Marquette University e-Publications@Marquette Economics Faculty Research and Publications Economics, Department of 1-1-1998 Social Economics: Organizations John B. Davis Marquette University,
[email protected] Published version. "Social Economics: Organizations," in Encyclopedia of Political Economy. Eds. Phillip Anthony O'Hara. London: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 1998: 1038-1040. Publisher Link. © 1998 Taylor & Francis (Routledge). Used with permission. social economics: organizations Selected references ment, social security, credit policy, the Federal Reserve and postwar reconstruction). ThoUgh Apter, David E. (1993) "Social Democracy," in early contributors were influenced by neoclas_ William Outhwaite and Tom Bottomore sical economists, solidarism, a theoretical (eds), Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth orientation critical of neoclassical economics Century Social Thought, Oxford: Blackwell. with origins in the work of Heinrich Pesch and Bernstein, Eduard (1898) Evolutionary Social Goetz Briefs in interwar Germany, became ism, New York: Schocken, 1961. increasing influential. Members of the ASE Milner, Henry (1990) Sweden: Social Democ tended to reject liberalism and laissez-faire, and racy in Practice, Oxford: Oxford University argued for a social market economy and an Press. economic process embedded in the larger living Nettl, IP. (1973) "Social Democracy in Ger context of society. many and Revisionism," in Dictionary of the In 1970 the members of the Association History of Ideas, vo l. 4, Studies of Selected elected to give up their strict identification with Pivotal Ideas, ed. Philip P. Wiener, New York: Catholic social thought, and gave the organiza Charles Scribner's Sons. tion its current name to refle~t the increasingly Pierson, Christopher (1991) Beyond the Welfare pluralistic character of its membership.