<5Regfe~G of ~Raflefon,E
t~t <5regfe~g of ~raflefon,e An Account of the Family, and Notes of its connexions by Marriage and Descent from the Norman Conquest to the Present Day With Appendixes, Pedigrees and lllustratz"ons COMPILED BY FALCONER MADAN, M.A. FELLOW OF BRASENOSE COLLEGE, OXFORD PRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ~1forb HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY THE GRESLEYS OF DRAKELOWE DERBYSHIRE. aF SIR R0BEiltT GRESLEY. BT. THE DRAKELOWE ESTATE. 1 MILE BURTON-OK-":RE~T. 10 MILES DERBY, 22 :,.nLEil NOTTINGHA:'.l. 30 MILES LEICESTEiR. 33 MILES BIRML'\GHAM. DRAKELOWE SOLD BY SIR ROBERT GRESLEY OWNERSHIP SINCE THE CONQUEST ENDED FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT BURTON-ON-TRENT, DEC. 19 Drakelowe Hall. an Elizabethan man sion with a park and estate of 760 acres, near Burton-on-Trent, was bought to-day by Marshall Brothers, timber merchants, of Lenton, Nottingham, and Sir Alb_ert. Ball a Nottingham landowner, actmg jointly. The price was £12,5,00. Thus ended the Gresley family ,; ownership of . Drakelowe, which had lasted for 28 generations, 1 since the Norman Conquesl. i Mr. E. Marshall, senior, a partner In the_ firm, I said that it was strictly a business deal without sentiment. The vendor was Sir Robert Gresley. ' Gres/eys rif Drake/owe Plate I SIR PETER DE GRESLEY d. about A.D. r3ro (From Brit. Mus. MS. Harl. 4205, fol. n2, of the IJth cent.: seep. 43) £1l@dfore jffl:ie quam jfortuna GRESLEY MOTTO, More Faz'thful than Fortunate. IN what old story far away, In what great action is enshrined, The sad sweet motto which to-day Around the Gresleys' name is twined? Was it for country or for crown They played a grand tho' tragic part? Or did they lay their fortune down To strive to win one careless heart? vVe cannot tell: but this we know, That they who chose in that dim past Those noble words,-come weal come woe Stood by.
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