West Works! (WMW) Workforce Development Board (WDB) Executive Committee Meeting New Horizons Learning Center 630 Kenmoor Ave., Ste 201 ▪ Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Monday ▪ September 12, 2016 ▪ 11:30 a.m. AGENDA

1. Call to Order, Chairperson Dave Smith

2. Public Comment – Agenda Items

3. Approval of the July 11, 2016 Minutes Action Required

4. WMW Marketing & Communications Update Action Required Jane Kreha, WMW Marketing & Communications Director 5. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Performance Goals Information Item Brittany Lenertz, WMW Regional Service Center Director 6. Strategic Planning 2016 Session Discussion Item Kristen Barry and Jessica Borza, Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) a. Agenda b. Draft- Plan Elements

7. Other Business

8. Public Comment

9. Adjournment

Next Scheduled Executive Committee Meeting: November 14, 2016

West Michigan Works! is a division of ACSET, an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY# - 711. Supported by the State of Michigan. Item #3

West Michigan Works! (WMW) Workforce Development Board (WDB) Executive Committee Meeting Westside Service Center 215 Straight Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Monday ▪ July 11, 2016 ▪ 11:30 a.m.


MEMBERS/ALTERNATES PRESENT: John Buchan, Jay Dunwell, Jon Hofman, Rebecca Herrington, Dave Smith, Shana Welch and Mark Thomas (WMW WDB Member) MEMBERS/ALTERNATES ABSENT: Jim Fisher, Mark Mangione, Scott McLean

STAFF PRESENT: Jacob Maas, Angie Barksdale, Brittany Lenertz, Deb Lyzenga, Melanie White, Nancy Wiest, Janette Monroe GUESTS PRESENT: Sai Naik (Mavin Global)

1. Call to Order, Chairperson Dave Smith at 11:41 a.m.

2. Public Comment- Agenda Items- None

3. Approval of the May 9, 2016 Minutes Action Required Item approved with correction of deleting John Buchan from Members/Alternates Present on May 9, 2016. Motion – Mark Thomas Second – John Buchan Item Approved by Vote – Motion carried

4. Mavin Global Presentation (Talent Development Solutions) Information Item Sai Naik, Mavin Global Chairman & CEO, and Mark Thomas, Northview High School Principal & WMW Board Member, provided a presentation on how Mavin Global has created an education and training software platform which is found on the azure marketplace. Mavin Education is designed to inspire teachers and school administrations in the way they teach students. Discussion took place. Sai has requested WMW support in assisting a request that the pilot program take place on a state server to meet state regulations on having talent data in a centralized location. 5. Prisoner Re-Entry Program (PRP) Update Discussion Item Jacob Maas, WMW Chief Executive Officer, reviewed that as was discussed at the full board meeting on June 13, a motion was made to draft a letter to Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) regarding concerns around the Request for Proposal (RFP). Jacob reported that on June 28, WMW and Michigan Works! West Central collaboratively submitted a proposal to MDOC. Jacob reviewed with the Committee members a sample letter that was submitted in 2013, which provides some background of the concerns our Agency encountered at that time around PRP. Jacob noted that depending on the

West Michigan Works! is a division of ACSET, an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY# - 711. Supported by the State of Michigan.

Item #3

current proposal award from MDOC, there may need to be further discussions and negotiations concerning the operation of PRP. Jacob answered committee members’ questions. 6. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Performance Measures Information Item Brittany Lenertz, WMW Regional Service Center Director, reported that although WMW is still in the strategic planning phase and has not yet determined what our goals are, performance measures are being provided. Brittany noted that as of July 1, 2016, WMW was still being measured by Workforce Investment Act guidelines and that because of this, the WIOA measures have some lagged reporting measures. Brittany also announced that there will be general measures for Business Solutions and that states will choose two of three measures: (1). Employee retention, (2). Repeat customers and (3). Employer penetration. The state has yet to announce WMW measures. Brittany reviewed the performance summary handouts provided in the agenda, noting that the summary through 3/31/16 is the most up-to-date and the period ending 6/30/16 are the projected measures. Mark Thomas suggested looking into qualitative versus quantitative measures in discussing strategic planning and the value it will have as an impact to our WMW regions’ services. 7. General Updates a. PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) Information Item General Education Development (GED) Update Brittany Lenertz, WMW Regional Service Center Director, reported that WMW staff is still in collaboration with the Adult Education providers and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Directors to obtain additional information surrounding GED preparation pilot for the PATH program. Additional information is still needed to finalize the white paper and possible Request for Proposal (RFP) for GED services. b. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Information Item Angie Barksdale, WMW Chief Operating Officer, reviewed that the State is losing its current waiver for the FAE&T (Food Assistance Employment and Training or also 50/50) program which the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will expire in December 2016 and will most likely not be repeated. Currently, the State has modeled the program “Seattle Jobs Initiative” which is a 50/50 program, meaning that federal funds are matched with nonfederal dollars. The state reached out to WMW and to launch a Pilot program. WMW has begun developing a program for Kent and counties with the intent of launching the program in those two counties beginning January 2017. c. America’s Promise Grant Information Item Angie Barksdale reported that the Department of Labor (DOL) has announced the America’s Promise Grant competition monies will assist with developing and growing regional partnerships between workforce agencies, education and training providers and employers in sector development such as healthcare, advanced manufacturing and information technology. The grant is designed to increase tuition-free training, expand employer involvement and increase employability. Angie reported that Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) will be the grant applicant and that WMW will be part of the regional partnership with other colleges and companies to provide further insights around our recent involvements of career pathways. Angie requested additional updates be provided regarding the Health Careers Pathway Initiative (HCP) program. d. Health Careers Pathway Initiative (HCP) Information Item (add-on) Shana Welch, WDB Member (Mercy Health), reported that this is a large, 7-county national consortium that ties into the America’s Promise Grant. The other region will be on a call this

Item #3

week to discuss the distribution of the grant money. Deb Lyzenga, WMW Regional Business Solutions Director, added that hospitals in the region are continuing to build interest around these Career pathways and apprenticeship programs which WMW launched. 8. Strategic Planning 2016 Information Item Jacob Maas reviewed the Memorandum provided by Kristen Barry, Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) Associate Director, which reviewed tasks that have been completed, tasks that are in progress and next steps. Jacob reminded the committee that the next stakeholder meeting is scheduled for August 8 beginning at 11:30am. Jacob reported that there were over 120 individuals that attended our Strategic planning focus group sessions that occurred in June across our 7-county region. Jacob noted that there were some common threads among the demand and supply systems. Some of these included difficulty finding talent, skilled trades, drug testing, transportation, internal apprenticeships, and hiring processes. Jacob noted that in the coming week, electronic surveys will be sent out to those who were unable to attend the focus groups to gather their input. Surveys are short and will allow TPMA to have a broader scope of views from employers. Discussion took place, and Jacob and Angie answered board members’ questions.

9. Other Business Dave Smith suggested further conversations take place in considering additional board member involvement in committees. Discussion also took place regarding the Local Elected Officials on the ACSET Governing Board and more specifically those Commissioners who are running in the upcoming election. Mark Thomas thanked the Executive Committee members for their time allowing the presentation from Mavin Global.

10. Public Comment- None

11. Adjournment at 1:30 p.m. by Chairperson Dave Smith

Recorded by: ______Received by: ______

Item #4 West Michigan HR Conferences 2016

Spring into Action April 28, 2016, 7:30-11:30a Prince Conference Center $25

The Employers’ Association Leadership & Human Resources Conference/Annual Meeting May 19, 2016, 7:45a-1:30p Prince Conference Center $305 Approved for credit hours

Ideation Consulting Strategic HR and Leadership Conference April 20, 2016, 8:30a-4:30p Pinnacle Center $299 Approved for credit hours

Michigan Recruits Fall Conference October 14, 2016, 9a-4p RiverHouse/Varnum Law $49

Calvin College Employer Conference May 24, 2016, 12:30-3:30p Prince Conference Center $35

Item #4

PAST KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 2016 – Andrew Bennett Attendance: 116 Transformational Leadership: Building a Thriving Culture 2015 – Ken Wasco Attendance: 122 Harnessing the Power of Change 2014 – Wayne Burkan Attendance: 166 Keynote: Mastering Change and Innovation 2013 – Redia Anderson Attendance: 116 Keynote: Inclusion and Diversity: Trailblazers, Practices and Results 2012 – David DeLong Attendance: 165 Keynote: Accelerating Leadership Development: Lessons from the Leading Edge 2011 – Bob Treadway Attendance: 173 Keynote: 20/20 Foresight: A Look into the Future of Your Business 2010 – Peter Barron Stark Keynote: Surviving and Thriving Change - and Learning to Love It! 2009 – Stephen Shapiro Attendance: 147 Keynote topic: Innovation 2008 – Dr. Michael Mercer Attendance: 183 HR related topics 2007 – Ed Barlow Attendance futurist 2006 – Danny Cox Attendance "accelerationist" 2005 – Rich Hadden Attendance: employee relations, creating a great place to work

======2015 sessions:  Thinking Outside the Box: Creative Compensation and Total Reward Strategies  2015 Employment Law Trends & Updates  Candidate Recruitment and Screenings Panel  Leadership through Engagement  Mental Health Matters  Behind the Scenes of MiCareerQuest  Veteran Explorers Program 101 2014 sessions:  The Power of Persuasion: How to Effectively Communicate Change  Small but Mighty: HR for Small Business Success  Workplace Wellness: ADA Compliant Programs that Control Costs and Encourage Employee Health  Planting the Seeds to Grow Your Talent Pipeline  The 10 most critical Human Resources issues for 2014  Diversity & Inclusion

2013 sessions:  Gender Intelligence: It’s Not Rocket Science  What Every Business Pro Must Know About Online Learning  Top 5 Employment Law Topics Every HR Professional Must Understand Item #4  Healthcare Reform: Implications of the Affordable Care Act  The Five Generation Workforce: Will Your Lack of Generational Intelligence Sink Your Organization?  Hiring Returning Citizens: Employer / Employee Perspectives  Michigan Talent Connect 2011 breakout sessions:  Social Media in the Business Realm  Emerging Technologies and Green Jobs  Employment Law and Legislation  Internship Programs  Michigan Works! programs  Returning citizens/re-entry programs  Healthcare options for employers

2012 breakout sessions:  Social Media for the Small/Midsize Business  Employment Law from A-Z and the Top 10 Tips to Keep Out of Trouble  Healthy Employees = Happy Employees  Trends in the Workplace  Michigan Works! programs  Heroes in the Workplace  Hiring Persons with Disabilities Item #4 Know someone who goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional service?

8th Annual Beverly A. Drake ESSENTIAL SERVICE AWARDS The Essential Service Awards recognize the important role that service workers play in our economy.

Essential Service Award winners display pride in their job, a positive attitude, a strong work ethic and model good work habits.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Work History: Must have 2+ years of employment with same employer. Location: Nominees must work in either Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon or Ottawa County.

ESA CATEGORIES Winners will be chosen in a variety of categories based on the criteria described above. The categories and examples of jobs that would be eligible:

• Hospitality: Desk clerk, ticket taker, parking attendant, bell hop • Retail: Clerk, cashier, stockroom worker, customer service • Transportation: Bus, shuttle and taxi driver, baggage handler • Food Service: Server, busser, dishwasher, counter staff, cook • General Labor: Manufacturing, construction, agricultural • Government: Clerk, customer service, support staff • Childcare: Teacher aide, in-home daycare, school program staff • Nonprofit:Case aide, support staff • Healthcare/Elder Care: Nurses aide, lab support, patient transport, in-home aide • Cleaning/Housekeeping/Groundskeeping: Custodian, maintenance, housekeeper, dry cleaner/launderer

HOW ESA WINNERS ARE IDENTIFIED Nominations will be submitted by employers and the community at large. Winners (up to two in each category) will be chosen by a committee established by West Michigan Works! Once the winners are chosen, their employers will be notified and the employer will present the recognition at their place of employment.

The Essential Service Awards winners will be recognized at a special Economic Club meeting dedicated to Workforce Development.

TO NOMINATE AN INDIVIDUAL: Fill out the form on back or online at westmiworks.org. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: MARCH 1, 2016

West Michigan Works! provides a network of employment and training programs and services for employers, employees, and job seekers with the goal of creating a sustained workforce with the required skills to maintain and enhance the economy of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon and Ottawa Counties. For more information, visit westmiworks.org. ABOUT THE NOMINATOR Item #4 Name ______Title ______Company ______Address ______City State Zip ______Phone ______E-mail ______

ABOUT THE NOMINEE Name of Nominee ______Job Title/Description ______Employer ______Employer Contact (if available) ______Address ______City State Zip ______Phone ______

CATEGORY ____Hospitality ____Retail ____Healthcare/Eldercare ____Transportation ____Food Service ____General Labor ____Government ____Childcare ____Nonprofit ____Cleaning/Housekeeping/Groundskeeping


As the nominator you have the opportunity to tell the story of an individual working in a service category that has gone above and beyond the call of duty. These individuals provide notable and significant services to our communities and we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to recognize their contributions.

Please use the questions below to help tell their story. Attach the narrative to this nomination form. (Personal information provided for the purpose of submitting an Essential Service Award nominee will not be sold or shared with unaffiliated third parties and will remain confidential.)

What makes the nominee essential to your organization? or your customer experience, if you’re not the employer or a co-worker.

Please provide specific examples of the following:

■ How has their positive attitude influenced your workplace, staff and/or customers? or your experience, if you’re not the employer or a co-worker.

■ Provide an example of a situation or behavior that reflects their strong work ethic and habits.

■ Provide an example of their dedication to their job/responsibilities

How has this employee positively impacted your organization? or your day-to-day life, if you’re not the employer or a co-worker

Additional comments

Nomination forms are also available at westmiworks.org/esa. Submit via email to [email protected] | fax: (616) 336-4118 | mail: 1550 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Item #5


August 31, 2016

West Michigan Works! 1550 Leonard N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Dear Michigan Works! Agency (MWA) Director:

The Talent Investment Agency (TIA) is pleased to participate in the performance negotiation process with your agency for Program Years (PYs) 2016 and 2017, the first two years of implementation of the performance provisions for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I programs (Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth) and the Wagner-Peyser Act program, as amended by Title III of the WIOA, in accordance with WIOA Section 116(b)(3)(A)(iv).

Three factors were utilized to assist in establishing your local area’s targets. First, TIA staff utilized the past four years of Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data and Wagner-Peyser data to calculate performance outcomes based on the best understanding of the WIOA performance definitions. Second, current economic conditions throughout the state and in each local area were considered. Lastly, consideration was given to cross-system continuous improvement that better serves adults and youth with barriers to employment.

Training and Employment Guidance Letter 26-15, issued June 29, 2016, provides an opportunity to negotiate local performance measures for PYs 2016 and 2017. Below you will find the TIA’s proposed performance levels for your local area. Please review the proposed levels and reply to the TIA via email ([email protected]) by September 14, 2016, indicating either your concurrence with the proposed levels or your counterproposal with supporting justification. If no reply is received by September 14, an acceptance of the TIA’s proposed performance levels will be assumed. If your agency does submit counter proposed performance levels, TIA will contact you to set up a teleconference to negotiate the final levels, or in some cases, TIA may accept your counterproposal without further negotiation. In all cases, TIA will provide final, written notification of the performance levels.

TED is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 201 N. WASHINGTON SQUARE  LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913  www.michigan.gov/tia  517-335-5858

Item #5 MWA Director Page 2 August 31, 2016

PY 2016-17 Performance Goals

West Michigan Works! Adults Dislocated Youth Wagner- Workers Peyser * Employment Rate 2nd 84% 83% 91% 65% Quarter After Exit Employment Rate 4th 74% 74% 73% 84% Quarter After Exit Median Earnings 2nd $7,833 $7,150 Baseline $6,863 Quarter After Exit Credential Attainment 66% 65% 70% N/A within 4 Quarters After Exit

Should you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Mr. Joe Billig, Director, Office of Talent Policy and Planning, by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 517-241-8614.

Thank you.



Wanda M. Stokes, Director Talent Investment Agency

WMS:JB:pv cc: Stephanie Beckhorn Heather McBrien Joe Billig Tom Nicholas Krista Johnson Chelsea Mates Jackie Gaiters Jacob Maas David Smith Craig Stolsonburg

Item #6a 1630 N. Meridian Street, Suite 430 Indianapolis, IN 46202 | Main Office: 317 Office: Main | 46202 IN 430 Indianapolis, Suite Street, Meridian 1630 N.

West Michigan Works! Workforce Development Board Strategic Planning Session September 12, 2016 11:30am – 1:30pm

I. Overview of Today’s Agenda II. Mission and Vision Statements a. Mission: To lead workforce development strategy and resource alignment in West Michigan by understanding the needs of employers and jobseekers and connecting them to solutions. i. Does there need to be priority given to employers here? b. Vision: West Michigan has a skilled, diverse workforce and a strong, vibrant economy supported by an aligned network of partners proactively solving problems for all employers and jobseekers. West Michigan Works! is a model of high quality service for - the state and nation. 894 - i. Reactions? Need any more edits? 317 Fax: 5508 III. Discuss Board and Community Partners’ Roles a. Swim Lanes - b. Core Competencies 894 - IV. Goals and Strategies www.tpma 5370 a. Present recommended goals and strategies i. What is missing?

V. Next Steps - inc.com

Item #6b

West Michigan Works! Workforce Development Board Strategic Planning DRAFT Plan Elements

MISSION To lead workforce development strategy and resource alignment in West Michigan by understanding the needs of employers and jobseekers and connecting them to solutions.

VISION West Michigan has a skilled, diverse workforce and a strong, vibrant economy supported by an aligned network of partners proactively solving problems for all employers and jobseekers. West Michigan Works! is a model of high quality service for the state and nation.

VALUES Integrity Providing administrative and fiscal oversight to ensure responsibility and accountability of the organization. Promoting values, honesty, and transparency in communication and action. Diversity Serving a diverse population of customers – jobseekers across all demographics and skill levels, and businesses regardless of industry, geographic location, or size. Ensuring that Board representation is a reflection of the diverse community and economy we serve. Collaboration Convening workforce development system partners to promote an inclusive network for aligned resources and solutions. Building relationships with individuals and organizations to form partnerships. Commitment to Community Working in the best interest of the community. Understanding the unique local needs of West Michigan communities, while leveraging regional resources and connections to increase quality and opportunity. Data-Driven Action Continuously tracking metrics to understand quality of service provided and impact on the community. Utilizing data to drive decisions and action. Continuous Improvement Encouraging innovation to find solutions that will continuously raise the bar. Promoting responsiveness and agility to adjust based on outcomes.

Item #6b

SWIM LANES / ROLES West Michigan Works!  Ears to the ground to understand the issues related to workforce development and identify needs for policy changes  Boots on the ground to implement solutions to address identified talent issues  Partner coordination to minimize duplication of services and maximize collective resources Talent 2025  State level advocacy and education on issues facing talent development  Research and prototype innovative solutions  Data analysis and integrating data into decision making and advocacy Hello West Michigan  Strength in talent attraction  Connection to economic development Local Economic Development Organizations  Business attraction  Business retention and expansion Talent District Career Council  Advisory committee to the Board  Can be a strategic plan committee focused on youth development and engagement

CORE COMPETENCIES Convening and connecting  Create a network of partners and opportunities to come together to collaborate  Act as a hub for connecting organizations to others doing the same work or who can fill gaps  Convene conversations about strategic issues that affect businesses’ ability to grow and maintain a strong workforce  Lead the convening of industry councils focused on the talent needs of employers  Align resources (funding, staff time, networks, goals, and programs)  Work with Community Colleges and other training organizations to create programs and pathways that meets employers’ needs Gathering and disseminating information  Analyze internal customer satisfaction data to improve service delivery  Collect information about business and jobseeker needs and share with partners  Disseminate labor market information through the partner and customer network  Provide information to jobseekers about in-demand careers and job opportunities  Provide information to businesses about talent pool, labor market, etc.  Understand the occupational and skill needs in the region and the training that exists to meet these needs

Item #6b

Outreach and communication  Engage customers proactively  Position the Board as the voice for workforce development strategy in the region Assessment  Determine the service needs of jobseekers through a common assessment  Utilize diagnostic tool(s) to identify businesses’ needs  Assess jobseekers’ interests, skills, and abilities to inform stronger career counseling Placement and retention  Connect qualified jobseekers to business needs  Follow up to ensure retention and fit  Build continuing relationships, not transactions

GOALS 1: Increase market penetration of businesses to understand the workforce demand in the region. Metrics: per Qtr/Yr

o # of businesses contacted in targeted sectors/total number of businesses in sector o # of diagnostics completed o # of repeat business customers o Employer customer satisfaction rating 2: Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard-to- serve populations. Metrics: per Qtr/Yr

o # of new job seekers registered in Pure Michigan Talent Connect o # of new job seekers under 24 years of age registered in Pure Michigan Talent Connect o # of youth reached by targeted outreach engagements o # of individuals with employment barriers reached through targeted outreach engagements

3: Establish a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. Metrics: per Qtr/Yr

o # of Industry Council and other community conversation meetings held o # In attendance at Industry Council and/or community conversation meetings o # of strategies implemented to address issues identified

4: Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions. Metrics: per Qtr/Yr

Item #6b

o # of grants applications submitted/# of grants awarded (win rate) o Total non-WIOA formula allocation dollars secured o % of funding sources beyond WIOA formula funding o # of partner grants awarded in support of strategic plan 5: Increase Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development. Metrics: per Qtr/Year

o # of staff professional development hours logged o # of trainings or workshops attended by board members

STRATEGIES *Note: Each strategy will include a full description, including ties to the input received through surveys, input sessions, and board meetings. We will also fill in the “Roles of Partners” category further based on conversations with the Executive Committee. Create a diagnostic tool for use with every business contact to determine what their service needs may be. Goals Supported:

o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment; Placement and retention

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works! Convene and facilitate Industry Councils in key West Michigan sectors. Goals Supported:

o Increase market penetration of businesses to understand the workforce demand in the region. o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Talent 2025; Hello West Michigan Educate youth on the opportunities that are available in the local economy. Goals Supported:

Item #6b

o Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard to serve populations.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: Hello West Michigan, Local Economic Development Organizations; West Michigan Works! Work with partner organizations to reach out to populations with barriers. Goals Supported:

o Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard to serve populations. o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works! Develop and pilot a soft skills training program. Goals Supported:

o Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard to serve populations. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Talent 2025; Talent District Career Council Create a resource guide of the supportive services that are available across the West Michigan region. Goals Supported:

o Increase market penetration of businesses to understand the workforce demand in the region. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Talent 2025

Item #6b

Identify and advocate for infrastructure improvements that could lessen barriers to employment for West Michigan workers. Goals Supported:

o Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard to serve populations. o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs.

Core Competencies:

o Convening and connecting o Gathering and disseminating information o Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: Local Economic Development Organizations; Hello West Michigan Map career pathways within the region’s key industries, including all levels of education and training and multiple entry and exit points. Goals Supported:

o Increase market penetration of businesses to understand the workforce demand in the region. o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment; Placement and retention

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Talent 2025; Talent District Career Council Create relationships with community-based organizations in each county to widen the Board’s network of partners. Goals Supported:

o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions. o Increase Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Talent District Career Council Support innovative initiatives to promote continuous improvement of services. Goals Supported:

o Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard to serve populations.

Item #6b

o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Local Economic Development Organizations Identify gaps in the workforce development ecosystem and determine what the Board’s role in filling those gaps can be. Goals Supported:

o Increase the local talent pool by engaging youth, underemployed, and other hard to serve populations. o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions. Increase o Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment; Placement and retention

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Local Economic Development Organizations Seek and pursue alternate sources of funding. Goals Supported:

o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works! Catalogue the services and strengths of partner organizations to have a full picture of the capabilities of the workforce development system. Goals Supported:

o Develop a network for community conversations on issues related to businesses’ workforce needs. o Diversify resources and strategies through innovative partnerships and solutions.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Local Economic Development Organizations; Hello West Michigan

Item #6b

Offer professional development opportunities for all staff. Goals Supported:

o Increase Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development.

Core Competencies: Gathering and disseminating information;

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works! Provide networking or exchange opportunities for staff from different Service Centers to learn best practices from across the region. Goals Supported: West Michigan Works!

o Increase Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development.

Core Competencies: Gathering and disseminating information;

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works! Engage board members in strategic plan implementation and progress tracking through subcommittees. Goals Supported:

o Increase Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development.

Core Competencies: Convening and connecting; Gathering and disseminating information

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works! Create metrics and measurement tools to allow the Board to monitor the progress toward its goals. Goals Supported:

o Increase Board and staff engagement through strategic initiatives and professional development.

Core Competencies: Gathering and disseminating information; Outreach and communication; Assessment

Roles of Partners: West Michigan Works!; Talent District Career Council