Macintosh Quadra 700 Developer Note
® Macintosh Quadra 700 Developer Note ® Developer Note Developer Technical Publications © Apple Computer, Inc. 1991 APPLE COMPUTER, INC. QUALITY, ACCURACY, © 1991, Apple Computer, MacDraw is a registered MERCHANTABILITY, Inc. trademark of Claris OR FITNESS FOR A All rights reserved. Corporation. PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No part of this publication Microsoft is a registered AS A RESULT, THIS may be reproduced, stored trademark of Microsoft MANUAL IS SOLD “AS in a retrieval system, or Corporation. IS,” AND YOU, THE transmitted, in any form or PURCHASER, ARE by any means, mechanical, Motorola is a registered ASSUMING THE electronic, photocopying, trademark of Motorola ENTIRE RISK AS TO recording, or otherwise, Corporation. ITS QUALITY AND without prior written ACCURACY. permission of Apple NuBus is a trademark of Computer, Inc. Printed in Texas Instruments. IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR the United States of Sony is a trademark of Sony America. DIRECT, INDIRECT, Corporation. SPECIAL, The Apple logo is a LIMITED WARRANTY ON INCIDENTAL, OR registered trademark of MEDIA AND CONSEQUENTIAL Apple Computer, Inc. Use of REPLACEMENT DAMAGES RESULTING the “keyboard” Apple logo FROM ANY DEFECT (Option-Shift-K) for If you discover physical OR INACCURACY IN commercial purposes defects in the manual or in THIS MANUAL, even if without the prior written the media on which a advised of the possibility consent of Apple may software product is of such damages. constitute trademark distributed, APDA will infringement and unfair replace the media or THE WARRANTY AND competition in violation of manual at no charge to REMEDIES SET FORTH federal and state laws. you provided you return ABOVE ARE the item to be replaced EXCLUSIVE AND IN Apple Computer, Inc.
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