the Quebec pohtl- , _. Oct 21st, Pictou Oct. 22nd, due cal scene. ·-: _. • --"' - 1 st J h • L 24, ill Oct. Mr. Laurendeau has said he \J · ~ 0 n s 0 c • sa ng wasn't happy as an ~clive politi· Novaport leavm1 Montreal · "Th t •h' bo leave Ocl 18th. Cia~.. . e wors mg a u1 GULl'' AND NORTHEIL"i .. ~P .•• through an ou!ttondinJ diuidend record po}1!Jcs 1s that you m'Jst compro- SHIPPING en . ·: mJSe. That I cannot do." ,,. y• :·~ ,,. ..,. He added that he had always • •Fergus leave Ch.arlottetown wanfeft to write-"but only bOoks Oct. 14th, leave Ptctou Oct. and things like that. 1 never •tJ:: 15th, arrive St. John's Ocl 17th, : l iiANCH OFFICE: T.A. IUILD'NG, DUCKWORTH STREET* .. .'...... PHONE 80321, 80322, 4293 wanted to have anything to 4o ~· Oct. ·28th, le~ve Pictou: N.S. .. · . • ' · · . R. E. GoOd, BronCh Manager •. with newspapers " ' Oct. 29th, amve SL Johns OcL He was able however to find 31st, leave SL John's Nov. lat. ..' -PRESENTATIVES IN ST. JOHN'Sa . . ·a problem fo~ his cont~oversial "Fergus leave Charlottetown, 1 • views at Le Devoir, a hard-hit· P .E.I. Nov. 4, le~ve Pictou, !! W.- E. French "¥.. J. Jackson tine newspapers with the motto S. Nov. 5th,· amve St. Jou 1 . ·.'A. J. Murprri H. J. Moakler F!¥s ce que Dois tDo Your Nov. 7, leave Nov. I. . Duty). •Fergus leave. Charlotte~own, •· G. Quinton 1 · J. H; J. Roberts In addition to his latest' play P.E.I. Nov. 12th, leave Ptetoll, . W. W. Roberti Mr. Laurendeau has written such N.S. Nov. 12th, arrive St. John's ' I .• TV dramas as Aflalres de Fam- Nov. 14th, leave ~ John'• NDV. ,,• ~· !lie IFamilv Affair~l and La. 15th. : M. W.. Moot,._; Cla~envllb VertUe dea Chattes IT.he Virlut "Fergus leavl111 CharloU. . - of Female CAts). He lA autbnr ~.. ·;~.~,:,;::.,: '· town, P.E.l. Nov. 18th, leave A.· R. MoultOn- , Burin of the book VoyllQe au l111VA de _,_..,.,,.". ;<-~s Pictou, N.S. Nov. 19th, arrive· ~""rfr,.nrr. r'l'rlp '" t"" r.riln'•ortl I .~~ot_:~WJiaPt Pi;!Sntls the i.orst bock·~~ttt triYtr !1. St. Jobn'• Nov •• 22Dd, leave. . . ' : ,W .H. Stevinson-· Harbour Grace l''orlrll P"" has edited a bcok of · thl neiahborhoodl•, · - · · · same day. short stories. . ..._... . · · ·\ .._ · ,•Refrigeration. ..• I.

I' ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND . The Daily News MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 ...... Additional -Bait Fire Damages ·Unentploynzent .Report. House Interior F·or ·Nfld. Fire which broke out in the Units basement of No. 62 Carpasion Road shortly after 12 noon yes· terday caused some damage to the basement before the blaze was extinguished by city fire· men. There ·was also consider· able damage to the upstairs by smoke. City firemen responded to the scene when the alarm rang in at 12.15 p.m. and succeeded w confining the fire to the base· ment before the blaze finally was extinguished and firemen returned to their stations at 2.20 p.m. The house, owned by Iion 1 Jamieson, was occupied by Mr. 1 Robert J. Gibbons, Vice-Consul for the U.S. The origin of the fire is not known. Flying Enthusiasts

Car Won

Drowning Victim's Funeral The funeral of 54-year-old 1\!aurice Nash whose lifeless body was taken from the St. John's harbour watl':r Friday mornin'g will be held today with Requiem Mass at the Builica. The deceased leaves three brothers and two 1istera to mourn his passing. Interment will be In Belve· dere Cemetery.

Men's Weather-Wise Rubberized CAR COATS With· Split Hood • Colors Grey, Navy.

• Fully lined.

• Zipper closure.

• Practical a n d $ ANew Rum. handsome Coats .95 It is our understanding that for wearing right the Board of Liquor Control is new. now m11rketing a new product from the West Indies and are calling it after the very well known "Big Dipper" at thE! Gan· dcr Airport. We are given to understand that while the price of this product is very much 1 lower than other brands, the ' quality is excellent and should pro11e very acceptable to the public in the province. L. The three sizes arc, full bott· les at $3.00, half bottles at .FINAL STAGES-One of five 2.000,000 gallon tanks at GQldcn Eagles Refinery nt Holyrood is shown in final $1.50 and six (6) oz .. at .SOc. All ~~fS of CODStruetion. These Will hold 1.0~000,000 Jt:lllons of crude oil when the refinery goes into oper· five tanks prices are including 5% SSA 1 aU. iu .J981.-Max Mucer Photo, · · tax. I

~-- (HE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 ------·------~------THE DAI~ Y .1VEWS Boredom In The Congo tlewfoundland's Only Morning Pa,-r By BERNARD DUFRESNE CANADIANS DETAINED The DAJU NEWS is a 1D01DiD! Canadian Press Staff Writer The most serious incident involving paper established iD 1894, and pubo the Canadians' was about a week after lished at the News Building 355-359 LULUABOURG, The Congo, CP­ their a~:-;•;JI. Con!:olcse soldiers sur· Duckworth Street, St. John's, New· For the lO-man Canadian signals de· rounded sig signallers and demanded to toundland, by RubiuloD ll Compa!IY tachment· stationed here, boredom is see their L1~1lcd Natwns identity cards. the worst part of life deep in the heart Limit"d. The Congolese, acting on rumors the of the Congo. MEMBER qr Canadia·ns were Belgian paratroopers, ,Now that the detachment is fairly TilE CANADlA~ PRESS took a long time deciding but finally let well established and on tl)_e air 24 them free. The Canadian Pres~ is exclusive!) hours a day, there isn't enough work Now, the Canadians arc known all mtitled to the use for ripublicatlon Ill keep really busy. The average day's around town and even Congolese army of all news despatches iD tbia paper traffic is 15 messages sent and 15 re· officers salute stiffly when they meet credited to it or to the Associated ceh·ed. a Canadian. Press or. Reuters and also the local Otherwise. alter an initial period of Primitive Lulua tribesmen now oc· ol!ws published therein. tenseness as result of intense tribal a cupy the town and surrounding area YEARLY SUBSClUPflON RATM1 warfare in the jungles a few miles from A\1 Presr •ervica and feature articles after chasing out the Balubas in a Canada ...... $12.00 per IJlllum ln this paper are copyrighte~ and their this Kasai province capital, life is not jungle. war fought with knives, lances unpleasant. United Kingdom reproduction is pr"bibited. and poisoned arrows. aDd all foreign "We ha1•c a good setup here." said Even now. Belg!ans roll up their car IOUlltrics . $14.00 per annum Membez Audit Bureatt. Sgmn. Chris Yerburgh of Kimberley, windows as they speed through a stretch Authorized as secund cfass mai! B.C. "The worst part of this job is the of road between the airport and the I monotony." Post ottice Department, Ottawa. . of Circulation. town, for fear of arrows being shot from APARTftiENT LIVING the cover of high grass. The Canadians are comfortably es· ~IONDAY., OCTOBER 17, 1960 CARS ABANDONED • tablished in a furnished six-apartment The Tunisian brigade has suffered block. two minutes' walking distance some losses and disappearance of sol· from the .United Nations headquarters diers in areas near Luluabourg where More Nurses Are Needed where they have installed their com· cannibalism was prevalent less than 10 municaiions eq1iipment . . The gratification to he felt that earn as much as a teacher who years ago. In contrast, the Tunisian brigade. The Africans ha1·e moved into the ihe ranks of the nursing pwfession puts in about 260 davs. which has the job of maintaining peace homes formerly occupied by the 4,fl0(). ha,·e just been inereascd by the 68 Those who have to engage and security in Kasai, right in the geo· odd Belgians in the town. They wiYe graduates from the General Hos­ Jiurses on a fulltime hasis, which graphic centre of the Congo, li1·cs in around in cars left abandoned by 1heir tents and Con~olese army barracl· include ;Jtrength ')cr 9odatt Seasoned federal bud·~et analysts have ma,· he assumed that the 150 son, a teacher can obtain for much spot compared with humid Leopoldvillc. Sgt. Eddy Chiasson, Lameque, N.B.; been saying for at least two years that ,·ming women who are student less work. Nobody will suggest did not have, six weeks ago, the quiet Sgt. Jean:Louis Pelletier, Hull Que.; Cpl. ay EARL L DOUGLAI a gradual but steady rise in government imrses also assist in performing that teachers are overpaid. Pa­ atmosphere it now has. Bob Conroy, Kingston; Cpl. Jim Newson, expenditures is bound to occur over the At first, the signalmen stayed close St. Thomns, Ont.: Cpl. Eddie Lapierre. next decade and beyond. \\'.\IDI'r:I 01' 'rilE IIA:\'D the services provided 1)\' the insti­ tients mav think that nurses are to the hotel rooms where they lil'ed Their reas~ning is fundamentally overpaid. 'And what it all seems to Halifax: Sgmn Tom Boudreau. ~lone· tution. In short, the General Hos­ before moving into apartments. The ton; and Sgmn Pat Lemyre, Calgary. An opal is what is called a sym· simple. They argue that the nation's pital has a minimum need of ahout hoil down to is a public subsidv Africans were uneasy and showed ap· In the first few weeks after the Can· pathetic jewel. Lying in the midst of boomin~ population growth makes an 500 prrsons for its general and for private nursing when certified parent distrust of the Canadians. ?.dians mo,·cd into their apartment>. other jewels, it appears to be without augmenting of federal serl'ices ines· specialized mtrsing ~erviees. Add as neccssarv hv a doctor and for At bnc time. the Canadian headquarl· they ate food purchased locally and · luster ;~,nd to hal'c no beauty at all. capable in the years ancad. And they ers considered withdrawing the group also point out that existing federal laws l

those of last year. ?ossibly ex j Reynolds, w ho also was the Gosse, predeceased her by a the Spaniard's Bay Branch of 1 year. ; ceeded it by a few dollars, as preacher, and who in his sermon 1num.ber of years. The memorial the Canadian Legion in the pub- I 1 last report was six hundred dol· j gave appropriate words of en- 1service was held on September lie Building. For the present! CAR PRODUCTION DOWN : Iars end twenty-fi\·e cents, with couragement to the cadets. 2~th at 3 p.m .. at the Utter l\>lc- one room (upstairs) will bel TORONTO lCPl - Canadian a little more to 'come in. All Kmley Wilshire Chapel with used but when funds permit, motor vehicle production this who had anything to do with ,t, Canon Mark officiating. Inter- and if the need arises additional 'i week is estimated at 5.177 \'ehi· are highly pleased with the re- Harbour Grace ment was at Ing!ewood Park space can be made usable. cles compared with G,246 last suit, and Mrs. Graham M. Cemetery, Mrs. Ehzabeth Gosse Just as soon as the work is week says the Canadian Auto.' ~oores, who was in charge, is Persona 1S of Spaniard's Bay is a sister-in- completed a formal opening will I :nobiie Chamber of Commerce. 1 particularly so. law. be held, and after that the Lib- This week's total was made up ::t- · rary hopes to be of real com- of 4,463 cars and 714 trucks com- Miss Mary Kennedy, R.N., who H I munity service. pared with 5,18~ cars and 1,063 Monthly had been visiting her paren!J, e pS tO trucks last week. Production to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kennedy, Ad Galileo, Italian astronomer, I date this year is 311,044 com· Meeting returned to Comer Brook on VanC first discovered that the planet pared with 309,392 in the corre- Wednesday where she II employ- Venue ehanges phases in 1610. spending period last year. ed at the Hospital. Canadian Art CARBONEAR - The regular Mrs. Sheila Rideout who had monthly meeting of the manage- been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. By Paquerelle Villeneuve ment committee of the Carbon- George Lilly returned to her Canadian Press Correspondent ear Community Red Cross Mem· home at Long Pond, Manuels, PARIS !CPl-Canadian paint- orial Hospital was held recent!J on Tuesday. ers are becoming better known in "'ith the chairman. Mrs. S. W. 1 Mrs. w. A. Oke visited St. France thanks to Charles Del­ ~UST Moores, presiding. Routine bus-· John's on Wednesday to attend loye, 30-year-old artistic adviser !ness only ser\'ed to show that the Conference of Commissioners , to the French magazine Aujourd- rrri"'l"'r-r • the institution is giving more and taking place there this week. 'hui. -...,...,t-f- lr r r m i ,.,. better service and statistics ar'! The many friends of Mr. Ed· And· because of his interest in proof that the proposed two new ward Janes will regret to learn Canadian artists, the magazine, wings are urgently needed. Spe- that he has been obliged to en- an influential publication devoted cia! business received eonsiliera- ter the General Hospital for to art and architecture, is soon lion and the result of same may treatment for 8 heart condition. o devote an issue to Canadian be known in a few days. The He was taken to St. John's by painting. meeting will be at !he call of ambulance on Tuesday, Delloye plans to leal'e for Can· the chair. Mr. A. c. Lane who underwent ada shortly to investigate Cana------· --- ___ .. _ a second operation at :he General dian art personally, Material in Hospital, St. fohn's, on Tue~day the Canadian issue Jf Aujourd­ an import with automatic transmission is reported to be doing weB. Mr. 'hui will be based largely on what /my l)olltur het1J1118 9uJ!IlJ!Jiftm Building? Lane is one of the teaching staff he sees. Hillman is the one and only imported With Hillman's automatic transmission, of the Anglican Central High The invitation to visit Canada car selling for less than $2325 to offer your driving habits can be the same as Schoo] here and his fellow teach- was extended by the Canada at EASTERN TRUST ers end pupUs wish him a speedy Council and he plans to go to Canadians fully automatic transmission what you're used to now •.• no clutch recovery. Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and in a 4-door sedan. Here is real" luxury pedal, no gear shifting. And Hillman is Congratulations to Mr. and Vancouver as well as other cities in a low-price car ! There is oo slip, no Mrs. Walter Snow to whom a if time permits. . so easy to handle, on the highway or 0 · loss of power and no sacrifice of fuel son was born at the Carbonear HELPED BURDUAS in the parking lot. Test drive the new Hospital on October 9th. .. UntU a few years ago Jean· 01 SAVINGS economy ... still up to 35 miles to the Hillman with fully automatic transmis· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lidstone, Paul Riopelle W11S practically the D ... gallon. Hillman with fully automatic Winterton, and Mr: and Mrs. only Canadian artist well kriown sion • , . a standout in its class.· Ex· George Lilly, Bell Island, visited In Parts art circles. Then the late Your, savings earn mort with transmission operates with so lo)¥ gas •UILD ••TT•II their father Mr. George Lilly, Paul-Emile Borduas was given Eastern Trust - A% on deposit, c.onsumption as conventional stick shift perience for yourself the touch-and-go PA.TIIII- POll L ••• Sr., during 'last week end. Mr. an Introduction to Delloye ar­ or- 3\.1% with chequing privl· LI11y has been suffering from ill rlinged by a n o t h e r Canadian leges. For your convenience models. vitality of this fabulous Hillman for 1961. Commercial health for the past three weeks peinter, Marcelle Ferron. deposit$ con also be mode by Industrial but is showing Improvement, his Delloye liked Borduas's work moil, with our special Deposit· Community frleads willl be pleased to learn. and as a result others began pay­ by-Moil envelopes. Mrs. J. Butt went to St. John's ing greater attention .to the Ca­ tlfj~ HI LL·MAN ·.,;~~k:..' . All Ul 10 1b0W JDU the on Wednesday where she ·will nadian who had been living in Start saving regularly today I ll'lan 4 Door Stotiorl Wa;Ofl avan· HIUraan Thret•WCY CotlvtetJW• tMIIo ahle with fully automatlc tra1nr11inion A BETTER BUY BECAUSE IT'S BETTER BUILT ablt •ith fvUy cvtomatictr•sr~~hsiM f•cts ind ftJUrel on the spend the winter mont,hs. Paris for five years before his (whitt wah optional ealra) Jownl COli way . Miss Madge Oke, who had been death early this year. • • visiting Boston and.New York re- Delloye was elready. familiar .. R 0 0 T E S P R 0 DUCTS: HI L,L.M AN • ~ U M 8 E R • SUNBEAM tobuUdweU. turned home on Wednesday. flith the paintings of Riopelle, - · • THE EASTERN TRUST COMPANY · Ferron and Fernard Leduc, He ) ·· · Dickey 'Pearce, shortstop of ·wa8 shown others done by. Jack the post.Civll War AtlanUcs, Nichols,· Armand · Filion, Good· Branches Across Canada fRY'S•• ENGINEERING first, used the bunt .fn baseball ridge Roberta and Marcel Bar· -~----..;,:.;;;,;,;;=--:;,.;,o--;;;.,;;;,;;,;,;,-.,;;..__,_,. ADELAIDE MOTORS. LIMITED~: -25 Sprln1dale Street history. beau. But •t was the work of ST. JOHN'S BRANCH 275 WATER S'!'. •, 2 Borduas that prompted him to NEW pOWER at ADELAIDE ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. TEL. 3015-6-7-. llilll.~iiP•hlil~~~~e••11111••••llll '1he tapir is South America's decide on the special Canadian 1 PHONE 2027 Jr ..••·-~••lllli••••••••••••••••••••_,. lar1eat 1ame animal. Issue of Aujourd'hui, ------1:1 • iHE DAILY. NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 ------~-- 11 II ASTR O-GUIDE .By Ceean Social-Personal For Monday, Oc:obcr 17 Present-For You and Yours ... Aspects of \loon Column- ~nd Venus 'Ire~~ domc~tic up­ sets. trouble b~twccn parent and child and between employer and FROM CORNER BROOK lion prizes fo1· Miss ~lar~;aret emplo) ee. People tend to b: .Mr. AI Kawaja, well known Summers and Miss Betty l''itz· careless-both in habils and in business man of Corner Brook, gerald. There were several accuracy. Avoid controversial · who has been in the city on a lucky number drawings and discussions, particularly with , bllslncss trip, leaves today to these !lrizcs were won by Mrs. those who arc known to be hot­ return to his home town. While M. Moriarty, Miss A. r'arrcll, tempered. bere ~lr. Kawaja was a guest Mrs. J, Ryan, Lady Walsh and ---Alicia Hart's Lines On Brows--- at the· Newfoundland Hotel. Mrs. L. Cardwell. A hearth rug Past ... On this date in 1777; Future ... (irand-:hi!:lrcn of which was raffled was won by British General Burgoyne ;ur­ th~ pr\: :nt ~cr.crJtion will n~i~~ FRO!¥! CATALINA . Mrs. Dawc. remlercd to American Rcvo:u­ the thrill of the roller coa~•.er · ~lr. and Mrs. Gordon Mifflin tion forces at Saratoga, ('i.Y. ride '" thcr~ arc only four men of Catalina, motored to St. I i\IORNING COI<'I''EE The Of The Eyebrow Counts i On the same date in I R29, the !all over iO l"''' old now) who John's with their family on Fri· The Woman's Federation of i Delaware and Chesapeake Canal build thorn a:1d ti,orc are no ap· day, and are guests at the New- St. James United Church will ,...-~.,.,~-.I was r~:ned. prer.tices in th: ii~ld. foundland Hotel. hold a morning coffee tomor· I ' row Tuesday from 10.30 to 12· noon at the YWCA Club Rooms The Day Under Your Sign Harvey Rd. }I there will be pantry and ,\RIES I Born Mmh 21 to Aor;J 19) liBRA ISopl.ll to Oct. 22) Y•n':,. llrJI r;e:l!nR" fnr 1f \""lu'r~ T>h:unr: ;\b~ ... ·... t:r ~c<:l for t(}(lar to do th: miscellaneous stalls. 'm1r t.our~c b·: L&~

SAGITTARIUS INo•.l2 to Doc. 21) GEMINI IMoy 2,to J,ne 21) I o rt<'~'~?:1itt "htre yoa\·e hiltd is the Dnn't gn :Hnl: 1! ]rnJ...ing fnr half.fa

l -.:~"-"_;~. y: ~~· -~ ._ .. ___ , __ •r_·"_·hr.: __~~·~--- ·~·~~~=·~~-'· __ j Dental Nurses TJ.lkes Real Family Gathering

Between Us· Women

'·'· ·, ·I

-.OUR· OWN' BREAD • BEST FOR YOU AND YOU AND -·-·-·-·-·­ I BY • TEST ESPECIALLY YOU Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company I How much • I Bread • 'Our own' I • NIAGARA PINANCK COMPANY LIMITKD I Try It Partand Bulldtnr, Duekworlh St.. Phone 7067. ) IM Water St.. Phone 54~ or 6191. In Pta• . , ' . .. centla: Ptacenlla Tradlnl BulldinJ, Pllone 53. ·t COpen ~londayo and Tu Hda'" 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.l *BAKED IN THE·BIGG~R, B~"fT£R BAKER'. Branches In Grand Falls and Corner Brook. a ·~· ., I\.,; • • • • • • ... ,. , r , .· ; -·-·-,-·-·-·-·- I , '\.,.. J ;rHE IW.Y NIWS, ST. JONN#i, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOI!R 17, 1960 Continenta I aetween Us Touch .Women Manicure And Hand Care l~portant

• Rx For Troubled Teens' Complexions

Nail and band care go together like hand·and·gtove, 1o lten are two habits you Rhould form: the weekly manicure and lilt Dlllhtly 11.~e of a good hand lotion.

By ALICIA HART 1 In giving yourself a manicure, To many women, a weekly I here are some ?asics 1!1 remel!l­ manicure is the beginning am! j ber.. Don't f 1 1 e ~our nat~ · she rinses her face and pats it carefully dry wUh a cleaa towel. end of hand care. It isn't, of ; stratght down the stdes. Thts She follows lhls wilh a mild astringent lollon which 5he appllea course and women who persist · only weakens them. If you havo 'll'ith Rterlle cotton puffs. The three product• h1 thla kit are in this' attitude will eventually l a professional man!cure and _the menat to be used regularly aad all three are deBIJDed 111 work find themselves with rou"h and manicurist does thts, stop · her. log!lhcr in clearing up the ~kin. She Is also careful (right) about aging hands. " Make her file them into· gentle her diet. She stays away from fats, starches and sweets. ADd For the truth is ~hat y o u r ovals. . she takes as much fresh air and exercise as she can manage hands take a good deal of pun- 1 .Re~ember that . a medturn each day. She Is alao careful to let a full eight hours' 1leep tshment whether your job is at leng.th. 1s a far prettier A~d more each night. This is tmporta11t, home or in an o£Cice. Either femmme length for natls than wav they need tender treatment the long one. Claws ne1·or r~te ea~h night. They should he compliments. And tlley htnt creamed as faithfully as you ! that you're fairly useless since cream your face and neck; And I w~o can do h.~usewo~k, or type while you're about it, don t neg- wtth long, cun mg natls. Iect your elbows. Manv a wo· By the same token, deep ~eel man who doesn't give· her el- or purplish. shad.es are. anyth.tni' bows a thought for weeks !(ets hut attractive ~n nml : pohsh a shock when she sees hersel! Pick whate1·er tmt you hke bu 1 ina sleeveless e1·ening gown. keer it sooft and .prety. , . H · dress skin all look per· Ptck a hand !olton that s ncb fe~~~· But there are those nasty, in lanolin if you really. v.:anl little dark patches that are the I results. And re~lly work Jt !nto elbows. your skin each t1me rou use 1t.

Curves of Gfamor World's Largest Atomic R~ce Profitable Power Plant Is ·Ope~ed '

-t=.:. :-- T::.,<:

- I ~~~~- "I think that I shoJI nmr ·see-a poem cs. muc:; lio~ulc : as a ·tree!" · I I I I I G' ... ------·· i Tl I

---- ',,,

.• -

,~,, •• ,.IJt_,.,,&fl. !l.1NO-.rt.U,\ol1, . 1~·11 ,.,.ilfiW'.Ii~rl4"tfC.. : frry to think of it this way! You made a real friend ot th1l pin_ bof! He_ ~-~~~~t haYI to keep straightening them up!":!

The Congressional ~frdal of Honor is the hi1:hest award giv­ en to military personnel in the United States.

So many happy family plans can come NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS within reach under the B of M Family Finance Plan. If you have a steady income and can . afford regular monthly payments, this low-cost, life-insured plan may answer 4th Anpual all the credit needs of your entire family. Talk over your needs with your friendly Newfoundland Agricultural neighbourhood B of M branch soon. BANK OF MoNTREAL . ' ' ' . . And Homecrafts Exhibition

No Exhibits will be permitted to be , taken from the Newfoundland Agricultural and Homecrafts Exhibition Following the Closing of the E~hibition Saturday Night, October 15th. Ask for your copy of our folder "Haw to livt on your incomt The Stadium WHI Be Closed To The Public .Monday Oct. '17 and enjoy it/" I

WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVf~Y Returnable Exhibits and go6ds or ~aot~s r:nay ·.be removed, Beginning , WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1117 ~ a.m. Tuesday, Odober 18th. · Any exhibits not .called for and , owned . -: I ' . . . by persons outside St. John's· area will .be Mailed «;~r Shipped by C.N.R. I , . ' . . ' . ; . . I . Express. ~ACKING OUT - Greta Thys­

•• ·••• t • sen, actress, wears backless frock in 'New York. r;.!.:, ~ ., ,, .. ~· • ·SECTION II THE DAILY NEWS SECTION II

THE DAILY. NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, :NFLD., ~ONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 ------~----~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~------West Has Five Years To Woo African Friendship Or I Fall Festival Alcoholism~Canada' s Terrifying Blood path Opens Tonight With many weeks of extensive No. One Problem j preparation behind them the Alternatives i various committees in' charge • . • So says Mrs. W, S. Communism of the Fall Festival arc all ready Watson, National President of A!\'TIGO~ISH. ~. S., rc. P.l- 1\ unteers from the West who-will the waiting list. to open the big event at 7.00 James Jacob :1-lachobanc. presi- work with Africans to raise their He belongs to an Evangelical o'clock tonight in the Girls Reg- the Women's Christian Temper­ ance Union, when she address­ dent of one of the most unusual ! stnndm·d o[ living. sect but came to St. Fr~ncis Xav· 1 ional High School, Bonavcn· ed the Local Branch of the colleges in the world, says the LO~G WAITING LIST ier, a Roman Catholic univcr- 1 Lure's Avenue, · WCTU at the Gower Street has fil·c )'cars left to con : "Our need is people who will sity on the recommendation I The ladies have an especially Wc-~t United Church, Friday after­ ~inre the African of :ts good in- ! li1·e and work with the Africans, of French-Canadian missionaries large display of home cooking, noon. tent ions. 1 teaching them Once the African In his country. home knitting etc., which should After that. 60.000.000 black black is t'Otll'inced he can feed He is sponsored by the Inter- attract many patrons. Mrs. Watson, a native of Van­ Winterizing your hotne i couver, is an ardent member of African~ would etther participate • his ramily and morket some of national Inatitute of Education of 1 Arrangements have been pays off in added COftloo the ·temperance union and has . I in the biggest blood liatlt in his· I' his produce he will turn to ways the Ford Foundation and is to , made for special bus service been connected with it for fort, saves money in fuel tory or swing wholesale to com· of peace." ' , continue his studies this fall -at from Parade Street ~o the Fes­ years, the last ten of them in munism. ~It•. Machobnne' s college has ColoradCI State University before tival and return. This will be a aftd repair billa. Wiater-­ I an eKecutive capacity, Last r :: ~lr. ~lacllobane runs an agt·i- 200 students with 5,000 others on returning to Africa. · half Hourly service beginning ; i cultural t'illlc~e in his natire Ba· ______...._ ___ ....;_ __ ...;______at 7.15 and continuing as long October when she attended the . ' .iz• Nowl 1 World Convention in MeKico, sutoland which ha;: neither cam· i r ···-·:··:-- -:···· :~-:,··,-·~ as necessary. h d w ld R d' p~s. buildin~~ nor funds. It oper· i ,.....,. '<' 7""' : ~'iJ' Highlight of the opening night s. e was rna e or ecor mg s d• s It will be the draw for $SOO.OO in Secretary, In September of this year she went to M.ontreal for ~ : ::~~i~~~ ~~:~~~~o~~e·l~~d"o;~~ I :ifgfj~.~~~··:coiJ'S~i .·.:i ar Ines, me the Super Special. Nightly door the National Convention and prize of $50.00 will be increased was elected National President. ~;~r ;~~~c:c~.~~m~~.:;.~e ~~~~~~~~: :.<~au· ~Mftt· ! :! At Long Pond to $100.00 if the winner is in 1 th b 'ld g t th time of the (World Conventions are held ftr:ds trnpronm: a~nculture and ...·:· •"'". " ••... • .... , . ;. e _m n a e tri-annually). . MRS. w. s. WATSON I ~ocial conditions among his peo· · · · · -'R "'· £., f, Sardines and smelt. have drawmg. H · t t · t . 1 p'c 1tl .I J ' ' struck in at St Phillips and All the usual attractions will .er 'r" eres m empetranhcet Umon as she addressed the · d . h . sprmgs rom a concern a w a Local Bra ·h , t d ft 1 CAULKING . \uen•linJ,: thl' roady lnterna- . '•',. ' .. the Long Pond 1\lanuels area. be feature , w1t t 1te pmes on i h . d . . d 11 c , ~ cs er ay a cr- 1 1 1 1 1 lion~! Institute at St. Ft·ancis: . &.r. 0 10 0 Weatherproof around win· Fishe'rman Jack Dodd of the l'arious wheels being welll~tc? his ?~ngc s~c.Ie Y 1ay noon at the Uower Street Umt· x~ricr l'niiWSit)' h c l' c, jlr. I 5 Long Pond notified the NEWS Iworth competing for. • IS, s ~ 1sal 'blana a num >er ed Church. She has a heavy • dews and doors by sealing ~l~chohanc said in an intet'\'iew 1 '. · 1 1 h d one socta pro em. 1 schedule abe I f h · N , • that on Frtday morning past, ow.mg o _I leh ubge crfow ds . "It is a headache In the fac- I dl d dad( . o . er ~hn ' ~1\· . up crocks with caulking that nati1·e :\!i'il'ans ha1·e been l' he put out a smelt net to ex- · anhctpated It as een oun I , • , oun an , a 1essmg c urcucs ; 011 tl1r most patient people in the periment on the conditions.j necessary to refuse admission ! torJ, a ~az~~d . th~h hlgh~ah: and Eunday schoo!s. When she 1 compound. -.or1d. ! When he pulled these nels in to persons under sixteen unless ~~~ : danltt~ap 1~. de ne g_ leaves here she Will proceed to ; ~0 nm: TO WAiiTE • ' on Saturday morning, he cdunt- accompanied by an adult, our hoo · ISd a hm eranhce ~~~ Gan~l~r and from Gander. will '"But if c;ommon gound is not I d . the c urch an a cartac e m contmue her tour of eastern fonnd lor blacl; and wliitc, the j e fifteen pounds of smelt, and the home Intelligent people try d . twenty pounds of sardines, This t f' d th 1 \' b t 1 Cana a. hlack~ will continue to rebel as latter was quite a sur rise to Th ' Ph 0 m .e sou 1?n, u vo un- :.\!embers of the Excctttire of OTHER thl',. ha1·c hl't'n doing. El'olution th ' t f' h ph d'd ree- ase Itary abstmence IS the only the Local Branch of the \\'CTU mu~t he ha;;tcn!'d or there will e 'e eran IS erman. w o 1 . answer No alcohol no · ITEMS not expect to see the small fish I 1 : , • • ' are: )Irs. C, L. House, Prest·. hr rCI'OlUt ion." on the east coast 1 VQWR ( • alcohohs~. . dent; ~Irs. Pastor Wessman, Se- · IN STOCK :\tr. ~lachohane said he is a The smelt is c~lled "White- I ampaJgn I. Mrs. \\ ats~n satd that there cretary; Mrs. J. G. Burry. Trca· dc;ccndant of a Zulu warrior . f h" b th I d . ' !Is a general idea that only peo·lsurcr; Mrs. H. Winsor, Past Se-, STORM WINDOWS 1s Y e ,peop e, an smce i pie who are maladjusted and . · f.. kim! who years ago denistated \~'HY IN?EED! -. Quesl.lon the fishery of these proves A three-phase campaign to h . ·b· cretary; )hss E. Barbour, Or- LUMBER Save money in fuel one ~ third of the African continent I 1s posed m Orfordville, W1s. . . f d · f d' ave persona 111 y pro 1ems are ganist g~od, mdus~ry raas~ In 1 0 10 add to winter comfort b: only to II(' destroyed hy his broth· I • . a market and un s supp?r ra alcoholics, but this is not so. · PLYWOOD cr" in a blolld1· re1·olution. I No str1ped snake nahve to mtght be developed at the s1te, station yow~-Votce of Wes- She quoted Dr. E. M. .Tollinck, installing storm window: "I can tak~· ml' lesson from the United ·states is poisonous, Mr. Do~d felt. · · ley RadiO-Will get ~nder way one of the most famous author- ROOFING Sizes to fit all standorc Herrmg must frequent lite next Monday accordmg to the I itics on alcoholism, who said I tllis. Only a peaceful rerolution I . . Property Value : SIDING openmgs. can succeed. An empire of arms i Lon~est verse m _the Bible, outer waters .near Lon~ Pond, . ~oat·d of governors of the stat- that only 40 percent come to will perish hut an empire of peace· acco.rdmg, to the Kmg Ja~es and these Will be tried . for ! Jon. alcoholism because of person· INSULATION shortly. As far as the ~ardmes The three methods chosen by ality problems. The other 60 11 ill sun·il·c." Ivers10n, ts Esther 8·9, which FLOORING The answer might be 5.000 I'Ol- contains 90 words. go, that is a large cannmg con- the board are the annual VOWR rc nt b 1 h I' cern in other countries, and Radio Auction, a variety con- 'r;ro~ah / ~ odm \· a co 0 ICS Gander Higher ' 18 PANELING since they were caught in an cert and Home Delivery Turkey I Th ere~ soare over r2m00m00g0. k·nown The total l'altte of propert1.· improper net, there could be I Teas. All three have proven suc- •lcohol'tc · C d 't d d CEILING • 1 f 1 · · b " s m ann a o ay, an in the town of Gander in· more of them procured 1! a sar- • cess u m prevtous years u1 I many more problem drinkers creased by almost a million dol- ' TILE dine net were used. . I require a tremendo~s amount I Alcoholism has doubled in th~ Iars during the past year. The smo. other water hvJn.~ I of work by church 'olunteers. )last te d 't 1 r bl This increase includes com- SHEATHING smelt can be fished almos~ First event on the VOWR . " dye~trhs, tan 1 s. re Ia. Y WEATHERSTRIPPING es 11ma 1e a one tn n1ne mercia!, residential and indus- ,' ear round, coming up to the fund raising calendar will be ou gst h' d . k . th . PEGBOARD Y· · · · th 1 d' t' d Y n ers w o rm m e1r trial property but does not' in- ,. . Stop heat loss around wir. ~ce su~bfa ce 1~. hwmhter, makmg 1 the annhu~ ra 10h. auc 'ron ~n e~ teens, will be alcoholic by the .elude the value of building.> , dows and doors with goc 11 poss1 1 e to·JIS t em through e c alrmans .IP 0 ran li h h · th' t s which are now in the construe- : the ice: They are often barreled Kinsman. The auction will as tyme e 0{ sf\ IS tr Y• hev ~n- weather-stripping. and sent in water and ice The usual. take three nights to com- b=percde~ k~ ?0 wtnh ~ 1cto 0 1 lcs lion stage only. 1 ' · ' 1 d ·n b h ld t .,.an rm mg m e1r eem, A court of revision held in 1l appearance of both these kmds P etc an wt e e on 0 c o- I lllr~ Watson said h I Gander last week assessed the of fish is an unusual point of i ber 24th, 25th and 26th. Goods ·nt ·.- t d . t' sl c1. s velry propertv. value of twelve mil- 1 1 interest for the east coast to be auctioned will be donated ·, ere,• .e Ibm "~CITUmu a ~~~ h ?· ' 1 b b · f d f · d 1 1eres m e n , Wu!C 1s lion 637,854 dollars, The as· ------or th~S~~=~~n.lfrnS an ricn S ; trying·. by a factual, scientific, sessed value of residential prop· HORWOOD Serond el'ent will be the ; educa.hon program, to promote erty was gil·cn as ten million l'ariety concert in the Church I a soc1etr where drinking is not 617.200. dollars. . Local Recording ; Hall arranged by chairman Bob so soc1al!y acce~table, a1.1d .D:sp1te recent lay?ffs m the LUMBER COMPANY., LTD. i Bartlett. Outstanding city ar- where total, abstamcncc w11l Atrhnes staffs and m the De- i t'ts 1s wt'II be f ca t urc d on th e offer .a ·solulion . to the problem I partment of Transport staff,. the To Be Aired programme. Date for the con- ; of drmk1ng. town of G~nder contmues to WATER STREET PHONE 3011 . --. ~ '•:J cert will ile announced later. She spoke of the~e and many expand. ~urmg the past month. '·'i .The United Church radio pro· Final event of the drive for othey probl~ms facmg the Wo- 26 perrnt!s were Issued for the _;;.:.- :..1 gramme. "When A Child Asks" funds will he the mammoth tur· men s Chnshan Temperance construct ton of new houses. was recently recorded hete in ------St. John's for broadcast. This key teas under the chairman- regular programme is heard ship of Eldon Tucker. Plans call Fun to drive ... cincll to park •.• ·for the delil'ery 'or 1500 teas­ over two radio stations here and Costs leu to r11 n tlwn ,wm .~p<•lld t;ll milk usually originates from Tor- a gigantic undertaking by the onto. men and women of the congre- "When A Child Asks" is galion. :Y'otl can drive ::1 Monis 1000 just ahoul evet·y- heard regularly on CJON at VOWR,_ Newf.oundland's pio- ; Coming Soon- 11'here (up· to 30-odd mile~ a day) for under 10 45 neer radto statiOn, was found- , . a.m. on Sun day an d on d . 1924 d h h' t $8.00 a month. It's roomy-holds four people VOWR at 9.00 p.m. Sunday and e 111 • an as_ a ts ory Th d Th St J h , 1 of outstandmg serVIce broad- comfortably. It's rugged-famous one-piece, , urs ay. e · 0 n s ape Icasting church and special ts scheduled for use on Sunday el'ents. Funds have to be con- I ·all-steel body. It's smooth-riding-sway-free a brand new game. for all the family October 23rd. · t 'b 1 d · th t t' · t The panellists from St. John's II r1 u e smce e ~ a ion Js no torsion-bar suspensi9n makes i l ride like a car were 1\lrs. S. J. S. Woods, 69 operated commere1ally, twice its size • , , One short ride will convince Lel'rlarchant Road, Mrs. R. Ink­ you that the new ~orris 1000. is everything pen, 16 Long Pond Road, and you've ever wanted in a low-price, economically Dr. David Peters of 10 Winter Place, all are well known here Health operated car. hi the city. Dr. Peters is a-den· list, as well as being choir­ leader at Cochrane Street Report TEST DRIVE:THE Church. "Wh A Ch'ld A k • · The report from the Depart- en 1 s s' IS 1 ' ment of Health shows that again programme for parents. The MORB_II·IO~OO idea for it .came from the eK· this week, Gastro Enteritis is IT'S FUN~ TODAY periences of Miss Nancy Ed- on the higlter number of dis­ wards, while she wor)ted in eases, the cases reported from northern Newfoundland for silt around the Island are as fol­ years with the . church. Many low. St. John's, three; Span­ IT'S INTRIGUIN{;- s .00 WHELAN'S GARAGE,· LTD. parents said, "What would you iard's Bay, one; Bell Island, have said to Johnny when he two; O'Donnells, St·. 'Mary's Bay, CORNWALL AVENUE PHONE .427.0 ask~d 'Such and such a ques- one; Bay Roberts, .twenty six. lion'?" Questions are sent in Other. diseases are, Corner IT'S PROFITABLE- MORRIS MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE 1 1 by the listeners. These are writ- Brook, measles, one case. In­ ! ten in dramatic form and opens fluenza, Corner Brook, Three; the programme. $Mumps, Conception Hr., one; ·Bay Roberts, nine; Chicken ·this New and Exciting game- Pox, Small Point, Bay, de Verde, Don't miss seven; Bay Roberts, ten. There are eight cases of I .., • scabies on the Island, Bay Rob- ' erts has six, Bell Island and Chapel's Cove, one each. .WATCH ? ? One case of stomatitis is re- lOANS for INDUSTRY ported in St. John's. • • ..: Impetigo, there are four af­ flict~d at Bay Roberts; Infan­ e •• e e I I e I, t: I I I I I I I I .• I· •• I I .. I I I I THE tile hepatitis, Elliston T.B., one; ' Dun ville,. one; St. John's, three; ? IXPANDING er .You can secure full infonnation ·~ l.D.B. Grates Cove, three, . ;nnand~g for liusine~s cn~aged ,in manufactllr!nJ• Scarlet fever number~ two DIVILO,I.NG prot.~ng, 'asstmblang, mstalhng, overhaulmg, cases, one each at St. Phillips DAILY NEWS • · . :recooditioni~, ~ltering, repairing, cleaning, pack- and St, John's, YOUi iuiiNISS :•gin~, rrans)lo~ng or .warehousing. of g~s; This report is applicable up ,? ? . 'lOS'BJIIJ• openn"f a mme or qumy, drilling to week !!!ding. Octob,er 8th. , ? . ~oa, rngJneering, ~chnical ·~"~ . or • ltiCIItllic . senentlllg . or for DETAILS • • .rescm:h, clattibuting . TORONTO (CPl - Onlerlo's ·~l:y or·opcrating .a -.nen:ialair ~ transport· and education depart­ , or . ~ tnn~ of P,Cnoos, or IIIPPIYiag ments Wednesday gave unquali­ pmnises,;ll!Khinery or cqwpmcnt uDder to · ' ~ .leiie fied s u p p o rt to high school · •ny: biJsiness mentioned above. Get ift touch, with courses in ·driVer Instruction. ·In GET YOUR' ''NEWS'' DAILY! 111 ID.B, olfi« • ace f1NZ llllliror, or ·, ' lawJcr a joint s_tateme9t following a cab· ~··)' '. \net meeting, Edueation Minister Robarts . and Transport Minister If Y9U are not already . o Subscriber, Call 2177 and Yaremko s .a.ld .. all. courses In ... :. ~.::·:'IJti»IJTIIA:L \~I_V..LOPMINT IA.NK dri~er ,instrUction must'lle ·held 1 .WE will arrange ·for a carrier to deliver copy ·Of f• illliww tiMCI oufslde ·re~lar school boiiril )nd . . . ~. ' . . -· must not red lice '·or .inter!~ wit;t the DAILY morn1ng. .HALifAX 123 Het:tiS ·STREET 2-7444 regu!Gr subjects in the schooi NEWS ·,every curriculum. '.

'. ·Crusaders Lead In lntercollege ·· Soccer Today Booth Memorial High Mercantile Gets Set .-:All- Star .Bo.· wling The final game of.the second round in lnlereolleelate soccer · d For Best Season Ever . wlll be played today at the Tbe first ae&sion of TV All· picked ~nd ten for wtnnlnl AYre , Athletic grounds with aftemeon ·~ Sl. Pat'a Alleys while Ir!s Maddlgan gained the Prince of Wales and Bishops. .,!"';~;'f,:·;.:~.~~:t;:o::-; (a ptu res First Rou n ; 1 Star bowling on Saturday other ftve .points for Holy College squaring off at 4:30 League swill€s into action at 1 saw H.oly Cross move well out Cross by bemg picked for the p.m. j front tn the race for the Club show. Jack Up~m had ~he The opening round action be·· . .ss · I • 's, w·,n in~~r:o~nc:isg~:. the circuit will ~~:e~o!:e~:a~~ see action in u the Crusadern Guards five pomts for bemg tween the two clubs resulted in Pat· Tropb~ ~ook l St the opening doubleheader. '10 potn._ while Guards 1amed picked. 1 ~-2 win for the P.W.C.·team Holy Cro five. , , . . who finished In the league's eel· The four squads will play . Nell!e o Keefe wu the btg In the Ladt,es competition lar last year. Prince of Wales Three games were played in game after some fine passing goal post and then into the two 18 game rounds with the ltt.l pomt Jtttei for Holy Cr011 the •,cores were: Je,dn the loop by a single point High School socc~r over the by the Irish forward combo. goal. CJON Trophy going to the first With 50 points, She pined five N. 0 Keefe 201 317 2411 766 over both St Bon's and Bis· weekend, two in the senior Bob Costello, playing his Five minutes later a round winners and the E. B. points for beilll picked for the I. Maddlgan U7 120 229 706 hops · loop and one in the junior cir- first game in goal for St. Pat's shot was called against Booth Tucker Award being presented : aeaion, llad .even eonsecutive The scores for the men · ------cult. The lone junior game saw had little trouble in recording Memorial. The Collegiate cen- to the winners of the· second i atrika for 1~ points, 1ot 1:1, were: St. Pnt's shutout Booth Me- the scoreles sgame, as the St: ter-half man Kevin Collins, who round. The Walsh's Bakery : points for her aeeond frame IJ. Crannhaw 280 248 261 789 moria! while Booth Memorial Pat's goals against average drop· played a whale of a game for Trophy goe~ to the .champion· ' aeore which wu over 300 and J. Upham 127 2!10 223 600 and United Collegiate battled ped to .04. his club notched the equalizer ship team. another five points for havinJ Their wins will have Nellie Hoop Practice to a 2-2 tie and Holy Cross with a !ow drive to "the comer. Four individual trophies are : ever 750. Her other ten points' O'Keefe and Jack Cranshaw whitewashed St. Pat's 5-0 in BOOTH MEMORIAL VS. Both teams had golden oppor· up for competition. The top , eame for wlnnlnJ.· Iback for the second afternoon The Guards intermediate a~d I the two senior games. UNITED COLLEGIATE tunities to trigger the winning scorer in the league will cop· Jack Craluhaw got 1:1 Crus· of All-Star bowllnll on this com· senior basketball teams will ST. PAT'S vs. BOOTU MEM. It was a happy day for the tally in the final minutes of the Prince of Wales Arena! hold an ope11 practice at . the The junior league fixture Booth Memorial team Saturday play but key dcfensve work Trophy with the Dec Murphy aden points with five for being ing Saturday. i HOWIE ~i1:.l..iiER Prince of _Wales IIYm tomght.: played at the St. Pat's field Sat· morning at the Brother Egan b.V the fullbacks and sharp stops Award going to the top goalie.J "Will Play" The drill II set for 7.30 p.m., urday morning, was all St. , Memorial Field as they stemmed , by the goalkeepers had the Wally Millman will donate the ; and all interested players are : Pat's as they shutout the cellar Ioff a second half drive by the 1 thriller end in a deadlock. trophy for the MVP winner : t~ree games wi!h the aemt­ East-West: aaked to make a effort to at, : dwellinr: Booth Jl!emorial team Collegiate team for a 2·2 tie. BOOTH MEMORIAL: Goal, while the Best Defenceman will I fmal wmner takmg on the ~op tend. for the second time this season. It was the final game of t~e Wilbur Oakley; fulls, Clar win the Comwall Paint Stores : slot club in a best of ftve . Scoring three . tim~s in the ' first round for t~e Memortal Cluett, A If J~nes; halves. Les award. : games finals. . ftrst half and twtce m the sec· squa~ and the pomt gave them \ Ryan, Gco. Wmsor, Lloyd St?ck· The official opening of the ! This scawn the Mercant.tlc St. Teresas Edge ond twenty-five minutes of play the ftrst round honours and the , ley: forward;, Ray . Radchffe, !league will take place tnmorrow Leagt:e will have many semor Drysdale the Irish rolled to their fourth Sports S~op Trophy. . R_obert_ Rodgers, 1\lel\"ln Drover, I night at 8.25 p.m. Don Jamie· land junior league stars in uni· win in five starts. It was the The spmted Booth Mcmor1al J1m ~hiler, Rupt. Dawc. , son of CJON will throw in the form. Howi~ Meeker will play fourt~ shutout for the St. ~at's learn who _won ,their first two UNITED C 0 L LEG I ATE Ifirst puck as Royals (Royal ! for Canada Packers. Ot~er top Unsigne~ netmmders, three by Momssey I games hy 1denhcal 1.0 scores G?al, Dave Johnston; fulls, Bob Bank of Canada) and A. E. 1 hockeyists set for action are St. joseph's 3-2 and one by Bob Costello. 1ove_r St. Pat's and J:Ioly Cross Ptltman, Wally Garl~nd; hal:es, 1 Hickmans clash in the opener : Dou-;; Squires, Dave Batten, Don CRESTON, B.C. (CP)-A 21· Center-half Kevin Rumsey I showed the Collegiate team George Cull, Kevm Colhns, at 8_30 p.m. In the second fix. Yetman, Nev Henderson, ''Do· :aAST VS WEST ~ying moments of the contest, year-old pitcher from Creston scor~d two. of his team's ma~k- , ~hat they had some extra scor- Ralph Chancey; forwards, Do_n ture Browning Han•ey will face do'' Breen, Art Pearce, Ed

St. Teresa's won the East- and Gerry Byrne made his abot has returned unsigned a con· ers m Jeadmg the attack wh1le 1 mg power as they pumped home Coakcr, Wally_ Barnes, Charl~e off with Canada Packers Mar· Thistle, Jim ~Ialone, Gordon WtJt soccer series Saturday .at true for a 2·2 tie. tract. offer from Lon Angeles singles went to Derm Co~nolly, I two fmt ha!f goa!s .ror a 2-0 I Pollock, Rolhe Butt, lrlelvm garine Fivers. . Goo hie. Joe Slaney, Fred North, the St. Joseph's field u they The, sudden death overtime Dodgers because he wants a big· Joe Bennett and Len Ptercey, edge _at th~ m,tcrmtsston. . Rowe. The se~ond and third spot 1 Doug Chaulk, Junior Thistle, edled the home-towners in a ger bonus. the league's top sniper. I Thmgs d1dn t look too bnght I - , clubs after the regular two 1 Bob Lane, John Carter and sev- J·2 overtime thriller. saw the action swing from end John Drysdale, a southpaw The Irish center-ha_lf, Rumsey for the Col.lcglnte tea.m but they HOLY CROSS .VS. ~T. _PAT~ rounds will meet in a best of :era! others. The St: Teresa's squad , took to end until Tony Evoy became who finished last season with staJited the goaJ.gethng about came roarmg back m the sec-~ Holy Cross ran w1ld 10 thetr --·---- .. ---·----.-· -- ---·----·-- the openn~t~ two aames by 2.0 thehero by tippinll the sphere a 7-4 record with Creston of the the five minute mark of the ond half and tied the score at game against St. Pat's at the i I • and 1·0 scores while a third over the goal line for the all East Kootenay League, said opening half. The hardworking 2·2 when Melvin Rowe and Brother Egan Memorial Field; c·t c merciall Commercia 1 pme ended in a 1·1 tie Thurs- importtnt tally. Friday the Dodgers wanted him Patrician picked on a ball that Kel·in Collins hit pay dirt, only I yesterday, with five second half : I y - om . ; day. However Saturday it was Frank Mallard of St. Joseph's for Reno, their Class C farm en· came from a scramble and five minutes apart. scores to whitewash the Irish ; i s h d I the da~· for the Easterners IS and Gerry Byrne of St. Teresa's try in the California League. belted his drive into the cage The Army team took advant· 5·0, an~ take ov~r first place in ; B ll.ng League I c e u e the)' won the game on Ton)' were named the most valuable Los Angelesoffereil a $5,000 for a 1·0 St. Pat's lead. a"e of a miscue by the Col!cgi- the semor standt;-.,;;. ! OW l:vo)·'s overtime tally at the players during the serlea. salary, a bonus of $500 and an Joe Bennett, the Irish blonde· ate goalie, Dave Johnston, to The two clubs battled through : SECTION "A" nine minute mark of the sud- Referees were R. Dunne and agreement to send Drysdale to hea~ed forward made it 2·0 ?Y grab a 1.0 lead as Melvin a .scoreless first. half with I -- 'fo·Night: den death period. c. Davis. the Dodger spring-training camp beating the Booth Jllemonal Drol'er, butted the loose goal· netther team gettmg an extra I TUESDAY NIGHT'S GAIIIES 1 7.00-Parkcrs I'S. E. F. narne>. St. Teresa's opened the scor- in Florida, he said. nctminder and before the_ half line fumble into the goal. good. chance to score the game's I Alleys 1 and 2 : l!ickman Motors 1·s. Tele· lnl at the si:cteen minute mark, Congratulations are extended ended Derm Connolly ptcked Clar Cluett, Booth Memorial opemng g-oal, al~ho~gh Ho~y I 7.15-CJON vs B.L.C. gram. en a penalty kick. Ed Oliver to lhe winning team: Dry"~~a~~. ~~e~~:spt f~~~·;· ps:~~ the scoring area for the fourth stocky full-back made it 2·0 as Cross held a temtortal edge m 1 8.30-Stead Lumber Co. vs. · 8.15-Nfld. Brewery vs. Col. took the drive and beat Art time this year to give St. Pat's lie registered on a penalty kick play. I Streets Dept. I Cordage. Bragg cleanly for the one goal ST. TERESA'S: Goal, Frank about the bonus-$500 is not a 3·0 half time lead. which entered the scoring area, In _the second half however, . 9.45-Munn Motors vs Nfld Brookfield vs. Jmperbl edce. Bewey; Fulls, Gerry Byrne, Ed enough. In the second half the Irish after bouncing off the goalie's the fmal outcome looked rather Brokerage. I Oil. 1 In the second half, St. Oliver; Halves, Kevin Hanna· team thundered all over the foot and goal post before cross· • obvious before the game. was Aleys 3 and 4 ! 9.30-0'Keefe's vs. J. B. Mit- Joseph's put on the pressure ford, Harold Sequillon, Bob '1 didn't set a definite price, field and hemmed the short· ing the line.. 1 over as t~e Crusaders contmued 7.!5-Bank of Montreal vs. 1 chell. and before long thO:y were -sup- Lundrigan; Forwards; Tony but the 'plus' fiiure should be handed Booth Memorial team ; to play kttty at the door as they Mammy's. j London N. Y. and P~ris porting 1 2-1 edgt. Cyril Fur- Evoy, Donald Dunne, Charlie sever•!, thousand before l'ni inside their own side of cente_r· The secon? half wa! a com· : !,,~t the ball near the St. Pat's 8_30-Simp5on·Sears vs Mun. vs. Ayres SupcrmJrket. Jon1 netted the equalizer at Guzzwell, Paul Power, Kevin happy. field for most of the contest. plete revcrstal of the ftrst 1 goal. Workers ! the 14:00 minute mark and Maloney, Ed Murphy, Gus Ryan. ------Kevin Rumsey tallied for his tw~nty-five minutes a~ t~e l A St. Pat'.s de~enceman start- 945_Anlon ·Telephone vs.: Wednesda)·, October 19th: three mlnutea later Frank Mal· h h k second goal of the game and Untied team kept. pourmg 10 ed the ball rolling for Holy · S S D C 1 7.00-:'\fld. L. and Power 1'5. lard found the acorlng area. ST. JOSEPH'S: Goal, Art c urc Hoc ey d f th b on goal but only fme goalkeep- I Cross as his attempted clearing . I. . 5o. d 6 'I Rol·al Stores. seeon ° e season Y pump- ing by Wilbur Oakley and solid pass bounced off Roger Maund- AI eys an _ 1 Gr~at Ecastern Oil vs. Another penalty kick was Bragg; Fulls, Ted Basset, Gerry ing a pPnalty shot by the Booth 1 7 15 Parkt•r & ~Ion roe ""

awarded St. Teresa's in the Stone; Halves, L. Whelan, Neal Memorial netminder to op·en defensive work by Clar Cluett er and rolled into the goal by 1 • - >. • ·1 Furness Withy.

the second half, with a wicked kept the U. C. team off the I the startled St. Pat's netminder, I' ;!ouncll_ TCC. Wh , I 8.15-i\"fld. Tractor and Equip. · •we serve"-is our motto Tisdale, George Tizzard, Rich· A meeting of· the Church drive. score sheet. . Tom Squires. 8. 30--. arcom o. vs o.e·i vs. Terra Nova :\lo!o~,;. at \'0\VR.. Bid &merously ard Crooke, Gerald Morriasey, Hockey League will be held ~t . . " The fireworks started as the sale F & V : E. E. Bakery 1·s. A \Tes. at our Grand Radio Auction Frank Sears, Frank Mallard Wesley Church Young Peoples Little Len Piercey put the ~ontmuous pressm~ ho~ever goal hungry Red and Gold team 9.45-Marshall . :\fotors vs' 9.30--T. & ~1. Winter rs.' Bow- - • ' room tonight at 7 p.m. All dele- leather between the post for patd off and at the SIX m10ute 1 t' lly rr· d th ball in· Trade Prmters. I . " B on '?ct. 24, 25, 2B. Jotn the Bre~ Ho~ell, Hayward Brough· gates for the four team league the sixth time this year to fin- mark Melvin Rowe, tallied the c~n mua ca !e . e ' 1 nn., ros. , • , auctioneer It 800 on your bout, Cyrtl Furlong, Harold are asked to be on time for Ish the scoring. The Inside left first Collegiate goal, with a low I ~tde the St. Pats ~~ghteen yard' THURSDAY NIGHT'S GA;\IESI' Royal ~era!Pd \\ater, \S. radio dial. Tizzard, the election of officers. ' slammed the final tally in the drive that bounced off the far ~~:~r 'iraC:!~:; ~~~ ;~~e~ig~ Alleys 1 and 2 , Harvc~ & Co. ------'------_.;_---::~=====~~~~~~~======:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;------pn the goal line .and "Chow" 7.15-B. of :'1!. Bankers vs.; Thursd~y, October ~Oth: . .. Finlay booted it in, as Holy Marsh~ll Motors. 17.00-r-:fld. Brewer) vs. Brook· - 1 Cross upped their lead to two 8.30--Counctl vs S.S.D. Co. ftcld. •- j goals. 9.45-CJON vs Wholesale i R~yal Garage I'S. J. B. - Ron Baird put the game on 1 F & V ::lhtchell. - ice, with two quick goals only ! Alleys 3 and 4 18.15-Be~nett Brewery I"S. Co· - Ia minute apart near the 17.00 f 7.15-Nfld. Brokerage vs. ! lomal C~rdage. . - FLY I minute mark: The outside right Mammy's. ~ CommefCial Cables ~s. E. - I jumped on a loose ball just out- 8.30-Marconi Co. vs ~!ac· 1 F. Ba~nes. . . . - I side the gnal crease, after Pat Donald's Whole.>alc. 1 9.30-!mpertal Od H. Parker Densmore and Pat Hearn got . 9.45-Parker & Monroe vs. 1 & . ll~onroe. . . -- I their boot on it, and hammered : B.L.C. I J:ltckrnan ~lotors IS. A~ res 1 a quick drive into the cage. His · Alleys 5 and 6 1 Supermarket. TCA second tally came on a stinging 7.15-Nfld. Brewery vs :O.!un.j SECTION "B" : belt from just outside the Workers. : .. ·eighteen yard line, which nip· 8 30--Munn ~lotors •s Sim~·l To-~g~t N , B H 7 1 I ped the- short side of the goal. son-Sears 1 .00- at Y ' ews s. ro. ar- •1 · Jtm• Fm• Iay score d h"ts secon d 9.45-Avalon Te Iep h one vs. veyEl · t · UfJT 1 1 c 1 ! goal of the afternoon and fourth Streets Dept. I cc rica I I tes vs. o . get j of the year near the twenty Garage. . , minute mark. Roger Maunder TE :\l\1 STANDINGS I 8.15-l. F. Perlm vs. T. lllc· I I h c· ld • I Murdo 1 cleared the hal across t e te (Including Games of Thursday I B . · J h Nfld I to Ron Baird and he slammed October 13th.) . ame o nson vs. · I it to the goal-line where it was w L Pts.: Great Lakes. : tapped over the goalline by Fin· Council 17 4 17 I 9.30--Chas. R. Bell vs. Royal around /Jay. 15 6 15 Bank. . . HOLY CROSS· Goal Gus S.S.D. Co. Dom. Dtstrtbutors vs. Too- . . · . ' Nfld. Brokerage 15 6 15 tons Ltd. Nevtlle; fulls. 1\hk~ Healey, Avalon Telephone 14 7 14 Cyril Kane; halves: Mtke Hea:n, Mun. Workers 13 8 13 Wednesday, October 19th: Clarence Husk, _Gerry Tobm; Parker k ~fonroe 12 9 12 7.00--Geo. Neal vs. Walsh's with forwards, Ron Batrd, Pat Hearn, M , Bakery 12 g 12 Bakery. Jim ·Finlay, Pat Densmore, T:a~:Y ;rinters 12 9 12 Can. Pacific vs. Avalon Roger Ma~nder. Simpson-Sears 11 10 11 I Telephone. ST.I!AT S: Goal, Tom Squires· M . C 11 10 11 8.15-Ray Bursey Trucking v1. . fuJis: Kev Phelan, Ted Greene; ld?· 11 111 ar~om w 11 10 Top Tone Cleaners. ! halves: Pat Brake, Mike Ma~ ac ona s · 11 13 11 I Canada Packers vs loney, Gerry Bennett; forwards: Stead Lumber Co. 10 8 10 O'Regan's Agencies. Charlie Morrissey, Eric Greg- CJON M t . B tt R E Munn o ors 9 12 9 I9.30-N afel vs. Colonial Garage :•-----• -HERTZ ory, Jtm arre • ay voy, k f M t 1 7 14 7 . C. A. Hubley VI. T. Me· M"k K'ng Ban o on rea ···---- I 1 e 1 NEXT GAME Marshall Motors. 7 14 7 I :Murdo. Thursday, October :!Oth: The United Collegiate soccer B.L.C. 7 14 7 7.00-Dunn & Bradstreet va. S Save time and fly- fly Tourist ·and save! eleven will take on Booth Me· B. of M. Bankers 6 15 6 • Levitz & Son. -RENT ACAR moria! in a senior league high Streets Dept. 4 8 4 . Daily News vs. C. 11. Bell school soccer. · game this Wholesale F & V 4' 11 4 8.15-I. F. Perlin vs. Br. Harvel TORONTO s79 ONE-WAY -----Restl'\'e a new HER'fl. RENT afternoon at the Brother Egan Nfld. Brewery 3 18 3 Elec. Utilities vs. Roya! to meet you Memorial Field. -----A CAR anywhere AVERAGES Bank of Canada. -----in the world. Drive it as your The two teams battled to a 9.30--Nfld. Coal & Oil vs. Unit ONE-WAY 2-2 tie in the first round meet­ J. Byrne ed Towns Electric. HALIFAX S36 -----own: a new 1961 Chevrolet or ing. Game time is 4.30 p.m. Mun. Workers ...... 223 Hughes Maynard vs. Too ------other fine new car. Low Hertz E. Hart tons Ltd. ------rate includes all gas, oil and Mun Workers ...... 215 SPECIAL NOTICE STEPHENVILLE s18· ·ONE~WAY A. Hindorff -----proper insurlmcc. Will all teams who have High School . Marconi Co ...... 211 not paid their entrance fee. Yeu 1a11· Naclt ev., SO Canaclla11 cltl• twlflly ancl cemfortably by TCA. 'ull cour.. mtals. B. Woods please send same to Mr. R. Avalon Telephone .... 209 Moakler, treasurer, before See your Travel Agent or phone TCA at 7121 W. Verge ' Standings tbe end of October. MacDonald's...... 201 J. ADEY, JUNIOR .LEAGUE L. Gosse Secretary. GP W L TPts. Mammy's ...... 201 St. Pat's ...... 5 4 0 1 9 G. Oliver Holy Cross .... 4 2 1 1 5 Parker A: Monroe .... 200 Untd. College 4 2 2 0 4 E. Shute Top Player Booth Mem. .. ll 0 5 0 0 Simpson-Sears...... 200 COLUMBUS, Ohio, AP-An· SENIOR LEAGUE gular AI Cicotte, 30-year-Q!d GP W L TFts. HIGHEST THREE. FRAME rial!.t handed hurler who had a 4 0 II (Individual) It Holy Cross .... 3 1 16-7 record with the Toronto Booth Mem ... 4 2 1 1 ll J. Royle pennant winners in the Inter· St. Pat's ...... 4 1 3 0 2 national Lea11ue, was named the Utd. College 2 0 1 1 1 S.S.D. Co ...... 771 B. Wooda minor league player of the year Avalon Telephone .... 770 . Saturday. • The nephew of a former Chi· Reserve ahead ('l'eam) cago White Sox pitcher, Ed Ci· ·cotte, he was recently sold to in St. John's, call BreaksI Record· Mun. Workers ...... 2630 St. Louis Cardinals. He finished KIEV, Russia, Reutera - the season with a 1. 79 earned 484.7'. Olympic champion Pyotr Bolot­ HIGHEST SINGLE FRAME run· average, best in his circuit, nlk'ov of Russia broke the world (Individual) ·and had a 11-inning no-hit vic­ i£::t : Other centres: ·record fQr the 10,000 metrea D. Bell tory over. Montreal Sept. 3. -~------run at the Soviet team cham­ · Bank of Montreal .... Jl7 · Cieotte finished ahead of out· _t--.....,..---.~. See ll~lng under Hertz pionships here Saturday. A. Whelan fielder Wlllie.Davis of Spokane, His time was 28:18.8, breaking MacDonald's W...... 312 .Wash., in the final. vot1n11. . · '" the whitt pages. the record of 28:30.4 secunda Cicotte will receive a cuh ~. set by RIUI&la'a Vladimir Kuts t;;:,

Johnn\' Bower worKing behind pass from Bobby Pulford. Catalinas-0 · · 1, , a fin; defence' and ;loina a su· : The crowd of 13.098 was sit· W. ~!urphy 156 170 133-4~4 • J)l'rb job on his own as ~II, had 1ling on its hands until 12:53 of D. :Murphy 14-l 167 227-538' onl,· 21 sal'es. 1the final period when Boston's F. Hutchens 168 152 108-428 1\1 •.\110\'LICli'S GOALS 1 Bob Armstron~ and Dick Duff C. Hutchens 139 180 237-556: CARRIER CONTEST ~!ahovlich counted alone in the I on the Leafs enlivened proceed· 607 669 710 1986 first and third periods. His first I ings with a high-sticking duel came when he took the puck around the Boston goal. Arm· Havocs-3 PRIZES! PRIZES! PRIZES! from Ranger rookie Da''t Ba· strong, who cut the leaf winger B. Trask 200 171 204-575 Ion. and then got around defence- on the forehead, received a ma- L. Trask 141 197 164-502 man Harry Howell. Rookie Da\'e jor and Duff got a minor. w. Parsons 256 185 128-569 Keon and Mahovlich paired for A minute later George Arm- E. Parsons 199 152 226-577 two goals within 17 seconds strong joined them in the pen- 796 705 722 2223 early in the final period. ally box and the Bruins, who Fortresses-0 Leafs put in three goals in that. hadn't shown much throughout 1. Kelly 181 213 223-617/ period. after counting a pair m I most of the game, went into A. Kelly 122 151 1 7 1=44 ~ , tach of the first two. high gear. The Uke line of T. Stanley 128 114 1 38 3 8 ,1 c stanley · 128 146 123-3971 . '~624 655 18381 • Halifaxs-Z J. Keough 153 167 147-467' J.t. Keough 150 158 111-419 156 132 162--450 EARN BIG M. Joy F. JO)' . 165 165 165--495 624. 622 586 1831 I Glhlers-1 192 191 144-527 MONEY R. Norberg ~·:.;,_ .. , .., .."",.. K. Dobbin 144 148 165--457' :, . .- ... Selling P. Norberg 87 85 103-275: c. Dobbin 151 165 203-519[ :'.~~1. 574 589 615 17781 ··--~-). .J Blenbeims-3 I L R we 244 184 239--667 I The Daily News s · R~we 114 124 196-4341 c: Tavernor 151 118 138-407 and get on the F Tavernor 226 245 249--720 1 ' 735 671 822 2228 ' },ancasters-0 I C Vavasour 187 121 112-480 I ~i Vavasour 124 138 143-405 j . Unclerhay 80 114 107-301 • , • specially prepared 'for the maa D Underhay 137 ,139 I ~3-389 I CONTEST who enjoys a mild, mellow smoke. . 528 512 535 1575 ! It's free-burning; cool smoking; offering packed in a transparent moisture­ Ll~htnlngs--2 ~43 168 194--605 proof pouch that keeps· this fine Bob its 168 151--535 Gcrt 160 149 179--488 tobacco "factory fresh" to the Jane 205 187 175--567 VALUABLE very last pipeful. Clayton 824 672 699 2195 .JUST 11118~ ~~am (No Nan;_~~l~5 180-510 lluuoolad Prloo . 117 147 175--439 Mar& 131 208 141-480 PRIZES Hilda 135 192'.197--524 Art 548 '112 693 1953 If you are not alr~ady a earner-.-• . - ..... Hellcopters-3 96 205 205-606 apply to-day fpr .a .route ... H. Ruwe 1 R Rowe 133 146 ~57-436 v· Eddy 226 112 tz0-518 For complete details contact -.~ ·~ It Eddy ,17'1 229 205-611 ..,. 732 752 687 2171 Comets-11 CIRCUL~ TION DEPARTMENT~--. .._, B. Butler 207 l72 17~557 D. Butler 133 130 120-383 THE R. Ryan 170 170 156--496 DAILY. NEWS J. Ryan '166 241 178:....585 676 713'632 2021 • • THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960

THE STORY Of MARTHA WAYNE By W. SHRUGGS ··-·--- ·------.. ,_-_;,;,":=;-;;.;;..·.;..· ---·--- For· Prompt AJ.IO T~ Q.f!. STOLEll F'I

9.20--Jerry · Wiggins Show 9.55--Pane Gray Show, 10.00--News In a Minute • Jacoby · ' ...... :·· ~. T·Y. RADIO LOG- 10.01-Martln's Corner . .... 10.111--Housewives Choice. B.U5-Brcakfasl with Bill 10.30--National News. On Bridge· 8.25-Ncws 10.~3--What's Cookln'. 1 CBN 11.00-News In a Minute 10.35-Housewives Choiee 8.30-Hil of the 011 11.01--Housewives Choice. WITH WEAKNESS 1'10!\DAY, Od. 17th. 8.35-Sportscast . 11. 15-Rlght to Happiness. LEAD SAFELY A.~. 8.40-Breaklast with Bill 11.35-Nfld. Quiz 7.30-CBC News . 8.55-News 11.45-Moneyman, By V. T. HAMLIN 7.35-Top of the !\forning I 9.00-Morning Date 12.00-News Highlights 8.00-CBC News and Weather 9.15-Lindas Firat Love 12.0Z--Town and CountrJ NORTH 13 a. 15-lfusical Clock 11.30-Mornlnc Date 12.30--News .Q5 9.00-:'l!orning Devotions 10.00-Ntws 12.33--Town and Countn • 1097 ll.15-Program Pre\'iew 1t.:.05-Stork Club 1.00--News. + KJ6 9.20-Piano Playtime. 10.15-Jim Ameche Sbr.w 1.05-Weather Forecast. "'KJ842 WEST EAST 9.30-CBC New~. 10.55-News 1.35--Don Jamieson'• tU5--Records at Random i 11.00-Jim Ameche Show Editorial • 8ft43 • A 10 92 \0.00-Archers ill.15-Western Jamboree 1.40--Sports .Q32 .A654 • 7 s 2 +A 83 10.15-lris Power. 11.55-News 1.45-Art Baker's Noteboo!l 1 2.00--News Highlights "'953 "'10 6 10.:.!5-For Consumers 1 P.M. SOt:'l'll (D) 10.30--Nfld. School Broadcast. 12.00--Western Jamboree 2.03--JelTJ Wiggina Show UD-News .KJ7 10.45--~lusic in the )lorning. 112.aO--News .KJ8 11.00--)lorning Pops, 12.35-RambUn with' Records 2.31-Jerry Wiggins Sho~t +QlOH 11.15-A ::ll.an called Sheppard. 12.45-Fisherman's Forecast 3.0Z--Western Jamborea. "'AQ7 11.30--Nfld. School Broadcast. 12.50-Rambl!n with Recordl 4.00--News In a Minute No one vulnerable 11.-15-Regina ::llcBride. 1.15--Sportscast 4.05-Rancli Party, South West North East 12.00-BBC News 1.20-Rambl!n wilb Recorda 5.00-News In a Minute I N.T. Pass 3 N.T, Pass 12.10--Announcers Choice. 1.30- -News 5.01--Bob Lewis Dance 'fartJ ·Pass Pass 12.30-Farm Broadcast ., 1.45--So The Story Goes. 6.00--News HlJhllghta Opening lead-• 2 12.45-!llid Day Serenad~ 2.ot}-Jim Ameche Show 6.01-Weather l.O~Doyle Bulletin 2.55-N~ws 6.05-Bulletin Board By MERRELL BLOSSER 1.15--Don )lesser and his Is· I 3.0~Pmes and Problems on 8.10--National Newa By OSWALD JACOBY landers. Parade, 8.15-Sports The weaker your hand the 6.25--Ever Battery Newa 1.30-CBC News and Weather 3.55-Newa 1 more important it is to find an 1.45-Tommy Hunter Show, 4.00--Westcrn Jamboree. 6.30--Club 93 attacking lead against a no. 2.15-~usical Randezvous 4.30-Bob's Bandwagon. 7.0Z--Club 93 trump game contract. You will 2.29-Dominion Obs. Time 4.55-News 7.45--Don Jamieson'• Newa have to beat the contract Signal 5.\){)-Bob's Bandwagon 8.0D--News in a Minute through your partner's cards 2.30-:.lusical Randezvous l!.aO-Supper Serenade 8.01:-Best from the Weal and you should try to lead the 2:l5--Atlantic School Broad· 5.50-Fisherman's Forecaat 8.30--Natlonal News suit which may help your part­ 6.00-Bulletin Board. 8.31-:-Best from the West ner. cast. 9.00--News in a Minute !.IS-Kindergarten of The 6.1~lllovie News. West's opening lead of the 9.03--Nfld. Soiree. deuce of hearts is in accord­ Air. 6.15--Sportscast and Travel · Guide. 9.45--Dosco · News. ance with this principle. His 3.30-CBC News. 10.00--News Highlighll one face card is in that suit. ·3.33-Trans Canada Matinee. 6.30-Supper Serenade 6.45-News lO.Ql-Jury Triall. East will win that heart open­ 4.30-Summer Time. 10.30--National Newt ing with the ace and return the 5.00--!\ow and Then. 7.00--Dominion News. 7.30--Shillelach Showtime. 10,45-Sports suit whereupon South will have 5.30--Fisherics Broadcast 10.!15-Lettera and Messages. to lose three heart tricks and 5.45-lfusic from the Albums 8.00-Cream 0! The Crop 9.45-News. two aces. 6.00-CBC News ~ 11.00--News Hlghllghtl If West opens a club or dia­ 6.05-lntermeuo lO.OO-VOCM All Time Hit 11.112-Music In the Night and Parade mond South will have no 6.25-Program Pre\'iew News. trouble with his contract. BOOTS AND HE~ BUDDIES By EDGAR MARTIN ~ 6.30--Supper Guesl 10.30-Eventide Meditatiolll 10.45-Sporta If he opens his fourth best #~.45-Light ltusic spade, East will be able to beat 7.00-CBC News and Weather 11.00--Big Top Ten, CJON-CJOX-TV 11.30--Ciub 1190 and Newa, the hand by going right up . 7.15-Shirle\' )!cCarlhy Sings. with the ace and leading back ;: 7.3~Tops Today · 1.00--News in a minute and MONDAY, Oet. 17th. Sign Off, a low heart. but the chances :. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin 10.45--Carioona, are that East will simply play ~:11.15-Rawhide. ll.OD-Romper Room. the nine of spades and rely on 8.3~Roving Reporter. ·CJON lZ.ot-Local and Natloul News a spade honor in the West hand ;. 8.40--Hour of St. Francis. SU1111111ry. to produce five defensive ~'!.55-Weather for !dariners. MONDAY, Od. 17th. J.OO-My IJttle Margie, tricks, • 9.00-Hawaii Calls. 11.30--The Bob Lewil SAow S.3~How &o Marry a MUllan· . 9.3~Vancouver ·Theatre. 6 31}.-Nfld. News atre. 10.00-Summer Fallow. 6.35--Weather Forec~st 4.00-0pen Bouse, CARD Sense ~9.30--Vancouver Chamber Or· 6.40--The Bob Lewis Show 4.30--Jlefiectlons. -~· che~tra. 6.4--Headllne Newa and 5.00--Chez Helene. The biddinc has been 11.30-CBC National Newa, Forecast 5.15-Nursery Sclloot Time. West North Eaat South :.· Roundup and Talk 8.l!O--The Bob Lewis Show 5.30-0n Safari, 1 • Double Pass ? ' •12.00-Sign Off--0 Canada- 7.00--News &.OB-Jet .Jackson. You, South, hold: :. The Queen. 7.05-Locsl Weather 8.25-The World of Sport.! .6 5 4 .K 8 7 6 tQ 10 I! • 3 7.20--The Bob Lew Sbow with Bowie Meeker, 4A 7.30--Newa 8.30-News Canlcade. What do you do! YOCM 7.35--Complete Weather 7.OD-Rifleman, A-Bid three hearts You BUGS BUNNY By LEON SCHL!SINGER MONDAY, Oct. nth. 7.45--News 1.3~Behind Closed Doors. have a mighty fine ha~d OJI' 8.00--News 8.00-Talent Showcase, poalte the double • . ·6.31).-News and Weather 8.05--Weather 8.15--National News. TODAY'S QUESTION 8.35--Breaklast witb Bill 8.15-Shipping Report 8.30-Father Knowa Best. West bids three spades and .6.55-News 8.20--The Bob Lewis Sbow 9.00--Don Messer's .Jubilee. your partner and East pass. : 'LOO-Breakfast with Bill 8.25-Kiddies Corner 8.30-Danny Thomas. . What do you do now? :~'1.30-News and Waterfront 8 3().;..N ews 10.00-J'ack Kane Show. A111wer Tomorrow Directory 8.40-The Bob Lewia Show 1D.30-My Sister Eileen. 'US-Breakfast witt Bill 8.5~uat 'a Minute ) 11.00-Festlval '61. • 'J.5$--News · 9.00--New• . 12.30-News Beadlllltl, ~00-Torbay Weather 9.05-Music for Millions BARBS ,-----~---- Answer 1o Prevloua Puzzle • } I The nicest thing you can add 1 1to your fa~e value ia a 11ice, Youthful Singer 1 Caplto I pleasant amile. AC&OSS &Moved with I Today I Headquart:rs • fo; four lodges aneu1 pit • • burned in an Ohio town. Where 7Note In Will the husbands aay they Guldo'a scale JACK LEMMON I Seine were? SHIRLEY MACLAINE • 0 0 PRISCILLA'S POP By AL VEitMEfR 9:Matsrass . FRED MacMURRAY IN 10 Siouan Indian 11 Miss Gwynn "THE APAII.TMENT" 13 TransacUons 19Decay Billy Wilder's newest film, 21 A11onqulan 30 Otherwise 44 Alaerlan "The Apartment," Is a comedy, Indians 31 Sly look seaport 22 Lamprey 35 Bev~raJe 48 \Tolcano In but that description only akims 23 Preposition 37 Early lilt1lllh Sicily the surface of the film's intent. :14 Brealdaattoocl (ab.) 47 Shift It also con~ins pat~os, near· ~u~er 108 . wea.ner 25lreland 38 Dry, aa wine 48 Gaelic tragedy, satire and a wealth of you ve .been complaining about 26 Fruit drinks 39 Lock o( hair 50 Replica observation on life. soon will turn out to be a fr01t. • 0 • 27 Bodies of .41 Climbing · 51 Individual "The Apartment," which water plants 53 PosuSJive opens •omorrow at the Capitol Practically all of the mid· 29 She haa 1 - 42 HIJh cards pronoun Theatrt. through United Artists summer Brooms have learned lllllilt 43 Strong wind 54 Foolbh fellow releaae, Is a biting view of deed to wuh dishes by---'-- now. and action in the aspirin age, by Adolph Deullcb. with emphasis on the pursuit "The Apartment" waa filmed of money and sex. It stara Jaclt in part on location In New York Lemmon (in a role that for the City, the high spot of which first time exploits to the fuJI. was the utilization of what the est degree what Is acknowledll· cut referred to as the $38,000,· By D!CK CAVELL ed to be the finest youn11 com- 000 prop, The "prop" 11 a MORTY MEEKLE edy talent in Hollywood), Shlr· brand·new commercial buildinl ley MacLaJne and Fred Mac- in the financial diltrlct, the ex· Murray. . terlor and lobby of which st"· The strong supporting caat of ed as part of tbe· main office uThe Apartment" is !leaded by af the huge inaurance office in Ray Wall,ton, David Lewil, Jack which millt of the characters In Kruschen, Joan Shawlee, Edle the film work. Adams (In her . movie debut) For lbe atudio ahootlnll In and Hope Holiday. Hollywood, aome ten major sets A Mlrisch Company preaen· were constructed at a coat In taUon, · ·''The Apartment" wu exceu of $4.01),o0o. These In· produced and directed by Billy eluded the exterior of a New Wilder, fbO also coll.aborated York street, the· interior of the on the screenplay_ with 'I.A.L. huge insurance office, the lobby Diamond. Jll!leph LaShelle was of the building, a saloon, a res· chief cinematolll'apher, and the taurim t, and, among others, the faclllll'ound ecore wu written apartment of the title, • THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960. 13·


FAP/-YOUTA'OS A!>PROACI'-\'I'f-1"& 'DUI'v\1\\'r' A"o tiTtLt: C:.USiO AS A POLICEMAN Vol~ A PARKiN6i'ICK6i F0~11-IS MA'iOF!~ r"'"''"­ lf'l M'{o~ TACKLING WAS 50 f=e~OClOUS IT L.'6FT ll'v\PRIN\5 01'111-1& FlcL'D '"0-IAT 'N6~E R&CO!':>NI%.ABLE- PA'r'5 LAic!<:.-c\ll:N ~ TilE STORY: Brett Fuken more horses. The town was NUM8EI<:5 ON i'f.le ~EI<55"1'5!.... <5iANO ll11 retmaed home to fiDCl his filling up and this wasn't no AND TO' lister, Jo Faskea, II In a fight pay day unless the spreads for l'Gil&rol or a cattle empire. around here had ~hanged their At 1 ulooa Brett has 1 brush schedule.' Not caring to en· willa a tolllh palllJller called counter any additional familiar aliNe Island Red, resultin1 In faces he pushed along the lliluter fer Red. . . rumbling walk, passing up the • • • old Homll Cooked Grub and Brett atared after the depart· turning tight-mouthed Into the lnr; marahal. Never convince Omaha Cafe. these fools Jo hadn't sent for There were five or. six gab· him. Shock waa wearing out of 1bers pushing food lvto their ... them now and you could tell •face~. Brett didn't know any of by the wty they were looking them. He slouched onto a stool ··"' at him they'd pegged this at the counter and gave his or. ~umbling of Red as a put-up der. When the grub came he JOb. 1 ate it, went back and got his Jo wouldn't take no lip of£ horse and tied him to the bar· him either. She's reckon the ber's pole. There were two fel· only thing could have fetched lers waiting and one being him back was the prospect of worked on. The guy twith the cutting into her pie-and Jo scissors was new to him." "Any had to be thought about. If this room in the tub?" bunch didn't take care of his The barber looked him over. hash she'd be trying to run him 'You'll hev to pump your own Sv J. R. WILLIAMS off. water-an' mind that handle. 1 &hroeder. I Ips thinning, She ain't too stout." • 5U6Ail:. MUST HAVE A 'THET'S 'TH TROUS\.E WITH 'THIS IS WH'/ WE WAN'TED BOTTI.C AROUI.JD··HE BREAKIIol' 'TH' LAW, WES·· VOU TO 60 TO .JUST 0J.1t: rtaehed up his sawed-off and set) Brett nodded, hung up his hat WATCH I~' FER. 'TH' 6AME FIRE wrTii US! YOU, AS SAID HE WAS 6011.16 TO MA'fOR, SHOULD IOJOW It on the bar. ' and went through the rear door. KNOCI' OFF AJJ ANTELOPE WARDa.IIS SEOI A VITA\. 1 AACTOR. HE'S FERGo'T 1'H' ca..PmONS-·'THIS Brett got out of there. . When he came back a half hour FOR A CHA~GE OF DIET. THET 1 AND l..l:lOK WHERE HE'S Tli' GAME MID IS HUr.lTIN' MA!oi·Pa.YER FIRE There was a lot more trafl1c later the only customer in sight PEPARTMBIT IS 601~6 ··'THERE GO 6AME WARDEIJS··l 0650LE'TE ·-WE on the street, more wagons, was the one that was being THE~LOPE! BEUEVE HE'D SHOOT OfoJE IF HE Cot.J\.D ~ED HORSES! "We serve" -is our motto shaved. When the chair ~~s FllolDNJ'I/ ' • 1 empty Brett got Into it. ' I II at ' OWR. Bld _genero~s Y take the full course." He cot at our Grand Rnd10 Auction to thinking of the way this on Oct. 24, 25, 26. Join the town had filled up. "You have auctioneer at 800 on your this much of a mob around radio dial. every day?"

...... "t .,

. .l'rwft'.- ·:·--~- -~ NOW PLAYING ...'"'lfi~!'Wf-!i .., ... -.- f\.4..------·------· "HO'T" MEAT Sl'DBl"R\' 1C'P 1 - R~d·faced --- police admilled Thursday that 1 WASHI~GTO:-i 1CP 1 _ The SiO_ in cash. was stolen from ~he "Nope. They got a meetin' :trek of Canadian emigrants to : pohce station two weeks a.,o. tonight." the cities and towns of the t.:llited 1 After nell'S of the theft leaked MDVIE·WIBE, "That so?" Brett said after a : States rose in 196o, reversing I he ! out ciuef consta.ble Jack ~urger THERE moment, "What kind of a meet· : sharp decline in !959. Officials m added th.e d~ta1ls. He sa1d th; in'?" . the U.S. immigration service.;1 money ~as m a cash box kep HABNEVER "Cattleman's. Dont recollect I now preparin~ it annual report ' out of ~1ght on a shelf near the BEEN Sl!'ein' your face before.' 'WEST SIDE STORY' ! said Wednesdav \he 1eport wi!i front desk. A pohce cadet o~ dut-: "Cant say as I remember I AN'YTHI.B shOW that th number of nat in·: ]eft the desk for a feW mmute, flappin eyes at you either." FILM 'DEPARTURE' j born Canadi~ns emigrating .o i Sept. 29 and when he returned UKE Brett said it so crusty the 1 the U.S. 1 the money was !~~-· ___ man stepped back, staring. ; ------· · Keep the 'phones ringing a "Don't git me wrong, Jack. BY ERSKINE JOHNSON Oct .. 21·22 to confer with Prime VOWR's Grand Radio Auc Just making conversation," said Hollywood Correspondent i "THE M1mster J?tefen~aker and mem;; tion on Oct. 24, 26, as the the barber. Newspaper Enterprise Assn. 25, Iber.s. of h1s .cab met on nat10na1 . 600 items are presented by APARTM£NT" "You've made it," Brett said. pol11lcal aUatrs and party organ· : . • "Get busy." ."1 like to be in America, I "I like to be in America," the Iization a party source said Wed·. the au.choneers at 800 on LDVE·WIBE, • • • "Okay by me in America, kids aang, ' nesdav I your 1hal. But later Brett's need for in· Life is all right in America "For a small fee in America, I • , --- -·-.. -·- LAUtiH•WIBE formation made him ask while If you're all white in America." Buying on credit is so nice. : DR DTHERWIBE·WIBEI the man was stropping his One look at us and they charJ:e razor, ''Whats the chances of HOLLYWOOD ,(NEA)-Thc SHORT TAKES: Marilyn Mon· 1

getting on arou!ld here?" beat of Leonard Bernstein's 1 roe's "The Price and 'the Show· I FROM THE PRINCIPAL CENTRES OF JACKL£.MDN "Poorly." music was sharp-sharp as•the girl" is among the "new" movies I .HIRL£r M•oLAINI. "Account of this drought?" satrical lyrics and the choreo- coming to TV this season. A ONT ARlO and QUEBEC "That's part of it.' graphy as the Puerto Rican kids couple of others are "The High. II ~~!I_.URRAf "Moneys tight, eh? All cut· danced on the New York roof· and the Mighty," "Hon-do", tin' down?" top set for a Hollywood camera both with John Wayne, and ! MARK YOUR ORDERS Also - UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS The barber said, trying his filming what was a "departure" Judy Garland's "A Star Is · TO SHIP blade out, "Hobbled 0 and even for the American stage. Born". TIMES Of SHOWS: Currycomb is still eatin' regu. For Hollywood of a few years Alan Ladd's daughter. Alana, lar. But some of them boys ago "West Side Story," (Romeo 17, just emoted in a "77 Sun· MUIRHEAD FORWARDING EVENING SHOWS: 6.30 9.00. is plnchin' the bottom of the and Juliet set against the gut- : set Strip" telefilm .... Jennifer I barrel.'' He scraped off the ters and alleys and racial pre· : Jones is due for a film come· LIMITED MATINEE: 1.30. lather around Brett's ear. judices of New York) would : back in "Tender Is the Night", PRESSING PROBLEM - Com· · When the man wiped his have. ~een untllinkable aa a i the F. Scott Fitzgerald . story. ing up with a new wrinkle on All rates attractive especially where VOLUME 1 razor and tossed the wet towel movie. Jennifer's husband, Dav1d 0. ironing is Mrs. Max Campbell is offered. A good service backed by experi· Into a bucket Brett said, get· . The "big rumble' on the west Selznick, will prod~ce a~d of Topeka, Kan., who does her ling up, "I'm a pretty good s1de of New York between the TV's John Frankerhe1mer Will ironing outdoors when the · ence. A Commonwealth-wide organization. NEXT ATTRACTION bronc stomper. You might pass Puerto Rican "Sharks" and the direct. weather is nice. All that's nee· MICHAEL LANDON - JO MORROW in "THE the word around." all·American "Jets" involving Theater owners, in convention essary is a shady tree and an 1 ST. JOHN'S CORNER BROOK The man, looking away from racial problems, racy, not-for· here, agreed on one thing: extension cord. · 221 New Gower St. LEGEND OF TOM DOOLEY" - ROMANCE - him, nodded. Brett paid him klddies dialog, and switch-blade ! "Film advertising not only Ia -·--·------ACTION -SUSPENSE -Also "LIFE BEGINS AT and went over and put on his knives would have been much i sterile and antiquated but is one PCS :vlEET DIEF , Phone 2634 or 5199 17"- ROMANCE- LAUGHS- EXCITEMENT. hat.... If It's the best I can get too real and too controversial/ of the worst ad programs of OTTAWA (CPl-Approximately I I'll break them on shares." for the one-time dream world any American industry.'' 1250 progressive Consen·ativ~ i Route "MUIRHEAD'S" The barber, starint out of the of Hollywood. 1 I don't think much of their parh• r e p res en tatives Iron: · window, said,. 'Migt try Scab Without even bothering to : popcorn, either. across the country will meet here I 8." .... check details, some mollie studio ' ·-· ;

we~~e~ut. said "Thanks," and ~aov~ulw~:e~e~~~a~m~:C~:v:~ !f.U .. R•N•E• •SS W•ITHY •. o_•. C.. Q. LTD j r He was thouahtful, climbillil the French RIVIers: i a • into the saddle, and he sat "Buy film rights to Broadway ; 9 •t there a whole still pushing it hit quote Western Story un- i Liverpool ~1. Jollll'a Bosln Rallfas St Johl'l arouhd. The face and shape of quote for Gary Cooper." · " te Bra • tn to to that girl were sharp in his BUT "DEPARTURE" EVEN Sl. JoliD'I BoaltJI Balifaz St. John's L'pool head. Able had suggested he try came to Hollywood's movies- "Newfoundland" Sept. 23 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Scab 8 too, but the storekeep· and today cameras are rolling 1 "Nova Scotia" Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 25 Oct. 29 Oct. 31 er probably hoped Trone would on "West Side Story" with the' "Newfoundland" Oct. 28 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Nov. 17 CLARK& put a bullet through him. key creators of the original "Nova Scotia" Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 29 Dec. 3 Dee. 5 · Someway Brett didn't feel 50 show behind the cameras and a "Newfoundland" Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 24 sailing FREIGHT depressed. Tbe propsect of re· portion of the original cast in L'pool direct ~ .·.·. NOW PLAYING newtng his brief acquaintance front of them. ~~&··''.''"_'·.·.,··.· .SERVICES with Lola had nothing to do The "Maria and Tony" of the Persons contemplating passage to Eurooe ·- .': ·:~ with it. There was the germ of film are Natalie Wood and abould make bookino well In advance. ------AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B.O.A.C .. K.L.M .. PAN froill MONTHAL "LAST 3 DAYS" a 14-carat idea floating around Richard Beymer .with Russ AMERICAN AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN. T.WA. aad Ithrough his thoughts and if he Tamblyn as leader of the "Jets" connecting Airlines. 'To NEWFOUNDLAND r-:==:=----:~7:~------...., ,could just get his choppers and Rita Moreno as Mario's best Consult us reprdlnJ rour travel problellll WlhEI11 ACADEMY i sunk deep enough into it • • . friend. To CORNER BROOK-week!, OF . AWARDS. ; . Night wu falling fast as Beymer played the role of FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE MN "huh .Roee" ~d MN "ln.b Willow" I Brett kneed his flaxen-haired Peter in "The Diary of Aline 'roan across ·the road and push· Frank" •after. making his film ~N~J!~,WF!!iO!UND~!L!A!ND~!I!!B!OTBLf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'P!R~O!N!E~~56~U To ST.JOHN'S-weekly 1 l'J him Into the westbound traf· debut as 1 juvenile with Jfne 5.5. "Novapott", 5.5. "Gulfpon" IIIII lie. · 5.5. "Hi•hliner" , . . , • 1 1 Where buildings came .va.gue· ;;~~an in Edna Ferber's "So • (:complete la1111JU1ce C:O,..,n,e 1 ly out of his crosshatch of light FAST DIRECT FREIGHT SAILINGS • Throuah R.tet m c.P.R~ C.N.R .• and C.S.I.. ! and fluttering shadow Brett . THE COMPANf has just re- cut Jhe roan bard right onto a turned to Hollywood after a FROM MON'fREAL, P.Q., • Rdricerated Carso Space to St. Jalm'e FROM HALIFAX, N.S., • Tracina and Eapeditiq Semce. runway. month of filming 1cenes on the TO ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. TO ST. JOHN'S, NfLD •. AI he eame Into the reach of streets of New York The plea tenlar Molllt'lll the barn entrance lantern tbe for tolerance and understand· • gaunt atoop-~houldered shape of lng, which "West Side Story" !X) M.V. WOODCOCK M.V. ARDGARRY CLARKI TRAFRC SIRYICIS !:he Scot came out of the black· is, features one son& ballet OCT. 20 OCT. 24 OCT. 18 OCT. 20 offering ne11 and 1tooi! with crossed number titled "America," in III.V. BEDFORD M.V, FAUVETrE Excluaive "Limited Engagement arma, dour and Immutable. 'No which the Puerto Rican kida OCT. 27 OCT. 31 OCT. 21 OCT. 23 CONSOLIDATION OF LCL SHIPIIEIITS room for yoe here, asken.' ' tell their attitudes toward Arner· (X) M.V. WOODCOCK M.V. FAUVETTE In This Area. ' • • • ica. · NOV. 3 NOV. 'I OCT. 29 OCT. 31 • The words by ·Step ben Sond· PICI·UP FACIUTIES l1 "Same . old Mac," Brett. said heim, and the music by Bern· (x) Refrllcratlon Space Avan EVENING SHOWS 7.30 · with a chuckle, "Still remem· stein filled the big sound staee able. MJTROPOUTU 1010110 and MDITIW (One Evening Show Dally) bering that wall-" ' an.d tt was more than just a "There's no room for ye "departure" for Hollvmood. It's For FreiJM • ADMISSION PRIC&S: 1.75. here!" a rumble, man, it's •"a rumble CLARKE The hard burr of his tone waa in movieland. Reservations "Fhf .. ,. expectell but Brett hadn't look. ------­ T"l. 5483·2151 Gul ol Sf. t.wroneel" od for 'him to turn down a dol· horse a drink do you?" or 80350 I MATINIE5-1.30 Weclnllclay & Saturday; lar. "Thil bronc ain't et yet." Mclnery motioned them over or "Aye, Ye never .was one to to a trough. "Doni Ki' off him." HARVEY STEAM ADMISSION PRICES: 1.25~ worry aboot dumb cloutin' tak· .. "Put some oats in a nosebag SBJP8 LTD., In' up yer whole outlook." too, while you're at it.'' . Chlldr•n 12 ytan a~d under 75c. uBe akin off In plenty afore The Scot went grumblinK off 1 AleDts . ye cit done wi' this." . into the dark. 1 l. N. COLI, .,ocltl lt,.tstntaiiYio loyal IHk ...... 11. loha'L '"' ntl ~·you do!l't mind giving' the (To Be Continued) .. . ' ' ______& ______u. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 -======7:::=7~--=-=----- matography in a color film. ______.;;..__._ THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By W. SI"IRUGGS I Miklos Rozsa, for Best Musi- AUTO PARTS (Whole) cal Scoring of a Dramatic Film. FOR SALE Paramount Elizabeth Halfenden, for Best Nfld. Costume Design in a color film. 1956 FORD CUSTOM· NOW PLAYING Ralph Winters and John Dun· LINE ning, for Best Film Editing. 'rtliUMl'IIANT "DEN llUR" William Horning and Edward Excellent condition. HONORED WITII MORE Carfagno, for Best Art Direc· AWARDS THAN· ANY lion, with Hugh Hunt for Set Tu-tone, built-in radio, OTIIER PICTURE Decoration. heater and defroster. The world's most honored l'r~nklin E. Millon, for A:l new tires. mot.ion ~icture! !Best Sound. . \BLIILDING MATERIALS SIX httle words. Used to- 1 A. Arnold Gillespie and Ro·. I • Ph 5722 gethcr, they become synony- bert MacDon;l\rl and Milo Lory,: CHESTER DAWE, LTD. , , One nwus with ''Ben Hur." ! lor Best Sprcial Effects. SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD ' oct.ll.lf No film in the hislory of I The eleven awards topped For all your Ruild!ng --- -- lloll)·wood has been on the rc- !he prevwus record of nine Reqmrements cal! ceiving end of so many awar1ls held by "Gigi." ' 80161-91171 ami honors as has l\letro-Golrl· ------wyn lfayer's spectacular pro- AnT THEFT ElECTRICAL duction, based on Gen. Lew V:\NCOUVE!l rCPI - Two PRISCILLA'S POP By AL VEilMEER Wallace's famous novel. dozen oil paintings worth an esli- APPLIANCES sight. It's entirely probable i mated S~n.ooo were ,tolcn Thurs· that many years from, after it duy mght o1· early Friday from ~AINE JOHNSTON I has been exhibited throughout a prh·ate art g~llcry in south-end COMPANY, LTD. , the world, ''Ben llur" still will Vancouver. Pohce smd they sus- Agency Department 1 9 5 4 be gathering th~ medals, pia- pcct professional art thic1·cs. 243 Water st. Dial 2102 qucs and statuettes that have Oryly the llest works were taken YOUR FRIGIDAIRE F 0 R D been coming its way almost from a~ .exhibition of . 19_th-cen DEALER. I since it was first shown to the tury ongmals from Bntam and public. • ~he continent. T~e Alex Fraser 1 HEAP & PARTNERS I As most anyone who can , oallery had ohtamed them from 1 'NFLD L read. sec or listen knows, "Ben, the H. R. Cresner gallenes of St.' I ..•) TD.. . . B• d M Ltd Hur" galloped to victory in the .J~~~s Place m London. The1r ex- i Wmng MatemLI, W1re and i a1r otors , 1960 Academy Award sweep- I h1btt1on and !'ale started Oct. 1 ~ Cables, Motors St~rters, I stakes as dramatically and de-~ and was to close next Tuesday.. Lamps, ~Witches, Llghhne MERRYMEETING ROAD · · 1 d h , ------· Fixtures, etc CISIV~ Y • as oe~ the eros ~WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST 1 DIAl 8-0378 - 8-0379 chanot m the chmatle race of I SEEK IIIGIIER FEES : DJ U5085 I the P.ict~re. It broke all records , TO ROXTO 'C P ,_The attorney- • ' 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, by wmnmg eleven of the covel· general's committee· on the cor- • ed "Oscars." oners' system Friday rccom- FIRE INSURANCE l\IARKS ANOTHER mended an upward :-el"ision of NEW AIR FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By MERRELL BLOSSER 1\ULESTONE fees, a reduction in the numller :ROSSIE & CO., LTO. But the ceremony in Holly· I of coroners in Ontario and an en­ CHARTER wood on April 4th at which the 1 largement of their jurisdiction. Agents for Academy Awards were present· Eric Silk, assistant deputy attor­ UNDERWRITERS AT SERVICE ed actually marked just another ncy-general, said at a press con- ' LLOYDS. milestone along the award-win· ference that the 41-page report: LOW RATES NEWFOUNDLAND, DIAL 5031 ning path the film has been will be studied by Attorney-Gcn-! LABRADOR and following. ! era! Roberts. Some of the recom· , ------Just two weeks previously, m~ndations, if a~ceplcd, will re- HARDWARE STORES ST. PIERRE. England's Duke of Edinburgh, qmre legislative approval. Ideal for Businessmen, husband of Queen Elizabeth. I AIR TRAFFIC GROWS HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. Sportsmen and Hunters had presented his country's • , . • • equivalent of an "Oscar" to,1 REG!:'\,\ _1CP1-Air traffic m • General Har~ware for complete details for "Ben Hur" He · p 'd t , Canada, wluch has mcreased at ', Distributors for Sunbeam . 1 .5 rest en o1 , .. . ·k bl t ., . the Societv of Film and Tele· a I emal a e . ra e m recen\ . Electrical Appliances, freight and passenger l'is' A i h' h 'yea~s. Is growmg el'en fastm , Sports goods and Sports service. ho 10" r 5• w IC each year now, Trade ~linistcr llees sad! wear for all occasions. n?r~ the ?JOSt noteworthy Wednesday, Speaking at the for· I DIAl 5016 i o.·al 2005. 6251 ac~le\ement~ 1~ those f1el.?s· mal opening of Regina's new· ____.;.... _____ . Ben Hur was named Best S1.500,000 air terminal building, I 1 ~1Im from a.nY. so.urse released ~lr. Hees said in the last 10 years I ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD. AIR TRANSIT m Great B_ntam Ill 1959," and air passenger traffic has juRJped I McCLAR'x AUTO~IATIC BUGS BUNNY By LEON SCHLESINGER Jack Hawktns. one of the stars from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 passen-1 WARM AIR CONDlTIONJNG LIMITED of the production, was there to aers a vear. [ 210 WATER ST. receive it on behalf of :Metro- ~----'------DIAL 4183 P.O. BOX 5178 Goldwyn :\hl''er . . ' · \'·ant to some one a I------ST. JOHN'S ~1\'l' sept9,lmth r-'"1""""'"":3i!= · hcmlacht·? Then you keep the RADIO-TV REPAIRS auctioneers huw at \'OWR I ------. Anmwl Gnu~<: i~mlio Auction: GREAT EASTERN OIL 011 Oct. 2~, _,., __ 6. I · ------COMPANY, LTD. 1 REP AIRS TO RADIOS, TV AND ALL ELECTRICAL DEPENDABLE APPLIANCES . Fire Insurance. DIAL 3001 to300~ Prompt Delivery On Prompt Settlement • STOVE OIL GROCERS (Retail) • FURNACE OIL You can't afford not I • HARD COAL I L HEALEY • SOFT CO,\L to be protected ' Cross Roads and Water Street • IRON FIRE:IIAN Dial 3026 BEATING EQUIPMENT. MORTY MEEKLE By DI~K CAVELL J. J. LACEY INSURANCE AGENTS INSURANCE LTD., CAN I HELP IT AND BROKERS tF I OON'r The ceremony in London [ 211 WATER ST HAVeA~NV came less than a week after the I • Dl.;ro.?ITION? Hollywood Foreign Press As- Dial 6921 JOB BROTHERS sociation, at its annual dinner, I";;~~~;;:;:;;;;:;:;;~~~;;;: & CO. LTD. had awarded a Golden Globe to jo Water Street the production as "Best Picture I Dial 2658-4123 of the Year." In addition. this group honored William Wyler Fly to St. Pierre REG. T. MORGAN as the Best director of the / For mformation call TO-DAY'S Year" and Stephen Boyd, who I INSURANCE LIMITED portrays Messala, as "Best Sup· ' MRS. O'BRIEN at Temple Rldg., P.0. 6ox 168, And the end is scarcely in 341 Duckworth St. SPECIAL porting Actor." 4461A or 90797L Dial 80370 or 7756 Earlier. in New York City, For taxi-boat service call the highly respected New York DRUG STORES film Critics had named "Ben FRANK DUNNE at 1959 Dodge Hur" as ''Best Picture of the 237 6, Year' in their ann11al balloting. M. CONNORS LTD., 4 Door And in · Hollywood', the Prescriptions Pickup and BOOTS AND HEll BUDDIES By EDGAR MARTIN aug23,lmth d · · Ph 2206 Screen· Producers Guild had ~~~~~~~~~~~ ehvery serv1ce. one · named it "Best Produced Pic· - I McKINLAY ture of the 'Year"; the Screen i AYLWARD'S DIAL 90070 Directors Guild, at its annual ' ! PBARMACi banquet, .had honored it as . Cor. Monchy & Empire Ave. MOTORS LTD. "Best Directed Film of the ' teMARCHANT ROAD Year"; and it was named "Best I PARKDALE American ~ess. PHARMACY PHONE 4193 • 4 • 5 In addition, magazines, such Elizabeth Ave. as "Seventeen," "Good House· Dial 91120 keeping" and "Rcdbook," had presented plaques to "Ben Hur" emblematic of its selection as FREIGHT SERVICE the finest production released TRINITY SOUTH ~EWFOUNDlAND during the month. It had top­ From St. John's via ped the Ten: Best of the Year Whllboune to Old PerlicaD, . SERVICES list of every newspaper critic North Shore Conception in every city in which it had to Carbonear. PASSENGER NOTICES opened prior· to the new year. Trucks also available for The national Conference of long haul service. CONNECTION GREEN BAY Christians and Jews presented Rates Reasonable. SERVICE By V. T. HAMLIN "Ben Hur" with a special certi· DIAL 936038 flcate for "outstanding leader­ For further information Train "The Caribou'' leaYin~ ship in promoting the cause of St. John's Tuesday, October good will and understanding 18th.. will make connection at among all the people of the Lewisporte with !the M.V. nation." The plaque given it b;v N onia lor regular ports Green the Greater Los Angeles Wo­ Bay Service. men's Club. was only one o! ' dozens presented to "Ben .Hur" ' .FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES by women's organizations dur FREIGHT SOUTH COAST inp; the early ~ays of its release SERVICE But it was the Acadcm) Aware ceremony at Hollywood'! Fr~ight is accepted daily at Pantages Theatre which focus· 1 the Railway Freight Shed for ed world wide attention on the : regular ports South Coast Ser· production to a greater degree I vice but in .order to guarantee than ever before. It is sale to movement by this trip of the assume that "Ben Hur" was on S.S. Baccalieu freight must be the front page of practically at the Railway Freight ·Shed every newspaper in the world i not later than 1 00 p.m. Tues· --CAPTAIN EASY By LESLIE TURNER on the day following the event. day October 18th. I In addition to winning the A FREIGHT ST JOH~'S· top honor as ''Best Picture of WELCOME WAGON the Year," an award which Mrs. HOSTESS LEWISPORTE SERVICE Sam Zimalist accepted for her Freight for .regular ports St. late husband,. who produced the . For Fas~ . Will Knock at Your Doo1 John's·Lewisporte Service' per film; "Ben Hur" brought "Os· with Gifts and Greetings M.V. Codroy will be accepted cars" to the following. Taxi Service from Friendly Business at the Dock Coastal' Shed Tues­ William Wyler,' named Be'st day and Wednesday, October Director •. Neighbours and Your 81th, and 19th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Charlton Heston, voted Best 'HOTEL TAXI Civic and Social . Group~ Actor for his pe'rformance in On the occasion of: the uue role. • I 4- O BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR 0I 3 242. 241· New Comer to the City, Hugh Griffth, selected as l QUEEN'S ROAD The Birth of a Baby, £est Supporting Actor for his PHONE 94B65 - 90943 1.ortrayal of Sheik. llderim. .open from 6.30 to 2 a.m. CANADIAN NATIONAl Robert Surtees, for Best Cine· '--~~-~----~ and 3582. 1 ... H DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1960 ----~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~----~------~15:·

Monday, October 24th, Tuesday, October 25th, Wednesday, Octoberi 26th •

~ GIRL· Fond of children. Own room, T.V. All modern Ou1 of Respect to t~e Late conveniences for business couple. Other help kept. KINSMEN Mrs. Harold Mitchell Good wages. Write ~1rs. FALL Wm. Sucher. 44~ Trenton, a Director of the Company, our Offices Montreal 16, Que. Boys Club oct17,18,19 1 will be closed on TUESDAY, OCT. 18th, 1ron sALF.-1957 v~i~-;;~!l~~ Newspaper BINGO from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. FESTIVAL Window Van, 3 scats. Good condition $1200. Dial 2686 SERIES 37 oct!3,15.17 J. B. M·ITCHELL & SON ltd. TONIGHT CONTRACTOR-We do all TO·DA Y'S NUMBERS kinds, in side renovating, sparkling, painting, out side Girls Regional High School repairs painting and etc. A. G 0 Newfoundland Stockley. Phone 337l·L. B I N Bonaventure Avenue oct7,1mth 16 38 49 61 Memorial University Of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SLIVERS and KNOT HOLES 59 73 PART time work to reliable 7 25 42 Doors open 7 o'clock resident in this area mak· 14 18 66 EXT'ENSION SERV.IC.E ing light deliveries in a 3 24 75 car or small truck. No 31 48 Children under sixteen must aelling involved. The indi ·Vacancies for: vidual selected must have a 74 1 SECRETARY be accommpanied by adult. good driving record and be 10 22 33 53 insurable. Only those in· (Saldry scale 2500.·1 00-3000) terested in a long term ar· 63 2 STENOGRAPHERS rangement need apply. 28 36 USUAL ATIRACTIONS Starting salary $68.50 per , (Salary scale 2000.·1 00-2400) week. The applicant must "If you would hal'e thi~ Wheels-Home Cookery. be prepared to work steady Apply at once ·to: on a year round basis and house reroofed· and insula!· have $1500.00 cash avail· ed it would not be so damp THE DIRECTOR OF EXTENSION Hand Work-Games at 8.30. able. No others need apply. and uncomfortable all the MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NFLD. Write to Box No. 203, C/o 1 time!" Canteen Service. News. octl7,19,20 • septl7,tf The lady is right )lister : And if your house is cold NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE $50.00 FOR ALL YOUR .Exterior and damp, you will sal(e and Interior Painting, money and be a lot mo~e FOR RENT Paper Hanging, Cleaning, comfortable with a good Fully furnished house situate on Elizabeth Avenue, Bonus of $50.00 if winner Roofinll, etc. 'Phone L. sturdy roof aM insulation Howell, 739'/H or 3752A. Come in and talk it O\'et Consolation prize to first 20 completing consisting of 2 bedrooms. dining-room, living· present at time of draw •. ___:_.---::-----::- 1 ll'i\h U< \


THE POLITICS OF EDUCATION Frank Mackinnon $4.75 SCOTCHMAN'S RETURN BRANCHES AND DEALERS and OTHER ESSAYS Hugh MacLennan ,. 4.00 SHAW STREET WITH LOVE Head Office Maurice Chevalier 5.50 Credit and Accounts . NOW I REMEMBER Dr. Norman A. M. MacKenz•~.l Th b' h Department 'ASK FOR rHONE NUMBER c.~!.G., M.M. and Bar, Q.C., e Auto 1ograp y Mr. Jim Green ... L.O. of Thornton W. 80161 - 4 A prom.i,nent Canadian edu·l Burgess ,. ... ,...... 5-50 ~ator Dr. Norman A. M. Mac· T~MOTHY DEXTER TOPSAIL ROAD Kenzie has been elected a REVISITED director of The Bank of Nova J h d lumber and Building Supplies Scotia Dr. MacKenzie, a native o n P. Marquan 6.50 of Pugwash, N.S., is President: iHE EMERALD WHALER Mr. Hal Haynes ) of the University of , British William J. Mr. Sam Kennedy ) 91171 - 2- 3 Columbia and formerly Presi· L b t • T. & M. WINTER dent of the University of New au ens em .... ,. .... Mr. Herb Dawe ) Brunswick. He is also an au· LONDON ' LIMITED thority on international and T~ny Armstrong Carpenter Shop Mr. Jim Miller ) ' constitutional Jaw. He has Jones represented Canada at Com· ...... · Furniture Department Mr. John Slattery. } 9117-4 GENERAL MERCHANTS monw\ rrrd when not in use. so BUY TODAY •.•. USE TODAY tl1at it will ne protected from WITH THE •':1>1 and ~e:ms. Baby should nr' er be ll'!t in his bath alone , ... en for a minute. It is possible T..w. ~ ••. U.l. PI.L .... I.A.C. MERIT PLAN for a ,mall child to slip under C 1HD 111.... JjfA,I~t. ,_ ltJ•i _ We make all the arrangements on th~ water and drown vcr)' j the spot-no ne.ed to. borrow money. \ r;uickly. 1 .,How can I be the water boy? I'm a K~rl, in case ~ME t: . you baven't. noticed~" No lengthy delays .• , No red tape. ' The Department of Health l Buy what you want when you want - "ould like to hear from every it. Automatic life insurance protects your invest­ tmemplo~·ed disabled person in ' and strong. Although almost all J When you ·go to call on a pa. MacCORMAC'S the prol'ln~e. If you have a P~IY· children suffer from tooth de· !lent in a hospital and you ha1·~ ment. Take advantage of Canada's most used $;cal h~~dlcap. and would l!ke cay, a great deal can .be pre· reason to believe he has already Dial 5181 • Z • s time purchase plan. to re:cl\ e. tram mg .. or aSSISt· vented. If you write to "Health received flowers from a number JU~IPS K'S SHIP - Victor at~c~ m fmdmg suitable em· Education Office" Department of friends, don't feel rou HAVE 1 GEAR STREET YOUNGSTOWN 0 Jaanimets, a seaman from So· ~~ ~ men.t. ~leas~ ,.C?ntcat the of Health, Confederation Build· to take flowers. RECEIVING 01-'FICE, Rehabhtallon D11 1s~on, Depart· ing, St. John's, you can obtain Some other gift-such as mag. \'iet Premier Khrushchev's lin· n_wnt ~f Health, Kl?ll George the free pamphlet "Protect His azines or a. book-amy be more 1 ADELAIDE STREET· er Baltika, smiles in New York, SPECIAL VALUE' SINKS \· Institute. St. Johns. Precious Teeth" which gives appreciated. Oct. 11, after seeking political - asylum. In Washington, the Jus­ SEE THEM TO-DAY Fatigue may be caused by six way's to cut tooth decay. TORO_N_T_O-(C_P_l_T-he-Onta~io b The. pine~pple design, set off tice Department said Immigra­ • Large room,. llowl many other reasons t~an hard I Among the best defences Supreme Court Wednesday de· ' ~ ::1d scallops, lends. itself to OPENING tion officials would keep Jaan­ annual !aho~r. Fear, d~scontent, d f nc against diseases are I nied an injunctiQn to t11•o Unite I Tth. arge and .small pieces. imets in custody for five to 10 • Spacious drainboarcl. fault\' d1et or womcs over 1 e e es . . . , 1 .IS square Is eas1ly memo· ANNOU days to complete their investi­ • Large storart com· health or business may be a soap and water: Cleanlmess has States sugar compames b1ddmg rized. Crochet to take with you NCEMENT gation before ruling on his plea . much to do w1th the state of to block a sugar deal betwee~ or pick up at odd moments Pat partment. cause. Lac k o f seepI IS a1 so a· · b d J b A · · · T !or asylum. 'b t' f t If h , both personal and commumty cu a an • apan. cu an mer1· tern 7297: crochet dit·ections for AILOR SHOP i con 1rt u mg. ac or. you a\ e h lth can Sugar Company and a sub· , · · / U Inches wide. skipped l'acations and holidays, ea · 'd' C b A . S ~· 4'!.. mch square m ~o. 30. you may be in need of a cha~ge ~i:~ry~sk~d at~e ~~~~~~·un~U~~ .send . TIIIRTY-FIV~ CENTS I Prompt service given to alii OIL POLICY I LOW, LOW from work and regular routme. Dinner guests wait for the to l'lalt payment to Cubal b the tm comsl fqr thts pattern PRICE If possible. take short breaks hostess to pick up her napkin be- Bank of Nova Scotia a Can~dian (stamps cannot be accepted) lo Alterations and Repairs -- i 1 during your working day for a fore placing theirs in their laps. bank playing 8 go-between-role 0 ST. Jl>HN'S DAILY NEWS, 1 CALGARY rCPl-Oilman C9rl: hot be\'erage; also, if there. is The d.inner 'size napkin is correct- the financing ' . Household Arts Dept. GO FRONT JOHN and DULCIE I 0. Nickle Friday advocated a na- $79·95 _up an opportunit)', try to find timer ly'lert (olded once when it Is · ST:, WE,ST, TORONTO, ONT. SAUNDERS tiona] oil policy that would make to sit with the feet raised. The placed on the lap. At the end of Don't miss it! Prmt plamly NAME, ADDRESS. . companies operating in Canada COM! IN OR PHONE busy housewife should make a the mea) the napkin isn't refold- ~ATTERN NUM~ER . 364 DUCKWO direct I y responsible for the Point of taking these odd breaks ed but is laid on the t.able crump. VOWR ,Grand Radio Auc Items, FREE--SIX des1gns for RTH ST. growth of Canadian oil produc- in her working day to ha1·e a led. tion on Oct; 24, 25, 26. From opposite Daily News lion. The plan, ha said, should few minutes rest. The reason for. not re-folding 7 p.m. onward stay tUned PERSONALITY PROBLEM · Telephone 7788 be "voluntary if possible, by C. A. HUBLEY LTD. it is, of course, because it ~on't • • SAN FRANCISCO (API -An compulsion, if necessary." His . Your child's teeth. are prec· be used again until it Is launder· to 800 on your dtal, for ttems Edmonton obstetrician told ,the . l\IARRIED suggestions were contained in KING'S ROAD :._ DIAL 3916 lous and should be kept healthy ed. worthwhile. , hereAmerican that College convulsions of Surgeons during I KIRK· WINTER - On Satur· frontCanada page and editorialsthe Daily inOil OilBulle- in '-----············----' pregnancy may be ~raced. to day, October 15, 1960 at 4.00 tin, both published by Mr. Nickle • worry. Dr. C. A. Douglas Rmg- o'clock in Centennial United :::_.:.::.:.::...::_::.::.::.:.::::...:::~~-..:..::.=:::.:...:_ ___:~------­ rose said tests he conducted at Church, Toronto Ontario ' Detro.it among a group of 41 Jill· the Reverend Levi Hussey, marrted mothers sho~ed that ?5 Carol Marie, daughter of Mr. per cent of those ·wit~. toxemia and· Mrs. Harry Raymond Win· had abnormal personalities. ter of Burin, Newfoundland, to Eric Boyd Kirk of Scarborough A. H•. MURRAY & C·o~, ·Ltd. Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs: CONVOY AMBUSHED John Kitk uf Glasgow, Scot· SEEDLESS RAISINS ALGIERS, Algeria (APl-Al· land. BUILDING SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT gerian nationalists wearing pard· --~-· 16 oz. and 11 ox. troop u n i f or m s ambushed a BIRTH French military convoy Friday . . lowest prices and b.st service. near Cbrea, a winter sports re- 1 HA~N-Born a g1rl, Nancy CURRANTS sort in the mountains 30 miles I Cathenne, to the Reverend anti south of Algiers. Reports ·said J Mrs: Raymond D. Hahn (nee · seve11 French soldiers were .killed Em1i~ Udell) at St. Clare's ; CEMENT and four wounded. Mercy Hospital on Friday, Octo· PRUNES ber 14th. ROOFINGS·· . . . . Age of a rattlesnake . ca.n be determined by. the growth rings DEATHS { EV AP. APRICOTS of its bones .. JACK!\iAN - Died at St. ROOF COATINGS Clare's Mercy Hospital on Oct. .. The first thermometer was 15th., Valetie Ann, aged three made by Gallleo, noted astrono· PLYWOOD· months, darling child of Val 1 EVAP. APPLES· mer, in 1593. · and Stella Jackman, 26 Cook ' I ~· Street. · · MITCHELL - Passed peace· CLAPBOARD CHERRIES... . fully away on Sunday, October 16th, Frances Lightbourne Trim­ ' ' WALLBOARD mingham Anderson, M.B.E., CUT· MIXED.:P~EL ·. widow of Harold Mitchell, Esq. .. REASONABLE RATES Funeral.from her late residence, :DOORS OF . ALL KINDS . ; ... • . . . I, . , .": . 70 Cochrane Street, at 2.30 p.m. GUARANTEED. WORK on Tuesday, October 18th. (No COCONUT .. r .• ' ' flowers by request.) MOULDINGS : . PHONE · .· 94.·1'23 HERDER-Passed peacefully away on Sundli:V October 16-: a, . . ' . LUMBER at her residenr.e. Forest Road . . · Elect..O.nic • Maric.n Rendell 'Moll) Herde·:· \ . wi:f~w. of the hte H. A. Herder L()CKS GEORG.£-.- NEAL ..:LJMIT·ED· Leavbig to .mourn one aon, • , ~.. • • • • ' • •• _,·. • j • : •• , '· ·_. ; • I_ , .• ~- ··· Centte' Ltd.·· Hubert. .Resting at Carnell's . 2264 - ~ ·:~-3420. · :~;'r . ' · · · · Funeral Home from .where the And All . Finishing Material. 90'·CM&PBELL AVE. funeral will take place on Tues- . ' C . : .. . day at · 11 a~m. to Mount After tlours 'PHONE 7313iPJeasant ·Cemetery.

1 I ·~ ,.