Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35(4): 534±543, 2004 Copyright 2004 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians


Ryan De Voe, D.V.M., Kyleigh Geissler, D.V.M., Susan Elmore, M.S., D.V.M., David Rotstein, D.V.M., M.P.V.M., Dipl. A.C.V.P., Greg Lewbart, M.S., V.M.D., Dipl. A.C.Z.M., and James Guy, D.V.M., Ph.D.

Abstract: Seven captive eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) from a large collection of North American chelonians in North Carolina became acutely ill in the fall of 2002. Five of the turtles died. Clinical signs included cutaneous abscessation, oral ulceration or abscessation (or both), respiratory distress, anorexia, and lethargy. The predominant postmortem lesion was ®brinoid vasculitis of various organs, including skin, mucous membranes, lungs, and liver. No inclusion bodies were detected by or electron microscopy of formalin-®xed tissue. An iridovirus was isolated from tissues obtained postmortem from two of the box turtles that died. The was char- acterized by electron microscopy, polymerase chain reaction, and sequence analysis of a portion of the major capsid protein as a member of the genus . Key words: Eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina carolina, iridovirus, Ranavirus, vasculitis.

INTRODUCTION frogs and toads at various life stages. Other mem- bers of the genus include the epizootic hematopoi- Members of the are large, icosahe- etic necrosis virus group and the Santee-Cooper vi- dral, enveloped DNA that infect a wide rus group, both of which are important pathogens range of invertebrate and ectothermic vertebrate 4 species. The Iridoviridae include ®ve genera: Iri- of ®sh. Many other have been de- dovirus, Chloriridovirus, , Rana- scribed that cause signi®cant disease in both wild 4,6,8,21 virus, and ``gold®sh virus-1±like viruses.'' In gen- and captive amphibians and ®sh. eral, Iridovirus sp. and Chloriridovirus sp. infect Ranaviruses may infect multiple species from invertebrates whereas the remaining genera infect different classes. For example, the Bohle iridovirus, ectothermic vertebrates.9 However, this division has a ranavirus that is highly pathogenic to a variety of not proven to be de®nite because infections caused species of young amphibians, is also experimental- by members of the genus Iridovirus have recently ly pathogenic to barramundi (Lates calcarifer) and 6 been documented in reptiles.14 Unclassi®ed irido- tilapia (Oreochromis massambicus). Naturally oc- viruslike viruses have also been associated with curring infections of both red-legged frogs (Rana erythrocytic inclusions in ®sh, amphibians, and rep- aurora) and stickleback ®sh (Gasterostelus aculea- tiles.9,13,21 tus) by FV3 have been described.15 There is a disparity in the severity of disease Ranaviruses can cause disease in reptiles. They caused by the two genera of iridoviruses most com- are known to infect various species of chelonians monly infecting vertebrate species. Lymphocystivi- and at least one species of snake. In Mediterranean rus infections in ®sh cause proliferative dermal le- tortoises (Testudo graeca) and a gopher tortoise sions that are usually self-limiting and rarely as- (Gopherus polyphemus), pathologic lesions associ- sociated with mortality.9 In contrast, infection with ated with ranavirus infection were comparable. In Ranavirus sp. can result in high morbidity and mor- the Mediterranean tortoises, multifocal necrosis and tality in susceptible species and is responsible for heterophilic in¯ammation of the tongue, oral cavity, epizootics in both wild and captive ®sh and am- pharynx, esophagus, intestines, and cloaca were phibians.2,16 Frog virus-3 (FV3) is the type species present.11,18 The gopher tortoise displayed similar of the genus Ranavirus and can be pathogenic to lesions in its pharynx and esophagus but also had severe necrotizing tracheitis and pneumonia.20 Cy- toplasmic, basophilic inclusion bodies associated From the Departments of Clinical Sciences (De Voe, with the lesions were detected in both cases. In one Lewbart) and Population Health and Pathobiology (Geis- sler, Elmore, Rotstein, Guy), College of Veterinary Med- report on a ranavirus outbreak in T. graeca, a group icine, North Carolina State University, 4700 Hillsborough of seven animals was affected with 100% mortali- Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606, USA. Correspon- ty.18 Ranavirus-associated disease is also described dence should be directed to Dr. De Voe. in green tree pythons (Morelia viridis) illegally im- 534 DE VOE ET AL.ÐBOX TURTLE RANAVIRUS 535 ported into Australia from New Guinea. Three of of the affected turtles. The likelihood of direct con- 10 snakes died, and chronic ulceration of the nasal tact between turtles in adjoining pens was remote, mucosa, necrotizing in¯ammation of the pharyn- but frogs were noted to pass freely between the geal submucosa, and periacinar degeneration and pens. necrosis of the liver were found.12 A ranavirus pre- Five of the affected turtles were examined; two viously was identi®ed in eastern box turtles (Ter- died before they could be examined. Clinical signs rapene carolina carolina), but speci®c circum- observed in the live turtles included cutaneous ab- stances of the infection were not reported; this virus scesses (5/5), oral erosions or abscessation (or both) has been referred to as turtle virus-3 (TV3).5,16 Oth- (5/5), and respiratory distress (3/5); one turtle pre- er iridoviruses, likely to be members of the genus sented with the aforementioned clinical signs as Ranavirus, have been implicated in causing disease well as severe unilateral conjunctivitis and cellulitis in soft-shelled turtles and chameleons.3,7 However, of the head and neck. The skin abscesses were mul- these isolates have not been characterized well tifocal, discrete, slightly raised ulcerated nodules 1± enough to assign to a genus. 4 mm in diameter, and covered by a yellow-gray This case series documents ranavirus isolation crust encircled by a pale rim (Fig. 1). Dyspnea was and characterization from two adult eastern box tur- observed in all terminal animals. Complete blood tles in a group of seven experiencing signi®cant counts and plasma biochemistry were performed at morbidity and mortality. least once on all turtles examined. Consistently el- evated values were seen in urea (3/5), aspartate CASE REPORTS aminotransferase (3/5), creatine kinase (4/5), and The affected eastern box turtles (T. carolina car- lactate dehydrogenase (5/5). Toxic changes were re- olina) were from a privately owned group of over ported in the heterophils of all turtles that died. 100 turtles. The majority were eastern box turtles, Other clinical pathology ®ndings were variable and but there were numerous aquatic North American nonspeci®c (Table 1). species, such as painted turtles (Chrysemys picta Various treatment regimens were attempted. All subsp.), sliders (Trachemys scripta subsp.), and turtles received supportive care with parenteral ¯u- mud turtles (Kinosternon spp.). The majority of the ids (lactated Ringer's solution injection USP, 0.9% turtles were housed in outdoor pens. Most enclo- sodium chloride injection USP [Baxter Healthcare sures contained groups of mixed species. All pens Corp., Deer®eld, Illinois 60015, USA], and 5% had ponds that were ®lled with well water from the Dextrose Injection USP [Abbott Laboratories, Chi- property or with municipal water. The ponds were cago, Illinois 60064, USA] combined in equal vol- made with either plastic pond liners or sealed con- umes, s.c., i.v., or intracoelomically) as well as nu- crete. The pens in which the sick turtles originated tritional support provided via tube feeding. Other were approximately 54 and 90 m2 respectively. In therapeutics used included ceftazidime (Fortaz, addition to food items foraged in the pens, the box Baxter Healthcare Corp.; 20 mg/kg, i.m., q 72 hr), turtles were offered canned dog food and a variety enro¯oxacin (Baytril, Bayer Corp., Shawnee Mis- of fruits and vegetables. The incidence of disease sion, Kansas 66201, USA; 5 mg/kg, s.c. or i.m., in the group was historically low and sporadic. s.i.d.), clindamycin (Abbott Laboratories; 10 mg/ Many of the turtles have been captive a long time, kg, i.m., s.i.d.), acyclovir (Zovirax, GlaxoSmith- some more than 30 yr. An outbreak of suspected Kline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina herpesvirus infection with 100% mortality in the 13398, USA; 80 mg/kg, p.o., s.i.d.), interferon clinically affected turtles was observed in the group (Schering Corp., Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033, 7 yr earlier, but no signi®cant health problems had USA; 300 IU/kg, p.o., s.i.d.), ¯urbiprofen (Paci®c been noted since. Pharma, Irvine, California 92612, USA; topically All cases occurred between 10 September 2002 in the affected eye, q 12±24 hr), and triple antibi- and 17 October 2002. Seven box turtles were in- otic ophthalmic ointment (Bausch & Lomb Phar- volved in this disease outbreak. Six of them were maceuticals Inc., Tampa, Florida 33637, USA; top- wild caught and relatively new in the collection, ically in the affected eye q 12±24 hr). Not all ther- with the most recently acquired animal added 6 mo apeutics were administered to all turtles. Therapy before the outbreak. These box turtles were from did not seem to alter the course of the disease sig- the same outside pen, which also housed a pair of ni®cantly. painted turtles. The remaining turtle was from a pen of six long-term captive eastern box turtles, which Gross necropsy and histologic ®ndings had been in the collection from 10 to Ͼ40 yr. This All ®ve turtles that died were necropsied within pen was adjacent to the pen housing the majority 24 hr of death. Representative tissue sections were 536 JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE

Figure 1. Cutaneous abscessation on the right forelimb of an eastern box turtle from which ranavirus was isolated. Discrete abscesses are indicated with black arrows. placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, processed resulted in a variety of isolates. Corynebacterium and sectioned at 5 ␮m, and stained with hematox- and Bacillus species were cultured from coelomic ylin and eosin. Special stains for bacteria and fungi swabs taken postmortem from the ®rst two turtles were applied as needed. All turtles were in fair to die. Liver and spleen were cultured from the re- body condition at the time of death. The necropsy maining three turtles postmortem, yielding Entero- ®ndings were similar in all turtles examined. Gross coccus fecalis (group D) from two. Antemortem ®ndings included the previously described cutane- cultures of the skin lesions were obtained on ®ve ous and mucosal lesions, hyperemic and edematous of the seven turtles involved in the outbreak. Pseu- lungs, splenomegaly, and enlarged, yellow livers. domonas aeruginosa and an alpha-hemolytic Microscopically, ®brinoid vasculitis of the integu- Staphylococcus species were cultured from the skin ment, mucous membranes, liver, and lungs was a lesions of one individual. All samples for skin cul- consistent ®nding among the animals (Fig. 2). Oth- tures obtained antemortem were collected before er organs with ®brinoid vasculitis included the eye the beginning of antibiotic therapy. All turtles that (1/5), spleen (2/5), stomach (2/5), intestines and co- died received antibiotics before death. Fungal cul- lon (2/5), kidney (2/5), and heart and great vessels ture of the skin lesions from one turtle yielded a (1/5). Inclusion bodies were not observed in any of light growth of Absidia sp. No anaerobic bacteria the examined tissues. were isolated from any of the sampled tissues. Heterophilic tracheitis and chronic pancreatitis Special stains were also used to rule out various were present in individual turtles. Gastritis associ- infectious agents, including Macchiavello for Chla- ated with nematodiasis was observed in two ani- mydophila sp., Gram's for bacteria, Feulgen for vi- mals. Hepatic lipidosis was evident in all necrop- ral DNA, Giemsa for bacteria and protozoa, and sied animals. Gomori's Methenamine Silver (GMS) for fungi. Aerobic bacterial culture of representative tissues The GMS stain was positive for fungal hyphae as- DE VOE ET AL.ÐBOX TURTLE RANAVIRUS 537 a Turtle E 1 Oct 18 Oct a Turtle D ) with con®rmed or suspected ranavirus infection. 1 Oct 18 Oct Terrapene carolina carolina Turtle C 26 Sep 27 Sep 18 Sep Turtle B Turtle A Creatinine kinase. c 13 Sep 18 Oct /L) 16.9 16.7 9.8 30 11.3 8.2 11.5 14.5 7.7 9 10 ϫ Plasma biochemistry and hematological parameters from eastern box turtles ( Aspartate aminotransferase; mol/L [mg/dl]) 35.69 [0.6] 35.69 [0.6] 118.96 [2] 41.64 [0.7] 83.27 [1.4] 339.04 [5.7] 113.01 [1.9] 17.84 [0.3] 17.84 [0.3] b ␮ Individual Sample date (kat/L [IU/L]) 1.55 [93] 1.08 [65] 5.40 [324] 17.22 [1033] 23.17 [1390] 10.84 [650] 12.12 [727] 2.87 [172] 1.25 [75] (kat/L [IU/L]) 9.29 [557] 1.78 [107] 34.42 [2065] 21.72 [1303] 37.62 [2257] 12.12 [727] 1.38 [83] 2.30 [138] 1.18 [71] b c Survivor; Table 1. [IU/L]) 8.17 [490] 2.82 [169] 38.89 [2213] 35.76 [2145] 43.51 [2610] 24.97 [1498] 7.48 [449] 6.75 [405] 3.70 [222] [IU/L]) 0.78 [47] 0.52 [31] 3.55 [213] 5.70 [342] 6.88 [413] 1.23 [74] 1.52 [91] 1.28 [77] 1.13 [68] a Lymphocyte (%)Basophil (%)Heterophil (%)Toxic heterophils 54 27 6 Yes 52 Yes 14 23 12 Yes 80 7 25 Yes 20 11 31 Yes 30 13 No 19 47 10 No 11 57 10 25 No 50 16 No 31 33 18 Glucose (mmol/L [mg/dl])Urea (mmol/L [mg/dl])Uric acid ( 6.72 [121] 29.27 [41] 3.61 [65] 169.93 [238] 0.56 [10] 25.70 [36]CK 19.99 9.49 [28] [171] 21.42 9.38 [30] [169] 16.60 [299] 48.55 [68] 8.38 [151] 92.11 [129] 37.84 7.05 [53] [127] 72.83 4.33 [102] [78] Lactate dehydrogene (kat/L Bile acids (mmol/L)Packed cell volume (%)White blood cells ( 23 5.8 48.9 20 12.4 15 8.9 26 9.7 23 9.7 7 22.3 15 14.5 24 12.8 23 P (mmol/L [mg/dl])Ca (mmol/L [mg/dl])Total protein (g/L [g/dl])Alkaline phosphatase (kat/L 1.07 38 [3.3] 2.40 [9.6] [3.8] 1.26 [3.9] 2.35 38 [9.4] 0.55 [3.8] [1.7] 3.17 [12.7] 23 [2.3] 0.29 2.52 [0.9] [10.1] 28 2.84 [11.4] 0.29 [0.9] [2.8] 2.45 [9.8] 32 0.65 [2] [3.2] 2.72 [10.9] 33 1.19 [3.7] 2.42 [9.7] [3.3] 2.79 0.74 [11.2] [2.3] 54 1.55 [4.8] [5.4] 45 [4.5] 52 [5.2] AST 538 JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE

Figure 2. a. Photomicrograph of spleen from an eastern box turtle with ranaviral infection, showing widespread coagulative necrosis of lymphoid and stromal elements. Fibrinoid vasculitis characterized by hyalinized vessel walls with cellular debris is shown (black arrows). Fibrin is observed within the lumen of the vessel. H&E, ϫ200. b. Photomicrograph of lung from an eastern box turtle with ranaviral infection. Fibrinoid vasculitis is observed (open arrows), as well as multifocal intravascular thromboses of variably sized vessels (black arrows). H&E, ϫ40. DE VOE ET AL.ÐBOX TURTLE RANAVIRUS 539 sociated with the skin lesions in one animal. The on a Model 373A DNA Sequencer (Applied Bio- organisms were described as nonbranching, septate systems, Foster City, California 94404, USA) using hyphae with roughly parallel walls consistent with, the Taq DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing but not distinct to, an Absidia species. A Chlamy- Kit (Applied Biosystems). Gene products were con- dophila sp. antigen-capture enzyme-linked immu- ®rmed by sequencing both strands. nosorbent of pooled swabs taken from the Virus isolates were obtained from the pooled tis- liver, spleen, skin, and coelom in one animal was sue samples taken from the two turtles. Cytopathic negative. effect was characterized as focal areas of cell rounding in inoculated TK cells from 5 days post- Virology inoculation (PI) and was most pronounced at day 8 Liver, spleen, skin, tongue, and coelomic ¯uid PI, involving approximately 80% of the cell mono- were submitted for virus isolation from two turtles layer. Both oral swabs were negative for the pres- at necropsy. Oral swabs were collected from the ence of virus. two surviving turtles. Toad kidney (TK) cells were Electron microscopic examination of negatively obtained from American Type Culture Collection. stained supernatant ¯uid revealed ico- TK cells were grown at 23ЊC in a growth medium sahedral particles approximately 150 nm in diam- consisting of Roswell Park Memorial Institute eter, morphologically consistent with iridovirus vi- (RPMI) media 1640 (GIBCO BRL, Grand Island, rions (Fig. 3). Thin-section electron microscopy of New York 14072, USA) and 10% fetal bovine se- infected TK cells disclosed clusters of iridovirus- rum (FBS). like particles within the cytoplasm. Some virus par- Tissues from two of seven affected turtles were ticles acquired an outer envelope by budding prepared as 10% wt/vol suspensions in RPMI sup- through the plasma membrane (Fig. 4). Electron plemented with 1% FBS. Tissues were homoge- microscopic examination of formalin-®xed splenic nized, clari®ed by centrifugation, ®ltered through tissue from one turtle did not reveal virus particles 0.45 ␮m-diameter membrane pores, and inoculated associated with lesions. onto con¯uent monolayers of TK cells. Swab sam- The DNA obtained from the partially puri®ed ples were processed similarly; swabs were discard- box turtle isolate was ampli®ed in a PCR assay us- ed, the resultant ¯uid was clari®ed, ®ltered, and in- ing synthetic primers that were based on the major oculated onto TK cells. Inoculated cell cultures capsid gene of FV3. The PCR products from each were maintained in RPMI supplemented with 1% isolate were approximately 500 base pairs in size. FBS, incubated at 23ЊC, and examined daily for cy- No product was observed when DNA was harvest- topathic effect. ed from uninfected TK cells and ampli®ed by PCR. The box turtle isolate was harvested from in- Sequence analysis of the cloned PCR product fected cells and partially puri®ed. Cell culture su- (495 base pairs) revealed a 99% sequence identity pernatant ¯uid was clari®ed by centrifugation between the box turtle isolate and the major capsid (10,000 rpm for 20 min) in a Sorvall RC5B Plus gene of FV3 and TV3 (data not shown). Similarly, centrifuge (Kendro Laboratory Products, Asheville, the deduced amino acid sequence revealed an iden- North Carolina 28806, USA). Clari®ed supernatant tity of 98% (161/164 amino acids) with the major ¯uid was layered onto a 30% (wt/wt) cushion of capsid protein of FV3 and TV3. sucrose and centrifuged at 80,000 g for 2 hr. The resultant pellets were resuspended in TNE buffer DISCUSSION (0.01 M Tris±hydrochloride [pH 7.4], 0.1 M NaCl, This is not the ®rst description of a ranavirus 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). isolated from an eastern box turtle. TV3 was orig- Viral DNA was extracted from partially puri®ed inally recovered from an eastern box turtle, is fre- virus by incubation in 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate quently referred to in the literature, and is used in followed by phenol±chloroform extraction as de- comparative studies of ranaviruses.16 However, no scribed.17 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) proto- description of the circumstances regarding isolation cols and primers (4 and 5) were as previously de- of this virus exists in the literature. Therefore, this scribed for ampli®cation of a portion of the major is the ®rst report on the clinical aspects of pre- capsid gene (approximately 500 base pairs) of sumptive ranavirus infection in a captive population FV3.16 The PCR product was cloned into pUC19 of eastern box turtles. This documentation is im- and transformed into competent Escherichia coli portant because members of the genus Ranavirus strain DH5 (GIBCO BRL) as described.17 The DNA appear to be variably pathogenic according to fac- was sequenced at the University of North Carolina tors such as species and age. FV3 causes subclini- (Chapel Hill) Automated DNA Sequencing Facility, cal infections in adult Rana pipiens but is known 540 JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE

Figure 3. Transmission electron micrograph of supernatant ¯uid from a cell culture inoculated with box turtle tissue. Icosahedral viral particles, approximately 150 nm in diameter, morphologically consistent with an iridovirus are observed. ϫ50,000. DE VOE ET AL.ÐBOX TURTLE RANAVIRUS 541

Figure 4. Transmission electron micrograph of an infected toad kidney cell from culture inoculated with box turtle tissue. A cluster of icosahedral viral particles, approximately 150 nm in diameter, is observed in the cytoplasm. Multiple viral particles are seen budding through the plasma membrane (black arrows). Morphology and cytoplasmic assembly site are consistent with an iridovirus. ϫ20,000. 542 JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE to be experimentally pathogenic in younger life administration of any therapeutics, but the post- stages of frogs and Fowler's toads (Bufo wood- mortem culture samples were obtained after treat- housei).4,9 The information presented in this study ment with various antimicrobial medications. suggests that under appropriate environmental or Therefore, the impact of antimicrobial therapy on host circumstances, this ranavirus may be capable the postmortem cultures is not known but could be of causing considerable morbidity and mortality in signi®cant. eastern box turtles. The vascular lesions in these turtles could be The virus isolate from the turtles in this case se- caused by a variety of systemic infectious diseases. ries was ampli®ed with primers previously shown Fibrinoid vasculitis can occur with bacterial septi- to be speci®c for the major capsid protein of iri- cemia, rickettsial disease, systemic fungal infec- doviruses in the Ranavirus genus.15 This con®rms tions as well as other viral infections (e.g., herpes- the isolate as a member of the genus Ranavirus. viruses).9 The evidence collected does not suggest Sequencing of the ampli®ed product demonstrated the presence of another infectious organism that a 99% nucleotide sequence and a 98% amino acid could be responsible for the morbidity and mortal- identity with TV3 and FV3. Therefore, this isolate ity in this group of turtles. However, the pathologic appears to be identical with the previously charac- changes are relatively nonspeci®c, and the presence terized TV3 isolate. A 100% identity exists be- of another pathogen cannot be de®nitively ruled tween FV3 and TV3 within the same region of the out. major capsid protein.16 At present, there is some Complete blood counts and plasma chemistry controversy regarding classi®cation of ranaviruses. panels were not helpful in establishing prognosis in Isolates within the genus Ranavirus show greater these cases. Toxic heterophils were detected in all than 75% identity within the MCP gene.5 Many iso- turtles that died; otherwise, changes were nonspe- lates share greater than 90% identity with FV3 at ci®c and did not correlate with the occurrence of the molecular level, yet some differ in regard to mortality or severity of lesions postmortem. host range and other characteristics such as restric- The reason all the box turtles in one pen and only tion fragment pro®les.12 Therefore, what classi®es a single turtle in the rest of the collection were af- a ranavirus as a strain of a previously described fected by disease is open to speculation. It is pos- virus or a new species is not uniformly agreed sible that the newer turtles were immunologically upon.4 Characterization beyond sequencing was not naive and were not able to respond effectively to performed on this box turtle isolate. viral infection, whereas the other turtles had devel- Differential diagnoses for the clinical signs ob- oped some degree of immunity. served in these box turtles include herpesvirus in- The clinical signs and pathologic changes ob- fection as well as systemic bacterial and fungal in- served in these box turtles differ from those de- fection. The most common signs of herpesvirus in- scribed in other chelonians with iridovirus infec- fection in chelonians are rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and tions. Previous reports on infection in a gopher tor- stomatitis.19 Stomatitis was seen in all the affected toise and a group of Hermann's tortoises document box turtles, and at least one suffered from severe mucosal lesions and signs of respiratory disease, as conjunctivitis. These ®ndings combined with the was seen in these box turtles.11,18,20 Cutaneous ab- history of a previously documented outbreak in this scessation as a clinical feature of iridovirus infec- population of turtles initially made herpesvirus in- tion has not been reported in chelonians and if in- fection a top differential diagnosis. Multifocal cu- duced by the virus appears unique to this outbreak. taneous abscessation is not uncommon in debilitat- Fibrinoid necrosis was the most prominent histo- ed, immunosuppressed, or septic chelonians. In logic lesion of various organs in the box turtle out- many cases, internal abscesses accompany the cu- break. Vascular lesions have not been speci®cally taneous lesions. A variety of bacterial and fungal described in other chelonians, though gross pete- species are reported to be associated with septice- chial hemorrhages are reported with iridovirus in- mia±abscessation in chelonians, including Pseude- fections in soft-shelled turtles.3 Finally, basophilic monas aeruginosa, Dermatophilus, and Aspergillus inclusion bodies were observed in affected tissues sp.1,10 The exact role of the isolated bacteria and from the gopher tortoise and the Hermann's tor- fungi in the pathogenesis of the observed morbidity toises.11,18,20 No inclusion bodies were seen in any and mortality in the affected turtles is not known. of the tissues examined from these box turtles. It is presumed that although these organisms may The diagnosis of ranaviral infection is supported have played a role in the disease process, they were by the isolation of virus from affected tissues and most likely secondary invaders. The antemortem systemic lesions consistent with a viral infection. cultures of skin lesions were performed before the We were not able to directly observe viral particles DE VOE ET AL.ÐBOX TURTLE RANAVIRUS 543 within lesions by electron microscopic examination 7. Drury, S. E. N., R. E. Gough, and I. Calvert. 2002. of formalin-®xed splenic tissue. Immunostaining Detection and isolation of an iridovirus from chameleons was not performed nor were Koch's postulates ful- (Chamaeleo quadricornis and Chamaeleo hoehnelli)in ®lled using the virus isolate. Therefore, we cannot the United Kingdom. Vet. Rec. 150: 451±452. 8. Drury, S. E. N., R. E. Gough, and A. A. Cunning- de®nitively state that the outbreak of disease seen ham. 1995. Isolation of an iridovirus-like agent from com- in this group of turtles was caused by the ranavirus mon frogs (Rana temporaria). Vet. Rec. 137: 72±73. isolated, although the evidence is highly suggestive. 9. Essbauer, S., and W. Ahne. 2001. Viruses of lower Since documentation of this outbreak, another wild vertebrates. J. Vet. Med. B. 48: 403±475. eastern box turtle that exhibited comparable clinical 10. Frye, F. L. 1991. Biomedical and Surgical Aspects signs was seen at North Carolina State University's of Captive Reptile Husbandry, 2nd ed. Kreiger Publishing, College of Veterinary Medicine for rehabilitation. Melbourne, Florida. The turtle ultimately succumbed, and an iridovirus 11. Heldstab, A., and G. Bestetti. 1982. Spontaneous was isolated from affected tissues. Microscopic ex- viral hepatitis in a spur-tailed Mediterranean land tortoise amination of tissues from this turtle revealed ®nd- (Testudo hermanni). J. Zoo Anim. Med. 13: 113±120. 12. Hyatt, A. D., M. Williamson, B. E. H. Coupar, D. ings similar to those reported in this case series. Middleton, S. G. Hengstberger, A. R. Gould, P. Selleck, Efforts are currently underway to develop reagents T. G. Wise, J. Kattenbelt, A. A. Cunningham, and J. Lee. that will allow immunohistochemical staining of 2002. First identi®cation of a ranavirus from green tree tissues for this virus. This will allow for retrospec- pythons (Chondropython viridis). J. Wildl. Dis. 38: 239± tive examination of tissue from this outbreak, as 252. well as future diagnostic investigations. Other tech- 13. Johnsrude, J. D., R. E. Raskin, A. Y. A. Hoge, and niques that could potentially demonstrate the pres- G. W. Erdos. 1997. Intraerythrocytic inclusions associated ence of virus associated with lesions include in situ with iridoviral infection in a fer de lance (Bothrops moo- hybridization as well as electron microscopic ex- jeni) snake. Vet. Pathol. 34: 235±238. amination of properly obtained and ®xed tissues. 14. Just, F., S. Essbauer, W. Ahne, and S. Blahak. 2001. Occurrence of an invertebrate iridescent-like virus (Irido- Acknowledgments: We thank Dr. Albert Harris, viridae) in reptiles. J. Vet. Med. B. 48: 685±694. Department of Biology, University of North Caro- 15. Mao, J., D. E. Green, G. Fellers, and V. G. Chin- lina±Chapel Hill, and Dr. Elizabeth H. Harris, De- char. 1999. Molecular characterization of iridoviruses iso- partment of Biology, Duke University. We also lated from sympatric amphibians and ®sh. Virus Res. 63: 45±52. thank Shane Christian for technical support in the 16. Mao, J., R. P. Hedrick, and V. G. Chinchar. 1997. management of these cases and data compilation Molecular characterization, sequence analysis, and taxo- and Ms. Meiko Nishiyori for providing funding for nomic position of newly isolated ®sh iridoviruses. Virol- the PCR and DNA sequencing of the viral isolate. ogy 229: 212±220. 17. Mao, J., T. N. Tham, G. A. Gentry, A. Aubertin, LITERATURE CITED and V. G. Chinchar. 1996. Cloning, sequence analysis, and 1. Bemis, D. A., C. S. Patton, and E. C. Ramsay. 1999. expression of the major capsid protein of the iridovirus, Dermatophilosis in captive tortoises. J. Vet. Diag. 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