
A detection of Milankovitch frequencies in global volcanic activity

Steffen Kutterolf1*, Marion Jegen1, Jerry X. Mitrovica2, Tom Kwasnitschka1, Armin Freundt1, and Peter J. Huybers2 1Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 574, GEOMAR, Wischhofstrasse 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany 2Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA

ABSTRACT 490 k.y. in the Central American Volcanic Arc A rigorous detection of Milankovitch periodicities in volcanic output across the Pleistocene- (CAVA; Fig. 1). We augment these data with Holocene ice age has remained elusive. We report on a spectral analysis of a large number of 42 tephra layers extending over ~1 m.y. found well-preserved ash plume deposits recorded in marine sediments along the Pacifi c Ring of in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Fire. Our analysis yields a statistically signifi cant detection of a spectral peak at the obliquity Drilling Program (ODP) Legs offshore period. We propose that this variability in volcanic activity results from crustal stress changes of Central America. The marine tephra records associated with ice age mass redistribution. In particular, increased volcanism lags behind in Central America are dated using estimated the highest rate of increasing eustatic sea level (decreasing global ice volume) by 4.0 ± 3.6 k.y. sedimentation rates and/or through correlation and correlates with numerical predictions of stress changes at volcanically active sites. These with radiometrically dated on-land deposits results support the presence of a causal link between variations in ice age climate, continental (e.g., Kutterolf et al., 2008; also see the GSA stress fi eld, and volcanism. Data Repository1). The second data subset includes DSDP, INTRODUCTION Our data set is comprised of two subsets. The ODP, and IODP (Integrated Ocean Drill- Volcanic activity varies over a wide range of fi rst involves records from Central America and ing Program) drill core records from other temporal scales, from cycles with less than one- consists, in part, of 49 eruptions preserved in sites along the ROF (Fig. 1; Table DR1 in the year periods in single volcanic systems, to inter- tephra layers from 56 cross-correlated gravity Data Repository). The records extend back vals extending out to plate tectonic time scales cores. These data provide an almost complete to ca. 1 Ma, but rarely include the shallowest (Cambray and Cadet, 1994; Kennett et al., 1977; record of large explosive eruptions (VEI >5 sediments with ages up to ca. 100 ka, and have Mason et al., 2004; Paterne et al., 1990). Con- [Volcanic Explosivity Index]) over the past thus been complemented by data from gravity nections between volcanism, the global carbon cycle and climate appear to be well established at the longest of these time scales (Walker et al., 1981). Moreover, on seasonal-to-decadal time Aleutian Basin Bering scales, volcanic eruptions are known to infl u- Sea of Sea ence climate (e.g., Hansen et al., 1992; Robock, Asia Okhotsk Gulf of North Alaska 2000), and perhaps vice versa (Novell et al., Alaska America 2006; Rampino et al., 1979). We focus on the Kamchatka Aleutian Arc intermediate time scales (103–105 yr) relevant to Sea of Japan Westerly variations during the ice age. There is evidence stratospheric winds that subaerial volcanism increased signifi cantly during the last deglaciation phase of the ice age (Huybers and Langmuir, 2009; Jull and 15°N Nankai McKenzie, 1996), and a connection between Philippines CAVA climate and volcanism over broader ice age time Pacific scales has been established in regional studies Ocean Easterly stratospheric winds Ecuador (e.g., Jellinek et al., 2004; McGuire et al., 1997; Novell et al., 2006; Paterne et al., 1990). How- ever, a general link between glacial cycles and 15°S Tonga global volcanic activity has remained elusive.

Westerly TEPHRA RECORD FROM THE “RING stratospheric winds OF FIRE” We analyze marine records of widely dis- New Zealand persed, and well-preserved, tephra layers associated with the Circum-Pacifi c volcanic chain referred to as the “” (ROF). Figure 1. Bathymetric map of Pacifi c Ocean with red triangles indicating active arc volca- The ROF accounts for about half the global noes along the Pacifi c “Ring of Fire.” Red dots mark DSDP/ODP/IODP (Deep Sea Drilling length of active plate . Ash plumes Project /Ocean Drilling Program / Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) coring sites and Central of highly explosive Plinian eruptions travel American volcanic arc (CAVA) gravity core sites. ODP/DSDP sites are as follows: MD87–2121 and 1124 (New Zealand); 836 and 837 (Tonga Arc); 767–770 (Philippines); 1173 and 1174 (Nan- through the and deposit volcanic kai Trough); 192 (Kamchatka); 178, 179, 189, and 190 (Aleutian Islands and Alaska); 1239 and tephras downwind from the eruption sites; 1237 (Ecuador and Peru); Legs 67, 170 and 205 (Central America). Arrows and dashed lines sites included in this study lie 200–500 km mark the predominant global stratospheric wind directions. from their respective sources in the prevailing stratospheric wind directions (Fig. 1). 1GSA Data Repository item 2013055, data, additional fi gures explaining the methods, and an extended er- ror analysis of the data set and statistics, is available online at www.geosociety.org/pubs/ft2013.htm, or on re- *E-mail: [email protected]. quest from [email protected] or Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

GEOLOGY, February 2013; v. 41; no. 2; p. 227–230; Data Repository item 2013055 | doi:10.1130/G33419.1 | Published online 30 November 2012 © 2012 Geological | February Society 2013 of America.| www.gsapubs.org For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. 227 cores. These tephra layers are also dated using ash sequence, and the peak within 14% of the time series is shown in Figure 2B (and by the estimated sedimentation rates. obliquity frequency that rises furthest above the black line in Fig. DR3D). In addition to the peak The time series of ash deposits at a specifi c background continuum in a fractional sense is within the obliquity band, the spectrum exhibits location is based on the individual drill site recorded. To build up a null distribution, this pro- some additional concentration of energy near with the most continuous and complete tephra cedure is repeated 100,000 times, and indicates the 1 per 100 k.y. and 1 per 23 k.y. frequencies. record. Preference is given to drill sites on the that the 6.3 ratio identifi ed for the actual 1 per Although these concentrations contain no sig- incoming plate since these are generally less 44 k.y. peak would be realized less than 1% of nifi cant peaks, the presence of excess energy is affected by erosion than sites on the continental the time, according to our null model. Because in accord with other indicators of late Pleisto- slope. The record is complemented by core data no other process is expected to concentrate cene climate. from adjacent sites if possible. Tephra layers of energy in the band of frequencies that we con- the same age and depositional depth obtained sider, these results constitute a statistically sig- LINKING MILANKOVITCH CYCLES, from sites in close proximity (<50 km) are gen- nifi cant detection of variations in tephra related ICE AGE DYNAMICS AND VOLCANISM erally counted as one eruptive event. Tephras of to the quasi-periodic 1 per 41 k.y. changes in the The foregoing spectral results strongly sug- similar age recorded at sites at greater distance obliquity of Earth’s spin axis. gest that ice-age climate variations induce volca- from one another are counted as separate events. To further evaluate the spectral peak that we nism, and the physical link may be the changes In total, we have identifi ed 408 tephra layers at associate with obliquity, we compress all tephra in crustal stress associated with ice-ocean sites along the ROF. The estimated ages of the ages by a factor of 10%. Compression has the mass redistributions during the glacial cycles tephra layers have uncertainties ranging to 14% largest effect on the absolute ages of the oldest (Glazner et al., 1999; Huybers and Langmuir, of their age. These uncertainties are accounted samples, for which uncertainties are the largest. 2009; Jull and McKenzie, 1996; McGuire et al., for in subsequent analyses. For a detailed dis- The eruption frequency computed on the basis 1997; Sigvaldason et al., 1992). Volcanic output cussion and explanation of the dating and asso- of this compressed time series is given in Fig- would be expected to increase during periods in ciated errors see the Data Repository. ure 2A. The associated power spectrum of this which the local confi ning pressure decreases,

FREQUENCY ANALYSIS We mapped the ROF data set into a binary 0.8 0.008 time series in which the occurrence of a tephra A 0.6 0.007 layer is given a value of unity. To display low- 0.4 0.006 frequency variability, we applied a stable-phase, 0.2 0.005 16 0 0.004 running average low-pass fi lter with a width of 14 −0.2 0.003 5 k.y. to the time series (red line in Fig. DR3A in −0.4 0.002 frequency 12 −0.6 0.001 the Data Repository). It is instructive to consider in eruption Variation 10 Normalized obliquity −0.8 0 the spectral estimates associated with a sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 Time (kyr) of progressively older, overlapping 400 k.y. 6 segments of the tephra time series (Fig. DR4), 4 (eruptions/k.y.) which we obtain using a multitaper spectral 2 Eruption frequency analysis (Thomson, 1982; Percival and Walden, 0 1998). A peak at a frequency of 1 per 41 k.y., 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 the Milankovitch obliquity frequency, is present Time (kyr) in the most recent segment, which is expected 8 Figure 2. A: Volcanic eruption 41 k.y. to have greatest age accuracy. Examination of B frequency computed using the 7 full database of Pacifi c “Ring older segments shows that the amplitude and 6 of Fire” (ROF) tephra layer re- frequency of the spectral peak nearest to the cords after compressing the obliquity frequency varies considerably in other 2 5 time scale by 10%. Tick marks portions of the time series, possibly because of 4 along top axis indicate erup- timing errors that lead to distortion of the spec- tive events. Inset shows band- 3 pass fi ltered tephra (red) and

tral estimate (Huybers and Wunsch, 2004). (eruptions /yr) 2 obliquity time series (blue) from To assess the statistical signifi cance of the 100 ka to 900 ka (a time span not peak nearest to obliquity, we use the full 1.2 m.y. 1 infl uenced by fi lter response). interval of tephra observations. Timing errors Normalized power spectrum 0 B: Power spectra (red solid line) 1020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 with 95% confi dence limits (light are allowed for by searching for the largest peak Period (k.y.) red fi eld) of the tephra layer re- within ±14% of the 1 per 41 k.y. obliquity fre- 8 cords for the compressed ROF quency, which is identifi ed at a frequency of 1 C time series. Power spectra, 7 per 44 k.y. Fitting an exponential function to the computed with a time bandwidth spectral estimate between 1 per 10 k.y. and 1 per 6 of 1.5 k.y., have been normal- ized to the maximum value in 80 k.y. indicates that the peak at 1 per 44 k.y. 5

/yr) the 40–50 k.y. band to allow bet- rises 6.3× above the background continuum. O ter comparison. Energy at the 18 4 δ obliquity period of 1 per 41 k.y.

The signifi cance of this departure relative to the Δ local background continuum is assessed using ( 3 stands out as being signifi cant. 2 C: Power spectrum (blue solid a Monte Carlo method, wherein synthetic ash line) with 95% confi dence limits layers are realized according to a Poisson dis- 1 (light purple fi eld) of the time tribution so as to have roughly similar numbers Normalized power spectrum rate of change of a Pleistocene 0 of tephra layers as observed. Spectral analysis is 1020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 stack of δ18O records (Lisiecki performed on each realization of the synthetic Period (k.y.) and Raymo, 2005).

228 www.gsapubs.org | February 2013 | GEOLOGY lowering the integrity of the enclosing rock. In 19.3 ± 1.1 k.y. Thus, volcanism peaks 35 ± 31° at a depth of 20 km. This depth is appropriate addition to a depressurization-induced increase or 4.0 ± 3.6 k.y. after the greatest rate of sea- for primitive reservoirs that feed more- in magma production (McKenzie, 1984), glacial level rise and ice volume decline (Fig. 3). This evolved magmatic systems at shallower crustal unloading also facilitates dike formation and is consistent with the regional study of Jellinek levels. In oceanic regions within the far-fi eld of propagation from magma chambers to the sur- et al. (2004), who found that volcanism lagged the late Pleistocene ice sheets, the radial stress face (Jellinek et al., 2004). glacial unloading by 3.2 ± 4.2 k.y. in eastern increases by 0.1 MPa in 1 k.y., which is consis- To further explore this connection, we con- California (United States). tent with the addition of ~10 m/k.y. of meltwater sider phase relationships between tephra layers To explore how changes in eustatic sea level during this time period in the ICE5G model. The and variations in ice-age climate. We use a time and glacial loading can infl uence volcanism, we predictions show more complexity in the near series of benthic δ18O as a proxy for eustatic calculate ice-age-induced, near-surface stresses fi eld of the ice sheets, where ice melting, and sea-level variations or, equivalently, variations during the last glacial cycle. We use a standard the associated isostatic adjustment of the solid in ice volume. Figure 2C shows the power spec- normal mode treatment of glacial isostatic Earth, including uplift of previously glaciated trum of the time rate of change of a Pleistocene adjustment (Wu and Peltier, 1982) that is valid areas, and subsidence of the peripheral bulges, stack of globally distributed benthic δ18O time for spherically symmetric, Maxwell viscoelas- contribute signifi cantly to the state of stress. series values (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). The tic Earth models (see the Data Repository). The In the far-fi eld of the ice sheets, continental δ18O rate has three distinct peaks centered at simulations adopt the ICE5G model for the ice regions show a smaller amplitude change in periods of 100 k.y., 41 k.y., and 21 k.y., cor- geometry during the last glacial cycle and the radial stress at 10 ka than oceanic regions. Con- responding to the average time scale associated VM2 radial profi le of mantle viscosity (Peltier, tinental interiors, in particular, show a drop in with glacial/interglacial cycles, the period of 2004). Sea-level changes were computed using radial stress at this time; this stress drop is due obliquity variations, and the average periods of a gravitationally self-consistent theory that to ocean loading, which causes a tilting upward climatic precession (Hays et al., 1976; Berger accounts for the migration of shorelines due to of the lithosphere in a landward direction, and and Loutre, 1992). local onlap and offl ap and changes in grounded a migration of mantle material from below the Notably, the obliquity bands contain the and marine-based ice, and the feedback into sea to below the continents. The associated greatest concentration of spectral power in level of perturbations in the Earth’s rotation vec- gradient in the radial stress rate is evident in the both the volcanic tephra records and the rate- tor (Kendall et al., 2005). map of Figure 4, where the stress drop increases of-change of δ18O records. Examination of the As an illustration of the numerical predictions, in a direction away from the oceans, and peaks coherence and phase relationship within the Figure 4 (top frame; Central American volcanic in the interior of Central American land masses. obliquity band shows that volcanism is signifi - arc [CAVA]) and Figure DR5 (global) show the We conclude that the ice age stress fi eld is char- cantly coherent with, and slightly lags, obliq- rate of change of radial stress at 10 ka, i.e., dur- acterized by signifi cant geographic complexity, uity by 24 ± 22° or, equivalently, 2.7 ± 2.5 k.y. ing the fi nal deglaciation phase of the ice age, and that changes in the state of stress at oceanic (see Fig. 3, and the Data Repository). This rela- sites may be strongly out of phase with stress tionship can be seen, to some extent, through changes on continental margins. comparing a band-pass fi ltered version of the Figure 4 (bottom frame) shows the tempo- tephra time series to the variations in obliquity ral evolution of the rate of change of the radial (Fig. 2A, inset). As follows from this relation- stress at 20 km depth below the CAVA (Fig. 1). ship, and the fact that changes in obliquity are The CAVA site has the densest and most com- roughly anti-phased with the rate of change of plete record of volcanic eruptions during the last δ18O (Roe, 2006), we fi nd that volcanism peaks glacial cycle. The timing of these eruptions is roughly when the rate of change of δ18O is most superimposed on the plot. It is clear from the fi g- negative, with the latter lagging by 169 ± 9° or ure that these subaerial volcanoes experience the -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Normal stress change (MPa/10 k.y.) largest change in crustal normal stresses during 8 90° Change in stress the deglaciation phase. During this post-LGM 6 Eruption 120° 60° (Last Glacial Maximum) period, normal stresses 4 at 20 km depth are primarily falling. Most nota- 2 bly, there is a signifi cant increase in volcanic 150° 30° 0 2 activity during this period of heightened ice- .7

k −2 . . y age-induced changes in the radial stress (Fig. 4). y . . k Δ t=4 k.y. 4 3 −4 . ΔδΔ 18 1 δ 0 . 9

2 O/Δ Volcanism

1 k

t k

180° Obliquity .y. 0°

. −6

y CONCLUSION . −8 We have reported on the fi rst Pacifi c-wide −Δ−Δδ 18 O/Δ t Change of normal stress (kPa/k.y.) O −10 8

1 detection of obliquity-forced variability in late 020406080100120 δ

210° 330° Time (kyr) Pleistocene records of volcanic eruptions iden-



. k

8 . 1 1 Figure 4. Top frame shows numerical predic- tifi ed using a large number of well-preserved tion of the rate of change of radial stress at 240° 300° tephra layers in widely distributed marine sedi- 270° 10 ka at a point 20 km depth below the Cen- mentary cores. The detection confi rms a connec- tral American volcanic arc (CAVA) core site tion between variations in climate and volcanism Figure 3. Phase shifts at a period of 41.2 k.y. (see Fig. 1). Bottom frame shows the rate of between time series of δ18O, the time rate of change of radial stress at the CAVA site (at during this time period. We suggest that this change of δ18O, and volcanic eruptions, rela- 20 km depth) over the last glacial cycle (blue connection is mediated by changes in surface tive to the Earth’s obliquity. 360° represents line in diagram), and red dots indicate the mass loading and the associated isostatic adjust- one full cycle. The phases, and their associ- age of tephra layers identifi ed in the CAVA ment of the solid Earth. This loading mecha- ated uncertainty, were computed using the sedimentary gravity core. Details of the Earth spectral analysis software BIRRP (Chave model and ice used in this numerical nism is supported by an observed phase rela- and Thomson, 2003; see the Data Reposi- calculation are described in the main text and tionship, wherein increased volcanism slightly tory [see footnote 1]). the Data Repository (see footnote 1). lags behind glacial unloading at the 41 k.y.

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