Sherman Elementary School Parent-Student Handbook 2019-2020

Project Based Learning

Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Take care of this place.

4415 North 38th Street Tacoma, WA 98407 Telephone: 253-571-5488 Fax: 253-571-5484 Christian Jordan, Principal [email protected] SHERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


Mission Statement and Vision Statement page 2 Attendance page 2 Arrival & Dismissal page 3 Late Start Wednesday page 3 Family Vacations page 3 Tardiness page 4 Classroom Management Plan page 4 Classroom Celebrations page 6 Classroom Placement Requests page 6 Emergency Procedures page 6 Health Issues page 8 Holidays page 9 Lost & Found page 9 Lunch Procedures/Schedule page 9 Money/Fees page 10 Parent Pickup/Schedule Changes page 10 Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) page 11 Personal Toys/Electronics page 11 Private Transportation page 11 Report Cards/Conferences page 11 Support Staff page 11 Telephone Use page 13 Uniform Requirements page 13 Visiting School page 14 Volunteer Program page 14 Website Addresses page 15 Withdrawing Students from Sherman page 15 School Calendar page 15

1 MISSION STATEMENT: We, as a STEAM community, encourage critical thinking in a Project Based Learning environment to foster individual potential and respect for communities and cultures; ensuring students have the knowledge and skills to be successful in the 21st Century. Student Values: Respect, Open Hearted, Achieving, Responsible INITIATIVES:

• Project Based Learning and a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) • Growth Mindset • Tacoma Whole Child Initiative • Mindfulness ( o Professional Development o Use of ROAR values (Respect, Open Hearted, Achieving, Responsible)

ATTENDANCE According to State Law (Chapter 28A.2725 RCW) all school- age children are required to be enrolled and attend public school unless the superintendent approves permissible exceptions. State law requires that parents/guardians be informed annually of the school districts responsibility to enforce this compulsory attendance requirement.

When a child has 7 unexcused absences in a month, or 10 unexcused absences in year, the school district is obligated to file a truancy petition with the Pierce County Juvenile Court alleging that the child has failed to attend school, and/or that the parent has failed to cause his/her child to attend school.

The compulsory attendance laws can be found here:

Sherman Elementary Attendance Goals: • Less than 5 Tardies/Less than 5 Absences in a school year. • Arrive to school on time, don’t leave early. First bell rings at 8:45 a.m., tardy bell rings at 8:50 a.m. Dismissal bell rings at 3:30 p.m.


ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL TIMES Students are to arrive at school between 8:30-8:45 a.m. For students who are purchasing breakfast at the school, students may arrive in the cafeteria at 8:20 am. Exceptions must be pre-arranged with the office.

School is dismissed at 3:30 p.m. Parents are asked to wait near the covered play area for their children at the end of the day. Parents are asked not to wait at the classroom doors as this causes a distraction and congestion at dismissal time.

LATE START WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE To sustain our work at Sherman Elementary as an Innovative School, we have Late Start Wednesday once per month. On the late start days, staff collaborate on Project Based Learning (PBL). Students are welcome to come to school at regular time (8:45 a.m.), if needed. They will participate in planned activities by specialist staff. Busses will run on a Late Start Schedule. LATESTART DATES: 9/25/2019, 10/23/2019, 11/20/2019, December NONE, 1/22/2020, 2/19/2020, 3/18/2020, 4/15/2020, 5/13/2020, June NONE

LATESTART BELL SCHEDULE: 11:55 a.m. - School Starts 12:00 p.m. - Tardy Bell FAMILY VACATIONS Please schedule family vacations around our school breaks when possible. Active attendance is critical to student success. If they miss a large amount of school time, they will miss critical discussions which cannot be recovered. Your understanding and support in scheduling your vacation time is appreciated. The district allows 5 days of excused family vacation time per year. If your child has a planned absence of more than one day, you need to fill out the Planned Absence Form found on our school website at or you may request one from the office.


ATTENDANCE MESSAGE LINE Please call our office each time your child is absent or going to be tardy. The main office number is 253-571-5488. Please call before 8:45 A.M. the day of the absence.

TARDINESS Tardiness may result in loss of valuable learning time, and is a disturbance to the class. Students whose bus arrives late need to check in at the office, but will not be considered tardy. If students are tardy, a parent needs to accompany them into the school and sign them in at the office.

Students who enter their classroom after the 8:50 A.M. bell will be considered tardy and will be sent to the office for a tardy slip. Excused tardies could include medical/dental appointments, significant illness, and/or counseling sessions.

Students will be allowed three (3) unexcused tardies per trimester. A warning notice will be sent home after the 3rd tardy.

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN Each teacher develops and maintains a discipline plan for their classroom that is sent home with children at the beginning of the school year. It is the teacher’s responsibility to manage discipline concerns within the classroom. If a student creates a serious problem, the teacher may consult with the principal, counselor, parent, or other school staff. Student behavior and expectations are clearly defined. Students are taught acceptable conduct standards and are assisted toward self-discipline.

BELIEFS ▪ Students are responsible for their choices. ▪ All students are capable of behaving appropriately when they know and are taught what is expected of them. ▪ When structure, teaching of desired behaviors, supervision, positive interaction, and immediate correction occur, students have the greatest potential to behave appropriately. ▪ Communication between teacher, parent, and office is essential.



Discipline for misbehavior is to be progressive and appropriate for the situation. Sherman’s procedures comply with Student’s Rights and Responsibilities and delineated by Tacoma School District Policy and Washington State Administrative Code.

5 • Classroom consequences will be determined by the teacher and may include using a check system, playground restriction, parent contact and referral to the Principal. • Bus and playground misbehavior consequences may begin with a warning, time-out, or referral to classroom teacher and/or Principal. • Consequences for more serious or chronic misconduct may include restriction from non-academic activities, parent-school conference, in- house suspension, service work, or suspension. • Student misbehavior and consequences are recorded on a Sherman Discipline Referral. This form is sent home, signed by a parent or guardian, and returned to the office. This procedure is meant to keep parents informed.

CLASSROOM CELEBRATIONS Parents and families are encouraged to be active participants in the lives of their children. If parents wish to provide treats for the classroom for special occasions we ask that the treats meet the district guidelines for nutritional content. Parents are encouraged to provide healthy snacks including fruits, low-fat yogurts, popcorn or pretzels for classroom birthday parties. Please consult your student’s teacher on classroom policies regarding celebrations.

District Policy 6700 states: For school parties, schools shall encourage parents and teachers to offer no more than one food or beverage that does not meet or exceed the nutrition standards for foods sold individually. Use of non-food rewards is strongly encouraged. When food is used as a reward it must meet or exceed nutrition standards. All food and beverage fund-raising projects are encouraged to meet nutrition standards and if sold and consumed during the school day, shall meet or exceed nutrition standards.

CLASSROOM PLACEMENT REQUESTS Students are placed in classrooms based on student needs. Every attempt is made to create diverse classrooms to help each student realize his/her full potential. In April parents may request, in writing, a specific learning environment for their child explaining their child’s learning style. Teacher requests are not accepted. Classrooms are created by the principal and reviewed by the teachers. Final class lists are posted in the front hall the week before school begins.


6 Sherman has developed, trained and practiced emergency procedures to ensure we are prepared for any emergency that may arise. We have identified specialized teams (Emergency Operation Center, First Aid, Search and Rescue, Office and Custodial) that would swing into action in the event of a fire, earthquake, windstorm, bomb threat, building intruder, etc. If you would like to review our detailed plan, contact the building principal.

Ensuring the safety of our students is a top priority here at Sherman Elementary, all gates to the playground will be locked during school hours. We also kindly request that there be no animals on campus, except registered service animals.

EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSURE Snow, heat, water and power emergencies occasionally create a need to close our schools. Notification is via popular radio stations, listed below. All student records should be kept up-to-date with emergency contact information. We may not be able to notify parents by phone of a closure, so be sure your child knows what to do should a closure occur after he/she has arrived at school. Should emergency routes or time changes become necessary announcements will be made over these radio stations starting at approximately 5:30 A.M.

AM STATIONS/FM STATIONS KIRO 710 KMPS 1300 KLSY 92.5 KEZX 98.9 KING 1090 KITZ 1400 KMPS 94 KMGI 108 KOMO 1000 KIXI 880 KPLU 88 KBSG 97.3 KVI 570 KTAC 850 KUBE 93 KRPM 106.1 KJR 950 KJUN 1450 KZOK 102.5 KPLZ 101.5 KCIS 630 KLSY 1540 KCMS 105.3

When following our Emergency Schedule, buses will operate according to decisions made each day. All co-curricular events, i.e., athletics, field trips, and concerts, will be cancelled regardless of whether they are scheduled for before school, during school, after school, or in the evening. In the event that school delays or closures are announced in the morning, please listen to your radio or television. Each year, the district sends out Emergency School Procedures. Please be sure to discuss this information with your child to determine the emergency procedures for your family.

Parents and students are requested not to call the radio stations, the school, or the transportation center since phone lines are needed for operational purposes.

7 Students will only be released to adults that the parents/guardians authorize on the student’s emergency forms.


ILLNESS Please send a note to your child’s teacher explaining an absence upon his/her return to school. For everyone’s protection, it is advised that children with a fever remain at home for 24 hours after the temperature has returned to normal. Children should also remain home if there are signs of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy nasal discharge, skin rashes, pink eye, or other symptoms of a communicable disease, including lice. Every child will be expected to participate in all school activities, including P.E. and recess.

MEDICATION Every effort should be made to schedule doses of medication outside of school hours. Washington State Law requires that medication given at school must have the permission of the parent and of the health care provider. These forms (Physician’s Order for Medication at School) are available from the school or health care provider’s office. We cannot administer any type of medicine at school unless this form has been completed by the child’s physician and we have the form on file in our office. A NOTE WITH THE PARENT’S SIGNATURE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. This includes all medications/ointments: i.e., lip balm, Vaseline, aspirin, Advil, Tylenol, salves, decongestants, antihistamines, cough syrup, cough drops, etc.

Medication must be sent in the original container with the pharmacy label. Most pharmacies will gladly give you an additional container for school if you ask. Medications should be brought to school by the parent and not sent with the child. Medications must be kept in the office to ensure safe storage and correct administration. Medications should be picked up at the end of the school year. New medication forms need to be updated at the beginning of each school year.

INJURY OR ILLNESS AT SCHOOL A certified school nurse, Health Technician, or office staff will assist children who are ill or injured. If minor first aid or a few minutes of rest is not enough to help your child return to class, we will call you to pick up your child. If we are unable to reach you, we will call the person you have designated as the emergency contact person.


HOLIDAYS There are some traditional holidays, i.e., Halloween and Valentine’s Day, that are observed with parties or festivities at school. Please contact your child’s teacher and explore alternate activities.

LOST AND FOUND Our school has a lost and found rack available during school hours throughout the year except during summer closure. It is located near the cafeteria. Parents are invited to claim their children’s lost articles at their convenience. A helpful reminder for parents is to see that their children’s possessions are labeled with name and phone number (i.e., sports equipment, lunches, and clothing) to ensure proper identification. Unclaimed items will be donated each winter break & at the end of the school year.

LUNCH PROCEDURES Students may bring a lunch from home or purchase one from school. Every student is issued a scan card which is used as an account. These cards are kept in the cafeteria at all times. Parents may choose to front-load the account online or pay in person with check or cash (checks should be made out to Tacoma School District). Parents may put money on a student’s account electronically by going to the district website and following the prompts under Lunch Money Now. Every time the student uses the account, the amount is deducted from their account just like any a debit charge. When the account runs low, you will receive notice from the kitchen. Menus go home before each new month listing a choice of entrees for each day and can be found on the Tacoma Public Schools website.

School meal prices for the 2019-2020 school year as follows: • K-5 breakfast price is $1.90 • K-5 lunch price is $3.00 • A la carte price for milk is $0.55 • Reduced priced lunch is $0.40 for grades 4-5 & Free for grades K-3, with breakfast at no cost.

9 LUNCH/RECESS: K/1 Lunch: 11:35 a.m. Recess: 11:55-12:25 p.m. 2/3 Lunch: 12:05 p.m. Recess: 12:25-12:55 p.m. 4/5 Lunch: 12:40 p.m. Recess: 1:00-1:30 p.m.

Late Start Wednesday lunch schedule – K/1 Lunch: 12:10 p.m. Recess: 12:30 - 12:50 p.m. 2/3 Lunch: 12:30 p.m. Recess: 12:50 - 1:10 p.m. 4/5 Lunch: 12:55 p.m. Recess: 1:15 - 1:35 p.m.

MONEY When paying for field trips or library fines, we prefer credit cards and checks made out to Sherman Elementary. If sending cash, please send exact amount of money as we do not keep cash on hand to make change.

PARENT PICKUP AND SCHEDULE CHANGES If you plan on picking up your child during school, we request that you do the following: 1. Send a note with your child regarding the parent pick-up time. 2. During school hours, sign your child out in the office when you arrive at school. Office personnel will call your child out of class. 3. If you need to make changes to your child’s regular pick-up routine, please send a note to the teacher indicating the changes.

For the safety of all children, no child may be picked up from the playground during school hours. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours without permission from the office. Again, the office personnel will retrieve your child for you during school hours.

In cases of early dismissal, students will be called to the office once a guardian has signed out the student in the office. The office staff will not call a child out of class for dismissal without guardian being present.

Messages received after 2:15 P.M. cannot be guaranteed to reach your child before dismissal time. Late calls, such as team practice changes or cancellations, cannot be assured of reaching the students.

PARENT/TEACHER/STUDENT ASSOCIATION (PTSA) Members of the PTSA are parents or guardians of children who attend Sherman Elementary, teachers, students and interested community members. Our purpose is to benefit the students and the school. 10

The PTSA provides volunteer help for the school, serves as liaison between the school, the parents and the community, and raises funds to help provide beneficial materials or services to the students and/or school.

Our elected officers run the PTSA. The president presides over the monthly meetings from September through June. The PTSA communicates with its membership through their Facebook page, webpage and bulletin board located in the main entry.

PERSONAL PLAY THINGS AND CELL PHONES Students are not allowed to sell, trade, or give personal items to other students. Students are to leave all personal play things at home. If your child brings personal property to school (e.g., cell phone, balls, toys, electronic devices, cards, etc.) he/she does so at his/her own risk. Cell phones and personal play things often get lost or broken. Due to student rights and responsibilities laws, Sherman personnel will not become involved in any disputes or searches regarding missing personal property. Please leave toys, balls, and electronic devices at home. If cell phones are brought to school, they are not to be used on school property or on school buses. They will be taken away from students if they are seen at school.

PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION If you provide for your child’s transportation, please keep in mind the intense traffic situation that often develops in the neighborhood before and after school. Parents are asked to meet their child in back of the school by the covered play area. Please do not block other vehicles or enter the bus loading area. Please drive slowly and safely on streets around our school.

REPORT CARDS & CONFERENCES Frequent and regular communication between parents and teachers leads to student success. Please use your child’s teacher’s email or phone to stay in contact. Monday folders, class dojo media, classroom newsletters, and webpages contain information to keep you informed. The reporting process is one part of an effective communication system. We encourage an ongoing exchange of information between home and school.

SUPPORT STAFF COUNSELOR Karen Jaskar – [email protected]

11 The counselor consults with teachers, parents, administrators, and other professionals about resources, programs, and individual and family issues. Also, the counselor sees students individually, in small groups, or as a whole classroom.

SCHOOL NURSE A certified school nurse is assigned to Sherman for one day a week. Otherwise, office staff or the Health Clerk will assist children who are ill or injured. During the school year all students are screened for vision and hearing. Also, 5th grade students are checked for scoliosis (curvature of the spine). After these screenings, parents are contacted if the results warrant further professional testing. Please see the “HEALTH” section for more health-related information.

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST The Occupational Therapist (O.T.) is concerned with a child’s motor coordination skills and how these skills impact the child’s educational development within the classroom. The role of the O.T. is to screen, evaluate, and provide occupational therapy services to those children who demonstrate a significant delay in sensory skills, including gross, fine and/or visual-perceptual motor skills. Children must qualify for special education to receive O.T. services. The O.T. is also a member of the Student Review Team.

PSYCHOLOGIST The primary function of the School Psychologist is to provide consultation and assessment services for students with learning difficulties, adjustment problems, or behavioral disorders. Assessment results not only help determine program needs, but also yield valuable diagnostic (prescriptive) information about a child’s unique learning style. Consultation services are provided to both parents and teachers regarding appropriate placement, curriculum modifications, and behavioral management strategies for the classroom and at home. The School Psychologist is an appropriate contact person for parents who have concerns regarding their child’s school performance.

SPEECH THERAPIST The Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP is concerned with a child’s communication skills and how these skills impact the child’s educational development within the classroom. The role of the SLP is to screen, evaluate, and provide speech/language therapy to children, preschool through high school, who show disordered communication in articulation, language, voice or fluency areas. In addition, the SLP consults with teachers and parents to help them provide for

12 the child with communication differences and facilitate development of correct skills within the classroom and at home.

LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER (LRC) & LEARNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LAP) Sherman has one special education certified teacher who oversees the special education programs and Individual Education Program (IEP) plans for children qualified for special education services. Some students are provided supplementary and alternative academic programs in the school’s Learning Assistance Program.

TELEPHONE USE Since the demand on the school telephone is so great, we limit student calls. Generally, students may use the telephone only if there is some compelling reason to do so. We do not grant permission for students to make after-school arrangements. We ask that these be made at home prior to coming to school.

UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Sherman Uniform Dress Standards reflect pride and unity, and demonstrate that school is a place to study and learn. Our Sherman Uniform Dress Standards support student safety and promote a focused, orderly school climate. Standards are also designed to provide a "business-like" atmosphere, to help students develop the lifelong habit of dressing appropriately for the workplace. Grooming: Hair/fake tattoos, etc. are allowed unless they are a distraction or disturb classroom learning. Sherman students are required to wear uniform clothing every day (except for special ASB events – e.g. crazy hair day, etc.).

EVERY Friday is designated as a free-dress day.

All clothing must be neat in appearance, in good repair, no holes, and worn appropriately. The fit and/or style of the clothing should not be tight, revealing, or oversized.

SHIRTS A. Colors: plain, solid white, navy blue, yellow, or red (shirts worn under the polo must also be plain, solid white, navy blue, or yellow shirts.) B. T-shirts or Polo style

13 C. Sherman Sprit-Wear and/or Club Shirts (e.g. - ASB, Glee Club, Young Ambassadors, etc.) D. No logos are acceptable on shirts- except Sherman Elementary School logo tops purchased from school.

PANTS, LEGGINGS, SHORTS, SKIRTS, SKORTS, JUMPERS, AND CAPRIS A. Colors: navy blue, khaki (tan), or solid blue jeans (no faded or bleached jeans). B. Fabric: Fabric should be cotton twill, corduroy, or traditional blue jean denim. C. Must be fitted, plain in style, and hemmed neatly. No adornments (patches, holes, stripes, or any other decorations) and no sagging. D. The length of short skirts, skorts, and shorts must pass the fingertip length test (with arms down at the sides, the bottom of the garment must be at/or below the finger tips).

SWEATSHIRTS/SWEATERS/VESTS A. Plain, solid in color B. No logos, except Sherman Wear

SHOES A. Shoes should be appropriate for all school activities – no flip-flops, no heels, no shoes without a back strap or slipper-like footwear allowed.

Sherman Spirit Wear can be ordered at most school events through the PTSA. Please contact the PTSA via their Facebook Page (Sherman Elementary PTSA, Tacoma, WA) if you have any questions.

NOTE: the administration and staff reserve the right to determine the suitability of questionable styles or accessories. Students will be required to correct uniform violations before attending classes.

Please refer to School Board Policy No. 3224 if you have more questions regarding Student Uniforms and Student Dress Codes.

VISITING SCHOOL We encourage parents to visit Sherman Elementary. Please arrange classroom visits with the teacher ahead of time. All visitors are required to sign in at the office and obtain a visitor badge.

14 Visitation by students who are not enrolled at Sherman can be disruptive in the classroom. If there is a compelling reason to visit, please contact the principal to see what arrangements may be made.

VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Sherman Elementary welcomes all volunteers and hopes to expand our volunteer program in the future. If you would like to volunteer, please contact your child’s teacher or the office coordinator. Volunteers must fill out a district volunteer form each school year. All volunteers must complete a Washington State Background Review before volunteering in our school. If you plan on volunteering for a field trip or in a classroom be sure to turn in your Volunteer form a minimum of three weeks before the field trip to allow for processing time. It is vital to our students’ success that all parents and extended family members join us in helping our students reach and exceed learning standards and grade level benchmarks. Know that you are a welcomed and valued member of our school.

WEBSITE ADDRESS Please visit our website (, found on the TPS main webpage, to find volunteer forms, extended absence forms, as well the school lunch menu, lunch schedule, calendar, and much more! Essential information can also be found on the district website at

WITHDRAWING STUDENTS FROM SHERMAN If you will be withdrawing your child from Sherman to attend another school, we request five school days’ notice to prepare check out forms for you and your child. Please contact us when you know you will be moving and we will prepare the necessary papers for you. Please understand that it takes time to check in all materials and document academic levels of achievement. Thank you for helping us make your transition to another school as positive as possible.

SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 2018-2019 The school calendar can be found on the Tacoma Public Schools website at: 20%20Student%20Calendar.pdf



We frequently post pictures of activities on twitter (#shermanSTEAM) or the PTSA facebook page (Sherman Tigers PTSA, Tacoma WA). Please complete & return this form if you do NOT want your child’s picture included.