November 29, 1900
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PORTLAND IDAILY PRESS. KOTEMBER 2i>. 1900. lggg.j-.VSgl PRICE THBEB OUSTS. "established JUNE 28. 1803-VQL. 39. PORTLAND. MAINE. THPBsTaY .lORNINO, I* V PART OF ULODE GERMANY GIVES IN. obliged to lie six miles off ebon. FROM EVER harbor la > portion Urly dangerous ona, SWINDLED MAINE FOLKS. RAT ROTE, London, Novembei 2a—The Berlin cor- COURT to the exletenoe of a rooky oboal I es pondeot of the Standard cays he bears mmw' sim. owing Hat* Com* MNi«§r« of 9yn»p«tli|r T 1 hat Germany ha* notified the United la the middle and a particularly orooked to waive the •f Nfiulor Da via. I State* of the wllllngneee ohaunol. Aooordlng to the Naval Hagls- leinand tor the exoontion of the Uhl- tor the Yoeemlte wee manned by 18 olli- oeee cfflolal*. HI. November 88.—The oere aad 6t>7 man, but In her oapaolty oe Paul, Minn., SUCCEEDED BY REFOMEB. “Miller Syndicate" Threat To Cut Off The elation ahlp not all of tbeae wot# re- mortal remains or the late United State* 3» — Lai have retted Shangbl. November Shang United States Cruiser quired aad undeubtadly a part of them Senator Cushman K. Uavls ot the provlnoe of Ch* Scheme Unearthed. avenue. t'lng, governor were asbon ln dutite at the today In hi* home on Farrington Supples. ha* been dismissed on aooonnt of engaged vlang, Tnu would ho The entire olty mourned and from all .he Chn-Cbu-Ka maseaore.The provlnolal naval Ma«loo. probably oome a stream reasurer of Che Klang.Ynn Tsoy, suo- Wrecked. true of her oommander,Heaton Hchroeder, quarter* of th* glob* ha* latter I* a liberal mind- Mc- *eds him. The who le also governor of Guam, and who of messages of sympathy. PrMldent 'd ref inner. probably left the active command of the Kinley was one of th* tint to tender his ATTACK VILLAUE. Plan Advertised in Pa- for the lias Its Effect On Royalty At FRENCH ship to the ranking lieutenant, Augustus Extensively tribute of honor and love departed Pari*,November 2U—The Hava* agency N. Mayer. The other oflloera aooredlted statesman and from diplomats, high laa the from of This Stale. officials of this and other Sena- Sian Fn. reoelvel following despatch to the ship by the Regie ter are: Lieu- pers countries, Pekin dated yesterday: Drifted on to Reef Off tenants W. 2. Salford, Albert Morlt*, B. torial colleagues, representatives In Con- French column of marine*, with M. L. “A B. Blerer; ensigns, A. W. Preasv, gress, from ohurch dignitaries and lead- November 21 the vil- trtlilery, attacked Collins, A. N. Mitchell and Y. T. Evans; ing merchants and men of business have eouthweet of Guam. 1 lage of Ta-LI-Klo-Tohu, come expressions of regret and sorrow. Pao Fu. The Bozen abandoned Ting Tssaix Among the messages received was the stont resistance and SftesrT the position after a lain L. P. Reynolde and eight warrant Promised 10 P. C. a following: Prince Ukhtomski Re- lieavy los*. The Frenoh had ten wounded onioare. Senator W. P. Frye, President of the ind three NEW8. Senate—“Mrs. and I sympathize mrtoasiy.'' WAHHINGTON UAH NO on Investment. Frye Month with you proroundy. The death of the Outlook Dark. PACIFYINU CHINA. 28.—Neither the gards Washington, November Senator Is a sad blow to you as well as a had received any- November *« —The war offloe Fire of Her Crew Reported to Hare naval npr war olllolnla great loss to the Senate and the oonntry. Berlin, hour Das received the from Count thing up to a late tonight regarding It was decided today that the funeral following Yoeemlte. Von Waldersee, dated l’ekin, November Been Lost. tha lose of the orolser services will be held at the reeldenoe at 17: "Numeroue expedition! carried out eleven o'clock Saturday moi IN. In by the allied troop*, appear to be gradu- JUDGE PEAHODY SWORN Snpposed Principal Arrested In brief service being charge Asserts Russia Will Not Annex ally bringing about tbe desired pacifica- A. Andrews, rector of Christ tion of tbe country. Remote villages fre- New Haven. church assisted by Kev Theodore Sedg- Syrup°Rgs H*ard wick rector of the church of St John Manehnria. quently request military protection Numoron* Petition* For Pardon ‘‘Boxen." the Evangelist Th# body will lie 10 agalnit *nd ConucIL By Governor state at the from ten till three CALLED. Occurred No- oapltol AclsfJcssantfyandIbompt/y. CHINESE AMBASSADOR Disaster o’clock on Friday. A detaohment of the Washington, November 28.—Tbe Brit- National Uuard will escort the body rrom the November 29.—Tbe Governor the residence to the and remain on Cleanses System ish ambassador and the Chinese minis- vember 15. Augusta. —Ar- capltol until 1.80 New H*v«n, Conn., November 2H the later to and 20 —"The repre- ter weie Secretly Bay'» callers at •nit Connell were In session guard during day, returning Gently Effectually London, November among for the El in Interment will be at the stale In considered the thur Lunn, a talesman City the bouse. The when bilioua or costive. sentations of Prinoe Cblng, LI flung department today,conditions this morning when they Unlna, being among tbe sobjeots consid- Watervllle election case and petitions tot Lumber company of this city, wss arrest- Calvary oemetery. and other* to the Chinese court been received who la Chnng, ered. Information has the pardon ol Orln G. Bunk, ed here United States govern- are today by /resents in the that the are dlesatHlied and from the southern viceroys, representing a eentenoe for morder, William NICHOLAS RECOVERING, mpst pcceptable/bm powers serving ment authorities on a technical charge the most inllaences in Ellen fot the larntice principles ofplpnts action on the Vang Tee paolflo China, Gilford for rape anil Dolley Novemberr 29 threatening on their as to W. the oss of the malls for fraud- London, —Emperor no ir71 to act meet •bowing great oonoern part Was the Station murder. In the election oase, Cyrus alleging A beneficially. to say* the Pekin Yosemite Ship Nicholas, according to a deepatoh to the Liang stop supplies," that another punitive expedition con lasted the election lent The real oomplalnt. It It reports ilavls, Democrat, purposes. Times trim St. Petersburg, is now con- of the Morning Poet, is on Its way, this time against Shan SI Eaton as to correspondent at tinam. of Harvey D. representative understood. Is one Involving a scheme to be on the to recov- Do Watervllle. Tnls sidered way speedy TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS wiring Tuesday, “are reported to provlnoe. tne legislature from ‘‘Miller week. similar In detail to the notorious ery le said tnat the oase was put over for a having an effect and it whxre THE — MANFD. BY TORNADO OF HEAVY GALES. Tbe petitioners for pardons with tbs syndicate," plan In Brooklyn, BUY GENUINE is to take some measure* to oonrt likely *- exoeptlon of Orln G. Mann, which Investment Inducements are held to great meet tbe was were given leave wltb- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO powers tabled, out In the shape of a promise of exorbi- SAN TRANCISCO, CAL. l’rinoe Ukhtomski Is lo dally confer- Terrible Kipcrlence of Steamship Lake the session, Henry O Peabody tant dividends. Tbs post oUloe authori- EXPANSION LOUISVILLE KY. NEW YORK. N.t: ence with Li flung Chang and occasion In Atlantic. November 28.—The United ^urlng Mrgantlc Crossing IJManlla, was eworn In as associate justice of the ties have been at work In this oaee for fbr jj/t SO1 per bo7*t». meet Prinoe Chtng. He regard* the Yosemite by dn^filfs prict ally Ntrtes auxiliary cruiser parted ttupreiue court. several months. Last summer attractive outlook as even li the power* agree, ot San Luis dark, November 28 —The ber cables off tbs harbor In several pa- Halifax, N. 8., CANAL UOATS FKOZ KN IN. advertisements appeared. BLACK8T0NE CIGARS lor, he says, China may rejeot the term* Island ot-Uuam, drifted sixty overdue Elder-Dempster line steamer D’Apra, pers In Maine announcing that the New then come rebellion and Houses Point, N. Y., November *8.— to our end will, struok a reef and was wrooked. Investment of New ! Tlie addition Factory Lake employed under oontract miles, a bard blow to England oompany favors leav- Megantlc, Xh# recent oold wave was Is YV'e now have a In famine. Prinoe Ukhtomekl the crew were drowned. A collier completed. Richest — —— Five of as less 10 a month >U canal boat men In this eeotlon no Haven would (pay per ^oent the frontago of 172 feet on three i ing CUDS to govern herself, powers reeoued the remainder. az canal boat! are frozen In In tbe of over tan dollars this evening anti before separating the tnan on all Investments streets, Endicott, Stillman and bolding tne ports until »ne doe* reform Cbambly canal between St. John's and passenger* presented Captain Taylor and As a result of complaints received, post Morton. i doe* undertake to for- November *8.—The Yo- P. q a dlstanoe of twelve ; herself and protect Washington, Cbambly, ascertained that the mall This is the hie offloers and orew with a testimonial miles. There le no steamer or steam tug office Inspectors largest Factory MAHOGANY eemitfl waa first commissioned April 18, in New used eigners. of tbelr of tbe ship during a north of them and therefore all the work whloh was'sent here for the companyijwas England solely he asserts, has no Intention of management station at tbs Russia, 18116. She had been ship of them out must be done front for the manufacture of Cigars.