Conductor List

WO1(Cdr) M Abbis Abbis HQ BFC 2007 Mark Abbis Master Chef HQ BFC WO1(Cdr) DJ Abbott Abbott 1966 Appt 1 Nov Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) ES Adam Adam 1942 Edward Stainslaw Adam. Indian Medical dept. 17 Apr 1942 age 42. Son of Numa & Marie Adam, husband of ES Adam of Peckham London. Roll of Honour face 85 Rangoon Memorial WO1(Cdr) KFA Adams GM Adams WO1(Cdr) TA Adamson Adamson 1952 3245039, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) B Ainge Ainge Obit recorded RAOC Gazette, Winter 2012 WO1(Cdr) H Aldred Aldred Gummidipundi 1946 3716772, Hubert Aldred, Indian Army Ammo Depot Conductor C Alexander Alexander Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) FG Alexander Alexander 1955 10545123 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) FJ Allen Allen 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor G Allen Allen IAOC 1922

Conductor J. Allen Allen 1878 Joseph Brother of James (Conductor 1881). Born Yorkshire Circa Sep 1840. Retired to Pension Circa 1880. Died Lewisham, London 13 Jan 1925. Conductor J. Allen Allen Bombay Ord 1881 James, brother of Joseph (Conductor 1878) Born Yorkshire Circa 1838/9 Bombay Department Ordnance Department Retired to Pension 27 Jan 1886 @ £90.00 per annum, Died in Kirby Muxloe, Leicestershire 08 May 1911, Gr. Grandfather to Bob White Conductor 1976.

WO1(Cdr) MC Allen Allen 1975 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 22/1/75. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) MH Allen Allen LSP Dubai 1990 Allen, Army No. 24145569, Ammo Tech. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster WO1(Cdr) WA Allen Allen Dover 1907 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) WJ Allen Allen 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) FE Allen Allen 1988 Allen, Army No. 23867628, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) HS Allen Allen 1965 Sam Allen, Army No. 461157, Conductor WA Allen Allen Dover 1912 28041912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) W Allen-Muncey Allen-Muncey 1962 William (Bill) Allen-Muncey, Army No.10596426. Ex Boy wartime intake, squad No. 3, June 1943. Appointed Conductor 1964. Served COD. Donnington 1944: 223 Veh.Depot, Chittagong,India: 531 BAD. Palestine 1947: 525 Ord. Depot Khartoum: St. Sec. 4 Base Wksp. Germany: 595 Ord. Depot Tripoli: 3 BAD. Bracht: 1961 Seconded Ghana Army Ordnance Corps. Accra: Staff Oficer Ord. 2 HQ. BAOR Rheindahlen: Ord. Depot Cyprus 1964:Retired 1967.. apointment to Conductor was in fact effective on 3/10/1962, ( Corps order No.163/62) Conductor WJ Allingham Allingham Rawalpindi Arsenal 1925

WO1(Cdr) P Allsop Allsop PJHQ 2002 WO1(Cdr) PJ Allsop Allsop 1999 Allsop, Army No. 552730, Mov Con Conductor E Allum Allum Royal Bengal 1860 Appointed: 14 Dec 1860, Retired 1877, This information can be authenticated at the British Artillery Library India Office Military Record No: L/MIL/14/7705. Edwin Allum was my Great Grand Father, he retired as a Major. His father William Allum was also in the Bengal Artillery and they fought alongside in some campaigns. I have more information regarding this Military career, the campaigns he fought in and his burial ceremony in Mussoorie India.

WO1(Cdr) M Almond Almond FOD Dulmen 1970 WO1(Cdr) P Alonzo Alonzo 1967 Appt 19 Mar Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor G Anderson Anderson 1803 George Anderson Conductor 04.08.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 01.08.1810. Died at Canterbury 12.03.1811. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) N Anderson Anderson HQ Wales & W 1992 Army No. 24231677, Sup Con. Sup Con. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 Dist for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List., Contributed by Cdr D French. WO1(Cdr) C Andrews Andrews Blackness 1903 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) E Andrews Andrews HQ Support 2013 Euan Andrews, Chef Commd RLC WO1(Cdr) HC Andrews Andrews 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor C Andrews Andrews Blackness 1907 21091907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor HC Andrews Andrews 1915 03011915 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) J Angus Angus 1966 Appt 18 Jun Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor J Arber Arber Rawalpindi Arsenal 1923 Appt. 22Aug, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

WO1(Cdr) JF Ardell Ardell 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) AA Arnold Arnold 3 BOD Singapore 1968 Alan Arthur Arnold, Retired 1971, Alan served as a storeman and represented the corp at hockey. Did his time and motion course before going to Chilwell and then on to Singapore. Unfortunately he died early (63) from cancer back in 1992. Submitted by Paul Arnold

WO1(Cdr) AR Arnold Arnold HQ Berlin 1989 From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster WO1(Cdr) LR Arnold Arnold 1989 Les Arnold, Army No. 24145032, Staff Clerk -(CC G branch 75-77) WO1(Cdr) K Arnott Arnott 2019 Karl Arnott, Head of Marine Eng Trade ConductorWH Arscott Arscott Stirling 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) GJ Arscott Arscott 1985 Arscott, Army No. 24018078, Staff Clerk ConductorWH Arscott Arscott Stirling 1903 16121903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor J Arthur Arthur Commissariat and 1879 South Africa medal 1877 clasp 1879 to“Condr. J. Arthur, Commissariat”; Egypt medal Transport Corps 1882 clasps The Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea “Co. of Supls J. Arthur, C & T Staff”; Khedives Star 1882: James Arthur, who was born in August 1846, served in the ranks of the SA Commissariat and Transport Corps for nine years. Appointed a Quarter-Master and Honourary Lieutenant in the newly established Army Service Corps in March 1891, he died while still in service at Dublin in April 1898. His assorted medals and clasps are all verified by P.R.O. sources. Having served as a Conductor of Supplies out in South Africa during 1879, he participated in the Egypt operations of 1882 and in the Gordon Relief Expedition of 1884-85, including the action at Abu Klea, latterly as a Conductor in No. 11 Company, Commissariat and Transport Corps, which was commanded by Captain Capper. Ref WO1(Cdr) OS Ashford Ashford H.Q. South Africa 1908 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor OS Ashford Ashford HQ South Africa 1913 04031913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) L Ashley Ashley HQ Land 2010 Driver WO1(Cdr) AW Aslett Aslett 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) D Asquith Asquith 1 UK Amd Div 2010 Chef WO1(Cdr) JP Athroll Athroll 1972 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 19/9/72. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) GW Atkinson Atkinson 1967 22292320 George Wallace Atkinson. Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 DOB 03 04 1936, Died Aug 2019. He was Discharged from RAOC 24 09 1976. Died July 2019. Conductor R Atkinson Atkinson Delhi Robert Atkinson, Lothian Cemetery, Delhi

WO1(Cdr) SM Atkinson Atkinson 1977 Photo Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess RAOC, Didcot Sept 1977 WO1(Cdr) FR Attoe Attoe 1952 7585762, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) D Attwood Attwood Retired around 1955. Ammo Tech. Notified by Leonard Salisbury Dec 2004. Captain Attwood - an analyst/programmer on the Ammunition Section of the Bicester Project (the start of the Computerisation of the RAOC) in 1968/70. I was an HEO on the same team but was posted to the services liaison organisation in Hannover in January 1970. Dave was in married quarters in Ambroseden I think. Ken Holdsworth

Conductor F Austin Austin IAOC 1926 Appt. 28 Jan, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

WO1(Cdr) FJ Auton Auton 1952 1065909 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) FG Ayers Ayers BOD Bicester? Freddie Ayers Regl No 5109943. After commission 473790 Retired as Capt (OEO)

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Conductor J Aylward Aylward Lahore Ord Depot 1924 Appt. 18 Aug, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932Contr by Bob White

WO1(Cdr) CS Backwith Backwith 1993 Backwith, Army No. 24319353, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) PW Badder Badder HQ Tidworth & 1998 Badder, Army No. 550890, Chef Bulford Garrison WO1(Cdr) CL Badman Badman 1936 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor AR Bain Bain AOC 1900 The Straits Times, 22 September 1902, Page 5; GAZETTE NOTIFICATIONS; Article also available on microfilm reel NL289 [Lee Kong Chian Reference Library - On shelf]. We regret to have to announce the death at Pearl's Hill from dengue fever of Conductor A. R. Bain, Army Service Corps. The deceased was unable to attend to his duties on Thursday and Friday last, and died about one o'clock on Saturday morning, at Pearls Hill. He was married, and leaves a wife and two young children, who, it is expected, have just left home to join him. The sad news of his death will be conveyed to them. He was deservedly popular among bis comrades. He was buried on Saturday evening with military honours. Among those who attended the funeral were Captains Trimmell and Linnell, A.O.C., and all the warrant and senior non-commissioned officers on the garrison stall. Tbe warders of the Prison were well represented. The Rev. S. S. Walker conducted tha funeral service.

WO1(Cdr) AC Baker Baker 1952 7587668 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) CC Baker Baker H.Q. Eastern Cmd. 1907 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) JW Baker Baker 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor CG Baker Baker HQ Eastern Cmd 1912 21101912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) D Baldwin Baldwin 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 15/11/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) JH Ball Ball DST 2004 John Ball, Army No. 24414070, Dvr WO1(Cdr) JC Ballingall Ballingall 1952 64320, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) F Bamford Bamford York 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor F Bamford Bamford York 1907 06031907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor GF Bancroft MBE Bancroft AOC Woolwich 1915 Enlisted 1902, Conductor 1915, To see photo, history and medals Click here MSM WO1(Cdr) AG Banks Banks 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 WO1(Cdr) AP Bannister Bannister Defence Academy 2018 Andrew Bannister. Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) EE Barclay Barclay Burscough 1905 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor EE Barclay Barclay Burscough 1910 24081910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) J Barden Barden 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Retired 1975. WO1(Cdr) W Barfett Barfett Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut Conductor W Barfleet Barfleet Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) J Barker Barker Army HQ 2013 John Barker - Chef WO1(Cdr)JJ Barlow Barlow 1966 Appt 10 Aug Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor W Barlow Barlow Madras Army 1817 Nat. Archive ref. IOR/F/4/557/13654 - date: Sept 1815- May 1817 [from Scope and Content] Establishment of a Rocket Troop in the Madras Horse Artillery - promotion of William Barlow Senior to the rank of Commissary of Ordnance and of William Barlow Junior WO1(Cdr) GW Barnes Barnes 1969 Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) H Barnes Barnes 1952 7586864, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) H Barnes Barnes 1952 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here Conductor J Barnes Barnes 1780 Details Here

Conductor J Barnes Barnes Charlestown, S 1780 Jonathon Barnes, Killed by the blowing up of a magazine 15 May, 30 Jun 1780, Royal Carolina Artillery Regt Muster Roll WO1(Cdr) GJ Barnes Barnes BAOR 1968 Barnes, Army No. 10596525, Retire 1969. Geoff became a security officer on retierment and was promoted throughout his second career to that of senior depot manager. During his service he was posted to the UK, Singapore, Malayer, Germany and saw active service in Korea. His son continued the Military connection with 23 years service in the Royal Marines and his son in law also served in the Army for 22 years. Now retired and a great grandfather he lives in Eastbourne.

WO1(Cdr) C Barnett Barnett 1954 5334555 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) KG Barnett Barnett HQ Land 1998 Barnett, Army No. 24393445, Dvr WO1(Cdr) TF Baron Baron No further information> Appt Conf by family. WO1(Cdr) M Barr Barr HQ BAOR 1975 Notified by Anthony Graves WO1(Cdr) SM Barraclough Barraclough 1993 Steve Barraclough, Army No. 24235121, Sup Con WO1(Cdr)RF Barrett Barrett 1972 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 9/9/72. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) GE Barrow QGM Barrow CAD Bramley 1976 Geoffrey Barrow , Army No. 22997762, Ammo Tech. QGM announced in The London Gazette Jan 1975 for IED tasks performed during the period Mar-June 1974 QGM Citation Click Here WO1(Cdr) R Bartram Bartram 1986 Roy Bartram, Army No. 23881676, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) KW Barwell Barwell 30 Comd Wksp 1966 Kenneth William Barwell, Retired 14.09.2973 REME WO1(Cdr) RVM Barwell Barwell 1 AIDU 1976 Mike Barwell, Appt 8 Aug 1964. Ammo Tech. Serving Yeoman of the Guard WO1(Cdr) J Bassett Bassett 11 Ord Bn EOD 1990 Army No. 24176121, Ammo Tech, From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) GR Beadnell Beadnell HQ NE Dist 1975 George Beadnell, Army No. 22558402, Storeman/Clerk WO1(Cdr) TE Beare Beare 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 ConductorJ Beatson Beatson Ordnance 1830 Killed 17 Mar 1830, Allahabad Bengal, at

WO1(Cdr) J Beatty Beatty John Beatty WO1(Cdr) PG Beatty Beatty 1986 Peter Beatty, Army No. 23947659, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) N Beavis Beavis HQ Northag BAE 1990 Army No. 24092106, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) WJ Beckwith Beckwith Pretoria 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor WJ Beckwith Beckwith Pretoria 1907 04071907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) IJ Beeby Beeby 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor AA Beech Beech Inspection Section, 1925 Appt. 17 Nov, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932 Kirkee WO1(Cdr) E Beer Beer Granted Service Extension to 17/06/1937, (notified in RAOC Gazette , Aug 1935) Conductor WP Beer Beer 1924 Appt. 2 Apr, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

WO1(Cdr) D Bell Bell HQ NE Dist York 1959 Denis Bell, Appt 1959Retired March 1987, retired as a major and moved with Sadie to Preston as an RO2 after he retired from this on the move again to Alloa Clackmannanshire he died some years later (Dennis Kilbride) WO1(Cdr) RG Bell Bell 1985 Bell, Army No. 23947067, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) J Bellamy Bellamy 1978 More Info & Photo WO1(Cdr) SC Bellamy Bellamy HQ 9BAD 1945 7630308 Samuel Charles Bellamy. Served North Africa Conductor M Bellas Bellas Allahabad Arsenal 1924 Appt. 1 Apr, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

WO1(Cdr) AE Bellinger Bellinger 66Coy, ASC, 1915 Mentioned in Despatches, 11 Dec 1915, London Gazette, Great War Forum Gallipoli WO1(Cdr) KJ Belshaw Belshaw 1993 Keith Belshaw, Army No. 24186581, Chef WO1(Cdr) PG Bennet Bennet 1952 7586663, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) AE Bennett Bennett 1977 Allen Bennett, Photo Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess RAOC, Didcot Sept 1977. Died 29 September 2018

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Conductor EV Bennett Bennett Drigh Rd (Karachi) 1924 More… Ord Depot WO1(Cdr) KC Bennett Bennett 2019 Kevin Craig Bennett, Head of Sys Anal Trade WO1(Cdr) W Benton Benton Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut WO1(Cdr) L Berg Berg 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor L Berg Berg 1920 29041920 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) D Bermingham Bermingham 1952 789516 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie ConductorW Berrill Berrill 1857 Attached to the Bengal Ordnance Department, during the Indian Mutiny. Murdered by mutineers at Cawnpore - 27th June 1857. Details WO1(Cdr) CA Beyer Beyer 1995 Beyer, Army No. 24235046, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) P Bilkey Bilkey Paul Bilkey, Army No. 0, WO1(Cdr) J Bilton MSM Bilton 1929 Awarded MSM (Non Immediate), 101929 Appt Cdr earlier WO1(Cdr) K Binns Binns 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) T Biondic Biondic Petroleum Centre 1989 Army No. 24119487, Pet Op. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) I Birchall Birchall Northern Army Gp 1981 23961585 Ian Birchall MBE RAOC, Staff Clerk, DoB 16 May 1942, 1 July 1963 to 30 June 1985. MBE June 1981, Selected for QM Category Commission in the rank of Captain in 1985 but did not accept. Quote from email'I read with interest your article on 'The Modern Day Conductor'. In particular your reference to General Sir Michael Gow - Commander Northern Army Group and Commander in Chief of the Rhine and his letter to Maj Gen J Brown, the then DGOS, in June 1981. My appointment prompted that letter. I was appointed Conductor in May 1981 and General Gow saw my letter of appointment from the DGOS. I have photographs of General Gow strapping the badge of rank on my wrist for the first time. He was greatly interested in military history and was a stickler for seniority, precedence and the like. I was General Gow's Superintending Clerk at the time. A small piece of history? I also recall being the 'Senior Conductor' for 2,maybe 3, years although in those days very little mention was made of the pecking order of Conductors. My name was at the top of the entries in the Army List for quite some time'. May 2012. Latterly posted to Headquarters Land Forces Cyprus (HQ LFC). Cdr Kevin Hartley replaced me there in 1985 when I retired. I remained in Cyprus with my family for a few years and I was with the Sultan of Oman's Land Forces for a while before returning to the UK.

WO1(Cdr) Bird Bird 1969 Bird, Army No. 0, WO1(Cdr) FA Bird Bird 1967 Appt 2 Feb Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) W Birnip Birnip 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) LJ Birt Birt 1952 7587667, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) P Birt Birt RAR Benbecula 1971 Percy Birt, Appointed: 1971, Royal Artillery Ranges, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides demobbed 1971/1972 I was REME attached this unit but always had close ties with the RAOC section. WO1 Birt was appointed Conductor while I was with the unit and I think he was still there when I was posted out. I met an RA sergeant a few years later who told me that he had died not long after demob (he had served in Korea so had certainly done more than 22 years). He was very overweight and was believed to be diabetic as well.

WO1(Cdr) FS Bishop Bishop 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor G Bishop Bishop Ord Dept Rangoon 1860 Grave at Rangoon, Burma - "Sacred to the memory of Conductor George Bishop Ordnance Department who died at Rangoon Sept. 3 1887. Aged 47 yrs, 3 mths, 10 days." from Conductor J Bishop Bishop Tent Depot 1923 Bangalor WO1(Cdr) AC Black Black 1971 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 6/5/71. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) Conductor WW Blades Blades 1901 Born Aberdeen 14 April 1863Died March 1943 at New Milton Served in RHA and RAOCServed in Hong Kong, Boer War (Cape Colony 99-01, Despatches and Queen's Medal 2 clasps) and with Guards Division in WW1 (DSO,Gazette 23 June 1915). Commissioned 1 April 1901,Deputy Commissary of Ordnance and then Capt 1909, Major 1915,retired 1919(see p405 of VC and DSO book,DSO 1886-1915,Naval and MilitaryPress- -see also Hart's Army List 1915) Prior to commission,noted as Conductor in 1901 Census

WO1(Cdr) JN Bloomer Bloomer 1952 7586507, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) M Bloomfield Bloomfield 2017 Petroleum Op WO1(Cdr) KHS Blues Blues BATLS Kenya 1998 Ken Blues, Army No. 552731, Sup Con Conductor J Boardman Boardman Bengal 1822 Joseph Boardman, Died 16.Nov 1822, age 48. Records of Military Burials on the W.C. of Establishment Sumatra 1800-1825 WO1(Cdr) FW Boatman Boatman 1952 5771730 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor J Bond Bond RRA 1803 From: Will of James Bond , Conductor in Royal Regiment of Artillery of Cape Good Hope 28 June 1803 , filed at -PROB 11/1394

WO1(Cdr) PJE Boolds Boolds BOOLDS, PETER JAMES EDWIN, UK, Cdr, 5623194, RAOC, 30, 14/02/1945, Son of James Edwin Cornelius and Amelia Boolds, of Plymouth, 6. A. 20, IMPHAL WAR CEMETERY, India. Commemorated on the CWGC Website WO1(Cdr) Bootman Bootman 10 BOD MELF 1951 Conductor Bootman paraded as our platoon commander rather than taking a Sergeant Major's role. Contributed by Maurice Woods, Dec 2004 Conductor J Borthwick Borthwick Calcutta 1846 John Borthwick1, born 14 March 1801 in Edinburgh, died 26 May 1864 in Lucknow, Establishment Bengal, IND1. He was the son of 16. Charles Borthwick and 17. Helen Hardie. He married 9. Mary Ann Southgate James 1 January 1833 in Barrackpore, Bengal, India. 1819 - 26 Mar a WO1(Cdr) RD Boucher QGM Boucher 1974 Ray Boucher, Ammunition Technician, Appointed 1/3/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) Appt Appointed: June 1977, Left: June 1979, QGM 1977 with 321 EOD N.I., Enlisted Chepstow 1956. Submitted by Ray Boucher, Obit CAD Kineton recorded RAOC Gazette, Winter 2012 WO1(Cdr) WR Bougourd Bougourd 1920 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor WR Bougourd Bougourd 1924 27081924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor T Bovill Bovill Aldershot 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) D Bradley Bradley RE Longmarston 1968 Dennis Bradley, Appt 3 Aug 1965. Senior Conductor 1978 WO1(Cdr) SJ Bradley Bradley 1995 Bradley, Army No. 24341224, Pioneer WO1(Cdr) G Bradnell Bradnell Conductor G Bradnock Bradnock 1794 George Bradnock. Conductor 01.06.1794. Appointed Asst. Commissary 21.03.1805. Died in Portugal 13.01.1811 WO1(Cdr) PJ Bradshaw Bradshaw HQ Londist 1992 Army No. 24119478, Sup Con. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List., Contributed by Cdr D French. Conductor P Brady Brady Vellore 1807 Nat Archive Ref: IOR/F/4/291/6566 - date: Nov-Dec 1807. The censure of the Court of Directors on Lieut Colonel John Darley for his conduct prior to the Mutiny at Vellore is communicated to Darley by the Commander in Chief - the strictures of the Court on Lieut Colonel Nathaniel Forbes cannot be communicated to that officer because of his absence on furlough - Lieut Colonel Robert Rollo Gillespie and Conductor Peter Brady are informed of the commendations and awards made to them by the Court of Directors.

WO1(Cdr) SS Braine Braine 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) Bramley Bramley 1956 554620 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) H Bramley Bramley 1952 7594411 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) A Brand Brand 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. WO1(Cdr) S Brand Brand 1921 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor A Brand Brand 1922 23071922 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor S Brand Brand 1925 01041925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) A Brannan Brannan 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) AL Brannan Brannan 1971 Brannan, Army No. 0, WO1(Cdr) A Brant Brant 1974 Alan Brant, Sup Spec,- Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 17/10/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975)

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WO1(Cdr)A Brant Brant Corps Troops West 1979 23677471 WO1 (Cdr) Alan Brant RAOC appointed in April 1978 whilst serving as r based Ord WO in Dortmund BFPO 20. Commissioned from there in Feb 81 as a Captain (OEO), retired from the RLC as Major, 1 May 1994. .My Email address is:- [email protected], postal address is: PO Box 3201 Alambee Place VALENTINE 2280 NSW AUSTRALIA Tel No:- (02) 49461339, Would be delighted to hear from any ex RAOC/RLC colleagues. WO1(Cdr) S Brazier GM Brazier GM 1964 Cdr Sydney Brazier, The London Gazette of the 7th February 1964 announced that Conductor S. Brazier RAOC, had been awarded the George Medal. On the 12th October 1963, Conductor Brazier was a member of a team from Southern Command assembled to advise the Aldershot authorities regarding the removal and disposal of an unknown quantity of No 74 Grenades (Sticky Bombs), some of which had been discovered on top of a steep grass-covered bank close to a barrack area. A total of 20 grenades were carried singly in a sand-filled box to a demolition area and destroyed. An ingenious sandbag traverse was constructed around a further 34 grenades which were then destroyed in situ. The task of moving these grenades was hazardous and required a technical skill of the highest order. Note: No 74 Grenades were inherently one of the most dangerous weapons ever produced. These grenades had been in the ground for twenty or more years and were in an extremely dangerous condition. The original storage life was only two years and so the chemical stabiliser must have been quite ineffective and the nitro-glycerine content highly sensitive. Conductor W Breddiman Breddiman 1605 From Pennington Family of Muncaster, Ref: Catalogue Ref.D PEN at, search for 'Conductor' WO1(Cdr) A Brennen Brennen 1919 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. WO1(Cdr) WA Brennen Brennen 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor A Brennen Brennen 1923 16081923 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor WA Brennen Brennen 1918 22121918 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor E Brewer Brewer Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. Conductor WT Brewster, MBE Brewster 1922 23071922 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) WT Brewster, MBE Brewster, MBE 1916 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. WO1(Cdr) A Bricker Bricker 1945 Appt 01/07/1945, 2044702 Alfred Bricker. Electrician R/IEME. Alfred served in the Territorial Army, signing up on 20th September 1937, joining REME on 24/08/1939. Posted to Burma for most of the war, running the MT section of No1 Indian Base Workshop. Demob 17/03/46, recalled Army Emergency Reserve 13/03/1951 left 12/03/1955. Awarded the Queen Elizabeth Coronation Medal. Conductor H Bridge Bridge MGO Staff Simla 1925 Appt. 16 Jan, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

WO1(Cdr) TD Bridge Bridge 1952 7587597, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) VG Bridgeland Bridgeland 1952 7587377, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) AJ Bridgewood Bridgewood HQ 5 Div 2000 Capt Andrew John Bridgewood, currently serving with HQ ARRC. 24502679, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) NJ Bridle Bridle 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor WE Bridson Bridson Allahabad Arsenal 1923 Appt. 26Oct, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

WO1(Cdr) J Briggs Briggs BRIGGS, JAMES, UK, Cdr, 10537641, RAOC, , 19/07/1945, Son of Thomas and Helen Briggs; husband of Margaret Briggs, of Dundee, 2. G. 9, CHITTAGONG WAR CEMETERY, Bangladesh WO1(Cdr) REW Briggs Briggs 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) AER Brill Brill BAOR 1977 Arthur Eric Rafael Brill 23245716 RAOC, Served in Aden, BAOR, Kenya, Enlisted 1955 to 1977. Later worked for Landrover and was a local parish councillor.

WO1(Cdr) J Broadbent Broadbent Served IAOC, after 1947 RAOC, served 20+ years before Australia in 1954. IAOC Reg No 6457595. Died 1998 WO1(Cdr) ME Brockett Brockett 1969 Appt 3 Apr Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) HN Brocklehurst Brocklehurst 1953 4196012 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) TA Brookes Brookes 1987 Brookes, Army No. 24062037, Sup Spec WO1(Cdr) TD Brooks Brooks 1966 Appt 26 Sep Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) EG Brookway Brookway 1955 126111 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) AG Brotherhood Brotherhood 1953 3769852 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) C Brown Brown 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) D Brown Brown 1966 Appt 20 Sep Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) E Brown Brown 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) WC Brown Brown H.Q. Woolwich 1906 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) WP Brown Brown 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor T Brown Brown Indian Army 1851 Nat Archive Ref: Mss Eur F133/13 - date: 1 Dec 1887. Thomas Brown (b 1851), Bombadier, Royal Artillery and Conductor, 43rd Gurkha Rifles. Commission of Thomas Brown as Conductor in the Indian Army Conductor WC Brown Brown HQ AOC Woolwich 1911 07071911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly. AOC Gazette 03/12

WO1(Cdr) AH Browne Browne 1952 3959241, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) CA Browne Browne 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor JT Browne Browne 1915 Details

WO1(Cdr) N Brymer Brymer 1988 Brymer, Army No. 24119367, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) FW Buckett Buckett 1969 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 20/12/69. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) BW Buckingham RLC Buckingham Joint Force HQ 2006 Brian Buckingham, Army No. 24762740, Mov Con Northwood Conductor J Buckley VC Buckley Bengal Establ’t 1857 Commissariat Dept, & WO1(Cdr) W Budd MBE Budd 1945 William Budd, served NW Europe. Awarded MBE 11 Oct 1945. Nat Archive Ref WO 373/85 Image 185/184. Info from Nat Archive. Wo1(Cdr) GL Budden Budden MBE Quetta Arsenal 1946 Details taken from a half pint tankard, presented to a Conductor G L Budden MBE R.A.O.C a Major F T Beer R.A.O.C DADOS Bal Dist Quetta May 1946.

WO1(Cdr) GJ Budgen Budgen 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 4/4/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) A Bull Bull 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor J Bullen Bullen 1800 Joseph Bullen. Conductor 05.06.1800. Appointed Asst. Commissary 11.06.1811. Retired on half pay 23.02.1816. Died Sept. 1849 Conductor WH Bulling Bulling 1923

WO1(Cdr) J Bullock Bullock 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 26/7/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) W Bulman Bulman 1956 7587644 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) W Bulman Bulman 1956 The service number confirms enlistment in the R.A.O.C. The recipient was born on 15/7/16; he was promoted to W.S./W.O.1. (Sub-Condr.) in the R.A.O.C. on 14/1/47; W.O.1. (Sub-Condr.) 1/4/52; W.O.1. (Condr.) 11/3/56; he retired in 1959. He served as a Conductor in the Stores Branch. Click here for Conductor Bulmans Medals

WO1(Cdr) WH Bunt Bunt Woolwich Arsenal 1908 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor WH Bunt Bunt Woolwich Arsenal 1913 09041913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) T Bunting Bunting 1993 Tommy Bunting, Army No. 24338348, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) P Burden Burden 1955 Paul Burden, Army No. 0, WO1(Cdr) RWT Burges Burges 1945 4807649 Richard (Dick) Burges. Dad went to Burma with the Lincolns. He ended up in the Indian Army at Ft. William, Calcutta, where he became a sub Conductor and then a senior Conductor. Transferred to Reserves 06/07/1946 WO1(Cdr) HG Burgess Burgess 1954 5494226 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) W Burke Burke 1952 840823, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) JH Burkin Burkin 1987 Burkin, Army No. 24022746, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) C Burnett Burnett Log Sp Team 2008 Cliff Burnett, Systems Analyist, Appointed June 08 WO1(Cdr) AA Burns QGM Burns Ammo Insp 1984 23898402, Ammunition Technicians in Ammunition Inspectorate RAOC BAOR

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WO1(Cdr) L Burroughs Burroughs MOD Malaysia 1967 No 22132776 Enlisted Aldershot 21st April 1949, Appt Cdr RAOC Apr 1967 . Awarded CINC NEARELF COMMENDATION FOR SERVICES DURING CYPRUS EMERGENCY 1974 for providing Ordnance support, whilst BOWO, 19 Airportable Brigade to an "ad hoc" force flown out to Cypr WO1(Cdr) LA Burroughs Burroughs 1965 Appt 17 Jun Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004. WO1(Cdr) R Burrows Burrows 1920 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor R Burrows Burrows 1924 19051924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) C Burwell Burwell 55 Sp Depot 1968 Cliff Burwell, Master Butcher, via Gerry Barnes Singapore WO1(Cdr) CN Bush Bush 1996 Chris Bush, Army No. 24305171, Sup Con Conductor RW Buss Buss 1810 Served as Cdr of Stores with Wellington in Peninsular Wars

Conductor J Butcher Butcher 1805 John Butcher Conductor 11.01.1805. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 09.04.1811. Appointed Ordnance Paymaster in the Peninsula. 01.01.1814. Died 1865. (Military General Service Medal and Waterloo Medal in the RAOC Collection.). Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) E Byrne BEM Byrne 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor P Byrne Byrne Tower of London 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) CD Caffrey Caffrey 1993 Caffrey, Army No. 24341161, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) KN Caldecott Caldecott HQ UNFICYP 1991 Ken Caldecott, Army No. 24145781, Sup Con, Appt 1991 retired 1994 Conductor D Cameron Cameron Charlestown, S 1780 Dougal Cameron, on expedition with Capt Rochfort, 30 Jun 1780, Royal Artillery Regt Carolina Muster Roll WO1(Cdr) HR Cameron Cameron 1921 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor HR Cameron Cameron RAOC Corps HQ 1925 03081925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly Hilsea WO1(Cdr) K Cammack Cammack 1991 Cammack, Army No. 24235261, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) EC Campbell Campbell 1956 5670705, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie. From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) R Candlin Candlin 1 Aircraft Sp Unit Raymond Candlin,1 Aircraft Support Unit RAOC/RLC, Appointed: 1 June 1984. Commissioned 24 June 1987. Retired as a Major 31 October 1994 Conductor HD Cant Cant 1919 London Gazette entry 8 Sep 1919

WO1(Cdr)LW Cant Cant Leonard Cant. Ammo Tech. Died 27 August 2018. WO1(Cdr) J Carey Carey 1972 James Carey, Died 13 April 2014 WO1(Cdr) AN Carman Carman 1965 Appt 15 Feb Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) J Carrigher Carrigher H.Q. Western Cmd. 1905 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor J Carrigher Carrigher HQ Western Cmd 1910 08/06/1910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly. served in Gibraltar in 1899 rank Cpl in ROC . Married Annie Martinez in Gib. on 4/11/1899. Warrant Officer 17/10/1905,appointed Assistant Commissary of Ordnance 6/8/1914. Reference to him as Conductor at Burscough 21/6/05 and 8/6/1910 in Army List 1911. LSGC held by family - No 2936 rank SUB- CONDUCTOR. (Christopher Smith) Conductor JR Carswell Carswell Staff of Master 1926 General of Ordnance WO1(Cdr) PJP Cartwright Cartwright HQ Land 1998 Paul Cartwright, Army No. 552777, Sup Con WO1(Cdr)WC Cartwright BEM Cartwright 1966 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) BD Casbolt Casbolt 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) AE Cashman Cashman 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) EJ Cashman Cashman 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor EJ Cashman Cashman 1923 18011923 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) EH Cassell Cassell 1952 5826346, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) PH Cawkwell Cawkwell 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) Cearie Cearie WO1(Cdr) GT Chalmers OBE Chalmers 1972 Gordon Chalmers, Army No. 19132867, WO1(Cdr) FT Chamberlain Chamberlain 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) H Chamberlain Chamberlain Hong Kong 1908 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) H Chamberlain Chamberlain 1940 Sub-Conductor Harry “Joe” Chamberlain - who joined the RAOC in Dec 193 and was initially in the Gazette Office as a Clerk. Reclassified as an Ammunition Examiner Class 1 in 1939 and posted to Burscough, Bramley and then to 3 BAD Germany in the same year.1940-41 as a Sub Conductor in Germany, at various Ammunition Base. He was commissioned in Aug 1946 to 2nd Lt.He retired as a Major having served in UK, BAOR, Nigeria, Hong Kong WO1(Cdr) H Chamberlain Chamberlain BAOR 1946 No 7589866 1941 Sub Conductor RAOC Born 15 Feb 1914 Died 11 May1995 Photo Conductor H Chamberlain Chamberlain Hong Kong 1912 17121912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) DJ Chapman MBE Chapman BOD Donnington 1985 Des Chapman, Army No. 23913219, Sup Spec RAOC MBE in 2000 WO1(Cdr) F Chapman Chapman 1952 5670231 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) SW Chapman Chapman 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) MJ Chapman Chapman 1985 Chapman, Army No. 23913984, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) M Charleswoth BEM Charlesworth Mike Charleswoth, Army No. 0, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) TA Charlesworth Charlesworth 1952 7587690, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) NE Cheetham Cheetham 1999 Cheetham, Army No. 24468132, Dvr WO1(Cdr) G Cheney MBE Cheney WO1(Cdr)CF Cheshire Cheshire 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) T Cheshire Cheshire 1915 Conductor T.Cheshire was my grand father. He was stationed at Richmond Barracks, Dublin in April 1915,(I have documentation to support), and he later served in India,possibly Bombay. He hailed from Pembrokeshire, Born 6.3.1880 Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire. Enlisted 24 November 1898 at Wellingborough Army Ordnance Corps. Service No 3817. Served in Hong Kong c 1911 Sergeant. Served in Dublin in 1915 as W/O1. Re-enlisted 2 October 1920 Haverfordwest,Wales. Service No 731848 Royal Field Artillery

WO1(Cdr) D Chipperfield Chipperfield HQ Land 2010 Pet Op WO1(Cdr)P Chisholm Chisholm 1972 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 20/8/72. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) Chisholme Chisholme 1956 7585649 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) GK Chubb Chubb 1993 Chubb, Army No. 24235067, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) HR Clapperton Clapperton ACC 1995 24240209, Chef, Thought to be the first ACC Warrant Officers appointed to Conductor. Later Capt RLC involved in Project UNICOM Conductor FJ Clark Clark RAOC 1920 Mr F J Clark (Late 7574236 Conductor, RAOC)We regret to announce the death, on 8th December 1954, of Mr F J Clark, late Conductor, RAOC who enlisted into the Corps on 2nd October 1903, and was discharged to pension in August, 1930 He served in Malta, Egyp WO1(Cdr) Clarke Clarke 10 BOD MELF 1951 Cdr Clarke was commissioned in or around the time of National Service. He was reputed to be an expert in Ordnance matters and always had very well tailored battle dress clothes. Contributed by Maurice Woods Dec 2004. WO1(Cdr) Clarke Clarke 1956 Conductor HE Clarke Clarke Lahore Ordnance 1923 More... Depot WO1(Cdr) SP Clarke Clarke DSCS 1990 Army No. 24145506, Prog Ana. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) R Clayton Clayton 1952 7583970, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Sub A Clement Clement Didcot Ord Depot 1967 10596650, Allen Clement, Work Study & Methods Cdr) WO1(Cdr) E Clinton Clinton 2021 Ed Clinton, Head of Ammo Tech Trade WO1(Cdr) PB Clithero Clithero 1985 Clithero, Army No. 23947458, Sup Con

Conductor J Cloase Cloase 1795 John Cloase. Conductor 01.09.1795. Appointed Asst. Commissary 01.01.1805. Appointed Clerk of the Survey at the Cape of Good Hope 23.04.1807.

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Conductor J Cloase Cloase HM Woolwich 1809 From: Will of John Cloase , Conductor of Stones under His Majesty's Honorable Board of Ordnance of Woolwich , Kent 21 July 1809 , filed at -PROB 11/1500 Conductor J Clooney MSM Clooney Ireland 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List Awarded MSM 18.12.1906 WO1(Cdr) OAG Clotton Clotton 1954 7623889 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor P Coady Coady Woolwich 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List Pierce Coady was born in Dublin. In 1869 aged 29 he married Harriett Owen and was a Corporal in the Military Store Staff, living at Gun Wharf, Portsea. By 1871 he was living at Kings Mill Houses, Conductor HG Coates Coates Rangoon Arsenal 1925 WO1(Cdr) DE Cochrane Cochrane 1975 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 28/4/75. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) Conductor WC Cockburn Cockburn Aldershot 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor WG Cockburn Cockburn Aldershot 1903 29081903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) RR Cockburn Cockburn 1987 Bob Cockburn, Army No. 24062556, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) A Cockram Cockram Def Acad 2014 Senior Ammo Tech,Defence Academy. WO1(Cdr) SC Cockram Cockram LSP4 1998 Cockram, Army No. 24446735, Man Svcs Prac

Conductor MP Coffey Coffey 1872 Michael PatrickCoffey Conductor of Ordnance Dept in Bangalore WO1(Cdr) JP Cole Cole 1952 7587369, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

TG Cole Cole 1885 1881 he was in the Commissariat Department (presumably of Bengal Army) and 1899 he was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Supply & Transport Corps of Bengal

TG Cole Cole Commissariat - 1891 He originally enlisted in the Royal Artillery, Regimental Number 3343, in England 27 Feb 1867. Transport He was posted to India - 8th Brigade RA, arriving 16 Jan 1868. Transferred to the unattached list 10 Nov 1870. Promoted Sergeant 11 May 1871 Promoted to Sub-Conductor 1 Jul 1884 (GGO No Conductor G Coleman Coleman 1857 Attached to the Bengal Ordnance Department, during the Indian Mutiny. Wounded at WO1(Cdr) KL Coleman Coleman 1952 4612765Allahabad Stores - 22nd Sen June Roll 1857. 1954, died Contr of wounds, by John Details McKenzie

Conductor W Coles Coles HEIC 1841 From: Will of William Coles , Sub Conductor of Ordnance in the Service of the Honble East WO1(Cdr) S Collins Collins HQ DRLC 2009 SupIndia Con. Company Shaun on Collins their Bengal Establishment of Calcutta , East Indies 22 January 1841 ,

Conductor W Collins Collins Grave at Rangoon. In loving memory of William Collinsbeloved husband of Grace Henrietta. Born9 Nov 1836 at Bristol. Died 22DEc 1898 WO1(Cdr) DM Collins Collins 1994 Collins, Army No. 24230920, Dvr

Conductor AW Collinson Collinson 1923

WO1(Cdr) PH Collyer Collyer Ord Depot Vierson 1979 Peter Harold Collyer, COD Chilwell, appointed 01 16 79, Retired 16 11 81, Joined as BAOR National Serviceman 16 04 59 Regular Service 13 05 60 Conductor J Congdon Congdon Aldershot 1879 Appt 10.06.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List

Conductor JW Congdon Congdon Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) LA Conibear MBE Conibear 17 Port & Maritime 2006 Lou Conibear, Army No. W0815029, Movement Controller. The second Woman Conductor RLC Regt WO1(Cdr) J Connelly Connelly 1965 Appt 24 Apr Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor HC Conner Conner Woolwich 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor HC Conner Conner Woolwich 1902 04061902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) SG Connors Connors 1988 Connors, Army No. 24028063, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) HH Cook Cook 1937 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) JA Cook Cook 1965 Appt 15 Feb Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) DT Cook Cook 1988 2004Cook, Army No. 24027526, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) JAF Cook Cook John Cook, Army No. 0, WO1(Cdr) R Cooke Cooke Colchester 1909 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor R Cooke Cooke Colchester 1913 23041913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) V Cooke Cooke 1996 Cooke, Army No. 24316549, Chef WO1(Cdr) B Coolin Coolin DSCS Bicester 1982 Retired 06/1984, Analyst, Programmer WO1(Cdr) AE Cooper Cooper Burscough 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) DJ Cooper Cooper 1966 Appt 21 Dec Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor H Cooper Cooper Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. Conductor AE Cooper Cooper Burscough 1907 25061907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) JS Copley Copley IAOC James Saunders Copley Father of William Copley WO1(Cdr) WV Copley Copley IAOC William Vanstan Copley, W. Copley retired 10.N0v.08 WO1(Cdr) R Corbey Corbey HQNI 1988 Was this the onlyCdr Appt in NI? Email Robert Corbey WO1(Cdr) RG Corbey Corbey 1987 Bob Corbey, Army No. 24064070, Prog Anal WO1(Cdr) NAJ Corless Corless HQ BF Cyprus 1989 Army No. 24092465, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) D Cornelius Cornelius ETS Blackdown Cdr David Cornelius, Ret: 1970, ETS Blackdown, Printer, retired to Texas. Submitted by Leonard Salisbury Conductor HJG Cornes Cornes York 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor HJG Cornes Cornes York 1902 22071902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) L Corrone Corrone 1953 4745304 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr)GB Cosgrove Cosgrove 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) DM Couling QGM Couling CAD Longtown 1988 24193822, Ammo Tech. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here

WO1(Cdr) FH Coutts Coutts RAOC 1975 Frederick (Frank) Coutts, Appt 26 May 1975 and never forgot his service life. He was a WO1(Cdr) R Cowen Cowen 1965 boyCowen, soldier Army in Harrogate No. 0, and loved the life.He began his career in th RASC then RAOC. He FJ Cox MBE MSM Cox Medaille d.Honneour avec Glavives (an Argent) WO1(Cdr)J Cox Cox 1955 7610139 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor W Cox Cox 1833

Conductor W Cox Cox Cape 1879 Appt 10.06.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC. See Full List

Conductor F Coy Coy IAOC 1926 More... WO1(Cdr) MP Coyle Coyle HQ RLC TA 2000 Mike Coyle, Army No. 24406178, Chef. Regimental Warrant Officer of Volunteers RLC TA, Retired 2003. Author of this Web Site. Click for Photo's

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WO1(Cdr) Craggs Craggs 1956 7586993 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor J Craig Craig Arty EIC 1836 Info supplied by Shirley Mills WO1(Cdr)W Craig Craig 2017 Photographer WO1(Cdr)J Crawford Crawford 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor C Crawford Crawford Sicily 1810 Died 26 Oct 1812, Buried English Cemetery at Messina - Sicily

Conductor J Crawley Crawley Comm Dept 1830 Killed 7 Aug 1830, DumDum Bengal, at WO1(Cdr) TD Creasey Creasey 1988 Creasey, Army No. 24062284, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) FG Creed Creed 1954 Geoff Creed, 14417824 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) JH Cressy Cressy 1954 7622862 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) HB Creswell Creswell 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor HB Creswell Creswell 1915 16011915 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor V Crews Crews Inspection Section, 1924 WO1(Cdr)SJ Cross Cross 1993 Steve Cross, Army No. 24178275, Chef WO1(Cdr) RS Crowshaw Crowshaw HQ BF Hong Kong 1989 Roy Crowshaw, 24092359, Sup Con, From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr)FS Croxford Croxford 1952 7586066, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor J Culley Culley Rawalpindi Arsenal 1923 More…

WO1(Cdr) WL Cunningham Cunningham HQ RAOC Depot 1977 22976717 William Laurence (Larry) Cunningham, DOB 1.10 1937; Enl Aldershot RASC Boys' Coy 1 Trg Bn RASC, Buller Barracks, Sept 1954 and subsequently trained as a Staff WO1(Cdr) UV Curry Curry HQ 11Armd Bde 1989 Gus Curry. Army No. 24062654, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster . Died 22 September 2018. WO1(Cdr)E Curtis BEM Curtis 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr)FJ Custance Custance RAPC 1956 Fredrick James Custance, 14455565, Retired 1972. Last appt Shrewsbury. 2 tours in Kenya and 1 tour in Gibraltar. Died 14 Nov 1990 . Info supplied by N Custance WO1(Cdr) HJ Cutler Cutler 1989 Hadge Cutler, Army No. 24197319, Staff Clerk

Conductor FG Dally Dally Staff of ADOS 1925 Northern Command WO1(Cdr) RE Daly Daly CAD Bramley 1963 Appt 1963, demob 1966 -served RAOC September 1943 - December 1966. Appointed S/Cdr 1960. Died August 2002

WO1(Cdr) AJ Daniels Daniels OD Aden 1962 No. 7647935. Joined Chilwell Army Depot, Nottingham in 1939, 1948 he was WOII R.A.O.C. Spent most of the war in Egypt, Retired in 1966, he still remembers names, dates and times from 60 years ago, Mentioned in Despatches reported London Gazette,30 Oct 1953 Conductor G Darling (Darley) Darling (Darley) HEIC 1834 From: Will of George Darling otherwise Darley , late Conductor of Military Stores in the WO1(Cdr)GJ Davey Davey 1954 5618092Service of Stores the Honorable Sen Roll East1954, India Contr Company by John on McKenzie their Bombay Establishment of Saint

Conductor D Davidson Davidson 1798 David Davidson. Conductor 17.01.1798. Appointed Asst. Commissary WO1(Cdr) DW Davies MBE Davies 1945 Dai25.08.1807. Davies, ArmyRetired No. on 7610879, halfpay 21.10.1816 WO1(Cdr) E Davies Davies Gibraltar 1906 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor E Davies Davies Ammn Factory 1922 WO1(Cdr) GA Davies Davies 1955 10544064 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) KA Davies Davies 1954 5570110 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) LG Davies Davies 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 WO1(Cdr) MI Davies Davies 2019 Mark Ian Davies. Head of Veh Specialist (Supply) Trade

WO1(Cdr) N Davies MBE Davies 1991 Davies, Army No. 24285205, Sup Con. 24285205 Nigel Davies. Enlisted RAOC 1972. Commendation N. Ireland 1983. Bowo 11 Armd Bde 1987. Logistics Advisor Kuwait 1988. WO1(Cdr) RO Davies Davies DAVIES, RONALD OWEN, UK, Cdr, 3975276, RAOC, 30, 10/12/1944, , Face 18., RANGOON MEMORIAL, Burma WO1(Cdr) TE Davies Davies Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut

Conductor TG Davies Davies Burscough 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Thomas Theodore Davies, WO1 1st Class SSM 21 Jun 1967’ Commissioned 20 Feb WO1(Cdr) TT Davies Davies 1967 1973 P/494913. Retired Maj QM 16 Oct 1983. RO2 appointment HQ London District until WO1(Cdr) W Davies Davies WO1(Cdr) C Davies Davies 3 BAD 1992 24285402, Sup Con. Sup Con, Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List., Contributed by Cdr D French. Conductor E Davies Davies Gibraltar 1911 28011911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor TG Davies Davies Burscough 1902 24121902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr)WD Davies Davies 1957 William Davies, Army No. 3908539, Clerk/Storeman

Conductor FA Davis Davis Dublin 1903 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor FA Davis Davis Dublin 1907 03081907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr)TR Davis Davis H.Q. Aldershot 1903 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Cmd. Conductor TR Davis Davis HQ Aldershot Cmd 1908 01041908 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr)P Daws Daws 1987 Daws, Army No. 23990517, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) MA Dawson Dawson HQ1 (Br) Corps 1990 Army No. 24176400, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here Conductor JA Day Day Quetta Arsenal 1926 WO1(Cdr)WG Deane Deane 1946 Walter George Deane, Died 17/11/1946, recorded Kirkee War Cemetery, India.

Conductor WS Deans Deans Colchester 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor WS Deans Deans Colchester 1905 30081905 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) J Delaney Delaney 1953 7587950 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor HJ Dell Dell 1920 Discharge Certificate for sale on Ebay, Feb 05 'No7574046 of F/S (?) Conductor Henry James Dell, Royal Army Ordnance Corps,is the Regiment to which he was first posted His WO1(Cdr) PH Dennett Dennett 1966 Appt 23 May Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) RG Denyer Denyer 1967 Appt 7 Feb Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) M Devaney Devaney Employment Trg Shorthand Writer. I think he went to live in France age at time of retirement 55ish. He had School been in the army for quite a number of years. Notified by Leonard Salisbury Dec 2004 WO1(Cdr) MT Devaney Devaney 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) AA Devlin Devlin IASC 1928 IASC (K Supply Depot) Grave at Peshawar. In loving memory of Arthur Archibald Devlin WO1(Cdr) W Dick Dick 1952 3186280,who died ofStores heat exhaustionSen Roll 1954, on 20 Contr July by1928 John age McKenzie 51. Erected by sorrowingwife and

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WO1(Cdr) FW Dickens Dickens 1955 15000525 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor J Dickson Dickson 1850 Killed in Magazine explosion in French Field Train 15 Nov 1855 - Crimean War

WO1(Cdr) J Dilworth Dilworth 1972 John (Paddy) Dilworth, Army No. 22558120, S/Tech, Joined the RAOC Nov 1951 as a WO1(Cdr) FF Diment Diment 1952 1061595,boy soldier Stores at Haslar Sen Bks, Roll was1954, appointed Contr by ConductorJohn McKenzie by letter from Major-General LTH WO1(Cdr)WR Dingle Dingle Colchester 1910 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor WR Dingle Dingle Colchester 1913 03121913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) SV Dingwall Dingwall Alexandria 1916 b. 1887 - d. 1952. Unconfirmed detail. Prev. Railway Clerk, North Eastern Railway, of WO1(Cdr) NV Dodd Dodd 1952 7586913,Walker Gate, Stores Newcastle. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor J Doherty Doherty Madras Army 1871 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’

Conductor W Doig Doig Madras Army 1873 Madras Army List 1873 WO1(Cdr) K Donal Donal 1985 Kevin Donal, Army No. 23971920, Sup Spec WO1(Cdr) G Donkin RLC Donkin HQ 15 Bde York 2001 Graham Donkin, Army No. 24611264, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) A Donnelly Donnelly Woolwich 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor A Donnelly Donnelly Woolwich 1907 25071907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor RJS Dooley Dooley 1894 Commissariat Dept, grave at Quetta. Sacred to the memory of Robert James Spillane Devlin, died Quetta 22 Jul 1894 aged 39 years WO1(Cdr) CE Doust BEM Doust 1974 Ammunition Technician, Appointed 5/10/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) JD Dow Dow 1973 Ammunition Technician, Appointed 2/10/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) BA Downes Downes 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 13/11/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975)

WO1(Cdr) BA Downes Downes HQ RAOC Cyprus 1977 Bryan A Downes, appointed: 1977, Commissioned 1980. Encouraged to join the RAOC as WO1(Cdr) JD Downes Downes 1973 aDownes, National ArmyServiceman No. 0, AmmoFebruary Tech 1959 he continued serving up to the rank of WO1 and WO1(Cdr) JH Drake Drake 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor JH Drake Drake 1924 19011924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) J Drumm Drumm 1994 Drumm, Army No. 24194729, Mov Con

ConductorM Drury Drury 1794 Meeson Drury. Conductor 21.04.1794. Appointed Asst.Commissary 04.06.1800. Retired on half pay 1801, Died 25.09.1846

Conductor J Dubbins Dubbins HM Pay Office, 1816 From: Will of James Dubbins , Conductor at His Majesty's Pay Office Chatham Dock Yard Chatham of Gillingham , Kent 10 January 1816 , filed at -PROB 11/1576 Conductor T Duck Duck HM Train of 1778 From: Will of Thomas Duck , Conductor of Stores to His Majesty's Train of Artillery now on Artillery Command at Boston in New England 06 February 1778 , filed at -PROB 11/1039 WO1(Cdr)P Dunn Dunn 1972 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 15/9/72. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) ConductorJW Dunne Dunne HQ Scottish Cmd 1908 21111908 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) W Dunne Dunne H.Q. Scottish Cmd. 1904 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) D Duxbury Duxbury 1994 Duxbury, Army No. 24339791, Sup Con

Conductor H Dyer Dyer Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the WO1(Cdr) RT Dyer Dyer 1952 841076,Campaign Ammo Medal Ex. for Sen Egypt Roll 1882-1889. 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) RT Dyer Dyer 1952 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) H Dyson Dyson 1955 10536179 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) CN Eades Eades 1993 Chris Eades, Army No. 24235701, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) RS Earle RLC Earle HQ BF Cyprus 2005 Robby Earle, Army No. 24592652, Sup Con

Conductor R Eaton Eaton 1824 Records of Military Burials on the W.C. of Sumatra 1800-1825 Robert Eaton, Died 26 Oct 1824, age 39 WO1(Cdr) J Edne Edne IACC 1941 James Edne , IACC, 20 Dec 1941age 38, Husband of Margaret Cunningham Edne of Monkton Ayreshire Col 357 Rangoon Memorial Conductor E Edwards Edwards 1803 Edward Edwards Conductor 19.12.1803. Appointed Commissary 22.06.1811. Retired 12.02.1819. Died 04.06.1853. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor GS Edwards Edwards Bloemfontein 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor GS Edwards Edwards Bloemfontein 1902 21091902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) FH Eldred GM Eldred Cdr F.H. (Rod) Eldred GM with whom Geoff Barrow served at Bramley during Jim Searle's WO1(Cdr) F Eley Eley Woolwich 1903 Armydays atList D27 1907. (ARMDU} Contr Ralphand later Daly. while on the 'Freedom of Basingstoke March' Photos were

Conductor R Eley Eley Woolwich 1907 03081907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) AEG Elliott Elliott Woolwich Arsenal 1907 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor AEG Elliott Elliott Woolwich Arsenal 1911 25111911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) KD Ellis Ellis 1970 Kenlis Ellis, Army No. 0, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) FE Ellison OBE BEM Ellison 1968 Frank Ellison, Army No. 22393268, Ammo Tech. Appt 16 Jun. Ammo Tech. Taken from JP the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) K Elstob Elstob 1975 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 26/1/75. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) D Elston Elston 1966 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) JM Eman MBE Eman 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Conductor F Emberton Emberton Ord Store Egypt 1889 TakenArmy List, from provided a 'List of by Conductor John McKenzie, of Stores June of the 2004 Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the WO1(Cdr) GM Emmerson Emmerson Army HQ 2015 Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. Gavin Emmerson Command Warrant Officer Equipment Support Materiel at Army HQ WO1(Cdr) F Emms Emms 1952 7588885 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor W English English AOC 1891 William English, born Ireland on 1891 census in Hampshire

WO1(Cdr) MJ Esser Esser 1986 Esser, Army No. 24062676, Sup Con Conductor F Evans Evans H.Q. S. Command 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) CM Evans Evans 1999 Evans, Army No. 24577249, Chef Conductor F Evans Evans HQ S Command 1904 04051904 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) JK Fairman Fairman 1965 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) HE Fairweather Fairweather 1952 3710354, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) HE Fairweather Fairweather 1952 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

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Conductor HE Falkner Falkner IAOC 1926

WO1(Cdr) F Fallon Fallon 1986 Frank Fallon, Army No. 23947681, Sup Con

Conductor TW Fasson Fasson Malta 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor TW Fasson Fasson Malta 1902 03061902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) PF Faulkner Faulkner 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army Conductor E Fawtrell (Fowtrell) Fawtrell HM Crookham 1764 From:List, provided Will of Edwardby John Fawtrell McKenzie, otherwise June 2004 Fowtrell , Conductor of Stores in His Majesty's (Fowtrell) Service of Crookhaven , County Cork 27 March 1764 , filed at -PROB 11/896 WO1(Cdr) C Fealey Fealey 1952 1073353 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) T Fearn Fearn 55 Sp Depot 1968 Terry Fearn, Master baker, via Gerry Barnes Singapore WO1(Cdr) EG Feilden Feilden 1952 7586692, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor B Fendall Fendall 1800 Benjamin Fendall. Conductor 05.06.1800. Appointed Asst. Commissary Conductor SA Fenn, MBE Fenn 1920 0207192001.01.1813 Army Retired List on Jan halfpay 1926. 09.12.1818 Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) SA Fenn, MBE Fenn, MBE 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

ConductorA Ferguson Ferguson Gibraltar 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC. See Full List Conductor R Ferguson Ferguson Charlestown, S 1780 Robert Ferguson, 30 Jun 1780, Royal Artillery Regt Muster Roll WO1(Cdr) LW Fidoe Fidoe 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) AW Field Field 1915 ArmyList, provided List 1926. by ContrJohn McKenzie,Ralph Day. June 2004 WO1(Cdr) SR Field Field 1955 4546799, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) SR Field Field 1955 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here Conductor AW Field Field 1915 03011915 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) W Fielding Fielding DTMA 2001 Wayne Fielding, Army No. 557337, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) RC Fifield Fifield 1966 Appt 9 Aug Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) HD Finch Finch 1953 58258652004 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) K Finch RLC Finch 2002 Kevin Finch, Army No. 559369, Chef WO1(Cdr) JD Finlay Finlay 1997 Finlay, Army No. 24176579, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) KG Firth Firth 2002 WO1(Cdr)WC Fisher Fisher 1952 7585911, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr)R Fishwick Fishwick 1991 Fishwick, Army No. 24176283, Staff Clerk

WO1(Cdr) Fitzavon Fitzavon 1956 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

Conductor Fitzgerald Fitzgerald 1801 Buried 18 Aug 1801. Records of Military Burials on the W.C. of Sumatra 1800-1825 WO1(Cdr) T Fitzgerald Fitzgerald 27 Cmd Wksps 1970 Terry Fitzgerald, Enlisted Brighton Jan 52. Work Study Operator, Clerk Tech, Storeman WO1(Cdr) JJ Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam 1920 175179Tech. John J Fitzwilliam, was a Conductor with the RAOC in the late 1930's, having WO1(Cdr) RPK Flatt Flatt 1994 servedFlatt, Army since No. around 24212106, 1920. HeChef eventually retired in 1954 as a Major.

WO1(Cdr) JA Flavell Flavell 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 Conductor G Fleming Fleming 10 Bn RA 1854 Nat Archive Ref: 6807/377-3 - date: Apl 1854-Jul 1855. Codrington-Commander-in-Chief, Inherited Headquarter Papers 29 Nov Appointment of Dep Assist. Commissary, and WO1(Cdr) RM Fleming Fleming 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) GA Fletcher Fletcher 1969 TechArmy Cl,List, Stores, provided Veh by Spec, John DrvrS,McKenzie, Photogr June & 2004Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) RS Fletcher Fletcher HQ Land 2000 Rick Fletcher, Army No. 557274, Chef

Conductor HE Flower Flower Drigh Road, 1926 ConductorWJ Foord Foord Devonport 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List

A Foote Foote Ex Cdr Maj Alan Foote died 07/7/2019 Conductor WM Foote Foote Stirling 1910 14101910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) MH Ford Ford 1952 7586097, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) BMG Fordham MBE Fordham BOD Singapore 1960 Posted to CAD Kineton. Selected for Secondment to Malaysian Armed Forces (Ordnance WO1(Cdr) E Fordred Fordred 1952 7587625Corps). Posted Stores Mindef Sen Roll Kuala 1954, Lumpur, Contr bySept John 62. McKenzie MBE Jan 66 for Services on Secondment. WO1(Cdr) WJ Fordred Fordred 1953 7590754 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr)DJ Fordyce Fordyce 1996 Fordyce, Army No. 24235543, Ammo Tech Conductor M Forrest Forrest Invalid 1830 Killed 1 Dec 1830, St Thomas Mt Bengal, at

WO1(Cdr)S Forrest Forrest 3 BAD Bract 1962 Jock Forrest, Army No. 10537666,. 1962-1965 OIC 2 Sub Depot 3 BAD as Cdr and Senior Member. Then Commissioned. Link to his career resume. Conductor ET Forsdick Forsdick Tipnor 1903 01111903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr)TL Forster Forster 1975 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 15/4/75. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) Conductor WN Fortescue Fortescue Invalid 1830 Killed 26 May1831, Vizagapatam Bengal, at WO1(Cdr)R Foster Foster 1982 Not sure of details but resides in Tewkesbury and we are in regular contact. He is retired Major TA WO1(Cdr) KA Fowler Fowler 1988 Fowler, Army No. 24025249, Staff Clerk Conductor CE Fox Fox IAOC 1925

WO1(Cdr)K France France 1997 Keith France, Army No. 24395606, Ammo Tech. On the committee that renovated the EOD memorial at Marlborough Barrackes, Kineton. In 1999 WO1(Cdr) HP Francis Francis FRANCIS, HENRY PAUL, UK, Cdr, 2340175, RAOC, 22, 02/10/1945, Son of Harry and Eileen Francis, of Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 5. B. 6, CHITTAGONG WAR CEMETERY, Conductor CW Franklin Franklin 1925 14021925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) P Franks Franks 2018 Paul Franks. Comd Pet Op Conductor J Fraser Fraser Stores, Ft George, 1812 15 Dec 1812 Military Papers C-1707, p.83 (Ottawa, Reel C-3840). A distribution of the WO1(Cdr)TD Fraser Fraser 1995 FieldFraser, Train Army Department No. 546925, in Canada, Mov Con dated Quebec 15th Dec 1812, lists John Fraser as Civil WO1(Cdr)BF Frater Frater 1987 Frater, Army No. 24027318, Sup Con

WO1(Cdr) DJ French French CGS (MOD (A)) 1992 24145390, Staff Clerk. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments Conductor JA Fritz Sching Fritz Sching HEIC 1816 From:wef 1 JunWill 92of JohnSee List. Andrew Contributed Fritz Sching by Cdr , Conductor D French. of Ordnance in the Service of the Honorable East India Company of Calcutta , Middlesex 31 October 1816, filed at - PROB

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WO1(Cdr)KJ Fry Fry 1952 7588964, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) KJ Fry Fry 1952 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) A Fryer Fryer 1993 Anthony (Tony) Fryer, Army No. 542233, Chef (Caterer) Appointed April, Commissioned December 1993. Now Major, (Retd) . CAO (S) 49 (E) Bde WO1(Cdr) BW Fuller Fuller 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

WO1(Cdr) CM Fuller Fuller 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army Conductor BW Fuller Fuller 1920 18111920List, provided Army by ListJohn Jan McKenzie, 1926. Contr. June by 2004 Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) SG Fyvie Fyvie 1997 Scott Fyvie, Army No. 24451156, Sup Con

WO1(Cdr) MA Gallagher MBE Gallagher SHAPE Belgium 1983 Michael (Mike) Anthony Gallagher ppointed a Conductor in 1983 on arrival at SHAPE in WO1(Cdr) S Gamble Gamble Army HQ 2012 PostalBelgium. & CourierPA to Deputy Op SACEUR (Air Chief Marshal Sir Peter Terry) from WO1 Ged Mead

Conductor T Gardiner Gardiner IOD 1889 Thomas, born 22 Jul 1856, died 12 Jun 1901, buried St John Baptist Churchyard, France Lynch, Gloucestershire

WO1(Cdr)FW Gardner Gardner 1918 Just bought some medals and was looking at info on the web, thought you might be intrested in the details. Conductor FW Gardner, OBE (1919), DCM GV Conductor (1918), WW1 Pair Maj (with MID for 1917/1918/1918), LSGC GV Conductor., Plus, His sons medals Maj RAOC, POW of Japs., Grandsons medals GSM NI, UN Cyprus, LSGC ER11, Sgt REME. Submitted by Rick Broad

WO1(Cdr) ME Garrod MBE Garrod HQ 7 Field Force 1980 Army No 23687447, Mick Garrod. Appt 01/06/1980, I had a great career in the RAOC from WO1(Cdr) DR Garwood Garwood HQ Land 2009 Chef.Junior CFSWO Leaders .Bn Darren in July Robert 1959 promoted to J/CSM of C Coy promoted through the ranks WO1(Cdr) HH Gates Gates 1953 7585476 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr)JL Gates Gates 21018278 WO1 (Cdr) Jack Leslie Gates of the RAOC. Born in 1911 Jack joined as a boy in 1925. he left the army for the first time in July 1945 with the LS & GC; 39/45 Star; WO1(Cdr) J Gauld Gauld 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 11/1/74. extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) JB Gauld Gauld 1993 providedGauld, Army by Cdr No. JA 24269701, Hickey (1975) Sys Anal WO1(Cdr) WJ Geard Geard IACC 1917 Aukland Weekly News, 27 Dec 1917 p19, promoted to 2Lt in NZEF WO1(Cdr) GA Gedge MSM Gedge 1949 Awarded MSM (Non Immed), 051949

Conductor H Genders Genders Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. ConductorJ Genders Genders N Dist 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List

Conductor AA Gibson Gibson Carrickfergus 1902 17091902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) Gibson Gibson 1956 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) Gibson Gibson 1956

Conductor R Gibson Gibson Kirkee Arsenal 1922

Conductor T Gibson Gibson 1803 Thomas Gibson Conductor 28.11.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 12.05.18O9.Retired WO1(Cdr) J Giles Giles Johnon half Giles, pay 17.04.1816..Appointed.. Commissioned, Contr. by Ralph Retired Daly

WO1(Cdr) M Gill Gill Defence School of 2020 Mark Gill, Head of Driver Comms Trade Transport

Conductor S Gill Gill Vellore 1807 Nat Archive Ref: IOR/F/4/260/5739 - date: Sep 1806-Mar 1807. Papers regarding the WO1(Cdr) C Gilmour RLC Gilmour PATA 2005 Carlcompensation Gilmour, Army payable No. to 24658131, those who Dvr lost Rad property Op due to the mutiny at Vellore in July 1806 -

Unit 4, Depot Remounts, Medal Roll, (WO100 Series, The National Archives) 234 Page 0. Conductor J S Gladwin Gladwin 1900 two daughters born in South Africa. Ellen Sarah GLADWIN, b. 1845, Clarksbury? WO1(Cdr) FG Glover, MBE Glover, MBE 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) A Glynn Glynn 1999 Glynn, Army No. 24392002, PC Op WO1(Cdr) D Goddard Goddard 321 EOD Sqn 1999 Goddard, Army No. 554681, Ammo Tech

Conductor PW Godfrey Godfrey Percy William Godfrey. Military Engineering Services. Barracks Depot., Indian Army WO1(Cdr) PW Godliman Godliman 1952 7584569, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) S Goldby Goldby 17 Port 2012 Simon Goldby, Mariner WO1(Cdr) PJ Golding Golding Royal Brunei AF 1998 Golding, Army No. 550895, Sup Spec

Conductor J Golesworthy Golesworthy Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) JR Good Good 1952 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) JR Good Good 1953 7588153, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) RJ Goodall Goodall 1952 5107703 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) JA Goode Goode CAD Kineton 1967 Cdr John Alan Goode, Appt after 1967 whilst in Kenya. In Kineton 1972-74. Listed in Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, WO1(Cdr) EJ Goodman Goodman 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) CJ Goodson Goodson 1985 ArmyGoodson, List, providedArmy No. by 23876231, John McKenzie, Ammo TechJune 2004 WO1(Cdr) DR Goodwin MBE Goodwin 2002 Dave Goodwin, Army No. 559089, Chef

Conductor JR Goose MSM Goose DO SO Baghdad 1917 A/Conductor JOHN ROBERT GOOSE MSM , S/4515, D.O. Store Office, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, who died age 36 on 25 August 1917 Mesopotamia, Born & Enlisted Boston Lincs, Husband of Marian Goose, of 61, Union Terrace, Clarence St., York. Conductor G Gordon Gordon Ordnance 1831 Killed 6 May1831, Allahabad Bengal, at

Conductor J Gordon Gordon 1799 James Gordon. Conductor 14.09.1799. Appointed Asst. Commissary 05.02.1808. Retired on half pay 17.08.1817

Conductor H Gordon-States Gordon-States Madras Army 1882 Harry Gordon-States, Appointed: May 25th 1882, Retired March 16th 1887. Born in Dublin Commissariat 18 May 1839. Enlisted in Royal Artillery, Dublin September 9 1859.Posted to India. Promoted to Corporal March 1864, No 5 Battery 20th Brigade, Royal Artillery.February Conductor Goss Goss 1879 Cdr Goss, Tpt & Commissariat Dept missing in action, Intomber River, 12 Mar 1879 WO1(Cdr) WR Gould BEM Gould 1994 Gould, Army No. 24282987, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) NPJ Gourlie Gourlie 1994 Gourlie, Army No. 24240227, Dvr

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WO1(Cdr) NP Grace BEM Grace CGS 1990 Nigel Grace, Army No. 24092630, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of WO1(Cdr) K Graham Graham 1954 3597909Ex Cdr GCV Stores Webster Sen Roll Click 1954, Here Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) L Graham RAOC Graham Lawrence Graham, Army No. 518844,

WO1(Cdr) PA Graham MBE Graham HQ 1 BR Corps 1973 Patrick Arthur Graham MBE, Appt 1973/74 to 1 Br Corps, Bielilefeld, Commissioned, Left 1977. Joined Army in 1953 as a Regular (3 year) (as opposed to NS) in the RASC. WO1(Cdr) RM Graham BEM Graham HQ RLC TA 2005 Robert (Bob) Graham, Army No. 241453, AT. More Info Regimental Warrant Officer RLC WO1(Cdr) HH Grantham Grantham 1952 7582041,TA 2003 - Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) G Graves Graves WO1(Cdr)EE Gray Gray 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. WO1(Cdr) HJ Gray MBE Gray GHQ C Med’n F 1941 Herbert John Gray. Army No Jumped to Cdr from Sgt in 1941! GHQ Italy 17/03/1941 - 13/3/1946 Conductor J Gray MSM Gray Woolwich 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Royal Artillery. See Full List Awarded MSM 11.1915

Conductor EE Gray Gray 1921 27011921 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor Greatorex Greatorex Royapooram 1863 Times of India, Birth of daughter Dec6, 1863 WO1(Cdr) AT Green Green 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor J Green Green Quetta Arsenal 1926

Conductor AT Green Green 1921 30121921 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) RM Green Green HQ Sctld Log Sp 1994 Ray Green, Army No. 24285105, Dvr Tk Tptr. RM Green was at HQ Scotland Log Sp. WO1(Cdr) D Greenaway BEM Greenaway ASU Colchester 1981 Davidretired GreenawayCommissioned 1 Jan 95. Before posting to 1982. Scotland, Contributed I was the by RSMConductor for the Greenaway. Joint Transport and WO1(Cdr) Greenhalgh Army HQ Ian Greenhalgh - Pet Op I Greenhalgh WO1(Cdr) CW Greenhill Greenhill GREENHILL, CHARLES W, UK, Cdr, 3974135, RAOC/ IAOC attd, 41, 23/02/1946, , Plot O. Row H. Grave 6, CALCUTTA (BHOWANIPORE) CEMETERY, India. Commemorated on the CWGC Website WO1(Cdr) I Grey QGM Grey 1984 23919330, Ian Grey, Trade Ammunition Technician, awarded QGM 1980. Appointed WO1(Cdr) IT Grey Grey 1985 ConductorGrey, Army 1984 No. Retired23919330, 1986 Ammo (never Tech did get my parchment) Now employed as a civil

WO1(Cdr) PRF Griffin Griffin FOWO 17 Div 1968 Click here for Cdr Griffins Service History WO1(Cdr) SJ Griffiths Griffiths 2019 Simon James Griffiths, Head ofChef Trade WO1(Cdr) DR Griffiths Griffiths 1994 Griffiths, Army No. 24267615, Chef WO1(Cdr) SP Griffiths Griffiths 1996 Griffiths, Army No. 24391769, Dvr WO1(Cdr) H Grimes Grimes Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut

Conductor SWH Grimmer Grimmer Stavros AD 1916 Conductor S W H GRIMMER, S/2237, 124th Coy., Royal Army Ordnance Corps, attd. Stavros Ammunition Depot. who died on 12 July 1916. Remembered with honour. MIKRA BRITISH CEMETERY, KALAMARIA. Commemorated in perpetuity by the Commonwealth Conductor SWN Grimmer Grimmer Curragh 1909 04121909 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly. S/2237 Spencer Williams Norton WO1(Cdr) WT Gubb Gubb 1952 7586828,Grimmer, StoresBorn Plumstead, Sen Roll 1954, kent enlistedContr by Woolwich John McKenzie Kent, Died 12/07/1916 Egypt WO1(Cdr) CG Guilfoyle Guilfoyle 1993 Colin Guilfoyle, Army No. 543772, Sup Con

WO1(Cdr) PES Gurney MBE Gurney (AIDU) Hounslow/ 1969 22367973 Peter Gurney, MBE (Gallantry), GM w/Bar. 1950 Trained as an Ammunition GM Feltham Examiner (trade later re-named ‘Ammunition Technician’). Appt Conductor (RAOC) late WO1(Cdr) FH Hagley Hagley India 1946 7615939 Hagley Frank Milton. Enlisted Dec 1939, India in Jan 1942 and left the service in WO1(Cdr) H Hailes Hailes Burscough 1907 ArmyFebruary List 19461914. as Contr WO1 Ralph (CDR) Daly. Conductor.

Conductor J Hailes Hailes Burscough 1912 10041912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) JM Hall Hall Army HQ 2015 Jon Hall. Chef. First fully RLC Chef. Command Food Service Warrant Officer, Army HQ

Conductor W Hall Hall 1780 Details Here WO1(Cdr) SC Hallett Hallett 1952 7588292, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) C Hallows Hallows 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 5/5/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) JL Halsall Halsall JWSS Shrivenham 1974 John Lewis Halsall. Joint Work Study School, Shrivenham. Appointed: 1 April 1974. WO1(Cdr) LN Halsall Halsall 1952 7586462,Commissioned Stores 13 Sen September Roll 1954, 1976 Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) MR Hamblin Hamblin 1997 Hamblin, Army No. 24235734, Veh Spec

Conductor SC Hamley, DCM Hamley 1925 22071925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) MP Hammond RLC Hammond 2002 Mark Hammond, Army No. 24494575, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) R Hammond Hammond HQ 3 Div 2010 Sup Con WO1(Cdr) TT Hammond Hammond 1975 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 28/1/75. extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) R Hampson Hampson 1952 3650784provided byStores Cdr JASen Hickey Roll 1954, (1975) Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) FR Hand Hand 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) E Handley Handley 1952 7586738,List, provided Stores by JohnSen Roll McKenzie, 1954, Contr June by2004 John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) N Handy Handy 11 EOD Regt 2012 Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) R Hardal Hardal 1968 Rex Hardal, Army No. ,

Conductor J Harding Harding 1 Bn RA 1854 Nat Archive Ref: 6807/377 -- 23 Dec Cpl John Harding, 1 Bn RA, to be Sgt Conductor of Stores. Conductor W Harding Harding 1801 William Harding, Buried 27 Aug 180. Records of Military Burials on the W.C. of Sumatra 1800-1825 ConductorG Hardy Hardy AOC 1918 03133 Click here for his Medals WO1(Cdr)JT Hardy Hardy 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) N Harfield Harfield 1974 Demob 21/03/1977 WO1(Cdr) TB Harkness Harkness 1952 45217, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) GR Harland Harland 1991 Harland, Army No. 24214000, Sup Con

Conductor JR Harlow Harlow 1925 03021925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) S Harmon Harmon 1982 Recalled in Ch 8 (p 107), Peter Birchall's book 'The Longest Walk' 421 EOD Company WO1(Cdr) EI Harper Harper 1969 Ernest I. Harper, Army No 22292351, BOWO HQ 39 INF BDE in Lisburn 1973-74. Appt 27/10/1969, Discharged 23/02/1974, emigrated to Perth, Western Australia.

WO1(Cdr)R Harper Harper BOWO HQ 39 Inf 1969 Ernie Harper. Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Lisburn 1973-4 WO1(Cdr) WJ Harper MBE Harper Bde

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WO1(Cdr)JH Harradence Harradence 1969 Harradence, Army No. , WO1(Cdr) RJ Harral Harral 1964 Appt 1 Feb Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr)RWG Harrall Harral 1986 2004Harrall, Army No. 23987832, WSO Deceased 1988

Conductor A Harris Harris 1923 Appt. 22Oct, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932 WO1(Cdr) F Harris Harris 1952 7583504 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

ConductorG Harris Harris Cape 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery. See Full List

Conductor HM Harris Harris Madras Army 1875 Details at: WO1(Cdr)J Harris Harris HQ West Dist 1978 RQMS, Jim Harris, Stores, via Gerry Barnes WO1(Cdr)M Harris Harris 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) DR Harris Harris DOWO HQ London 1996 David Harris Sup Con, Posted to London District in 1992 as DOWO and it was during the Dist period that London District had moved from Horse Guards (due to refurbishment) to WO1(Cdr)DA Harrison Harrison 1956 7591352, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie. From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

Conductor H Harrison Harrison Conductor H. Harrison, Service 33 8/12 years. Sergeant and W.O. 26 6/12 years. Service WO1(Cdr) R Harrison Harrison 1952 7585988,abroad 2 8/12Stores years. Sen NoRoll Field 1954, service. Contr S. John + G.C. McKenzie medal. Clear defaulters sheet. From WO1(Cdr)A Harrold Harrold 1952 4533048, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr)HA Hart Hart HQ DAAC 1992 24176987, Sup Con. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List., Contributed by Cdr D French.

WO1(Cdr) KJ Hartley Hartley 207 Gen Hospital 1984 I was a Junior Tradesman in Rhyl 1964 then man's service 1966 - Mar 1988 my last 6 WO1(Cdr) K Hartley Hartley Kevinmonths James in UK Hartley, was attached Army the , Fd Hospital though I never actually reported for duty. My WO1(Cdr) EH Haslam Haslam Woolwich Arsenal 1909 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor R Hasler Hasler Madras Army 1870 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’ WO1(Cdr) DC Hawkins Hawkins RAOC HQ 1967 Appt 8 Aug 1964. Senior Conductor, Details, Photo & Medals, Click Here

Conductor Hawksworth Hawksworth WO1(Cdr) LM Hay Hay 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) J Haye Haye Ord Depot Berlin 1962 JoeArmy Haye, List, Stores,provided via by Gerry John BarnesMcKenzie, June 2004

Conductor RB Hayes Hayes Kirkee Arsenal 1925

Conductor E Hayter Hayter HM Train of 1761 From: Will of Edmund Hayter , Second Clerk of Stores and First Conductor to the Train of Artillery Artillery attending His Majesty's Forces ordered to the East Indies 26 October 1761 , filed WO1(Cdr) TM Hayward Hayward HQ Northag Staff 1992 Army No. 24304513, Staff Clerk. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List.., Contributed by Cdr D French. WO1(Cdr) JA Hearne Hearne 1967 WO1(Cdr) AH Heath Heath 1931 Albert Henry Heath, Suppliment to the London Gazette 3 June 1931 p3630. Indian Misc list WO1(Cdr) WHE Heatherington Heatherington 1942 IndianHeatherington, Army WO1(Cdr)W Heatlie Heatlie 1955 22558354 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor T Heaton Heaton Cape 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List WO1(Cdr)J Hedley Hedley 1972 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 16/8/72. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) Conductor AT Hehir Hehir RAOC 1919 London Gazette entry 31 Oct 1919. 02302. Albert Thomas Hehir, Born Fermoy Co Cork, Enlisted Woolwich Kent. Died 30/09/1918. Home Service.

Conductor TA Hehir Hehir RAOC Depot 1918 Conductor THOMAS ALBERT HEHIR, 02302, Depot, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, who died, on 30 September 1918. Remembered with honour WOOLWICH CEMETERY. Commemorated in perpetuity by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. WO1(Cdr)WJ Henderson Henderson 1973 William (Bill) Henderson, Army No. 22338275, . Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor J Henderson Henderson Woolwich 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List

Conductor R Henegan Henegan 1803 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor AO Henry Henry RAOC 1918 HENRY, Andrew Ogilvy - StHellier Conductor RAOC D ?/06/1918 Details WO1(Cdr) RC Henson Henson DST 1998 Richard Henson, Army No. 24463507, Dvr

WO1(Cdr) WHE Hetherington Hetherington 1944 Army No. 1064009, . William Henry Edwin Hetherington, RAOC, Appointed: 18/06/1944, WO1(Cdr) VE Hewitson Hewitson 1952 7586811,Demobbed Stores 16/03/1951. Sen Roll My 1954, Father Contr died by in John1982 McKenzieage 76. Just received his army records

WO1(Cdr) G Hewitt Hewitt 1936 With MIC and copy papers giving full service details; George Hewitt was born in Sheffield and was a billiard maker aged 18 when he joined the RA on 24/9/08; Dvr 1908, Bdr 1920, Sgt 1920, S/Sgt 1923, Sub-Condr 1926, Condr 1936; he retired on medical ground Conductor A Hewlett Hewlett Cape 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) WES Hewson Hewson REME 1943 W.E.S.Hewson, REME, 1943, Demobed 1945, The Conductor is my father who served from 1939-1945. He was in the ROAC at the start of the war ,survived Dunkirk. He was sent to Burma and was transferred to the REME. The Japanese drove them from Rangoon and WO1(Cdr) A Heydon Heydon HQ W Comd 1971 22150226 WO1[Cdr] Alan Heydon RAOC [Rtd].National Service 1949 to 1950.Regular Ammo Insp Service 1950 to 1972. App Cdr 1971, HQ Western Command Ammunition Inspectorate prior to its closure and moving to No1AIDU at Hereford. Was on 163 Asst Ammo Examiners in 1949

WO1(Cdr) H Hibbert Hibbert Cyprus 1980 Harry Hibbert, notified by Anthony Graves. - Fortress Headquarters Gibraltar - Harry WO1(Cdr) H Hibbert Hibbert 1987 sharedHibbert, an Army Office No. with 24081965, me at Fortress Sup Con Headquarters he being "Commander Supply" and my

WO1(Cdr) JA Hickey Hickey 57 Stn Wksp 1978 John Hickey, No. 23408228, appointed 1978, Commissioned in 1980, Retired Major 1990. REME Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 10/6/75. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey Conductor H. Hickie Hickie Mentioned in the booklet "Soldiers of the Queen" The Victorian Military Society, issue 89, June 1997

Conductor P Higham Higham Madras 1849 From: Will of Peter Higham , Conductor of Ordnance in the Honorable Company's Service WO1(Cdr)ES Hill Hill 1955 7594473on Madras Stores Establishment Sen Roll 1954,in the ContrEast Indies by John of FortMcKenzie Saint George , East Indies 12 April

WO1(Cdr) S Hillman Hill 17 Port & Maritime 2016 25037882, Steve Hill, RegtlEngr WO1(Cdr) RA Hill MBE Hill MBE 1955 4975282 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

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WO1(Cdr) GE Hillier Hillier 1988 Hillier, Army No. 24014919, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) S Hillman Hillman 1952 7585703, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) MJ Hillyard Hillyard 29 Regt RLC 1994 Michael (Mick) Hillard, Army No. 24186562, Mov Con, Appointed: 01 June 1994, Retired 28 June 1994, Shortest conductor appointment on record. Sumbitted by Mike Hillyard - later to become Regt Warrant Officer RLC TA, 2000. Conductor E Hillyer Hillyer Allahabad Arsenal 1925 WO1(Cdr)P Hine Hine 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) L Hines Hines HQ Support Lynn Hines - Mov Con WO1(Cdr) GH Hitchman Hitchman 1952 7584379, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) TJ Hladkij Hladkij 1991 John Hladkij, Army No. 24145114, Sup Spec, Presented to the Queen, Deepcut 1993, RAOC 04/93. WO1 (Cdr) Hladkij. As a Staff Sergeant he served in the Ordnance WO1(Cdr) MR Hobbins MBE Hobbins HQ DRLC 1987 Mike Hobbins, Army No. 23919343, Sup Con. Senior Conductor 1992 - 2002. His Story WO1(Cdr)JF Hobson Hobson 1985 LinkHobson, - My Army No. 23886296, Prog Anal

Conductor TW Hockney Hockney IOD 1907 Condr IOD in the Indian Expeditionary Force; to France on 12/10/14; medals issued by the Government of India Thomas William Hockney was born on 19/8/63; Sub-Condr, Ordnance Dept, 7/4/03; Condr 5/10/07, pensioned 1/7/17 He served at Quetta 1906-07; WO1(Cdr) G Hodgson Hodgson BOWO HQ 39 Inf 1967 Maj George E Hodgson. Died 27 Sept 2017 WO1(Cdr) EG Holbrook Holbrook 1952 7585660, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) CHJ Holdsworth RLC Holdsworth HQ JCU NI 1998 Charlie Holdsworth, Army No. 24391988, Dvr

WO1(Cdr) K Holdsworth Holdsworth HQ W Command 1961 Cdr Kenneth Holdsworth, Retired 1964,Medically Discharged.Ammunition Examiner - 84 AE Course B Branch Bramley 1944. District Secretary North East District 1981 - 1988. WO1(Cdr) R Holiday Holiday 1969 Appt 22 May Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) D Holloway Holloway 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) D Holmes Holmes Pet Ctre 1996 24235147 WO1 (Cdr) D C Holmes RLC, Pet Op. Petroleum Centre West Moors. Westmoors Appointed Cdr on 1st of June 1996. WO1(Cdr) KM Holmes Holmes 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) KW Holmes Holmes 1991 Holmes, Army No. 24145421, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) H Holywell Holywell 1830 Approx date. Listed in the 1861 Census for Duns, Berwickshire, aged 69, on half pay, WO1(Cdr) N Homer Homer FSIPT 2008 NickListed Homer, as a Conductor Appointed of Jun Ordnance. 2008, Ops Submitted WO, DE by &S a descendantDFS IPT, Chef

WO1(Cdr) C Hopkins Hopkins OBE 1938 Colonel Cecil Hopkins OBE born 30 Sept 1897, 1917 Rm Arty, WO1 3 Oct 1936, Cdr 29 Oct 1938, Ord EO as Lt 24 Dec 1941, Acting Capt 30 Apr 1941, Temp Capt 20 Jul 1941, WO1(Cdr)JC Horbury Horbury 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr)J Horne Horne WO1(Cdr) AE Hosey Hosey

Conductor H Hounsom Hounsom Aldershot Bks 1901 Henry Hounsom On 1901 Census

WO1(Cdr) H Howarth Howarth 1945 2358719, RAOC Killed 07/03/1945, age 34. Grave in Chennai (Madras) Cemetery. Son of Joe Blease Howarth and Amelia Howarth, of Oldham, Lancashire; husband of Marian Howarth, of Werneth. Oldham. CWGC Website. WO1(Cdr) H Howarth Howarth CWGC Entry: 2358719 Son of Joe Blease Howarth & Amelia Howarth of Oldham, Husband of Marian Howarth of Oldham. Buriesd at Chenai (Madras) British War Cemetery. WO1(Cdr) DM Howells Howells 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) HR Howells Howells 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 10/4/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975)

WO1(Cdr) KR Howorth GM Howorth RAOC Hounslow 1968 Appt 26 Aug Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004. Kenneth Robert Howorth, GM Appointed: 1969? Demobbed 1974. I believe that my father joined the RAOC sometime in 1954/55. He served in Austria, Conductor J Hoy Williams Hoy Williams 1858 based in Cawnpore, India in 1858. His name was Joseph Hoy Williams. Submitted by GGGrandson, Geoff Copestake Conductor W Hoys Hoys 1803 William Hoys Conductor 19.12.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 21.01.1811. Retired WO1(Cdr) Hudson Hudson 1959 halfHudson, pay 15.05.1816. Army No. , Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor F Hudson Hudson Madras Army 1869 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’ WO1(Cdr) VG Hudson Hudson 1955 5349353 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor AWJ Huff Huff IAOC 1926 More... WO1(Cdr) RJ Hughes Hughes 1952 7587932, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie. From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here Conductor W Hughes Hughes Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the WO1(Cdr) ST Hughes Hughes 1996 CampaignHughes, Army Medal No. for 24204486, Egypt 1882-1889. Sup Spec

Conductor F Hully Hully Woolwich 1891 Francis Hully Born 1851 Orton Westmoreland and Died 1926 in Malta, at the time of his retirement he was a Naval Ordnance Officer. On his tombstone in Malta it has him Born 1851 WO1(Cdr) AC Hullyer Hullyer 1952 7583562, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) AR Hulme Hulme 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45

Conductor WGA Humpheries Humpheries Inspection Section, 1925 Appt. 19 Jan, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932 WO1(Cdr) P Humphrey RLC Humphrey 11 EOD Regt 2001 Paul Humphrey, Army No. 24623352, Ammo Tech

Conductor CW Humphreys Humphreys Kirkee Arsenal 1925 WO1(Cdr) JAJ Humphries Humphries 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) N Hunt Hunt 2002 WO1(Cdr)MB Hunt Hunt 1997 Mick Hunt, Army No. 550899, Chef

WO1(Cdr)WDG Hunt MBE Hunt MBE 1993 Hunt, Army No. 24204711 (Later Officer No 542236), Ammo Tech - My officer personal number is quoted on your list (542236) instead of my RAOC Regimental number. Appointed to Cdr at the beginning of my loan service in Brunei, and was commissioned on Conductor CF Hunter Hunter Ireland 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List. Medals held in the HQ Sergeants WO1(Cdr) CE Hunter Hunter 1987 Mess,Hunter, Deepcut Army No. 24113417, Sup Spec

WO1(Cdr) PC Huntley Huntley SHAPE BAE 1990 Army No. 24062670, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV WO1(Cdr)D Hutchinson Hutchinson 2021 DeniseWebster Hutchinson, . I retired from Head the of Army Postal in &1991 Courier and Tradejoined the NHS (one public service to

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WO1(Cdr) J Hutchinson Hutchinson 11 EOD Regt 2009 SAT

Conductor R Hutchinson Hutchinson 1804 Robert Hutchinson Conductor 17.04.1804. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 05.02.1814. Retired on half pay 12.02.1816. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) H Hutchison Hutchison RIAOC 1940 Disappeared with Imperial Airways aircraft . Henry Hutchison. Warrant Officer 1st class, Conductor, Royal Indian Ordnance Corps. Conductors worked in the Ordnance, Conductor R Hutchison Hutchison 1804 Robert Hutchison, left 1816. Submitted by Phil Garland WO1(Cdr) HC Hyde Hyde Condr. H.C. Hyde, A.S.C., who served in the Boer War and received the Queen's South Africa Medal, without clasp. WO1(Cdr) DA Icely Icely 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) D Ickley Ickley DSCS/ICP Bicester 1971 ServedList, provided as Sub by Conductor, John McKenzie, 3 BOD June Singapore 2004 and ABOD Vierson WO1(Cdr) BL Ince Ince 1994 Ince, Army No. 24319599, Dvr WO1(Cdr) RAF Ings Ings 1969 Ralph Ings. 21071058 Cdr R.A.F. Ings was a staff clerk with the RASC until the amalgamation, and Retired 14/07/1971 after 23 Years service. WO1(Cdr) TW Irons Irons York 1904 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor TW Irons Irons York 1909 06111909 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor J Ivory Ivory Portsmouth 1905 21061905 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor W Jack Jack Madras Army 1871 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’ WO1(Cdr) NW Jackson Jackson Norman William Jackson. MVO. Died 05/09/2013, RAOC Corps Gazette WO1(Cdr) PA Jackson RLC Jackson P Sup Regt 2005 Paul Jackson, Army No. 24634167, Sup Spec

WO1(Cdr) TR Jackson Jackson 1962 Appt 10 Jul Tech Clk Storemen, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photographer or Printer, Taken from the Conductor W Jackson Jackson Madras Army 1863 DescribedAutumn 1973 as ‘Sappers/Miners’Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) KR James James 1952 7588656, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor W James James Bangalore 1863 Times of India, Birth of daughter Dec6, 1863

WO1(Cdr) RH James James HQ 15 NE Bde 1998 Rodger James, Army No. 552743, Chef Conductor HF Jarmain Jarmain Hong Kong 1904 22061904 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) IA Jarmyn Jarmyn 1955 7649934 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie ConductorJ Jarvis Jarvis 1805 Joseph Jarvis Conductor 11.01.1805. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 09.04.1811. Retired half pay 01.05.1819. Died 10.02.1820.. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) TA Jayne Jayne Trevor Eric Jayne, Appt Cdr 1974-77, died approx 1993 WO1(Cdr) TE Jayne Jayne 1974 Appt May 1974, left Sept 1975 Army No. 22969001 - served from 1953 WO1(Cdr) BD Jeffery Jeffery 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) Jenkins Jenkins 1956 7588213List, provided Stores by SenJohn Roll McKenzie, 1954, Contr June by 2004 John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) NG Jenkins Jenkins 1994 Jenkins, Army No. 24267844, Chef WO1(Cdr) S Jenkinson MBE Jenkinson 2003 Stuart Jenkinson, Army No. 24569059, Mar Eng

WO1(Cdr)H Jennings Jennings 1986 Jennings, Army No. 23987157, Veh Spec. More at:

Conductor AC Jewell Jewell Commissariat and 1879 Memorial Page and Entry of his death at Metammeh, in Illustrated London News, Feb Transport Corps 1885

Conductor W Johns Johns HM Train of 1784 From: Will of William Johns , Serjeant and Conductor of Stones in His Majesty's Train of Artillery Artillery at Sorel, Batchelor of Province of Canada , Canada 15 April 1784 , filed at -PROB WO1(Cdr)BW Johnson Johnson 7 FOD (KL) 1952 6011180 Benjamin William Johnson. Appt 1952. Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie. Service incl att IRAOC. MiD x2, Acting/Paid Cdr from Aug 1947. Story at: WO1(Cdr)C Johnson Johnson 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 1/10/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) CJ Johnson Johnson 1881 Appt 25 Apr 1881 Retired 17 May 1886. born Dublin, served, married, retired and died in I.O.D India WO1(Cdr) KE Johnson Johnson 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. . Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor R Johnson Johnson Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Conductor W Johnson Johnson C&T Staff. 1882 WilliamCampaign Johnson, Medal forCdr Egypt Commissariat 1882-1889. and Transport Staff, South Camp Aldershot - Infor Aldershot from sons birth Cert. supplied by grandson Ken Johnson. WO1(Cdr) C Johnston Johnston Ord Svcs Viersen 1978 From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here

WO1(Cdr) JA Johnson Johnston RAOC Middle 1979 Army No. 23507715 Joseph Arthur Johnston. Went on to become Fortress Ordnance WarrantSam Johnston, Officer ageGibraltar 34; Appt in 1980 Cdr RAOC as Superintending Clerk 11 Armd Bde, Minden in WO1(Cdr) S J Johnston Johnston 11 Armd Bde. 1983 1983/84, previously Superintending Clerk Mil Ops in MOD; Subsequently applied for a Minden commission in the RAMC; Lt Col 16 Armoured Field Ambulance. Dir Ops Spt at Medical WO1(Cdr) AE Johnston Johnston 1985 Johnston, Army No. 23947204, Sup Con

Conductor AS Johnston Johnston 1924 25021924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor W Johnstone Johnstone Chatham 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List WO1(Cdr)AL Jones Jones 11 Armd Div Arthur Leonard Jones, Left 1946. The Conductor in question is my late father who sadly passed away on 10th December 2006 at the age of 86. Knowing a little of his war time experiences (Dunkirk, D Day involving the liberation of Belsen) I have inherited his medals and some war time documents and am further researching the experiences he must have gone through. I was glad to find this website which has given me a fuller understanding of the history and role of the Conductor. Submitted by Son Phil Jones

WO1(Cdr)C Jones RLC Jones 2002 Chris Jones, Army No. , Veh Spec

WO1(Cdr)FLP Jones Jones 1915 Francis Louis Paul Jones, Appt: 03.01.1915, commissioned 01.04 1925, Retired, 'Frank'Jones was my grandfather he joined the army as a private soldier on 20.10.1899 and retired as a Lt Col 0n 3.12.1946. He was awared WO1(Cdr) FW Jones Jones 8 MT GROUP 1930 WO1 Frederick William Jones, 7576649, Appt: 12/12/1939, Demobbed 18/09/1945. I t is Conductor HC Jones Jones Kirkee Arsenal 1926 my late granfather who passed away in the 1970's, Sumitted by Grandson Tony Hearn WO1(Cdr) I Jones Jones HQ NE Dist 2 Div 1986 DOWO NE Dist 2 Div WO1(Cdr) J Jones Jones 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr)Jones Jones 1956 4612982Army List, Stores provided Sen by Roll John 1954, McKenzie, Contr by June John 2004 McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) K Jones Jones 4 SPRD Singapore 1967 Ken Jones, Master Baker, via Gerry Barnes WO1(Cdr)K Jones Jones HQ NW R&L Br 1975 523758 Capt(Ret) Ken Jones RAOC, HQ North West District, R&L Branch, Fulwood Barracks, Appt: 1 April 1974 Corps Order Ref 10300 dtd 8 May 1974, Retired: 2 Sept WO1(Cdr) SP Jones Jones 1952 4744727, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) SP Jones Jones 1952 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) TA Jones Jones 1952 620941 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) W Jones Jones Woolwich Arsenal 1908 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) WJ Jones Jones 1953 5993883 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

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WO1(Cdr)B Jones Jones 23 Base Wksp 1992 24269273. Sup Spec. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List., Contributed by Cdr D French.

WO1(Cdr) C Jones Jones 2002 Charlie Jones, Army No. , WO1(Cdr) HC Jones Jones RWO HQ RLC 1995 24370920, MTI. In September 1995 invited by the Regimental Colonel RLC to assume the WO1(Cdr)IT Jones Jones 1985 Ivanappointment Jones, Army of RWO No. at23947753, HQ RLC. Sup The Confollowing year, as I was in the Staff Sergeant Major

WO1(Cdr) J Jones Jones 1971 Joshua Jones, Army No. , Conductor W Jones Jones Woolwich Arsenal 1913 26021913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr)NJ Jordan RLC Jordan 2002 Nicholas Jordan, Army No. , Sup Con

Conductor J Jowitt Jowitt Ammn Factory 1923 Kirkee Conductor J Joyce Joyce Madras Army 1870 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’

Conductor S Joyce Joyce Woolwich 1907 24041907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) D Jubbs Jubbs 10 Bde HQ 1994 I was appointed conductor in 1994 whilst serving with 19 bde hq, I left the army in nov 1995. I joined the raoc apprentices college at deepcut in 1971, my trade was supply specialist, I served in the uk, baor, hong kong and did tours in the falklands, saudi, and WO1(Cdr)DA Jubbs Jubbs 1994 Dave Jubbs, Army No. 24204155, Sup Spec

WO1(Cdr) J Jurado BEM Jurado 1972 Joseph Jurado, Army No. 22558739, . Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 ConductorC Jurgeson Jurgeson 1882 PRO Ref: WO 146/1/45, 78 &102 WO1(Cdr) HM Kay Kay 1974 Ammunition Technician, Appointed 7/10/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) G Kaye Kaye 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 WO1(Cdr) J Kehoe Kehoe Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut Ref WO1(Cdr) AW Kellard Kellard 1945 RAOCOnlineA14 posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 WO1(Cdr) CB Kelly Kelly 1986 Kelly, Army No. 24062079, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) EW Kemmish Kemmish 1952 SCdr 7583843, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) MC Kemp Kemp 1952 7586969, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) D Kennedy Kennedy HQ 49 Bde 2002 WO1(Cdr) G Kennedy Kennedy War Office 1948 WO1(Cdr) RJ Kennedy Kennedy 1952 7584238, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) DK Kennedy Kennedy HQ 49 E Bde 1998 Kennedy, Army No. 24442518, Chef WO1(Cdr)GD Kerr QGM Kerr 5 Ord Bn 1990 Army No. 24092466, Ammo Tech. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) J Kerr Kerr 1999 Jimmy Kerr, Army No. 550902, Mov Con Conductor JH Keyes Keyes Weedon 1906 09051906 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) E Keys Keys 1953 5108101 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) TJ Kidwell Kidwell 1974 Ammunition Technician, Appointed 3/10/74 extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) D Kilbride Kilbride 1970 Dennis Kilbride, 22558018, Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken COD Donnington from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Left 1975, Commissioned WO1(Cdr) CJ Kilduff QGM Kilduff Ammo Insp 1984 Ammunition Technicians in Ammunition Inspectorate RAOC BAOR. Army No. 23949597, Ammo Tech Conductor W Killman Killman 1817

Conductor J King King 1780 Details Here

WO1(Cdr) RS King King COD Bicester 1960 Reginald Stanley King, Appt 196? Commissioned 1968. Reg King MBE, onetime Staff Sergeant Major (RASC), Conductor (RAOC) and latterly Major RASC died on Tuesday 25 Sept 2012 in Spalding aged 84. WO1(Cdr) AA Kinson Kinson 1975 National Service 1953/55 in RAEC UK & Hong Kong. 1956 re-enlisted RASC as staff clerk. Served in Ghana, War Office and SHAPE. 1965 re-badged RAOC staff clerk in Hong Kong and then served in Singapore, MOD, 12 Mech Bde Osnabruck, HQ 3 Div and Conductor R Kirby Kirby 1925 01041925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor F Kirby Kirby Chatham 1913 18101913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor J Kirton Kirton 1793 Jeptha Kirton. Conductor 19.10.1793. Appointed Asst. Commissary 01.01.1801. Appointed Commissary on the Irish Establishment Aug 1812. Died 08.07.1823 WO1(Cdr) WT Kitchen Kitchen Colombo 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor WT Kitchen Kitchen Colombo 1907 29051907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) J Kitchen BEM Kitchen BEM 19 Inf Bde HQ 7 1989 Jim Kitchen, Army No. 24176382, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Sig Sqn Cdr GCV Webster Click Here Conductor HM Knibbs Knibbs Colchester 1903 01041903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor J Knowles Knowles 1925 1925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) M Knox Knox 1974 BOWO 3 Cmdo Bde. Left 1975 WO1(Cdr) PJ Knox Knox 1997 Patrick (Pat) Knox, Army No. 549149, Sup Spec Butcher WO1(Cdr) R Ladell Ladell Army HQ Log Sp 2016 25062967, Robert Ladell, Mov Con, CMWO

WO1(Cdr) J Lafferty Lafferty 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Conductor B Lake Lake Quetta Arsenal 1925 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) AV Lamb Lamb 1952 844511, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) CJ Lamb Lamb HQ19 Mech Bde 2004 Chris Lamb, Army No. 24647044, Sup Con Conductor T Lancashire Lancashire Quetta Arsenal 1925 WO1(Cdr)CHG Lane Lane 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) S Lang Lang 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45

WO1(Cdr) G Lardner Lardner HQ 221 Veh Coy, 1946 Geoffrey Lardner, conscripted Dec 1942, reported to Gordon Barracks in Aberdeen. Singapore transferred to RAOC after basic training, attended a Clerks and Storemens training course WO1(Cdr) SJ Larkin Larkin LARKIN, SIMON JOSEPH, UK, Cdr, 5609997, RASC IACC attd, 52, 23/06/1945, , 1. C. 7, RAWALPINDI WAR CEMETERY, Pakistan. Commemorated on the CWGC Website WO1(Cdr) LA Larrard Larrard 1966 Appt 11 Aug Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) JE Latimer Latimer 1968 Tech2004 Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) M Laverick Laverick 11 EOD Regt 2010 AmmoList, provided Tech by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) AB Lawlor Lawlor 1952 7582875, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor J Lawrence Lawrence Bengal 1815 Java Half-Yearly Almanac and Directory for 1815 WO1(Cdr) GJ Lawrence Lawrence Graham (John) Lawrence, Army No. 518844, Ammo Tech

Page 15 of 30 Conductor List

WO1(Cdr) EH Lawson Lawson 1955 4626410 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) B Lawson Lawson 1999 Lawson, Army No. 24392372, Air Desp WO1(Cdr)H Leach Leach 1952 7584592, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie. at 625 ordance depot 1956-58 at 4 mile point famagusta cyprus, he was M T O at the time WO1(Cdr) JD Leach Leach 1996 Leach, Army No. 546930, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) DJ Leadbeater MBE Leadbeater DLSA 1990 24204138, Ammo Tech. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) FG Leaney Leaney Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut

Conductor G Leckie Leckie Pietermaritzburg 1912 25121912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor Ledsham Ledsham Ireland 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List WO1(Cdr) MJ Lee Lee 2007 Mathew J. Lee Navigator 17 Port and Maritime Regt RLC

WO1(Cdr) R Lee BEM Lee CSD MoD 1968 National serviceman, Royston Lee postings include PA/CDS & Malta in 1968. Comm 1970, ret 1984, died29/04/2015. BEM for services in Malaya. Died in 2015.

Conductor G Leekie Leekie AOC Natal Pvnce 1913 AOC Gazette 01/14

WO1(Cdr)IRS Leggatt Leggatt HQ UKLF 1977 22848955 Iain Legatt, Appointed: 1 April 1977, Demobbed: 2 November 1978. Boys Coy RASC 26 January 1954. Transferred to RAOC July 1965 when with Legal Aid Bureau HQLF Hong Kong, 1966-1969 'G'(Int&Sy) HQ Berlin (British Sector), 1969-1971 Int Div HQ AFSOUTH, 1971 Depot RAOC, 1971-1974 Asst Naval & Mil Attache British Embassy Bucharest, 1974-1977 5 (Airptbl) Bde, 1977-1978 HQ UKLF. Submitted by himself. ConductorR Leicester Leicester 1813 Robert Leicester, Died 3 Jun 1813 age 54, Records of Military Burials on the W.C. of Sumatra 1800-1825 R LeVaillant LeVaillant MoD 1984 'Appointed 14 May 1984 - 23941183, Staff Clerk, originally RASC, joined Junior Tradesmen's Regiment (Rhyl) in 1962. Served in Borneo (50 Suppy Depot), HQ FARELF, HQ 4 Div (BAOR), 55 CBGL Section (HMS ARK ROYAL), HQ AFSOUTH (Naples), British Embassy Seoul, HQ 51 Bde (Kowloon), HQ BF Hong Kong and, the last 8 years at the Ministry of Defence. Discharged in 1986

WO1(Cdr)N Levick Levick HQ Detmold 1980 Neil Levick, 23517328 RAOC Staff Clerk, appointed 1 Jun 1980. retired 7 Apr 1983, HQ Detmold Garrison WO1(Cdr) EM Lewis RLC Lewis 4 Log Sp Regt 2003 Eric Lewis, Army No. 24608779, Chef. Pre Cdr Appointment: Joined ACC 10 Oct 81, Served with 3 Bn Royal Green Jackets – Celle, Germany; 2 Bn Grenadier Guards – Conductor W Lewis Lewis Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the WO1(Cdr) WT Lewis Lewis 1955 FromCampaign the Seniority Medal for Roll Egypt 1954, 1882-1889. Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) WT Lewis Lewis 1955 7608029, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) W Lidgett MSM Lidgett 1951 Awarded MSM (Non Immed), 12.1951

WO1(Cdr) J Light Light 1952 7586442, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) RF Limburn Limburn DOWO Singapore 1966 19045642 Ronald Francis Limburn, Ch Clerk 1 reg trg Bn, Blackdown (1953- 55); Rhine WO1(Cdr) S Lindsay Lindsay 2021 SamSub Depot,Lindsay, Viersen Head (1955-58);of Mov Con GHQ Trade Farelf (Tanglin) (1958-61); Horse Guards, London Conductor WS Lindsay Lindsay 1857 8/14 Royal Artillery, Indian Mutiny Medal Roll, Family History Website

WO1(Cdr) G Lindsay Lindsay 1997 Lindsay, Army No. 24429213, Dvr WO1(Cdr) S Lindsay Lindsay Army HQ 2020 Samantha (Sam) Lindsay, CMWO, Head of Army Mov Con Trade

Conductor PG Ling Ling Stirling 1913 22011913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) W Linsell Linsell Malta 1903 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor W Linsell Linsell Malta 1907 23101907 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor JHS Locke Locke IAOC 1925 More... WO1(Cdr) FR Loft Loft 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Conductor J Longbottom Longbottom Cape 1879 ApptArmy 15.03.1879 List, provided from by RoyalJohn McKenzie,Engineers. JuneSee Full2004 List

WO1(Cdr) RD Longmoor Longmoor 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr)H Longstaff Longstaff 1915 Army ListList, 1926. provided Contr by RalphJohn McKenzie,Day. June 2004

Conductor H Longstaff Longstaff 1921 18021921 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) MF Lord Lord 1993 Lord, Army No. 23961263, Sup Con

Conductor R Love Love Indian Corps of Clerks, Indian Army

Conductor G Lowe Lowe IAOC School of 1924 Instruction Kirkee WO1(Cdr) T Lowery Lowery IAOC 1941 The KING has approved the following promotions, appointments, retirements, etc: — WO1(Cdr) MA Lowrie Lowrie HQ 24 Airmobile 1997 INDIANLowrie, ARMY.Army No. "Spec. 24235803, List" of Sup Qr.-Mrs., Con. Mick I.A. LowrieThe undermentioned BEM. Retired: appt.17-01-1998. is made:- To be Brigade

WO1(Cdr) CVF Loxton Loxton 10531453 Sub-Conductor Charles 'Locky' Loxton. Killed in Action 31/12/1945 Java, age D Lucas Lucas Danny'29.Buried Lucas, Jakarta BBC War Peoples Cemetery War website for full story Conductor HW Ludlam Ludlam Proof & 1925 Experimental WO1(Cdr) JH Luker Luker 1952 5381302, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) GS Lumsden Lumsden 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor GS Lumsden Lumsden 1917 13061917 Army List Jan 1926

Conductor J Lunn Lunn 1803 Joseph Lunn Conductor 04.08.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 05.1807. Retired on WO1(Cdr) JW Lupton MSM Lupton 1951 AwardedHalf Pay 28.12.1814.MSM (Non Immed), Contr. by 12.1951 Ralph Daly Conductor JH Luxton Luxton Malta 1909 21061913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) SR Lyon Lyon 1953 7587210 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) W Lyon MBE Lyon MBE 1952 7586877, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) N MacCormick MacCormick 1935 Buried FK4 All Saints Church, Didcot Oxfordshire in 1978 Details here WO1(Cdr) R MacFarlane MacFarlane 26 Cmd Wksps 1974 Deceased Jun2021 WO1(Cdr) JW Mack Mack 1952 7586469, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) DM Mackay Mackay 1966 Appt 6 Jun Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 G Mackay Mackay Army HQ 2012 Pet Op WO1(Cdr) Mackay Mackay Nowshera 1942 Conductor A MacKenzie MacKenzie HCIE 1820 From Genealogy pages click here WO1(Cdr) JW Mackins Mackins 1952 7586878, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

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WO1(Cdr) D MacLennan MacLennan 1952 7585371, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) R Maffia Maffia Ord Dpt Antwerp

WO1(Cdr) AJA Main Main 1993 Andy Main, Army No. 543775, Chef WO1(Cdr) G Main Main Gibraltar 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor G Main Main Gibraltar 1906 11041906 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) P Mallon Mallon Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut Ref A18 WO1(Cdr) A Malpass Malpass Albert Malpass died 08/02/2019 WO1(Cdr) WJ Maltby Maltby Haulbowline 1906 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor WJ Maltby Maltby Haulbowline 1911 15021911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) D Manders Manders SSD Dulman 1979 Known to David McCarthy 1987 WO1(Cdr) Manders Manders WO1(Cdr) GR Manders Manders 1987 Graham Manders, Army No. 24092298, Sup Con

WO1(Cdr) KJ Mann Mann COWO 2008 Kerry Mann appointed Jun 2008, Supplier, COWO, HQ Land WO1(Cdr) I Mapp QGM Mapp 11 EOD Regt 2000 Ian Mapp, Army No. 24510439, Ammo Tech Conductor TJ Mark Mark East Africa 1900 Thomas John Mark, 1866-1905. Conductor ASC no 715 in the South African War, serving in Ladysmith throughout the siege. He received the QSA medal and his medal record WO1(Cdr) A Marshall Marshall 1966 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) GDR Marshall Marshall 1974 Supply,Army List, Veh provided Spec, Dvr, by John Photog, McKenzie, Appointed June 8/12/74. 2004 extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) RD Marshall Marshall 1965 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) JE Mart Mart Egypt 1905 Army ListList, 1914. provided Contr by RalphJohn McKenzie,Daly. June 2004

Conductor JE Mart Mart Egypt 1910 21011910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) AR Martin Martin TCWO DST 2008 Andy Martin appointed Jun 2008, Transport Control WO DST, Driver WO1(Cdr) CG Martin Martin 1969 Cliff Martin, Army No. 23039227,. Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. WO1(Cdr) FJ Martin Martin 1974 AmmunitionTaken from theTechnician, Autumn 1973Appointed Army 2/11/74.List, provided extracted by John from McKenzie, Army List 1979June provided2004 by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) Martin Theatre Troops Jason Martin - Stores Supplier

J Martin WO1(Cdr) PE Martin Martin 1945 RAOCOnline posted Photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 WO1(Cdr) ATJ Martin Martin CDO Log Sp Regt 1998 Martin, Army No. 24463690, Sup Con RM WO1(Cdr) AW Martin Martin MBE Dir of Ord, GHQ 1915 Lt & Quartermaster AW martin, MBE, 6th Essex Regt (late Cdr, RAOC) Born Jersey March 1878; enlisted in AOC Oct 1899; appt LCpl Jan 1901; Promoted Sgt May 1906; WO1 (SubCdr) Sept 1914; Cdr Jan 1915; Discharged to pension 2 mar 1924; Comm Lt & Q to 6Essex(TA) 3 Mar 1924. Service abroad - Sth Africa - 1901-1907, France, India WO1(Cdr) F Maskery Maskery 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 23/9/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) B Mason Mason

WO1(Cdr) M Mason Mason HQ (BR) RCZ in 1986 Mike Mason, Appt whilst Superintending Clerk. Declined Commission. trained as a Junior Dusseldorf Leader RASC. To RAOC on 15/07/65. 1965 I met my first Cdr Tom Moffatt RAOC, a true WO1(Cdr) ME Mason RLC Mason HQ 20 Armd Bd 2005 Mark Mason, Army No. 24592629, Sup Con, ex Apprentice 1982-83 Left in 2006 as a WOI (Cdr) Conductor B Massey BEM Massey BEM 1923 More… WO1(Cdr) WP Masterson Masterson 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor J Mathers Mathers 1795 Details Here Mentioned in 'The Defence of Marcouf by Lt Col MES Laws OBE MC RA (Ret)

WO1(Cdr) G Mathews Mathews Left 1961. Killed inmysterious circumstances 1961 in Far East WO1(Cdr) D Matthews BEM Matthews 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) JB Maughan Maughan 1985 John Maughan, Army No. 23983566, Staff Clerk. Served in the RAOC between 1965 and WO1(Cdr) R Maxwell Maxwell 1969 Staff1985. Clerk, On retiring Baker, from Butcher, the army, Office my Machine last posting Ops orbeing Pet asOps. WO1(Cdr) Taken from Superintending the Autumn 1973 Conductor HT May May 1920 05031920Army List, Armyprovided List by Jan John 1926. McKenzie, Contr. by June Ralph 2004 Daly

WO1(Cdr) TL Mayes Mayes COD Donnington 1979 Steve Mayes, Staff Clerk/Work Study Op, via Gerry Barnes. WO1(Cdr) MH Mayhew Mayhew 1954 10530945 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) J McBride McBride Nowshera 1942 James McBride 7603803W , Joined RAOC 8/9/39, Promoted Sub-Conductor 1/7/42, Promoted WO1 26/6/43, I have attached a photograph taken in Nowshera India Sept 1943 WO1(Cdr) J McBride McBride DFS 2010 Chef WO1(Cdr)J McCabe McCabe 1977 James (Jim) McCabe, Army No. 23257948, Tech Clerk. Died 01/06/2019. WO1(Cdr) A McCann McCann 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) DJ McCarthy McCarthy Ord Svcs Viersen 1987 23919352,List, provided Sup by Con. John From McKenzie, the Seniority June 2004 Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click WO1(Cdr)RJ McCartney McCartney 1968 TechHere Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) C McClure McClure HQ 52 Inf Bde 2009 BOWO. Charlie McClure

WO1(Cdr) TJJ McConnell McConnell 1996 McConnell, Army No. 24267993, DVR PORT OP WO1(Cdr) G McCormack McCormack 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Conductor W McCoy McCoy Malta 1879 ApptArmy 10.06.1879 List, provided from by RoyalJohn McKenzie,Artillery . See June Full 2004 List WO1(Cdr) AP McCreanor McCreanor 1999 Mccreanor, Army No. 550905, Ammo Tech

WO1(Cdr) R McCusker McCusker RAOC Deepcut 1970 Based at Employment Training School RAOC Deepcut, 1970ish WO1(Cdr) JA McCutcheon McCutcheon DLO 2005 (Jim) James) Mccutcheon, Army No. 24689452, Chef

Conductor J McDermott McDermott Madras 1850 Full career details at WO1(Cdr) GD McDonald McDonald 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor W McDonald McDonald Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) EE McGibbon McGibbon 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor EE McGibbon McGibbon 1921 18021921 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) J McKenzie McKenzie 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) J McKenzie McKenzie REME WKSPS, 1973 WO i/c RAOC Stores Section, REME WKSPS, School of Artillery, Larkhill, Wilts. Author of Sch of Arty, the Aritcle The Honourable and Ancient Appointment of Conductor, RLC first published in the Crown Imperial, March 1998 WO1(Cdr) CP McKernan BEM McKernan 1966 Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Page 17 of 30 Conductor List

Conductor J McLachlan McLachlan Ireland 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List Conductor J McLachlan McLachlan Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the WO1(Cdr) JH McLachlan McLachlan 221 BVD Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) BJ McLearnon RLC McLearnon HQ 2 Div 2001 Brian Mclearnon, Army No. 557288, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) RJ Mclelland QGM McLelland 1995 Mclelland, Army No. 545336, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) ZS McLoughlin McLoughlin HQ Land 2010 Logistitian, Zane McLoughlin WO1(Cdr) T McMahon McMahon 1920 Died 19/12/1920. Mil Wks service. Face 13, Kirkee 1914 -1918 Memorial WO1(Cdr) N McMillan McMillan 1969 Appt 6 Nov Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John WO1(Cdr) A McNab McNab 1954 7635599McKenzie, Stores June Sen2004 Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) McNab McNab 1954 7935599 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) C McQueen McQueen 1952 7582933, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) GD Mead Mead Army Legal Gp UK 1983 WO2(L/WO1(Cdr)), From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click WO1(Cdr) AF Meaden MBE Meaden MEADENHere , ARTHUR FREDERICK, MBE, UK, Cdr, 7581328, , 49, 29/06/1944, Son of WO1(Cdr) BO Megson Megson Thomas and Hannah Meaden husband of Ellen Mabel Grace Meaden, of Portchester,

WO1(Cdr) WE Melia RLC Melia 11 EOD 2005 Warren (Woz) Melia, Army No. 24634868, AT WO1(Cdr) G Mellor Mellor 1954 5180118 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) JR Merritt Merritt ASA Bramley 1971 22177200. James reginal Merritt, Left 2 jan 1972. I was serving as the Senior Ammo Tech at the "old" School of Ammunition at Bramley when I was appointed Conductor - unfortunately I have lost the letter of congratulations which I got from Major General Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) A Merry Merry 1936 23864889 SSM Peter Michael RAOC of Planning Branch. Commissioned March 1986 as WO1(Cdr) P Michael Michael COD Donnington 1982 2Lt to COD Bicester in the same month. Married in 1987 Resigned my Commission in 1992 Conductor H Michel Michel Fort William & EIC 1837 Henry Michel, info prvided by family.

WO1(Cdr) AF Miles Miles Bermuda 1907 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor AF Miles Miles Bermuda 1912 16111912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) R Millard Millard Cdr R E Field-Millard RAOC he was a Veh Spec. I think he was known by his mates as Bob FM ! Served at 221 BVD Malaya, Ludgershall and lastly Ashchurch. Died March 2013 WO1(Cdr) F Miller Miller Durban 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) F Miller Miller Durban 1903 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) JS Miller Miller H.Q. Southern 1905 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Cmd. Conductor JS Miller Miller HQ Southern Cmd 1910 21051910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor JW Miller VC Miller Indian Army 1858 Details here & PRO Ref: 32/7349, He was approx. 37 years old, and a Conductor in the Bengal Ordnance Depot, Indian Army during the Indian Mutiny when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC. On 28 October 1857 at Futtehpore, Sikra,

Conductor F Miller Miller Durban 1906 21021906 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) J Mills Mills 1974 Ammunition Technician, Appointed 2/3/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr WO1(Cdr) RG Mills Mills CAD Longtown 1967 22248623JA Hickey Robert(1975) (Bob) George Mills. Ammunition Technician with the RAOC from 1948 to 1970, and was appointed Conductor on 7 April 1967. CAD Longtown, Hong Kong, School Conductor CH Mills Mills AOC 1911 No 4076 Born Cape Town 1 1912 Enlisted in 1900 served in South Africa Boar War Served at Aldershot from 6 July 1904 to 19 August 1910 Posted to Cape Town till the WO1(Cdr) P Milnes Milnes 1997 Milnes, Army No. 24515020, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) D Minard Minard 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) AM Mitchell Mitchell RAOC India 1943 AlexanderList, provided Miller by MitchellJohn McKenzie, RAOC India? June rEME? 2004 Left 1945 Family have his sleave badges of Sub and Conductor on Black background

WO1(Cdr) CJ Mitchell MBE Mitchell RAOC 1976 Charles Mitchell, Army No. 7598784, WO1(Cdr) H Mitchell Mitchell 1954 3769815 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) KW Mitchell Mitchell RAOC 1969 Keith Walter Mitchell ( me )- Enlisted as a Boy Soldier in Oct 1954 and was given the WO1(Cdr)RJ Mitchell Mitchell 1968 TechService Cl, Number Stores, 22825483.Veh Spec, DrvrS,Became Photogr a Warrant & Prnters. Officer Taken03/01/1969 from theand Autumn was appointed 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) S Mitchell Mitchell 1952 7585800 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) LW Mitchell Mitchell RAOC 1987 Les Mitchell, Army No. 24062055, Sup Spec WO1(Cdr) W Mitchell Mitchell MBE RAOC 1952 Walter Mitchell ( my Father ) - Enlisted in Jul 1931 and was given the Service Number 7585636. Becam a Warrant Officer on the 6 Sep 1939. Was appointed Conductor on the 7 Aug 1952. Became an Officer on the 25 Jun 1954 and was given the Service Number WO1(Cdr) RW Moffett MBE Moffett Petroleum Centre 1992 Army No. 24277329, Pet Op. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for appointments wef 1 Jun 92 See List.., Contributed by Cdr D French. WO1(Cdr) PJ Moloney Moloney 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor PJ Moloney Moloney 1922 27021922 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) M Moody Moody 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 16/2/74 extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) J Mooney Mooney HQ Paderborn 2002 WO1(Cdr) JA Mooney Mooney 20 Armd Bde 1998 John Mooney, Army No. 24449973, Sup Con Conductor W Moor Moor Ferozepore 1924 Arsenal WO1(Cdr) AD Moore Moore 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) AD Moore Moore 1973 22558117List, provided enlisted by John RAOC McKenzie, Gosport June 15/11/1951; 2004 Appt Cdr May 1973; Commissioned 04/02/1975; Retired Mjr 07/07/1991. Contributed AD Moore Jul 2012. Conductor C Moore Moore Bombay Ord Depot 1925 WO1(Cdr) F Moore Moore 1919 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor J Moore Moore Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889.

WO1(Cdr) P Moore Moore 1983 Wrote article on 'Senior Sergeant Major', Daily Mail, Tues Dec 26 2006

WO1(Cdr) R Moore Moore 1966 Appt 12 Apr Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) RJ Moore Moore HQ 20 Armd Bde 1992 John Moore, Army No. 24231533, Sup Con. Enlisted: 24 April 1972 Total Service:23 years 260 days, Retired 8 Jan 1996. Listed on the Corps Order No 3 of 3 April 1992 for Conductor S Moore Moore 4253 Conductor Samuel Moore, Born 02.02.1865. Served 20 8/12 years . Sergeant and Conductor SF Moore Moore 1901 42082W.O. 13 Samuel 1/12 years. Frances Service Moore. abroad Enlisted 14 9/12 RA Jerseyyears. Burma02/04/1884 1885-87, previously Medal 3 and regt clasp. Royal Jersey LI; Promoted Master Gunner 21/11/1898 & Transferred AOC ; SubCdr 08/01/1900; Cdr 01/04/1901; Commissioned Lt 21/02/1906; Retired Mjr 02/02/1920. Contributed AD

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WO1(Cdr) T Moore Moore 7582045 Tom Moore; Enlisted Guernsey 27/3/1923; Commissioned 1940; Retired LtCol WO1(Cdr) W Moore Moore SASC 1918 T/7851962. Contributed11 Aug 1918. AD Lumbi Moore Christia Jul 2012. Cem, Mozambique.

WO1(Cdr) WD Moore Moore 1940 7582880 Walter Dacres Moore enlisted RAOC Guernesey 1925; Appt Cdr 1940/41; WO1(Cdr) WG Moore Moore RAOCOnlineCommissioned Posted 1943; photoRetired Kirkee Mjr MBE VSD 07/01/1991.Puna India 1944/45 Contributed AD Moore Jul 2012.

Conductor F Moore Moore 1923 16081923 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) C Morgan Morgan 12 Mech Bde 2008 Craig Morgan appointed Jun 2008, Def Master Driver, DSC Ops, Driver Conductor EE Morgan Morgan Woolwich 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor EE Morgan Morgan Woolwich 1905 03071905 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) W Morison MSM Morison 1948 Awarded MSM (Non Immed), 091948 Conductor FG Morley, MC Morley 1921 08101921 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) TJ Morley Morley 1953 4192395 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) FG Morley, MC Morley, MC 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. WO1(Cdr) JW Morling Morling 1973 Ammunition Technician, Appointed 7/2/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr WO1(Cdr) CE Morris Morris 1955 3975321JA Hickey Stores (1975) Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) R Morris Morris 1952 7880464, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) W Morris Morris 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor W Morris Morris 1916 21091916 Army List Jan 1926 WO1(Cdr) AW Morrison Morrison 1955 850539 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) Morrison Morrison 1956 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

WO1(Cdr) Morrison Morrison 1956 Conductor WJ Morrison Morrison Portsmouth 1879 Appt 10.06.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List WO1(Cdr) J Morrisroe Morrisroe HQ N Comd/HQ 2 1982 John Morrisroe, Army No. 23318597, Staff Clerk. Promoted to WO1(SSM) in Nov 1976, Div York appt Cdr RAOC on 18 May 1982.Letter from Major General Jimmy Brown (who was WO1(Cdr) DL Morton Morton 1995 Derek Lee Morton, Army No. 24267922, Mov Con. Left WO1(Cdr) W Morton Morton 1993 Willy Morton, Army No. 24265263, Sup Spec

WO1(Cdr) F Moughton Moughton 1977 Fred Moughton, Army No. 23516615, Ammo Tech. Photo Warrant Officers & Sergeants WO1(Cdr) PJ Mountney Mountney 1952 61948,Mess RAOC, Stores Didcot Sen Roll Sept 1954, 1977 Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor AJ Muir Muir 1921 PRO Ref: WO 374/49471

WO1(Cdr) J Mulhall Mulhall 1920 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor J Mulhall Mulhall 1924 29051924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor P Mullen Mullen Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Conductor W Mulligan Mulligan Dharwar JanCampaign 9th, ? OfMedal Cholera for Egypt Mr W 1882-1889. Mulligan Conductor PWD leaving a disconsolate widow and 6 WO1(Cdr) DC Mullock RLC Mullock HQ ARRC 1998 Davechildren Mullock, to bemoan Army their No. loss.550907, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) AR Munce Munce FSD Dulmen 1974 Roy Munce, Veh Spec & Veh Con. Retireed 1977 Deceased 2006 WO1(Cdr) J Munro Munro 1952 7587373, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) J Munro Munro CAD Kineton 1952 John Munro, appointed 1 April 1952, Commissioned 19 May 1959. Details provided by ex WOI (SSM)Ian Munro BEM MIExpE WO1(Cdr) FW Murphy Murphy Alexandria 1907 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) JD Murphy Murphy 1952 7583365, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) R Murphy Murphy 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor FW Murphy Murphy Alexandria 1912 01111912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor D Murray DCM Murray RAOC Att 3 Div 1917 Conductor Daniel MURRAY DCM , S/3864, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, attd. 3rd Div., died age 36, on 12 June 1917, Formerly 5219, York & Lancs Regt. Son of the late John and Ellen Louisa Murray. Born at Hunslett Leeds. enlisted PontefractRemembered with WO1(Cdr) J Murray Murray 1965 Appointed 17/8/65, retired as Cdr 1981 fro stores Branch. Enlisted S Lancs Regt. Submitted from Medal Sale -LSGC EIIR Type on sale for £95 WO1(Cdr) J Murray Murray 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 14/9/73. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) Conductor W Musquin Musquin Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Conductor W Musquin MSM Musquin N Britain 1879 ApptCampaign 15.03.1879 Medal fromfor Egypt Royal 1882-1889. Artillery . See Full List Awarded MSM 03.1915

Conductor W Myers Myers 1873 Commissariat Dept, buried at Quetta, In loving memory of William MyersCdr Commissariat Dept who died at Quetta, 28 Oct1893 aged 47 years WO1(Cdr)KW Nash GM Nash Sch of Ammo 1962 Ken Nash, Army No. 477091, Conductor W Naughte Naughte Field Train 1818 WO1(Cdr) McNaughton Naughton LSL Recruiter 1984 WO2(L/WO1(Cdr)), From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here

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WO1(Cdr) PJR Neale Neale 41 Dist Wksp 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 14/11/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975)

WO1(Cdr) PJR Neale Neale 1978 Neale, Army No. 23566132,

WO1(Cdr) D Neaverson Neaverson 4 SPRD Singapore 1967 Derek Neaverson, Master Butcher, via Gerry Barnes WO1(Cdr) CW Neesom Neesom BOWO Mohmand 1932 An India General Service North West Frontier 1935 and Long Service pair to Charles Conductor P Nelson Nelson Ahmedabad ConductorWilliam Neeson Peter who Nelson, rose OD from Private Army Ordnance Corps to Lieutenant Colonel Indian WO1(Cdr) TE Newby Newby 1953 7586685 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) MC Newsome Newsome 1996 Newsome, Army No. 24386328, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) E Newton Newton 1953 4857982 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) PR Newton-Smith Newton-Smith 1993 Newton-Smith, Army No. 24291813, Dvr WO1(Cdr) NA Nicholaides Nicholaides 1994 Nicholaides, Army No. 24204918, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) GF Nicholls Nicholls WO1(Cdr) SJ Nicholls Nicholls RAOC Didcot 1967 John Nicholls, Army No. 14135237, Storeman/Clerk, Retired 1968

WO1(Cdr) MJ Nickerson Nickerson 1966 Gordon (Nick) Nickerson, Army No. 24176559, Clerk/Storeman WO1(Cdr) C Nightingale Nightingale 29 Regt 2016 W1024026, Catherine Nightingale, OpsPCSWO

Conductor Nixon Nixon 1770 Nat Archive Ref: IOR/H/613 - date: c.1770-c.1800. Index D to P. Besides Asiatics, includes Notes on certain Europeans: pp. 37-51, pp. 743-4, Lieut. Nash, Col. Nixon, Mr. Nixon (Conductor of Stores), Mr. Norris (Private Secretary to Governor Stratton), Lie WO1(Cdr) SW Nock Nock HQ DSDA 1998 Simon W Nock, Army No. 24497643, Sup Con appt Jun 1999, Retired Dec 2003 Conductor J Nolan Nolan 1857 Attached to the Bengal Ordnance Department, during the Indian Mutiny. Murdered by WO1(Cdr) MA Nolan RLC Nolan HQ Northern 2006 Markmutineers Nolan, at ArmyDelhi -No. 11th 24634847, May 1857. Sup Details Ireland WO1(Cdr) K Norgate Norgate 1985 Norgate, Army No. 23881260, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) M Normanton Normanton HQ DFSS 2007 Mark Normanton Master Chef HQ Def Food Svcs Sch WO1(Cdr) PR Norris RLC Norris 25 Training Support 2006 Philip (Phil) Norris, Army No. 24795074, Sup Regt WO1(Cdr) A Norster Norster 1957 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr)Norster Norster 1957

WO1(Cdr)LR North North 1965 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) PA Norton RLC Norton Pete Norton, Army No. 24592939, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) PJ Nunn Nunn OD Hong Kong 1970 Peter James Nunn commenced my military career as a National Serviceman in the RAOC WO1(Cdr) AJC O'Brien O'Brien O'BRIEN,on 2nd October AUBREY 1952. JOHN Converted COLIN, to UK,Regular Cdr, in 5349337, 1953. Granted RASC, Warrant 24, 09/12/1945, Rank on ,23rd 1. H. 1, RANGOON WAR CEMETERY, Burma. Commemorated on the CWGC Website WO1(Cdr) GA O'Brien O'Brien 30Bn Singapore 1963 Paddy O'Brien, Army No. Deceased 22/09/2011 WO1(Cdr) MR O'Brien O'Brien 1952 850347 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor JC Oddboy Oddboy Singapore 1903 01111903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr)FJ O'Donnell O'Donnell 1952 7585706, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) PR Ogden Ogden 1999 Ogden, Army No. 552750, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) GN O'Hara RLC O'Hara 1996 Gordon O'Hara, Army No. 24235813, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) CJ O'Kell O'Kell 1968 Joihn O'Kell, Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 RAOC Gazette 1973 (RLC Digital Archive) WO1(Cdr) DC Oldfield Oldfield 1986 Clive Oldfield, Army No. 24025252, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) AJ Oliver Oliver 1952 7586110, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor GC Oliver Oliver 4438 Conductor G.C. Oliver, Born 26.11.1866. Service 20 2/12 years. Sergeant andW.O. WO1(Cdr)J Oliver Oliver 1993 Jerry15 3/12 Oliver, years. Army Service No. 24264050,abroad 7 4/12 Sup years. Con No field service. L. S. + G.C. medal. Clear

WO1(Cdr) MS O'Meara O'Meara 57 STA Wksp 1986 Army No. 24027080, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV WO1(Cdr) PE O'Neill O'Neill 1988 WebsterOneill, Army Click No. Here 24193127, Staff Clerk Conductor TT O'Neill O'Neill Weedon 1908 01041908 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) PE O'Niel BEM O'Niel DCDS 1988 From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here

WO1(Cdr)JB Ore Ore 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr)K Orpe Orpe Army HQ, Log Sp 2016 25017329, Kevin Orpe, Log Sp CmdWO

WO1(Cdr)J Orr Orr HQ West Midlands 1975 DOWO, John Orr, Stores, via Gerry Barnes

WO1(Cdr) PJ Osborne Osborne 23687428, Currently Yeoman of the Guard, (2005) Conductor DE Osborne Osborne 1924 19051924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly ConductorOsbourne Osbourne 1855 Nat Archive Ref: Mss Eur F133/69 - date: 1844-57 William Hickman (b 1827), Sergeant - Correspondence of William Hickman at Hyderabad (Sind) and Bombay from his family and friends regarding family affairs, social life and military matters and a letter from WO1(Cdr) A O'Shaughnessy O'Shaughnessy ASU RAOC E Dist 1981 Tony O'ShaughnessyJoined Boy Service 1958. Appinted 18 May 1981. Served as WO1(Cdr) EM Osman Osman 1952 7587429Photographer Stores RAOC Sen Rolluntil 1954,commissioning Contr by John11 Oct McKenzie 19821982

Conductor AW Osman Osman 1918 04101918 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) E Osman Osman Eric Osman, Army No. , Conductor J O'Sullivan O'Sullivan Kirkee Arsenal 1924 Conductor TW Ottey Ottey AOC Depot SA 1900 Medals secured for the RLC Museum, 1 May 2007. WO1(Cdr) JH Over Over 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 19/1/73. extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) C Owen Owen Charlesprovided Owen, by Cdr Army JA Hickey No. , (1975) WO1(Cdr)CA Oxford Oxford 1952 797383, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

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WO1(Cdr) JG Padley Padley 1952 4801525 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) A Paice Paice 1953 7587643 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor LD Painting Painting Gun Carriage 1924 Factory, WO1(Cdr) NE Palling Palling CVD Hilton 1974 Neil Palling, Army No. , Retired 1977 WO1(Cdr) CA Palmer Palmer Devonport 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor GA Palmer Palmer Devonport 1906 10021906 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) OJ Pannels Pannels CGS 1990 Owen Pennells, Army No. 24145487, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy WO1(Cdr) AD Paramour Paramour IAOC I.G.S.of Ex Cdr 1908-35 GCV oneWebster clasp Click 'Burma Here 1930-32' (Pte., The Buffs); 1939-45 Star, Burma Star; WO1(Cdr)JA Parfitt Parfitt 1952 3908431,Defence & Stores War Medals. Sen Roll First 1954, medal Contr mtd by as John worn. McKenzie With War Graves details - 6283754 WO1(Cdr) Parker Parker 1956 4265861 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) I Parker Parker 1997 Parker, Army No. 549153, Sup Spec

WO1(Cdr) D Parkin MBE Parkin 9 Sup Regt 1995 Dawn Parkin, First Female Conductor, Commissioned and now Major- appt 9 Jun 95. Conductor G Parkin, DCM, MSM Parkin RAOC 1900 GeorgeCongratulations Parkin, Conductorfrom 02272, 17th Company, Royal Army Ordnance Corps Died Thursday 14th November 1918 in England Age 52 Son of George and Jane Parkin; WO1(Cdr) W Parkinson Parkinson EICS 1850 Mary Ann who died at Great Bolton Street, Blackburn the wife of William Parkinson, solider. The death was registered by Ann Parkinson, Great Bolton Street. Blackburn. WO1(Cdr) C Parr Parr 1996 Parr, Army No. 546933, Chef WO1(Cdr) BM Parrat Parrat 1966 Appt 7 Apr Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) L Parris Parris 1969 Tech2004 Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) A Paton Paton 17 Port 2008 Billy Paton appointed Jun 2008, Port Ops, Regtl Port Op, Ops & Mov

WO1(Cdr)DJ Patterson RLC Patterson 1997 Dave Patterson, Army No. 24235997, Sup, Senior Conductor 2002 - Present Conductor KA Pattreson Pattreson IAOC 1925 Appt. 1 Jul , IAOC Seniority Roll 30Junl932

Conductor CA Payne Payne ADOS East 1924 Command WO1(Cdr) R Payne Payne 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) R Payne Payne 33 Central Wksp 1971 RichardList, provided Payne, by RAOC John McKenzie, stores section, June 33 2004 Central Workshops REME, Appt 1971, Ret REME 1974. Subm by his Grandson, Ben Clarke

Conductor W Payne Payne Dept of Pub Works 1830 Killed 18 Sept1830, Chunar Bengal, at WO1(Cdr) RE Pearce Pearce 1952 22292008 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor TF Pearce Pearce Ferozepore ? 1907 Served in Ferozepore, where my father was born in 1907, and Rangoon, he holds the 1914- 1918 and 1919 afghan nwf medals Obtained his medal cardex with some references, but would like to research more details He was in fact my Grandfather, on retirement he took WO1(Cdr) WG Pearce Pearce 1952 7586975, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) PH Pearsall Pearsall Jamaica 1910 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor TPH Pearsall Pearsall Jamaica 1914 01021914 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) DJ Pearson Pearson HQ 24 Air Mob Bde 1989 24200499, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click WO1(Cdr) F Pearson Pearson Aldershot 1908 ArmyHere List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor F Pearson Pearson Aldershot 1913 08091913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) J Pedler Pedler 1955 10541871 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor J Peel Peel Madras Army 1870 Madras Army List 1873 WO1(Cdr) AW Pegrum Pegrum Portsmouth 1903 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor AW Pegrum Pegrum Portsmouth 1908 11031908 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) H Penman Penman 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) H Penman Penman Comp Ord Depot 1977 List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Appt 3/4/69 WO1(Cdr) VT Pennie Pennie 1952 6720857 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr)BI Percival Percival HQ 3 Div 1999 DOWO HQ 3 Div. Bradley (Brad) Percival, Army No. 552699, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) AF Pereira Pereira 1954 4803791, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) AF Pereira Pereira 1954 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

WO1(Cdr) A Peters Peters Alec Peters, Army No. , Tech Clerk

WO1(Cdr) BA Phillips MBE Phillips Conductor CA Phillips Phillips IAOC 1926 WO1(Cdr) DA Phillips Phillips Trg Depot, Deepcut 1974 David Albert Phillips, Training Depot at Deepcut, Camberley, Surrey, Appointed: 04/06/1974, Retired 20/04/1977, Conductor appointment received from Major-General N H Speller. WO2 gained 27/02/1969, WO1 in 1970. Notified by Doug Mahon WO1(Cdr) E Phillips Phillips Portsmouth 1904 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr) LA Phillips Phillips 1952 6085790, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor P Phillips Phillips 1780 Details Here

WO1(Cdr) RI Phillips Phillips 1952 7588143 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) SH Phillips Phillips IAOC Sidney Herbert Phillips,Indian Ordnance. Indian Ordnance, Retired approx 1935. Sidney Phillips was my Grandfather and William Copley was my Great Grandfather. His father, James Saunders Copley was also a conductor in India. Conductor E Phillips Phillips AOC Sierra Leonne 1909 04121909 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly. AOC Gazette 06/13 also Portsmouth WO1(Cdr) TC Pilkington Pilkington 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor G Pink Pink 1803 George Pink Conductor 28.11.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 01.07.1809. Retired on Conductor T Pink Pink 1795 Detailshalf pay Here 1816. Mentioned Died . Contr. in 'The by RalphDefence Daly10.04.1819. of Marcouf by Lt Col MES Laws OBE MC RA (Ret) Conductor T Pink Pink 1795 Thomas Pink. Conductor 16.04.1795. Appointed Commissary 19.08.1813. Retired on half WO1(Cdr) RA Pitcher Pitcher 1952 6085321pay 17.04.1816 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor ST Pitts Pitts Allahabad Arsenal 1923

WO1(Cdr) Plant Plant 1956 5495394 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor CR Playfair Playfair Stirling 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor GR Playfair Playfair Stirling 1902 17121902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor J Plomer Plomer Delhi John Plomer, Lothian Cemetery, Delhi

Conductor SC Plummer Plummer Madras Army 1871 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’

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WO1(Cdr) J Poland Poland 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor HD Polglase Polglase Pembroke Dock 1913 01041913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly. Also found in 1908 List. WO1(Cdr) MW Polhill Polhill 1993 Polhill, Army No. 24198835, Dvr

Conductor WN Polkinhorne Polkinhorne HQ Madaras 1925 District WO1(Cdr) Pollard Pollard OS Burscough 1916 Article Re enjoying Leave, afterserving 12 months in France, Ormskirk Advertiser, 1916

WO1(Cdr) JFT Ponton Ponton 10 BOD Geneifa, 1952 John Frederick Thomas Ponton. D.o.b 25-10-13; Died June 2000. Signed up RAOC in Conductor JWH Pool Pool Woolwich 1900 Army16/01/1934 List 1907. in Liverpool. Contr Ralph Home Daly. Service 16/01/34 - 13/09/36; Palastine/Iraq 14/09/36 - Conductor JWH Pool Pool Woolwich 1902 06121902 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) MG Poole Poole 1952 7587398, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) H Porter Porter HQ UNFICYP 1989 Henry Porter, Retired 12 April 1990 WO1(Cdr) M Porter Porter 1969 Appt 2 Apr Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John WO1(Cdr)HG Porter Porter 1989 McKenzie,Porter, Army June No. 2004 24139772, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr) RH Poshong Poshong 1954 5348840 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) DR Postlethwaite Postlethwaite 2003 Derick (Del) Postlethwaite, Army No. 24592120, Sup Con

WO1(Cdr) DA Potter Potter

WO1(Cdr) MB Potts Potts 1989 Potts, Army No. 23987658, Sup Con Conductor CF Poulier Poulier Coloba Charles Frederick Poulier, Pensioned Conductor, Marine Storekeepers Dept aged 34 years Conductor J Nixon Poulier Delhi James Nixon, Lothian Cemetery, Delhi

WO1(Cdr) LA Powell Powell 1956 7586815 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) JJ Power Power 1991 Power, Army No. 24227859, Staff Clerk Conductor J Poyntz Poyntz Bombay 1844 Family at Click here Establishment Conductor W Poyntz Poyntz Bengal 1800 Died 1802, buried Cawnpore, Feb 1805 Establisment WO1(Cdr) E Preen Preen 36 Dist Wksp 1989 24137129, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click WO1(Cdr) RI Price Price 1964 ApptHere 8 Dec Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June Conductor B Prichard Prichard Madras Army 1871 Madras2004 Army List 1873

WO1(Cdr) F. Prickett Prickett 1967 Fred Prickett, later Commissioned. WO1(Cdr) FH Primett Primett Harwich 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor FH Primett Primett Harwich 1906 04071906 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly Appt 17 May 1983, left 5 dec 1983 - Commissioned WO1(Cdr) JW Prior Prior HQ 2 Armd Div 1983 26 yrs in the Royal Artillery. He spent time in South Africa during the Boer War and then in India. Conductor EJ Pritchard Pritchard HQ RA IAOD 1923 When he retired in 1926 his rank was Conductor (Warrant Officer) Indian Army Ordnance WO1(Cdr) SJ Pullman RLC Pullman 2003 Steve Pullman, Army No. 24616654, Sup Con

Mrs Anne Pernell-Gover WO1(Cdr) JA Purnell-Gover Purnell-Gover WO1(Cdr) JA Purnell-Gover Purnell-Gover Anne Purnell-Gover, Army No. , Conductor Purvis Purvis Poona 1863 Times of India, Birth of daughter Dec6, 1863

Conductor G Pybus Pybus Kirkee Arsenal 1926

WO1(Cdr) G Quinn Quinn 1920 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor G Quinn Quinn 1924 17111924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor JT Radford Radford 1904 2009 Edw. VII Army L.S.G.C. CONDTR. J.T. RADFORD, S & T CORPS. (engraved, as issued to British troops in Indian units) With various service detail, including Hon. Lieut. 4.10.1904, retired 1.11.1907. Entitled Afghan, medal & 2 bars, Egypt 1885 bar Suakin & Conductor J Ragnor Ragnor Comm Dept 1830 Killed 10 May1830, Bellary Bengal, at WO1(Cdr)M Raine Raine HQ Land 2007 Marty Raine Pet Op HQ Land Command

Conductor JL Randall Randall IAOC Dum Dum, 1924 John Lawrence Randall. Official store holder at the Gun & Shell Factory, Cossipore. MBE 1938. Ret Major 09/05/1947 WO1(Cdr) J Rann Rann CFSWO Army HQ 2014 Chef, Command Food Services Warrant Officer, Army Headquarters.

WO1(Cdr) CG Ransom Ransom 17 P & M Regt 1994 Colin Gervais Ransom, Army No. 24242647, Dvr Rad Op. WO1(Cdr) R Rapple RappleMarchwood 1919 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor R Rapple Rapple 1923 07031923 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) W Rawstrone Rawstrone 1977 Photo Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess RAOC, Didcot Sept 1977

Conductor J Raymond Raymond Bagdad 1799 Herefordshire Record Office ref AL40/6056J Raymond to proceed to Bagdad - Governors Orders. At AL40/8349-53 letters from Conductor Raymond from bagdad 1801 - 04

WO1(Cdr) GH Rayner Rayner War office 1905 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

ConductorGH Rayner Rayner War Office 1910 10021910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) K Reardon Reardon BATLS Kenya 1986 Kevin Reardon, Army No. 24063727, Sup Con, appointed Cdr by Corps Order No 3 of WO1(Cdr) HP Reed Reed 1971 Peter1986 alongsideReed. Supply, such Vehstalwarts Spec, as Dvr, Sam Photog, Bartam, Appointed Pete Stead, 14/10/71. Tony Woodleyextracted andfrom many Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) . Died 18/08/2014, RAOC Corps Gazette Conductor J Reed Reed HEIC 1855 From: Will of Joseph Reed , formerly Conductor of Ordnance in the Honorable East India Companys Bombay Army, attached to Her Majesty's Legation at the Court of Persia 08 March 1855 , filed at -PROB 11/2209 WO1(Cdr)A Rees Rees 1952 3908400, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr)CI Reid Reid 1983 appt. May 1983, Ret: May 1999, Staff clerk in RASC and RAOC. Retired from RLC. ACA Cumbria Apppointed Cdr whilst serving in AFNORTH. Conductor S Reid Reid Comm & Tpt Dept 1887 PRO Ref: WO 146/1/45, 78 &102 WO1(Cdr) M Reilly Reilly 1967 Appt 27 Feb Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) A Rennison MBE Rennison 1973 Ammunition2004 Technician, Appointed 15/10/73 extracted from Army List 1979 provided by WO1(Cdr) TG Rexter Rexter BEF Cdr TGJA HickeyRexter (1975)RAOC, BEF, Listed on Enniskillen War Memorial, Co Fermanagh

WO1(Cdr) TG Rexter Rexter BEF Named on the Inneskillen war Memorial, Co Fermanagh

WO1(Cdr) A Reynolds Reynolds Alderney 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor A Reynolds Reynolds Alderney 1907 29051907 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) W Reynolds Reynolds The TSS Monowai was making it's final voyage under the command of the British Ministry of War Transport when it arrived in Fremantle. Walter was a Conductor in the RAOC.

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WO1(Cdr)J Rice Rice 1955 10544029, Ammo Ex. Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr)J Rice Rice 1955 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

WO1(Cdr) SE Richardson Richardson 1921 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor SE Richardson Richardson 1925 02051925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly ConductorF Riches Riches Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) MG Richie Richie 1 Ammo IDU 1974 Mark Gregory Ritchie, Ammunition Technician, Appointed 18/11/70. extracted from Army WO1(Cdr) DE Riddell Riddell 1972 Supply,List 1979 Veh provided Spec, byDvr, Cdr Photog, JA Hickey Appointed (1975) 22/8/72. Retired extracted1979? Info from supplied Army byList Cdr 1979 Ritchie. provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) ConductorW Rider Rider 'Conductor of 1600 From Chester City Quarter Sessions - Ref: Catalogue Ref Q. at, search Souldiers' for 'Conductor' WO1(Cdr)HAW Ridout Ridout 1921 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor HAW Ridout Ridout 1925 03081925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) L Riley Riley 1973 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 16/3/73. extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) Rimmer Rimmer 1957 Fromprovided the bySeniority Cdr JA Roll Hickey 1954, (1975) Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

WO1(Cdr) Rimmer Rimmer 1957 WO1(Cdr) W Rimmer Rimmer 1955 7617013 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor J Rishworth Rishworth Madras Army 1871 Madras Army List 1873 WO1(Cdr) AB Ritchie Ritchie 1952 7585078, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) GA Ritchie RLC Ritchie HQ 5 Div 2006 Graham Ritchie, Army No. 24700693, Dvr

WO1(Cdr)M Ritchie Ritchie 1952 7884269 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor JM Roache Roache H'fax, Nova Scotia 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) J Robb Robb ROBB, JOHN, UK, Cdr, 7593838, RAOC, 29, 19/06/1943, Son of John and Agnes Robb, of New Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, 14. E. 4, BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY, Germany. Commemorated on the CWGC Website. Link to memorial in Kells click more WO1(Cdr) CFA Roberts Roberts 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 1/6/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided WO1(Cdr) DJ Roberts Roberts 226 B.O.D. RAOC 1944 Danielby Cdr (Dan)JA Hickey John (1975)Roberts, Service no. 7616186, Appointed: 20/03/1945, Demobbed: Left: Rangoon 21/09/1945. I would like to be added to the Roll of Honour for my service as Conductor in Burma in WW II. Can you tell me if Parchments are being offered for wartime service? I Conductor EA Roberts Roberts Woolwich 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List WO1(Cdr) JCW Roberts Roberts HQ MND C BAE 1998 Roberts, Army No. 24600350, Sup Con, Retired 2002

Conductor EC Robertson Robertson Cdr Royal Engineers. Died Ritchie or nearby. Commemorated on Ritchie Road North CapeMemorial and now at rest inKimberley Rd west, Garden of Remembrance WO1(Cdr)J Robertson Robertson 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 ConductorJA Robertson Robertson AOD 1898 Military Expedition, Battle of Khartum. Sept 30 1898 - Despatch from Gen Kitchener. War Office Despatch, Details Here Conductor TA Robertson Robertson Ordnance Dept 1898 PRO Ref: WO 146/1/45, 78 &102

WO1(Cdr)G Robinson Robinson REME 1943 Gordon Robinson , Sub Cdr., Att Inf Bde IAOC, Died 18 Nov 1943, age 34, Son of Frederick & Hannah Robinson, Husband of Mary of Blackpool

WO1(Cdr) J Robinson Robinson 1969 Appt 4 Apr Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John WO1(Cdr) JD Robinson Robinson RMCS Shrivenham 1992 24285109McKenzie, AmmoJune 2004 Tech. Served as the Senior Ammunition Technician from Oct 91 until WO1(Cdr) TE Robinson Robinson ASA Kineton 1975 commissionedWO1 (CDR) T in E Mar Robinson 94. Now livingQGM, in ArmyDunblane, School on the of staff Ammunition, of 51 (Scottish) Kineton(as Bde in CDR), appt. April 1975, Commissioned July 1975, Army No. WO1(Cdr) WJ Robinson Robinson 1952 4612427, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) SC Robjohns RLC Robjohns 1999 Robjohns, Army No. 552756, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) JG Robson Robson 39 Hvy Regt RA 1985 John Robson, Army No. 23919907, Sup Con. Commissioned 1987, Currnt RO - ESBA WO1(Cdr) J Rodell Rodell HQ Land 1995 JohnSupply Rodell, Point ArmyBFPO No. 58 24367784, Dvr. Name: Unit: HQ Land Command. Left: January 1997 WO1(Cdr) K Rodgers MBE Rodgers 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) T Rodliffe Rodliffe Sierra Leone 1909 ArmyList, provided List 1914. by ContrJohn McKenzie,Ralph Daly. June 2004 Conductor T Rodliffe Rodliffe Sierra Leone 1913 14051913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) O Rogers Rogers 2021 Olly Rogers, Head of Chef Trade WO1(Cdr) SRA Rogers Rogers 1999 Rogers, Army No. 557290, Sup Con

WO1(Cdr) TL Rogers Rogers 37 Rhine Wksp 1989 Army No. 24145300, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV WO1(Cdr) Rolfe Rolfe JockWebster Rolfe Click at 3BAD, Here Bracht 19154567

WO1(Cdr)LJ Roper Roper 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. Conductor LJ Roper Roper 1921 23101921 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr)J Rose Rose 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor J Rose Rose Madras 1845 Details here WO1(Cdr)P Ross Ross 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) AS Ross Ross 1997 Andy Ross, Army No. 24346521, Dvr Conductor J Ross Ross Madras 1849 From: Will of John Ross , Pensioned Conductor of Ordnance on the Madras Establishment WO1(Cdr) PD Rosser Rosser 1993 ofRosser, Bellary Army , East No. Indies 24235750, - 20 March Man 1849, Svcs filedPrac at -PROB 11/2090

ConductorC Rossiter Rossiter AOD 1869 Charles Rossiter, Grave at Peshawar. Died Peshawar, 8 Feb1869 aged 59 years & 8 months WO1(Cdr) GH Roulston Roulston Rhine Area Sp U 1998 Roulston, Army No. 24437243, Chef WO1(Cdr) CJ Routledge Routledge 1996 Chris Routledge, Army No. 24330801, Mar Eng

Conductor GS Row Row Metal & Steel 1925 Factory, Ishapore WO1(Cdr) CE Rowe Rowe 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) WL Rowe Rowe 1952 22225624,List, provided Stores by John Sen McKenzie,Roll 1954, JuneContr 2004 by John McKenzie Conductor FD Rowell Rowell Gun Carriage 1925 Factory, Jubbulpore WO1(Cdr) G Rowley Rowley 1964 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) RP Ruff Ruff 1952 7589034, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) GE Rump Rump 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) A Rundle Rundle RIASC 1935 AlfredList, provided Rundle, by Died John Peshawar, McKenzie, age June 45, 200411 Nov 1935. Inscription of the grave: In ever loving memory of Alfred Rundle RIASC(MT) Dearly beloved husband of Ethel Rundle who was WO1(Cdr)J Rush Rush Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut

WO1(Cdr) Russell Russell 1957 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here WO1(Cdr) Russell Russell 1957

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WO1(Cdr) FC Rutherford Rutherford AAC Chepstow Shown in College journal Robot dated July 1961 as receiving LS&GC medal within Dept 22 Ammunition Examiners AAC Chepstow ConductorW Rutherford Rutherford IAOC 1925 WO1(Cdr) DJ Ryan Ryan 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) P Ryan Ryan 1952 7583208,List, provided Stores by JohnSen Roll McKenzie, 1954, Contr June by2004 John McKenzie Conductor W Ryder Ryder 1600 Ref QSF/49 dated 1600/1. William Ryder referred to as ' conductor of the London WO1(Cdr)WC Ryder Ryder 1968 Techsouldiers…' Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) JCS Roach S Roach Army App Coll 1963 Steve Roach, Army No. , Ammo Tech. Retired 1965 WO1(Cdr)RW Sacre Sacre HQ BAOR 1990 Army No. 24145381, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) Saleny Saleny Burma 1944 RAOC Gazette 09/44

Conductor EJ Saunders Saunders Quetta Arsenal 1923 WO1(Cdr) RC Savage Savage 1952 2040773, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) RA Saville Saville HQ BAOR 1964 22225771 Discharged 1982 after 36 years service, awardedMeritorious Service Medal Conductor W Sawyer Sawyer 1803 William(MSM). Sawyer.Served Northern Conductor Irreland, 05.05.1803. thioght Appointed to be from Asst. the Plymouth Commissary area. 01.11.1811. Executed for Murder at Newgate 15.05.1815 WO1(Cdr) SA Scadding Scadding 1952 7586415, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) RJ Scaife Scaife 1955 14219327 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) P Scannell Scannell 1997 Paul Scannell, Army No. 549154, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) B Scott Scott Ord Svcs Viersen 1988 24136352, Sup Spec. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here

WO1(Cdr)J Scott Scott John Scott. Born 06/06/31, Died 28/04/12. Served all over Germany, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong. He used to Captain the Combined Services Soccer Team in East Africa long ago and played alongside Shackleton, Finney and WO1(Cdr)NC Scott Scott 2019 Neil Christopher Scott, Head of Dvr Trade

WO1(Cdr) R Scott Scott AAC Chepstow Robot journal of AAC chepstow shows Department 22 Ammunition Examiners welcoming Cdr Scott and family from Scotland Conductor T Scrimshaw Scrimshaw 3191 Conductor T. Scrimshaw, Discharged 08.09.1899 Service 40 6/12 years. Sergeant Conductor J Scully Scully 1857 Attachedand W.O. to 32 the years. Bengal 6 7/12 Ordnance years foreginDepartment, service. during S.Africa the Indian1879-80 Mutiny. – Medal. (Mentioned 1 entry in Despatches) - Murdered by mutineers at Delhi Magazine- 11th May 1857. Details WO1(Cdr) EJ Searle Searle 1964 Army No. 10596411, . Jim Searle, Officer i/c Ammunition Repair Method's Development Unit, C.A.D. Bramley. (Ex Boy War-time Intake 2, March 1943 and AE course 103. Served 31 ASD, 443 BAD Singapore, Ceylon, HQ Malaya and CAD Kineton) Retired 1967. WO1(Cdr) V Sedgwick Sedgwick CPCWO Army HW 2014 Postal & Courier Operator, Command Postal & Courier Warrant Officer, Army Headquarters. WO1(Cdr) H Sellars Sellars 1953 4341967 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) B Senior Senior 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army Conductor JW Seymour Seymour E Dist 1879 ApptList, provided14.05.1879 by Johnfrom OrdnanceMcKenzie, Branch June 2004 ASC . See Full List

Conductor JW Seymour Seymour Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) BL Seymour Seymour 2000 Seymour, Army No. 554694, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) JF Shardlow Shardlow 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor F Sharpe Sharpe N Dist 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) DW Sharrocks Sharrocks 1964 Appt 22 Mar Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) C Shaw Shaw Egypt 1903 Army2004 List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) DB Shaw Shaw 1945 RAOCOnline Posted photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45

Conductor GW Shaw Shaw 1857 Attached to the Bengal Ordnance Department, during the Indian Mutiny. Murdered by mutineers at Delhi Magazine - 11th May 1857. Details

WO1(Cdr) JC Shaw Shaw 1954 7589069 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor C Shaw Shaw Egypt 1907 23101907 Army List Nov 1907 Conductor CL Shephard Shephard N Dist 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Engineers . See Full List Conductor CL Shepherd Shepherd 1815 Charles Lyall Shepherd. Aberdeen Death Register shows Charles Lyall Shepherd, Conductor CL Shepherd Shepherd Field Train RA 1889 TakenConductor from of a Stores,'List of ConductorField Train ofSerjeant Stores ??of theRoyal Ordnance Artilery, Stores(Married Dept to Margaretentitled to Edward, the WO1(Cdr) DGH Shepperd Shepperd 1954 5048168Campaign Stores Medal Sen for EgyptRoll 1954, 1882-1889. Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) S Sheriff Sheriff 1977 Stan Sherrif , Supt Clk provided by Peter Brown -HQ 7th Armd Bde (Soltau) WO1(Cdr) CA Sherwood Sherwood 1954 6138900 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) T Shields Shields 1958 Tom Shields, Army No. , WO1(Cdr) AR Shilling Shilling 1954 851451 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) K Short Short 2003

WO1(Cdr) BR Short Short 1995 Short, Army No. 545343, Dvr

WO1(Cdr) KA Short Short 2003 Kev Short, Army No. 24536551, Ammo Tech

WO1(Cdr) DHJ Shubart Shubart IAOC 1914 Rootsweb - In the London Gazette May 22nd 1915, it says: David Henry James Shubart (Late Conductor, Army Ordnance Dept) to be Quartermaster, with honorary rank of Lieutenant Dated 10th May 1915, Conductor EH Sidney Sidney Chester 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor EH Sidney Sidney Chester 1904 01021904 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor E Sigrist Sigrist Malta 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor E Sigrist Sigrist Malta 1905 25031905 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) GT Sillence Sillence 1952 7587746, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) G Sillence Sillence 1957 Geoff Sillence, Army No. ,

WO1(Cdr) DJ Silvester QGM Silvester 1991 Silvester, Army No. 24145079, WSP. Deceased 19 April 2020 WO1(Cdr) WR Simmons Simmons 1952 6769537, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) P Simons Simons 1964 Appt 26 Oct Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) AM Simpson Simpson 1969 Andrew2004 M Simpson, (22965959) Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Died on 16 Jul 13, at the Perth Royal Infirmary WO1(Cdr) AM Simpson Simpson Died 16/07/2014, RAOC Corps Gazette WO1(Cdr) S Simpson Simpson 1967 Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) TW Simpson Simpson DSCS Bicester 1974 Appointed2004 4 Jun 74, Commissioned July 1978 WO1(Cdr) WH Simpson Simpson 66Coy ASC, 1915 Mentioned in Despacted 11 Dec 1915, London Gazette, Great War Foirum Gallipoli WO1(Cdr) WJ Simpson Simpson 1954 7683606 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) T Simpson Simpson Terry Simpson, Army No. , WO1(Cdr) WE Sims Sims 154 FAD Germany 1974 William Edward Sims RAOC, Appt: 1974, Retired 1978

WO1(Cdr) AM Sinclair Sinclair 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) EE Sinclair Sinclair Malta 1902 ArmyList, provided List 1907. by ContrJohn McKenzie,Ralph Daly. June 2004

WO1(Cdr) JH Sinclair Sinclair HQ 1 Corps 1962 Click here to See WO1 (Cdr) Sinclairs' Service Record

Page 24 of 30 Conductor List

Conductor EE Sinclair Sinclair Malta 1906 22041906 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) LP Sindon Sindon 1952 7586712, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor M Sinnott Sinnott 1885 Served in india. Later managed dum dum ammo factory WO1(Cdr) PAW Skawski Skawski JSMC Hong Kong 1993 Served 1974 - 1996 WO1(Cdr) CW Slade Slade HQ Land 1998 Slade, Army No. 24447550, Chef

WO1(Cdr) MR Slusarenko RLC Slusarenko Army Sch of Ammo 2004 Mark Slusarenko, Army No. 24685067, Ammo Tech WO1(Cdr) DF Smale Smale 1952 5771512 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) C Smart Smart Cairo 1906 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor C Smart Smart Cairo 1911 06011911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) WH Smart Smart 1995 Smart, Army No. 24413437, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) AJ Smith Smith 1938 Army List 1940. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) AJ Smith MBE Smith HQ 3 Cdo Bde 2004 Andrew Smith, Brother of Cdr RF Smith 2001. Awarded MBE New Year 2005. 24673115, Sup WO1(Cdr) AW Smith RLC Smith 1 UK Armd Div HQ 1998 Aubrey Smith, Army No. 552763, Sup Con & Sig Regt WO1(Cdr) BC Smith Smith 1954 3974133 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor BE Smith Smith Indian Ord 1900 London Gazette entry. Benjamin Edwin Smith was promoted from 'Conductor' to Deputy Conductor C Smith Smith Madras Army 1866 MadrasAssistant Army Commissary List 1873 (rank of Lieutenant) in the Indian Ordnance Department 12 August

WO1(Cdr) FWR Smith QGM Smith RMCS Shrivenham 1987 Smith, Army No. 24119460, Ammo Tech. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here Conductor G Smith Smith IOD Cannamore 1878 WO1(Cdr) GWM Smith Smith 1920 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor HW Smith Smith IAOC 1925 Conductor J Smith Smith Madras Army 1861 Madras Army List 1873

WO1(Cdr) JC Smith Smith 1952 2875278, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor L Smith Smith 1798 Larratt Smith. Conductor 01.05.1798. Appointed Commissary 01.08.1813. Retired on half WO1(Cdr) NW Smith Smith 1968 Techpay 15.10.1817 Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) PES Smith MBE GM Smith Sen Ammo Tech 1969 "BraverList, provided Men Walk by John Away" McKenzie, (Memoirs June of the 2004 Worlds Top Bomb-Disposal Expert) Peter Gurney,1993 Conductor R Smith Smith 1799 Robert Smith. Conductor 01.09.1799. Appointed Asst. Commissary WO1(Cdr) RF Smith BEM Smith HQ 101 Log Bde 2001 Rex01.12.1805. Smith, Army Died Ceylon 24636829, 11.03.1811 Sup Con. Brother of Cdr AJ Smith 2004. WO1(Cdr) Smith Smith 1956 5381408 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) Smith Smith 1957 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

WO1(Cdr) Smith Smith 1957 WO1(Cdr) SN Smith Smith Devonport 1906 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) W Smith Smith H.Q. Northern 1907 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Cmd. Conductor WW Smith Smith Devonport 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

WO1(Cdr) BA Smith Smith 1963 Bernard Smith MBE, Army No. 10570611, Died 11/01/2014, RAOC Corps Gazette

Conductor GWM Smith Smith 1924 03031924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor SN Smith Smith Devonport 1911 23091911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor W Smith Smith HQ Northern Cmd 1912 22061912 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor WW Smith Smith Devonport 1905 25031905 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor T Smither Smither Madras Army 1869 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’ Conductor TA Smye Smye Sierra Leone 1901 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor TA Smye Smye Sierra Leone 1904 Conductor T.A. Smye, 22051904 Army List Nov 1907, Born 12.09.1866. Enlisted 12.01.1886. Service 20 2/12 years. Sergeant and W.O. 14 11/12 years.. Service abroad 10 10/12 years. S. Africa 1899-1902. Medal and clasp. L.S. + G.C. medal. Clear company Conductor JB Somerset Somerset Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) DC Southall Southall 2 Tpt Gp RLC(V) 1998 Regimental Warrant Officer of Volunteers RLC TA, Retired 1999. 23949520, Dvr WO1(Cdr) D Spencer Spencer Medals held in the Medal Room, The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut

Conductor GW Spiller Spiller 1886 more info Conductor EG Spinks Spinks Tidworth 1908 24051908 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr)HR Spry Spry 1952 7587479, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor AH Squires Squires IAOC 1925 WO1(Cdr) GTE Stace Stace 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor J Staerck Staerck HEIC 1852 From: Will of William Staerck , Conductor of Ordnance in the Honorable East India WO1(Cdr) Stafford Stafford 1956 FromCompany the SeniorityService inRoll Bengal 1954, of Courtesy Bengal , ofEast Ex IndiesCdr J Searle17 June Click 1852 Here , filed at -PROB 11/2155 WO1(Cdr)Stafford Stafford 1956 Conductor FG Stagg Stagg 1924 27021924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) ML Standley Standley 1991 Standley, Army No. 24176481, Staff Clerk

WO1(Cdr) C Staniforth Staniforth 1945 RAOCOnline Posted photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45

WO1(Cdr) W Stapleton Stapleton 1965 Cdr at 15 ABOD, Comm Mjr, Died approx 2010 WO1(Cdr) FE Stay Stay 1952 789357, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) PG Stead Stead HQ 3 Ord Bn 1986 Peter Graham Stead, DOWO 3 Armd Div, BFPO 144, appt 1 June 1986 Commissioned, Left as Capt 10 Dec 1992, Retired As Capt Serving member of The Queens Body Guard, Yeoman of the Guard. Op Granby, RAOC Gazette 01/91. Army No. 23919677, Sup Con Conductor G Stearns Stearns Recr Staff Dublin 1906 More info WO1(Cdr) RP Stephen Stephen 1952 7586991, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor H Stephens Stephens IAOC Medals: 1914-15 trio to S/Sgt S&T corps,IGS-NWF30-31, Jubilee 1935, LSGCM-GV IASC & MSM-GV-S&T corps

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Conductor J Sterns Sterns 1779 Details Here

WO1(Cdr) BG Stevens BEM Stevens 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) RM Stewart Stewart HQ UKLF 1990 Army No. 24119519, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here Conductor J Stoakes Stoakes 1879 James Stoakes, Appointed by Sec State for War 1 Jun 1880 but appointment from i yr Conductor J Stoakes Stoakes 1880 Jamesearlier toStoakes, be a Conductor Appointed: in the1st CommissariatJune 1879, Left: Transport 19th Aug Staff. 1884 Formerly (date of Military death at Staff Citadel Clerk. WO1(Cdr) GA Stout Stout 1964 StaffHospital Clerk, Cairo), Baker, Appointed Butcher, by Office Sec MachineState for OpsWar or1 JunPet 1880Ops. Takenbut appointment from the Autumn from i yr 1973 Conductor G Stoyle Stoyle Ord Store Egypt 1889 TakenArmy List, from provided a 'List of by Conductor John McKenzie, of Stores June of the 2004 Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) DM Stratton Stratton 1995 Dave Stratton, Army No. 545344, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) IG Strongman Strongman 1994 Strongman, Army No. 24212169, Chef WO1(Cdr) F Stroud Stroud 1952 7588142, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) GW Strugnell Strugnell DSCS 1985 George Strugnell, Army No. 23881092, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here

WO1(Cdr) JA Stuart Stuart John Stuart, Deceased RAOC Gazette.22/11/2011 WO1(Cdr) GA Sturgeon Sturgeon 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) V Styles Styles 17 Regt RLC 2020 Vincent Styles, Head of Mariner Trade

WO1(Cdr) I Sullivan Sullivan Stores Section att. 1961 WOi/c, relieved by Cdr Griffin WO1(Cdr) NF Sullivan Sullivan 1952 5569776 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr)JC Sully Sully 1968 Appt 15 Nov Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor D Summerfield Summerfield Indian Corps of Clerks, Indian army

WO1(Cdr) RS Sumner Sumner 1985 Sumner, Army No. 23913949, WSO WO1(Cdr) K Sunley Sunley HQ S Comd 1970 Kenneth (Ken) Sunley, Army No. 22546701, Clerk GD

WO1(Cdr) R Suthren Suthren DSM(A) Bicester 1980 Robert Suthren, Appointed: 1 June 1980, Retired: October 1982. Submitted by himself.

WO1(Cdr) AA Sutton Sutton 1943 Albert Arthur Sutton (DOB 1903)was in the RAOC (date of enlistment not known) however in the Red Book (Army List) he is first mentioned in the 1943 Issue as RAOC WO1 – Regimental – War Substantive – Sub Conductor – WO1 Sutton (17/08/1941). He is then WO1(Cdr) AT Sutton Sutton HQ 4 Armd Div 1979 Albert T Sutton Appointed May 1979. DOWO BFPO Commissioned 1980. Contributed by Conductor AT Sutton, Dec2004 WO1(Cdr) R Sutton Sutton COD Didcot (14 Bn 1961 Richard Sutton Appointed May 1961, retired/Demobbed 1963. Contributed by Conductor WO1(Cdr) SR Swales Swales UNFICYP 1989 StphenAlbert T R Sutton Swales. (Brother) Army No. 24073116, Sup Con. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy Conductor E Sweeting Sweeting Aden 1863 Timesof Ex Cdr of India, GCV BirthWebster. of daughter Served Dec6,21 Sep 1863 '71 - 22 Sep '93. appt Cdr in Apr/May 1989 (Just WO1(Cdr) JV Sykes BEM Sykes 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) RA Sylvester Sylvester 1994 Bob Sylvester, Army No. 24204871, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) JW Symon RLC Symon 1999 Symon, Army No. 550915, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) RD Symons Symons 1966 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor H Taaffe Taaffe Invalid Pension 1851 From: Will of Henry Taaffe , A Conductor of the Invalid Pension Establishment of Estab't Cawnpore , East Indies 04 April 1851 , filed at -PROB 11/2131 WO1(Cdr) FH Tanswell Tanswell 1952 7587780, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) AT Taylor GM Taylor 1969 Appt 5 Apr Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) K Taylor Taylor 1966 Keith Taylor, Army No. 22122819, Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by WO1(Cdr) KD Taylor Taylor 1975 AmmunitionJohn McKenzie, Technician, June 2004 Appointed 18/11/70. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975). . Photo Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess RAOC, Didcot Sept 1977

WO1(Cdr) WW Taylor Taylor 1966 Ammo Tech. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 Conductor T Taylor Taylor Purfleet 1904 11061904 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) RH Taylor MBE Taylor MBE 1952 2613217, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) J Teale Teale 1 Br Corps 1963 Jack Teale, Army No. 22229659 Left 1970. Appointed Work Study Officer Class 1 on 14 Sept 1960. Was on loan to Malaysian army, Awarded GSM with clasp malay peninsular. Conductor H Tester Tester Bielefeld Egypt 1904 26061904 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor FJ Thatcher Thatcher Ferozepore 1924 Captain Thatcher's army number (by the end of the First World War) was 4738124. Appt. Arsenal 25 May, IAOC Seniority Roll 30Jun 1932. Frederick Joseph Thatcher,Born 9 October WO1(Cdr) T Thatcher Thatcher Died 17/08/2013, RAOC Corps Gazette

WO1(Cdr) J Thelwell Thelwell In Pensioner, Chelsea Hospital in 1978, RAOC Gazette 06/78 WO1(Cdr) GM Thewlis RLC Thewliss HQ 16 Air Assault 2006 Guy Thewlis, Army No. 24712325, Chef Bde WO1(Cdr) KP Thom Thom 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 9/6/74. extracted from Army List 1979 provided by Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) PAA Thomas Thomas BOWO 2 Armd Bde 1945 10533474 SCdr Peter Arthur Aubrey Thomas RAOC.

WO1(Cdr) SC Thomas Thomas 1952 7583848, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) MA Thomas Thomas Gurkha Regt Hong 1995 Mike Thomas, Army No. 24240247, Chef. Died October 2018. Ref ACC Association Conductor AE Thompson Thompson Valetta, Malto 1896 AlbertMagazine, Edward 'The Thompson Flaming Cauldron', AOC, Barracca Summer Chapel, 2019, Valetta, p11. Malta, married George Minnie in Sept 14 1896 Conductor J Thompson Thompson Woolwich 1879 Appt 14.05.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List WO1(Cdr) W Thompson Thompson Joined the RAOC in 1949 (he had served in the Warwickshire Home Guard in WWII) and WO1(Cdr) JM Thompson Thompson 1995 servedThompson, in Hilsea Army Barracks, No. 24346719, Canal Zone, Dvr Rad Turkey, Op Aden, Kuwait, 12 BAD Wulfen (BAOR) WO1(Cdr) NB Thomsen GM Thomsen DLSA 1997 Nick Thomsen. Army No. 24396131, Ammo Tech. Retired 1999, Directorate of Land Service Ammunition. Last posting was to DLSA, Didcot 1997

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WO1(Cdr) EC Thomson RLC Thomson DST 2001 Doug Thomson, Army No. 557346, Dvr Rad Op WO1(Cdr) JA Thomson Thomson BATUS Main 1998 Thomson, Army No. 24340854, Chef WO1(Cdr) EP Thorner GM Thorner GM 1952 7586994, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) MHS Thornley RLC Thornley 1999 Mick Thornley, Army No. 550917, Dvr

WO1(Cdr J Thorpe Thorpe HQ Hrse Gds 1989 Army No. 24119993, Sup Con. Brigade Ordnance Warrant Officer BOWO, Commisioned WO1(Cdr) MJ Timbers RLC Timbers DCOP 2005 (Mat) Mathew Timbers, Army No. 24698677, Photo

Conductor J Timms Timms Madras Army 1862 Madras Army List 1873

Conductor F Tims Tims 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List J Timson Timson 1967 John Timson retired 9 Oct 1971, now lives overseas Conductor G Tipping Tipping George Tipping born about 1845at Cudham Kent was Conductor Ordnance Store Dep in WO1(Cdr) S Tolley Tolley 1940 SeniorEdinburgh Conductor, (Rootsweb) approx 1952. Served at CAD Bramley. Sid Tolley Fund established by RAOC Gazette. INCREDIBLE though it may seem, ‘Old Sid' is still serving, his present engagement being a Type ‘S’ engagement of four years, special authority having been obtained, for this engagement. Upon completion of this four years Conductor Tolley will have some 35 years WO1(Cdr) CE Tomkins BEM Tomkins 1995 Charlie Tomkins, Army No. 545345, Dvr WO1(Cdr) AL Tomlin Tomlin 1974 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 1/10/74. extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) W Tomlin Tomlin IOD 1911 Greatprovided War by Forum Cdr JA Hickey (1975) WO1(Cdr) WT Tonkins Tonkins TSD Old Dalby 1960 William Thomas (Bill) Tonkins, Staff Clerk, Served in Planning Branch, 15 ABOD, BAOR, WO1(Cdr) R Topham Topham 1966 Apptwhen 28 appointed Apr Taken Conductor from the (20 Autumn Oct 60) 1973 and Army Commissioned List, provided from by Tech John Branch, McKenzie, 3 BOD, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) JH Toublic Toublic 1952 7587753 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) Towell Towell 1957 From the Seniority Roll 1954, Courtesy of Ex Cdr J Searle Click Here

WO1(Cdr) Towell Towell 1957 Conductor CW Townley Townley 1924 13061924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) B Townsend Townsend 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army Conductor WH Townsend Townsend Aldershot 1906 11011906List, provided Army by ListJohn Nov McKenzie, 1907. Contr. June by2004 Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) BG Townsend Townsend DOWO SW Dist 1972 Conductor 1972 - 1974, 22771938 Tech Clerk

WO1(Cdr) AK Townsend BEM Towsend SHAPE BAE 1989 Anthony (Tony) Townsend, Army No. 24092373, Staff Clerk. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) GP Toze Toze 1993 Toze, Army No. 24145379, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) CH Train Train 1946 No 15000524 Photo & History Click Here

Conductor A Tranter Tranter 1924 17111924 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) D Travers Travers WO1(Cdr) RW Travers MBE Travers 1995 Travers, Army No. 24330198, Ammo Tech Conductor S Trench Trench Charlestown, S 1780 Samuel Trench, on expedition with Capt Rochfort, 30 Jun 1780, Royal Artillery Regt Muster Carolina Roll WO1(Cdr) R Triggs Triggs 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) JE Trimmer Trimmer 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) LJ Trollope Trollope 1952 5382127 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor C Tucker Tucker 1825 Charles Tucker, Died 30 May 1826, Benares, Family History in India Conductor CE Tucker Tucker Harwich 1911 02041911 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly Conductor Tully Tully 1925 RAOC Corps HQ, Hisea WO1(Cdr) TW Turnbull Turnbull 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) L Turner MBE Turner War Office 1948 List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) HR Twitchett Twitchett 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) JW Tyerman Tyerman 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) IJ Tyrell RLC Tyrell HQ Land 2005 Ian Tyrell, Army No. 24634132, Sup Conductor I Unwin Unwin IAOD 1830 Isaac Unwin, Ordnance Dept India, Appointed: c1830, Demobbed in 1860. Found in connection with burial of his wife in Ahmednuggur in 1864. Submitted by Jane Allen- Melville. WO1(Cdr) CP Usher Usher 1966 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) RJ Utting Utting Veh Dpt Ashchurch 1971 Supply,Army List, Veh provided Spec, Dvr, by John Photog, McKenzie, Appointed June 21/11/71. 2004 extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) DW Vale Vale DGOS 1987 Derekprovided Vale, by CdrArmy JA No. Hickey 23987688, (1975) Sup Left Con. RAOC From 1979, the ArmySeniority Number: Roll 1990, 23138207 Courtesy of Ex Conductor W Van Assendelf Van Assendelf Charlestown, S 1780 WilliamCdr GCV Van Webster Assendelf, Click Wounded, Here 30 Jun 1780, Royal Artillery Regt Muster Roll WO1(Cdr) AM Vanstone Vanstone 1988 Vanstone, Army No. 24027504, Sup Spec

WO1(Cdr)NA Vaughan Vaughan HQ JHC 2007 Nigel Vaughan Sup Con HQ Joint Helicopter Command

WO1(Cdr) PE Veal Veal 1975 Ret Major 503276 Percy (Peter) Edward Veal. Army No 22960297. Tech Clerk WO1(Cdr) SJ Veazey Veazey 1988 Stuart Veazey, Army No. 24027592, Sup Con Conductor A Viant Viant 1925 01061925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) G Vickers Vickers Army Wk St Gp 1977 George Vickers, 22825969 Appointed 1 April 1977. Retired 1982, At the time of his WO1(Cdr) PJ Vickers Vickers 1965 Apptappointment 1 Nov Taken George from Vickers the Autumn was the 1973 youngest Army servingList, provided Conductor. by John Copy McKenzie, of Letter Juneof WO1(Cdr) G Vincent Vincent 1952 7587582,2004 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) TL Vowles Vowles 1988 Vowles, Army No. 23987194, Sup Spec WO1(Cdr) FW Wadhams Wadhams 1952 7583052, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) GC Wadler Wadler 1952 7585464 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor R Wake Wake 1716 1716.....(dated) bar Tel-el-Kebir. CONDR. R. WAKE, COMST. & TRSPT. CPS. (Commissariat & Transport Corps.) Khedive's Star 1882. Came with original picture of an WO1(Cdr)RG Wake Wake 1952 7588076, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) M Waldon Waldon HQ 7 Armd Bde 1990 Marv Walden, Army No. 24119595, Sup Spec. BOWO From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here . Op Granby, RAOC Gazette 04/91. left around 2000 as a Major Conductor J Waldram Waldram Quetta Arsenal 1925

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WO1(Cdr)JHG Waldron Waldron 1970 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) E Walker Walker 1979 Commisioned 1980 Conductor J Walker Walker 1803 James Walker Conductor 28.11.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 17.06.1811. Dismissed 16.02.1818. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) SD Walker Walker 1955 181546 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie Conductor W Walker Walker Alderney 1908 29071908 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) F Wallace Wallace 1952 814501, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor J Wallace Wallace Ordnance 1831 Killed 12 Mar 1831, Bangalore Bengal, at WO1(Cdr) E Walling Walling 205 Ind BOD 1945 205 Ind BOD Penagar Bengal, Discharge Papers available Conductor GH Walroad Walroad Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. Conductor EW Walrond Walrond Cape 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) RJ Walsh MBE Walsh 1969 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr)DAW Ward Ward 1967 StaffArmy Clerk,List, provided Baker, Butcher, by John OfficeMcKenzie, Machine June Ops 2004 or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 ConductorJ Ward Ward Madras Army 1865 Madras Army List 1873

Conductor WH Ward Ward Portsmouth 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List

WO1(Cdr) J Warden MR Warden Joe Warden, Army No. ,

ConductorW Ware Ware 1800 William Ware. Conductor 05.06.1800. Appointed Asst. Commissary 11.08.1808. Retired on half pay 02.12.1816. Died 14.03.1841 Conductor T Warner Warner Cape 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List Conductor J Warren Warren Woolwich 1879 Appt 15.03.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List Conductor W Warren Warren Woolwich 1903 19101903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr)GA Wase Wase 1987 Ammo Tech Instructor, served in Faulklands, George Alan Wase, Army No. 24062385 WO1(Cdr) H Washington Washington 99 Ghurka Bde 1963 Harold Washington. BOWO 99 Ghurka Bde Borneo Retired 1966Died 2004 WO1(Cdr)J Waterhouse Waterhouse 1966 Appt 16 Apr Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr)D Waters Waters 1945 RAOCOnline Posted photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45

WO1(Cdr) JC Watkins Watkins 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr)S Watling Watling War Office 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor A Watson Watson 1795 Details Here Mentioned in 'The Defence of Marcouf by Lt Col MES Laws OBE MC RA Conductor AC Watson Watson IAOC 1925 (Ret) WO1(Cdr) JW Watson Watson 19 Civil Affairs 1947 4800643 WO1 John William Watson, Confirmed as War Substantive Sub-Conductor 06 RAOC (Norway ) Oct 1944. Demobbed 31 Oct 1947. This was my Grandfather who I never met as he died WO1(Cdr) RT Watson Watson Dhekalia Cyprus 1968 22771474 WO1(Cdr) Reginal Thopmas Watson. Joined 20/08/1942, Royal Armoured WO1(Cdr)RF Watson Watson 1986 Corps,Watson, Royal Army Army No. Ordnance23987461, Corps Sup Con in April 1943. 50th Northumbrian Infantry Division

WO1(Cdr)A Watt Watt 15ABOD 1967 Known to David McCarthy 1987 WO1(Cdr)JM Watters Watters 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) F Waudby Waudby Frank Waudby, Army No. ,

Conductor G Wear Wear 1803 George Wear Conductor 19.12.1803. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 17.06.1811. Retired on half pay 21.01.1819. Contr. by Ralph Daly

WO1(Cdr) HA Webb Webb 1930 Name written into No1 dress Suit bought and displayed at the Conductors Day, 2006 by SSgt Sean Featherstone. Could be 1936 or 1939 Conductor RC Webb Webb Bombay Ordnance 1883 Richard Cresswell Webb, Bombay Ordnance Corps, commis 8th October 1890, Born 1844 Corps in Castle Donington, Leics. Was a conductor in the Bombay Ordnance Dept in 1883 when his son Robert John was born (rank on birth cert.) Commissioned 1890. Retired as Lt. 6th Conductor S Webb Webb Brookfield, Mass. 1780 Samuel Webb, Cdr of Ord Stores, Brookfield,, Worcester County, Massachusetts WO1(Cdr) GCV Webster Webster SSD Dulman 1978 Gordon Webster, Army No. 22825932, . Appointed Conductor in 1978 serving at SSD Dulmen and afterwards CVD Ashchurch. Involved in setting up the incentive scheme within the HQ CVD, then Staff Asst to Comdt. Retired in Aug 1991 after 34 yrs.Awarded the WO1(Cdr) H Webster BEM Webster 1966 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

Conductor R Weir Weir Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the WO1(Cdr) SA Welch Welch 1999 SteveCampaign Welch, Medal Army for No.Egypt 24340927, 1882-1889. Chef Conductor E Weld Weld 1805 Erasmus Weld Conductor 11.01.1805. Appointed Asst. Commissary. 01.01.1811. Retired on half pay 17.04.1816. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) W Welfare Welfare 1945 WELFARE, WALTER, MBE, UK, Cdr, S/3381199, RASC IACC attd, 42, 09/10/1945, WO1(Cdr)GAR Wells Wells 1996 HusbandWells, Army of Lucy No. Mary24420434, Welfare, Ammo of Taunton, Tech Somerset, 2. A. 16, RANGOON WAR WO1(Cdr) J Welsh Welsh 1988 Welsh, Army No. 23987276, Staff Clerk Conductor R West West 1915 03011915 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) R West West 1915 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day. HG Western Western 1919 Pte (Acting Cdr) Henry George Western of Folkestone London Gazette 21 Oct 1919 WO1(Cdr)WW Westhead Westhead HQ Land 2001 Wyne Westhead, Army No. 557347, Pet Op

WO1(Cdr) AA Westlake Westlake 1952 404602, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) DA Weyers Weyers 1985 Weyers, Army No. 23874489, Staff Clerk WO1(Cdr)PG Wharton Wharton 1987 Wharton, Army No. 24092440, Ammo Tech

WO1(Cdr) JC Wheeler Wheeler WHEELER, JOHN CARTER, UK, Cdr, 7634704, RAOC, 27, 24/04/1946, Son of John Carter Wheeler and May Wheeler, of Newport, Monmouthshire, 5. L. 13, JAKARTA WAR CEMETERY, Indonesia. Commemorated on the CWGC Website

WO1(Cdr) HP Whetton Whetton 1952 5045585, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

WO1(Cdr) ER White MBE White 1965 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Conductor J White White 3207Army ConductorList, provided John by White, John McKenzie, Discharged June 31.03.1903 2004 . Service 36 3/12 years. Sergeant and W.O. 28 9/12 years. Foreign Service 10 7/12 years. No Field service. Has L.S. + G.C. medal. 8 entries in company defaulters sheet. 30 years clear before discharge. From PRO

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WO1(Cdr)RJ White White HQ W Mids 1976 Robert (Bob) White, Army No. 22825532, . I feel that I can claim "Conductor Brothers" Not modern but going back to my Great Grand Father and his brother. Both are already on the list. They are Great Grand Father James ALLEN (Appointed Feb 4th 1881) and hi

WO1(Cdr) W White White 1945 WHITE, WILLIAM, UK, Cdr, 759613, RAOC, 40, 23/01/1946, , B5. A. 2, THANBYUZAYAT WAR CEMETERY, Burma. Commemorated on the CWGC Website

WO1(Cdr) WE White White 1952 22292451, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie

Conductor JT White White Pembroke Dock 1900 Died 13 Nov1920. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Pembroke Dock 17 Nov 1920. WO1(Cdr) WTJ Whitman Whitman HQ NW Dist 1944 WilliamAssumed Thomas to have John been WHITMAN, serving in the HQ Ordnance North West Stores District, Sub BamberDepot, Pembroke Bridge, Preston Dock Appointed: To East York Regt 04/08/1943; to RAOC 06/10/1944, Retired: 31/10/1971 The late Tom Whitman is my father He served in India and Burma during and after the war He WO1(Cdr) G Whittington Whittington 34 Base Wksp 1989 From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here. Served for six years initially, in Cyprus, Aden & Germany. Left in 1967 as a Corporal, then worked as a government Contracts admininstrator for six years with Rolls Royce Derby. Then Conductor J Whittington Whittington 1879 Cdr Whittington Killed in Action at Intomber river 12 May 1879

WO1(Cdr) G Whittington Whittington 1989 Graham Whittington, Army No. 23507818, Sup Con Conductor R Wier Wier E Dist 1879 Appt 10.06.1879 from Royal Artillery . See Full List

Conductor GE Wiffen Wiffen Madras Army 1869 Described as ‘Sappers/Miners’

Conductor J Wightman Wightman Madras Army 1873 Madras Army List 1873

WO1(Cdr) H Wilkinson Wilkinson 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr) WJ Wilkinson Wilkinson 1945 WILKINSON,List, provided byWALTER John McKenzie, JAMES, UK,June Cdr, 2004 7588662, RAOC, 44, 09/04/1945, Son of Arthur William and Beatrice Wilkinson, of Sheffield; husband of Ruth Ellen Wilkinson, of Sheffield, VI, C, 15, FORLI WAR CEMETERY, Italy. Commemorated on the CWGC Website

Conductor S Williams Williams Aldershot 1900 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor S Williams Williams Aldershot 1903 01011903 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) SC Williams Williams 1945 RAOCOnline Posted photo Kirkee VSD Puna India 1944/45 Conductor T Williams Williams Austrian 1746 Thomas Williams Esq. 21471, b. 1720, Cumberland, England, d. 22 Apr 1789, Annapolis Royal, NS. Thomas served as "Conductor of Stores" in the Austrian Netherlands, in 1746 Conductor AE Williams Williams RAOCNetherlands 1915 Born on the 6 November 1880, Deal Kent Served in the ranks for 15 years and 245 days WO1(Cdr) D Williams Williams 1985 PromotedWilliams, CondrArmy 1915 23938510, later commissioned Ammo Tech as Ordnance Officer Lieut 1925, Captain WO1(Cdr) ML Williams Williams 1993 Williams, Army No. 24186374, Mov Con WO1(Cdr) T Williams Williams 1978 RAOC Gazette 06/78 WO1(Cdr) W Williamson Williamson 1995 Williamson, Army No. 24413844, Sup Spec WO1(Cdr) KH Willis Willis 1971 Kenneth Herbert Willis, 22251850, 15 BOD BFPO 40, Germany, 15 BOD retired July 1971 WO1(Cdr) P Willis Willis 1943 IACC, served in Syria, Iraq, Iran. Mentioned in Despatches23 Dec 1943 Nat Archive Ref: WO 373/88 Image 700/698. Info from Nat Archive. WO1(Cdr) EG Willoughby Willoughby 1952 5494351, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) F Wills Wills Capetown 1905 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly.

Conductor J Wills Wills Capetown 1910 08081910 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor H Willstrop Willstrop Ammn Factory, 1924 , WO1(Cdr) CR Wilson Wilson 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) E Wilson Wilson 1932 Edwin(Ted), Taken from his headstone in the cemetery at East Hagbourne, Near Didcot, WO1(Cdr) E Wilson MBE Wilson IAOC 1924 ErnestBerks On Wilson the top MBE, of the Captain stone Ernest is an engraved Wilson, MBE,RAOC Indian Badge Miscellaneous 15 Nov 1908 List,- 31 AugAppointed: 1996 30 June 1924, Retired 15 November 1927, Born at Wingham, near Canterbury in Kent, WO1(Cdr) HP Wilson Wilson 1952 7589081, Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie James Howard Wilson, enlisted 29-1-53 retired 23-1-79. Vehicle Specialist . appointed WO1(Cdr) JH Wilson Wilson Hong Kong 1974 Conductor RAOC 1974. Selected for commission 11-78, but did not take up . WO1(Cdr) T Wilson Wilson Imtarfa 1928 More Info WO1(Cdr) WT Wilson Wilson WO1(Cdr) PL Windebank Windebank 1967 Staff Clerk, Baker, Butcher, Office Machine Ops or Pet Ops. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) D Winfield Winfield 2018 DanielWinfield. Comd Ord WO WO1(Cdr) A Winney Winney 1965 Appt 31 Aug Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June WO1(Cdr) PA Winter RLC Winter 6 Sup Regt 2004 Paul2004 Winter, Army No. 24645574, Sup Spec

Conductor J Wood Wood Madras Army 1862 Madras Army List 1873 WO1(Cdr)DJ Wood Wood 1986 Wood, Army No. 23938471, Ammo Tech

WO1(Cdr) PJ Wood Wood 1993 Wood, Army No. 543783, Chef

Conductor T Woodcock Woodcock Allahabad Arsenal 1926

WO1(Cdr) E Woodger Woodger Dublin 1910 Army List 1914. Contr Ralph Daly. Conductor E Woodger Woodger Dublin 1913 17121913 Army List April 1914. Contr. by Ralph Daly

Conductor J Woodhouse Woodhouse Madras Army 1869 John Woodhouse Madras Army Father of Joseph 1880

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Conductor J Woodhouse Woodhouse Ord Dept 1880 Joseph Woodhouse. Bangalore, Bangalore Son of John 1869 above. JW Woodhouse Woodhouse Madras 1834 John William Woodhouse, 1801 -1872, Christened 1830 as Sergeant 2Bn Arty, , Baptised 1834, Confirmed 1821, First Communion as QSM in 2Bn Arty WO1(Cdr) WC Woodhouse Woodhouse Army Management 1974 William Charles Woodhouse, Appt 1974, Petroleum fitter/operator and work study Services Gp (WS) op.Duties include Pet. Depot Superintendent in Germany and England. Work study in England, Germany and Cyprus. tRetired April 1981 WO1(Cdr) AW Woodley Woodley 1986 Tony Woodley, Army No. 24902143, Sup Spec WO1(Cdr) TW Woodruff Woodruff 557 BOD 1946 Thomas Wilton Woodruff, 10555265, appt 21/05/1946. Released to Reserves 27/12/1948 Conductor C Woods MSM Woods Ireland 1879 Appt 10.06.1879 from Ordnance Branch ASC . See Full List Awarded MSM 19.07.1908 Conductor G Woods Woods Ord Store Egypt 1889 Taken from a 'List of Conductor of Stores of the Ordnance Stores Dept entitled to the Campaign Medal for Egypt 1882-1889. WO1(Cdr) JTC Woods Woods 1973 John Thomas Charles Woods WO1(Cdr) SG Woods MBE Woods RAOC 1967 Awarded OBE 1967, Page 203, 'The Longest Walk' by Peter Birchall

WO1(Cdr) T Woods RAOC Woods Thomas Woods, Army No. 22558742, Veh Spec WO1(Cdr) TC Woods Woods 1969 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004 WO1(Cdr) TGE Woods MBE Woods RAOC 1946 Tony Gordon Ernest Woods, 7607740 Served NW Europe, awarded MBE 24 Jan 1946, Nat Archive Ref WO 373/86 Image 847/846 Info supplied by Nat Archive.

Conductor WG Woods Woods 1857 Attached to the Bengal Ordnance Department, during the Indian Mutiny. Murdered by WO1(Cdr) D Woodward Woodward DST 2008 Davidmutineers Woodward, at Delhi appointed- 11th May Jun 1857. 2008, Details Sen Master Dvr, DST, Driver

WO1(Cdr) V Woodward Woodward 1975 Supply, Veh Spec, Dvr, Photog, Appointed 10/4/75. extracted from Army List 1979 WO1(Cdr) A Woolen Woolen Medalsprovided held by Cdrin the JA Medal Hickey Room, (1975) The Central Sergeants Mess at RLC HQ Deepcut Ref A28. Could be: Arthur Woolen who appears on the 1881 Census for Oxfordshire as being J Woolhouse Woolhouse Ord Dept, Bengal 1869 John Woolhouse, WO1(Cdr) MJ Woollan Woollan HQ Paderborn 1969 Michael (John) Woollan, Army No. 22276919, . Staff Clerk. Taken from the Autumn 1973 WO1(Cdr) A Worley Worley 1956 7585648Army List, Stores provided Sen by Roll John 1954, McKenzie, Contr by June John 2004 McKenzie . Appointment Letter Link

WO1(Cdr) PH Worth Worth ICP RAOC BAOR 1990 Army No. 24062630, WSO. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV WO1(Cdr) LS Worthington Worthington 1955 7618455Webster ClickStores Here Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) C Wright Wright Curragh 1902 Army List 1907. Contr Ralph Daly. WO1(Cdr)DE Wright Wright RAOC COD 1964 Donald Edward Wright , Army No. 10596512, Appt September 1964, - passed Bicester away suddenly while still serving on Dec 18 1968 aged 39. Wife also remembers him attending a fancy dress party at the mess in Sennelager as a WO1(Cdr) J Wright Wright 1956 697723 Stores Sen Roll 1954, Contr by John McKenzie WO1(Cdr) JE Wright Wright 1968 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army WO1(Cdr)BH Wright Wright 1961 BrianList, provided Wright, Armyby John No. McKenzie, 10590162, June Chef 2004

Conductor C Wright Wright Curragh 1906 21071906 Army List Nov 1907. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr) RS Wright Wright 1996 Wright, Army No. 24267130, Chef WO1(Cdr)E Wyatt Wyatt 1921 Army List 1926. Contr Ralph Day.

Conductor E Wyatt Wyatt 1925 29071925 Army List Jan 1926. Contr. by Ralph Daly WO1(Cdr)RD Wyatt Wyatt HQ 102 Log Bde 2001 Wyatt, Army No. 557329, Sup Con WO1(Cdr) CF Wylie Wylie 1987 Wylie, Army No. 24025055, Staff Clerk Conductor D Wynne Wynne Madras 1850 Pensioner, died 18 Mar 1860, St Mary's Burial Gd, Madras, Details. WO1(Cdr) JH Wynne WynneEstablishment 1967 Tech Cl, Stores, Veh Spec, DrvrS, Photogr & Prnters. Taken from the Autumn 1973 Army List, provided by John McKenzie, June 2004

WO1(Cdr) P Yates Yates 1975 Peter Yates. Died Sept 2014.Enlisted 09/08/1956 Portsmouth. Completed 22 years. Veh Spec. WO1(Cdr) PA Yeaman Yeaman HQ Lond Dist 1987 Army No. 24101946, Ammo Tech. From the Seniority Roll 1990, Courtesy of Ex Cdr GCV Webster Click Here WO1(Cdr) D Young Young WO1(Cdr) E (Ted) Young Young Army No: 2292344, Origins: 6 Oct 1950, Boys Service RAOC, Trade: Clerk, WO1(Cdr) ER Young Young HQ W Dist 1969 AppointedService Record 30th September high points: 1969, Exeter,Left: 1 January Gosport, 1973, Ghana Retired BWA, Captain Sierra RAOC Leone, on UK WO1(Cdr) AE Zycinski Zycinski TDT RLC 1995 Armyvoluntary No. retirement24204568, MTI. Alan Edward Zycinski, TDT, RLC, Deeecut, Camberley, Surrey. GU16 6RW. Appointed: 26/06/1995. Demob: 21/01/1996.

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