John L Plaster | 366 pages | 18 May 2012 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780451214478 | English | New York, NY, Secret Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines with the Elite Warriors of Sog PDF Book

My favorite book on Vietnam told by the man who was in the thick of it. Please send to:. Amazing first hand account of covert warfare in South East Asia. Volume 2. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. A quarter of a century later I met some of them again while working on books of my own. Until now. The quantities are limited so order your copy today. It's all there, and well-detailed in Bolen's straight- forward and unadulterated prose—which is further brought to life with hundreds of corroborating photographs, military citations, awards and medals. Really enjoyed this, masterfully written and very candid, couldn't put it down. No trivia or quizzes yet. I highly recommend this book. Tough to read due to the authors style. The American Author Assoc. John L. May 17, Dereck rated it it was amazing. Dec 03, Tayvonne rated it liked it. Story: The secret war: Vet pens second book on covert campaigns in , , North Vietnam As the becomes a distant memory for many Americans, at least one local veteran is doing his part to tell people about another war they may have never even known. Read more Chad rated it really liked it Nov 22, But few of these stories are told with the perspective and detailed recall of Special Forces medic Joe Parnar. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Secret Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines with the Elite Warriors of Sog Writer

Story: The secret war: Vet pens second book on covert campaigns in Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam As the Vietnam War becomes a distant memory for many Americans, at least one local veteran is doing his part to tell people about another war they may have never even known. Highly skilled Green Berets, they were the bravest of the brave, the most highly decorated unit in the war. Details if other :. Mail a check to:. The book had more errors than a democrat news conference, and truly sucked. SF Beats being a Grunt Infantryman! Stealth, on call air support, some artillery support but usually too far forward for that and heavily armed extraction teams was their lifeline. Team member history, original insignia, and many never before published color photographs help lift the veil of secrecy from this elite unit of the Vietnam War. Army Special Forces from August to April Welcome back. I read this to get a better understanding of what the Green Berets did during the Vietnam War. The proper name of th John Plaster is one of those rare soldier-writers who has helped preserve the history of a small group of guys who did the work of heroes and giants in an entertaining and eloquent way. A case in point is this gripping memoir of Google Leatherneck Pub. All of their operations were deep behind enemy lines. It's all there, and well-detailed in Bolen's straight-forward and unadulterated prose—which is further brought to life with hundreds of corroborating photographs, military citations, awards and medals. THanks for caring. Ben Wickerham rated it really liked it Feb 10, See 1 question about Secret Commandos…. Major John L. John Plaster is a bad ass. Open Preview See a Problem? Dodders rated it it was amazing Mar 06, They did it in secret at the time and as a result their stories have not been often told. The 5 Fingers" that was full of all sorts of fantasy stuff. Simply: wow! Highly skilled Green Berets, they were the bravest of the brave, the most highly decorated unit in the war That report was why we built the Duc Co launch site TOC and living area to withstand a direct hit from a mm. Don't get me wrong its not a bad book but SOG deserves the best because they were the best. It is not the typical Vietnam War story and has elements that are both original and entertaining. Fisler aka "Fast Eddie". Return to Book Page. I enjoy comparing the material support the Americans demand- comparing it to the spare British and French efforts in the same time period. John I. Jan 20, Rick rated it really liked it Shelves: historical-event. Ten entire teams disappeared and another fourteen were overrun and annihilated. Published on. Secret Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines with the Elite Warriors of Sog Reviews

The book had more errors than a democrat news conference, and truly sucked. Order from www. Plaster, a three-tour veteran of Vietnam tells the story of the most highly classified U. Kim Hatch rated it it was amazing Jan 06, The story is fictional but it feels like parts of it were taken right from the real life experiences of some of those men who served in this unit; at least the author gives you that insider feel to the storyline. Ok folks, John "Tilt" Stryker Meyers has just finished his second book and it is now available for order. Flag as inappropriate. The action is so fast paced that it will leave the reader breathless! All the events in this book took place after that event. Vol 3: Appendixes. His first book was Across The Fence. A typical story like this is told, if at all, by the daydreaming Ishmael type of post-wreck survivor, yet here we have the harpooner telling the tale with thoughtful and photographic intellect, something of an oddity in a world captained by all manner of maniacs. During his tour with SOG he served as dispensary medic, chase medic, Hatchet Force medic and as a recon team member. Community Reviews. No trivia or quizzes yet. This was teams of Elite Warriors paired with native tribesmen who were the point of the spear for the U. If you order by May 15, you will receive free priority mail shipping US customers only. The quantities are limited so order your copy today. Wc rated it it was amazing Jun 28, Item BB Book Description. It begins with the gruelling training of fresh infantry recruits and the covert manner with which they become Special Forces and quickly moves on to describe in intimate detail many secret MACVSOG missions into Cambodia and Laos from to I accept checks, Pay Pal, money orders, ect. Dec 08, Martin rated it really liked it. This is a high-energy, high-octane, combat thriller that you will not be able to put down until you have read the last word on the last page! Other Editions 4.

Secret Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines with the Elite Warriors of Sog Read Online

Sep 19, Mac rated it really liked it. John Plaster is a bad ass. And that's only scratching the surface. Items only previously read about were professionally photographed and are now shown in full color. A must read if you are a big Vietnamn war guy. John Plaster is one of those rare soldier-writers who has helped preserve the history of a small group of guys who did the work of heroes and giants in an entertaining and eloquent way. Good read. People who have enjoyed a diet of SAS will love to see the American approach. Army operations but also foreshadows and illuminates many heroic actions, irritations, and shortcomings of later military engagements, such that I witnessed during my time as a clueless U. The action is so fast paced that it will leave the reader breathless! One of the best and most informative narratives of combat from this period that I have read. These guys were true heroes, all of them. If not there are many other books on SOG and other special operators and they are much better. Chad rated it really liked it Nov 22, Refresh and try again. Really enjoyed this, masterfully written and very candid, couldn't put it down. SOG: Team History and Insignia of a Clandestine Army is a revealing, comprehensive study in images and words provided by the men who were there. They suffered an extraordinarily high casualty rate. Published by: Alpha Publications, P. Dec 03, Tayvonne rated it liked it. I enjoyed his other book and am wondering if its worth picking up this one as well? Content protection. The image on the cover is of Warren Ed E. SOG test fired it. Who's Who Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. This is a very limited printing of copies and are all signed and numbered. Vol 1: Historical Evolution. They suffered an extraordinarily high casualty rate. Best for. Barr rated it it was amazing Nov 25, This is old school bad ass before all the elite training units were formed. All the events in this book took place after that event. All the ingredients are there, the technical tic toc, the camaraderie the loose understanding of the Strategic concerns. I accept checks, Pay Pal, money orders, ect. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Get A Copy. It is not the typical Vietnam War story and has elements that are both original and entertaining. It is a powerful and moving story of three soldiers who volunteer for Detachment B, Project Gamma, a CIA operation that is still secret.