Postgame Quotes Friday, August 29, 2008


Opening comments: “I think overall we turned out fairly healthy. I think Lou Green has a minor hamstring (injury). Exactly how severe it is I really don’t know at this time. I should know in the next day or two, but I thought that was some great effort out there and I was pleased with the effort going into the fourth game. I got a chance to evaluate some second and third-team players today. We had some great competition out there. We’ll go back and look at that film later on tonight and early in the morning and make some decisions tomorrow to determine who our top 53 guys will be.”

On how tough it will be to decide the 53 man roster in a short period of time: “Yes, normally we play this game on a Thursday night. Obviously playing on a Friday night is a lot tougher, but you have to deal with the schedule.”

On the possibility of cutting good quality players: “A lot of good players are cut in the . There is a lot of competition obviously Arizona feels the same way. You got to make it (the decision to cut) and you’re hoping that if they don’t make your club they’ve got a chance to play in the National Football League. We got a lot of guys who have worked extremely hard to take advantage on an opportunity some will some won’t. Obviously you hope the guys that don’t make your team will get a chance elsewhere.”

On the possibility of RB Anthony Alridge making the team based on his 100-yard effort tonight: “Well obviously I’m not going to tell you our squad. I thought we had some great competition out there today. I thought Anthony did a good job.”

On his expectations for the upcoming season: “Well, I think everybody is looking forward toward their opening day game. Obviously playing the Raiders we are sure looking forward to that. But before we do that we have a couple of days to take care of business. Everything is directed toward your first game of the season. Obviously playing somebody in the AFC West can’t get any bigger than that especially when it’s on Monday night away.”

On the play of QB Darrell Hackney: “I thought Hack did a good job. He made some big plays today especially down the fourth quarter. He did a good job scrambling and made a couple of good throws. He’s 250 pounds and 6 foot not your prototype quarterback, but I’m very proud of the way he handled himself. He lasted the whole game, which was a positive because Patrick (Ramsey) was hurting today. He could’ve gone in there and probably hand the ball off. I’m not really sure he could’ve thrown the football.”

On the status of C Tom Nalen: “Same thing we have talked about before. We’ll find out next week. We’ll just see how he’s going to do. Is it one week or three weeks I can’t tell you. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

On if the decision was already made about the 53-man roster before tonight’s game: “No, we had a number of players that we weren’t really sure about and obviously we are not going to go into how many. There is a number of players that we will have to make decisions on. We’ll get a chance to go back and evaluate that film like I said later tonight and early in the morning and we’ll make a decision.”

On being crowded at the linebacker position: “That’s a problem you want to have. You want to be crowded in a lot of positions. We have more depth there than we had in the past. Hopefully we didn’t loose Lou (Green) today.”

Denver Broncos Postgame Quotes Friday, August 29, 2008

On if he is pleased with the WR Brandon Marshall appeal: “Obviously going from two games to one game I’m very pleased with that. That’s why they have the appeal process. They go through it and obviously I’d like him not have any (games suspended), but obviously one is better than two. As I told Brandon before you don’t worry about something you can’t control and just concentrate on football and I think he’s done that.”


On his appeal: “I’m just excited about the direction we are going into and that’s the past and now its time to move forward. I’m just excited about what we are going to do as a team.”

On how his absence will affect the team: “Offensively, as far as the wide receiver position we are so deep that it’s not going to be a drop off. We all bring something to the table that’s a little different and I’m excited to see those guys go out and make big plays against Oakland.”

On how his teammates are playing together despite looming cuts: “It’s just great. We’re a team and we’re together. A lot of guys out there fighting as you saw tonight. Everyone wants it. We don’t have any individuals.”

On WR Keary Colbert’s reception and CB Jack Williams’ interception return for a touchdown: “One of those will be number one on SportsCenter tonight. So I’ll keep my eyes open.”


Difference in defense's preparedness: I'd say everybody this year understands their responsibility. Everything is defined. Coach (Bob) Slowik has done a great job coming in and making sure everybody knows their responsibilities. I have to say acquisition-wise, bringing in Dewayne Robertson, he's been a great fit for us, setting the tone for the defensive line. Marcus Thomas, he's getting better. Elvis Dumervil, I just think everything starts up front and we've done a great job hitting the ins and outs in the run game. And I really feel like this year we're going to take on Coach Slowik. I really feel like he was fit for the job. He's a really great teacher and we'll adapt well to him.

Difference in Defensive Coordinator Slowik’s Defense vs. former Defensive Coordinator Bates’ Defense: Well Bates, he was a good coach, not to knock him or anything like that, but Slowik -- last year we struggled against the run, we struggled with certain aspects of the game, and he's been hitting that since day one. Defining our roles as a defense, defining our role against the run, and that's been our main emphasis this camp, was defending the run, and everybody understanding their gap responsibility, guys staying in their gaps, guys knowing what they're supposed to do -- and I think we're responding well. The week we had Dallas, we did well against those guys, a big, physical offensive line, but I think we really took it to them and I think that was a confidence booster for us, and I really feel like this year we're going to take off, we're going to be a really improved defense.


How do you feel? “I feel comfortable. I really feel blessed to be in the situation I'm in right now. But I feel a lot of focus coming into the year, I put a lot of work into the offseason with the team, I feel like it's going to be a great season for me.”

Denver Broncos Postgame Quotes Friday, August 29, 2008

Travis Henry wouldn't be back, what goes through your mind? “You know when you hear something like that you just think of opportunities, however they come. Maybe they come when it's not on good terms for the other person. Looking at Travis (Henry) it was a tough situation for him but for me, I look at it as a positive. I get a chance to come out and prove myself and accomplish my dreams, something that I've been working so hard for so long to do, and I feel confident about it.”

On his confidence on achieving the 2000-yard plateau “No such thing as regret. I'm a God fearing person, and He said, 'Speak the things you want with your tongue,' and I spoke it and hopefully it will come to pass. I recognize that I always want to be on the side of the fence where the greats are. Everybody's on the side of the fence where they say, 'You can't do this,' and there are people who only accomplish the expected. I want to accomplish the unexpected, and I feel it's going to take me thinking and believing I can accomplish the unexpected to stay with the greats.”

On his relationship with RBs Andre Hall and Anthony Alridge: “You've got to get along. This is a game, this is a business first and foremost, but it's going to be fun. We're having fun, everybody's keeping each other on their toes, we have some great guys in our meeting room and it's a great competition.”