[email protected] Acknowledgments I would like to thank: Fabian Haiden for allowing me to create an exposition and for oering advice as to what topic I should explore. I would also like to thank Kevin Yang and Reuben Stern for aiding me in checking for errors and oering advice on what information was superuous. ii To My Haters iii THE RADON TRANSFORM JOSHUA BENJAMIN III FABIAN HAIDEN iv Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 e Radon Transform 2 2.1 Two Dimensions (R2)............................2 2.2 Higher Dimensions (Rn)..........................3 2.3 Dual Transform . .4 2.4 Gaussian distribution . .4 3 Properties 5 3.1 Homogeneity and scaling . .5 3.2 Linearity . .5 3.3 Transform of a linear transformation . .6 3.4 Shiing . .6 4 Inversion 7 4.1 Inversion formulas . .7 v 4.2 Unication . .8 5 Relation to the Fourier Transform 9 5.1 Fourier and Radon . .9 5.2 Another Inversion . 10 6 Application 11 vi Chapter 1 Introduction e reconstruction problem has long been of interest to mathematicians, and with the advancements in experimental science, applied elds also needed a solution to this is- sue. e reconstruction problem concerns distributions and proles. Given the pro- jected distribution (or prole), what can be known about the actual distribution? In 1917, Johann Radon of Austria presented a solution to the reconstruction problem (he was not aempting to solve this problem) with the Radon transform and its inversion formula. He developed this solution aer building on the work of Hermann Minkowski and Paul Funk while maintaining private conversation with Gustav Herglotz.