Journal of Human Kinetics volume 75/2020, 207-223 DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2020-0026 207 Section III – Sports Training

A Systematic Review of the Batting Backlift Technique in

by Habib Noorbhai1

There has been an extensive amount of research into the batting elements of cricket. However, there is limited research specifically on the batting backlift technique (BBT). Therefore, this review aims to provide an understanding and consensus of the BBT in cricket at varied skilled levels. A PRISMA flow chart revealed 38 studies that were reviewed (both coaching and scientific literature), which reported on the backlift in cricket. The databases searched were PubMed, Google Scholar, the Cochrane Library and Sabinet. This review shows that the lateral batting backlift technique (LBBT) is a likely contributing factor to successful batsmanship at all levels of cricket ability (junior, adolescent, semi-professional, professional, international and former elite/successful cricketers). It was also found that coaching a LBBT to young batsmen may be challenging to teach, and therefore, further coaching models should be developed to assist cricket coaches. As much as a LBBT may be a contributing factor for success, there is still a need to answer a number of questions through further in-depth biomechanical investigations and through interventions that are more meticulous. A way forward for further research in this area of cricket batting is documented at the end of the review. Key words: biomechanics, performance analysis, coaching, batters, cricketers.

Introduction Cricket batting is an incredibly complex batting backlift technique (BBT) is useful in both motor task that requires the batsman to overcome, informing and interpreting the current consensus at times, highly challenging spatial and temporal on batting methods (Noorbhai, 2019b). This will constraints to effectively and successfully hit the be discussed later in the review. ball (Noorbhai and Noakes, 2019a). The literature In the cricket batting literature, there are focusing on biomechanics has provided a series of four notable areas for research. It is firstly studies that have, at times, advocated, and at important to understand how the visual-motor other times questioned the prevailing coaching system guides movements to be in the right place theories developed over many years (Sarpeshkar and time to hit an oncoming ball. Secondly, there and Mann, 2011). is a need to investigate the visual-motor These results in themselves may fall short approaches that can be conducted by batsmen to of being used in the most effective manner if they overcome temporal constraints which could do not effectively inform, challenge, and change enhance this information. Thirdly, by studying coaching practices with the development of sound biomechanical movements, this would enable theories for teaching and learning of cricket skilled batsmen to perform at their best batting. Over the last few decades, there has been (Sarpeshkar and Mann, 2011). Fourth, how a paucity of literature on the biomechanics and research translates to coaching practice and why motor control used in batting. The emerging motor skills demonstrate variability due to scientific and coaching literature examining the inherent biological limitations and the role of

1 - 1. Department of Sport & Movement Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of . . Authors submitted their contribution to the article to the editorial board. Accepted for printing in the Journal of Human Kinetics vol. 75/2020 in October 2020. 208 A systematic review of the batting backlift technique in cricket

environmental constraints (e.g. the bowler, the cricket stump to repeatedly hit a golf ball against pitch, etc.). It would seem prudent to consider the a corrugated iron tank (Fraser, 2009). He is representative learning design (i.e. environment) notably the prime example of what is called a and cricket batting research. For example, looped technique (the loop of the backlift in the Pinder’s (2011a) work highlights that a lateral direction towards fielders standing behind representative design is needed to understand and oblique to the stumps, prior to the bat being whether findings from systematic design studies brought through for the downswing and impact transfer to real-world performance and learning. with the ball). For the purpose of this review, the These issues were further considered when looped or rotary technique will be described as batting was compared to a bowling machine, the lateral batting backlift technique (LBBT). The raising questions around the ecological validity of traditionally taught technique is known as the bowling machines and similar automotive- straight batting backlift technique (SBBT) bowling modalities (Pinder, 2011b). Subsequent (Noorbhai and Noakes, 2016a). To a large extent, work has further expanded this area. A study by Bradman’s influence has provided a rationale for Headrick (2015) explored changes in movement investigating whether batsmen who display timings from ball to ball, based on ball length. elements of his looped action will have any factor Furthermore, Connor et al. (2018) showed that a of success in their careers (such as better averages, representative field-based skills test can strike rates or career runs scored). Furthermore, distinguish between junior, amateur and skill coaching manuals in Bradman’s era (aside from cricket batters. his own book in 1958) hardly addressed the issue The focus of this review expands on the of the BBT, and therefore, it is imperative to third point above, whereby biomechanical understand the BBT of current batsmen across movements such as the BBT can either enhance or varied levels of cricket ability. hinder performance of cricket batsmen at all There is also the growing awareness of levels. The rather redundant nature of motor coaches and scientists that elite cricketers do not organisation in batting, in which the same hitting play the way most coaching manuals suggest they outcome can be achieved by any number of should. As early as 1912 (when C.B. Fry shared different batting techniques, has made it difficult his coaching theories on batting) until today, 105 to find common biomechanical measures of years later, there is still no consensus of how the success across different players, and different backlift in cricket batting should be coached (Fry, levels of skill (Noorbhai, 2017). This review also 1912; Penn and Spratford, 2012). Presently, as attempts to document the findings of the BBT of outlined below through both the scientific and players at varied levels of cricket. coaching literature, the debate regarding the BBT Former studies have shed light on the in cricket continues (Woolmer et al., 2009). nature of expertise in hitting a cricket ball by taking a different methodical approach, including Methods the use of within-participant designs and cross- A systematic review was conducted sectional comparisons across skill levels and age- according to the Preferred Reporting Items for groups (Weissensteiner, 2008). In addition, Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses research conducted in Australia by Stuelcken et al. (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al., 2009). (2005) was one of the very few studies Data Sources and Searches documenting findings on the direction of the While this was not intended to be a backlift in cricket in both the frontal and formal systematic review, a search strategy was transverse planes. This review aims to build on used to identify the relevant literature. Scientific what was found from their study and expand on literature was identified by searching electronic the scientific understanding of the BBT in cricket. databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, The Anecdotally, a key skill of elite batsmen is Cochrane Collaboration, Sabinet and The a reported ability to maneuver the ball away from University of Cape Town archives and Library the opposing fielders using fine manipulations of with the keyword search of “cricket batting”, the batsman’s wrist position. Sir Donald Bradman “batting techniques”, “coaching cricket batting”, famously practiced his batting skills using a “biomechanics of batting”, “backlift and

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backswing in sport”, “backlift”, “batting backlift Quality assessment technique” and “batting backlift in cricket”. Due The PRISMA guidelines were used to to the limited scope of the scientific literature on examine the quality of the studies. These include this topic, we opted to include all relevant adequacy of the study design; recruitment of the articles and publications for all years (up to June sample; and findings. The quality of the studies 2019). was not summarized with a score, as this Coaching literature was identified by approach has been criticized for allocating equal searching on electronic databases mentioned weight to different aspects of methodology (Jüni above as well as library archives for hardcopies et al., 2001), but a formal assessment of the risk of of coaching manuals with the keyword searching bias and strength of evidence according to the of “cricket coaching”, “cricket batting”, “batting Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality techniques in cricket”, “backswing in cricket”, (AHRQ) guidelines was conducted (Owens et al., “backlift”, “batting backlift technique” and 2010). “batting backlift in cricket”. The most relevant coaching literature on cricket batting was Results sourced between 1895 and June 2019. Study selection The titles and/or abstracts were reviewed The flowchart is shown in Figure 1. The to exclude any clearly irrelevant studies. The full literature search resulted in 4526 studies. After texts of the remaining studies were then retrieved review of their titles and abstracts, 180 studies met and read in full, independently to determine the inclusion criteria and were retrieved for full whether the studies met inclusion criteria. The reading of the text. Of these, 142 studies were reference lists of studies that examined the topic excluded from the systematic review as they no of interest were checked for additional longer met the inclusion criteria. A total of 38 publications. studies were included in the systematic review, Inclusion criteria and the extracted data are summarized as In the search, both primary sources and coaching literature in Table 1 (30 sources) and systematic reviews were prioritised as these scientific literature in Table 2 (8 studies). synthesise the evidence and are at the top of the What constitutes a successful batsman? evidence-based cricket batting literature as well Before one can dive into the consensus of as studies from the local context. As a second the BBT in cricket, we need to be reminded of the strategy, relevant key scholars from the literature complex skill of cricket batting which includes a review and institutions were identified, and number of components and factors. Skilled searched for their recent critical publications, as cricket batsmen produce complex, full-body well as new authors citing them, and which movements to aid them in overcoming the references they had used. Studies that were demanding constraints inherent in the game, conducted to measure other variables of the with the ultimate goal of producing the most backlift (height of the backlift, time to the forceful stroke possible to score runs commencement of a backlift, etc), or where (Weissensteiner et al., 2011). When considering review studies had included the backlift, were the force with which a ball is hit, full-body excluded. Coaching texts were also sourced as movements coordinating upper and lower-body these were imperative resources utilised at the segments allow for a more effective transfer of time where there were limited empirical sources. forces to be summated into a hitting action Data extraction and synthesis (Sarpeshkar and Mann, 2011; Weissensteiner et Using a standardized data extraction al., 2011). sheet, the following information (if available) was Motor Skill Development extracted and recorded from studies: authors and As mentioned above, cricket batting is an year of publication; sample size; performance incredibly complex motor skill. An important level; study design; findings and conclusions or area for future work lies in determining how the way forward. The findings analysed focused on brain is capable of directly guiding the batsman’s consensus around the direction or angle of the movement based on the vision of an approaching backlift at any particular performance level. ball (Montagne, 2005). One example is the

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concept of ‘neurobiological degeneracy’ which such as batting. The examination of gaze describes functionally equivalent actions that can behaviours while intercepting an approaching be achieved via different movement systems (i.e.: ball highlights the effective and efficient visual numerous degrees of freedom) (Thomas, 1967). It search strategy employed by skilled batsmen to is postulated that there is no ‘classical’ technique obtain the information required to coordinate for performance; each individual has a unique movement and overcome the temporal way of portraying their different learning constraints of batting. At ball speeds commonly dynamics as the interacting configuration of encountered by cricket batsmen (in excess of 25 constraints will differ between learners (Chow et m/s), batsmen visually track the initial 50–80% of al., 2011). In addition, different movement ball-flight before making an anticipatory saccade patterns develop between individuals with (i.e. an eye movement in which gaze is shifted similar performance outcomes that they achieve. from one location to another) (Land and McLeod, It is imperative to recognise that individuals may 2000). perceive task activities or the environment Irrespective of the control mechanisms differently, and that final performance measures used to guide hitting, the temporal constraints may be similar due to the unique capabilities of placed on the batsman are at times immense, and each learner (Müller et al., 2006; Pinder et al., appropriate strategies are required to ensure that 2009). there is adequate time to successfully ensure bat– In cricket, as in other interceptive sports ball contact. One of the key strategies used by such as tennis, badminton, and baseball, the athletes (and specifically by cricket batsmen) to batsman learns to ‘read’ the specific kinematic overcome these temporal constraints is through movements of a bowler to predict the the effective identification and interpretation of characteristics of the being bowled advance kinematic information inherent in the (Noorbhai, 2007). Investigations exploring the movement of opponents (Stretch et al., 2000). The developmental histories of skilled batsmen development of these anticipatory skills provides suggest that the accuracy of a batsman’s ability to batsmen with the ability to predict the outcome anticipate the ball is most likely due to their of a movement sequence produced by the exposure to bowlers across vast amounts of opposing bowler before the ball is released, and purposeful practice, and time spent in organised as a result may aid in preparing movement cricket (Weissensteiner et al., 2008, 2011). coordination at an earlier point in time to Motor Control facilitate successful bat–ball interception. There has also been a concurrent increase Task Constraints of Batting in the number of studies examining perception Task constraints are also imperative to and visual-motor control in cricket batting. Many understand cricket batting. This includes the studies have made important contributions physical, spatial and temporal constraints of towards understanding the strategies used by batting, defined by the size of the bat and ball, batsmen to overcome the temporal constraints of the speed, line and length of the delivery, as well batting. However, they fall short of informing us, as any ball deviations after delivery release (i.e.: if and how this information contributes to guide swing, seam and spin) (Stretch et al., 1998b, the movements of skilled batsmen (Sarpeshkar 2000). In essence, batsmen may execute and Mann, 2011). Successful hitting requires the appropriate cricket strokes within a matter of batsman to possess an efficient link between the milliseconds, depending on the speed of the perceptual and motor systems to ensure that delivery (Glencross and Cibich, 1977; Land and precise information from both the opponent and McLeod, 2000). the ball’s flight-path is best used to adapt Additional task constraints also include movements for optimal body-positioning and different ball types (e.g. Kookubarra and Duke) timing of the bat-swing to hit the ball. and innings (e.g. pitch deterioration) (Connor et Temporal Constraints of Batting al., 2019), the size of the playing field and rules of Despite the importance of motor control the sport, such as batting scenarios and from a in sport, there is also a need to fully understand tactical perspective: opposition field placements. the temporal constraints of complex movements Depending on match situations, batsmen may

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play a variety of attacking or defensive strokes to kinematic movement patterns of the bowler prior achieve the specific goals of a particular scenario. to ball release (Mann et al., 2010; Müller et al., The constraint of opposition fielders influences 2006). For example, Müller et al. (2006) found how batsmen will hit the ball, and the placement that highly skilled batsmen were attuned to of specific cricket strokes. Additional challenges advance information from the bowler’s hand, are provided as batsmen are expected to arm, and shoulder during the early period from manipulate as many deliveries as possible the bowler’s final back-foot impact prior to around the field, avoiding opposition fielders, in release, through to ball release. order to score runs within a set amount of On the other hand, lesser-skilled deliveries (Vickery et al., 2014). batsmen were found to extract information Skill Acquisition primarily from the bowling hand. Skilled Batting is notably a highly complex batsmen were found to make use of their prior interceptive action and complex skill requiring a knowledge and experience of the type of a combination of mental, perceptual, physical, bowler. This allowed them to adopt a definitive technical and tactical skills in order to perform search strategy by gathering subtle kinematic successfully (Weissensteiner et al., 2008). Due to information from the head, shoulders, bowling the constraints of the sport (as noted above), elite arm, trunk, and hips in order to supplement the batsmen are required to display a high level of primary information derived from the bowling perception-action and decision-making skills to hand (McRobert et al., 2009). Many components ensure that each delivery is matched with the as outlined above are important to consider prior appropriate shot selection (Land and McLeod, to a batsman hitting an oncoming ball. 2000; Stretch et al., 2000). The ability to perceive, Major components for hitting a cricket ball decide and produce an appropriate shot selection There are a number of major components is also dependent on the interacting constraints that address the efficacy and success of hitting a of the individual, the objective or task at hand cricket ball. The first is the phase of the cricket and the environment (Renshaw et al., 2010). shot. A complete batting technique encompasses Batsmen also have the option to leave a delivery numerous phases such as the grip, stance, that does not threaten to lose their (be backlift, initiation, forward stride, downswing, dismissed), therefore, forcing bowlers to deliver bat-to-ball impact and follow-through (Stretch et the ball closer to the batsman (or to the ), al., 2000). The second is the enhancement of thereby reducing the risk of certain cricket shot performance of a batsman to effectively hit a ball selections. (Figure 2). Performance components of a In order for players to be successful in batsman cannot be ignored; the art of coaching, their performance, regardless of the sport, it is strength and conditioning of a player throughout paramount to ensure that development of motor the season, interceptive actions (when players skills is achieved by means of effective training intercept a movement) and timing and motor (Müller et al., 2006). Training plays an essential skills of a batsman are all imperative for a role in the growth and development of an batsman’s success. The above two major individual’s ability, and the refinement of components play a pivotal role in the particular techniques. Training within cricket effectiveness of batsmen hitting the ball. includes a combination of different factors, such The batting backlift technique in cricket as strength and conditioning, awareness and An important component of the overall decision-making as well as technique and skill batting technique is the backlift. It can be development. As this paper focuses on training described as a technical component of the batting of a technical skill (backlift) of cricket batsmen, technique, traditionally defined as a movement other factors shall be omitted. in a linear plane (McLean and Reeder, 2000; Skilled cricket batsmen have Stretch et al., 2000). An additional factor which demonstrated the ability to anticipate the type influences the proficiency of the backlift is the (e.g. the direction of swing and spin), and also batting stance. The weight of the bat, the type of the direction (or line), of an oncoming ball a helmet (which can affect the posture of a through the judicious observation of the batsman), the grip of the bat and the state of hip

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flexion could also affect the bat position (McLean diversity of strokes would be a possible outcome and Reeder, 2000; Noorbhai and Noakes, 2015; where batsmen would get used to hitting the Stretch et al., 2000). The most proficient run- ball. In addition, it was found that the path of the scorers of the game lift the bat in the direction of bat deviated laterally from the mean alignment the slips, often causing the downswing path of of the shoulders reaching an average maximum the bat to deviate from its upswing (Stuelcken et angle in the transverse plane of 47° (after the al., 2005). Devising a detailed qualitative batsman initiated the backlift). The study then biomechanics model of the backlift could indicated how this angle was reduced by a mean therefore do much to probe its underlying of 23° at the top of the backlift which showed mechanics (Noorbhai, 2017). that the position of the bat was increasingly Qualitative biomechanical analyses of lateral from an alignment that would enable the movement in sports are key to its investigation required bat plane for a drive to the off-side (Kreighbaum and Barthels, 1996). Such a mode of (Stuelcken et al., 2005). investigation can provide important insights into Stuelcken et al. (2005) have also the biomechanics of different techniques in proposed that batsmen manoeuver their bat sports, especially with regard to those skills that using their wrists as a lever to position the bat have to satisfy parallel performance outcomes by close to the body’s centre of mass. This may help choosing from a kinematically redundant set of to keep the centre of mass of the bat close to the joint angle time-histories (Handford et al., 1997; batsman’s base of support, and ultimately to Mullineaux et al., 2001). allow a later downswing, helping to overcome Backlift and preparatory movements the temporal constraints inherent in batting. If Examinations of the backlift of the bat the wrists were to be moved away from the body provide interesting insight into how skilled in the backswing of the bat, more energy and batsmen achieve control of the bat to effectively more time would be required to produce the and efficiently swing their arms to successfully backswing and downswing. If the wrists are kept strike a ball. Many batsmen have been observed close to the body, the batsman is afforded a to adopt a backlift that is diverted away from mechanical advantage as the moment of inertia their body, rather than positioning their bat required to move the bat at a given bat velocity is directly behind them as is commonly advocated reduced. This decreases the amount of muscular by the coaching literature (Tyson, 1994). This is effort required to play a stroke, and the bat can contrary to what may be logically expected as the travel through a smaller swing arc to enable most efficient means of preparing for a straight faster movements of the bat. If the downswing of and efficient downswing. Taliep et al. (2007) the bat can be initiated at a later moment in time, found that the angling of the backlift away from the batsman is afforded a temporal advantage, as the body was common and similar across skilled he or she is able to observe additional ball-flight and lesser-skilled batsmen. It has been proposed prior to initiating the downswing to hit the ball that this angle may provide a comfortable (Stuelcken et al., 2005). position for batsmen to place their hands in The initiation of the backlift preparation for the subsequent downswing, and The most appropriate time to initiate the may allow for a more ‘rotary’ movement of the backlift is a key issue for players and coaches. wrists by which the bat backswing and Most coaching literature suggests that the downswing can be performed in a continuous backlift should be initiated as the bowler motion, rather than in two distinctive phases. prepares to release the ball (Australian Cricket Research conducted in Australia by Board, 2000; Tyson, 1994). However, an alternate Stuelcken et al. (2005) on international batsmen school of thought suggests that the bat should be (n = 9) showed that path tracings of the bat lifted earlier and levered in the air to remove the indicated a significant loop (rotary movement of need for a later backlift. A number of elite the bat) that was unexpected (Figure 3). batsmen have adopted this newer modified There was no clear evidence provided by backlift in an attempt to simplify the batting the authors to explain why there was a technique, supposedly to help in minimising the significant loop aside from the fact that a greater temporal constraints required when initiating a

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later backswing (Sarpeshkar and Mann, 2011). It reference to the direction in which the bat face is therefore crucial to understand what the should be pointing. The assumption may have coaching literature suggests about the BBT in been that the bat face must also point directly cricket. backwards. Forty years later, the 1994 edition of Coaching literature on the batting backlift technique the MCC coaching manual (Boycott and Gower, Penn and Spratford (2012) investigated 1994) continued with the same interpretation of whether coaching recommendations for cricket teaching the backlift which should be directed batting techniques were supported by towards the stumps to ensure that the bat will biomechanical research findings. The research come down straight, in line with the stumps showed that coaching manuals were important (Figure 4). sources of information and guidance for coaches, However, the same coaching manual and that it was a common practice for such also includes the contrasting statement of a coaching manuals to be written by former former English opening batsman, Sir Geoffrey players and coaches of the game (Penn and Boycott: Spratford, 2012). However, these coaching “If your stance is correct, it is a natural manuals are based on views and experiences of movement to pick up your bat in the the professionals and lack the scientific rigour of direction of the slips, as the great evidence-based research. batsmen do, such as Sir Donald One of the first principles of cricket Bradman. Then, at the top of the backlift, batsmanship taught to cricketers is to play with a loop the bat and bring it down the line of straight bat. This means that batsmen should lift the stumps. Many tutors teach more their bats towards the wicket-keeper or in the traditionally that, if you pick the bat up direction of middle-stump on the initiation of the straight it will come down straight, so batting stroke with the bat face pointing towards they suggest you take the bat back the ground (Lewis, 1992; The MCC, 1962). This directly over the middle-stump. I feel restricts the number of shot selections for players that the best players have never done prior to impact with the ball (Beldam and Fry, that. It simply is not a natural movement 1905; Fry et al., 1903; Müller et al., 2015; and it will let you down under Ranjitsinhji 1897). pressure”. In his book (1926), the South African all- Expert coaches have frequently rounder, Aubrey Faulkner subscribed to C.B. supported this notion, supporting the Fry’s advice which was then promoted in South supposition that there is no necessarily ‘right’ or Africa: ‘wrong’ way to bat, and that many of the greater “A batsman who persistently drives to players have exhibited techniques not necessarily cover point, and who picks up the bat commensurate with those recommended in wide of second must obviously be coaching manuals (Conn, 2009). For example, Sir the poorest of stylists, and one might Donald Bradman exhibited a highly unique also add feeblest of players against ‘rotary’ technique, which was contrary to bowlers of class” (Faulkner, 1926). coaching convention, and is yet to be replicated This straight backlift coaching (Glazier et al., 2005; Noorbhai, 2020). philosophy received universal exposure with the The article by Boycott and Gower (1994) publication of the first edition of the Marylebone is accompanied by images of two established Cricket Club (MCC) Coaching Manual in 1954. English batsmen, Graeme Hick and Graham The text included the following statement: Gooch, whose backlifts went directly backwards “A correct backlift is not natural but can towards the stumps. The caption accompanying easily be obtained and too much the image of Graeme Hick states: attention cannot be given to getting it “The backlift: the basis of a sound right, the bat should be taken back technique, the left arm has pushed the directly over the middle stump” (The bat over the stumps; the face of the bat is MCC, 1954). open; eyes…No movement yet of the This explanation does not include any batsmen.”

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This caption is also placed directly over a There are a considerable number of picture of Sir Donald Bradman, whose backlift is coaching books and various archive sources that directed towards second slip with the bat face advocate that the backlift should be directed pointing towards the off-side (Bradman, 1958; straight backwards towards the middle stump in MacLaren, 1926). One could argue that it may be front of the wicket keeper (Guha, 2016). In attributed to other factors in the backlift that modern coaching manuals published after 2009, determine this variance. However, it is clear that it has become a norm for batsmen to lift the bat even the 1994 MCC Coaching Manual did not in the direction of the slips (Noorbhai and provide an unambiguous account of the technical Noakes, 2019c; Stuelcken et al., 2005). Table 1 components that constitute a correct backlift. displays a selection of 30 books based on their This is probably due to the fact that the 1994 common use in the coaching literature and their MCC Coaching Manual did not consider the specifications of the direction of the batting importance or relevance of the technical backlift technique in cricket. components of the backlift.

Figure 1 Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram on the batting backlift in cricket.

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Major components for hitting a cricket ball:

Phase of cricket shot: Stance, grip, backlift, initiation, forward stride, downswing, bat-to-ball impact and follow-through. Performance enhancement: Art of coaching, strength and conditioning, interceptive actions and timing, and motor skills.

Performance Analysis Main Biomechanical Motor Control Elements

• Kinematics of • Motion analysis • Skill acquisition Cricket Batting • Human Movement • Visual anticipation • Kinetics of Cricket Analysis • Perceptual Motor Skills Batting • Proprioceptive Motor

Skills • Control mechanisms • Temporal constraints

Figure 2 Major components for hitting a cricket ball

Figure 3 The loop of the cricket bat (From Stuelcken et al., 2005)

Figure 4 Backlift towards the stumps. The toe of the bat as well as the bat face point directly backwards towards the middle stump (Adapted and permission obtained from Pitchvision)

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80 []% 70 60 50 []% 40 []% 30 20 []% 10 0 Adolescent Amateur State/County International

Figure 5 LBBT trend and percentage change across different levels of cricket

100 []% 90 []% 80 []% 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Test ODI T20

Figure 6 LBBT trend and prevalence across different formats of cricket ODI = one-day internationals; T20 = Twenty-twenty cricket

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Table 1 Summary of relevant coaching literature on the direction or basis of the batting backlift technique Author(s) (Year) Title Straight towards Towards In a looped the stumps or the first or or lateral wicket-keeper second slip technique

Ranjitsinhji (1897) The Jubilee Book of Cricket 5th Ed X Giffen (1898) With Bat & Ball X Grace (1899) Cricketing Reminiscences & Personal X Recollections

Beldam & Fry (1905) Great Batsmen: Their methods at a X glance Fry (1912) Cricket: Batsmanship X Knight (1922) First Steps to Batting X

Armstrong (1924) The Art of Cricket 3rd Ed X Faulkner (1926) Cricket: Can it be taught? X MacLaren (1926) The Perfect Batsman: JB Hobbs in X Action Jardine (1939) Cricket X Wheatley et al. (1948) Cricket…Do it this way X The MCC (1954) The MCC Cricket Coaching Book X Bradman (1958) The Art of Cricket X Goodwin (1967) Coming in to Bat X White et al. (1974) George ‘Atlas’ Headley X Dellor (1990) How to Coach Cricket X Ferguson (1992) Cricket: Technique, Tactics, Training X Lewis (1992) MCC Masterclass: The new MCC X Coaching

Woolmer (1993) Skillful Cricket X Boycott et al. (1994) Batting Vivian Richards X Tyson (1994) The Cricket Coaching Manual X Simpson (1996) The Reasons Why: A decade of X coaching, a lifetime of cricket.

Palmer (1999) Cricket Coachmaster Batting X Mechanics Australian Cricket Board Coaching Youth Cricket X (2000)

Chappell (2004) Cricket: The making of champions X Shillinglaw (2008) The Bradman Phenomenon. X Continuous ‘Rotary’ Batting Process.

Shillinglaw (2009) Bradman Revisited 2nd Edition ‘The X Simplicity of Nature’

Woolmer et al. (2009) Bob Woolmer’s Art and Science of X Cricket Borooah and Mangan The “Bradman Class”: An exploration X (2010) of some issues in the evaluation of batsmen for test matches

Woolmer et al. (2010) Bob Woolmer on Batting X

TOTAL 30 20 6 4

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Table 2 Summary of relevant scientific studies on the direction or basis of the batting backlift technique (mean ± S.D. unless stated) Author(s) Sample (n) Participants/Level Study Design Findings

Stuelcken 9 International cricketers Descriptive biomechanical Showed that path tracings of the bat (2005) analysis of variables that indicated a significant loop (rotary characterise the techniques movement of the bat) that was unexpected. of elite cricket batsmen It was also found that the path of the bat while performing under deviated laterally from the mean alignment match conditions. of the shoulders reaching an average maximum angle in the transverse plane of 47° (after the batsmen initiated the backlift). Taliep (2007) 20 10 skilled and 10 less High-speed digital There was no significant difference in the skilled right-handed cameras were used to maximum bat angle out during the back-lift batsmen record the three for the skilled and less-skilled batsmen dimensional kinematics of during any point of the bowler’s run-up. 10 skilled and 10 less Expert batsmen had a distinctive looped bat skilled right-handed path with a bat angle out during the back- batsmen when playing a lift, which approximates towards second shadow front foot off- slip. drive to realistic projected video footage. Ashford 8 Senior Club (semi- A video camera set at 50 Bat angle during the backswing varied (2013) professional) players; Hz was used to capture between the subjects, only 12.5% of subjects right-handed batsmen kinematic data of stuck to the ‘coaching literature’ backlift movements associated above the stumps, whilst 87.5% had a with each shot which backlift ranging from first slip to the included the path of the extremes of gully. backlift Noorbhai 65 International Analytical; measurement Showed that more than 70% of the greatest (2016a) of a photo sequence with batsmen of all time did not adopt a SBBT. drawing tools and a static Instead, they adopted a more looped action: angle calculation of the the movement of the bat (at the moment the batsman’s technique using bowler released the ball) was in the Kinovea TM (Version 0.8.15) direction of the slips, or in extreme cases, the face of the bat pointed towards point. Noorbhai 80 Adolescent and amateur Analytical; measurement Uncoached cricketers naturally adopted the (2016b) of a photo sequence with LBBT whereas coached cricketers adopted drawing tools and a static the SBBT. If such players are not coached, angle calculation of the they automatically hit the ball using a batsman’s technique using LBBT. This indicates that the SBBT is a Kinovea TM (Version direct consequence of early coaching. 0.8.15). Noorbhai 161 Cricket coaches at A mixed-methods research The majority of cricket coaches teach what (2018) various levels. study in which a survey is advocated in cricket coaching manuals. using both closed-ended The study also showed that cricket coaches questions and an open- mostly teach the SBBT as opposed to the question was utilised LBBT at the various levels of the game. It among qualified cricket was also found that most coaches found it coaches (n = 161) located challenging to teach the SBBT. in eight of the different playing nations. Noorbhai 130 Semi-professional, Analytical; measurement Showed that a LBBT is more common at the (2019a) professional and of a photo sequence with highest levels when comparing batsmen at international. drawing tools and a static the various levels of cricket (SP = 38%; CP = angle calculation of the 40%; P = 40%; SAI = 75%); χ2 = 39.02, df =3, batsman’s technique using p = 0.001. The study also demonstrated that Kinovea TM (Version batsmen who had a LBBT were better able 0.8.15). to score runs to most parts of the cricket field. Noorbhai 37 Professional and Analytical; measurement Showed that a LBBT was found to (2019b) international batsmen. of a photo sequence with positively affect the stance and footwork of drawing tools and a static batsmen as most batsmen with a LBBT have angle calculation of the an open stance at the crease and are able to batsman’s technique using anticipate the trajectory of the delivery Kinovea TM (Version more effectively. 0.8.15).

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Studies conducted on the backlift in recent years traditionally taught SBBT. Instead, they adopted Given the paucity of studies on the BBT a more looped action: the movement of the bat in cricket prior to 2016, this section will largely (at the moment the bowler released the ball) was document the work conducted by Noorbhai and in the direction of the slips, or in extreme cases, Noakes (2016 – 2019) on the BBT in cricket in the face of the bat pointed towards point. Since recent years, by explaining the methodology and the vast majority of cricketers are not coached in findings of each of the studies. The studies are this technique, these findings indicate that the mainly descriptive in nature, but also include LBBT is likely a contributing factor to effective biomechanical and analytical measures of batsmanship (Noorbhai and Noakes, 2016a). different variables and parameters of cricketers, Study 2 showed that a LBBT is more at varied proficiency levels (Table 2). common at the highest levels when comparing Methodology batsmen at the various levels of cricket (SP = 38%; Studies 1, 2, 3 and 4 were cross-sectional CP = 40%; P = 40%; SAI = 75%); χ2 = 39.02, df =3, p research studies in which both observational and = 0.001 (Figure 5) (Noorbhai and Noakes, 2019a). analytical research methods were employed This finding is not as conclusive due to the among past and present successful cricketers (n = average sample number (n = 155) across all the 65), semi-professional (SP) (n = 69), professional levels. In addition, this study demonstrated that (p) (n = 48), county professional (CP) (n = 25) and batsmen who had a LBBT were better able to South African International players (n = 12), as score runs to most parts of the cricket field. well as uncoached and coached cricketers (n = Furthermore, study 3 showed that a LBBT was 80). Biomechanical and video analyses were found to positively affect the stance and performed on all participant groups (Noorbhai footwork of batsmen as most batsmen with a and Noakes, 2016a, 2016b, 2019a, 2019b). LBBT had an open stance at the crease and were The analyses included the measurement able to anticipate the trajectory of the delivery of a photo sequence with drawing tools and a more effectively (Noorbhai and Noakes, 2019b). static angle calculation of the batsman’s Again, this is not entirely conclusive due to the technique utilising the Kinovea TM (Version limited sample size. Additional analysis on more 0.8.15) software package. These frames were then cricket teams (subject to approval) would need to used to determine the type of batting backlift be carried out. technique for each type of delivery. The analysis Study 4 showed that uncoached was conducted in both practice and game cricketers naturally adopted the LBBT whereas situations, at the same eye-level. coached cricketers adopted the SBBT. This Study 5 was a mixed-methods research suggests that cricket coaches should teach the study in which a survey using both closed-ended basic fundamentals of batting techniques to questions and an open-question was utilised cricketers and allow a young cricketer to play among qualified cricket coaches (n = 161) located “naturally” without an overemphasis on playing in eight of the different International Cricket with a straight bat. If such players are not Council playing nations. The questions were coached, they automatically hit the ball using a aimed to solicit which type of BBT coaches were LBBT. This indicates that the SBBT is a direct teaching cricket players at varied proficiency consequence of early coaching. However, this is levels (Noorbhai and Noakes, 2018). likely to have detrimental long-term Biomechanical and video analysis was consequences as it will produce a batting conducted in both the frontal and lateral planes as technique that may be too restricted to achieve the batsmen picked up the bat prior to the release success at the international level (Noorbhai and of the ball and before making impact with the Noakes, 2016b). ball. Effect sizes were calculated to determine the Based on the above four studies (which effectiveness and the level of significance was set funneled down from the most successful at p < 0.05. batsmen of all time right down to groups of Research Findings professional, amateur and coached/uncoached Study 1 showed that more than 70% of cricketers), we began to understand what BBT the greatest batsmen of all time did not adopt the was being used at varied levels of cricket. If this

© Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics 220 A systematic review of the batting backlift technique in cricket

was the case, we were then intrigued to there have been considerable fluctuations in investigate what BBT was being taught at the coaching and batting methods in the past varied levels of cricket by coaches. . This review has contributed to the field The results from study 5 showed that the of cricket sciences, biomechanics and coaching by majority of cricket coaches taught what was demonstrating that the backlift appears to be a advocated in cricket coaching manuals. The key-contributing factor for successful study also showed that cricket coaches mostly batsmanship. taught the SBBT as opposed to the LBBT at the This review has also outlined the various levels of the game (Noorbhai and practices of the backlift at the various levels of Noakes, 2018). It was also found that most cricket ability (school cricket, adolescent level, coaches found it challenging to teach the SBBT. It club cricket, semi-professional, professional and was then decided to conduct an intervention international cricket levels) as well as provided through the use of a coaching cricket bat that recommendations for both the coach and player. could aid in the coaching of the BBT (while used It has provided an understanding of why a LBBT during practice scenarios in cricket). is important and why it may be an essential Based on the above, a growing trend of component for success at the highest levels of the the LBBT has been shown in both the different game. However, there are some batsmen who are formats and skill levels (or age groups) of cricket still/will still be successful even though they use (Figures 5 and 6). the SBBT. As such, coaches need to continue In Figure 5, we notice the subtle emphasising the importance of individuality (or progression between the adolescent and individual variation) with a batsman as each state/county level (25 – 40%). However, one can player will be different. notice a bigger increase between the state/county Stating that the LBBT is an important level and international level (40 – 75%; p = 0.001). determinant to success would be a bold This indicates that if batsmen want to be statement as there are also other key components successful at the highest level of cricket, a LBBT to consider, for example: the grip, stance, is a successful contributing factor (among many downswing, impact, follow-through, as well as of the other contributing factors for success in the morphology, psychology and physical cricket batting) if adopted at the elite level. In characteristics (fitness, physique and stature) of Figure 6, we see a slight increase in the the batsman. It is crucial to understand that the prevalence of the LBBT used between the BBT is a key contributing factor to successful different formats of cricket (5% between Tests batsmanship. This review has also discussed the and one-day international (ODI) cricket, and 10% existing understanding of coaching approaches between ODI and twenty-twenty (T20) cricket). as well as provided additional insights and This is, however, not statistically significant. experiences of how current coaches teach the However, sports performance generally states BBT. This review has challenged some long-held that even a 5-10% difference may yield positive beliefs of cricket coaching in both the scientific performance outcomes (Bartlett, 2001). As such, and coaching literature and is valuable for both one could postulate that the LBBT can assist coach education literature and the need for batsmen in improved performance over the international cricket coaching courses to be varied formats of cricket between Tests, ODIs updated and revisited. and T20s. In addition, international batsmen are Conclusion more likely to adopt a LBBT. Only few studies have investigated the How has the LBBT contributed to the fields of BBT (partly or in its entirety). As such, there is a cricket science, biomechanics, motor need to fully enhance our understanding on the control and skill acquisition in relation to BBT in cricket through in-depth biomechanical cricket coaching? investigations. This review assists in advancing a Much has changed in the last 50 years of foundational understanding and provides the game due to the rapid adaptations of the one- practical implications on the BBT in order to day format. Although cricket has been in determine effective batting in cricket. existence for more than 230 years (since 1788), In summary, this review shows that the

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LBBT is a key contributing factor to successful 4. The fields of psychology, morphology batsmanship at all levels of cricket ability. An and physiology also have an integral optimal BBT would be based on what is naturally place in determining the success of suited to the cricketer as an individual and the cricket players. Previous studies have emphasis of the LBBT should be adopted if the shown that the brain is a key regulator SBBT proves to be challenging for the player. It for human motion and abstract would seem that early coaching of the commonly movements. As such, a key question to taught SBBT might prevent future success as a address is how the brain has an batsman in international cricket. It was also anticipatory effect on the backlift or found that coaching a LBBT to young batsmen subsequent movements of a batsman? may be challenging to teach, and therefore, 5. Is there a reduced risk of injury if further coaching models should be developed to batsmen adopt more of a LBBT instead assist cricket coaches. of a SBBT, over a long-term period? Directions for future research 6. Given the role the environmental This review has answered critical questions constraints play on cricket batting, such as surrounding foundational and novel questions opposition tactics, it would also seem regarding the BBT in cricket. As such, further in- necessary to investigate how batters depth research (particularly, in-depth adapt to such environmental constraints. biomechanical investigations that are more The above areas and questions would meticulous) and questions need to be answered provide additional insights into the associated and investigated in the following areas: movements with the backlift as well as further 1. In-depth qualitative research studies understanding of other movements and needs to be conducted to evaluate the components of the cricket batting technique. In teachings of cricket coaches for other addition, more innovative tools and coaching elements of the batting technique (grip, models need to be designed to assist and stance, downswing, impact with the enhance performance of batsmen as well as ball and follow through). coaching of batting in cricket. 2. The batting backlift technique in Throughout the literature, there has been women’s cricket: Is it different to the limited empirical evidence and more anecdotal practice of men’s cricket? If so, what do information on the coaching of the backlift, women do differently? In essence, there mostly due to the complex skills associated has been a paucity of literature on with cricket. As such, a backlift cannot only be cricket batting in women’s cricket. coached in isolation, as there are other elements 3. The grip of a batsman is key and the that need to be amalgamated to produce an association of grip techniques with the effective batting response in cricket, at all skill BBT is fundamental for an in-depth levels. investigation to be performed.

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Corresponding author:

Dr. Habib Noorbhai Department of Sport & Movement Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tel: +27 11 559 6602 Email: [email protected]

© Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics