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Title Interactive effects of predator and prey harvest on ecological resilience of rocky reefs.

Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0mv990r2

Journal Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America, 27(6)

ISSN 1051-0761

Authors Dunn, Robert P Baskett, Marissa L Hovel, Kevin A

Publication Date 2017-09-01

DOI 10.1002/eap.1581

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Ecological Applications, 27(6), 2017, pp. 1718–1730 © 2017 by the Ecological Society of America

Interactive effects of predator and prey harvest on ecological resilience of rocky reefs

1,2,3 2 1 ROBERT P. D UNN, MARISSA L. BASKETT, AND KEVIN A. HOVEL 1Coastal and Marine Institute & Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182 USA 2Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, Davis, California 95616 USA

Abstract. A major goal of ecosystem-based fisheries management is to prevent fishery- induced shifts in community states. This requires an understanding of ecological resilience: the ability of an ecosystem to return to the same state following a perturbation, which can strongly depend on species interactions across trophic levels. We use a structured model of a temperate rocky reef to explore how multi-trophic level fisheries impact ecological resilience. Increasing fishing mortality of prey (urchins) has a minor effect on equilibrium biomass of kelp, urchins, and spiny lobster predators, but increases resilience by reducing the range of predator harvest rates at which alternative stable states are possible. Size-structured predation on urchins acts as the feedback maintaining each state. Our results demonstrate that the resilience of ecosystems strongly depends on the interactive effects of predator and prey harvest in multi-trophic level fisheries, which are common in marine ecosystems but are unaccounted for by traditional management. Key words: alternative stable states; ecological resilience; ecosystem-based fisheries management; global sensitivity analysis; Macrocystis pyrifera; Mesocentrotus franciscanus; multi-trophic level harvest; Panulirus interruptus; Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.

INTRODUCTION harvest while avoiding ecosystem shifts from productive to less productive states (Zabel et al. 2003). The ability Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) is an of a state to persist following a perturbation is ecological inherently multi-species approach, which recognizes the resilience (Levin and Lubchenco 2008), drawing from fact that targeted species are components of complex, the original definition of Holling (1973). This concept diverse, ecological communities in which the harvest of assumes alternative stable states, wherein an ecosystem one species can affect other interacting species (Larkin can be found with multiple, distinct species assemblages 1996, Pikitch et al. 2004). For example, reductions in under identical environmental conditions (Lewontin predator production due to prey harvest may reduce the 1969, Holling 1973). The forward and reverse shifts total fisheries yield beyond that expected under single- between alternative stable states exhibit hysteresis, in species management (May et al. 1979, Collie and that they occur at different levels of forcing (Scheffer DeLong 1999, Walters et al. 2005). Consideration of et al. 2001, Scheffer and Carpenter 2003), which can species interactions and altered ecosystem function are make a return to the alternative state difficult once a key differences between EBFM and the traditional fish- shift has occurred. While the existence of alternative ery management focus on single-species population stable states can be difficult to demonstrate empirically dynamics. Despite some encouraging advances in EBFM because of the long time scales required (Petraitis and (McClanahan et al. 2011), numerous challenges remain Dudgeon 2004, Schroder€ et al. 2005), mathematical regarding its implementation and operation due to the models can reveal the potential for hysteretic behavior, inherent complexity of accounting for multiple species provide evidence of mechanistic drivers of community and ecological processes within a dynamic environment. shifts, and estimate threshold values of important Impacts to ecosystems such as fishery harvest are impor- ecosystem state variables and/or parameters (Scheffer tant drivers of ecosystem change in marine and estuarine and Carpenter 2003, Mumby et al. 2007, Baskett and environments (Halpern et al. 2008, Smith et al. 2011, Salomon 2010, Bozec et al. 2016). Systems that exhibit Altieri et al. 2012), but the impacts of simultaneous alternative stable states often have strong feedbacks both harvest at multiple trophic levels within the same system within and across trophic levels that act to maintain a remain poorly understood (Essington et al. 2006, given state, including recruitment facilitation (Mumby Kellner et al. 2010, Garcia et al. 2012). et al. 2007, Baskett and Salomon 2010) and predator– One goal of EBFM is that of ecologically sustainable prey role reversals (Barkai and McQuaid 1988, Walters yield, which aims to maximize multi-species fishery and Kitchell 2001). Previous modeling efforts demon- Manuscript received 3 February 2017; revised 3 May 2017; strate that multi-trophic level harvest and concomitant accepted 16 May 2017. Corresponding Editor: Ilsa B. Kuffner. alterations in trophic interactions have the potential to 3 E-mail: [email protected] affect community composition (Kellner et al. 2010) and

1718 September 2017 URCHIN HARVEST INCREASES REEF RESILIENCE 1719 drive the provision of ecosystem services such as fishery METHODS yield (McClanahan 1995, Houle et al. 2013). The effects of multi-trophic level harvest on ecological resilience Model system remain unexplored, despite the importance of trophic- Rocky reefs in southern California are a useful model related feedbacks to alternative stable states. system to examine the complexities of multi-trophic level Temperate, subtidal rocky reefs are a common near- harvest because this system is well studied, macroalgal shore in marine ecosystems in which strong provide multiple ecosystem services, and trophic interactions occur among macroalgae, herbivo- because fishers harvest multiple ecologically important, rous sea urchins, and urchin predators (e.g., fishes, crus- strongly interacting predator and prey species. In the taceans, and mammals; Steneck et al. 2002, Ling et al. state, foundational giant kelp (Macrocystis 2015). Many rocky reefs exhibit multiple community pyrifera) and several species of understory macroalgae states in which they are either covered by dense under- are consumed by red (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) story and canopy forming macroalgae, or are denuded and purple (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) sea urchins. of algae by extremely high densities of sea urchins Large red urchins also provide important recruitment (Filbee-Dexter and Scheibling 2014, Ling et al. 2015). habitat for juvenile red and purple urchins underneath The kelp forest state supports a highly diverse commu- their spine canopy (Tegner and Dayton 1977). Sea urch- nity of fishes, benthic invertebrates, epifauna, and mar- ins are consumed by a variety of predators, but Califor- ine mammals (Foster and Schiel 1985, Graham et al. nia sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher) and California 2008) as well as numerous important fisheries (Bertocci spiny lobsters (Panulirus interruptus) became dominant et al. 2015). Conversely, the urchin barren state is domi- predators of urchins following the eradication of sea nated by sea urchins and crustose coralline algae, has otters from mainland southern California in the late low macroalgal biomass, and is characterized by reduced 19th Century (Cowen 1983, Tegner and Levin 1983, species diversity and ecosystem productivity (Graham Hamilton and Caselle 2015, Selden et al. 2017). Both of 2004). Whether these communities are true alternative these predators are the focus of fisheries in this region, stable states or phase shifts under different environmen- as are herbivorous red sea urchins (Tegner and Dayton tal conditions remains unresolved empirically. 2000). Purple urchins do not provide the same recruit- Sea urchins and many of their predators support major ment refuge as large red urchins and are not harvested in fisheries in nearshore regions worldwide (Tegner and the urchin fishery. In the urchin barren state, rocky reefs Dayton 2000, Andrew et al. 2002, Steneck et al. 2002), become covered in high densities of (mostly purple) sea but the effects of simultaneously harvesting these species urchins that consume all available macroalgae and pre- on rocky reef communities, and on ecological resilience, vent recruitment of juvenile kelps (Steneck et al. 2002). may be difficult to predict. Fishery removal of herbivores Urchin barrens have lower productivity and diversity may increase resilience and promote diversity via reduced than the kelp forest state (Graham 2004), and once grazing pressure on the basal resource, favoring the kelp established can persist for long periods due to a variety forest state. Alternatively, herbivore harvest could reduce of possible feedback mechanisms (Ling et al. 2015) resilience via the removal of biomass available to preda- including recruitment facilitation (Baskett and Salomon tors, which may lower predator abundance and allow 2010). remaining herbivores to increase per capita grazing pres- sure on kelp through, for example, changes in prey size structure (Stevenson et al. 2016) or reductions in non- Model overview consumptive fear effects (Babcock et al. 2010). These contrasting potential outcomes illustrate the complexity We construct the simplest model that effectively cap- of multi-trophic level harvest when accounting for spe- tures the dynamics relevant to the effect of multi-trophic cies interactions. Here, we use a dynamical model of a level harvest on ecological resilience (Fig. 1). We vary rocky reef community in southern California to resolve fishery harvest of lobsters and urchins, as well as the the contrasting potential outcomes of simultaneous fish- degree of recruitment facilitation provided by large red ery harvest of a predator and an herbivore. Because alter- urchins, to determine the interactive effects of these fac- native stable states are inherent to the question of how tors on the dynamics of spiny lobsters, sea urchins, and harvest affects ecological resilience, our model includes algae, and on ecological resilience. We include size struc- multiple ecological processes that could contribute to the ture for urchins because predation, recruitment facilita- presence of alternative stable states, including recruit- tion, and harvest (and therefore their interactive effects ment facilitation, size-structured predation, and size- on community state) all depend on urchin size. Our selective fishery harvest. We aim to determine (1) how model focuses on one size class of a single predator spe- harvest of species at each trophic level affects the bio- cies, California spiny lobster, to avoid multiple predator mass of other community members, (2) whether alterna- compartments and because empirical data on this size of tive stable states can occur under different levels of lobsters are available to parameterize the model. We also fishery harvest for each trophic level, and (3) how harvest provide a first approximation of system dynamics using at different trophic levels affects ecological resilience. California sheephead as the sole predator (Appendix S1). Ecological Applications 1720 ROBERT P. DUNN ET AL. Vol. 27, No. 6

Natural Fishing mortality, ML mortality, FL

Predators, L (Spiny lobster)

Predaon, δLs & τs δLl & τl Natural δLm & τm Fishing mortality, MUs M MUm Ul mortality, FU †External recruitment, φ Juvenile urchins, Growth, γs Medium urchins, Growth, γm Large (Red) U s Um urchins, Ul


Reproducon αUl

Recruitment facilitaon, σ

Grazing, δUs δUm δUl

Algae, A Logisc growth: (Giant kelp) growth rate, r with carrying capacity, KA

FIG. 1. Outline of the rocky reef community dynamics model. Boxes indicate state variables, arrows indicate dynamics and are labeled with the associated parameters. Urchins graze on algae with a type I (linear) functional response while predators consume urchins with a type II (saturating) response, both informed by empirical feeding assays. Urchin fishing only removes large urchins, and recruitment facilitation is only provided by large urchins. Reproduction, but not urchin growth, is dependent on biomass of algae. See Appendix S1: Table S1 for baseline parameter values and full range of values explored. †External recruitment, φ, is not included in our baseline model; see Appendix S1 for a description of the model with this dynamic.

Model details facilitation, ranging from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no recruitment facilitation (i.e., recruitment is independent The model follows the biomass of predatory spiny lob- of large urchin biomass) and 1 indicates complete depen- sters L, three size classes of herbivorous sea urchins Ui dence on adult urchin spine canopy for successful (where i 2 {s,m,l} for small, medium, and large urchins, recruitment. Specifically, when r = 0, there is no rela- respectively), and macroalgae A (also referred to as tionship between large urchin abundance and small kelp). Algae grows logistically with growth rate r and urchin recruitment beyond conversion of grazing into has carrying capacity KA, and is consumed by urchins at urchin recruits, and small urchins can recruit regardless d an urchin size class-specific linear rate, Ui (type I func- of the presence of a large urchin spine canopy. When tional response). Urchin grazing is modeled as a type I r = 1, realized recruitment is completely dependent on functional response because urchin feeding assays did the presence of large urchins to protect recruits. For not reveal a particular functional response shape (R. P. 0 < r < 1, some level of baseline recruitment occurs Dunn, unpublished manuscript), to maintain mathemati- (1 r) in proportion to total recruit production by cal simplicity, and to match previous models of urchin medium and large urchins, with additional recruitment grazing (Baskett and Salomon 2010). Medium Um and occurring with increasing urchin abundance relative to large Ul urchins convert algae into reproduction with its maximum biomass KUl (Baskett and Salomon 2010). a a ; efficiencies Um and Ul which depend on the abundance Urchins grow from each size class i to the next size class of algae. For simplicity, we do not include exogenous at rate ci, and natural mortality of urchins occurs at rate recruitment of urchins in our baseline model, though we MUi . To maintain the simplest model possible while still explore this assumption with an alternate model formu- addressing our objectives, urchin reproduction is food lation that includes constant background recruitment of dependent while urchin growth is not food dependent. urchins (Appendix S1). To model recruitment facilita- Urchin gonad indices from barren grounds are generally tion of juvenile urchins Us by large red urchins, we significantly lower than those from kelp-dominated define r as the proportional strength of recruitment areas (Konar and Estes 2003, Eurich et al. 2014) and September 2017 URCHIN HARVEST INCREASES REEF RESILIENCE 1721 while we acknowledge that urchin growth is also affected 2010) in R v.3.1.2 (R Development Core Team 2014). All by food availability, we assume that the magnitude of simulations run for 200 time steps, which is sufficient to any effect of food dependence will be equally or more achieve equilibrium abundances (Appendix S1: Fig. S1). important for reproduction than for growth. Predators We test for the existence of alternative stable states d consume urchins at rate Li , which declines monotoni- with hysteresis using path-dependency analysis in which cally with urchin size, and predation saturates due to we incrementally increase and then decrease values of handling time si (type II functional response chosen FU, FL, and r, recording the equilibrium biomass at the based on laboratory feeding assays; R. P. Dunn, unpub- end of each simulation, which determines the initial lished manuscript). Predatory spiny lobsters convert conditions for the next simulation (see Appendix S1: urchin prey into population growth with conversion effi- Table S1 for baseline parameter values and ranges ciency b and experience natural mortality at a rate ML. explored). For rocky reef communities, hysteresis indi- Spiny lobsters and large urchins are harvested at rates cates that moving from a kelp forest to an urchin barren FL and FU, respectively. Given these terms, the model follows a different trajectory than the path of recovery dynamics are from an urchin barren to kelp forest (Baskett and Salo- mon 2010, Ling et al. 2015). To ensure that we capture "# ! X all possible outcomes, we conduct two path analyses for dA ¼ A d r 1 Ui Ui A each focal parameter using different initial conditions dt KA i for the first run on the forward path: one starting in the kelp forest state and one in the urchin barren state (kelp- dU U dominated state, kelp biomass = 1,000 kg, all urchin size s ¼ AðÞa d U þ a d U 1 r þ r l Um Um m Ul Ul l classes biomass = 70 kg, and spiny lobster biomass = 20 dt KUl kg; urchin-dominated state, kelp biomass = 1 kg, all dL = c þ L P s þ M U urchin size classes biomass 100 kg, and spiny lobster s þ s d Us s 1 i i Li Ui biomass = 5 kg). Initial conditions in subsequent model runs are values adjusted by <2% away from the equilib- dU d rium biomass from the previous simulation to avoid m ¼ c c þ PLm þ sUs m L MUm Um starting exactly at a potentially unstable equilibrium. dt 1 þ s d U i i Li i For the first run on the reverse path, initial conditions are values adjusted away from the equilibrium biomasses dUl dL of the final forward simulation. To test for an interactive ¼ c U L P l þ M þ F U m m þ s d Ul U l dt 1 i i Li Ui effect of harvest at different trophic levels, we analyze path dependence for one harvest rate at three values of P the other harvest rate. We also explore the effect of dL b d U ¼ Pi Li i ðÞþ changing recruitment facilitation strength because of its þ s d ML FL L dt 1 i i Li Ui potential importance to alternative stable states. We con- firmed that this analysis of hysteresis captures all locally We do not include exogenous recruitment of spiny lob- stable equilibria by numerically solving for all equilibria sters because recruitment of this species to the Southern and determining their stability using Mathematica ver- California Bight is highly variable (Pringle 1986) and few sion 9.0 (Wolfram Research, Champaign, Illinois, USA). empirical data exist to permit parameterization. In addi- Finally, in addition to quantifying changes in resilience tion, we do not include size structure for lobsters in order (as indicated by the range of path-dependent bistable to maintain mathematical tractability as a moderate- regions), we examine changes in equilibrium biomass complexity strategic model (Collie et al. 2016; see when starting from a kelp-dominated state due to the Appendix S1 for more discussion of the model structure). interactive effects of varying lobster harvest, urchin har- vest, and recruitment facilitation strength. To determine which ecological processes (individual Model analysis parameters and interactions among parameters) have the To parameterize the model for numerical simulation, greatest effect on equilibrium biomass, we conduct a glo- we use a combination of published parameter values bal sensitivity analysis (GSA) following the method of from peer-reviewed literature and stock assessments, Harper et al. (2011) (full methodology in Appendix S1). empirically derived estimates, and assumptions for bio- We use a random forest analysis to calculate the impor- logical realism (Appendix S1, Appendix S1: Table S1). tance of individual parameters to model output when all Baseline parameter values had empirical support, or for parameters are perturbed simultaneously. Briefly, we cre- parameters with less empirical evidence available, we esti- ate 4,000 different combinations of parameter values, mated baseline values such that we obtained biologically which are drawn at random from a range of potential val- reasonable equilibrium biomass values during model ues for each parameter. We use these 4,000 parameter sets exploration. We run numerical simulations using the dif- to simulate the model beginning at each of two initial ferential equation solver package deSolve (Soetaert et al. conditions: one beginning in the kelp forest state and one Ecological Applications 1722 ROBERT P. DUNN ET AL. Vol. 27, No. 6 in the urchin barren state. Random forest uses multiple whether or not the parameter is above or below these classification and regression trees (CART) to quantify break points will generally determine equilibrium com- how informative each parameter is in predicting model munity structure, regardless of the values of less impor- output; based on these trees, an importance value is tant parameters. assigned to each parameter. In our case, importance values are a measure of how informative each parameter RESULTS is in predicting mean trophic level (mTL) at equilibrium, excluding kelp. Mean trophic level is a common Equilibrium biomass with multi-trophic level harvest ecosystem indicator used to estimate the effects of fishery harvest on energy flow within an ecosystem (see Increasing lobster fishing mortality (FL)increases Appendix S1 for calculation of mTL). We normalize urchin biomass and drives a decline in kelp and lobster importance values to sum to 1 because relative, not abso- biomass (Figs. 2, 3, Appendix S1: Fig. S2). In compar- lute, importance values are informative. Parameters with ison, changes in urchin fishing mortality (FU)havelittle large importance values have strong impacts on commu- impact on equilibrium biomasses unless FL is high nity structure at equilibrium, given the model’sassump- (Fig. 4, Appendix S1: Fig. S2). When we simultaneously tions, but do not necessarily reflect a parameter’s ability vary lobster harvest and recruitment facilitation (r), most to drive alternative stable states. We also use classification compartments demonstrate similar patterns as described and regression trees to reveal break points in specific above for simulations varying FL and FU (Appendix S1: parameter values at which community structure diverges. Fig. S2). Namely, increases in FL drive declines in kelp For parameters with the highest importance values, and lobster biomass and increases in urchin biomass

FIG. 2. Path-dependency analysis for lobster fishing mortality at three values of urchin fishing mortality. All panels show bio- mass (kg), and we have zoomed in on the region in which bistability occurs. Within each color (i.e., for a given level of FU), the upside-down triangles and darker shaded line represent the forward path as FL is increased, and the vertical triangles and lighter shaded line show the reverse path as FL is decreased. Equilibria are represented by triangles, and lines connecting the equilibria as we increase and then decrease FL indicate hysteresis. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] September 2017 URCHIN HARVEST INCREASES REEF RESILIENCE 1723

FIG. 3. Path-dependency analysis for lobster fishing mortality at three values of recruitment facilitation. All panels show bio- mass (kg), and we have zoomed in on the region in which bistability occurs. Within each color (i.e., for a given level of r), the upside-down triangles and darker shaded line represent the forward path as FL is increased, and the vertical triangles and lighter shaded line show the reverse path as FL is decreased. Equilibria are represented by triangles, and lines connecting the equilibria as we increase and then decrease FL indicate hysteresis. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] across all six levels of r that we simulate. The similarities present at high values of lobster fishing mortality. The between varying the rate of urchin fishing mortality and kelp forest state is the only stable state at low lobster har- varying the strength of recruitment facilitation occur vest values, and the urchin barren state is the only stable because changes to equilibrium biomass arising from state at the highest lobster harvest values (Figs. 2, 3). At changes to FU or r are both expressed in the dynamics of higher values of urchin fishing mortality, the return path the largest and smallest urchin size classes. In particular, as we ramp down FL moves to the right, such that the when urchin fishing mortality is high, large urchins do threshold to return to the kelp forest state moves closer not contribute to production of juvenile urchins directly to the threshold leading into the urchin barren as fishing via reproduction, and if recruitment facilitation strength ramps up. Increasing the return threshold acts to shrink is high, large urchins are necessary for adequate recruit- the range of parameter space with alternative stable ment to maintain urchin populations. states and reduces the strength of hysteresis (Fig. 2). Thus, increasing the level of urchin harvest increases eco- logical resilience by reducing the parameter space in Alternative stable states and ecological resilience which an external perturbation could shift the system Whether or not alternative stable states occur depends from one alternative stable state to another. Increasing strongly on lobster harvest, while urchin harvest mortal- FU also shifts the forward threshold leading to the urchin ity and recruitment facilitation strength affect the range barren to the right, making alternative stable states less of lobster harvest in which alternative stable states occur likely without high lobster harvest mortality (Fig. 2). (Figs. 2, 3). Specifically, alternative stable states are Increasing recruitment facilitation strength acts in a Ecological Applications 1724 ROBERT P. DUNN ET AL. Vol. 27, No. 6

FIG. 4. Path-dependency analysis for urchin fishing mortality at three values of lobster fishing mortality. Within each color (i.e., for a given level of FL), the upside-down triangles and darker shaded line represent the forward path as FU is increased, and the ver- tical triangles and lighter shaded line show the reverse path as FU is decreased. Equilibria are represented by triangles, and lines connecting the equilibria as we increase and then decrease FU indicate hysteresis. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.- com] similar fashion to urchin fishing mortality, shrinking the stock assessment (0.25/yr), estimated using a different parameter space with alternative stable states as r modeling framework (Neilson 2011). In our baseline increases (Fig. 3). Interestingly, alternative stable states model, alternative stable states only occur when preda- can exist without any recruitment facilitation if lobsters tors are fished at a rate above this estimate of FMSY, are overfished (r = 0, FL > 0.55; Fig. 3), despite recruit- regardless of the urchin harvest rate (Fig. 5, center col- ment facilitation being a feedback that allows for the umn). Note that FMSY for spiny lobsters in our model existence of alternative stable states (Baskett and is = 0.5/yr (Appendix S1, Appendix S1: Fig. S3) approx- Salomon 2010). Alternative stable states only exist at low imately double that of Neilson (2011). The discrepancy levels of urchin harvest (FU < 0.4), and only when in these estimates likely arises from differences in model lobsters are heavily overfished (i.e., FL = 0.65; Fig. 4). structure (dependence on kelp and urchin production in The same relationships are evident when examining our model, size structure and explicit growth function the entire parameter space for both fishing mortality for lobsters in the stock assessment). Our estimate of rates. The region of lobster harvest rates with bistability FMSY is just below the critical transition into the urchin shrinks with increased urchin harvest and for higher val- barren when urchins are not harvested (Figs. 2, 5), ues of recruitment facilitation strength (Fig. 5, center demonstrating the potential benefits of a well-managed column). To compare the region of bistability in our urchin fishery to ecological resilience. This increased model to harvest rates that lobsters may actually experi- resilience occurs because lobsters can be harvested at ence, we use the lobster harvest rate at maximum sus- FMSY with a lower risk of shifting into the urchin barren tainable yield (FMSY) from the California spiny lobster state. September 2017 URCHIN HARVEST INCREASES REEF RESILIENCE 1725

FIG. 5. Parameter space with bistability across all simulated values of FL and FU, with recruitment facilitation, r = 0.0 (top d = row), 0.5 (middle row), and 0.95 (bottom row) for three alternative predation scenarios: no size-structured predation ( Li 0.133, d = d = d = d = left column), baseline model ( Ls 0.2, Lm 0.15, Ll 0.05; center column), enhanced size-structured predation ( Ls 0.3, d = d = Lm 0.1, Ll 0.005; right column). Black regions have two locally stable equilibria, gray regions are stable in the kelp-dominated state, and white regions are stable in the urchin barren state.

FIG. 6. Results from global sensitivity analysis with mean trophic level (mTL) at equilibrium as the model output and initial conditions in the kelp-dominated state. (A) Normalized importance values from Random Forest. (B) Classification and regression tree (CART). “Yes ” is the left branch coming from a particular break point, “No” is the right branch. See Fig. 1 and Appendix S1: Table S1 for parameter names.

Global sensitivity analysis account for ~65% of the normalized importance value. Conversion rate of urchins to lobsters, b, is the third Lobster fishing mortality, FL and the attack rate of most important parameter (Fig. 6). Attack rates on d d d lobsters on small urchins, Ls , are the two most impor- medium and large urchins, Lm and Ll , respectively, are tant parameters to mean trophic level and together unimportant parameters, together accounting for <1% Ecological Applications 1726 ROBERT P. DUNN ET AL. Vol. 27, No. 6 of the normalized importance value. Results of the glo- biomass at equilibrium for the same reason it strongly bal sensitivity analysis are nearly identical regardless of affects resilience: large urchins achieve a partial size refuge initial conditions (kelp dominated or urchin barren; from predation and thus directly contribute very little to Fig. 6 and Appendix S1: Fig. S4). the production of lobsters. It is only by accounting for The pruned classification tree contains exclusively the these size-structured species interactions that we can see five parameters with the highest normalized importance the full effect of multi-trophic level harvest. d b values from the random forest analysis (FL, Ls , , ML, In contrast to herbivore harvest, fishing for the preda- and r; Fig. 6), and these five parameters interact to tor strongly affects equilibrium biomasses and reduces determine mTL at equilibrium. For example, when the resilience (Ling et al. 2009, Britten et al. 2014, Marzloff rate of lobster fishing is high (FL >=0.29) and the attack et al. 2016). In our case, increasing lobster harvest drives d < rate of lobsters on small urchins is low ( Ls 0.18), the a trophic cascade with reduced top-down control on urch- community is found in the urchin barren state (left-most ins leading to alternative community states, as has been branch of the tree, mTL = 2.0) regardless of other param- documented empirically for rocky reefs in the California eter values. This makes intuitive sense: if fishing removes Channel Islands (Lafferty 2004) and New Zealand (Bab- many lobsters and the remaining lobsters do not consume cock et al. 1999), and both empirically and through mod- many of the most vulnerable urchins, the results will be eling for Tasmanian reefs (Ling et al. 2009, Marzloff an urchin barren. In contrast, when lobsters are fished at et al. 2016). More generally, we provide another example or below the stock assessment estimation for FMSY that removal of a key node in a food web allows for a shift (FL < 0.25) and have a relatively high rate of attack on between community states, similar to results from terres- d > small urchins ( Ls 0.14), the community is generally trial, freshwater, and pelagic marine systems (Scheffer dominated by kelp and lobsters (mTL >= 2.1). Again, et al. 2001). Our conclusion regarding the importance of this result is intuitive: if lobsters are not overfished and predator harvest agrees with other rocky reef models (us- they consume many small urchins, urchins will be unable ing different modeling frameworks) in which lobster har- to grow into the invulnerable size class. vest is a main driver of ecosystem structure (Eddy et al. 2015, Marzloff et al. 2016). However, unlike our result of a positive relationship between urchin harvest and resili- DISCUSSION ence, an ecosystem model of rocky reefs in New Zealand The resilience of many marine ecosystems has declined suggests that urchin harvest negatively impacts both pela- due to a variety of exogenous threats including global cli- gic biomass and full community biomass despite allowing mate change, overfishing, eutrophication, and coastal for increased primary production (Eddy et al. 2015). development (Levin and Lubchenco 2008), and many Thus, the direction and magnitude of the effect of herbi- habitats are approaching or have crossed tipping points vore harvest likely depend on species identity, the particu- into new community states (Selkoe et al. 2015). Ecosys- lar dynamics being modeled, and the community metric tem-based management therefore requires an understand- being analyzed. ing of the factors that interactively drive ecosystem shifts into alternative states and ecological resilience to pertur- Which ecological processes act as drivers of rocky reef bations. We demonstrate that while the interactive effects communities? of fishing for predators and fishing for prey may only min- imally impact biomass, these changes can mask the signifi- We include recruitment facilitation as a feedback that cantly larger alterations to ecological resilience wrought can drive alternative stable states (Baskett and Salomon by multi-trophic level harvest (Figs. 2–4). We also show 2010), but our results indicate that size-structured preda- that moderate fishery harvest of mid-trophic level species tion, and not recruitment facilitation, is the primary dri- has the potential to increase ecological resilience even ver of rocky reef alternative stable states in our model. absent a compensatory mechanism (Fig. 2). This property The strengthened feedback created by increasing recruit- has previously been overlooked because the focus has been ment facilitation shifts the range of urchin domination on harvesting predators rather than incorporating multi- but has a minimal effect on the threshold between the ple trophic levels when assessing ecological resilience (Ling kelp dominated state and the bistable region (Fig. 5), et al. 2009, Britten et al. 2014, Hamilton and Caselle effectively shrinking the parameter space in which alter- 2015). Size-selective harvest of the largest urchin stage is native stable states can occur. Conversely, size-structured the mechanism underlying these dynamics. Large urchins predation acts as a straightforward feedback maintain- are vital to maintaining the urchin barren state via a feed- ing alternative states because small urchins are under back loop in which large urchins obtain a partial size intense consumer pressure relative to larger stages, and refuge from predation. At first glance, the importance of predators prevent them from reaching larger sizes. When urchin harvest to ecological resilience (Fig. 2) is surprising fishing for lobsters is sufficiently strong, consumer pres- given its small effects on equilibrium biomass of individual sure on small urchins relaxes and they are able to grow community members across values of spiny lobster fishing to larger stages. Because of the lower predation rate on mortality and recruitment facilitation (Appendix S1: larger stages, large urchins can persist even if lobster Fig. S2). However, urchin harvest has a weak impact on fishing mortality is subsequently reduced. We verify the September 2017 URCHIN HARVEST INCREASES REEF RESILIENCE 1727 importance of size-structured predation by demonstrat- 1981, Tegner and Levin 1983, Ling et al. 2009, Selden ing highly reduced hysteresis in a model with equal pre- et al. 2017), though predation rates on juvenile urchins dation on all urchin sizes (Appendix S1: Fig. S5) and a (<25 mm test diameter) under subtidal field conditions corresponding shrinkage in the parameter space with remain poorly known. Determining the influence of bistability (Fig. 5, left column). Conversely, increasing predators on survival of recently settled urchins will be the degree of size-structured predation, such that small an important contribution to the ongoing debate regard- urchins are even more vulnerable to predators and large ing the relative importance of top down vs. bottom up urchins even less so (relative to our baseline model), acts forces on rocky reef community structure. to expand the parameter space in which bistability occurs (Fig. 5, right column). Size-structured predation Model assumptions has been implicated as a driver of multiple ecological phenomena, including alternative stable states, persis- As with any model, for simplicity we ignore a number tence of competing predators, and collapse of predator of dynamics that occur in reality. For example, stochastic populations via an emergent Allee effect (Walters and environmental drivers such as wave energy, climatic Kitchell 2001, De Roos and Persson 2002, De Roos regimes, and temperature (Jackson 1977, Seymour et al. et al. 2008). This study adds to recent research incorpo- 1989, Tegner and Dayton 1991, Young et al. 2016) could rating size-structured predation into tests of another drive switches between alternative stable states through, emergent property: ecological resilience (see Ling et al. for example, pulses of recruitment or kelp mortality (Teg- 2009, Barnett and Baskett 2015, Marzloff et al. 2016, ner and Dayton 1981, 1991). The potential for alternative Selden et al. 2017 for other examples). stable states themselves would depend on additional feed- Predation mortality need not decline monotonically backs within and between the species modeled. By while still being size-structured. For instance, hump- strengthening feedback loops, spiny lobster preference shaped distributions of search rates across predator–prey for urchins from forested habitats over barrens (Eurich body mass ratios can arise due to smaller predators et al. 2014) and fisher behavior to avoid low-gonad-qual- searching a smaller domain and larger predators’ relative ity urchins in barrens (Claisse et al. 2013) could increase difficulty handling small prey (Vucic-Pestic et al. 2010). the likelihood of alternative stable states. Weakened feed- Because we do not include size-structure at the predator backs via kelp canopy-dependent larval settlement (Teg- trophic level and large lobsters do not have difficulty ner and Dayton 1981, Gaines and Roughgarden 1987) consuming small urchins (and in fact generally consume and density-dependent disease spread in urchins (Laf- small urchins most readily, R. P. Dunn, unpublished ferty 2004) could decrease the likelihood of alternative manuscript), we use monotonically decreasing attack stable states. Similarly, urchin fishers may preferentially rates on urchins. However, in an initial exploration of harvest in high density barrens (Selkoe et al. 2015), hump-shaped attack rates, we find minimal qualitative although this practice is unsustainable without active change in the effects of lobster and urchin fishing on the management (Miller and Nolan 2008) and likely occurs hysteretic nature of the system (Appendix S1: Fig. S6), more during transitions than after a state shift has though the location of the bistable region is sensitive to occurred. Another factor that can increase resilience and the specific values of lobster attack rates. We are cur- buffer trophic cascades is increased diversity (Polis et al. rently working to construct a fully size-structured preda- 2000, Levin and Lubchenco 2008), which our sub-web tor–prey model for spiny lobsters and urchins, which will model ignores at all three trophic levels. One potentially provide insight on the how the shape of the size-struc- key missing species from our model is California sheep- tured predation function alters ecological resilience, head, which prey on both urchins (Cowen 1983) and lob- including the relative roles of size-structured predation sters (Loflen and Hovel 2010). While sheephead and and recruitment facilitation in driving alternative stable other fish predators likely have lower handling times and states. This modeling framework will also allow explo- higher attack rates on urchin prey (R. P. Dunn, personal ration of how the degree of concentration of these feed- observation), these parameter changes do not qualita- back mechanisms within a size range affect bistability, as tively alter the baseline dynamics produced well as the potential for an interaction between a feed- (Appendix S1: Fig. S7). Given that increasing the urchin back mechanism and fishery harvest if those processes attack rate would increase the strength of top-down con- are concentrated on a similar size range. trol, modeling lobsters (rather than sheephead) may pro- In addition to driving the existence of alternative vide conservative estimates of the importance of stable states, size-structured predation is crucial to the predators on rocky reefs. Note that increases in the biomass of kelp, urchins, and lobsters at equilibrium: in attack rate of lobsters on urchins with increasing water the GSA, the attack rate of predators on the smallest temperature (sensu Pianka 1981; R. P. Dunn, personal d stage of urchins ( Ls ) is one of the two most important observation in this system) would have a similar effect. parameters to mean trophic level in the model, while the Finally, we do not model food-dependent growth for attack rate on the largest urchins has an importance urchins, but because of the strong effects of food-limita- value close to zero (Fig. 6). Predation mortality of sea tion on reproduction, urchins in our model are unable to urchins is highly size dependent (Tegner and Dayton persist in the absence of algae in the long term. Thus, this Ecological Applications 1728 ROBERT P. DUNN ET AL. Vol. 27, No. 6 choice likely affects the time scale of the transient dynam- sustainable yield will require collaborative management ics our model exhibits rather than the equilibrium out- across trophic levels when setting harvest quotas and come that is the focus of our analysis. mortality reference points. The classification and regres- Finally, our model is a closed system in which external sion tree analysis we use here could contribute to that recruitment of urchins and lobsters is non-existent. management need by deriving specific break points in Given the pelagic larval duration of these species (John- parameter space that drive model outcomes. For man- son 1960, Strathmann 1978), this is unrealistic for the agement parameters such as FL and FU, this type of approximate spatial scale of our model (one kelp forest, analysis could be used to inform fishing mortality refer- thousands of square meters). To explore the effects of this ence points within a more data-driven tactical model. assumption, we conduct simulations that include an addi- Ecosystem-based fisheries management inherently tional constant external recruitment term for urchins requires trade-offs (Link 2010), generally in species-spe- (Appendix S1). We find that medium levels of external cific yield, so as to avoid ecological overfishing (sensu recruitment do not affect the qualitative outcome of alter- Zabel et al. 2003). We demonstrate that despite this native stable state dynamics (Appendix S1: Figs. S8–S10). trade-off, harvest of herbivores can actually increase A deeper exploration of how both system openness and resilience of the macroalgal-dominated state when recruitment stochasticity affect alternative stable state predators are fished above their single-species FMSY. dynamics on rocky reefs is the focus of ongoing investiga- Generally, these results highlight the need for improve- tion (V. Karatayev and M. L. Baskett, in preparation). ment of moderate-complexity, multi-species tactical models (Collie et al. 2016), which build on the insights of strategic models already developed and which specifi- Management implications cally incorporate the components shown to drive system This is an empirically motivated model with which we outcomes (e.g., a focus on size-structured interactions aim to determine the potential effects of multi-trophic rather than recruitment facilitation for the system mod- level fishery harvest on rocky reef community structure eled here). Explicit measurement of ecological resilience and dynamics. It is not intended to provide prescriptive and the incorporation of resilience thresholds into estimates of appropriate levels of fishing mortality for strategic models can improve management of systems either predators or herbivores. Rather, we aim to under- potentially susceptible to alternative stable states while stand potential drivers of this community from both an allowing well-managed fisheries to continue to operate. ecological and a management perspective. While the In this case, while harvest of herbivores can modulate parameter space in which alternative stable states occurs resilience if predators are overfished, decreasing fishing is relatively small under our baseline scenario (Fig. 5, cen- mortality of the predator is the more effective manage- ter column), alternative stable state dynamics can play a ment strategy to maximize resilience of kelp forests. prominent role under relevant harvest values and our ACKNOWLEDGMENTS independently determined default parameter values for biological processes. The critical transition and hysteresis We thank J. Ashander, L. Barnett, A. Dedrick, V. Karatayev, that we show across values of lobster fishing would and S. Schreiber for thoughtful discussions during the development require managers to make significant reductions in lobster of this model, and the anonymous reviewers who provided valuable harvest to escape the urchin barren state (Fig. 2; Marzloff comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. This study was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research et al. 2016). This condition becomes even more urgent Fellowship Program (grant no. DGE-1252376), a National Marine when considering our estimate of FMSY using model simu- Fisheries Service/Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics lations (FMSY = 0.5/yr; Appendix S1: Fig. S3), which is Fellowship, and by the Joint Doctoral Program in Ecology at just below the critical transition into the urchin barren SDSU and UC Davis. This is Contribution No. 54 of the Coastal when urchins are not harvested (Figs. 2, 5). 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