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NOTE: MANY OF THE TRS-80 DISK PROGRAMS HEREIN REQUIRE TRSDOS™ TO RUN. Adventures by Scott Adams TAPE - STANDARD CASSETTE TAPE AN OVERVIEW TAPE to DISK - CASSETTE TAPE THAT RU NS ON TAPE I stood at the bottom of a deep chasm. Cool air sl/dlng How do you know wh ich objects you need? Trial and MACHINE OR CAN EASILY BE TRANSFERRED TO DISK down the sides of the crevasse hit waves of heat rising error, logic and Imagination. Each time you try some ac· from a stream of bubbling lava and formed a mist over the tlon, you learn a little more about the game. DISK• - STANDARD 51/4'' DISKETTE UNLESS 8" NOTED sluggish flow. Through the swirling clouds I caught gllmp· Which brings us to the term " game" again. While call· • May not be copyable on user's system using standard copying procedures. ses of two ledges high above me: one was bricked, the ed games, Adventures are actually puzzles because you other appeared to lead to the throne room I had been seek· have to discover which way the pieces (actions, manlpula· Ing. l ions, use of magic words, etc.) flt together In order to A blast of fresh air cleared the mist near my feet and gather your treasures or accomplish the mission. Like a /Ike a single gravestone a broken sign appeared momen· puzzle, there are a number of ways to flt the pieces INDEX tarl/y. A dull gleam of gold showed at the base of the sign together; players who have found and stored all the before being swallowed up by the log again. From the treasures (there are 13) of Adventure #1 may have done so TRS-80 distance came the angry buzz of the klller bees. Could I In different ways. TRS-80 - MODEL 1 & 3 avo id their lethal stings as I had managed to escape the In finding how the pieces flt, you will be forced to deal Adventure . .. .. .. .... 4 & 5 Orchestra 80 .. ... Center MODEL 2 wrath of the dragon? Reading the sign might give me a with unexpected events, apparent dead ends and Scott's Personal Check Mgr ..... .. 34 clue to the dangers of th is pit. humor, wh ich Is one of the best parts of the puzzles. (For Adventure Hints .... ... .. 5 Adventure . .... .. .... 4 & 5 I approached the sign slowly. an example of his cleverness, read the advertisement next Pigskin ................. 28 to the bottomless hole.) Back-40 ..... .......... 24 Adventure Hints . ..... .. 5 Pinball (Acorn) . ... ..... 28 And so II goes , hour after hour, as you guide your If you run Into a barrier like not being able to discover Backgammon .. ....... 24 Interactive Fiction ... ..... 11 microcomputer through the Adventures of Scott Adams In more rooms, don't give up. Play the game with some Bairog Sampler . .. .. 8 Poker Tournament ...... 14 an effort to amass treasures within the worlds of his Im· friends; sometimes they'll th ink of things you haven't tried. Project Omega .. ... ... 25 aglnatlon. Adam's series Is based on a program developed by Basketball ........ ...... 28 By definition, an adventure Is a dangerous or risky "Wiii Crowther and Don Woods of Stanford on large corn· ' Blackjack ......... .. ... 32 Pro-Pix '81 ............ .. 14 undertaking; a novel, exciting, or otherwise remarkable puter systems. But In creating his own Adventures, Scott Showdown .. .. ....... .. 13 APPLE 2 event ot experience. On your personal computer, Adven has done a service to the microcomputer world; he has Commbat ........ .. .. .. 15 All Apple Disks Work on 3.2 or 3.3 ture Is that and more. taken this fascinating game from the Inner santums of Conquest of Chesterwoode .. 23 Silver Flash - Pinball ........ 13 Playing any of the Adventure series consists of large computer Installations, Improved It, and brought It In· Adventure . ...... ... 4 & 5 three elements: you, the user; the games themselves; and to your home. As a bonus, the micro versions are generally Curse of Crowley Manor ..... 7 Simutek . ....... .. ... .. 25 Adventure Hints .... ...... 5 the author, Scott Adams of Orlando, Florida. more Interesting and more challenging than the parent D.F.M. ..... .. .. .. .. 22 Slag ... ... ... ....... 22 For the user, playing Adventure Is a dangerous or game. Back-40 ......... ...... 24 risky undertaking In that you better be prepared to spend If you're tired of video games of bouncing balls or Dim ll ...... ........... 34 Space Intruders .. .... .... 13 Classic Adventure .... .. .. 6 many addictive hours at the keyboard. If you like shooting at targets; If you're ready for an Intellectual Duel n Drolds ... ....... 28 Spanish ..... ......... .. 29 challenges, surprises, humor and being transported to challenge that transports you to new worlds of experience; Interactive Fiction .. .. ... 11 If you want to see what a skilled programmer can do with a Escape from Traam . ... ... 7 ST80-UC . ....... ...... 34 other worlds, these are the games for you. If you dislike be· Kid-Venture . ............ 10 Ing forced to use your common sense and Imag ination, or micro, Invest In one of Scott Adams' games. An early E-Z Sounds . .. ......... 34 Star Scout. .... ....... 21 you frustrate easily, try them anyway. Adventure (Adventure Land or Pirate's Adventure) is a good Planetoids ...... ... .. 12 place to start because the more Adams creates, the French ........ .. ..... 29 StarFighter ..... ....... 19 In beginn ing any Adventure, you will find yourself In a Poker Tournament .. .... 14 specific location: a forest, on board a small spaceship, tougher his puzzles get. Frog . .... .. ... ....... 12 Star Trek ...... ... .. .... 21 outside a fun house, In the briefing room of a nuclear plant, Wh ile I pondered how to reach the throne room - Galactic Saga ....... .. 20 Stone of Sisyphus .......... 8 In a desert, etc. The top portion of your video display will which I was sure contained the treasures of Croesus - the tell you where you are and what you can see; the bottom fog grew th icker and the hours passed. I realized I would German 1 & 2 .. ..... .. 29 Strip Concentration/ Dice .. 32 section of the di splay Is devoted to Inputting commands to not be able to outwit Adams today ... but maybe tomorrow. I Super Script . ............ 29 ATARI 400/800 your robot computer and receiving messages that may marked my present location on my tattered map and began Interactive Fiction ... ... 11 arise as the res ult of your orders. You have to get used to Treasure Quest. .......... 22 PERSONAL HOME the long trip to the surface. As I dragged myself off to bed, Italian . ......... ...... 29 COMPUTER SYSTEM looking at both the top and bottom portions In order to find I thought about other possible Adventures. Kid-Venture . ........ ... 10 Tunnels of Fahad ..... .... 13 out what's going on In the game but It doesn't take long for Consider scenarios for chlldren studying geography Adventure .. ..... ... 4 & 5 the reading to become a reflex. In fact, you will have to live or history In which the permlsslble paths of solving a par· Z-Chess .... .. .. .. ....... 24 Light Pen .. ... .. ... 26 Adventure Hints .......... 5 In those Imaginary worlds. tlcular problem are dictated by the social constraints Lunar Lander .... .... 12 Zossed in Space . .. ...... 21 By using two-word commands you move from location under which those societies operate. What better way to Angle Worms ... .. ..... 14 to location (called " rooms" although some rooms repre· understand a foreign culture than to five by the rules of Lynx .. .. .. ... ....... 17 Deflection ............... 12 sent outdoor sites such as a swamp), manipulate objects that culture? Or how about super·complex scenarios In Maces & Magic Series ... 8 & 9 that you find In the different rooms (pick them up, put them which the solving of one game leads you through the door Galactic Saga ....... .... 20 down, carry them, etc.), and perform actions as If you were of another. That could begin the cycle all over again so Maxi Manager ... .. .. 16 TRS-80 Lunar Lander ......... .. 12 really there. several (chained?) programs have to be solved In order to Mean Checkers ........... 24 The object of a game Is to amass treasure for points complete a master problem ... CO LOR Mountain Shoot ..... .. 14 or accomplish some other goal such as preventing the But enough for tonight. Tomorrow - another crack at Missile Attack ..... .. .. 12 destruction of the automated nuclear plant In Mission Im· the chasm. Colorlnvaders ....... ·.· ... 13 Star Trek 3.5 .. .. ... ... 21 Morton's Fork .. ........ 8 possible. Successfully completing a game, however, Is far by Ken Mazur Color Games by Lance ..... 27 Sunday Golf ............. 22 easier to state than achieve. In many cases you will find a Musical Yat-C . 14 treasure but be unable to take It until you are carrying the Reprinted with permlss fon from PERSONAL COMPUTING right combination of objects you find In the various loca· MAGAZINE. FEB . 1980 Copyright 1980 PERSONAL © COPYRI GHT 1981 -A DVENTURE INTERNATIONAL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE lions. COMPUTING MAGAZINE, 1050 Commonweolrh Ave. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR CONTENTS OF PAID ADVERTISMENTS Boston, Mass . 02215 TRs-&O 1nd TRSDOS ue tr1d1m1rtc1 ol thl Tandy Corpor1Uon 3 • SEE OUR NEW " CLASSIC ADVENTURE" Page 6 ADVENTURE #12 GOLDEN VOYAGE tO. "SPECIAL SAMPLER" • Never tried ADVENTURE? This special Inexpensive sampler complete with 3 Treasures Is a cut·down version of our large Adventureland. Guaranteed to SEE ORDERING supply hours of enjoyment: Try an ADVENTURE today! INFORMATION BELOW t1. ADVENTURELAND · You wander through an enchanted world trying to recover the 13 lost treasures. You'll encounter wild animals, magical beings, and many other WARNING perils and puzzles. Can you rescue the Blue Ox from the FOR EXPERIENCED quicksand? Or find your way out of the maze of pits? Happy ADVENTURERS ONLY! Adventuring .... The king lies near death In the royal palace - you have /.46111"!':. t2. PIRATE'S ADVENTURE· "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum ... " only three days to bring back the ellxlr needed to re V1'1""'-••~i1u- You'll meet up with the pirate and his daffy bird along with juvenate him.