Land and Environmental Art / Ed

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Land and Environmental Art / Ed v .- • INVOLVEMENT pa|e 235 IMPLEMENWION page|250 IMAGINING page272 ILLUMINATION page 279 ARTISTS' BIOGRAPHIES page 288 AUTHORS'BIOGRAPHIES page 295 BIBLIOGRAPHY page298 INDEX page 301 Robert SMJIHSQN Gravel Corner Piece. 1968 pay.:- ?5 page 44 Robert SMITHSON Chalk and Mirror Displacement, 1969 page 95 Robert SMITHSON Closed Mirror Square, 1969 page 9:5 Robert SMITHSON "The Map of Broken Glass (Atlantis). 1969 pages 96 page 45 Robert SMITHSON Glue Pour (destroyed). 1970 page 97 lsamu NOGUCHI Sculpture to Be Seen from Mars (unrealized), 1947 { Robert SMITHSON Asphalt Rundown. 1969 page 98 Walter DE MARIA Las Vegas Piece, 1969 page 46 ^ •"•'- •'-I»i'" * Robert SMITHSON Partially Buried Woodshed. 1970 page 9? Walter DE MARIA Desert Cross (destroyed). 1969 page 47 Robert MORRIS Observatory (first versipn. destroyed), 1971 page 100 Dennis OPPENHEIM Negative Board. 1968 page 48 Robert MORRIS Grand Rapids Project. 1974 page 101 Dennis OPPENHEIM Accumulation Cut. 1969 p;ige49 Robert MORRIS Steam (second version), 1974 page 102 Dennis OPPENHEIM Time Line, 1968 page 50 ANT FARM (Chip LORD. Hudson MARQUEZ. Doug MICHELS) Cadillac Ranch. 1974 page 1Q3 Dennis OPPENHEIM Cancelled Crop, 1969 page 50 Alice AYCOCK ASimple Network of Underground Tunnels. 1975 page 104 Jan DIBBETS ATrace in the Woods in the Form of an Angle of 30° Crossing a Path, 1969 page 51 Mary MiSS Perimeters/Pavilions/Decoys. 1977-78 page 105 Michael HEJZER Rift (deteriorated). 1968 page 52 Mary MISS Sunken Pool. 1974 page 106 Michael HEIZER Isolated Mass. Circumflex, 1968 page 53 Walter DE MARIA Vertical Earth Kilometer. 1977 page 107 Michael HEIZER Double Negative, 1969-70 page 54. 55 Walter DE MARIA The Lightning Field, 1977 page 308 Robert SMITHSON SpiraUetty, 1970 page 56-57. 58. 59 Walter DE MARIA The New York Earth Room. 1977 page 10? Robert SMITHSON Spiral Hill. 1971 page 60 Betty BEAUMONT Cable Piece. 1977 page 110 Robert SMITHSON Sunken Island. 1971 page 61 Meg WEBSTER Glen. 1988 page 111 Robert SMITHSON Amarillo Ramp. 1973 page 62 Meg WEBSTER Double Bed for Dreaming, 1988 page 111 Richard FLEISCHNER Sod Maze. 1974 page 63 Richard SERRA Spin Out (for Robert Smithson). 1973 page 112 Herbert BAYER Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks, 1979-82 page 64 Toshikatsu ENDO Epitaph-Cylindrical II. 1990 page 113 James TURRELL Roden Crater, 1977-present page 65, 66-67 AndyGOLDSWORTHY Ice Piece, 1987 page 68.69 AndyGOLDSWORTHY Torn Hole, 1986 page 69 page 114 Doris BLOOM and William KENTRIDGE. Gate. 1995 page 70 Walter DE MARIA Mile Long Drawing (destroyed), 1968 page 114 Doris BLOOM and William KENTRIDGE, Heart, 1995 page 71 Kazuo SHIRAGA Challenging Mud, 1955 page 115 Kazuo SHIRAGA Please Come In, 1955 page 116 Dennis OPPENHEIM Parallel Stress, 1970 page 117 page 72 PeterHUTCHINSON Underwater Dam, 1969 page 118 CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Running Fence. 1972-76 page 72.73 Peter HUTCH INSON FlowerTriangle Undersea, 1969 page 1 IB Hans HAACKE Skyline, 1967 page 74 PeterHUTCHINSON Threaded Calabash. 1969 page 118 Carl ANDRE Secant. 1977 page 74 PeterHUTCHINSON Paricutin Volcano Project, 1970 page119 Carl ANDRE Log Piece (destroyed). 1968 page?/. CharlesSIMONDS Landscape-Body-Dwelling, 1971 page 520 Dennis OPPENHEIM Gallery Transplant. 1969 page 75 Charles SIMONDS Dwelling, 1974 page 120 Salt Flat, 1968 page 76 Ana MENDIETA Untitled (from the'Silueta'series). 1979 page 121 Whirlpool, Eye of the Storm, 1973 page 77 AnaMENDIETA Birth. 1982 page 122 iJM StarSkid. 1977 page 78 Ana MENDIETA Untitled (from the The Tree of Life' series), 1978 page 122 Relocated Burial Ground, 1978 page 78 AnaMENDIETA Untitled (from the "Volcano" series), 1979 page 123 Richard LONG Stone Circle, 1976 page 79 Ana MENDIETA Untitled, 1983 page 123 CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Wrapped Coast, 1969 page 80-81 Ana MENDIETA Incantation to Olokun-Yemaya, 1977 page 123 CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Valley Curtain. 1970-72 page 82 Richard LONG ALineMadeby Walking. 1967 page 124 CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Surrounded Islands, 1980-83 page 83 Richard LONG A Line in the Himalayas. 1975 page 125 CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE The Umbrellas, Japan-USA, 1984-91 page 84.85 Richard LONG A Walk by AURoadsand Lanes Touching or Crossing an Imaginary Circle. 1977 page 126 Nancy HOLT The Last Map Used to Locate Buried Poem Number 4 for Michael Heizer. 1969-71 page i Richard LONG Waterlines, 1989 page 126 Nancy HOLT Buried Poem Number4 for Michael Heizer, 1971 page86 Richard LONG Circle in Africa, Mulanje Mountain. Malawi. 1978 page 127 Nancy HOLT Hydra's Head. 1974 page 87 Richard LONG A Line in Scotland, Cul Mor, 1981 page 127 Nancy HOLT Sun Tunnels, 1973-76 page 88.89 Hamish FULTON Gazing at the Horizon Line, Sky Horizon Ground. Australia, 1982 page 128 Nancy HOLT Star-Crossed. 1979-81 page 90 Hamish FULTON The Crossing Place of Two Walks at Ringdom Gompa, 1984 page 128 Nancy HOLT Stone Enclosure; Rock Rings, 1977-78 page 90 Hamish FULTON Rock Fall Echo Dust (A Twelve and a Half Day Walk on Baffin Island Arctic Canada Summer 1988). Michael HHZEB Dissipate (deteriorated).i 968 page 91 1988 page 129 Michael HEIZER Complex City. 1972-76 page 92.93 Hamish ELJUQM Rock Path, Switzerland, 1986 page 130 Robert SMITHSON Incidents of Mirror-Travel in the Yucatan. 1969 page 94 Hamish FULTON Night Changing Shapes. 1991 page 130 Hamish EiLIQN No Talking for Seven Days (Walking for Seven Days In A Wood January Full Moon Cairngorms Peter FEND Ocean Earth: Processed Imagory from AVHRR of the North S«a 1968 Scotland 1993). 1993 prigi; 131 AvitalGEVA Greenhouse. 1977-96 ,:••: : £Ai Guo Qiang The Century with Mushroom Clouds. 1996 ».-iqu li: Christian PhilippMQLLEB ItlegalBorderCrossing between Austriaandthe PrincipalityofLiechttnsteiiv 1993 pagi«K« page 174 Cildo M.0RELES Geographical Mutations; Rio-SSo Paulo Border. 1969 ji.ti.j<: ' :v, Ian Hamilton FINLAY View of Ihttlochan at Little Sparta. Lanarkshire ; i-, CildoMElSELES. Condensations 2-Geographical Mutations: Rio-SSo Paulo Border. 1970 uw '• - Ian Hamilton FINLAY Signature of this Artist Hodlar, 1987 ; .:- ;; DouglasHUEBLER 42DegreeParalletPusct. 1968 i .r •••<'. \^ ART « LANQUA0E (TerryATKINSON. MKhatl BALDWIN! Map. 1967 : -i IMPLEMENTATION page 136 John 8ALQESSARI. The California Map ProiKt, Pan 1 CALIFORNIA 1969 PeterEEMD. Ocean Earth: Europa, 1991 p ..)• . t, ' > GordonMATTA-CLARK RtattyPositions FakeEstatts. 1973 ; «,< :••'••. HansMACKE Grass Grows, 1969 i-ii-i . JanOIBBETS Ptrsptctive Corrtctions (Square with Two Diagonals! 1968 Hans HMCKE Fog. Flooding. Erosion, 1969 i. ;-. Jsrt 0IBB1TS 12 Hours Tide Objtcts with Corrtttion of Ptrsptdivt 1969 HansHMCKE Ten Turtles Set Free, 1970 i •<;• :.... Ian Hamilton FINLAY Woodwind Song 1968 ; ; Hans HAACKE Rhine-Water Purification Plant. 1972 , ,• • lat* Hamilton FINLAY See Poussin H««rLorram 197S ; Helen Mayer HABBISQN and Newton HARRISON Portable Farm The Flat Pastures. 1971-72 l« Hamilton FINLAY Flock. 1991 v- >; Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON Portable Orchard. Survival Pi«« No S. 1972 Ian Hamilton FINLAY Th# Present Ordtr. 1983 :. Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON If This Then Thai «Th« First Faun San Diego as ihc Ctnter ol the Alighitro BOETTI TheThouwnd LongestRiv«r«in ThtWorW 1979 , • ,• World, 1974 IWIJUIM William FURWNO Time Garden HA HA 1993 ; -, Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON That Idiot Th««ui» Oitl In the Minotaur iSkeleh for th« Sumnlh LoinvBAUMOARTIN Th»alfumBoUnicum 1993-W ; .,• : Lagoon. Buffalo Wallow). 1982 iinjt- 54/, Christian Philipp MULLEfi A Balancing Act W7 > Helen Mayer HARRISON and Nawlon HARBISON The Uigoon Cyde. 19W-C u*w w, UmkO\QH AMeltro»Junglt. 1992 , .<;- Helen Mayer HARRISON and Nawton HARRISON Th« Lagoon Cydt Fifth Ugoon. 1972-82 ,.«) • Math DION ThtTMtingOardtniproposall 1W6 ; ,, Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON Th« Lagoon Cyclt, Fourth Ugoon. 1972-82 ;-•<•;<• :,.-, Helen Maysr HARRISON and Newton HARRISON Bit nthing Spaet for lh« Stv* Riw Yugoslavia. im»90 •, Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON Vision for the 6r«m Heart ol Hotonti )M5 ;•••-,> - Robert MORRIS Untltled (reclamation of Jehn«m Gravel Pitl, 1979 i--i.^- ,« Harriet FEIGENSAUM Erosion and Sedimentation Plan for R«d AsN rat! Cwl Sill Atm Willew ftmp 1985 \>;itji> I/.V page 190 AUnSONFIST TimeLandseapV". 1965-78 ),..)«• '<'•••• AUn§0NFIST Circles of Time. 1986-89 x H> •'•• '••• AlanSQNFIST Pool of Virgin Earth. 1975 ,,>«;.!', page 193 Mierle Laderman UKEkES Hartford Wash Washing Track*. Main!«nan<» Otrtw* W2 ,,.«(. -.<.• I dtnuntf BURKS A PhilowphiMt Enquiry into Iht Orif m of aur Id*** on ih* S«blim« ma H##»i«}i»i MierleLadarmanUKELES FtowCity, 1983-90 f.,,g,. i ., •> UwtfiltPRICI AnEftHtyontntP«tur«qw« 1796 i..,-.^ • ! Bonnie SHERK The Farm, 1974 »,m* i i« JohnBnncfcwhoHJACKSON Th«WoetfItwlf 19W i-.•.(.• <•• Bonnie SHIRK Th® Raw Egg Animal ThealrsrTHEAT) 1W& -, J- '-.•-• MtniARftEU, Thtl«*MOfLan(JKap»mlht£i9MttnlhC»niury 1972 ,.,,,. : •• Betty BEAUMONT Ocsan Landmark Project lf7f-S0 s.q, • mttmm FRIEPMAN Worts on th# Inwronmtnl 1913 :,•.;• ' •' Patricia JQHANSQN Fair Park Lagoon. 1901-86 s .,,, ,,s< 0*vtHlCRef E*rthK*p«.landwoi1«»ndOj! 1971 ,..M- ••••>, PatriciaJOHANSON EndangeredGardm.SunnydtltFKIMIM SiltPton 1991 ;....;-• W»ltowjW>y SHARP Net«tTowird an Un*r»tanAn8 ol Earth Art 1970 ;, .. ,r • • Agnes OENES Whwtfi®ld-AConfr»nUlton,19fl3 i<..y,- >M: M»ehrt FOUCAUW Sjwc«.KnowH<Jg«*n«IPewtr. t98* i•>^. ••-. Agnes jJENES North Waterfront Park Mas»«rpl«n.19« t«j. :?.• O*«stL0eNflVR0 lAmteranArt. ..19*1 ,,.„;»• ,'v AgnesDiNES Trie Mountain- A Living TtmtCapsute- lOWOTrets 10.000 Pnepl* «Wf#»»* 19W •„ J:if '•; HwoWROSENKERS Oe-atslhtltctiafiofl, 1972 i..w-«•'•«• hermandtyriji The meadow. 1986-prtstnt ji*yp ift,- 4; MtctUMl H£)Z£R. OtnftieO^PENHEIM. Rofttri §MITHSON teunwwwtih Amtimetm 1970 .. > ;>• .. Joseph iEUYS 7.000 Oaks. 1982 p-itj.- iht. n,; Joseph IEUYS 7.000 Oaks. 1996 s;.,«g# ](,•> VielNSQ Devil's Lake WasltwalwTrtHmtfllPtam.lfffl p^-te, INTEGRATION page 206 Buster SIMPSON ThsHudwn Headwaters Purp-ABtJ-KidTwUifttM mi ',>,..,«• -,? i»#mul#9WCHI Art»slssttt*mt«t 1926 MelCHlN Revival Field. Pigs Eye UndftU, 19tO-f3 }>,!g* ••«,« ArtwUMJrttmtni I9«fi PLATFORM EffraRadewlopmentAgtncy, 1992 p,»!j»u/» PLATEQRM Delta.
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