The Friends of Moor Management Review of 2018/19 Activities

The stated aims in FOIM’s Constitution are noted below together with examples of activities undertaken in each case. References to ‘Council’ are to MDC.

• To restore, protect and improve Ilkley Moor, for the benefit of the environment, all those who use Ilkley Moor and those who reside in the surrounding area. - Monthly volunteer days are undertaken by volunteer groups to carry out conservation works on the Moor including footpath restoration, bracken control, vegetation clearance, habitat management and litter picking. In the 11 years since its establishment FOIM have delivered over £249,000 in terms of volunteer labour time – approximately £24,000 over the last 12 months. Since its instigation FOIM have raised over £200,000 in grants and donations which have been spent on the Moor. - An initial peatland survey was undertaken by University (supported by funding from FOIM) focussing on Crawshaw Moss and Hebers Moss to establish initial data on the peat depth and the state of the mosses on the Moor. Furthermore, detailed work will be undertaken in 2019/20. - The Burley Moor Syndicate’s shooting licence was terminated by the Council in 2018. FOIM participated in the lobbying for this in line with our members’ wishes.

• To assist the Council in the care and maintenance of Ilkley Moor and its wildlife, flora and recreational use. - The above volunteer days and repair works have this year been supplemented by completing the Heritage Lottery funded ‘Nature for All’ project. This project (undertaken by our Project Officer, Tracey Gray, in conjunction with schools and community groups) was based on detailed ecological surveys which were then mapped onto a Geographical Information System. - The surveys will assist future management decisions in how to protect and enhance the flora/fauna of the Moor. - As part of this exercise a detailed aerial mapping of the Moor was undertaken by drone and is made available by the Council and FOIM to bodies undertaking reviews into vegetation, habitats, watercourses and flood management on the Moor. - In addition, some £20,000 of funds have been spent on the restoration of the popular Sone path and developing the ‘top path’ beyond the Buck Stones around Crawshaw Moss by the insertion of a boardwalk. - A grant of £1000 was received from Ilkley Rotary and is used to purchase tools and equipment for our volunteers to use. - FOIM has worked with Bradford Ornithological Group and Naturalists to complete a survey of wild birds on the moor in Spring 2018. - Membership numbers stand at 258 with membership fees totalling £6,718 and donations of £1,800. The increased number of corporate members (15) is pleasing and FOIM is looking at ways or working more closely with its corporate members.

• To notify the Council when any hazards or problems with the area become apparent. - Issues have again arisen with mountain bikers damaging paths through overuse in wet conditions. Voluntary closure of paths to protect them, working in conjunction with mountain biking representatives, is being trialled. - Dog walkers (especially professional dog walkers) who fail to control (especially during the bird nesting season) or clean up after their dogs remains an issue. We are working with the Council to promote the introduction of a licensing scheme for dog walkers. - FOIM continues to provide free dog bags at 6 dispensers on the Moor to assist in managing the issue of owners cleaning up after their dogs. - An issue of camping in Hebers Ghyll woods was addressed.

• To develop projects in partnership with, or with the knowledge of the Council. - Liaison with the Council is via Richard Perham attending Committee meetings and Richard and Danny Jackson receiving Committee meeting agendas and minutes. - In addition, the Chair and Richard liaise to take forward activities approved by the Committee. - Volunteer activities mentioned in this element of the Review are undertaken in conjunction with the Council and its representatives.

• To apply for grants independently or in conjunction with the Council to provide materials or labour to support projects for which the Council has insufficient funding, or for which the Council is unable to provide funding. - Direct financial support is provided to assist with works on the Moor as noted above. - Each month a volunteer day for works of the type noted above takes place. Average attendance is 8 volunteers equating to 96 days of input. - In addition, approximately 5 corporate team days are undertaken which also generate external awareness of the Moor.

• To liaise with local residents and other users of Ilkley Moor in order to represent their needs and ideas. - Engagement with the local community and users of the Moor is undertaken via communication through the website, links to the secretary for enquiries, feeding information and seeking comments through Facebook and Ilkley Chat, the volunteer days, the Events and Learning Programme, participating in local community events (e.g. the Solution is less Pollution meeting) and presenting on the activities of FOIM (e.g. presentations and reports are compiled summarizing the activities undertaken, numbers attended and qualitative feedback from participants). - FOIM also engages with relevant statutory and other bodies, including Natural , Moors for the Future, the Council and Ilkley Council so we can be made aware of issues that they may become alive to. - The Chair has addressed meetings of Rotary, U3A and a visiting Ramblers Association Group.

• To encourage all groups making recreational use of Ilkley Moor to be represented on the Charity. - The following bodies are represented on the Committee: Bradford Council, Ilkley PC and Wharfedale Naturalists Society. - The Chair attends meetings with the user group set up with mountain bikers who use the Moor. - The Project Officer, engages with local community groups: e.g. Nell Bank Outdoor Centre, Groundwork, local schools , colleges, Scout, Cub and Girl Guides groups and other youth groups. - We are also liaising with Dales Rivers Trust, and on the Ilkley Sustainability Plan to ensure that issues relating to the Moor are taken into account.

• To encourage local schools and youth organisations to use Ilkley Moor constructively for pleasure and education. - The Project Officer undertakes activities on the Moor with local schools/youth groups 4 times a year. - In addition to the activities noted at the last point above FOIM also engages with the Challenge Project and the Leeds LS29 Group. - Engagement with youth groups is socially inclusive.

• To encourage appreciation of the ecology and history of Ilkley Moor. - 35 events were organised on the Moor being a combination learning and educational activities, surveys linked to the HLF Grant and volunteer days. - Details of the ecology and history of the moor also feature on the FOIM website and its publications. - The Project Officer’s work with schools and youth groups on the moor also encourages this appreciation.

• To publicise the Charity’s activities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally in order to encourage people to take an active part in preserving and maintaining Ilkley Moor. - Approximately 2,000 Events and Learning Programmes have been printed and distributed via the Ilkley visitor centre and a wide range of local stores and public venues together with a two-page summary format. The programme details 35 events occurring between April and October. - Regular press releases feature in the Ilkley Gazette and Yorkshire newspapers. - Committee members have attended meetings of Rotary and U3A and the Chair has appeared on Calendar and Look North as well as meeting local and regional journalists to promote the activities and membership of FOIM. - An enquiry link for email queries by members of the public is available via [email protected]. - Posters highlighting events and the AGM are placed in local amenities/stores/hostelries. An ‘A board’ publicising our activities and promoting membership is present at the volunteers work sites. - Members now receive a monthly email update of upcoming events. Approved by the FOIM Committee on 21 May 2019