Tuesday 17 September 2013 / 13 Tishrei 5774 Volume 17 – Number 33

south african

wing to Shmini Atzeret and O orah, on September 25, Simchat T 26 and 27, our next issue will be on October 4. Jewish Report www.sajewishreport.co.za Photo: Ilan Ossendryver Photo:

Looking for perfection

You can never be completely sure... Young Israel Joffe uses a magnifying glass to carefully scrutinise the tips of a lulav (palm branch) to ensure it’s the best possible specimen he can use for Succot this year. Each of the Arbah Minim (four species) are subject to such scrutiny by observant members of the community who seek the straightest lulav, the most perfect etrog, and the freshest hadass and aravah in the name of hiddur mitzvah (beautifying the mitzvah). Joffe was photographed at the Succot Mart hosted by the Union of Orthodox Synagogues.

Chag Sameach SA Jewish Report - 15 years Rhodes ‘Israel apartheid’ Was THE Oslo ACCORD a Steven Cohen – cockily Succot! young and still going debate issue leaves unanswered mistake? unrepentant after Trocadéro The editor and strong questions performance

staff of the Jewish PUTTING THE WOW IN THE DIARY OF The 20-year anniversary of the THE COMMUNITY / 6 PETR GINZ - INSIDE: HOME A PUNCH TO Report wish all ENTERTAINMENT THE SOLAR Steve Apfel: SA Jewry’s participating Israel-Palestinian Oslo Accords is “Whatever I did, I did in the name and SUPPLEMENT / 19 PLEXUS / 17 our readers, in this particular debate “would be not a celebration of the agreement’s spirit of art in a country which is known

Friday 16 August 2013 / 10 Elul 5773 Volume 17 – Number 29

www.sajewishreport.co.za Friday, 31 August 2007 / 17 Elul 5767 Volume 11 Number 33 stakeholders and ISRAELI tantamount to presenting the BDS crowd outcome, but a debate on its merits. throughout the world for art. I am afraid JAZZ ARTIST AT WITS south african COMMUNITY URGED TO Upbeat mood at SAJBDATTEND conference PAGE 3 STAFF REPORTER Mbeki brought in a new genera- to Ministers Pahad and Kasrils “SA Jewish organisations start- the establishment advertisers a PHOTOGRAPH: ROBIN NUSSBAUM tion of ministers and relations and the Department of ForeignJed organisingewish business structures of the CSO, assist- with a “get out of jail free card”. Danny Danon: “...‘land for peace’ has of nothing except being made to be became strained. The intifada Affairs was being more even-hand- to influence the connection with ing with tsunami MICHAEL BAGRAIM (pictured), made things worse with certain ed with its treatment of Israel, European, US and African Jewry rescue, theR organi- eport outgoing national chairman of the ministers wanting the total except on the Iran question. and a lobbying machine was sation of the March www.sajewishreport.co.za SAJBD said relations with the destruction of Israel, he said. “We have strengthened relations formed with new leadership. We of the Living and South African government in the “We had to reinvent ourselves. with Kasrils and trade has in- used to spend time defending hosting of confer- past few years had been “debat- Ministers such as Ronnie Kasrils, creased to a high level with sever- Israel, but no more,” he said. ences with other able and not comfortable”, but Essop Pahad and Aziz Pahad were al agreements in place,” he said. The SAJBD was also sorting out religious groups. overall he presented an upbeat uncomfortable with us. Muslim The dwindling numbers of Jews internal problems, and visiting “Today, we are proudly South Photo: Howard Sackstein failed.” afraid to the point where I can’t make joyous Succot. scenario of the Jewish communi- radio stations and speeches at in from 100 000 to outlying communities. The Radio African Jews, who are not shy to ty in South Africa and its place in mosques were anti-Semitic. The some 75 000, the anti-Semitic 786 case has been ongoing for nine acknowledge their Judaism and the fabric of the country. appointment of a Muslim premier events at the Durban conference years and relations with the who can celebrate living in the Coming from a history of good in the Cape also did not help mat- on anti-racism, and a rise of anti- Muslim Judicial Council are at an world’s best constitution,” he said. relations with former President ters,” he said. Semitism in Europe, reached an all-time low, said Bagraim. Nelson Mandela, President Thabo Today, there were regular visits all-time high. Other achievements had been PAGES 14 - 15 art. I fear only fear.” Another hate-fest like Durban for 2009? 9 3 6 11 PAGE 13 African Jewish Congress debates Zimbabwe PAGE 3 Shabbat kit for the road PAGE 11 Glitzy fashion at King David Schools PAGE 26-27

Rabbi Yossy Goldman, senior rabbi of Sydenham Highlands Norwood feature ‘Now you listen, my son...’ North Shul in and Gareth Cliff, popular DJ of PAGE 28 Radio 5 FM. (Photograph: Shelley Elk) PAGE 4 LETTERS / 18 DAVID KUPER Z”L / 8 STUNNINGLimmud NEW BRIDES / 10 LOOKING FORrocks! A HAPPIER U / 2 18TH MACCABIAH / 32 Last weekend’s three-day Limmud Conference at Fourways, near Johannesburg, was a resounding success, lling the Indaba Hotel with musicians, scientists, Jewish tradition, spirituality and other topics. See our extensive coverage on pages 13 to 15.

What Ambassador Ngombane really told Jerusalem Post UOS conference testi es to Union’s strong leadership  e making of the prestigious Magazine Absa Jewish Achiever Awards BOEKKOOI: Tribute concert does full justice to Zaidel- Gaborone Jewry: Small in “SA Jewry is unique worldwide: we number, but rich in Torah Jerusalem Post Magazine’s website An astounding amount of work and Rudolph’s legacy have one Beth Din and one kashrut presence quotes Ambassador Ngombane out of expertise is involved in making an context, effectively severely affecting department, refl ective of the unity As a whole it is perhaps one of Zaidel- we enjoy between the rabbonim and enterprise of the magnitude of the Organised Jewish life in Botswana his standpoints. We cite the article more Absa Jewish Achiever Awards happen - Rudolph’s richest outpourings of comprehensively. community members.” something close to absolute music. was launched in the early 1990s by Chag Sameach!! because it doesn’t just happen. the placing of an advertisement in the local newspaper calling on all “minyan 6-7 12 makers” to come forward. 16 10 WALK TO SHUL & LIVE IN LUXURY... 4


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2013/08/14 6:44 PM Wishing all our clients and friends a joyous Sukkot.

We’re inviting you to join us in our Sukkah anytime during Chol ha’moed at our offices, 011 731 0300 Cnr Glenhove Road and 5th Street, Melrose Estate. www.firzt.co.za 2 SA JEWISH RREPORTEPORT CommunityNews 17 September01 - –08 4 October June 2012 2013

Shabbat & Yom Tov Times September 18/ 14 Tishrei May we merit a year of peace Candle-lighting Erev Succot I trust that your High Holy Day experience was a ness. Happiness is more significant than fun. It is deeply moving, meaningful and memorable one. something spiritual. 17:44 Johannesburg Parshat Kohelet 18:15 Cape Town It occurred to me at the conclusion of the Mussaf My most vivid childhood memories are of Amida on Rosh Hashanah, just how many times Succot and Simchat Torah. The singing, the 17:32 Durban Rabbi David Shaw 17:51 Bloemfontein we petition G-d for peace during our prayers. Beth Midrash Hagadol dancing and of course, the chocolates and We end with the word peace, shalom, at the flags. 17:53 Sandton conclusion of the Birkat Cohanim, the Priestly Succot is a divine opportunity to allow our 17:44 East Blessing and then immediately segue into Sim flimsy structure, comprised of mere branches children and family to immerse themselves Shalom where we mention it, no less than three and some leaves for a roof. For as long as we are wholly in mitzvoth. The mitzvah of being in September 19/ 15 Tishrei times in the space of one short paragraph. This is in it together with Hashem, we are perfectly safe. a succah, is one of only a very few command- 1st Day Succot followed by an additional four appeals for peace While a state of happiness is required for all ments that one does with one’s entire body. Candle-lighting from a pre- before ending the service. our festivals, it is especially mandated for the fes- Being in Israel is another. existing flame What is peace? My late father’s favourite tival of Succot. How strange! How are we meant I encourage you to attend a nearby shul with 18:33 Johannesburg prayer that he taught me as a young child, was to go out of our luxurious homes into a tempo- your loved ones. Enter a succah all the days 19:14 Cape Town the prayer of Hashkiveinu. This prayer is said rary, feeble little hut and to still rejoice? Where is of the Chag. Shake a lulav and etrog, and get 18:22 Durban each evening both in shul and again as part of the happiness in that? nachas from all the kids who are called up for 18:41 Bloemfontein our nightly ritual before laying down our heads Our sages explain that true happiness can only kol hanearim, an aliyah especially to encour- 18:45 Port Elizabeth to sleep. be achieved when we recognise that in fact this age each and every child to be called up to the 18:35 East London In it we ask G-d to spread over us the tabernac- whole world itself is also just a temporary dwell- Torah on Simchat Torah. To bless and to be le (succah) of peace. This defines for us what real ing. Fleeting and fragile. blessed,as we celebrate concluding and restart- September 20/ 16 Tishrei peace should be. To be able to feel entirely safe If a person believes that his or her primary ing the cycle of Torah. 2nd day Succot and supremely secure, even if the only protection focus is on this world and one lives as if this is as May we all merit a year filled with blessing we have is to be wrapped in a temporary, even good as it gets, one will never achieve true happi- and peace. Shabbat Candle-lighting from a pre- existing flame Communal succot 17:45 18:34 Johannesburg Is it a lemon? Is it a lime? 18:15 19:15 Cape Town 17:33 18:24 Durban to choose from 17:52 18:42 Bloemfontein It’s an etrog! OWN CORRESPONDENT 17:54 18:46 Port Elizabeth As the seasons change from winter to summer, the building. 17:45 18:37 East London Jewish community of South Africa will celebrate “Succot touches all five senses: the sweet smell Throughout the week of Succot, including Shmini the annual Succot holiday by heading outdoors. of the etrog, the feel of the palm branch and twigs Atzeret, which this year falls on September 27, the September 25/ 21 Tishrei During the eight-day holiday, each Jewish family in your hand, the sights and sounds of the succah succah is halachically considered home for meals, Hoshana Rabba takes its meals in a succah. Another unique holiday around us, and the taste of the festival’s feasts.” study, entertaining guests and even for sleep. In Candle-lighting practice is the gathering of an etrog, a palm branch, our crime-peppered climate and given that during 17:47 Johannesburg and twigs from the willow tree and myrtle bush. • For more information, contact Rabbi Kievman at this festival we traditionally pray for rain, one may 18:15 Cape Town Succot, referred to as the holiday of rejoicing, [email protected] or 079-434-1293. be exempt from sleeping in the succah. 17:36 Durban comes just five days after the more solemn Yom There are several communal and restaurant- based succot all over South Africa. According to 17:55 Bloemfontein Kippur. The temporary succah booths emphasise how the world and the Jewish people rely on G-d’s the Beth Din, the following establishment have ad- 17:58 Port Elizabeth protection. The group of four plants are replete vised that they intend putting up succot this year. 17:48 East London with symbolic meaning, including the autumn After Yomtov, the Beth Din traditionally inspects harvest and gathering season and the unity of the each succah to ensure that it is kosher. September 26/ 22 Tishrei Jewish people. • The Pie Works, Sandringham: (011) 485-2447. Candle-lighting from a pre- On the day immediately after Succot - Simchat • Frangelicas, Glenhazel: (011) 887-7675. existing flame Torah - Jews have a day-long celebration to cel- • The Deli Store, Gallo Manor: (011) 656-3142. Shemini Atzeret ebrate the end - and beginning - of the yearly Torah • Corner Café, Glenhazel: (011) 440-3160. 18:36 Johannesburg reading cycle. • The Sandton Bagel and Bistro, Sandton: 19:19 Cape Town Succah-building is one of many Chabad holiday (011) 783-0411. 18:26 Durban programmes, which give Jews the opportunity to • Michelo’s, Glenhazel: (011) 885-1500. 18:45 Bloemfontein learn the significance of Jewish holiday rituals and 18:50 Port Elizabeth perform them with their families. In addition, the following establishments have 18:40 East London “Drawing from the gravity of Rosh Hashanah and confirmed with the Jewish Report that they too Yom Kippur, Succot gives Jews all over the world will have succot over the festival: • Mi Vami, Glenhazel: (011) 440-6330. September 27/ 23 Tishrei the chance to celebrate the sweetness of nature • Mooz Brothers, Sandringham: (011) 485-5589. September 28/ 24 Tishrei and to thank G-d for His protection,” said Rabbi Ari Kievman of Chabad, who will assist with succah- • Café Riteve, Gardens, Cape Town: (021) 465- Simchat Torah 1405. Parshat Bereshit Chabad’s special Succot celebration for seniors • Circle Café, Holocaust Centre, Durban: (031) Candle-lighting from a pre- 368-1766. existing flame While the youngsters are off to their Succot events there is an extravagant party being planned exclusively for senior • In Pretoria on Tuesday September 24, the Preto- 17:48 18:37 Johannesburg citizens. ria Hebrew Congregation hosts a businessman’s 18:15 19:20 Cape Town Chabad House in Johannesburg says in a media release the annual party features great entertainment, a scrump- shiur breakfast in the shul’s succah, for both 17:37 18:27 Durban tious feast to enjoy, and prizes to be won. men and women. They also host a communal 17:56 18:46 Bloemfontein “There’s plenty of space at Chabad House’s titanic suucah in Savoy.” dinner on that evening, and ask that bookings 17:59 18:51 Port Elizabeth Chai Seniors’ annual “Succot Party” takes place on Monday, September 23, at the Chabad House succah, 27 (at R60 per person) be made by midday on Aintree Avenue in Savoy, from 11:00, with food, entertainment and inspiration. 17:50 18:41 East London Wednesday September 18. Call (012) 460-7991. The party is free of charge. Booking is essential for catering purposes. RSVP (011) 440-6600/[email protected]

GENERAL MANAGER Karen Knowles - [email protected] • EDITOR Geoff Sifrin - [email protected] • Sub-editor Paul Maree South African • Ed Co-ordinator Sharon Akum - [email protected] • Sports editor Jack Milner • Books editor Gwen Podbrey • Arts editor Robyn Sassen • Cape Town correspondent Moira Jewish Report Schneider: 021-794-4206 • Pretoria correspondent Diane Wolfson: 082-707-9471 • Advertising: Adi Lew: 083-407-8034 - [email protected], Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 - britt@ sajewishreport.co.za, Marlene Bilewitz: 083-475-0288 - [email protected] • Classified sales: Susan Walunda [email protected] • Distribution manager Britt Landsman • Design and layout: Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – [email protected] • Website: Ilan Ossendryver • Subscription enquiries: Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860-13-2652. Board of Directors: Howard Feldman (Chairman), Issie Kirsh (Deputy Chair), Marlene Bethlehem, Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, Herby Rosenberg, Howard Sackstein, Jason Valkin, Elton Bondi, Michael Sieff, Steven Krawitz, Denese Bloch. Advertisements and editorial copy from outside sources do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editors and staff. Tel: (011) 274-1400 17 September – 4 October 2013 News SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Rhodes ‘Israel apartheid’ debate poses questions reputational damage they have caused,” he be posed to Rhodes management: “If Israel says. is recognised by Freedom House - the highly “There are important financial consequences respected think tank established in the late such as loss of students and donors and those 1940s by Eleanor Roosevelt - as a true de- responsible for the loss of funding which will mocracy, how is it possible to simultaneously ensue could be held personally responsible for practise apartheid? such losses.” “Democracy and apartheid are anathema Also weighing in is pro-Israel writer Victor and in direct conflict as political ideologies; Gordon, who suggests the following question they cannot possibly co-exist.”

ANT KATZ dence. Rosenberg is being supported by other faculty-members. Their case is partly based on The Rhodes University Chancellery had, by Fri- correspondence from a senior administrator day last week, not yet decided how to proceed (whose name is known to Jewish Report) which after the Jewish community declined to partici- they say proved that Rhodes had paid towards pate in a campus debate scheduled for this week the costs of IAW, a claim that the University has Tuesday evening on the motion “Israel is an denied. apartheid state”. Jewish Report’s attempts to contact the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs Chancellery for comment have been unsuccess- Dr Sizwe Mabizela, told Jewish Report “that the ful. committee is currently in discussions about a Pro-Zionism writer Steve Apfel said last week way forward” and that he would only be able to that South African Jewry’s participating in this comment further on the matter once a decision particular debate “would be tantamount to had been taken. presenting the BDS crowd with a ‘get out of jail As reported last week, Mabizela had invited free card’. On this certainty it seems that Jew- Prof David Rosenberg, associate professor of ish leadership is at one.” management accounting and finance, two days Retired academic and Zionism scribe, Cape- prior to Rosh Hashanah to participate in the tonian Mike Berger, said: “BDS should not be debate which was scheduled for the day before given the first round by default by choosing the The Zulu Nyala Wedding Venues are ideal for your extra-special most Succot. The format of the debate was to include debate topic.” He suggests finding a more “bal- memorable day, that only “unique” has to offer … two teams of three, each comprising a Rhodes anced” topic. faculty member (for which they had earmarked Zionist activist and chairman of Likud-SA, Zulu Nyala Country Manor, in Chartwell, Fourways, Johannesburg, a magical Rosenberg), one person external to Rhodes Leon Reich, quotes Martin Luther King saying mix of worlds. Combine big city glamour, some country escape and a twist of (which they had asked the SAJBD to recom- “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism” and… must be bushveld hospitality. From the moment you arrive at this beautiful 13 acre property, both you and your guests will be in for a wonderful experience … mend) and a Rhodes student (who had not been eradicated. identified yet). “The control of public funds creates its own Or whisk your guests away to Zulu Nyala Safari Game Lodge, in unspoilt, The invitation mentioned that Prof Steven responsibility and the assumption that leader- Hluhluwe, Kwa-Zulu Natal. A unique and authentic taste of the African bush Friedman, Nina Butler and Prof Robert van ship, trust, integrity and responsibility are in the heart of one of South Africa’s most diverse conservation regions. Niekerk would be the “team debating in favour interwoven with the use of public funds,” says Awesome panoramic hilltop views or choose to create a magical, night-time of the motion”. Reich. setting under starry skies in our unique mountain quarry wedding setting. Both After Rosenberg and the Board (supported by He is determined to assist in getting to luxury tented camps and well-appointed guestrooms are your accommodation options. the bottom of the IAW financing issue. “The all major communal Zionist organisations) de- clined to participate, the Chancellery went into management of the university are clearly anti- a week of “committee discussions about a way Semites and they have failed to consider the [email protected] zulunyala.com forward” which was still ongoing last Friday. Mabizela has promised to respond once a decision is taken and was aware Jewish Report BROUGHT TO YOU BY went to press two days early this week (Mon- day) due to Succot - but had not responded by the deadline as to whether the debate would still take place. Friedman also did not respond to questions from Jewish Report. Questions are being asked as to why the and sudden decision was taken to hold this debate. STYLE Rosenberg has recently persuaded Rhodes alumni Graeme Joffe to withdraw from a Jo- hannesburg fundraising event that was sched- & WIN A NEW uled for next month, due to what he believes is the university’s anti-Zionist stance and has been asking questions whether Rhodes funded 2013 Israel Apartheid Week (IAW). SPRING LOOK Rosenberg told Jewish Report that “pro- ceeding with the debate on the topic they have foisted upon us would be foolhardy”. He has CAFFEINE for your feet TO ENTER: been looking for a “smoking gun” in his quest to prove that Rhodes inappropriately diverted GO ONLINE funds to support IAW 2013 and believes he has found it. http://fitflopsa.com/win Rosenberg plans to write to the chairman of the Rhodes Council, Mr Justice Jos Jones this week “bringing to his attention… govern- ance issues and the suppression of academic freedom at the university which has brought the university into disrepute.” Jewish Report has seen copies of documents that form the basis of Rosenberg’s evi- Nicci Boutiques stock selected FitFlop styles nationwide. Competition closes 10 October. T’s and C’s apply 4 SA JEWISH REPORT Community 17 September01 - –08 4 October June 2012 2013 THE ADVANTAGE OF KNOWING Community Voices Do you know what retirement Over-imbibing on Simchat Torah options are available to you? does injustice to the chag he National Treasury recently regularly and add funds when you There’s a loose injunction that one should get so drunk on Simchat Torah that one released its last discussion paper choose to, making it a flexible choice cannot distinguish between the black letters and white scroll of the Torah. It doesn’t Tin a series of five documents on for retirement saving. Contributions to a appear in the Shulchan Aruch, nor is it considered halachah, and yet the alcohol reforming the retirement industry and retirement annuity are tax deductible flows in our shuls on that day with abandon. Rabbi Moses Isserlis, the 16th promoting household savings. up to certain limits. On retirement you authority commented that “each community follows its own custom”. We asked may take up to one third as a lump members of the community their opinion on hard liquor in our shuls on Simchat Torah. The latest paper is titled “Charges in sum. The balance will buy you an South African Retirement Funds”. It annuity which will provide an income Lior Feigin, student: “In many shuls it is customary on Simchat Torah to discusses charges and costs in the for your retirement years. drink alcohol to enhance the community’s joyousness, and experience the country’s retirement industry and it aims happiness of the chag in an extra way. I believe if alcohol consumption is to benchmark charges and costs in And a preservation fund? controlled, and is indeed enriching a simcha, then this is acceptable. South Africa’s retirement system against A preservation fund is a fund that is “Unfortunately, many shuls abuse the privilege of distribution and other countries. run in the same way as your pension consumption of hard liquor on this chag, so much so that the holiness or provident fund, but it is not linked of the day becomes tarnished. Shuls should establish a forum for simcha Alarmingly, only six million people in to your employer. On changing and genuine love of Torah, not encouragement of underage drinking and community drunkenness on such an important day in our year.” South Africa belong to a retirement employment you can transfer your fund, according to National Treasury. pension or provident fund to a , motivational speaker: “Simchat Torah is the joyous climax preservation fund which will play Roz Basserabie of the introspective, High Holy Days, in which we are commanded to be This picture isn’t a pretty one. Geraldine an integral role in preserving your happy. It’s difficult to be happy if circumstances prevent it. In order to ‘effect Macpherson, Senior Legal Marketing accumulated retirement benefits. happiness’, on the day we rejoice in our Torah, licence is given to those who Specialist at Liberty offers the following cannot access it naturally, by the stimulant of hard liquor. But excess is insights into the different retirement The value of the compound interest counterproductive. funds to help us understand what you have earned in the fund, especially “I am not opposed to encouraging liquor on Simchat Torah, but am options are available for one’s golden if you were with your previous vehemently intolerant of its abuse. Especially when ‘happiness’ becomes years. employer for some time, should not recklessness, causing familial distress and other negatives that drown the be underestimated. Withdrawing the glorious tenets of the Torah being celebrated.” What are my different options for funds to satisfy a short-term goal now, investing in my retirement? could result in a significant shortfall at Dr Theo Kopenhager, obstetrician and gynaecologist: “From 1978 to 1982 All retirement funds are invested in an retirement. my wife, our two daughters and I lived in Ra’anana. It was easy in Israel to investment portfolio of your choice be non-observant and to live within the influence of Jewish tradition. On (subject to legislative limits) which You may access the funds once prior Simchat Torah 1981 the Kopenhagers went to Kfar Chabad to experience should be in line with your risk profile, to reaching retirement. On retirement the chag Chasidic style. On arrival a glass was put in my hand, filled to the taking into account factors such as the your options will be determined by the brim with whisky; as soon as I had made any progress imbibing, it was number of years you still have to save source of the funds, therefore a pension rapidly refilled. until retirement and your risk appetite. preservation fund will be treated in the “My children found the alcoholic hilarity and prone bodies frightening; The funds aim to grow at a rate that same way as a pension fund and a we soon left. Drinking alcohol has become common especially in haredi and outperforms inflation, giving you a real provident preservation fund in the same chasidic shuls; in fact a traditional source recommends the priestly blessing way as a provident fund. return and accumulating capital. be done earlier in the service so that the kohanim are not too drunk to undertake it. “Hard liquor did not exist until the Middle Ages. So wine was the beverage that the Talmud You may have a pension fund or a Macpherson adds that all retirement associated with simcha and rejoicing. Excessive drinking has a consequence, not least of which is provident fund, a preservation fund funds are extremely tax efficient the example it sets our children. Drinking has become commonplace, if not epidemic among Jewish or a retirement annuity, or even a vehicles when it comes to saving youth; one wonders why this shift has occurred, if not from the example of the adults. Jews once ate combination of funds. What are the towards retirement. “The reason for excessively; now we drink excessively.” differences between the various funds this is not limited to the fact that the and how should you be saving for your contributions may be tax deductible. Dave Wailer, engineer: “On Simchat Torah, we dance - expressing the retirement? The growth achieved while invested in a emotional joy of the body. We are showing that even our bodies have gained retirement vehicle is entirely tax free - in tremendously by keeping and touching the Torah. Being sober on such a What can a pension fund do for me? other words, no income tax, no capital joyous serious occasion, can only extol the gifts of Torah. A pension fund is a benefit offered by gains tax and no dividends withholding “All people and especially children and teenagers should be warned of the your employer. You, as the member, tax on your growth,” she says. dangers of acute alcohol ingestion and encouraged not to become drunk, and possibly your employer, will make a as this endangers life. Abuse of alcohol is absolutely against halacha and contribution to the fund every month as “At retirement, any lump sums taken common sense. Our rabbis, teachers and parents should be encouraged to part of your salary package. However, will be taxed in terms of the retirement discuss this issue with all children and adults throughout the year.” your membership of the fund is linked to tax table, which again may result in a your employment and if you leave your preferential tax rate being applied, and employer, you will normally leave the upon your death, any amounts in your Breytenbach-NPA spat: Tycoon fund. On retirement you may take up to retirement funds will be estate duty free. one third as a lump sum. The balance will buy you an annuity which will “This is why it is important to have a Natie Kirsh dragged into row provide an income for your retirement financial adviser to guide you through ANT KATZ was sidelined because she refused to drop fraud years. all your life stages, and to help guide and corruption charges against spy-boss Richard you towards financial freedom,” The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) says it is Mdluli related to the plunder of the police’s crime- What about a provident fund? concludes Macpherson. pursuing criminal charges against senior prosecutor intelligence slush fund. The NPA is defending a civil A provident fund is also a benefit Glynnis Breytenbach whom, they claim, is a spy for society action currently before the courts to ensure offered by your employer. When you Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. And supporters that case is not dropped. The NPA has been through retire, however, you may take the full of suspended police spy boss Richard Mdluli claim three teams of top-flight lawyers before securing the amount as a lump sum. Any balance Natie Kirsh is involved. services of Advocate Laurance Hodes last month. not taken as a lump sum will buy you an Geraldine Correspondence purportedly between expat South Breytenbach’s attorney, Gerhard Wagenaar, said annuity which will provide an income Macpherson, African billionaire Natie Kirsh and Breytenbach is the neither he nor his client had ever seen the “Kirsh NPA’s smoking gun according to a City Press report letter” - which he insists is forged. for your retirement years. Senior Legal on Sunday. The newspaper said it had seen a copy of Other references from the Kirsh letter include: A Marketing Kirsh’s letter which, they reported, reads: “I know you proposed meeting with the brother of alleged Ponzi- And a retirement annuity? Specialist (Breytenbach) are concerned for my safety, but can scheme mastermind Barry Tannenbaum at his home Retirement annuities are policies taken assure you that (former Mossad head) Jacob (Perry) in France; an offer for Breytenbach to use the “PJ” out individually. They are not linked has it in hand… I know you two had long discussions - understood to be a reference to Kirsh’s private jet; to your employer but are your own in the Bahamas in this regard, and I hope that he was and an amount of almost R10 million which had private retirement savings plan. You can able to allay some of your concerns.” been placed in the “Nathaniel Trust”. contribute to your retirement annuity This is the latest development in the bitter battle Kirsh is purported to have written: “I know you are that has been raging within the NPA for two years. not comfortable with the whole thing, but let’s agree Breytenbach was suspended in April 2012 and faced not to discuss it any further. I can afford to lose the For more information on retirement policies contact 15 NPA disciplinary charges of which she was sub- money and will not let you do so.” the Liberty contact centre on 086 032 7327 sequently cleared this year. Jewish Report’s attempts to contact Kirsh’s office Breytenbach has always maintained that she for comment were unsuccessful.

Liberty 39x4 120913.indd 1 2013/09/13 11:27 AM 17 September – 4 October 2013 News SA JEWISH REPORT 5 Blue Label brings card payment to small traders STAFF REPORTER use their PIN-based debit, cheque or credit card issued by Standard Bank, Absa, Nedbank and For the first time in South African history, some the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) and their 22 000 small businesses, traders and spaza mobile phone to pay for their purchases in-store shops in rural areas, will be offering card pay- at select, approved merchants. ment facilities to customers. This will be the first time MasterCard Mobile MasterCard and Blue Label Telecoms, in is made available to consumers in the physical a joint partnership, have now extended the retail environment. This innovation is a cost- electronic payments system to these smaller effective payment mechanism that does not re- businesses to boost financial inclusion in under- quire customers to open another bank account. served communities in South Africa Blue Label Telecoms’ core business is the These businesses will now be equipped with virtual distribution of secure electronic tokens point of sale (POS) devices, enabling them to of value, predominantly prepaid airtime and accept card payments for the first time. electricity, and transactional services across its “This method of payment will assist mer- global footprint of touch points. chants to reduce the amount of cash they cur- rently handle, which can be unsafe and costly to process, increase sales, and improve cash flow. Merchants will also be able to offer cash-back and cash withdrawals to their customers, and provide them with the flexibility to pay the way they want to,” said Mark Levy (pictured, inset), joint chief executive officer of Blue Label. Cashless shopping, he said, provided many benefits to consumers who would no longer have their shopping habits determined by whether or not they had cash in their wallets. They would also not be burdened by concerns related to safely carrying cash. These new solutions would enable merchants to respond directly to customers’ increasing and frequent requests to use payment cards at POS terminals to pay for their goods, said Levy. Blue Label currently provides thousands of POS terminals in South Africa, which are used predominantly to sell prepaid vouchers such as airtime and electricity. While Blue Label services millions of customers in rural areas and under- served settlements, these approved traders have historically operated on a cash-only basis. “Over and above the estimated 100 000 spaza shops spread across South Africa, there are tens of thousands of small- and medium-sized retail- ers and service providers. Through our partner- ship with MasterCard, we will introduce many of these businesses to the safety, security, and convenience of electronic payments, enabling financial inclusion in communities where con- sumers have largely been unable to use formal payment products,” said Levy. Blue Label will also introduce other innova- tive solutions to increase the number of Mas- terCard acceptance locations in townships and informal settlements, with the view of rolling out over 15 000 new terminals. These will allow traders to accept chip and PIN and contactless payment cards for goods and services and to sell prepaid vouchers using a single device. Blue Label also plans to upgrade some 7 000 of its existing terminals used in smaller spaza stores using MasterCard Mobile software. This will enable MasterCard cardholders to

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Only successful candidates will be contacted. 6 SA JEWISH REPORT Opinion and Analysis 17 September01 - –08 4 October June 2012 2013 Jewishsouth african Report Oslo Accords debated on its 20th anniversary The Syrian road

What has Syria got to do with us? As Jews go through their Holy Days, including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah and others, the dreadful images from that country permeate the news. War is always heartless. But with Facebook and Twitter, its brutality comes immediately into our homes via computer screens and cellphones. It doesn’t stop with the 100 000 killed, millions of refugees, or nerve-gas attacks in which some 1 400 civilians, including children, reportedly died. News channels have now published a photojournalist’s pictures of four barbaric executions by rebels in a Syrian town which shocked even the most war-hardened. Websites warned viewers about their “graphic, disturbing” material. Amidst a cheering crowd, men had their throats cut and their severed heads held aloft. In one scene a line of young boys sits on a wall a few feet away, watching a dead man’s head being dumped on his body. Then a child is led by the hand past the corpse. An eyewitness told Time that the killers belonged to ISIS - an Al-Qaida

faction fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Flash90 Photo: The photographer, whose identity has been concealed Paramedics and police at the scene of a Palestinian suicide bombing, killing 19 and injuring 74, on a bus in Jerusalem on June to protect him, said: “That scene in Syria, that moment, 18, 2002. Twenty years after the September 13, 1993 signing of the Oslo Accords, and amid new Israeli-Palestinian conflict was like a scene from the Middle Ages, the kind of thing negotiations, the two-decade-old accords are debated rather than celebrated. Inset: Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, and Yasser Arafat you read about in history books. at the signing of the Oslo Accords on September 13, 1993. (Photo: Vince Musi/The White House) “The war in Syria has reached the point where a person can be mercilessly killed in front of hundreds of people ALEX TRAIMAN Palestinians that makes segregating Israel into two separate states a who enjoy the spectacle. As a human being I would never JERUSALEM necessity. Bar insists that if peace efforts had played out only slightly have wished to see what I saw. But as a journalist, I have differently, the creation of an independent Palestinian state in the a camera and a responsibility. Twenty years after the signing of the fateful Oslo Accords between West Bank provinces of Judea and Samaria could have resulted. “I have a responsibility to share what I saw that day. Palestinian Liberation Organisation Chairman Yasser Arafat and “We had three major attempts to make peace,” said Bar. “One was That’s why I am making this statement and that’s why I Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Knesset Members are heavily Rabin, Arafat. The treaty was signed. But as we know, Rabin was shot took the photographs. I will close this chapter soon and debating the merits of the peace process and the two-state solution by a Jewish terrorist. There is no way to know what would have hap- try never to remember it.” paradigm. pened if Rabin were still alive.” Instinctively, our sympathies are for the men Parliamentarians from both Israel’s left and the right, agree that The second attempt was between Prime Minister Ehud Barak and executed. But then we are told they belong to the cruel the process has not yielded the results anyone would have hoped for, Arafat, according to Bar. During those negotiations, Barak offered Shabiha gangs - Assad loyalists who stalk rebel areas, including the deaths of more than 1 000 Israelis and 3 000 Palestin- Arafat more than 95 per cent of the West Bank for a Palestinian state. slaughtering women and children. Who to feel sorry for? ians, and agree that the Israelis and Palestinians are more sceptical Arafat famously rejected the offer, and embarrassed mediating US Wars are embedded in most peoples’ history and than ever about the prospects for a negotiated settlement. President Bill Clinton in the process. psyche. For Jews, Yom Kippur evokes a particular Where Knesset members disagree is on whether the process was “Arafat chose to die as a shahid (martyr), not as a peacemaker. That trauma, recalling the frantic period in 1973 when Israeli flawed from the outset, and on whether the principles that led to the was his choice,” Bar said. soldiers were desperately rushing to their units after signing of the interim peace agreement should still be applied. In the third round, between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Ab- being summoned from synagogues on the Holy Day, as Consequently, the 20-year anniversary of the Oslo Accords - signed bas, “both sides say that it was Olmert’s legal complications within Egypt and Syria launched massive surprise attacks in on September 13, 1993 - is not a celebration of the agreement’s out- Israel that prevented the negotiations from going all the way”, Bar the Sinai and Golan. come, but rather a debate on its merits. said. Jewish South Africans and other Diaspora Jews went “The main lesson is that the paradigm of the left, that land for While the three rounds of negotiations ultimately resulted in in- to Israel as volunteers, as they did in 1967 for the Six peace will bring security to the region, has failed, and this is the time creasing distrust, intifadas, Israeli military operations, and a unilat- Day War. to think clearly that we should not endorse a Palestinian state,” Dep- eral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, Bar suggested that Israeli-Pales- Those battles between Israel and the Arab countries uty Defence Minister Danny Danon (Likud) told JNS.org. tinian conflict negotiations might still deliver results. were fought between formal armies with tanks, artillery, Member of Knesset Hilik (Yehiel) Bar, secretary general of the La- “This current Knesset has a very clear majority for the two-state aircraft and chains of command operating according to bour Party and Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, said to think about solution. I think that more than 70 Knesset Members would vote for international rules of combat. Not that it makes them the alternatives to the Oslo Accords and to Israeli-Palestinian conflict a two-state solution if brought for a vote,” Bar told JNS.org. less frightening, but at least some kind of structure negotiations “is foolish, unfair, and it will not happen”. “The status quo is unsustainable,” he said. regulated how soldiers behaved. Civil wars like the Added Bar: “There is no other option than to have a Jewish state Other Knesset members are not as optimistic that negotiations Syrian one are more chaotic, allowing a free-for-all and a Palestinian state that is based on the ‘67 borders.” will cure decades of unrest. to the most barbaric human depravities, like the ones Currently, details of the new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict “Everytime you try a certain medicine and it doesn’t work, you described above. negotiations, which were announced in July, are largely being kept need to either realise the medicine doesn’t work or reanalyse the dis- What can we do about Syria from here at the bottom from the public. The negotiations are being advanced by US Secre- ease,” said Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotevely (Likud). of Africa? Nothing, really. Just trying to understand tary of State John Kerry and Martin Indyk, former US Ambassador “Oslo was based on three incorrect assumptions,” Hotevely said. who the villains and victims are, is almost impossible. to Israel. Indyk has come under scrutiny for serving on the board “The first is that the conflict is about territory. The second is that South Africans are not incapable of such things. of the New Israel Fund, a left-leaning NGO that heavily funds anti- Arabs and Jews should not live together, and that segregation and Remember the necklacing in the 1980s and 1990s, when settlement and anti-religious activity. separate states can create peaceful existence. The third assumption mobs watched as petrol-filled tyres were placed around While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian was that the conflict was about 1967.” the necks of suspected “collaborators” and set alight? Authority President Mahmoud Abbas appear to be entertaining the “[Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon proposed segregation, with the We had another taste during the xenophobic attacks possibility that a peace settlement can be reached through the cur- unilateral disengagement from Gaza,” she said. “The result was radi- on Somalis, Mozambicans and others in 2008. But rent round of negotiations, most Israelis and Palestinians alike are calism. Hamas took over. Gaza didn’t become Singapore like many fortunately, the broad mass of South Africans was not paying much attention. hoped it would. Instead, rockets started falling on Sderot.” horrified, and put an end to it. In an unusual turn of events, members of Israel’s governing coali- As to whether the current peace talks will yield results, Hotevely is Other countries - like Rwanda - which have gone tion and the prime minister’s party are coming out against negotia- certain they won’t. through massacres of their own citizens, have tried tions, while members of the opposition are supporting the govern- “I’m sure Bibi Netanyahu has goodwill, but the talks will fail. The to expiate the horrors through tribunals and truth ment’s initiative. reason is because the conflict is not about [Israeli territorial expan- commissions. Justice is not achievable, but it can “The prime minister said clearly that he supports negotiations sion in] 1967, it is about Israel’s independence in 1948,” Hotevely provide a catharsis and a possible road forward. without preconditions. Yet he hasn’t said where he stands on the said. One wonders, though, whether Syria is capable of outcome of negotiations,” said Likud’s Danon. “The conflict is not about territory. The conflict is religious. It may taking this route. Whichever the case, Syrian children “I think the Israelis are waking up and they have understood that be difficult for liberals to realise that the conflict may not have a logi- like those who witnessed the slaughter and beheadings, the idea is not valid anymore, and we see more and more Israelis cal solution. will be traumatised and brutalised forever. This will be shifting. We should not endorse any idea that we will give land to the “We’ve been there, we’ve done that. We’ve tried it. It failed. We the legacy of the present atrocities. Palestinians,” he said. need to try something else,” she said. Bar, however, believes it is the very distrust between Israelis and Meanwhile, the debate on Oslo continues... (JNS.org) 17 September – 4 October 2013 Opinion and Analysis SA JEWISH REPORT 7 Consequences of ‘sowing the dragon’s teeth’ give rise to as a way of smearing not just Israel but also its Jewish supporters. Just as Israel is the “new apartheid”, so are Zionist Jews the new Afrikaner Nationalists. BARBARIC YAWP Just as the hegemony of the latter was fought David Saks against and ultimately overthrown, so must the Zionists, as Ahmed Kathrada recently put it: “Our university students, supported by our trade BDS lobbyists countrywide were compelled to unions and civil society organisations are mak- do some much-needed damage control in the ing it abundantly clearer by the day that [Israeli] wake of the “Shoot the Jew” incident at Wits last apologists are not welcome in our country.” month. This was in part necessitated by National Kathrada is certainly correct that various Co-ordinator Muhammed Desai’s disastrously trade union, student and civil society organi- ill-conceived attempt to invoke what might be sations have adopted an uncompromisingly termed the “Malema Defence” (namely that this rejectionist stance against the Jewish State. is not to be taken literally, that it referred only to Moreover, this is now increasingly taking the the actual perpetrators of injustice, that it was form of intimidating others into acquiescing in no more than part of South Africa’s “Struggle” that agenda along with vilifying the mainstream heritage etc). Jewish community for opposing it. Other BDS activists knew very well this In March, Wits SRC members, cheered on wouldn’t wash, neither in a legal sense (the by Desai and other BDS SA activists, violently Equality Court has long since declared “Shoot disrupted a concert by Israeli-born pianist Yossi the Boer” to be prohibited hate speech) nor in Reshef. The same Wits SRC had the previous the equally important court of public opinion. year adopted a resolution endorsing an academic Some sharp things have been said about and cultural boycott against Israel, and its mem- Desai by his dismayed colleagues, as well as bers were determined to enforce it, even if it about those cadres whose enthusiasm for the meant flouting the rules of the university itself. cause had evidently eclipsed their basic common In its public statements, it had called for the sense. liberation of Wits from “the tentacles of Zion- Within the various expressions of pious hor- ist money”, and the subsequent disciplinary ror from (some elements of) the BDS lobby, one proceedings instituted against the perpetrators soon detects a pronounced sub-theme, namely of the disruption have been attributed to the that the Zionist lobby was sure to reap the sinister forces of Jewish financial pressure. propaganda benefits from the Wits fiasco. An Next came Yom Ha’atzmaut at Gold Reef astounding piece of hyperbole was provided by City. Protesters again invaded the premises and Doron Isaacs and Nathan Geffen, who lamented sought to disrupt, on this occasion unsuccess- that the “own goal” had undermined what was fully. Afterwards, BDS SA issued a slew of press already “an extremely difficult struggle waged statements levelling inflammatory and palpably against one of the most effective and dishonest false accusations of activists having been vio- propaganda campaigns in history”. (Yes, “in his- lently assaulted, at the direct instigation of the tory!” Does one detect just a hint of frustration Jewish leadership. here?). In May, BDS SA even tried to pressurise the BDS SA board member Faried Esack, while organisers of this year’s Gandhi Walk to exclude providing the required strong words of denunci- the SA Jewish Board of Deputies from partici- ation, could not resist adding: “It is unfortunate pating, this despite the event having nothing but not unexpected that supporters of Israel will whatever to do with Israel. focus on the singing of this song.” The above are just some of the more overt While damage control motives obviously exist, manifestations of what has become a persistent this need not imply that these and other state- and systematic demonisation of South African ments distancing BDS from the offending slogan Jewry for its support for the Jewish State. This are necessarily insincere. In all likelihood, many is why the chanting of “Shoot the Jew” by BDS BDS activists probably did find them grossly SA supporters and the manner in which their offensive. However, in presuming to disclaim national co-ordinator attempted to defend it, all responsibility, they are unquestionably being was not an unfortunate departure from it but disingenuous. the logical culmination of the BDS SA cam- The singing of “Dubula iJuda” did not simply paign. occur out of the blue, without any kind of They have assiduously sown the dragon’s context or preceding series of events. In reality, teeth, and we are starting to witness the inevi- it was the logical - perhaps even inevitable - table consequences. If anything good is to come outcome of the direction anti-Israel campaigning out of this latest assault on the integrity and has been taking, particularly over the course of right to dignity of South African Jewry, it is that this year. South Africans as a whole will have had their It is quite obvious that BDS SA has decided to eyes opened to the extremism of the boycott go all-out in exploiting the apartheid-era legacy lobby and to the dangers that this poses to the and all the bitter racial tensions it continues to well-being of society as a whole. BDS protestors at Wits Photo: Ilan Ossendryver Photo: 8 SA JEWISH REPORT Letters 17 September01 - –08 4 October June 2012 2013

Disclaimer Guidelines for letters The letters page is intended to provide opportunity for a range of views on any given topic to be expressed. Opinions Letters up to 400 words get preference. Provide your full name, place of residence, and daytime contact phone articulated in the letters are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff or number. We do not publish letters under noms de plume. Letters should preferably be e-mailed. Letters may be directors of the Jewish Report. edited or shortened. The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected]

Levitas’ ‘fantastic claims’ regarding Israel circa 1967, don’t tally with facts

Ben Levitas makes some truly fantastic claims in his letter expense of local residents. (“Jordanian jets preparing to launch bombing runs”), but 5. The settlement of hundreds of thousands of Israelis in the fails completely to address any of the points made in earlier occupied territories has been conducted against the wishes correspondence in Jewish Report. These points consist of the of the local population and in violation of international following: law. It has created a system in which Israelis live in Jewish- only settlements, under different legal system from local 1. There was no invasion or even credible threat of inva- residents, use different roads, have sole access to state sion of Israeli territory in 1967, and no military action by services, and enjoy political rights and freedoms denied to Palestinians. their Palestinian neighbours. 2. After the war, Jordan and local Palestinian leaders made 6. The Israeli government remains unwilling to halt - never repeated attempts to reach an agreement with Israel - mind reverse - the pursuit of such inhumane policies, peace in exchange for withdrawal - but were consistently which have nothing to do with security and everything to rebuffed by an Israeli leadership committed to holding on do with exploiting the land for the benefit of some at the to the occupied territories. expense of others. 3. Since 1967, Palestinians in the territories have lived under 7. Progressive Israelis - Jews and Arabs alike - have cam- conditions of military occupation, with no access to basic paigned against this oppressive system for the last 46 human and civil rights, and no say in the way they have years. South Africans of good will should identify with this been governed by the Israeli authorities. campaign, which resembles their own struggles against 4. Since 1967, Israel has exiled and imprisoned tens of thou- apartheid. sands of Palestinians, confiscated large parts of their land, water and natural resources, and used its military power to Ran Greenstein benefit Jewish settlers and Israeli companies at the University of the Witwatersrand

‘Leadership change’ at Wits may have led to Reshef confusion

I would like to respond to Yossi Reshef’s letter in last week’s paper and clarify the issues it raises. There has evidently been something of a misunderstanding in the way that this has played out. According to your information, Yossi stated that the comment (that was attributed to him) that his diary was otherwise full, is nonsense, and that Wits did not reply to his request to do a replacement concert. I have no idea where the erroneous information came from that his diary was otherwise full - this is indeed incorrect. At the time of Yossi writing his letter to outgoing Vice Chancellor Prof Nongxa, the headship of Wits was in a state of transi- tion, with Nongxa leaving and Prof Habib coming in. I believe this may have resulted in a lack of communication from above. There were various discussions taking place during this period, the outcome of which was that a “replacement” concert was offered by Wits University, with much better security being in place in order to retain the campus as a free space for all. This proposed concert was to be in the Wits Great Hall (not the Atrium as held previously), which seats over 1 000 peo- ple. The Music Department was asked for their advice as to the kind of concert and artists that would attract an audience large enough to fill the venue. In the experience of the Wits Music Division, previous concerts at Wits by world-class local and overseas solo classical artists have generally attracted between 50 and 120 people. It was therefore decided to rather present an amplified jazz quartet from Israel, which would be a popular choice of entertainment for the wider Wits and general community. It was also a factor that a concert of this nature would be far less affected if there were to be external (or even internal) noise from those seeking to cause a disruption. In the end, as we know, the concert was a resounding success, and the University deserves the highest praise for all its excellent work in making that outcome possible. The decision, in other words, was not about closing the door on Mr Reshef; rather, it was about presenting a different kind of concert that would make the kind of strong statement we were looking to make. Yossi Reshef is a classical pianist of the highest calibre indeed and I sincerely hope that a visit by him can be organised in the not too distant future.

Prof Jeanne Zaidel-Rudolph Johannesburg

Anti-Jewish actions at TWO South African universities, are worrying

The harsh and confrontational history of race in South Like Wits, Rhodes is an academic institution with a proud Africa needs no elaboration. Since 1994 South Africans have 100-year history and notably one which bears the same worked hard to dissolve the institutions of race and heal name as the internationally-renowned Rhodes scholarship. wounds between communities. We have made huge strides The university has scheduled a debate for September 17, but there is still much work to do. and invited the SAJBD to take part. The formulation of the Schools and universities are key to fostering recuperation. motion - “Israel is an Apartheid State” - makes clear that this Here young people integrate and learn to respect one anoth- is no debate but a conclusion masquerading as a debate, and er. Therefore when a well-respected university collaborates in it point-blank insults Israel and Jews. an act of racial provocation, we have reason for concern. An analogy would be to invite the black community to Two recent events, one at Wits and one at Rhodes, bear join a debate entitled “Apartheid is a Figment of the Black comparison. imagination”. Such formulations which combine insult with Wits witnessed what was arguably the most grievous a wish to humiliate, belong to the Nazi beer hall rather than expression of Jew-hatred this country has seen for 50 years. an academic institution. Outside the Great Hall where a talented Israeli jazz orchestra Rhodes’ setting up of this debate stands in exquisite irony was giving a concert, protesters from the so-called BDS SA, to Allan Gray’s recent decision to give the University R12 raised the cry of “Shoot the Jew”. This war cry, a forerunner million to set up the Allan Gray Institute for Ethical Leader- to countless pogroms and massacres of Jews in the past, ship. Like charity, ethical leadership begins at home. can only have been intended to incite hatred and possibly Recent research reveals that Jewish students on the Rho- violence. des campus feel uncomfortable expressing their Jewishness; Instead of apologising, Muhammed Desai the co-ordinator Jewish student numbers are 15 per cent of what they once of BDS SA, accuses Jews of overreacting. This incident lays were. bare the character of BDS. It has little interest in justice; Rhodes, like all universities, lives and dies by its reputa- rather it seeks to denigrate Jews and the Jewish State and it tion and funding. Its custodians should think twice about employs the crude and vulgar tools of lies, slogans, slurs and staging an event which not only offends 99 per cent of South incitement. African Jews, but runs counter to its own academic princi- Thankfully, Wits Vice-Chancellor Adam Habib condemned ples of fairness and justice. the statements and even attended the concert as part of promoting diversity on campus. Chuck Volpe Now to an event about to take place at Rhodes University: Port Elizabeth 17 September – 4 October 2013 SA JEWISH REPORT 9

Friday 16 August 2013 / 10 Elul 5773 Volume 17 – Number 29

ISRAELI JAZZ ARTIST south african AT WITS COMMUNITY URGED TO ATTEND PAGE 3 Jewish Report www.sajewishreport.co.za Photo: Howard Sackstein Photo:

Limmud rocks! Last weekend’s three-day Limmud Conference at Fourways, near Johannesburg, was a resounding success, lling the Indaba Hotel with musicians, scientists, Jewish tradition, spirituality and other topics. See our extensive coverage on pages 13 to 15.

What Ambassador Ngombane UOS conference testi es to  e making of the prestigious BOEKKOOI: Tribute concert Gaborone Jewry: Small in really told Jerusalem Post Union’s strong leadership Absa Jewish Achiever Awards does full justice to Zaidel- number, but rich in Torah Magazine Rudolph’s legacy presence “SA Jewry is unique worldwide: we An astounding amount of work and Jerusalem Post Magazine’s website have one Beth Din and one kashrut expertise is involved in making an As a whole it is perhaps one of Zaidel- Organised Jewish life in Botswana quotes Ambassador Ngombane out of department, refl ective of the unity enterprise of the magnitude of the Rudolph’s richest outpourings of was launched in the early 1990s by context, effectively severely affecting we enjoy between the rabbonim and Absa Jewish Achiever Awards happen - something close to absolute music. the placing of an advertisement in the his standpoints. We cite the article more community members.” because it doesn’t just happen. local newspaper calling on all “minyan comprehensively. makers” to come forward.


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For exclusive viewing all week contact Helen Rosin 083 325 6343 [email protected] Jewish Report - 15 years young, goingNJWED00316.indd 1 strong2013/08/14 6:44 PM GEOFF SIFRIN (EDITOR) playing a critical role in shaping a new an open forum for diverse debate. We always be the frummies who say you articles accepting Arab rights in Is- South African policy and culture.” can never please everyone, nor should are destroying Judaism, and there will rael; at Yom Hashoah the chief rabbi The Jewish Report is 15 years young. There is a large network of Jewish we obviously aim to. always be the secularists who say you walked off the podium saying “kol We have produced 720 editions since papers worldwide, ranging from pres- Building a Jewish paper over the are trying to make me religious.” isha!” when a young girl sang a poem; its launch in May 1998 as South Af- tigious ones like the London Jewish past decade and a half has been hard, In 1998 the Internet was an infant. a classified ad for escort agencies and rica’s sole national Jewish weekly. Chronicle and the Forward in New but exhilarating - filled with laughter, Now it dominates the media. Like all belly dancing evoked both threats The country was riveted at the time York, to Israeli papers like Haaretz conflicts, late nights and unforgiving good contemporary papers, we are and delight from readers; an advertis- with apartheid’s demise and the birth and the Jerusalem Post, and many deadlines every Wednesday evening. in the process of developing the full er for a restaurant in the Chanukah of the hoped-for “rainbow nation”. smaller, local Jewish papers. The Jew- We have always had a dedicated, loyal range of digital formats, which will issue showed a full plate of prawns in There was fear and anticipation in the ish Report is a South African branch of staff. Some of our current staff-mem- include the printed Jewish Report, a his ad; a distraught reader called to air. This is what we were experienc- this family. bers have been with the paper from its sophisticated website, Facebook and say her flat was overflowing with old ing: democracy was four years old; It runs on a purely commercial ba- beginning. Twitter versions, apps for iPhones, copies of the Jewish Report because Nelson Mandela was president; Cyril sis, not funded by any person or insti- etc. We will be up there with the best, she didn’t want to throw away any Ramaphosa’s team at Codesa was tution. It relies on advertising revenue The life of the Jewish as a quality paper warrants. paper that had the name of Hashem drawing up the South African Con- to pay for quality journalism, produc- Report is a mirror of the In forthcoming editions, we will in it and what should she do; and on stitution; Archbishop Desmond Tutu tion, distribution and salaries. Adver- challenges and triumphs be running a regular column of anec- and on… was chairing the Truth and Reconcili- tisers, ranging from major corpora- dotes and stories from previous issues A current problem for the printed of South African Jewry, ation Commission; Cyril Harris was tions to small businesses, individuals, of the paper, ranging from the hilari- paper is that, with only 16 pages on chief rabbi, representing SA Jewry at and community organisations, use and a prism through ous to the tragic and ironic. The life of average (at least half taken up with ad- the TRC; increasing emigration was it to reach the niche Jewish market. which our country can the Jewish Report over these 15 years vertising) there is not nearly enough draining the Jewish community’s mo- Initially copies of the paper were sold. be viewed. is a mirror of the history, challenges space to cover everything. In the past rale; violent crime was spiralling; the In 2002 it went free at countrywide and triumphs of South African Jewry, we have been at 24 pages and some- Oslo process in Israel, started in 1993, outlets such as supermarkets, restau- A paper is a living, breathing or- and a prism through which our evolv- times 32 or more. Expanding the pa- was losing the promise it had held for rants, bookstores and synagogues. ganism. Each edition is different and ing country can be viewed. per depends on revenue from adver- an Israeli-Palestinian settlement. The print run is 11 500 copies, with no edition perfect. Rather, each is A tiny taste of contentious and tising. Visionary Jewish leaders resolved a readership of some 50 000 - well the best snapshot we can produce at laughable issues which have cropped Do you value the Jewish Report? It that South African Jewry had to have over half of South African Jewry. It that moment. As the New York Times up over the years, includes: a movie has become such an accepted institu- its own newspaper - all previous pa- has a substantial number of non-Jew- put it in an editorial a few years ago: about gay Orthodox Jews and a gay tion among SA Jewry that many peo- pers had folded - and got together to ish readers in government and differ- “Journalism is an imperfect business, Orthodox rabbi provokes bans from ple take it for granted. If you would like define the Jewish Report’s mission: to ent ethnic and faith communities, and the work of reporting, understanding the Johannesburg Beth Din; an ad- to help it continue providing excellent be an editorially independent, qual- is a point of reference in libraries. and writing about the complexity of vert from Jews for Jesus accidentally journalism for South African Jewry, ity paper, which would act as a glue Getting the content right is a bal- human affairs. Like all human enter- slipped into the paper and the rabbis please consider making a financial connecting the diverse parts of South ancing act. Our yardstick is good jour- prises, journalism is not perfectible. went berserk; Ronnie Kasrils’ “Not contribution. We are living in tough African Jewry, and encourage Jewish nalism, serving the well-being of the But it should always be heading in that in my Name” petition against Israel times financially. All newspapers face engagement with the new South Af- diverse South African Jewry, with its direction.” was published in our Chanukah is- major challenges in this era. We need rica. It would also cover world Jewry various perspectives on religion, poli- Jewish communities are notori- sue; an enraged reader lambasted an whatever help you can give us. and Israel. tics, Israel and lifestyle. ous for argumentation. The passions advertiser for using Yiddish in his ad, Our bank details are: SA Jewish Re- A message from President Mandela Our readers include people affili- producing the arguments are also the saying it was disrespectful to the six port | Nedbank, Randburg | Account on the launch issue’s front page said: ated to Jewish institutions and syna- creative engines. An adviser on reli- million who died in the Holocaust; No: 1984514865 | Branch Code: “I welcome the addition of the Jew- gogues, as well as “unaffiliated” Jews gious pluralism and the media to sev- a charge was laid against the paper 198405. ish Report to the beautiful tapestry in general society in business, politics, eral Israeli prime ministers once com- at the Beth Din for being an “enemy For more information contact of South African media… which is the arts and professions. We provide mented: “For Jewish papers, there will of the Jewish people” for publishing [email protected] 10 SA JEWISH REPORT Tapestry 17 September – 4 October 2013 Two elderly dolls on high heels can still teach the young a trick or two ROBYN SASSEN rate routes.” John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Van A heavyweight in musical theatre Morrison and Barry Manilow. “I don’t think in years, baby, I think from age 16, Kubeka grew from Accompanied by Clifford Cooper show by show,” veteran songster under the wing of Miriam Makeba. on piano and Graeme Currie on bass, Judy Page said in response to ques- By the time she met Page, she had a the show promises sophistication tions about her age. “Life’s like that celebrated reputation, gigging often and glamour. song by Jacques Brel, Carousel. with jazz greats of the calibre of Ab- “I grew up in a time that young la- “It starts slowly: it’s an eternity dullah Ibrahim (then Dollar Brand), dies didn’t go into the theatre,” adds from one birthday to the next when Kippie Moeketsi and with Philip Page, who in many ways invented you’re young. Then you become the Tabane’s award-winning Jazzmakers, herself as she lived her life between best at everything, in your estima- Tshooks Tschukudu’s Elite Swingers gigs and stages. Photo courtesy Auto and General Theatre on the Square Auto and General Photo courtesy tion. Once you reach the age that and Mackay Davashe’s Jazz Dazzlers. “They learned shorthand and typ- you can really enjoy things without “When the possibility of us pairing ing as ‘something to fall back on’!” she worrying about what other people up again came up again, we said: laughs raucously as she recalls that in think of you, life itself has become ‘Why ever not? Let us see if these her last couple of stage performances The Legendary Ladies themselves, feather boas and all: Judy Page and like a hurdy gurdy and rushes by.” two alte kakkers can still stagger she was either a fairy in a pantomime Abigail Kubeka. She stars alongside another well- around in high heels on a stage!’” or a vulture in Jock of the Bushveld. performers in her spare time. “There Page praises choreographer Jody loved stage veteran Abigail Kubeka, They will share with the audi- “I love flapping around on stage!” are huge gaps in the education of Davimes who is “working on getting 72, in a revue at Sandton, from this ence, some of their best moments in But she acknowledges that the university-taught performers. So two old girls to get their hips to go week. “Abby and I met on Des and the entertainment industry - from musical theatre industry isn’t what many of them don’t know Noel Cow- ‘ba-dam’ at all the right times.” Dawn Lindberg’s production of The the Jazzy Duke Ellington and Fats it used to be. “The young don’t have ard, Cole Porter… Brel, even! Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, in Waller, to the romance of Rodgers & staying power. The old don’t have en- “I know that each age makes its • “Legendary Ladies of Song” is at Auto 1978. They paired us up quite often Hart, Hammerstein and Harold Ar- ergy. But you do what you have to.” own steps. It builds its own scaffold- and General Theatre on the Square after that, until we went our sepa- len; and from the pop song books of These days, Page coaches young ings to the stars.” until September 28. S MM R PRO O N Lewandowski Chorale, Imilonji U E M TIO KaNtu, for Soweto Theatre OWN CORRESPONDENT amazing taking into account that Golding man- aged to mould them into a tight unit, capable Two Choirs in Concert is a collaboration be- of beautifully singing a large repertoire in just All sellers who SELL with Stamelman properties between tween The Lewandowski Chorale and Imilonji eight months. September 2013 and March 2014 will save. KaNtu Choral Society at the Soweto Theatre on “This resulted in a balanced, harmonious October 6. The concert, a media release issued sound with exciting dynamics. They absolutely Sellers SAVE between by the Chorale explains, is being held to raise wowed the audience, receiving a resounding, funds for the Boikanyo Project which runs prolonged appreciative applause,” said Richard 7.5 % & up to 25 % on commission! food gardens in support of the Protea Primary Shavei Tzion, musical director of the Ramatay- School and the wider community. im Jerusalem choir, on the Lewandowski TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY! While travelling in Europe in December 2011, Chorale’s performance. Call or email Trevor Today to LIST & SELL French horn player and conductor Adam Gold- Imilonji KaNtu under the baton of George with Stamelman Properties & for more info! ing attended the Louis Lewandowski Festival Gobinca Mxadana, who received the Order of www.stamelmanproperties.co.za in Berlin and realised that he wanted to form a Ikhamanga in silver for his excellent achieve- WE SELL PROPERTIES. SELL WITH US & SAVE choir in Johannesburg dedicated to performing ments in the field of music and contributing Trevor Stamelman C: 082-608-0168 / T: (011) 885-3742 / [email protected] the music of this composer in its original form. to the development of choral music in South Although many of the melodies are well- Africa, has been in existence for more than 30 Promotion valid September 2013 to March 2014 known, the media release continues, they are years. Louis Lewandowski’s music has been

stamelmans 10x4 130913.indd 1 2013/09/16 11:50 AM now most frequently performed by male-only absorbed into the current repertoire of Imilonji WIZO Johannesburg has waited choirs in shuls; when the music is performed KaNtu and they have been accepted to perform 100 years for this …. Celebrate with by a mixed choir accompanied by an organ, the at the Berlin Festival once they have sufficient effect is staggering. funds to cover the air fares. us … comedy, cappuccino and … The Lewandowski Chorale was formed in The concert’s soloist is Tshegofatso Moeng. early 2012; by the end of the year it was on the Berlin stage under the baton of Golding with • Two Choirs in Concert is at the Soweto Theatre on amateur and professional choirs. October 6 and features music reaching all the way “I found myself closing my eyes, imagin- back to the time of Monteverdi. Tickets are avail- ing that I was listening to the music as it was able by email only from [email protected]; originally sung some 150 years ago. It was prices range between R40 and R120.

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Hunters Rest 5x8 110913.indd 1 2013/09/11 9:27 AM 17 September – 4 October 2013 Tapestry SA JEWISH REPORT 11 Cohen remains cockily unrepentant after Trocadéro

ROBYN SASSEN 1998 work, Jew, comprises a costume that he will continue to make work made of different aspects of human- uninvited and even unwelcome in the South African-born performance inflicted cruelty to animals. public forum. artist Steven Cohen, 51, who’s taken Two lawyers want to represent “Whatever I did, I did in the name international media by storm, spoke Cohen: Tricoire a lawyer on the Paris and spirit of art in a country which is to the Jewish Report from his home Bar, and Maestro Roland Rappaport, known throughout the world for art.

in Lille, France on Sunday even- Photo by Quentin Evvard part of the prosecution of Nazi crimi- I am afraid of nothing except being ing. Manhandled by the police last nal Klaus Barbie in 1987. made to be afraid to the point where I Tuesday during an intervention at After 10 hours Cohen was released can’t make art. I fear only fear.” the Place de Trocadéro - known as the on bail. “Madame Tricoire consulted His next work is a commissioned Human Rights Square - near the Eiffel the Ministry of Culture in Paris, and performance inside the oldest Jewish Tower, Cohen is unrepentant. through that, the process has been monument in France, La Maison “I was thrown in jail for 10 hours, delayed. The world feels so Dark Ages. Sublime, beneath the Palais de Justice interrogated, measured, psychiatrical- “I expect some sense of perspective in Rouen. It’s a part of the Festival ly evaluated, forced to give DNA and will develop,” he adds, mentioning Automne à Normandie. charged with sexual exhibitionism,” he said. “I’ve been told to apologise to the police. It’s as absurd as apologis- ing to the thugs who brutalised me last week. I won’t.” The work for which he was arrested was part of a contribution to a group exhibition, My Joburg at La Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, a museum in Paris. It’s also part of the prestigious Festival d’Automne, under the artistic direction of Marie Collin. And it’s an uninvited contribu- tion to the Season South Africa in France. Three days after making headlines, Cohen was addressing audiences in the Paris museum. “It went excep- tionally well,” he said. The piece shows excerpts of videos of his work since 1998, explaining how it incapacitates different body parts. It ends with the bashers at his house in Lille; Sunday be jailed than pay a fine; there’s no video created a few days ago.” was the first time he’d been in his option. In the work which caused all the house since the attack. “My heart is “I’ve had tons of publicity! But FOR HOLIDAYS TO ISRAEL AND AROUND THE WORLD, trouble, he’s dressed in a rooster trembling. Being policed is part of the it’s weird. So many worse things are YOU CAN RELY ON OUR 30 YEARS’ EXPERTISE AND headdress, a corset, 7” heels, long work. Being beaten is not.” The attack happening all over the world. And OUTSTANDING PERSONAL SERVICE red gloves and a myriad feathers. strengthened his resolve to carry out I’ve done so many more outrageous His penis, the tip exposed, is tied the work as planned. things elsewhere. The charge is seri- to a rooster (the national symbol of Cohen’s collaborator Erik Houllier ous. It’s a combination of perversity ESCAPE TO THE WARMTH OF ISRAEL THIS WINTER France) with a white ribbon. He’s describes the work’s orchestration and national insult and has to do as named the bird Frank Gallus Gallus. on September 10. “This square is one much with my costume as with the Please contact Debbie or Sandra for any assistance “The work is about being foreign and of the most famous in Paris. The day context in which it was performed.” with regards to ights and accommodation. being pulled in different directions.” before September 11, we knew secu- Having lived in Lille for more than “My lawyer, Agnès Tricoire advised rity would be really defensive. So we 10 years, Cohen, was headhunted me not to show the video. But what asked friends to be there at 08:30 to from Johannesburg obscurity by would be the point then?” There be briefed: they had to look like casual French choreographer Regine Cho- were no police at the museum this tourists. Steven arrived at 09:30...” pinot. In 15 years, he’s no stranger to weekend. “Next weekend, the work Cohen has received support from having to run away from his audience, performs again,” and the furore will Fondation Antoine de Galbert, and for fear of being beaten up: in 2004, have reached deeper into French Festival d’Automne. Ismail Mohamed, he performed “Dancing Inside Out” society. artistic director of the National Arts outside Lyon’s Museum of Deporta- Cohen rose to prominence in South Festival in Grahamstown called tion and Resistance. He was arrested Africa from 1989, taking art from gal- Cohen in solidarity, as has Steven- and bodily searched. Charges were leries into the public domain. Dealing son Gallery in Cape Town, which dropped; the city’s mayor intervened. with his identity as a Jewish, white, represents Cohen. The hearing is on Animal activists have been mutter- homosexual, ageing South African, December 16. “The Day of Reconcili- ing about the rooster. It’s absurd, giv- his work is meant to be inflammatory. ation is my day of judgement. The en Cohen’s consistent focus through Last week, he was beaten by gay fine could be R1 million. I’d rather the years on cruelty awareness. His

Harvey Travel 20x3 180713.indd 1 2013/07/17 12:44 PM 12 SA JEWISH REPORT News 17 September – 4 October 2013 Fighting gender-based violence: SA contingent to tackle The buck stops with all of us Jerusalem Marathon 2014 MOIRA SCHNEIDER and power - often CAPE TOWN men are captains SHIRA DRUION day programme that participants will enjoy. and gatekeepers “Jerusalem carries the spiritual heritage for While religion could be a real instigator of gender- of institutions ORT SA, Mizrachi South Africa and the SAZF, the three major (monotheistic) faiths and her based violence, one could equally be inspired by that can make a have collaborated in an exciting endeavour, streets are steeped in our history. religious faith to fight against the scourge, said gen- difference,” he namely the Unity Challenge to run the “Running the marathon therefore creates der activist Melanie Judge who moderated a panel added, including Jerusalem Marathon in March 2014. the space for an authentic, interactive Jewish discussion titled: “Stopping gender-based violence: “messages given Committed and potential runners enjoyed experience as we run through famous whose job is it anyway?” in synagogues and the presentation at the launch by a dynamic heritage sites such as Jaffa Gate, Ammunition The event was in a series of Transformation temples”. group of speakers, namely Nicky Raz, Hill and many more. The programme will Conversations, part of the Cape Jewish Board of Reverend Alan head of marketing for ORT SA, Ben Swartz, include a preview of the marathon route, Deputies’ Looking Outwards programme, adopted Storey of the vice chairman of the SAZF, Rabbi Ramon volunteering in S’derot, Shabbat in the Old over the past year, giving the Jewish community a Central Method- Widmonte of Mizrachi SA and the legendary City alongside many other exciting activities.” chance to engage issues affecting civil society. ist Mission, spoke A Blink Productions Without Luke Jansen / Photo: running superstar Bruce Fordyce, all of whom “This campaign is gaining momentum Judge maintained that individuals’ behaviour, of the link between violence and power. “Religion, motivated the crowd to participate in what is daily and promises to be so much more than such as telling homophobic jokes at the Shabbos including mine, has contributed greatly to the accru- going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to just a marathon,” says Raz. “Our fundraising table and at the office, fostered the conditions that ing of power for men.” Women were also expected to run together through the hills of Jerusalem. initiative is different to our usual set-up, as made violence possible. be silent at religious gatherings. Swartz said: “I was introduced to running this time around, participants will donate 50 Panellist Kathleen Dey, director of Rape Crisis Dr Zethu Matebeni of the UCT Institute for by ORT’s Nicky Raz and the privilege per cent to ORT and Mizrachi and the other Cape Town Trust, said it was “everybody’s job to Humanities in Africa, said that “for many of us, of participating in a marathon that will 50 per cent will be given to any charity of examine violence within themselves and how we violence is a constant, living reality. Among South take place on the cobblestone streets of their choice.” enact this in our relationships”. She advocated a African black lesbian women specifically, one is con- Jerusalem, makes the experience so special. “There are just over 200 sleeps till the big multi-stakeholder collaboration among prosecuto- sidered lucky to escape rape or even murder before “This marathon has really put Israel on the day. That’s how we marathon runners do it!” rial, health and counselling services. their 30th birthday.” map as a marathon destination of choice. said Fordyce who shared his expert advice on Desmond Lesejane, deputy director of Sonke Gen- Commenting from the floor, chairman of the I am very excited to be participating in this how best to confront the challenge. der Justice that focuses on men in order to eradicate Union of Jewish Women, Leaza Cowan said it was collaboration, because it is the realisation “The time to train hard is eight to 10 violence, praised the Board, saying it was important essential for young men to be educated to play “a of a joint vision to unite as Jews and to take weeks before the marathon. You cannot for “religious bodies” to convene this dialogue. strategic role” in combating the epidemic. “The com- part in this very memorable event in the Holy break the rules of marathon running. If we “It’s also a man’s job to end gender-based vio- munity at large has an enormous role to play. Land.” run regularly and consistently till January and lence,” he referred to his attempts over the past two Political commentator Rhoda Kadalie (pictured), “I am incredibly jealous,” said Israel’s then come January we start to train hard, we decades to involve men and counter the notion that noted that despite the country’s “fantastic” Consti- Deputy Ambassador Michael Friedman. “On will be equipped to manage the route. “when a woman is raped, it’s her own fault and it’s a tution and women’s ministry, no-one was getting it behalf of the embassy I would like to wish all “If you push too early on, you will crash. woman who must come and get involved in caring right. “We do need structural interventions. the runners the best of luck. It is the hardest Anyone who is reasonably healthy can finish for her. We say it’s a societal problem. “Patriarchy is the only true non-racial institution course you will ever run, but also the most a marathon.” “We don’t only look at men as perpetrators; men in South Africa. The Constitution has removed the beautiful one as you run through the Old City “Yes, we train with our legs and our hearts, can be active agents in bringing change we desire. notion of women as property and minors, but we and imbibe its ancient history.” but it is our brain that carries us through to “Men continue to come from a place of privilege still behave as if it is so.” Rabbi Widmonte laid out the exciting five the end.” 17 September – 4 October 2013 Youth SA JEWISH REPORT 13 KDHL’s student leaders for 2013/4 King David High School Linksfield elected their new student leaders for 2013/4. Back row : Jaden Riesenburg; Nadav Ossendryver; Jesse Soicher; Levi Cohen; Talia Smith; Alexa Tooch; Photo: Avigael Photo: Brown Melissa Gobetz; and Ashlee Firer. Mid- dle: David Esra; David Malkin; Eden Plein; Joseph Miller; Talya Michaels; Alexa Sandler; Devon Sostak; Aharon Shapiro; and Adam Jankelow. Front : Jayme Cesman; Yossi Bachrach; Adam Krok; Saul Hurwitz; and Lori Jacob- son. Bottom: Dan Egdes (deputy head student leader); Cassie Forman (deputy head student leader); Nicole Pantanow- itz (head student leader); and Tyler Epstein (head student leader). Absent: Jemma Waksman;

Minnie Bersohn kids collect KDL High scoops first tzedakah for DL Link prize in choir competition STORY AND PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHELLE VINOKUR

The senior group children at Minnie Bersohn Nursery School in Johannesburg, collected tzedakah in the tzedakah boxes they had made themselves, to donate to DL link. Michelle Goodman came to the school just before Yom Kippur to receive the donation.

The Junior winners: Crawford Fourways. Daniel Meyers Photo:

The Linder Auditorium in Johannesburg last Victory Park High; Crawford Sandton High; month swelled to the sound of hundreds of King David Linksfield Primary; King David Vic- young voices as 11 schools competed in the in- tory Park Primar;, King David Sandton Primary; augural Battle of the Choirs Fighting the Battle Crawford Fourways Primary; and Fairways Pri- against Cancer Schools Event. mary. Additional entertainment was provided The winning choirs, from King David Links- by the Minnie Berhson and Rosabelle Klein Pre- field High and Crawford Fourways Primary, primary schools, BASA, a school from Alex; and walked away with more than R70 000 worth of hip hop dancers from the Vicki Mervis School Pictured are Dylan Bloch; Ella Flax; Michelle Goodman (DL link representative); Raphael Adaggi; prizes and a professional studio recording ses- of Dance. Shira Tchelet; Joan Lurie (teacher); and Max Shewitz. sion, ikt was announced in a media release. The dual-purpose event was held both to raise The event was held to raise both cancer aware- funds for cancer relief and to help revive choral ness and the profile of school choirs. It will take music by motivating children to join their school place annually and organisers promise a much choirs. Habonim Dror - watch out expanded version next year. “The choir movement is huge in the US, The King David Linksfield High choir won a prompted by shows like Glee, and we need to for the ‘new generation’ Yamaha drum set and guitar and the Junior cat- see that happening in South Africa,” says event egory winner, the Crawford Fourways Primary director’s, Lana Roy and Vicki Mervis. “We really ILAN PRICE face apartheid, its legacies of inequality and choir, received a Yamaha keyboard piano and a hope this competition will help to instil a choral ROSH CHINNUCH FOR disenfranchisement run deep and we must Music Mate voucher. Both choirs will also have tradition here.” MACHANEH DOR CHADASH be sure to be a movement which does not shy their songs recorded during a recording session. All proceeds went to the D L Link, an organi- away from this struggle. Other competitors this year were King David sation which relies solely on public funding. Being a member of Habonim Dror Southern We are also part of a new generation of Africa, is about standing for what is just and Zionists. Our movement has striven to build being inspired to change the status quo in and better the State of Israel even since before pursuit of a dream. independence, and generations of chaverim We are a group of tolerant, intelligent, have responded to Israel’s need of the hour. passionate youth who believe in equality and Today, a new generation of Israelis lead the freedom. We recognise our responsibilities to world in innovation and technology. Our gen- each other and to the world around us. We de- eration must work to ensure Israel leads by ex- Situated in Linksfield, King David Primary School is an Independent Jewish Day School, from Grade 4 to Grade 7. The Primary School invites applications for the following position, mand more of ourselves and we demand more ample in its values too. Our generation’s duty is effective from January 2014 of society. Our machaneh name for 2013 is to fight for the integrity of Israel’s democracy. “Dor Chadash” - a new generation. Yet, the most fundamental change starts PRIMARY SCHOOL HEBREW TEACHER The machaneh name speaks to the relevant with the kind of person we are in our everyday discussions and issues facing the movement interactions. Machaneh is about creating a King David Primary School seeks a dynamic, innovative and experienced educator with relevant qualifications, for this position. The successful applicant will be: and unites the educational focus of machaneh space based on values of respect and equality, under a broad vision. where friendships are meaningful and people 1. An inspirational teacher. Habonim chaverim look at the world with an are more valuable than material possessions. 2. Prepared to liaise as a team-player. eye for what we think should be different and We cannot be a new generation if we remain 3. Eager to become involved in extra-mural activities. 4. Registered with SACE. we must continue to do so. Yet often we fail to tied to ways of the past. This machaneh, best 5. Proficient in I.T. think about what that means for ourselves and friends will unite once again in the most our lives: how we need to be different, and the beautiful place on earth, and together we will Chavarim B’ Ivrit and Neta teaching experience will be an advantage. A Curriculum Vitae and contact information of two referees should be e-mailed to: role we have to play in promoting change. think about what we want to define us: a new [email protected]. Closing date for applications is 15th October 2013 With every shichvah of channichim having generation building a new reality. been born post-‘94, we are part of a new gen- We look forward to seeing your children at The school reserves the right not to make an appointment. Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. eration of South Africans. While we no longer Machaneh Dor Chadash! 14 SA JEWISH REPORT Community Columns 17 September – 4 October 2013 A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies Board bids sad farewell to Steven Gruzd At the end of this community at the Parliamentary hearings having a solid, comfortable home to move which our grievances can be aired and month, we will bid into the Protection of State Information back into. appropriately addressed. a sad farewell to our Bill. In their daily struggle just to acquire the Even though not every complaint we Senior Researcher The Jubuntu project did much to basics of survival, they must build their bring will be successful, we at least have the and Political Liaison highlight the diverse and innovative ways in homes out of whatever materials that come assurance that through these bodies, we officer Steven Gruzd, which Jewish individuals and organisations to hand. My call to our community during have a platform through which to make our who will be taking are going about assisting disadvantaged the coming days is that while observing and voices heard and explain our position. up a position at members of the wider society. drawing strength from this age-old ritual, Taken as a whole, the various quasi- the SA Institute of This is a powerful theme for us to dwell we also remember those who need our government structures that have been set International Affairs on as we prepare to celebrate Succot, assistance and pledge to do whatever we up to give force to the provisions of the at Wits University. a joyous festival indeed, but one that can to provide it in the New Year that lies Constitution, which include the BCCSA Above Board Steve has been with also brings home to us our essential ahead. and the SA Human Rights Commission, Mary Kluk us for just over two vulnerability. The succah that we are Just before Yom Kippur, we were gratified are showing that they can be relied upon National Chairman years, although his required to live in for all seven days of the to learn that the Broadcasting Complaints to address the myriad issues brought to many impressive festival, is quintessentially a temporary, Commission of South Africa had upheld a them in a conscientious, thorough and accomplishments during that time belie make-shift dwelling. complaint of anti-Israel bias on the part scrupulously objective manner. this relatively short period of service. Among many other things, it symbolises of Lotus FM. The Board was instrumental Among many other contributions, he the transient nature of our time on this in the drafting of this complaint, and we • Listen to Steven Gruzd on Jewish Board researched and wrote our Jubuntu book Earth, during which we are ultimately commend Felicia Levy for presenting it to Talk on 101.9 ChaiFM every Friday 12:00 - on Jewish involvement in social outreach, reliant on the Divine protection of our the BCCSA in her individual capacity. 13:00. hosting a well-received “Board Talk” Creator. However, for so many of our fellow The encouraging lesson we can take programme on ChaiFM, revitalising and South Africans, the succah experience is from this experience is that we have in This column is paid for by the managing our website and representing our their daily reality, without the assurance of South Africa effective institutions through SA Jewish Board of Deputies Invitation to participate in ORT’s Golf Day Companies quietly go about ORT SA will be holding its 40th Annual Golf Day on • Silver Sponsorship R5 000 October 27, at the Killarney Country Club and the com- • Sponsoring a Hole R1 800 munity is invited to participate “and help us make this • Entering a 4-ball R2 000 uplifting the very poor 40th year a huge success”. • Taking a 4-ball and Hole Sponsorship R3 600 In a media release ORT SA points out that there are • Taking a Raffle Ticket R100 “fabulous prizes to be won”, including a two-night stay (1 free ticket for every 5 purchased) for two people at Cathedral Peak. All funds raised are used to support any one of There are a number of ways to be involved as a ORT SA’s many worthy projects - teaching new skills; sponsor or participant. growing businesses; providing cutting-edge training • Platinum Sponsorship R30 000 and support to teachers in disadvantaged schools. • Twilight Supper and Prize-giving Event R15 000 • Halfway House R12 000 • For more information call Ora on (011) 728-7154 • Gold Sponsorship R7 500 or e-mail [email protected] Photo by Joe Yudelowitz Photo by Joe Jack Halfon CEO of Atlas Finance with Rabbi David Masinter of Chabad House at the auction of Halfon’s photography. OWN CORRESPONDENT non-Jewish and preferably black causes through Miracle Drive’s programme, Grow A sum of R85 000 raised by auction to Your Life. Rabbi David Masinter (of Chabad establish a library for Malatjlie, an impov- House) identified an informal, impover- erished community near Lanseria Airport, ished settlement near Lanseria Airport.” came about through the co-operation be- The South Africa-Israel Chamber of Com- tween Jack Halfon, CEO of Atlas Finance. merce approached Halfon to put on a char- The initiative is the brainchild of Halfon, a ity auction of his best prints from “Faces keen photographer, who in 2011 published a and Places”. Adding three* new directors to our team is more than a strategy for book of his photographs, entitled “Faces and Stephan Welz and Co donated the space growing our capacity and expertise. It is our way of ensuring that dynamic Places”, with the profits of the sales going to and auctioneer for the evening. Atlas Fi- organisations experience director-driven advice that helps them unlock their the “Stop Hunger Now” charity. nance sponsored the printing and framing potential for growth. Another one of the charities Halfon’s of the works and with co-sponsors Sasfin company supports, is Chabad House’s Mira- Bank and Zendium, R85 000 was raised. cle Drive. This money will be used to buy a contain- “We like a portion of our funds to go to er and set up a library at Malatjlie. Great Park’s new mikvah

Michiel Jonker Claire Du Bourg Billy de Jager Director: IT advisory Director: Corporate advisory Director: PS advisory draws in the women Johannesburg Johannesburg Nelspruit SHIRA DRUION

Great Park Shul was a hive of activity as post-Yom Kippur Sunday morning saw over 100 women flock to the Great Spa Day. The morning kicked off with manicure and pedicure pampering sessions and an exhibit of the state-of-the-art new mikvah that has been built to service the growing needs of the community. Dr Dorianne Weil had her audience clamouring for more as she spoke on the necessary tools required for building healthy relationships with our spouses. www.gt.co.za Mashi Lipskar spoke of the woman and her role in the home as the feminine energy that is so vital for a good marriage. Stan and Pete provided a breakfast and Nicci boutiques provided gift bags filled with *The appointment of Grant Thornton’s new directors in became effective on 1 August 2013 © 2013 Grant Thornton South Africa. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton South Africa is a member firm of treats from other donors. Grant Thornton International Ltd (‘Grant Thornton International’). The morning was organised by Lisa Zimmerman, Carmela Lishansky, Rebbetzen Fayge Hazdan and Rebbetzen Goldie Simpson of Great Park Shul.

Jewish Report_3up.indd 1 2013/09/06 12:38 PM 17 September – 4 October 2013 Classifieds What’s on SA JEWISH REPORT 15 To book your classified notice or advert contact: Tel (011) 274-1400, Fax 086-634-7935, email: Today, Tuesday (September 17) Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20. Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 [email protected] HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERT: 1. Only adverts sent via email to jrclassified@ Enquires: (021) 434-9555 (until – 14:00. Contact: Gloria, 072-127- global.co.za will be accepted. 2. You will be advised on cost & payment details. 3. Payment is prior to the advert • JWBS’ “55 Club” meets every 14:00). 9421 or (011) 485-4851. appearing. 4. Our banking details: SA Jewish Report, Nedbank Randburg, Account Number: 1984 514 865, Tuesday and Thursday. A three- Branch Code: 198405. DEADLINE for BOOKING and PAYMENT is Tuesday 12 pm. (If deadline is missed the advert course meal and entertainment Sunday (September 29) • United Sisterhood has its monthly will appear in the next edition, when payment is received). IMPORTANT NOTICE - The Jewish Report runs adverts in the Classified section in good faith, however we cannot be responsible for the quality of services are provided as well as transport. book sale at the Benmore Gardens offered and claims made. To meet people and socialise. • RCHCC screens the documentary, Shopping Centre. Unwanted books Contact: Anita Feinstein, (011) “Mel Brooks Make a Noise”. and magazine donations are gladly SERVICES LIFTS OFFERED EMPLOYMENT HOME SERVICES 640-7620. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. accepted. Contact: (011) 646- MEMORIALS Experienced, reliable WANTED Time: 19:30. Booking: Hazel or 2409, fax (011) 646-4654. Sunday (September 22) René (011) 728-8088/8378, after Hawley Marble and driver able to lift you Granite Works Est. 1948 Qualified Saaled, hours (011) 728-8378, e-mail: Wednesday (October 9) Monumental masons. We anywhere/ anytime classroom fa- • Johannesburg Light Music [email protected] or rene.s@ are proud to have served 24 hours. Courier cilitator requires Society meets at Roosevelt Park telkomsa.net or www.greatpark. • WIZO Johannesburg celebrate the Johannesburg Jewish Recreation Centre, cnr Anton co.za their “100th Birthday” with work undertaken. community for many position in North van Wouw and Preller Drive. Des comedienne Tracey Klass and decades. Your support Please call Paul Sonnenfeld will give a tribute to • Jewish Genealogical Society hosts other entertainment. R250 is much appreciated. East Schools Noel Coward, followed by Jenny Meira Puterman who will give a including coffee and dessert. Collen Hawley Tel: (011) 083-542-6480 suburbs: nursery 828- 9010 Chaim Silver Considine with a programme on workshop covering all stages of Venue: The World of Yamaha,

(011) 485-3005 Lifts service school - grade 3. Oscar-nominated songs. Time: genealogy research, “Using the 19 Eastern Service Road, Ext 6, to and from airport, 14:00 sharp. Enquiries: Ron (011) Internet to trace and build your Sandton. Time: 19:30 for 20:00. BEAUTY & HEALTH to go shopping, Contact Sandra to the doctor, or VEHICLES 793-2383 or Marilyn 072-243- Jewish family tree”. Venue: HOD Contact: Sandy, (011) 645-2515. wherever you need 0114851675 WANTED 7436. Centre. Time: 19:30. Donation: AUDIOLOGIST to go. SERVICES R20. Enquiries: Mo (011) 887- Thursday (October 10) Contact Gerald on • Second Innings hosts Sandy 7764. KELLY NATHAN HOME SERVICES 082-907-5507 or IF YOU WANT Golombick and Kim Lewitte, from • Join WIZO every Thursday for a Manor Medical Centre Appliance (011) 786-6580 for the Stroke Aid Society, on “Strike • Second Innings hosts Kate “Lunch & Learn” shiur with Rabbi 189 Kelvin Drive a safe and reliable Repairs on-site TO BUY Fridges, stoves, Back Against Stroke”. Venue: The Turkington, travel writer on Michael Katz. Venue: Beyachad. Morningside Manor service washing machines, Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden “Magical Journeys”. Venue: The Time: 13:00. Information, (011) tumbledriers and OR SELL A Tel: 0861-266-563 A TAXI SERVICE Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden 645-2515. (0861-Book Me) dishwashers. Let Warren Pogorel- Free quotations! VEHICLE R20 for members, R40 for visitors. Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: www.knaudiology.co.za sky chauffeur you to Call Jason Contact: Grecia Gabriel, (011) R20 for members, R40 for visitors. Sunday (October 13) 082-401-8239 INDIVIDUALISED your destination in Contact: 532-9718. Contact: Grecia Gabriel, (011) SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR Johannesburg and Deceased estate 532-9718. • WIZO Etgar Branch invites you HEARING NEEDS back. Only R120 house clear- Solly Wednesday (September 25) to view two of Johannesburg’s round trip for 20km. ances Kramer Friday (October 4) prettiest gardens. R190 per person LIFTS OFFERED Tel: 082-399-6187 Entire households • UJW CT’s adult education including tea and guided tours in cleared, professional- • UZLC hosts Kim Feinberg of garden two. For tickets contact SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS Sun City & Game 082-922-3597 programme hosts Phillipa Cheifitz, ly and confidentially. talking on “A life of Meals”. Tomorrow Trust on “Building Helen Maisels Trisk, 083-267- A reliable lift service. Reserve I’ll take the burden off FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP Venue: Stonehaven, Sea Point. Meaning in Your Life”. Venue: 2607. Specialising in lifts AIRPORT SERVICE your shoulders and to and from airports, Lithuanian & Polish JHB pay you for it. Please citizenship • UJW Leora Project, lending of rehabilitative ap- evening service every week in shul, starting at shops, appointments, contact Many South African Jews pliances: Need a walker, wheelchair, crutches? 18:45. Contact (021) 886-5257. casinos and courier. Ladislav Miklas are eligible for Lithuanian Borrow equipment on a short-term basis for a Charne 083-391-6612 079-810-8837 or Polish citizenship. refundable deposit. Information: (011) 648-1053. • The Yiddish Academy offers weekly basic, interme- For a trusted and If you are interested, BRIAN K LIFT diate and advanced classes on Monday evenings professional service. please contact me. SERVICE & COURIER I specialise in obtaining • The Benevolent Gift Shop (formerly Benarc Gift at 19:30, Tuesday mornings at 10:30 and Thursday 8-seater. Also clear garages, AIRPORT SPECIAL FROM Tours/Day Drives Lithuanian & Polish citizen- Shop) has gift presentations for all occasions, made evenings at 19:30 at the RCHCC, Glenhove Road, R160. Secure, comfortable cellars, storage ship. I am able to obtain to order. Call (011) 485-5232, JWBS. All kosher Houghton. Conversational groups. Contact: e-mail Contact Arnold, rooms and storage and safe. Anywhere 24/7. the required documents under the Beth Din. Proceeds to support the less [email protected] or call Hazel Cohen 082-447-0185 facilities. (Jhb - Pta) from archives in Europe fortunate in our community. on (011) 728-8088. 011-454-1193 and from SA Home Affairs. CALL BRIAN ON Rael Cynkin CA (SA) 076-533-1440 [email protected] • Elise WIZO Gift Shop has an exciting range of gifts • Supervised bridge with Jeff Sapire Tuesday morn- 083-346-4627 available. Contact (011) 640-2760 or call in at Gen- ing 10:00 - 12:00 (intermediary) and Wednesday Airport esis, bottom level of the Genesis Shopping Centre, morning 10:00 - 12:00 (advanced), at the Clive M Shuttle FOR SALE 3 Bradfield Drive, Fairmount. Beck Auditorium. Booking: Hazel or René‚ (011) MISCELLANEOUS 728-8088/8378. To OR Tambo • Chabad House hosts a series of events through- from R160 out the year. Chai Seniors - Holistic & Kabbalistic • WIZO’s Wize Buys in Raedene, requires nearly-new To Lanseria Nourishment”. Daily programmes: Men’s Kolel clothes, shoes, kitchenware (pots and pans, cutlery, from R210 Mon-Fri at Chabad House Library, 09:00 -11:00, crockery) bric-a-brac, etc. Phone Sandy (011) 645- CRU LY S MPTI Reasonable rates to P OU followed by lunch. Ladies Kolel Tuesdays & Thurs- 2515 for goods to be collected, or deliver to WIZO IM S all other areas S days. Special programmes: Mondays: Brain Worx office at Beyachad, Raedene. Spits, Braais and Sam Schwarmas with occupational therapist, Cynthia Liptz for brain (011) 728-5219 We specialise in Barmitzvahs, exercises, 09:00 – 13:00. Both men and women • Beis Midrash Chofetz Chaim is offering a second 083-627-8516 21sts, office parties, Sheva welcome. Tuesdays: Guest lectures. For more info: ma’ariv minyan every weekday evening (Monday Brochas, weddings and birthdays. Rabbi Ari Kievman (011) 440-6600 or e-mail rak@ - Friday) at 21:00, cnr Elray and Michel Streets, When last were your ALL UNDER THE AFRICAN SUN chabad.org.za Raedene. Open to broader community. Don’t fret if Mezuzahs checked? Dov 011-786-6776 you need a later minyan. Secure parking provided. 082-371-8589 • Bnoth Zion Association WIZO is collecting anything A professional scribe with 30 years [email protected] of value for its store. Contact (021) 464-6729 or • Sunday Scrabble Club meets every Sunday at experience (Rabbi Klein) will inspect Linda Saban 072-245-3225 or Cherna Kredo 084- 10:00 at Zahava’s, Grant Avenue, Norwood, off 9th all Mezuzahs and Tefillin. 589-8588. Street. Cost R5. Players of all strengths welcome. Larry 082-888-5355. Supplier of new Scrolls and Tefillin • Intimate Antiques Fair held on last Sunday of every month at Cedar Square corner Witkoppen/Cedar • JWBS Johannesburg urgently requires secondhand Avenue in Fourways, from 09:00 - 16:00. Contact clothing, kitchenware, household goods, books and Robyn 083-311-4768. bric-a-brac. Proceeds to support the less fortunate in our community. Contact (011) 485-5232. • The Selwyn Segal Gift Centre has well-priced gifts for all occasions. Visit them Monday to Thursday, • Celebrating a bar-/batmitzvah? Why not give a do- 08:30 to 16:00 and Friday till 14:00.Contact: (011) nation to WIZO’s bar-/batmitzvah project in Israel? 640-6413 or (011) 640-5171 or web site www. You get a beautiful certificate to give to the bar-/ selwynsegalgifts.co.za batmitzvah child here. Certificates are available from WIZO tel (011) 645-2548. We will remove and refit your Mezuzah • Join WIZO every Thursday for a “Lunch & Learn” Phone Ivor on shiur with Rabbi Michael Katz, 13:00 - 14:00 at • UJW Granny Child-Headed Households support 62 (011) 615-8738 or 082-682-3438 Beyachad. Info: WIZO office (011) 645-2515. families with clothing and food parcels. If you have NB: Mezuzahs and Tefillin must be clothing and shoes that you are not using, please checked twice every seven years • Stellenbosch Hebrew Congregation has a Friday let us know by phoning (011) 648-1053. 20 SA JEWISH REPORT Sport 30 November – 7 December 2012

17 September – 4 October 2013 Sport SA JEWISH REPORT 16 DissectingPerfecting all-rounders the art ‘in of that how funny not old to game’ lose game one needs to defend a lead. Howev- stander, out defence well above is seemingly the rest. At quickly No 1 is becoming West Indianwhat legend South Sir African Garfield sport Sobers is andall about.at No 2, only marginallyWhile the behind Boks him, held is England Kallis. at bay Sobersin the had north, an average managing of 57,78 to cling for batting to a one ROCKINGROCKING THETHE BOAT BOAT andpoint 34,03 win,for bowling, the Proteas a difference looked ofto 23,75. be head- JackJack MilnerMilner Kallis,ing who for certaincould still Test go up defeat or down, Down is 56,10 Under andas 32,43, they a ended difference the fourthof 23,67. day under the ItI domight not be profess a hackneyed to be expressionan authority but onit Incosh third at place 77 for is Englishman four , Stanley chasing 430 remainsrugby. During true: my time is a funny at school old game. I actually I Jacksonto win. (15,50) who played for England from havedeveloped often argued a hatred that for it is the more game a culture because 1893 toThe 1905. match Joining looked Kallis all on over, that listwith are a win thanit was a sport.continually You have jammed to have downbeen brought our fivefor other Australia South certainty,Africans with but Faulkner AB de Vil-at upthroats. with the concept that a Test match can go No liers,7, Eddie Jacques Barlow Kallis at No 10,and Shaun especially Pollock Faf du on forHowever, five days as and I got not older have aand winner. became That is (12th),Plessis, Trevor had Goddard other ideas.(13th) Deand Villiers Brian kept whymore the involved Americans in willthe neverworld come of sport to terms and McMillanDu Plessis (16th). company Tony Greig, for who68 overs left South and a withbegan Test to cricket! understand the nuts and bolts Africanobbled to play Kallis in England, for another is at No 40 14. overs in

Even records in cricket are different to Photo: Warren Haltmann Bacher and Williams have included Greig in of the game, I actually began to enjoy the searing Adelaide heat, as Du Plessis other sports. You can have, for example, a re- their calculations as well as a number of other it very much. Whatever I might think I Authors (right) and David Williams, flank Shira Bacher who holds a copy of their book tenaciously defied the Australian bowling cord sixth partnership by two Gauteng South Africans who did not get an opportu- know, I will always bow in admiration to “ and 12 other Great South African All-rounders” at the launch held at St John’s attack for nearly eight hours. players against the Dolphins at the Wanderers nity to showcase their talents. Basil D’Oliveira the likes of commentator Dan Retief who CollegeCricketer in Johannesburg Faf du Plessis last is supported Tuesday. by his team as he pulls off a stunning save of the second Many people would have found the in a Test, which is different to another sixth Test match against Australia in Adelaide. had to leave South Africa before he could play wickethas a marvellousstand between understanding two players from of the African cricket captain and managing director cricket enthusiast will have an opinion on andpushing he was already and prodding getting on mind-numbing a bit by the to samesport. team against the same team in a limited ofhe the took United advantage Cricket Board, of a lucky Dr Ali bounce Bacher, of whoin theythe finalthink minuteare the 13 was best one all-rounders of the most timewatch, he was but picked it takes to play a specialfor England. kind of pro- oversHowever, match. You what could I have again learned have another during gotthe together ball to withscore journalist the only David try - Williamsand fur- to in inaneSouth AfricaI have but ever Bacher seen. and That Williams was total have Twoficiency players and who mental could have aptitude been rightto stay up out recordmy tears by the as asame sports two journalistplayers against is how the to writethermore a book superbon South defence African bycricket the Boks.called clearlycapitulation, laid out their as ifcriteria to say for they the were“baker’s happy withthere the best, for sevenif it had hours not been and for 46 South minutes, Af- in sameanalyse team, a game. but this As time I said at Kingsmeadlast week, in I have “JacquesI have Kallis said and for 12 the other past Great few South years that dozen”to lose they by have one selected. point. rica’smainly expulsion 34 degrees from world heat cricket, and high are Mike humid- Durban.always tried to maintain my objectiv- Africanthe Boks All-rounders”. are unable to play 80 minutes of TheyOn started that subject,by looking I wasat batting the one and person Proctority, withand Clive five Rice.different Proctor partners, played just one of ityThe and reason not become for all this a “fanis that with former a pen”. South attackingVery much rugby. like all Inthe the cricket final records, 20 minutes every bowlingabsolutely averages delighted and decided by that to include decision any sevenwhom Tests could and Rice barely none, run, but to their defy first a vora- class Last Saturday I only managed to see the of the game they were probably lucky to all-rounderas I had backedwho had England a Test batting on a averageminus 2,5 averagescious were and goodtenacious enough Australian to have them attack and second half of the Springboks versus Eng- have spent two of those minutes in the of spreadat least 40and and that a Test whacky bowling decision average sealed of includedsave ain crucial South Africa’s match topfor 13.his country. land Test but on Sunday morning I sat England half. The remaining 18 minutes lessme than my 30. win. They then discovered it would TalkingThis to wasRice aat monumental the book launch effort, at St through the replay. Knowing the result, was played somewhere on the Boks’ 22m have beenThere a list is noof one. doubt The we only have person some in the John’sperformed College in on Johannesburg, debut and already the cricket written I could put the excitement of a close line. historywonderful of the gameplayers to meetin our those team, criteria but onewas greatinto admitted the folklore to being of a Southlittle bitter. African “In acricket encounter behind and dispassionately There is little doubt that England, Southis never African certain Aubrey down Faulkner which who garden played path differenthistory. way, I was also a victim of apart- interpret what I had watched. when it comes to attacking, are equally betweencoach 1906Heyneke and 1924. Meyer is leading them. heid. ThatSo, while1970s weteam might was so lack strong the attackingwe After a little thought I came to the inept and they certainly had enough Finally,But the coming authors back decided to defence: to consider All sports hadprowess to work ourof abutts Genghis off to Khan, get in. South Players Afri- following conclusion: In simple terms, all chances. We kept conceding penalties in Testare cricketers made up with of offencea batting and average defence. higher It is likecan myself, sport Vince has van elevated der Bijl, the Jimmy art of Cook defence that won us the game was an inspiration- the dying moments but one has to say thanvital 25, to a bowlinghave a balancedaverage lower share than of 35,both. It andto Henry another Fotheringham, level. I suppose all lost thereout on is an al moment from Willem Alberts in which that England’s decision to go for posts theyis alsomust an have art played to know at least at which 20 Tests, point of a whatadvantage could have in been playing brilliant not international to lose... scored a minimum of 1 000 runs and taken at careers.” least 50 wickets or a minimum of one wicket The three remaining players included What’s On per Test. among the 13 best, were done so for their In order to create a table of the best all- explosive ability and personalities - Lance Sunday (December 2) professor of English at Wits, on “Please rounders, they also decided to deduct the Klusener, Tiger Lance and . Sir, I Want Some More”, Charles Dick- batting average from the , the The book then devotes a chapter to each of • RCHCC is rescreening the award-win- ens and children in this his bicentenary logic being that the larger the difference, the the 13, with anecdotes about each one. There ning film, “The Debt”, directed by John year. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) 648- better the player. are some wonderful quotes from the late Madden and starring Helen Mirren, 1053, fax 086 273-3044. Donation: Despite lowering the original standard, just Tiger Lance who had a biting sense of humour Sam Worthington, Jessica Castain and R20. Join UJW for an informal tea after 42 players in the history of the sport meet and at times an awkward sense of right and Tom Wilkinson. Venue: Clive M Beck the lecture. those requirements. Remarkably two players wrong. Auditorium. Time: 19:30. Donation: R60. Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728- Thursday (December 6) 8088/8378, after hours (011) 728-8378, Refusal to play on Yom Kippur costs e-mail: [email protected] or rene.s@ • UJW CT adult education division hosts telkomsa.net or www.greatpark.co.za Isaac Habib who will talk on “Jewish Life Israeli Davis Cup team in the Island of Rhodes – From Begin- JERUSALEM - The Israel Tennis Association will promote tennis in Israel and develop Israeli tennis • JJMC, with musical director Evelyn ning to End”. Venue: Stonehaven. Time: have to pay more than $13 000 for refusing to play players,” Israel Tennis Association Chairman Asi Green presents a musical tribute to the 10:00 for 10:30. Entrance: R20 (incl a Davis Cup match on Yom Kippur. Touchmair said in a statement on the association’s Doornfontein Hebrew Congregation refreshments). Enquiries: (021) 434- The Israeli national tennis team had been website. (Lions Shul), “Memories of Yesteryear”, 9555. scheduled to face Belgium in Antwerp on Septem- “As a result, the high fine is a detrimental blow as a fundraiser for the shul. The reper- ber 14 - which is Yom Kippur - in the international for the budget of the professional programme for the tournament. Israeli tennis teams and to Israeli tennis in general.” toire will encompass traditional Jew- Friday (December 7) The Belgian Tennis Association turned down Though Touchmair called it a fine, the International ish songs. Secure parking. Time: 15:00. Israel’s request to postpone the match, but the Tennis Federation said in a statement sent to JTA that Tickets available from Darla at R200. • The United Sisterhood has its year- International Tennis Federation, which sponsors it was compensation. The statement said the Israel 083-794-6358 [email protected] end book sale at the Benmore Gardens the Davis Cup, intervened and changed the date to Tennis Association “has agreed to compensate the Shopping Centre. Unwanted books and September 15. Belgian Tennis Federation for any costs that may be Monday (December 3) magazine donations are gladly accepted. However, the International Tennis Federation incurred as a result of changing the schedule and Contact: Tel (011) 646-2409; fax (011) ordered the Israeli national team to pay the Belgian days of play for their forthcoming Davis Cup play-off • UJW is hosting Marcia Leveson, former 646-4654. team for the costs incurred by adding a day to tie”. the tournament, the Israeli daily Yediot Achronot In the Israel Tennis Association statement, Touch- World News in Brief reported. mair also said: “As an institution that represents the Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day on the State of Israel and its values, we in the Israeli Tennis POPE CALLS FOR END TO PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS, NEW ME PEACE EFFORTS Jewish calendar. Association stand proud, before all those who refuse “The Israel Tennis Association is a non-profit to recognise the importance of the Jewish tradition, ROME - At a gathering in Rome with Lebanon’s new cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI launched a new appeal organisation, which designates all of its funds to on behalf of Israel and Jews world over.” (JTA) for peace in Syria and the Middle East, the Associated Press reported. “The church encourages all efforts for peace in the world and in the Middle East, a peace that will only be effective if it is based on authentic respect for other people,” Pope Benedict told the gathering, which included several Lebanese pilgrims. He also spoke out concerning the plight of Christians from their traditional homelands throughout the Middle East, calling for them to be able to “live their faith freely”. Christian communities have come under assault by Muslims amid the upheaval related to the “Arab Spring”. Tens of thousands of Syrian Christians have fl ed from the civil war there, while Egypt’s Coptic Christian community fears the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ultra-extremist Salafi groups to power. Recently, several Coptic Christian teenage women were been assaulted by other women on Cairo subways because their hair was uncovered. Many Coptic women are now afraid to ride the transit system in fear of being assaulted or sexually harassed, according to Morning Star News. (JNS.org)

NJWED02028.indd 20 2012/11/28 5:27 PM