Lor Kapalong Zone, for Bunawan Health
philippines . , Republic of the ,d.' 8. DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH 0 DAVAO CENTER FOR HEATTH DEVETOPMENT June 3,2019 DCHD PERSONNEL ORDER No. 2o1e - 0Lltl q SU BJECT: AUTHORITY OF HEATTH PERSONNET. THIS OFFICE, TO CONDUCT NTP ACTIVITIES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2019. The following heahh personnel of this Office are hereby authorized to conduct NTp Activities for the month ofJune 2019, to wit: DATE ACTIVITY PERSONNEL VENUE June4-5,2019 DCHD(Da\rao Center lor Health Development), DRMC(Davao Regional Medical Center) June 6, 2019 PMDT & RTDT Rizza Mae V. Delfin, Kapalong Zone, Consultative Meeting RN(PBSP) Compostela Municipal Heahh Office June 7,2019 SPMC (Southern Ph ilippine Medical Center) June 10,2019 DCHD(Davao Center PMDT & RTDL for Health Consultative Meeting Evelyn Uy-Gelito, RN Development), Bunawan Health Rizza Mae V. Detfin, Center, Calinan Health RN(PBSP) Center June 11,2019 Mati City Health Office Satellite Treatment Rizza Me V Delfin, Center .,une 12,2019 RN(PBSP) Mati City Health Office PMDT Treatment Site Davao Oriental Provincial Medical June 13,20L9 PMDT & RTDL Rizza Mae. V. Delfin, Center and Lupon Consultative Meeting RN (PBSP) Rural Health Unit DOH Compound, JP Laurel Ave., Bajada. Darao- City.Trunklines: +63 (82) 305-1903, 305- t 904. 305- t906, 227- 4013.2212463: Fa\ 22 | -6120 . $ebsite: *nt.rot l.doh.,!or.oh; enrail: doh I I dar.o ii'smail.tonr Republic of the Philippines ,iil ' D\ . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ,1, I 0 DAVAO CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVETOPMENT Is June 14, 2019 Baganga Rural Health Unit Laak RHU, l-aak CVPH, New Bataan , Cabrera June 24-26,2079 TB DOTS Monitoring Hospital, Nabunturan (Comval Province) Doctors, Maco Compostela Valley Sonnia T.
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