Binna Burra section December 2009

d To Canungra and Nerang Illinbah a

o R Walking Distance Walking

track time a rr return distances u All track distances are measured as B to Binna Burra unless otherwise indicated.

Rainforest circuit...... 1.2km...... 30mins

a n Bellbird lookout...... 2km...... 1hr n i B Caves circuit...... 5km...... 1.5hrs O iccabe eek l P en Cr Tullawallal circuit...... 5km...... 1.5hrs d C *Gold Coast C o I Gwongoorool track...... 6km...... 2hrs l e o l Hinterland d m i n a Daves Creek circuit...... 12km...... 4hrs e b Great Walk — Egg Rock r r a a R do not proceed h 440m Lower Bellbird circuit..... 12km...... 4hrs


a Ri unless you have a Illinbah circuit...... 16.6km...... 8hrs d v Turtle Rock e r topographic map.

Coomera circuit...... 17.4km...... 7hrs 510m

Binna Burra Araucaria lookout...... 17.8km...... 7hrs

Mountain I l c Egg Rock Creek Wagawn...... 18km...... 8hrs l

i i y Kooloobano

Lodge r n le c l

b Ships Stern circuit...... 21km...... 8hrs u a Point n

a V i o k

h t n i ix e Border Track...... 21.4km to Green g e Bellbird a N r Mountains one way..... 7hrs r

a C


lookout u

K Mount Merino track...... 22km...... 8hrs

Tracks do

k c ree not connect i C r c u d Charraboomba ir Numinbah Valley i b L

t ll ow Rock S

e er Legend B h

B Yangahla i

e lookout Ships Stern p Caves circuit l

l s b National park


d S Bir i Gwongoorool r d t e e (pool) fl c r NSW Nature Reserve i n i R r

Kweebani Cave c c u i River, creek i r t c B u o Tracks do i r t Walking track d not connect e Combined Great Walk r Ballanjui Falls and walking track Koolanbilba Guraigumai Rock Tullawallal lookout Great Walk*

Beechmont Range Sealed road Mountain/Hill Nagarigoon clearingSurprise Rock

Numinbah Waterfall T r D a a lookout c v When planning to walk in k e Information centre Coomera Gorge C s Lamington National Park o Cr t

o eek circui Parking

please ensure you have m

e a 1:25,000 topographic r Toilets

a ek

re c C

map. This web-map is to i

r s c Picnic area

be used to plan your walk ve u a D

i Joalah — do not use it as your t lookout Camping sole means of orientation Yarrabilgong Falls within the park. B Araucaria Accommodation Coomera Falls o lookout r d Kiosk e Department of Environment and Resource Management MA409 Management and Resource of Environment Department



Please refer to the Green Mountains section map for Coomera Falls Woggunba Valley Lookout details of tracks that link to lookout A k r ac and leave from Green aucaria tr Orchid Bower Platform lookout with Mountains (O’Reilly’s). T r lookout handrails Chakoonya a c t k i lookout u rc Mt Wanungara i Darrayabroo lookout c 1189m Mt Merino e Wanungara e New 1148m w Mt Hobwee 1163m b B lookout o South o Beerenbano H r Garragoolba lookout

d t Wales

e lookout M r Biby Wagawn Trac k Merino lookout 1019m Toolona Scale 1189m Limpinwood Nature Reserve Dacelo 0 1km 2km 3km New South Wales lookout © State of Queensland. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Service, and Wildlife Parks Queensland of Queensland. © State