Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects East Midlands LEICESTERSHIRE Blaby 3/25 (E.31.L024) SP 57609800 LE2 9TL GLEN PARVA MOAT, THE FORD, LITTLE GLEN ROAD An Archaeological watching Brief at Glen Parva Moat Hyam, A Leicester : University of Leicester Archaeological Services, 2003, 7pp, refs Work undertaken by: University of Leicester Archaeological Services There was high potential for buried archaeological remains as the site incorporated a moat which is a Scheduled Monument. A shallow pathway 0.15 to 0.2m in depth was excavated in a circular route to the west of the Moat revealing mid grey-brown topsoil on top of grey-brown silty loam subsoil. No archaeological features were observed. Foundations for a site access bridge and gates were also excavated revealing dark brown silty loam above the natural substrate of orange-brown silty clay. No archaeological features or deposits were recorded. [Au(adp)] 3/26 (E.31.L026) SP 50309645 LE9 3JQ POTTERS KILN, STANTON LANE CROFT An Archaeological Watching Brief at Potters Kiln, Stanton Lane, Croft Jarvis, W Leicester : University of Leicester Archaeological Services, 2003, 13pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: University of Leicester Archaeological Services An archaeological watching brief was carried out during the groundworks for a new m#nage and associated access road and car park. No archaeological deposits were identified, with artefacts being restricted to occasional unstratified finds of Potter's Marston ware, probably from manuring of the fields. These finds were restricted to the south of the area. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: PM 3/27 (E.31.Q011) SP 49109470 LE9 4DQ TUDOR COTTAGE, CAREY HILL ROAD, STONEY STANTON An Archaeological Impact Assessment Concerning the Impact of Proposed Works to be Carried Out on the Grade II Listed Building Known as: Tudor Cottage, Carey Hill, Stoney Stanton.
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