Nikko Shonin and His Strict and Solemn Attitude in Faith
Lecture in Praise of Nichiren Daishonin November 2015, Oko Lecture Nikko Shonin and His Strict and Solemn Attitude in Faith This year marks the 770th anniversary of the birth of Second High Priest Nikko Shonin. At Head Temple Taisekiji, commemorative ceremonies were held for several days on and around March 8th, the day of his birth. Moreover, a special commemorative exhibition is being held until December at the Treasure Hall. Throughout this year, there has been an increased enthusiasm to repay our debt of gratitude to Nikko Shonin In the second year of Shōka (1258), when Nikko Shonin was 13 years of age, he became Nichiren Daishonin’s disciple. Thereafter, he continued to serve Nichiren Daishonin, even when he was exiled to Izu and Sado. Like a shadow following the body, Nikko Shonin constantly followed his master and sincerely developed faith, based on the master-disciple relationship. Nichiren Daishonin had many skilled disciples, but Nikko Shonin was the only one who truly was able to understand his master’s mind and heart. Therefore, Nichiren Daishonin, at the time of his entry into nirvana, states: I, Nichiren, transfer the entirety of the Law that I have propagated throughout my life to Byakuren Ajari Nikko, and designate him the Great Master of Propagation of the Essential Teaching. (Gosho, p. 1675) And he further states: I transfer Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings of fifty years to Byakuren Ajari Nikko. He is to be the chief priest of Minobu-san Kuonji Temple. (ibid.) Thus, Nichiren Daishonin designated Nikko Shonin as the Great Master of propagation of the essential teaching and transferred the entirety of his Buddhism to him.
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