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ROCHESTER AREA FEDERATION of WESTERN Round AND ' _'+ t.-. ,-)') '*' I J ROCHESTERAREA FEDERATIONOF WESTERN R RoUNDAND SQUARE DANCE CrUBS A ROCHESTER,NEW YORK AN OPENLETTER TO THE MEMBERSOF THE ROCHESTERAREA FEDERATIONOF WESTERNROTIND AND SQUAREDANCECLUBS.... September IB, L962 Over the years there has been a void in communicationsbetween the Federation, clubs and dancers in t,he area. Therefore, in order that your Federation may be of greater service to the clubs and dancers, the board of delegates voted unanimouslyto publish a monthly newspaperon a trial basis. The board appointed Bitl Bibler and Lew Dietz to serve as co-editors. To assist them and to establish editorial policies, a board of review has been selected from the board of delegates. Through this mediumwe will publish the schedules of each club's dances for the current month and extend into the first half of the following month. SpacewiII be available for letters to the editor which will give all member dancers an equal opportunity to speak on any issues. Clubs may list their special dances and have publ ished any other news items about their club as an organization and about their membersas individuals. Our dance population witl be informed of the progress of the committees for the annual Dance-O-Rama. News items will be published from publications exchangedwith federations in other areas. In general, through this newspaper,Bll the dancers will be kept well informed on what is going on in our dance circles. This first issue is complimentory, the expensesunderwritten by the Federation. But, of course, if we continue,to publish, we will have to set up a subscription system to underwrite the expenses of commercial printing based on a nominal charge per copy, We anticipate that the cost can eventually be brought to the minimumfor the benefit of our readers through revenue from advertising which we wiII solicit as soon as our paper is established and the early problems of such a venture have been solved. YOURSUPPORT OF THIS PUBLICATIONWILL DETERMINEITS CONTINUANCEI In support of the friendship found in Square Dancing, Ralph Weber Executive Secretary Board of Delegates LOCAI-CALLERS " INSTRUCTORSSET DELEGATESTO THE ROCHESTERFEDERATION UP THEIR FEDERATTON .RCA OFF'ICERS 0n Sundayevening, March L7th, a group of square and round dance instructors Executive Secretary:RaLphand Ruth Weber and callers met at the Didier home. Secretary Dan and Verna Suter For sometime, the idea of forming a Treas urer Don and Norma Weekes local Callers' Association had been growi ng. BOARDOF DELEGATES So LucilIe anciTink Trnkler, Ed and Belles E Beaus: Helen Princlpc, Mary and Mike Prado, Dan and Verna Suter Bud Macomber,Marion and GeorgeKer- Hal G Fran Abberger ridge, Helen and Ennie Johnston, Peg Country Twirlers: and Myron Huss, Kae and Bob Didier, Clair E Florence Fyke Dorothy and HowardDeGrave, Dorothy Al t Esther Fiege and Bob Brunshidl.e,Jean and Bernie EKC-0Squares: Bouiet met that evening and the Ralph E Rut,h Weber o RochesterCallers Association, RCA, Chuckt Doris Rademaker was organized" FiddIe A Rounds; Flowardt Dot DeGraves Whenelections were completed, Bob Jim t MaybeiJ.eBushneli. Brunshrdl-ewas Chairman,Myron Huss GeneseeDancers: was Vice*Chairmanand Mary'Pnadowas Flenry E Bea Meyers o'Tinko' Secretary--Treasurer. Tinkler Jim t Mary Ann Higgins accepted the post- of PirogramChairman. Irondequoit Squares: Bob E Janet Boorom The RCAhopes to promore squane and Georget Lorene PhiIlips round dancing Iocally by assisting new Rochester Rol"I awaysI leaders and catlers, They hope to Don 6 Norma Weekes accomplishthis by workshopsessions Dick t Doris Wilt,on and exchangingideas wirhrn the group. SwingingEights: 'Io Be Announced A series of summerdanrces was held bv Normant Peggy Metzinger RCA.,one each mont h, to grve area ciancersan opportunity fo dance with our local ,callers, Eve.ry'onb,callers Cleven and grfted??? Make it pay!t! and dancers, nad a fine tlme, He1p name 't"hepaper , Prize!!!!1!t!l The RCAis most happy to be a part, of the winter cianceprogram of some of EUROPEANEXCURSION llhe I ocal clubs . The membensare always avai labie f or cat or in-= CharI ie and Bet,ty Podge:r:sof the Bel les s [ruction if your social club anci E Beauswill Jorn other square dancers other grouplswould l ike a square dance in New York City on ColumbusDay and parry, ctimb aboard a B0ACJet1iner bound for England, France, Germany,Switzerland . DorrothyBrunshidle and Italv. The trip of 3 weekswill include two o'Tinkon Drd ever get the house repainted? major square dance events in the coun- Be sure to read about it in SNAP-0-GRAPH tries visited, Bob 0sgoo0of Sets-In- 0rder arranged t.he package deal. Have fun, CharLie and Betty. and a safe journey home. Bon Voyage! CLUB DANCESIN THE ROCHESTERAREA OCTOBER1962 Date qir Club CaIler PIace St art s t illon q€{.8&B Harrr s West Ridge SchooI B:00 I Mon 1.):.FA Tucker Henrietta Y[rcA B:30 3 Wed ES ReiIly Kodak 0ffice Aud. B:00 4 Thu Gen Tinkler CutIer Union B:00 6 Sat SwB Tinkler Iroquois SchooL B:15 B Mon ):.{.BGB Tinkler West,Ridge School B:00 ro Wed ES Harr i s KodakOffice Aud" B:00 II Thu Gen Duffin Cutler Union B:00 L2 Fri d: RR Duffin The Barn B:30 r3 Sat CT RCACaller Florence Brasser School B:15 r3 Sat IrS Kennedy AbrahamLincoln School B:00 L4 Sun ):. RR Ben Balciwrn The Barn B:30 I5 Mon q.):.BtB Harr r s West Ridge School B;00 I5 Mon d.$1. F.A Tucker Henrietta YMCA B;30 x7 Wed ES Ben Barowrn Kodak Office Aud" B:00 rB Thu Gen Harr i s Crrller Unron B:00 19 Fri {r}:{BtB To Be Announced West Ridge SchooI 8:00 20 Sat SwB Tinkler troquois SchooL B:t5 22 Mon ,:.q.BEB Tinkler West Ridge SchooI B:00 24 Wed ES Harr r s Kodak0ffice Aud. B:00 25 Thu Gen ReiIly Cutl"er Union B:00 26 Fri ,j. RR Duffin Tne Barn B:30 27 Sat CT Tinkler Florence Brasser School B:15 27 Sat lrS Kennedy PandeeSchool B:00 29 Mon li.):.BtB Harr r s West Ridge Sehool B:00 29 Mon {.}:.FA Tucker To be announced 31 Wed ES ReiI tY KodakOffice Aud. B:00 NOVEMBER196? L Thu Gen Buzz Brown Cutler Union B:30 3 Sat SwB TrnkLer lroquois School B:15 5 Mon {r{c BEB Harri s West Ridge School B:00 5 Mon 'i.4c FA Tucker Io be announced 7 Wed ES Harni s KodakOffice Aud" B:00 B Thu Gen Duffin Cutler Union B;00 9 Fri ):. RR Duff r n The Barn B:30 10 Sat CT CurIey Custer Florence Brasser School B: trS I0 Sat IrS Kennedy' PardeeSchool B:00 12 Mon li.),i<{.BGB MarshalI Ft ippo West.Rrcige School B:00 14 Wed ES Reilly Kodak Office Aud" B:00 15 Thu Gen Harr i s Cutler Union B:00 f6 Fri $i.):3BEB Tinkler West Ridge School B:00 17 Sat SwB Tinkler Iroquois SchooI 8: 15 f9 Mon {. }i {.BEB Bob Fisk West Ridge School B:00 19 Mon ):.{. FA Tucker To be announced Aff dances are "openo'to club level dancers unless indicated otherwise" ':' Invitat ion danceo except that club level dancers from out of town are welcomed &dcSemi-open dance, requested that you caLL ahead and make arrangements" *** Invitation dance?necessary on National Cai-ler dances, Iimited space" SNAP O GRAPH INSTRUCTION CLASSES F. HOWARDTINKLER"..alias "Tink""..., BELLES'N BEAUS alias "Dearie".,.wifeLucille, a South- ern belle fron Winston-Salern,North Every Wednesday"8:00 P.M, Carolina,..three children - Stephanie, Craig HitI School on WestCraig HiIl Dr, 15, Mark, 13 and Scott, I0, ",chemistry Instructors - Art Harris, "Tink" Tinkler major at Baldwin-WallaceCollege in Registration closes 0ctober l7th, - Ohio,.,namedMan of Science","served Call BobDidier FI 2 0ft7 over four years in World War 2 and later in Korean conflict".,Commander COLrl,lTRYTWIRLERS in Naval Reserves,..cameto Rochester in 1956","senior chemistat Distitla- EveryWednesday" 8:00 P"M. tion Products,, ,enj oys tennis, golf and First Baptist Church,Chil i. bouling when t.ime permits" fnstructor - Bob Brunshidle Call Jim Higgins FA I * 4268 Six years ago saw WesternSquare Danc- ing on T V..,becameinterested in the EKC-0SQUARES calling approach" . neededa newrug and paint job at the t.ime".,bought Every Monday" 8;00 P"M, calling equipmentinstead.,.is nowa Kodakoffice Auditoriun - State St. veteran and nuch in demand,,,calls Instructor - Joe Reilly 'N for BeIIes Beaus,Country Twirlers, CalI Ed Fox N0 3 - 2414 Swingin' Eights and GeneseeDancers."" also in the Canandaiguaarea. GENESEEDANCERS P,S" - In the meantimehas purchased Every Tuesday, 8:00 P.M" the rug and had the house painted. The Bann East Henrietta Rd.6Calkins Instructor Don Duffin Call Andy Bestram GR 3 5890 HURRYI HELP WANTEDPRONTO! IRONDEQUOITSQUARES NAMETHE PAPER WIN A PRIZE We need a namefor this paper. AII Every Saturday. B:00 P.M. you clever people think up as many Laurelton SchooL-. 478 Helendale Rd. entries as you can and send them to Instructor :. George Kerridge the editors. The nameshould be short Call Don Brewer 0S .i.* 2959 o'catchy'n'and " indicate to somedegree lLhetype of publicat ion that i t is _ SWINGIN'E IGHTS supposedto be. Every Tuesday" B:00 P.M. Entries will be judged by a committee HoseaRogers Scnool - 219 Northfield Rd. of impartial judges, Ralph Weber is Instructor - "Tink" Tinkler working on a big surprise prtze. CalI Mike Prado BA 5 0140 Deadline is Oct" 25tn. There is still time to enroll in any of the aboveclasses.
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