Exclusion List Revised July 2020

NOTE: When a movie based on an AR book opens, that book is immediately placed on the Exclusion List until a new test is made. It is the student's responsibility to check with a librarian before testing on a current "movie book." The permanent Exclusion List below does not include any of these “new movie” books because these books are usually on the Exclusion List for as long as it takes to create a new test.

These books may NOT be used for summer reading credit. To read these books during the school year, the student must get special written permission from his/her English teacher. The list is arranged by author.

Orson Scott Card – Ender’s Game (can be for junior research paper only) Orson Scott Card – Ender’s Shadow Agatha Christie – And Then There Were None Tom Clancy – Debt of Honor Tom Clancy – The Hunt for Red October Tom Clancy - Patriot Games Tom Clancy – Red Rabbit Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist (required sophomore book) James Cooper - The Last of the Mohicans James Dashner – The Death Cure Terry Davis – Vision Quest Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist Peter Dickinson – The Tears of the Salamander Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas - The Three Musketeers F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (junior required book) Gillian Flynn - Gone Girl Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl Viktor Frankl – Man’s Search for Meaning (senior required book) Ernest Gaines – A Lesson before Dying (freshman honors required book) William Golding - Lord of the Flies (sophomore required book) Thomas Hardy – Return of the Native Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D'Urbervilles Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter (can be taken junior year only) Hermann Hesse – Siddhartha (required senior book) Homer - The Iliad Homer - The Odyssey Victor Hugo - The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Victor Hugo - Les Miserables Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (can be taken for junior research paper only) Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Algernon (can be taken for junior research paper only) Stephen King – Christine Stephen King - Cujo Stephen King - Firestarter Stephen King - Needful Things Stephen King - Pet Sematary Stephen King – The Shining (can be taken for junior research paper only) Stephen King - The Stand Barbara Kingsolver – The Bean Trees Gaston Leroux - The of the Opera C.S. Lewis – The Screwtape Letters (required freshman honors) C.S. Lewis – Out of the Silent Planet (required sophomore honors) Jack London - The Call of the Wild (can be taken for junior research paper only) Norman Maclean - A River Runs Through It Bernard Malamud - The Natural (can be taken for junior research paper only) Arthur Miller - The Crucible (required junior play) Toni Morrison - Beloved (can be taken for junior research paper only) George Orwell - 1984 (required senior book) Rick Riordan – The Lightning Thief Rick Riordan – Sea of Monsters J. D. Salinger – Catcher in the Rye (required junior book) Deborah Savage – Summer Hawk Sebold – The Lovely Bones William Shakespeare - Hamlet William Shakespeare - Henry V William Shakespeare - Julius Caesar William Shakespeare - King Lear (Folger Library) William Shakespeare - Macbeth William Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare - Tempest Mary Shelley – Frankenstein (required senior book) John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men (required freshman book) Robert Louis Stevenson – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Mark Twain - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (can be taken junior year only) Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain – A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur 's Court Mark Twain - The Prince and the Pauper Jules Verne - Around the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne - Journey to the Centre of the Earth Jules Verne - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Cynthia Voigt – Homecoming Robert Penn Warren - All the King's Men H.G. Wells - The War of the Worlds Johann Wyss - The Swiss Family Robinson