397 CLINICAL SCIENCE Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.86.4.397 on 1 April 2002. Downloaded from Corneal tattooing: an alternative treatment for disfiguring corneal scars S Pitz, R Jahn, L Frisch, A Duis, N Pfeiffer ............................................................................................................................. See end of article for Br J Ophthalmol 2002;86:397–399 authors’ affiliations ....................... Correspondence to: Susanne Pitz, MD, Department of Background: The performance and results of corneal tattooing are described in a case series of 11 Ophthalmology, Johannes patients suffering from a disfiguring corneal scar using a technique similar to conventional dermato- Gutenberg-University, graphy. Langenbeckstrasse 1, 55131 Mainz, Germany; Methods: Drawing ink in different shades was applied into the anterior corneal stroma by punctures
[email protected]. performed with a conventional spatula needle. uni-mainz.de Results: Up to 4 years after surgery all patients still had satisfactory staining of the formerly cosmeti- Accepted for publication cally disfiguring corneal scar. 31 October 2001 Conclusion: Tattooing of unsightly corneal scars proved to be an efficient and easy to perform tech- ....................... nique, yielding acceptable results during follow up. ermanent colouring of unsightly corneal scars has been The scar of patients 1 and 10 showed marked calcification, known for almost 2000 years.1 During the final decade of which did not stain readily (Fig 1C). Therefore, removal of the the 19th and the first decades of the 20th century it was a calcified material in conjunction with EDTA application was P 2–4 commonly applied technique. Owing to the tremendous performed immediately before tattooing. In patient no 2, the progress in microsurgical reconstructive procedures, corneal scar intraoperatively proved to be very fragile and tended to tattooing today will only apply for a minor and carefully crumble.