•Prisoners'in'His Majesty's Prison of the i Samuel Mann, formerly ahSlate of the Parisli of St. Andrew Holborn -in 'he County of , Broker, FLEET. Thomas Civt, formerly of Clare-court-Drury-lane in the Pa­ rish of St. Clement Danes Middlesex, late of Fetter-lane First Notice. Holborn in the City of , Sword-cutler. "Nathaniel Brindley, late of Stoke upon Trent in she County of Cornelius Weth-ralJ,, formerly of the. Paristi of Christ Church "Stafford, Potter. in the 'County of Surry, Victualler, la:e of Ludgite-hill Thomas Clay, late of Seacroft.MiU in the Parisli of Whit- I London. church in the County of York, Farmer. James Parker, .late of Cousia-lane Upper Thames-Æreet "Edward Maynwaring Davis Howorth, late o'f the Town of in the City cf London, Carman. Llandovery in the County of Carmaithen, Esquire. Thomas Barron,- formerly of Bell-alley G*:lden-!ar.e in the John Beadlhaw,. formerly and l«e of Uttoxeter in the'County Paristi of" St. Luke, lateof B.-idgwater's-girdens in the Pa­ of Stafford, Linen-draper. risli of St- Giles C'rippl-.gate, Chip hat-maker. John Smith, formerly of the Devizes in the County of Wilts, 1 John BJackman, formerly of Dukz-street St. James's, late of late of in the County of Middlesex, Clothier. Cow-cross Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex, La­ •Henry De-slandes, formerly of Naked-boy-cuurt'in the'Strand bourer co the East-India Company. in the Paristi of St. Clement Danes in the'County of Mid­ William C.via'l, formerly of New' Compton-street St. Ann's dlesex, Schoblmasttr. Soho, late of Orange-rourt S-wallow-street in the Cour.ty -Peter Tatlock otherwise Atherton, formerly of vVestmorland- of Midoiefrx, Dealer and Chapman. .buildings in the Paristi of St. Bartholomew the Grc^t, late Isaac Pe.-ez, foimerly of Mile-end-green in the County of of Dorrington-row in the Paristi of St. James Cleikenwell M!J-je:2X, late of Wool-nick alley in the , in the County of Middlesex, Farmer, Grazier, Victualler., Co.-ch*j-.an. .and Toyman. Jacob .-iamnel, formerly of Gravel-lane Houndfditch, late cf John Goakman, formerly of Framptcn, lrte of Boston, both sioiindsditch in the City of London, Jeweller. jn the County os Lincoln, Grazier. John Cart, otherwise Card, otherwise Carter, formerly of Second Notice. James-street Covent-garden, Lte of Little Bennet's-court in the Strand, Hortshovn-rasper. V/illiam Barber, late of Rochester in the County of Kent, John Bowen, formerly of Kent-street St. Mary Newington, Merchant. . • late of Birdcage-alley, St, George's Southwark, both in the 'George Eltost, formerly os Lambeth in the'County of Surry, County of Surry, Porter. "late of the Strand in the C unty of Middlesex, Merchant. George Glover, foimerly of Half-moon-alley Bistnpfgat**- Thomas Rawbone, formerly of the Parish of St Leonard Shore- street, late of Mulberry-court Horse-slioe-alley , .ditch in the County of Middlesex, late of the Great Old Purlican. *Bailey, London, Upholder. John Love, formerly of Birmingham in the County of War­ Thomas Hallie De la Mayne, formerly and late of Turnham wick, late of Cartwright-street Lower London, Green in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman. Gun-maker. Third Notice. James Wilson, formerly of the Green-yard Whitechapel, Jate cf Monkwell-street St. Olave's Silver-street, London, John Richardson, formerly of Wild-court Wird-strecrt Lin- Porter. coln's-inn-fields Westminster, late of Mitre-court Chjapsi.le •George Sowerby, formerly of Upper Thames-street, late of London, Printer. Fket-matk-.t, Druggist. Thomas Vise the Elder., formeily of Scout-Farm in the Pa­ Richard Edwards, formerly of Putney Common in theCounty rish of liarptn-'ton, late of Norington En-i in the Parisli of of Surry, late cf Bowli g-street Westminsttr in the County Redboum, both in the County of Hertford, Farmer, of Middlesex, Soap maker. Dealer and Chapman. Charles Vincent Combe, lateof Hoxion in the Parish of Shore­ Mary Etherington, formerly of Burton upon Trent in the ditch in the County cf Middlesex, Leather-dresser. Couniy of Stafford, lae of Chari"g-cross ii the County cf An'hony Rene Flamant, formeriy of Water-lane Black-friars, Middlesex, Millener and Haberdaslier. lateof Pearl street Spital-fields, Taylor. Josliua Pierpoint, formeily and late of Wych-street in the John Thurston, late of Scarborough and .Aslcam, both in the Paristi of St. Clement Danes in the Ceunty of Middlesex, County of York, Gentleman. - Victualler. Jo'eph Robinson, formerly of Garlick hill, late of Jewin- Thomas Smith, formerly of the Old Bailey in the Pariih of street, both in the City of London, Clock-maker. St. Marlin Ludgate, late of Goidfmiih's row in .the Parish Charles Ashley, formerly of Albemarle-street inthe Parish of of St. Bride, both in the C.ty of London, Taylor. St. John Clerkenwell, late of Rosoman's-row in the Paristi William Podd. formerly cf Hampton-court in the County of of at. James Clerkenwell, both in the County of Middle­ Middlesix, hue of the Old Bailey in the City of London, sex, Watchmaker. Haberdasher. Thomas Simnit, formerJy of the. Paristi of Christ Church in WiUiam Rustat, formerly of -street in the Parisli of the County of Surry, late of Ave-maria-hne in the City of Christ-church, late cf Shoe-lar.e in the Parisli of St. Bride, London, Dealer and Chapman. , both in the City of Lon-Jon, Grocer. Edward May, formerly and l»te of White's-yard in the Paristi Robert Wring, formerly and late" of Taunton in the Paristi of of St. Mary W.iitechapel in the County of Middlesex, St. Mary Magdalen in the County of Somerset, Fellmon­ Carman. ger. John Atkins, formerly of Chesliam in rhe County of Bucks, John Joseph Showell, formerly and late of the Paristi of late of the Poultry in the Parisli of St. Mildred in the City Cronrtell in the County of Hants, Gentleman. of London, Baker. Joseph Gascoyne the Younger, formerly of Barking in the County os Ess.x, late of Cambridge, Gentleman. Prisoners in WHITECHAPEL Gaol in William Sellwccd.formerly of Holborn in the County of Mid­ dlesex, late of Fleet-lane in the City of London, Carver. .the County of Middlesex. .Prisoners in the POULTRY COMPTER First Notice. William Medland, formerly of Newington Butts in the County ' in the City ef, London. of Surry, late of Ratclisse Highway in the County of Mid­ dlesex, Second Notice. Samuel Glasby, late of Trinity-lane in the Parish of Queen- "Henry Rider, formerly of Great Suffolk-street in the County hithe, London, Taylor. of Middlesex, iate of Coleman-street Lorid n, Gentleman. Thomas Hughes Johnson, formerly of Charing-cross in the Third Notice. .County of Middlesex, late of N;w-street Shoe-lane London, John Clark, formerly of Ratcliff Highway, late of Wimpole- "Gentleman. street Oxford-street, both in the County of Middlesex, Cof- John Rose, formerly of Billiter-lane London, late of Bear- finmaktr. yard Lincoln's-inn-fields in the County of Middlesex, Bro Timothy Jennings, formerly of Little Rider-street Westminster ker. hte df Wh'techapel-road, Steel-worker. David Cohen, formerly,of Middle-Tow in the Parish of St. Stephen Welch, formerly of Bond-street, late of Carnaby- Andrew Holborn, late of Gravel-lane in the Parifli of. St. street Carnaby-market, both in the County of Middlesex, Botolph Aldgate, Carter and Watch-string Maker. Dealer,- "vloses Chandler, late of Shorter's-yard Rosemary-l»ne in the Third Notice.' .. County of Middlesex, Mason. •John Jenkins, formerly of Great St. Helen's Bisliopsgate-street, Thomas Poole, f-rmerly a Domestic of his Royal High'nef* late of Crutched-friars, London, Stock-broker. William late Duke of Cumberland, late of Crispin-ilreet .George Davy, formerly of Holland Leagure in the Parish of Spitalfields in the County of Middlesex, Victualler. Christchurch in theCounty of Surry,-late of Horseferry-road William Tomlin, formerly of the Orchard Ratcliff-cross, late Westminster in the County of Middlesex, Bluemaker. of Diamond-court Limehouse, both in the County of Mid­ William Hitchcock, formerly of St. Clement Danes in the dlesex, Higter. - Connty cf Middlesex,-late of the Paristi of St. Andrew Hol­ Thomas Barry, late of the Parish of Whitechapel in the County born London, Gentleman. '-'•'.'. of Middlesex, Vintner. Robert Peirfon, Jate-of St. Mary ÆXe in in the City of London, Smith. ."* **.. , . "Prison* N° -.11884. C nsSi
