Pausanias Description of Greece

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Pausanias Description of Greece THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY EDITED BV E. CAPPS, PH.n., iJ,.D. T. E. PAGE, ijtt.d. \V. H. D. ROUSE, LiTT.n. PAUSAXIAS V PAUSAXIAS DESCRIPTION OF GREECE WITH AX ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY \V. H. S. JONES, LiTT.D. srr. Catharine's collerb, caxb&isge AND H. A. ORMEROD, M.A. THE VKIVERMTV, LEEI.- IN SIX VOLUMES II BOOKS III— LONDON : WILLIAM HEIXEMANN NEW YORK : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS MCMXXVl PREFACE The translation of this volume, from Book III ch. XXIII to the end of Book IV, is the work of Professor H. A. Orraerod, of Leeds. It was hoped that he would continue to help the editors, but he was compelled to give up collaboration owing to the pressure of University teaching. Various causes have postponed the appearance of this book, but it is hoped that the remaining two volumes will be completed without undue delay. W. H. S. J. CONTENTS PAGE BOOK III — LACONIA 3 BOOK IT—ME3SEXIA 173 BOOK V— EI.IS I .' 381 PAUSANIAS DESCRIPTION OF GREECE BOOK III—LACONIA nAY2ANIOY EAAAA02 nEPIHrHSEOS r AAKfiNIKA I. Mera 8e tov<; 'Ep/j,a<; icrriv rjhrj Aukcovikt) TO, 7rp6<; ecnrepa<i. co? he avrol AaKchaifiovLOi Xiyovai, AeXe^ avrox^cov cov ejBaaiXevae Trpwro? vltto iv rfj <yfi ravrrj kuI tovtov AeX-eye? mv rjpx^^ o)vofjbda67]aai'. AeXeyo'i Be ytverai M.vXr)<i koI v€(t)repo<; IloXvKcicov. UoXyKdcov fiev Br] ottoc koI hi i]vjLva alrcav d'7Te)(^(opt]aev, erepcodi hrjXwcrw Mi;\7;to9 he reXevrijaavTO'i TrapeXa/Sev 6 Trat? ^vp(ora<; rr]v dp'^ijv. ovto<; to vhcop to Xifivd^ov ev TO) Trehicp htcopvyc KaT7]'yay€V cttI ddXaaaav, diroppvevTO'i he— tjv jap hij to vttoXolttov 7roTa/xov 2 pevfxa—oovo/xacrev EvpcoTUv. are he ovk ovtwv avTUi Tralhcov dppevcov ^aaiXeveiu KaTaXecTrei AaKehal/jLova, fj,rjTp6<; [xev Tav<yeTr](; ovTa, dcf)^ 779 Kal to 6po<; onvofidadr), e? Am he TraTepa dvi]K0VTa KaTO, ttjv (pjjp^ijv avvM/cei he Aaxe- haip-wv "^irdpTr] dvyuTpl tov ^vptaTa. t6t€ he ct)9 eV^e TTjV dp^tjv, irpSiTa /aev ttj xcopa Kal toi<; PAUSANIAS DESCRIPTION OF GREECE BOOK III LACONIA I. After the figures of Hermes we reach Laconia on the west. According to the tradition of the Lacedaemonians themselves, Lelex, an aboriginal, was the first king in this land, after whom his subjects were named Leleges. Lelex had a son Myles, and a younger one Polycaon. Polycaon retired into exile, the place of this retirement and its reason I will set forth elsewliere. On the death of Myles his son Eurotas succeeded to the throne. He led down to the sea by means of a trench the stagnant water on the plain, and when it had flowed away, as what was left formed a river-stream, he named it Eurotas.^ Having no male issue, he left the kingdom to Lacedaemon, whose mother was Taygete, after whom the mountain was named, while according to report his father was none other than Zeus. Lace- daemon was wedded to Sparta, a daughter of Eurotas. When he came to the throne, he first changed the names of the land and its inhabitants, calling them ^ Eurotas = the fair-flowing. 3 B 2 PAUSANIAS: DESCRIPTION OF GREECE av6p(i)TT0L<i fieredero a(j) aurov tcl ovofiara, /xera Se toOto WKiae re KaX oovofiaaev airo Trj<i 'yvvaiKO<i 3 iroXiv, rj ZtTrdpTrj KaXelrai koX e? r}fia<;. 'AfxvK\a<; Se o AaKehaiixovo^, ^ov\6fi€vo<; inroXcTriadai ri Kul aur6<; €9 fivi]/ji'r]v, TroXicr/na eKTiaev iv rfj AaKMVLKTJ. yevo/xevcov Si ol 7rai8cov TciKtvOov fxev veoiTarov ovra koX to elSo^ /cdWcarov Kare- Xa^ev 7] 7r€Trpa)/jLivyj irpoTepov tou Trarpo?, Kol 'TaKivOov pLvr^jxa iariv iv *A/j,VK\ai<i vtto to dyoK-fxa rov ^AttoWcovo^;. cnrodavovTos Be 'Afiv- K\a e? "ApyaXov top irpea^vTaTov tmv ^A/j,vK\a TTa'ihwv Koi varepov e? K.vv6prav ApydXov TeXev- Ti'jcravTO^ d<})iK€To i) u.p'^i'j. Kvvopra Be iyevero 4 Oi/3aXo9. ovro<i Vopyocjiovijv re rrjv Ile/jcretw? yvvaiKa ecr')(ev e^ "Apyov^; kuI iratBa ea'x^eTvvBd- pecov, to irepl rf}? ^aatXeia^ 'Ittttokocop 'qp.cpia- ^ijTet Kol Kara Tvpea^eiav e^^iv rj^iov TrjV dpxr]P. irpoaXa^cov Be ^iKdpiov Kal TOv<i araa-KOTWi irapd TToiXv re vTrepe/SdXero Bvvdfiet TvvBdpewv Koi TjvdyKaaev d'7ro-)((oprjaai Beiaavra, ci)<; fiev AuKeBaifioviol (f)aaiv, e<? IleXXdvav, Meaaf]vi,a)v Be ecTTiv 69 avTOV X0709 TvvSdpecov (pevyovTa eXOelv ct)9 'A(f)apea €9 rrjv MecraTjvlav elvai re ^A(papea top Hepi7')pou<i dBeX^bv TvpSdpeco 7rpo<i p7]rp6^' Kal olKrjaai re avrop t/}9 Me<Tcr??i^/a9 (paalv ev %aXdpai<; fcal tow 7raiBa<; evravOa 5 oiKovpTL avTW yepecrdai. ji^poi'O) Be varepov Kar)]Xde re vtto 'ilpaKXeov<i TvvBdpe(o<; koX dv- evedaaaro rrjv dpxh^' e/3a(ri,X€ucrav Be Kal ol Tvv- Bdpeco 7ratSe9 Kal MeveXao<i o 'Arpeux; TvpBdpeco yapBpo<i o)v '0/3ecrT?^9 Te 'Epfiiopj] rfj MeveXdov avvoLKWP. KareX66vra>v Be ' H paKXeiBcov eirl 4 LACONIA, I. 2-5 after himself, and next he founded and named after his wife a city, which even down to our own day has been called Sparta. Amyclas, too, son of Lacedaeraon, wished to leave some memorial behind him, and built a town in Laconia. Hyacinthus, the youngest and most beautiful of his sons, died before his father, and his tomb is in Amyclae below the image of Apollo. On the death of Amyclas the empire came to Argalus, the eldest of his sons, and afterwards, when Argalus died, to Cynortas. Cynortas had a son Oebalus. He took a wife from Argos, Gorgophone the daughter of Perseus, and begat a son Tyndareus, with whom Hippocoon disputed about the kingship, claiming the throne on the ground of being the elder. With the aid of Icarius and his partisans he far surpassed Tyndareus in power, and forced him to retire in fear ; the Lacedaemonians say that he went to Pellana, but a Messenian legend about him is that he fled to Aphareus in Messenia, Aphareus being the son of Perieres and the brother of Tyndareus on his mother's side. The story goes on to say that he settled at Thalamae in Messenia, and that his children were born to him when he was living there. Subsequently Tyndareus was brought back by Heracles and re- covered his throne. His sons too became kings, as did Menelaus the son of Atreus and son-in-law of Tyndareus, and Orestes the husband of Hermione the daughter of Menelaus. On the return of the PAUSANIAS: DESCRIPTION OF GREECE Tiaafievov rov ^Opiarou ffaaiXevovro^, yieaaijvr] /j.€v Kal "A/3709 eKurepa fioipa ^rjjxevov, rj he KpeacpovTTjv eax^i' ap^ovTa<i' iv AaKeSaifiovi 8e oircov 8i8v/j.cov rcov ^ ApLajohrjfxov ttulScov oIklui, Bvo ^aalXeiat jLvoi'Tar avvapeaai yap rfj llvdia 6 (paai'v. ^ApicTToSij/jLa Se avTa> rrpoTepov rrjv reXevTTjv avfj,l3rjvai Xeyovaiv iv Ae\0oi9 irplv rj AcopUa^ KareXdelv e? TieKoTTOvvricrov. ol p,ev Srj airoaefjivvvovre^; ra e'f avrov TO^evdrjvat \e- yovaiv ^ApicTToSyjfxov vtto ^AttoWcovo^, oti ovk acfitKOCTO eVt to /.lavreiov, irapa he 'Hpa/cXeou? evTvyovTo^ ol rrpoTepov ttvOoito co? e? UeXoTrov- vrjaov Ha)pi6vaL yevi^crerai rjoe rj Kauooo<i' o oe a\,ri6e(nepo<i e%ei X0709 Wvkcihov roi)^ 7raiha<; Kal 'HXe/CTyOa?, ave-ylrtov<; 6vTa<^ TicrafxevM t5> 7 'OpecTTOf, (povevaai rov ^ ApicnohrjiJLov. ovonaTa p,ev hr] Tol^ rraialv avrov IlpoK\f]<; kul Kvpv- o-Oevri<i eTeOi], hihup,oi he 6vre<i hid(f)opoi ra IxaXiara yaav. 7rpoe\'>]\v66Te'i he iirl p.eya aTTe-xdeia^ o/xci)<; ev koivw ^rjpa t& AvreaLcovo<i, dhe\(f)(p TTj^ [xrirpo^ cr(f)(ov ovri 'Apyeta?, eTrnpo- irevaavTL he Kal avrSiv, avv/jpavTO e? cnroiKiav. TTjV he aiTOLKiav 6 Sy'jpa^; eareWev e? Trjv vrjdov T7jp rore oi'Ofia^o/xei^rjv KaX\.LOTi]i', tou? drro- y6i'ov<i ol Tov Mefji/3\idpou 7rapa')(^Mp7]aea9aL Tfj<; 8 ^aaiXela'i eXiTL^cov eKovra^, oTrep ovv Kal eVot- i^aav Xa^6vTe<i Xoyi-afiov on @rjpa fiev e? avrov avrjei K.dhp,ov ro yeva, ol he rjaav diroyovoi Mefi/3Xi(ipov Mefi^Xiapov he avhpa ovra rov hij/Liov Kdhpo<i ev rfj V7]a(p KareXiirev r)ye/xova elrai rwi' eiroLKWv. Kal Sr]pa<; fiev rrj re vrjaco fiere^aXev d(f)' eavrov ro 6vo/xa Kal ol Kal vvv 6 LACONIA, I. 5-8 Heracleidae in the reign of Tisamenus, son of Orestes, both districts, Messene and Argos, had kings put over them ; Argos had Temenus and Messene Cresphontes. In Lacedaemon, as the sons of Aristodemus were twins, there arose two royal houses ; for they say that the Pythian priestess approved. Tradition has it that Aristodemus himself died at Delphi before the Dorians returned to the Peloponnesus, but those who glorify his fate assert that he was shot by Apollo for not going to the oracle, having learned from Heracles, who met him before he arrived there, that the Dorians would make this return to the Peloponnesus. But the more correct account is that Aristodemus was murdered by the sons of Pylades and Electra, who were cousins of Tisamenus son of Orestes. The names given to the sons of Aristodemus were Procles and Eurvsthenes, and although they were twins they were bitter enemies. Their enmity reached a high pitch, but nevertheless they combined to help Theras, the son of Autesion and the brother of their mother Argeia and their guardian as well, to found a colony.
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