Spring 2013 | AVIV 5773 Minneapolis

JAZZ UP YOUR SEDER Community Concierge CELEBRATE ISRAEL'S Expert design tips + download Your new connection to 65th Independence Day... Passover playlist on Spotify Jewish life in Minneapolis State Fair style The Maccabeats are Coming!

Shir Tikvah, Kenesseth Israel, and the Film Festival celebrate milestone See the YouTube pop anniversaries! sensation live in concert!

+ Local Young Leader Selected for National Position jewishminneapolis.org 01 Minneapolis Jewish Federation partner agencies & programs


17 Calendar of Events

our Mission looking ahead Missions Address We build community, care for the 14 Global Impact welfare of Jews everywhere and maximize participation in Jewish life. 18 Weaving the Fabric of Jewish Identity Minneapolis Jewish Life is a publication of the for Future Generations Minneapolis Jewish Federation 13100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305 19 Tributes Tel 952.593.2600 Fax 952.593.2544 www.jewishminneapolis.org

Thank you to our Corporate Partners:

Thank you for helping to make the world a better place at home 

Recently, we met with a family that was in town house-hunting before they officially relocate to Minneapolis. Their two sons got a real kick out of calling their soon-to-be new home, “MinneSNOWta.” So, of course, we let them know that our claim to fame as a Jewish community is being “the home of the frozen chosen!” We even dug up a picture to prove the point as true (see Exhibit A). This made them even more excited for their big move to our community!

The Minneapolis Jewish community is a very special place. Our community has so much to offer for people of all ages, backgrounds and interests - from a thriving Jewish arts scene, to a wide range of Jewish learning op- tions, to exceptional social services and everything in between. The goal of the Community Concierge is to ensure that everyone - whether they are new to MinneSNOWta or have lived here their entire life - is able to connect to programs, services and opportunities that are meaningful to them.

We are changing the perception that our community is difficult to break into and authenticating “Minnesota nice” with the same hospitality as your Bubbe. We are connecting people to Jewish life at every stage of life. The Community Concierge is here to help young families find early childhood programming that’s right for them; empty-nesters discover new ways to fill their empty calendars and aching hearts; newcomers find a place to celebrate their first ; and community members in need find services and support that will bring them comfort and recovery.

The Community Concierge is not a single person. It is a team. That team begins inside the four walls of the Federation, but extends through our cadre of local partners and passionate volunteers who believe in the importance of a vibrant, inclusive and accessible Jewish community.

If you or someone you know is looking to connect or learn more about our community, we would love to meet for coffee (skim mocha, light on the whip, for us). Why? Because this is a special place – and everyone should Exhibit A: Authentic Frozen be able to experience it! Chosen t-shirt stands up on its own after being frozen solid Warmly, in -30 degree temps. Photo courtesy of Michael Cohen. The Community Concierge Team | [email protected]

P.S. Turn to page 16 to read about upcoming events through the Federa- tion and visit www.jewishminneapolis.org/calendar to see what’s going on across the Twin Cities Jewish community!

Join the Community Concierge Corps! Are you friendly, outgoing and passionate about our community? Do you love meeting new people? If so, we want you to join the Community Concierge Corps! As a member of the Corps, you can do everything from hosting a new family for Shabbat dinner to being the friendly face at the Community Concierge kiosk at FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AT major community events. Basically, the Community Concierge Corps is the warm and welcoming arm of the Jewish community. It’s a low-commitment, high impact @jewishmpls opportunity! Interested? Contact Laura Taple at [email protected].

jewishminneapolis.org 03 A glimpse around the Minneapolis Jewish Federation and its wide-reaching network

➜ Day School Students Help Repair the World the lives of people in need, and we extend a yasher koach On Monday, March 4, the Amos and Celia Heilicher to the staff, parents and students at Aleph School, Gan Minneapolis Jewish Day School (HMJDS) kicked off VOICE Shelanu, Temple Israel Congregational School, Bet Shalom (Volunteer Opportunities in Community Education), a week Congregational School, Shir Tikvah Congregational School, of tikkun olam focused activities. Students participated in Amos and Celia Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School, classroom sessions about the importance of tzedakah, and Bais Yaakov High School, Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, with a fresh idea of what Judaism teaches about our re- Torah Academy, and the Sabes JCC Early Childhood Center. sponsibility to others, the children entered the community Students at the Gan were particularly touched by their to act on those values through off-site service projects. Cuban peers’ need for backpacks. In addition to partici- pating in the backpack drive, when it came time to decide VOICE activities, where to donate that week’s tzedakah money, the children which take place chose to contribute it to the emergency backpack drive. during the school Thank you, Gan students, for raising enough money for day as well as dur- 12 extra backpacks! ing a dedicated, parent/child vol- ➜ Adath Jeshurun unteer evening, and the Minneapolis benefit a wide range Jewish Federation of secular and Jew- ish charities. VOICE Present Maccabeats projects focus on Live! hands-on learning The Maccabeats have for students and impact people both locally and glob- toured the world, and ally. This year, students created stained glass designs for they’re finally stop- Sholom, donated fleece blankets for the Hennepin County ping in Minnesota! Humane Society, and made stuffed “boo boo bears” to After The Yeshiva Uni- cheer up patients at Children’s Hospital of Minneapolis – versity student vocal among many other projects! group’s Chanukah video went viral, they shot to internation- al fame and have since performed everywhere from New VOICE reflects HMJDS’ commitment to diversity education Zealand to the . On May 5th at 2 pm, catch the and helping students understand their role as citizens of Maccabeats live at Adath Jeshurun – and stay after for an the world; building future learners and leaders committed autograph! to the Jewish community and the global society throughout their lives. Under 12 - $9 • 12+ - $18 • Reserved Seating - $36 Order tickets at www.adathjeshurun.org/maccabeats ➜ Community While you dance and sing along to the Maccabeats, you can Comes Together to help send a child to Jewish summer camp! Buy a $10 raffle Donate Backpacks ticket at the concert and be entered to win exciting prizes, to Cuban Students including a camp pack ($200 value)! All proceeds will help In January, 24 Minneapolis kids experience the magic of summer camp. delegates from the (P.S. We’re always accepting donations to our camp scholar- Minneapolis Jewish ship fund! Donate online at jewishminneapolis.org/donate) community traveled to Cuba to get a first- ➜ A New Home for Hillel at the University of Minnesota? hand glimpse of our For the past 50 years, Jewish students have welcomed global partners’ lifesaving and community-building work on Shabbat in Hillel’s chapel, and laughed with friends on the the ground. Just prior to departure for Cuba, we received cozy couches between classes. Students have fallen in love an urgent request for 120 backpacks for Jewish kids at- over board games and navigated the trying experience of tending the Havana Jewish Hebrew school. becoming an adult through spiritual guidance in the rabbi’s office. Within just five days, our local educational partners reached out to their students and families to collect back- Hillel is in a time of exciting transition, as the Board of pack donations and personalized notes from Minneapolis Directors begins the conversation to transform the aging kids for their peers in Cuba. It was an incredible display physical space that struggles to keep up with the progres- of our community coming together to make a difference in sive nature of today’s Hillel. Its leadership believes that the

04 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 at home 

comfortable yet well-worn Hillel building is outdated, and Tikvah’s founding Rabbi A glimpse around the Minneapolis Jewish that soon, continuing to own and operate the building in its Emerita and Rabbi Rick Federation and its wide-reaching network current state may no longer be cost-effective. Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Juda- In a strategic ism, will join other distin- proactive move, guished guests in celebrat- Hillel has put ing the congregation. together a task force to evalu- “We welcome all to ate potential come and celebrate Shir scenarios. Tikvah’s first 25 years From architects and the enduring values who could that guide us forward,” design a more remarked Shir Tikvah’s modern space Senior Rabbi Michael for Hillel, to real estate professionals who have insight into Adam Latz. “The weekend’s events will lift up Shir Tikvah’s a different location for the organization’s space, Hillel’s mission and vision for a dynamic Judaism in which the Building Committee is looking to build a team of experts. active practice of inclusivity, radical hospitality, prayer, and Torah learning can lead to a more just and peaceful world.” “We’re taking some steps to ensure Hillel’s future, and part of that is having a good facility,” says Dan Weiss, Hillel’s The community is invited to join the congregation at 6 Immediate Past President and Building Committee Chair. p.m. on Friday, May 24 at Shir Tikvah's original home, the St. Paul Jewish Community Center, for dinner and a com- If you are interested in becoming involved in this project, memorative Shabbat. The festivities continue on Saturday, please contact Dan Weiss at (952) 927-8202 or May 25 at 7 p.m. with a dance party to live 80s music at [email protected]. the Metropolitan Ballroom. Visit www.shirtikvah.net for more details.

Happy Anniversary! ➜ Kenesseth Israel – 125 years! Kenesseth Israel is celebrating its 125th year of maintain- ➜ Minneapolis Jewish Film ing and fostering the growth of a Torah-observant com- Festival - 20 years! munity in Minnesota. To celebrate, the congregation has a The Minneapolis Jewish Film number of events Festival has come a long way since planned, includ- its inaugural year, when a group ing a visit and talk of film enthusiasts gathered in from Rebbetzin Galtier Plaza in St. Paul to watch Esther Jungreis on three films. Now the Film Festival is May 5. Jungreis celebrating twenty years of bring- is the founder of ing the Twin Cities the best feature Hineini, the New films, documentaries and shorts York based center from around the world. Thousands for Jewish Learn- of patrons – young and old – of all ing and Outreach, faiths and interests, gather together and a Holocaust to learn, laugh, cry, and share the survivor who has consciousness of Jewish culture, touched the lives history and artistry through the of thousands with her rousing speaking style and insightful magical medium of the movies. books. For information and tickets for Rebbetzein Jungreis's speech, contact Kenesseth Israel Congregation This year’s festival featured a at 952-920-2183 or [email protected]. unique, carefully chosen selection of films with an eye for quality and To continue the festivities, Kenesseth Israel will host a variety. The Film Review Commit- "Kosher Taste of Minnesota" on June 2nd. Taking place in tee and Film Festival staff reviewed and around the Kenesseth Israel building, at 4330 W. 28th over 165 films before making their St. in St.Louis Park, the event will create a State Fair-like final selections! atmosphere.

➜ The entire extended Jewish community, as well as the Shir Tikvah – 25 years! entire Eruv community and its neighbors, is invited to come Progressive Reform congregation Shir Tikvah, located in out and enjoy a day of food, games, entertainment and South Minneapolis, will celebrate its 25th anniversary with fun. For more information as it comes, visit a festive weekend May 24 and 25. Rabbi Stacy Offner, Shir www.kenessethisrael.org

jewishminneapolis.org 05  OVERSEAS

Celebrating Passover in Argentina

aniela holds her son Santiago’s hand and “To belong to Baby Help means to continue our grandpar- helps him peer under cushions and behind ents’ stories. It is to strengthen our values… it is educa- furniture. Although Santiago is too young to tion… it is peace,” reflects Cynthia. understand the tradition and history behind the afikomen he’s searching for, Daniela is More than 10 years after Argentina’s financial collapse confident that the Seders and other Jewish programming Baby Help still provides critical assistance to nearly 600 they attend through Baby Help Argentina will teach San- small children and their families. With Federation’s sup- tiago about his Jewish heritage. port, formula, nutritious food, and baby supplies like dia- pers, cribs and strollers are delivered to families in need. For Baby Help parents like Daniela, the fear of being un- Baby Help also fosters self-sufficiency, providing day care able to feed their families or afford clothes and medicine services while parents work or seek employment. But it is for their children was all-consuming in the wake of Argen- the Jewish programming that makes Baby Help a unique, tina’s financial collapse in 2001. Busy fighting for their memorable and ultimately a life-changing program. families’ survival, many parents were forced to let teach- ing and keeping Jewish rituals slide to the bottom Each year, Daniela and Santiago eagerly await the annual of their priorities. “Baby Pesach” Seder. Looking around the Seder table at newfound friends and welcoming faces, Daniela beams at A program through Federation’s partner, the American the beautiful feeling of belonging and sharing. When what Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Baby Help she needed most was money and food to keep her family began directly after the financial collapse to provide sud- afloat, she never thought it would be rekindling her Juda- denly impoverished women and their children with basic ism that would save her. necessities. Eventually, it became equally as focused on re-connecting families to their Judaism. Families gather several times each year to celebrate their Jewish heritage and pick up long-forgotten customs.

For Cynthia, a young mother who relies on Baby Help, the program’s center in Buenos Aires is a second home, and its programming fills a personal void. “[My daughter] Del- fina explains to me what Shabbat candles and matzah are, and she takes me automatically into memories I thought were lost… but they are still in my heart,” says Cynthia.

Watching Delfina learn Jewish customs brings tears to Cynthia’s eyes as she thinks of her father. As a four-year- old boy in a post-Holocaust refugee camp, Cynthia’s father was unable to embrace his Judaism. Though he tried to pass the traditions on to Cynthia, the tumultuous events of her adulthood after the financial collapse ensured that religion fell through the cracks. [My daughter] Delfina explains to me what Shabbat candles and matzah are, and she takes me automatically into memories I thought were lost…”

06 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 at home 

Darren, Vice President of Wealth Management at Swiller Lederfine Wealth Management Group (part of UBS Finan- cial Services, Inc.), never expected to become an accom- plished young leader in the Jewish community, and credits three moments in moving him along on his personal Jewish journey. The first came as a teenager, when Darren spent his first summer at Herzl Camp.

“This was the first time in my life I was surrounded by Jews,” remembers Darren. “This was the first time that I celebrated and honored Shabbat; where I started to un- derstand the meaning of Zionism. You know what? It was pretty cool. I loved it.”

The second moment, Darren’s attendance at a Federation Young Leadership event, illuminated the power of the Fed- eration movement and the importance of tzedakah. At the event, Dr. Rick Hodes, an American living in Ethiopia as the Medical Director for the American Jewish Joint Distribu- tion Committee (JDC), credited the Federation system with making his efforts possible, and the proverbial light bulb went off over Darren’s head.

The sudden passing of Darren's mother led to his third moment of reflection. “At the funeral I had a difficult time concentrating,” says Darren. “I started thinking about my own life. What had I accomplished? If I died, what would they say about me at my funeral? I knew I was a good per- son, a good son, a good friend. But something in my gut was telling me I could do more; that I needed to do more.”

Darren sought increased responsibility with Federation’s “We have to offer the next generation a dream – a Young Leadership and began his leadership path. Now, ten vision that is both morally and spiritually compelling years later, Darren has made waves in the Minneapolis – one that creates a sense of community,” said Darren Jewish community and traveled across the world to under- Lederfine in his successful application for 2014-2015 stand the global needs of the Jewish people – accomplish- Co-Chair of the Jewish Federation of North America ments that have brought him to the esteemed position of (JFNA)’s National Young Leadership Cabinet (NYLC). NYLC co-chair. “Stories of persecution and suffering can’t be the only weapons in our arsenal; we also need to offer stories of In the coming months we will learn more about Darren’s hope, of individuals overcoming incredible odds… and his co-chair, Devra Jaffe-Berkowitz of Stamford, stories that inspire.” Connecticut’s, plans for the future. In the meantime, the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, our partners and the To be named chair of NYLC is acknowledgement of entire community congratulate Darren in this and all his Darren’s capacity and skills and is, ultimately, a major accomplishments. We are honored to be the beneficiary responsibility and honor. It requires a vision for the future, of a legacy he continues to build – not just for himself, but the ability to inspire and motivate fellow leaders, and an for his community. understanding of the issues facing Jewish communities.

NYLC is central to the Jewish Federations’ mission, where ➺ National Young Leadership Cabinet engaging the next generation is a top priority, said Jerry Celebrates its 50th Anniversary this summer! Silverman, JFNA president and CEO. “It is critical for our National Young Leadership Cabinet has been engaging thousands of success that we recruit talented leaders,” Silverman said. young leaders across the country through premier events, leadership “We are thrilled with the choice.” In the fifty years NYLC training and missions for 50 years. In addition to the national anniversary has existed, Minneapolis has had many active participants celebration taking place July 28-30th, 2013 at the Canyons Resort in in the national program. The only other chair from our Park City, Utah for Cabinet Alumni, we will be putting together a Cabinet community was Bobby Swiller (2004-2005). (Sandy Neu- reunion right here in Minneapolis. If you are interested in learning more, man of St. Paul was chair in 1987). please contact Laura Taple at [email protected].

jewishminneapolis.org 07  FEATURES

This year, the first night of Passover falls on Monday, March 25th. Make this night different from other nights with new crafts, treats, and a special Passover drink for the adults.

Seder Table:

Think Color! Don’t just focus on the top of your flower displays – use the whole space. Try taking inexpensive glass vases and surrounding the flower stems with bright vegetables and fruit. For example: Evenly cut asparagus or slices of lime and use them to line the interior of the vase as a comple- ment to the pastel colors of spring flowers (pink and lav- ender tulips, hydrangea, and crocus). Or if you prefer daf- fodils and yellow tulips, try lining your vase with miniature red, yellow and orange peppers, kumquats, or slices of oranges. The brilliance of these colors changes the mood from traditional spring to warm and vibrant. Don’t forget about green! It’s a neutral color that goes with anything… and a great way to use your excess parsley.

The Seder table is a place where memories are made and Think Layers! traditions are handed down. It’s a place to celebrate, With so many items taking up space on the table (Seder remember and honor our freedom. Passover is ALL about and Matzah plates, bowls of charoseth , Kiddush and the table. Miriam’s cups), one way to add interest without taking up space is to layer the table. Start with a basic table cloth After enduring months and months of shades of gray and then add one or more of the following: a sheer overlay white, Passover comes along to help us celebrate spring. to add sparkle and elegance, a complementary colored It is important to use the table and items on it to capture napkin poking out between your dinner and salad plates, a both the celebratory mood and the religious significance colored or sheer runner down the center of the table. of the holiday. Think Texture! The Seder plate is, of course, the centerpiece, but the Don’t be afraid to mix patterns and texture to add interest whole table should be a festive feast for the eye and to the table. Strew colorful, glimmering or sheer ribbon in inspire your guests to slow their pace and take the time and around the symbolic and religious items on the table. to retell the Passover story once again. So pull out your The effect adds whimsy and color. If you’re really adven- family’s heirlooms and remember to tell their stories too. turous, you can take artichokes, limes or sprigs of bloom- ing branches as a support for place cards on your table. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to add beauty and meaning to You can simply layer them on one another, or insert a slit your table. Here are some ideas from local designer Cher or toothpick to hold the card. Harris of Cher Design to enhance your Seder table. Remember the Kids! If you have youngsters at the table, don’t forget to pro- The Seder table is a place where memories vide items that keep their interest and keep them at the “ are made and traditions are handed down. table for as long as you can (someone has to ask the four It’s a place to celebrate. questions!) Passover coloring books and crayons, word finds and other activities will keep your youngest guests engaged while allowing their parents to take part in the Seder.

08 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 Passover Playlist

Set a festive mood at your Seder with this uplifting playlist. Get it free on Spotify – search for Minneapo- lis Jewish Federation Passover playlist!

A Child’s Introduction to Pesach R Go Down, Louis Armstrong | Louis & The Good There are so many books about Passover – it’s a good thing it lasts eight days! If you’re Book | 1958 looking for a great book to teach your youngest Seder guests about this wonderful holiday, pick one from PJ Library’s list! This month, as they do every month, PJ R Ma Nishtanah Library members will receive one of these fun and informative books to share Jewish Yaffa Yarkoni | Jewish Holiday Songs culture and heritage with their children – for free! For a list of this month’s books, or Volume 3 | 2009 to sign up for PJ Library, visit www.pjlibrary.org PJ Library is locally funded in part though the Louis Herman Memorial Fund, a designated R Dayeinu fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation's Jewish Community Foundation, a grant from Craig Taubman (Featuring Laurence Harry and Sandy Lerner, and Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis. A program Juber) | Celebrate Passover | 2000 of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library nourishes Jewish life from the start. R Kadesh Ur’chatz Deborah Ktchko-Gray | Passover Seder Songs | 2012

R So you found the afikomen… Adir Hu In many homes, once the afikomen is found, it’s the Seder Shira Kline | ShirLaLa Pesach | leader’s job to bargain its return so that the Seder can 2006 continue. Prizes, silver dollars, and good old fashioned cash are R Chad Gadya often the fare. Why not encourage the kids to pay it forward? Paul Zim | Passover Seder Sing Instead of a prize for themselves, give them “tzedakah dollars”, Along | 1996 representing a donation made in their honor by you to provide relief for suffering Jews – just like Pharoah’s slaves in R Miriam’s Song Egypt – around the world. To print tzedakah bucks for your | And You Shall be Seder, go to jewishminneapolis.org/tzedakahbucks.aspx a Blessing | 1989

R Let My People Go Rich Recht | Knockin Holes in the Darkness | 2008 Four Cups of…Sangria! R Avadim Hayenu We’re obligated to drink four cups of wine at the Seder – why not make it the good Craig Taubman | Passover Lounge | stuff? Wesley Gagnelius, Young Leadership committee member and mixologist/bar 2006 manager at Parma 8200, offers a welcome alternative to Manischewitz. R One Day Make it yourself or order it at Parma! Maccabeats | 5600 W. 83rd Street, Suite 100 Voices from the Bloomington, MN 55437 Heights | 2010 www.parma8200.com R Eliyahu Seder Sangria (makes a pitcher) Hanavi 1 Bottle of Binyamina Reserve Zinfandel David Broza | Best of the Celebrate 2 oz Cointreau (optional) Series | 2006 3 oz orange juice R Eliyah 4 oz Yarden Blanc de Blancs Sparkling Wine Craig Taubman | Inscribed | 2-3 cups chopped fresh or frozen fruit of your choice 2005

jewishminneapolis.org 09  OVERSEAS

Grady Hughes had just one problem while of activities into their ten-day trip. From he was in Israel: the hummus was too spicy. visiting the main Israeli tourist sites like the Dead Sea and Yad Vashem, to making fudge Such a mundane complaint seems amazing at a chocolate factory and touring a winery, when you consider that Grady, 19, suffered no experience was missed. “I never in a million an accident 11 years ago that left him with years thought a traumatic brain injury, legally blind, deaf “I can’t believe everything they did,” says in his left ear, and partially paralyzed on his Marla. Although Grady has been home from that Grady left side. But none of that stopped Grady Israel for over a month, Marla continues to would have the from making the most of his time in Israel. experience her son’s trip through his ani- mated stories – and each story reveals a new opportunity to Grady spent ten unforgettable days in Israel activity she had not yet heard about. go on Birthright,” on a National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD) trip through Taglit-Birthright Israel “We went to a tank museum!” remembers says Marla, and Israel Free Spirit. Grady. “I got to go in a tank.” Marla, who Grady’s mother. is sitting nearby with Riley, Grady’s seizure “It was life-changing,” Grady says, “But dog, shrugs. “I didn’t know about that part ten days wasn’t enough. I just can’t wait to yet,” she says. go back.” Eventually, after recounting the flash mob in We became family on that plane their hotel lobby, and the dance ” The 24 young adults on Grady’s Birthright party on a party barge, Grady settles on the trip instantly bonded over their Judaism best part of his trip. “Just being there with and their excitement of fulfilling a longtime my friends,” he says. Marla adds that Grady dream of visiting Israel. Some shared stories gets a few phone calls per week from his fel- of the accidents that changed their lives. low travelers. Soon, it was as if the strangers had known each other their whole lives. “One of my new friends from Florida wants to come all the way up to Minnesota just to “The scariest part of the trip for me was the visit me!” exclaims Grady. “The people I went plane ride. I get panic attacks on planes, but to Israel with are my new family.” one of my new friends held my hand the entire way to Israel,” says Grady. “We Unique Experiences became family on that plane.” While Grady and the other participants were able to experience most of the Israeli sights When asked about the best part of his trip that participants on a typical Birthright trip to Israel, Grady hardly knows where to start. would enjoy, some unique and unpleasant The group packed an extraordinary amount experiences were unavoidable.

10 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 OVERSEAS 

“One night I felt like I might have a seizure,” says Grady. “I was a little scared, but my counselor grabbed my hand and told me everything was going to be okay. He took a mattress from a bunk bed no one was using, shoved it next to my bed, and slept there the whole night.”

“I knew Grady was in good hands,” says Marla. “I wasn’t worried at all. Communication was fantastic. They sent a detailed e-mail every night, and when Grady had that potential seizure, they called me.”

Marla was impressed not only with the communication, but with the perseverance of the staff. “No matter what happened, the trip never stopped,” she says. “There was always a plan B and plan C.” With their troop of eight counselors, a medic, and five IDF soldiers, Grady’s trip was prepared for anything.

A Masada Bar Mitzvah Grady fondly reminisces about the moving Jewish experi- ences he had while in Israel, many of which built upon things he had previously learned back home in Minneapo- lis. “A bunch of us had our bar or bat mitzvahs on top of Masada,” says Grady. He participated in the bar mitzvah

ceremony despite having become a bar mitzvah when he Photos provided by Grady Hughes and Lauren Browdy was thirteen and used his experience to lead the ceremo- ny. “I read Torah for the group!” he says.

Grady also found visiting the Kotel moving. “I prayed for Inclusion in the Jewish my mom’s aunt,” he recalls solemnly. “She has cancer.” Community

“I never in a million years thought that Grady would have Federation partners with local programs and organizations the opportunity to go on Birthright,” says Marla, “He to ensure that people of all ages and abilities have the op- needs a little bit more one on one than most kids.” portunity to participate in Jewish life and be active mem- Grady smiles. Israel has always been the dream. And now bers of our community. We are proud to work closely with he can say it is a dream come true. the Minneapolis Jewish Community Inclusion Program for People with Disabilities (a joint program of Jewish Family The Minneapolis Jewish Federation wants to help all teens & and Children's Service and the Minneapolis Jewish Federa- young adults experience Israel firsthand! Learn more about tion), the Sabes Jewish Community Center and Sha’arim to scholarships and opportunities at jewishminneapolis.org create an inclusive and accessible Jewish environment. (click on Israel Center). Youth Darkaynu, a Jewish educational program offered ” through Sha’arim in collaboration with the Sabes JCC’s Inclusion Department, helped Grady expand his social network and become proficient at reading Hebrew during his teen-age years. The program has now expanded to include Darkaynu for Young Adults and Darkaynu Café.

At these evening programs, participants enjoy a wide variety of Jewish activities and a laid back environment to listen to Jewish music and drink coffee with friends.

“Inclusion isn’t just a program," emphasizes Anita Lewis, Inclusion Director at the Sabes JCC. “It’s a culture.”

For nearly two decades, the Minneapolis Jewish community has embraced that culture - and the Federation is commit- ted to ensuring that the infrastructure needed to support it continues for decades to come.

jewishminneapolis.org 11 israelisrael isis 65!65!

The Great Israel Get Together April 14 – 21

April 14-21 is Israel Week! Show your love and support of Israel in a new way each day, leading up to a State-Fair style Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) celebration! Learn more @ israelweek.org.

Sunday, April 14 Yom Hazikaron Take a moment to commemorate Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism on this day of remembrance. Minneapolis: 7 pm | Sabes JCC Led by students from Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School St. Paul: 7 pm | Mount Zion . Led by St. Paul teens

Monday, April 15 Support the Soldiers The IDF troops that visit the Twin Cities each year through Parallel Lives leave with a special connection to our community. Show our Parallel Lives partners you’re thinking about them, and the hard work they do, by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Want to do more? Send a soldier a special treat – pizza, soda, burgers and ice cream! – at pizzaidf.org

Tuesday , April 16 Celebrate Israel on campus Join in Hillel’s annual Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration! 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM | Northrop Plaza on the U of M campus

12 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 FEATURES  Wednesday, April 17 Dance Like an Israeli Dance to the beat of Israeli music, new and old, at Sababa – Israeli Zumba! 7:15 pm | Sabes JCC | Free | Taught by Shira Schwartz

Thursday, April 18 Defend Yourself Like an Israeli Young Leadership presents Krav Maga for women 21-40. 6-8 PM | Sabes JCC

Friday, April 19 Cook Like an Israeli Impress your friends and family by cooking an authentic Israeli meal for Shabbat dinner! Check israelweek.org for recipes and resources. B’teavon (bon appétit)! Did you know? Saturday, April 20 Krav maga classes are Talk Like an Israeli available year round Brush up on your Hebrew before you head out to Sunday’s big at the JCC! celebration! Head to israelweek.org for some phrases to get you started!

Sunday, April 21 Twin Cities Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration Celebrate Israel’s 65th Independence Day…State Fair style! 4 – 8 pm | State Fairgrounds | Free admission (food for purchase) This Great Israel Get Together will feature Israeli food on a schtick, including matzah balls, falafel and more! Enjoy family fun – from Hebrew story time, to face painting, to live music – and shop for handmade Israeli goods in the Israeli market.

End the day by jamming out to hit Israeli hip-hop group HaDag Nachash! For more information, contact Eilat Harel at [email protected] or visit israelweek.org

6pm HaDag Nachash Live

jewishminneapolis.org 13  OVERSEAS "I was amazed at how far the donation and campaign dollars can go in the former Soviet Union and Israel, and I was surprised to see how much the overseas communities need our help." - Dannon Shiff, Harry Kay Leadership Development Institute Mission to Israel & Kiev

View our global impact online in real-time at www. MapYourImpact.org

IN DECEMBER AND JANUARY, 76 members of our community experienced firsthand the effect our dollars have around the world. Three different missions – to Kiev and Israel, Morocco, and Cuba – gave delegates the opportunity to observe our partner agencies, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency for Israel, on the ground changing lives. Here are some reflections from our travelers on how their journeys enlightened and affected them.

14 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 OVERSEAS  I never fully understood the role Federation dollars play outside the United States. The organizations we support are doing tangible, meaningful work to improve the lives of Jews around the world and Israel. Experiencing it firsthand is very powerful. It’s a story I hope to share and that will impact my giving and engagement in a meaningful way. – Rachel Vegas, Harry Kay Mission to Kiev and Israel I was most impressed with the pharmacy that is run in the Jewish Community Center/Synagogue. All of the medication is donated to cover daily needs as well as very specific illnesses. As Americans we truly are fortunate to have access to medication to rid a headache or manage a greater illness. As difficult as it is for all Cubans to obtain medications, the Jewish Community Center pharmacy shares with all. This is so telling of the Jewish community.” – Julie Moss, Cuba Mission

The mission expanded my view of life outside my own Jewish world. I now feel a sense of urgency about and responsibility for the safety of all Jews. I am now motivated to find a way to help, a way that would involve me in the global Jewish circumstance. What stood out most from the experience I look forward to finding that path. – Marcia Marcus, were the powerful connections our group Morocco Mission made on this trip. Having evenings together to talk after a long and eye-opening day driving through Ukrainian towns was definitely one of the highlights. – Lev Buslovich, Harry Kay Mission to Kiev and Israel

Our worlds are so different, yet we’re responsible for one another – it is both powerful and humbling to see that personally. It’s also amazing how going overseas breaks down local barriers – we’re It was incredible sitting among these now connected to local wonderful Cuban people who are so thirsty people whose paths hadn’t for Judaism and for our traditions and for crossed ours before. – Susi our prayers. – Laurie Lifson, Cuba Mission Saxl, Morocco Mission

Upcoming Missions ❋ JFNA National Summer Family Mission | June 24-July 2, 2013 ❋ TAG ’13 | Transform + Grow – Joint Minneapolis Jewish Federation & Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP) Mission | October 20-30, 2013 ❋ JFNA National Winter Family Mission | December 21, 2013 –January 1, 2014 ❋ Minneapolis Jewish Federation Mission to Cuba | April 23-27, 2014 For more information or to pass on ideas for future trips, contact Alyssa Huck at the Minneapolis Jewish Federation: [email protected] | 952-417-2323

jewishminneapolis.org 15 Calendar of Events March 2013 May 2013

Young Leadership’s Casino Royale featuring DJ Adath and Federation Present Maccabeats LIVE Strange Love Sunday, May 5, 2013 | Adath Jeshurun Saturday, March 23, 8 pm | FIVE Event Center, 2817 Bryant Ave, Get ready to rock with Minneapolis family & friends when the A night of drinks, dancing, and your favorite casino games and prizes! Maccabeats perform live at Online registration closes on March 21st. Adath! Tickets on sale March Contact Shana Cohen at 952-417-2352 or [email protected] 11. Contact Alyssa Huck at [email protected] or 952-417-2323 April 2013 Young Leadership & TC Jewfolk’s New Jew in Town Twin Cities Cardozo Society Presents: Helping to Happy Hour Make a Better Jewish Community Thursday, May 30, 5 pm Tuesday, April 23, 5:30 pm | The Bachelor Farmer Just moved here? Been here forever? Somewhere in between? A thought-provoking discussion about tikkun olam Join us at this special happy hour to welcome Jews who are new to Contact Alyssa Huck at 952-417-2323 or [email protected] the Twin Cities! If it’s your first time, your first drink is on us! Contact Shana Cohen at 952-417-2352 or [email protected] Israel’s Memorial Day Yom HaZikaron Sunday, April 14, 2013 | Sabes JCC June 2013 Take a moment to commemorate Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of THE PILLARS AMONG US terrorism on this somber day, led by Sunday, June 30, 10 am students from Heilicher Minneapolis Beth El Synagogue, 5224 W 26th Street, St. Louis Park Jewish Day School A special brunch celebrating 25+ years of philanthropy and For more information contact Eilat Harel at 952-417-2321 or leadership in our community. [email protected] Contact Mort Naiman at 952-417-2322 or [email protected].

Krav Maga: Israeli Self-Defense Class Find a complete listing of events happening in the Twin Cities Jewish community on the Community Calendar at Thursday, April 18th, 6 pm | Sabes JCC jewishminneapolis.org/calendar or contact the Learn to defend yourself like an Israeli as part of Israel Week! Community Concierge at [email protected] for help Admission: $20 | A 2-hour self-defense seminar for Jewish women in navigating what’s going on! their 20’s and 30’s Contact Shana Cohen at 952-417-2352 or [email protected]

Israel’s 65th Independence Day Celebration Sunday, April 21 Advertise With Us! International Bazaar State Fair 1265 Snelling Ave N, St. Paul Put your business in front of the Jewish community by Enjoy Israeli food, music, dancing and sponsoring Minneapolis Jewish Life, the arts & crafts! Featuring the hip hop Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s quarterly magazine. Israeli band Ha Dag Nachash; Our Readers & Our Community: For full details please go to www. • Minneapolis Jewish Life is distributed to 10,000 Jewish israelweek.org.

households in the greater Minneapolis area In the communIty FEDERATIOSummer 2012 | Av - Elul 5772 NEWS The Jewish • Median age is 43. Community of Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s Call for the Future Community • 70% of Jewish adults have earned at least Campaign Raises neaRly Change Phone-a-Thon a bachelor’s degee. $10 million Aiding greece’s Sunday, April 28, 9 am | Minneapolis Jewish Federation, Jewish • Current median income of Minneapolis community Fighting 13100 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka Breast Jewish households is $76,000 Cancer Change lives and win prizes! Join a team of five to see who can raise For more info on sponsorship opportunities, including

Women & Children the most money to support Federation’s life changing programs and ad sizes and pricing, contact Lisa Pollack Furman at in Crisis Turn To FederaTion services. To join a team, or volunteer to be a team captain, contact [email protected]. Alyssa Huck at 952-417-2323 or [email protected]

16 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 SPOTLIGHT 

1.Young adults and young families spent Christmas Day at the Metrodome for football, yoga, and fun family activities. 2. Visiting Israeli author Etgar Keret laughs with Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School students during a Q & A through Culture Blvd II: Israel Author Series. 3. Stereo Kitchen performs live at Hell’s Kitchen for Light It Up: A Party for a Cause. 4 & 5. David & Jessica Kutoff (4) and Jon Wolpert, Rhona Shwaid and David Jurisz (5) celebrate Hanukkah at Light it Up. 6. Danelle Himmelman, Emily Sepler & Allie Markman get into the spirit of Purim at Cirque Du Purim II, a community-wide Purim celebration for Jews in their 20s & 30s. 7. Purim performers included Eddy Wilbers on stilts from Embrace the Light. 8. Purim event co-chair David Jurisz rocks the clown costume! ➍ ❷ ❸

➑ ➐❻

Art Enthusiasts Battle the Snow to Celebrate Four Decades of Feminist Art Artists Jane Bassuk, Joyce Lyon, and Rachel Breen spoke in compelling, Rimon’s popular Artist Salons are held throughout the Twin Cities, giving personal terms about their lives as creative artists and Jewish women at a audiences a chance to hear how artists look at the world, how they frame Rimon Artist Salon, A View Down the Road: Four Decades of Feminist Art, questions through their media, and create work that adds to public con- on February 10. The event, moderated by Professor Riv-Ellen Prell, took versation about the issues of the day. The Salon conversations reach across place on a snowy afternoon at the Robbin Gallery in Robbinsdale and was generations and help Jews (and non-Jews) of highly diverse backgrounds and described by enthusiastic audience experiences connect with Jewish life. members as “rich,” “engrossing,” and “friendly.” The Salon was presented A View Down the Road: Four Decades of Feminist Art was supported in in honor of the 40th anniversary of part by the Women’s Endowment Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federa- WARM, Women’s Art Resources tion, the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, and the Tychman Shapiro of Minnesota, several of whose Gallery of the Sabes JCC. For information about future Artist Salons, visit co-founders were Jewish, including www.rimonMN.org. Joyce Lyon.

jewishminneapolis.org 17  Looking Ahead Weaving the Fabric of Jewish Identity for Future Generations

IT WAS A SUNDAY MORNING IN 1997 WHEN HOWARD AND KATHY ZACK RECEIVED A CALL. As Howard reached for the phone, he had no idea the conversation that followed would be the start of a lifetime commitment to the Minneapolis Jewish community. It was a call from the Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s “Super Sunday,” the largest fundraising push of the year, and ironically, it was just the push the Zacks needed to find their place in the community. MAKING MINNEAPOLIS HOME like-minded women; in fact she leaves Howard recalls a Friday night service Howard and Kathy Zack had just many of the events she attends feeling they attended in Casablanca at a moved to Minneapolis from New York, more educated and often spiritually beautifully preserved synagogue, and and unlike many transplants, they and emotionally moved. how that experience reinforced the quickly acclimated into the commu- importance of helping a small Jew- nity. “It’s not so easy to be Jewish in BROAD VISION FOR A ish community (only 4,500 Jews), Minnesota – you have to want it a little SECURE FUTURE and others like it, survive. Trips like more,” says Kathy. The Zacks wanted this continue to inspire the Zacks and it. They soon became involved with Fifteen years after moving to Minne- motivate their philanthropy. sota, with their kids grown and living several organizations, and Minneapolis With an eye toward the future, the out of state, Howard has retired and began to feel like home. Zacks have found a way to keep their really, while he and Kathy could live passion and aspirations alive through The first place Howard and Kathy anywhere in the country, Minneapolis an endowment they established at joined was Temple Israel – just in time is where the Zacks feel most comfort- the Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s for their son to become a Bar Mitz- able. It's home. A home and a commu- Jewish Community Foundation. Both vah. They didn’t just become mem- nity to which they remain committed. Kathy and Howard believe planned bers, they got involved. Eventually, The Zacks want to ensure the Minne- giving is the best way to fulfill their Howard became president of the con- apolis Jewish community, the commu- passion for the preservation of Jewish gregation and it was in this role that nity that welcomed them in, remains identity. Their legacy now stands as a he learned how integrated our Jewish vibrant and strong. institutions are, how we dovetail one message to their adopted Minneapolis another’s work and how we have come Their commitment to changing the community and to their own family to depend on one another. world hasn’t been limited to Minneso- about their personal passion for the ta’s borders. The Zack’s broader vision safety and preservation of the local Today, Howard serves on the boards for the worldwide Jewish community and global Jewish community. of the Temple Israel Foundation, Oak has sent them around the globe to For information on establishing a fund in Ridge Country Club, Jewish Family & see the impact of their influence and honor of a loved one or a Charitable Gift Children’s Services of Minneapolis philanthropy firsthand. (JFCS), the Jewish Community Rela- Annuity contact Mort Naiman 952-417- tions Council (JCRC), and the Minne- When Howard and Kathy travel, they 2322 or mnaiman @mplsfed.org apolis Jewish Federation. For Howard, spend time visiting the Jewish commu- his involvement in the Federation gives nity wherever they are – they’ve visited him the opportunity to collaborate with communities in Argentina, Chile, with local and overseas institutions for Spain, Hong Kong, Australia, Morocco, the common purpose of preserving and Israel. They’ve seen first-hand and enhancing Jewish life in Minne- the lives that have been and are being apolis and around the world. Federa- changed and the communities that are tion is an integral part of Kathy’s life nurtured because of the Minneapolis here, too. As a Lion of Judah, she Jewish Federation and its overseas feels she’s part of a sisterhood of partners.

18 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 Arts & Culture Funds Lynn Goldbloom Andrea & Scott Harris & Family Cheryl Ravich Harold & Cindi Goldfine • In Memory of Harold Schenker • In Memory of Ferne Pesses Bobby and Elliot Cohen Mark Freidson & Betty Holmes Janny & Al Silver Drs. Phil & Mary Kibort Tzedakah Fund Steve & Marion Kahn • In Memory of Al Gleekel • In Memory of Harriette Rutstein Sue & Harvey Kaplan Barry & Susan Taran Bobby & Elliot Cohen Avi & Arlene Leibovich Dr. Elliot Latts • In Memory of Susan’s Mother Don Brown John C. Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund Pam Wexler Ron Harris Zvi & Arlene Rubovich • In Memory of Rami Cooks • Speedy Recovery Philip Garon Shirley Latts & Family Paula & Arvin Cohen • In Honor of Sidney Barrows Lifetime Naomi Rotenberg • In Memory of Gene Snyder Commitment Award • In Honor of Special Birthday Health Funds Joan & Shelly Weinstein Ronald D. Aucutt • In Honor of Special Anniversary Eileen & Bob Elkin Minneapolis Jewish Day School Judith and Jon Harris Eugene L. Heck Designated Fund Health & Healing Fund Rimon Arts Fund Daniel J. Hoffheimer Lisa, Paul, Joely & Parker Gendler Barbara Rubin-Greenberg & Dr. Donald W. Klass Amy Steve & Barrie Orloff Barry Greenberg Julie Roin & Saul Levmore David Harris • In Memory of Arnold Orloff Sharon & Phil Snyder Rosanne Nathanson • In Appreciation Jim & Paula Tankenoff Nafton Sadoff Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin & Michael Hofkin Minnie and Joe Milstein Judy Harris R. L. Wasserman Dr. Michael & Carol Bromer Scholarship Fund (Hillel) • In Honor of Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Steve Brand • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Award • In Honor of Sidney Barrows Lifetime Dr. Aaron & Judi Nathenson Judy & Jon Harris Commitment Award Leslie & Jerry Milstein Keri & Scott Bader Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bunin • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Community Campaign • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter, Steve Brand Harper Endowment Funds Philip Garon Ben Rosenzweig Holocaust Elissa Heilicher • In Honor of Sidney Barrows Lifetime Memorial Designated Fund • In Honor of Amos S. Deinard Award for Barry Effress Memorial Commitment Award Jean Rosenzweig Distinguished Leadership L’Chaim Endowment Fund Sally Forbes Friedman Elaine Weber Susan & Mike Horovitz Steve Brand Jane Effress • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter, Philip Garon Betty Borman Frances Ginelle • In Honor of Sidney Barrows Lifetime • In Memory of Marvin Borman Dr. James E. Rubin Memorial Susan Lazar Commitment Award Barbara Glass Lisa Peilen Robert Karon Medical Scholarship Fund • In Memory of Larry Glass Peter Simon • Speedy Recovery Libby Hoffman Judy & Jon Harris • In Honor of Special Birthday Marcia, Allen, Jill & Bob Oleisky • Thinking of You Barbara Rubin-Greenberg Nancy Nathanson Robert Goldaris Joanne & Michael Silverman • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan • In Honor of Arthur T. Pfefer Marsha & Gary Tankenoff Jerry Ribnick Memorial Award • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Nancy and Steve Schachtman • In Honor of a Job Well Done as David Wolfson Talmud Torah Scholarship Fund Federation President Robert Goldaris Susan Krantz Lazar Stanley Schweitzer • In Honor of Grandmother’s 80th Judy & Jon Harris Lion of Judah Endowment • In Honor of Federation’s Arnie Lifson Birthday Steve Schachtman Lifetime Achievement Award & Phillips Rebecca Biderman • In Honor of Arthur T. Pfefer • In Honor of Outstanding Term as Eye Institute Recognition Dr. Michael & Carol Bromer Memorial Award Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s Renee Zwerner & Family Barbara Rubin-Greenberg & Campaign Chairman • In Memory of Allan Zwerner Barry Greenberg Corrine and Tom Feinberg Nancy & Steve Schachtman Kay King Scott Bader Education Designated Fund Mount Sinai Community Foundation Kris MacDonald • In Honor of Special Birthday Bonnie Padilla Corrine & Tom Feinberg Steve Brand Carolyn Abramson Susan Lazar Theresa Berman Philip Garon Stanley Schweitzer • In Honor of Special Birthday Susie Ring • In Honor of Sidney Barrows Lifetime • In Honor of Federation’s Arnie Lifson Susan Lazar • In Honor of Special Birthday Commitment Award Lifetime Achievement Award & Phillips Judy Harris Family of Fay Ribnick Susan & Mike Horovitz Eye Institute Recognition • In Honor of Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award • In Memory of Fay Ribnick • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter, Marian & Osher Altrowitz Philip Garon Frances Ginelle Louise Ehrlich • In Honor of Sidney Barrows Lifetime • Speedy Recovery Commitment Award Jerry Strauss Memorial Designated Education Funds Fund for Holocaust Education Dr. & Mrs. Horacio Jinich Rivoli Golden • In Honor of 60th Anniversary • In Memory of Sister Morris Berenberg Family Abby & Michael Strauss Bobby & Elliot Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Kibort Danny Berdass Scholarship Fund (JVS) Betty Borman & Family • In Memory of Harriet Rutstein Nancy Hartman • In Memory of Marvin Borman Penne Berenberg Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Sigel • In Honor of Special Birthday Delores & Mel Sigel Family of Eva Beers • In Honor of 60th Anniversary Dee Burton • In Honor of 60th Anniversary • In Memory of Eva Beers • In Memory of Father, Ron Judy & Jon Harris Family of Arnold Orloff Matthew and Linda Gilfix Family Benjamin Hartman Delores & Mel Sigel • In Memory of Arnold Orloff Technology Designated Fund • Speedy Recovery • In Honor of 60th Anniversary Rivoli Golden Linda Gilfix Rachael Goldberger & Joel Paper Hy & Sheila Paisner • In Memory of Suzanne Efron Dr. Fred Kravitz • In Memory of Rachael’s Father Dr. Neil Kay Mrs. Henry Goldstein Roberta Kravitz Sharon & Mark Rosenblum • In Memory of Harvey Kay • In Memory of Irwin Baker • Speedy Recovery • In Memory of Grandmother Nathan Newman & Family John McCollum Joan & Shelly Weinstein Eileen Strauss • In Memory of Sister • In Memory of Harry Kay • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Helen & Richard Averbach Jerry & Louise Segal Esther Shanedling • In Memory of Saba Haubenstock Family of Annarose Charney • In Honor of Special Birthday Heidi Foundation Designated Fund Rich & Peggy Bloom • In Memory of Annarose Charney Ronnie Weisman • In Memory of Mother Family of Arnold Rosenberg • In Memory of Risa Weisman Lynn & Buddy Abramson Trudy & Jeff Burstein • In Memory of Arnold Rosenberg Dr. Stuart & Sue Ellen Borken • In Memory of Betty Bix Blair & Fremajane Wolfson Cardozo New Lawyer and Law Diana Idelkope Frances Diamond Family of Marvin Borman Student Program Designated Fund Herb Schechter • In Memory of Burton Diamond • In Memory of Marvin Borman Michael Schechter Family of Rami Cooks Stanley Schweitzer Carolyn & Daniel Ansel • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Memory of Rami Cooks • In Honor of Federation’s Arnie Lifson Glenn & Lisa Aronauer Janie & Mark Covin Family of Reuveen Rahamim Lifetime Achievement Award & Phillips Frank & Margo Bonvino Vivian Fischer • In Memory of Reuveen Rahamim Eye Institute Recognition Neil & Ann Covin • In Honor of Birthday Benjamin Hartman Delores & Mel Sigel Janet Dolan • Speedy Recovery • In Honor of 60th Anniversary

jewishminneapolis.org 19 Inclusion Funds Andrew Frankel Hurwitz Fund Social Service Funds John Isaacs to Support Programming for • In Memory of Wife, Shirley Paul Adelman Children with Children with Special Needs Julius Ancer Senior Fitness Robyn Johnson Designated Fund • In Memory of Robert Carl Eckers, Jr. Disabilities Endowment Fund Programming Fund at the Phil Kibort Cindy Alpert Sally Forbes Friedman Sabes Jewish Community Center • In Memory of Mother-in-Law Sherrie & Mike Argirion Rafael & Lois Wurzel Micki & Mort Naiman Michelle Horovitz & Adam Klarfeld Judie & Alan Begoun Doreen Frankel & Jake Hurwitz & Family Debbie Arbit • In Honor of Birth of Daughter Amy Fischer • In Memory of Andrew Hurwitz on his Stan Baratz Susan & Hart Kuller Robin Fischer Yahrzeit Bob Barrows • In Memory of Guzzie Yager Scott & Jennifer Lang Larry & Phyllis Gelles Judy & Jon Harris Linda Barrows • In Honor of Son’s Bar Mitzvah Nancy & Daniel Gooze Doreen Frankel & Jake Hurwitz & Family Chuck Barry • In Memory of Andrew Hurwitz on his Michael Barry Scott & Laurel Lifson Donna & Harold Gordon • In Honor of Matt’s Engagement Joy & David Grossman Yahrzeit Lyle Berman Beverly Fink Francie Ross Susan Johnson • In Honor of New Home • In Memory of Elaine Estreen Charles Kadish Doreen Frankel & Jake Hurwitz Jack Fiterman Linda Fiterman Amit Sela Janis & David Kirshner Ann Dickstein Nicole Sela • In Memory of Ira Dickstein Jon Harris Gail & Ben Klein Judy Harris • In Honor of Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah Hazel J. Levinthal Ellisa Heilicher Anita Silver Sandra & Lewis Liszt Jerry Ingber • In Honor of Daughter’s Engagement Donna Simon Israel Experience Funds Judith Ingber Frank & Toodie Trestman Debbie & Rick Taich Steve Kalin • In Honor of Blake Andrew’s Bar Mitzvah Sue Zipkoff Elliot Kaplan Kathy & Howard Zack Alexander Muss High School in • In Memory of Zelda Zack Beth Binder Israel Eloise Kaplan • In Honor of Special Birthday Paul Karon Beth Binder Barb Adelman Irvin Kessler Robert and Susan Diamond Rita Kieffer Family of Reuveen Rahamim Neil Lapidus Emergency Financial Assistance Vicki Miller • In Memory of Reuven Rahamim Susan Lazar Fund (JFCS) Delores Levin • In Honor of Special Birthday Bob & Susie Diamond Beth & Rick Binder Louis Herman Israel Experience Sheila Locketz Kris MacDonald Chris Bame Melinda Bonk Fund • In Appreciation Lou Chapman Marni Noyman Jane & Todd Lifson Michele O’Kane Pam Radow Michael Barry Lillian Raen Nancy and Stuart Friedell Shelley Redstone • In Honor of Assuming Presidency of the Andy Redleaf Family Fund (JFCS) • In Honor of Special Birthday Minneapolis Jewish Federation Bonnie Ross Leslee & Bobby Gold Nancy & Stuart Friedell Jennifer, Dan, Tobin & Abbott Spiller Harold Scherling • In Memory of Phyllis Simon Michael Orren Maxwell Lang Michael Schoenberger Jane & Jon Gordon • In Memory of Carol Orren • In Honor of Bar Mitzvah Nancy Schoenberger • In Honor of 40th Anniversary Vicky Sektor Julie Blew & Mark Stamps & Family Laura Silberfarb Agnes Berenberg Hoffman • In Memory of Rita Deubert Annette Paletz Memorial Marsha Tankenoff Scholarship Endowment Fund for Emergency Majorie Binder Frank Trestman Aid for the Elderly (JFCS) Julie Blew & Mark Stamps & Family for Alexander Muss High School • In Honor of Birthday • In Memory of Rita Deubert in Israel Designated Fund Chuck Barry Kevin & Jill Brazner • In Honor of Birthday Lisa Trestman Dr. Jordan Block Serene & Leonard Paletz Richard Binder • Speedy Recovery Frank Trestman Jane & Gene Borochoff • In Honor of Birthday • In Honor of Special Birthday Lyle Berman • In Memory of Daughter, Rachael Sandy Wallack Lorel & Robin Fischer Sharon Snyder Mitzi Diamond • In Memory of Theresa Berman • In Memory of Helen Swerling Ron Noble & Kathy O’Neill • In Honor of Special Birthday Theresa Berman Renee & Hess Kline • In Honor of Jonathan’s Graduation & Family of Alex Astren • In Honor of 100th Birthday Molly & Sid Bader Accomplishments • In Memory of Alex Astren Abigail Rose & Michael Blum • In Honor of Jacey’s Marriage Gerald Guon Family of Martin Finch Doreen Frankel & Jake Hurwitz Marty Bell Andrea & Floyd Adelman • In Memory of Martin Finch Robert & Tasya Kelen Gloria Johnson • In Memory of Paul Adelman Family of Fay Ribnick Bob & Jane Ketroser Loie Johnson Jan Hoffman • In Memory of Fay Ribnick Susan & Hart Kuller Simie Kaye Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arnold Family of Allan Schweizer Mike & Anita Kunin Sue Ring • In Memory of Rochelle’s Mother • In Memory of Allan Schweizer Kris & John MacDonald • In Honor of Special Birthday Hannah Hoffman Family of Warren Wert Gal & Marni Noyman Joan Noun & Binder Family • In Memory of Jay Binder • In Honor of 3rd Birthday • In Memory of Warren Wert Dean & Karin Phillips Kevin Brazner Lauren Hoffman Lowen Grodnick Joel & Sharon Waller Jeff & Mary Werbalowsky • In Honor of Birthday • In Honor of 16th Birthday • In Memory of Brother, Armol Marian Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wolk Family of Arnie Moss Naomi Maul • In Memory of Arnie Moss • In Memory of Brother, Gene • In Honor of Anniversary • In Memory of Warren Maul Betty Borman Eva & Shel Kieffer Mr. & Mrs. Nate Sockrider • In Honor of Anniversary • In Memory of Lyla and Adam Tom Borman Bob and Missy Swiller • In Memory of Marvin Borman Jeanne & Albert Levin Marlene Wilson Teen Israel Scholarship Fund Bobby & Susie Diamond • In Honor of Birth of Great-Granddaugher • In Memory of Ralph Dostal • In Memory of Dr. Burt Diamond Nancy Nathanson & Family Myra Juster Bobby & Missy Swiller Family of Fay Ribnick • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Marvin Engler Paul & Lisa Gendler • In Memory of Fay Ribnick Estelle Silverman & Family Joseph Kane • In Memory of Zetta Shapiro Ted Flaum • In Memory of Saul S. Silverman Gail Lehman Tony Gleekel • In Honor of Jacob Martin’s Bar Mitzvah Sandra & Bob Wallack • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Honor of Special Birthday Lori & Brad Fritz • In Memory of Helen Swerling Shirley Jacobson Michael Launer & Lesli Hines • In Memory of Dr. Burt Diamond Rick, Conner & Logan Kline • In Memory of Niece • In Memory of Father • In Honor of Anniversary Renee Kline Audrey Kiges Julie & Scott Moss • In Honor of Brad’s Birthday • In Honor of Special Birthday • Thinking of You • In Memory of Arnold Moss Beverly Grossman Ross, Lisa & Paulie Nathanson Mickey Orren Robby & Rhonda Zakheim Pat Grossman Levin & Shapiro Families • In Memory of Carol Orren • In Memory of Stanley Zakheim • In Memory of Sister • In Honor of Birth of Daughter, Michael & Susan Horovitz Granddaughter, Great-Granddaughter • In Honor of Birth of Grandchild Lisa Trestman • In Honor of Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Frank Trestman • In Honor of Mike’s Birthday • Happy Birthday, Dad Doreen Frankel & Jacob Hurwitz Frank & Toodie Trestman • In Honor of Birthdays Loni & Darrell Ansel • In Honor of Anniversary Linda & Miles Braufman Brina Krelitz Suzi & Fred Nathanson

20 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 Marilyn Trestman Shirley Silberman Joyce and Donald Moscoe Family Sandy Wallack Sandy & Bob Wallack Anna & Charles Silverman Emergency Fund (JFCS) • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Appreciation Rosemary & Jerry Sjolsvold Loni & Darrell Ansel, Susan Chalfen, Chuck Barry David & Dede Smith Joyce Moscoe Margie & Stuart Cohen, Susan & Norton Bud Bolter Edith Naomi Smith Sid & Molly Bader Gray, Bonni Shapiro, Herb & Marta • Speedy Recovery Ethel & Norman Smith Kerry & Scott Bader Schechter, Eileen & Harold Scherling, Marty Bell Marilyn & Marvin Sternberg • In Honor of Aaron & Jacey’s Marriage & Dan Silvers Theresa Berman Donna & Jamie Tilsner Rita Bobman Chuck Barry Norton Gray Teresa & Irving Victor • In Honor of Special Birthday • Speedy Recovery Simi Kaye Karen Yarmo Family of Guzzie Yager Max Rutman Family of Mickey Kaplan • In Memory of Guzzie Yager Theresa Ackerman Berman Bill Weisberg • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Susan & Bill Goldenberg Memorial Fund • In Honor of Special Birthday Rose Averbach • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Margo Berdass Kevin & Jill Brazner Mrs. Burt Diamond Eva & Sheldon Kieffer Family of Theresa Berman • In Honor of Anniversary • In Memory of Dr. Burt Diamond • In Honor of Special Anniversary Marja Engler Family of Saba Haubenstock • In Memory of Theresa Berman Jeanne & Albert Levin • In Honor of Granddaughter’s • In Memory of Saba Haubenstock Engagement Judi Jacobson • In Honor of Birth of Great- Granddaugher, Alexia Gerald and Joy Bratter Family of Irwin Baker • In Honor of Birthday Philanthropic Fund • In Memory of Irwin Baker Family of Mickey Kaplan Sandy & Bob Wallach Family of Fay Ribnick • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan • In Honor of Anniversary Jerry & Joy Bratter • In Memory of Fay Ribnick Hazel Chase Marlene & Tom Moscoe Martin Bell Family of Helen Swerling Alan & Annalee Covin Jill & Bob Edelstein Sue Ring • In Memory of Helen Swerling Bev & Jerry Finkelstein • In Memory of Jay Binder • In Honor of Special Birthday Judy Harris Sally Forbes Friedman Tamar & Daniel Hyman Simie & Al Kaye • In Honor of Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Nancy & Rick Grobovsky • In Memory of Grandfather • In Honor of Simie’s Special Birthday & Award Ronna Locketz & Ann Kamel Larry Rustin 60th Anniversary Rose Haubenstock Libby & Benjie Kaplan • In Memory of Renee Rustin • In Memory of Saba Haubenstock Diane & Jeff Lovich Chalfen Family Philanthropic Renee Kline Pamela & Mark Margolis Leon and Sylvia Sorkin • In Honor of Birthday Randee Massler Fund Irene & Dick Kretch Abby & Ron Rabinovitz Professional Achievement Award Fund Mark & Jill Koritz • In Honor of Granddaughter’s Alexander & Vicki Rosenstein Cindi & Avery Appelman Engagement Barbara & Dan Schultz Randi & Barry Wolfish • In Honor of 15th Anniversary • In Memory of Dick’s Sister Anna, Chuck, David & Scott Silverman Mari Forbush Nancy Nathanson Marcee Specktor • In Honor of Leon and Sylvia Sorkin Barbara and David Eiger • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Donna & Jamie Tislner Jewish Communal Professional Sandy & Bob Wallack Jill & Steve Wolpert Philanthropic Fund Achievement Award • In Honor of Special Anniversary Family of Saba Haubenstock Barbara Eiger • In Memory of Saba Haubenstock Gary L. Tankenoff Youth against • In Memory of David S. Eiger on his Holocaust Survivors Fund (JFCS) Lori, Arne & Rebecca Leder-Fogel Yahrzeit Mort Leder Prejudice Endowment Fund of the Lisa, Paul, Joely & Parker Gendler • In Honor of Birthday JCRC of Minnesota & Dakotas Stein Family Judie & Marvin Liszt & Family Harvey and Evelyn Flom Family • In Memory of David Weiner Family of Saba Haubenstock Helain & Jimmy Pesis Philanthropic Fund • In Memory of Saba Haubenstock Reva Rosenbloom Marsha & Gary Tankenoff Harvey & Evelyn Flom Jewish Domestic Abuse Fund Family of Mickey Kaplan Bob Balick • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan • In Honor of 50th Anniversary • In Memory of Brother, Steven Doreen Frankel & Jake Hurwitz Alli, Tony, Jonah & Noah Rubin Marsha & Gary Tankenoff Family of Arlene Harris Paula and Jim Tankenoff Family Harriet & Ted Benowitz • In Honor of 50th Anniversary • In Memory of Arlene Harris Fund (JFCS) • In Honor of Birth of Great- Doreen Frankel, Jake Hurwitz & Family of Mickey Kaplan Granddaughter Margot Hurwitz • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Jim Tankenoff Linda & Miles Braufman Betsy, Steve, Abbie & Lewis Sitkoff Nancy Nathanson • In Honor of Birthdays & Anniversary • In Memory of Shirley Burstein & Amy Jeanne and Albert Levin Family • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Family of Warren Wert Sitkoff Fund for Emergency Aid to the • In Memory of Warren Wert Elderly (JFCS) Norman and Sally Winer Henry & Gertrude Goldstein Jewish Housing and Programming Emergency Aid to the • In Memory of Irwin Baker (J-HAP) Designated Fund Jeanne & Albert Levin Elderly Fund (JFCS) Judy & Jon Harris Lorraine & Sid Applebaum • In Honor of Birth of Samuel Caleb Sally Leafman Appelbaum • In Honor of Birth of Great-Grandson, Jonah Norman & Sally Winer Mary Beth Kibort Kerry & Scott Bader Marty Bell Irving Cell • In Memory of Harriette Rutstein Sally Beloff Cindy Brown • In Honor of Special Birthday Sharon Snyder Ed & Lynn Bick Evelyn Kape Family of Shirley Burstein • In Memory of Theresa Berman Hazel Chase Felice Kronfeld • In Memory of Shirley Burstein Harold & Evelyn Wolovitch Marcia & Mark Cherniack Sue Ring • In Memory of Paul Seymour Lois & Sherm Devitt • In Honor of Special Birthday Lee & Patti Engler Sandy & David Benenson Marilyn & Howard Fischbein Unrestricted Funds Richard M. Joseph and • In Honor of Son’s Marriage Roger & Marianne Foussard Ann R. Friedman Family Audrey Freidson Jill Edelstein & Family Dotan Aviv Appelbaum Philanthropic Fund Betty Holmes & Mark Freidson • In Memory of Jay Binder Genesis Mitzvah Fund Richard Joseph & Ann Friedman Ken & Molly Garelick Family of Mickey Kaplan Karen & Bruce Gershman • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Fromstein Family Dr. Aaron & Judi Nathenson Patti Goldberg Family of Robert Launer Scott & Terri Gray & Famiy • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Yetta Goldenberg • In Memory of Robert Launer Peggy & Joel Mandel Fremajane Wolfson Groll Family Gretta Freeman Dotan Aviv Appelbaum • In Memory of Erma Lipshultz Shirley Jacobson • In Honor of Birth of Great-Grandson, • In Honor of Bar Mitzvah Sue & Harold Koritz & Family Samson General Endowment Fund Marie & Ron Levitus Charles and Melanie Barry Family Barbara & Ron Harris Anonymous Diane & Jeff Lovich Philanthropic Fund • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter Dr. Eric Bressler Ellen Mack Simie & Al Kaye Chuck & Melanie Barry • In Honor of Carolyn F. and Stephen K. Mary & Bob Mersky Sheldon & Eva Kieffer Michael Barry Lieberman Campaigner of the Mel Orenstein • In Honor of 60th Anniversary • In Honor of Newly Elected President of Year Award Marian Perling Neil Lapidus Minneapolis Jewish Federation Cindi & Harold Goldfine Bonnie Resig • Speedy Recovery Mike & Donna Rodich & Family Teri & Scott Gordon • In Honor of Friends of the Family Award Loni & Allan Stillerman Fran, Stan & Mindy Rosen • In Honor of Special Anniversary Mel & Ronnie Burstein • In Honor of 20th Anniversary Francie & Barry Ross Elissa Heilicher Rob, Susie, Matthew & Benji Ribnick Guzzie Yager Tudie Ross • In Honor of Amos S. Deinard Award for Family of Arnold Moss • In Honor of Granddaughter’s Marriage Harold & Elaine Rubin Distinguished Leadership • In Memory of Arnold Moss

jewishminneapolis.org 21 Livia & Peter Fahndrich Barry & Midge Frailich Sharon and William Hope Family Lehman Flom & Co. Family of Al Gleekel • In Honor of Birth of Grandsons Philanthropic Fund Amy Levine • In Memory of Al Gleekel Al Kaufman Dr. Alan Levitt Sally Forbes Friedman • In Memory of Brother Sharon & William Hope Murray Levitt Family of Theresa Berman Anita & Sid Konikoff Betty Borman Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Lichten Larry Michno • In Honor of Jacob’s Engagement • In Memory of Marvin Borman Lois Liss • In Memory of Theresa Berman Sherry Lear Paula Cohen Scott London Howard Zack • In Memory of Mother • In Memory of Gene Snyder Minnesota Playground, Inc. • In Memory of Zelda Zack Shareen Rahamim Renee Gainsley Kathy Mulleady Sally Forbes Friedman & Family • In Memory of Reuven Rahamim • In Honor of Special Birthday Sandy & Sylvia Naiditch Diane Arenson Joyce Ratner Barry Solomon The Honorable & Mrs. Oleisky Ivan Arenson • In Memory of Mother • Speedy Recovery Jill Oleisky Jeanne Astren Ann Robinow Marilyn Wert Jon Otterstrom • In Memory of Father • In Memory of Mother • In Memory of Warren Wert Esther & Jim Paletz Gail Cohen Chaya Simpser & Eliezer Scherman Barbara Ratner • In Memory of Mother • In Honor of Marriage Yoni Israelson David Ratner Jon & Ellen Sue Parker Janet Shanedling Genesis Mitzvah Fund Matt Reich • In Honor of Daughter’s Wedding • In Memory of Sister Howard & Betty Israelson Annie Richman Helain & Jimmy Pesis Howard Zack Gary Kohler Thomas Rodel • In Honor of Danny’s Engagement • In Memory of Zelda Zack • In Honor of Blue Clay Capital David Rosengren Merna Goldetsky Francie & Barry Ross Howard & Betsy Israelson & Family Beth Rubin Betty Borman Tom Borman Dr. David Potter & Miriam Garland & Family Jodi & Scott Rubin Tom Borman • In Memory of Marvin Borman • In Appreciation Mr. & Mrs. Randy Rutzick • In Memory of Marvin Borman Amy & Steve Rothstein Ned & Carol Kantar Mr. & Mrs. James Sanders Barb Grossman Family of Fay Ribnick • In Honor of Ned’s Presidency of Zelmar Shrell Jean Stulberg • In Memory of Fay Ribnick Kenesseth Israel Synagogue Edward Silberman • In Honor of Special Birthday Nancy & Steve Schachtman Leonard Silesky Leslie, Jerad, Zachary & Anika Hahn Michael Barry Sheldon and Delores Levin Steege & Associates, Inc. Michael Barry • In Honor of Assuming Presidency of Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stein • Mazel Tov Minneapolis Jewish Federation Jacob Stein Anna & Ken Hampton Dr. Eric Bressler Corky & Delores Levin Jeff Stein Nancy & Ellis Olkon & Family • In Honor of Carolyn F. and Stephen K. Theresa Berman Michael Stein • Thinking of You Lieberman Campaigner of the Year • In Honor of Special Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Oren Steinfeldt Ann & Robert Jackson Award Paula Cohen Andrew Stillman Mimi & David Sanders Marty Chester • In Memory of Gene Snyder Bruce Stillman • In Honor of 60th Anniversary • In Honor of Tychman Family Young Bob Diamond Ralph & Faye Stillman Michael Klerer Leadership Award • In Memory of Burton Diamond Michael Sudit Jocelyn Knoll Mari Forbush Jill Edelstein Sunday’s Off, Inc. • In Memory of Louis Ritchot • In Honor of Jewish Communal • In Memory of Jay Binder Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tarkow Jane & Todd Lifson Professional Achievement Award Debbie & Gil Mann Cory Villaume Family of Arnold Orloff Elissa Heilicher Louise & Jerry Ribnick Judith Belzer & Jerry Waldman • In Memory of Arnold Orloff • In Honor of Amos S. Deinard Award for • In Memory of Fay Ribnick Mr. & Mrs. David Weisman Esther Miller Distinguished Leadership Western Construction Jerry Ribnick Jerry Ribnick Diana Chazin Levitt Memorial Edward & Jane Zeman • In Honor of Birthday • In Honor of Term as President of Board Designated Fund • In Memory of Diana Chazin Levitt Myrna Orensten of Minneapolis Jewish Federation Michelle & Larry Shapiro Ronald Shacter Deborah Ammentorp Markowitz Family Peter Ammentorp Elissa Heilicher Bob Pearl Philanthropic Fund • In Honor of Amos S. Deinard Award for • Speedy Recovery Anonymous Distinguished Leadership Estelle Weiss & Steve Shamblott Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Atlas Nancy & Herman Markowitz Helain & Jimmy Pesis Joseph & Genya Buslovich Scott & Kerry Bader Family of Fay Ribnick Tim Broms • In Memory of Manya Buslovich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berman • In Memory of Fay Ribnick • In Memory of Myron Broms Shep Harris & Beckie Skelton Troy Beugen Sedelia Chase Dr. Eric Bressler Harvey Blumenberg Jessica Noaman • In Memory of Daughter, Shirley • In Honor of Carolyn F. and Stephen K. Marc A. Bonk Genesis Mitzvah Fund Sol Brandys Jill Edelstein & Family Lieberman Campaigner of the Alecia Dotterweich • In Memory of Jay Binder Year Award Stuart Chazin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chazin Linda Gilfix Leslee Gold Marty Chester Jessica Noaman • In Memory of Phyllis Simon • In Honor of Tychman Family Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cohen Abbe Blacker & Stephen Cohen Steve & Sue Warren Marcia Graybow Leadership Award Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Weinstein • In Memory of Cecille Feldman Mari Forbush Robert Colwell Dr. Kent & Freda Confeld Jessica Noaman Sandy Kaplan & Nancy Nathanson • In Honor of Leon and Sylvia Sorkin • In Honor of Bat Mitzvah • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Jewish Communal Professional Cre8play, LLC Nancy Silver Achievement Award D.B.R. Inc. Chuck & Kathleen Dilley Jacob & Laura Ratner • In Memory of Myron Stulberg Elissa Heilicher Genesis Mitzvah Fund Beverly Weinberg • In Honor of Amos S. Deinard Award for Ignacio Garrigos • In Memory of Marvin Krupp Distinguished Leadership Doris Ginsberg Kathy & Howard Zack Dan Wilensky Randi & Barry Wolfish Bernie Goldblatt Jacob Ratner • In Memory of Doris Wilensky Mari Forbush Golden & Associates, Inc. • In Honor of Bar Mitzvah Laura Taple • In Honor of Leon & Sylvia Sorkin Jewish Jean Golden • In Honor of Birth of Samantha Marley Communal Professional Achievement Adam Goldfine Fay and Leonard Ribnick Family Michael Goldman Taple Award Philanthropic Fund Howard Zack Elissa Heilicher Craig Greenberg • In Memory of Zelda Zack • In Honor of Amos S. Deinard Award for Bernice & Percy Greenberg Betty & Peter Jonas Jerry Ribnick Distinguished Leadership Mr. & Mrs. Andy Halper Jill & David Orbuch Laura Taple Mr. & Mrs. Marc Hasko Helain & Jimmy Pesis Julie Haskovitz Family of Fay Ribnick • In Honor of Birth of Daughter, Samantha Sanford and Marlene Goldberg Shirley Haskovitz • In Memory of Fay Ribnick Marley Taple Family Philanthropic Fund Louise & Jerry Ribnick Elissa Heilicher Lorraine Astren Barbara Eiger Mark & Ann Isenberg Miriam and David Sanders Family • In Memory of Alex Astren Lorene Lampert Phillip Jaffee Philanthropic Fund Sandy & Marlene Goldberg Neil Karlen Chuck Barry Reva Rosenbloom Rachel Klein • In Honor of 50th Anniversary Manny & Toby Kohen Sandy & Marlene Goldberg Bill LaBelle David Sanders Jim Rudin • Thinking of You Nancy Schachtman Family of Shirley Kahn Lakes Group Allstate Insurance • Speedy Recovery • In Memory of Shirley Kahn Jon Lebewitz

22 Minneapolis Jewish Federation | Spring 2013 Lorraine and Stanley Schweitzer Paul Himmelman & Judith Smertenko Mr. & Mrs. Tom Simon Nancy Schachtman Philanthropic Fund Dorothy Haskvitz & Family • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter Women and Children’s Fund • In Memory of Marvin Haskvitz Paula & Arvin Cohen Marlene & Marshall Miller • In Memory of Phillip Snyder Bobby & Elliot Cohen Stanley Schweitzer Kenneth Stesin Jill & Bob Edelstein Heidi & Howard Gilbert • In Honor of Arnie Lifson Lifetime Genesis Mitzvah Fund • In Memory of Jay Binder Judy & Jon Harris Achievement Award Jane & Jon Gordon Nancy Schachtman Stanley Schweitzer Dr. Mark & Heather Stesin • In Honor of 40th Anniversary • Speedy Recovery Bill Aberman Dr. & Dr. Howard L. Bach Arlene & Zvi Leibovich & Family Nancy & Steve Schachtman Sid & Molly Bader • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter, • In Memory of Harry Bader Sue Ackerman • In Honor of Birth of Great-Grandchild Farah Larry Rustin & Family Kerry & Scott Bader Scott & Kerry Bader Sheri & Steve Lear • In Memory of Renee Rustin Molly & Sid Bader • In Honor of Birth of Grandchild • In Memory of Sheri’s Mother Nancy Schachtman • In Honor of Birth of Harper Brynn Bader Bob Diamond Dr. Mark & Heather Stesin & Family • Speedy Recovery Chuck Barry Frances Diamond Kevin & Jill Brazner Dr. & Mrs. Brian Tell & Family Ron Rabinovitz • In Memory of Burton Diamond • In Honor of Son Blake’s Bar Mitzvah • In Memory of Frieda Tell Lindsay Rose Family of Fay Ribnick Jeff & Diane Diamond Jorie & Robby Malk • Speedy Recovery • In Memory of Fay Ribnick • In Memory of Jeff’s Father, Burt Mike & Susie Arnold Cathy Broms Sherry Gleekel & Family • In Memory of Walter Lubov Lisa Peilen • In Memory of Al Gleekel Marlee Stesin Jacy Grais • In Honor of Special Birthday Judy & Herb Goldenberg Genesis Mitzvah Fund • In Honor of Special Birthday Jean Efron • In Honor of Granddaughter’s Marriage • In Honor of Conversion to Judaism Dr. Mark & Heather Stesin Jack & Linda Goldenberg Henry (hanc) and Harriet Davis Wendy & Randy Engel Stuart Goldenberg Dr. Robert & Susie Diamond • In Honor of Birth of Joseph Isaac Family Herzl Camp Scholarship • In Honor of Daughter’s Marriage • In Memoryof Robert’s Brother, Burt Family of Marvin Borman Susan & Bill Goldenberg Nancy & Mike Schoenberger Fund • In Memory of Marvin Borman • In Honor of Granddaughter’s Marriage • In Memory of Nancy’s Mother Byron & Pattye Hechter & Family Linda & Barry Gersick • In Honor of Special Anniversary Dr. Tom & Liba Stillman Harriet Davis • In Honor of Granddaughter’s Bob Karon • In Honor of Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah • In Honor of Special Birthday Bat Mitzvah • Speedy Recovery Steve Kalin Eva & Sheldon Kieffer Weinblatt/Bass Family Joan Miriam Feinberg Tribute to • In Honor of Birth of George Kalin Holden Michael & Joanne Silverman Philanthropic Fund Children & Women’s Health & Nancy Nathanson • In Honor of Special Anniversary Esta Miller Welfare Fund of the WEF • In Memory of Mickey Kaplan Michael Orren Bob Levine Addie Perl Joan Feinberg • In Memory of Carol Orren • Speedy Recovery • Thinking of You Jim & Susie Simon Stephen & Betsy Sitkoff Mr. & Mrs. Mick Weiss Delores & Mel Sigel • In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter • In Memory of Shirley Burstein • In Memory of Dad • In Honor of 60th Anniversary Steven Fredkove Sandy Wallack Beth & Jay Weinblatt Kim & Howard Simon & Family Sheila Lieberman • In Memory of Helen Swerling Michael & Julia Weiss • In Memory of Phyllis Simon • Speedy Recovery Bill Weisberg • In Memory of Alex Weiss Susie & Barry Taran • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Memory of Fritzie Passon Irene Heller Women’s Endowment Steve & Betsy Sitkoff Ilana Weinstein Frank & Toodie Trestman Tribute Fund Marvin & Rochelle Stillman Genesis Mitzvah Fund • In Honor of Blake Brazner’s Bar Mitzvah Stanley Schweitzer Howard & Kathy Zack Bobby & Elliot Cohen • In Honor of Federation’s Arnie Lifson Peggy & Joel Mandel • In Memory of Zelda Zack Esther Neuwirth Lifetime Achievement Award & Phillips Ilana Weinstein • In Honor of Special Birthday Eye Institute Recognition • In Honor of Bat Mitzvah Family of Helen Swerling Women’s Endowment Fund • In Memory of Helen Swerling William and Ruth Seltz Bobby & Elliot Cohen Kathy & Howard Zack & Family Judy Harris Philanthropic Fund Women & Children’s Funds • In Memory o f Zelda Zack • In Honor of Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Ruth Seltz Award Lillian Raen Theresa and Nathan Berman Northside Friendship Women’s Judy & Herb Goldenberg • In Honor of Special Birthday Tribute Fund of the WEF Endowment Tribute Fund Howard & Kathy Zack Judy Harris Bobby & Elliot Cohen Bobby & Elliot Cohen • In Honor of Wilson/Kipness Friedland Susan Himmelman Shapiro Fund Theresa Berman Dr. Aaron & Judi Nathenson Award • In Honor of 100th Birthday • In Honor of Special Anniversary Bevery & Richard Fink Mimi & David Sanders Barbara Raport Family of Robert Launer Naomi Maul Cathy and Richard Broms Camp • Thinking of You • In Memory of Robert Launer • In Memory of Stutz Maul Scholarship Designated Fund Barbara Raport Betty & Peter Jonas Doris & Eddie Sherman Bev & Marvin Edelstein Beverly Fink Cathy & Richard Broms Howard & Kathy Zack • In Honor of Birthdays & Anniversary • In Memory of Susan Himmelman Tom Borman • In Memory of Zelda Zack Sandra Rozman Shapiro • In Memory of Marvin Borman Bernice Hertz • In Honor of Birthday Lillian Raen Mr. & Mrs. Allan Caplan Tudie Ross • In Honor of Special Birthday • In Honor of Special Birthday

As my fathers planted before me before I was born, so“ do I plant for those who will come after me. ” – Talmud Tribute card gifts are an excellent way to honor or memorialize a friend or relative, to commemorate a special occasion, or to acknowledge a life-cycle event. The Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s Jewish Community Foundation will send out a beautiful, personalized tribute card which acknowledges your donation on the recipient’s behalf. These contributions are added to the fund of your choice, giving you the opportunity to help individual funds grow and thus increasing the amount available for distribution to the community.

Three easy ways to make a tribute gift: • Use the tribute envelope enclosed in this newsletter • Visit www.jewishminneapolis.org/donate (click under “Other Ways to Give Back”) • Call our office at 952.593.2600 jewishminneapolis.org 23 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3474 Twin Cities, MN 13100 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 200 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305

Adath Jeshurun Congregation and Minneapolis Jewish Federation Women’s Philanthropy Present LIVE!

You’ve seen them on YouTube – now this internet pop AT ADATH JESHURUN sensation is performing live in Minneapolis! Bring the whole family for a fun a capella twist on Jewish 2PM SUNDAY music… you might even get an autograph! MAY 5th

TICKETS ON SALE: March 11, 2013 $9 Kids 11 & Under • $18 General Admission•$36 Reserved Seating adathjeshurun.org/maccabeats

Do you have a diehard Maccabeats fan in your family? They could win VIP backstage passes to meet the Maccabeats by answering this question: Which camp friend would you bring with you to the Maccabeats concert & why is this friend so special to you? Send an e-mail (at least 100 words) and a photo to [email protected] before April 26th to be entered to win. *Two winners will receive three VIP backstage passes. Entries may be used in Federation promotional material