Peramiho Priory

Newsletter January 2017 ~ March 2017


I will sing to the Lord all the days of my life. (Psalm 104:33)

The Sisters at St. Scholastica’s Priory wish they could celebrate with “pomp and splendor” the 90th birthday of Sister Guntheris Wenig, OSB last 29th January 2017. Everyone is grateful for the many meaningful and fruitful years she has spent in our priory. Instead of the spectacle, the Sisters lavished her with loving songs and cheers during the common breakfast. Expectedly, the day’s Holy Mass was a celebration of thanksgiving for her Benedictine vocation and for her continued good health, peace and joy. Sister Guntheris was born in Bischofsmais, a municipality in the district of , in , . She was sent to our priory on 22 November 1961. Most of her 56 years as a missionary was spent in the kitchen where she used her culinary skills in serving the Sisters and the people they minister. Age has not stopped her from participating in the work of the community. Until these days she continues to whip up cakes, cookies, bread, and other delicacies especially for the Sisters and Monks who are confined in the infirmary, including the nurses and caregivers. She also takes time to visit, daily, our dear Sr. Fromunda Knoll who has been confined to her bed for some years now due to a fall, and pushes her wheelchair to and from the chapel. She hardly misses a day “reporting for work”. Our brand new nonagenarian is truly an inspiration to the Sisters and Formandees. She is an embodiment of the Benedictine motto of Ora et Labora, always serving with a smile. God be praised for the gift of Sister Guntheris to our priory and to the church. By Sr. Mary Paul Chintala, OSB



Nine Aspirants were accepted to the Postulancy during a simple Rite of Acceptance at the St. Albert Chapter Room after a five-day retreat facilitated by their directress, Sister Christiana Lwiva, OSB. The Prioress, Sister Ruth Bartonico, OSB, and the professed Sisters and Novices were happy to welcome these young ladies who went through the Aspirancy program for almost six months. They had their three months “listening weeks” before they were formally accepted to the Aspirancy last 11 July 2016.

Left photo: Sister Ruth Bartonico, OSB formally accepts the new Postulants in a simple rite at the St. Albertus Chapter Room. Right photo: Sister Ruth and the Novice and Juniorate Directress Sr. Gracia Mligo, Sub-prioress Sr. Grace Mujuni, OSB and the Postulant Directress, Sr. Christiana Lwiva, pose for a commemorative picture with the Postulants.

Our young and vibrant Postulants are Marieta Mwanga (from Arusha), Christina Nyavanga (Njombe), Romana Sulley (Mbulu), Siena Mbwilo (Njombe), Fransiska Mbilinyi (Njombe), Rozi Mbate (Tabora), Theresia Masayi (Geita), Magreth Kitoki (Homabay), and Anna Kaponda (Mbeya). They are joined in the Postulancy by Silvana Punte (Sumbawanga) who is now on her second year as postulant.

They said what they remember from the message of Sr. Ruth is that the next level of formation will not be without its trials and difficulties. But it will also have its rewards and challenges. Let us accompany them with our prayers.



PGSS Tops National Examinations

Peramiho Girls Secondary School has obtained the highest marks in the Form IV National Examinations in Ruvuma Region which has a total of 82 secondary schools. Out of the total number of 61 students in our school 29 girls got Division One (Very High average), 31 girls attained Division 2 (High Average) and one got Division 3 (Average). In addition, our students performed well in the Form II National Examinations and in the Form VI Mock Examinations. 2

Left photo: PGSS students at the celebration of the end of the Maji-Maji Uprising graced by the presence of the German Ambassador to Tanzania. Right photo: School Headmistress Sister Katharina Mtitu, OSB, shares the result of the students’ performance in the National Examinations to the parents during the annual Parents Orientation held last 25 February 2017.

Meanwhile, the construction of the new dormitory building is progressing well. The project which can accommodate sixty boarders is expected to be completed in time for the opening of classes of the new Science Combination Program.

The Science Combination Program has been in the school’s plan for years now. However, it is only this year that the plan materialized in time for the school’s 50th jubilee in 2018. As part of the preparation for this jubilee, the school administrators and staff launched a fund raising campaign to fund the various projects needed for the new curriculum. The fund raising card reads:

“It was in 1968 when the dream of founding a school to educate the young women of Tanzania was born in Peramiho in the district of Songea. Today, thousands of women from different parts of Tanzania have built their lives as mother, professionals, and public servants on the holistic education they have benefited from Peramiho Girls' Secondary School.

In gratitude, we shall honor the school by helping build the future of the next generation of young women by adding Science combinations for advanced level to our curriculum. For this endeavor, we need to construct a dormitory for 30 double deck beds and an additional laboratory.

Be a part of the PERASECO 50th Jubilee dream!

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. (Melody Beattie)

We welcome donation from other priories. Thank you very much!



Finally, the vehicle donated by the Love for the Missionaries – Missions Verkehrs Arbeitgemeinshaft Korea through the facilitation of Sister MadeleineYu, OSB of Daegu Priory, Korea arrived in the Priory last March 5, 2017. Fr. Lucius Marquardt, OSB was invited to bless the vehicle after the Holy Mass some days later. This car will serve the needs of Morogoro Leprosarium apostolate under the care of Sr. Elisabeth, Kerp, OSB.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Sr. Madeleine for this gift to the priory during her one-year assignment in Peramiho and to the generous Korean benefactors.


Sister Josephina Mgaya, OSB, our Vocation Directress, set out on a month-long parish and school hopping to talk about the Benedictine vocation last 7 February 2017 starting in Sumbawanga. She proceeded to seven other places and ended in Njombe. She was able to meet some nurses and nursing students, and young ladies in the parishes. During her safari she was also invited in one parish to give a talk to young ladies and mothers about Natural Family Planning Method. She was amazed at the many questions asked by the women who attended the talk. She felt sad that they get very little information about this important issue.

The seed of vocation awakened in the heart of some ladies she met in the different parishes might yield good harvest. Sister Josephina is expecting more than ten ladies to come for the “Listening Weeks” in our priory. This is a prelude to entrance to the Aspirancy program. Meanwhile, last March 17 – 19, two members of the Vocation Promotion Team, Sister Pendo Nchimbi, OSB and Sister Mary Paul Chintala, OSB, visited three secondary schools in Mbinga together with a priest from the Minor Seminary. They were gladly welcomed by the administrators and were given enough time to interact with the students.


They also visited the family of a prospective Aspirant, Odwina Komba, and the burial site of Sister Notkera Eisenring, OSB in Kigonsera. They asked for her intercession in bringing to our priory young ladies who can journey with us in our mission. We pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to the harvest. Sr. Maria Gabrielle, OSB SPECIAL FEATURE

Sister Friedeswida Ick, OSB by Fr. Lucius Marquardt, OSB (11 March 2017)

When the day’s news from the Philippines reached us that Sister Friedeswida has peacefully passed away after a long and serious sickness, the general reaction in Peramiho to her death was unusually popular, not only in the St. Scholastica’s Convent or in the Abbey, or in the Peramiho Girls’ Secondary School, but even amongst the public outside.

This is remarkable, the more so because Sr. Friedeswida had been out of sight here for a number of years. In fact she has been back in her home country, the Philippines, under regular medical treatment and assisting in the training of young aspirants for the monastic life. Thus, it became clear that her long absence from Peramiho these past years could in no way erase or even diminish the positive impression she has made on many people throughout the years she has spent here. It was, above all, in the Peramiho Girls Secondary School that she has been active as teacher almost right from its foundation. Thus, she can be rightly called one of the pillars of this institution.

But how was Sr. Friedeswida’s teaching profession perceived in the school? First, she was regarded by many of her contemporary teachers and colleagues as a great asset. For instance, during the daily morning tea parties of the teaching staff, she was able to create a relaxed, lively, and open atmosphere due to her stimulatory participation in the conversations, her positive thinking, her conciliatory character, her sense of humor, broad-minded outlook, and not least, her sharp intelligence. No wonder, therefore, that all these qualities helped her very much to act where necessary, as mediator or go-between people with contrary attitudes and to settle disputes in a more or less informal way.

As a teacher in the classroom, she proved to be competent in various subjects assigned to her. She had a special gift to gel her knowledge, though by nature abstract, over to her students, adapting herself as far as possible, to the mentality, cultural background, and level of comprehension of her listeners. Her scanty and faulty knowledge of Swahili was more than made up by her splendid and easy command of the English language. Her correct pronunciation of the English language sounded on her lips as though it were her mother tongue.


But teaching in the school was, for Sr. Friedeswida, more than bequeathing just dry knowledge in order to get good examination results. For her, teaching academic subjects was rather linked to her efforts to help her students become responsible and mature persons, to prepare them in their future life. There is no doubt that she perceived herself as teacher more, and, above all as being an educator and formator. This way of approach was needed by young people who are so much exposed to many influences from outside – good and harmful. Thus, she gave clear guidelines to her followers. Her directives were accepted by many, though they were not always popular, even sometimes strict and demanding. The acceptance of her authority by many students can be much explained by her character. Sr. Friedeswida had a balanced character with a calm composure. For instance, in conflict situation with students, she was not involved emotionally, she was not bogged down in details, but always tried to get the larger picture, the broader outlook, and wider background of issues under discussion.

Thus in correcting unruly behavior among her students she did not always need to take drastic measures. Rather, by persuasion, by patient counselling, motivation and inspiration she may often have achieved better and more lasting results than by using force.

Often when former students who had graduated from our Secondary School many years ago come again to Peramiho for a short visit, usually they do not fail to inquire about Sr. Friedeswida – evidence enough that she still has a place in their minds and hearts.

Finally, we are grateful to the Almighty God for all the good He has done through her faithful servant Sr. Friedeswida Ick, OSB. A special memorial and thanksgiving services will be held for her in the Abbey Church of Peramiho on Wednesday, 15th March 2017.

Fr. Lucius Marquardt, OSB is presently assigned in nearby St Benedict Abbey where he served as Prior from 1992 to 2008. He was also former teacher at Peramiho Girls’ Secondary School. He celebrates the Holy Eucharist in our priory chapel.

OBITUARY † The sister of Sr. Guntheris Wenig, Teresia, 93, who died last January 2, 2017 in Germany. † The mother of Sister Michaela Chibesa, OSB, Lister Mumba, 68 years old, who died in Mpika, Zambia last March 29, 2017. † Alfred Chiwalala, father of Sister Faustina Kiwalala, OSB, who died in Rukwa, Tanzania.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Newsletter Staff: Sister Ma. Gabrielle Costumbrado, OSB, Sister Anuarite Haule, OSB, Sister Leticia Mussa, OSB and Sister Mary Paul Chintala, OSB

That In All Things God May Be Glorified