Rachel Ben Aharon
[email protected] curiosity 44 ĞĠĩĭ ĵĠīijIJ Ĭ Awards and Competitions is now open to the public. Located within the Students Israel Museum domain, the villa was art collector Charlotte Bergman's private (secret) residence. Registration for the Project of the Year 4th year Studio of the Faculty of Architecture Was it closed so that no one would ask how Competition is now in full gear. www.aiq.co.il at Wizo Haifa dealt with one of the hottest topics Mayor Teddy Kollek connected money and power so blatantly? LQXUEDQSODQQLQJWRGD\WXUQLQJGHUHOLFWLQGXVWULDO Knafo-Klimor Architects has won the areas into centers of urban renewal. Terms such competition for the new academic campus in The annual Light Festival will take place in DV¶EURZQÀHOGV·DQG¶JUH\ÀHOGV·DUHQRZFRPPRQO\ Ashdod. Located in the new quarter at the in use by planners and public bodies world-wide. the Old City of Jerusalem on June 6-14, 2012, entrance to the city, the site will include the new The areas in question are ex-peripheral ones left Assuta Hospital, public buildings, a technological EHWZHHQ 'XULQJ WKH IHVWLYDO at the heart of the urban fabric as an eyesore, yet historical buildings will be lit up, and scores of infrastructure park, and open areas connecting to at extremely high real-estate value. The students light sculptures and interactive video installations the Large Dune Park. The campus will include a looked for ways to utilize such areas for residence, by world renown light artists will be displayed. branch of the Sami Shimon Engineering College; commerce, and community activities, in the green a new school for nursing (supported by the ¶,QWHUDFWLYH· D NH\ ZRUG LQ GLJLWDO DUFKLWHFWXUH historical strip of 900 dunams in Kiryat Haim, with with no particular meaning, since the invention hospital); a natural science school; and a small special focus on the container farm.