eurex circular 2 41/05 Date: Frankfurt, November 30, 2005 Recipients: All Eurex members, CCP members and vendors Authorized by: Daniel Gisler Introduction of a Central Counterparty at Irish Stock Exchange Information for Production Start Related Eurex Circulars: 057/05, 230/05 Contact: Customer Support, tel. +49-69-211-1 17 00 E-mail:
[email protected] Content may be most important for: Attachment: Ü Front Office / Trading Updated List of CCP-eligible Securities for ISE Ü Middle + Back Office Ü Auditing / Security Coordination With this circular we complement information on the introduction of a Central Counterparty for the Irish stock market scheduled for next Monday, December 5, 2005. The Central Counterparty (CCP) for securities traded in the Xetra order book at Irish Stock Exchange (ISE) originated from a common initiative of Irish Stock Exchange, Euroclear/CRESTCo Limited and Deutsche Börse AG. Eurex Clearing AG, which already renders CCP services for other markets, acts as CCP. The product range for production start on December 5, 2005 comprises Irish stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) traded in the Xetra order book at Irish Stock Exchange. Please find attached to this circular an updated list of securities which will be CCP-eligible for ISE effective December 5, 2005. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact the Customer Support Team at tel. +49-69-211-1 17 00. Eurex Clearing AG Customer Support Chairman of the Executive Board: Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz D-60485 Frankfurt/Main Tel. +49-69-211-1 17 00 Supervisory Board: Rudolf Ferscha (CEO), in Frankfurt/Main Fax +49-69-211-1 17 01 Dr.