The more autonomous - aircraft in the future Air Traffic Management system

Funding: European (5th RTD Framework Programme) Duration: Mar 2000 - Feb 2003 Status: Complete with results

Background & policy context:

In Preparation for EU Framework 5

European Union and Air Transport Industry jointly identified need To dramatically enhance the operational efficiency and capacity of European Air Traffic Management While maintaining or increasing safety and Air Transport Industry agreed to fund major RTD programmes to bring about the necessary improvements - noting that ATM changes typically required extended time periods to bring about Nothing short of a ‘paradigm’ change would be sufficient to meet the predicted requirement

1. A large project was identified to address all aspects of AT (ground/ air , short/ long term, retrofit/new build) 2. Subsequently this split into two more manageable projects

MA-AFAS (led By BAE SYSTEMS) and AFAS (led by )

The European ATM system has been pushed to breaking point as seen in 1999

Predicted growth of 5 to 8% per year for next 10 years Air transport was characterised by : Inefficient routing for operators Long waits and increasing numbers of delayed flights Unacceptable stress for controllers Lack of capacity in Air and at Airport * Unreliable Voice communications

IATA identified an ATM ‘Brick Wall’ around 2007.


The main project goal was to develop an Operational Concept (OC) that would fit into Europeans future ATM concept, as well as corresponding avionics package that would allow for more autonomous aircraft operation within the European airspace.


ATM is complex - many elements to the solution- however much initial work had already been done.

Key requirements:

Build on ATM concepts already developed eg TORCH project Apply new technology- particularly in the Aircraft Paradigm Shift - for MA-AFAS - + Make more use of Aircraft capability Provide a solution in which - to the extent possible ‘He who pays - Gains’ while maintaining wide interoperability Enable near term deployment - including retrofit to existing aircraft Acknowledge that services and procedures have to be modified and adapted in parallel Concept Definition, Evaluation and Validation for semi-autonomous aircraft operations. Development of Basic Technologies. Validation via ground simulation. Integration of Aircraft, Air Ground Datalink, Ground Network, ATC and AOC End Systems. Flight Trials.

Parent Programmes: FP5-GROWTH KA4 (AERONAUTICS) - New Perspectives in Aeronautics Institute type: Public institution Institute name: European Commission, Directorate-General for Research (DG Research) Funding type: Public (EU)


Austria: Frequentis (Communications Suppliers)

European: Eurocontrol Experimental Centre International (Research Organisation)

France: Thales ATM (ATC Equipment Suppliers); Sofreavia (Research Organisation)

Germany: Euro Telematik AG Germany (Avionics Suppliers); DLR (Research Organisation)

Ireland: Airtel-ATN (Communications Suppliers)


Galileo Avionica (Avionics Suppliers); AMS ATC (ATC Equipment Suppliers); ENAV (ATM Service Providers)

Portugal: Skysoft (Avionics Suppliers)

Spain: Indra (ATC Equipment Suppliers)


Saab TransponderTech (Communications Suppliers); LFV (ATM Service Providers)

The :

NLR (Research Organisation)

United Kingdom: BAE SYSTEMS Avionics (Avionics Suppliers); EasyJet (); QinetiQ; Stasys (Research Organisation); NATS (ATM Service Providers)

Organisation: BAE Systems Warwick House, PO Box 87, Farnborough Aerospace Address: Centre Zipcode: GU14 6YU City: Farnborough, Hants Contact country: United Kingdom Telephone: (+44) 1634 20 33 92 Fax Number: (+44) 1634 20 47 51 Key Results:

Enhanced Surveillance and Separation Assurance

Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) Airborne Separation Assurance/ Assistance System (ASAS) Partial Delegation - New ATC instruction + Station Keeping + Passing and Crossing Autonomous Operation

4D Flight Path Generation, Negotiation and Guidance

Global Navigation Satellite System - Approaches and Departures

Space Based Augmentation Ground Based Augmentation

Taxiway Management

Taxi Map Traffic display (CDTI) Data Linked Taxi Routes

Airline Operation Centre Fleet Management

Flight Planning & CDM Asset Management and Maintenance

Data link Communications

Point to Point, ATN compliant Broadcast, ADS-B, TIS-B

With necessary improvements to flight deck HMI

STRIA Roadmaps: Cooperative, connected and automated transport, Network and traffic management systems Transport mode: Air transport Transport sectors: Passenger transport, Freight transport Transport policies: Digitalisation Geo-spatial type: Other