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The BG News December 5, 1973

Bowling Green State University

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By Jou Get II lA&Sl and coordinator of state and "I worked for him Ho! for six last month when the steering decisions on officer's pay for any other "IF THIS COUNCIL doesn't approve Editor community affairs, reiterated their weeks and collected three checks At committee voted to allocate $260 to the groups," he said. our request, then I think students are position presented Friday that time. I knew there could be six officers for last spring's services A motion was passed that the Student being denied the quality and the best The University's Sub-budget Council Grady said he thinks officers should potential disagreement between the Affairs Advisory Board (SAABi should representation possible." he said yesterday defeated a motion to grant be paid because of the amount of time office of public services and SBO QUESTIONS AROSE within Sub- meet before Jan 15 to consider the But Gerald McBnde. junior iB.A i. the Student Body Organization 1SBO1 spent serving students concerning certain campus issues- budget Council as to whether it would question of fee waivers for any campus said he does not think money should $4,680 to pay the six 1973-74 executive "If SBO officers are not paid, they such as the Ridge Street closing.' he be proper to grant SBO the $4,680 group's officers dictate the quality of the office officers. won't have the time to fulfill their said without hearing requests for officers' However. Dr Richard Eakin. vice Arnold admitted the officers were The vole was 8 to 3 duties because some of us will have to He also said it would have been pay from other campus groups provost for student affairs and Sub- told by the Opinions and Klections SBO officers would not comment on hold part-time jobs.'' he said difficult for him to continue to work in Tim Frank, graduate student on Sub- budget Council chairman, stressed that Board before they ran for office last Sub-budget Council's vote He said the additional money under Hof's office because of the time that budget Council, said if slid s request SAAB'S decision is not binding because year that they should not expect fee Yesterday's meeting was a consideration by Sub-budget Council is would have to be divided between his for additional funds would have been SAAB is only an advisory group waivers. continuation of Friday's meeting when the better alternative than being paid University job and his duties in SBO approved, a "dangerous precedent" The question also arose as to Dr F.akin said on Feb 14 he would the SBO officers asked the council for a to do work for the administration Grady said he is no longer working would have been set whether a denial of additional funds to recommend fee waivers (or the six M.680 budget increase Grady worked (or James Hof. vice for Hof' "Our approval would have been an pay officers would prevent qualified executive officers be discontinued and The additional money would have president for public services, for six University President Hollis A. invitation for other campus groups to students from applying for office in that officers "should not expect to provided each officer with a quarterly weeks this past summer Moore Jr said last month the offer of come before us and request additional future elections receive fee waivers when filing (or salary of $260 "Mr Hof was concerned because he assistantships was not an alternative money for the same purpose as SBO." office " felt some of the olficers who needed to the move SBO made last month to Frank said Grady said he thinks funds from They previously were given DURING YESTERDAY'S meeting. money should be presented with some allocate themselves M.680 from their "By turning down SBO's request. I student general fee money would show President's Special Awards as SBO President Bill Arnold, senior alternative to not receiving fee budget think we're showing that we're not that SBO is responsible to the students remuneration for their work, but that lA&S). and Dennis Grady. senior waivers." Grady said SBO received considerable criticism ready at this time to make any and not the administration practice ended last year To deal with gas supply Energy group created

WASHINGTON IAPI • President or a combination ol the three to bring determine how high a tax Increase on Nixon personally announced creation gasoline consumption in line with gasoline Congress might approve, the ot I new federal energy organization demand at the lower levels ol expected sources said yesterday as the While House said supply rationing price increases and higher It said other measures under Some apparently concluded that a lu- taxes were being considered in an discussion included imposition ol cent a gallon tax increase might he effort la discourage gasoline Special surcharges on those consumers realistic enough to hi' proposed consumption Judged tn he making excessive use ol formally NiXOn appearing hiietK before natural gas and electricity and newsmen reported he has established i (inversion ol commercial airliners to SUCH A TAX. accompanied by a federal energy office through an use naptha jel luel rather than present permission to oil companies to pass executive order and has appointed keroseneluel through to Ihe consumer increases in Deputy Treasury Secretary William K Simon, who will remain as deputy crude oil and other costs would raise Simon to head n Treasury secretary, has been alligned the price ol gasoline at the tilling \s expected, Nixon also said he was with those administration advisors station by about 14 cents per gallon asking Congress to create S new arguing that a heavy tax on gasoline is That would mean a retail price ol independent Federal Energy tlu' best way to reduce consumption. about 60 cents* gallon Administration thai Simon also would Au*ciat»d Prctl Wir«ph»r« bead ON MONDAY Simon said once he is Simon said Monday he will press (or officially appointed to the new post he a decision on rationing in the very Sine* the energy shortage was publicized, wood for fireplaces hat been A WHITE HOUSE fact sheet said the would become chairman of the near future and I emphasize very " Piling it on Marina in sales. Dana turkey. 15, helps her father catch up en back orders as . administration was considering tor Cabinet-level F.nergy Kmergency she tosses a piece of a split log en the pile. near-term Implementation" use of Action (iroup tormerly headed by John A year-round Daylight Saving Time ration coupons, price increases, taxes A Love measure has passed the House by an Love resigned Monday and sources overwhelming margin said his deputy. Charles ,1 DIBofia, also submitted his resignation The House Monday passed a bill that Love, who had said that gasoline would require the states to set a 55 Nixon's assets triple since '69 rationing would be necessary, lold the mile-per-hour speed limit or lose Denver Post he didn't want to remain federal highway funds in a 'superllous job WASHINGTON lAPl President financial statements and other WHEN NIXON WAS campaigning to his home or deposited in Ihe bank " lor the White House his aides reported Nixon s net worth has tripled since he documents SIMON SAID in an interview that that as ol Sept 30, 1968. his net worth took office and now stands at about $1 Anderson and Tower reported that SINCE THAT STATEMENT, Nixon speculation that the reorganization was $515,830 Alter his election. May Weather million, his lawyers have told Nixon's lawyers said they were willing also has sold two vacant lots in Key rellected a victory by Treasury Republican congressional leaders liiscavnc which the While House said to let a congressional committee 12. 1969. the While House issued a Secretary George Shultz and his Partly cloudy and cooler today Hep John Anderson H 111 i said review Nixon's controversial hall- statement listing his net worth as he owned jointly with his daughtei suggestion ol a gasoline tax over Love and tonight. High today 45 to 50. yesterday that the lawyers reported at inillion-dollar tax deduction (or giving $596,900 Tricia Nixon Cox was sheer nonsense Low tonight 25 to 30. Tomorrow According to the cash (low Statement a White House meeting Monday night his vice-presidential papers to Ihe The next net worth statement was variable cloudiness ane) cool high shown to the White House meeting. Hut informed sources said the that the President's net worth was in National Archives issued by the While House on Sept lii. 35 to 40. Probability of the neighborhood ol $300,000" on Jan 1972. giving a tigureol $765,118 Nixon received $89,842 lor his share in disagreement over rationing versus taxes was at the heart ol the decision precipitation 20 per cent today and 1. 1969. and by last May 31 had risen to TOWER SAID THE lawyers. Early in his presidency. Nixon sold Ihe transaction to reassign energy responsibility. tonight. about $988,000 Kenneth Gemmell ol Philadelphia and his New York apartment lor $326,000 The cash How statement also listed Representatives were trying to Neither of the figures jives with H Chapman Hose ol Cleveland, said This compared with the $166,860 he had him as receiving $128.611 Irom his New previous public statements by Nixon they were soconlident of this and other paid lor it in 1963 York law firm alter he took office, as aides on the President's net worth One tax claims by the President that they He also sold his stock in a Florida i el well as smaller amounts trom bank White House official said this was would invite a court test of the validity estate hrm lor a reported $371,782. account interest and book royalties because ol dillerences in accounting ol his returns about twice the amount he reportedly Tower reported that since the May 31 Aide claims Haldemon procedures Gemmell and Hose, both long-time paid lor it over a period ol years closing date ol the audit. Nixon has Inends ol the President, volunteered Profits in these transactions would purchased another $50,000 certificate ANDERSON AND others attending several weeks ago to help prepare account lor a portion of the increase in of deposit trom the Key Biscayne bank the two-hour White House meeting said material intended to relute allegations his net worth The White House said in headed by friend C G llebe' Hebozo ihe lawyers presented a complex cash about Nixon s personal finances its September 1972. statement that the This, he said, is in addition to the knew about tape gap How chart and other documents to The material is scheduled for release President's net wortn increase is $250,000 in certificates ol deposit he illustrate Nixon s income and this week and will include a full audit attributable to income Irom his salary had purchased at the bank before May WASHINGTON IAPI • Seven months would get more tapes expenditures and show how he ol Nixon's linances from Jan 1. 1969. which has been used for improvements 31 alter II II Haldeman resigned as A Well, yes legitimately obtained the increase in to May 31. 1973. Anderson said White House chief ol stafl, he told his y What did you observe when you net worth This audit was done by the New York former assistant which documents pushed the button"' They made it sound pretty accounting lirm of Coopers & Lybrant could be removed Irom his tiles, the A It was inoperative It would not convincing." Anderson said and a portion dealing with Nixon's iin inei aide said yesterday push down I checked her machine and Sen John Tower i R-Tex i said the California, and Florida real estate Lawrence M Higby. Haldeman's it had no recording capability consensus of those at the session was purchases was released in Auguest lormer aide, said also that Haldeman That was live days a(ter presidential that " the President had not done knew that portions ol a secret White lawyers said they discovered the anything that was illegal, or irregular, The dates cited for the net worth House tape had been erased at least erasure or unethical." ligures divulged by the lawyers at the one week belore the 18-minute gap was Haldeman resigned as Nixon s top But Tower said there were strong White House meeting indicated they disclosed to IS District Judge John J assistant April 30 suggestions that the President release had come Irom the Coopers & l.ybrant Sirica J Fred Buzhardt. White House his complete tax returns to back up the audit Higby testided in court that on Nov. lawyer, said when he disclosed Ihe gap 14 or 15 Haldeman told him he to the President on the evening ol Nov understood that apparently a portion ol 14. Nixon suggested that Haldeman s one of the tapes had been erased handwritten notes lor that day be A few tons of paper... retrieved to see whether they indicated HIGBY ADDED: I think he said- what the June 20 conversation was and this is only a recollection-that it about had been caused by Miss Woods a way to save energy Rose Mary Woods. President Nixon's HIGBY WAS INSTRUCTED to letch personal secretary has testified that the notes and said that Haldeman gave she may have been responsible lor him explicit instructions on where to Until this year, the Save The News campaign had one purpose: to aid ecology by erasing some 4'J minutes ol a tape ol (ind them and what to do and gave him saving trees June 20. 1972. by accidentally hitting the number ol the combination on the This quarter, the drive takes on another purpose: to help conserve energy. the record button while she was file cabinet where the notes were kept How can a truckload of used newspapers help save energy' transcribing the tape tor President Introduced in court. Ihe Haldeman Energy experts have said proper home installation can cut heat consumption. And Nixon notes indicate that Ihe erased portion the newspapers collected during the Save The News drive are used in installation. Another witness at a hearing called on the June 20 conversation with the So all those old Newses and other papers that have been piling up in the corner of to determine the (acts about the gap. President dealt with Watergate and Ihe your dormitory room, apartment, basement or whatever can help you do your part White House aide Gen John Bennett, possibility that the White House might in conserving energy-provided you know what to do with them. > said that on Nov. 19. when he was launch a public relations olfensive to asked to retrieve nine tapes Irom counter the political damage done by BRING THEM TO THE Save The News truck which will be parked behind Woods, he checked her recorder to the bungled break-in and bugging ol Moseley Hall Saturday between noon and 4 p.m. Bring them in bundles or boxes or make sure that the record button had Democratic party headquarters June bags-bv the armful, wagonful or carload. been made inoperative 17.1972 The members of the News staff gladly will accept all the papers whether you "A few days before I told White Higby said he got the instructions to bring a handful or several cartons full. House aide Stephen B Bull that it go through the Haldeman notes from Please don't bring computer printouts or magazines The spreaders used to break would be a good idea for someone to fix Gen Alexander M Haig. Haldeman s up the newsprint cannot handle computer or magazine papers. The odd formation of a knothole on a tree creates the image the recorder so it wouldn t erase." he successor, and that Haldeman told him The money made from the collection will be donated to further the first purpose of of »ha eye of a monster from the deep on the late late show. said to phone back belore turning the the drive. It will be given to the University's Environmental Studies Center. papers over to Haig ' and not to deviate So give a few minutes of your Saturday afternoon and a few pieces of old newsprint Q. THAT WAS IN anticipating Woods Irom these instructions to conserve trees and energy. You may be saving more than the News. ■vga J/Tne BO N.w., W.dn..doy D.c.mb.r S, 1973 epiT8RiaLS city hall 'politics' on ridge street

The decision to temporarily close a portion of Ridge Street soon may rest heavily on the shoulders of city council members. The city administration's stand-a clear-cut "hands off" policy-can be viewed as none other than a political game. At a meeting Friday between Student Body Organization (SBO) officers and city administrators, the pros and cons of the Ridge Street closing were discussed. The SBO proposal calls for the temporary closing of a portion of Ridge Street-bordered by a line immediately east of the Ridge Street-North College Drive intersection and immediately west of the stop sign at the northeast corner of Hayes Hall-from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday li seemed apparent that the arguments used by SBO outweigh those used by city officials First. SBO stressed that safety is the most important factor when considering the closing. They also explained the current petition drive to gain support for the Ridge Street closing and said motorists taking the suggested alternate route-Thurstin to Willard to N College-would be inconvenienced by no 'I GOTTA LAY OFF THIS STUFF — I CAN SEE TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE AT THE WINDOW more than three or four minutes. WAITING TO BUY TRAIN TICKETS!' Next, they said a recent SBO survey shows 2,500-3.000 students cross Ridge Street (near the Math-Science Bldg.) during each 15-minute interval when classes change and that three persons already have been hit by cars in that area. However, statistics obviously were not good enough to gain the city kennedy and revisionists administration's backing on the issue. Thus the defenders ot Kennedy, toughness—men like Senator Jackson Anyone who believes the Kennedy City officials have washed their hands and are leaving the decision to and his admirers--now praise Kennedy- presidency was. on balance. while admitting that he tailed in this or city council. that respect, insist that his influence tor his patriotic muscle-Hexing deleterious is bound to lie lumped with Howard Rutter. fire chief and assistant to the safety service director, was spiritually uplilting. it spread an The conclusions ol revisionists do the "revisionists though some nun ethos ol hope and confidence in not. therefore flow necessarily trom said city records show only one person has been hit on Ridge Street. i notably I I- Stone i always held ourselves and each other, as well as in personal dislike tor even personal dis- This is one too many. position him approval i ol Kennedy the man Perhaps the most hideous argument Rutter uses is that he thinks many There are many dangers to IK1 I admit all these limitations within He was obviousl) admirable townspeople would object to the closing because the street has avoided in whal is loosely called the revisionist thought Hut I still think personable and worth the highest kind revisionist position For instance "sentimental value." the judgment on Kennedys time in ot londness in himsel! some are tempted simply to turn Again, this is just one more example of taking the town's convenience They damage the capacity tor Those who psychoanalyze him lor accepted truths upside-down tor the office must be harsh This is not simply into consideration before the students' safety admiration, which is an important macho male trails as the source ol sake ot shock a laddist notion instrument ol perception I An example Vietnam are relying on dubious science It's time for everyone to take a good hard look at the real issue There are lads lo these reversal! ot this Irend is an untotiunalc hook to proj> up irrelevant hunches involved and some people think Kennedy is CONVERGING disciplines are called I'll'1 Kcnnodv Neurosis • What matters is not his own private Safety comes first, not sentimentality. simply going through a shift in fashion. reaching a similar conclusion And the world, but tfie public world he so the inevitable ten-year slump A third danger in revisionism is the context ol this judgment is not arrived OTHERS SEEM l" lake an unhealthy temptation to seize on one detail or at only by enemies or detractors ol the deeply influenced And the place to meet his enthusiasts is on the ground delight in destroying heroes, reducing issue and neglect the overall effect ol a man admired men to an everyday level man s work Those who approve ot Cold War they consider their strong point -the ringo review I it t he gave to American spirits AMERICA IS a country with a long history ot optimism verging on euphoria The country has never been invaded or decisively dclcatcd not even very much criticized It has a draws criticism certain historical innocence which Graham Greene has called the nation s great source ot moral blindness Wo have written this letter in version brings the cobwebs that garner Alter the grand achievements ol regards to your artu-le concerning the original World War II. America suffered some Itingu Starrs new album. Kingo. blows to its self-confidence during the which appeared in the Nov 311. 1873 WE PREFER lo think that Starr Eisenhower Administration Tuba was ISSUC "I The BG News adds a llavor all his own. which lost. Russia jumped to a headslar! in First of all the writer. Frank lightens this tune up greatly It is space the r-2 was an embarrassment Johnson relers to "Photograph" as anything but garnered w-ith cobwebs We were muscle bound by our irar) the grossly overplayed and lie says about side two. that it power, unable to respond to challenge overpraised single ol the album "wasn't really interesting.' and except by total nuclear war-which was Virtually every hit song is grossly mentions only the last song. You and unthinkable overplayed, because people want to Me i Habei * How can this be called a KENNEDY' touched this batllemenl bear them lie further states that review til an album when halt ot the with the promise to get us moving Harrison along with Starr, gets the album is not reviewed*' He developed flexible response and blame lor thl* song which plods along Alter listening to this album many counlerinsurgency He laced down al a horribly slow pace " times, we think it is the best one by an Khrushchev America was happv again ex-Beatle since their split with its old ideals WE WOULD LIKE to say that we ALSO. IT contains all lour Beatles on The Peace Corps expressed our wish the blame lor this hit song one album, the first time since the confidence (hat all we had to do was were ours Also, Mr Johnson, how- split display our attractive selves abroad does a song get to be number one when Lastly, we would like to ask Mr and the world would tall in love with H is so horribly slow''" Johnson, it. the next time he reviews our system He lays the song never gets oil the an album, he would do a more thorough The globe could not remain hall ground, and yet the song has been in job or not do the review at all slave 11 e . opposed to us i and hall-tree the top ten lor a number ot weeks now ue. imitating usi We would make it Mr Johnson goes on to say that the Robert Saywell all tree, all just like our jolly old last track on the Hrsl side. You re Scott Haworth selves Sixteen is a rehc. and even this new 257 Kohl There was nothing evil or unnatural h,«V in Kennedy's achievement The trouble SO was not in hnn. bul in us We greedily - . welcomed back all the pleasing illusions

JgDavld Mosher. a 20-year-old Lerrers AMERICA WAS hersell again, nobly- Mo ran at a protest candidate aggressive and unstoppable It you homecoming queen at the think that mood is the source ol branch ol the University of Calif wisdom as well as strength, then and won a landslide victory safety chief's university vehicle justified? Kennedy s work was beneficial "I'm really a rah-rah periM, It you think it is the source ol an date type •! tntaj-a beauty arrogance and unreality about this Concern has been raised by many hist sat rtl* vaat «• caratms. area the first priority when allocating IF THE Director was a Bowling CONSIDERING the situation. I nation s use ot power then you musl segments of the campus community tunds Green resident, it would almost make would appeal lo the administration lo regret Kennedys inlluence no mailer about budget cutbacks that have been Based on this premise. I would like some sense, since he could quickly stop this wasteful practice, and how likeable he appears in his person made in various areas, especially the lo know how the administration can arrive on the scene ot a disturbance or channel the tunds that have been used Whal is al issue is not a historical academic areas, such as the THe BG news justify the expense of providing the some other type ol problem to take to provide this individual with a ride to fashion, our knowledge ot a distant Experimental Studies Program Director ol Campus Safety with a charge ol the situation itor whatever and from work to a function more event, or ihe revising ol old judgments University vehicle for such purposes as An ln t.».-l body as well as the members ol the wtmMm "■■"■■■' ■ ■»■*■■»*■■■ I. «l—Si taculty and administration of Bowling THERE ARE indeed so very many N(x»i-Since THcb ,<,0UR FiRSr Green State University lor their who contribute to the logistical success *eET"sto,SOME OF VOU KAV MOT enthusiastic vocal support during the ol the Falcon Marching Hand the KNOO IDIVAT artscoj^es-Efcyr* foot ball season, and ol our recent Maintenance and grounds keeping marching band concert where even the si.ill the cafeteria workers-the standing room was full athletic department personnel-our triends at the Ice Arena-it would be STARTING WITH our rigorous 10- impossible to thank each and every day fundamentals session the middle ot one-but I would like to take this means September, the members of the band of saying- Thanks-and a happy .1 i i tnSS»«»s| it— i which numbers 177 and is probably the holiday season to all.'' »n>»WWl»mlbil** »hli I largest student activity on campus i Utj a in.m»i»»iiin«pM>»«. gave so much ol their time-talents-and MarkS Kelly energies, and 1. of course leel that the Director ot Bands W»dn«.day, D«c«mb«r S. 1973. Th« BG Newt Pag* 3 Truckers obstruct traffic Protest against paycheck cuts

HKBRON. Ohio lAPl - traveled three abreast on \n attendanl at the They contend that higher West Virginia truck stop Angry truckers used their Interstate M at JO miles an Hebron truck stop said the fuel coats hurt driver where the Wheeling protest rips to block or obstruct hour. Impeding traffic parking lot appeared to be owners and that speed and developed traffic on interstate \t a truck stop near a tilling up fastei than usual duwng time restrictions Some drivers also com- highways in Ohm and tour small town east ol folumbus indicating some drivers may hurt hired drivers because plained about the 55-mile- other states yesterday on Interstate 70, about -tf be complying with the Ihej are paid on a mileage per hour speed limit claiming restriction! truckers called lot an requesl b isis imposed in many areas in imposed during the energy immediate stoppage and Y irliei abuul ■<' h ive»i ■ response to President ibortagc arc cutting their oadcasi ippeals iv« • then a) the Hebron meeting voted A alter Barclay "t Omaha Nixon s energy conservation paychecks i in/ens band i adios, u< gins; to supporl .1 national ^ t> one oi .1 group ol message The House has Pivc arrest! n• e • >ther di ivei s to pah oil the shutdown the weekend .11 11 m kers who gathered In the passed and sent to the reported toad without blocking Dec IS 16 .(tin noon al .1 truck stop Senate a bill that would Some drivoi i and a trade traffic Drivers involved in neat Hebron about 2H miles require stales to impose magazine called for a They threatened la begin .1 yesterda) t pi otests said east ol rolumbus s lid such a limit or lose federal nationwide truck stoppage nesj blockade it iruckersdid ih- ^ were angered b> highei we ve goi to show them highway funds later this month Other not comply with thru fuel costs lowei speed some lime and some place drivers broadcast riti/en requests limns reduced allowable and I think this is the time Drivers in Pennsylvania band radio appeals for an sp< ed limits 1 educed and tins is the place He where irafftt near Miakesiee immediate Stoppage THE HEBRON Iruckers allowable dail> driving added that he favored 1 Was blocked tor five hours said drivers at a similar time dwindling supplies and nationwide stoppage ending at 3 a m . issued a IT WAS not Immediately meeting in Bedford. Pa other restrictions I ha I cuf lisl ol demands that C I e a r w h e t h e r t h e also were calling for an into the earning power ol HE SAID thai dtesel fuel included a 65-mile-per houi demonstrations In Ohio immediati shutdown ol both hired drivers and had increased in price K 4 speed limit and a ceiling ot Pennsylvania New Jerse> 11 in k trailic wiihoui di ivers who own their own cents .1 gallon to more than 35 M cents ,1 gallon on the West Virginia and blocking highwa) 8 rigs ."»i cents since Sundax at tin pi ICC ot diesel fuel Connecticut were part of a coordinated effort Some drivers were involved in more than one blockade, but u appeared that the total newsnotes number ol drivers was not He s.ud the Inp Ihe second swing more than a lew hundred Ford layoffs through Ihe region b> Ktssinget in a Gas taxes Awociaftd ?•••• Wirophat* one di iver was arrested in DKTKOIT Vl'i l-ord Motot 1 0 little more than .t month, is part ot West Virginia, anothei in t'OLI M HI S 1 APi Ohio The dying cattail reeds reflect their stalely italkt at December loda) hud oti 22 (KIShourl) employees the .-0111111111111: I'M haute ol MOW Ohio, and three were transportation officials lambasted .11 IT t s plants most ol them between ihe I niled States and nthei December arrives. Soon they will be under a layer of ice and students arrested near New town. yestt - la) lederal proposals to involved in the production ol large governments said George s Vest will be carving figure eights where the cattails once stood. Conn yesterda) afternoon in. lease gasoline laxes and reduce reflection Cord and Mercur) cars the dep.u iment spokesman when police charged they speed limits 10. iiihiiiel use Kord plant-- 111 Sandusk) ami lama Ohio Turnpike Commission will be aflecled with 170 layofls Chairman James Shockness) came scheduled lot Sandusk) and some 350 Hughes down especially hard on the Nixon Faculty Senate opposes fee hike; al Lima I'lie layoffs are lo be lot an \1lm11uslrat10n proposal to < hargC an Indefinite period The General U VSIIINCi K)N \Pt \n attorney additional in cents per gallon Products I'i\ ISKH1 plant is situated at lor billionaire llowartl Hughes gasoline Us beyond ihe current lour Sandusk) and the Kord engine plain yesterda) turned over lo Ihe Senale (tin lederaltax sets minimum hours for honors at lama Haicrgale commitlee $100,000 in 'Gasoline is not a luxury item \ Ford spokesman said the layoffs cash said In have been paid by Gasoline is .1 necessity and must in- Faculty Senate yesterda) laude 311 point average that the Faculty Senate is order on the project ot eon were directl) am dulled to .1 In das Hughes to a personal friend ot respected as a necessity.' approved -i proposal t.» es- award can be given lo .1 Strong!) opposed to several verting the University's strike againsl Kord*t*anuda which President \1\0n shocknessy told a regular monthly tablish .i minimum mimtH'i student with less than 15(1 . ui rent recommendations to power plant to oil because ol has cut ofl the flow ol engines from The mono) was delivered in one commission meeting "i letter grade credits loi letter 1 redits raise the tuition and lees the energy shortage Me the w uiosoi 1 ini engine plunl thousand llui) lulls iw ('heslci Davis students lo quality foi \ student must now have charged lo students lor added 1i1.1t money Will be .1 Hughes attornc) lo whom 11 was honors .11 graduation Vietnams clash al least 130 total leltet higher education at state spent to try to nil down on returned thn-e years aftet another The Senators also voted to 1 redits i" gel a magiia cum universities in ordei to help the smoke produced by eoal Kissinger Untiles agenl delivered it lo ■ '. SAIGON 1AP1 North Vietnamese grant senate representation Hoops battled government forces I,imlf 3 and DO lot .1 cum pi tvate colleges in the power plant w \sill M. I'n\ XT' se. relar) ol Kobe itebo/o .1 Florida bithker to .1 member ol the I iu- along ,1 key supply corridot yesterda) laude 3 5 sta'e lli nn \ Kissinger will visil six and close friend ol tin Presidenl rersttj Librar) lacult) and We are also opposed to John Doerlng, student nations Dee If in I" to help prepare 111 South Vietnam ■ lower central passed .1 resolution opposing TOTAL LETTER credits an) plan would recnilre Bod) Organization SBOi loi the Middle I ..-1 peace 1 nnlerem c The money was driven Ihe short highlands recommendations to raise are credits ' ■•< eiveil lor 1 on indents lo bear a pi <> coordinator ol academic in lieneva Ihe Stale Deparlmenl disi one 110111 a Senate hearing room the vicious clashes came as Ihe tuition .mil fees at public pass latl course* Pass-fail tressively larger share ot affairs asked that the annoniu i>d yesterday lo the committee - lieudqutit lei - in Souih Vietnamese government universities in order to help courses are no' considered the eost ol higher senators in- vocal one wa) 01 He will go to Egypt, Saudi \r.lhla. the Net« Senate Olficc llitilding continued raids thai have lifted Ihe private colleges lot l( acliiniClmaWa education another 'about the issue ot.. Syria. .Ionian Lebanon .aid tsiaet. a where u was photographed on 1 ill war to the highest level ot the 111 The proposal drawn up b\ I lie si ^ nwni .aty(M«;0 b\ 1 m\ ei sity President closing Ridge Street so bUU " department spokesman said „ ropyMnmciiine | • ' •muntli Vteti^iru eease-lire Ihe Academic Policies (*om Ihe senate opposing the tin llollis \ Moore .li told the ami city council would know tmtU'c saul no suinnia nun linn hikes icail Hosolvoil Senate he has issued a stop- their feelings

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^T Unit On* With Coupon & SS.0I PuickaM \^ = limit Oat With Coupon & $5.00 Puichi.e ;. .^. (Endudmi Beer. W>e& Tobacco]■accoi —%/0M (Eichidina Baei. Wma i Tobacco) angennes V» I .>' CAANU'.AliD #! . S* i«\ C«»NU:»1I0 ■■ y■ ^\ X ~ ;^ [ PIAINOBMARCEUIa ^fk 4U ± |*.V .GW.Pure5 fiKY !< V ... JQT I ^ Sugar Potato Chips EACH •SemJr Efftcttva Otc 3 thru Oac 9, 1973 *• %Bk. EHactivt Dtc 3 thru Oac 9. 1973 VlHIIII Sub|.ct to Applicable Taies - m>A Subject to Applicable Taies Pag* 4/ The BG Newt. W.dn«.day. Denmbn S, 1973 Pioneer 10 space exploration called 100 per cent successful

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif The quarter-ton voyager are cleansing distortion Jupiter's face is a tower of (API - Scientists yesterday was traveling at 35.800 miles from Pioneer 10's pictures clouds about the rest of the praised Pioneer 10 s voyage an hour, its speed steadily of Jupiter colorful and turbulent past Jupiter and said they decreasing as it left Jupi- atmosphere hoped the spacecraft would ter's gravity DR. TOM Gehrels. an Ari- Wolfe said an infrared transmit data for another From 300.000 miles zona scientist, said heat-sensing device aboard five years as it journeys out beyond Jupiter early yes- computer-enhanced versions the spacecraft had placed of the solar system terday. Pioneer 10 sent back of a photograph taken about the average temperature of The Pioneer 10 mission a dramatic photograph of 100.000 miles from Jupiter's Jupiter's cloud tops at by all standards is being sunrise showing the planet Great Red Spot promised to minus 208 degrees Fahren- written down right now as a as a long silver crescent-a be revealing heit. Variations in tem- 100 per rent success." said view astronomers cannot perature could be seen, Dr R S Kramer, the Dead see from earth He said they might which might be related to of planetary programs for Computers at the Uni- confirm theories that the differences in Jupiter's the National Aeronautics versity ol Arizona in Tucson 15,000-mile wide oval spot on cloud structure, he said and Space Agency Hoping for a stream of data in years ahead. Or John Wolfe said. "What Courses to focus on politics we'd really like to do is go to 110 per rent success if The political science de- taught by Robert Hanson, in- duet ol American foreign possible " partment winter quarter is structor ol political science Affairs The president's his- SCIENTISTS said they offering lour courses on The course will study I' S ■ torical initiative in con- might receive data live Mtestern political thought Soviet relations ducting foreign aftairs will vears trom now when the l)r Kathleen Merriam. Modern mans ellort to be a major question spacecrall nears the orbit ol assistant prolessor ol poli- relate to the political system explored in the course Uranus about 2 billion miles tical science, will teach under which he works will There are no prerequisites from earth Political Science 352. be the topic ol Political to any ol the courses Electric Jim Everett, a 13-year veteran of the Pest Office, who hat driven many mail Politics ot Western Europe Science 490. Western Poli- The unmanned space Admission to the courses trucks and delivery vehklei.leavet a T-3 electric car to deliver mail en his route The course will be con- tical Thought in the 20th probe survived punishing can be secured by per in Massachusetts. The car carries 700 pounds of mail. Century Dr Richard express Jovian radiation storms ducted as a seminar mission ol the instructors Muller. assistant professor Monday and was still Political Science 490b, ol political science, will sending data io earth Soviet Politics, will be leach the course James Kean. instructor ol Business opportunities political science, will teach Last plea: educate my children' Political Science 436 Con Juniors and seniors from central Ohio are invited to attend the 197:1 Columbus Careers Conference Dec 26-28 Personnel representatives Irom 39 employers based in the Financial aid Columbus area or having major oflices there will conduct Korean education, rights vita job interviews anil inquiries National Direct Stu- dent Loan checks lot William Chnstensen. chairman of the conference,said job SEOUL (APi - A South that began two months ago menting their regular personal freedoms he winter quarter are now Kim Uae-Jung-he got 5 opportunities in finance, research, business administration, Korean miner entombed in were aimed at getting back daytime classes with special suppressed under a decree available in the Student million votes in a close race merchandising, accounting, personnel, communications, the collapsed shaft of a coal the freedoms President night ones to make the dilli- called "national revilali- Financial Aid Office, against Park for the transportation, insurance and other fields will be offered mine painlully scrawled out Chung lice Park took away cult climb Irom one level to Ution reforms'' 305 Student Services presidency in 1971-was the Students who plan to graduate by Jan 31. 1975. and to his will 55 minutes before he 14 months ago when he the next Citing what many Koreans Rldg catalyst make their home in central Ohio are urged to attend the died proclaimed martial law The 300.000 university believe is the nonexistent Students receiving Then the conviction of conference His last wish was that his students who stand at the threat ol North Korean Educational Opportun- four Presbyterian leaders on Registration will be Irom noon to fi pin Dec 28 with three small children be ONE OK THE most liter- apex of the educational invasion and subversion. ity Grants may have charges ol trying to interviews all day Thursday. Dec 27. and Friday, Dec 28. educated ate peoples on earth, the system are regarded as the Part replaced the nation's Irom 9 a m to noon their checks credited In instigate Easter Kim Chong-llo s will was South Koreans place an nation's elite They were in liberal democracy with a llieir accounts by visit published in Korean extremely high value on (he lorefront of resistance largely hand-picked legis- mg the Bursar's Office, Sponsored by the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce, newspapers last week education as Kim s will during the dark 35 years of worshippers to antigovern- Window No (» \dnnni lature, installed Central the conference will beat Scot's Inn on Sinclair Road alongside accounts oi ii-Mitics Thousands ol Japanese rule They brought ment actions aroused the stratum Hldg Intelligence Agency agents There is no charge lor participating in the event student clashes with not children go to school trom K down President Syngman on university campuses and Christian community police The demonstrations a m to 111 p m . supple Ulicc in ltftill clamped down on free The first demonstrations Now they are in torment Speech and the newspapers were small and hesitant and again. holding mass staged on campus Gradu- meetings, hunger strikes. THE STl DENTS lay low ijjlly they picked up GET HIGH FOR FINALS! class boycotts and slr.-cl for months unwilling to hMaomentum. but efforts to marches i" emphasize their confront the government .v-lake to the streets are \po-ms demands that Park restore The bungled kidnaping of regularly beaten back by the December B*- GET YOUR SUPPLY OF the press, academic and popular opposition leader riot police. Jl llll MM 11II III Illlllllll HIllllMllI i ii i in i nun IIMII I mi IIIM ii i III i ii g-follWq.ffo-rjp COLD BEER THE BROTHERS OF TAU KAPPA EPSILON Billiards Bowhrkv WINE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING CHAMPAGNE FRATERNITYS AND SORORITES FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION AND COOPERA- t>irwleHimin«Hiohs qp,m.y AT TArhA 3TVDYBTCAN~f'3Pji«, TION IN THE 1st ANNUAL TEKE ALL SOUTH SIDE SIX GREEK CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR NEEDY 737 S. MAIN CHILDREN.

A. E. Pi Sigma Nu Alpha Phi Alpha Sig Sigma Chi A Chi 0 Betas Phi Delt Gamma Phi Beta Cherry Hill D. U. Phi Tau D.Z. (Management by OwnersI Theta Chi Phi Psi K.D. Kappa Sig Alpha Gams Phi Mu Pike A.D. Pi ChiO • Two bedrooms unfurn. & furnlshad apt. S.A.E. Alpha Xi Omega Phi Alpha

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• Fantastic Party House (Pool Table, Pinball Mach., Fireplace, Color TV, Kitchen Facilities) Steak and Ale is looking • Indoor Heated Pool docker rooms) for outstanding people • Gat Hooting & Air Conditioning

• Utilities Paid, except electricity L&K LAKSLU to work as waiters FRIDAY SPECIAL ALL THE PERCH Gas Ranges • Refrigerator/Freezer • Wall to Wall Carpeting and cocktail hostesses. Laundry Facilities in each Building YOU CAN EAT Village Wide Security System For Undisturbed Privacy $169 CSTEAK 1 Quarter Leases for Univ. Students TUB OF FISH $259 WITH PT. OF COLE SLAW »275 On A 4 Person Rental TUB OF FRENCH FRIES Lease • 6S.OOper person RESTAURANTS Marriod Couple * 19 S.OO per mc •180 OF AMERICA. INC Unfurn • 1 SS.OOpermo. SJ HAMBURGER SEE MODEL AT SUITE 5-SHERW00D We offer above average earnings, I & Hours: 10-12,1-5Mon-Fri.,Set. l.*5 flexible hours, and employee benefits. >: BOWL OF SOUP Apply in person daily from 2-4:30 AFTER 8 P.M. 853 Napoleon Rd. - Phone 352-6248 $j[oo Steak and Ale Restaurant 2 L&K L&K Cherry Hill Village (Across from Southwyck Mall-Only 20 min. from BGSU) Xi»n»M»ii»ii»ii»ii»iit» I0m0m0n0u4na0mj*0ia0i^t W.dn.iday DMtmbn 5. 1973. Ih. BG N.w, »oo. 5 Conaway resigns from SDP

By RoMo Stewart designed to aid minority dominantly white college Student Development program's services into the 1 students' community.' he said Program at various communities Irom which Frank L Conaway. co- According to Conaway. Conaway noted that the seminars ' he said "I'pper- students are recruited ordinator of recruiting students react to him just as program aids minority stu- classmen in the program go operations for the Student they react to the black staff dents through tutoring and along on the trips because Development Program members counseling services they can relate their actual Conaway bases his i SDP) at the University, has Many students had to go My job as a staff college experiences.'' he interest in SDP on his beliel resigned his position His through a period of adjust- member has been setting up said that every person should resignation becomes ef- ment just to talk to me but conferences by contacting have the right la a good fective Jan. 31 then they began to look upon guidance counselors in the IN THE PAST he directed college education no matter What has it been like to be me as just another stall ditlerent high schools in the "Outreach Program what race one of the only two white member, not a white man.'' Ohio and representing the which extended the stalf members of a program he said "WHEN I came to the Stu- Permanent phone book: dent Development Program in the summer of 1971 I was familiar with the operation of the program and its pur- delivery planned next week pose because I had worked closely with it through my previous position in the Ad- The 1973-74 permanent The permanent directory security numbers and missions Office, so I didn't University telephone includes faculty, stall, stu- hometown addresses will feel so out of place." the directories should be dent and departmental not be included this year, listings 1965 University graduate delivered bv Wednesday. she said Publication of said Dec 12 McComas said dis'ri- hometown addresses often "The purpose of the Stu- Charlene S McComas. bution ol the books was resulted in solicitation by dent Development Program University Publications delayed this year because companies that somehow is to help minorities find out Oil ice writer, said yester changes in the information obtained copies ol the information about Bowling day the books will be distri to be included necessitated directory, she added Green and to help them buted in residence halls r e p r o g r a m min g the adjust both academically University otlices and the computer A student listing will frank L Cwiaway and socially to a pre- Commuter Center STUDENTS' social include the student's local address, telephone niimlHT and the hometown and lipcode, McComas said 'There arc some dis- Need gasoline? Try Tijuana advantages with this.' she said but Ihe hometown is B) Peter Arnelt borders are I inding out crossed into Canada to gas appeared or were expected Two racent Indiana University graduate* left on a slow boat listed SO you could find out .i Associated Press Writer Last weekend gas-thirsty up at a score ol other points Canada produces its own Chinese from China, planning to travel from Cincinnati to Now home address Americans tilled their tanks oil and exports nearly a This years directory is Orleans James Klein and Bill Munro. both 22, oro skippers of QatleM Sunday has come at Mexican border towns million barrels a day to ihe AN ASSOCIATED Press red and cm it led "Phone river rats a 27-foot, six-inch teak wood Chinese junk. They expect the to the United States But ranging Irom Malamoroson survey of 15 border United States Number) trip to last about 3-6 weeks. south ot the Mexican border the Gull ot Mexico to crossings showed gai and north into Canada there Tijuana on the Pacific side appetites varied widely An GAS STATION attendants is gasoline galore--as Other Americans drove old man in a truck' took in both countries geared lor American motorists lucky north into British Columbia home 200 gallons in several the! S motorist demand Registrar moils schedules home enough to live near the Irom Washington State, and tanks Irom Tijuana, a US Several stations in NtMVO customs inspector said Laredo. Mex . opposite Cary Brewer assistant lo addresses receive copies ol their Brewei said copies ol Six US cars served at Laredo. Tex . stayed open 24 the Registrar, said 15.100 Schedules may (nek them up complete schedules will not Williard Williamsons gas hours a day. seven days a Students pre registered He HE SAID students who beginning Jan - in the lie av ailable be lore station at Port Frances week to accommodate said 4 Jim ol them received went through drop-add and (•rand Hallroniu. Union Christmas tur.ik Ont , just a block from the Americans partial schedules completed their schedules border, simply Idled their in Juarez, opposite K' students with complete will receive an updated, tanks and returned home Paso. Tex . the general schedules will receive a complete schedule when Both Mexico and Canada agent lor the government Play opens tonight copy ol their schedules with they receive their bill have ample oil supplies gas monopoly I'emcx said their account statements Those who did not Mexico nationalized its oil there is enough gasoline tor Brewet said ihe combined complete their schedules Ceremonies in Dark Old Ihe best play produred mi- wells in the late 1930s, and Mexican residents plus the mailing Will bo sent today before the account state Men .1 dr.1111,1 ni ghetto hie SI'.IS,HI has more oil than it needs anticipated increased and tomorrow to the ments were printed last today in Harlem, opens I In..led by III Harold Border newsmen said no demand from across Ihe Rio students hometown weekend will lie billed only tonight in the .loc K Brown Oliee the pla\ runs through local shortages had Grande lor the number ol hours Theatre ,11 H p m Sunday Tickets are 25 cents show11 on then schedules Written by Lonne Kldcr lor I'niversll) students with Soviets want real blue jeans Brewer said the net* III. the play was first IDs. 50 cents for children mailing system will show produced by the Negro and 11,30 lor udjlts Thejbai l-'.nscmblc Company in New. MOSCOW IAP' Stirred camps, but the Soviet Union** *on won't wear them students how main class, Office is open Monbaj York during WM II by repeated promises of is still trying to close the Nedelya Investigated anil hours they are buying Kndiiy II .1 in :t :inp m ami received Ihe Oboe Award as more consumer goods, jeans gap found Ihe Soviet Union He said a copy ol Ihe alter 7 p 111 on performance Russians are starting to ask Why is it so difficult lo doekn'l make the real thing student's complete schedule Broadway duung the ltOt-70 evenings why they can't nave things buy the needed things" and even those produced are will be mailed to the like real blue jeans asked V MoTOZOV ol Cheh.i llinisy and ot poor quality students campus address The lew pairs of Western binsk Who said he has been Textile experts told Ihe the week before winlei blue jeans that appear in the Irving to buy ,1 pair ol jeans weekly that new machines quarter begins The mailing Soviet Union are coveted lor years are nol suited tor making is planned 1 or 1 tec 2t» or 27 items He wrote lo Nedelya Ihe the high density fabrics Students who ilo not Out Now. Some youths try to buy weekly magazine of the needed for true jeans them illegally Irom tourists government newspaper on the streets ol Leningrad Izvestia In HJ he bought an or Moscow The reported imported pair lour years ago black market price lor a bul his son has worn them 1974 IS GOING TO BE pair ol genuine jeans is 100 out and wants new ones rubles liu equivalent ol Morozov said Soviet sub- A GREAT YEAR FOR assss****dft«M! S134 at the official exchange stitutes are no good and his rale They sell lor around Topeko mayor Bill McCormkk seemed lo be Gamma Phi Beta! $17 in New York practicing what he was preaching about energy conservation last week when he rode a bicycle to Congratulations to our work. But the mayor said he took to the bike LEV! STRAUSS produced House the original about 120 years ot because it was a nice day and "I needed the ago in the California gold exercise." Fabrics New Officers! President - Bev Park Thanks For Helping Us With ONE DAY Vice-President — Kathy York ONLYI Recording Secretary — Jane Corbin Formal Desserts Corresponding Secretary — Jane Genuit ENTIRE STOCK OF SOLID Treasurer — Christy Schmidt SAMPLE CUT Assistant Treasurer — Denise Burrows TERRY FRANZ JOHN S0F0NIA DOUBLE KNITS Chapter Development Chairman — 100% polyester and 100- Barb Peticolas DAVE KUKURZA MARK RIPLEY actyiic double knits in beautifully textured and nch colored solids. Scholarship — Ann Clark BRAD BIGGS RICK FREDECKER 2 and 3 yard designer lengths. 58 to 72 inches wide Totally Pledge Trainer — Pat Pivonka JOE WIDMAN BRUCE BURKHOLDER wrinkle resistant Regularly Assistant Pledge Trainer — BILL IU0SKA DANA FIRST '2.98 yd. DAN ELBER BUZZ Beth Brubaker $188 Membership — Deb Elgin Now 1 yd. Assistant Membership — Sharon Clark GOOD Social - Pam Keever 1 (if latest issue of EXIT Magazine it on sale Today The Sisters Activities - Peggy Byerly Here in Bowling Green, the capitol ul Ihe Ini- ONLY verse, you can get EXIT at: SUNDAY Senior Pan-Hel - Sally Dickinson of The Inion DEC. 9 Junior Pan-Hel — Connie Morgan Metamorphosis I iiulri v Kn in (Is House Chairman — Susie Petersen Puppet's & Dorseyt Drug* Alpha Phi 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Stewardess — Cam Cestone

TONIGHT IN CONCERT TICKETS ON SALE UNION TICKET OFFICE 1st FLOOR MEMORIAL HALL STEVE MILLER BAND AFTER 7 P.M. $5.00 8 p.m. MEMORIAL HALL SPONSORED BY U.A.O. OPENING ACT: RICK ROBERTS •/The MO Newt, W.dnt.doy, Dtumbtr 5, 1973 Experimental studies courses provide education alternatives

i By Karfn Edwards ACCORDING TO Dr Phil- our basic job. he said studies is to provide a lips. Ihe program IM'R.III in Through the Office's in vehicle lor students wishing tYou're tired ol taking re l%H and is just starling its dependent studies program, to pursue a topic not easily (Aired courses You want to fifth yeai any sophomore, junior or Classified or categon/ed take a course that s really Last spring, its budget senior can lake :l Hi hours ol under the various different You think you was cut $211 OHO He said Ihe independenl study under a • departments could learn more by doing program is restricted by the desired faculty member Hi ••UNTIL THE budget cut. ail independent project in an budget and each instructor I'luiiips said The stud) i an a stipend ol $200 could be area ol interest or by in- in Ihe program gels only he done during different given to help sludents with writing in a specihcd held $300, a small honorary foi quarters or all Iti hours can expenses in their inde- • II you lit any ol these cate- teaching the course be eai ned in one quarter b) pendent studies," said Dr gories, the University s The budgel cut will pursuing studies of I campus I'hillips With the budgel rixperimental Studies inhibit our ability to Or Phillips explained that cut. we can'l afford to give (Yogram may be able to innovate hm we ll still do Ihe .urn ol the Independenl the linancial aid anv more ' provide a solution through ' ill seminar courses anil tadependent studies programs Windmill serves double duty: 1 We maintain that there are interesting things to be learned other than average academic subjects said camouflage and place to live Dr Trevor .1 Phillips Oihce ot Experimental H\ Judi Shrider fastened lo the side ol Ihe structure by a rope Studies director hut Roper s.iid several 'lines lun lnvinfl The windmill on ('lough Slreel wasn I huill sludents cut the vane loose during hitfh 'The aim ol die program lo take advantage ol Bowling (Jrwn s wind winds He said it was almost impossible to is {» provide an alternative Instead, M was constructed lu cover an gel it secured again lot the use ol elective hours unsiyhily smoke stark from .1 tin nacc used to to complement and supple hr.ii apartments across ihe slreel THE WINDMILL looks rather small Irom ment what is tieing done in The windmill was built in Ihe laic 1930s by outside hut there is plenty ol living spare the University and to tr\ out It II I'rschel I'rschel the most successful I rschel designed Ihe windmill hmisell and ship s ladders arc used as stall ways between courses offered were a the shingles are hand hewn 0,1k Irom wooded I loots stbdio course in silver Built in tht 1930s, this property he owned in Vrkansas Healing was no problem when Koper lived smithing Ihose courses windmill on Clough Street in the windmill lie said Heal Irom ihe dealing with religious sub- adds o touch of the "Old THE wt 4RRY behind the windmill also smokestack kepi the place so warm the jects, and those dealing with belonged lo t rschel It was dug to provide residents had to keep windows open yeai World" to Bowling Green. the roles ol women stone 10 pave Woosler Street and was latci round The late B. H. Urschel t'Our program was Ihe used .is .1 cilj swimming pool, run in The large lurnace previous!) located in the constructed the shingles from I list outlet at this University Bowling Ureen's Women's Club I'rschel basemen! has been removed and (here is now lor courses on women he hant!-hewn oak. Overlooking bought the 1(11.111 \ .nid on found MIL; land Irom a one man basemoni apartment said the quarry, the windmill has the Women's 1 'tub (ieorgc Russell <>i Lmkey has owned the Dr I'hillips said Ihe brought much enjoyment to One ol the lirsl people lo live in the windmill Since l%4 He said he has no Office tries to offer 12 13 students who used to |ump windmill was Koberl Hopei who is now problem renting 11 but there is no waiting seminar courses per administraloi ol the Medical Center lie list from the balcony to the cold quarter each worth lour lived there in 1939 wiih live othei students Russell said he receives many calls Irom water below. hours ol credll dialling Koper described the windmill us .1 inn students interested in renting the windmill lor both the seminar courses place io live In racl he said it was MI much They're surprised when they find out it is and independent study is on lun ihe residents didn'l make vcr> igond available he said anS I' basis he said grades Russell said he preleis to rent to VOUIUj He recalleil swimniiiig and iisiung m ihe people so he keeps the rent reasonable A quarry, explaining thai the watei is x.. dose married couple lives in the windmill this ihe boys ot leu used Ihe halcon\ on Ihe second yeai lloorasadlvinfl platiorm 11 everyone followed the builder s Although there i> no powt 1 h tot ip Ihe example smokestacks could be an aesthetic windmill la i)perable The vane used to be asset loan) neighborhood WEDNESDAY NIGHT is PAGLI AS CHARITY PIZZA NIGHT Percentage of profits go to S.B.O. Charities Board Food prices to remain steady The most Irequcnl planned I'ugh explained ihe petroleum situation question raised h\ students The advent ol price She also pointed oul continues to worsen trying t«> live on the $HiO changes i> essentially out ol wholesale price drops have Menus may be subject to \ (jcmliaceptive. Food coupon system is that our hands \\ .• a re been passed on lo students the availability ol energ) ll ol prices Mona Pugh, completely -it the mei . \ ol tins quarter Primary wholesalers are forced to 'oamM associate director ol r'ood MIII purveyors Wholesale decreases in dining halls cut back deliveries ot tood to Services, said yesterday prices comma nd have been in ihe charges lor the University menus will that no great changes are fluctuation! It) OUr pines hacon and egg products have to be planned on the Students have helped supply ol food available on hold the prue line by certain days showing respect lor the Uni- The only planned menu FALCON COLLEGIATE versity's dishes and silver- change is the possible ware, Pugh said students addition ot a casserole dish have also taken advantage ol lor the evening meals This SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB the carry-out system, is designed lo alleviate the although paper supplies ma> price squeeze on the heavj Birth bo more dilticult to secure it eater. Pugh said FREE MOVIE & ORIENTATION 8:00 P.M. Magazine society organized Control A club for students interested in working (or magazines 220 MATH SCIENCE BLDG. was organized Nov 27 Members voted to call the organization the Benjamin without Krankhn Society because Kranklin was the lirst American THURS.DEC.6 who thought ol publishing a magazine The) also approved a constitution and elected officers Hormones About 25 students will become charier members ol the EVERYONE WELCOME! professional society The) are gathering information about regional magazines and are planning to canvass editors and publishers lor job opportunity information EMKO ii J highly effective The club will hold its next meeting Jan 8 sperm-n, i.If in an aerosol foam (h*( is deposited ai the open ng of ihe Utenu with an .ip- plicaior The foam blocks (he SAVE THE NEWS sperm while the spcrmiculc kills them on contact. TAU KAPPA EPSILON EMKO contains no hormones mi does not enter the cir- WOULD LIKE TO cuUtion svstem or affect your body chemistry. WISH THE GREEK You use it only when pro- WANTED tection is needed. Apply it in COMMUNITY A leconds . up (o an hour in dvance Won't leak, tun. or Delivery People interfere with sensations SPAGHETTI & GARLIC BREAD VERY MERRY Re


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>«l SAVE 30' oioi DiniMESIZE «« PAMPERS DIAPERS c? I Great Scot . FRICNDIY FOOD STORES > I The BG Niwi W.dn.i.iav Dtwnbft S. 1973 Alumni group aids University

By Jan.n Veres Uonalors specify which area said The ollice keeps a year, keeps alumni up to Jerome III. who thought the their contribution is to be record ol every alumnus, date on campus news. house was too small lor his Once a student graduates. sent, he explained the organizations they Hansen said family needs. Hansen said he or she is not necessarily Unrestricted lunds are belonged to as under- The association also For a while the home "out of touch' with the used (or student scholar- graduates, their marital answers "thousands ol economics department used University ships, grants, departmental status and their occupation letters Irom graduates con- the house lor its home According to Fred advancement, special stu- cerning University management courses but in Hanscn associate director dent-related projects and According to Hansen. the activities." he said. 1963 the association moved ol the Alumni Association, the Alumni operating Alumni Association works The association began in into the President's old there are more than 42.000 budget. Hansensaid as a public relations depart- 1957 with Ken Krouse as the home University graduates who ment Alumni and others in hrst director under Uni- Kxlensive remodeling was ■re association members SPECIFICALLY, the contact with ihe association versity President Halph done on the inside ol the Hanscn described the association sponsored the can recruit students lor the McDonald house The kitchen, garage association as an integral 22nd Annual Student Art University and help under- and bedrooms were part ol the University which Kxhibit. appropriated graduates I ind |obS, he said The present alumni house converted into otlices The provides aid and assistance money to the Department ol was purchased 40 years ago living room was kept with a to the University, students. Psychology lo establish a At Howling (ireen." a and used as the President's lounge atmosphere but faculty and alumni Research Design Award, magazine published by Ihe home until the admini- paint, carpeting and drapes Students may he aware and to the Center ol Popular association live times a stration of Hi William T were added thai the organisation solicits Study lor publication ol their lunds Irom alumni and maga/ine Popular Culture others Hut what happens to Methods and lor a scholar- INlNll 10 MIYIOUS »uim these donations? ship in American Studies ExQfTI "* all-nighter season hat arri.ed1! From left, larry Hess, DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE The alumni association the Alma .1 Payne Scholar- senior (B.A.I and Dennis Maianec, senior (B.A.) prepare for can only directly utilise un- MMUSS •; Part. .1 ham. ship l Il4.r mi *■ TA. .... more than $91,000 to i». In ihr frMif M.nW The a pp I loan I must to the student's ability t<> students in scholarships i: \.i(.i i na«li \ " iwi.H ship loi .i ill*' program provides • •II* •(••aline sindi'iii wishing in sluih in loi one \iiifi n.III sluoVni i<> submit a narrative stale function In .1 tierman uni- They .ilso have financed I* 4* Ion* :• pMtaUr* IMH H m m i (■> sun is go in .i i..I in,HI I nivei ->ii\ men) explaining why he 01 versity. tuition scholarships to lb || •eamdaWMa) I \ transcript ol the I niversity national merit n *-.i ...a I* 1 ttirUNM |)i I. Edward Shuck riii <>i his M-ii'i nun The student she wants to stud) in «.«pi». ecloi ol Inlei n.Hi l' will have lo altidy ihc tierman) and how ihr student g work at ihc Uni- scholarship I inahsts. :, i t>llt*a* ... v..ii, ' ■rollna I *r ■ >t: i.iiii -> -• ud yeslcrd t\ < .mil,HI language .it ihe uni program will apply i<< ;■ versity through tall quarter Hensen said H I - II Whrrl |i The student will receive it i •• i-"i || -iir.mui Hie deadline loi Ihe .tp| Ii wrsih also he said career, The Parents Club was |] If II reWflVrtfi t'Jluiti hu* i ■ rii mo veil hi In slunk said Ihe Tlic International Pro tuition and Ices and 400 organized by the assocl mmtmm ». ,.!, !■ II....„>.I 4 progi .mi requirements are ((rams office musi receive marks per month in rash lor ation This club helps 14 -..„,,.,, , a in iiiiinili period parents ot undergraduates 13 T.k* a Ink. two letters ol re<*om Ill Main. ..ler If. niendatinn Irom professoi s Students wishing more in gel involved both financially || sr. .|,rll ;» I'nlo ■ •iii- win* IIIII^I i»- irom tin' formation should call the and personally with the Cni- it \ppm II IT In ,,..,,„.. 1 niversit) s tierman International Programs verslty, Hansensaid Parenl , nn.lrl lil.'Hi M> I)-....I...,, ., ;» i MIM department, who will attest officeat 372 2247 contributions helped sponsor han.l.nim* ..,.h »l IV,mil guest lecturers seminars I Oisttwll It k,.l-,n ..,.,1 INKSTONE '.: sl.lll ..r I-,. .1 In ' -I <: I .w- * f i and student group travel »nii!..h Professor to speak An important aspect ot i, Retail*' «l • ; s.,,.ll rtrtti. In •• clement Moore Henry, associate professor ol political every alumni association is IR OArrr* m i IV * llaMf i'i ll..." Phi. science at the t'mversit) <>i Michigan, opens the political the communication and in- i: t..,,.. ni . I .,ht mi science department s second guest speakers scries formation 11 provides gradu i. MfkajM, NHl |l | hr,k> undergraduate literary magazine •I.IS-I tumor row night ales .ind others. Hanscn Positions open lor Art tditor (student with exper Henry Mill discuss tcchnocrac) and political development by Garry Trudeau ence in design preferred I Staff positions in fiction .11 7 p ni in the 1 ' Koom I nion DOONESBURY and poetry are also open Application lorms are avail- Authoi ol several articles on parly politics in North Africa • able in 104 Hanna iMKA Office) Fill out application .uni the Middle Kasi Henr> taught loi three years ai the \mei 11 an t niversit) t'airo 8 and attend first stall meeting, 5:00 P.M.. Monday, / / AM AN OLP , . ^ BUT CAN YOU you SBe, January, in 301A Hayes He presentl> is studying the role ol engineers in Egyptian MJMAN, $08 I KNOW Be si/ne IT U/AS MS L00, TH£H£ * * * politics Mine Kiev have become Ihe most influential group NOTHING OF POLITICS I AN AMencAN nAue. 4HB MANY PlFFOeNT in ihe Kgyptian political elite HNOIUONLV THAT THE MS LOO' THIS, OF KINPS OF PLANBS - TUtRt IT WAS A NAVY Deadline foi submitting poetry and fiction manu McPONNELL fABl OH, YES. \ question and answer session will follow Henrj s formal AlfZPLANl CAMS AND couese. is OF VITAL ARE BI6 ONES, LITTLE ONES, JET PLANES ANP PHANTOM U THAT'S scripts, ait woik. and photographs is Friday 15 presentation pesTftovePMv miAee. IMPORTANCE' , February Send to INKSTONE, c o English Depart OURS ment Include name, campus address, and tele HEY I'" T PODNERS! m& WEDNESDAY IS us \ CINEMAI NOW 4th WEEK WIUNlSDAY 800PM ONLY $ DOLLAR DAY HIUMIAY SHOWN Al / Ii & 9 30 PM Cheeseburger Platter ~*m*~ CL3SSIFIED «wm

STREISAND CAMPUS CALENDAR thanx lor the dvnannte 66 Ford Mustang 1 male to till 4-man apt SREDFORD '. pound freshly ground pure beef. Wediwsda> December 5. U*7:i I.M ■ $600 best offer Kx Call 352-7377 cellent bodv& interior 2 TOGETHER! a slice of mellow cheese on toasted Thr siiuU'iiis Meditation Society will You can t say the Alpha 1539 sesame bun, french fries and cole slaw hi»ui .in advanced lecture on Transcendental 1 leniale needed lo sub Gams aren't dealing .1 leas,. ap| .152 9205 tull deck with their 19 served with The Real Thing, Coke. Meditation tonight at t> SO i> m in 2w Math Science Organ F a r f IS 8 The lecture is open to those who practice new aces liood luck on compact best oiler 353- Tranacendental Meditation 2 studious male miniates finals' 3635 4 win and spring qlr . ——•*-- j The Students Meditation Society will share I bdrm ot 2 bdrm Phi Taus - Thanx lor 1968 Chevrolet Caprice hold .1 checking meeting today Irom II p in in the lurn apl $75 tilth each. h. Iping us make some and 1963 Chevrolet Im Perry Hoom ot the I nion It will be open to UnfC who avail end ol tall qtr , ones Christmas a little pala Ph 686 2716 $1.00 pr.K'tice Transeendentjl Meditation call 352 6762 alter 5 p m merrier' The Alpha (i.UIls 1988 MG Mtdaei Mark 3 Inter -Varsity Christian Fellowship will hold an Inter- Need I ^irl> to sh.iT.- 31 ooo actual mileage REG. '1.50 denominational Prayer Meeting lonight al *> iH) p m house 15 minutes Irom The Tekes thank their Lil New lop and lires Ph THE WAY SAVE 50 111 Proul Chapel Open load Howling tireen $50 mo Sisses lor the great 3547443 300 EAST Ph 83-4447 Christmas Part} What a Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship will hold the last weekend The Bros Used lurniiure & ap- WE WERE W00STER ST. Christian Booktabk ot the quarter today from yam Male to sublease W\S pliances Largest dealer Everything WITfd SO to4p in on Ihelirst llmirol University Hall qtr Call 352t»985. $65 a Congratulations Jan and in the area Also new important Ihen even love' PG mo Bear on youi pinning furniture at prices you MOD ONI V RIDES Our family needs a de- Cindy and Larry can altord Kline s I scd Need l F roommate Hide needed lo Western pendable helper 4 days a Furniture & Antiques Call 352-0088, now Don t lorget" 3 lor 1 THURSDAY IS STUDENT fiTE - '1.00 CINEMA 1 4 2 New York Xmas Call 101 Main St turner week. -' SO-S 30p m Own tonite at Canterbury Inn' Martin. 2 4892 transportation, light I females to reoi large Main & Ht 23 RUUUJ housekeeping Alter sun. Ohio 2 need ride to Buffalo, apt knunediatel) Close The Sociology Depart school companion to lo ment in cooperation CINEMA H to campus Call 3511130 H iracfc ear stereo tape N v Wed Dec 13 or \i old 334-si ii after later Will share afternoons with International Stu- player 4 speakers h )0 p ni Siudent dents oilers in Winter expenses Call Kathv. Phone 352-9352 well-time Piano avail SERVICES OFFERED Quarter 1974 Soc 331. ;t7J;>7HI able PRE-CHRISTMAS Paper due and you re Section 3805 6-8 TR. Eth- Motorola FM car radio and reverb unit Phone Young couple will share studying for finals'1 nography People and WANTED Plates m \tric.i .South expenses lo Florida Experienced tvpisl 352- 352 9333 Leave Dec 21 Details Furn apt loshare. 1 or 2 of the Sahara* Dr Lajea 6828 1966 Chevy Impala Vei> SALE Port Clinton. 734 2729 males 2 bedroom. A C. \ inc/eand others good condition Call 353- pool (.'all 352 5611 lor in Watch cleaning i- repair Money lor Christmas' 9244 LOST AND FOUND I or mat ion ing at THE WORKING We will buy your electric HAND CRAFT 1967 Cutlass. 2door. 3on- Found In 408 Moseley. a Need I F lor apt trains Call 2-2436 ask lor CENTER 615Conneaut thelloor Call 352-8148 clear bubble umbrella $60 month. 1 bloek Irom Tony or Gene FEA TURING with blue trim Call 2- campus SM-MB Typist will do your term- 4817 papers 354-0117 For vour PHOTO- FOR RENT Desp need 1 or 2 I to GRAPHIC needs Por- HELP WANTED sublet apt winter & Reliable Abortion Ser- traits. Passports Appli- t bed turn apt to sublet WOMEN'S spring Call35MW96 vice 24 hour service cations, and etc Weiss 4th St Judy 352-7659 Need a job during the Clinic close to area 1 to brod Studio 123 tt Christmas vacation • in Instructor needs a place 24 week terminated by W ouster 354-9041 2 bedroom unlurn apt Toledo*' Call 255-2010 10- (o stav a lew nights a licensed certified ob- I Diversity Courts Avail- 2 II qualified could lead week Call 372 2669 stetrician gynecologist able Dec 15 For CONNIE'S FOR SALE appointment call 352- to part-time work during Immediate arrange quarter Desperately need 2 0164 temale roommates lo ments will be made with Buckle Ski boots size 8 1 $ Need male help on Fri- move in Dec 15 Cherry no hassle Call collect 8 , 352 9292 $20 00 University Village 2 REG. 15.99-»19.99 days and Saturdays 9 2 Hill Apis Call Helen 216-631-1557 bdrm apt available Sony 3 R to R tape Applv at Mr Kd's Pi«a 352-4U98 Dec 15 For appt call Problems'Call CHRIST- recorder Rat or U5v Pub 352-0164 1-2 F rmmls needed tor LINE 3520379 any hour, w blank tapes 352 9292 NOW Domino s is now hiring winter quarter call Barb anvdav $30 00 Room for male siudent drivers Must be 18 and 354-0872 near campus Ph 352 CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT Suits. Sportcoats. Ganl have car $170 plus com- 7365 or 352-1411 $ 87 I'rgently needed • Fe- THE WORKING HAND shirts, all clothes, sz 40- mpus mission 352-5221 CRAFT CENTER 515 male subleaser in a 4 girl 41 Camera, shaver & 2 bedroom apt lor rent in Conneaut Attractive young girls apartment lor winter & much more Best otter January Parnallv turn 13 lakes all Ph 353-0332 needed as waitresses 21 spring quarter In Need tutoring' Latin. ■shed Ph 352-8093 and over Apply in person Campus Manor 505 Greek, ancienl history, Spalding aluminum skis. RATED X al Dixie Electric Co 874- dough. 38-C 352-7367 2 man apl new. turn . beginning French. 195 cm . poles, bindings NO ONE UNOER 17 ADMITTED 8649 tree elect. start winter 1 female roommate to German. English comp . included $75. used once 362-7879 niki's booteru Drivers with own cars share apl with 2 other poetry 352-8002 3520854 I I mm* l.-.l-m 1.x MM JM) MMOI Wmr Saturdays. 5-2 Applv at girls Call 353-9378. evenings Reasonable Apt for rent 2 bdrms Must sell. 1970 Chevy Mr Eds Pizza Pub Balcony, heat & water SATURDAY MIDNITE MOVIES 1 temale roommate lor PERSONALS Impala. air cond . steel paid Call evenings to Stadium Plaza belted tires, vinyl top. Mon.-Fri. 11-9 Male help wnted. Part winter & spring quarter Tonne" 3 (or I at discuss price and other gets good gas mileage, "Asylum" plus "The House That Dripped Mood" Sat. 10-6 Center lime. 20-30 hrs per week with 1 other girl Own Canterbury Inn" arrangements 352-5873 over Christmas break bedroom. '«• block Irom good condition $850 Call ask tor John Priced DOORS OKI N Al 11 30 ALl SEATS J2 00 Call Knickerbocker 352- campus, cheap Call 352- Run rah. ruh rah. ruh rah anvtime alter 9pm 354- from $67 50. dishwasher 5315 5751. anytime ree - Alpha Gams say 0282 available VV.on.iday. Ot»mb.r 5. 1973. Th. BO N«wt/P*ff« t Mark Glover Juniors lend stability

B> M.llk t.lMMM A little more than, luck has been responsible for the Assistant Sports Kditor scoring ol Roes Dobek and Hall Kxccuton has been the key.

The Falcon hocfce> crew hai been lacking tho proverbiali DOBKK is on a scoring binge that could lead to All- sore ihinj; lor most »>i ihia season Amencan selection it the season s end The BG center, who Injuries to ke> players have caused lineup juK^iin^ ami led the team in scoring last year, totals 13 goals and 18 forced COM h Ron Mason loexperimenl with new skaters in assists this season including two hat tricks positions Hall has shown line passing wizardry lately with a total of In addition pla> has varied from good to poor Wtei eight assists The Mississauga.' Ont . native also has scored itarting oui like wildtire by winning their lirsi tour games, five goals 1 tho icers di opped live ol six on the road Perhaps the biggest surprisfjte the varsity program has Stabilit) in am ,M\V dcpartnteni has been rare tor the been the performance of transfer Doug Ross Bowling (Sreen skaters Hoss played lor coach Mason two years ago at Lake Superior Mason knew Ross' scoring talenls and was more ONE OK ih«' rare and welcome 'blue chip performances than pleased when Ross came to BG this fall boon the utlensive line ol Doug Ross Hob Pnivk .ind Since wearing Ihe brown and orange Ross has contributed Steve Ball I- goals and eight assists He is the squad's filth leading The tno oi juniors has managed to avoid injun and has scorei contributed some remarkable scoring performances The junior line remains the onlj offensive unit unaltered THIS OFFENSIVE unit I strength was illustrated since the start ot this year H campaign dramatully last weekend when BG swept a two-game series The sophomore line ol John Stewart, Kith Nagai .ind trom McMaster I'niversity i9 Sand 10-11. Bruce Woodhouse was not so lucky This tno was split up The trio ot juniors combined lor a phenomenal 17 points in when Woodhouse injured his knee during tho Lake Superior Falcon k«rt Bob Dobok (7) and Doug Rot* {10) battlo two McMast*' playert (he two games sonos (nearly \»>\ for tho puck as Stovo Ball (14) watchos lh« action. The three skater* combined It injuries continue tn escape this threesome and their Tho senior lino ol Mike Barlle> Ron Wise and Gerry scoring stays stable, a much needed laclor ol consistency Scramble for a total of 17 points at BG swopt latt weekend »series from the Marlins, 9-6 Bradbur) was changed when Wise dislocated his shoulder at will be introduced to a squad that will need to be Friday and 10-1 Saturday. \ow Hampshire during the Thanksgiving road trip consistently good in the immediate luture \pparonil> luck has been riding on the side ot tho three juniors to avoid tho unfortunate casualties ot their ■ Ar\ woman'sWUIIIUM 3 wordVVUI VJ teammates Dan Garfield Hoopsters excite crowd flteei the F^K©*.*.. Dobek scoring

B> Barb Silver Falcons scored 31.31 and 32 points respective!) in each ol Al Sarachman Freshman goalie Al at red-hot pace the lirst three periods Sarachman joins Mike The I.ins dtdn I go down like the basketball swishing They re relaxed, and hitting like crazj a studenl with a Hartley and Rogei Vrchei through the hoops, but stayed up high spintwise toeheer the U .i thud gai dilate ol Sanna Varsity Club jacket said linn ! look lor seating in the Ice Arena-this Falcons during last Saturdays 117-58 trouncing ot Collegiate Institute ill Bowling linen s lans were letting the excitement build up year anyway Athletic Director Dick Young said plans are M.u Murray Ontario to make the Falcon as the score got closer and closer to the magic number ol not being made lo expand the seating because the north end The lans were tar ditlerent trom persons attending the varsity this season 100 is used lor various other campus activities including indoor lasl tew How ling Green lootball games The lust year netman has Kevin Brake added two more points to «8 and the crowd tennis, archery and social events The enthusiast! at the basketball opener were on their been sharing goalie dut) went wild leel it the mention ot Mark Cartwright. every time Skip with Mike Lull and lion We ve done it. and we still have more than eight minutes Howard blocked a shot and whenever a play was well Boyd "II the lee Arena would have been built in Ihe shape of a letf shouted a coed to her girltnend executed Sarachman has posted two horseshoe in Ihe first place, we wouldn't have to worry, but Not Mil) did the lans clap throughout the game, but more Brake was the one strong point in Ihe final minutes ol the wins in goal lor the varsity wedidn I know hockey would go over big," said Young remarkable they stayed until the lasl second Hashed on the ball game With lour inexpeneced players Brake had the II ii •• to date 'anH 4 triumph scoreboard know-how and control to try and settle the nervous ovei Buffalo ami a 10 1 The team made it easy tor the crowd to cheer sophomores vicloi v over McMaster I'm Brian (elelano and Bruce Wodhouse, who viewed last II all started with the new way ol announcing the starting versitv I The mistakes (hey made are familiar to those who pla) weekend's McMaster series Irom the stands, are expected lineups The players ma> have not liked the one-on-one to be back in action Friday against Michigan Tech Ron 9fci,nion It threw the cheerleaders oil because they little but the crowd also was comparing these rookies lo the experienced players who watched from the bench Wise who is nursing a dislocated shoulder and a chipped cotildn t hold their pyramid but the girls in the crowd Tech leads poll (ooth, is not expected to return to the ice for about six thought it was cute A young man in a green shirt was on his leet at almost weeks, according to coach Ron Mason Michigan Tech I nlvei sit) good showings last week as He) ' They re introducing one ot ours, then theirs, that s every basket and substitution, clapping and whistling loudh Veteran defenseman Kevin MacDonald is making a run at ■ took Over the niimhei one they walloped previously neat' someone exclaimed even ill the linal Stan/a an embarrassing record In a dozen tilts. "Mac D" has 21 I spot in the latest national ninth-ranked Michigan 7 u They have to shake hands Kiih the guy they re playing trips to the penalty box lor a fill mi ante total He is Hearing It is this kind ol spirit and supixlrt that will earn Bowlmg 'collegiate hockey poll i mi and 8-4 against 1 wonder what they say to each other.' one girl said Roger Archer's 1972 record of 94 Mwtes in the box The Green's talented basketball leatn through the season to the dieted b) WMPI. radio ill Ihe No I ranked Huskies to her bovlriend season mark for "miscues". 36. was accomplished by Bill MAC championship Hancock Mich will invade the Ice Arena "Probably something obscene, he answered Koniesewich in Ihe 1970-71 season Howling Green fans had then lirst look at Cartwright ma Michigan lech garnered 11 id.iv and Saturday to play real game situation The transfer from the University oi six ol a possible III lust Howling Green's leers in a Maryland did not let anyone down place votes bumping Wis weekend series Bob Schlitts made a gallant appearance in the varsity His arms are almost as long as my legs a blond coed Dolphins' triumph consul I niversity from the The WMPL ten is as ranks last Friday when he scored his first varsity goal since laughed top spot Wisconsin, w'ho follows; leaving the club hockey squad previously held the No 1 Speaking ol the hockey club, il whipped Toledo last Cartwright s moves were quick and his mobility was 1 Mi. higun li-.h [I I Ii Mpll ranking Mine the lirst poll in amazing considering his seven-foot irame Towering over 2 Wisconsin 19-2-11 85 pis Saturday. 14 1. with Ron Stone and Jim Bakke collecting hat results in 3-way tie October, received the tricks the much smallei MacMurray team, he could shoot 3 Cornell I2-0I 66 pts unchallenged remaining tour lirst place 4 Colorado College 17-31 6lpts MIAMI lAPl We caught i he -aid In' rated voles 5 New Hampshire 13-1) 46 pis 1 With a super Turkey-week trip in the East and one goal ins 1972 interceptiterception ii and 62 Tin [Hill is based on the THK CROWD received Cartwright as children receive a team that was Irothing at 6 Denver (8-1-11 43pts and six assists against Mcaster, Mike "Bronco'' Bartley yard touchdown return selections made by in ol ihe 34pts Santa Claus and Cartwright had lots ol goodies lor the Ihe mouth, said Pittsburgh 7 Minnesota i6-4-l> moved into third place in assists il4l and total points 1231. crowd such as blocked shots and 10 lor 12 trom the held against Baltimore in the nations s tup collegiate 8 Boston College I l-Oi 30 pis Coach Chuck Noll alter the Bob Dobek 131 total tallies i and John Stewart 1261 are ahead Coach I'at Haley let the young men play as a team, but he Miami Dolphins bolted lo a 1972 AFC title game as a coaches 9 St Louis (7-21 23 pts ol Bartlev wasn t .itraid to substitute 30-3 halllime lead on live greater thrill Michigan Tech had two 10 Boston University 11 1) 17 pts With less than two minutes gone in the game. Haley sent pass inlereeptions before in Jack \\ issman and Brian Seanlan emerging with a 30-26 Wissmans first try swished through the hoop A lew National Football League minutes later he stole the ball and passed it lo Cash who victory over the Steelers UAOhas promptly deposited it through the basket Monday night Kveryone jumped to their leel. shouting their approval. A The loss was Pittsburgh s young man. dressed in bright plaid pants yelled. "Wiss looks third in a row and dropped great the Steelers into a He with Quart Cokes Wiss just earned his keep, another student said, Cleveland and Cincinnati lor grinning, obviously pleased lirst place in the Coherence's Thinking no one worked as well together as Diek Selgoand Central Division SnbmnqWOODYALl^ Jell Montgomery or Cornelius Cash and Howard, il was Pittsburgh and Cincinnati good to see the variety ol players eonlrol the game and have 8-4 records with Cleve- * HOWARD C05ELL make everything click land 7-3-2 All have 667 per- Tonight!! centages Cash s power, rebounding ability and overall agility was Four interceptions by impressive as usual ,210 MftM -SCIENCE Miami salety Dick Anderson proved decisive in the HE DID get into loul trouble before the first half was over nationally televised game ■ although some of the calls were shaky i which hopefully He returned two of them for A full 32 oz. of Domino's will disappear before the conference games begin Dolphin touchdowns He The depth is there to back Cash up but it's nice to know a also took a third 31 yards to player with pro credentials is on the floor coke, to compliment your pizza the Steeler three to set up a Leading 62-30 al halftime. the Falcons left for tbe locker two-yard scoring pass from for only a quarter. room amid whistles, stomping leet and cheerleaders waving Bob Griese to LETS MAKE A DEAL! towels over their heads < Where were all the banners, tight end Jim Mandich handkerchiels and scarves, anyhow'' i Anderson s lour steals tied DOMINO'S PIZZA 352-5221 Apartment for free? No, but The third quarter did not show a let down of points The the league single-game We'll give you a terrific deal for your money! THE BROTHERS OF TAU KAPPA EPSIL0N WOULD IIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING SEMI-FORMAL, CAMPUS-WIDE » 2 large bedrooms PATRONS FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS » L-shaped living rm. w/balcony CHRISTMAS DINNER DANCE » 2 large bedrooms TO THE 1st ANNUAL TEKE ALL GREEK » Heat & water paid CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR NEEDY CHIL- Sponsored by Kohl & Founders Halls » Cable TV DREN. Friday nite, Dec. 7 » Free central air cond. Dinner - 8 p.m. - Dogwood Suite, Union • Dishwashers available COCA COLA CO. OF TOLEDO CENTRE MARKET Dance - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. - Commons » Other nice features PEPSI COLA CO. OF TOLEDO DIXIE ELECTRIC CO. ■featuring "Greenwood" MR. & MRS. E. T. ALEXANDER TOM HONSA PRICE AND TERMS MR. & MRS. MERLON ERUNNING W00LW0RTHS Tickets may be Dinner & Dance - $10 per couple JARANKO TRADE CENTER SEVEN UP purchased at Kohl (in advance) NEGOTIABLE & Founder's desks Dance only - $2 per couple (available at BARGAIN CITY BOTTLING OF the door) Ask For John -352-5873 BIG N BOWLING GREEN Dinner Reservations Must Be Call anytime especially evenings PAUL MILES MARY MERCER Complete by Tonitel Late evening calls ok. Long distance, collect FREDDY FALCON COMMUTER CENTER calls eicepted from sincere parties. Heisman Trophy awarded to Cappelletti

NEW YORK IAPI ■ . who almost quit Ihe received 114 first-place votes and 524 points He was "After the Iowa game last year I was really confused and maintained those feelings this year No interior lineman has Penn Stale football team early last season, reversed his followed by Texas fullback Roosevelt Leaks, Kansas I felt I just didn't have it any more." he said "I felt maybe ever won the trophy, which, incidentally, is a 17'i-inch field in dramatic fashion yesterday when he was named quarterback David Jaynes and Ohio State tailback Archie tailback wasn't my position It was the lowest point I ever bronze statuette of a running back winner of the Heisman Trophy as the outstanding college Griffin had in college I had thoughts about going and seeing Coach player of 1973 Cappelletti carried the East. South and Far West while JoePaterno." JOE PATERNO of Penn Stale, who has coached such The 6-foot-1. 215-pound senior running back from I'ppcr Ihe Midwest went for Hicks and the Southwest for Leaks stars as Franco Harris. Lenny Moore, Lydell Mitchell. Jack Darby. Pa . more than doubled Ihe point total of runner-up CAPPELLETTI held off. though, and the next week he Ham. Mike Reid. Ted Kwaiick and John Hufnagel. calls gained 124 yards in only 21 carries against Illinois John Hicks, an offensive tackle from Ohio State No interior CAPPELLETTI, a high school quarterback who played Cappelletti "the greatest player I've ever been around lineman has ever won the Heisman Trophy and Hicks was defensive back as a Penn State sophomore, said he enter- "That game turned me around," Cappelletti said "I one of the few ever to finish as high as second tained thoughts of quitting last year after his third game as learned a lesson that if you stick with something longer "No matter how bad things go." says Paterno. "you'll a running back He failed to gain 100 yards in any of those than you think you can. things will workout for you." always be in Ihe football game That's why he's the best CAPPKLLETTT received 229 first-place votes and 1.057 games, although he surpassed that figure five times later Cappelletti stuck with it and galloped for 1.117 yards last player I've ever been around He's faster than Mitchell and point-, from 819 Heisman electors across the country Hicks that season and eight times this year season He increased it this year to 1.522 yards on 286 probably faster over 40 yards than Harris He runs a 4 6 40 in carries and scored 17 touchdowns in leading Penn State to an pads 11-0 record and a berth in the Orange Bowl His career total of 2.639 yards is second only to Lydell Mitchell's 2,934. and IN EXPRESSING his leelings belore the announcement Mitchell played three years as a running back why Cappelletti was a more deserving candidate than John Me is the 37th offensive back but the lirst Penn State Hicks. Ohio State's two-time All-American offensive tackle. Falcons tackle Vikings player to win the Heisman Trophy in the 39-year history of Paterno referred to Penn State's final regular season the award He also is the lirst player from an Eastern school contest against Pitt The Nittany Lions trailed 13-3 at to win it since Hoger Siaubach of Navy in 1963 halftime but rallied in the final two periods with Cappelletti Last year's winner was flanker Johnny Hodgers of providing some strong running Nebraska Hicks couldn t have won that game for us. Paterno minus disabled Monk THE HEISMAN VOTERS, who traditionally have lavored said Hicks couldn't have gotten Put oil ("loud 9. Cappv seniors and men who played olfensive backfield positions. did

By Kenny While him problems last scorer againsl Detroit with Selgo will be at Ihe other Sports Editor Thursday a 31-point effort guard position "After the game Saturday After tonight's battle the The Falcons snake bitten il really hurt I could hardly Drummer will be joined Falcons will return home for backcourt has been hit by walk to the locker room." he by Pat Lyons and Dan a Saturday night engage the injury bug again with said The BG NewS! The rest of the lineup will be ment with Eastern Illinois one game gone in Ihe young Head coach Pat Haley named at game time. and a Wednesday tip-off season said last night that Mont- against Ball Stale before Ijst year, the bug crip- gomery will not play against Joining Wissman in BG's Ihe Christmas break begins SPORTS pled the backcourt through- the Viking's and Jack starting quintet will be Skip The game can be heard lo- Wednesday, December 5, 1973 Page 10 out much of the hoop Wissman will replace Mont- Howard. Mark Cartwright cally on radio station WFOB campaign and Cornelius Cash. Dick gomery in Ihe starting 196 7 FM). The victim of the deadly lineup touch which sidelined at Tonight's contest will be Kenny White least three performers last the first real lest for the Ticket Info year is Jeff Montgomery Falcons when they match A student ID ticket nights home basketball Monk." the Falcons ll.ishy baskets with an improved exchange is now m progress game against Eastern guard will be on the bench group of Vikings s This is lor this weekend s home Illinois Reserved seats arc Selgo finds employment tonight when his teammates the same Cleveland Stale hockey series with Michigan and Cleveland State square team which came to BG two priced at $2 5o General ad- Tech the nations lop off in an eight o'clocker at year's ago and handed Ihe mission tickets are $1 lor tanked team Public Mall, in Cleveland Falcons an 83 80 defeat students and 12 for adults Reset ved seal tickets lor with steady performances Montgomery, who has not It will be Ihe Falcons' first Students holding basket ihe hockey series are on sale practiced in two days, road trip of Ihe year while it ball ID cards will be priced .it $2 fid General ad viewed yesterday's practice will be the Viking's second admitted to the game by mission tickets priced al $1 in sweats It is believed he is home appearance showing their ID s al the Dick Selgo is a tyke playing a game inhabited by a world Not all courlmen have an easy lime shooting a basketball tot students and $2 tor adults sulfering from a strained Cleveland Slate suffered a V giants Mark Cartwright. Cornelius Cash and Skip Howard However when your size matches up lo that ot a Nate .ire also available muscle in the lower part of 83-79 setback at the hands ol Tip nil lime will be 7 30 .lie some ol Ihe giants Archibald or Calvin Murphy, the proving ground is a little Kaceofl lime Friday is p in his back the University "I Delroit The game they play is basketball more strenuous 7 30 p in with Saturday a The junior performer who Monday The Memorial Hall ticket In an age while basketball players resemble (he skyline lake lor example Ihe case ol Tiny Archibald Tiny game beginning al 2p m hooped 18 points in the The VlkiOgS are listed to office is open weekdays ol New York City. Ihe midget backcourt operator has entered professional basketball .the NBA is .( second Tickets in .ill categories 11urn 9 a in until noon and opening win over start 6'4" Qale Drummer Worked hard to gain a spot in the Falcons starting lineup round draft selection bv the now Kansas City-Omaha Kings .ire now on sale lor S.ituiil.iv from 1-5 p m in 1970 MarMurray last Saturday Drummer, the V ike's best winch has a iron! line averaging B'10' said his back started giving player was the team's top TWO season SOl pain and turmoil followed lor the 5 III ( \ University ot Texas at El Paso star who came into Ihe Dorsett is firsf in 29 years league as a scoring machine After learning the ropes ol Ihe NBA along with gaining some experience, Tiny became Ihe league's best second round pick since Willis Reed

UK HKl 1MK the highest scoring guard in NBA history with a 34 point average last season Tiny had 11 4 assists Freshman Ail-American a game and logged more minutes than anyone in Ihe league Tiny is now the franchise ol the Kings while pocketing NEW YORK (API The wide receiver Lynn Sw.inn Ohio State's Wood) Hayes area hul againsl Pitt tin e> more than $450,000 a season first freshman in 29 years-- ol Southern California, tight calls Hicks the best of- ample, he broke up two sure \- Lit .c. Scl^.i > situation here al BG, he came in with a tailback Tony Dorsett ol end Andre Tillman ol Texas fensive lineman I have ever touchdown passes in the end highly publicised treshman class and promptl) averaged 13 Pittsburgh and three re- Tech. tackle Buddy Brown coached, including Hall ol /one and tackled Dorsett points ,i game as ,i steady solid performer peaters Handy Gradishar ol Alabama, guards Tyler Earner Jim Parker after a 65-yard run lo save The so-called proving ground loomed majestically over and John Hicks ol (lino Stale Lafaucl ot Louisiana State Coach Barry Swit/er calls st ill another score Selgo s ability upon his return lo pre season camp lasl year and Richard Wood ol and Bill Yoesl ol North Semon the greatest down The Falcons had just finished a 4 20 campaign and they Parker ol ISC topped the Southern California-have Carolina state ami center lineman we ve ever had needed players quickly Pacific-8 Conlerence with been named lo The Asso Bill Wyinnn ot Texas here* and we ve had some Chances ol his starting were very questionable last year elated Press All-America Joining linebackers Gradi- really great ones He s eight Interceptions, making because Of his size The fact that he had an outstanding him one ot Ihe nation s college football team lor shar and Wood on the do intelligent and a great open training camp did not overshadow his six loot name The leaders He returned the 1973 tensive team are ends Pal held tackier And lies reason was his backcourt huddle Jell Montgomery also vs.i- eight steals lor 100 yards Donovan ol Stanford and mean." Shoate also is the ,i six looter The 511 '. 175-pound and he holds the conference Randy White of Maryland, fastest man on Ihe Okla- But when the bell rang lasl year. Selgo was in the starting Dorsett finished .is the M tackles John Dulton ol career record ol 20 live lor the opening lip oil Even though he made up one hall lion's second leading rusher homa team in a 10-yard Nebraska and Dave interceptions ol Ihe Falcons small backcourt. he played as though he was with I.5M yards in II games dash Gallagher ol Michigan, Faming honorable men 64 as Put posted its first win Wood called defensive sig- middle guard l.ucious He proved to be a very adequate and integral pan ol the ning record in 10 years anil nals as a sophomore lor lion are Kent Stale end Gary Selinon ot Oklahoma, line- Falcons' machine because ol his steady play He passed first bowl bid since 1956 Southern Cal's national Pinkel. Ohio State guard backer Hod Shoate ol champs lasl season and Jim Kregel and center Steve exceptionally well and performed good on delense His size Joining Dorsett in Ihe Oklahoma and secondary McKay termed him "the Myers center Paul Ryc/ek hindered him some but he his shooting was deadly backlield are tullback men Jimmy Allen ol UCLA, best linebacker I've had al ol Virginia quarterback Bui as in Ihe case ot many athletic performers beseiged Roosevelt Leaks oi Texas Artlmus Parker ol Southern this stage ol his develop- Tim Dydo ol Xavier by injuries when they start playing well Selgo was sidelined and tailback John Cap California and Mike ment He has great strength Bowling Green running back after tour games with bone chips on his ankle An operation pellclli ol l'enn Sale, who Townsendol Notre Dame and quickness and is last as Paul Miles, defensive tackle followed and with il a year ol needed experience finished fourth and tilth in Dorsett is unquestionably most backs Pete Cisick ol Ohio State. With a new season upon the cagers Selgo once again is the national rushing sta- Ihe greatest treshman Townsend ol Notre Dame linebackers Hick Middlelon part ot the Falcon starting live Alter sitting in the stands tistics, and quarterback running back in history His was Ihe nations leading of Ohio State and Mike lasl year Ihe most important thing he got out ol it was the David .I,I%nes ot Kansas, 1 586 yards smashed Ihe pre- interceptor lasl sear This Monos of Miami, and middle analy/ation ol ditlerenl situations In lact. he probably who sel SIX Big Eight Con- vious IK-SI by a treshman - season, teams avoided his guard Brad Cousino of learned quite a bit in Ihe stands last year lerence passing records I 291 by New Mexico Stale s Miami Po James in 1968 His MS SELGO IS one ol the starling guards this season This was Besides the backs and ky Ca, I Sa«i yards against Northwestern the result ol hard work and dedication He is a quiet leader Offensive tackle Hicks the in his thud varsity game and a team player with a desire to excel at any cost Back injury forces Monk from line-up. Offensive team consists ol was the best performance AP All-America He is at his best when he dishes a pass oil to one ol the ever by a freshman and Ins giants who can get a sure two-pointer When it comes lo 209 yards against nationally shooting the rock, he takes a backseat to no one MM nan OkAn. la. ShaaM OkMkamn. 4-1 114 Jvnlat. S... O.U tkhani ranked Noire Dame were OMMM There was nagging question during the preseason camp Bell chosen to compete Ihe most ever allowed by a Waaa S~(K..n Caktatnta. 4-1. 117 as to whether Ihe Falcons could operate with two small Noire Dame leant Tlfht Ina-AnaVa laknan. Jwnkv. Bliak.ll. N.J. guards in their backcourt teak, 4-s. 190. IM>. MK I.. 4~k.-I.rn"., *Jbn. UCUt. 4-1. Ml, Leaks, a bone crunching Wfcia ■ •*.n... Snv- Sank*. OmwaMr. Rn Artwnwi It's too early to tell Ihe eventual outcome However, all 220-pounder. led Texas lo its lha.n Utaio 4-0. 110. Sana*. San '-k.. S~th... UI>M. 4-1. Ill indications are that BG will not lose any talent with Selgo at sixth consecutive Southwest M.I.. C.lrf Sank» S.<..m.n.. CaW. M,». one ol the guards spots, especially when the Falcons in Shrine Bowl game TacMti t.44y «..-. Al.*.-. » U.KH-1 Mam Own. 4-1, 171. Conlerence championship opponent employs a zone delense I. Ml. W« lilih K. . ■ejKtwsje, WsjrwsojYWfi. ^JnrleaV with a league record 1.415 MKk. On- SMM 4-1. 151 Into.. A Iranchise he isn't But when it comes to determining his 1 Defensive safe!) Tom 24 8 average He also Huiing the I97:i season. yards, including a brilliant OayaUna . Ot... Satana* T—m value to Ihe Falcon hoop lortune. Selgo is the type ot steady The Hone Hell has been returned seven punts for 34 Bell wai nominated twice 342-yard game against Ov«**».TyW' UjMlKl. lavntelM OWlim ball player who comes once in a blue moon SMM. 5 10 111. S.n», N.. O.- selected to plaj in the 1*73 yards (.night 17 passes lor Southern Methodist, only How s the old saying go" Good things come in small lor Mid-American Con- Mam. la iJi (MI, Nnrth CnIM Tkjhi In* On Cana. eight yards shy ol the na- packages Fast West Shrine lootball S32 yards .iiid tour touch- ference Player-Ot The- SMM. .0 141. ST.— ntnavah game Saturday Dec 29. in downs He carried Ihe ball Week honors lor his per- tional one-game mark WUa la. -Danny KM San Francisco 4:i limes lor 248 yards and formances .ig.nnsi Dayton Jaynes completed 172 ol CKK.-UI Wym.n 4-1. VaatnAa 111. S--«. Sf.n, 4..",h !., TachkM-taahar ftrawn. Snwlkafn 5 7 average and Western Michigan He 330 passes lor 2.131 yards OvarMriWck-DoU Jaynai. (Ma. CaHfernM; Da.,1 WMM. Maaiaata Mara vie h tops loop The 0-2. 240pound senior and 13 touchdowns and was ran Ihe second-hall kukoti 4-1.107. Sank*. b.» Serin*. «.n CMtaVatart fcWkavkk. Hnn SMM; Irom Youngstown will be against Dayton back 90 intercepted only nine times, lunnin, 4nk.-I.nn C ..»■»■.., Dava M.anlna. Una. SUM NEW YORK i APi - Goodrich ol Los Angeles used in ihe defensive yards lor the second-best one ol the best interception »4nn SMM. 4-1. IIS. S.-» Up*. CanMr.SMn TayMr. Awkwn Atlanta's Pete Maravich. with 26 2 and Geoll Petne ol Daiky. Pa.; T.ny Daraart. •HtaWrfh Owartaikaik-Danny WfcrM. A..,.no secondary lor the Fast m.ii k on the Falcon books ratios ever Portland with 26 S-ll. I7S. >-..Km.n a-Vkna. a SMM. bolstered by a 42-point binge squad Bell was the Falcons Southern Cal Coach John This is a great tribute to »■■■■»■» Laaaa. Taiaa. S-ll. 110. ■unatat SMaa-Waarfy Oman. A.i against Bultalo. regained leading tackier Irom his McKay calls receiver-kick Tony's natural ability as an afvfvtaW. aTnTwfl4TS»4**.f ■•■ tana SMM. nnraa OriMtyi. Oka> SMM; Ihe National Basketball Jim Washington ot Atlanta safety position until tthlete said Falcon head returner Swann as valuable ■arniD Jahnaan. UOA Association scoring lead, ac- took the field goal per- sidelined in nud season with 7mf 7aam coach Don Nehlen He is to us as Johnny Hodgers was cording to statistics centage lead with 55 2. an ankle injury to Nebraska In our offense, l»tv\4 7aom rated an excellent pro- Danmn released Monday Chicago s Jerry Sloan Bell finished the 73 lessional prospect and the he is called on to run. block •nnVfal SMnfani. 4-S. Maravich. who came oil maintained the steals lead season as BG s sixth leading Fast WeSI game will give and catch passes and he is 115