AGENDA SENATE HEALTH & WELFARE COMMITTEE 3:00 P.M. Room WW54 Wednesday, January 12, 2011 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION PRESENTER Organizational Meeting Tamara Priscock and Presentation Introduction to Electronic Rules Review Jan Hanke If you have written testimony, please provide a copy of it to the committee secretary to ensure accuracy of records. COMMITTEE MEMBERS COMMITTEE SECRETARY Chairman Patti Anne Lodge Lois Bencken Vice Chair Joyce Broadsword Room: WG48 Sen Denton Darrington Phone: (208) 332-1319 Sen Melinda Smyser email:
[email protected] Sen Lee Heider Sen Steve Vick Sen Sheryl Nuxoll Sen Les Bock Sen Dan Schmidt MINUTES SENATE HEALTH & WELFARE COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 TIME: 3:00 P.M. PLACE: WW54 MEMBERS Chairman Lodge, Vice Chairman Broadsword, Senators Darrington, Smyser, Heider, PRESENT: Vick, Nuxoll, Bock, and Schmidt ABSENT/ EXCUSED: NOTES: The sign-in sheet, testimonies, and other related materials will be retained with the minutes in the committee’s office until the end of the session and will then be located on file with the minutes in the Legislative Services Library. MINUTES: Chairman Lodge called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. She welcomed new committee members: Senators Heider, Vick, Nuxoll and Schmidt, and asked that each committee member introduce themselves with a short bio. She also introduced the committee’s secretary, Lois Bencken; page, Mary Kershisnik; and intern, Jamie Hess. She reviewed the committee procedure for hearing RSs, bills, and rules, advising that the Department of Health & Welfare (DHW) rules would be reviewed electronically for the first time this year, which will effect a savings of at least $5,000.